yourwellness BN3 magazine issue 029

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ISSUE 29 | ÂŁ2.50


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Take just two minutes of your time The best mums look after themselves, too No pain, No gain?


Focus on


wellness nutrition // wellness debate // wellness investigates // emotional wellness

Clean out toxins through our residential detox programmes that are designed to cleanse and detox naturally for maximum rejuvenation, weight loss and are tailored to each person’s individual needs. After the Christmas binge, January is a great time to give your body a clean and rest. Psychologically it’s the start of a fresh new year, and physically it follows a period of over-indulgence and probably, an amount of unhealthy eating and drinking. So start the New Year by giving your body the chance to make the most of the opportunities ahead. levels, aid weight loss, clear the skin and improve digestion.

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editor’s note Operations Director Michael Kitt Editor-in-chief Dr Sarah Brewer Production Manager Anna McLachlan Business Development Director Moyra Brookes Advertising Sales Paula Wadey Art Director Nilesh Parab Graphic Designer Rekha G Bisht Chrishna Othendee Joshua Payne Peter Richardson Staff Writers Dr ArjitaKumari Francine White Jenny Catton Kieran Ball Steve Miscandlon Tracy Morton

Dr. Sarah Brewer The word ‘cancer’ strikes fear in anybody’s heart. Yet despite its prevalence, early diagnosis and modern treatments often result in a cure. Discover the symptoms you should never ignore in this month’s special Focus, plus recipes to help beat bowel cancer in our nutrition pages. Elsewhere, we explore how the best mums look after themselves, how to overcome jealousy, and ask if you could be living with a narcissist. Find out how to stop exercise from hurting, learn to give up your excuses, and consider whether social networks are harming your real-life relationships. Yourwellness is unique in that we cover all aspects of wellbeing, from health and relationships, through fitness and family, to work and finances. What’s more, we also explore all the options available, from Ancient to Modern and Scientific to Holistic. If you enjoy reading this issue, look for similar articles and features at Why not tell your friends so they can also sit down, take a well-earned break and browse our pages. It’s a quality read for free! Until next month,


PS.: You may notice these three symbols reflect which features relate to


appearing throughout the magazine. These physical, or

physiological wellness.

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Disclaimer | yourwellness is dedicated to providing useful, well researched information on every aspect of your wellness. We do not pioneer any particular therapy or school of thought instead we offer all the options to allow our readers to make an informed choice. All our contents are not intended to provide medical advice or diagnosis of individual problems or circumstances, nor should it be implied that we are a substitute for professional medical advice. Readers are always advised to consult their healthcare professionals prior to starting any new remedy, therapy or treatment.

contents Keeping Your Children Safe Online


emotional wellness 26 Give up your Excuses family wellness 33 When Teenage Angst Is OK


Does perspiration put you off exercise?

exercise for wellness 39 Can Celebrities really get you

12 wellness focus on Cancer 24 emotional wellness Take just two minutes of your time

28 The family wellness best mums look after themselves, too

36 exercise wellness No pain, No gain?


relationship wellness 40 Venus Cow shows you how to Overcome JEALOUSY

wellness nutrition 44 Can you Eat to Beat Bowel Cancer?


Are you living with a Narcissist?

wellness debate 50 Are Social Networks Harming Real Life Relationships?

52 wellness experts

04 wellness news 08 kitchen wellness 10 garden wellness

Now is the perfect time to plan a Herb Garden

54 holistic wellness 56 wellness reviews 60 modern wellness 61 ancient wellness 64 scientific wellness


Protect your child’s back


Sharpham Banana Loaf





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Are you grounded by babylag? Three quarters of new parents virtually sleepwalk through the day with extreme exhaustion from sleepless nights, says Dr Dev Banerjee. This ‘babylag’ is similar to transatlantic jet lag, when you can’t-keep-your-eyes-open and are desperate-for-a-nap. It has led to some bizarre behaviour, with parents hanging dry washing on the line, putting milk in the washing machine, and even falling asleep in the shower. Dr Dev explains, ‘When parents are woken regularly in the night, they rarely enter the final stages of ‘deep’ sleep, denying their bodies the chance to re-charge and prepare for the day ahead. If that is happening night after night, it can lead to slower reaction times, poor concentration and affect memory recall and problem solving.’ Find out how ‘babylagged’ you are, and get advice on sleep routines at

Are we nearly there yet? Children take just 27 minutes to get bored on long car journeys – with those living in Australia getting bored the quickest at 23 minutes, despite all those kangaroos! Kids in the UK are a close second at 24 minutes, while children living in Germany are the most patient, taking a full 31 minutes to get antsy. The research, by sat nav firm, TomTom, shows that the average holiday car journey lasts five hours, so children will start playing up long before the first service-station stop. One in four parents admit they lie about the estimated time of arrival to make the journey seem shorter, but the best bet is to plan the shortest route in advance, and to factor in regular breaks.

If you can’t take the heat‌ stay in the kitchen with this guide Are Scotch Bonnets hotter than Jalapeno peppers? How do you measure chilli spiciness? And what’s the best way to put out the fire when a chilli’s hotter than you expected? Find out at www. The infographic even shows you how to grow your own chillies for their renowned wellness benefits.

Money can’t buy me love (but it might buy you happiness!) We’ve always been told that money can’t buy happiness but now it seems psychologists have had a change of heart. In an article entitled ‘If money doesn’t make you happy, then you probably aren’t spending it right,’ the authors suggest that wealthy people have better nutrition, better medical care, more leisure time and do more meaningful jobs – all things that contribute to happiness. The article, which is due to be adapted into a book called Happy Money, has created eight principles that explain how spending money wisely can lead to happiness. These include paying for experiences rather than possessions, using money to help other people, and buying lots of small things that make you happy rather than one big purchase.





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Are you sitting comfortably? Then stand up! If you’re stuck behind your desk clearing a backlog of work, you’re as much at risk of a dangerous blood clot in your legs as those who fly long haul. Footballer David Dunn recommends that you take precautions when sitting for long periods of time, and advocates wearing properly fitted compression socks, designed to reverse the effects of sitting in a small space for a long while. The GCtech specialist socks he uses have graduated compression technology to avoid swelling, thrombosis and fatigue. They also aid muscle recovery between physical activity for heightened performance - a good secret to know from an elite footballer! £24.99


Popeye should have nibbled watercress Watercress contains an unusually high concentration of antioxidant vitamins, giving it a unique peppery ‘bite’. Experts at the University of Ulster have now found that eating watercress prevents the muscle damage associated with strenuous exercise. Volunteers who ran as fast as they could, until exhausted, showed significantly less muscle damage when they ‘enjoyed’ a small bag of raw watercress (85g) two hours beforehand. It’s thought the antioxidants mop up damaging free radicals generated by intense bursts of exercise. Not sure about exercise after eating a bag of watercress? Perhaps try a fresh watercress smoothie instead!

It’s Me, Anna-Marie! Anna-Marie Wayne, daughter of War of the Worlds composer Jeff Wayne, has teamed up with Maker Studios to launch a UK online portal for parents. Featuring ‘everything to make mum’s life easier’, it’s aimed at families, specifically savvy, socially active, working mums, and features a mix of topics ranging from fun video clips, ‘tried and tested’ reviews and creative activities, to personal anecdotes and chatty informal advice. As mother to two under-fives ,with a fast-paced work and home life, AnnaMarie knows what today’s busy mums need to maintain balance in all areas of life. It’s Me, Anna-Marie! transmits via YouTube twice a week.

If you’re feeling down, this app can help If you’re feeling depressed, a free iPhone app, from a psychologist at the University of Reading, lets you monitor your mood and detect when you’re becoming anxious or depressed. It then points you towards local treatment services, many of which you can access without first going to your doctor. Mood Mate is available to download from iTunes App Store.

Track your mood over time & make notes on how you feel



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Brits opting for

plant-based foods A recent survey suggests that we’re starting to shun meaty roasts, bangers and cows’ milk in favour of healthier, plant-based swaps. Four out of ten people are eating more vegetables, fruits, soya and nut products than a year ago, and six out of ten are eating more of these types of foods than they were five years ago. Mostly, it’s younger consumers, aged between 18 and 30, who are turning to alternative, more sustainable ways of eating. Enjoying the benefits of more plant-based choices doesn’t mean becoming a

vegan or vegetarian. It’s about reshaping what’s on your plate and making simple swaps, while still treating yourself to favourite meat or dairy products when you fancy them - instead of eating them from habit. Even cutting down on half your intake of meat and dairy will make a considerable impact on your health and the environment. For example, it takes over 2,400 gallons of water to produce one pound of meat, 2,000 gallons of water to produce one gallon of milk, but an average of 25 gallons of water to produce one pound of plant-based food.

Alpro is proud to pioneer plant-based eating, and offers a range of milks, drinks, yogurts, desserts and creams made from soya beans, almonds or hazelnuts blended with spring water. For more information and recipes, visit

Safer oven cleaning Clean and sanitise your work surfaces, sinks, bath, oven and cooker hoods without chemicals, using the Shark Steam Pocket Portable. Just fill with cold water from the tap, and the Shark produces a powerful flow of steam that dissolves grease and grime with no horrible smell. And as the supercharged steam is held in the nozzle, surfaces dry

instantly and you’re not splashed with boiling water. Tests show the Shark kills 99% of bacteria it comes in contact with, including those responsible for food poisoning in the kitchen. It also lifts soap scum from baths and basins and waves goodbye to bacteria lurking around your toilet. A must-have for every home.

£89.99 from, Argos, Homebase and Tesco.




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Winter is an ideal time to plan your spring plantings, and installing a selection of herbs can transform your meals, save money, and have medicinal benefits. Transform a small patch of land near your kitchen door (for ease of access when cooking) or go to town with a larger, impressive traditional herb garden in the form of a medieval knot. And if you don’t have a garden, you can still grow herbs in window boxes, patio pots or tubs by your front door. They’re easy to cultivate and look attractive, too.

Benefits of growing your own herbs: 01 Fresh flavours are always available to liven up salads, pasta, pizzas and meats in summer, and dried or frozen herbs can be used throughout winter.

02 Save money all year round – even small bags of herbs are expensive to buy fresh out of season.

03 Improve the curb appeal of your home – a well-tended kitchen herb patch looks attractive (especially if you’re looking to sell your home).

