Vitalife Issue

Page 1


Don’t drift apart: stay close to relatives living with dementia

Fat Focus on

Good, Bad & Ugly

Beating the back to Work Blues

wellness nutrition // wellness debate // relationship wellness // emotional wellness


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editor’s note

the gateway to living well

Editor-in-chief Dr Sarah Brewer

Dr. Sarah Brewer

Project Director Michael Kitt

This month, many readers are resolving to shed a few extra pounds. Our special focus looks at the physical and emotional aspects of Fat, while Private Chef Laura Pope shares some delicious ‘healthy fat’ recipes.

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The Relationship section looks at when counselling can help, and how to connect with someone living with dementia. We show you how to stay emotionally strong in the city, and offer some tips on beating the back to work blues. Fitness Matters includes a great routine to do at your desk with an exercise ball, while our monthly debate explores whether debt is a necessary part of modern life.

Art Director Nilesh Parab Graphic Designers Rekha G Bisht Mandar Asabe Staff Writers Dr Arjita Kumari Francine White Jenny Catton Kieran Ball Steve Miscandlon Tracy Morton

Yourwellness is unique in covering all aspects of wellbeing, from health and relationships, through fitness and family, to work and finances. What’s more, we also explore all the options available, from Ancient to Modern and Scientific to Holistic. If you enjoy reading this issue, look for similar articles and features at Why not tell your friends so they can also sit down, take a well-earned break and browse our pages. Until next month,

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Disclaimer | yourwellness is dedicated to providing useful, well researched information on every aspect of your wellness. We do not pioneer any particular therapy or school of thought, instead we offer all the options to allow our readers to make an informed choice. All our contents are not intended to provide medical advice or diagnosis of individual problems or circumstances, nor should it be implied that we are a substitute for professional medical advice. Readers are always advised to consult their healthcare professionals prior to starting any new remedy, therapy or treatment.



Beating the back to Work Blues


Time for a health check on your family finances?

emotional wellness 24 How to stay emotionally strong in the City

family wellness 34 Overcome Back Pain during Pregnancy

exercise wellness

12 wellness focus

on Fat - Good/Bad/Ugly

28 Fancy family wellness a boot camp with your dog?

38 The exercise wellness wellness benefits of a good shower!

42 relationship wellness

Don’t drift apart: stay close to relatives living with dementia

04 wellness news 08 kitchen wellness 10 garden wellness


Do Diet Drinks Cause Depression?

36 Can you make room for deskercise?

wellness nutrition 46 Can you Eat to Beat the Festive Bulge?

wellness debate


When Relationship Counselling can Help

52 Is Debt a Necessary Part of Modern Life?

54 wellness experts 56 holistic wellness 58 wellness reviews 60 modern wellness 62 ancient wellness 64 scientific wellness


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news - Buddha

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The mind is everything. What you think you become.

Are you an unhealthy selfie? The number of people taking photographs of themselves just to post on social networking sites is rising sharply. Usually taken by holding a Smartphone at arm’s length, the ‘selfie’ trend could, according to psychologists, show a lack of confidence in those who constantly feel a need to seek approval and attention. But rather than receiving positive comments from friends, it could lead to no comments – causing feelings of despondency – or even the negative attention of cyber bullies. So what’s the answer? Post occasional photos by all means – but don’t keep putting yourself up there just to seek approval or you could develop an unhealthy addiction to the attention of others. Your own sense of worth is the main one that counts.

Teens, don’t listen to your favourite music while driving… ...if you do, your road skills are likely to reduce. According to accident prevention researchers, novice drivers – especially male teens – make frequent, serious errors of judgement when listening to favourite tracks that feature energetic, fast-paced, loud music such as rock, dance, hip-hop and rap. These included speeding, tailgating, one-handed driving, dangerous overtaking and careless lane switching. One in three needed a sudden warning to take evasive action. It seems that when drawn in to your favourite music, you stop concentrating on driving and instead move into a personal space in which you actively focus on the sound track instead.

Every minute of brisk exercise counts Researchers using accelerometers have found that just taking one extra minute of brisk exercise every day could make almost half a pound of difference to your weight by the end of the year. Even brief bursts of intense physical activity help to protect against weight gain. These new findings suggest that every minute of walking briskly, climbing stairs, carrying heavy bags, or running for the bus brings significant wellness benefits. According to the American Journal of Health Promotion, each daily minute of intense exercise can reduce your risk of obesity by 5% for women and 2% for men. So if you find it difficult to fit exercise into your day, start running up stairs rather than taking the lift, walk briskly rather than dawdling, and focus on the intensity of your activity rather than its duration.

The life-extending bonus of volunteering A recent analysis of several studies shows that people who regularly spend time as a volunteer tend to live longer than those who don’t, are physically and mentally more healthy, and twenty per cent less likely to die prematurely (before the age of 75). They are also happier, experience more life satisfaction, and are less likely to experience depression. What remains uncertain is whether these findings reflect the fact that healthier, happier people are more likely to volunteer in the first place, or whether the act of volunteering itself attracts the wellness benefits. Perhaps it doesn’t matter, given that volunteering is a great way to meet and help people, as well as learning different skills.




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Worn-out banknotes encourage you to spend Researchers at the Canadian Universities of Guelph and Winnipeg have found you are more likely to spend or gamble old, wrinkled banknotes rather than nice, crisp, new ones. Interestingly, two in three people were willing to take a double-or-nothing gamble when wagering a worn $10 note against a new $20 note. Conversely, if they had a crisp $10 note they were less likely to place the bet when the prize was a wrinkled $20, with fewer than a third willing to take the same risk. Apparently, old, worn notes are seen as ‘contaminated’ things to get rid of, while new notes give the holder a sense of pride!

Could your pet sell your property? In the current housing market, sellers and Estate Agents are always seeking new ways to make properties attractive to potential buyers. Brewing coffee or baking bread when a potential buyer comes to view are well established, but now an increasing number of folk are bringing pets into the equation to trigger a perception of livedin warmth. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the trend started in the States. One New York agent boasts that he successfully sold a Manhattan penthouse thanks to a well-placed poodle that helped to ‘humanise’ an otherwise immaculate but sterilelooking space. UK property advisors now admit to having featured dogs, horses, geese, a donkey and even photos of a koi carp on the front of brochures.

Sketch Yourself Slim! If you’re watching your weight but find it hard to avoid treats such as chocolate, cake and pizzas when you’re feeling down, a strange new solution could help you resist temptation. Researchers at Bonaventure University in New York have found that simply drawing your favourite foods can improve your mood and help you eat less. During the study, 61 people were divided into four groups and asked to draw different food types. One group was asked to draw pizzas, the second to sketch cupcakes while the third group drew strawberries and the fourth peppers. All participants drew with an empty stomach and those doodling pizzas or cupcakes showed a marked improvement in mood, those drawing strawberries had a moderate improvement while those drawing peppers had only a tiny improvement. The researchers suggest you only need to think about, or see your favourite snacks to feel better in yourself. This, in turn, could reduce your need to comfort eat.

Do Diet Drinks Cause Depression? You may think that low-calorie or low-sugar varieties of your favourite soft drinks are healthier than full-sugar alternatives, but researchers have uncovered a potential link between the sweeteners they contain and depression. In the US study of more than 250,000 people, those who frequently consumed artificially-sweetened drinks were more likely to suffer from depression. In fact, those who drank four cans of diet drinks each day increased their risk of depression by around a third. However, further studies are needed to see if other factors are involved. For example, it may be that people with weight problems turn to diet drinks and it is their weight issues that lead to depression rather than the drinks themselves.

- John Lennon

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Challenge yourself to make one change per week, such as: •

Eat less and better quality meat - have meat free days

Plant power meals - fill up your plate with carbs, fruit and vegetables

Have more beans and lentils - mix them into your meat dishes to reduce the amount of meat you are eating

• Buy sustainably sourced fish

The choices you make about the food you eat have a huge, direct effect on global warming. This may seem surprising, but the foods we choose to eat are one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions which are released into the atmosphere to affect climate change. The supply and production of food (including land use) accounts for up to 30% of all total greenhouse gas emissions. What’s more, meat and dairy are the number one contributors responsible for 40% of the UK’s food related greenhouse gas emissions. In contrast, better known culprits such as road transport account for just 10% of our global carbon footprint, while commercial aviation adds just 1.6% to our global carbon footprint. The good news is that you can drastically improve both your own health and the health of the planet by reducing the amount of animal and dairy products in your diet, by choosing better quality meat

Is the food

on your plate causing

global warming?

and by increasing the amount of plant based foods you consume. For example, producing 10 grams of beef protein emits the same quantity of greenhouse gasses as producing 32 grams of milk protein (approximately one litre of milk) or 162 grams of wheat protein (the amount in 46 slices of bread or 1.4kg dried pasta or 22 bowls of bran flakes). According to dietician Lynne Garton, ‘Science is showing us what mother nature has always told us – a plant-powered eating plan that includes less, but better quality meat and animal products (such as dairy) is more nutritious, more satisfying, more affordable, and more sustainable for the planet. Reducing our meat intake to three times a week, could prevent 45,000 early deaths a year, save the NHS £1.2 billion in the process and reduce the production of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK substantially.’

Lynne continues: ‘One of the simplest ways to eat more sustainably is to follow the plant powered 2/3rd to 1/3rd rule. Ensure that at least 2/3rd of the food on your plate is made up of plant sources (including whole grain carbs, nuts, beans, lentils, fruit, vegetables and plant based alternatives to dairy), whilst the remaining 1/3rd is made up of good quality animal sources: lean, better quality meat, sustainable fish, eggs and low fat dairy.’

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The wellness benefits of gardening

You may think of gardening as just a relaxing hobby, but it is often so much more. Aside from the obvious advantage of growing nutritious fruit and vegetables, it also offers an effective physical workout. As you stand, bend or squat, plant seeds or pull weeds, you’re working most of your major muscle groups, including your arms, shoulders, back, legs, and abdomen. This gentle working and stretching improves joint flexibility and muscle strength, as well as burns calories. Gardening is also beneficial for mental health. In today’s fast-paced, buzzing world, it provides a relaxing break from life’s pressures, helping to calm and clear your mind.

