YTC November 2015

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Your True Colours

Jewelry: Alzerina New York/Paris/Cabo Verde

November 2015

Life Lessons from ‘Divergent’ RefresHer 2015: A Conference for Renewal CourageMakers: Meet Qamar Titus

To My Children: Anything is Possible



Want to hear some good news about the Mid-South? Try The Earle Farrell 4 Memphis Show! It’s a show about art, businesses, entrepreneurship, film making, music, and so much more. It’s something different everyday. Listen to AM990 for local talk!

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Redeeming Love By Tracy Terry Tartera

My master, my lover, my savior, my friend You said that you'll never leave me, you'll stay to the end Redeeming Love, Redeeming Love You called me out of my wandering heart You brought me in to your marvelous light Redeeming Love, Redeeming Love Your love is so pure, its' sacred to me I know that without it I would not No I could not be free Love so real, so simple and true Redeeming Love, Redeeming Love Love is patient, Love is kind Your perfect love is always on time It restores the broken soul Brings healing, Makes me whole Redeeming Love Your love is all that we need Sets the bound man free, recovers site to the blind Makes the cold heart warm, makes the hard man cry Causes sickness to leave and demons to fall Redeeming Love It's ALL - all that we need It's ALL - all that we need Redeeming Love Redeemer come to ME

Image courtesy of kongsky at

Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 8

Some of our guest writers for this issue:

Tom Corson-Knowles is a serial entrepreneur, blogger and international bestselling author. He started his first business at age 13, manufacturing SAD lamps out of his father’s garage. By the time he graduated from Indiana University Kelley School of Business at age 22, he was earning a full-time income from his first successful business which he started in his dorm room.

Tom then decided to share the keys to success that he had learned along his journey to becoming a financially independent entrepreneur through his books, videos, and seminars. Today, he teaches new and established authors and writers how to achieve incredible success by writing and selling ebooks on Amazon Kindle. Tom is the founder of, a free video training program for any author who wants to learn how to successfully write, publish, and market their own ebooks. Tom is also the founder of TCK Publishing, the premier ebook publishing firm that is leading the industry in providing advanced marketing support for its clients. The company’s mission is to help every client earn a full-time income as an author. TCK Publishing specializes in marketing for both fiction and nonfiction authors to help get their messages and stories out to millions of readers all over the world. Dominick Domasky is the author of the inspirational book, Don’t Double Bread the Fish, and creator and coauthor of the soon to be released book, The Unofficial Guide to Fatherhood. His greatest accomplishments are his two children and he aspires to be the best husband and father he can be. He is a proud supporter of JDRF, an internet radio host, and a successful cold-calling, doorknocking commercial insurance salesman. Domasky arrived at inspirational story writing and motivational speaking with a unique background. As a boy Dominick learned the value of hard work pulling weeds and doing odd jobs in the fields of his father’s landscape company. He took those lessons of hard work and placed them into his passions, and carried it throughout every aspect of his life from basketball to business. Domasky is currently finishing his third book The Journey of a Grunt which he expects to N ovember 2015 |3

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Vol. 2 Issue 8

be released in late 2015. Dominick can be seen every day on Twitter @domd1000 sharing messages of inspiration. http:/ Becky Edwards is a professional organizer, speaker, and owns the blog Purpose Driven Motherhood. She is a BYU Women’s Conference 2015 presenter, Moms’ Retreat board member, and home school mother. She started teaching organizing seminars nineteen years ago. She especially loves helping moms get organized by making the most of limited storage space and without spending much money doing it. She can be seen in the online magazine Becky loves the feeling of having a tidy home, clean desk, and clear mind, but her nature tends to be distractible and forgetful, so she works to bring order to her somewhat ADD-ish brain. Becky loves seeing the blessings of people getting more organized: more space, time and energy for what matters most, more peace, and freedom to live one’s life mission. It can be harder to live your mission and help your children prepare for theirs if chaos and clutter fill your mind and home. She has learned that a house of order invites a brain of order. And when Mom’s brain is in order, things just go better. You can check out her blog at Michelle Ferris has always loved the process of personal growth because when she was a young adult, she really struggled. She became a psychotherapist because it worked in her life. It made her realize that life gets better with the right kind of support. In 1997 she received a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology at the College of Notre Dame, Belmont. After counseling others for five years, she took time off to raise her son. She has helped people in 12 step recovery for many years. She can help if you are questioning your drinking, in substance abuse recovery, struggle with anger management, compulsive overeating, codependency, depression, relationships, grief, divorce and co-parenting. (408) 8005736 or email at for a free 15 minute phone consultation. http:/

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Vol. 2 Issue 8

Daphne Wells works with struggling small business owners who are tired of struggling and who want to effortlessly attract a steady stream of ideal clients so they can relax and feel like a success in their business. She holds an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential with the International Coach Federation. Her formal education includes a Bachelor of Arts and two Graduate Diplomas. She lives in the beautiful South Island of New Zealand from where she works with women business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide.

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Vol. 2 Issue 8

Your True Colours

All contents of this magazine are the opinions of the individual authors. In this Issue:

November 2015 Your True Colours Media LLC© No part of this magazine may be reprinted without written permission from the editor. table of contents

Monthly Columns: That pile of papers on the counter, here’s what to do with them!

Spotlight Artist: Tracy Terry Tartera 2 YTC Life Image – Daily Organization 11 Wellness by Kally Efros - Staying Healthy This Winter 15 Contest of the Month: evian Facial Spray 20 CourageMakers: Qamar Titus 59 Cool Skin Tones/Warm Skin Tones - Jewelry from Katerina Musetti 63

Katerina Musetti Designs returns in our Cool Skin Tones/Warm Skin Tones column!

Articles A Professional Organizer’s 4 Step System to Make a Paper Pile Disappear by Becky Edwards 23 Fun to Make Jewelry by The Knowledge Tree 28 Detachment for Surviving Addiction by Michelle Ferris 29

Krystal Viglietti, stylist & makeup artist provided part of the Professional Boost Program through Business Over Coffee for entrepreneur, Courtney Cardona Simpson.

10 Big Life Lessons I Learned from Divergent by Tom Carson Knowles 33 Is It Time for Your Marketing to Make You Money by Daphne Wells 41 RefresHER 2015 by Carolyn Bendall 45 Anything is Possible by Dominick Domasky 55

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Your True Colours

Table of Contents (Continued) Protecting Heirlooms by Lynn McDonald 65 Boutiques, Trunk Shows, or a One Time Hostess: Alzerina is Expanding Through all Venues 73 BOCI: Professional Boost Program, Courtney Cardona Simpson 83 Bishop Dr. Barbara King, World Spiritual Leader, Minister, Author, and Fashion Diva 87 Credits for Cover Photos: Alzerina Jewelry

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 8

From the Editor’s Desk Hello Everyone!

This has been a crazy month! We have been on the go quite a bit! But, it has been fun with weddings and more weddings, and a girl’s get away, and some great conferences, and a quick trip to see friends and walk through the Indianapolis Motor Speedway! And, I’m sure I have left something out! This month we bring you a new jewelry company that is opening its doors to those who may want to present trunk showings or to boutiques. Alzerina Jewelry is handmade and beautiful in every way! Read about her, and see her great pieces. We have a couple of contests this month, so make sure you enter both of them, one if for evian Facial Spray and one if for Emma Winston Floating Earrings. We introduce our CourageMakers column in this issue, watch for it in other issues, too. We will bring people to you that forging their way and making a difference in our world. This first CourageMaker is Qamar Titus, a truly remarkable woman that I could have spent so much more time with just basking in her spirit. Thanks! Carolyn Bendall

Prince Torren, Sir Kadian, and the enigmatic young Rhiander discover the meaning of honor and the consequences of choice when they embark on a journey of unexpected adventure. Their quest to find a hidden darkness becomes a search for light in the shadows and a race to stop a force that threatens to upset the balance of power in Adaria, and possibly the whole world. Kindle Edition: $4.99 sw_r_fa_dp_ADKewb1C01ZVW

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Trades of Hope allows you to empower women out of the sex trade, sweat shops and out of poverty around the world! Women Helping Women!

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Coaching: Spiritual Laughter Workshop: It’s My Life, What Do I Do With It? Programs: Conflict Resolution

901.528.8300 Look Good Feel Good Radio Show

Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 8

Life Image – Daily Organization By Carolyn Bendall

Finding the time to do the things that we need to do, should do, and want to do all in one day usually takes a little bit of planning. However, once we evaluate what our day consists of, we are better able to make adjustments First step is to keep a daily diary, keeping track of all things that are done within a 24 hour period, including sleeping and eating! Unfortunately, that will also include playing games, wasting time on line, and watching TV. Once you have established your complete day and where you can pick up some extra time, it is time to set the goal. Decide if you are going to cut back on television, games, and online time. Put it on the daily calendar. That will keep you to your goal until it becomes a habit. Remember it takes 21 days to establish a habit, so be patient with yourself. Decide what the items are that you are going to place on your daily calendar, community service; date night; reading. If you do not put it on the calendar until it is planned, it will not happen. Put it on the calendar and then you plan it. It works, otherwise you will book over those items. Deciding that you want to do a date night at least twice a month will have your calendar reflect that two Fridays out of the month you have plans. You don’t plan over it. If it is an event that could also double as the date night, then you can do it. The same goes for community service or any other activity.