04 Homemade gifts are always available – lavender sachets, fresh posies or dried bouquet garni mixes.

05 Relieve the stresses and strains of daily life – tending your home-grown herbs and inhaling their wonderful scent will both relax and revitalise you at the end of a long working day.

Now is the perfect time to plan

a Herb

Garden Lavender acts as a soothing, calming

sedative to relax the mind, promote sleep and ward off headaches.

German chamomile flowers and leaves are used to make a medicinal tea that can improve indigestion, wind and promote a good night’s sleep. Soak cotton pads in cooled chamomile tea to bathe tired, strained eyes.

Lemon Balm was a popular remedy for stress in medieval times, when leaves were chewed by scholars facing exams. Also helps indigestion, flatulence and anxiety.

Sage is one of the most versatile medicinal herbs. As well as making sage and onion stuffing, you can rub fresh sage leaves onto insect stings and bites, or make an infusion to gargle away a sore throat or ease menopausal hot flushes. Freezing sage leaves retains their medicinal benefits better than drying. Mint is one of the most popular garden herbs,

and is often grown in pots to curtail its invasive nature. Its leaves contain essential oils with antiseptic and painkilling properties, and it makes the most wonderful herbal tisane tablespoon of mint. Perfect for improving digestion – just add 1 tablespoon mint leaves to a cup of boiling water and infuse for 20 minutes before drinking.

Extra weight gain is always a concern entering the new year. Our weight loss programme has been devised for this exact purpose. Most of us consume more rich foods and alcohol than usual over the festive period and now is the time to cleanse the body of those additional toxins and shed some pounds! Lose weight and feel great the detox way!


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Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, with an estimated 13 million new cases diagnosed every year. Numbers are rising and, compared with figures at the start of the new millennium, are expected to double by 2020, and triple by 2030. Yet, according to the World Health Organisation, up to one in three cancers can be prevented through diet and lifestyle changes.










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What are the symptoms?

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Some cancers produce few, if any symptoms, until they’re advanced. The best way to detect these at an early, treatable stage, is through regular health screening. Other symptoms may be non-specific, such as persistent tiredness, or more obvious such as a hard lump (although most lumps are not due to cancer, all should be checked).

Never ignore: • A lump

What is cancer? Cancer develops when a single cell starts to divide repeatedly, producing abnormal copies of itself, rather than dividing as needed to replace worn out cells. If your immune system does not recognise and destroy these abnormal cells, they continue to divide and invade surrounding tissues. Once the tumour reaches a certain size, a few abnormal cells may break away and spread through blood and lymph vessels to other parts of the body. These secondaries most commonly take root in the lung, liver, bone and brain. Your lifetime risk of receiving a cancer diagnosis is greater than 1 in 3 if you don’t smoke, and at least 1 in 2 if you do.

• A change in bowel habit (constipation, looseness, change in frequency) • A nagging cough or shortness of breath • Pain, ache or discomfort that keeps coming back • Weight loss for no apparent reason • Abdominal swelling • Feelings of heaviness or dragging in the pelvis • Persistent and excessive fatigue • Recurrent indigestion or nausea • Unexpected blood loss (including after the menopause, and after sex) • Discharge from the nipples or elsewhere • Difficulty swallowing • Feeling full, despite eating very little • A hoarse voice or sore throat lasting more than 3 weeks • Urinary difficulties • A skin mole or blemish that changes eg grows, itches, darkens, scales, weeps, crusts, ulcerates, develops a raised, rolled edge • A sore or ulcer that does not heal within 10 days

The most common cancers are: Worldwide
























• A white or red patch on the gums, tongue, or anywhere in the mouth • Problems chewing, swallowing, speaking, or moving the jaw or tongue • A change in the way the teeth fit together • Any persistent health problem that worries you.

For more information about all types of cancer, visit

The trouble with pancreatic cancer Although it’s not one of the five most common cancers, pancreatic cancer is the fifth most deadly, as it is so difficult to detect in the early stages. According to Ali Stunt, Chief Executive of Pancreatic Cancer Action, ‘The biggest problem with the diagnosis is that there’s no one clear indicator of the illness. There are, however, a few key clusters of symptoms that should give rise to suspicion.’ Classic pancreatic cancer symptoms are significant abdominal pain and/ or back pain, painless jaundice (yellow skin/eyes, dark urine), and significant and unexplained weight loss. Other common symptoms are new onset diabetes that’s not associated with weight gain, pain in the upper abdomen that typically radiates to the back, indigestion or abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite or nausea and vomiting, pain when eating, and fatty stools (often pale and smelly).

To find out more visit and

What causes cancer? Cancer results from ill-understood interactions between your genes, environment, diet and lifestyle. Factors that are associated with an increased risk include family history, smoking, excess alcohol intake, obesity, lack of exercise, poor diet and exposure to workplace chemicals and air pollution, including smoke from solid fuels. Viruses have also been implicated, including those that cause liver disease (eg hepatitis B, C) and some types of wart (human papilloma) virus. Reducing your exposure to sunlight will help to lower your risk of skin cancer, but also reduces the amount of protective vitamin D you naturally produce, which seems to boost immunity against cancer in general. By all means use sunscreen, but take vitamin D supplements, too!

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- George Carlin

You show me something that doesn’t cause cancer, and I’ll show you something that isn’t on the market yet.

Choose your friends carefully Research from UCLA’s School of Medicine suggests that negative relationships may increase the risk of major health problems, including cancer. In contrast, surrounding yourself with upbeat, positive people can help keep you well. One theory is that negative people increase your own stress levels, which in turn, reduces your immunity. So if you want to stay fit and healthy, spend more time with cheerful people!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure… Most cancers are detected either by someone recognising ‘red flag’ symptoms and checking them out, or by routine health screening – attend for anything and everything you are offered: mammography, cervical smears, faecal bloods for bowel cancer, blood tests for Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), blood tests for ovarian cancer (HE4, CA125), dental check-ups for mouth cancer, mole checks, endoscopy (eg for stomach, colon or bladder cancer) or imaging scans. Some screening tests are only available privately, but the costs must be weighed up against the benefits. The average person incurs 60% of their healthcare costs during the last 6 months of their life. Rather than saving for that rainy day, why not invest some of your savings earlier in the umbrella of private health screening? You may live longer as a result.




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TLC: TOUCH, LOOK, CHECK Most cases of breast cancer are found by women noticing unusual changes, taking the initiative and visiting their doctor. The earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chance of beating it – so you can see how important it is to make regular checks. It’s as simple as TLC...

TOUCH your breasts. Can you feel anything unusual? LOOK for changes. Is there any change in shape or texture? CHECK anything unusual with your doctor.

No one knows your body better than you and everyone will have their own way of touching and looking for changes – there’s no special technique and you don’t need any training. It’s good to get into the habit of doing this regularly – maybe when you’re in the bath or shower, or while getting dressed in the morning. You might prefer to do it while standing up or lying down. Either way, the important thing is to be familiar with how your breasts look and feel normally, so you notice anything unusual – and remember to check the whole breast area, including your upper chest and armpits.

For more information, visit:

How do you check?

Men, grab your health by the balls Orchid is a UK charity dedicated to male specific cancers – prostate, testicular and penile cancer - all of which are on the rise. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer among men aged 15-45 and worldwide, the number developing this disease has quadrupled over the last 50 years. If caught early enough, testicular cancer has a cure rate of more than 95% and usually means fertility can be preserved. Unfortunately, in more than a third of cases, the disease has spread before diagnosis which is why it is so important for men of all ages - and their partners - to know what’s normal in the ball department, and what’s not. Symptoms of testicular cancer can include a lump or swelling in a testicle, a dull ache or sharp pain in the testicles or lower abdomen, or a sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum.

Get into the habit of checking your testicles, or your partner’s, regularly. This is best done during, or after, a bath or shower when the scrotum is warm and relaxed. Ignore the fact that one ball hangs lower than the other – that’s normal. • Cradle the scrotum in the palm of both hands, and gently feel each testicle, passing it between your fingertips. Don’t press too hard, and be careful not to twist it. • Each ball should feel soft and smooth – like a hard-boiled egg without its shell. • What you are looking for is any lump, swelling, irregularity, thickening, hardness or change which is on one ball but not the other. • Become familiar with the feel of the epididymis – a sperm collecting tube that runs behind the testicle – this is sometimes mistaken for a lump. • If you notice anything new or unusual, tell your doctor straight away. • You should also report any blood in your urine or sperm.

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Dr Garry Savin, Medical Director of Preventicum UK, says, ‘A 39 year old man came to see me for a routine check-up, arranged through his company. He was doing well in his career, was fit and well with no bothersome symptoms. During the Preventicum check-up, which included a routine testicular examination, I noticed one testicle felt different to the other. Although there was no discrete ‘lump’, I requested some extra blood tests looking for tumour markers that can go high in the presence of a cancer. I also arranged an urgent appointment with a specialist who saw him over the weekend. The urologist arranged a testicular ultrasound as a precaution, even though the tumour marker blood tests were negative. A couple of days later, the testicular ultrasound showed a cancer in the young man’s testicle. Fortunately the surrounding lymph nodes looked normal, and he had urgent surgery to remove the cancerous testicle within days. Several years later, he is doing well, living a normal life as a husband and father, and remains successful in his career. This shows that sometimes, a check-up is potentially lifesaving, and that experienced doctors need to follow their clinical judgement and not necessarily rely on negative blood tests. Without a routine medical check-up, he would not have known he was harbouring a potentially fatal cancer until many months later, and the outcome of this story may not have had such a happy ending. Preventicum, the London Centre of Preventive Medicine, offers in-depth, full-body Check-Ups to individual and corporate clients. Visit www.

Dr Tom Powles, senior lecturer in medical oncology at the Barts Cancer Institute, explains, ‘There shouldn’t be any lumps in the testis itself. The problem is that testicular cancer tends to be painless and grows slowly, so men don’t tend to worry about it too much – they think it’ll go away.’ Although less than one in 25 testicular lumps are due to cancer, it’s important to see your doctor straight away to get checked. A lot of men are shocked to discover that cancer can also develop on the penis, according to Dr Peter Branney, Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology at Leeds Metropolitan University. ‘The UK is world leading in the treatment of penile cancer, yet our research shows the symptoms are regularly mistaken for a sexually transmitted disease, which delays treatment. If we talk about penile cancer more widely, then men might be diagnosed faster and be better equipped to cope with both the physical and emotional impact of the condition.’ For more information about male cancers visit and


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There are no guarantees, but the following tips are believed to significantly reduce your lifetime risk of cancer.

cut your

cancer risk

Don’t smoke, and avoid

passive smoking, to protect against most cancers, especially of the lungs, mouth and nasal passages.

