February 2016

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Your True Colours

Mabel Mae Designs

Febrary 2016

Come Into Your Own Conference

Laughter Lawyer: New Tools for New Times

Romantic Escapes

Empowering Leaders at Work

THE METHOD GENESIS OF A METHOD THAT WORKS Sophie Reverdi was an obese child and adolescent. After an operation that left its scars, physically and emotionally, she lost weight but regained it during pregnancy and could not undergo another operation. In 2001 she met Dr.Albert Chocron, and lost 88 pounds. She decided to create a global accompaniment method to change, in order to help overweight and obese people, of which she has been part and suffered as one. She wants to help them to change. Based in part on a food and nutritional aspect devised by Dr. Albert Chocron, the method is also built on a benevolent, educative spirit of coaching. It was conceived in 2004 under the name “Smart and Light”. Impressed with Sophie Reverdi’s results, the Tunisian Health Ministry and the Institute of Nutrition, as well as international medical experts, have collaborated with Smart and Light since.

THE PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF THE METHOD Our objective is to make our method accessible to anyone who wants to change, whatever their lifestyle and wherever they are. The Smart and Light method is today available in many forms : personal coaching, live coaching on skype, e-Learning online program, and the method Logbook. But the fundamentals of our method remain the same whatever the tool being used, and the key aspects of the program are the same. The smart and Light method is based on : Learning essential notions, to learn to lose weight naturally, responsibly, in control, but mostly, with pleasure and simplicity Daily accompaniment of our clients, step by step, until they either have reached their healthy weight or have all the knowledge and tools to reach it. A firm, concrete support, so that the client does not feel alone or lost at any time in the program. Availability even after the clients reach their objectives

ESSENTIAL NOTIONS:To lose weight, and remain slim, you need to learn the change. For Sophie, real change requires learning essential notions, as well as a daily accompaniment of the clients(SMS, Facebook, phone, Skype)

The mind The discovery of self, of one's innermost goals The discovery of one's potential, of one's strength, of one's aptitude to change These two aspects increase the chances of a successful beginning to the transformation.

The food The discovery of a new way of cooking, extremely well thought out, delicious-looking and tasty, easy to reproduce at home. A way of cooking offers tremendous freedom, and few limitations.

The body The rediscovery of one's body and its assets; renewing the relationship with one's body, its dimensions, its possibilities, our desire to move. to show oneself again, live fully, without hiding.

Daily life The discovery of better organization of one's daily life, the more responsible lifestyle, through the adoption of small practical rituals that are clever and easy.


Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours In this Issue:

All contents of this magazine are the opinions of the individual authors. February 2016 Your True Colours Media, LLC© No part of this magazine may be reprinted without written permission from the editor. cbendall@fashionacademy.biz

table of contents Exotic Valentine’s Day! Boomerang Escapes takes you to your happy Valentine’s escape.

Laughter Lawyer USA -New Tools for New Ways 5 YTC Life Image – CourageMakers 9 Elements of a Romantic Escape by Lisa Rossmeissl 13 How to Make Khatta Dhokla by Tracey Tartera 19 Mabel Mae, Fashion from Nature 23 Come Into Your Own Conference 33 Empowering Your Leaders at Work by Delmar Johnson 43 Echoes of Shannon Street 45

Come Into Your Own Conference, see the highlights of the conference that made you look inward.

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Credits for Cover Photos: Mabel Mae Designs

Your True Colours

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Our goal at Ten14 Ministries is to increase the ministry workforce, provide reliable transportation for the ministers in Pakistan, stimulate the local Pakistani economy, provide ambulatory care to the “Untouchable�, and help provide an opportunity for quality education for those who would not have it otherwise Join Qamar Titus on Your True Colours Image Radio on Thursdays at 11:00am Central Time. She will be broadcasting starting January 7th! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bendall

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Laughter Lawyer: New Tools for New Times By Debra Norwood



installing innovative security technology that threatens to close down the traditional operations of the MI6 program altogether, and an aging, yet still brilliant, James Bond finds himself in the midst of the change. He is trying to do his job fighting the bad guys whilst adjusting to a new CEO and a new and younger “Q”, a baby-faced millennial who has dismal social skills yet is analytical and plugged into the cyber world. It is a marvelous portrayal of our current generational conflict, but also a great commentary about the marvelous synergy which can occur when new technology and a younger workforce finally aligns in a cooperative model with the older, wiser generation in order to combat a common foe. The issues and challenges in the movie parallel the great challenge in law firms of today. •

The advent of Megafirms, one of which employs nearly 7000 attorneys

• Pressure for mid-sized and boutique firms to grow or merge in order to keep up with the competition and to retain clients •

