Your True Colours February 2015

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Your True Colours

Agrarami Fashion House Stands Out With Geometric Styles

February 2015

Sleep: There’s an App for That

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Dr. Stan Gardner Discusses

Heart Health with Kally Efros

Remembering Pets In Quilts

Humorist, Kelli Kirwin: The Reality of Valentine’s Day


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Your True Colours

Some of our guest writers for this issue: Marva G. Ballard, working under the name M.G. Ballard Designs, has been designing professionally for over 34 years. Established in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1980, the designer has moved operations as she has moved about in her dual career as both a designer and educator. The designer relocated from Indianapolis to Tuskegee, AL in 1987 to work for Tuskegee University and in 1999 began selling through retailers across the country. Since 2005, the designer has resided and worked in Memphis, TN. She currently designs and sells two collections ‐ M.G. Ballard Signature wearable art and home decor, and the Essential Elements Collection. In addition, she is a mixed media artist, and is one of the official artists whose work is sold to support the Tom Joyner Foundation.

Chuck and Sherry Caza have been in the direct selling business for over 20 years, both in the field and at the corporate level. Their Christmas Around The World business earned every award possible from top recruiters to top Executive Directors. After 40 years in business the doors closed with the passing of the founder Harry Lloyd. In early 2008 they joined Latasia and within 6 weeks moved to the Director position, in their first complete year with Latasia, they were # 1 in group sales, # 1 in personal recruiting, # 1 in $1,000 parties and set a new record for largest monthly “Branch Sales” (over $100,000) which they still hold today. July 2012 they were presented with an opportunity to join “Inspire” to introduce the brand new party plan company to Canada and the United States. In Early January 2013 Inspire was purchased by For Every Home where they are currently award winning Directors consistently placing number 1 in group and organization sales & recruiting. 2015 is an exciting year with the introduction of Magnolia and Vine. They will be introduced as Founding Leaders and look forward to leading their new team!

Zenwise Labs Zenwise Labs is a supplement company that specializes in all natural products to improve your everyday life.

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Colin House, considers himself to be a mobile and social media entrepreneur. As a seasoned strategist he strives to be on the cutting edge of mobile and social media innovation and products. He has a proven record of building profitable companies and being able to turn around broken ones. He embraces visions that are not always seen by others and his creative mind allows him to be able to see the “big picture”. He has a reputation for being an innovative self‐ starter who is dedicated to achieving results with a sense of urgency to complete projects quickly. He also has the ability to connect unconnected, thereby producing disruptive ideas. In addition, “can’t” is not in his vocabulary and he has a unique ability to tackle tough problems and for following through to successful conclusion. House has a passion for tackling new projects. Kelli Kirwan is the wife of a recently retired United States Marine, mother of six children and grandmother to four delightful perfect people. She is a free‐lance writer with credits in Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul, Reflections from Women on Life’s Turning Points, and staff blogger for Military OneSource’s Blog Brigade. Capitalizing on her experience as a military spouse and raising a large family with all that military life brings, Kelli approaches life’s challenges with thoughtful insight and a healthy dose of laughter. How else would one survive life with a Marine and six children? She and her husband have settled in the great state of Texas where they are starting a new journey as grandparents and life without Dress Blues.

Alicia Nicole Waters! is a cross industries entrepreneur who is creating evolutionary game changing agendas through business marketing evangelism in diverse industries through intentional journals, planners and trainers. She is the CEO of Alicia "Waters" Cross Industries and uses the element of water as her self‐ brand. She a journalist, avid writer/author of 80 plus book publications, she is a transformational cross trainer, multimedia personality and ordained minister. She also has an expertise in cross branding/multimedia marketing, hospitality, holistic lifestyle and business renovations and ministry development.

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Your True Colours

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Your True Colours

All contents of this magazine are the opinions of the individual authors. In this Issue:

February 2015 Fashion Academy© No part of this magazine may be reprinted without written permission from the editor. TABLE OF CONTENTS Monthly Columns: Spotlight Artist: Ray Ferrer 7 Contest of the Month: Jeff Green’s Book, I Hear Ants 9 Great Finds: InstaNatural 11 Marva Ballard presents the first of her Rockin’ Role Model series, meet Shelley Baur.

YTC Life Image – Budgeting 23 Wellness by Kally Efros ‐ Heart Health 32 Cool Skin Tones/Warm Skin Tones ‐ My Indie Polish 79 Articles Love is a Battlefield by Kelli Kirwin 13 Are You S.A.D.? by Stan Gardner, M.D., CNS 19 The South Pacific – The Home of Romance by Lisa Rossmeissl 25 Honoring the Soul’s Outlook by Alicia Nicole Waters 37 Our Hands of Hope: Great Things to Come in 2015 by Cinthya Rubio 41

Alicia Nicole Waters sets us on the right path for soul searching for the new year.

Magnolia & Vine: Direct Sales by Chuck and Sherry Caza 45 Best Creative Outlet: Beloved Pets Immortalized 51

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Your True Colours Table of Contents (Continued) What New Moms Must Know About Sleeping Pills by Colin House 57 Wrapped in Style: Abbecote 61 Agragrami Fashion House 65 Sweetheart Jewelry: Reviving a Forgotten Romance by Melinda Lewis 73 Rockin’ Role Model: Shelley Baur by Marva Ballard 87

Credits for Cover Photos: Agragrami Fashion House, fabric manipulated skirt with bustier, $870.00, F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 | 6

Your True Colours

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Your True Colours From the Editor’s Desk Hi Everyone,

January is already over! My goodness! My family has all said several times this month, “We should be back on the ship sailing around the Carribean.” I have agreed each time. How spoiled we can get in just a very short time! This month’s issue has the first of several articles by Marva Ballard, fashion designer. She has chosen several women that she feels are role models in all aspects of their lives. She then puts them in her clothes and has real live photo session. This will be a series that you will want to watch for each month. Shelley Baur is her first ‘Rockin’ Role Model’. Another bit of news, our spotlight artist this month, Ray Ferrer (who is amazing!), has had a horrific development in his life. His wife posted on his blog that he has had a stroke. We wish him a quick recovery so that he can get back to his ‘spray cans’. We offer prayers of strength to his family as they stand by him during the rehabilitation process. Speaking of cruises…did you see that Disney has a new “Frozen” Cruise? Ports will be in Norway and Iceland. Anyone know who we contact to do a review on that cruise?! We would make that sacrifice for the magazine. Happy Valentine’s Day! Carolyn Bendall

Spotlight Artist: Ray Ferrer

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an opportunity to experiment with the range of possibilities allowed through his choice of materials, spray paint and hand cut stencils. Ray’s work captures spaces of partial or full illumination between the perfect shadows on all sides of a person or an object. The artwork conveys the real beauty of the subject. The viewer is able to appreciate the simplicity, splendor and exquisiteness of Ray’s work and the subject. The work is raw, it’s stripped back, and it’s honest. “I am vehemently opposed to using art as a means to rely on overlycomplex theories or ideas to prop up mediocre images. I believe that the quality of the actual work is what is paramount.” – Ray Ferrer Ray Ferrer holds a Bachelor Degree in Engineering and a MBA, trading it all in for spray paint!

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Contest of the Month: Join Jeff as he recalls some of the memorable events of a nearly Jeff Green’s Book, most thirty year journey through what seemingly be considered a I Hear Ants would normal life. Normal that is until Jeff

Enter to WIN this book for FREE by entering the contest on line: Or ‘liking’ our Facebook page:

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puts his unique spin on each of the forty-eight short stories, making you laugh, sigh, and even cry through each. Each story is a true accounting of what happened, at least in the eyes of the author, who has a sharp eye for detail and a sharper wit. Every story has been written so that it could be read on its own or from front to back weaving a tale that describes tales of everything from his love life to heroism. Typical humorous situations he encounters along the way include: Coincidence and a piece of paper that determined his life's direction; Convincing his teenage daughter that he can hear ants (Yes, she is a blonde); Making chocolate milk; Describing how a loaf of bread and a bottle of coke becomes a wife; Describing the subtle nuances of fine dining and the purpose of a salad fork in a way that could elicit a reaction from the person being taught over ten years later; Stolen cars, burglaries, and drive-by shootings at a nursing home; S.W.A.T. teams; Spiders. The situations encountered on the surface appear to be totally normal but when Jeff gets done with it, you are left laughing, wanting more.

