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The Power of Webinar’s

Disclaimer The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. We do not guarantee or otherwise promise that you will earn any particular amount of money. That said, it IS possible to make money online. Thousands of people are doing it every day, and we hope that this report can help you join those ranks! The author of this Special Report has done his best to ensure that the information contained herein is valid, truthful information. However, he makes no claim or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of said information. By reading this Special Report, you acknowledge that you will not hold the author liable for any loss or other damages that may occur as a result of any of the information in this Special Report. This document is protected under international copyright laws, and any attempt to illegally reprint or distribute it is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


The Power of Webinar’s


Page No.

About the Author




What is a Webinar?


Benefits of a Webinar over a Seminar.


What are Webinar’s used for.


Who can benefit from using Webinar’s?


How are Webinar’s made?


Major Benefits of Webinar’s over Seminars.


How to Make Money from Webinar’s.


Who can Make Money from Webinar’s?


What are the Steps to Making a Webinar?


How Can I Learn How to Make a Webinar?



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The Power of Webinar’s

About the Author

As an Internet marketer and entrepreneur, I have been studying the growth of online technology virtually since the Internet was created. As with anything new it took a considerable amount of time in today’s terms for people to realise the full potential of the World Wide Web. Let me just explain in today’s terms, the planet has been evolving for millions if not billions of years and man has been living on it for a relatively small amount of time. The progress man has made in the last two hundred or so years is amazing and as every year passes more and more new ways of doing things are created.

Take communication for instance, the ability to communicate from one house to another by phone was a major transition which started in the late eighteen hundreds.

I have grown up with the transition from electro mechanical devices to electronic, then micro electronic leading to microprocessors and the common every day computer as we see them today.

Then came the mobile phone which has taken the place of many walkie talkie devices or hand held radio devices which are still used in some places today.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


The Power of Webinar’s

So as you can see my expertise comes from a massive change from simple electro mechanical devices to the very latest computer based systems.

The Internet continually surprises us as it opens more and more new doors, no longer do we need the telephone to communicate, all we need now is online communications like Skype where we can call anyone anywhere in the world from our computer or smart phone using the Internet.

We can even log on to the net from our smart phones and view huge amounts of information as long as we can connect to our Internet provider.

When I first started in business you had to fly to the person or people you wanted to talk to if you wanted a face to face conversation, now I just turn on my Webcam and call them.

Hopefully you can see from just these few examples how powerful the Internet has become and in many ways how lucky you are to be around today as technology moves forward in leaps and bounds giving us all more and more opportunities.

Remember this, progress is only limited by our imaginations and the imaginations of those around us.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


The Power of Webinar’s


If you have just read about the author you will know a little more about the power of the Internet.

In the past when someone wanted to share information with a group of people they had to invite them to a common location or go and meet them all in their location, this process takes time and energy which in its own right has a cost.

As time has progressed their have been various ways to deliver the message to a group of people usually by using the phone and setting up some form of conference call. The challenge with the phone is trying to share images and ideas with your audience.

Fortunately technology has moved on and as usual the Internet has enabled us to connect with large numbers of people and share voice, video and live images of what we want to share.

We can now show them our own computer screen while they watch us tap into the Internet and demonstrate exactly what we want them to do. We can switch from live demos to power point presentations and then go to the Webcam to talk to them face to face.

We can ask questions and they can ask questions too.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


The Power of Webinar’s

We can even view other people’s screens while online and talk them through tricky processes all from the comfort of our own home or office.

Technology has meant communication can be delivered faster, in more detail and at far less cost which should be bring the overall cost of much of what we buy down and reducing the need for much of the office and conference room space we have today.

There is one draw back, probably more. The biggest drawback I see right now is the lack of close interaction between people. People are social beings and like to be in close contact with the people they do business with and learn from. People buy people first and the product second, this is a very good point to remember as you read on and if you decide to turn what I will be sharing into an income stream for you.

The Internet does not allow us to interact in the way we are use to. Body language pays a large part in the communication process and is often lost when we communicate online.