Did you include ‘you’ time? Did you include time for doing your nails (not necessarily at a salon, you can pamper yourself)? Did you include time for that hot soaking bath? These are times for renewal, for you to refill your cup. It might be that these items are placed on the calendar while the baby takes a nap; or during a television show you ‘used to watch’. You must decide which is more important. Be careful not to overbook yourself. You should leave some time for social events that will come up. When you receive an invitation, you put it on your calendar, and then send the RSVP. RSVP’s are very important, and have faded from today’s social norms. RSVP’s provide the host with planning information, it is very rude to wait until the last minute just to see if nothing else more fun comes up. It is rude for the host’s planning, and for their budgeting. Always RSVP. N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 5 | 11

Your True Colours



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We live in an age where instant gratification is at its height. Instant gratification does not encourage the setting of short term, and eventually, long term goals. We have developed a simple program of goal setting and working towards individual changes within one’s life experiences and daily encounters. Our subjects cover a variety of different options within one’s personality, personal choices, or professional endeavors. Do not overload yourself. Make yourself accountable. Present yourself in your best light, and then move forward toward that life definition. Select two goals a month, one from two different subjects. After you have completed one goal in each subject; start over again. Sometimes you may be able to choose more than two goals a month, however, realize that to change a behavior one must do a goal for at least 21 days. Do not give up. If you stop for a few days, just pick up where you left off. It if is a goal that would change behavior, then your 21 days would start over. Need help? For $35 a month, we will provide support weekly through email and one video chat call a month.

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 8

Wellness: Stay Healthy This Winter By Kally Efros


Your grandmother always told you to bundle up or you’d catch a cold. Was she right? Many people claim, “No way, colds and flu are caused by virus’ not cold weather”. While this is true, there other factors contributing to more frequent colds and flu in the winter. Many people agree with grandma, including recent scientific studies. Several independent studies show that immune reactions to rhinovirus are indeed dependent on the temperature. Cooler temperatures are more inclined to help a cold develop. Studies were conducted in labs, on human cells, on mice and even on humans with their feet in a bucket of ice water. Another study showed that mice produced limited antiviral signals in cold temperatures against the rhinovirus. So perhaps it is important to bundle up. Many cultures have traditions of wearing scarves to keep the neck warm and hats on children. You lose a lot of heat to an exposed head.

Other factors that absolutely contribute to more frequent colds and flu in the winter are: •

Lower levels of Vitamin D due to limited sunshine and sun exposure. Numerous studies show people with lower levels of Vitamin D have more respiratory infections. Studies also show that Vitamin D works by increasing numerous antimicrobial peptides that are far more effective than any antibiotic or antiviral medication and activates T-cells that combine with Vitamin D to fight foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. Simply put, Vitamin D is extremely important in activating your immune system against infectious diseases like colds and flu. In the winter the sun may not provide enough UVB-rays to stimulate Vitamin D production. Vitamin D can be stored, so if you get

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Vol. 2 Issue 8

plenty during the summer months, it might be enough to pull you through the winter. If you need more information on Vitamin D, check out my article from June: We spend more time indoors with the windows closed. Closed quarters can help spread disease. People tend to be less active in the fall and winter. Research indicates that light to moderate exercise can improve your immune system. Communities that stay active in the colder months with plenty of winter activities have healthier immune systems. The cold and flu season also tends to correspond to Halloween which starts a season of eating a lot of sweets. Many doctors have noticed a consistent increase in patients with respiratory conditions around Halloween. Side note: a lot more behavioral changes as well. This is due to an increase in sugar which dramatically weakens the immune system. Just eight tablespoons of sugar, or the amount in some twelve ounce cans of soda can reduce your immune function by 40%. This effect can last several hours. After the Halloween haul has been collected by kids and adults, many people feel all is lost and continue consuming a higher than normal amount sugar. The holiday season continues through the winter with many opportunities for sugar rich content.

What can you do to improve your health and limit your risks of colds and flus this winter? 1. Optimize your Vitamin D through regular sun exposure. Check out this YouTube video on how and when to get Vitamin D from the sun. 2. If you need it, take a quality Vitamin D supplement. If you have digestive concerns you will want to address that and take a Vitamin D supplement geared to help, like Deseret Biological’s Liposomal D3/K2, see your health care professional. Fermented Cod Liver Oil from a reputable company like Green Pastures is another highly effective source. Grandma usually had a bottle of Cod Liver Oil to give to her kids as it was generally known to help them with strong bones and teeth and to boost their immune systems. Even the Vikings would keep drums of fermented cod liver by the doors and take a

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Vol. 2 Issue 8

Stay Healthy This Winter (Continued)

3. 4. 5.


7. 8. 9.

spoonful when leaving their homes. Cod liver oil contains Vitamins A and D and is rich in EPA and DHA. You do need to be careful. There are many cod liver oils on the market that are cheap and ineffective. Many researchers actually say that cod liver oil from Green Pasture is the ONLY good source. Keep your feet warm, your head covered, a scarf around your neck and keep warm. Stay active, even ten minutes a day of exercise can boost your immune system. Wash your hands with simple soap and water. Studies show that to be more effective than antibacterial soap and hand sanitizers. According to the CDC, antibacterial soaps are not necessary and studies show they might even be harmful. Be aware of sugar rich foods and candy and limit consumption. We hand out fun erasers for Halloween and trade our kids for a special treat or toy for their candy. Keep excessive sugar in check. Drink plenty of water. People often cut back in the cooler months. Water helps keep kidneys functioning which helps convert Vitamin D and flush toxins. Get your rest. Many people need more sleep during the winter and often kids with their busy schedules don’t get enough zzzz’s. Eat a healthy, balanced diet that includes cruciferous vegetables, plenty of berries, orange colored fruits and vegetables, onions and garlic.

There are tons of supplements on the market and many have miracle claims of effectiveness. What supplements really help? Keep in mind that not all supplements are created equal. Talk to a natural health care expert who can point you in the right direction. Some information on the internet can be misleading…really. As a result, I often talk to people who are taking several hundred dollars’ worth of supplements and it is doing more harm than good. And many people buy the cheapest products available which can also do more harm than good. In general, everyone should take a quality multi-vitamin. But read your ingredients – look for whole food supplements. This bridges the gap of our lacking diets and help provide the key nutrients and minerals that power and fuels our bodies. Quality essential oils have been proven to be very effective. Try these individual oils or some combinations geared towards boosting the immune system: basil, black cumin, cinnamon bark, clove, eucalyptus, fir, frankincense, ginger, lavender, lemon, tea tree, myrtle, orange, oregano, peppermint, ravintsara, and rosemary. Talk to an expert or check out this page for some basic guidelines when using essential oils: .

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Vol. 2 Issue 8

Homeopathic remedies are effective and will target your specific symptoms. These remedies are generally considered safe and effective. One of the most popular remedies is Oscillococcinum taken at the first signs of flu. It can often stop flu in its tracks or minimize the condition. The remedy Aconite can be taken for the cold that comes on suddenly and after exposure to a cold wind. Allium Cepa is for cold symptoms accompanied by a watery runny nose.

Here are more classic cold and flu remedies: • •

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Colloidal silver which has anti-bacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. Garlic taken regularly through the winters reduces colds and flu and has anti-viral and antibacterial properties. Washington State University confirmed that garlic is more effective than antibiotics against certain bacteria. Zinc helps to boost a sagging immune system. Vitamin C may help you recover more quickly from a cold or flu. Take a quality probiotic, I usually recommend rotating the strains in the probiotic so you get a good variety. A healthy gut full of good bacteria is essential to boosting your immune system. Many doctors find taking probiotics can help a chronic cough. Echinacea is an herb that immediately stimulates the immune system. You get some benefits taking it all season, but you get the biggest boost by taking it as soon as you notice symptoms of illness. Elderberry has been proven to be effective against several strains of flu. Ginger is an easy remedy that can be taken in capsule, extract form, or make a delicious tea from ginger root. Reishi and shiitake mushrooms enhance natural killer cells in our bodies and can protect against flu. Our favorite beverage at the first sign of any sickness is a warm ginger tea with fresh

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Stay Healthy This Winter (Continued) • •

squeezed lemon juice, raw honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Another of grandma’s remedies actually has been proven to have anti-viral activity: homemade chicken soup – but it has to be homemade to have therapeutic value.So never doubt grandma’s advice, she just might have it all figured out. There is no need to let the colder months get you or your family down. Use these simple techniques to prevent infections and to build your immunity. If you catch a bug, try some of these fantastic effective remedies to pick yourself or your loved ones back up. Whatever you do, don’t resign yourself to being sick all season. That’s a choice that grandma would not approve of.