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Great Finds: InstaNatural started advertising with us a few months ago. They have sent us products that we have tried over that time frame. I decided that I had to spotlight them because these products are wonderful and I wanted everyone to know it!

Argan Oil has been used by several of the hair stylists that we use for our makeovers. It always makes the person’s hair shine. I thought it was just for hair. NO! It’s for skin, too! I have been a big fan of Boucheron Dry Oil Spray for years, except now they don’t make it. It was also very expensive. InstaNatural Argan Oil is amazing! To combat the dryness the forced heat creates I use it continually on my legs and on my arms. At night I will put it on my feet, and sometimes my legs. I don’t think I have even tried it, yet, on my hair!! I am too much in love with its skin care use!

Who knew Argan Oil could be a Hair Mask? My hair is very fine and thin, so I shy away from anything that even sounds like it might weigh it down. I jumped at the chance to use the Argan Oil as a mask. It is so soft, without weighing down my hair. I actually had body…and believe me, when I say my hair had body, this product is fantastic!

Retinol Moisturizer, that is a word that we all associate with skin care due to so many commercials on TV and such. Regardless of it’s name, this moisturizer is wonderful. For those who need a good moisturizer at a good price point, this is a great moisturizer to use. Again, I have used it with forced air heat when it is so bad for one’s skin; and it has performed great. It is no greasy, and it is not drying. It is a great product worthy of the InstaNatural name.

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Youth Express Eye Gel, great name, we all want our youth back, and expressly! This Eye Gel is also a great product. I’ve used it alone and with the Serum (next product). I’ve even used it around my mouth, and just kind of cheated a put it on my neck. Now, I haven’t used it enough to know if it makes a difference anywhere but the eyes, but I did like the softness of the area around my mouth.

Youth Express Eye Serum is my favorite of the two eye products. A little goes a long way, so if you drop too large of a drop you will be spreading it all over the top half of your face (perhaps that statement comes from personal experience?). I’m not convinced that eye serum’s and gel’s get rid of wrinkles. Instead I think that they give moisture to an area of the face that loses it quickly. So, that dry around the eye feeling one has is lessened. I do think if you start and keep up with an eye treatment that it will retard the appearance of wrinkles. And, this is the one I do recommend with which to get started!

I am very picky on masks, and the Dead Sea Mud Mask passes my pickiness. This is a great mask, one of the best that I have used. I love the softness after removing the mask. It is a natural mask, and looks and feels like a mask. Many masks today just seem like thick cleansers, and I just don’t feel like they are deep cleaning. This passed my tests, and you will see a noticeable difference in your face after using it just once. You can purchase InstaNatural products on or through their website,

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retired from the Marine Corps he had already put on the post Marine Corps obligatory “freshman 15”, and was The Kirwin's barely recognizable beneath the blossoming facial hair that I was trying so hard to get used to. I desperately still love this older (and furrier) version of the silent man I married so long ago. That evening however all I could think of to describe love was Pat Benatar’s “Love is a Battlefield”. His growing beard was not helping anything either. Our love affair has not been without its trials, bumps and even a self‐sabotage or two. Valentine’s Day for us has not always been candy hearts, chocolates and flowers. In fact I seem to remember one year those little message hearts being used as ammo across a living room. Fortunately for both us we began reading them out loud before we threw them and the ridiculousness of it ended with laughter, sort of apologies and failure to remember what started the whole candy war. That particular evening it was my darling husband who was holding out for an apology from me for some rude text I had sent to him earlier in the day. I had been caught in the middle of sibling war and he ended up feeling some of my frustration. Sigh, it happens to the best of us. I did eventually sort of apologize and he, with much laughter accepted it, in his way, which brings me to my message about love and Valentine’s Day. F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 | 13

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It really is a battle field involving all the imperfections of our humanness. The theatre of war is strewn with promises kept and promises broken. There are trails of tears both joyful and sad lined with forgiveness, understanding, and definitely chocolate and flowers interspersed with healthy doses of laughter. I wouldn’t have it any other way. One of the most defining moments for me in how to see and accept my husband’s love was when I learned to recognize it. Before that, I was often disappointed on Valentine’s Day, my birthday, our anniversary, mainly because I had certain expectations of what should happen. This one moment in time completely changed my ability to SEE how he loved me and it changed the course of my marriage forever. In 1997 my husband was days away from leaving me and 3 small children to deploy for a year. We had rented a small house in Texas where my family lived and he had just enough time to move us in before leaving. Two days before he was scheduled to leave we made a run to the nearest military base to pick up a few last minute items he needed. While there at the “exchange”, the shopping center on base, my husband indicated there was something he was going to buy me. I was a little excited. Was it shiny? Could I wear it on my body? We didn’t have a lot of money so I was a little worried, but also intrigued. I half hoped it was

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Love is a Battlefield (Continued) expensive and half hoped he hadn’t lost his mind. We headed to the shower curtains and other bath and bed items. What the heck? I asked him as we walked through the store, “what are you looking for?!” He declined to answer and I just tagged along behind really confused. The jewelry counter was on the other side of the store. I didn’t need towels! He couldn’t seem to find what he was looking for, so with sale flyer in hand he tracked down an employee. He opened the flyer up to a page with shower accessories and asked the sales lady where he could find a particular shower caddy. She informed him that they were in the back and would not be on sale until two days later. He explained he was deploying in two days and really wanted to buy this particular one for his wife. I would love to say my heart filled with love for him at that moment, but sadly, it wasn’t so. I was 80% let down and 20% grateful he was spending under ten dollars. I looked at him, trying to hide my disappointment and said “a shower caddy?” He grinned, truly proud of himself and said, “yes! You don’t have anywhere in there to put all your foo foo girl stuff and so I wanted to get you this shower caddy I saw in the exchange sales add.” Oh. The master bath did not have a bathtub, just a 1960s style enclosed shower we jokingly named the “defunking” chamber. It was completely enclosed in bright yellow tile and truly felt like you were stepping into a “chamber”. The sales lady went into the back and we left with THE shower caddy, with the sales lady grinning as we walked to the registers. Whatever lady, I can’t wear that in my ears. Two days later we said goodbye, and he left. That was January 6, 1997. January 7 was our anniversary. No card, no quick collect call. I understood, he was just arriving in Okinawa. Sort of. I would have called him. February 14th arrived. No card, no call until a day or two later and then it was quick. Okay, he was settling in and very busy. I understood, but not as much. February 20th arrived, my birthday. No card, no flowers, but a phone call. I was pleasant on the phone but I think maybe chastised him a little bit for not at least sending a card in the cuteimage

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mail with a sappy love message written in his own hand writing. I was really starting to question his feelings for me. Was I that unimportant he couldn’t take two seconds to buy me a card? The next morning as I stepped into the shower and was grumbling to myself about how inconsiderate, thoughtless and what a ridiculous unemotional man I had married I looked up to grab my shampoo. Suddenly I had the biggest rush of emotion overwhelm me. It struck me so forcibly I remember it to this day. I heard his words plain as day “You don’t have anywhere in there to put all your foo foo girl stuff and so I wanted to get you this shower caddy I saw in the exchange sales add.” THE ONLY thing we had gone to the exchange for that day was that shower caddy and he had insisted that he get that particular one. My husband was not the poetic love letter diamond bearing Romeo. He might not ever be and that wasn’t who I had fallen in love with. I had fallen in love with a logical, pragmatic, devoted man who loved me and only me with all his heart. The shower caddy proved it. I had been expecting him to show me he loved me the way Hallmark and the movies and my own ideas of how romance said it should happen so much so I had failed to see the way he really did love me. I rarely cry, but that day, I did. I cried because it was a ten dollar shower caddy, but it represented so much more than just holding my foo foo stuff. I laughed because that is just ridiculous, but my heart was full and from thousands of miles away I truly taken care of and loved.