Maintain a healthy weight to protect against a

number of cancers, including those of the bowel and breast.

Exercise briskly for at least 30 minutes every day to protect against cancers of the bowel, breast and womb.

How to

Plan your meals around a variety of vegetables, fruits, wholegrains and beans, so you eat at least 5 servings (and preferably more) per day. These provide a variety of natural, anticancer substances. Steam or microwave vegetables rather than boiling them to preserve these beneficial components. Obtain healthy fats

Cut back on fats in general, and concentrate on obtaining ‘good’ monounsaturated fats (eg olive and nut oils) and omega-3s (eg fish oils, rapeseed oil).

Limit your intake of red meat (beef, pork, lamb)

and cured or processed meats (sausages, bacon, ham). These form chemicals that are linked with bowel cancer, especially if fried, barbecued or char-grilled.

Limit your intake of alcohol to no more than

2 units per day for men and 1 unit per day for women. Alcohol appears to make cells more vulnerable to cancer-causing chemicals, especially in the mouth, breast and bowel, and especially in smokers.

Avoid salty foods as these are linked with an increased risk of stomach cancer. Avoid sunbeds and sun burn to reduce your risk of skin cancer. Cover up in the sun, use broad-spectrum sunscreens with a protection factor of at least SPF15+ (take vitamin D supplements, too). Consider going organic as the Environment

Protection Agency in the US consider that 90% of fungicides, 60% of herbicides and 30% of insecticides are potentially cancer causing.

Reduce stress levels, as excess stress reduces your immunity and has been linked with an increased susceptibility to cancer. Vaccination can protect against hepatitis B related liver cancer in those at risk, while immunisation against wart (papilloma) virus protects against cervical, vulval and vaginal cancers in women.


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Steps you can take to prevent breast cancer Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention is a charity dedicated to the prediction and prevention of breast cancer so that, step by step, 1 in 10 women affected becomes none in 10. Mr Lester Barr, breast cancer surgeon and chairman of the charity, offers advice on how to keep your risk as low as possible.

Be Breast Aware Know

how to check yourself, know about screening, and deal with any risk factors in your life. For breast changes to look out for visit www.

Lose some weight

Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention’s research confirms that healthy breast tissue can contain many artificial chemicals. None of these have been shown to be a direct cause, and in particular there does not seem to be a link with deodorants.

Be as lean as possible without becoming underweight. Avoid processed foods high in sugar and fat. Eat more fruit, vegetables and wholegrains. Read the dietary advice on Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention’s website and Prevention Diet leaflet.

Be physically active Aim for 30 minutes of exercise at least every day. This has a beneficial effect through your hormone balance as well as helping you to maintain a healthy weight. Drink alcohol sensibly

Breast cancer risk rises the more you drink, so limit your intake to one alcoholic drink only per day.

Minimise Hormones

Aim to stop the contraceptive pill at around 30 years of age. Limit the use of HRT to a short time – not continuously for years. Breast-feeding is protective and recommended for six months.

Consider Gene testing If several of your family members have had breast or ovarian cancer (or a mother or sister under 50) then ask your doctor if gene testing might be feasible. For those who carry a predisposing gene, you will be offered regular screening (perhaps using MR scanning). Preventive drugs like tamoxifen are also being researched, and techniques for preventive surgery are being improved. You should not have gene testing conducted without prior counselling. Make sure you discuss all these options thoroughly with your team. The future Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention is working on research to eliminate breast cancer step by step. By understanding all the risk factors, they can find ways of prevention and early diagnosis. This may not happen in an overnight miracle cure but, step by step, they can make things better for the next generation.

For more information, including the Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention Diet booklet, visit,

Coping with cancer Receiving a diagnosis of cancer brings with it overwhelming feelings of fear, stress and uncertainty about your future. The most important step is to seek help to understand and deal with the many physical, psychological and physiological effects of your illness. Try to maintain a positive approach, as this undoubtedly increases your resilience. There’s a lot to take in, and learn, so ask your doctor or nurse to repeat any information, terms or instructions you don’t fully understand. Make use of support services offered locally, such as counselling, hospices, support groups as well as national charities and self-help groups. Accept those things you can’t control, without bottling them up. Being assertive will help, so you express your feelings and opinions firmly, without becoming angry, or remaining too passive. Meditation and relaxation exercises will help.

Watch, hear or read other people’s experiences The award-winning, experiential website www. lets you share other people’s experiences of health problems, including cancer. Experts at the University of Oxford interviewed a wide range of people, so you can share in their stories. These personal stories help patients, families, carers and healthcare professionals benefit from the experiences of others. Watch videos, listen to audio clips, or read reliable information about specific conditions, treatment choices and support. There’s also a section on teenage cancer, at




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Do you have too much month at the end of your money? Perhaps you also have too much to do and not enough time? Lack of time is usually spread evenly across the month, unlike the money issue, for time is such a precious commodity we never seem to have enough.

2 minutes of your time

Take just

- by Eva Suzannah

Perception of time is as important as time itself - when you perceive time as being in short supply, tension builds and your body begins to suffer. Stress, indigestion, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and sleepless nights wondering how you can possibly fit everything in, start to occur. You probably know all this, but finding time to change... where can you fit it in? I’m not talking about the momentous moments when time stepped back and allowed your experience to be timeless - the first kiss, holding the new life you’ve just birthed, the fleeting sense of wholeness that is felt when life appears complete. Can you find two minutes? A few minutes that can make a big difference to your digestion, reaching weight loss goals and balancing insulin levels. When you have breakfast on the go, and rush to fit in dinner between things on your to-do list, your body will begin to protest. Two minutes can be the difference that saves your health. So what everyday, easy things can you do in 120 seconds that are so smart?

1. Give yourself extra time in the morning. Sip a little slower, chew a

little longer and really taste what you eat and drink. Take a big relaxing breath, feel your heart slow down and relax, too. Since you only need two minutes, you don’t even have to get up earlier or feel you’ve sacrificed important sleep time.

2. Remember the dentist telling you to brush for two minutes?

Here’s your chance to look after your teeth and slow down at the same time. As you brush, be aware of the action and be conscious of the movement and the feeling. Not thinking ahead or lingering on a past moment, just brush in the present. Your perception will alter, your immune system will gain a boost and your teeth will looker whiter than white.

3. Saying Grace before a meal invites

stillness, silence and inward focus. Feeling gratitude for both food and company is so beneficial - not least for your digestive system. A stressed body is ready for fight or flight, not nourishment. You can do this even if your family doesn’t sit down together for a

meal. Do it at lunch as well, and experience a double whammy of the best kind. Remember, this can take any form you like - religion is optional, but faith is recommended.

4. Now wash your hands - what a great

opportunity to let the water wash away tension as well as refreshing your mind and soothing your soul.

5. Before you go to sleep, take time to leave the stresses of the day behind, and smile at the good things that happened, particularly the little things. Notice the lightness when you let go. Enter the memory of a timeless event and drift into a more blissful sleep. Being in the moment takes so little time it doesn’t even disrupt your schedule - and the benefits will surprise and delight you. You’ll probably forget to slow down now and then, but the more you remember, the better you’ll feel. Two short minutes can add years to the quality of your life.

Eva Suzannah is the author of Seeds of Change, published by Ayni Books £9.99.




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- by Dr Lisa Turner

You’ve done all the right things. You set your goal, took action, but somehow, somewhere along the line things didn’t work out and you didn’t get the results you wanted. It snowed. The supplier was late, delivered the wrong thing, or in the wrong colour. The schools were shut so you had the kids at home. You got a cold. The dog died. You got tangled in the duvet and couldn’t get out of bed... You’ve heard them. You’ve given them. What are they? They are excuses. When you set a goal it’s pretty simple. Either you achieve it or you don’t. You either get the result you want or you don’t. If you find yourself not getting the results you want, it’s very tempting to look for reasons. But what if those reasons

were just excuses? And what if those excuses were preventing you from achieving many of your goals? What if you gave up your excuses? What if all those reasons that you gave for not getting the results could be overcome, by-passed or even turned into opportunities? Let’s take this idea of ‘the economy’ as an excuse not to grow a successful business. I’m not saying the situation isn’t real, or that it can be changed, but the way you approach it can be. Yes, people are spending more cautiously, the lowhanging fruit isn’t there anymore. But what you do have, higher up, are very committed and keen customers. They may be harder to find, but when you find them they are like gold dust.

Excus Give up your

So here are some ways you can start to give up your excuses. Are You Being Impatient? In this age of

instant gratification, we sometimes forget that some things just do take some time. Maybe you haven’t failed, but rather the results just haven’t had time to show up yet. Doubts will stop you taking the very action you need to take, you need to continue to market until you can reasonably expect results then decide whether or not you have failed.

Is it Time to Try Something Different?

If your actions are not giving you the desired results, try taking different action. The reason many people don’t do this is because it’s risky. They know what to expect with the tried and tested methods, even if those results aren’t great. But when you try something new you have no clue what to expect. Be brave - take a risk, try something different.

Do You Have a Limiting Belief? The beliefs

you hold shape your reality. They affect the thoughts you think, the things you say and, most importantly, the action you take. The result is, just like a self-fulfilling prophesy, you make them real. Admitting when you’re wrong is vital; believing and thinking something different, and taking action will get you the end results.

Be Brutally Honest With Yourself As a

coach, one of my less fun tasks is to be brutally honest with people, and then get them to be honest with themselves. Be honest about where you are, the resources you have to hand and the action you can take. Pretending that it’s all going to be alright, by thinking positively is simply putting your head in the sand. Use the resources you do have, take the action you can take, and you will get results. But most importantly, give up your excuses.


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Dr Lisa Turner is a sexual energy, personal and spiritual development expert, who speaks about the unspeakable. For more information visit www.





- Mexican proverb This section

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The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman.