Photos credits: by stockimages, Clare Bloomfield, OZphotography, David Castillo Dominici, cooldesign at

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Your True Colours

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Your True Colours

Contest of the Month: evian Facial Spray

Evian ®Natural Mineral Water’s journey starts as rain and snow high atop the French Alps after which it filters for over 15 years through glacial rock and sand to a deep underground catchment just outside the town of Evian-Les-Bains, France. The water contained in the spray is tested 300 times per day to insure quality and the consistent unique mineral content—guaranteed to be the same year after year—canister to canister. No other water has the same mineral content. evian® Facial Spray distributed exclusively by The Wilkes Group is giving away a Longchamp "Le Pliage" backpack, in stylish, durable, water-resistant nylon topped with a textured leather handle and logo-embossed flap, which retails at $125. It is filled with one 10 oz., one 5 oz., and a trio of travel-size evian® sprays (over $175.00 total value) Plus, three runners-up will receive a Longchamp pochette toiletries case, with embossed leather trim in durable, water-resistant nylon, accented with goldtone hardware, which retails at $50, and filled with a trio of travel size evian sprays (over $70.00 total value).

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Your True Colours

Get Real with Mark and Kally On Your True Colors Image Radio Wednesdays at 1:00 pm Central Time Zone

November 4th Pickles, The Ultimate Super Food, Fermented Foods

Not regular commercial pickles, we are talking about the ferment cucumbers that turn into delicious real pickles. Even ketchup used to be a health food, fermented tomatoes. Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, kombucha, pickles, sauerkraut, and other veggies are higher in nutrients and many contain Vitamin K2 which is important for your body. They optimize your immune system and help with detox. They replace the good bacteria in your gut. And fermented foods are much cheaper than buying supplements. Tune in to find out how and why fermented foods can help you. Side note, one of my great uncles was a medical doctor, he always made sauerkraut for Thanksgiving - to help. .

November 11th - World Peace Through Inner Peace

November 11th, formerly known as Armistice Day, was originally set up as a United States legal holiday to honor the end of World War I, which officially took place on November 11, 1918. An Act approved on May 13, 1938 made the 11th of November a day dedicated to the cause of world peace and to honor the veterans of WWI. The Act was amended in 1954 and Armistice Day was changed to Veteran's Day to honor all American Veterans of all wars. Tune in for tips and tools for veterans suffering with PTSD and more. And we'll have some thoughts on how we all can contribute to world peace.

November 18th - The Very Hungry Caterpillar Most people find themselves gaining 5 to 10 pounds over the holidays. This is due in part to a belief that you will and abandoning all your healthy eating habits. During the holidays your stress levels may increase and that can contribute to weight gain as well. Tune in for your tips on avoiding the holiday bulge.

No show on November 25th Photos courtesy of Maggie Smith (pickles) and watiporn (turkey) at

Vol. 2 Issue 8

Your True Colours

R3 non-profit foundation exists to abolish modern-day slavery through a collaboration of resources necessary to reach, rescue, and redeem those affected by human trafficking. This mission is accomplished by partnering with community leaders, faith-based organizations, and government agencies who provide support through: - advocacy and awareness - rescue and transition - rehabilitation and the restoration of freedom

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Vol. 2 Issue 8

Your True Colours

A Professional Organizer's Four Step System to Make a Paper Pile Disappear By Becky Edwards

Photos by Becky Edwards

I don't love paperwork. Do you? Even though I used to be a professional organizer, I still feel overwhelmed by a pile of papers. So here is a little system I've developed to make processing papers as fast, pleasant, and painless as possible.

Step one: Gather stuff. Gather all the lose papers into one pile or bin. To keep me from getting distracted, I actually like putting the paper pile right on my lap. • Have your calendar and to-do list handy. • To make sorting as fast as possible, I suggest making a few little signs that you can use over and over. Below are the signs that work for me, which I made from 4x6" index cards cut in half. •

To file o Dad's nightstand o

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Enter into planner Projects to do soon My nightstand Bookcase Other room

Step two: Sort your papers into piles using your handy dandy signs. I suggest some upbeat Because my desk is in my bedroom, the foot of my bed is a convenient music for this place to sort papers. process, like Alex Boye or something else uplifting and fun. •

If a task can be done in just a minute or two on the spot, like sending a quick email or paying a quick bill, you may choose to go ahead and do it now rather than adding it to a pile. •

Step three: Take each pile and put it away quickly. What you DON'T want is for those piles to stick around and clutter up your space again. If you If you have a bunch of papers to file, rather than wasting time opening and closing file drawers over and over, you can take a little time to sort those into drawers first, which makes filing go much more quickly. In fact, next time I may use these signs as I sort the whole paper pile.

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Your True Colours

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Your True Colours

Make a Paper Pile Disappear (Continued) Step four: Add any items onto your calendar or to-do list. Here is what my paper planner looks like inside, both my monthly calendar and my current task list. I created these charts to fit my life. I also use blank pages to write a todo list for the week or day, but with my current life full of seminary teaching, homeschooling, and blogging, I don't write those that often. Sometimes I use a hole punch to insert a paper right into my planner. If you need to store papers that go with a task or project on your list, you can store them in a manila current project folders. I have manila folders for each of my current projects using the paper trays on my desk, as seen in the picture below, with these labels: In. This top tray is where I gather papers until time to process them. • Seminary teaching stuff. My manual, class roster, and so on. • Education. A folder for the various school programs my children participate in. • Other projects. A manila folder for each of the current projects I'm working on: food storage inventory, food storage meal plan, stuff to mail my missionary son, handouts to give to the sisters I visit teach. The manila folders in this tray change over time as projects in my life change. You might want a folder or tray for financial papers like bills, coupons, ads, and your budget. Or one for a church calling or community leadership position. Or one for a vacation you're planning. This •

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Vol. 2 Issue 8

Make a Paper Pile Disappear (Continued) little system is really handy because you know where to find and put away your most important papers.

Now, take a step back, look at your clean desk and SMILE. My dream is to be so on top of things that I daily process papers that come in, and never let them pile up again. But for now, my four step system works great.

One more tip is to prevent papers from coming into your home in the first place. Sort the mail and other papers by a trash can and/or recycler. Then what you place in your in-tray will be less and more manageable. • See how many bills you can switch to auto-pay. • Prevent bills and statements from coming in the mail by switching to paperless email statements. Then create a folder to file those away within your email system. • Unsubscribe from as many email or mailing lists as you can. If you have certain email lists you want to see sometimes but not all the time, create an automatic filter to hold onto those emails in a certain folder. Gmail makes this easy. •

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Fun to Make Jewelry

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 8

Detachment for Surviving Addiction By Michelle Ferris


What is Detachment? Detachment is letting another person experience their consequences instead of taking responsibility for their problems. It's focusing on yourself rather than rescuing them. This concept helps whenever you are trying to change or stop someone's behavior. Detachment doesn't mean you stop caring. It means lovingly letting go of solving the problems associated with the addiction. This means not participating in the chaos. Whether it's missing work, neglecting personal commitments and self- care, leave the alcoholic's problems alone.

Trying to control By taking responsibility for the addict's behavior, you prevent them from experiencing consequences that could lead to hitting bottom. Sadly, there are no guarantees of sobriety but detaching can restore sanity in your home. There is an overwhelming fear that if you detach, the addict will die. This intense powerlessness is the hardest part. There's an Al-Anon saying, "You didn't cause it, you can't control it and you can't cure it."

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You're not responsible for the addict's behavior. It takes a lot effort to let them have their consequences. With the right support, it gets easier. In this article you'll learn valuable tools to minimize the impact of addiction.

Detaching can help with: • • • •

Active addiction Non-violent acting out behavior Annoying habits and embarrassing behavior Situations you want to control but can't

Examples of detachment • • • • • •

Not making excuses for them Letting them handle their own problems Not riding in a car with them when drinking Removing yourself and children before they become violent Stop provoking arguments (or responding) to get them to stop Realize that trying to change someone causes more suffering

What makes detaching so difficult? • Assuming something bad will happen • Thinking you know how to fix it • Feeling overly responsible for the outcome • Not trusting that anything will change • Not having the support or tools to practice it

The pain of addiction When you try controlling the addiction, problems often get worse - for you. The addict thinks everything is fine and doesn't see a problem. This happens N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 5 | 30

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Vol. 2 Issue 8

Detachment for Surviving Addiction (Continued) because the brain gets hijacked by the substance and impacts the ability to think and make decisions. These physiological changes make it impossible for the addict to see what's happening to them. Alcoholism is a disease not a moral issue. Once the addict uses the addictive substance, they are no longer at choice. The stress of trying to control the addiction is exhausting. Anxiety, depression, excessive people pleasing, poor self-care and feeling like a "human doing" are signs of families with addiction.