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evian® Facial Spray The exquisitely fine mist produced by evian® Brumisateur® penetrates and rehydrates the upper layers of the skin. evian® water has a unique mineral balance along with exceptional purity which suits all skin types, even the most sensitive. Leaves skin looking healthy and feeling refreshed. Dermatologically tested. The leak‐proof canister is the ideal product to take on‐the‐go in any purse or travel bag. Unlike other water sprays, Evian Spray is sealed at the source, so it cannot be contaminated. F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 | 18

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Your True Colours

Are You S.A.D? By Stan Gardner, M.D., CNS

SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, affects millions of people around the world. Has it affected you or your loved ones? If so, vitamin D may be part of your solution. During the darker days of winter, many patients come to me with mild to severe depression. One possible cause is a lack of sunshine, or more correctly, a lack of "the sunshine vitamin"‐‐ vitamin D. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) occurs in the winter season when sunshine exposure is reduced. Vitamin D, known as "the sunshine vitamin," is not a vitamin at all; it functions more like a hormone. When vitamin D levels in the body reduce during the winter months (and sometimes in the fall and spring, we can become depressed at a mild to severe level, and a host of other unhealthy results can also ensue. SAD is more common‐‐ seven times more common‐‐in Washington State than in Florida. In a study of over 81,000 women, ages 50 to 79, it was Evgeni Dinev found that a daily dose of vitamin D of greater than or equal to 800 IU per day reduced the risk of depressive symptoms by 20%, compared to those who dosed at 100 IU or less per day. (August, 2011, American Journal Clinical Nutrition.) Another study of 80 elderly people, conducted in 2006, found that the individuals with the lowest vitamin D levels in the body had an 11 times greater risk of depression than had those with the highest vitamin D levels.

How Does Vitamin D Affect Mood and Depression? Scientists theorize that vitamin D affects dopamine and norepinephrine neurotransmitters. Vitamin D receptors have now been found in the brain, although their exact role has not been elucidated. Another way vitamin D may improve depression is through the reduction of inflammation in the

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digestive tract. Interestingly, if you are eating the SAD Diet (Standard American Diet), you tend to be more at risk of developing Seasonal Affective Disorder. Eat nourishing, fresh foods, root vegetables and squashes; avoid prepackaged meals that are high in sugars and processed "fake" foods. There are direct connections between the brain and the digestive tract, both of which come from the same tissue in embryo. A strong correlation is found with increased inflammation in the body when vitamin D levels are deficient. When you reduce the digestive tract inflammation with Vitamin D (and probiotics, omega 3 essential fatty acids and decreased sugar), the depression improves.

What Else Does Vitamin D Do? Many of you are aware of vitamin D's important role with calcium absorption and metabolism, which are important components of bone health. Calcium is also critically important for proper muscle and nerve functioning. Vitamin D also helps regulate the immune system. High levels (in the 80 to 100 range) will reduce cancer risk. In fact, if levels of vitamin D are above 80, incidence of breast cancer is reduced by a whopping 50%! Additionally, healthy vitamin D levels reduce your risk of diabetes, type II.

How Do I Know if I Have Healthy Levels of Vitamin D in my Body? The most important way for vitamin D to be activated in your body is through sun exposure. This requires at least 20 minutes per day with most of the skin exposed to the sun, as in wearing a swimsuit. Unfortunately, the angle of the sun changes in winter months, to the point that UVB rays are reduced and do little good, even if you are in the sun. Tanning beds are another way to get UVB exposure. Avoid tanning beds that have both the UVB rays and magnetic rays, as they will set up an EMF wave that is harmful. There are dietary ways to get vitamin D into your body. John Kasawa

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 These include fish as a nutritional source: o cod liver oil, o salmon, o mackerel,

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Are You S.A.D. (Continued)

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o tuna, and o sardines. Some foods have vitamin D added (fortified)‐‐milk, certain cereals, pudding, but I do not recommend these as good sources. Eggs and liver also have small amounts of vitamin D.

Vitamin D As a Supplement Supplementing with Vitamin D is an important option. When I moved from Cleveland, which has 80 days of sun per year, to the Utah desert, I thought vitamin D levels in my Utah patients would be adequate. Although vitamin D levels in Utah are slightly higher than in Cleveland, vitamin D supplements are still required in Utah. Most people need 5000 IU each day, although your physician should obtain your blood levels before you take that many. Levels under 100 are very safe. Levels must be well above 100 to be potentially toxic. Excessively high levels increase dangerous calcium levels in the blood stream, which will deposit calcium throughout the body. The kidneys must function in order for the final conversion of vitamin D into the active form to take place. Sarcoidosis is one disease state where vitamin D can easily become toxic, even if traditional vitamin D blood levels are normal or low. Make sure you visit with your health practitioner if you have Serge Bertasius questions.

Dr. Stan Gardner, an M.D. for 35 years, Jin Shin Jyutsu (Japanese energy art) practitioner, and a Certified Nutrition Specialist, believes your body is divinely designed to heal itself, when placed in an optimal healing environment. He practices, lectures and consults in Sandy, UT. His office number is 801‐302‐5397.

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NeoStrata Skin Active Intensive Eye Therapy Address crow’s feet and puffiness with this eye cream formulated to help build and plump the eye area while helping to reduce puffiness.

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Life Image – Budgeting IT HAS BEEN SAID OVER AND OVER, ONE OF THE MOST OFTEN THINGS FOUGHT OVER IN A MARRIAGE IS MONEY. Getting money resolved will open the door better for that ‘perfect’ Valentine’s Day to last year round. Basically, learn to manage how you spend your money. Take the debit card out of your wallet if need be! Get rid of credit cards, put nothing on a credit card. Dave Ramsey teaches to pay off the smaller debts first, then once that is paid off apply that same payment to the next larger debt. So, you are always increasing what you are paying. It isn’t ‘extra’ money each month until you pay everything off. I highly recommend Dave Ramsey’s budgeting tools. He has budgeting sheets on his website that you can simply print off and his books are priced affordably. We have provided you with a goal setting sheet to put up where you can see that you are advancing in your goal. In the first column you list the debt or large purchase you are saving to make, in the columns beside it, you write the date down that you made a payment. Along the top of the page you can write in your goal dates, if you want. It gives one a big lift in vision when you actually see your progression. Put it in a place that is prominent that you are going to see several times during the day (the bathroom mirror, perhaps?). When you go to his website, check out the envelope method of budgeting, it wakes you up to know just how much you are really spending each day.

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The Total Money Makeover – Hardcover Revised Classic Edition Dave's teaching is condensed into 7 organized, easy‐to‐ follow steps that will lead you out of debt and into a total money makeover. Classic Edition released September 2013. Alternate Formats The Total Money Makeover ‐ Audiobook (MP3) $12.95 List $19.95 The Total Money Makeover ‐ Audiobook on CD $19.95 List $24.99

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Paying Off Debt or Layaway For a Large Purchase Payment dates

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The South Pacific‐The Home of Romance By Lisa Rossmeissl THE ISLANDS OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC OFFER SOME OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND DIVERSE SCENERY OF ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD . Mountains, stunning stretches of beach, sparkling surf, calm lagoons, crystal clear blue waters, and scenic natural environments above and below sea level make the South Pacific ideal for romance. For years, filmmakers have used the amazing island backdrops in creating movies such as South Pacific, Blue Lagoon and Couples Retreat that leave movie‐goers wanting to visit this unspoiled, unique environment of extreme beauty and tranquility. February is the season of romance. Whether celebrating a honeymoon, an anniversary, or just rekindling the love, there is an island spot for you in the South Pacific. Whilst there are numerous islands in the South Pacific to explore only about 500 are inhabited. Of those inhabited islands there are some that have become the favorites for couples looking for romance‐ French Polynesia, Fiji and The Cook Islands. Each destination has its very own romance personality.

The Cook Islands A Polynesian nation with a fierce pride of its people, history and culture boasting a warm, welcoming climate any time of year. Lying within same time zone as Hawaii, the location of the Cook Islands makes

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it convenient for travelers who like to keep in touch with home while they are gone. No visa required! Visitors can stay up to 31‐days with just a valid passport and return ticket home. The Cook Islands are comprised of Rarotonga, Aitutaki, Atiu, and the Sister Islands. One of the coolest things visitors can do is obtain a Cook Islands Driver’s License from the Police Station in town on Rarotonga orAitutaki. It makes for an awesome souvenir even if you don’t intend to use it. Another unique feature is the Cook Islands are one of the few places in the world without chain hotels or high‐rise buildings. Most accommodations are locally owned and operated. A romantic rendezvous is easy in a place where it is forever summer. The fall/winter (May – October) is ideal for weddings, honeymoons, renewal of vows, anniversaries and romantic getaways. A myriad of stunning and intimate locations are available to say “I Do”. A bonus for the happy couple is that weddings are legally recognized internationally and they need only be in the country 3 business days prior to the wedding to obtain their marriage license. A great selection of venues, facilities and professional coordinators are on hand to plan and take care of every fun activity and detail. Memories from the Cook Islands will last a lifetime.