More often than not, mums put the health and happiness of their family before their own wellbeing. While this may sound like the right thing to do, remember that the better shape you’re in, then the easier you’ll find it to deal with the trials and tribulations of motherhood. Here are five areas you can concentrate on to improve your own health and wellbeing, so everyone benefits.


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Keep an eye on your weight When you’re busy, it’s easy for weight to creep on and stay on, especially if you’ve just had a baby. Being a mother doesn’t automatically mean you’ll never regain your prepregnancy figure, but you may have to work at it by watching what you eat, exercising regularly and avoiding the temptation to finish off the left-overs. Put them where they belong, in the fridge for another meal, or in the bin - not on your hips! The more healthy home-cooked meals you eat, the better.

ums lves, too

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Watch out for depression At least one

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in ten mums go through post-natal depression, and although it can emerge anytime during the first year, it often appears between four and six months after giving birth. Depression can also develop for a host of other reasons, such as financial worries or family issues. Sleep deprivation for mothers of small children, as well as long hours and stress in the workplace doesn’t help either – especially if you’re coming home to hungry children and household chores. If you’re worried about your mental health, don’t keep it to yourself. Talk to family and friends, see your family doctor, or contact Mind, the mental health charity, Infoline: 0300 123 3393, who aim to provide details of help and support in your area.

Sort out your sleep If your children are prone to night waking, work out a sleep schedule with your partner and stick to it. Take turns for occasional sleep-ins. Don’t put off sleep for other household chores. The dishes can wait until morning. And don’t underestimate the power of a nap. If you’re feeling tired and have a spare 10 or 20 minutes, during the day, 40 winks can put you right back on top again. To download a free Sleep Well guide, and free Sleep

Relaxation MP3 audio guide, visit

For inspirational, healthy family meals, try the following: • Planning Meals for Toddlers, free from • Yes More Peas, free from www.peas. org • Try Rye diet, compiled by Yourwellness editor, Dr Sarah Brewer, free from • Family Favourites, Midweek Meals, One Pot Wonders and Satisfying Suppers from Weight Watchers (Simon & Schuster £4.99 each) • Me, You & The Kids Too – the ultimate time-saving cookbook, with every recipe feeding the whole family by Renee Elliott www.

Crank up the exercise Try combining exercise with a favourite pastime or family activities. Simply put on a record and dance around the living room with the vacuum cleaner. If you commute to work, consider walking or cycling at least some of the way, instead. You only need 20 minutes per day for yoga - good for your mind, body and spirit. Get a good book or a DVD and make it part of your daily routine. Look after number one You wouldn’t hesitate to take your child to the doctor, dentist or optometrist for routine appointments, or if you suspected a problem, but what about your own regular check-ups? If you have any symptoms or signs that worry you, don’t put off seeing your GP. By taking great care of yourself, not only will you enjoy good health and feel great, you’ll also be a better mum - and a great role model for your children. What do you do when you’re juggling work, a busy homelife and have zero time to exercise? You use fitness guru Tony Horton’s Beachbody 10-Minute Trainer. Its secret is the use of resistance bands that help you burn fat, tone your abs, sculpt your body and get a cardio workout at the same time. £59.99 from Argos.


Keeping Your



Online MySpace, Facebook, Twitter - social media has become one of the best places to connect with friends but sometimes, unfortunately, it’s not the best place for children. It’s especially scary for parents wondering about what their children are doing and who they’re communicating with online.

Set Parental Controls The good news is that most social networking applications have parental controls, so you can set limits and provide a safer online environment for your children. Most sites allow you to control who your child can befriend and how they communicate with others. Talk to Your Kids Teaching children to be wary online is essential, as not everyone they meet in cyber space will be who they say they are. You should also discuss what they can upload and what information they give about themselves. Cyber-Bullying Child predators and unsavoury images aren’t the only things to worry about either. Cyber bullying is becoming more and more prevalent. Let your child know they can come to you and discuss any concerns they have, without repercussions. This is also a good time for you to reinforce that all forms of bullying is wrong. When it comes to the safety of your children, you can’t protect them all the time, but you can take certain steps to make the virtual world somewhat safer by educating them about the dangers. Teenagers and parents can visit the Family Safety Centre at If you have any concerns about inappropriate online contacts, report them via the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre,




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Children and Divorce

Splitting up is never easy, but it’s much more difficult when there’s children involved. However, relationships do break up and children need to be told when parents go their separate ways. Older children will almost certainly have sensed that things aren’t right in the family home, so the sooner they’re told the better. Most children of school age know what divorce means. They probably have friends whose parents are separated or divorced. Unfortunately, at every age, it means sadness and confusion. Obviously, it’s a stressful time for the parents too but, whatever the reasons for the break-up, this is one issue where it’s important to stand united and support the kids as much as possible.

Be truthful. There is no point hiding the fact that you’re splitting up or delaying the inevitable. There may be many reasons behind the split, but keep your reasons as simple as possible for your children. As for when you should tell them, sadly, there never is a good time. Be loving. Children will often blame themselves when looking for a reason behind the split. So, remind them that you both still love them and give reassurance that the break-up has nothing to do with them. Keep them informed. Let them know, well in advance, about any changes that will affect them, such as a change of address or parental visits. Listen to any concerns that they have. Present a united front. Be respectful towards each other and do your best not to argue in front of the children. Plan conversations with the children in advance and, most important of all, never criticise your ex-partner in front of the children. For relationship and family counselling advice, visit Citizens Advice have a useful booklet, called Breaking up is never easy, which you can download from breaking_up_is_never_easy. For guidance on the legal process of splitting up, including mediation and arbitration, visit




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Teenage Angst Is OK A study from the University of Virginia has found that the occasional ‘argument’ with teenagers at home can be good for their self-esteem later on, as long as it’s less of a screaming match and more of a debate. Teenagers who were able to respond to parents with reasoned arguments about house rules, and going out times, were also able to deal with issues outside of the home. Researchers believe that home-based ‘debates’ act as a training ground for similar confrontation in the ‘real world’. Those who felt more peer pressure when they were 12 or 13, also fared well, ten years later, having better relationships with their parents, friends and romantic partners. In contrast, those who had not experienced peer pressure were more detached, fared worse academically and cared less about what society thought of them. This suggests that vulnerability to peer pressure can have a positive effect by encouraging teenagers to feel ‘cool’ if they do well academically, or at sports, and look after their appearance. Interestingly, negative influences such as pressure to smoke or drink were less of a problem than previously thought. So if your children are able to stand up to you with reasonable argument, then you can probably assume that they can also do that with their peers. And isn’t that a good foundation for life in general?

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Excess sweating is a common and embarrassing problem. In many cases it is a normal and temporary response to exercise, vigorous dancing, being hot or emotionally stressed. For one in a hundred people however, excess sweating leads to constant wet patches, embarrassment, loss of confidence and a fear of body odour. The good news is that the problem can usually be overcome with a little know-how.



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How to reduce sweating. • Avoid man-made fibres such as nylon, instead wear natural fabrics such as cotton which let sweat evaporate more easily. • Use an absorbent powder on your feet and in body creases to soak up any excess sweat. If you are prone to fungal skin infections, such as Athlete’s foot, use an antifungal powder and dust it inside your shoes and socks as well. • Use an antiperspirant that reduces sweating rather than a deodorant which just helps to reduce odours. Some products contain both types of ingredient for a dual benefit. • Freshen up underarms and groin during the day if necessary - carry a wash kit (flannels, soap, powder, towel) with you • Carry a change of clothes if necessary for instant freshness during the day. • Powerful antiperspirants containing aluminium chloride hexahydrate (eg Driclor) are available from pharmacies to control sweating in problem areas. Follow instructions, but in general they are applied to clean, dry skin at night – when sweat glands are inactive – and washed off the next morning. The solution can be used on any area prone to excessive sweating such as the armpits, groin, palms and soles of the feet. As excessive sweating comes under control, applications can be reduced in frequency to once or twice a week.

Most people find the above tips, together with a thorough wash, shower or bath at least once a day and after vigorous exercise, keeps sweating under control. If you continue to have problems with excessive sweating, it is important to see your GP. In some cases, for example, it may be a sign of an overactive thyroid gland or a hidden infection. Overactive sweat glands can be treated medically with injections of botulinum toxin or, if necessary, surgery to cut the nerves supplying sweat glands in problem areas.



JOHNSON’S Baby Extra Dry Powder is made with pure cornstarch, which absorbs up to 60% more moisture than talc. Sprinkle in your trainers, comb through your hair or use to prevent chafing. Best for baby, best for you... and now best for your gym bag!

Jack Black Pit Boss AntiPerspirant & Deodorant, £15.50 from www., is a non-irritating antiperspirant and deodorant for all day dryness and confidence that will not irritate skin. The invisible solid glides on leaving no residue on skin or clothes. Work out with confidence! Jack Black Dry Down Friction-Free Powder, £14.95, reduces friction, eliminates chaffing and allows comfort in those sensitive areas, especially when pounding the streets or the treadmill. Jack Black Turbo Wash, £16.95, contains Rosemary and Eucalyptus to open airways and loosen muscles as it cleanses. Juniper Berry reduces toxins and aids postworkout recovery.


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- Winnie the Pooh

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A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.

Are exercise and pain inextricably linked for you? Does the thought of sore, aching muscles put you off a good workout, or do you feel a gym session is only beneficial if you ‘feel the burn’? Is there such a thing as ‘good’ pain when it comes to exercise, or is it possible to work out without getting sore? These are common questions, so let’s take a look at the facts.

No Pain No Gai

Why exercise hurts?