If they'd only stop using, everything would be okay, right? The problem is that no matter what you do, it doesn't get the addict/alcoholic sober. Even if they stop drinking, the problems are still there. It takes working a recovery program for healing to occur.

How to start Recovery may include substance abuse treatment, individual & family counseling and 12 step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. It's common for the families get help before the addict. Not forcing treatment gives the addict the dignity to decide on his own. Hiring a professional to conduct an intervention is a great way to get additional support when the addict is out of control. If you are tired of being sick and tired know that there is help. One wonderful resource is It's a free support group that supports families struggling with addiction.

Tips on detaching • • • • • •

Silence helps. Before speaking ask yourself, how important is it? Recognize that helping doesn't work. Do something for YOURSELF instead. Go to the movies, go exercise, distract yourself! Refrain from giving advice or getting in the way of their use. Leave the room if you have to. It will save your sanity in the long run. Keep children safe by minimizing exposure when necessary.

Al-Anon also has groups for young children effected by addiction. If you are not comfortable in groups, that's okay. Talking about what's happened is painful and embarrassing. Seeking individual or family counseling can give you a safe place to get started. N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 5 | 31

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How would detachment help your situation? Please email me, I'd love to hear from you.

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10 Big Life Lessons I Learned from Divergent By Tom Corson-Knowles


1. FOLLOW YOUR HEART At the Choosing Ceremony, Tris decides to go for Dauntless, even though she knows her parents will be disappointed. In life, when you have to make a choice between disappointing others and following your heart, go with your heart. You may feel ashamed when you follow your heart because it may disappoint others, but it’s better to face shame for a short period of time than to face regret for the rest of your life. If the people you disappoint really love you, they will forgive you eventually. If they don’t forgive you, they weren’t worth sacrificing your dreams for anyway.

2. IT’S OKAY GOOD TO BE DIFFERENT Everyone was so concerned with fitting in and being seen as a good member of their faction that they forgot who they really were. Just like office politics, when you spend all your time trying to fit in and be seen as a good person, you stop focusing on what’s really important in life: doing good work and contributing to your family, community, company, country and world. The people who are ultimately most loved and adored by others are those who avoid politics and “trying to fit in” and instead get straight to work trying to help people and make the world a better place. It’s good to be different and embrace your true needs, desires and interests. Don’t give it all up trying to fit in.

3. EVERYONE IS AFRAID. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE ACT IN SPITE OF FEAR Every Dauntless initiate had to go through their fear landscape and learn to face their fears. In real life, if you’re feeling scared or unsure about yourself, simply realize that everyone else is afraid, too. N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 5 | 33

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Look around next time you’re in public, and you’ll see a whole lot of people who are scared out of their minds. Afraid to fail. Afraid to succeed. Afraid to start a business. Afraid to write that book… Everyone has fears. Courage isn’t living a life without fear, or living with less fears than anyone else like Four. Courage is the ability to face your fears and take action anyway. Most often, our fear is a sign we ought to learn to use as a tool to drive us forward and break through to a whole new level instead of using it as an excuse to give up or quit.

4. THE FASTEST WAY TO LOSE IS TO QUIT. IF YOU REALLY WANT SOMETHING, NEVER GIVE UP Al commits suicide by jumping into the chasm after attacking Tris and feeling sorry for himself. He was behind in the rankings and instead of using that feedback as fuel to get better and work harder, he gave in to his fears and decided to quit. He failed not because he could not succeed, but because he was unwilling to keep going when things got tough. The fastest way to lose in life is to simply give up and quit. Instead, when you feel like giving up, when life knocks you down, when you’re battered and bruised and feeling weak, make a commitment to keep going until you succeed. The only way to permanently fail in life is to give

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Life Lessons I Learned from Divergent (Continued) up. Those who ultimately achieve success in life are the ones who give more when things get tough instead of giving up.

5. LABELS WE GIVE PEOPLE AREN’T TRUE. THEY ARE JUST MADE UP Labels we give to others are all just made up. Dauntless are supposed to be brave and fight well. Erudite are supposed to be smart and study hard. Abnegation are supposed to be selfless servants. Amity are supposed to be peaceful and foster harmony. Candor are supposed to be honest no matter what. In the real world, these values are not black and white. Instead, how we act and how we are perceived by others is often situation-dependent. If you walk up to a lady and compliment her on her well-behaved child, she will probably smile and be friendly. If you walk up to hear and start screaming, she will probably withdraw and turn away. Same woman, different situation, different behavior. You can’t say based on her reaction that she is kind or rude. She is both. It just depends on the situation. If you want to be more courageous, put yourself in situations where you must practice courage. If you want to be more kind and loving, practice being kind and loving and put yourself in situations where you can do that. If you’re trying to be a positive, happy person but you’re surrounded by complainers and negative people all day, it’s going to be tough. It’s not that you were “born a negative person.” It’s that you’re in a situation that makes it harder or you to be positive. Put yourself in the right kind of situations where you can succeed and be the kind of person you really want to be.

6. PEOPLE WHO WIN BIG SEE THE WORLD DIFFERENTLY. TAKE THE TIME TO SEE THINGS FROM A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE During the game of capture the flag, Tris climbs up the ferris wheel to get a better view of the field of play. Was it scary climbing up a hundred feet? Of course! But sometimes you have to do something new, different and scary if you want to achieve your goals in life. N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 5 | 35

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No one said life had to be easy. But there’s no excuse to just sit around and argue instead of getting to work and working on what’s most important right now in your life. If you want to win big, you have to start by looking at the world differently. Seek out new information. Try something different. Ask questions others are afraid to ask. If you find yourself thinking exactly like everyone else around you, it’s time to start thinking and seeing the world differently.

7. TEST RESULTS DON’T MEAN ANYTHING IN THE REAL WORLD Just like the test results Tris got in the Aptitude Test, tests in school and college should all be labeled “inconclusive.” Not because everyone is the same – we’re not. We all have different strengths and skills. Rather, tests should be labeled inconclusive in school because they don’t measure anything that matters for the vast majority of people. Tests simply measure a particular kind of knowledge at a particular point in time (and the ability to communicate it according to the rules of the test). Test results measure nothing about the future, your potential or your worth as a human being. Many famous billionaires, entrepreneurs and successful artists dropped out of school or failed out of school. In the real world, what counts is what you do and how you do it. A test you took yesterday, last year, or 20 years ago has absolutely no bearing on what you choose to do right now. And what you choose to do is what will determine how successful you are in the real world.

8. THERE’S ALWAYS ANOTHER CHOICE. THE WORLD IS NOT BLACK AND WHITE During the aptitude test, Tris simply made different choices than anyone else did. That’s why she was Divergent. Not because she was blessed with some special DNA or because she studied harder than anyone else. What made her special was simply the choices she made. If you ever feel like you only have one or two choices in life about what to do in a tough situation, learn to take a step back and realize that there is always another way to get what you want and need. Life is not black and white. There’s a huge gray area. Yes, it can be scary to wander around that gray area, but that’s usually where all the really cool things in life happen.

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Life Lessons I Learned from Divergent (Continued) If you feel trapped and can’t imagine any other options, lock the door to your room, turn off your phone, Destroy Your Distractions, and grab a pen and piece of paper. Start brainstorming and writing down new ideas. You’ll be amazed what you can come up with in a few minutes of concentrated thought without distractions.

9. MOST PEOPLE’S PROGRAMMING SUCKS. IT YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY, CREATE YOUR OWN RULES In Divergent, almost every Dauntless soldier is turned into a robot thanks to the serum. They’re programmed to kill and destroy and lose all conscious awareness and decision-making skills. Sure, it’s literally straight out of a science fiction novel, but the truth is most people in the real world just follow their programming, too. “Go to school. Get a good job. Keep your head down. Don’t think too much. Work hard. Everything will turn out okay…” This is the kind of societal and cultural programming that keeps most people in line, always following the herd. If you want to achieve something wonderful with your life and truly follow your dreams, you have to be willing to say “no” to the everyday programming most people take for granted. Find your own path. People may laugh at you for being different, but you’ll be laughing your whole way through life doing things most people are too afraid to do and enjoying experiences most people won’t allow themselves to experience.