Fiji Bula! Welcome! Fiji consists of 333 mountainous islands of volcanic origin. It is in the heart of the romantic South Seas and is the first country to see the dawning of each new day. The perfect destination for those looking to escape the doldrums of winter with pleasant year round temperatures. The warm waters of Fiji are great for snorkeling. This destination is perfect for the laid back traveler

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The South Pacific (Continued) where dress is casual all year‐round (no ties, gentlemen). While Fijian and Hindustani are most common heard, English is widely spoken and taught in schools making it an easy place for communication for American travelers. There is a wide variety of unique and fascinating things to do and see, but if you are looking to stay put, you will find many activities are centered around the pool, beach or lagoon. Many activities are water based such as swimming, snorkeling and windsurfing, but you will also find an array of land activities to include tennis, golf and horseback riding. One of the best things to do is to get out and meet the Fijians. Every city and town has an open‐air market‐ a must stop for any visitor. Attractions and activities here are truly endless and cater to the laid back all the way up to the heart pounding adventurer. The beautiful, fragrant garden of tropical flora make Fiji a great place for romance, weddings, and honeymoons. Simple ceremony or full‐on with choir, warrior escorts and traditional costumes could be the start to a new life together. To experience this grandeur couples must get a license from the nearest marriage registry. Typically a minimum of 36 hours. You must also reside in the country at least 1 working day prior to the wedding. You will need a valid 6 month passport and your original birth certificate as well. You can choose to marry in a hotel or resort, on a beach or in a church. It is even possible to make arrangements to have the whole resort to yourselves. Imagine a wedding in total privacy.

French Polynesia Better known as Tahiti and Her Islands (Society Islands, Tuamotu Islands, Gambier Islands, Marquesas Islands, Austral Islands), French Polynesia is famous for her magnificent, sensual, sun‐drenched landscapes. Comprised of 118 islands and atolls, lying half‐way between the United States and Australia it is the Society Islands – home to Moorea, Bora Bora Taha’a and Tahiti that are most often visited. The islands speak French and Tahitian although English is widely heard. Offering lush tropical back drops encircled by coral reefs and surrounded by beautiful azure turquoise blue lagoons this destination screams romance! While a 14 hour flight from Los Angeles, this destination does not require crossing the dateline and is only 2‐3 hour time difference from Pacific Standard Time depending on daylight savings. The claim to fame for this destination is being the home to the overwater bungalows. A signature accommodation where visitors sleep above the waters in their own thatched‐roof bungalow villa or suite. Many of them with glass floor viewing areas to see the sea and coral below. Start your day off with a quick trip off the deck for a morning snorkel. The island resorts provide Polynesian spa experiences that will relax and rejuvenate. What could be better than a couples’ massage or maybe a bath in a tub full of flowers. Weddings come with an array of locations. Wedding Chapels are available at many resorts for couples that prefer to have a Western‐style ceremony. Like privacy? Choose to celebrate your wedding on your own tiny private islet (called motu in Tahitian). If you like to really go out, you can even get married underwater. Whilst weddings in French Polynesia are legally recognized there is a bit more paperwork

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The South Pacific (Continued) for this destination. It is highly recommended you work with a destination specialist when planning a wedding to ensure all legal documents are procured and translated. Typical process takes 3 to 5 months. An option would be to have a legal ceremony done stateside then have a symbolic traditional Tahitian wedding performed during your stay. And of course, like the other islands of the South Pacific, the array of land and water activities is endless. Take a 4 – wheel drive tour of the mainland or spend the morning swimming with shark and sting ray and the afternoon shopping for cultured “black pearls”. Most of all be sure to discover the rich history and culture of this captivating destination. Everything here whispers romance. From the north to the south, from the mountains to the seas, these fragrant paradises combine all the truly generous and wonderful landscapes that Mother Nature has created. The South Pacific is your gateway for a romantic getaway!

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Wellness: Heart Health By Kally Efros FROM THE MOMENT IT BEGINS BEATING UNTIL THE MOMENT IT STOPS, THE HUMAN HEART WORKS TIRELESSLY. In an average lifetime, the heart beats more than two and a half billion times, without ever

pausing to rest. Like a pumping machine, a healthy heart provides the power needed for life. Heart Health is more than just having your blood pressure in the right range and a maintaining a healthy weight. According to the Heart Foundation1, heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women in the United States, at about one million lives annually. More people die of heart disease than of AIDS and all cancers combined. Taking care of your heart should be at the top of your list of priorities. It also happens to be a condition that is largely preventable. In fact, 80% of heart disease conditions are due to behavior. Heart challenges used to be something that only digitalart concerned older folks, but the age of heart challenges is decreasing each year. More and more I run across people in their 20’s with high blood pressure and having heart attacks. We can do something about these statistics. When you reduce your risk of heart disease, you also reduce your risk of several other major diseases. Not only do you prolong your life, you will have a better quality of life. Risk factors for heart disease are:        

Unhealthy diet Lack of physical activity Overweight, particularly abdominal weight Diabetes Smoking – increases your risk twice as much as non‐ smokers Harmful use of alcohol High C‐reactive protein and homocysteine levels Anxiety, anger, and unhealthy stress (some stress can actually be beneficial)

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It is so simple, but at the same time, so difficult for many to improve the quality of their food. We live in a fast paced world and tend to look for quick and easy solutions. Unfortunately the majority of Americans have cut too many corners when it comes to food and health. We eat out way too much, and consume too much fast food and convenience foods from the grocery store. All this processed food comes with a heavy load to the body. One of the consequences is heart disease. Growing up, I was taught ‘you can’t get something for nothing’. When you cut corners, you are not getting a freebie, you will pay a higher price in the end. I learned this the hard way with both my unhealthy diet and lack of sleep. I had a ‘mysterious’ illness and was visiting my doctor frequently and at one point I even passed out on the job and landed in the emergency room. My body was paying the price and I was suffering with the lack of energy and mental focus. Luckily, I talked to the right people and changed my lifestyle. I can honestly tell you I’m healthier now at 47, than I was in my 20’s. So how do you do it? Every week make simple changes and improvements. Mark your progress and enjoy the journey to better health and reducing your risk of heart disease and other conditions.

Simple Tips 1. Quit smoking. There are tons of options out there to help you. 2. Cut back on the amount of alcohol use. 3. Begin an exercise program that works for you. Have fun and do activities you enjoy. You do not need to overdo it on exercise. If all you have is 15 minutes, then do something for 15 minutes. Aim for a goal of 30 minutes, 5 days a week. photostock 4. Get your weight under control, especially if you have a middle section that puts you at a higher risk. Again, there are lots of options and support out there that can help you. Avoid fad diets. I just did a radio program on Your True Colours Image Radio on weight loss tips that you may enjoy. 5. Eat right for your heart and your health. a. Make the switch to natural Himalayan or Sea Salt. b. Avoid bad fats and say YES to good fats. c. Say YES to more fish and foods high in Omega 3’s or take a good supplement. d. Avoid refined sugar and grains, processed foods, foods manufactured to be low‐fat, and fake sugars. e. Say YES to My Plate. That includes fresh or

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6. 7. 8. 9.



frozen fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy sources of protein. Shop as best as you can and get organic when possible. Eat like a rainbow. g. Eat more at home with home‐cooked meals. Get reacquainted with your kitchen. Say no to soda and other harmful beverages. Say YES to water Take key supplements as needed to support the body and heal. Laugh more and enjoy friendships in person. It is good for your heart. A laugh a day just might keep the heart attack away according to a study at the University of Maryland Medical Center2. Find ways to manage stress and relax. Get to the bottom of negative thoughts and anger. a. Spend time with friends. b. Keep a journal and even better include a gratitude journal. c. Alternative techniques such as The LifeLine TechniqueTM, EFT, Hypnotherapy, and EVOX may help you get to the root of your stress and anxiety. d. Spend time outdoors and use grounding or earthing therapy. Improve your relationships. Let go of negative or toxic relationships. Mend the bridges of strained relationships. Spend more quality time with your significant other, especially quality bedroom time. It is really good for your heart health. Hugging and kissing increases oxytocin levels. Oxytocin boosts your immune system, decreases pain levels, deepens your relationships, reduces stress, and significantly lowers your risk of heart disease. If you don’t have a significant other, hugging and cuddling doesn’t have to be sexual and you can get the same release of oxytocin from snuggling up with one of your kids, grandkids or even a photostock pet. Even getting a massage will help release oxytocin.

