Williamson Medical Center and Bone and Joint Institute of Tennessee bring exceptional care to where you live and work. Our providers are nearby to help you live a healthy life. And as Williamson County grows, we are committed to providing more options across the community to build relationships and achieve the best outcome for patients like you.
World-Class Care Close to Home

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80 FEATURES 30 YOUR COMMUNITY PARTNER Williamson County Association of Realtors 32 IN YOUR BACKYARD Make the Pilgrimage 52 WELCOME HOME 2022 Rosebrooke Parade of Homes 66 REAL ESTATE & HOME Ford Classic Homes 80 COME FLY WITH ME The Henderson Beach Resort & Spa 98 A LITTLE SOMETHING EXTRA Muscle Shoals to Main Street 100 ARTS & CULTURE Mia Morris: The Student Behind the “America’s Got Talent” One-Woman Band ON THE COVER: The Brentwood Bungalow, by Legend Homes, in the 2022 Rosebrooke Parade of Homes. ILLUSTRATION BY: BEN JOHNSONYOUR WILLIAMSON | SEPTEMBER 2022 VOLUME XI – ISSUE 113

More Than Billiards 927 8TH AVE. S. FamilyNASHVILLEBILLIARD.COM615.254.7882NASHVILLEOwned&Operated in Nashville for the past 69 years

SOCIAL 25 Raise the Roofs 38 Boys & Girls Club Steak & Burger Dinner 78 Brett Boyer Foundation Invitational 86 Franklin Tomorrow 22 in ‘22 Anniversary 89 Williamson, Inc. Women’s Leadership Conference 92 Golf Fore GraceWorks 94 BrightStone Bowlability 95 Little Sprouts Consignment Sale 96 Williamson County Fair LIFESTYLE 24 YOUR Health & Wellness More for You, Close to Home with Williamson Medical Center 26 Beautiful YOU Fight the Aging Process with Marvel Cosmetic MedSpa + Surgery 60 Read Between the Lines Carefully Curating YOUR Coffee Table Books 64 The Gentleman Entertains How to be an Excellent House Guest with Hugh Howser 72 Pours & Palates The Rutledge 102 Arts & Culture Events 104 Arts & Culture The Brains Behind Tennessee Performing Arts Center COMMUNITY 28 Days Gone By The Hayes House 34 In YOUR Neighborhood with Downtown Franklin Association 35 Downtown Franklin Association Business Spotlight Awaken TN 40 Real Estate & Home New Residents Guide 68 Real Estate & Home Troubadour Golf & Field Club 70 A Southern Gentleman Is... Bo Patten 76 A Spirited Conversation A Vintage Affair’s Grape Stomp 88 I Am Williamson County Cordia Harrington 97 YOUR Kids Disney On Ice Presents Let’s Celebrate MONTHLY 16 Letter from the Publisher 20 Social Secretary 36 Bone Vivant 106 Did YOU Know? BUSINESS 62 Real Estate & Home CertaPro Painters 84 It’s YOUR Business First Bank 90 YOUR Business Partner Business Gives Back with Williamson, Inc. 93 We’re in the Money Tips on Finding a Mortgage Lender with Lineage Bank CONTENTS IN THIS ISSUE 10 | SEPTEMBER 2022



September 15t h 6PM The Factory at Franklin L I B E R T Y H A L L 2 3 0 F R A N K L I N R D F R A N K L I N , T N An Eveni n g Wit h All proceeds directly benefit t he ani mals i n our community w w w. f r i e n d s o f w c a c . o r g T i c k e t s o n s a l e n o w a t w w w. f r i e n d s o f w c a c . o r g An Evening with Friends includes dinner, drinks, access to our exclusive live and silent auctions and so much more! FOOD & BEVERAGES BY: SPONSORED BY: And many more generous sponsors MEDIA PARTNERS: RIVER SWING2022 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 DINNER DANCING SILENT AUCTION | 615-790-9767 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT BY: Five Time Grammy Award Winning Artist Keb’ Mo’, Joe Andrews, Tom Landstreet and Trevor Clark Trio Designed by Amaranth Designs LLC. Your Williamson & Distinctively Southern Wedding are publications of Robertson Media Group, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in part or whole, without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of Your Williamson, Distinctively Southern Wedding or Robertson Media Group, LLC, its employees, and/or its representatives. All information printed in this publication or online is compiled in such a way as to ensure accuracy. However, Your Williamson, Distinctively Southern Wedding, and Robertson Media Group, LLC and its agents assume no liability and/or responsibility for the accuracy of claims in advertisements, articles, photographs, etc. published directly or submitted. fcpt YOUR Williamson and Distinctively Southern Wedding are publications of: Robertson Media Group, LLC 404 Bridge Street | Franklin, TN | 37064 Office: Pleasedistinctivelysouthernwedding.comyourwilliamson.com615.465.6046sendallcontent&coveragerequests to: FOLLOWinfo@robertsonmediagroup.comUSONSOCIALMEDIA YOUR STAFF Shelly Robertson Birdsong OWNER | EDITORPUBLISHERINCHIEF Johnny Birdsong OWNER | PUBLISHER PARTNERSHIPS & DEVELOPMENT Anna Robertson Ham MANAGING PUBLISHER Christian Dian Headden CREATIVE DIRECTOR RonOPERATIONSCheathamLawson Ryan | Jackson Ryan DISTRIBUTION Emma INTEGRATEDChennaultMEDIAMANAGER Amelia Rose Smith MANAGING EDITOR Kristen Kelly GRAPHIC DESIGN

NEW HOMES FROM $2 - $8+ MILLION SALES CENTER OPENING SEPTEMBER 2022 JOIN OUR MAILING LIST FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION AT ROSEBROOKEBRENTWOOD.COM brentwood’s Next Luxury home community! S ıte of the 2022 P innacle financial partners parade of homes october 8-23 1537 SUNSET ROAD BRENTWOOD, TN 37027 615.371.1590

RUTH 1:16
Home IS Where the Heart IS
Yes, I could go on and on about many different things about September and all its glory – but I’ll stick to this simple but all-encompassing idea of home is where the heart is. And may yours be as filled with hope, faith and love as ours are – this September and all through the year.
Enjoy this incredible issue filled with such beauty. We are ALL truly blessed to call Williamson County home.
Shelly Robertson Birdsong | shelly@robertsonmediagroup.comPublisher
Johnny is my home. Together we have made a home. We have carved out our corner of life in this little corner of the world and we have brought amazing children into it to share a life filled with love and favor and blessing. We are blessed not only as individuals but in our union. Our “home” is blessed with comforts, joy, friends, family, LIFE. Our business is bestowed with so much abundance and gifts of support, community, talent and creativity of spirit, mind and tangible evidence every single day. We get to do what we love; with people we love; in a place we love. Our business is our home as well.
Dear Readers, I could do a lot with that bible verse – glean many a different correlation. But for now, I will simply sit with the basic premise that wherever your people are, your loved ones, is where your home is. And that sentiment strikes a chord in me always, but certainly this month. September is a month I have always loved, it’s one of the most beautiful months of the year as the summer fades slowly into autumn, the backdrop of our world literally glows with light. The light and the smells of September always make me close my eyes and remember some magical moment in time – events, birthdays, football games, grief and loss even, but still…ahh September… They wrote a song about it, so it must be one of the good months, right? I chose it to get married in, and so now, every September, I get to remember that momentous occasion.