I will write another book soon on the human communication process and what people buy and why.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


The Power of Webinar’s

What is a Webinar?

The title of this book is The Power of a Webinar, let me define what a Webinar is.

In simple terms and Webinar is a Seminar on the Web.

A seminar is a place where an individual or individuals can deliver valuable information on any subject to an audience using the power of audio including the spoken word, video, pictures and images using tools like Power Point to share the message, show pictures etc.

Modern digital projectors also enable the audience to view online activities live while the speaker uses their computer to navigate around the Internet.

A Webinar is an online version of all of the above which you will have already realised by the small difference in the name.

Benefits of a Webinar over a Seminar.

The real power of the Webinar over a Seminar is in your ability to run Webinar’s when ever you like, as often as you like. A Seminar is often run over quite a number of hours or even days, a Webinar can run for typically 45 minutes to 90 minutes.

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The Power of Webinar’s

The cost of running a Seminar can be quite high, you need to higher a location to run the Seminar, you will need a digital projector, screen and laptop to present the images on screen.

The list goes on, you might need a sound system depending on the numbers attending. You and your support team will need to travel to the venue, there will need to be set up time and break down time and possibly food and refreshments.

To run a Webinar is much easier, most of the preparation for the delivery of a Webinar and seminar are similar. You will need to work out the content of both, create slides and demonstrations you want to share with your audience. Calculate the timing of both and be comfortable with what you plan to say which means having created the content you will need to rehearse what you will be sharing.

Having created the content is the point where the two activities part, with a Webinar there is no travel required, no venue to book and no need to provide any facilities for your audience. Yes there is a little preparation before you start.

One thing both activities needs is an audience, with a Seminar you need enough people to attend to at least cover the cost of hiring the venue and equipment, plus your travel time etc.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


The Power of Webinar’s

With a Webinar it really does not matter how many people attend, there is no actual cost of running the Webinar other than your time and the time of any other presenters you invite to join you. You can run as many Webinar’s as you like on the Internet for free. Yes there are some costs involved to run Webinar’s and I will cover these later in this book, but if you run frequent Webinar’s and either charge people to attend or have a product offering at the end you can turn Webinar’s into an excellent profit centre as I will explain later. What are Webinar’s used for. You have probably already guessed one purpose for Webinar’s. They are an excellent tool to run the same information you might include in a seminar. There are no limits as to the number of Webinar’s you can run, so you could easily run a Webinar each day of the week sharing the same information you would deliver in a one day event. You could also use Webinar’s as training sessions for your clients and Customers or even for your staff if they are based in different locations around the world. A great way to use Webinar’s is to share quality information and then to offer a product or service at the end of the Webinar, if you had a relatively low value product you could do a 45 minute information sharing presentation followed by a done for you service to achieve the same result. You start by explaining the problem and then how to Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


The Power of Webinar’s

solve it giving the audience real value and then tell them how they can solve the problem quicker by purchasing your product or service. But what if I don’t have anything to sell you might say, this is a very good question. How about if you found someone who has something to sell, and just doesn’t have the time to learn how to run Webinar’s. What you could do is offer to help them set up the Webinar and share any profits that come from the activity. This solution works very well and lots of people are already making good money using this method. You become the Webinar expert and you find clients with something to sell and help them sell it. I am not suggesting you need to be the expert on their product or service, what I am suggesting is that you manage the Webinar and they do the presentation, it is a Win Win situation for both parties. Who can benefit from using Webinar’s?

By now I may have answered this question, just in case you are unsure, let me quickly cover the wide range of opportunities Webinar’s bring.

If you are looking for a way to make money from home then why not become a Webinar expert and help others use them to market their products and services.

If you have products of your own to sell or a service you want to get clients for then Webinar’s work well for you too. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


The Power of Webinar’s

If you are looking for a way to create information products to sell then you can use Webinar’s which you record and then allow people to view once they have paid you.