Muscular soreness associated with exercise usually comes in two waves. First is the acute pain or ‘burn’ you feel while you’re actually working out, and for a short time afterwards. Then, within twenty-four hours of your exercise session, you may experience delayedonset muscle soreness and stiffness - that’s the pain you feel when getting out of bed the morning after a tough workout. Interestingly, no single physical mechanism is universally accepted as the cause of muscle soreness. A number of theories have been suggested over the last hundred years, but the most popular idea, that it’s due to a build-up of lactic acid, now seems less likely in

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There’s plenty of evidence that your exercise habits, and certain lifestyle factors, can significantly affect how sore you feel after exercise. Unsurprisingly, overall fitness plays a big part - if you only exercise infrequently, you’re more likely to experience muscular soreness than if you are fit and work out regularly. Good dietary habits also help. Try to maintain a healthy nutritional balance, paying particular attention to protein intake and minerals like potassium, which the body uses to build and maintain healthy muscles. Antioxidants found in fruit and veg are also important to reduce inflammation and damage. If you’re not eating a healthy diet, you’ll find that muscle soreness takes longer to heal.

the light of recent studies. The most likely causes of acute muscle soreness are now thought to include muscle fatigue and tissue swelling from blood fluids passing into muscle tissues. However, most of the pain you experience after exercise – especially the delayedonset muscle soreness - is thought to result from ‘microtrauma’, or tiny tears in muscle fibres. Don’t let the thought of muscle tears put you off exercise, however. Your body adapts to this damage by not only repairing the tears, but by building additional tissue in an attempt to prevent it happening again. Many weightlifters view microtrauma as a positive part of their exercise plans, as it plays a part in actively promoting muscle growth.

Easing the pain When you exercise vigorously - and particularly if it’s a new exercise that works different muscles - a degree of muscle soreness is inevitable. However, there are steps you can take to keep pain to a minimum, and to speed your recovery afterwards.

Get enough rest. While you sleep,

your body repairs those minuscule tears that are causing pain. Aim for a good seven to eight hours’ sleep in the days following a strenuous workout session.

Remain well hydrated. Drinking plenty of water helps to flush out toxins so your muscles heal more easily. Poor hydration, on the other hand, may exacerbate the soreness, and also contributes to painful muscle cramps. Perform light exercise. Walking,

a light jog or swimming may seem counter-intuitive, but it promotes the circulation of oxygen-rich blood to your muscle fibres, helping to relieve pain and to shorten the recovery time for sore muscles. This is sometimes known as ‘active recovery’ and is highly recommended as a natural and positive way to reduce pain. Finally, if the pain is severe, you may want to use non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (such as aspirin) or a topical pain gel or cream designed for muscle pain. However, it’s important to remember that these only relieve pain, and are not designed to speed recovery. Use of such products should be the exception: don’t rely on them to ease exercise pain on a frequent or recurring basis.


Celebrities really get you fit? The popularity of celebrity workout DVDs shows no sign of abating. Celebs come and go, often from international stardom to total obscurity in the blink of an eye - so why are we so drawn to their exercise programs? And more importantly, do they really help you achieve a fitter and healthier lifestyle? Often, the appeal is aspirational in nature. You want to look like - or at least have a figure like your favourite celebrity. It’s not unreasonable to assume that if they can achieve that look using those techniques, then so can you. Some psychologists go further and argue that, whether consciously or subconsciously, we believe that emulating the celebrities we admire might bring us the same level of success, fame or wealth. An emotional desire to get ‘closer’ to our idols may also play a part. By inviting them into our homes and having them show us how they exercise, we achieve a ‘connection’ that goes beyond watching them in a TV show, film or listening to them sing. Regardless of the motivation of buyers, celebrity fitness DVDs have become staggeringly successful... at least on a commercial basis. Whether they are successful as exercise aids is a whole different argument that, at least partly, depends on your expectations. There are some important points to bear in mind. Most celebrities don’t look the way they do simply as the result of a set of exercises. Many will have personal trainers, dietary advisers, chefs and are often on extremely low-calorie diets. And unlike most of their audience, they have money to burn on exclusive beauty and skincare products – and cosmetic surgery. More significantly, everyone has a different body shape. Even if you followed exactly the same diet and exercise schedule as your favourite celebrity, you still won’t have exactly their figure. Although that may seem obvious, setting yourself a goal such as ‘I want to look like Kim Kardashian’ is just setting yourself up for disappointment. That aside, celebrity exercise DVDs vary widely in their effectiveness. Celebs generally aren’t qualified fitness trainers, and some DVDs have been criticised by reviewers as not only ineffective, but potentially dangerous. However, most releases these days put more thought into the advice they give and how it is presented. Fitness workouts that feature a certified personal trainer alongside the celebrity are often the most rewarding, combining useful, professional fitness and health advice with the ‘fun factor’ of a popular celebrity, giving you the best of both worlds.

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Jealousy is the number one deadly sin when it comes to developing a healthy relationship. It stems from a lack of self-worth, and has nothing to do with love or happiness. The truth is, how can you love someone else, if you don’t know how to love yourself?

Overcoming jealousy is just like changing any other negative behaviour - it always has to begin with awareness. Being aware of your jealousy allows you to see that the stories you’ve created in your mind about your partner, are not always true. And even when there is some justification for a reaction, jealousy and anger are not healthy ways to get what you desire when it comes to love. It’s important to reclaim your personal power and take back control of your emotions by developing your self worth and self belief. Learn to take a step away from the made-up jealous stories in your mind, and recognise your negative reactions need to become more about your truth on reflection. Jealousy is created because of insecurity, or as a way to control or keep someone. In reality, this doesn’t make any sense as you cannot own, or make anyone love you if they don’t want to. Shift your focus from the negative feelings and learn to think rationally, so you can take a look at the bigger picture with clarity. Next time you feel that greeneyed monster emerging in your thought process, change your emotional state by shifting your

- Eleanor Roosevelt

You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.

- by Shirley Yanez

Venus Cow shows you how to



41 attention. Do something different, like going for a long country walk alone. Once you’ve calmed down, you will come back to the situation with a much clearer, rational, open mind and find it easier to bin your jealousy, to get a life you deserve. A healthy relationship should never feel scary, so if you feel like you are constantly walking on egg shells or are afraid your partner is going to leave you, chances are they will because your negative thoughts and actions will force them to in the end. Be confident and sure of yourself, this way you remain in control and fearless when it comes to love and happiness. Shirley Yanez offers a free, interactive life coaching program at Venus Cow centres on common sense and showing people that what they believe to be true is actually untrue.


Do you hate your friend’s partner? It happens to everyone eventually. Your best mate is over the moon about their new boyfriend or girlfriend. Then, when you finally meet them it’s hate at first sight! Perhaps it’s just a clash of personalities, or perhaps you witness them do or say something that alerts you to the fact they’re bad news. Either way, it makes for an awkward situation. Should you say something to your friend? Or should you keep your opinions to yourself for fear of causing offence? Tact is crucial, and whether to speak up or not largely depends on the nature of the problem. If it’s just an inexplicable ‘I don’t like you’ feeling, it’s probably best to hold your tongue. Your friend obviously sees something in them that you don’t, but that’s fine; it’s a simple fact of life that we can’t get along with everyone. If the partner really grates on your nerves, it should still be possible to have time with your friend alone, or alternatively arrange to go out with a larger group so it’s easier to avoid having to deal with the problem partner. If it comes down to actual bad behaviour on the part of the boyfriend or girlfriend, then it may be a good idea to bring it up with your friend. Try not to be judgemental, but if your pal’s new partner made a pass at you, for example, or you found their drunken behaviour a bit too much, then something has to be said. It can help to open such awkward discussions with a question, for example, asking your friend if they were happy with how their other half was acting last night. Ultimately, it’s your friend’s choice over who they want to be with, and sometimes you’ll have to accept that your friendship is more important than anything else, and just grin and bear it. Your pal’s new relationship might not last, or they might end up married and in it for the long term in which case, it pays to let go of any reservations or resentment and be as happy for them as you can!




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- by Dr Massimo Stocchi

• Have you found yourself in a relationship with someone you no longer understand? Someone who no longer understands you? • Was the relationship too good to be true in the beginning? A prince in shining armour, or the princess you’ve always dreamed of, who later turned into a critical, demeaning and cruel individual? • Does everything seem to be about him or her? • Do you feel like your love life is an emotional rollercoaster, filled with ups and downs, and never with the feeling of stability and tranquillity? • Do you find yourself in a repetitive cycle of loving someone who doesn’t love you the same, or they come across like Dr Jekyll and Mr/Mrs Hyde? • Have you found that the relationship has impacted you so greatly that you no longer recognise the person you once were? If you answered YES to most of these questions, it’s more than likely that you are in a relationship with a narcissist who is impacting you greatly.

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In my experience, narcissists are individuals who need perfect mirroring, perfect stroking of their ego, perfect responses. They need constant control and this can manifest itself in controlling you, too. Whenever they are injured emotionally, or insulted, they will typically withdraw or isolate themselves, seldom allowing for a proper discussion to resolve the situation. They often do not realise that their withdrawal evokes anxieties (often subconscious) in others, especially within significant relationships. Narcissists are driven by the need to be liked, desired, and appreciated, and will do anything to preserve a sense of specialness. This prompts them to prove themselves by isolation from others and concentration on perfection, power and omnipotence. This withdrawal is accompanied by a desperate need to be desired and appreciated. They are easily injured, insulted and outraged when their partner does not properly mirror or understand and appease them. Narcissists tend to seek love with someone who shows the qualities they lack in themselves, or which they once had and no longer possess (beauty, power, organisation, sense of self, ability to be alone). The narcissist then tries to own/ possess these qualities through envy. Although painful, being with a narcissist can also be highly charged on an erotic level. The highs can be very high and the lows can be very low, leaving you constantly in a state of questioning yourself. If you wish to stay with your narcissistic partner, be warned that this is often a difficult and tiresome journey which will render you feeling more helpless and burnt-out.

This is by no means an issue that cannot be resolved, but it will take time, patience, and more effort than the ‘normal’ person is willing to provide. From my extensive experience with narcissistic personality disorders, it takes a truly skilled therapist to uncover the depths of the narcissist and assist them in the healing process—but this is only if they want to. A partner with high narcissistic traits will not usually want to see a therapist to help them understand how they relate with you. Instead, find a therapist for yourself, to help strengthen yourself to leave as this may be the key ingredient to assist the narcissist in changing.

Dr Massimo Stocchi is a Counselling Psychologist and the Clinical Director of www. with practices in Harley Street and Guys Hospital.

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Eat Beat

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Sharpham Park, the luxury spelt food label, has united with Bowel Cancer UK to help spread the message that a high-fibre diet is important for digestive health. The partnership has many exciting actions planned through to National Bowel Cancer Awareness month in April 2013. Spelt is a cereal grain in the wheat family that has a delicious, nutty flavour. Though cultivated for centuries, in both central Europe and the Middle East, it has only recently become popular as a great substitute for wheat. Packed with iron, potassium, zinc, riboflavin and other vitamins and minerals, spelt is also one of today’s healthiest grains. Though spelt does contain gluten, its unique structure is much easier to digest and many people who are intolerant to wheat find they are able to eat spelt without any side effects. It can be used in bread, cookies, cake and other recipes without compromising the texture of the baked goods. Apart from its good nutritional profile, spelt is slightly lower in calories and higher in protein content than wheat.

