YTC January 2016

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Your True Colours January 2016

Your True Colours: Life Image

The Makeovers That Inspired Our Life Image Program

iSHARE Spotlight: Jackie Woodside

Superfoods: What Are They?

Beautiful Jewelry from Evanna Fashion House

In today’s market everything is about the relationships you build through your interaction with others. Your personal brand is the only thing that sets you apart from other people. Make it count ! Make it work for you !

Stylist for QVC International Award Winning Stylist

To order the workbook, $12.95, or monthly support for $35 a month or $300 a year:

We live in an age where instant gratification is at its height. Instant gratification does not encourage the setting of short term, and eventually, long term goals. We have developed a simple program of goal setting and working towards individual changes within one’s life experiences and daily encounters. Our subjects cover a variety of different options within one’s personality, personal choices, or professional endeavors. Do not overload yourself. Make yourself accountable. Present yourself in your best light, and then move forward toward that life definition. Select two goals a month, one from two different subjects. After you have completed one goal in each subject; start over again. Sometimes you may be able to choose more than two goals a month, however, realize that to change a behavior one must do a goal for at least 21 days. Do not give up. If you stop for a few days, just pick up where you left off. It if is a goal that would change behavior, then your 21 days would start over. Need help? For $35 a month, we will provide support weekly through email and one video chat call a month.

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

All contents of this magazine are the opinions of the individual authors. In this Issue:

January 2016, Your True Colours Media LLC© No part of this magazine may be reprinted without written permission from the editor. table of contents Monthly Columns: Great Finds: Creating Family Histories 5 YTC Life Image – New Year’s Resolutions 15 Wellness by Kally Efros - Super Foods, What Are They? 19 Articles Changes for the New Year 5 Smart & Light, A Journey of Weight Loss 27 STEM on a Budget by The Knowledge Tree 31 iSHARE Spotlight: Jackie Woodside by Sherri Henley 35 WOW Beauty Edit of Face Primers by Denise Rabor 45 Your True Colours, Bringing Out the Best You 49 Your True Colours Life Image, The Story by Carolyn Bendall 61 Psalms 139:41 by Toi Sweeney 65

We did makeovers for just over four years, this month we feature some of them!

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Evanna Fashion House 69

Credits for Cover Photos: Courtney Simpson, Cheerokee Rose Photography From RefresHER by Tina Tatum

Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

From the Editor’s Desk It’s a New Year, and we are creating a new magazine. Well, not much different, just a little different. We will be introducing new columnists to you as we go. We will still have our fashion spreads, and our old columns. The main difference is that you hear from the same people more often.

We are excited to have on board Lisa Rossmeissl, travel agent specializing in Australian travel, on board. She has written for us before, but now you will hear from her each month. We also have a new addition to our radio channel. Qamar Titus will have a new show on Thursday at 11am, Central Time. You may see her in the magazine once in a while, too. Mornings with Maia has started her own radio channel, so you can still find her; just not on YTC. You will still hear from her, especially in April when we focus on Laughter and Humor. With a new year comes New Year resolutions. We are focusing on that newness. We are sharing some of the makeovers that we did for the newspaper, and then explaining where those makeovers and years of helping people with their image have landed us. With, CourageMakers and Your True Colours Life Image. Toi Sweeney, stylist for QVC, joins in the conversation on stepping up our own personal branding. My daughter and her friends lament continually that guys should dress better. They look longingly for a time gone by as they are impassioned with ‘The Rat Pack’ (Frank, Dean, Sammy…). As we prepare for the Policeman’s fashion show each year for the Southern Women’s Show, I suggest changing stores to something more casual and those who attend the show each year disagree with me each time. “No, we go to SEE the men dressed up. You just can’t stop looking at a man dressed so nice.” So, each year, we return to Jos. A. Bank. We see it from women, too, who are tired of the choices they have in the stores. More and more women are asking me where they can learn to sew, frustrated at the skimpy, non-classic looks found on most store shelves. It seems we do want to take that step up, let’s let that be our goal for this year. Join us in our goal setting program, . You can join virtually, too; so, if you aren’t in the Memphis area, no problem!

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Changes for the New Year!


Lisa Wood Rossmeissl, Owner I was born with travel in my blood. Having moved since birth, living in nine different states, I have a natural wandering soul. I love change and all things new. My passion: Australia! I have been in love with this country for as long as I can remember. Every school report was written about one of its unique and amazing animals. My room was filled with stuffed koalas and even a koala latch hook rug. I had (still have) a collection of picture clippings from magazines. But, it truly began, in 2008, when I was introduced to the travel industry and became an independent travel consultant. In 2010, I stumbled upon Tourism Australia’s website and entered their Aussie specialist program. In 2011, I was contacted by them and offered a chance of a lifetime to travel to Australia for a tour, followed by Coroborree (A gathering of agents and operators for intense product training and fun!). I could hardly contain my excitement. When I arrived in Sydney and within hours laid hands and eyes on a koala, I was brought to tears. I was forever changed by my trip “down under”. My hope is to share this love and passion with you. I currently reside in the suburbs of Memphis, TN. I am married and have three amazing teenagers. In my spare time I love being involved with my children’s activities (dancing, baseball and theater), fitness, bowl, cook, and socialize poolside with friends. In 2015, my love of fitness and travel have collided to create Be Fit To Travel. Be Fit To Travel has become an extension of Boomerang Escapes-Return to Your Happy Place. I am not only here to send you on the most fabulous escapes ever, but can also guide you to looking and feeling great when you travel. My goal is to inspire and help people to stay young, active, healthy, and ready for adventure. Creating transformations of the mind, body, and soul through diet, exercise, and travel.

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours


Samson & Qamar Titus We were both born and raised in Pakistan as the fourth generation Christians. Our great grandparents converted from Sikh religion in the early 1900’s, when John Nelson Hyde (more commonly known as Praying Hyde) was preaching through India. We both accepted Jesus Christ as our savior and were baptized in Pakistan. According to the Pakistani tradition our parents arranged our marriage in 1989. We attended All Nations Christian College in London, England and returned to Pakistan in 1991 to work with the tribal (Bheel) people in southern Pakistan. In 1994 we came to United States of America and were ordained to be ministers of the Gospel in 1995. We set up the mission’s office to raise much needed financial support for the work in Pakistan. When Dr. William Daniel, Qamar’s Father, passed away in 1996, it placed us in the leadership position to oversee the work in Pakistan and raise financial support. The Lord has broadened our vision, In addition to the work in Pakistan; we teach seminars/conferences on Cross Cultural Outreach, as well as minister in prayer and counseling as the Lord is bringing so many needy people across our path. We travel across the United States and other parts of the world to teach and preach.

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

Great Finds: Creating Family Histories

These books are a gift for grandma and grandpa that becomes a priceless family heirloom. Inside the books are questions to spark the memories of their lives. Get to know grandma and grandpa. Laugh with them, hear their stories and memories, and honor and celebrate their lives. Family Tree Memory Keeper helps you keep track of basic genealogy information and special family memories, including traditions, heirloom histories, family records, newsworthy moments, family migrations and immigrations, old recipes, important dates, and much more. This book features: •

Dozens of fill-in pages to record all your essential family information.

Convenient paperback format for writing and photocopying pages.

Space for mounting photographs.

Maps to mark your family's migration routes.

Tips for researching your family history.

A comprehensive list of additional resources.

Use Family Tree Memory Keeper to log your genealogy /144033062X/

research. Bring it to family get-togethers to gather and share information. Create an invaluable record of your ancestry for future generations.

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Australia Luxury Travel - A Unique World of Pampering

Australia’s luxury travel experiences are among the best in the world, offering world-class accommodations and excellent servicethat cater to your every need. From the exclusive privateisland resorts of the Great Barrier Reef to eco-centric Lord Howe and Kangaroo islands, Australia luxury accommodations offer sheer indulgence. Get away from it all in Australia’s Outback and enjoy an exclusive luxury wilderness adventure. Experience luxurious camping, (also known as glamping), which allows you to appreciate Australia’s dramatic nature. Glamping allows you to get the benefits of the wild outdoors with just the right amount of luxury.

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Your True Colours

Get Real with Mark and Kally On Your True Colors Image Radio Wednesdays at 1:00 pm Central Time Zone

January 6 - The Value of a Budget. You'll find the internet full of financial managers with complex tips and tools on how to properly manage and budget your money. I learned the hard way, and I learned the value of creating a budget. No matter how much money you have, everyone benefits from a budget. I'm not a financial expert, but have helped many get their monthly dollars to stretch. Start the year out right with a budget. January 13 - The Water Cure. How much do you need? Liquids do not equal water. The world is mostly water, and our bodies are mostly water. Many doctors have said that 75% of the reasons people go to their doctor is due to dehydration. One of the biggest complications with the flu is dehydration and that will usually get you sent to the hospital. Tune in for tips on getting your daily water intake and why it will help you in so many ways. January 20 - Emotional Weight Issues. Weight loss isn't always about diet and exercise as I came to learn after years of no success. I was an overweight person, that was very physically active and fit and eating an excellent diet for 10 years - BUT EXPERIENCED ZERO LOSS OF POUNDS. Our cells have consciousness and memory. Their job is to protect us, keep us alive and safe. Our body responds to our environment based on cell memory and beliefs encoded on our DNA. Our body can be triggered to hold onto weight or even gain weight in response to key stressors. Tune in and we'll talk about some of these triggers and how to get rid of them. January 27 - The Greatest Love Story, Love Yourself. YOU are an incredible human. Unfortunately many people don't recognize their unique, wonderful qualities. Self-Love is key to you improving your life, your relationships, and your communities. Tune in, we'll talk about how to nurture and develop self-love and see yourself in a whole new way. And, we'll talk about nurturing self-love in children. P.S. It doesn't make them self-centered.

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Our goal at Ten14 Ministries is to increase the ministry workforce, provide reliable transportation for the ministers in Pakistan, stimulate the local Pakistani economy, provide ambulatory care to the “Untouchable�, and help provide an opportunity for quality education for those who would not have it otherwise Join Qamar Titus on Your True Colours Image Radio on Thursdays at 11:00am Central Time. She will be broadcasting starting January 7th!