Misty is a third-generation REALTOR® and has been licensed in Tennessee for almost twelve years, with a broker’s license for eight years. She is the 2022 President of Williamson County Association of Realtors (WCAR).
Johnny Birdsong, Publisher at YOUR Williamson, is a Kentucky native and Williamson County convert but above all, a Southern Gentleman. In upcoming issues, this column will feature Johnny to offer time-honored advice in the area of manners, hospitality, and what being a gentleman means.
Hold Fast Land and Garden, LLC (HLFG) is a small, Middle Tennesseebased company with a drive to beautify and better the experience of your land while utilizing what nature has to offer. It is our belief that a yard that makes you feel good amplifies the joys of a home and its value. HFLG was founded in 2017 when Matt followed his passion in land design and maintenance. Since starting HFLG we have only found more joy in helping homeowners put a stamp on their yard and find more utility in their spaces. We look forward to creating and maintaining beautiful outdoor spaces that speak to you! 615.920.4676
Heidi Hood is the Managing Director of the Downtown Franklin Association (DFA), which is dedicated to the historic preservation, revitalization and community vibrancy of historic downtown Franklin. Learn more at
Williamson, Inc. is committed to the core values of leadership, education and community. We are laser-focused on helping our members be productive, progressive and prosperous business professionals. Learn more by visiting their website at
Taryn is an experienced and well-educated aesthetic medicine specialist practicing at Marvel Cosmetic in Spring Hill and Columbia. Taryn treats a range of cosmetic concerns, such as wrinkles, fine lines, scarring, hyperpigmentation, unwanted spider veins and acne. She assists with and uses numerous services to boost selfconfidence and wellness.
Kevin is the President and CEO of Lineage Bank, a multi-branch community bank based in Williamson County. Kevin has more than twenty years of banking experience and is a graduate of Belmont University in Nashville. He currently lives in Franklin with his wife and children.
Hugh is a premier event designer and lifestyle expert and has worked with numerous A-list celebrities. He has been featured across the country on CBS, CMT, ABC TV, PEOPLE magazine, InStyle, VOGUE, Harper’s BAZAAR and BRIDES offering his unique, fun approach as a Lifestyle Expert with his trademark style and sense of humor distinctively branded “Hughlarious”! Follow him @HughHowser on Instagram, you’ll see!
Williamson Medical Center has been a pillar of our region for over sixty years, with an impressive tradition and commitment to providing exceptional healthcare services to hundreds of thousands of patients, For more information please visit:

1129 Murfreesboro Rd., Franklin, TN 888-792-168237064 An intelligent evolution. Reserve yours today. The new 2022 Navigator.

The Harpeth Hotel
SEPTEMBER 10 BUTTON BALL Saint Elle Nashville
SEPTEMBER 15 AN WITHEVENINGFRIENDS The Factory at Franklin Anfriendsofwcac.orgEveningwithFriends, hosted by Friends of Williamson County Animal Center, will offer guests a wonderful evening of celebrating saving pets. The event includes dinner, drinks, live and silent auctions and so much more! All proceeds directly benefit the animals in our community through the Williamson County Animal Center.
MONTHLY Social Secretary Stay in the know with all WilliamsonhappeningstheinandaroundCounty! SCAN ME! SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 28 YOUR SEPTEMBERWILLIAMSONMIXER Please join us for our September Mixer, celebrating the 2022 Real Estate & Home Edition of YOUR Williamson! Hosted in the beautiful Southbrooke subdivision, guests will enjoy an evening of mingling, food and drinks, music, giveaways and more! Check our social media for more details! FOOD BEVERAGES BY: SPONSORED BY: And many more generous sponsors MEDIA PARTNERS: RIVER SWING2022 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 DINNER DANCING SILENT AUCTION | 615-790-9767 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT BY: Five Time Grammy Award Winning Artist Keb’ Mo’, Joe Andrews, Tom Landstreet and Trevor Clark Trio Designed by Amaranth Designs LLC. September 15th 6PM The Fac ory at Frank n B E R Y H A L 0 A N K N R D R A N K N N An Eveni n g Wit h All pr eeds d r ly b n f t th nim ls in ur mmun ty w w w f r i e n d s o f wc a c o r g k www endso w a o g A E g w h d d d d k d d h TICKETS ON SALE NOW FOR A GLAMOROUS EVENING OF DINING AND DONATIONS IN SUPPORT OF DAVIS HOUSE CHILD ADVOCACY CENTER. TicketsandSponsorshipdetailsat A VIP Meet & Greet with this year’s special guest speaker is included with most sponsorship packages. 20 | SEPTEMBER 2022
Davis House Child Advocacy Center’s annual black-tie gala that is always a memorable event. With previous guest speakers such as Elizabeth Smart, R.A. Dickey and Aly Raisman, it will be a night you will never forget. This year, the event features speaker Nona Jones, a musical performance by Crystal Bowersox, silent and live auctions, dinner and dancing.

MATT DANIEL Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist MANAGING BROKER, ABR o: 615.790.6107 c: Matt@Daniel-Christian.com615.498.6129 DIANNE CHRISTIAN Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist BROKER, ABR, CRS, GRI, PNM o: 615.790.6107 c: Dianne@Daniel-Christian.com615.260.3313 u ur Danielwww.Daniel615.790.6107Christian.comChristianRealEstate,LLC 203 2nd Avenue South in the historic district of downtown Franklin There is a story behind most all things, and our company and business is no s ours. . . owned and operated real estate business w/mother, Dianne, and son, Matt 6th and 7th generation natives and lifelong residents of Franklin/Williamson County 53 years of combined experience in the business of helping buyers, sellers, builders and investors buy and sell real estate in the Middle Tennessee area We live and work in historic downtown Franklin • Daniel Christian Real Estate, LLC is now 8 years old with 14 affiliated agents • Both Dianne and Matt are brokers with Matt the managing broker for the company • Matt served as 2018 President of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS® • Dianne and Matt both have served years as Directors of the Williamson County Association of REALTORS® Dianne serves as a Director for the Downtown Neighborhood Association Dianne and Matt are committed to keeping Franklin the charming, quaint and special place that it has always been Seems hard for newcomers to believe that we have lived here our entire lives! We would not have it any other way!! Dianne Christian 615.260.3313 Dianne@Daniel Matt Daniel 615.498.6129 Matt@Daniel FOR SALE 207 Addison WesthavenFranklinAvenue FOR SALE 3016 Ora Lane Spring Hill New Construction FOR SALE 4012 Linden FieldstoneFranklinCourtFarms SOLD 424 Coburn Lane River$1,412,500Landing SOLD 244 Greystone Drive $960,000Franklin SOLD 1300 Charing Cross Lane Forrest$825,000Crossing UNDER CONTRACT 218 Emily FranklinCourt The Brownstones UNDER CONTRACT 164 Stanton Hall Lane FieldstoneFranklinFarms Advertise with Your Williamson! Be a part of Williamson County’s COMMUNITY—SOCIAL—BUSINESS—LIFESTYLE publication and online resource. Contact us today to learn sales@yourwilliamson.commore! DISTINCTIVELY SOUTHERN PLACE SUMMER POURS & PALATES 2020 gentlemen of Sweet Summertime Eats... On the Go distinction FASHIONABLE YOU There’s Just SomethingAboutA Rolex Like Comment Share The #YWDunkTank made a splash at the Williamson County Fair and the most dunks went to Franklin Fire Chief Glenn Johnson! #YWdunktank SUBSCRIBE TO OUR E-NEWSLETTER SCAN QR CODE AND STAY IN THE KNOW

 ERealtorKellyDougherty QA@movingwithkelly Kelly Dougherty REALTOR® c: 615.804.6940 | o: 615. 790.3400 | PENDING 230 Wrennewood Lane Franklin Reid Hill Commons FOR SALE 2318 Traemoor Village Place Nashville Townhomes of Traemoor Village SOLD 1061 Calico WesthavenFranklinStreet FOR SALE 1557 Championship Boulevard WesthavenFranklin FOR SALE 256 Wrennewood Lane Franklin Reid Hill Commons SOLD 3261 Nolen FranklinFranklinLaneGreen

Luxurious Forest Hills Home with Pool & Pool House! 6312 Chickering Circle | Nashville, TN 37215 $2,950,000 | 4 Beds | 3 Baths | 1 ½ Baths | 3,899 sqft GORGEOUS Professionally Designed One Level Renovated All Brick Home! 4 beds, 3.5 baths in main home with Pool & Pool House + 4th bath ~ Luxury Finishes throughout ~ 1 acre level lot ~ Encapsulated & Conditioned Crawlspace ~ Custom Gate & Full yard fence ~ Water Filtration ~ New Roof, Windows, HVAC, Water Heater, Cabinets, Trim, Doors, Lighting, Hardware, Floors, Driveway, Landscaping - EVERYTHING is NEW! FOR SALE ERealtorKellyDougherty QA@movingwithkelly Kelly Dougherty REALTOR® c: 615.804.6940 | o: 615. 790.3400 |