Any business who wants to sell more products or high value products can run regular Webinar’s which are both good information and increase the chances of closing a sale. The power of the Internet added to Webinar’s means you can sell your products world wide. How are Webinar’s made?

To create a Webinar requires various tools, you need to sign up to one of the Webinar suppliers like GoTo Webinars who provide online software which allows you to run the Webinar online. This service also enables you to invite people to the Webinar and sends various reminders once someone is registered. Goto Webinar’s also has various features you can use while running the event, such as a record button enabling you to use the Webinar after the event.

There are various other Webinar products in the market place and at the end of this book I will be telling you about an excellent system you can use to learn how to run Webinar’s and how to set them up without the need for Goto Webinar. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


The Power of Webinar’s

The next thing you need is to know how to create a Power Point presentation, you will need this to enable you to take your audience through the content you wish to share. If you plan to work with partners who have the product then they will need the Power Point slides on their computer ready to deliver.

The next step is for the presenters to either practice what is on the slides or to write a script which matches the slides.

If you have a script then it is imperative you practice it and monitor the time while you are doing this. There is nothing more frustrating than saying the webinar is 60 minutes long and finding that it runs for two hours, just because you did not rehearse it. Major Benefits of Webinar’s over Seminars. You may have already thought of some major benefits Webinar’s have over Seminars, let me just highlight some of them for you.

The first benefit is perhaps obvious, you do not need a venue to run a webinar, this significantly reduces your costs, it gets better, you don’t need a projector or screen either. You also don’t need to commit to travel time to the venue, you can run a Webinar from virtually anywhere in the world which has an Internet connection. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


The Power of Webinar’s

What is really good is that you do not even have to be available when the Webinar is scheduled to run, this opens up a whole new area. You can prerecord your Webinar at a time which suits you, you can then use a piece of software to run the Webinar at a time which best suits your target audience, you can even set a range of times for different time zones. One really important aspect of Webinar’s over Seminars is the number of attendees, I am sure you know how important it is to have a good attendance rate when running a seminar, the cost alone requires a certain number of people to attend.

When running a Webinar it really does not matter how many attend, if just a couple of people turn up no one will know and as there are no venue costs there are no risks.

You can even provide Webinar viewers with a recording of the Webinar so they can review what was said at a later date. Yes you can also record a Seminar, the difference is to do this will cost for video equipment and editing, neither are relevant for a Webinar.

Yes it is really good if you can meet your audience face to face, on the other hand you can deliver as many Webinar’s as you like for just a fraction of the cost.

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The Power of Webinar’s

If you record your Webinar and use software which will play it at a time of your choice you can even edit your recording to make it smoother and higher quality using software like Camtasia or Screenflow for Macs. Hopefully you can begin to see the real power of Webinar’s. Even if you like running Seminar’s, Webinar’s are a good way of promoting your event and closing ticket sales for the main event. How to Make Money from Webinar’s. There are a number of ways to make money with Webinar’s, let us take a look at a couple of them.

You can create an instructional Webinar which teaches your audience a skill. They purchase the Webinar and can view it as often as they wish.

You can use a Webinar to teach people how to do something and then offer them a done for you service or instruction manual or similar at the end.

I have already mentioned how you can share information about your Seminar on a Webinar and then make ticket sales at the end.

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The Power of Webinar’s

For those of you who don’t feel comfortable creating video a Webinar is a good alternative. Who can Make Money from Webinar’s? A wide range of people can make money from Webinar’s, if you are a business owner and you have a list of clients you want to share information to about perhaps a new product. You could easily create a Webinar about your new product and invite them to watch the Webinar and either buy online or contact your sales team if they are interested.

A Webinar is far better than a catalogue, sales brochure or similar, it enables you to explain to them in detail what your product does at a time and place which best suits them.

I mentioned earlier an excellent opportunity for anyone looking for a second or multiple income stream. All you need to do is set up your own Webinar service where you offer business owners an opportunity to work with you to run Webinar’s for a share of the profits.

