Living with Type 2 Diabetes

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Living With Type 2 Diabetes

Disclaimer The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the subject. We do not guarantee or otherwise promise that you will either avoid or recover from the condition based on the information provided. That said, it I possible to improve your life style and your health. Thousands of people are doing it every day, and we hope that this report can help you join those ranks! The author of this Special Report has done his best to ensure that the information contained herein is valid, truthful information. However, he makes no claim or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of said information. By reading this Special Report, you acknowledge that you will not hold the author liable for any loss or other damages that may occur as a result of any of the information in this Special Report. This document is protected under international copyright laws, and any attempt to illegally reprint or distribute it is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Whilst you have not purchased or own this document, which remains the copyright of , you are hereby expressly provided with permission to distribute this as a free or paid for Special Report subject to the fact that it must not be edited, modified or changed in any way.

Copyright 2013


Living With Type 2 Diabetes


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Diabetes Portal


Numbers with type 2 Diabetes.


What causes Type 2 Diabetes?


What are the symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes?


What are the long term effects of the condition?


How to reduce the long term effects.


How to reduce the risk.




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Living With Type 2 Diabetes

Introduction Welcome to Diabetes Portal our gateway to a community of individuals who want to learn more about this condition which is affecting large numbers of people around the world.

What we find quite concerning is the numbers of people who have this condition and don’t know it, people who are waking up each day and finding various symptoms they can not explain and often just put them down to getting older.

Our next observation of the world population especially in countries and communities with what should be better lifestyles, more and more people are failing to look after their bodies well and in many cases due to over eating or eating the wrong foods or through lack of exercise or abusing their bodies with habits like drink and smoking are in many cases are likely to be affected by Diabetes.

At Diabetes Portal our goal is to make people more aware of the effects of the condition, how to avoid it in the first place and if it is too late to avoid it then how to live a good lifestyle with the condition.

As with so many conditions these days, if you look after your body well you can live a good life even if our body is not functioning exactly as it should do.

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Living With Type 2 Diabetes

Let me tell you some more about This site has been created at the request of one of our business partners who is very concerned by the numbers of people either suffering from this condition or likely to suffer from this condition in the future. The predicted numbers are huge and often means even more people will be diagnosed with Diabetes than even the experts say.

We want to create an online community of people who can work together to improve the quality of their lives and the quality of the lives of people around them. The power of the Internet means we can share our knowledge and experiences with a growing audience and hopefully make many more people aware of the dangers they face by failing to look after their most important asset, their own body.

You may have already found a range of articles on this site, hopefully you have started reading our Blog posts and news items. We will continually add more and more content in the public area.

You could help us by sharing your comments about this site so we can publish them in the testimonial section.

So what about the members area, this area as you know is password protected. Once logged in you will have access to even more Articles and over time more reports and other resources just like this one. Copyright 2013


Living With Type 2 Diabetes

We will also be creating a series of low cost subscriptions designed to help you create a balanced lifestyle which will achieve the following.

If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes we will help you manage your lifestyle so you reduce the effects. We will also put together a series of routines which help you control your blood sugars and keep your body active so reducing the short and long term risks of the condition.

For those looking after someone with the condition we will be providing regular advice to help you help them to live a better life with the condition including signs and symptoms to watch out for, simple exercises they can use and so much more.

For those who wish to reduce the risk of getting the condition we will be sharing a wide range of tips and suggestions you can adopt to significantly reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Some of these will mean a lifestyle change perhaps, but where ever possible our goal is to allow you to enjoy life for an extended period.

Having fun while you are young should not come with a risk of long term side effects as you grow older. A simple example is running your car for a long time with no oil in the engine, most people would consider this as a bad thing to do. On the other hand over indulging in food and drink to the point where our bodies struggle to cope seems to be acceptable in this modern age. Copyright 2013


Living With Type 2 Diabetes

Together our goal is spread the word and make more people aware of the consequences of this type of lifestyle.