“Whether you are a new resident or looking for a healthcare provider, reach out and schedule an appointment at your local clinic,” Burton encouraged. “We can provide a comprehensive medical plan tailored to your specific health needs, and we want to build a relationship with our patients rather than just deal with their Likewise,symptoms.”BJITproviders are devoted to achieving the best outcome for their patients.
“We want to make sure orthopaedic care and physical therapy are more accessible,” Harris said. “A lot of acute orthopaedic problems can be managed better in a clinic setting rather than an emergency room. We provide that access at a lower cost in the heart of communities where our patients live.”
Whether you are planning to visit WMC’s main campus, the Bone and Joint Institute of Tennessee or a satellite location, providers are nearby to help you live a healthy life. To learn more about options in your community, visit or for You. to Home.
Meeting the Need WMC and BJIT are committed to providing exceptional healthcare options where their patients need it most, and establishing locations across the county helps ensure patients receive consistent, comprehensive care.
A Strategic Focus
More Close
LIFESTYLE YOUR Health & Wellness
Looking for quality care that is close to home?
Burton said that this trend may have developed because of a lack of access to primary care providers. As a result, WMC is placing more primary care providers across Williamson County. As specialized healthcare needs become apparent in various locations, WMC leadership will expand offerings designed to meet those needs.
Harris, CEO of BJIT agreed. “As the county grows, we want to provide world-class orthopaedic care to our neighbors and support the communities where our patients live and work,” he said. “We want to provide this access to care to patients seven days a week.”
The Williamson 2040 Plan, approved by our county commission, predicts that Williamson County’s population will more than double by the year 2040. And, understanding the appeal of one of the fastest-growing counties in the state, WMC and BJIT leadership is taking strategic steps now to meet current and potential patients where they reside.
“A lot of people are using urgent care locations as their primary healthcare provider,” Burton said. “Urgent care is needed, but primary care is focused on ensuring that the whole spectrum of the patient’s health is managed, not just individual symptoms.”
For the leaders of Williamson Medical Center (WMC) and Bone and Joint Institute of Tennessee (BJIT), “More for you. Close to home.” is more than a campaign theme. It is a principle that guides everything they do. With several satellite locations sprinkled across the county, WMC and BJIT offer comprehensive, exceptional care to Williamson County residents right where they live. “The greater the access to patient care, the healthier our community will be,” said Tim Burton, WMC’s associate administrator of operations. In the most recent Community Health Needs Assessment for Williamson County, access to healthcare was designated as a need. “For us, community access is a major strategic initiative because if we meet their healthcare needs, the community stays healthy,” he Darrensaid.
Over the past few years, WMC has added several healthcare options across the county. From primary care clinics in Franklin, Cool Springs, Nolensville, Spring Hill and Thompson’s Station; the Turner-Dugas Breast Health Center located in the Carothers Parkway Tower (4601 Carothers Parkway); a wellness clinic in Cool Springs (1909 Mallory Lane, Suite 305); and BJIT orthopaedic urgent care and physical therapy clinics in Brentwood, Nolensville and Spring Hill, the Williamson Medical Center family of services is covering as much of the county as it can. “We try to look at each community and evaluate what the need is in that community,” Burton said. “We then work to strategically meet that need by establishing providers who can become a patient-centered medical home for that community.” BJIT opened a location in the Tollgate Medical Plaza in Thompson’s Station in 2018, offering orthopaedic urgent care and physical therapy. Additional locations in Brentwood and Nolensville, offering urgent care and physical therapy, soon followed. A new location in southern Williamson County is also planned for “Our2023.commitment is to be where our patients need us,” Harris said. “Most people want access to orthopaedic care and physical therapy in their community. We want to build those relationships and be the go-to provider in those areas.”

Invest in a better you! Dr. Kousouli gently guides clients through care toward their health and wellness goals. See our website for past video testimonials of others like you who changed their lives for the better. Chiropractic · HomeopathyHypnotherapy·HerbalismWellnessCoaching KousouliDRKOUSOULI.COMChiropracticHealth&WellnessInc. 198 East Main Street, Suite 204 Franklin, TN QPE @DrKousouli FOR YOU AND YOUR WHOLE FAMILY HEALINGHOLISTIC MAKE APPOINTMENTANTODAY615.435.3643 SOCIAL WHO: Friends of Franklin Parks | WHAT: 11th Annual Raise the Roofs WHERE: Park at Harlinsdale Farm WHY: The 11th Annual Raise the Roofs event is one of Franklin’s favorite parties! Hosted by Friends of Franklin Parks, Raise the Roofs was an evening of shining the spotlight on the importance of Franklin's beautiful parks, trails and Franklin's first inclusive playground, Ellie G's Dreamworld. Guests enjoyed a beautiful dinner, an auction and dancing to The Deltaz. Friends of Franklin Parks is a not-for-profit organization that was formed to bridge the gap between the services and amenities offered by government funding and those that allow us to take full advantage of the incredible natural and historic resources of our community. YW SPONSORED EVENT 11th Annual Raise the Roofs PHOTOGRAPHY BY KRIS RAE SCAN FOR MORE EVENT PHOTOS Jaclyn & Jeff LedbetterAdam & Sera CremonaClay & Kelly Watson Dirk & Rachael Melton Giacomo Mazzini, Ginger Caldwell, Ondrea Johnson & Emma Blanton Samantha & Brandon Castro, Rod Pewitt & Brandy Blanton Lawrence & Candy Sullivan Dalton Clark & Caroline Hudson Jason & Kelly Collins

BY TARYN KENDRICK, PA-C Have any of you had the moment when you feel great, feel energized, feel happy and then look in the mirror and notice that the way you look is not at all indicative of the way you feel internally? Many patients show and tell us they feel like they woke up one day and their face was drooping. They notice lines around their mouths and excess tissue in the lower face that seemingly showed up overnight. They tell us they feel great, but when they look in the mirror, they are almost unable to recognize the person looking back at them. This is normal. It is very difficult to accept, but it is unfortunately very common, normal and a feeling that most everyone experiences at some point in their aging process.
The aging process is complex and multidimensional. As we age, we lose collagen, fat and bone, which leads to dropped tissue, ligamentous laxity and transitional breaks in the tissue due to the loss of structural support of the midface. Also, we lose elasticity which leads to loose skin and crepiness.
The trick is to figure out which option is the best fit for you at this point in your life. Are budget and downtime a concern? If so, you may be better suited to start with injectables and laser treatments. Do you have severe volume loss and need numerous syringes of filler, it may be time to consider surgery. Is the integrity of your skin such that you need preparatory work to improve elasticity before your surgical procedure? Then, you should probably start with treatments such as microneedling that can help stimulate collagen production. This is when guidance from a trusted team of cosmetic surgeons, aesthetic injectors and licensed aestheticians is crucial! When it comes to antiaging, collaboration is vital, honesty is essential and transparency is a must. There are times when dermal filler will not give the results a patient wants. Your injector should tell you that, refer you to a trusted surgeon and NOT encourage you to invest in numerous syringes of filler that will not give you the desired results! However, there are also times that a full face treatment of Botox, a Fraxel Dual treatment to erase the pigment and stimulate collagen production, and a few syringes of dermal filler can completely transform and take years off your face without the downtime and investment of surgery.
The next question we get is, “Is it time for me to get a facelift?” This is a loaded question with so many variables that need to be considered and, unfortunately, cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” Are you a candidate for a facelift? Perhaps. Would you be better suited for nonsurgical, full-face correction with dermal filler, threads and resurfacing lasers? This is also possible.
26 | SEPTEMBER 2022
Find a team that will treat you like they would their mother, brother or best friend. If you find a team that tells you “no” to something you really want because, in their experience, it will not yield the results you want, that is probably a great sign! Likewise, if you find a provider willing to tell you things you may not want to hear but is honest – also a great sign.
While I can not speak for everyone, I do feel I can speak for most about why we went into this industry. Seeing our patients light up after their treatments and procedures have brought us to tears more than we can count. It brings us such joy seeing women and men prioritize themselves, and knowing we were just a tiny fraction of the restoration of their confidence is the best feeling. Our biggest piece of advice: This industry is overwhelming. We know that! Find providers that are invested in you and your journey because having a driven, honest team behind you is invaluable! MARVEL MEDSPA 4847 Main Street Spring Hill, TN 37174 615.614.2000 | option 1 1100 S. Garden Street, Suite B Columbia, TN 38401 615.614.2000 | option 2

SERVICES Botox | Dermal Filler | Microneedling | Hydrafacial Microblading | Fraxel Dual | Clear & Brilliant | Surgical Consultations | Full Service, On-site Private Surgical Suite @MARVELCOSMETICMEDSPA | MARVELCOSMEDICMEDSPA.COM A PLACE WHERE BEAUTY IS MUCH more than what meets the eye At Marvel Cosmetic we pride ourselves on providing a boutique experience. You should leave feeling heard, empowered, educated, and confident and like the most naturally beautiful version of yourself. We want you to leave feeling comfortable and safe knowing you’re in the very best4847hands.Main Street Spring Hill, TN 37174 615.614.2000 - option 1 1100 S. Garden Street, Suite B Columbia, TN 38401 615.614.2000 - option 2 LOCATIONS