THE “UNTOUCHABLES” The Bheels The Bheels are called the “Untouchables” because they are the lowest cast of Hindus, living in the desert along the southern border of Pakistan. Where they reside in the desert is away from any medical and education facilities.

The Lord has used us to impact their lives through humanitarian efforts such as building cisterns, installing hand pumps to provide clean drinking water, giving clothes, shoes and blankets to the needy, providing disaster relief and medical camps. Through these efforts we are able to share with them the Gospel. We plan to build a hospital, mobile medical clinics as well as Schools, and additional vocational schools for men and women to teach them trades such as wood work, welding sewing etc…

Our co workers are sharing the good news in over 40 villages in the tribal areas. Join Qamar Titus on Your True Colours Image Radio on Thursdays at 11:00am Central Time. She will be broadcasting starting January 7th!

DANIEL’S SCHOOL SYSTEM Daniel’s School System is an English Medium School and is an important ministry opportunity to shape young minds. To educate these people will present them with the opportunity to change their culture by teaching them English, give them access to technology, and put an emphasis on fine arts and science. This will be a tuition based school to help support some of the Ten14 operational needs. We placed the school in the lowest literacy rate in Pakistan; with less than 31% percent, Bahawalpur is a perfect place. Most of the area can support paid tuition for their kids, they just lack the opportunity for a good school. Curriculum Concepts The courses will use spiral learning, quick concept introduction with frequent reviews and reinforcement. Our teachers will challenge their students with age group/grade specific courses and enrichment programs. The lessons will be fun-filled, challenging, and comprehensive with engaging workbooks and hands-on lessons. We hope to establish creative and motivating lessons to establish students in preschool to elementary in fundamentals of phonics, reading, spelling, and vocabulary, along with math, science, and more. This school is a blessing to the staff members. As they testify to being respected on job like never before…our philosophy is “Treat others as you want to be treated,” commonly known as “The Golden Rule. We believe it will be used to impact and change many lives in the days to come. If you wish to contribute, you may do so by donating online via our website or you can send checks to: Ten14 Ministries P.O.Box 542442 Grand Prairie,TX 75054 We encourage you to like/join our Facebook page,where we regularly post pictures and updates :

Women’s Worth

Miman was recognized for efforts in educating Bheel women and children about basic hygiene,teaching young women pre/postnatal care. She received an International award on Women’s Day for her service and commitment by the Education Department of Rahim Yar Khan city.

Women’s Worth is committed to raising awareness of women’s challenges and issues in Pakistan, especially focusing on the Tribal Women. We make a difference by providing opportunities to enrich and empower their lives. “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” Proverbs 31:8 Miman ministers to Bheel women and children teaching basic hygiene and healthcare. Miman was recognized for efforts in educating Bheel women and children about basic hygiene, teaching young women pre/postnatal care. She received an International award on Women’s Day for her service and commitment by the Education Department of Rahim Yar Khan city. Miman reaches out to women and children with basic medical care/first aid, as well as sharing the word. She has worked with us since 2009. We have seen tremendous response after adding Miman our only female staff member at this time. We are in need to add more ladies to our staff to reach the women and children as it is a very segregated and male dominant culture. We have provided sewing machines and sewing training to several Bheel women over the years. We are now focusing our attention at the Christian Community in Pakistan. In Pakistan, lack of quality education is a pressing social issue, even more so for women and especially those of Christian community. In the predominantly male society, skilled training has shown to give women the confidence and tools by which they can create their own production market for sale and profit. This generates the much needed opportunity of financial independence otherwise not accessible to them. Our culture in Pakistan does not permit majority of the women to seek employment outside the home. This makes Vocational Training such as Sewing a perfect opportunity for them to run a business out of their home to meet the community’s needs. The total needed to start the sewing center is $7500…The Lord has provided funding for us to purchase 10 sewing machines. This leaves us with $6500 to get place, renovate ,electric connection, UPS/Generator ,water cooler, fan, lights, have furniture made and buying fabric/materials for the girls to learn on… We are praying for provision.

Follow us on Facebook: es/Womensworth/225691220862425?ref=hl

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Life Image – New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions. Gyms love them. People come in and purchase a year’s membership, and attend only for the month of January, then never come back. How many New Year’s Resolutions have you made? How many are you really going to keep? What is the secret to fulfilling them?

Attainable goals is the answer. And, by attainable goals, I do not mean, gain 10 pounds this year; eat more chocolate; watch more television. Many have joked about this as their new goals for the year, because they are attainable. If you want to lose weight, don’t make your goal the total amount that you want to lose. If you want to lose 50 pounds, make your resolution to be love 5 pounds. When you achieve that, then lose another 5 pounds. This is much less stressful! Instead of saying you are cutting out all sugar, chose one item and work on removing that from your daily diet. Once you have achieved that, then add another one. However, always remember what very wise personal trainers advise, allow a cheat day. If you don’t allow a cheat day, you will become so obsessed with wanting the things you can’t have that you will have a ‘binge day’, and then deem your goal lost. Have a partner or someone that will hold you accountable. Someone that you have to say, “I did this!” or “I didn’t do it, and this is why…but I am getting back on track!” Accountability is a value that the world today has removed from our vocabulary, or attempted to remove. It is a very important value that we have to develop. We must be accountable for our actions or inaction. Even if it is for our own goals. Lack of accounatability removes from us the reason to keep going and to keep trying. We have to have that reason, if there is no accountability, then we will not try; or at minimun, put forth the needed effort to try. J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 | 15

Your True Colours



Daily Action:

Weekly Action:

Monthly Action:

Accountability Reported:

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

The olive used in our olive oil is the Koroneiki which is grown in the perfectly warm and stable climate of the Southern Peloponnese. The ideal conditions for the olive trees cultivation combined with the early harvest and the modern machinery used to press the olives are all instrumental in our quality and authenticity guarantee. Once produced via cold extraction, the Koroneiki offers a very balanced taste that combines a perfect mix of spicy and bitter. Our olives are hand picked from our century old GMO free trees and cold pressed with only mechanical pressing methods. Every batch is given a chemical analysis. All olives used in our oil are sustainably sourced from our olive orchards in Laconia Greece and are pressed within 48 hours of harvest. The 500ml bottle was carefully designed by true Olive Oil lovers. The dark shade of the glass was not chosen simply for aesthetic value, but rather to help minimize exposure to light. Let's face it, we all know that Olive Oil is preserved best in a cool, dark place like a cupboard. But it is very difficult to remember to store a bottle after each use! Combined with the personalized design of the label, the dark glass will not only keep the oil fresh, but will look great on your counter top when you repeatedly forget to store it! The 500ml bottle has a screw-on cap along with a built in pourer for easy use. We recommend this product to anyone using our Olive Oil in any capacity. It also makes a wonderful gift for a friend! J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 | 17

Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1


OZ Naturals Ultra Ageless Eye Crème combines state-of-the-art ingredients in a cutting-edge formulation to deliver unparalleled anti-aging benefits. The patented peptide Matrixyl®synnthé 6® evens skin and smooths wrinkles from the inside out by helping to promote collagen. Even problem areas such as crow's feet and forehead wrinkles can see visible improvement.

AVAILABILITY: Usually ships in 24 hours

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Wellness: Superfoods—What Are They? By Kally Efros


Out of curiosity I looked up superfoods on the internet. Many of the food items that showed up in no way pass as being a superfood. At the top of one list was Greek yogurt. Well, it is has the same problems as commercial yogurt, which is pasteurization that kills most of the good stuff that could make it a superfood. It is all marketing. Kale shows up at the top of the list as well. I find many people eating kale daily for the benefits. But guess what – those benefits fade away if you actually eat kale every day. Green tea shows up as well, but there are other herbal teas that score even higher for antioxidants and other benefits without the caffeine, such as Mate and Rooibos. Many berries are on the list, but their value is conditioned on the growing environment and if it is organic. And it makes a difference how far the food has to travel to you, and when it was picked. Salmon is touted as a superfood for its omega-3 fatty acids, but only if it is wild salmon. Eggs are another superfood loaded with nutrients, protein and omega3 fatty acids (once considered an evil food for cholesterol issues in that crazy food trend), but again commercial eggs are not nearly as beneficial for you as farm fresh eggs. Just look at the colors of the yolk; better and brighter yolks have more nutrients. We eat farm fresh eggs and they also have very hard shells (loaded with calcium and other minerals). My son handled a commercial egg and made a huge mess not expecting such a thin shell. Superfood is used to describe nutrient-dense foods with health benefits for marketing purposes. It is not a term that most dieticians or nutritionist use. The term has become so over-used with outrageous

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

claims that in the European Union, the term “superfood”, has been prohibited unless there is a legitimate and specific medical claim supported by credible scientific research. On top of these Superfoods, there are all kinds of claims for the perfect diet. Many fads have come and gone. With all the confusion out there, it can be a challenge to know what healthy foods are, let alone superfoods. I have some simple guidelines to help you navigate the commercialism of “superfoods”, food fads, and diet claims. Rather than looking for a diet program, look at lifestyle options. Eat whole foods. Consume foods that have gone through as little processing as possible. Whole foods will have more bio-available nutrients in a form your body knows what to do with. Eliminate processed foods and junk food. Even food with “healthy” claims are not that great for you. Processed foods usually need to have vitamins (inorganic) added back into them to actually be called a food. Take a clue from Mother Nature and eat seasonally. There are key vitamins that help you at the right time of the year when you eat seasonally. For example, it is no coincidence that oranges get ripe in the winter just when we need a boost of Vitamin C. The abundance of cucumbers in the hot summer months are cooling and refreshing for that time of year. Another clue Mother Nature offers is how long a food will store naturally. Take apples for example; they are generally harvested in the fall and will store easily all winter. While peaches, on the other hand, need to be eaten very quickly. Eat your peaches and then move on to another delicious summer fruit. As the saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Because apples store so well, they should be eaten abundantly in season and utilize their natural storage life. Winter squash provide lots of benefits for our immune system and overall health. It is called winter squash because it grows in the summer and has a hard outside, making it ideal to store all winter. I have successfully stored, then eaten butternut squash after 2 years. Summer squash is just as beneficial, but doesn’t store