You could even create a Webinar which tells business owners how this works and at the end of the Webinar tell them how to contact you. Training Webinar’s are good if you have staff all over the country or world, you can do a live Webinar explaining new products and procedures without having to leave the office. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


The Power of Webinar’s

What are the Steps to Making a Webinar?

Let us take a close look at how to make a Webinar:

First you need to decide on the purpose of your Webinar, is it going to be a training Webinar or a Webinar you are going to share information on and then attempt to make a sale at the end.

If it is a training Webinar which you are going to sell then you need to decide on the length of the Webinar.

If you are going to sell at the end of the event, then usually we offer two durations, for relatively low ticket items the complete Webinar would be 60 minutes with 45 minutes information and 15 minutes to sell your product.

For high value items the Webinar would be 90 minutes long with at least 60 minutes of quality information and then lead onto the sales pitch from there.

Once you have decided on the purpose and duration of your Webinar, now you need to structure the content.

The delivery will usually be by Power Point slides which will be either in bullet format or more detailed depending on your preference.

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The Power of Webinar’s

The content needs to be very good quality sharing real value with your audience ensuring they stay for the full event. Give away a good amount of information so your audience rate your Webinar’s well.

Once you have created a series of really good slides you will need to ensure you have created enough content for the time you have set. You also need to rehearse your event so you keep to the time.

There is nothing more frustrating than someone allocating an hour to view your event and then find you are going to be talking for three hours about a subject which could be delivered in much less.

You then need to think about your sales pitch if you are going to sell at the end. The pitch needs to be powerful ensuring you close sales.

You also need to think about the closing process. How will your potential customers complete the sale or make an appointment for someone to call or phone.

There is nothing worse than delivering a great pitch and failing to close because your ordering process does not work or just has not been thought through.

The final item you will need is to sign up to a Webinar delivery system like GoTo Webinar or similar. Once you have signed up make sure you know how to run a Webinar by watching the training videos.

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The Power of Webinar’s

Once you have studied them I suggest you run a test Webinar which you can record and then watch the playback ensuring you feel comfortable with the process and the content.

How Can I Learn How to Make a Webinar? As I have already suggested you can sign up to GoTo Webinar’s which gives you access to their software, there are other similar versions too.

Personally I would recommend the following:

Webinar Magic is a complete package which will show you every step of the way to making and delivering your own Webinar’s. It will show you how to create the Power Point Slides, how to set up the Webinar and much more.

It will even give you access to a program called Webinator, this program allows you to pre record your events and store them on the system. You can set the Webinar to be viewed any time or set times. It will even track the number of sign ups and how long they viewed, making it a complete Webinar management system.

Why not click the link and watch the Webinar Magic Webinar where my good friend Steven Essa the Webinar Expert will explain all.

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The Power of Webinar’s

Just click the link to find out more. Webinar Magic is magic and will definitely take you on the road to success with Webinar’s

Conclusion There are various ways to make money with Webinar’s, if you have a product or service to sell then create a Webinar and invite as many people as you can to view your Webinar, some of them will buy what you are offering. Webinar’s are a low cost way to deliver your message, far cheaper than Seminars.

If you are looking for a cost effective way to deliver information then Webinar’s are for you, just run the event and record the content and then using a second Webinar promote your product. The more people you invite the more sales you will make.

Always remember to deliver real quality when sharing information on the Webinar, people are more likely to buy if they value what you share.

Make sure if you say one hour long you keep to the time, practice what you plan to say to ensure you deliver well. Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


The Power of Webinar’s

If you plan to do this with others for a share of the cash, teach them well before you run the event. There is really good money in Webinar’s, the only way to collect it is to learn how and then get started.

At Delahunty Money Academy we hope you can see The Power of Webinar’s and how they can add value and another income stream to what you do today. Don’t forget to check out Webinar Magic, this program will fast track your Webinar success. Watch out for our next income stream coming very soon.


The Delahunty Money Academy Team.

Copyright 2013 Delahunty Money Academy


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