“When W.W. Harlin Sr. arrived in Nashville in 1909, the last thing on his mind was leaving a legacy in the horse business. Born in 1886 as the youngest of four children, Wirt Harlin had left his native Gamaliel, Kentucky, seeking to improve his prospects. His father was known to raise only quality livestock, including some of the finest saddle horses in the area. But, as a young man, Harlin quickly concluded that his future would not be found by tilling the soils of Monroe County, Kentucky, so he headed to Nashville,” writes James Harlin Hayes, son of Harlin Hayes.
From the 1940s until the early 2000s, the farm served mainly as a breeding operation run by the Harlin Family. In 2007, the City of Franklin opened the 200-acre Harlinsdale Farm as a passive park for the community’s enjoyment. Today, Friends of Franklin Parks has committed to raising $750,000 by working with the City of Franklin on the complete restoration of this historic treasure. Once restored, the Hayes House and event lawn will offer rental space for weddings, arts festivals, non-profit fundraisers, corporate events, and more, and provide the platform and space for educational opportunities about Harlinsdale Farm, agriculture and equestrian history. Learn more at
Harlinsdale Farm has been called the most significant historic farm associated with the modern Tennessee Walking Horse industry. Now known as The Park at Harlinsdale Farm, much has changed but some remains the same. As people pass the property, the beautiful Main Barn stands out to many, but just off to the left of the Main Barn sits the modest Hayes House. The Hayes House was the historic Victorian farmhouse that long served as the anchor home for the Harlin family at Harlinsdale Farm.
The family lived in the house until Harlin Hayes died in the 1980s. After the Hayes family moved out, the house served as a painting studio for the Harlin family. Once the Harlin family sold the property to the city for park land in 2005, the house sat vacant. In 2004, James H. Hayes completed a thirty-seven-page document telling the story of Harlinsdale’s history based on his own memories, his relatives and those who did business with the farm.
“I am the son of long-time Harlinsdale manager, Harlin Hayes. Born on the farm in 1940, I grew up on Harlinsdale and was immersed in the walking horse world from an early age. I always had a great interest in Harlinsdale and the role it and Midnight Sun played in the walking horse industry. Over the years, I interviewed many well known horsemen about their relationships with Harlinsdale. In addition, I spent many hours interviewing W.W Harlin Sr. and Harlin Hayes about the earliest days of Harlinsdale. Through those interviews and conversations with Bill Harlin, I have been able to fill in the blanks where my memories were unclear. After the death of Harlin Hayes in 1980 and W. W. Harlin Sr. shortly after, many urged me to write a history based on my own memories as well as those of my kinsmen and those who did business over the years with Harlinsdale. This history is the result of those requests.”
“It was 1932 when Wirt began seriously looking at land near Franklin.” Then, “sometime in the early thirties, Harlin purchased a large tract and a dilapidated old house one mile north of Franklin. The house is now known as Jasmine Grove and sits at the head of Winslow Drive (formally known as Miles Manor). The farm property had fallen into receivership, and through the purchase, the nucleus of Harlinsdale Farm was formed,” said James Harlin Hayes. Wirt’s first step in fulfilling his promise was to resurrect the old house and make it livable. Unfortunately, the building had fallen terribly, and pigeons roosted in the structure. Wirt realized he would need trusted help to put his plan together, so he convinced his young nephew, Harlin Hayes, to move from Gamaliel to Franklin to take over operations as farm manager. So, in the mid-1930s, Harlin Hayes and his family joined the farm, and lived in what is now known as the “Hayes House.”

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I am speaking for myself and over seventy-five percent of the 3,200 REALTORS® in Williamson County when I say we are not selling houses to earn big commission checks. Instead, we are investing in the lives of our clients, sometimes showing hundreds of properties over a series of years to find that one special place that meets the needs of the client we love as part of our family. We work a flexible job so we can commit to serving on boards and in organizations outside our day job to help make this community a place we all want to live and work. It is more than houses. It is helping you find a home. And, we are blessed to walk in your journey and get compensated to do so. from the WILLIAMSON COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS
30 | SEPTEMBER 2022
WCAR is essential to the community because we support what makes Williamson County the best place to live. We are fighting for the private property rights of our neighbors daily. We are staying informed on what is going on with our local municipalities, county, state and nation regarding land development and restrictions, taxation and other legislation that may affect Youhomeowners.mayhave noticed people moving to Williamson County and the Nashville area in droves. Why? Because the best-kept secret in the world got out. Not only is this a beautiful part of the country, but it is also a fabulous place to live and work. All of the inward migration has created an exciting housing market with the average home sale price in Williamson County staying above the $1 million mark this year. But, as the country talks of inflation and tanking markets, what can we expect to happen here? Take a breath, folks. We are going to be okay. Is normalization happening in our industry? Yes. Are current interest rates affecting consumers’ ability to purchase? Of course. But, it is not time to panic. A balanced real estate market is considered to have a four to six-month supply of inventory. Williamson County has just under a two-month supply, creating a significant inventory shortage. Although we have seen average sales price increases yearly by over twenty percent, even a considerable slow down still makes real estate a wise investment. We still have very stable industries, favorable tax structures, a financially stable local and state government, and the best school system in the state, all of which provide buffers for the housing market.
I am Misty Woodford, the current President of Williamson County Association of REALTORS®.
I began my career in Tennessee residential real estate in 2007 after having my first child. Having a background in real estate, a love for investing in people and my husband owning a construction company, it was a natural progression. Once my kids were settled into school, I began diving into real estate full time and became involved in the Williamson County Association of REALTORS®(WCAR).
I am also the widow of a residential contractor and fellow REALTOR®, Jeff Woodford, with JPWoodford & Co. We have helped people buy and sell many homes in the area and hung drywall, painted and remodeled even more of them. I live in South Franklin near Berry Farms with my kids, Lexi Kate and Sam, and dogs, Bentley and Cutie. I love living in this area because of the rolling hills and gorgeous sunsets I see off my front porch at night. Yet, being less than five minutes from my favorite clothing boutique, the best Tito’s margaritas and the interstate provide us with many of the conveniences we appreciate. I was born and raised in Kentucky, but my heart has absolutely found its home in Franklin.
FEATURE YOUR Community Partner
A letter
WCAR is essentially a trade association for those who work in real estate in the area. REALTORS® must be members of a local association, agree to adhere to a Code of Ethics and invest in their continuing development. Many consumers do not often realize that most agents are about far more than selling houses. We are passionate philanthropists, involved in multiple aspects of our community, and generous in supporting the arts, school programs, animal shelters and charity organizations across the country. Through our Realtor Good Works Foundation, which is the charitable arm of WCAR, we raise over $20,000 each year in scholarships for local high school students. We are also active community advocates involved in our local government and advocacy efforts.
“A house is made with walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
President of... THE
I am proud to be a third-generation REALTOR®, a friend and mentor who walks alongside clients in purchasing their largest financial asset, but more importantly, the place they build their hopes, love and dreams.