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Wellness: Super Foods (Continued) well due to the soft outside and should be eaten as you harvest it for maximum benefits. Eat the rainbow. Keep in mind the seasons of foods. I don’t know about you, but when I walk through a farmers market with the huge variety of food and all the colors, my mouth starts salivating and I’m ready to eat some of the bounty. All the different colors of fruits and vegetables offer a multitude of different vitamins and minerals, and you need them all. It is estimated (and we are estimating because we just don’t know what we don’t know) that an apple has over 10,000 beneficial phytonutrients. Eat ALL your colors. If you shop at a farmer’s market you are going to get food in season. Variety is the spice of life. Mono-diets are very limited and your health will suffer. So, it is great if you like broccoli and you can get your kids to eat broccoli, but it won’t do them much good if that is the only vegetable they eat. We love to pick out a new foods to try. We look for things that we have no clue what they are, and then we’ll find recipes for that food. It is so much fun. Your grocery store will have mostly standard items, but your farmers markets will have more variety. I also check out foreign markets, as well and Bountiful Baskets as another great source to help you get a seasonal variety. Spice up your life and meals with herbs and spices. Not only do they taste great and add a wonderful dimension to your food, but they are also full of vitamins and minerals. I took a boring potato casserole and spiced it up with turmeric, black pepper, salt, and butter. It was so good and way beyond standard potatoes. By the way, turmeric’s benefits are enhanced by the black pepper and fat from the butter. Another reason for variety; many foods need each other to do their job, and turmeric is very healthy for you. Eat locally if you can. Food that is grown near you doesn’t have to travel far and can be picked when ripe, and has by far more nutrients than food that traveled across the country. I remember as a little girl buying peaches in the store. They smelled like peaches and were so good. It is rare to find a peach in a standard grocery store that is anything like those peaches I remember, but you can get them at farmer markets and they are so flavorful. Buying local food supports your local economy and benefits the environment. Plus you are promoting a safer food supply. Your local farmer can tell you J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 | 21

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

how the food was grown. Mother Nature tends to take care of us; we don’t always need to import a food from halfway around the world, and there are usually nutrient-dense healing foods in our own back yards. Choose organic when you can and when appropriate. I will choose local grown food with no pesticides over organic as well. You will benefit from more nutrients and less pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and toxins. Plus organic food tastes better. Avoid Genetically Modified Foods – GMOs or Genetically Engineered food – GE. We just don’t know the full extent of the damage GMOs can do. However, we do know that GMO Soy is responsible for causing severe gastrointestinal damage and challenges, while organic non-GMO soy can be beneficial with no problems. Numerous studies have shown that there was a dramatic increase in chronic illness, food allergies and other disorders after the introduction of GMOs. And GMOs contaminate forever. Many were designed to eliminate the use of pesticides, but the opposite has happened; herbicide use has increased. Grass-fed, organic meat or wild game is better. Grassfed beef is loaded with natural minerals, vitamins and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) that reduces the risk of cancer, obesity, diabetes and other conditions. Plus it contains Vitamin K2; a nutrient many people are

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Wellness: Super Foods (Continued) deficient in. Grass-fed cows also give better quality milk and butter that is also full of K2. You should know that when you pasteurize dairy products in any form, the nutritional value goes away. It goes without saying then that wild fish is better for you and you should avoid farmed fish. Organic chickens raised in opens spaces where they can eat a wild diet produce a healthier meat and nutritious eggs. This kind of meat and eggs are also higher in omega-3 fatty acids. It is no wonder many people have issues these days; our food supply is missing the basics of life. When you buy conventional meat and dairy, you are missing K2 and Omega-3s. Include homemade, traditional, naturally fermented food; kefir and yogurts, kombucha, and vegetables. Their nutritional value is increased with fermentation; up to 10 times higher. And they are good sources of many nutrients we need like K2 and probiotics. Include whole grains. However, avoid gluten if you are sensitive. Whole grains are grains and seeds in the natural whole state. For simplicity sake, this doesn’t include processed grains, including those labeled whole grain. One exception might be Ezekiel bread, or other breads made traditionally. You need good healthy fats to feed your brain. Here are some suggestions: avocados, whole eggs, fatty fish (wild), raw nuts, chia seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, full fat raw dairy and grass-fed meat. Remember everyone is different. Each person has a different metabolism, genetic make-up, and needs. There is no perfect diet or program for every person. Learn to listen to your body. When I started learning about food years ago, I was overwhelmed with the right choices and information overload. I learned all of these tips on my journey and now I teach others about them. Make eating healthy a little simpler. Don’t try and change everything overnight unless that works for you. That is the approach I took. In one month, I started buying raw milk and making butter, making my bread, buying grass-fed meat, and getting farm-fresh eggs. I also included more fruits and vegetables and stopped buying and preparing processed foods. In just one month, with no other changes, I felt so much better. My energy levels went up, I could think better, and my health began to improve. The government has a program called My Plate. For a basic outline of a balanced diet, it is pretty good. Combine that with the guidelines I have mentioned, and you will see improvements.

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

If you have family members or kids that are resistant; remember, we each have to choose for ourselves. However, little kids don’t know enough to make good choices unless you have trained them to. If you find a kid that doesn’t want healthy food, his taste buds are challenged with processed foods and too much sugar and probably food addiction issues. Kids won’t starve; they will eventually eat. When we made the switch, I introduced healthier food to my family slowly, but there was a lot I could control, like the source of meat and dairy and organic quality produce. It makes a difference in your health, well-being, and mental state when you eat better. I have seen many kids with ADD/ADHD symptoms nearly go away with a change in diet. There is still room for treats and the good foods of life. Don’t eliminate the joy of cooking and eating. Rather, learn a new (or really the OLD) way of food. Our ancestors had some advantages. Modern tools of food preparation, production, and storage have hurt our health. I love food! I love cooking! I have learned to cook and make wonderful meals that benefit our family. We get our cake and get to eat it too. Do you want to learn more? Here are some useful websites and books. Kefir from a blog post on my website:

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

Wellness: Super Foods (Continued)

Another article on my website: Really, It is Possible to Eat Healthy: Naturally Fermented Food: Naturally Fermented Bread, a wonderful cookbook with how and why: The Art of Baking with Natural Yeast: Breads, Pancakes, waffles, Cinnamon Rolls and Muffins by Caleb Warnock and Melissa Richardson Photo credits: Pixabay, and Serge Bertasius Photography at

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

Exuviance SkinRise Bionic Tonic Reveal a radiant complexion with enhanced clarity, smoothness and firmness with an anti aging treatment toner that also protects the skin against free radicals. • • • • •

Formulated with (PHAs) Gluconolactone, Glucoheptonolactone and Lactobionic Acid Multi-Antioxidant protection from Pro-Vitamins A, C and E Infused with Cucumber and Eucalyptus Green tea extract tones and protects stressed skin from free radicals 36 Single use pads

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Smart and Light, A Journey of Weight Loss



WEIGHT ISSUES. A teen growing up in

that atmosphere left her with a strong awareness of how much she did not ‘fit in’. While still in her teens, her parents sent her to a teen ‘fat farm’ in the United States, adding to her humiliations. After years of struggling, and research, Reverdi developed a program that will jump start anyone’s weight loss journey. One can do the program on the internet, with weekly updates for exercise, menu, and encouragement from Reverdi; or one can purchase the book via Amazon. I suggest the book. It has a journal for you to record the journey, and all of the information is right there at hand. The book is also available in a Kindle version.I am a big fan of this system. I have done many different programs, including the HCG diet. So many leave you so hungry, with headaches, and just not satisfied. Extremely restrictive for an endless time diets are perhaps the reason so many diets fail. How about a restrictive diet, for a week…then the next week one adds more items to the menu…then the next week one adds more items to the menu, and so on. That is the diet that will not fail, it is a diet that one can see the end of the tunnel, so

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to speak. The program goes for two months. At that time, one can start over again; or just maintain. This program doesn’t promise that you lose 10 pounds a week; or a pound a day. For me, it was about 1 pound every two days or so. I did have a day when I completely messed up the menu, that happens when one attends an all day event in the heat of summer and the only food is what is available at the vendors! I found myself a little sluggish! That’s right,

sluggish! It is usually the other way around, the diet cause one to feel sluggish…but in this one the ‘cheat’ caused it! I also found that breads and I are not as compatible as I previously had thought. Aches and pains in my legs diminished on the new menu I was given, and returned anytime that I cheated and had bread. Left me thinking long and hard about bread! I’m still not sure if it is the flour, the wheat, the bread itself or just what it is, but, I’m avoiding it! I avoided breads for quite a while, until I recently got sick. I literally craved bread, I had sandwiches and I even had croissants and whatever bread like item was in the house. After I was well, the cravings went away. I also did not gain any weight during that time frame; I also ate nothing else, just water and a sandwich a day! I now make sure that I have pickles in the house to munch on, and maybe a boiled egg handy. I’m using tomatoes more as a vegetable on my J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 | 28

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Smart and Light (Continued) plate instead of beans so often. (We are a big green bean family.) I have never been so impressed with a program, or a diet/menu book. Perhaps the closest would be back in the 80’s with Richard Simmons’ books. And the follow up, well, I have maintained since the two months. I plan on going back on the two month plan for January. Total I lost in the two months, 11 pounds. I am very pleased, because it stayed off. I did have cheat days over Christmas and that time that our family was sick, however, all was well. Now, this may not be what other people will experience, but it is what I did. And, I am at the point that the only thing that did work for me was HCG. And, HCG didn’t work the second time around. So, I needed to find a real fix, and here it is. This is an amazing program, the book is a must! Or, enroll in the on line course,

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PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA Our skincare line has quickly become a trusted brand for those looking for extremely effective products that actually do as claimed. Our formulations are proven to correct signs of aging, protect healthy skin, and prevent future damage from occurring.