Use these tips to enhance your life and improve your heart health. It’s never too late to start thinking about your heart. Kally Efros is a Traditional Naturopath, is a Certified LifeLine Practioner, is Certified in Touch For Health, and has a degree in Natural Medicine. She can be reached at 1‐disease‐facts/heart‐disease‐statistics/


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Get Real With Mark and Kally On Your True Colors Image Radio Wednesdays at 1:00 pm Central Time Zone

February Shows 2015 Get Real! with Mark and Kally Feb. 4 Travel ‐ "Disneyland Secrets and Stories" The happiest place on earth is full of fun secrets and stories. There is a great history behind everything in the park and the man Walt Disney. Nothing was done by chance. Even if you are not planning a visit to the park, you will enjoy the stories behind the greatest theme park in the world and the man that made it possible. Feb. 11 Transform Your Life in 30 Days It is a challenge to put self‐care on the top of your priority list. We are all busy in this fast‐paced life. Transform your life in 30 days with T30 from Juice Plus and other great tips. The basic principle is to say YES to developing positive habits and say NO to bad habits. Thirty days can transform your life for a healthier you. Feb. 18 Heart Health Your heart is the center of your cardiovascular system, and it is vitally responsible for many functions. It transports oxygen to the body, improves immune system function and delivers nutrients to the cells. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death. This show will get your blood pumping. Feb. 25 Stress Busters Stress may be affecting your health, even though you might not think there is a direct connection to your health challenges. Stress symptoms can affect your body, thoughts, feelings and behavior. You might feel like you're running on empty. We have some tips to help you fill up your tank and reduce stress.

Photo from Disneyland Facebook Page

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A specialized caffeine-free blend of Green Tea Extract and Vitamin C that fortifies the immune system and provides a variety of invaluable health benefits. Green Tea Extract is plant-based supplement that has been shown to assist with weight loss and cholesterol reduction, as well as potentially lessening the risk of heart disease, diabetes and brain diseases. Adding Vitamin C with the powerful polyphenols of Green Tea can help increase antioxidant protection against free radicals to promote a stronger immune system and healthier well-being. + Increases Fat Burning + Improves Physical Performance + Packed with Antioxidants + All Natural + Helps Lower Cholesterol

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Honoring the Soul's Outlook By Alicia Nicole Waters


an inventory of what they didn't accomplish from the previous year. However, one key factor that most people tend to leave out of their resolution agenda is the ability to co‐create with their soul about what needs to come into fruition in the New Year. Most, believe that the goals that they are setting, finds there origin within soul just because the goal is their heart's desire. We've been taught by many experts to listen to our hearts for guiding us to our paths of purpose and fulfillment. This advice is true on the Idea go surface level of life; however, the soul and heart have very different perspectives and functions. The heart has longings and is very much connected to feeling aspects of accomplishments, which can guide us to what we desire. The soul, on the other hand has a mission for achieving a higher evolution and expression, which offers a very elevated outlook for how to holistically satisfy both the hearts longing, our need for achievement, along with the soul's mission for being on this planet. Viewing life from your soul's perspective and leading your life from that place is vital for holistic fulfillment. It's important to listen to what your soul wants in the present and begin letting go of the soul's previous desires so that you can align with its new intent. Our souls are evolutionary; therefore, what the soul desired at one time, could be now up‐leveled to expand into a higher realm of greatness. Again, this is why it's important to check in and connect with your soul's outlook in the present moments to see if you are truly creating or setting goals that the soul wants to honor. The soul's request are simple, yet specific. The soul is unafraid to experience life to the fullest even if there is pain or pressure involved that produces the diamond of your best Self. The heart likes to feel safe and create resolutions to feel productive and worthwhile, yet the need for goal security still somehow might keep you in a comfort zone, only to discover once again at the close of the year that you did not create the resolve that you desired. The soul on the other hand, loves to create a continual experience for re‐soul‐utions to achieve eternal fulfillment. The soul knows how to guide us to our

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highest and best life yet. Adapting to this new way of being requires some mentality adjustments and internal resetting to make the shift long term. Adapting to new perspectives from a soul level will assist you with embodying a lifestyle of continual resolve verses having to constantly create resolutions for the New Year. The soul understands the journey of achieving ultimate resolve in a more connected way than the heart. Even though, it has been said over and over, that the heart doesn't lie, this is true in most cases. However, if the heart has been broken, a person most often, won't create intentions with accurate alignment and certainty. The heart or person will in most cases need to be restored or re‐convinced of its courage and personal power. This might slow down ones process for moving out of their comforts zones to take healthy risks towards their goals even though they made a resolution. Again the soul's outlook is very different, yet can assist us greatly with the matters of the heart. The soul interprets life circumstances through different lenses and will use any situation as a launching pad knowing that the path of least resistance and ease will accelerate us into our next levels. One way to begin honoring the soul's perspective is to create sacred space or quiet time to journal, plan and/or meditate to hear about how your soul wants to create your highest and best Self and lifestyle this year and beyond.

Questions To Consider: I'm curious to know what is my soul's outlook on what I desire to create? I'm wondering how my soul desires to show up and express itself in the present? How can I co‐create with my heart and soul to achieve my highest and best good? How can I honor my soul in the present? What parts of my inner longings do I need to release or let go of to honor new desires? I'm curious to know my soul's perspective about...

Again, it's time to honor the soul's outlook and create a life design that will both reflect your mission and purpose for existing as well as fulfillment in ways that are unimaginable. Alicia Nicole Waters! Cross Industries Journalist, Author & Transformational Leadership Trainer CEO of Alicia “Waters” Cross Industries International

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Our Hands For Hope Great Things to Come in 2015 By Cinthya Rubio, Marketing & Communications Director @ Our Hands For Hope AT OUR HANDS FOR HOPE, WE PRIDE OURSELVES IN CREATING A FOR‐PROFIT SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS FORMAT THAT NOT ONLY OFFERS OUR CONSUMERS QUALITY HANDMADE APPAREL, BUT THAT ALSO CREATES A LIFE CHANGING OPPORTUNITY FOR THE WOMEN THAT MAKE EACH ITEM WITH LOVE. For the past four years we have centered all our efforts to help the impoverished women in Trujillo, Peru. Recently we were able to go back and visit our beautiful artisans and have a firsthand look at how they are transforming their lives and the lives of their children. It was a fresh breath of air to see that many of the women have been able to maintain a safe environment for their children while being able to provide enough income to keep them in school. The success of this business format has gone beyond what we ever imagined, much so that there is currently a training program teaching 100 more women how to knit and crochet. To top things off, five women from our first group have become trainers themselves, and we are hoping for at least 30 of the 100 women to achieve the level needed to be a part of the Our Hands For Hope Peruvian project. With the women of Trujillo, we have created a fashion line using the best luxurious Alpaca yarn and silky Pima Cotton that Peru has to offer. Our artisans make each item with high quality standards in mind, but most importantly, with love. This Fall/Winter season we have added great accessory items such as fingerless gloves and boot cuffs that complement the very popular ponchos and wraps in our fashion line.

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Our reach doesn’t stop there… this 2015, Our Hands For Hope will launch a new Spring/Summer line with two new groups from India! One group is devoted to helping men and women out of severe poverty and the other provides technical training and support for those emancipated from human trafficking. These training centers provide pathways for local leaders and villagers to become financially self‐sufficient. These groups promote dignity through economic empowerment and provide much needed products and services to local communities across India. So be ready to see bright colors and beautiful lightweight fabrics in our new designs! Our artisans understand the importance of education for their children to better their future. Our Hands For Hope helps provide honorable and dignified work opportunities to help make this happen, as we mentioned before, the positive transformation that our artisans have gone through could not have happened without the amazing fashionable women that purchase their items. Because of this we are inviting all the “Your True Colours Magazine” readers to visit and shop. For the next thirty days, when you enter discount code: YourTrueColours at checkout, you will receive a 15% discount on all orders, plus free shipping on all orders over $50. Every purchase directly enables artisans to afford their children’s education. Shop and share this special offer. Together we can empower and help them meet their March 1st, 2015 school enrollment deadline!