Research shows that gardening is an excellent stress reliever. A Dutch study found, for example, that gardening for half an hour following a stressful task not only improved mood but also lowered levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, better than spending the same amount of time reading indoors. Gardening also lets you explore your creativity. Planning and maintaining a garden is a constant process of deciding which plants to put where, which directly involves your imagination. And as well as visualising how the garden will look, you need to use logical deduction to decide which plants go together, which

should not, which need sun, which need shade or protection from the wind, and so on. As with any mental activity this creative reasoning helps to keep your brain sharp, particularly later in life. You may find that getting to grips with your garden also benefits your spiritual wellness. It’s easy to spend a great deal of time cut off from nature, in your home and place of work, walking paved streets and driving through busy cities. It may sound clichéd, but gardening really does provide an opportunity to reconnect with nature, and remember that we are just one part of the diverse ecosystem that makes up our planet.

- Arnold Schwarzenegger 12

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It’s simple - if it jiggles, it’s fat.

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FAT Focus on

Good, Bad & Ugly


Cherish your

BAT Like protein, fats play an important structural role in the body, from making cell membranes and insulating nerves to forming feminine curves. Fats are also used to make sex hormones such as oestrogen and testosterone, to regulate immunity, and to maintain healthy brain function Your body has two main types of fat: white adipose tissue, or WAT, which stores fat and brown adipose tissue, or BAT, which burns white fat to generate heat. The brown colour results from the large number of energy factories (mitochondria) within its cells. Brown fat evolved to help keep hibernating animals alive during their winter sleep, and to warm infants before they are able to generate heat by shivering. As a newborn baby weighing 8kg, you had around 400g of BAT along your upper back, between your shoulder blades and the back of your neck. This mostly disappears during adolescence and, as an adult, your brown fat is mostly confined to the deep regions of your neck where it’s thought to warm the blood travelling through your carotid arteries – this helps to avoid a ‘cold shock’ headache when it reaches your brain.

The harder your BAT works, the more fat you burn. Some people inherit greater quantities of BAT and tend to have lower body weight than those who inherit little. They are also less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg believe there must be a way to reactivate your original brown fat to improve the speed at which you burn calories and generate heat. Scientists have also found that some white adipose cells show a few BATlike characteristics, and have dubbed this ‘beige’ rather than ‘brown’ BAT. The race is now on among pharmaceutical companies to find a drug that enhances the effects of beige BAT or – the holy grail of obesity prevention and treatment– converts your WAT to BAT.




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Why you want to lose


Having a spare tyre around the waist is a visible sign of carrying too much white adipose fat. But what about the fat you can’t see? Visceral fat is also found in your abdomen, but rather than causing a ‘roll’ it’s packed around your internal organs such as your heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas. This type of fat is particularly harmful. It produces hormones and chemicals that travel directly to your liver, where they increase production of cholesterol, clotting factors, inflammatory substances and glucose. As a result, people who carry too much visceral fat have a dramatically increased risk of high blood pressure, raised cholesterol, unwanted blood clots, heart attack, stroke and type 2 diabetes than those with a smaller waist. According to HEART UK dietitian, Linda Main, ‘Visceral fat is a greater risk factor for cardiovascular disease than fat stored around the hips or lower body. The best way to measure visceral fat is to simply measure your waist circumference at roughly the widest point. Scientists agree that a waist measurement over 88 cm (35ins) in a woman and 102 cm (40 ins) in a man indicates you have an increased risk of heart disease. Ideally your waist should measure less than 94 cm (37ins) in a man and 80 cm (32ins) in a woman. Even a modest weight loss of 5-10% of current weight will provide health benefits such as an improved blood fats, lower blood pressure and general improvement in health and quality of life. Although some individuals can lose more, for most a modest weight loss followed by weight maintenance is more realistic. Much of your initial weight loss comes from visceral fat, and the good news is that if you are overweight and lose just 5-10% of your body fat (see table) you could lose around 30-40% of your visceral fat.’ Download Healthy Eating, Exercise and Losing Weight fact sheets from the HEART UK website or call the helpline for copies on 0845 450 5988.



5% weight loss

10% weight loss

12 stones

8.5 lbs

1stone 3 lbs

13 stones

9 lbs

1 stone 4 lbs

14 stones

10 lbs

1 stone 6 lbs

15 stones

10.5 lbs

1 stone 7 lbs

16 stones

11 lbs

1 stone 8 lbs

17 stones

12 lbs

1 stone 10 lbs

18 stones

13 lbs

1stone 11 lbs

19 stones

13 lbs

1 stone 13 lbs

20 stones

1 stone

2 stones

A combination of small dietary changes (to bring about a reduction in calorie intake of around 500-600 kilocalories) and increased physical activity is the best approach to weight loss. To reduce your cholesterol level it is important to reduce the amount of saturated fat that you eat and partially replace this with unsaturated fat. Saturated fat is found mainly in full-fat dairy foods, fatty meat and meat products, butter and lard, cakes, pastries and puddings. Unsaturated fats are found in vegetables oils, nuts and spreads made from vegetable oils. Even without weight loss, physical activity may be able to reduce central obesity/waist circumference and visceral fat. The general consensus is that at least 30 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week should be encouraged. At least 60 minutes per day is necessary to bring about weight loss. However exercise without weight loss is far from a failure as regular activity can reduce waist circumference and alter fat distribution around the body even if weight is unaffected, so helping to reduce cardiovascular risk.

What is Argan Oil?

Alassala Organic Moroccan Argan Oil for Culinary Use

This wonderful oil made from the nuts of the Argan tree, which is only found in south west Morocco is produced traditionally by women cooperatives. After cracking, the inner “almond” is ground into paste and the golden oil extracted. One tree, producing 30Kg of fruit, delivers just one litre of oil. Alassala Organic Moroccan Argan Oil is 100% pure and natural. It is perfect for healthy diet as it is rich in essential vitamins, such as Vitamin E and Omega acids. Fifty years ago there were twice as many Argan trees in Morocco as there are today, as they have been chopped down for firewood, and overgrazed by Argan-loving goats. The United Nations conservation body. UNESCO, has now set up reserves to protect Argan trees in Morocco.

Alassala Organic Moroccan Argan Oil has a delicate nutty flavour, proven health benefits through naturally occurring high levels of Vitamin E, essential fatty acids (Omega 3s, Omega 9s) plus plant sterols, making it highly effective at lowering the level of cholesterol levels. Argan Oil is claimed to be the only natural cardio protective agent now available in the market. It promotes the secretion of a digestive enzyme, pepsin, to improve digestion, and has an anti-inflammatory action useful for reducing arthritic joint pains. It is also believed to be anti-cancerous. Traditionally, Argan Oil is also considered an aphrodisiac. Ethically produced using traditional methods, their oil is sourced through women's co-operatives that support the local growing communities. It is ideal for dipping, salad dressing, seasoning and drizzling over pasta, fish, and meat dishes giving that unique delicious delicate nutty flavour to your dish. Available at Selfridges and online at and from £12.99.

Alassala Organic Argan Oil for Hair and Skin Care Alassala Organic Moroccan Argan Oil is at the forefront of natural organic skin and hair care due to its natural mixture of compounds including fatty acids, polyphenoles, antioxidants, carotenoids and high level of Vitamin E all hydrate skin, fight signs of aging and restore hair to a beautiful healthy shine. Ethically produced using traditional methods, their oil is sourced through women's co-operatives that support the local growing communities. It is a perfect moisturiser for dry and cracked skin due to the cold weather and it is great for protecting the hair from the drying effect of the harsh winter weather. It is the 100% all in one natural solution for all types of hairs and skins. It is also free from fragrance and any kind of synthetics. Available at and at from £17.99.

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Could fat help you slim down? Current advice is that dietary fats should provide no more than thirty percent of your daily energy intake. For an average person eating 2000 kilocalories per day, that represents around 67g of fat. Checking food labels is a good way to estimate how much fat you’re eating. However, a study from the Harvard School of Public Health has found that people eating a high-fat diet lost more weight than those following a highcarbohydrate diet, even though they Oleocanthal has consumed more similar anticalories. This is inflammatory because grains and properties to the processed carbs are popular pain-killer, quick sources of fuel ibuprofen. for the body, and trigger release of insulin hormone which allow any excess calories to enter fat cells where they are stored as fat. Canadian scientists have found that diners who normally ate healthily (a Mediterranean style diet consisting of salmon, vegetables, nuts and olive oil) experienced a 24% drop in artery dilation after a single ‘junk meal’ of sausage, egg and cheese sandwich with hash browns on the side. As poor dilation reduces blood flow, this study shows that just one ‘bad’ meal that’s high in saturated fats can contribute to the hardening and furring up of your arteries.


Have you discovered Spanish Gold? Although most people associate olive oil with Italy or Greece, over half the world’s olive oil is produced in Spain. Try Arbequina - with a natural fruity, nutty flavour (£10.55), Hojiblanca (£6.17) or Picual (£6.86) – both full of peppery oleocanthal, or a taster pack containing 20mls of each unique olive oil (£4.69). All available on-line from who bring consumers and producers together, avoiding middle-man costs. Following a diet that contains fewer carbohydrates, and more of the healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in nuts, seeds, fish, avocado, olive and rapeseed oils plus more fruit and vegetables – in other words a Mediterranean style diet – is one of the healthiest ways to lose weight. Olive oil is one of the healthiest fats for cooking. Its main component, oleic acid, is a monounsaturated fat that has beneficial effects on cholesterol balance, blood clotting, blood pressure and glucose control. In one study, eight out of ten people taking medication for high blood pressure were able to discontinue their medication after using 30g to 40g olive oil for cooking, every day, for six months. In other studies, people with type 2 diabetes who replaced some dietary carbohydrate with 10g to 40g olive oil per day significantly improved their blood sugar control. Recently, olive oil was shown to protect against Alzheimer’s disease, which might explain why this form of dementia is less prevalent in Mediterranean countries.