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STEM on a Budget


Potato/Lemon Batteries – $4.99 *Flow of electrons (ionization of electrons)*Electron flow through wires

Gyro-wheel – $2.99 *Angular momentum (circular motion or spinning velocity) *Moment of inertia *Kinetic Energy

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Your True Colours Hand Boiler – $4.99 *Force *Vapor Pressure (from hand warmth) *Condensation *Charles’s Law – Gas volume proportional to absolute pressure

Spinsation – $2.99 *Centripetal force *Inertia Pocket Tornado – $5.99 *Vortex – centripetal force caused by spinning and force when using wrist *Density (use colored lamp oil and water) *Rotation of liquids (Newton’s 3rd law of motion)

MagnaBuzz – $3.99 *Magnetic field (extremely strong magnets; North and South poles try to make contact and cause sound)

Diving Octopus – $4.99 *Bouyancy *Density *Newton’s 2nd law – the more force, the more acceleration (F=ma) J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 | 32

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Balsa Wood Glider – $3.99 *Aerodynamics, motion, principles of flight (lift, drag, ect…)

Yo-yo – $4.99 *Inertia *Potential energy, kinetic energy *Angular momentum *Friction *Gyroscopic stability *Gyroscopic motion

Space Plasma – $2.99 *Fluid viscosity

Kaleidoscope – $4.99 Science: *Light (optics) *Reflection *Refraction

Hot Wheels Cars – $4.99 Race Track – $2.99 *Kinetic energy

Math: *Symmetry *Reflection *Angles

*Potential energy *Projectile motion (acceleration and velocity) *Forces (gravitational force) *Conservation or energy and friction

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Air Powered Soccer Disk – $19.99 *’Hover Craft’ – air pressure *Friction *Maglev (magnetic levitation) and propulsion*Newton’s 1st law of motion – object stays at rest or in motion with same speed and direction unless acted by an unbalanced force

Hoberman Mini Sphere – $16.99 *Geometry *Mechanics and structural engineer *Transformations

Slinky – $5.99 *Compression waves – gravity and tension pull at the same time until the ‘wave’ sends info to the stationary end that it should move. *Newton’s 1st law of Physics “Hooke’s law” – force needed to extend or compress a spring by a distance [x] is proportional to that distance.

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iSHARE Spotlight: Jackie Woodside By Sherri Henley

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Join me as I interview iSHARE Expert, Jackie Woodside, CPC, LICSW… Jackie is a best-selling author, TEDx speaker, radio and television personality and seminar leader who is passionate about the expanding the edge of human potential. Jackie has written two best-sellers, “Calming the Chaos: A Soulful Guide to Managing Your Energy Rather than Your Time” and “What If It’s Time for a Change?” Jackie was featured along with Jack Canfield and Don Miguel Ruiz on the Wake Up! TV show in 2015.

Jackie provides custom training programs, workshops and keynote speeches for businesses, government and non-profit organizations, spiritual centers and national organizations around the country. Jackie lives between her homes in Massachusetts and the Thousand Islands of Upstate New York. Q - Sherri: Jackie, people often associate themselves with what they do instead of who they are. Tell us about who you are...

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iSHARE Spotlight: Jackie Woodside (Continued) A - Jackie: That is an interesting and deep question. When I think of the phrase “I am” I immediately recognize they are the most powerful words we can utter. So I always do my best to be very mindful of what I follow behind those two words! Mostly, I am a lover of life and one with God and all of Humanity. I am a student and teacher of consciousness and as such I seek to contribute to the constant growth of humanity and the conscious evolution of consciousness. Q - Sherri: How do you embrace the wholeness of who you are and engage in business...which is what you do? A - Jackie: I always say that I don’t have a “work life and a personal life” I have one life that God has given me, some of which I get paid for and some I do not! But all of my activities stem from who I am, from my core values and my mission. My work is not a “job,” but rather a selfexpression of who I came here to be! Q - Sherri: You are an author of many books and recently published "Calming the Chaos - A Soulful Guide to Managing Your Energy Rather than Your Time." Describe the moment you realized you were going to write this book...and why? A - Jackie: I knew about 12 years ago that I would be writing books and offering my philosophies through writing. I don’t know that there was a huge “aha moment” where I saw this was in my future. It was more of slow burn that lived inside of me for a long time. The “why” is simply and powerfully because it is my passion, my mission and my purpose! Q - Sherri: What would you consider the ultimate experience in your daily life? A - Jackie: I consider each moment to be a gift, really. I strive to “make my life a living prayer” by being present, loving and conscious whether I am driving, writing, interacting with clients or my family. I LOVE kissing my son good night and waking him up in the morning. Definitely some of my favorite moments, but I also love playing sports, talking to my spouse and doing my work. They are all “ultimate

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experiences” when I am awake to the gift that life is! Q - Sherri: How do you combine ultimate personal, business, and spiritual encounters through the holistic philosophy of oneness of mind, body and spirit? A - Jackie: I teach people to elevate their consciousness in everything we do - whether work, play or family time. I am always seeking to be more kind, more loving, more patient, more connected - to others but first to and inside of myself. That is what I seek for myself and what I teach in my programs and books. Q - Sherri: Tell us one of the greatest experiences you have shared from Calming the Chaos client results... A - Jackie: There are many but one of the most powerful is a client who was utterly stuck finishing a textbook for a computer technology company. He had written several others, but for whatever reason he came upon a writers-block and could not finish this one. He came to me in a panic. I started where I start everything in my coaching - looking at the energy of his environment and helped him clear out the clutter in his office and home, then organize his schedule to focus his more intense mental work when his physical energy was at its peak, and within 8 weeks he had finished the first draft on time for his publisher! He didn’t believe that cleaning up his office would actually help with writers block, but I told him to just trust that everything is energy and when you start moving energy around, you’ll free up creative energy to write - and it did! Q - Sherri: You offer other eLearning opportunities, offline courses, private sessions and keynote delivery. Name a few of your educational offerings for our readers... A - Jackie: I have several audiobooks, Calming the Chaos and Rat Race Remedies as well as an inspirational CD called Make Your Life a Living Prayer. I also have an e-course called The Life Design course which is a J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 | 38

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iSHARE Spotlight: Jackie Woodside (Continued) workbook with video tutorials to walk your through designing your life in the exact image you desire! Q - Sherri: Jackie, you have been featured as a TedX Speaker and are widely sought after for keynote delivery. How did you get started in your speaking career? A - Jackie: I have been speaking my whole life really, from the time I was a teenager, but I decided to become a full time speaker and teacher when I purchased my great aunt’s cottage in Upstate NY and I wanted to live there in the summers. I was a therapist at the time and could not tell my clients to “have a good summer” and I would be back in the fall. So I closed my practice and went out as a full time speaker. I started a year ahead of that by starting to teach empowerment programs on a smaller scale, and networking where I could possibly speak for a fee. It has blossomed from there! Q - Sherri: You once said to me..."I am a speaker who authored a book rather than an author who speaks." Explain why you feel strongly about this differentiation... A - Jackie: A lot of people can write well, but not speak well in front of an audience. I am the opposite. I speak well in front of groups of people, but my mind goes pretty blank when I try to write! Ha… so I am first and foremost a speaker. Because having a book, or several books, lends credibility to my speaking platform, I took what I teach and turned that into a couple of books. Q - Sherri: We had the pleasure of meeting on Business Over Coffee International (BOCI) Radio this year and immediately realized we had synergy. Describe your experience with Business Over Coffee International Radio and other radio interviews you encounter frequently... A - Jackie: You are an amazing radio show host! I love doing radio shows but sometimes the hosts are not prepared or they have their own agenda that they want my topic to fit into. You were clear, on point, funny and inspiring all at the same time! A true professional! J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 | 39

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Q - Sherri: After interviewing on BOCI Radio, we immediately connected through Sherri Henley Intelligence (SHI) and began a journey that has lead us to become colleagues through iSHARE Experts and iSHARE Ultimate Speakers. What drew you to SHI and iSHARE Agency? A - Jackie: You were what drew me! Your clarity and how much you are able to accomplish with your various arms of your business is truly astounding and it inspired me to want to work with you. Q - Sherri: You are based out of Boston and will be joining us in Memphis, Tennessee on January 29th and 30th for the Come Into Your OWN Conference 2016 - "Calm the Chaos and Live Life Well" as a collaborative host and keynote speaker along with Marybeth Conley or The Marybeth Conley Show and me. Tell us more! A - Jackie: Can’t wait to be there with your community! I will be speaking from my latest book, “Calming the Chaos” so if any of your readers are feeling like they have too much to do, are living in overload and can’t keep their mind squared away, they want to be sure to attend! Q - Sherri: In February, 2016 you will join our ranks as an instructor at Digital Citizen University (DCU) for a Calming the Chaos at Work Global Event. Give us nugget of what to expect! A - Jackie: People can expect a high-energy, practical and information packed event. Come ready to dig deep, look at yourself and make the changes you want to make in order to be more peaceful AND productive. Q - Sherri: Jackie, what is most exciting moment you anticipate in terms of speaking opportunities scheduled for 2016? A - Jackie: I’m looking forward to running a retreat at the Awaken Whole Life Center in Kansas City, Missouri at Unity Village in May. I am running a Calming the Chaos retreat in a beautiful

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iSHARE Spotlight: Jackie Woodside (Continued) setting with lots of people who are committed to the principles that I teach, so it will be a great fit! Q - Sherri: In one sentence...give us one takeaway on how to calm the chaos in our daily lives... A - Jackie: If you are not planning how you want your life to go, someone else will be doing it for you! So if you want to calm the chaos in your life, start by making a plan each week and each day! Q - Sherri: Please provide your website, contact and booking information... A - Jackie:, you can email me at or

iShare Agency is bringing experts together for project management, brand development and speakers bureau. iShare Agency was established as a global agency in 2014 growing to over 30 experts to date. iSHARE Agency is the pinnacle of expertise for your project, brand, speaking career or speaker selection, start to finish. Contact iSHARE Agency or Sherri Henley at 5865 Ridgeway Center Pkwy, Ste 300, Memphis, Tennessee, 38120 – 901.820.4469 –

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Come Into Your OWN Conference 2016 – Calm the Chaos and Live Life Well! Conference Hosts: Sherri Henley and Marybeth Conley

Featured Keynote Speaker: Jackie Woodside Keynote: Calming The Chaos Jackie Woodside, LICSW, CPC, TedX Speaker, iSHARE Ultimate Speaker – Boston, MA Author of Calming The Chaos; A Soulful Guide to Managing Your Energy Rather Than Your Time Calming The Chaos Touted as One of the Top 10 Motivational Books of 2015 by Other Keynote Speakers Include: Sherri Henley: Come Into Your OWN

Marybeth Conley: Live Life Well

Come Into Your OWN Conference 2016 – The Story Come Into Your OWN, the book, has sparked people to begin to claim OWNership of various aspects of life including their business, profession, spirituality, story, vulnerability, feelings and much more, in 31 days! Come Into Your OWN, the keynote, taught from a Christian perspective, has inspired others to reach beyond their present circumstance and focus for the future. By simply understanding that taking OWNership of ones body, mind, soul and spirit is the only way to wholeness, a holistic philosphy is employed by implementing value-based principles. Come Into Your OWN, the sessions, have increased discovery for business-owners and visibility for storytellers. Through OWN coaching and training, clients become OWNers within thier OWN right. Come Into Your OWN, the conference, will bring focus to OWNing 2016. By applying principles taught through Calming The Chaos and Live Life Well keynotes, the Come Into Your OWN discovery process will give light to darkness, strength to weakness, calm to chaos, wellness to life and hope to hope-seekers. Three women of focused-expertise will combine their messages in a collaborative effort to give the gift of OWNership tools to others!