Numbers with type 2 Diabetes. Take a look at the chart below which indicates the trend for this condition between 2000 and 2030, hopefully you can see why we are concerned and why you should be concerned too.

Diabetes is what I would call a silent condition, it creeps up on people and can gradually take over your life and reduce quality of life, in some cases it will be a contributing factor in ending life.

As you will see on the chart below the populations who should be most concerned are the developing countries, the developed countries should also be concerned as the condition will mean the health organisations will become overwhelmed with people suffering from the condition.

Developing countries need healthy people to allow them to grow and develop and if more and more people are suffering from Diabetes then the work force will be reduced and the numbers requiring medical support will grow and grow.

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Living With Type 2 Diabetes

The question is, do you want to be one of the people included in this chart or would you rather learn how to manage your lifestyle to ensure you are less likely to become a statistic.

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Living With Type 2 Diabetes

What causes Type 2 Diabetes? Type 2 Diabetes is caused by factors such as, irregular lifestyle, hereditary grounds, poor diet, stress, inactivity, high blood pressure, excess body weight or excess body fat, etc. As these causes contribute to the development of diabetes, it often results in evident signs and symptoms in the body.

Hopefully you can see why we talk about Lifestyle, so many of the causes are related with what we do as much as who we are and where we came from. Yes it is true if Diabetes is common in your family you do stand a greater risk of the condition. This does not mean you are guaranteed to suffer from the effects of Diabetes and you can do a number of things to reduce the risk.

Take a look at some of the other things on the list, poor diet is a contributor, how well do you manage your diet, perhaps your lifestyle limits your ability to eat the right foods. We plan to help our members understand the difference between a good healthy diet and a not so good diet. Diet management can increase quality and length of life considerably and we will be sharing tips and ideas on diet management in our first monthly program to be launched shortly.

We will also be covering each of the other factors described above including stress management, ways to stay active whatever you do each day, how to maintain or reduce blood pressure and so much more. Copyright 2013


Living With Type 2 Diabetes

We also want to help you understand the effects of alcohol and smoking, two major factors in damaging the cells of your body creating the condition itself.

Let me stress right now, our objective is to increase your enjoyment of life and not to spoil the pleasures you enjoy on a daily or weekly basis. We aim to do this by showing you how to replace activities which damage your body with activities which give the same or similar pleasure without causing damage.

What are the symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes? Here are just some of the symptoms of Diabetes, we will be sharing more detail of the symptoms as we help you understand this condition further.

Weight gain: persons gaining a sudden weight with no apparent reason may go for a health diagnosis. Recent or sudden gain of weight may be a symptom due to the existence of type 2 diabetes.

Weight loss: there is a sudden or recent loss of weight with no apparent reason. This can also be a possible sign or symptom of type 2 diabetes.

Frequent urination: more frequent urination and experiencing an increased urination in the night time. Copyright 2013


Living With Type 2 Diabetes

Blurred vision: blurred or decreased vision can be a sign of this condition.

Slow healing process: slow healing process is another sign for type 2 diabetes. The wounds and sores for the persons affected with Type 2 diabetes do not heal that easily.

Itching skin: persons affected with type 2 diabetes may experience itching skin.

Numbness in hands and Feet: Loss of feeling especially in the feet can be a sign of this condition, if left untreated the feet can suffer badly from Diabetes.

What are the long term effects of the condition? Read the last section again and then read the title of this section and you will quickly start to realise the possible long term effect of this condition.

Eyes: If you enjoy activities where you need to see what you are doing then you will quickly realise the importance of your eyes, Diabetes can have a significant impact on what you can see and your eyes are one of the most at risk areas of your body when it comes to Type 2 Diabetes.

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Living With Type 2 Diabetes

Feet: Mobility is crucial to a good lifestyle and losing the feeling in your feet can make a significant difference to your mobility. Losing the feeling in your feet and your feet gradually becoming deformed is a long term side effect of the condition.