This beneficial effect is thought to come from oleocanthal - a peppery-tasting antioxidant found in virgin olive oil - that helps to shuttle abnormal proteins responsible for Alzheimer’s disease out of the brain. Use pure olive oil for frying and roasting, as it remains stable at elevated temperatures. Reserve Extra virgin and virgin olive oils for gentle braising, drizzling over foods, and for salad dressings.

Eat the foods you love, lose the fat you loathe Do you love convenience foods, snacks or takeaways and are finding it hard to lose unwanted fat?

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Weight is an issue at some point for most people - ourselves included! From overweight or underweight to confidence issues and overall health, it affects us all at some time. The natural way to confront this is by focussing on the physical aspect of diet and exercise.

A Weight on your Mind? - By Dr Emma Mardlin and John Clayton


While this is certainly important, the real answer to making a permanent difference is to acknowledge that everything to do with weight starts with your mind. This is because every single thought you have affects every single cell in your body and, whether good or bad, the physical results reflect this. This means the better the mind-set, emotions and psychology you have, the healthier and more balanced your weight will become. So here are a few Pinnacle Pointers to get you started in the right direction:

Get your focus and motivation right – why are

you doing this, for what purpose? Ensure your focus is going ‘toward’ what you want and not ‘away’ from it. For example, you want to lose weight to be fit, healthy and live a fruitful life rather than losing weight to not be fat or not get diabetes. This only causes inconsistences, which is why you get yo-yo results. The part of the mind that runs your body fails to process negatives. So if you tell it NOT to do something, it actually hears ‘do it’ – the underlined examples above! So tell your mind exactly what you DO want in positive terms. Your mind will then process this and your body will act on it. Lose weight because you love your body instead of loathing it – show it some love and respect and it might just listen.

Let go of limiting decisions – In our experience

all excess weight is in some way emotional and there is always a root cause as to why this is so whether you’re aware of it or not. However once you let this go and get your motivation right, it’s 100% possible to lose the weight and maintain it forever – exciting! So let go of limiting decisions like ‘it’s impossible to lose weight’ – if you wholeheartedly decide something you’ll inevitably actualise it, because what you believe, you become.

emotional trauma to bad habits and chocolate addictions. Every one of them achieved magnificent results because they used their mind. This empowered them to achieve not only weight loss but all the things in life they once thought impossible..

Use positive language –

to see results as this helps you put your focus in the right place. This is important because what you give your focus, energy and attention to, you attract back to you. For instance, if you focus on being fat and unhappy, unfortunately you will be. Next time you use the word ‘impossible’, think of it differentlysplit this word up and it actually says ‘I’m - possible’ and of course you are!

Lighten your emotional load – What’s

the underlying root cause of your weight that, if it were to disappear right now, would allow you to be free and focussed, to lose all the weight you want, for the right reasons? Metaphorically, what would lighten your load? Once you get this awareness and take action to properly let it go, you’ll start seeing the weight drop off. We’ve seen many people in our practice, NLP and Hypnosis courses who struggle to lose weight for many different reasons, from deep-rooted

To take positive steps and see the results for yourself, download our free Mind-Set Magic Slimming Guide at (Health Section). Dr Emma Mardlin and John Clayton GQHP are Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapists At The Pinnacle Practice.

Does living together make you fat? Psychologists from the University of North Carolina have found that once a couple moves in together, they are three times more likely to become obese than those who continue living separately. It seems that sharing obesity-related behaviours, such as over-eating, unhealthy food choices and watching TV or playing computer games rather than exercising, is to blame. Rather than encouraging each other to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle, a couple is more likely to collude in sharing unhealthy behaviours so they don’t feel so bad as when over-indulging alone. This tendency is strongest once couples have lived together for two or more years.




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Fat shaming is the latest way to describe those derogatory conversations you have about your weight with family and friends. You know the ones - where you moan about how big you are, only to hear them say the same thing about themselves. These conversations fuel insecurities about weight and body image, and make it easier for you to feel bad about how you look. Used as a way to bond with others and break into a conversation with strangers, fat chat has become a regular part of social dialogue. This use of the ‘F’ word is more common among women, but men are also starting

How fat

shaming fuels weight gain

to feel conscious about their weight and image. Studies at Notre Dame’s Body Image and Eating Disorder Lab have now show that people are starting to turn away from those who speak about their weight in a derogatory fashion. Whereas ‘fat chat’ was once considered a quick route to friendship, people now judge those doing it as unlikeable. Instead, they respond well if you speak in a positive way about your weight, suggesting we’ve all had enough of negative fat shaming. It is now recognised as damaging to self-esteem and can promote eating disorders and body dysmorphia. If you find it difficult to accept yourself as you are, it’s time to boost your self-confidence. You need to see your body without a harmful or self-critical inner voice taking over. Start by focusing on the things you like about your body, rather than lamenting those you don’t. By silencing your inner critic, you can lead a happier and more fulfilling life, which will make it easier to adopt fitness and lifestyle goals.

- J. K. Rowling

Fat is usually the first insult a girl throws at another girl when she wants to hurt her.




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We’ve all been there – you wake up in the morning, same as always, but you can’t shake the feeling that you’re bigger than normal. Your clothes don’t fit right and you don’t feel comfortable.

ways to

overcome ‘fat days’

On days like this, it’s often tricky to know what to wear in order to still feel your best. There are ways to overcome it though and always leave the house looking great, no matter how you feel on the inside.


Don’t opt for joggers

It’s tempting to reach for your most comfortable pair of trousers and slump around the house in yoga gear all day. But don’t – it won’t help your mood and it isn’t the most flattering option in your wardrobe. Instead, find something loose-fitting which flatters at the same time – dresses or flowing skirts hide a multitude of sins. Alternatively, pick out some comfy leggings but team them with a forgiving tunicstyle top to hide your tummy but still make you look presentable.


Do your hair and make-up There’s nothing


Get a bit of exercise

more uplifting than a slick of lipstick and sorting your hair. You don’t need to slather on a full face of make-up if you’re not in the mood – simply tying your hair back to keep it neat, and a dash of mascara to widen your eyes will make a world of difference to how you feel. Exercise doesn’t just burn calories – it lifts your mood as well. If you’re feeling a little chubby, even a short session of physical activity will brighten your outlook, make you feel more confident, and help you face the day with a better attitude.

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* It is generally recommended that weight management products are taken alongside a calorie controlled meal plan




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Vanessa Vallely, founder of, the ‘best connected woman in the Square Mile’ and author of Heels of Steel shares her tips on maintaining a healthy Work-Life balance at the top of the corporate ladder.

How to stay

emotionally strong in the City - by vanessa

How important is eating healthy snacks?

What’s your philosophy on health?

I neglected my health for so long during my career and I see so many other men and women doing the same, neglecting to eat at the right times and regularly skipping exercise in favour of working in front of the computer, drinking too much alcohol at corporate events and teambuilding drinks after work. I have

been there: I was eating less than nutritious meals often at odd times, drinking too much due to the social culture of the City. There were times when I would forgo my exercise as I felt I was just too busy – I regret it now. I have learnt later in life that you need to make time to treat your body right – you get out what you put in, it’s not a car that can go on forever, your body and health (and that includes your mind) need looking after! There have been times when I have almost burnt myself out through work, I now recognise those symptoms as my body tells me I need to slow down, and I make necessary changes, not always for the long-term, to get my mind and body back on track.

What advice do you give to working parents juggling family and work responsibilities?

You must ensure you take time out for you. More often than not life gets full of things to do and to be honest, the list is never done, especially when you have children. I recommend that working parents ensure they schedule weekends away, take time out for exercise and feed yourself with good food that will fuel your energy.

What’s the secret to a healthy work-life balance?

There is no secret: you have to do what works for you. There were times in my career when I worked all hours, six days a week and I was OK with that when it was for a set period of time and I could see the end of it. However, there have been other times where I have chosen not to take jobs or projects that would entail that level of commitment. It’s about personal choice. Finding the right employer that understands how important balance is to you is vital. I have been lucky in that respect for the latter part of my career. I have worked from home from time to time and I have had bosses that understand how important it is to have a balance between work and home life; this has been a massive plus point and I appreciate how lucky I have been.

I have been through phases when I have been surgically attached to the office vending machines, which are invariably full of sugary junk. In my later years, I discovered nibble/graze boxes or made these myself with nuts, seeds and dried fruits that I could snack on throughout the day, especially during that afternoon period between 3 and 4pm when all my energy appears to be zapped. I also drink at least six large cups of water every day and I believe it is very important to be hydrated, especially in air-conditioned offices. Getting out in the fresh air at regular intervals is also important. Take a break!

How important is it to ‘look good’ when working in the City?

It is important because people make up their minds about you in a matter of seconds. I have also found that when I eat healthily and I am exercising I feel more on top of my game work-wise. If you look after yourself you naturally feel good. However, there are times when we all fall off the wagon, we drink too much or over-indulge, I don’t believe you should beat yourself up about such times. I always believe that 75% healthy is good enough, after all life is far too short not to allow yourself the odd treat. Vanessa Vallely started the networking site:, as a vehicle to help other City Women connect and grow professionally and personally. She is the author of Heels of Steel: Surviving & Thriving in The Corporate World (Panoma Press).





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Beating the back to

Work Blues

For many people, the fun of the last few days of a holiday is ruined by the thought of returning to work. If you have a particularly stressful job, or know that a backlog of work awaits, you could even dread going back to your work place.

