Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

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Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3


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Defining Your Own Winning Mindset.


What do you class as winning?


What do you feel like when you Win?


What goals have you set and by when.


Match Play Specialist Secret.


Replacing Your Current Mindset with a Winning Mindset.


Replacing negative thoughts with positive outcomes.


Removing the negative thoughts from your mind.


Enhancing the positive thoughts for future Success.


Maintaining a Winning mindset.


Attracting the results you want.


Match Play Specialist Secret 2.




Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

Defining Your Own Winning Mindset. By now I hope you have a much better understanding about the thoughts you have around playing tennis, the more you understand about what goes on in your mind the easier it will be for you to change your thoughts into winning thoughts.

A very good friend and mind coach reminded me the other day how important thoughts are.

Here is a simple exercise I would like you to do right now.

First I would like you to take a moment and put yourself in a calm space, just slow down your breathing and let your mind go quiet.

Once you are there I want you to feel happy without thinking of being happy.

Now I want you to feel angry without thinking angry.

Hard isn’t it, the reason for this is simple, everything you do is started with a thought, you need to think happy thoughts to be happy and you need to think angry thoughts before you can be angry. Now some of those thoughts may come from deep inside your unconscious mind and some may come from your conscious mind. At the end of the day they are still thoughts.

So if you want to be happy then you need to think happy thoughts. Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

Of course if you want to win then you need to think winning thoughts.

Can you start to see where this is leading, I hope so. If you set off to play a match with winning thoughts in your mind the chances of winning are much greater than setting off with less than positive thoughts.

It is the same when you get on court, if you are playing on a surface you are not so good on and you instantly start thinking about the playing surface or if you are playing outside and its windy or sunny and these are the thoughts in your mind then your chances of winning will be far less.

Of course you may like playing in windy conditions which means having the thought of windy conditions can easily give you the edge over your opponent.

Later on this month I will be sharing a couple of extremely valuable secrets which you can use to win you more points, more games, more sets and even more matches.

Let us take a closer look at your mindset to see what it is we need to do to create the ultimate winning mindset.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

What do you class as winning? Here is a simple question which you may initially think is a trick, the question is, what do you class as winning.

Is it when you walk away at the end of the season with the trophy or prize?

Is it when you have won more sets than ever before in a match?

Is it when you Win your first match?

Maybe it is when you win your serve?

So what is it for you?

How often do you want to Win?

Do you want to win every time you go on court?

Or is it every other match you play.

Perhaps it is more matches than last year.

So what is it for you?

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

What do you feel like when you Win? Feelings are very important when creating a winning mindset, they are a form of reward and are directly connected to your emotions.

As you will know by now, emotions are important because they connect with the programs stored in your mind.

If you feel really good when you win, your subconscious mind will try and drive you to the feelings which create the emotions you enjoy.

Of course on the other hand if you create really bad feelings these create emotions too and your subconscious mind could easily deliver a poor performance because it has a stronger set of programs for these feelings.

Remember the subconscious mind does not go through a rational thought process, it just delivers what it thinks you want it to do.

Therefore if you create strong positive emotions and store them in your mind, you are more likely to achieve results which create these emotions.

At the same time if you do the reverse then you will most likely achieve the reverse.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

What goals have you set and by when. Do you set goals, you could use the term targets instead if you wish.

A goal or target is the outcome you would like to achieve, setting these outcomes means your mind has a goal or target to aim at.

With no target it is really hard for your mind to deliver what you are looking for.

Setting goals and targets requires the outcome to be programmed into your mind. Just saying I am going to win is usually not enough, you need to repeat this on a regular basis until you create a groove in your mind which is strong enough to take you to the end result.

Yes that is right, you need to write a winning program in your mind.

You may ask how long does it take to create a program, the answer is, if you tell your mind every day for at least 30 days that you will win then the mind will create a program or put another way a habit which you are most likely to achieve.

If you are looking to create a new habit or remove an old habit then you need to choose a habit to replace the one you want to remove and then either think or speak your new habit at least once or twice a day for 30 days and you will create a program for that habit.

Let me tell you about habits. Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

I use my computers a lot, to the point where I suffered Tennis elbow not through too much tennis, it was caused by the first and second finger of my right hand sitting on and using the mouse for hours every day.