45 Spelt Flour and other Sharpham Park products such as Spelt biscuits, bran flakes, cereal bars, artisan pastas and hampers are available from www. (where you can also search for your nearest stockist). Sharpham Park take pride in their sustainable, organic farming techniques. Flours start from £3.10 per 1kg pack.

Diet is one of the most significant factors in the development of cancer, and a high-fibre diet is particularly important for the intestines. According to Tracey Burnett, Holistic Health Coach at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, ‘You

can reduce your risk of bowel cancer by implementing some basic healthy lifestyle changes. One of those is eating sources of insoluble fibre such as spelt, which scours the intestinal walls of waste matter to reduce colon related problems’.

For more information about spelt and bowel cancer, visit www., call free phone 0800 840 354 or email

Sharpham Banana Loaf A simple recipe that’s delicious and packed with fibre. You can also add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder for flavour.

Ingredients 130g unsalted butter (melted) 3 large ripe bananas 25g honey 2 large eggs 127g dark brown sugar 170g Sharpham Park Wholegrain Spelt Flour 10g baking powder 30g chopped pecans (optional)

Method 1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C / Gas Mark 4 2. Place whole eggs and brown sugar into electric mixer and whisk to a light ribbon stage.

3. Sift spelt flour, baking powder into a bowl; tip the remaining un-sifted part of spelt into bowl.

4. In a separate bowl, combine melted butter (tepid), honey and roughly mashed bananas together.

5. Quickly combine all 3 parts together. Start with butter mix

to flour, followed by egg mix. Do not over mix! Spoon evenly into baking tins, sprinkle with nuts place in middle of the oven and bake for 30-35 minutes.

6. Test by inserting a skewer to the centre of the cake.

Remove from oven, rest for a few minutes before removing from tin and transferring to a cooling rack.




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Green Vegetable Risotto Pearled spelt is a delicious vegetarian option, or an accompaniment to all meat and fish dishes. Commonly used in many Italian recipes (where it is known as farro), try it as a substitute for rice, lentils or cous-cous.

Ingredients Olive oil/butter or rapeseed oil for frying 2 medium onions, chopped finely 400g/14oz Sharpham Park Pearled Spelt, rinsed splash white wine (optional) 1 litre/1¾ pint hot vegetable stock salt and freshly ground black pepper 200g/7oz fresh peas, blanched or frozen peas 200g/7oz broccoli, blanched Chia seeds are the latest superfood, with the highest vegetarian source of Omega-3 oils on the planet, in addition to antioxidants, minerals, protein and fibre. Try the new Chia bia Organic Nutrient bars in a choice of Chocolate Nut & Seed (our favourite), Chocolate Apricot & Pumpkin, or Chocolate Cranberry & Coconut. £1.55 from Selfridges, health food stores and

400g/14oz baby spinach 1 tbsp chopped fresh mint 1 tbsp chopped parsley 75ml/2½fl oz double cream (optional)

Method 1. For the risotto, heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion until soft.

2. Add the pearled spelt and stir well, then add the wine and simmer until reduced completely.

3. Add a good ladleful of the hot stock

and stir continuously. When all this has been absorbed, add more stock. Continue adding more stock, stirring continuously, until the rice is cooked.

4. Season with salt and freshly ground

black pepper and stir in the peas, broccoli, spinach, basil and cream if used.


Try our winter juice fasting detox retreat in exotic Goa


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Have you spoilt yourself over christmas? Do you feel like you need to remove the build-up of toxins in your body? Replacing meals with raw pressed juices can help the body to eliminate the toxins and replenish it with the nutrients it requires - a juice feast! It will make you feel happier and look better - give it a go!


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Pearled Spelt Rice Pudding with Berries This is the easiest pudding ever. If you’re dieting, use skimmed milk and leave out the cream. Serve with fresh fruit, like whole blackberries, to increase the nutrient content and add some lovely colour and taste.

The Tribest Personal Blender 250 lets you blend different drinks for each family member without having to stop and clean a bulky jar after each recipe. Simply blend and serve each drink in its own unique Blend-N-Serve cup. These are BPA free and have a secure lid, so you can have your fruit smoothie on the go. Grinds coffee beans, and makes sauces too. £79.96 from

Ingredients For the rice pudding: 130g pearled spelt 570ml full fat milk 45ml light soft brown sugar ½ vanilla pod, scraped

To serve: Fresh fruit of your choice for example berries, apple, bananas or dried fruit.

Method 1. Rinse the spelt in cold water, then leave to dry for five minutes. 2. Combine spelt, milk, sugar and vanilla in an oven proof dish, cover and place in a preheated oven at 150c for two hours. 3. Stir every half an hour and add more milk if needed. 4. When it’s cooked it should be really thick. If it is a little runny, simply leave in the oven until it’s ready. Take out of the oven and leave to sit for 5 minutes (it will continue to soak up the liquid once it’s out of the oven). Then stir through the double cream and serve.


The 3 Minute Bread Recipe Who said baking bread was laborious? This quick-andeasy, wholesome recipe uses a delicious blend of wholegrain spelt flour, studded with sunflower and pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds and golden linseeds, to add extra flavour and texture to your home baking.

Ingredients 500g/1lb 2oz Sharpham Park Seeded Flour 10g/1/4oz fast-action dried yeast ½ teaspoon sea salt 100gms of mixed nuts or fruit of your choice 400ml/18fl oz warm water Sunflower seeds (optional)

Vegetable Pasty This simple, wholesome pastry makes delicious pies that you can pack with any filling of your choice.

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6. 2. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, adding the water last. Mix well, and then turn the dough into a greased 900g/2lb loaf tin.

3. Put in the oven immediately and bake for 1 hour, until the loaf has risen, lifts out of the tin easily, and sounds hollow when tapped underneath.

4. Take the loaf out of the tin, and then put it back in the oven for 5–10 minutes to

crisp up the sides and base. Remove from the oven and leave to cool on a wire rack.

Ingredients 350 g/12oz Sharpham Park Artisan Flour

Method 1. Sift the flour into a bowl with

Pinch salt

the salt. Add the butter and rub into the flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.

175 g/6 oz butter

2. Mix to a firm dough using a

Cold water to mix

For the filling:

little water. Divide into four.

3. Heat the oil in a pan, add the

3 tablespoons sunflower seeds

sunflower seeds and cook for a few minutes. Add the garlic, herbs and remaining ingredients. Cook for a few minutes then cool.

1 clove garlic, crushed

4. Roll out each piece of pastry to

1 tablespoon oil

225 g/8 oz leeks, washed and sliced

a circle approximately 20 cm/8 inches in diameter. Divide the filling among the circles, dampen the edges, seal to enclose the filling and crimp the edges.

1 large carrot, chopped

5. Brush with beaten egg or milk

1 teaspoon mixed herbs, thyme, rosemary 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

100 g/4 oz mushrooms, sliced

To glaze: Beaten egg or milk

and bake in a moderately hot oven (200° C, 400° F, Gas Mark 6) for 35-40 minutes.

6. Cool for a few minutes on a wire rack and serve while hot.



debate For


Are Social Networks Harming Real Life Relationships? Are you For or Against

With over 500 million Facebook users, and the same number on twitter, worldwide, there’s no questioning the popularity of social networking sites. But is spending increasing amounts of time chatting, browsing and playing games on social networks, harming real life relationships? For: Dawn

Against: Duncan

It feels like my two teenage children are permanently connected to either their phones or their laptops. Even when they’re at the dinner table, or in bed, they’re accessing websites to chat with friends. Social networking sites have made it really difficult for me and my husband to have a proper conversation with our teens. Their attention spans are now so short that we can only talk to them for a couple of minutes before they get distracted and start reaching for their phones to check for updates. My daughter also loves playing games on social networks – this means she often spends hours on her own, in her room, and doesn’t make time for other healthier hobbies. I often ask my kids why they don’t simply meet up with their friends in real life, but they just shrug or say ‘Facebook’s easier!’ The other thing that’s unhealthy about social networking sites is the way that they make people view friendships as a commodity. Teenagers often brag about how many Facebook friends they have. I’m trying to teach my children that it’s better to have a handful of close friends that you can really trust, rather than 100 who you don’t know that well. I think social networks are harmful. They are making our children lazy, turning them into couch potatoes and ruining the art of proper conversation.

I use social networking websites every day and I would say they enhance, rather than harm, my friendships and relationships. The thing I love is that they’ve made communication and socialising really simple. I can easily keep in touch with people I rarely see in real life – even those living on the other side of the world, who I might otherwise lose touch with. Social networks are also great for planning social events as you can send invitations and make plans online, rather than having to phone or text everyone individually. Since Facebook came along, I’d say my real-world social life is busier than ever because it’s so easy to organise get-togethers. There’s also a great sense of community on social networking sites. For example, a friend of mine recently put a comment online about what a bad day she’d had at work. Within minutes several of her friends had replied with supportive comments to cheer her up. Before social networks she might have sat at home feeling fed up but now, with an instant online network of friends, she didn’t feel so alone. In today’s modern world, people simply don’t have the time to meet up, or telephone a dozen different people each week. Luckily, social networking sites allow you to keep in contact with people on a daily basis, helping to maintain friendships that might otherwise be lost.

What do you think? Are you For or Against social networking sites? Visit to register your vote!



experts I’m 21 and have had spots since my early teens. They’ve not responded to over-the-counter treatments. My GP prescribed various preparations which helped but did not clear them completely. Can you help? It has really knocked my confidence and is affecting my relationships. I’m finding I don’t want to go out and I’m feeling really down.