Massive information overload and new technology

Generational misunderstandings in the workplace

My clients -- law firms and the professionals who work in them -- are suffering. I believe that corporations and law firms are missing a big opportunity in change leadership by neglecting

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Your True Colours

three important opportunities to create corporate cultures that foster creativity, innovation and loyalty:

RECOGNIZING BRAIN TYPES In an effort to increase understanding and awareness of personality in the workplace, the American Bar Association conducted a conference on Myers-Brigg tests in light of studies claiming over 50% of attorneys are introverts. Although personality studies are valuable, nothing can predict emotional intelligence and resilience better than a working knowledge of at least 19 brain types that people exhibit. Attorneys who suffer with disorganization, procrastination and follow through, do so not because of personality, but brain conditions, including undiagnosed ADD, PTSD, brain trauma, depression and/or anxiety. They are guiltridden and operating at under capacity, and believe their actions are due to a character flaw, rather than a chemical construct. Our brain health coaching provides individual brain health assessments and recommendations that can help individuals change their brains and change their lives.

BRIDGING THE GENERATION GAP According to Indiana Law professor William Henderson “some law firms could crumble after this generation because they don’t have a lot to sell to the next generation.” His feelings are shared by practicing attorneys: “We can’t treat a lawyer like a member of a military platoon, like they did in the ‘good old day’” when we were young lawyers.” Comments Buck Lewis, a shareholder in the law firm of Baker Donalson, who also teaches a leadership course at the University of Tennessee College of Law. “Technology has increased in the practice of law, and the never-ending, grueling nature of legal work is causing people to give up and search for less fast-paced work,” he adds. As a result, some attorneys, staff, and even temporary independent lawyers, are rebelling against lower pay and heavier workloads. A case in point is a lawsuit recently brought against a major law firm by an attorney requesting overtime pay for reviewing 13,000 documents. The suit was brought under the under the Fair Labor Standards Act and New York law. This employee protested working for $35 an hour for 57 to 60 hours per week and with an expectation to review 50 to 60 documents an hour Could this lawsuit have been prevented if there had been better indications he was appreciated, which studies suggest is a major need by younger associates?

CREATING TRUST-BUILDING GROUP DYNAMICS Collaboration and cooperation may not be the same. Outdated “collaborative models” punish our best workers. These hard workers get called again and again to “collaborate” and end up

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Your True Colours

New Tools for New Times (Continued) burned out because not only are they carrying their own workload, but that of others. Therapeutic laughter exercises we institute in firms throw people together in uncommon experiences to establish common ground in a non-threatening and cheerful manner. These approaches appeal to a younger, energetic workforce that is looking for happier ways to find connection and cooperation with their bosses is that a big plus. Everyone wins. Using these new tools may help you, your partners, associates, and employees overcome challenges and find joy in modern day law practice.

Please provide feedback on this article at debra@debranorwood.com and request the Laughter Lawyer USA white paper Understanding Millennials, the enigmatic generation. Debra Chaves Norwood, Laughter Lawyer USA, is a principal at Creative Competitive Solutions Inc. Gordon, Leslie, ‘Most lawyers are introverted, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing” ABA Journal Jan.1, 2016 2 ABA Journal, Weiss, Debra Cassens, “Is there a generational divide in Big Law? “Nov.5, 2015 3 “Quinn Emmanuel Wins Overtime Challenge for Document Review, Hamblett, Mark,, New York Law Journal, December 31, 2015 1

Coaching: Spiritual Laughter Workshop: It’s My Life, What Do I Do With It? Programs: Conflict Resolution

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Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours evian速 Facial Spray http://www.evianspray.com

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

Life Image-CourageMakers By Carolyn Bendall

WE HAVE CHANGED SO MUCH IN JUST THE LAST FEW MONTHS. WE ARE STARTING THE LIFE IMAGE PROGRAM UNDER COURAGEMAKERS. We will have a special CourageMakers issue that will have the presentation that we do live in Memphis. For our January meeting, we did goal setting. Our Life Image for January was also on Goal Setting. The Life Image column will go away, it will instead be in the CourageMakers issue. The CourageMakers issue will be available for $10 per issue. Our Life Image program is a goal setting program that you can become a part of via our CourageMakers issues, a live virtual session, or a live session in Memphis TN. The issue or sessions are $10. We wil continue with the Laughter Lawyer columns, and we will have a fashion article. We will also have our monthly columnists. Once in a while you will even see an article on an entertainer. Our fashion and entertainers will be positive, never negative. This falls into a part of our lesson for February, how do you hear the still small voice? Is there too much noise in your life? Is there too much media that protrays a negativity that pushes the Holy Ghost away? Let us know what you want us to feature! Let us know who you want to hear about! Let us know what goals you want to work on! After all, this is Your True Colours! http://www.couragemakers.com