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Magnolia and Vine: Direct Sales By Chuck and Sherry Caza DIRECT SALES IS A DYNAMIC AND EVER CHANGING INDUSTRY. OVER 160 YEARS AGO REV. JAMES ROBINSON GRAVES DEVELOPED A DIRECT SALES BUSINESS MODEL THAT HAD YOUNG MEN GOING DOOR TO DOOR TO SELL PRODUCTS . Today over 60 million direct sales/party plan consultants worldwide contribute to over $114 BILLION dollars in sales. There are hundreds of direct sales/party plan companies that allow you the freedom and flexibility to work from home, set the hours you’d like to work and the opportunity to grow your own business. In the 1950’s & 60’s when direct sales/party plan companies started becoming more popular, the vast majority of sales consultants were women looking for a social outlet with the ability to earn a few dollars to help support their families or they simply wanted to ‘belong’ to a group or organization. Today, everyone from doctors, lawyers and nurses to stay home moms enjoy the freedom and benefits direct sales has to offer.

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In the early ‘90’s we joined our first direct sales/party plan company and learned quickly you could earn good money holding parties but amazing money growing a team and sharing our business opportunity with others. It didn’t take long before we were nationally recognized as top recruiters and leaders in the industry. Our initial $249 investment ballooned into a $10 million a year organization! Hard work and dedication allowed us to both quit our ‘regular’ jobs to spend more time with our kids and enjoy the benefits of working for ourselves. Through the years we’ve earned incredible money and amazing trips to places most only dream about. Hawaii, New Zealand, Africa 5 times, France, Italy, Alaska, several Mediterranean cruises, Germany, Spain, Australia and the long list goes on. You name a location we’ve probably been there! The best part? These amazing trips were all free for just doing our job! In 2005 we were approached to co‐author a book along with other top leaders in direct sales and in 2006 ‘Top Sellers Tell...” was published. In late 2014 we were presented with the opportunity to be a Founding Leader with a brand new party plan company being developed and jumped at the opportunity. It’s always been our belief that any new company with the right product, pricing and programs for growth will offer an amazing opportunity. Magnolia and Vine will officially launch February 15, 2015 and offer a beautiful collection of interchangeable fashion items that allows women to create a look that expresses their personal style. Start by choosing from one of our fabulous base jewelry or accessory pieces and add on our interchangeable Snaps to create a look all their own. The response to Magnolia and Vine has been exceptional. Women from all over the U.S. and Canada have contacted us for more information on becoming a founding consultant or leader and we look forward to growing a huge team. If you’re looking to make a few extra dollars per month to pay off that nagging credit card bill or looking for a full time career, Magnolia and Vine might just be what you’re looking for. If you would like more information about us or the opportunity with magnolia and Vine, we invite you to contact us or join us on Facebook You can also see what all the excitement is about on YouTube ~

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Herringbone Hearts Baby Booties & Kids Slippers

Heart Applique Women's Slippers

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I love making new, beautiful things out of wool and cashmere sweaters. It's an amazing medium... something that was once worn as a sweater or jacket, can now be turned into something so different - a pair of soft baby booties or slippers!

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Best Creative Outlet

Darcy Best creates keepsake quilts in honor of very special members of the family, pets.

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It started as a way to get a Dalmatian rescued, then it became a quilt to be auctioned off in Oklahoma with several different dogs on it. One of the owners of the dogs used, had tried to win the quilt. When she didn’t, she commissioned Best to make a quilt for her. F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 | 52

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This is ‘Romeo’, a Wirehaired Dachshund that was one of the twelve dogs used in the second quilt that Best created. The photo is the one that was given to Best to use to create the design of ‘Romeo’ in fabric. Best finds fabric pieces in remnants and from friends. Multiple pieces are needed to create each part of the dogs.

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Your True Colours Twelve Breeds Quilt 72"x85.5" All‐cotton quilt.

Mid‐Continent Kennel Club, Inc. requested a quilt to sell at their 2010 Tulsa Roundup Dog Shows event. Finished on a dark and rainy night, I was not able to get a good photo of the entire quilt. This photo was captured by cellphone camera as the quilt hung on display. To see the original design, the original photos of the REAL dogs depicted on the quilt, to view really beautiful, detailed images of the individual quilted squares, plus the reverse of the quilt; please go to the link uilts‐and‐fabric‐art

Crate Quilt of Tank (seen on next page) 36"x48" All‐cotton quilt. "Tank" is Goldenzrule With Bubba's Tank CDX RE, a Golden Retriever who lives with Debb Taylor. He was originally featured on the lower left corner of the Mid‐Continent Kennel Club (Tulsa OK) quilt. Tank is a Therapy Dog and represented "Service Dogs" for the quilt. In both quilts, he sports the royal blue bandana with the logo for Mid South Therapy Dogs. You may visit this worthwhile not‐for‐profit at

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Best creates a grid from the photo that is given to her, which she then develops the actual quilt’s image. The printed image gives her the guide that she needs to match the fabric pieces, then pull them all together to create the final image of the dog. The German Shepherd in this image was created with camo fabric to get the gray right for the muzzle of the dog. Old clothes, fabric remnants, donations from friends and family are her palettes with which she creates, and every once in a while she may have to dye a piece of fabric to get just the right color. After all, this is a member of the family and the family will notice if it isn’t just right. Most of the items that Best is commissioned to make are 2’ x 3’ wall hangings. She has done a double size quilt. She just needs to see the image of the pet to make the decisions and set up what will be involved to give someone a quote for a commissioned piece. Best can be contacted via this webpage:‐page/

Best also creates watercolors from photos. She also creates original pieces of art.

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What New Moms Must Know About Sleeping Pills By Colin House AS MILLIONS OF AMERICANS STRUGGLE WITH WHAT THE CDC CALLS A NATIONAL EPIDEMIC OF SLEEP DEPRIVATION, PRESCRIPTIONS FOR SLEEP MEDICATIONS CONTINUE TO GROW AT RECORD PACE. In the United States alone, more than 60 million prescriptions for sleeping pills are now issued annually, particularly for adults between the ages of 20 and 45. Domestic dependency on sleeping meds has increased so markedly in the last five years that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced in early 2013 that it will require drug makers who produce sleep medications containing Zolpidem to reduce some of their recommended dosages. "The new requirements put specific focus on lowering the recommended dosage for women," says Michael J. Breus, Ph.D., a Clinical Psychologist with a specialty in Sleep Disorders. "This comes as a result of research showing that morning blood levels of the medication may be high enough to reduce alertness." With sleeping pill usage especially prevalent among women in their child bearing years, a growing number of physicians are warning new and expectant moms that meds to help them sleep may not be safe for those who are pregnant or breast‐feeding. Even sleep aids deemed harmless for consumption by nursing mothers can be dangerous since the mother may not easily rouse from sleep in response to her baby’s movement, crying, and breathing. But with sleep deprivation continuing to impact the physical, emotional, and psychological well‐ being of new moms ‐ predominantly those who have recently curbed their reliance on sleeping medications and suffer from rebound insomnia ‐ innovative non‐medicinal alternatives for treating sleep deprivation are proving to be comparably effective as the prescriptions they're safely replacing. Neuroscientist and NASA funded sleep researcher Seth Horowitz, Ph.D. points to groundbreaking new technology like the Sleep Genius mobile app for iOS as a potential game changer for the long‐suffering sleep deprived.

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Your True Colours What New Moms Need to Know About Sleeping Pills (Continued)

"Sleep is not simple unconsciousness," says Dr. Horowitz, explaining that Sleep Genius was developed by fellow experts in neuroscience and inspired by extensive research used to help NASA astronauts sleep in space. “It is an extraordinarily complex and critical brain‐controlled behavior that is harnessed by Sleep Genius." Dr. Kamran Fallahpour, a clinical psychologist and neuroscientist at New York's Brain Resource Center, similarly believes that scientifically advanced solutions like Sleep Genius are invaluable, chiefly because they are highly effective through "completely natural" means. So when it comes to new moms with newborns, health experts assert, solutions for sleeplessness are no longer limited to the prescription bottle. And that may also be a prescient consideration for the rest of the restless U.S. population. "Patients taking prescription sleep aids on a regular basis were nearly five times as likely as non‐ users to die over a period of two and a half years," the Well Blog's Roni Caryn Rabin reports, citing a recent study on pharmacology and therapeutics. "Even those prescribed fewer than 20 pills a year were at risk, the researchers found; heavy users also were more likely to develop cancer."