Julia Johnson, psychologist

Shirley Scott,


Dr Tim Robinson, GP,


Dr Tabi Leslie,


Emily Whitehead,

Nutritional Therapist

Julia Johnson, says: First of all, I wanted to say thanks. It’s a brave and good step to write in and ask for help for the difficult, and often under-rated, emotional aspects of having acne. For young people it’s normal to feel upset and angry if you have spots. However, it’s important to seek help if your selfesteem and confidence is undermined and you feel low. Unfortunately people can sometimes make insensitive or unkind comments making you feel shamed or disrespected. If you feel low already, this can bring you down further. Sufferers can withdraw and this can lead to feeling very isolated. School, college work, your job and relationships can all be affected. It’s important to stop this potential spiral

downwards, and seek help before it becomes entrenched and continues into adulthood. You could seek a counsellor privately, or you could go back to your GP and ask for help for the way you are feeling. Your GP can make an assessment and perhaps refer you on to their practice counsellor or local counsellor for emotional help. There are many good books on self-esteem available via your local bookshop or the internet. The most important thing is that you do take care of yourself both emotionally and physically, inside and out, so that you can enjoy life to the fullest!

Julia Johnson is a Counsellor and Psychotherapist www.counsellingpsych


Nurse Shirley Scott, says: Acne is a build-up of sebum around the root of the hair follicles causing a painful swelling. It ranges in severity from a mild phase, lasting a few months, to a serious problem over the face, neck, back and chest which can last several years. It goes without saying that you must adopt scrupulous hygiene and not be tempted to pick or squeeze the spots, especially with dirty fingernails, as this can cause deep scarring. Topical face washes and creams, which mostly contain benzoyl peroxide, help to keep the skin clean but are not generally effective for severe cases. Some heat/ light/laser treatments are available at specialist salons but make sure you visit a fully trained and registered therapist. The same goes for micro-dermabrasion and chemical peels. Severe cases must be treated by a dermatologist. Get plenty of fresh air and exercise to help you feel better about yourself and focus on all the reasons why you are fabulous!

Shirley is a registered nurse who has raised three children. She is the former Chair of a pre-school music association and spent seven years as a primary school governor.

Dr Tim Robinson, says: In treatment of acne, our objective is to prevent skin gland blockage and hence scarring. Applying a skin cleanser containing Benzyl Peroxide, daily, helps to reduce inflammation, kills bacteria and unplugs the blocked glands. This allows the oil to get to the surface to make the skin supple and smooth. Be patient, this doesn’t happen overnight – it can take two to four months to have its effect. Dietary measures are important for dealing with acne. Studies have shown the diets containing high GI sugary foods and excess intake of dairy products contributes to acne. Other studies have shown omega 3 fish oils, zinc and vitamin A to be of benefit in acne. A mixed balanced diet containing vegetables - broad leafed greens, orange and yellow - along with oily fish, nuts and seeds should help. Herbal

medicine also has a place in acne treatment. A herbalist may prescribe extracts of poke root to reduce flow of the sebaceous oil and bacterial growth. Application of tincture of thyme or tea tree oil have both been found to help. The homeopathic medicines Silica and Sulphur can also help but it is best to be guided by a homeopath for this. If you can’t control the acne using these methods you should see your GP who may consider prescribing antibiotic treatment (don’t forget probiotics) or even referral to a dermatologist. Never-the-less it is still worth using the above advice to complement your conventional treatment.

Dr Tim Robinson MB BS MRCGP DRCOG MFHom is an NHS and private GP who practices homeopathy, nutritional medicine and acupuncture in Dorset.

Dr Tabi Leslie, says: This is a common and distressing problem. In severe cases it can even cause scarring so I would always be very keen to treat it. If referred to myself I would always take a complete history, asking what preparations had already been used. I usually prescribe an antibacterial wash as a preventative measure. We would have a discussion about possible triggers of the acne. This might involve investigations into polycystic ovarian disease and, in conjunction with your GP, various investigations could take place such as pelvic ultrasound. After discussion with the GP, hormonal manipulation with Dianette or Yasmin (special brands of the Pill) may be considered. Depending upon what was prescribed in the past, we may try an antibiotic such as a tetracycline or erythromycin, with a topical antibacterial agent or a retinoid cream such as Adapalene. A further option is to refer you for N lite laser therapy. If all else failed, we may go on to use Roaccutane therapy. This needs the full consent of the patient, and signing a form undertaking not to get pregnant, plus baseline blood tests which are repeated during the

course of Roaccutane treatment. You should be aware that side of effects of Roaccutane include dry lips and skin and possible mood swings. The course would last for six months with frequent review throughout this time by myself and repeated blood tests. At the end of this time, you should be clear of the spots and we would then discuss a maintenance regime for your skin..

Dr Tabi Leslie BSc(Hons) FRCP(London) is a Consultant Dermatologist at www. and a Member of the British Association of Dermatologists. Emily Whitehead, says: Numerous nutritional approaches will help to combat acne. Oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel and sardines contain omega 3’s which are anti-inflammatory and may help to reduce the inflammation and redness on your skin. Aim to eat two to three servings of oily fish a week. As an alternative to fish, include flaxseeds, walnuts and chia seeds into your diet. Cut out, or reduce, refined foods such as cakes, biscuits, sweets, pastries etc as these cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. Your body releases extra insulin and hormones to lower a raised blood sugar level, which can lead to inflammation and blocked pores. Eat more low GI foods to help stabilise blood sugar levels. For example, wholegrains, quinoa, millet, brown rice and wholemeal pasta. Eat foods rich in betacarotene/vitamin A which will help to clear your pores e.g. carrots, sweet potato, spinach and kale. Reduce your use of vegetable oil, sunflower oil and safflower oils as these contain high amounts of omega 6. An excess of these can cause inflammation by the skin cells clumping, which results in the pores being blocked. Finally, include a wide variety of fruit and vegetables into your diet. These foods are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These are needed for skin repair and to fight against inflammation.

Emily Whitehead MSc, BSc, Dip NT is a nutritional therapist in Plymouth. www.

Do you need expert advice? Send your problem, in confidence, to: Problems can only be answered on the page, we are unable to answer personally. You can also visit the forums at and ask advice from other readers online.




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Tomatoes protect against prostate cancer Tomatoes contain a red, antioxidant pigment called lycopene that can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Latest findings suggest lycopene blocks the ability of newly formed cancers to connect with a healthy blood supply, so they are unable to take root and grow. Because lycopene is locked away inside tomato cells, the richest sources are cooked products such as tomato sauces and even tomato ketchup. Supplements containing tomato extracts are also available, such as Ateronon, each capsule of which provides the equivalent of three kilograms of cooked Mediterranean tomatoes. According to Dr Alf Lindberg, former Chair of the Medical Board of the Nobel Prize Foundation, ‘Ateronon is a lycopene supplement that research has shown to provide males with excellent prostate health, as well as improving an individual’s cardiovascular wellbeing.’ For more

information, visit

- Lewis Grizzard

It’s difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a home-grown tomato.

Do you have arthritis? If so, complementary therapies can improve your quality of life. Nearly a quarter of people with either rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis use complementary treatments in addition to prescribed drugs and, according to the Journal of Clinical Nursing, two-thirds found them helpful for improving pain, sleeping patterns or activity levels. The most commonly used complementary therapies were herbal medicine, exercise, massage, acupuncture, yoga, meditation and dietary supplements. The percentage who said they experienced no arthritic pain rose from 12% to 43% after using a complementary therapy, and the number who slept all night rose from 9% to 66%. Unfortunately, most did not tell their doctor - it’s important to do so, to ensure there are no known interactions with your medical treatment (and to ensure your GP knows which complementary approaches may prove most helpful for other patients).

Have you tried Chinese Medicine? Youth Business International, a sister charity of the Prince’s Trust, recently short-listed Cheuk Wing Au in their Entrepreneur of the Year competition. As well as setting up a successful Chinese medicine business, Cheuk also works with charities giving advice to drug users. He says, ‘Chinese Medicine takes a holistic view that the human body is a cosmos and in harmony with nature. As different organs and body parts have different functions, we do not identify ‘diseases’ as in Western medicine, but rather an imbalance of different functions. Therefore, all conditions can be treated’. Acupuncture is one of the most popular treatments in Hong Kong as it is effective in curing stress related illnesses. It is also well received in some western countries. Chinese herbal formulas are tailor-made prescriptions based on each individual’s health condition. To find a practitioner in the UK,

search the register at




Shake your way to toned arms Fashion model Alex Curran reveals her favourite fitness gadget is the Shake Weight, which she’s been using for two years. It works using a motion technology called Dynamic Inertia, which creates additional resistance during each movement. £29.95 from Tesco,

Organyc’s Sweet Caress Baby Wipes are made from 100% organic cotton, and contain natural extracts of chamomile and calendula to gently cleanse and moisturise delicate areas. Soft enough to use on the face and hands as well as nappy areas. £4.99 from www.organyc. and independent health stores.

New ‘green’ baby wipes Yourwellness verdict: Chamomile and calendula help to soothe sore skin. Dermatologically tested and free from synthetic fragrance, chlorine and alcohol. A green yet practical option for parents.

BHS, Amazon and

Yourwellness verdict: Excellent, targeted toning of triceps, biceps, shoulders and chest. It works in half the time of a standard weights session, which may explain why it’s sold over 6 million units worldwide.

- Neil Clark

Convenience and bettertasting water are the key benefits of a filter tap.

The most stylish filter tap you’ll ever need Carron Phoenix’s Dante Tri-Pure tap features a double-filtration system of charcoal and ceramics to filter out chlorine, Cryptosporidium and other harmful bacteria while leaving in all the beneficial minerals. A separate pipe for the filtered water reduces the risk of crosscontamination. £399 in chrome from .

Yourwellness verdict: Eliminate plastic bottles by transforming your sink into a mineral spa. Top notch, filtered drinking water at your fingertips, along with your usual hot and cold water supply. Easily retro-fitted by a plumber. Filter cartridges last around 6 months and can be self-fitted.


The next generation of chewing gum Chewing gum has many benefits, from curbing your appetite, improving oral health and reducing stress to improving your memory and focus. PÜR Gum provides all this without any sugar, aspartame or ‘bad stuff’. It’s sweetened with natural xylitol, which helps to restore a healthy pH balance in the mouth, inhibits plaque and protects against tooth decay. £1.29 from

Protect your child’s back

BackCare have developed an ergonomic school bag in response to findings that kids are putting their backs at risk when carrying around their school books. A curved underside spreads the load, ergonomic straps position the weight correctly, while the profiled back panel improves ventilation. £25.99 from

Yourwellness verdict: The top selling, aspartame-free chewing gum in Canada is now available in the UK in 4 flavours: Peppermint, Spearmint, Pomegranate and Excitement (extra strong mint).