Eyes and feet are just two areas of your body that can be affected, basically the condition is felt in every part of the human body as the cells struggle to take onboard the insulin they need to manage the blood sugars they use to function correctly.

Our goal is not to frighten people with tis condition or people who know people with type 2 diabetes, what we want to do is make you more aware and help you understand what you need to do to make life better now and in the future.

How to reduce the long term effects. The secret is to reduce the long term effects, by doing this you reduce or even in some case remove the risk.

First you need to accept the diagnosis, this is not always as easy to do as first thought. People create a lifestyle and then tend to become part of it rather than in control of it.

It is called habits and habits become part of your daily routine.

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Living With Type 2 Diabetes

Changing a habit can be very hard to do, first you need to accept that you have a habit, identify what your habit is and then make the decision to change the habit.

Let us take a simple example, you drink x number of cups of coffee every day, in each cup of coffee you put two or three spoons of sugar, your habit is that this amount of sugar gives you a really nice feeling inside, perhaps the habit is that you feel more energized when you have this amount of sugar. After a while you notice you energy goes down so your immediate response is another cup of coffee with more sugar. This seems to work as your energy levels improve.

Have you ever thought what is happening inside your body each time you give it a coffee rush and even more important a sugar rush. Well let me make a suggestion, when you were younger your body was able to handle this situation quite well, over time your cells found the amount of sugar harder and harder to deal with, the more sugar you take in the harder it is for your body to absorb.

The longer you keep the habit the harder it is for your body to function, try changing the habit and cutting out some of the sugar and you will start to find the body will manage the energy levels better because the cells can manage the sugar better reducing the energy highs and lows giving you a much more balanced energy level and making it easier for your body to cope.

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Living With Type 2 Diabetes

How to reduce the risk. You can reduce the risk of Diabetes by living a more balanced lifestyle.

It is not a case of stopping drinking alcoholic drinks or even eating really nice meals, it is about doing everything in moderation enabling your body to cope with everything you throw at it.

Your body is a machine which needs to function effortlessly, it needs feeding the right foods to ensure it can reproduce itself in the right way. It needs regular exercise so it is able to function correctly.

What is does not need or want is toxic material which it finds hard to deal with. These toxic materials damage the cells and make them malfunction, just think of toxic waste or radiation, they eat away at the cells and either kill or deform them. This is what too much sugar does whether it is sugar in your coffee or sugar in your wine, beer or spirits or other substances in cigarettes or drugs.

There is a simple saying, you are what you eat and drink, take this a step further and say you will become the result of what you eat, drink and inject into your body.

You can reduce the risk, by reducing the toxic items which damage the cells within your body.

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Living With Type 2 Diabetes

Conclusion Hopefully you have gained some knowledge about living with type 2 Diabetes. This is just the starting point, we plan to share a huge amount of quality information which will not only reduce the risk, it will help you change your habits and reduce the long term effects of a condition which is wide spread and growing.

Having become a member of we hope you will join us on a journey which will achieve the following:

You can learn to live a life style which means you are very unlikely to suffer the effects of this condition even if you are in the highest risk areas.

You can learn to manage your habits and reduce the effects even when you have been diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes.

You can ensure a much longer life as we demonstrate the effects of some of the habits which lead to this condition.

If you know someone or live with someone who is suffering now, we will share with you lots of tips and ideas you can share with them to minimize the long term prognosis. Copyright 2013


Living With Type 2 Diabetes

What we are not able to do is give you a magic potion which instantly takes away the symptoms, long term damage is long term damage.

Spotting the signs and managing the condition can make a significant difference.

Our aim is to achieve Quality of Life for you and yours.

Wishing you a long and happy life.


The Research Team

Coming soon.

Our first monthly subscription which will help people living with Diabetes and those who want to reduce the risk of the condition live a Healthier Life Style. Watch out for our communications about this valuable subscription.

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