“And the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence.� Isaiah 4:5 February 2016 |9

Your True Colours

To order the workbook, $12.95, or monthly support for $35 a month or $300 a year: http://yourtruecolours.biz/store.html

We live in an age where instant gratification is at its height. Instant gratification does not encourage the setting of short term, and eventually, long term goals. We have developed a simple program of goal setting and working towards individual changes within one’s life experiences and daily encounters. Our subjects cover a variety of different options within one’s personality, personal choices, or professional endeavors. Do not overload yourself. Make yourself accountable. Present yourself in your best light, and then move forward toward that life definition. Select two goals a month, one from two different subjects. After you have completed one goal in each subject; start over again. Sometimes you may be able to choose more than two goals a month, however, realize that to change a behavior one must do a goal for at least 21 days. Do not give up. If you stop for a few days, just pick up where you left off. It if is a goal that would change behavior, then your 21 days would start over. Need help? For $35 a month, we will provide support weekly through email and one video chat call a month.

Vol. 3 Issue 1

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1) Register (https://www.glamulet.com/customer/account/login/) 2) Click and design your own charm (http://www.glamulet.com/bb-win-free-diy-charmsvalentines-2016) 3) Promote your own design through your Facebook page and other social media (http://www.glamulet.com/diy/share/list)

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Contest ends February 14th!! Upload Your Charms Now!!

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Elements of a Romantic Escape By Lisa Rossmeissl

Photos Courtesy of Boomerang Escapes

WHAT THINGS COME TO MIND WHEN YOU THINK OF FEBRUARY? DO YOU THINK OF THE COLOR RED, VALENTINE’S DAY, ROSES, STUFFED ANIMALS, CHOCOLATES, AND ROMANCE? D O YOU THINK OF DOING SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR THAT IMPORTANT PERSON IN YOUR LIFE? Romance can be expressed in many ways. How many of you tune into ABC’s The Bachelor? The show captures audiences every Monday night with their idea of romance. With dates that whisk you away in private jet or helicopter, dates that take you from the US to Europe to the Exotics, and evenings that end with your own private concert. It all seems glamour and fantasy, but having been in the travel industry for the past 8 years, one thing I see a lot is couples coming to me to plan a romantic escape. Maybe these escapes are not always quite as

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Vol. 3 Issue 1

elaborate and as imaginative as The Bachelor, but people are getting away and rekindling that fire. February is one of the most popular months for me to book romantic escapes due to Valentine’s Day and President’s Day, as many Americans get a three-day weekend in honor of the holiday. No matter the month you choose, one thing is for sure: there are some simple, relatively inexpensive key items or elements that you and your loved one should consider including in your getaway.

Pick a Place You Both Can Enjoy. This may seem to be an obvious statement, but if you aren’t both going to have things to enjoy besides each other at your destination someone is going to be left unhappy. Destinations can range from secluded beaches to bustling cities and the speed can range from lying on the beach to jumping off bridges. For many, overwater bungalows comes to mind as the quintessential place for romance, but there are couples that will tell you a day packed full of adrenaline pumping activities such as bungee jumping is what ignites their fire. Pick what works for both of you! F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 | 14

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Elements of a Romantic Escape (Continued) Book a Couple’s Massage. Morning, afternoon, or evening take time at the spa to work out the tensions of your lives at home. One of my favorites is to have the massage outside in a garden or on the beach. There is just something about the element of nature that offers true relaxation. Book a Private Candlelight Dinner. What could be more romantic than dinner under the stars? The two of you alone on the beach as the ocean waves crash against the sand. Or maybe it is the two of you in the middle of the Australia’s Outback, gazing at the clear sparkling southern lights. Or do you see yourself upon the rooftop looking out over the city lights as you sip from your crystal flutes? Have the Room Scattered with Rose Petals. Many resorts will actually do this for couples celebrating a honeymoon or anniversary. Additionally, other resorts offer the option to add a romance package where you can have the room lit in candles, flower petals scattered, tub

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Your True Colours

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Elements of a Romantic Escape (Continued) drawn, and beautiful aromatherapy drifting in the air. Add a bucket of champagne and some chocolate covered strawberries and I am sure you will be in for a night of romance! Here is one last tip for your trip, romantic or not, TURN OFF YOUR PHONE! Yes I said it. I would even go so far as to tell you to put the sound machine in the room safe. I’ve done it. At least one night. You can do it! Because one of the key elements for your escape is to communicate. Go refresh, renew, and revive your romance!