No laughing matter You may joke about it with colleagues, but the associated stress can affect your health. You may feel sick, develop a headache, or feel lacking in confidence, trapped and unable to cope. And this anxiety can lead to depression. If you are sleeping badly due to worry about work, or withdrawing from friends and family, it’s time to talk to your GP. Depression is easier to treat effectively if recognised early on. Take an extra day off

When you start planning your holiday, plan your return to work, too. One sure-fire way to minimise those negative feelings is to add an extra day of leave to the end of your holiday. This gives you an opportunity to get back to your usual

routine without going straight back to work. If you decide to do this, phone a colleague so you know what to expect when you get into work the following morning. That way, there are no nasty surprises to bring you down on your first day.

Plan your next break

The simplest way to combat the back to work blues is to start planning for your next break, even if it’s just a single day off. Daydreaming about where you’d like to go next, or visiting a travel agent and picking up some brochures on the way home from work can make you feel more optimistic about the future.

Don’t be hard on yourself Even if a daunting

workload awaits, take it easy on the first day back. No reasonable person expects you to do everything straightaway. Instead, plan a To Do list for the week ahead and slowly get back up to speed. Set yourself realistic goals and keep your boss updated on when you expect to complete important tasks. Little

things can make a big difference. For instance, would it really hurt to keep your ‘out-of-office’ email reply going for an extra day while you clear your inbox?

Work it out Take your mind off things with exercise. Even if it’s just a 30-minute brisk walk, staying active will boost your physical and emotional well-being. It’s also a good way to tackle any extra pounds you gained while away. Is it time to reassess your career? Being on holiday

is one of the few times when you have chance to focus on where your career is going. That doesn’t necessarily mean handing in your notice on your first day back. But looking to the future, and deciding which new skills to acquire will provide a new outlook on things.

If you’re planning a change in career, visit who also offer advice on writing a CV and cover letter.



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- Charles M Schulz This section

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Happiness is a warm puppy.


Fancy a

boot camp

with your dog? NuBeginnings has launched the UK’s first Boot-Camp for Dogs and their Owners - an ideal way for both you and your pooch to get fit.


The revolutionary boutique boot camp is the idea of health and well-being expert Victoria Wills, whose pioneering weight loss programs are based on her own experiences when she left a successful management consultancy career in London weighing 300lbs. After successfully losing over 120lbs her firm belief that you must first ‘change the mind before the body’ provides the central ethos to her approach. Victoria realised that obesity is about addiction and went on to study the power of the mind and hypnosis as well as nutrition. This same programme has since given thousands of people a new beginning on a healthier and lighter path. Her week long course involves a number of oneto-one hypnotherapy sessions, as well as yoga, Pilates, hiking, wellbeing treatments and food planning. Average weight loss after a one week course is between 13lbs and 19lb for men, and between 9lb and 13lbs for women. And your dog benefits too. An estimated one in four canine pets are overweight and an owners’ habits when it comes to exercise and treats are often reflected on their pet. During the exclusive Dog Boot Camp, human companions can enjoy the moral support of their best friends, while their dogs reap the benefits of a dog nutritionist, therapist and groomer. Helping your dog to maintain their ideal body weight can extend their life by up to two years, so show them some love and start training together! The New Year detox week retreat from the 14th – 21st February costs £2,900, including luxury accommodation, organic meals from the renowned spa chef and all training, therapy and support sessions. Each dog receives massages and grooming during the week as well as following a nutritional plan depending on the breed of the dog. For more information, visit




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Time for a

health check on your

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finances? Just as you would go to the doctor for a routine check-up, it’s important your finances get a regular health screening too.

- George Bernard Shaw

A happy family is but an earlier Heaven.

31 Here’s a simple questionnaire to score your family’s financial health. Just answer each question with a ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘not sure’. 1. Do you know how much cash you have in your wallet or your bank account (no peeking)? 2. Do you know if you earn above or below the average salary for your occupation, taking into account your qualifications and experience? 3. Do you know how much debt you have? 4. Do you regularly reconcile your outgoings with your income? 5. Do you ever review your services and utilities to see if you could get a better deal from another supplier? 6. Do you have a pension? If yes, are you contributing as much to it as you can afford?

Between 4 and 7: You have a good overview of your finances, but there are areas in which you could do better. Make sure you review your finances regularly for maximum financial fitness. It wouldn’t hurt to pick up a book on personal finance from your local library or search for some online financial self-help guides.

7. Do you know what your net worth is? 8. Are you content with your finances? 9. Do you spend less than you earn? 10. Do you save regularly? If so, are you getting the best interest rate on your savings?

Now score yourself one point for a ‘yes’, zero for a ‘no’ and subtract one point for a ‘not sure’. For questions, 6 and 10, you must answer ‘yes’ to both sections of the question to gain a point. Between 7 and 10 points: You’ve got a decent grasp on your finances. Keep up the good work and you shouldn’t run into any unexpected financial upsets. Consider an annual review of your finances with a qualified financial adviser to make sure your pension and savings are working as hard as they could for you.

Between 0 and 3: You may have been busy with other areas of your life and let your finances slip. A financial makeover will help get your finances back on track. Put all your bills, wage slips and bank statements in a central location where you can review everything at least once a month. See where your money is going and where you can make savings. And don’t forget to plan for the future, too.

Less than 0: Oh dear! If you’ve mostly answered ‘not sure’, you probably aren’t taking your finances seriously and you could be in for a financial shock sooner rather than later. Take time out for a serious overhaul of your finances ASAP. At this stage, you may benefit from the help of a professional - especially if you have more outgoings than income. A financial expert can show you how to budget to get out of any debt and back into financial health.

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Back Pain during Pregnancy Pregnancy and backache tend to go hand in hand. As your baby grows, the weight of your bump rolls the pelvis and pulls your lower spine forwards. This increases the arch in your lower back and, to compensate, your upper spine arches forwards and may also increase the curve of your neck. This becomes more pronounced in later pregnancy as hormones relax your ligaments, and your spine becomes more ‘S’ shaped. The joints and discs become strained, supporting muscles ache and nerves leaving the spine may become bruised and irritated leading to back and leg pain. If your pain is eased by leaning forwards then you need to roll your pelvis backwards and flatten your lower back, stand up tall and bring your thoracic spine and neck to a vertical line. Try standing against a wall and flattening your back by ‘tightening the tum and squeezing the bum’. If leaning backwards causes sustained relief (not just momentary), you may have a disc bulge or minor shift of vertebrae which improves in this position by levering on the small joints in the back. While you should follow the strengthening drills above to optimize your overall the alignment and strength of your spine, you can add periods of arching your back in to your exercise regimen. If your symptoms are worsening then you must see a specialist. These tips are from Dr Martin Knight at The Spinal Foundation,

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exercise for


room deskercise?

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Can you make


When you’re stuck behind a desk for long periods of time, it can be difficult to fit exercise into your day. So why not exercise while you work?

37 Using an Active Sitting Wellness Ball makes this easy. While writing, typing or reading, it causes you to naturally perform a series of micro-movements that maintain the correct posture. Each Ball comes with a Technogym app code to access different training programs designed to strengthen core muscles. You can also perform simple exercises to keep fit during the short breaks between finishing one task and moving on to another. These exercises with help postural and structural strength, support a better posture and reduce the risk of lower back pain which is often associated with prolonged slouching in a chair.

Single Leg Lift -

Sit upright on the Active Sitting Ball. Raise one foot off the ground and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other foot.

Crunch - Lie on your back with your feet raised on your Active Sitting Ball. Put your hands behind your head and tuck your chin to your chest. Tense your core to raise your head approximately 30cms from the ground. Lower and repeat 15 times. Alternatively you can sit on the ball, with your toes firmly pressed against a wall. Lean back as far as you comfortably can and then slowly bring yourself back to a seated position.

Dorsal Raise - Lie on the Active Sitting Ball with your stomach in contact with the ball. Straighten your legs and place your feet firmly on the floor shoulder width apart. Put your hands behind your head then lift your chest so your whole body becomes in line. Lower and repeat 7-10 times.

Oblique Stretch - Kneel beside the Active Sitting

Ball and bend your body over the top of the ball, keeping contact between the side of your body and the ball. Support yourself using the arm closest to the ball. Stretch out your leg and arm furthest from the ball, keeping your whole body in line. Hold this position for 30 seconds before repeating on the other side.

Posterior Chain Exercise - Place one foot

on the Active Sitting Ball and, keeping the knee straight, flex foot towards your head. Place both hands on the ball, either side of your leg and then lower your torso towards your knee. Rise and repeat 5 times before switching legs.

The Wellness Ball Active Sitting is ÂŁ230 including delivery from


exercise for


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Whether you’re a gym bunny, weekend runner or enjoy a daily brisk walk, showering after you’ve worked up a sweat is essential. But according to manufacturer Mira Showers, rather than simply keeping you clean, a post-workout shower can also enhance muscle recovery, boost immunity, reduce stress and even help with weight loss.

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Some sports actively encourage showering as an integral part of their training regime. The Tae Kwando moral code, for example suggests that a cold shower (known as naengsoo machal) helps students ‘build pride and tenacity’. Exposure to cold water has also been found to increase the body’s supply of a powerful antioxidant called glutathione which is important for liver health and immune response. Don’t overdo it, however, as excessive exposure to cold can have the opposite effect and increase your susceptibility to infection (as can over-exercising).

wellness benefits of a good The


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Hygiene Showering is especially important if you play contact sports – sweat will mix with small cuts and abrasions and needs to be cleaned as soon as possible to prevent infection. For swimmers this is equally important as swimming pool chlorine can damage your hair and skin if you simply towel off after getting out.

Recovery Your shower can help reduce aching after a hard session, as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) can be prevented with an ice-cold shower in which you hold the showerhead directly over the muscles you’ve worked. Elite athletes use an ice-bath, but putting your shower on the coldest setting is a quick and easy alternative. If you exercise daily or more than once a day, this simple tip means you can start your next session without the DOMS that might otherwise reduce the intensity of your next session. And if you still feel ‘tight’ in the morning, a hot shower will increase blood flow, allowing your muscles to relax.