YOUR GUIDE TO THE 2022 PILGRIMAGE FESTIVAL and Friends of Franklin Parks, which leads fundraising and preservation efforts at The Park at Harlinsdale Farm. Additional nonprofit partners include community organizations: The Heritage Foundation, High Hopes Development Center, BrightStone, GraceWorks Ministries and Mercy Community Healthcare. Plan your Saturday and Sunday to #MakeThePilgrimage with our Pilgrimage guide and highlights not to miss. To learn more about the Pilgrimage Music & Cultural Festival and purchase tickets, go to
Committed to making a year-round impact and being a driving force in bringing tourism to Williamson County, the festival has a direct partnership with the Recording Academy’s nonprofit MusiCares. They will be donating a portion of every ticket sale to help members of the music community in need
CRAFT BEER HALL A beer lover’s dream, located under a giant tent and featuring eight of the Asheville, North Carolinabased Wicked Weed Brewing’s most popular and seasonal beers, plus several local and regional brews on draft. Guests can get their sip on while catching the NCAA and Nation Football League (NFL) programming on the LED screens all weekend long.
The festival marketplace featuring a curated cast of southern makers: local artisans; jewelers; tinkerers; and craftsman selling their wares in the tradition of a small town market.
32 | SEPTEMBER 2022
FEATURE In YOUR Backyard Pilgrimage Music & Cultural Festival is gearing up for its eighth year at The Park at Harlinsdale Farm this September 24th and 25th. The wide-ranging event is a celebration of arts and culture featuring dozens of diverse musical acts performed across five stages. Founded by Better Than Ezra singer and Franklin residents Kevin Griffin, W. Brandt Wood and Michael Whelan, Pilgrimage is dedicated to supporting local creators of all kinds, including chefs, artisans, jewelers, brewers and more. Beyond music, Pilgrimage Festival features historic music cities sharing their stories.
COMMUNITY VILLAGE The Pilgrimage Community Village showcases local organizations whose mission is to nurture, invest and develop opportunities for need-based citizens and to support education, parks and healthy ecosystems in the county.
This barn is the most historic piece of architecture at Harlinsdale Farm and beloved home of Midnight Sun and other famed horses is the Art Barn. For our weekend, the Art Barn serves as the festival art gallery with dozens of artists hanging works for your enjoyment and for sale.
AtEXPERIENCEtheAmericana Music Triangle Experience, the South’s most historic music cities will gather under the big top to tell amazing stories of their formative music heritage. Under a backdrop created by American Pickers and Antique Archaeology there are relics, church pews, a historic photo wall, exhibits, farm tables and more depicting the living history of American Music and one-of-a-kind stops along the Gold Record Road.
This now famous area entertains kids of all ages and boasts singing pirates, a pirate play ship, a series of interactive craft workshops and the Mare Barn Theater with puppet shows, kids participation-based activities and more.
TheFARM-TO-TURNTABLESouth’sbestfood truck park located in the South Paddock boasting a huge horseshoe of sixteen of middle Tennessee’s best food trucks. There are shaded picnic tables at center court, and of course, Grillix, our blow up DJ working the vinyl grill with his own unique tastytechno selections. Farm-to-Turntable also features a full bar run with all festival libations represented, plus some unique to “The Table.”

There is a Lost Child Station at the main Information Booth on the Festival Grounds. Information booths are shown on our attendee map.
Patrons will be allowed exit and re-entry privileges. Entrance into the entertainment area is controlled by security, festival and ticketing personnel. All entrants must wear a valid event wristband. All entrants are subject to a pat down, wanding and bag search upon entering the entertainment area. Pilgrimage Music & Cultural Festival reserves the right to search all people and property to ensure the security of all attendees. Patrons must scan their wristband when exiting the festival if they wish to re-enter that same day.
In the event of an emergency, please follow the directions of Pilgrimage Festival staff and listen for stage announcements.
ThereMEDICALaretwo medical tents located inside the festival grounds. Please refer to your attendee map to familiarize yourself with these locations. Medical tents are marked with red flags and can be easily identified on-site. Do not hesitate to visit our medical tents if you experience any health problems. Stay hydrated!
Over forty local and regional restaurants and cafes – featuring everything from oyster po-boys, wood fired pizza and thai rice bowls to specialty coffees, juice bars and smoothie counters.
Pilgrimage offers a range of specialty drinks, frozen concoctions, craft beers, spirits and wines. Also located throughout the festival are plenty of water and misting stations, soft drinks and non-alcoholic specialties to suit every festival goer’s thirst.

To accomplish its mission, the DFA hosts an evergreen membership program for nonprofits, businesses and building owners within one mile of the public square. This program includes unique opportunities for members to network, be promoted on public platforms and connect with exclusive resources and influential opportunities. To join the membership, enroll online at
The Downtown Franklin Association (DFA) – a division of the Heritage Foundation of Williamson County – is gearing up for a productive fall! As a nationally accredited Main Street program, the Downtown Franklin Association’s mission is to lead the continued revitalization and purposeful evolution of downtown Franklin – in the context of historic preservation – by maintaining a diverse economic base, promoting a unique local shopping experience, fostering accessible and attractive public spaces, and forging partnerships across all sectors.
The DFA continued to share the stories of its service business members and nonprofits downtown during August and is featuring downtown shopping in September. Follow the story online at DowntownFranklinTN and InDowntown.Franklin.theever-changing landscape of Franklin, the DFA is working hard to ensure downtown remains one of America’s favorite historic districts.
Mission to Lead Revitalization and Purposeful Evolution DOWNTOWN FRANKLIN ASSOCIATION In YOUR Neighborhood
615.538 2076 | FranklinTheatre com 419 Main St., Franklin, TN 37064 JOHNNY & THE DEVIL’S BOX Sept. 16 PAULA COLE Oct. 15 AMY RAY BAND Sept. 23 SOUTHERN AVENUE Oct. 28 JULIE FOWLIS Oct. 23
True to its mission, DFA continues to host small round table discussion groups for retailers, nonprofits, service businesses and building owners through DFA Masterminds. Each gathering discusses relevant issues, ideas and strategies for creating solutions and collaboration.
DFA UNIVERSITY DFA University, a benefit to DFA membership, will host a session on August 25th at the Heritage Foundation headquarters for DFA members on “Cultivating Mental Health & Success Mindsets in the Workplace,” featuring guest speakers Amy Alexander, LMFT, and Pike Williams, LMFT, from The Refuge Center for Counseling in Franklin. The session will also include an interview on the subject with a panel of downtown business leaders, Julie Walton Garland (Co-Owner, Walton’s Antique & Estate Jewelry), Brian Moyer (Co-Owner, Moyer & Co.) and Shelley Kirkman (Manager, EVEREVE).
Having hosted a successful summer season, the DFA is recruiting another team of volunteers to provide hospitality on the streets, answer questions and welcome new friends on Main Street this fall for downtown’s favorite hospitality program, Franklin Locals. To learn more and apply to join this fun crew,

In a world where almost everyone is striving to live a healthy lifestyle by stocking up on organic groceries, switching to natural household cleaners and drinking clean water, one of the most important items that are often overlooked is our mattresses and Inbedding.2018, my parents, Pam and Gregg Redmond and myself, Heidi, felt God call us from California to Tennessee. The mission He put before us was to bring real, true rest back to the forefront of health. In February 2019, we opened the doors to Awaken TN in downtown Franklin – offering everything from organic mattresses and bedding to loungewear, candles, baby gifts and more.
In addition, we carry Naturepedic brand mattresses, which are handcrafted by the Amish in Ohio - and range from crib mattresses through adults. Our adult line is customizable and tailored to your specific comfort and support needs. The best part? These award-winning mattresses are Certified Organic. So, you can rest easy knowing that your mattress has nothing toxic. We have learned over the years that traditional mattresses can be full of chemicals that can be detrimental to our health. So, we wanted to provide middle Tennessee with truly clean and natural sleep solutions. Aside from our incredible luxury mattress, one of our favorite products and top-sellers is the “life-changing” pillow. The outer cover is made of organic cotton and hemp. Hemp is known to help reduce inflammation and can bring relief to neck pain, back pain, headaches, etc. We have learned that everyone’s body is different, and no two people sleep the same. The beauty of this “lifechanging” pillow is that it is also completely customizable. We are honored to be the only organic mattress store in all of Tennessee. Please stop by and visit us on Main Street in beautiful downtown Franklin. We would love to meet you and help you sleep your very best.

MONTHLY Bone Vivant
All proceeds from the event directly benefit programs and services at Williamson County Animal Center (WCAC) as well as other animals in middle Tennessee. FOWCAC is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the lives of all animals in Williamson County by promoting and supporting the quality of life for all animals and the humans who care about them through ensuring a compassionate environment and humane treatment for the animals.
The Pet Food Bank provides food for at-risk dogs and cats. And, microchip and rabies clinics are available for community and shelter animals.
“Our community understands how important our furry family and friends are,” said FOWCAC Board Chair, Edie Lynn Hoback. “Mars Petcare, the Presenting Sponsor, and all of our supporting partners have rallied to make this a fun event that, more importantly, helps and saves a lot of Don’tpets.”miss this incredible event supporting WCAC animals. More information about “An Evening with Friends” and tickets are available to purchase at
An Evening with SUPPORTING WILLIAMSON COUNTY ANIMAL CENTER Friends With nearly 40 years of experience in swimming pool construction and operation, Clearwater Pools is a locally owned, and family operated company in the Greater Nashville area! 330 FRANKLIN ROAD, SUITE 242 | BRENTWOOD, TN | 615.370.9811 | CLEARWATERPOOLSNASHVILLE.COM CELEBRATE LIFE’S MILESTONES IN YOUR CUSTOM DESIGNED BACKYARD OASIS
Friends of Williamson County Animal Center (FOWCAC) is hosting its annual “An Evening with Friends” fundraiser on September 15th at The Factory at Franklin’s Liberty Hall. The event begins at 6pm, and guests will enjoy dinner, drinks, access to exclusive live and silent auctions and so much more!
FOWCAC offers support with extraordinary medical and behavioral assistance. For example, Dogs Playing for Life ensures that dogs in their care are happy and given the best training to transition seamlessly.