Lisa Rossmeissl is the owner of Boomerang Escapes, a home-based agency located in Memphis, Tennessee. She has been a professional travel consultant since 2008 and specializes in Australia and the South Pacific. Australia, Tahiti, Fiji, and Cook Islands are among the specialist certificates she holds. Her agency’s focus is on creating itineraries with their client’s wants, desires and budgets in mind. She and her planners believe in getting to know the traveler to ensure they have a vacation to remember. With each planner specializing in a different market area, Boomerang Escapes can offer a wide ride of leisure vacation planning. Call 901-386-3600, Email info@boomerangescapes.com or visit the web www.boomerangescapes.com for more information.

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Coaching: Spiritual Laughter Workshop: It’s My Life, What Do I Do With It? Programs: Conflict Resolution

901.528.8300 http://thelaughterlawyer.blogspot.com/ dnorwood1@yahoo.com Look Good Feel Good Radio Show www.blogtalkradio.com/bendall

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How to Make Khatta Dhokla Tracy Tartera tracyntartera@gmail.com

Traditional cakes that are easy to make & easier to eat

If you are looking to expand your horizons in the kitchen and try a new and interesting international dish, Indian food offers some of the most delicious flavors for the most intrepid taste buds. Whether you are entertaining guests at an upcoming party or just having a few friends over for brunch, khatta dhokla is a light and delicious snack that is easy to prepare. Khatta dhokla is a derivation of dhokla; the Gujarati dish made from fermented rice and split chickpeas. “Khatta” translates to “sour” in English, a quality that is added to the cakes by the addition of sour yogurt. These little cakes are light and fluffy, and with the addition of your chutney of choice, they can become heavy enough to act as a complete meal. Ingredients 1 cup regular, medium-grain rice 1/2 cup split black gram (urad dal or black lentils) 1/2 cup sour yogurt or curd (khatta dahi) 2 green chilies, thinly sliced (or 1 tablespoon green chili paste) 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon fruit salt (Eno) 1-inch piece ginger, chopped 10 – 12 peppercorns 1 teaspoon roasted sesame seeds 1 teaspoon chili powder 5 – 6 curry leaves, finely chopped 1 teaspoon mustard seed Chopped coriander for garnish Salt to taste

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

How to Make Khatta Dhokla (Continued) Directions In order for khatta dhokla to get its light and fluffy texture, you will be steaming the mixture. To do this, you can employ a pressure cooker, a rice cooker, a steamer or your oven’s burners. The mixture will most likely be steamed in a greased cake pan. In order to get the batter ready, you will also need a food processer for grinding rice and black gram. If you don’t own a food processor, it is possible to make khatta dhokla by replacing rice and black gram with pre-ground rice flour and lentil flour. First, prepare the rice and black gram. To do so, each ingredient should be soaked and completely submerged in cold water for 6 – 7 hours. Once this is done, drain both and grind them together in a food processor along with chilies or chili powder, yogurt or curd, salt, any other seasoning you may want in the batter and enough water to ensure its thickness. The mixture should be about the same consistency as pancake batter, but if there is a grainy texture, it will still steam just fine. Once everything is mixed to your liking, let the batter ferment in the refrigerator for 7 – 8 hours. Remove batter from refrigerator, add your olive oil and any additional seasoning you’ve selected and mix well. Add fruit salt and water on top once completed and mix again. Prepare your cake pan by greasing it with olive oil and pour in the mixture. Before steaming, garnish with peppercorns and coriander as you see fit. Steaming should take as little as 8 – 10 minutes, and the mixture can be checked by poking with a toothpick. Once everything appears to be thoroughly prepared, cut and serve with chutney or curry. You now know the secret of making khatta dhokla. Surprise your friends at your next gettogether by bringing out a dish that they’ve almost certainly never tried, and be sure to share the recipe so that others can try it for themselves.


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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

MabelMae, Fashion from Nature

Virginia Testa-Jeffrey has brought old values, old craftsmanship, and hand-crafted quality to her fashion business. Testa-Jeffrey admires bespoke fashion, and applies that to her pieces. When she developed the company, and had to come up with a name, she took what she wanted as her values and think what matches this old days thought process…her dog, Mabel Mae. Testa-Jeffrey does her own designing and sewing. She is a self-taught sewer. She made all of her own clothing, and then ventured into velvet handbags. She wanted to delve into some more interesting pieces, scarves and capes. As this inventory grew she took them to craft shows. She saw leather in a store, and made the purchase to go home and experiment. She started draping it around a dress form to see what sparked her interest. She found that each piece of leather would drape differently. She began to create with leather, draping each piece over a dress form. “The pieces all become unique because they drape just slightly different,” Testa-Jeffrey explains. She is able to reproduce original pieces, however, they may not be the exact color or drape exactly the same. As a result, she only makes one piece of each design. A second piece of each design will be made, if requested. Her pieces are found mostly at craft shows during the summer in Chicago and New York City. Her pieces are gathered mostly from upstate New York. All pelts are wild caught, nothing is farm raised. She points out that most people in rural areas earn their living in the winter through wild catch. She uses elk, deer, sheep, goat, and cowhide. http://mabelmaedesigns.com/