Fat loss However unlikely it sounds, a cold shower can help with weight loss. Why? Because your metabolic rate can increase up to five times its resting level during a cold shower to maintain your core body temperature at 37 degrees C – meaning you burn more calories just to stay warm. Most of this extra heat comes from increased fat burning in your liver, by increasing heat production in a type of fat known as brown adipose tissue, and from the act of muscle shivering – research shows the energy used by shivering muscles mostly comes from stored fat. If you don’t fancy a freezing cold shower, you can still gain benefits from a shower that’s cold enough to cause shivering without shaking, which increases muscle tone. Experts in cold immersion suggest immersing your face first. This triggers a nerve reflex that decreases your heart rate as part of the so-called diving response. Then immerse your whole body in the cold flow for ten to twenty seconds before turning the shower off. This short exposure is all you need to start burning fat for heat. Lather up with body gel and shampoo for a minute, then turn the cold shower back on. It won’t feel so cold, as your body has already adapted. Alternatively, start with a warm shower, then slowly reduce the temperature to the coldest setting for a maximum of three minutes. For more information about Mira Showers, visit

- Green Living

Cold showers can save money on both energy and water bills.



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Dementia training expert Jackie Pool has compiled a list of top tips for relatives of those living with dementia, to help maintain relationships that may be tested as a result of the difficulties associated with dementia.

Don’t drift apart: stay close to relatives living with


43 According to Jackie, ‘Families can feel their visits to a relative or friend turn into sad situations as there is no connection between them – the visit feels like a failure and the family often wonders if it was worth making that visit. Here are her top ten tips to help maintain a connection.


Don’t correct them

If they have memory difficulties they may not recall previously learned information or have the ability to store new memories. A helpful approach is to acknowledge what the person is saying, while neither correcting nor agreeing with them, and reflecting what they have said back to them as a question, showing genuine interest.

pressure them to be ‘as they 2 Don’t used to be

’ While it’s natural for families to want their relative to be as they once were, it can cause problems if the person is put under pressure to perform to this previous level. Help them do what is meaningful and important to them. For some people this means enjoying the process of an activity rather than being concerned about what the end result turns out like.


Go with the ‘flow’ and stay in the moment Most of us

are multi-tasking and planning a subsequent activity while we are carrying out the current one. If someone has dementia it is more difficult to think ahead and plan, especially if they are concentrating on what they are doing. Keeping the attention fixed in the present

moment is beneficial in this situation.

4 Use objects

Objects are a great way to connect individuals as they share items that spark some reminiscing, such as souvenirs from holidays, treasured gifts from grandchildren or items of clothing or jewellery that have a significant link to an important episode in the person’s life.

5 Use body language

If an individual has lost their spoken language skills they will still be communicating through their body language. Making eye contact, using all the muscles of the face to show genuine warmth, compassion or humour with the person can result in a meaningful experience for both people involved. Even eyebrow movements can add meaning to an interaction and can be used skillfully to convey emotions.

about what the person is 6 Think feeling

Sometimes they may say something that doesn’t make sense but rather than argue over the facts, it is often more helpful to focus on the feelings the person is showing through their tone of voice, facial expression and posture. Show the person you understand that their feelings are true and valid, even if you do not agree with the facts.


Present the world through all of their senses Many people with

dementia are unable to make sense of their world through one sense

but can through another. We know an object through a combination of touch, sound, smell, taste and how it looks. For example, chocolate is not just about taste, but the familiar smell, crackle of the wrapper and the snap of the pieces. Share the enjoyment of an object by focusing on all five senses.


Children and animals are great at non-judgemental acceptance Often people with

dementia enjoy seeing children play near them and, may enjoy joining in some of their play, such as shape sorting or colour matching games. Children and animals are living in the present moment so, if given the opportunity to engage with someone with dementia, they will relate to the person as they are and not how they think they should be.

helpful language 9 Use

Many people with dementia find it difficult to follow complicated language from others, particularly if it is too fast. Family members and friends can help by slowing down the pace of their speech and reducing the descriptive words they use. Speak in short sentences without conjunctions such as ’and’ to connect one sentence with another. In this way speech becomes more clear and easy to follow.

appropriate touch 10 Use

Touch is a powerful communicator and human contact supports a sense of self and connection with others. Smoothing hand cream into the person’s hands can be a sharing moment.

Jackie is the author of Dementia Essentials, a warm, practical and reassuring guide written by real carers with first-hand experience of the challenges dementia poses. For more information about Jackie Pool Associates, visit




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The pace of modern life can make it difficult for couples to keep a relationship together. Concerns over money, family, children and work can all create issues that damage and even end an otherwise healthy relationship. And it’s at these darkest times where counselling is most effective. If a couple can agree to talk to a relationship counsellor, they are not only taking the first step to salvage their relationship but may even come out the other side feeling stronger for it.

When to call a counsellor Any couple

experiencing recurring problems without resolution will benefit from counselling. Repeating the same

argument over and over means you’re unable to resolve the problem on your own. The longer this continues without intervention, the more likely there’s something wrong with the way you’re communicating and the issue will become irresolvable. Perhaps one of you has stopped listening, or one of you has stopped communicating altogether.

Resolving conflict Conflict is a normal and healthy part of every close relationship. No one can get on all the time and learning to accept and deal with arguments is important to every relationship. Continuing conflict can trigger strong emotions and lead to resentment and bitterness. But if conflict can be resolved in a healthy way, it can increase your understanding of each other, building trust and strengthening existing bonds. Relationship counsellors are trained to view issues objectively and help each partner play their role in acknowledging the needs of the other. This is vital to the long-term success of any relationship. Surviving infidelity

Having an affair is one of the biggest reasons why couples split up. And even in those that stay together, the infidelity can cause lasting problems that only counselling will resolve. Coming to terms with what has happened and what to do next can leave both sides feeling confused, fearful and angry. Going through things with a mediator

can help you stand back and decide whether or not your relationship deserves a second chance.

Money troubles Every couple experiences uncertainties about their financial future at some time. The resulting stress lowers your tolerance level, so it becomes easy to bicker over small issues and neglect those that are more important. Negative feelings can build on both sides until the situation becomes intolerable. The key to solving financial worries is to work together as a team, using your individual strengths and skills. Sometimes this can only happen with the help of a professional advisor. Everything to gain

The thought of having relationship counselling can be daunting, but when the end is in sight for your relationship, you may have nothing to lose. If it’s unsuccessful, you at least have the comfort of knowing you tried. And if it works out, you could discover that your relationship is stronger than ever. For help when your relationship is in trouble, visit

When Relationship Counselling can Help

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Can you

Eat Beat to


Festive Bulge? - Michael Pollan

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.

After the festive season of indulgence, January is a time of resolutions, cutting back and willpower. Most people assume eliminating fat from the diet is the best way to cut calories and lose weight but this isn’t necessarily true.

47 Healthy fats, like coldpressed nut and seed oils, extra virgin olive oil and virgin coconut oil, are a vital part of the human diet and eliminating them can actually hinder your attempts to lose weight. Replace ‘bad fats’ (refined and hydrogenated oils) with nutritious ‘good fats’ and see your energy levels, weight and health improve. According to Private Chef Laura Pope, ‘Eating healthy, delicious food that is packed full of flavour shouldn’t be complicated’. Laura has travelled the world cooking for guests who are as passionate about their food and health as she is. With client’s health requirements

like dairy, gluten and sugar free, Laura has enjoyed getting creative in the kitchen and experimenting with alternative ingredients so the food her clients eat tastes delicious and makes them feel fantastic. ‘If you’re trying to lose a few kilos after Christmas, don’t think of it as punishing yourself - you’ve had fun over the holidays and now is the time to embrace some new, healthier eating habits - think of it as an adventure in food!’ Look forward to getting back into shape with Laura’s simple recipes full of fresh flavours and nutritious ingredients to inspire you to be more creative as you eat to beat the festive bulge.

For more information and to contact Laura Pope visit or email

Fennel, orange & mint salad (Serves 4)

A gorgeous side dish with seafood - or toss through a few king prawns to make a lovely starter. This salad wakes my taste-buds up and makes my mouth feel alive and clean. The combination of flavours and fresh crunch of the fennel is gorgeous.

Traits: Vegetarian/Vegan Ingredients 2 bulbs fennel, trimmed and finely sliced

Dr Siegal’s Cookie Diet was developed by an obesity specialist who recognised that hunger is the downfall of many weight loss regimes. Eating one or two Cookies every two hours throughout the day (nine in total) provides just over 500 calories of filling power to curb hunger pangs. This leaves around 500-700 calories for a healthy evening meal. Dr Siegal’s Cookie Diet has helped over half a million people lose weight.

2 oranges - blood orange looks great if you can get them

For more information, visit

fennel with the orange segments and chopped mint, mix through the dressing and taste - add more chilli if you wish.

1 small bunch of mint, leaves picked and chopped Extra virgin olive oil Pernod, Pastis or Ouzo - optional 1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped - optional

Method 1. To segment the orange (or any citrus fruit): use a

small, sharp knife, carefully cut away the rind and pith and discard. On a chopping board with a reservoir to catch the juice, cut down the sides of each orange segment so that you just have the flesh and can throw away the husk with all the membrane. Put the orange segments into a bowl for the salad and the juice into a jar for the dressing.

2. To make your dressing, mix together the orange

juice with about the same amount of olive oil, then season with sea salt and black pepper. If you wish, add a tablespoon of Pernod, Pastis or Ouzo - this will accentuate the flavour of the fennel and gives a lovely kick to the salad. You can also add half the chopped chilli.

3. When you’re ready to serve, toss together the




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Asian rice noodle and crunchy veg salad with marinated beef fillet (Serves 4)

Ingredients For the marinade:

4 tablespoons gluten-free tamari soy sauce

An Asian-inspired dish that’s full of different textures. Start this dish a few hours before you want to eat, or even the night before, to give the beef time to soak up the lovely flavours. Using the rice noodles and tamari makes this suitable for anyone avoiding wheat and gluten. Like many Asian dishes, it’s naturally dairy-free.