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OZ NATURALS POWER-PACKED EYE GEL is loaded with cutting edge ingredients that produce results. THIS SUPERIOR FORMULA contains Matrixyl Synthe'6, known for its wrinkle lifting effects which helps to reduce the appearance of crow's feet and forehead lines. A 2ND KEY INGREDIENT, HALOXYL, is an anti-inflammatory that helps diminish and fade the appearance of dark circles with repeated use. A 3RD KEY INGREDIENT, CAFFEINE, reduces puffiness; Hyaluronic Acid attracts moisture, and Apple Stem Cells protect skin and help preserve a more youthful look. MADE IN THE USA in a state of the art FDA registered facility, OZ Naturals formulates some of the most effective anti-aging products on the market.

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OZ Naturals Facial Moisturizer - This Natural Face Moisturizer Contains Powerful Vitamin C & Algae Keratin Extract For Superior Moisturizing & Antioxidant Benefits - Guaranteed To Give A Healthy Glow!

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WOW Beauty Edit of Face Primers By Denise Rabor


a makeup artist I’ve always taken pride in being able to work magic with skin…which is what many other artists will tell you. However more importantly is the fact that the new primers are fantastic! Primers have become valuable tools in make-up bags everywhere because not only do they help to create the flawless finish that many aspire to but also because even if you don’t wear much makeup, they can make your skin look better!

Here’s why I like primers: Well a good primer can really make a difference to the finish of your foundation because it smooths and refines your skin, correcting imperfections and making your makeup last longer. Some of you have probably had the experience of applying your foundation and struggling to

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get it to go on smoothly, ending up with it looking blotchy and uneven: a good Primer will alleviate this by creating a smooth canvas for your foundation. There is a primer to suit everyone…whether you have normal, dry, oily or aging skin there’s a primer just for you. Anti-aging primers are wonderful because they often have ingredients that create a blur effect on fine lines and imperfections. Many modern primers also work to keep your skin hydrated, so you get skincare as well as priming, which results in your makeup lasting much longer. Also if you live in a hot or humid country, and you love wearing makeup…a primer is what you need because it helps makeup to last.

Top tips: I think that it’s really a good idea to moisturize as you normally would before using your primer Primers are so slick now that even if you don’t wear foundation or any other kind of base you can apply a primer after your moisturizer for a more finished look, as they camouflage imperfections and harmonize skin tone. I like to apply primer with my fingers, and blend into the skin. A word of caution: if you have sensitive skin always do a patch test as some of the ingredients that allow for that smoothing effect can cause a reaction in those with skin conditions.

I’ve chosen these five fab primers because they work for #allskintones and they provide a flawless finish. 1. Emma Hardie ‘Protect & Prime’ SPF 30- this is another lovely primer that softens imperfections, and nourishes the skin; it contains Oat Extract and Vitamin E, to help protect and guard the skin, from premature aging. this primer is special because it combines moisturiser, primer & spf 30 …everything that you could ask for in one product. £45.00 2. Clinique ‘Superprimer universal face primer’- This is a great all rounder that ticks all the boxes of being a lightweight, oil free primer that creates a good base for long lasting foundation. £20.00 from 3. Urban Decay ‘Brightening & Tightening’ complexion primer potion- This is one of those primers that can be worn over moisturiser, without having to apply foundation afterwards, which is how I use it because it makes my skin look better! £19.50 from

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Face Primers (Continued)

4. Pixi ‘Flawless Beauty Primer’- this is lovely because it has a subtle shimmer, so it can be worn without foundation and is especially nice in the evening as it gives a lovely subtle shimmer to the skin. It’s got antioxidants vitamin E & A to nourish as well. £19.20 from 5. Bare Minerals ‘Prime Time’ foundation primer- as you would expect this lovely Bare minerals primer is mineral based and oil free. It is particularly good for combination to oily skin types because it works to combat excess oil, and smooths the appearance of enlarged pores and fine lines. £22.00 from I’d love to know if you decide to try any of these primers and how you get on email me at

Denise Rabor, Makeup Artist

@wowbeauty is…. Global Ageless Timeless Diverse Transformational

For me beauty is global and diverse and it feels like the time is right for me to share my passion with you, the ‘Women Of the World’. What you’ll get are my opinions on products based on my experience: the other thing is that I’ll only write about products that I can use ….so for example if a foundation doesn’t come in a shade for my skin…I won’t write about it because WOWbeauty is global.

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Get Real Fashion Sense By Carolyn Bendall Paperback, 74 Pages Price: $14.98 Ships in 7 - 10 business days Learn how to create a workable wardrobe by using simple steps in color, personality, and body line.

Have you been told your style is ‘Dowdy’? Have you been told you should wear more makeup? Have you been told you just don’t dress up enough? This book is for you, and for the person that said that to you! Learn about Personality, Body Line, and Colour and how it applies to how you purchase and wear clothes.

Your True Colours

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Your True Colours: Bringing Out the Best You

WE DID MONTHLY MAKEOVERS IN THE NEWSPAPER FOR NEARLY FIVE YEARS. OUR MAKEOVERS WERE NOT THE ‘GOTCHA’ MAKEOVERS, OR THE ‘WE ARE MAKING OVER THE ENTIRE YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE SO AWFUL’ MAKEOVERS, THERE WERE NO INSULTS. Our makeovers took the person’s own personality and skin tone, and when needed, their body type, into consideration in each makeover. All makeovers were something that the person could reproduce. Each person submitted themselves, even if it was a friend or relative’s idea. We used the best stylists and makeup artists in the Memphis area, and the results are astounding. Meet a handful of our makeovers! Who: Melinda Harper, 39, Brighton TN, married with two children, administrator at New Hope Christian Academy. Issues: Gained three dress sizes while her husband was away for a year in Iraq, working full time, taking care of two children alone, and finishing her doctorate at Union University. Workout Fix: We took Harper to Belinda Johnson, certified personal trainer at B’Fit inside of E’Spalon in East Memphis for a consultation to begin her 6 Week Fitness Jump Start. Harper needed encouragement and motivation to begin her workout. Johnson determined that Harper’s best success would be through swimming three

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days a week, for cardio, and hard core ab, 2 days a week. Millington YMCA served her swimming needs, and B’Fit provided the rest. Harper was directed to switch to baking and grilling instead of frying; and three small meals with two snacks. Harper lost 2 dress sizes under this grilling instead of frying; and three small meals with two snacks. Harper lost 2 dress sizes under this guidance and motivation. Hair fix: Eric Johnson, stylist/colorist owner of E’Spalon created a more sophisticated look for Harper by layering the hair on the sides and back with a buzz cut and spiking. Harper plans to continue the workout regime, Johnson relaxed and conditioned the hair with Paul Mitchell products to restore natural oils stripped by salt in perspiration and chlorine. Ampro styling gel and setting lotion was used to wrap her hair around her head to create fullness without using heat. The hair was finger styled with Vatale styling wax in the opposite direction of the wrap. Beauty fix: Tasha Blakely, esthetician and makeup artist for E’Spalon, lightened Harper’s eye area with light concealer, then light green and light purple eye shadow was used. Black eye liner on the upper lid and at the outer edge of the lower lid, and primer and black mascara were applied to create fullness on her lashes. Mauve blush and a mixture of gold and brown lipstick completed her natural look. Fashion fix: Carolyn Bendall, Image Consultant, determined that Harper is a Cool Violet, wearing colors in the “perfect” form would be her best look. A lavender princess cut jacket by R & M Richards Woman, with a matching tank top was chosen to go with black palazzo pants from Steinmart, Eastgate. Black spiral earrings and an oversized black filigree ring were all the accessories needed, due to the ornate flocked design of the jacket. Score card: The new Dr. Harper was thrilled, “I never knew I could look so pretty.” Harper went straight to her husband at work, where he said she was, “Absolutely gorgeous!” Millington YMCA is providing Harper with YMCA attire and a consultation with nutritionist, Angie McDaniel. Insider info: Carolyn Bendall cautions against wearing clothing too tight in critical areas, even if it fits in non-critical areas. If the garment is still too tight in the hips, but is too large in the waist; get it to fit the hips, and put a slight dart in the waist. When it is too tight in the midriff, but fits the shoulders, get it to fit the midriff and put slight tucks in the shoulders.

Who: Lynn Martin, 46, Collierville, married 24 years with 15 and 12 year old boys, stay at home mom and avid quilter.