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Gray Deerskin Caplet with Steel Gray Metal rounds and Purple Swarovski Crystals. Very Soft and Supple with a Very Elegant Drape. http://mabelmaedesigns.com/

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Your True Colours

Deerskin Shawl with Musk Fur and Large Gold Button. Soft Deerskin Shawl with Musk Fur Ball Accents and Large Button. Can be worn in many ways. Front to Back Side, etc. This Item is SOLD $475.00 Purse:

Sheepskin/Cowhide Purse with Copper Toned Twist Lock. Green Cowhide body with Sheepskin Front Flap. Sides are Hand laced and Have Sheepskin Trim. Zipper closure under flap as well. Inside pocket. Lined with Pigskin. Strap is two-Toned as well. Strap Length 34" long x 1 .25 Wide. Semi Hard Shelled.

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Brown Deerskin Cuff

Deerskin Collar and Cuff

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Turquoise Deerskin Collar


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Black Elk Skin Cape with Wild Red Fox trim. Each piece is designed and produced in my design studio by me. The fur is wild red fox. This cape has a very beautiful drape as do all the capes because of the way I design each piece.

Mabel Mae Designs is a leather clothing company started in 2007. Creating exclusive designs using primarily wild game hides, with some domestic hides: goat, sheep and cow. I primarily work in elk from overseas and domestic deer, moose, elk and buffalo. Fashion from Nature accurately describes the design, approach and philosophy behind Mabel Mae Designs. Exploring the flow and drape of each unique hide and then transforming them into elegant, timeless, distinctive women’s wear. Embellishments are always part of the design process and may include: semi-precious stones, natural found objects, metal, feathers, horn, bone, and the time honored craft of fur. The work is described as confident, luxurious, feminine and easy to wear. If you are looking for a unique, exclusive, distinctive garment – Welcome. Virgina Testa-Jeffrey

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Your True Colours Deerskin Cape with Marabou Feathers.

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Deerskin Caplet in Light Brown with Gorgeous Wood Jasper Nuggets and Light Brown Agates and Swarovski Crystals. Nice medium Weight Deerskin Caplet with Very Lovely Drape. Closure is magnetic with 2 bronze toned Buttons. http://mabelmaedesigns.com/

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http://www.Exuviance.com Exuviance skin care is clinically proven to reduce lines and wrinkles, increase firmness, smooth texture and even skin tone with a patented bionic blend of highly evolved Polyhydroxy and Alpha Hydroxy acids. Discover dermatologist developed skin care that has perfected the science of skin transformation by delivering full-strength anti-aging benefits without irritation.

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Co-Hosts of the conference, Memphis CBS-affiliate WREG, Live@9 Co-Anchor, Marybeth Conley and business owner and author, Sherri Henley

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Henley brought together Marybeth Conley, Memphis CBS-affiliate morning show anchor, and Jackie Woodside, speaker and author from Boston MA, to present a conference to enlighten each attendee about themselves. Henley jumped into the conference with her presentation on the ‘Come into Your Own, a 21 Day Experience’ book. Each attendee received a copy of the book/life training manual. The experience takes one through 21 days to present a self-examination of feelings, choices, obligations, integrity, emotions, relationships, profession, and career; with many more in-between. Each section gives a brief description of how to OWN various aspects of that day’s challenge, with the final space a question for you to answer on how you are owning that particular aspect of your daily life. Henley encouraged each person OWN their story. Create their story from their reputation, integrity, experience, and the rest of the 21 day experience. The experience itself takes time to sit down and completely evaluate

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Vol. 3 Issue 1

Come into Your Own (Continued) one’s life; however, the results will be an eye opening venture into the world of oneself, the way others perceive our actions. At the end of the presentation, Henley charged the attendees to go around their table and discuss how they can come into their OWN. A phrase that was presented, “After 31 days, start over again because it’s always changing.”