Discover Rutherford County’s Hidden Gem 615.849.1149 Visit our Info Center at 5711 Shelton Blvd. - Murfreesboro Info Center Open Sat - Wed 1-5PM 3 fromminutesI-840 - New Homes from $400s to $1+Million - Tour 4 furnished models - Resort-Style Amenities including adult and kiddie pools, clubhouse (coming 2023), playground, dog park, 1/2 court basketball, walking trails & pond - Excellent schools including Blackman Middle & Blackman High - Fabulous southwest Murfreesboro location near shopping, medical & dining

324 Main SAVORYSPICESHOP.COM615.472.8980StreetFRANKLINL&LMarketplace 3820 Charlotte AveNASHVILLE615.730.8798 Great ideas for game day! SOCIAL WHO: Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee | WHAT: 33rd Annual Steak & Burger Dinner WHERE: The Factory at Franklin WHY: The Steak & Burger Dinner is Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee’s oldest fundraiser. The event was designed to honor Club members and engage supporters of the organization with the young people who benefit from their generosity. The Steak & Burger Dinner incorporates an evening of good food, great entertainment and interaction with Boys & Girls Clubs youth at each table. As adults enjoy juicy, mouth-watering hamburgers, Boys & Girls Clubs members are treated to a special steak dinner. YW SPONSORED EVENT 33rd Annual Steak & Burger Dinner PHOTOGRAPHY BY RACHEL CUNNINGHAM SCAN FOR MORE EVENT PHOTOS Julie Sebree & Kim Vo Aliah & Joshua IrvinSavannah & Clinton Phillips, Mitchell Language Olivia Sullivan & Charley Coole Adilynn Morrill & Skylee Bateman Denise Carothers, Herb Myers & Jennifer Wheeler Buhrman Tameria Anderson & Natasha Ingram Kia Goodwin & Eric Higgs Marquita Solomon & Cassandra Ridley
Duncan & Deborah Murdic

Located just south of Nashville in beautiful middle Tennessee, Williamson County is home to more than 257,000. Considered one of the most desirable suburban locations in the state, Williamson County is known for its high-performing schools, pristine recreational facilities, strong business climate and wide range of restaurants and retail choices. You will find a mix of home options, from luxury apartments and condos to planned subdivisions, historic houses and farm properties. While Williamson County has seen tremendous growth, especially in recent years, community leaders have taken steps to preserve its rural character and vibrant history. You will love living, working and playing in Williamson County. | 615.790.5700
COMMUNITY Real Estate & Home
As our county continues to grow, it still maintains several distinctive areas and communities within the overall county. Depending on your residential, commercial and retail desires, you may opt for city living in Cool Springs or a more rural perspective out in Fairview. But wherever you land, we guarantee you will fall in love with Williamson County
Williamson County Information courtesy of Williamson, Inc.
ZEITLIN SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY Nashville: 615.383.0813 | Franklin: 615.794.0833 Each office is independently owned and operated. Real estate sold by real experts. Nothing compares. ZEITLIN.COM Zeitlin Sotheby’s International Realty has an established record of providing exceptional service by combining local expertise with a world–renowned brand. Our brokerage of highly respected, full–time Realtors® offers our clients extraordinary knowledge and proven results.

42 | SEPTEMBER 2022 | 615.799.2482 Spring Hill Spring Hill covers approximately 28.7 square miles and is located thirty-five miles south of Nashville, TN. The city is situated within two counties, Maury and Williamson. Spring Hill’s population grew to 29,036 in 2010, an increase of 276% between 2000 and 2010. The population now stands at 40,436 as of the 2018 Special Census. Likewise, Spring Hill is projected to grow by another 78% from 2010 to 2030. While growth presents great challenges for Spring Hill, it also generates new opportunities for economic expansion, community development, and quality of life improvements for current and future residents. | 931.486.2252
Thompson’s Station
Located approximately twenty-five miles south of Nashville, amid the rolling hills and countryside of middle Tennessee, Thompson’s Station is a great place to live. It is steeped in history, from its earliest settlers in 1780, to the stirring Battle of Thompson’s Station and as a stop along Tennessee’s Great Train Trail. The town’s tranquil environment and convivial atmosphere is worlds apart from hectic urban lifestyles, yet still near to everything “Music City” has to offer. Bridging both a storied past and promising future, Thompson’s Station prospers through its historical heritage and proximity to Nashville, Franklin and Spring Hill.
Brentwood Brentwood was incorporated in 1969 with a population of 3,378. It is now a premier suburban residential and office community. Much of this growth was facilitated by the construction of I-65 in the 1960s, the Moores Lane interchange in the mid-70s and the Concord Road interchange in the 80s. Also, the development of Maryland Farms from Truman Ward’s horse farm into a business park in the 70s and 80s brought an influx of thousands of workers daily, which led to the development of other businesses and services. | 615.371.0060
Franklin Franklin is a unique blend of history and progress. Since 1799, Franklin has grown from a tiny, agricultural community into a strong blend of residential, commercial and corporate citizens. There is much to see and do in Franklin, from a Civil War battlefield, a host of museums and antebellum mansions to the thriving downtown shopping area and the Cool Springs Galleria. Just a few miles from town is the Natchez Trace Parkway, and if you like antiques, Franklin has some of the best shops in Franklintn.govTennessee.|615.791.3217
Nolensville Nolensville prides itself on its family-friendly, small town. Close to the larger municipalities of Nashville and Brentwood, the community hosts a highly educated adult population and great schools. Nolensville was settled early in our nation’s history by those seeking a better life for their families. Folks still move here for the same reason. The town slogan is “Community, History, Proximity.” As of the census of 2020, there are 15,487 people. The Town estimates the current households residing in the town at Nolensvilletn.gov5,000.|615.776.3633
Fairview Fairview is located twenty miles southwest of downtown Nashville. With a population of approximately 10,000 people, the town sits within the Nashville Metropolitan Statistical Area, containing 1.7 million people, making it the thirty-sixth most populated in the nation. Fairview is home to Bowie Nature Park, one of the largest city-managed parks in Tennessee. The 722-acre park includes a nature center containing nature exhibits and art and seventeen miles of trails that wind through wetlands, grasslands and forests. Bicycling, horseback riding, fishing, running, walking and playing can be enjoyed every day. | 615.794.4333


SUSAN GREGORY www.homesaroundnashvilletn.comgregorys@realtracs.com615.207.56008119 Isabella Ln, Ste 105 Brentwood, TN 37027 615.370.8669 WONDERFUL WILLIAMSON COUNTY LISTINGS! 506 FRANKLIN RD • BRENTWOOD $6,999,900 | MLS# 2359135 5 Bedrooms • 5.5 Baths • 8,318 SF Salt Water Pool with Fire wall • Pool Pavilion with Storage & Half Bath • Covered Back Porch 2.77 Acres 4820 MURFREESBORO RD • ARRINGTON $1,650,000 • MLS# 2411481 8 Bedrooms • 5.5 Baths • 6,471 SF 5.91 Acres • Pool • Main House/Guest House Zoned Residential or Commercial 408 MELBA CIR • FRANKLIN $1,695,000| MLS# 2429153 4 Bedroom • 3 Full Ba • 2 Half Baths • 4973 Sq Ft Open Floor Plan • Chef’s Kitchen • Screened Porch with Stone Fireplace • Updated Kitchen 4713 FARMSTEAD LN • FRANKLIN $4,999,420 • MLS# 2403181 5 Bedrooms • 5 F/3 HBaths • 6,659 SF Mature Trees • Pool Allowance Included 8.28 Acres • Zurich Homes • Completion Dec 2022