Baselayers keep you snug on winter walks Outdoor brand Craghoppers introduces a new selection of technical, fast wicking baselayers to its collection. Easy-care, faster wicking and drying than merino wool, the Haru Half Zip Base Layer for him, and Mari Base Layer HalfZip for her, has long sleeves with thumb holes for added warmth and security. £30 from www. or tel. 0161 749 1300. Yourwellness verdict: BackCare recommend that 11-16 year olds carry no more than 10% of their bodyweight, yet half are expected to carry more, which can lead to back pain. Each bag has maximum weight and carrying advice printed inside.

Yourwellness verdict: A good base-layer lets you continue outdoor fitness and leisure pursuits without getting chilled to the core.


The number of children receiving NHS treatment for back pain is on the rise.

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What’s in store If you want to find the lastest wonder cream, the best new educational toy for the kids or just something to help make the cleaning easier, look no further! we bring you the best new products on the market each month for the whole of yur family’s wellness.

Mohdoh Mouldable Aromatherapy: Quit 50g Quit is a powerful, natural therapeutic product that combines the proven elements; aromatherapy and colour therapy to create an extremely effective aid to those who want to quit smoking. As the Quit dough is moulded, the carefully selected essential oils are vaporised and inhaled providing fast and effective relief from the symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal. At the same time, the specially selected green colour of Quit aids relaxation and alleviates the anxiety associated with stopping smoking. Moulding the dough also keeps your hands and mind occupied until the need to reach for your lighter has passed. Web: Price: £3.90

Sound Asleep iMusic Pillow

Heated Back & Seat Massager

Using an old pillow is so retro now the iMusic Pillow is available. This soft pillow is not only a place to put your sleepy head but it has speakers built inside so you can relax with no headphones and listen to your music in your pillow. The speakers are inside of the pillow and make it alot easier and more comfortable to listen to your music as you nod off. The pillow allows you to slowly drift off and the pillow stops playing once the songs that you have selected end. The pillow is also brilliant for people who suffer with tinnitus as it will create a background noise which will aid them in falling asleep. We have also had comments from our customers that it has helped with insomnia to help them relax and fall alseep. Web: Price: £14.95

This heated seat cover will quickly soothe away any aches and pains. It has five massage motors, pulse, tapping, rolling, auto and kneading which are designed to relieve weary muscles. These five massage motors are expertly positioned at key points on the chair and the soothing heat targets the lumbar area. You can customise your massage to suit you by choosing to turn on or off the various parts of the massager meaning you can tailor your relaxation to exactly what you need. The Heated Back & Seat Massager also features a unique strapping system making it convenient and portable and perfect for use in the home or office. It also boasts a handy timer function of 15, 30 and 60 minutes. Web Price: £39.95

Reviber Plus Vibration Plate

Pearlys Smile Box

Are you looking to get in shape? Toned muscles, improved circulation, better balance and posture are just a click away with the Reviber Plus Vibration Plate. This little miracle machine has been wowing people across the country. Even the Independent on Sunday have jumped on the vibration plate bandwagon. After extensive testing they gave the Reviber Plus a full 5 out of 5! They said that it delivers ‘Impressive Results’ and is ‘Easy to use and excellent value for money’. Web: Price: £245.00

Pearlys Teeth Whitening Pen is just perfect to maintain a brighter smile on the go! It’s quick and easy to use and gently lifts staining to give a sparkling smile. Ideal as a gift, each pen contains around 45 applications. Pearlys Non-Peroxide Daily Teeth-Whiten Foam safely and effectively cleans and whitens your teeth, and keeps your teeth and gums healthy. It can be used daily instead of or alongside your normal toothpaste. Simply brush with it as normal, then rinse and admire! Web: Price: £50




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- Eleanor Roosevelt

Do one thing every day that scares you.

Do you have fibroids? Uterine fibroids are knot-like swellings that form in the muscle of the womb wall. They are the most common benign tumours in women of reproductive age, and are thought to affect as many as 3.5 million women in the UK. Many of those affected have no symptoms, but they can cause heavy, painful periods, and may grow large enough to cause abdominal swelling. Fibroids are one of the main reasons for needing a hysterectomy, and a new oral treatment, Esmya, has been licenced in the UK to shrink fibroids and reduce bleeding before surgery. Esmya contains a low dose of a drug called ulipristal acetate. For more

information, see your GP or visit

The future is ‘pinhole’ rather than ‘keyhole’ surgery Interventional radiology is starting to replace open surgery in the treatment of many cancers. Advances in imaging technology (such as CT, MRI and PET scans) can detect cancers at an earlier stage, while tumours are small enough to treat with minimally-invasive techniques. These include heating with radiofrequency and microwaves, or freezing to directly destroy cancerous cells without damaging nearby tissues. These approaches reduce risks, improve recovery times and mean shorter stays in hospital. Patients often recover in days, rather than the months it can take with surgery. Consultant radiologist, Dr David Breen, says, ‘In the 90’s, laparoscopic or “keyhole” surgery was the major development. In the next 20 years, I predict a significant move towards image-guided or “pinhole surgery”, where definitive treatments for smaller cancers, drugs and other agents are delivered to the cancer, through the skin, under imaging-guidance.’

You can now quit on-line! The internet is transforming healthcare and a unique, online, professional support service can even help you stop smoking. SmokeFreeLife is available via www., offering advice, support, tips, background information and the world’s first online stop-smoking service to feature video chat and instant text messaging. The service can also issue medications and carbon monoxide monitoring for quitters. This new service is ideal if you work long hours, are housebound, unable to travel, find it difficult to visit a traditional clinic, or do not have English as your first language. You can engage with an advisor on multiple devices, including PCs, smart phones and tablet computers. Leena Sankla, the Project Director, says, ‘We know that smokers are four times more likely to quit successfully when they have professional support.’

Eating meat made us human Anthropologists have found evidence that meat was essential for the survival of our ancestors, over one and a half million years ago. Says Charles Musiba, associate professor of anthropology at the University of Colorado, ‘Meat eating has always been considered one of the things that made us human, with the protein contributing to the growth of our brains. Our work shows that 1.5 million years ago we were not opportunistic meat eaters, we were actively hunting and eating meat.’ A skull fragment from a 2-year-old child, found at the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, shows characteristic bone changes associated with iron-deficiency anaemia caused by a diet suddenly lacking in meat. This indicates that by the early Pleistocene, meat was already essential for human evolution. Chimpanzees, our closest relatives, eat little meat and therefore have less brain capacity, according to this theory.

Figs are blooming good… Figs appear in the earliest recorded history with mentions in the Bible and other ancient writings. They were a staple food of both the rich and poor, providing energy and the highest mineral content of all common fruits. Cleopatra even ended her life with an asp brought to her in a basket of figs. Figgy puddings and tarts were also popular in Medieval times. Try Mammy Jamia’s Fig Preserve, £2.39 from supermarkets and Created by husband and wife team Andrew and Sajmira Cairns, from a family recipe, they say, ‘We’re hoping to transform the jam market by introducing new and unusual flavours. We think people are ready to move away from traditional strawberry and raspberry jam flavours and try something different.’ Delicious as a relish on toast, with cheese, or stirred into porridge or yoghurt.

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- Seneca 1st century AD

To wish to be well is a part of becoming well.

…but ancient cherry trees are dying out The English wild cherry is at risk of extinction, as Britain has lost most of its orchards over the last half century. As a result, 95% of cherries consumed here are imported from abroad. Three years ago, the Woodland Trust started compiling a map of the ancient pink-and-white blossomed trees, recording those whose trunk is larger than ‘one human hug’ when you put your arms round the tree at chest height. This helps you recognise the cherry trees that are around 150 years old. Another way to identify the wild cherry is that they have five petals rather than the double flowers of cultivated species. If you

find one, let the Woodland Trust know via http://www. + Tree + Hunt + Cherry + Bloomsday + Project.

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Natural Health



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No more bees, no more pollination‌ no more men!

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New test to improve the early diagnosis of disease Scientists from Imperial College London have developed an ultra-sensitive, visual test to help doctors detect the early stages of disease with the naked eye. Using special nanoparticles, it is ten times more sensitive than currently available tests, and is also ten times cheaper. The test can detect any virus or disease where a specific protein marker occurs in the blood, such as Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) for prostate cancer, or p24 for HIV infection. When the test is positive, the nanoparticles form irregular clumps with a distinctive blue colour. When the test is negative, the nanoparticles separate into balllike shapes, creating a red colour. Both reactions are easily seen by the naked eye. The scientists are now approaching not-for-profit global health organisations for funding to manufacture and distribute the sensor in low income countries.

Natural anaesthetic found in the bite of the honeybee You may not know that honeybees can bite as well as sting, but their saliva was recently found to contain a natural anaesthetic. Originally, the chemical was thought to act as an alarm signal, or as a marker to help the bee recognise flowers already visited by other bees. It has now been recognised to have anaesthetic properties that paralyse small insects and mites for up to nine minutes. The bees use this to fend off pests such as wax moth and parasitic mites which are too small to sting. The chemical, 2-heptanone, is now being investigated for potential use as a natural, low-toxicity local anaesthetic for humans and animals.

Your iPhone could soon check your thyroid gland! An app has been designed to diagnose and manage the treatment of thyroid problems. The treatment of either an under- and over-active thyroid centres around your blood level of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). A group from the University of Utah has developed a way to use an iPhone’s digital camera to collect an image of a completed TSH blood test and convert the image into the corresponding TSH level. This could be used in the future to tell someone with a thyroid problem what dose of medication they need.

Try out our winter weight management retreat in Goa

Extra weight gain is always a concern entering the new year. Our weight loss programme has been devised for this exact purpose. Most of us consume more rich foods and alcohol than usual over the festive period and now is the time to cleanse the body of those additional toxins and shed some pounds! Lose weight and feel great the detox way!


Try our winter juice fasting detox retreat in exotic Goa


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Have you spoilt yourself over christmas? Do you feel like you need to remove the build-up of toxins in your body? Replacing meals with raw pressed juices can help the body to eliminate the toxins and replenish it with the nutrients it requires - a juice feast! It will make you feel happier and look better - give it a go!


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