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Bringing Out the Best You (Continued) Issues: Came to the Southern Women’s Show with her sister who took her to the “New You” instant makeover and urged her to raise her hand to be chosen for the big makeover. Reason the audience voted her, “Just look at me! I need to get out of men’s shirts!” Hair fix: Catie Miller, hair stylist at Gould’s Salon in Collierville, noted that Martin’s hair was in good condition, it just needed some TLC and some good product for styling and frizz. Miller applied a base color of warm brown, to cover new growth; then added low lights in a darker brown and high lights of pale vanilla, keeping it all warm to enhance her Warm Golden skin tones. With Martin’s extremely curly hair Miller decreased the weight around her face, creating a slimmer face. She textured the back of her hair for a soft look than the round wedge Martin originally had as a result of years of ‘cutting’ her own hair using a Flowbee® (a vacuum hair cutting system that cuts the hair in an even blunt cut, the dangers of the system are that it can literally pull your hair out and it is more effective with long hair, not short hair). Miller cut the hair to lay forward to hide a scar from a massive head injury incurred in a horrible car wreck; also cutting and styling the hair to detract from the scar on her scalp and have her hair fall into a flattering style. The highlights and lowlights were applied extremely thin along the scar line to also draw light away from the scar. To deter frizz common with super curly hair in Memphis’ climate, Miller used Bumble & Bumble’s styling lotion, then Bumble & Bumble’s straight cream to tame curls while blow drying. Moroccan Oil was used for shine and anti-humidity. Miller explained to Martin to apply the products to the back of the

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hair and go forward for the best effect. Texture paste was the last product used to give the style a softer feel. Beauty fix: ChristyLee Short, hair stylist and makeup artist, also from Gould’s Salon in Collierville, used all Mirabella cosmetics. Short first does eyes to keep from having dust on the face. Miller used an almost white shadow over the entire lid, up to the brow line. Pale gold on the inner corner of the lid, and a soft light brown on the outer lid. She used a slightly darker brown liner along the upper and lower lash lines, then smudged it. Miller applied a small strip of natural false lashes to even out Miller’s lashes. Martin had severe sun damage from one bad sun burn, Short even out the skin discolorations using cool neutral tones combined with the warm tones to match her non-damaged skin tone. A warm pink rose blush was used. Warm pink gloss was placed over a lip pencil that was the same color as her lips, to keep a natural look on the lips. Fashion fix: Carolyn Bendall, image consultant and President of Fashion Academy, Martin to Kohl’s in Collierville to find her new daily stay at home look, sans the men’s golf shirt. To compliment Martin’s Warm Golden skin tones, a multi coral, camel, green, yellow sequined Apt. 9 top ($40) was chosen. The cut of the top was important to keep Martin from changing back to a man’s shirt. An a-line cut over a body hugging style, flattered her high hip body line, which includes minimal to no waist definition. Bendall added a Croft & Barrow antique linen cotton short sleeved cropped sweater ($36), explaining to Martin that as long as the top under it is not body hugging, she can wear it successfully. Bendall chose a more flattering Apt. 9 Modern fit, straight through the hip trouser jean ($50) over Martin’s tapered leg off brand jeans that were not flattering. Candies rose gold fancy flip flops ($24) were a fun choice and still comfortable over bulky running shoes. Croft & Barrow green necklace and earrings caught Martin’s eye, explaining that to her it seemed like the jewelry would be the binding on the quilt, and she always choose a non-predominant color for the bindings. A Sonoma green and brown bracelet completed the look. Score card: Martin was ecstatic to finally look feminine without feeling like she was in someone else’s skin. Martin related her family’s reaction, “I ran by my husband’s workplace to show him first. Even though he didn’t say much his eyes got big and he was very surprised. He then took me in and showed me off to his co-workers,” then to the sister that took her to possibly get chosen for the makeover, “ (I) was met by her at the door and her expression changed from one of “who is that person” to one of “WOW! It’s Lynn!” The transformation was so different from my original look she didn’t recognize me.” Martin treated herself to a mani/pedi at Gould’s the day before the makeover, and Kohl’s gave her the entire outfit, with enough money left over to get a second pair of jeans and Fashion Academy gave her her colour palette.

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Bringing Out the Best You (Continued) Insider info: From Short: SPF should always be worn. One sunburn, or ten sunburns, one never knows which ones is going to leave sun damage. Facial SPF should be applied prior to foundation, which should also have SPF. Use the same brand of facial protection as foundation, they are made to work together.

Who: Amy Armistad, 39, married 6 years, 5 year old twin boys and one 10 month old boy, from Bartlett, left a program manager career in maternal and child health projects traveling the world to be Mom, now does the bookkeeping and fundraising for her husband’s school, Veritas College Preparatory Charter School. Issues: Has fallen into staying in pajamas until just before her husband comes home from work! Hair fix: Rachel McPherson Evans, hair artist located inside the hybrid boutique, Sache, in Downtown Memphis, applied diagonal blonde highlights, and used red-brown for all over hair color, keeping Armistad in the cool tones. Evans also tinted her eye brows for a natural flow. Armistad’s fine, yet curly needed to have a longer cut to avoid frizz, a subtle version of the asymmetrical bob gave more volume on top, created by the shorter layers underneath the hair, not in the back of the head. Base cut was done while wet, texturing with dry hair to see how cow licks fall. Armistad had had some hair loss during her recent pregnancy, and Evans blended the new growth hair into her bangs carefully masking any evidence of the hair loss. Kevin Murphy Fall Again Thickening Lotion was used all over, then Bangstyle Sea Salt Spray was used for prep for blow-drying the style. Style with a larger round brush for more body, then with the small round brush in small sections for the curl. Bangstyle Hairspray was used to seal in the hold, and protect the hair. Beauty fix: Carolyn Bendall, creator of the Your True Colours makeup line, used a Foundation Primer to smooth out Armistad’s face prior to applying Buff Beige Aloe Liquid Foundation. Using a brush Bendall evenly applied the foundation, going back over the redness areas

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common for a Cool Red skin tone, negating the need for concealer. Armistad’s natural redness on her cheeks created a natural blush once the foundation was applied. Taupe loose mineral powder eye shadow was applied over the entire lid, and Charcoal was applied along the lash line, and used as an eye liner. Loose Mineral Matte Finishing Powder was applied for a soft finish. Guava lipstick, followed by Ecstasy lip gloss, and black mascara finished the natural, easy look. All makeup was Your True Colours. Fashion fix: Eric Evans, owner/designer of Sache, took Armistad’s measurements in a 4 minute consultation. Using the Cool Red colour palette, Evans chose a jewel toned multi-teal chiffon material to create an original garment for Armistad, which ‘will take her from home to out on the town’. An unstructured tunic, was the result, and when Evans did the final fitting, it was decided that Armistad’s tapered hip need some extra room, and he quickly created slits in the chiffon, doing the finishing touches there in the boutique in his sewing area. Evans added full leg leggings ($42), a gray wood bangle ($25), a sea green necklace ($30). A black cami ($10) was the base for the new custom made chiffon top ($48). Armistad’s own black heels completed the outfit. Score card: Armistad stared at herself in the mirror at the first fitting and held back tears, “I feel like a woman again.” Once the entire look was put together, she said, “I’m really happy with it! I feel like I want to get out of the house!” Sache gave Armistad the entire outfit, and a gift bag from the salon, and Your True Colours gave her all of the makeup and her colour palette. Insider info: From McPherson Evans: “Dirty hair styles better,” she shared with Armistad when she said she washed her hair every day. Wash hair two – three times a week, constant washing dries the hair. Most hair products are water soluble, and can simply be rinsed off by wetting the hair down without using shampoo. Then use your usual styling products and style as usual. You will have less ‘bad hair days’. This, however, can be used mostly on post-puberty women, teens that have oily hair may not be able to go more than one or two days without

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Your True Colours

Bringing Out the Best You (Continued) shampooing. (Note: This intrigued me, and I tried it. It works!)

Who: April Hibler, 33, single mom, just graduated from UofM in Early Childhood Development and has started working as a teacher at Hope House. The issues: She wants to look fun for going out with her friends. The hair fix: April had her cut a while back, but she wanted something dramatic. Eric Johnson, owner of E’Spalon in East Memphis knew how to bring out April’s dramatic side. She had put permanent black hair color on her hair recently, in an attempt to spice it up. Her natural color is dark brown, and trying to restore that right now would damage her hair. So, Eric took that challenge and developed a hair style that would make the new growth look like it belonged. A partial relaxer was applied to her hair, then a moisturizer, and styling gel and wax helped achieve the style. The style is edgier, with some buzzing and razor cut inconsistently, to highlight her beautiful neck. The beauty fix: Lauren Scales, makeup artist for E’Spalon, knew that April had not only experimented with her hair, but had done some experimental eye brow work, too. Using the resulting large eyelid canvas she applied light green on the lid close to the nose, then used dark olive green on the outside edge of the lid, and mocha filled in the center. To narrow the nose (another unintended result of overdone brows), a light concealer was used down the center of the nose. With so much color on the eyes, a nude lipstick was chosen. A contour powder was used under the cheek bones to draw structure on her face.

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The fashion fix: April is a Cool Red, so the colors people are drawn to for dressing up, black and white, look great on her cool skin tone. We chose Catherine’s because of April’s hips, to show her the right fit in jeans. Larry Levine Secret Slimmer black jeans gives her a dressier look, and slims her at the same time. The Levine Classic black belted jacket, helped give her an hour glass figure without bottom heavy. The Maggie Barnes true red tank brought a touch of color to her outfit. Her dramatic-romantic personality showed in the accessories, brushed silver hoops, bracelet silver tone watch with red hearts, and topped off with a two tone heart pendant. The score card: "This makeover transformed me into a cutting-edge, trendy, fashion-forward vixen. I look and feel like a billion dollars," cooed April as we left E’Spalon heading for the Commercial Appeal. Insider info: When shopping for jeans as a plus size, do not get them too tight. Always look for fit, not the size. One pair of expensive jeans will make a difference in your overall feeling than 5 pair of illfitting cheaper jeans. Stop the top or jacket at the hip, do not go below it. Even if this means hemming the top! The exception is a Swing Coat that is full at the bottom.