How do I know that, well first through research, then by changing my mouse to my left hand?

Now if you use computers you will know how hard it is to switch hands when using the mouse. Try it, take control of the cursor with your other hand by moving the mouse around. It’s hard to do, it took me three goes and many hours of intense mind power to convince my subconscious mind that it was possible to be as good left handed as I was right handed.

Here comes the evidence, in the last few days I have started commissioning my new computer while still writing content and many other tasks on my old computer. This has meant I have one mouse on the right hand side of my keyboard and one on the left.

The habit is so strong now that when I want to use the mouse for the old computer I find myself trying to move the cursor with the mouse on the left hand side of the keyboard, which of course means nothing happens.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

You see the habit is now mouse = left hand, even though I know that the old computer mouse is right hand.

Habits are formed by repeating the same thing time and time again until they are programmed into your subconscious mind where they will stay for as long as you allow them to.

Do you want to serve well or better or play a particular shot well? Then you need to practice your serve or shot for at least 30 days, so if you are trying to place the ball in the corner of the service box, then you need to keep doing it until you create a program in your mind which you can call on each time you want to serve into that corner. You can use this same technique for every aspect of the game until you have created a program that you can call on to achieve the shot you require.

Match Play Specialist Secret. Earlier on I promised you a secret, here is the first secret for this month.

It is possible to create these programs or habits in your mind without playing Tennis or any other activity in life.

All you need to do is find a quiet place, then quiet your mind by slowing down your breathing and blocking any incoming thoughts.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

Now imagine you are on the Tennis court and about to serve the ball. Feel the racket in your hand and the ball in the other hand. Prepare your stance in your mind so you are ready to play. Decide where you want the ball to land and then imagine yourself serving the ball and it landing exactly where you planned. Repeat this process as many times as you can and you will begin to build up a program in your subconscious mind.

When you next get on court, go through the same process in real live creating the same thought processes you did when you imagined it.

This is called visualization, you can do this for absolutely anything you want to achieve in life, the stronger the image you create the stronger the program in your mind.

Replacing Your Current Mindset with a Winning Mindset. By now I am sure you are aware how important it is to change your current mindset for a winning mindset.

You may even have a reasonable understanding how to achieve this, in this section I would like to teach you some crucial steps to achieving a winning mindset.

Before I do, let me just share another experience I have had in the last couple of days. I am writing this at Easter time, which means at my Tennis Club there are a number of parents out with their children playing Tennis. Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

Two days ago I noticed a Father and son practicising. The son was clearly a good player and his Father clearly wanted him to improve. Unfortunately the Father did not fully understand how the mind works and how he could add real value to the learning process for his son.

Instead of complimenting every good shot and encouraging his son to play more good shots, he seemed to make it harder and harder for his son to return the ball. Even when the boy achieved a good shot the response was more about I told you, you can do it rather than well done or great shot.

Praise is a great way to create positive emotions which the subconscious can connect to the actions of a good shot.

Just making it harder to return the ball creates emotions of frustration which can lead to negative connections with the game.

The other example was a Mother and father practicing with their son, first they presented the ball in such a way that the boy could play good shots and every time he played a good shot he was complimented for doing so.

Just imagine the process going on in each boy’s mind, from frustration for not being able to return the ball to pleasure when Mum and Dad compliment for every good shot.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

Whether you create the positive thoughts which create the positive habits or someone else gives you the positive comments which your subconscious uses to link or anchor the good results to does not matter. Connecting the good shots to an anchor which is easy to recall is the most important activity.

Replacing negative thoughts with positive outcomes. I may have discussed this before, the reason I am raising it again is simply because it is crucial to creating a Winning mindset.

The more negative thoughts you have when preparing to play and playing the harder it will be for you to Win.

Please note the word outcome, this word is crucial, if you do not have a positive outcome clearly programmed in your mind you stand very little chance of achieving a positive outcome.

By now I hope you have documented the thoughts you have at every stage of a match and can see which of those thoughts are positive and which are not.

I recommend you take a close look at your thoughts and start with those which are most negative and start thinking about what you would like them to be.

Let us look at one simple example. One of my clients played Tennis at a very good level, which meant she was playing a lot of matches, Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

she often found herself very frustrated because she would find the score at 5 games all and her service. The problem was even though she had won every service game she had played up to that point. She convinced herself that she would lose number 6 which would lead on to her opponent winning the set.