10. SOMETIMES SACRIFICE IS WORTH IT The most disappointing part of Divergent is the end. If you haven’t read it yet or seen the movie, I’ll try not to spoil it for you. But Tris makes a huge sacrifice, and in doing so makes the world a better place for everyone. Sometimes putting the needs of those you love and care about most in front of your own is the best thing to do, even if it means you have to make some big sacrifices. N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 5 | 37

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In the end, life is better if you can share it with those you love. If you can look back on your life at the end and say, “I did everything I could to help those around me live a better, happier life,” that will truly be a life well lived.

P.S. Want to sell more books online? Not sure how to market yourself and build your author platform? If so, click here to grab my free report on 10 Ways to Sell More Books Online right now. Tom’s bestselling books include Secrets of the Six-Figure Author, The Kindle Publishing Bible, Facebook For Business Owners, How To Make Money With Twitter and The Kindle Writing Bible, among others.

Tom is often quoted as saying, “You can achieve all of your dreams through publishing ebooks if you’re willing to master the three key areas of authorship: writing, publishing and marketing.”

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Morning Moments With Maia Conversations of love and laughter‌

Sunday November 1st, 2015 9am EST

Sporty King- President, R. King & Associates on The Power of WORDS (What Others Remember & Digest Strengthens Spirits)

Sunday November 8thth, 2015

9am EST

Carla Ulbrich- Musical Comedian/ Keynote Speaker at The Singing Patient on Humor, Catastrophic Illness and Healthcare

Sunday November 15th, 2015

9am EST

Allison Brown Pompey and Andrea Brown on Motherhood; The Real Story Sunday November 22nd, 20159am EST

Melissa Mork- Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Northwestern -St. Paul on Humor and Parenting

Sunday November 29th, 2015 9am EST Penny Willmering, Director and Professor of Rehabilitation Science at Arkansas Tech University, and Jennipher Wiebold, Associate Professor and Coordinator of Rehabilitation Counseling at Western Michigan University on Humor and Disability

Your True Colours Image Radio Mondays at 10:00am CDT

Varied guests, usually from the magazine! All shows can be heard at any time, all on demand. Ran Andrews Our recent Spotlight Artist, from Canada, eclectic works of art that goes from the wall to décor to clothing. Guests to check in throughout the month of November are Qamar Titus, meet this wonderful woman who has a ministry in Pakistan with her husband, Samson. Learn about their school, Daniel’s School and how Titus is empowering women in Pakistan. We will also talk with Nick Bryant, entertainer featured last month. Meet Dominick Domasky as he talks about his book, The Unofficial Guide to Fatherhood. We will also talk to Alzerina, the cover girl for this month’s issue. We will take Thanksgiving week off, however, the shows are still available on demand.

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Vol. 2 Issue 8

Is It Time for Your Marketing to Make You Money? By Daphne Wells


If you’re like most of the business owners I speak to, you often wonder to yourself: Why am I not getting enough clients to buy from me? Why do I keep getting the wrong clients, the complaining ones, you know who I mean? Why am I getting such poor results in my business? It’s keeping you awake at night wondering: What am I doing wrong? What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I make it work? There’s gotta be something I can do to make it better. There must be something wrong with me. And, ultimately you wonder why you’re failing to generate the revenue and profits you expected from your business. If I told you that you had to generate a minimum of 10 brand new leads over the next two days, how would you go about doing it? Are you like many of the business owners I speak to? Their answers typically are that they would run an ad in the paper, make some calls or sent out an email. And that’s exactly why small businesses have such a high failure rate. You see, sending out emails, driving prospects to a website, making phone calls, running an ad – they’re all just tactics. I call this ‘spray and pray’ marketing. You spray it out there and pray it will get a result, make you some sales, make you some money. But does it? How often does your advertising make you money? How often does it pay for itself? Think of your marketing and advertising as a staff member. Does it earn the money you pay for it? If it doesn’t then you need to make some changes.

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Let's pretend you're a chiropractor and you've just spent more than $10,000 on radio advertising. Cos the rep visited you and convinced you that was the magic answer to your problems. You spent an entire weekend with an audio crew in your office interviewing your staff, explaining your facility, and getting the entire production just right for prime time over the airwaves. And after all that work, effort and expense, you ran the ads for several weeks; your phone only rang 15 times, and those ads resulted in producing just one single patient at $1,900. How would you feel after investing $10,000 and winding up with a net loss of $8,100 you will never get back - not to mention all the time, effort and energy you wasted? But let me ask you this. What if you could take just $1300 of that marketing budget and, just by changing what your radio ad says, instead of getting just 15 calls resulting in only one sale, you could generate 137 calls, close 37 of those calls into brand new paying patients, each worth an average of $2500, and you pocket a cool $92,500 for your trouble? That’d feel better, right? That's what's called getting more results and making more money for the same time, the same money and the same effort spent. What if we could systematically do this for you, like we did for the chiropractor? Most business owners don't understand the tremendous untapped potential that lies within their marketing. Almost all businesses today spend some money on marketing and advertising and then decide that whatever results they get from that marketing is probably about as good as it's going to get. They realize that their results can fluctuate up and down, but they never imagine that results like the chiropractor, where they got 137 calls instead of 15, is even remotely possible.

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Marketing to Make You Money (Continued) One of the secrets that you need to know so you can get clients easily is that the key to building a successful business is implementing a successful strategy for your business that drives a boatload of highly qualified leads to your business. Strategy is key. And what I find is that few if any small business owners have any type of marketing strategy whatsoever. The key to effective marketing is to master the strategic side not the tactical. What you say in your marketing and how you say it, are almost always more important than the marketing medium where you say it. Both are important of course, but the real leverage is in the messaging itself and that's the strategic side of marketing. In fact, when a marketing campaign bombs, the tendency is almost always to blame the marketing medium like the TV or radio station, which is the tactical part of the plan, without any regard to how good or bad the strategy behind that marketing piece was. Strategic marketing is the content of your message. It's what you say and how you say it, including the concepts that you choose to focus on, the words and images you use to communicate those concepts, and the tone in which the message is delivered. It’s the story your marketing tells as it guides your prospective customers along their buyer’s journey. Tactical marketing has to do with the execution of the strategic marketing such as placing ads, building a website, attending trade shows and things like that. Typically most business owners just pick a tactic they think will make them money. Or the latest and greatest place or way to advertise as sold to them by the advertising rep. Then they scratch their head when the phone doesn’t ring, the emails don’t show up or no one walks into their store. Typically when I talk with a business owner I can easily find them a minimum of $10,000 hiding in their business within just 45 minutes of talking with them. Usually I find way, way more than that. Most businesses don't understand the tremendous untapped potential that lies within their marketing. Grab my FREE eBook “Bring them to me now, baby! How to attract all the clients your business can handle” at You can also book a free session with me there!

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“My way to the RefresHer Retreat was graciously paid for anonymously. I do not have a job but searching. I came broken and struggling. I was challenged by Latrice Ryan and every time I felt like I might not make it through, another Awesome Woman. (a complete stranger to me) would be there to strengthen and love on me. The sincere transparency, sincere love and devotion I found there has changed me and I now enjoy the friendships I've made with so many of them. Thank you Tina Tatum for such an intimate vision to touch the hearts of others,� Angela Smith

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RefresHer 2015 By Carolyn Bendall

Photos by Cherokee Rose Photography

THE EVERYDAY WORLD BEARS DOWN ON ALL OF US, EVEN WHEN WE ATTEND CHURCH EACH SABBATH DAY. IT CAN STILL GET US DOWN. Every now and then we just need a complete rejuvenation. RefresHER 2015 was the answer for several women as Summer ended and the crisp Fall weather began to create the change in the leaves, and in the everyday lives of those in attendance. Going into the busy holiday season can be exhausting without a brief renewal. Tina Tatum, minister over several ministries, presented the RefresHER event to accomplish just that for these ladies. Choosing the right place for an event like this is crucial, something not so far that most of one’s time is spent in travel; yet, close enough to run away from the boisterous city. Opening the event, Tatum told each of the attendees to think back to the ‘Joshua Stones’ and challenged each one to keep in mind that there are things that we all need to take with “My heart and spirit were renewed and us from the retreat, and as contemplation of the transformed by the sweet, tender, intimate weekend occurred on the last day note what the moments with my Abba Father. Throughout the weekend and since, I keep one thing you have gained, and write it on the hearing Him whispering into my stones. What are you doing to give the living spirit…”Baby-girl, I’m here.” Mary gospel to others, Tatum asked, put it on the McCammon,