4 tablespoons rice wine vinegar

Traits: Dairy-free/Gluten-free

1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped

No time to cook? Diet Chef’s new Mums’ Menu offers a range of delicious, healthy and balanced meals. Nutritionally balanced and calorie controlled, these ready-meals can help busy mums shift unwanted pounds through portion control, while still maintaining energy levels throughout the day. From £47.50 per week (based on an 8 week program). For more information, visit

4 tablespoons sunflower oil 2 tablespoons cold-pressed organic sesame oil 2 tablespoons of the syrup from a jar of stem ginger, plus one knob of the ginger, finely sliced into matchsticks


800g beef fillet

For the salad: 100g rice noodles 1 red pepper, deseeded and finely sliced 1 bulb fennel, finely sliced 2 carrots, peeled or scrubbed, then sliced into ribbons using vegetable peeler 1 cucumber, quartered lengthways, seeds scraped out, then sliced into thin batons 1 bunch spring onions, finely sliced diagonally Knob of fresh ginger, peeled and finely sliced into matchsticks 1 bunch coriander, stalks finely chopped and leaves picked

Method 1. First, mix the marinade ingredients in a jam jar, then rub just enough of

it all over the beef to properly cover it. Leave the beef to marinate in a dish, cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.

2. Turn oven to 200℃ (390℉) fan or 215℃ (420℉) normal. Heat a griddle

pan over a medium-high heat and sear the outside of the fillet of beef - you want to get griddled marks on the meat, but don’t let it get too black or smoke, which it will do quite quickly due to the ginger syrup in the marinade. Once it’s seared all over, put it in an oven-proof dish and cook for 10-15 minutes until it’s rare. Leave to rest for 15 minutes.

3. Cook the rice noodles according to packet instructions - when cooked,

drain and immediately run under cold water (this stops the noodles from cooking any further and sticking together). Leave in a colander to drain fully and, using scissors, cut them into shorter lengths.

4. In a jam jar, mix together the vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and maple syrup and season with salt and pepper.

5. Mix the rice noodles, veg and almost all the remaining marinade together

with the coriander stalks and half the leaves, then place onto a platter or large serving dish. Slice the beef very finely, drizzle over the remaining marinade and sprinkle over the remaining coriander leaves.

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Control your appetite to lose weight

Eat Less Feel Full Contains Konjac Glucomannan which contributes to weight loss when taken alongside an energy restricted diet*. Other Active Ingredients:

Helps to reduce


Psylium Husk: Provides a feeling of fullness and as a result reduces appetite.

Green Tea: Studies have linked caffeine and EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) to weight loss through effects such as Increased Metabolism and Fat Burning.

L-Phenylalanine: An Amino Acid which acts as an appetite suppressant and stimulant, it helps to control overeating by providing a feeling of fullness.

L-Tyrosine: An Amino Acid that assists weight loss by speeding up metabolism.


* It is generally recommended that weight management products are taken alongside a calorie controlled meal plan


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Vanilla-poached pears with caramel sauce and brazil nut, honey & vanilla ice cream (Serves 4) A vegan dessert combining the freshness of pears with creamy ice cream and a healthy, sweet sauce. The texture and flavour of brazil nuts plus vanilla make this dairy-free ice cream rich and creamy. You’ll need to start the ice cream a day in advance.

Method 1. The day before you want to make the ice cream, soak the brazil nuts and cashews separately - cover in cold water and soak for 8 to 12 hours. Drain and rinse the nuts.

2. To make the brazil nut milk,

150g brazil nuts

put them into a blender or food processor with the filtered water. Process on high speed until very smooth, then strain through a muslin bag into a jug or bowl. Chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Keeps in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days, though it will separate, so shake before using.

400ml filtered water

3. Pour a quarter of the brazil nut

Traits: Contains Nuts/Vegetarian/ Vegan Ingredients For the ice cream:

85g pitted dates

milk and all of the cashews into a blender and process until smooth. Add the remaining brazil nut milk and all of the agave syrup, honey, vanilla extract, vanilla pod seeds and salt. Process until blended. Transfer to a metal or Pyrex bowl and freeze for about 30 minutes (or refrigerate for up to 2 days). Put the mix into an ice cream maker and freeze-churn according to instructions.

75g cashews

4. Tastes best eaten immediately but

75g raw cashews 60ml light agave syrup 60ml runny honey 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Seeds from 2 vanilla pods Pinch of sea salt

Caramel sauce:

100g dark agave syrup or maple syrup Seeds from 1 vanilla pod Pinch of salt

Vanilla-poached pears: 150g xylitol 4 whole pears, peeled and cored (leave the stalks on) 1 vanilla pod, split lenthways

can keep in a sealed container in the

freezer for up to 5 days. Thaw for a few minutes before serving.

5. To make the caramel sauce: first,

cover the dates in water and soak for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, put the cashews into a food processor and blitz for 5-10 minutes until they are a smooth paste (the consistency of smooth peanut butter).

6. Drain the dates but keep the

soaking water. Add the dates into the food processor with 75ml (2â…? fluid oz) of the soaking water, the syrup, vanilla and salt and process until smooth, adding more soaking water if you want a runnier sauce.

7. Keep in a sealed container in the fridge and gently warm to serve.

8. Now poach the pears: dissolve

the xylitol gently in a sauce pan with enough water to cover all the pears. Add the vanilla pod. When the xylitol has dissolved, bring the syrup to a simmer, add the pears and simmer for about 15 minutes until the pears are tender. Carefully remove the pears from the syrup and leave to cool, upright, on a plate until ready to serve with the brazil nut ice cream and caramel sauce.

Roasted butternut squash with a maple dressing (Serves 6) This side dish makes a lovely accompaniment for rich meat dishes. Roasting the butternut squash really brings out its flavour and texture. The maple syrup dressing makes it wonderfully sweet and woody, while the sunflower seeds add crunch.

Traits: Dairy free/Gluten free/No added sugar/Vegetarian/Vegan


Lemon poppyseed cake (Serves 4)

Extra Virgin Olive oil

This tastes so good I’ve fooled a number of sceptics into thinking it has all the usual cakey suspects... but there’s absolutely no dairy, gluten or added sugar in this gorgeous teatime treat.

1 butternut squash, peeled, seeds removed and cut into 3cm (1”) cubes 3 tablespoons sunflower seeds 1 tablespoon sherry vinegar 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons maple syrup Small bunch basil leaves, finely chopped

Traits: Vegetarian/Vegan Ingredients 160ml rice milk 15ml apple cider vinegar

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

40g poppy seeds


1½ tablespoons glutenfree baking powder

1. Heat the oven to 180℃ (355℉) fan or 195℃ (380℉) normal oven

2. Toss the butternut squash in olive

oil, salt and pepper and spread in a single layer - not too cramped together - in a roasting tray. Cook for about 45 minutes, checking every 15 minutes or so and giving it a gentle move around so it cooks evenly and doesn’t burn. You want it to be nicely browned and cooked through, but not mush.

3. In a hot, dry frying pan, toast the

200g gluten-free plain flour

1 teaspoon xanthan gum 1 teaspoon salt 105g coconut oil, plus more for cake tin 250g cups agave nectar 1 very ripe banana, mashed 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

sunflower seeds until they’re brown.

2 tablespoons pure lemon extract

4. In a jam jar, mix together the

Zest of 1 lemon

5. When the butternut squash has


vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and maple syrup and season with salt and pepper. cooled slightly, mix with the dressing, sunflower seeds and chervil to serve.

1. Preheat the oven to 160°C (320℉) fan or 175℃ (345℉) normal

oven. Lightly oil and line a 23cm (9”) diameter round spring-form cake tin with baking parchment.

2. Pour the rice milk, apple cider vinegar and poppy seeds into a small bowl – but do not stir – and set aside.

3. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, xanthan

gum and salt. Add the oil, agave nectar, banana, vanilla, lemon extract and zest to the dry ingredients and stir until the batter is smooth. Using a rubber spatula, scrape the poppy seed mixture into the batter and combine just until all ingredients are blended.

4. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake on the centre rack for 30 minutes, rotating the pan after 15 minutes. The cake will be golden brown and springy, and a toothpick inserted in the centre will come out clean.

5. Let the cake stand in the tin for 20 minutes, then release the catch to

loosen the side of the tin so it gently comes away from the cake. Cover the top of the tin with a cutting board and invert it onto the board. Carefully lift the base of the tin away, remove the baking parchment and invert the cake onto the plate on which you wish to serve it.

6. Either cut and serve slightly warm, or wait until it is completely cool before storing. Just as cake tastes great with some cream on the side, this is delicious with a dollop of dairy-free coconut milk yoghurt.




debate For


Whether you need a loan for a new car, or want a credit card for your favourite clothes shop, it’s never been so easy to obtain goods or services now and pay later. For some people, this means falling into an endless cycle of debt. But is debt really a necessary part of modern life?

Is Debt a Necessary Part of Modern Life? Are you For or Against For: Antonio We live in a world where we are expected to get into debt. In fact, it’s impossible for most people to make important purchases without borrowing money. Most cars are too expensive to buy outright yet you need them to get to work, so taking out a finance agreement or loan is the only way to own a car. Debt no longer has the stigma it once did. My grandparent’s generation viewed debt as something shameful that had to be avoided but that is no longer the case. Like most of my friends, I have student loans, credit cards and my bank account is usually overdrawn. I don’t see why I should have to go without things I want when companies make it so easy to borrow money. My friends and I recently went on an expensive holiday to Thailand and I couldn’t afford to pay outright – so I just paid on my credit card. The alternative was not to go but I believe that life is for living, especially while you’re young – there’s no point putting off exciting experiences until I’m old; life’s too short for that. My biggest debts are my student loans but I see them as an investment. Getting into debt to pay for my education will hopefully pay dividends at a later date when I can get a good job and earn lots of money. There’s no point worrying about debt – it’s necessary if you want to live in the modern world, plan for the future and enjoy life.