She told me that it was just a thought, you guessed it that thought turned into the result or outcome she wished for.

If she had only had a thought which said I have won my serve every time so far, that means I can win this one too.

Thinking the outcome you want is crucial to winning, so how do you remove the negative thoughts from your mind?

Removing the negative thoughts from your mind. There are two things you need to do to remove negative thoughts, the first is to replace them with positive thoughts about the outcome you desire.

Secondly you need to recognise when you are starting to drift towards those negative thoughts. Maybe you hear a voice or start to feel nervous or have some other felling or emotion just before you start to play the shot. This leads to you convincing yourself that the negative thought is the outcome you seek.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

As soon as you recognise this situation you need to immediately focus on the outcome you really want. Think about the emotion you want to have when you win, think about the anchor you have created which will demonstrate that you have won. It might be excitement, maybe a Yes statement or a punch of the fist in the air. The more you focus on it the more likely your outcome will be a winning outcome.

Enhancing the positive thoughts for future Success. How do you enhance the positive thoughts in your mind, this is should be simple for you to answer by now.

Do you remember the habit I spoke about earlier? A habit needs to be repeated for at least 30 days, the same goes for creating positive thoughts in your subconscious mind.

Every time you play and preferably every day, state clearly what that positive thought is and how you will feel when you have achieved that positive thought. Take a minute or two and imagine you are on court and serving to lead 6 – 5. Imagine yourself tossing the ball into the air and hitting a great serve, sometimes your opponent will get it back, sometimes not. What ever happens, you will still win the point because you have control of the game.

Watch out for the signs of the negative thought and drive your mind to the positive outcome you seek, then create the feeling you want to achieve by winning another game and just being one step away from winning the set. Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

Maintaining a Winning mindset. The best way to maintain a winning mindset when playing is to concentrate your mind on the ball with the sole of objective of playing it back into a space which makes it hard for your opponent to return it.

If your focus is on the ball then your conscious mind is far less likely to come up with all sorts of reasons why you should fail.

By focusing your conscious mind in this way your subconscious mind can get on with the task of playing the shots its knows you can play to ensure the ball is returned giving you a better chance of winning the point.

If you hear a thought which is not focused on the ball then replace it with a winning mindset though e.g. how will I feel when I win this point.

Attracting the results you want. Up until now we have not discussed attraction, this will be a subject for month four. One of the most important secrets of success is the law of attraction, make sure you are subscribing in month four to ensure you learn what the law of attraction is and how to use it.

Match Play Specialist Secret 2. When I read about this secret recently it blew my mind.

Hopefully it won’t blow yours. Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

Just imagine you are on court trying to improve your Tennis, let us say you are practicing your serve and for some reason the ball is going long or hitting the net.

What do you do to try and resolve the problem, do you throw the ball higher, hit it earlier or later, hit it softer or harder or possibly something else.

What is probably interesting if you are playing match Tennis is that you can serve quite well, so why today is it going wrong?

The answer probably quite simple, you are ignoring the program stored in your subconscious mind and are trying to use a program stored in your conscious mind amongst all that negative chatter.

The secret is simple, quieten your mind and focus on the outcome or target. Where would you like the ball to land in the opponents service box, just focus on this place and let your subconscious mind create the serve you know you can play.

We call this problem getting into the swing circle, in other words you get involved in the details of serving rather than focusing on the outcome or target you want to aim for.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


Creating A Winning Mindset Month 3

Relax and trust your subconscious mind, if you have created the programs you need to win then make sure you don’t get in the way of winning.

Conclusion. I hope you have enjoyed the content of month three, remember if you spend time creating a good habits, then you will quickly find yourself achieving them.

A habit is formed by repeating the same activity time and time again. After a while the habit will become a program in your subconscious mind and you will find yourself doing it automatically.

Create a series of good shots as programs in your subconscious mind. Focus on the ball and those habits/shots will give you a much greater chance of winning.

In next months content we will be talking about the art of getting into the zone and how this will rapidly increase your chances of winning.

Until then Focus on Winning Derek Kemp Mind Coach.

Copyright 2013 Sean’s Tennis Academy


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