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RefresHER 2015 (Continued) Living Stones, our ‘Joshua Stones’. Tatum then quoted from Ephesians, chapter 4, “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” Evangelist Latrice Ryan ( started with the book of Matthew, Chapter 11, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” She noted that before one can rest, you have to get rid of the left overs so the good can come in. “Release the past,” she said, “Retreat after you release!” If you stay, you will refill yourself with what you just released. The enemy is attacking us with psychological warfare, “48 will say you are great, and 2 will say you aren’t; then we focus on the 2!” Rest equals peace in your mind, peace from the warfare in your mind. She reiterated to the congregation that “if God could take Adam’s mate out of him while he slept; what can he take out of you while you sleep? Place it all in His hands through prayer, then rest, sleep.” Release It. Retreat It. Reset It. The evening was filled with bonding through fellowship, getting to know each and each other’s burdens. Then, to ready each one for the rest needed after a full day, Tatum introduced ‘Midnight Oil’. Candace Luther, Praise minister for The Vine in Downtown Memphis, provided music to reflect. Music brings the Spirit, and brings rest. Those who chose to attend the Midnight Oil session were edified, yet, stilled

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Evangelist LaTrice Ryan presents an energetic sermon at RefresHER 2015. Photo by Sherri Henley

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RefresHER 2015 (Continued) with the calm of knowing they were on their way to release, retreat, reset, and refresh. Sherri Henley was the keynote speaker for the next day presenting her newly released book, “Come Into Your Own in 31 Days”. She presented the complete experience explaining the need for taking each day in the book into our lives, to present a change. “10 years from now you will still own what is inside of you, it may not be pretty. We are used by God to deliver His message, have you embraced that moment?” Henley challenged each person there to put the past in the past, and prepare for the future. “We must own our choices, even if it is a detour on our journey. We have to then find our way back to our journey.” She also noted that “if you don’t learn from experiences, then you can’t minister to others who might be going through the same experience.” The day moved forward with breakout sessions presented by experts in nutrition, wellness, image, and fitness. Starr Collins discussed health and natural energy, her bullet points:

Sherri Henley, keynote speaker, related her own experience of being recently divorced, in a one bedroom house, unfurnished except for borrowed sleeping bags, with her 3 year old daughter and her 7 year old son. They sold sunglasses just to pay the rent. Further noting that we can’t minister to others until we overcome it ourselves.

• Recommended reading, 10 Day Detox by Mark Hyman • Recommended video on youtube, “The American Parasite” • Our bodies are addicted to sugar • Know what turns to sugar; eat to fuel your body • Beware of artificial sweeteners • Shop the outside of the grocery store, whole foods and lean meats • Raw nuts instead of energy bars

Denise Silas discussed having a refreshed look. Her bullet points: • •

If your hair style hasn’t changed in 5 years, it is time for a change Sometimes changing your lipstick color will give you a completely new look and feel.

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Candace Luther and Sherri Henley provided worship through Praise throughout the retreat.

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RefresHER 2015 (Continued) • • •

Find your lost time in your schedule, and identify what you need to do to refresh you; is it a bubble bath, or just 15 minutes for a mask or a microdermabrasion. Celebrate life events, meet with extended family at least once a year. Set up date night, make it happen.

Linda Lynn discussed natural health. Her bullet points: • • • •

Sense of smell is the sense we react to the quickest. Lavendar on the pillow, wrist and bottom of the foot will refresh. Lemon calms Touch and gentle massage can open up our muscles.

Juanita Barber discussed faith and fitness, her bullet points: •

She discussed her experience with blood clots in her lungs

• After a quick review of easy to do exercise, she explained her sessions that she now does as a ministry at no cost to those who attend that are wanting to make a change in their lives. Juanita Barber presents on fitness during breakout sessions.

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Tina Tatum returned to deliver the sermon for the evening. She warned against having one foot in one season and one foot in another season. She said the Church can’t change with the climate of the nation, so be sure you are in the right season. She referenced Ephesians 1, “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints”. She then said, “Satan’s deceptions, or God’s solutions, who do you listen to? Satan takes the young and destroys their intimacy to destroy their life. The Word can fix it.” The enemy whispers, Tatum said, “Did God really say that? He makes you question everything.” She went on to explain, “It doesn’t matter the season, the leaves will be green when the river flows. God doesn’t mend, he makes whole. Wherever the waters flow will be made whole.”

“RefresHer,was an answer to a prayer. I was feeling like my light was going out and I needed to be revived and I got the inbox from Tina , and after I got out of my way I went, it was what I needed I have not felt that free in a long time. Thank you Tina for being obedient. Looking forward to next year,” Donna Johnson.

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She then left the congregation with the question, “What’s flowing in your life? Is it the river of God? Or is it the river of Denial, which we sometimes allow to flow through our heart.” Release. Retreat. Reset. Refresh.

"Living Stones"

Qamar Titus closed out the conference discussing the Ten14 Ministries in Pakistan.

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What makes a band of nine fathers want to write a book on fatherhood? They felt the need to share their struggles and successes. In a medley of stories, opinions and advice, the authors take you on a journey of men who don't hold back their enthusiasm of being proud fathers. You will find moments of joy, sadness, and triumph. Whether you are a father, a mother, son, daughter, extended family member or caregiver, there is something in this book for you! It will kindle your excitement to send a message of love.

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Anything is Possible By Dominick Domasky


AND UNDERSTOOD THE PRINCIPLE, “ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.” My dad shared an inspirational book

with me that opened my world to the importance of persistence. If I could pass on one thing I’ve learned to my children that would change their lives, it would be to always believe that anything is possible. Possibility isn’t determined by your genetics or where you were yesterday. Realizing your unlimited possibility is determined by your effort and your belief in yourself during times of adversity. When doubt creeps in and your goals seem too big, remember in this world, anything is possible.

No matter the obstacle, remember anything is possible. Let the small child know that Spud Webb is a 5’7” guy that won the NBA slam dunk contest. For the struggling mother remind them J.K. Rowling suffered years of poverty before catching her big break and becoming a billionaire and best–selling author. Believing anything is possible led Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and many other business titans to forgo conventional wisdom, drop out of school, and start businesses that lead them to immense wealth. All of these success stories believed in themselves, and they believed with hard work and effort anything was possible. Regardless of the obstacles they faced, these courageous examples persisted and fought on, and time after time they succeeded. To my son, please know diabetes doesn’t have to limit you: Walt Frazier, a diabetic, won the NBA Championship, “Smokin’” Joe Frazier was the heavyweight champion. Jay Cutler has one of the strongest arms in the NFL and quarterbacks the Chicago Bears. Ty Cobb was one of the greatest baseball players of all time and David Wells, a diabetic, played for your favorite team, the New York Yankees. Nothing should ever limit you. To my daughter, I want you to understand Walt Disney who created so many of your favorite princesses failed over and

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over, in fact he was once fired by a newspaper for lacking imagination. Dr. Seuss, the famous author who wrote our favorite Christmas time story The Grinch Who Stole Christmas was rejected by twenty–seven publishers with his first book. And last but not least, your favorite singer, Katy Perry had numerous recording failures. Her early music was never released and she had multiple music deals fall through.

I myself have been punched, broke, cut from the team, and wanted by the law. But I believed then and I believe now that I someday will do great things. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not there yet, but if I follow the words of my father and work hard, I could be. If I take his words and combine them with the amazing accomplishments I have witnessed from the courageous who live by this credo, how could I not have a recipe for success to pass on to my children? My dad began pulling my daughter aside when she was just a toddler and started baiting her into repeating the phrase “Can’t is not in my vocabulary.” She was too young to understand what the phrase meant at the time, but what if what started as a bribe seeped into her subconscious. What a gift for my dad to plant in his granddaughter’s young mind. How fortunate she is to be learning at a young age “she can,” when others dwell in “can not’s.” My heart breaks when I see children who do not believe. Why? Because they are too young to even understand all that they are capable of. At fifteen years old, my dreams were of bright rims on my car, and I was guilty of thinking too small. As you journey through life there will be times when you wonder if anyone believes in you. Don’t let the doubters influence what you know is possible, because we know the secret: anything is possible. Remember these pages, breathe deep, be courageous, and go for it; don’t limit yourself to the small. It’s never too late to chase your dreams because in this world anything is possible. If my daughter, Maddie, decides she wants to be the President and my son, Cameron, a pro–wrestler then they will be. When you believe in yourself and endless possibility, my children, and you, can have it all.

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Your True Colours

Courage Over Lunch

Creating Courage through moving forward in your goals and creating the courage needed to stand in a world of doubt.

Online meetings held once a month, $12.00 each session; includes worksheets needed for the goals to be accomplished that month. November 10, 2015: From the Life Image Workbook, one goal under You and one goal under Thankful. $12 includes worksheets, but not the Life Image Workbook. Worksheets will be emailed. December 8, 2015: From the Life Image Workbook, one goal under Record, and one goal of your choosing, bring your Life Image Workbook. $12 includes worksheets, but not Life Image Workbook. Worksheets will be emailed. To purchase:

Meetings held in person in Memphis TN, for more information: Life Image Workbooks may be purchased separately at the Your True Colours store, too. N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 5 | 57

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How to come into your OWN is a discovery process with many moving parts. Allowing these parts to move in sync and strategically carry out the evolutionary process of embracing oneself, for better or for worse…is a journey. Operative… Words Thoughts Deeds Actions... …move you toward or away from owning many aspects of your… Life Property Feelings Relationships Spirituality Business... will ultimately decide the direction your actions will lead. Come Into Your OWN will walk you through a 31 day experience based on a holistic philosophy of taking ownership of ones past and present to gain focus for the future.