Alandas Dobbins talks about OWNing one's career. http://www.nsightmemphis.com

Henley brought up several others who had gone through the 21 Day Challenge, to share their OWN story. Alandas Dobbins went from the Mayor’s office to unemployed with a change in the leadership of the city of Memphis. She ran the program the Mayor had put into place to develop women and minority owned businesses; and the new Mayor had not made a decision about the continuation of the program. She had to find her way, she had to ‘get a job’. Owning her career took her back down the path of redeveloping the family business, NSight Communication. “Offers came, but God wanted me to take back my own business. Own your career,” she ended her story with the statement of her choice, “Not a diamond, yet, at the coal stage. But, that pressure will make it a

diamond.” Tina Tatum, pastor and found of R3 The Movement, aiding those that are victims of human trafficking, shared her OWN story on Community. Tatum and her husband founded R3 The Movement, drawing on his law enforcement background. Tatum said, “What can yhou do to be a part of the community? And, we don’t have community without unity.” R3’s statement sums up how to work in the community, “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.”

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The evening before the conference, Henley and Conley held “Dinner with the Speakers” at Lyfe Kitchen. Attendees were able to meet Jackie Woodside and get a brief sampling of what was to come for the conference. Henley also invited some individuals to tell their OWN story. Justin Cook, youth pastor and entertainer, shared his journey to come into his own. He shared his missteps as a youth pastor at 21, thinking he could be a friend rather than a leader. He left that position as the youth stopped seeing him as a leader. He fell into a depression as he tried to find his way, joining the military as one of the roads to find himself. After being wounded in Afghanistan, and falling prey to alcohol while in the military, he continued down a bad road. When he began to truly know that he had come into his own and along that way he met Henley and added her 21 day experience to his transformation. He is now happily married, and has released his first music video. He is also back as a leader in a youth ministry, where he feels his true calling. Delmar Johnson, entrepreneur, author, and speaker, was invited to share her OWN story. She stressed J Cook, http:/www.jcookmusic.net that we must own our choices. She took those in attendance down her road of bad choices, which then led her to have make choices that she never thought she would have to make. She stressed that we all have choices, and we can’t blame anyone else, even when we desperately want to or society tells you have the right to blame someone else. She stressed that owning your choices, then gives the opportunity to get out of those choices and make better choices. Johnson left her situation with a bad relationship in Dallas, and moved to Memphis, with nothing. She left a lucrative career, because she had to make difficult choices to counter-act the bad choices she had made. OWNing one’s choices gives freedom to plot out your future instead of living in the past.

Delmar Johnson, http://www.delmarjohnson.com

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As the conference progressed, Marybeth Conley took the podium with a heart-felt testimonial of her journey to spirituality. She explained that she accidentally fell into the job as an on-air personality. She stressed that she is an introvert, which makes it exhausting to be on air. And, with that introvert personality she ventured into Arbonne, a direct sale

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Come into Your Own (Continued) company that her family looked at her skeptically as she took that first step into the world of direct sales. Up to that point, her life had been ideal. Her first job out of college was her first goal, to get a job in her field of study, marketing. She left waitressing to be in sales and marketing complete with a region. A region that was mostly farmers who were not looking for much sales and marketing. Her next goal was to ‘run away from her first goal’. She landed a job in Knoxville at the CBS affiliate as the secretary to the Sales and Marketing Director. She hated that, too. To get out of working in her actual job, she would volunteer for any job that no one would do. One of those projects was a job-a-thon, something that no one in television likes to do or plan. Her project was so successful that they expanded it from two to four hours! When the on air anchors tried to introduce her on camera, she ran and hid in the janitor closet. And, somehow, she ended up in Memphis at the CBS affiliate, as an on air personality. “Me, the person who lives in pj’s if I could. Me, who wears two mismatched shoes, and then points it out on air.” Amazed she has had such a lucrative and solid career in television, she had no reason to feel empty. Her Arbonne career took off, and she was driving a Mercedes and in the top 2% of the company in less than a year. She then had a friend mention ‘talking to God, she had received an answer,” when asked why she left a lucrative corporate job for a mission. Conley shared her thoughts on this, “Answer? Like in an email? How does God answer?” So began her journey to make

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

a major change in her life. Success is what broke her, she knew she should have been fulfilled, but she wasn’t. And, just how does God answer? A discussion with a pastor on a plane trip left her with an unwritten note that she needed to purchase a certain book he recommended. Then, days later while out with a casual friend over lunch, the friend invited her to go with her to a book store. She had ordered a book with Conley in mind, and it was waiting to be picked up. On arrival at the bookstore, her friend handed her the book. It was the same book that the pastor on the airplane had told her to get. “So, that’s how God answers.” So began her journey. She came to the realization that her goals were all about her. And, that was not going to ever be fulfilling to her. She needed to change her goals to be about what God wanted her to do. Her prayer now, “Dear God, why would you put an introvert into an extrovert world? Show me the way.” And, then came the radio show. So, now with television, radio, and a direct sales company, Conley has redirected her priorities, and that peace is now there. More time was then set aside for OWN talks at the tables, a part of the event that was very enlightening and allowed those in attendance to discuss the talks and how to apply them in their own lives.