Who: Jeanette Campbell, 61, of Olive Branch, caregiver for her husband, Joe. Married, 26 years. Medical Transcriptionist part-time at home. Part-time sitter for 3 year old granddaughter. The issues: Recently retired from St. Jude, where she wore corporate attire. Now caring for others and her yard has left her in sweats and baseball hats, and now she doesn’t even look in a mirror for fear of what she will see! The hair fix: Cordova’s Daniel Shay Salon’s, Devon Demond, who is trained in the Sahag dry cut, started on Campbell’s hair noting that the end style will be determined by the shape of her head, how her hair lays (including inconsistencies like cowlicks), and her personality. Using shears sprayed with silicone, to glide along the dry hair, Demond designed a cut unique to J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 | 56

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Bringing Out the Best You (Continued) Campbell. Her cowlicks at the back of the crown were cut to lay in place with the rest of the style, something that can’t be done when the hair is cut wet. Demond covered the gray in Campbell’s hair with warm blonde to complement, and cool highlights to create the dimension. Styling Campbell’s hair started Sahag No Frizz applied liberally, then free form blow drying until the hair is 80% dry, then styled using Sahag Air Lift Volumizer. Three sections of hair across the crown, raised, and blow dryed at the roots increased the lift of the hair. Finishing the style with Sahag Air Power texturizing spray, using the cold setting on the blow dryer, styling with fingers for a more natural fall. This cut will last 2 – 4 months because the hair “behaves” for a longer time. The beauty fix: Dr. Kris Leventhal at East Memphis Aesthetics Skin and Laser, oversaw several procedures to correct the sun damage from several years of neglect and yard work. The team began with Juvederm by Allergan, filling by injection areas around the mouth and nose. Botox by Allergan was injected between the eyebrows, along the forehead, and crow’s feet. Microdermabrasion, mechanical exfoliation, prepared her face for the Obagi skin care. Limelight treatment followed, (Intense pulse light therapy) to diffuse redness and freckles, post acne marks, and sun damage. Campbell felt a prick of heat as the light treated her skin, redness lasted for a day, followed by several days of healing. The result left her skin soft, and glowing with health. Sandra Johnson, makeup artist and technician for East Memphis Aesthetics Skin and Laser, used Jane Iredale makeup exclusively on Campbell. Johnson started with a primer and under eye ultra-firming cream, following with Bisque Loose Mineral Powder Foundation. Concealer was applied under the eyes to prevent caking of the powder foundation. Johnson applied a finishing powder using an Ultra Brush. Campbell’s lids were primed with Mineral Powder, followed by a corrective color shadow to cover the red in Campbell’s lids. Slate Brown was applied at the crease; Khaki, under the crease to the outer lid; and Peach Sorbet, sheer highlighter on the brow bone. Emerald eye liner was applied along the upper lash-line, and Copper to the lower lash-line. Casey Burnette, Daniel Shay Salon, dyed Campbell’s lashes a dark brown to give her a good look while working in the yard without the trouble of mascara. Brows, which previously had been dyed, were highlighted with Taupe. Copper Wind was applied to the cheeks, Bronzer #2 was used to highlight the cheeks. Lips were outlined with Nude, and filled with C.J. lip color.

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The fashion fix: Warm Goldens, like Campbell, have this year’s Spring colors designed for them. Yellow, Corals, Aquas are all in the Warm Golden’s colour palette. Carolyn Bendall, Fashion Academy, did not want to take Campbell outside of her current lifestyle, but had to get her to look in the mirror again. Not Your Daughter’s Jeans fit the bill exactly. Choosing the tummy tuck, trouser cut, pinstriped jeans from Dillard’s Oak Court, “took 10 pounds off,” of Campbell before she left the dressing room. Paired with an Ellen Tracy yellow silk/cotton tee shirt, Campbell is comfortable at home working or caring for her husband. She then throws on the matching Ellen Tracy yellow cotton/lyra jacket and tops it off with an Anne Klein silk scarf in black, white, yellow abstract floral, and Etienne Aigner coral and gold clip on earrings, she is ready to go out to lunch with friends. Completing the outfit for her outing, is her big brimmed black hat, from Dr. Leventhal to truly protect her skin from the sun while out, or when working in the yard! The score card: "I didn’t know I was such a FOX!” exclaimed Campbell while looking in the mirror at Dillard’s Oak Court. Jeanette says, “I am having a baseball hat burning, too!”

Insider info: The body needs oxygen, one way to do that is through drinking water. The skin cells take the oxygen from the water to function. Healthy skin cells provide oil to hydrate the skin. Skin Care is mostly Skin Health – dehydration cannot be rectified by skin care. Needed skin care: Retin A based product, anti-oxidant, sunscreen. East Memphis Aesthetics Skin and Laser suggests Obagi Nu-Derm.

Who: Barbara Rogers, 56, married 26 years, self-employed, lives in Corinth MS, and recently was pronounced cancer-free. Rogers attended the Southern Women’s Show, and was chosen by the audience to receive the makeover.

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Bringing Out the Best You (Continued)

Issues: After focusing on the cancer, then finally given the green light of being 5 years cancer free, Rogers said it was time to focus on the outside. With gray hair, she was now lost on what to do with makeup and hair. Hair fix: Spence Holland, stylist/colorist at Gould’s Med Spa and Salon in Germantown, decided that Rogers’ gray hair complimented her, so there was no need for color. Holland stressed hair care over hair color. Holland used Blue Malva Aveda for Platinum Blonde to Silver Hair, to brighten the gray. She was instructed to use this once a week. He then used Bumble & Bumble moisturizing and hydrating shampoo and conditioner, to replace the moisture that was making Rogers’ curly hair frizzy. Rogers wanted a style that she could wash and go, or that she could spend time with and have a beautiful look. To create the requested style, Holland layered the back of Rogers’ super curly hair to taper in to diminish her squared face. He told her to wear it straighter and styled she would need to use Bumble & Bumble Staight for blow drying and flat iron. To wash and go curly, Aveda’s Curl Enhancer would be used. Using the flat iron, Holland styled Rogers’ hair easily. A mini-flat iron was used on the short edges so there were no frizzy flyaways.

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Beauty fix: Carolyn Bendall, Image Consultant and President of Fashion Academy, used Your True Colours makeup line. Bendall determined that Rogers is a Warm Golden skin tone. Bendall started with a Primer to prepare the skin for mineral makeup. Nude mineral powder foundation was used. To highlight Rogers’ green and gold eyes, used Forest matte mineral powder eye shadow with the Mineral Eye Shadow Sealant (to create a gel), for lower lash eye liner along the outer ½ of the eye. Suede Jade Mineral Matte Eye Shadow was placed along the upper lash line to the center of the lid, then with what little color was left on the brush, an outside ‘V’ was created which created a lighter shade of green without using another eye shadow. For easy blending, Wheat Matte Mineral Eye Shadow was used over the entire lid, even over the Suede Jade. Rogers’ eye brows were filled in with Mineral Dark Brown Eye Brow Powder, a brush was used to mimic the look of individual hairs. Mineral Matte Finishing Powder was then applied over the entire face. Mineral Matte Fresh Peach blush was used on the cheeks. One pump of Finishing Spray over the mineral powders, hydrated the skin and set the powders. Dark Brown Mascara was used. Devotion lipstick, topped with Beloved lip gloss was used. Score card: Rogers was amazed at how her eyes popped by filling in her brows, and using green shadow, “I’ve never used green shadow, but it is beautiful!” Rogers paid close attention and asked questions during the styling process to make sure she could replicate the steps at home, “Spence is wonderful! I love my hair, it looks great! And, I know how to style it now myself.” Fashion Academy gave Rogers $250 towards the makeup, and she purchased the brushes. Rogers was so impressed with the hair products that she made the purchase herself knowing she would not have the same results without them. Insider info: From Holland: “Mix a little baking soda with your shampoo once a week to rid hair of extra product that dulls the hair.” From Bendall: “When using mineral makeup for over 35, make sure it s Matte. Make sure the bismuth has been removed from the mineral powder, whether it is foundation, blush, or eye shadows.”

Learn what each of these ladies learned on their ‘New You’ journey. What is your best color, what personality are and why is it important to know that, and what is your body line and how does it all apply to building a workable wardrobe?

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours – Life Image By Carolyn Bendall

Carolyn Bendall is President of Fashion Academy and has trained image consultants and beauty related professionals in image consulting and color analysis. She has worked with celebrities, local television personalities, executives, and everyday people who are lost in the world of what fashion has to offer. She has had a column in Memphis Woman magazine and did the “A New You “column for the Commercial Appeal.

OVER THE LAST 15 YEARS OF IMAGE CONSULTING I HAVE HAD MANY CLIENTS, TAUGHT MANY CLASSES, AND GIVEN MANY LECTURES AND SEMINARS. ONE THING THAT PEOPLE ALWAYS ASK ME, WHETHER AS A CLIENT, A CLASS MEMBER, OR A LECTURE OR SEMINAR ATTENDEE…OR, AS A FRIEND…IS, “DOES THIS LOOK OKAY?” OR, THE OTHER STATEMENT I GET CONTINUALLY, “OH, I KNOW THIS IS THE WRONG COLOR, BUT IT IS ALL I HAD THIS MORNING!” In those quests, I have had many that take heed what has been presented; and yet, still, many that were very excited for a new look, for instruction on how to shop and not make mistakes anymore, for having a way to look that hint of a better style, or any number of other reasons J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 | 61

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why one asks for help from an Image Consultant…there is still that percentage that almost immediately revert back to their ‘old’ self. That complete happiness of that one shopping trip, that closet cleanout, the ‘New You’, or condensed information during a lunch meeting, falls on fearful ears. “I just can’t make it happen.” “I can’t do it the way you did it.” And, many more excuses for reverting. As I pondered on why these men and women just can’t grasp the complete idea of making a change in their everyday life. I realized that it wasn’t an outwardly problem, so much as it was an inward problem. We began to realize that a large percentage of the people that sought us out, really needed to reevaluate their ‘Life Image’ more so than their ‘Outer Image’. And, so was born the Life Image and CourageMakers. Not a counseling session, but facilitating for a goal setting program that works on achieving the Inner Image that will allow us to gain an Outer Image. Toi Sweeney, International Award Winning Stylist for QVC, calls it ‘branding’. She notes that one must build a personal brand, which does have to begin inside. “If you are adequate, or passable, or even complacent in your image; why? What are okay with being ‘okay’. When you are perceiving yourself as ‘okay’, others perceive you that way, too.

Makeover shows have ruined many people toward accepting, or even attempting, a complete change. “They are fearful,” Sweeney says. They have seen entire wardrobes over enthusiastically tossed in the trash. One episode of a popular show still leaves me cringing, the hosts With over 10 years experience in the literally ripped off a ladies ‘Mom jeans’ in a store. Fashion Industry, Toi Sweeney is a leading authority on style. Fashion (Obviously not an impromptu thing, jeans do not simply rip Stylist to celebrity clients, television off when pulled on; those jeans were pre-cut to tear away.) personalities and hosts, Toi is an expert at creating one of a kind Another that had me screaming at the television was when personal brands and elevates image the host of the show argued with the lady when she said

to art.