Radha Beauty

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Introduce students to some of the most influential individuals of the civil rights era. Eight 11" x 17" posters feature African Americans whose leadership and courageous actions energized the nation, and launched the movement toward justice and equality for all Americans. 8 pieces. From Spirituals to Hip-Hop. This book is the perfect vehicle to introduce students to the rich history of African-American music in the United States. The enhanced CD-ROM not only features recorded examples, but also includes a Power Point presentation that reinforces the concepts presented in the book. 40 pages + enhanced CD - F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 | 60

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Wrapped in Style

A piece of cotton/poly blend with a little bit of Angora with two circles cut out will become your ‘go‐to’ piece for that extra touch of elegance. The lightweight cape can be worn 15 different ways. The website has a guide for wearers. It is available in a One Size Fits All for adults, and in a child and baby size. The variety of colors will assure that you will find one that will fit in your wardrobe, or two, or three…. The cape is machine washable on delicate; then the company instructs you to line dry.

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PAINT‐On Acrylics: Simplest resist process ever using delicate painters tape...make Batiks and prints GLUE‐On Paper: Tissue paper, cardstock and specialty paper create endless possibilities GLUE‐On Button Mosaic: Use buttons, photos, Popsicle sticks, yarn, foam stickers

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Vandana Agragrami launched her own brand AGRAGRAMI FASHION HOUSE in 2011.The ‘Agragrami’ label means Avant- Garde and innovative. It’s all about design, development and construction. Agragrami’s emphasis is in cutting edge designs, tailoring and in the different types of treatments and manipulation of fabric. She believes in being fanatical and to have fun yet fashionable with distinctiveness and originality

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Vol. Issue

Your True Colours

Leather jacket and skirt $690.00

Jacket- pure leather Asymmetric jacket with mandarin collar, oval shaped side panel embellished with leather strings. Skirt- Polyester Cotton Triangular paneled skirt with checked fabric.

Double lapel jacket and skirt $600.00

Jacket - Cotton fabric with self-print Asymmetric jacket with mandarin collar, lots of zippers embellishment in front and back double lapel collar, double panel left bodice of jacket. Skirt - Cotton and polyester cotton. Diagonal two layered skirt

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Your True Colours

Rectangular collar dress $330.00 Dress Fabric-pure Georgette, Collar in Silk. Close Fitting A-line, above mid- knee length Princess seams, back zipper, cape sleeves, and rectangular shape collar.

Asymmetric jacket and skirt $510.00 Jacket Fabric - Hand woven fabric. Lapel collar, armhole overlay,asymmetric panels, left side invisible zipper, beaded belt. Skirt fabric - Georgette Long panel skirt with left side invisible zipper.

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Your True Colours

Vol. Issue

Your True Colours

Denim dress $330.00 Dress fabric - Denim, sleeves and pocket with jersey knit fabric. Collar shirt dress, front placket opening with buttons, fabric manipulation on yoke and hemline.

Lace net top and skirt $540.00

Top Fabric - left panel soft net, right fabric soft lace. Loose fitting Pullover top 3/4 sleeves arced panel. Skirt Fabric - Pure cotton, panels with polyester cotton, lace and knit fabric. Semi-circular skirt with different shapes of panels. Embellished with diamond shape fabric manipulation and leather stings.

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Your True Colours

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Your True Colours

Asymmetric jacket and trouser $660.00 Jacket- Cotton Layered jacket with petaled panels, and curved opening with a zipper. Trouser-Leather Structural panel in tapered trousers

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DIVA & CO For the Diva in your life!

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Your True Colours

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WW1 Hand Carved Soldier Pin

Sweetheart Jewelry: Reviving a Forgotten Romance F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 | 73 Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. Issue

By Melinda Lewis Photos Provided by Melinda Lewis THE SPECIAL JOY OF MAKING, FINDING, AND GIVING GIFTS TO A LOVED ONE HAS BEEN PART OF THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE FOR MILLENNIA. The art of gifting can demonstrate the soft and delicate emotions of love and romance, as well as the hearty emotions of devotion and solidarity. Typically, Valentine’s Day stands forefront in our cultural consciousness as a symbolic tradition of romantic gift‐giving, especially in the form of jewelry. However, there is another form of jewelry gifting with a deep historical significance that transcends the romance and speaks to the courage and heroism of the American serviceman. We call it, “Sweetheart Jewelry.”

WWI Started in WWI: A New Tradition Begins The jewelry known as sweetheart jewelry arose from the trenches of WWI. Fostered by a deep need to feel connected to family and the life left behind in America, servicemen used their ingenuity to create jewelry from available materials to send back to their wives, girlfriends, mothers, and sisters. This Sweetheart Jewelry was a special reminder to those in America of the bravery and sacrifices their loved one or son made during the war. For the soldier, it bespoke a profound longing to connect with family and loved ones across a chasm of distance and isolation. By Any Other Name, It’s Still Love These sweet wartime mementos formed from items such as coins, spent shell casings, or battlefield debris are also commonly known as “Trench Art.” The practice of making jewelry (and other objects of art) was done both in the trenches of the battlefield, as well as rehabilitative sanctuaries for servicemen as part of a post‐war rehabilitation program. Defining an Era The making of sweetheart jewelry or trench art did not stop with the end of the WWI but developed into a civilian industry of its own during peace‐time. While the conditions, by which the jewelry was made, were vastly different, the powerful sentiment behind the jewelry served to drive attention back to the emotional intensity of wartime. Sweetheart jewelry often gave its owner a sense of connection to someone they lost. The production of trench art or sweetheart jewelry remained active through commercial manufacturing in countries such as Britain, France, Germany and Austria, during the post‐war era from 1918‐1939. This sweetheart jewelry made by civilians both during peace and wartime is often indistinguishable from that made by servicemen during the war. Sometimes, the only determining factor may be a date inscribed on the piece.

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Your True Colours Sweetheart Jewelry (Continued)

WWII A Revived Tradition With the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and the advent of WWII, the whole country was behind the war and the wearing of the jewelry was an extension of that support and patriotism. The jewelry made during the Second World War appears to be more abundant than the artifacts left behind from WWI; in part, because almost every citizen was involved in the war effort. The desire to wear a piece of jewelry to symbolize patriotic support was omnipresent and the objects were reminders of the absent loved one. Many of the pieces worn reflected the specific branch of the military where a family 1940's Sweetheart Pin, USMC member or loved one served. Some pieces of sweetheart jewelry reflected the number of servicemen a particular mother had in the service. These pieces were depicted by having stars representing each son that primarily ranged from one to four stars with the later being the rarest.

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Your True Colours

Sweetheart jewelry was immensely popular during the Second World War. Not only were soldiers making sweetheart or trench art jewelry, but the demand was great enough to foster civilians surrounding the battlefields into making such articles. The making of sweetheart jewelry provided sometimes desperate civilians with much‐needed income for food. Tragically, it was not uncommon practice to send children to the battlefields in search of the jewelry making material, adding an additional dark element to these sweet and sentimental wartime gifts—not every child returned home. SIDE NOTE: JEWELRY MADE IN THE PACIFIC THEATER IS CALLED “PACIFIC WAR ART” WHILE OTHER JEWELRY MADE DURING THIS PERIOD IS CALLED “SWEETHEART” JEWELRY.

1940's Sweetheart Pin, Hand Carved Wooden Heart

Manufacturing, Styles, and Materials The sweetheart keepsakes were manufactured as pendants, bracelets, and pins. Servicemen sought after a variety of non‐priority metal materials, including wood, bone, or wire for jewelry making materials. Soldiers used foreign coins and in particular Australian coins because many servicemen did their artillery training in Australia. Engraved coins are also known as love tokens ‐ the same name as their Victorian counterpart. Sometimes the coin surfaces were completely transformed while other pieces were fashioned into wearable works of art by drilling holes and fastening pieces together with wire or other material. Many flexible link bracelets were created this way.