Founder & CEO of Business Over Coffee International (BOCI), Sherri Henley has mastered the art of being a digital citizen. In addition to effectively managing one of the world’s fastest growing online business networks, she hosts regular radio & television programs on BOCI RadioBOCI TV and The Sherri Henley Intelligence channel. Recently named as one of author, Germaine Moody’s 50 Favorite People. Sherri serves as the program director for the BOCI Professional Boost Program, a mentoring initiative to invest in up & coming professionals and entrepreneurs.

Vol. 2 Issue 8

Your True Colours

CourageMakers: Qamar Titus Photos from Qamar Titus’ Facebook pages

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

I was 7 years old, up late with my mother, watching her as she wrote a letter to my father. She did so every night without fail, as he was studying and working in France to support the family. Some nights I would watch her, and talk to her. On this particular night we were sitting outside, and during this time I was able to witness something special. One of God’s earthly wonders you may say. There was a small flower near us that I witnessed go from bud to bloom, a truly astonishing experience. Throughout my life I have remembered this moment time and time again; thinking how just like that flower bud, I bloomed. Growing both spiritually and as a leader, learning each and every day just how strong the Lord has made me and what his true calling for me is. Just like the small flower, I had blossomed and opened more and more with each coming day and new experience. I grew up in a small village in Pakistan,came to United States with my family in 1983 lived here for a couple of years even after moving back I kept coming back to the U.S. for education

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purposes. In 1989 my parents decided it was time to seek a marriage partner for me. Though I was in America at the time, I had full faith that God would send the perfect person to my parents. In Pakistan it is custom for the parents to arrange a marriage for their children. The partner they had found for me was truly a God sent because he had the same passions, and knew many things about the people we helped. Samson, who was also raised by Christian parents, was very different than the average Pakistani men, as he helped me to be the true leader I am today. Children at the Daniel School.

My husband Samson and I minister to the Bheel people in Southern Pakistan. He makes extended trips to Pakistan to oversee the ministry as I manage the ministry office in the States as well as travel to preach and teach across America. I had the opportunity to co-host a Christian radio show on a local secular South Asian station in Dallas, TX. I would help to prepare the program, but also minister to live callers, with prayer, and encouragement. We have three children, our eldest Ruhama (24) is married, Rebecca (20) attending Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas and Daniel (16) a sophomore in High School in Grand Prairie, TX

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Vol. 2 Issue 8

CourageMakers: Qamar Titus (Continued) Pakistan is my home country, where a woman’s worth is not much. It takes two women to testify in court whereas only one man’s testimony is considered sufficient. Does that make me half as good as a man? There are many cultural issues preventing women from becoming who they are meant to be and reaching their full potential. Educational opportunities are limited, as many good schools are located in large cities. Many parents might allow their sons to go to a boarding school or study abroad for higher education, but will not send their daughters. A limited number of families allow their daughters to receive an education. However, it is a very male dominated society; women are not able to seek employment outside the home due to family, religious or cultural restrictions. Limitations like

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this prohibit women from applying their degrees and higher education, even after all the struggles they go through to obtain them.

I would like to address women in the west; we have the freedom, independence and resources to be whoever or whatever we choose to be and yet so many of us are holding back. I believe what holds us back is fear…and yet when we are believers of Jesus Christ, He gives us the spirit of love and of sound mind and not fear. Put all your fears aside may it be the fear of unknown, may be rejection or whatever other fears you may have, bring them before the Lord and ASK HIM to give you the strength to go forth. It says in the word “you have not because you ask not” take the promises of God in His word like’ “For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:8) As you can see from my story, I came from very humble beginnings; a small village in Pakistan. How the Lord provided opportunities to mold and shape me into the leader I am today, so I may be able to advance His kingdom. I’ve seen God’s hand in my life many times, as different situations and circumstances came. Not all were good, but the Lord worked it out for our good. The promise is not that all things will be good, but “ALL good or bad things will work together for our good as we called according to His purpose. My utmost desire is to see women spiritually uplifted across the globe so they may be able to reach their God given destiny and fulfill His purpose in their lives. I pray that first you may come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and secondly you may know the freedom we have in Christ to reach our maximum potential.

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 8

Cool Skin Tones: Katerina Musetti

Jewelry is the one piece (aside from scarves) that really must be within your colour palette. It might be the item that you are using to detract from an outfit that has colors that are not in your palette.

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 8

Warm Skin Tones: Katerina Musetti

Sometimes the piece will have colors from both the warm and coeol palette, you will bring out the one that is correct for your palette. If it is orange and pink and you are warm, you will bring out the orange; or vice versa. Your lipstick and other makeup should reflect the color that is within your color palette always, regardless of what you may be wearing.

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Protecting Heirlooms By Lynn McDonald

Photos by Allstate Facebook Page


where you remember leaving it.

And equal to the joy of receiving it can be the pain in losing it. Jewelry can be stolen or sometimes misplaced. There is a terrible feeling you get when you cannot find the cherished item because it is not

Most property insurance policies do provide jewelry coverage but usually for a small amount ($1000 is very common) for theft. But there are two things that can happen to jewelry just a devastating as theft and if you have the right kind of jewelry coverage, you will be able to replace the jewelry. If you don't have the RIGHT coverage, you are on your own. Jewelry coverage would need to be added to your Renters Insurance Policy or Condo, or Home Owner policy. In general, insurance companies offer two types of jewelry coverage: Blanket or Scheduled. These two additional coverages are sometimes called "All Risk" but two things that either of these additional coverages provide is the loss of a stone, and "mysterious disappearance".

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Imagine gardening and looking down at your engagement ring and the stone is missing. If you have the right insurance, no problem. Or can you imagine taking off an expensive bracelet or watch while washing your hands in a public restroom and you absent mindedly walk off leaving the item behind. Five minutes later you discover your error only to find that the jewelry is gone. This is what insurance companies often call "mysterious disappearance". And it would be covered under one of the additional products that I've mentioned. The difference between these two offerings is that one is non-descriptive of individual items but instead is based on a total value of the items-thus the name "blanket". You could ask for $5,000, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, $25,000 or perhaps more depending on the insurance company. With scheduling, the insurance company will probably ask for an appraisal and ideally one prepared in the last 3 years. This may seem like an inconvenience, but the goal is to make sure the jewelry is being covered for an accurate amount. It is a fact that gold, silver, and diamond values have greatly increased in recent years. It would be disappointing to have added jewelry coverage but then underinsure the item where you would still not have enough money to replace it. The best advice is to check with your own insurance company. Your agent should be able to explain what jewelry coverage comes with the policy and what options you have to increase coverage. And then-DON'T PROCRASTICATE. You will enjoy your jewelry even more when you know it is properly insured. Erin McDonald Insurance


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Your True Colours

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Win a Free Pair of Floating Earrings, Studs, or a $25 Gift Card from Emma Winston New York!

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Emma Winston's floating earrings create the illusion that diamonds are floating around your lobes. All the pieces in her collections are fashioned from the highest quality materials, represent the best in modern jewelry design, and are made to the highest standards, and all at appealing prices.

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Jadjus Jewelry

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Get Real Fashion Sense By Carolyn Bendall Paperback, 74 Pages Price: $14.98 Ships in 7 - 10 business days Learn how to create a workable wardrobe by using simple steps in color, personality, and body line.

Have you been told your style is ‘Dowdy’? Have you been told you should wear more makeup? Have you been told you just don’t dress up enough? This book is for you, and for the person that said that to you! Learn about Personality, Body Line, and Colour and how it applies to how you purchase and wear clothes.