HARDEMAN SPRINGS • ARRINGTON $1,899,900 - $1,999,900 5 Bedrooms • 5.5 Baths • 4,525 - 4,726 SF .51 - .63 Acres • Heritage Homes 0 WATERFALL RD • BRENTWOOD $7,900,000 • MLS# 2233558 99.49 Acres • Conservation Easement Can Build Up to 2 Homes • Minutes to Cool Springs and Downtown Nashville RAINTREE/EASTWOOD • BRENTWOOD HOMES FROM $2.1 - $3.1 5-6 Bedrooms • 5.5-7 Full/2 Half Baths • 4,305-7,047 SF Aspen, Artisan, RK Junior & Frank Stanton Homes 1759 UMBRIA DRIVE • BRENTWOOD $1,899,900 • MLS# 2413855 4 Bedrooms • 4.5 Baths • 4,441 SF Zoned Ravenwood • Cul-De-Sac • Chef’s Kitchen Immediate Occupancy! 2187 HARTLAND RD • FRANKLIN $1,625,000 • MLS# 2412334 5 Bedrooms • 5 Baths • 4,747 SF Harts Landmark • 2 Beds on Main • Grassland Schools Immediate Occupancy! 6900 FARM PATH • COLLEGE GROVE $2,975,000 • MLS# 2367715 5 Bedrooms • 5 Baths • 5,248 SF Covered Front & Rear Porches • Bonus + Home Theater Room for a Pool • 2.98 Acres • Watermark Homes

PARKS BRENTWOOD 615.370.8669 | 8119 Isabella Lane, Ste 105 | Brentwood, TN 37027 PARKS FRANKLIN 615.790.7400 | 106 E Main Street | Franklin, TN 37064Lauren SullivanKim ShacklockJeannie Bankins Kathy Danner Damon Benet CindyDensonGarner Cindy Stanton Brentwood Managing Broker Ann Skiera Betsy Turnage Greg McCollumDanny Anderson Dick & Judy Williams PARKS e best choice when you want best-in-class Parks delivers extraordinary real estate services with unparalleled local knowledge. Whether you want to be in the heart of it all or escape from it all, trust the market leader to lead you home.

Susan Gregory Suzie DeYoung Laurie Marks
Loy HardcastleLisa Culp TaylorLinda Smith
MargaretOrtonFlowers MeganCampbellJonesMarla Richardson Mary Ann Palise
Rachel Romano Reid Anderson Stuart TutlerShawnna Simpson

406 Stephens Valley Blvd, Nashville | $1,829,9001 Park Plus Ct, Columbia | $3,750,000 6008 Porters Union Way, Arrington | $1,999,900 421 Glen West Dr, Nashville | $2,999,900106 Front St Unit 23, Franklin | $699,900 1403 Adams St, Franklin | $2,695,000 8404 Crockett Ln (Lot 7), College Grove | $650,0009105 Ristau Dr, Antioch | $499,908 375 Stephens Valley Blvd, Nashville | $2,099,900 3620 Shady Forest Dr, Murfreesboro | $519,988 3711 Shady Forest Dr, Murfreesboro | $510,000 5213 Heathrow Hills Dr, Brentwood | $3,200,000 WILLIAMSON COUNTY’S #1 REAL ESTATE TEAM READY TO BUY OR SELL? CALL (615) 775-3830 VIEW THE CURRENT LIST OF AVAILABLE HOMES AT LCTTEAM.COM

PARKS | 106 E Main St, Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 790-7400 | (615) 775-3830 | Lic. #00059191 All information deemed correct but is not guaranteed and is subject to change. 119 Alfred Ladd Rd, Franklin | $1,295,9003024 Shandor St, Spring Hill | $669,900 221 Everbright Ave, Franklin | $1,995,000 125 Alfred Ladd Rd, Franklin | $1,295,9003028 Shandor St, Spring Hill | $674,900 184 Parker Dr, Antioch | $537,699 202 Avondale Dr, Franklin | $649,900112 Tall Mountain Ln, Bradyville | $1,350,000 526 Solomon Dr, Franklin | $1,250,000 9021 Passiflora Ct, College Grove | $2,954,000104 Kathleen Ct N, Franklin | $1,450,000 5009 Darlington Dr, Nashville | $600,000 8114 Devens Dr, Brentwood | $3,659,9006459 Peytonsville Arno Rd, Franklin | $3,999,900 8204 Morningview Ct, Brentwood | $3,999,900 9128 Ford Dr, Brentwood | $1,000,0001009 Alpaca Dr, Spring Hill | $899,900 510 Hemstead St, Nashville | $650,000

This fall, when the Titans’ 2022 football season will kick off on September 11th, the once fun-talk will become a reality. Corcoran Reverie made its debut as the Titans’ official real estate brokerage with its brand name flashed across multiple screens throughout Nissan Stadium. “Part of our partnership package is that we get a lot of light time… And we’ll have a spot on the actual scoreboard,” Christoffer said. “We’ll be in the concourses and all over the grounds.” a Touchdown in Nashville
Beverly said that Corcoran Reverie’s commitment to excellence and recent success in gaining a foothold in the Nashville real estate market — with the acquisition of Worth Properties LLC — makes it the perfect fit for the Titans franchise. “One of the goals of our corporate partnership program is we want to align the Titans with the best and highest quality brands out there, particularly the ones that impact middle Tennessee,” Beverly said. “We see ourselves as a premium brand, so we want to partner with other premium brands. Corcoran Reverie has a great national reputation. They’re a leader in their field.” Perhaps the strongest connection is the one that exists between Titans fans and Corcoran Reverie’s home base of 30A, where an increasing number of Nashvillians — many of whom have migrated from California and New York in the past few years — are spending regular vacations and purchasing second homes. “We consider our market to be, obviously, the state of Tennessee, but we also reach into southern Kentucky and northern Alabama, and the one thing that folks from all three of those states like to do is hit the beach in the springtime and summer down on 30A,” Beverly said, adding that he has personally made the drive several times in the past few years. “The reality is that a lot of our fanbase spends time down there — 30A is officially a thing here!”
began making plans to expand operations from Northwest Florida to Nashville, the entire company started dreaming big. Chief partnership officer Christoffer Fasth was no exception. “I think Hilary and I were driving in the car, and I looked at Hilary and I was like, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool to partner with the Tennessee Titans being that they’re the largest organization in that area?’” he recalled. “And it was just fun-talk.” The couple shared their idea with a Corcoran Reverie investor who had a key connection to Nissan Stadium, the Titans’ home field, and were invited to meet with Titans executives. Introductions were made, visions and values aligned and a dynamic partnership was forged. “It just snowballed from there, and it was quite amazing,” Christoffer said. “I think they saw aligning with us as an elevation.”
The exclusive partnership entitles Corcoran Reverie to promote itself alongside the Titans while the Titans, in turn, introduce and promote Corcoran Reverie to their fans, staff and players. “We couldn’t be more excited or more proud to be partnering with a brand like Corcoran Reverie,” said Gil Beverly, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing and Revenue Officer for the Titans. “We have learned a lot about them and have a crazy amount of respect for Hilary and her team. We just think the sky’s the limit with this partnership.”
Corcoran Reverie Scores

And while their’s is certainly a lucrative partnership, the underlying relationship is one rooted in respect and trust, he said. “We have so much in common, and we have become good friends with the people in this organization,” Christoffer said. “When we go up there, we get invited to dinner. When they come down here, they get invited to dinner. It’s not just business.”
The Corcoran Reverie leadership team also plans to spend plenty of quality time in Nashville during the rest of the 2022 football season. They will be regular and enthusiastic occupants of their suite at Nissan Stadium, hosting clients and other associates while they watch the Titans rule on the field.
For Christoffer, a long-time and loyal New Orleans Saints fan, it’s been easy to make room in his heart for the Titans and their fans. “Now I just have a second team that I get to cheer for and interact with on more of an intimate level,” he said. “It’s going to be amazing!”
Hilary and Christoffer are especially excited to collaborate with a company known for generously giving back to its surrounding communities. For decades, the Titans have lived up to their mission statement — “to win, serve and entertain” — by having an active presence in the community.
“We’re coming off a season where we were the 2021 regular season American Football Conference champions,” Beverly said. “We’ve got a lot of exciting young players. We’ve been pretty competitive in the past few years, and we expect to be again this year.”
Corcoran Reverie has also embraced its chance to step out as a corporate citizen and recently served as the title sponsor of the popular pre-season Titans Foundation 5K — where thousands of runners finished on the fifty-yard line at Nissan Stadium. The company will also be the official sponsor of community tailgate events at every Titans home game throughout the 2022 season. “Stuff like that is very, very big for us,” Christoffer said. “For us to do things that are community driven really speaks to who we are as a company.”
Beverly said it’s not so much an obligation as it is the simple belief that serving others, particularly in a time of need, is the right thing to do. “From our team owner on down, we just believe that community is a core value for the team,” he said. “We take being a corporate citizen very literally. Obviously winning is part of the football aspect, but the role we play in this community goes far beyond entertaining folks ten games a year at the stadium.”
The Titans organization also shows up when duty calls. “Unfortunately, we have had plenty of opportunities to engage in disaster relief, dating back to the tornado of 2020 that struck the heart of Nashville,” Beverly said. “Days later we had coaches, players and staff literally in the streets cleaning up stuff, delivering food to people, delivering blankets.”
One of the team’s priorities is growing the sport of football and making it more accessible in cities and towns across the Nashville area. In 2021, the Titans partnered with public schools in Williamson County, a suburban area south of Nashville, to introduce girls flag football. And this year the team is launching the same effort with Metro Nashville Public Schools.
“We’re really creating the opportunity for young women to learn and play the sport,” Beverly said. “It’s an opportunity that frankly just hasn’t been out there before.”
Hilary and Christoffer agreed, adding that the geographical connection is a vital part of the lasting relationship they are building with the Titans franchise. “Nashville is basically an extension of our 30A market,” Christoffer said. “So many people in Nashville have a second home on 30A.” Add to that the Titans’ massive reach and appeal across multiple Southeastern states and the partnership is a win-win for all involved. “Nashville and this team are only growing,” Christoffer said. “I believe when you put two high-end brands together, success just goes up exponentially.”