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1940's Sweetheart Coin Pin ‐ Trench Art

Your True Colours

Your True Colours

Vol. Issue

Sweetheart Jewelry (Continued)

Much of the jewelry made by servicemen was handmade or hand‐manipulated, but in some cases, the techniques included the melting of metals into molds to create castings where were later buffed or engraved. Finger rings were primarily made from bullet casings or pieces of brass, aluminum or steel. Brooches and lockets were formed out of pieces of scrap metal, and bracelets including wristbands, were made from ridged copper drivebands of artillery shells. New Discoveries Today these mementos are quite collectible and sought after. Their as yet untold history is still being chronicled. Recent archeological digs in the trenches and underground tunnels left behind from WWI are leading to new discoveries of sweetheart jewelry. As we learn more about and the conditions under which the men who fought behind those brutal battle lines, perhaps our deeper understandings and appreciation for this meaning‐filled art form are yet to come. Melinda Lewis is an author (The Napier Book) and jewelry historian. and

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Your True Colours

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Your True Colours

Unending Love Christian Note Cards Set Note cards are 4 1/2" by 5 1/4". They are blank inside and have the verse, "The faithful love of the Lord never ends. His mercies never cease" - Lamentations 3:22 NLT. Set of 4 comes with one in each color. 4 white envelopes are included Made in the USA

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Your True Colours

Vol. Issue

Cool Skin Tones

Homemade Vegan Nail Polish

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Your True Colours

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Warm Skin Tones

Homemade Vegan Nail Polish

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Your True Colours

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Your True Colours

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Your True Colours

Lisa Byrd Thomas Fashion Stylist Print, Film, TV, Music, Advertising, Corporate, Personal Consultations 901.853.4201

Hand selected vintage clothing and accessories from the 1940’s to the 1980’s Shop Online at

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Your True Colours

InstaNatural’s Dead Sea Mud Mask is an all-natural detoxifier and purifier that comes from the renowned and sacred Dead Sea. More than a million visitors each year flock to this extraordinary body of water in the Mediterranean, which contains many minerals beneficial to the skin, such as magnesium, sodium, bromine, potassium and calcium. Once applied, this mud mask treatment starts working to absorb excess oil, dirt and toxins from the skin. It is great to expunge acne, pimples and blackheads. It also helps to restore an even skin tone for a smoother complexion. When used as a body treatment, the mud mask can soothe and relieve muscles aches and pains. Whether used on the face or the body, our Dead Sea Mud Mask is a superb in-home spa treatment that will reveal more vibrant, refined, healthier skin.

InstaNatural’s Anti-Aging Skin Clearing Serum is a comprehensive solution for those who want to reverse the signs of aging while treating acne and hyperpigmentation. This potent formula includes many key active ingredients to treat and soothe blemished and irritated skin. Sulfur penetrates the skin deeply for maximum results, allowing retinol and salicylic acid to unclog pores while niacinamide removes redness and inflammation. Simultaneously, Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid restore health to damaged skin by repairing sun damage and micro scarring, all while delivering a youthful, radiant glow.

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Your True Colours

Rockin’ Role Models Our Essential Elements Collection is designed for “Prime Time Women”. Who are they? They’re the women who have reached a point in their lives (not necessary related to age) where they know what they want, and expect to get it. They have paid their dues through dedication to their careers and their families. They are leaders in their field and leaders in their community. We are highlighting 12 of these women each year for their sense of style and, more importantly, for their sensitivity to the welfare of others. In recognition of Memphis, Tennessee’s designation as the Birthplace of the Blues and the Home of Rock and Roll, we are naming these our Rockin’ Role Models. We’re going to let you peek into their daily lives so you can see how they roll. These dynamic women pack more into their days than most, still take the time to look fabulous, and take steps to stay at the top of their game. Then we’re going to tell why they ROCK! Our February 2015 Rockin’ Role Model is Shelley Baur. Meet Shelley on the next few pages.

Shelley Page Baur Our February 2015 Rockin’ Role Model Wife, mother, daughter, author, speaker, teacher, trainer, coach, mentor...Shelley Baur has many titles. However, living a life of integrity is a driving principal and undergirds the success of all of her relationships. A graduate of The University of Memphis (B.A. in psychology), Shelley has authored two books: Integrity-Based Communications: Using truth to get what you really want (2004) and Integrity-Based Communications: Using Truth To Build High-Trust Relationships (2013). Both serve as the foundation for seminars she has developed to help corporations and individuals acheive better outcomes through communcations.

Shelley’s photo shoot was held at her home in Cordova, TN. She poses between two stylized statues of women, both playing instruments. Shelley refers to them as “The girls.” Carolyn Bendall makes a few adjustments. Marva Ballard adjusts the folds in the cascading lapel jacket. Kenny Cummings, photographer, surveys the room for the right composition.

Shelley has served in a leadership capacity for many organizations, including Leadership Memphis which honored her in 2008 with a Distinquished Alumnus Award. She has also been honored by Memphis Woman magazine as one of “Fifty Women Who make a Difference,” is an Athena Award recipient as a role model for mentoring and community leadership, and an IRIS Award winner for encouraging women entrepreneurs. Married to John Baur, professor of music theory and composition at The University of Memphis, Shelley is equally crazy about her two married “bonus kids” Jim and Christa, who live in Chicago and New York, respectively.

How She Rolls Don’t plan to reach Shelley after 9 p.m., because she disconnects in order to have the quality time she needs for herself and her husband John. However, Shelley is already up and active while many are still asleep. Her day typically begins with a brisk walk in the morning. Her commitment to exercise lets her maintain the trim physique she desires and the energy level she needs to meet the demands of her schedule. Shelley’s beauty routine includes using a fragrance-free face cleanser (morning and night). Using a combination of Arbonne, Clinique and Your True Colors, finishes her natural-looking make-up. Her personal style is Classic Natural - she like to add a little pop with a statement piece of jewelry or an artistic belt and she is careful to chooses colors within her Warm Golden color palette. Her wardrobe reflects her love of clothing that takes her easily from the board room, to a dinner meeting, to an evening out with her hubby. Why she wears M.G. Ballard Designs Essential Elements? “Not only are they beautiful and well-made, they make the perfect palette for all the wonderful jewelry I have, but never wore. I can go from corporate to evening with the change of a necklace or the addition of a belt, and Marva’s pieces are easy to coordinate with things already in my closet. Plus I love the company’s mission of helping women.”

Why She Rocks Shelley is a dedicated mentor to students at the University of Memphis in the Memphis Institute for Leadership Education (MILE) program. Rusi Mchedlishvili, whom Shelley mentored while a student at University of Memphis, loved her mentor and felt she needed to meet “the handsome Professor Baur.” It took her over a year to prime her mentor to meet the man who would eventually become who Shelley calls her true “soulmate.” Says Rusi about Shelley, “Shelley is a naturalborn teacher with a rare gift for guiding people towards their dreams gently yet firmly. She has helped countless people define their life’s goals and take forthright actions to achieve them. Shelley is a positive change facilitator of great integrity, and someone who is exemplary at walking the talk.”

This page: Shelley is wearing a Mango Heather in a dress and cardigan jacket. The subtly fitted dress features cap sleeves and a shawl collar. Previous page: Shelley wears the Essential Elements basic dress with cap sleeves in a longer length in Heather Gray with a matching soft lapel jacket. Article cover: Shelley wears a Vanilla Essential Elements dress with long sleeves as a tunic over a pair of basic tapered leg, pull-on pants.

Aside from her work with students, Shelley has a passion for working with other women in business. To that end, she came on board with the Memphis Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) as one of the 30 charter members (called Founding Mothers) when it was formed in 1998. Minister Elaine Sanford, who was the Founder and one of the three organizers for the Chapter talked about how Shelley worked along with her to help the chapter establish a strong foundation. Elaine spoke glowingly about her friend of over 20 years, referring to her as warm and genuine. “Shelley ALWAYS concerns herself with the greater good” she added. CREDITS Photography: Ken-D • 901.791.5945 Assistant: Christopher Ezeh Makup: Carolyn Bendall using the Your True Colors MakeUp line developed by her company. • 901.210.9582 Clothing: Essential Elements Collection by M.G. Ballard Designs • 901.290.2296 Accessories were from Shelley’s personal collection.

Coaching: Spiritual Laughter Workshop: It’s My Life, What Do I Do With It? Programs: Conflict Resolution

901.528.8300 Look Good Feel Good Radio Show

Eye shadow colors that are difficult to find, and in matte. Lipstick colors that basic for each skin tone.

DEVOTION: A true neutral for all skin tones

GUAVA: A classic color for cool skin tones, that doesn’t change colors after wearing it a while.

CURRANT: For the darker cool skin tones, or the more dramatic.

PLAYFUL: Soft brown, perfect for warm skin tones that are Romantic or Dramatic.


CLASSIC RED: Classic Red! For all skin

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