Against: Joan I was brought up to believe that if you want something you cannot afford then you have to save up for it. Unfortunately, saving up is a concept that most young people are unfamiliar with. Instead, they see something they want and if they don’t have the money, they just take out a loan or pay with a credit card. This approach has created a greedy society where everyone just wants more. People are living beyond their means – buying frivolous, luxury items they don’t need, just because they can. It may seem fun at first to buy whatever you fancy, but eventually debt will catch up with you. You can’t keep borrowing money and think there won’t be consequences. It’s easy to get into debt but once you start owing money, the situation can quickly spiral out of control. Companies are quick to lend because they make so much from customers who have to pay interest. But this just leads to trouble. Eventually companies – whether they are unscrupulous loan sharks, or trusted banks will want their money back and when you can’t pay, you can lose everything. I’ve seen people lose their homes, and even their relationships because of debt. Being deep in debt is a dark and lonely place – it’s far better to go without things you cannot afford and avoid the misery that debt attracts. What do you think? Are you For or Against easy debt? Visit www. to register your vote!

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Mr Christian Becker, Surgeon

Shirley Scott,


Dr Tim Robinson,


Francine White,

Nutritional Therapist

Andrea Steinlechner, Acupuncturist

I’m 28 and have been diagnosed with endometriosis. I’ve had really painful, irregular periods for as long as I can remember. It feels like someone is scouring my insides with a Brillo pad. During my period I feel sick and completely drained and depressed. I usually have to stay in bed with a hot water bottle for several days at a time. I’ve spent two years trying different drugs but nothing seems to work. My consultant now says I should try to manage naturally and focus on pain management as I’m too young for a hysterectomy. What does this mean and can you suggest anything that might help?

Mr Christian Becker says: I am sorry to hear about your suffering. I’m not sure what drugs you’ve tried over the years, but usually we recommend various hormonal treatments in combination with pain medication. Hormones such as the contraceptive pill or monthly or three- monthly injections suppress the active endometriosis tissue partly by lowering your own hormone levels. Another option is the insertion of a small coil into the cavity of the womb. It also releases hormones and often helps especially with painful periods. If none of these drugs help, or only partially relieve your symptoms, I would suggest focusing on additional pain relief. Drugs such as amitriptyline or gabapentin may help you cope better with pain. It’s rarely a good idea to remove the uterus (hysterectomy), especially at such a young age. Endometriosis is driven by the hormone oestrogen, which is produced by your ovaries. A hysterectomy is therefore unlikely to be the solution as endometriosis lesions can still be stimulated by the ovaries. I would recommend that you are seen in an endometriosis centre with lots of experience. In addition, changes in your diet may help. Patient support charities such as Endometriosis UK have vast experience to guide you further. You can call their helpline on 0808 808 2227 and visit www.endometriosis-uk. org for more information.

Christian Becker M.D. is a Consultant Gynaecologist at John Radcliffe Hospital Women’s Centre


Shirley Scott says: There are keyhole (laparoscopic) surgical techniques that do not involve removing the uterus or ovaries and you could ask your GP to be referred to a specialist in this field. Sometimes, surgery is the only way to find the actual cause of the problem. However, you may find that it is not always available on the NHS. There are hormone based treatments which act by preventing ovulation and shrinking the endometriosis tissue, but these may have unpleasant side-effects such as bloating and weight gain. The Mirena contraceptive coil is also often successful. A healthy diet is essential as, if nothing else, it would help you feel better and be more able to deal with any treatment. Cut back on animal fats, which have been linked with endometriosis, and have more broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage and sprouts which contain nutrients to help balance the metabolic process of oestrogen. Take an omega 3 supplement and try to relieve any stresses of everyday life. Dandelion, artichoke and milk thistle all help the liver and digestive system and improve pelvic circulation. Valerian and crampbark may help with pain. Take regular exercise. Swimming is good especially when the pain is at a peak. The semi-weightlessness in the water helps relieve the pain.

Shirley is a registered nurse who has raised three children. She is the former Chair of a pre-school music association and spent seven years as a primary school governor. Dr Tim Robinson, says: Endometriosis is a debilitating condition. Sufferers dread the onset of their period as it causes a heavy and extremely painful bleed, along with the familiar symptoms of exhaustion, nausea, irritability and often depression. Laser ablation and hormone manipulation is possible but before that I would recommend a homeopathic approach. Ideally you should consult a homeopath to seek the constitutional ‘core person’ prescription in which your general ‘whole person’ features are taken into account. There are also a number of homeopathic medicines that are worth trying to tackle the specific symptoms you are suffering. For pain that is relieved by application

of heat, try Mag Phos 30c. Cimicifuga 30c is good for shooting pains that extend down to the thighs. Pains that move around and are associated with emotional upset respond well to Pulsatilla. For bearing-down, heavy pelvic pain in someone who is irritable tending towards negativity or depression, try Sepia 30c. All these medicines should be taken 4 hourly during the period. For exhaustion and fatigue, Kali Phos 30c three times daily is often very effective; Sepia is also good for this. For nausea associated with hormonal changes Ipecacuanha can be very helpful. Experiment with the medicines above at the time of your period; hopefully they will bring some relief to your endometriosis symptoms.

Dr Tim Robinson MB BS MRCGP DRCOG MFHom is an NHS and private GP who practices homeopathy, nutritional medicine and acupuncture in Dorset. Francine White says: Nutritional and lifestyle changes can be extremely effective for relieving pain and managing endometriosis. Oestrogen is a fat-storage hormone and fat cells also produce oestrogen so it’s important to keep fat levels in balance for hormonal balance and vice-versa. Reduce saturated fats from red meat, poultry, cheese, fried and processed foods which can stimulate oestrogen over-production. They also stimulate production of inflammatory chemicals (prostaglandins) that can worsen endometriosis. Reduce or eliminate sugar to improve hormonal balance and reduce weight gain. Choose whole grains like brown rice, spelt, quinoa, barley and oats over ‘white’ refined grains and flour products. Use natural sweeteners like raw honey, dried fruit or stevia. Eliminate alcohol and caffeine - drinking more than 2 cups of coffee daily has been linked to endometriosis, while alcohol can affect how your liver metabolises oestrogen. Increase your fibre intake from grains, fruits and vegetables to reduce oestrogen re-absorption from the bowel and increase its excretion. Include healthy sources of protein and essential fats found in oily fish, nuts and seeds. Other nourishing proteins include pulses like chickpeas

and lentils, organic soy products (in moderation) and organic eggs. Go organic and natural. Reduce your intake of xeno-oestrogens in plastic wrap, pesticides, herbicides and cosmetic products by choosing organic and natural products.

Francine White BSc(Hons) C.H.Ed Dip Nut Th is a nutritional therapist Andrea Steinlechner says: There are several simple things you can do yourself. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is thought that women should avoid swimming and washing their hair while on their period. Keeping yourself dry and warm is beneficial. Choose warm, cooked food, warm and comfortable clothing. A hot water bottle is a great ally. Gentle movement can also ease pain. Choose a gentle walk or learn self-massage techniques. This will also ease your bowel movements, often a symptom of endometriosis. A course of acupuncture is highly recommended. Scientific research suggests that acupuncture eases inflammation and pain by helping to regulate hormones so your periods become more regular, and bleeding improves. In turn, you will feel more energised and better able to live a normal life. Being healthier and pain free also helps you feel happier. You will notice a dramatic mood change in only a few sessions, though treatment is long term, often lasting around 12 weeks or more, depending on each case and goals. Choose a qualified acupuncturist by searching on the British Acupuncture Council website at

Andrea Steinlechner,, is a TCM acupuncturist and herbalist at Harley Street Acupuncture and AnJia Chinese Medicine, and member of the British Acupuncture Council

Do you need expert advice? Send your problem, in confidence, to: Problems can only be answered on the page, we are unable to answer personally. You can also visit the forums at and ask advice from other readers online.




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Alternative healing with acupressure Based on the same principles as acupuncture, acupressure is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that aims to relieve physical discomfort by applying pressure to certain trigger points. Practitioners believe that the life energy – or qi – moves around the body via paths known as meridians. By manipulating acupoints on these meridians, the flow of qi energy is stimulated to prevent the blockages or imbalances that may lead to ill health. While the benefits of acupressure are the subject of scientific debate, some studies lend a degree of credence to these claims – for example a 2009 study concluded that stimulation of the P6 (wrist) acupressure point reduced postoperative nausea and vomiting as well as antiemetic drugs.

Traditional Chinese Medicine reduces depression Researchers from the University of Western Australia are trialling acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of depression. One group received acupuncture alone for five weeks, while another group had acupuncture plus Chinese herbs. The results, published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice showed that acupuncture alone was most effective in reducing depression – in fact, adding traditional Chinese herbs gave no additional benefit. To find a practitioner, search the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture UK register at

T’ai chi ch’uan for wellness benefits T’ai chi ch’uan – which translates to the impressive-sounding ‘supreme ultimate fist’ – is a Chinese martial art that, although only existing in its current form for a couple of hundred years, has roots in Asian martial traditions that stretch back at least one thousand years. Although a number of different styles or schools exist, t’ai chi (as it is more commonly known) typically uses a combination of slow, lowimpact movements and breathing control to deliver a rhythmic system of exercise. Research shows that regular t’ai chi practice promotes flexibility and cardiovascular fitness and may also help control conditions such as diabetes. A US study also concluded that regular practice can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

- Jim Rohn

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.

Home Detox Kit

Some benefits of Detoxing may include: • Clearer Skin • Improved Digestion • Flatter Tummy • More Regular Bowel Movements • Better Concentration • Weight Loss and Refreshed Spirit

4 Simple Steps to a Cleaner, Leaner you… Step 1: Remove

Step 2: Replenish

Step 3: Rebuild

Mix with water and drink to aid removal of impacted faecal matter. Natural ingredients; Psyllium Husks, Chicory, Dandelion Root, Cloves & Rosemary Leaf

Capsules provide vital vitamins and minerals required for digestive tract and immune system during detox. A great combination of A-E Vitamins, Minerals, Folic Acid, Biotin, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Spirulina and Iron.