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Your True Colours

Vol. 2 Issue 8

Boutiques, Trunk Shows, or a One Time Hostess: Alzerina is Expanding Through all Venues ALZERINA'S AFFINITY FOR SWAROVSKI



TO PARIS. After her first visit at Daniel

Swarovski she fell in love with the company, its products and the idea of becoming a successful jewelry designer on her own. Now residing in New York with her family, she has succeeded in this goal and is always expanding her ideas and trying to stay ahead of the trends. Alzerina was recently awarded the Congressional Certificate of Recognition by the U.S. Congress for her contribution to preserving Cape Verdean culture in the United States and for representing her adopted country's efforts at a trade show in her homeland where she taught workshops for local impoverished teens. She has also been asked to represent a U.S. initiative to help further entrepreneurial skills and marketplace capability for women in emerging African countries. Alzerina's elegant designs, enhanced by the use of Swarovski elements and her youthful Alzi line of contemporary bracelets, earrings and necklaces have been featured in numerous publications. She has gained a large following in the last few years and is working with Warner Brother Product placement, Disney Picture TV Show Liv and Maddie, and has worked with Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen 2011/12. Her jewelry has been adorned by Sharon Stone,

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Olivia Wilde, Tracy Bergman on the set of "the Young and the Restless," Carol Siva of Channel 12 News, actress Kathryn Winnick of "Vikings" and Rosanna Scotto of NY's Channel 5 News. She has sold in quantity through her own and other web sites. Last year she lit up Times Square when she was featured on the NBC electronic billboard overlooking NY's most famous tourist areas. With a base established Alzerina is now expanding. Her jewelry is sold on line, in boutiques and in hotels and resorts. She is now branching out to the trunk show with women who want to invite friends to see the jewelry first hand. She has had nearly 70 women that have taken advantage of the opportunity to earn commissions, and some of them have hosted a trunk show more than once. Alzerina feels that to get her jewelry in front more people she would rely on women to invite their friends, along the marketing efforts of her company, Alzerina herself or someone from the company (depending on scheduling) brings the jewelry to you. Based in New York, she has gone as far as Los Angeles and Chicago for trunk shows. Most of the trunk shows are in the Northeast area, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Providence RI, Boston, and New York City. Adding to the buzz of Alzerina’s jewelry, she recently appeared on ‘The View’ and is preparing for ‘The Talk’. The uniqueness of the jewelry, the beauty, and that it is made by hand, all in the USA, by her and others within her company leads the reasons for all the talk. She is developing her own version of the direct sale business, offering those interested to be able to purchase their own pieces wholesale and then presenting trunk shows within their own areas making commission and offering a slight commission to hostesses, if they choose.

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208 S Main St, Crown Point , Indiana 46307 (219) 741-8841 mink is a unique boutique that offers beautiful pieces of merchandise and jewelry at affordable prices. Best Known For: Beautiful pieces at beautiful prices Boutique Owner: Kristen La Rocca

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Professional Boost Program: Courtney CardonaSimpson CHEROKEE ROSE


are presently in the discovery and development process for her business wish-list and Courtney Cardona Simpson, before.

mentorship program. Mentors and sponsors include Dawn Raquel Jensen of Virtual Options, Lois Riley Durham of LRD Virtual Admin Service, Jackie Woodside of Calming the Chaos,Beverly Borwick of Beverly Borwick Designs, Tina Tatum of RefresHER2015 Conference, Carolyn Bendall of Your True Colours Magazine and CourageMakers, Alandas Dobbins of More Memphis, Dress for Success, Krystal Viglietti created an updated look for Simpson. Photo by BOCI

Krystal Viglietti Riley as Stylist and Makeover Artist, Jo Garner of Talk

Shoppe, Jana Cardona of The Referral University,Regional Director of BNI MidSouth…and more! Collaboratively, we have mentored or sponsored over $3,000 in services and/or time provided for Courtney’s program at present. We are on target to provide $8,000.00 minimum in services and/or time toward Courtney’s success in business over a six month period! Visit Cherokee Rose Photography,

Professional Boost Program We work with individuals who want to boost their professional presence and develop a business from grassroots level. For more information about the program, click here.

About the Professional Boost Program OBJECTIVE

We work with individuals who want to boost their professional presence and develop a business from grass roots level. IN THE NEWS: “Makeover Gives Young Entrepreneur Professional Polish” via the Commercial Appeal COST: $300

Scope of Services •

• •

Application for acceptance into the Professional Boost Program (PBP) as a Professional Boost Program Participant Agreement to participate in program for 6 Months Provide 5 to 20 intern hours per week

Training • • •

Social Media Workshops (In House/Virtual) Educational Exchange/Collaboration Seminars (In House/Virtual) Professional Networking (In House/Virtual)

Simpson was the intern photographer for RefresHER 2015, Sherri Henley autographs copies of her book at the event.

• • •

Social Skill Development (Assigned Mentorship) Ethics and Integrity in Business On the job training

Conversion and Post-Conversion SUPPORT • •

Assigned Mentor from BOCI and participating groups PBP participant to submit Weekly Report of assignments completed, pending, suggestions, comments, concerns, along with hours.

Our RESPONSIBILITIES This project demands significant involvement by our members. Ultimate success is highly dependent on their effort. To help achieve a smooth and successful implementation and retention, it will be our responsibility to: • Communicate with participants • Delegate Projects within their field of expertise • Provide training when needed for each participant (Training provided during BOCI educational events and/or mentorship assignments) • Provide professional clothing if needed • Provide professional appearance enhancement if needed • Provide fashion advice if needed • Provide platform to be recognized as professionals among Business Owners in order to generate clients for the business of the PBP participant • Provide professional photo shoot for business purposes if needed • Provide a graduation annually

BENEFITS • • • • •

Professional Membership to Business Over Coffee International (Duration of Program Participation) Advertisement on BOCI site regarding their start-up business (Logo and link provided by PBP participant for implimentation) Exposure to Business Owners as potential clients at various professional events Featured Profile on BOCI site Certificate of Completion at Graduation

PBP provides an initial meeting with PBP participant to determine the scope of a personalized program based upon individuals needs. Application process done via email Contact our office for more information @ 901-820-4469

BISHOP DR. BARBARA KING WORLD SPIRITUAL LEADER, MINISTER, AUTHOR, and FASHION DIVA Bishop Dr. Barbara Lewis King is a minister, world spiritual leader and founder of the Hillside Chapel and Truth Center in Atlanta. Georgia. People worldwide, including foreign dignitaries, politicians, professionals and celebrities, have been touched by Dr. King and she credits her expansive and impressive journey with her ability to tap into the God within. She shares with others the ten principles for doing the same in her new book “In Me, As Me: Ten Principles for Finding the Divine Within.” In the book’s forward, her late friend Dr. Maya Angelou writes“…In her Ten Principles for Finding the Divine Within, she has given us the full armor of success…” Dr. King with Dr. Maya Angelou

At the age of 85 years young, Dr. King can boast of having just completed her doctorate degree at 82. However, the completion of her degree is just a recently added item on a long list of accomplishments. In 2001 Dr. Barbara Lewis King received the highest honor ever Being Hooded for her Doctorate bestowed upon a woman as she was enstooled as the first female chief at Assin Nsuta, Ghana, West Africa. On September 26, 2010 she made history Being enstooled in Ghana as Chief again as the first New Thought minister to be officially and duly consecrated to the Episcopal office of Bishop.

Consecration as Bishop

On January 28, 2011, as “a permanent tribute…to the foot soldiers who waged the fight for equality and human dignity,” Bishop King’s footsteps were added to the International Civil Rights Walk of Fame at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta.

In July 2011, she spoke before 50,000 people representing over 151 countries at the World Culture Festival of the Art of Living as they celebrated their 30th Year at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, Germany. This was a global program viewed by millions via webcast and live telecast. In February, 2012, Bishop King delivered the culminating address at the International Women’s Conference in Bangalore, India to over 1,000 women who had gathered from various countries around the globe. She continues to be a sought after speaker, creating a legacy of healed hearts and transformed lives. However, with all she has accomplished in her past, she continues to grow. Standing 6’5” in her stocking feet, she knows the challenge of finding beautiful clothing when you’re tall. She opened a boutique in the Galleria Mall in Atlanta specializing in special sized women’s apparel. Although the demands of her schedule forced her to close the shop a few years after opening, she never lost her desire to be a part of the solution to helping tall women dress beautifully. As a child, she was taught by her grandmother to always present herself well. Taking that advice to heart, Dr. Barbara is known for her sense of style. Because of their exquisite embroidery and colorful prints, she often wears traditional African garments. However, she also loves the unique and one-of-kind garments designed for her by several American designers, some of which are currently working to develop the Barbara King Collection which will feature apparel and accessories for tall women. Guests at the event will have the opportunity to get a preview. Memphis-based artist/designer M.G. Ballard heads the design team. In Leather Coat by Memphis Designer M.G. Ballard

“Divas, Destiny and the Divine: An Afternoon with Dr. Barbara” On Saturday, November 14, 2015, from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m., the HAUTE Designer’s Collaborative will host “Divas, Destiny and the Divine: An Afternoon with Dr. Barbara”. The free event will be held at the studio and boutique run by the Collaborative located at 44 N 2nd St., Suite 101, Memphis, TN, 38103. As part of the event, Dr. King, affectionately called Dr. Barbara by most, will sell and sign copies of her book which tells her story and demonstrates how the ten principles can be used to create the life you desire. In addition to the event on Saturday, She has been invited to deliver the sermon on Sunday November 15th, at the Unity Christian Church located at 3345 McCorkle Rd, Memphis, TN 38116. Rev. Eric Ovid Donaldson is the Senior Minister.

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