Jackie Woodside, http://www.jackiewoodside.com

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Come into Your Own (Continued) Jackie Woodside, author and speaker, was the final speaker. Her book, ‘Calming the Chaos’ was the basis of her presentation. As she took to the podium a meeting held in the upper area of the event center released for a break and the noise level was quite loud. Without skipping a beat, Woodside pointed upwards and said, “Great timing. Is that your life? Is that what goes on in your head? Then, let’s makes changes.” She began her moment with giving an assignment to the audience. “I’ve been doing work up to now. The other speakers have been doing work. Now, it’s your time to do work.” She instructed everyone to write down what it is that needs to change. She then said, “What you wrote down falls into one of two categories. Skill set. Mind set. There are no other categories, just those two.” She then offered the solution to the problem, “The only things to make those changes are: What you think and What you do.” Woodside’s next step in her journey for the audience was to determine is their lives were ‘busy’ or ‘productive’. Busy causes stress, productive produces peace. Where personal energy is directed will determine one’s level of energy. • • • •

Are you in Survival mode? This is characterized by apathy and anger. Are you in Stress mode? This is characterized by anxiety, sense of being overwhelmed, or being driven. Are you in Transformation mode? This is characterized by Hope, clarity, and optimism. Are you in Transcendence mode? This is characterized by daily miracles allowing one’s personal and business life to move forward, peace, and joy. Those miracles, are doors that open, people that are placed in your life, the difference is, you are at a level of consciousness to be able to recognize them and act on them.

So, what is the difference between busy and productive? Busy is scattered, disorganized, random, reactive, stressed, chaotic, overwhelmed, time as enemy, driven, anxious and confused. Productive is

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

intentional, orderly, planned, responsive, optimized, centered, enthusiastic/inspired, time as opportunity, focused, at ease, and clear. Woodside suggested that in our realm of acquaintances, that perhaps we enjoy saying ‘I’m so busy.’ We use it to avoid the power and depth that needs to be birthed through our talents. We use it to sound more important than we are. Setting in place the change that we want to happen in our lives involves and Woodside stressed this, “Shut up and get on it!” Because, once again, there are just two things that need to be done, change what you think and change what you do. Woodside’s final statement was a happy goal, “Become the least stressed, most productive person that you know!”

What they had to say…… “Breaking down the 31 days and knowing that its not important to know the destination, just keep moving forward, this was all so inspirational.” Kiana Bridges, Starkville MS

“We are here for a bigger purpose, we’re here to serve others. I’ve always had that burning, and this gave me the push to something.” Lisa Lax, Memphis TN

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

“It was way more than I thought it would be. It enlightened, it got my attention. This is something that is going to me better.” Bernice Patrick, Halls TN

“I’m not too busy. I’m productive. That’s the hardest, to knock out that being too busy! And, she’s right, we really are saying, “I’m important.” I’m going to work on that.” Frances Fabian, Bartlett TN

“I’ve got to let a lot of things go. I’ve got to de-stress my life.” Tonya Polk, Southaven MS

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How to come into your OWN is a discovery process with many moving parts. Allowing these parts to move in sync and strategically carry out the evolutionary process of embracing oneself, for better or for worse…is a journey. Operative… Words Thoughts Deeds Actions... …move you toward or away from owning many aspects of your… Life Property Feelings Relationships Spirituality Business... ...you will ultimately decide the direction your actions will lead. Come Into Your OWN will walk you through a 31 day experience based on a holistic philosophy of taking ownership of ones past and present to gain focus for the future. http://www.sherrihenley.com

Founder & CEO of Business Over Coffee International (BOCI), Sherri Henley has mastered the art of being a digital citizen. In addition to effectively managing one of the world’s fastest growing online business networks, she hosts regular radio & television programs on BOCI RadioBOCI TV and The Sherri Henley Intelligence channel. Recently named as one of author, Germaine Moody’s 50 Favorite People. Sherri serves as the program director for the BOCI Professional Boost Program, a mentoring initiative to invest in up & coming professionals and entrepreneurs.