Capsules taken during detox program will provide a calming blend of healthy bacteria to rebuild and restore digestive health allowing the perfect environment for friendly bacteria to flourish.


Step 4: Support & Assist Capsules taken after detox program to assist vital metabolic functions. Ingredients include a wide range of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and natural ingredients.

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Gluten-Free me App A private chef who travels the world cooking for guests has developed a range of recipes for those who are passionate about food and health but unable to eat certain ingredients due to food intolerances. Her new iPad app, Gluten Free Me, includes dishes such as Roasted butternut squash with a maple dressing and Asian rice noodle and crunchy veg salad with marinated beef fillet. Free from iTunes via Yourwellness verdict: Delicious recipes that are simple to prepare and full of fresh flavours and nutritious ingredients. None contain wheat (the only two with gluten use spelt) and many are dairy- and sugar-free, as well.

Milk_ shake for your hair! This innovative range offers the benefits of milk and fruit for wellbeing and beauty. Includes natural yogurt mask to restructure hair, natural milk mask for dry or damaged hair and argan oil products amongst others. The intensive leave-in conditioner (£14.79) leaves your hair scented with vanilla toffee. Find salons and on-line stockists


New treatments from LemSip Trusted home medicines brand, Lemsip, has launched new ranges to tackle cough, cold and ‘flu symptoms. Unlike traditional cough syrups that only target cough, Lemsip Cough Max also soothes aches and pains, while Lemsip Chesty Cough clears congestion. Their All in One range is designed to tackle headache, fever, sore throat, body aches, blocked nose and chesty cough. From pharmacies nationwide from £3.69. For more information visit Yourwellness verdict: Whether you prefer the comfort of a hot drink or the convenience of capsules and oral solutions, these are ideal for your winter medicine chest. A pharmacist can advise which will suit you best.

Yourwellness verdict: The milk_shake range smells soooo divine you need to remember not to drink it.


Slim Gum SlimGum is a peppermint flavoured chewing gum containing six ingredients designed to speed the rate at which your metabolism burns fat. These include extracts of both green coffee bean and green tea, l-carnitine, chromium, vitamin B1 and biotin. £2.99 for 10 pieces from

Yourwellness verdict: A tasty, sugarfree way to help shed any weight gained over the last few weeks. Good evidence for the role of these ingredients in energy turnover from fat, but eating less and exercising more is also advised.

- Helen Keller

It’s a terrible thing to see and have no vision.

Really Tiny Quick Specs These lightweight polycarbonate reading specs are always on call when you’re challenged by blurry maps, timetables or fuzzy menus. The flexible, rubberised coating helps the specs ‘pince’ your ‘nez’ to stay put, while the slim protective case is easily stowed away. £6.99 from


YuYu - your new winter best friend

Yourwellness verdict: Most of us notice a deterioration in our vision by our late 40s. Perfect when you don’t quite need permanent glasses, but are grateful for any instant magnification.

The YUYU Bottle is the perfect bedtime companion to warm cold, wintry nights. The first long, hottie bottie you can wrap around your neck, between your thighs, drape along your back or cuddle into your tummy to soothe away aches and pains. Choose from luxurious cashmere or merino wool/cashmere blended covers in a range of sophisticated colours. From £69 to £199 from Harrods or

Yourwellness verdict: Designer Richard Yu became frustrated by the limitations of the traditional rectangle bottle. The YUYU Bottle warms more of your body yet uses the same amount of hot water. Why didn’t anyone think of it before?




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Stevia Is the Ideal Alternative to Sugar Calorie-free and 300 times sweeter than sugar, Stevia is a natural leaf extract that may help tackle obesity and other sugar-related health issues such as type 2 diabetes. Stevia has been widely used as a sweetener in South America and Japan for many years but has only recently become popular in Europe. Stevia can be used in cooking, to sweeten drinks, and is now being added to many low-calorie products. If you haven’t yet tried stevia, look for it on supermarket shelves next to sugar and give it a go.

A New Cure for Snoring? Anyone who suffers from sleepless nights due to a partner’s snores will understand the frustration of trying to find a cure that works. A new device that’s shaped like a baby’s dummy has been introduced as the latest anti-snoring gadget. The dummy works by holding the tongue in a forward position so it can’t flop back to block the airway during sleep. Unfortunately, at a cost of around £65, Good Morning Snore Solution, isn’t cheap but if it works, could make a big difference for both snorers and their partners. In a study, 32 snorers tested the dummy for one night and the results, which were published in the Journal of Sleep and Breathing, showed that more than a third of participants snored less and woke less frequently whilst using the device.

- Wayne Gretzky

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Apple Peel Six Times Better Than the Apple Itself According to researchers from the University of Iowa, apple skin contains ursolic acid – an ingredient that protects against obesity by increasing levels of muscle and ‘brown fat’ which burn white fat as fuel. Other researchers from Nova Scotia Agricultural College have also found that apple peel contains six times more antioxidants than apple flesh, and that these flavonoids help to protect against high blood pressure in the same way as a class of drugs known as ACE inhibitors. So that old saying about an apple a day and doctors contains more than a grain of truth!




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Did the romans have a national health service? Remains found at Pompeii suggest that, contrary to what you might expect, many people lived long lives. Although as many as one in two people succumbed to childhood diseases that are now easily prevented or treated with vaccines and antibiotics, those who managed to live beyond the age of ten then had a good chance of enjoying a long life. Interestingly, people from all classes of society showed few differences in general health. In one underground room, where a large group of bodies was found, those without valuables on their person were just as healthy as those found with the trappings of wealth. What this suggests is that both had equal access to healthcare. Examination of cesspits in both rich and poor neighbourhoods also showed that diet was similar across the classes, suggesting that Roman society was based on more equality than history books lead us to believe.

- Aesop

It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow.

Tuberculosis has followed us for millennia New research published in the journal, Nature Genetics, suggests tuberculosis has been around for at least 70,000 years. Analysis of 259 strains of the disease points to an origin in Africa around the same time that humans began to migrate from Africa to Europe and Asia. Dr Sebastien Gagneux of the Swiss Public Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) commented that tuberculosis is unlikely to have jumped from domesticated animals to man because ‘Mycobacteria tuberculosis emerged long before humans started to domesticate animals.’ Tuberculosis remains one of the most deadly human diseases on the planet killing over 50% of all those untreated, mostly in developing countries. Interestingly, an ancient Zulu remedy for tuberculosis, Pelargonium sidoides, was used to treat TB in England over a century ago, and is once more being studied as a potential treatment for antibiotic-resistant strains.

Getting to the roots of red hair Ancient records show that the Greeks and Romans described Celts as having red hair, but exactly where do the genes for red hair originate? Genetic studies show that people with red hair have a common ancestry that can be traced back to a single Y-chromosomal gene group called R1b. As for geographical distribution, the frequency of red hair is highest in Ireland at 10% to 30%, closely followed by Scotland with 10% to 25%. Other parts of England come next, followed by France. In fact, distribution is remarkably close to those of the ancient Celtic and Germanic territories, but also closely follows the paths of the Viking invasions. The real clue to the origins of the red hair gene are in southwest Norway, however, where genetic analysis shows that red hair coincides with a higher percentage of the paternal genes typical of northwest Ireland and Scotland. The conclusion is that native Irish and Scottish Celts were almost certainly taken to Norway by Vikings, thus increasing the incidence of red hair there. So if you’re a redhead, you’re more likely to have Celtic roots than a Viking bloodline.

FENUGREEK PLUS The active ingredients in the herbal fenugreek seed may stimulate the production of male growth hormones, in a safe and natural way and has been found to boost testosterone levels. Available from Gravitas in convenient capsule form.

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- Napoleon Hill

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

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Dressing well gets a new meaning As technology moves forward, smaller and smaller devices have been developed to assist your quest for wellness, from digital pedometers to portable pulse monitors and toilets that analyse your wee. Now, a new start-up company in Montreal has taken the next step... incorporating biosensing technology into clothing. OMsignal are producing T-shirts and bras that can measure your physical condition and assess your emotional state. Incorporating an accelerometer to measure steps, devices to monitor respiratory rate and volume, and even an ECG monitor to record your heart beat, the intelligent apparel will allow wearers to use this feedback to control their exercise – knowing when to push harder, when to ease back and become more conscious of their breathing and other physical processes.

Is an Enzyme Responsible for Middle-age Spread? Weight gain is a problem many people face as they get older. Although a more sedentary lifestyle, or more fattening diet are often blamed, researchers in the USA have now identified an enzyme which increases levels of fat production. The enzyme, named Aldh1a1, causes visceral fat to build up around internal organs and is linked with type 2 diabetes as well as cancer and heart disease. While the female hormone, oestrogen, supresses this enzyme, once oestrogen levels fall during the menopause its effects increase, causing women to gain weight. So the results suggest that when it comes to middleage weight gain, there may be more factors involved than simply diet and exercise. Interestingly, this enzyme is also involved in the metabolism of alcohol, which may explain why drinking too much beer (or other alcohol sources) tends to show up around the belly! Yet another reason to drink within sensible limits.

A Shocking Cure for Headaches? A potential new treatment for headaches and migraines is under development at the University of Michigan. Researchers are investigating how electric shock treatment could cure headaches by forcing the body to produce its own powerful painkillers. During tests, an electrical current was passed through the brain of participants with chronic migraines and reduced headache pain by up to 37%. Treatment involves placing electrodes above the area of the brain that is responsible for voluntary movement. Known as ‘deep brain stimulation’, the positive effects increased with each session, suggesting that multiple sessions are needed to make the necessary changes in the brain. Although further research and testing is needed, the results so far are positive news for millions of migraine sufferers.


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