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Vol. 3 Issue 1

Life Image (Continued)

she didn’t want lower necklines, she just wasn’t comfortable with it. The host then proceeded to pull out only low neckline tops, noticeably embarrassing the sweet lady being held hostage in the dressing room. We can’t take away a person’s personality to create a wardrobe that the Image Consultant loves; the person has to love it and wear it, so, it needs to be their personality. Sweeney tries to help the client realize that they are fearful of what they see happening on television happening in the store or in their own closet. She tries to make the client understand that what is gained far outweighs what miniscule thing that might be taken away. In my case, the only items that have been taken out of a client’s closet are items that they do not wear anyway. So, fear is exchanged for power; the new knowledge of why they don’t wear that particular item of clothing, which then gives them power to let it go. Knowledge is power. Power to say ‘No’ to the sales associate. Power to say ‘No’ to friends who try to pressure a teen to wear the latest fad that is all wrong for them. Power to say ‘No’ when society pushes its frivolous ideas of fashion. At what point is new branding needed? Sweeney offers some warning signs that one has allowed the branding to become negative, “Have you changed your hair in the last 3 years? Have you updated your headshots or family photos (for the Stay At Home Mom) in the last 3 years?” Many women will respond, ‘but I don’t go to an office every day, I go to the park every day.’ No matter if you are retired, a stay at home mom, or a career person, personal branding is a must. Sweeney further explains the idea of personal branding, “Are you relevant to your husband and kids? Are you relevant to yourself?” She further explains, “What are people saying (or remembering) about you?” Knowing deep inside that people are saying, “Wow, she has let herself go,” even if they didn’t, will replicate the cycle. This is where jumping outside of your world and creating a new you really does bring a smile to one’s face. ‘Really?’ One may ask. Really. Working on feeling better about oneself is the first step to creating the new brand. Some of our men and women in the “New You” columns truly were looking for a new branding. We had the woman whose husband was in Iraq, and the last time he had seen her was when she was pregnant and then right after the baby was born, she wanted a new sexy mom to meet him at the airport; the woman who gave up her corporate career to stay at home with twin boys and creating her own business within the home—but had simply succeeded in staying in her pajamas all day; the college student who was ready to graduate however had always only worn jeans and was becoming aware that she needed a corporate look; the career woman,

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wife, and mother who was retiring from the military and was going into private law practice and realized that her entire wardrobe consisted of uniforms and running gear; the policewoman who had allowed her wardrobe to become uniforms and shorts and tee shirts and now couldn’t even go on a date night because she had no clothes (after two pregnancies); the lawyer whose wardrobe was filled with black suits and she was opening a new chapter in her life as a Laughter Leader, she needed fun color; the man who wore jeans and a company tee shirt all day and realized he had fallen into the rut of not changing out of his ‘work uniform’ ever; the man who daughter was tired of ill-fitting shorts and tee shirts on her retired Father…and the list could go on and on…all people who woke up one day and realized they needed a new branding. The Happy Person, the Energetic Person, the Person that smiles, those are the branding that we want to see; however, in most cases the branding is, the Frazzled Person, the Sloppy Person, the Out-Dated Person…we could go on and on with the ‘stereotype.’ Oh, that word..yes, that word. We trap ourselves. There is a way to release that trap, working on the inner image before one even begins to think about working on the outer image. Even in weight loss goals, there still will need to be some inner image goals to achieve. We developed the Your True Colours Life Image program to set one the road to setting up new goals, to setting up a new branding. Sweeney notes, “Your life is your business…brand it correctly.”

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PSALM 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. This passage for me evokes so much emotion. That someone would take the time and carefully and fearfully consider all that is Toi Sweeney. I am a marvelous work of art. You are a marvelous work of art. Regardless of your size, short or tall. It doesn’t matter if you have full lips or thin lips, long hair or short hair. You! Yes, You! are fearfully and wonderfully made. I was pretty confident as a very young girl. The same kind of confidence that I see in my son (age 4). By the time I entered into my teens and early 20’s I was a hot insecure mess. I did not feel wonderfully made I felt more like a car crash that no one bothered to clean up. Which reminds me I heard the best quote the other day! ” Don’t blame yourself change yourself” One of the greatest life lessons that I have learned is that if you are lucky enough to wake up in the morning then you get a fresh start that day. Make it count! Be kind, be fearless, and be forgiving. Be awesome! Fast-forward 20 years later, I choose joy. Happiness depends on what happens to you but JOY! is a choice. I have survived the loss of a child, an almost failed marriage, and I count it all joy. James 1:2-3, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” I still have tough days, as I am sure you do But you decide. You choose to be joyful anyway. Don’t you know who you are? You are fearfully, carefully, wonderfully made. I am fearless, I am strong in my faith and I am talented! I get to be the mom of the most beautiful little boy in the world. My husband is nothing short of amazing. It took a while to get to this point. Fear is such a powerful word. It’s hard to know sometimes just how it hurts you. No matter what it is that is holding you back do it anyway. I like what Rory Vaden says in his book Take The Stairs ” Do it scared” I often make decisions based on fear. If it scares me then I should most likely do it. If I want it to the point that I feel my life depends on it then I walk away. I am not a big fan of things, people jobs etc. That takes up more space in my heart than God. Remember “Great things never came from comfort zones”, Huffington post I’m not saying it is easy I’m just saying it is worth it! You have all you need inside. You were born with it. Love you. Toi Sweeney

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Life Image (Continued)

Sweeney says that her clients that are hosts on QVC or CEO’s of companies are readily willing to step into a new branding of the outer person. The everyday average person is the one who is fearful of stepping into uncharted territory, a new image. Consistency is a goal within itself. For those that simply cannot change their routine to implement those changes needed for the new image need to put that down as a goal for them to achieve. Perhaps the goal itself will not be to implement changes suggested; but something that isn’t as fearful, like implementing changes in a morning or evening routine…that first or last 15 minutes of the day. This sets one up for the larger step of new branding. Our goal setting workbook covers many aspects of one’s inner image, with simple guidelines toward attainable goals. The Life Image workbook led us to CourageMakers. CourageMakers is a conference that we do each year to give everyone the shot in the arm needed to get moving on making inner image changes. Then, this is also reinforced throughout the year with Courage Over Lunch. That is the real action session. Goal setting assigned each month, with accountability to make the goal a reality. Join us in person, or on line!

A DJ realized in the studio it didn't matter what he wore; however for public appearances he really felt sloppy. He’s still in jeans, just with better ‘branding’.

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OZ Naturals Collagen Type 1 & 3 + Vitamin C Supplement - 6000 MG 250 Tablets - The Most Potent Anti Aging Formula For Healthy Glowing Skin, Hair & Nails

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Your True Colours

ALLURE MAGAZINE'S Best In Beauty Vitamin C Serum - It's widely considered to be the most effective organic vitamin c serum available & is proven to dramatically increase the production of collagen and cellular turnover - Resulting in a much smoother texture and even skin tone - We guarantee you'll notice a much more youthful and radiant glow!

CLINICAL STRENGTH 20% vitamin c serum for your face + vegan hyaluronic acid is the absolute highest quality vitamin c serum available.

CRUELTY FREE, ORGANIC vitamin c serum does not contain alcohol, parabens or sulfates and is safe for all skin types.

MADE IN THE USA in a state of the art FDA registered facility - OZ Naturals formulates the most effective anti aging products on the market - OZ Naturals products work & they work extremely well - We guarantee you'll get results!

THIS VITAMIN C SERUM is guaranteed to leave your skin radiant and more youthful looking by neutralizing free radicals & is proven to stimulate collagen & reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

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Vol. 3 Issue 1

Elegant rose gold Plated European with opals and resins Curvy rose gold Plated with opals Platinum plated pendant Set with Rhinestone and Resin

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Your True Colours

Platinum plated Rose gold plated with opal, Crystals and Venetian Pearls European style with Platinum Plated

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Amazing gold Plated East style, Dark blue Enameled and Resin Gold Plated style with butterfly shaped colorful enameled & resin Gold Plated style with Crystal and Rhinestone

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Rose gold plated with Pink opal Colourful charm shape Multi layered,rose gold plated European style Delicate Curvy Crystal Platinum Plated

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

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Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

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Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

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Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

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Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Evanna Fashion House is a women’s fashion brand that specially caters to the busy lives of women. Since we are an exclusive boutique, we only do one of kind pieces. No piece will be duplicated. You will feel a quality when you wear our exclusive pieces. Evanna Fashion House is a clear definition of class within the boutique as well as its essence of an enclosure. Evanna Fashion House’s clothing collections will allow our customers to find the style that best fits their lifestyle. We work hard to provide the best in customer service and quality lines. We include the finest and highly experienced stylist to cater to your needs. We also offer our own exclusive pieces Evanna fashion House Exclusives". These pieces exemplify, what Evanna Fashion House represents: innovation, elegance, style, and class. We work tirelessly to keep you trendsetting and show stopping hot.


Asymmetric Contrast Layered Georgette Blouse

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Your True Colours

Vol. 3 Issue 1

Your True Colours

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Your True Colours

it’s not for sissies A MEMOIR BY MARIE PIZANO According to Marie Pizano, the word “no” is not in her vocabulary. She simply says, “I Can” and “I Will”. Her memoir, From Barefoot to Stilettos tells the story of her life thus far, from her childhood days of living on food stamps, gangs and double-dutching on the streets of south-side Chicago to surviving a life changing accident, moving to Memphis and living a trophy-wife life, dealing with the mean girls, the monster-in-law, panic attacks, becoming a mother, to her postdivorce years and defeating the odds of building an entertainment powerhouse, all while rediscovering herself, her life, and her power. Through explorations of her own past and present tense, Marie reflects on how the sum of her trials and triumphs shaped her into the empowered woman she became during her incessant quest to find her “yes.” ...


4 steps to fantastic results. Hold InstaWave up-right and place 1 to 2 inches of hair onto curler.

Press button to instantly catch hair and rotate curl•barrel. Hold button until hair is fully around barrel, then release.

Allow barrel to heat hair for 3 to 10 seconds (time depends on style of curl and hair type).

Pull InstaWave gently downward to release a beautiful curl.

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