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1



Managing is often equated with controls rather than leading and developing a business. The manager feels more comfortable and secure when they are able to put in strict controls on everything that happens in a business organization. This is so, especially of upper management, where the controls and directing becomes so severe that it erodes any creative freedom for the middle managers to work towards achieving the goals set out for them. Here are a few simple prescriptions to get the best out of your managers, and increase their leadership skills:

Avoid Centralizing Decision Making This is perhaps one of the best ways to achieve total control. You feel by centralizing decision making you will be able to avoid wrong decisions. While this may be so to some extent who is

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

to prevent your own wrong decisions. Unless your managers are able to make mistakes and learn from them you will never be able to develop expertise through experience. Centralizing decision making is also the surest method to kill your business growth.

Provide Working Space Top management often entrust tasks and responsibilities to their subordinate managers. More often than not any specific time frames which are comfortable to achieve the given responsibilities or tasks are discussed. However in their anxiety or aggressiveness and sometimes over enthusiasm you start chasing your subordinate for action and results. If you do it too soon and too often you are severely limited the working space of your managers. They may be spending more time in complying with your commands rather than focusing on operational priorities and important tasks. If you are not providing sufficient working space for your managers you are surely heading towards disaster as important tasks may be getting neglected to escape from your frequent and aggressive follow ups.

Listen to Your Managers While experience is an asset it also makes one arrogant and conceited. Sometimes one tends to believe because he is the superior, he always right. The Boss Is Always Right principle looks good only on posters. It doesn’t work if you want to build a Professional organization. Cultivate the ability to listen to the voice of your managers. Most times they know better as they are more familiar with the ground realities. If you decide on their behalf and just issue orders, you will have clerks in the guise of managers as you have killed their initiative.

Don’t Get Into the Nitty Gritties Once broad goals and objectives are set with specific time frames and key results are outlined leave your managers to perform. If you get into too many details and meddle with the execution at every stage, you may be sure to mess up the entire process and ultimately the results. The key to managing effectively is to empower people across the management structure so that they feel part of the responsibility and ownership. Delmar Johnson, as a leader, author, speaker, consultant and coach, I serve from a place of authenticity. If you are seeking to add value to your next event, retreat, or training, and need a speaker to talk about building a team on a budget, engaging your employees more, personal and professional development, or empowerment, I would love to do that because HR is My Ministry, and I don’t mind showing my human side too. http:/www.delmarjohnson.com

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Echoes of Shannon Street IT IS, TO THIS DAY, THE


Echoes Of Shannon Street is a true crime police procedural that tells the story of the abduction of two white police officers by black cult members in the racially divided city of Memphis in January, 1983 The event began a highly publicized and sharply criticized stand-off between hundreds of police officers and the seven suspects barricaded inside a small house in a predominantly black area of north Memphis. For the next day and a half, negotiators attempted in vain to communicate with the leader of the cult, a mentally ill man named Sanders. Inside a local school, top police officials discussed their options. Outside, police officers stood in the cold, anxiously awaiting orders to go inside and rescue their fellow officer. The wait was long and hard, made even more horrific by the fact that for five hours, the officer’s beating and his cries for help were heard through bullet-riddled windows and broadcasted through the officer’s own radio. F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 | 45

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

Thirty hours later, one of the abducted officers lies in a hospital, a bullet wound through his hand and face. The other is found dead in the living room of the house, cuffed with his own handcuffs, his bloody flashlight nearby. All seven suspects are dead, shot by the department’s all-white TACTICAL Unit. In addition to actual crime scene photos, the interviews with patrolmen, negotiators, tactical officers, command personnel, dispatchers, along with over 1,000 pages of documents from the case file, including crime scene photographs, witness statements, and transcribed radio transmissions will give the reader an authentic recreation of the deadliest event in Memphis police history. http://www.amazon.com/Echoes-Shannon-Street-Kidnapping-Officer/dp/1470094819

Now in production for the Documentary and Movie of the same name, starring Alfonso Freeman. MVP3 Productions.

James Howell, Author of "Echoes of Shannon Street."

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it’s not for sissies A MEMOIR BY MARIE PIZANO According to Marie Pizano, the word “no” is not in her vocabulary. She simply says, “I Can” and “I Will”. Her memoir, From Barefoot to Stilettos tells the story of her life thus far, from her childhood days of living on food stamps, gangs and double-dutching on the streets of south-side Chicago to surviving a life changing accident, moving to Memphis and living a trophy-wife life, dealing with the mean girls, the monster-in-law, panic attacks, becoming a mother, to her postdivorce years and defeating the odds of building an entertainment powerhouse, all while rediscovering herself, her life, and her power. Through explorations of her own past and present tense, Marie reflects on how the sum of her trials and triumphs shaped her into the empowered woman she became during her incessant quest to find her “yes.” ... http://frombarefoottostilettos.com/

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