Scan the QR code to find a new place to watch the big game. THE OFFICIAL REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE OF THE TENNESSEE TITANS REALESTATEFORTITANS.COM The Titans Nation deserves a Titan in Real Estate, too.

“It’s an honor to once again be working with CPS Land and Ford Classic Homes on a Parade event,” said Crane referring to the developers of the Rosebrooke community. Ford and CPS also co-developed the Witherspoon community– the site of the 2017 Parade. “They have once again provided us with a perfect event site and a great cast of amazing homes.”
Rosebrooke in
This year’s Parade teams include Aspen Construction, Ford Classic Homes, Legend Homes, Schumacher Homes, Sipple Homes and Stonegate Homes. The Parade of Homes opens Saturday, October 8th, for a two-week run ending Sunday, October 23rd. The Parade will be open daily between 10am and 6pm. Attendees will get a first-hand look at the latest home construction and interior design trends as they tour six amazing homes from some of Tennessee’s finest builders and designers.
FEATURE Welcome Home
“We are thrilled to be showcasing the superior craftsmanship and innovative designs our builders and designers are bringing to the event,” says David Crane, Parade of Homes™ chairman. “They have worked very hard all year and are excited to be able to show the public their unique ideas and the latest trends in home building and design.”
The 2022 Pinnacle Financial Partners Parade of Homes™ will take place in a new community in Brentwood called Rosebrooke. Rosebrooke is Brentwood’s newest luxury home community, boasting the highest average price per home ever recorded for the event. The community includes amenities such as adult and children’s pools, a clubhouse, an event lawn, walking and bike trails, sidewalks and street trees.
Tickets are available at the gate during regular show hours and

This breathtaking transitional home from Aspen Construction boasts clean lines and a timeless appeal. The kitchen has gorgeous finishes, including a custom island from Franklin Kitchen Center, a handsome soapstone quartz apron front sink, a Wolf 60” range and appliances, and a Sub-Zero 48” fridge with a glass door. French doors open to the master suite, complete with a fireplace and private terrace. The bonus room is the ultimate entertaining space with a kitchenette and wet bar and a 100-foot screen in the audio/video area and a gaming area– a wonderful space for viewing parties. The upstairs includes a second laundry room and Kid’s Bonus room with a gaming station. The covered porch and outside living area have a grilling station with stamped and stained concrete and an outdoor fireplace. This spacious area includes gorgeous views for all to enjoy!

This modern custom home by Ford Classic Homes is designed with comfort and luxury in mind. Elegant, current details and organic, textural elements define this Parade house. Combining the interior space with the exterior living areas, the home is 11,030 square feet before even reaching the pool area. The kitchen has multiple workstations, a hidden coffee station and a fridge and freezer with Caviar leather panels. Accessed by the elevator or rear stairs, the home has a studio area with a private bath and wet bar, perfect for a home office or a lounge space for the adults to unwind. Of course, no Parade home would be complete without outdoor living areas, including a wood-burning fireplace, outdoor kitchen/grilling station, pool, spa, cabana and firepit area for extending the entertainment beyond the interior living spaces of the home.

The sprawling exterior of “The Brentwood Bungalow” is clad with natural Tennessee Limestone and Arcusstone details. Inside, you will discover a home destined for entertaining. Immediately upon entering, you will notice that the floor plan centers around the outdoor living space, complete with an in ground pool, sunken fire pit, swim-up bar, spa and ample space for hosting. The home includes a study, exercise room, wine room and bar, mudroom, media room, second-floor laundry and loft. The primary suite is complete with double walk-in closets, morning bar, stacked washer and dryer closet, hidden safe room and a luxurious bathroom. Perfect for intimate gatherings and significant events, the kitchen has a prep pantry with a refrigerator, built-in microwave, steam oven, warming drawer and paneled dishwasher. The home is deeply connected with nature, blurring the lines of interior and exterior space with the use of neutral tones and warm wood finishes throughout.

This Georgian, contemporary home boasts a stunning façade with multiple arches and a dramatic roofline. The scrubbed oak flooring of the foyer opens to the dining room and study, to the left and right, respectively, and extends throughout the main floor of the house. Each room is notable for its clean lines and superior craftsmanship. Highlights include the songwriter’s wing which is fit for a country music star, a game room perfect for viewing parties or gaming and breathtaking vaulted ceilings in every bedroom. SCHUMACHERHOMES 8,764 SQ FT | FIVE BEDROOMS | UPSTAIRS LAUNDRY | SONGWRITERS WING BUILDER: KEITH SCHUMACHER DESIGNER: LISA BIGGERS, JJ ASHLEYS 56 | SEPTEMBER 2022

Sipple Homes showcases a French Country style with design highlights that include a fantastic dining room featuring a show stopping mural adorning an entire wall, a breakfast room with a gorgeous circular breakfast table with stunning dark walnut chairs and a welcoming family room for entertaining. The upstairs lounge is styled with peacock velvet and dark walnut lounge chairs, as well as a natural iron coffee table. The Retreat Room is a true “man’s space” with multiple televisions and a pool table; and because it is cut off from the rest of the house, noise is not a factor. The home offers three separate outside living spaces, including an area dedicated to a Go-Turf Putting Green, custom designed with features based on famous courses. Don’t miss the custom artwork by Ed Nash found throughout the home.

This transitional Tudor by Stonegate Homes features southern interiors with an organic touch. The home includes six bedrooms in total, each with a private bath and its own unique design. The master suite is quite the oasis with a built-in coffee maker and beverage refrigerator. A hidden door from the kitchen leads into the working pantry featuring a sixty-four-inch refrigerator, double ovens, dishwasher and microwave. The men’s retreat is a two-story dream space! This space has multiple televisions and a bar area complete with a kegerator and the glass garage door gives flexibility for inside-out entertaining. The upper level features a study with a hidden door into the exercise room and is complete with a second laundry room and powder room.

For more information
We can confidently say that building our dream home with Legend Homes was the best experience ever. The entire team, from the president to the site manager, are very approachable and addressed every request we made. We both can say that we were able to go through the first year of the pandemic less stressed because of the joy we had in building our home. Legend Homes has an excellent team and, most importantly, was able to meet the needs of Rahel (who is a perfectionist) even on the smallest things. As a first generation from Ethiopia, Legend Homes has fulfilled our life of living the American dream! Mathios & Rahel

First, carefully curate the coffee table books for the space. Next, decide on a color scheme and consider removing book covers to reveal hardcovers. These are typically textured with solid colors, creating a cleaner look!
In the 1960s, coffee tables became more popular due to the innovation of central heating in homes. Before this, furniture had to be arranged around the fireplace. So, with a
Ready for the fun part? It is time to style your coffee table books! This is your time to personalize the book stacks and add unique pieces you have collected. First, layer your coffee table books with décor items such as a candle, catch-all tray, picture frame, plant, a vase of flowers or, my favorite, a decorative box to hide remotes. Then, play with the design by layering different items until you get a visual that grabs you!
Now it is time to style and stack. Stack your largest book at the bottom and end with the smallest on top. I have always heard from my mom and aunts to decorate in three’s or at least odd-numbered groupings and from my research, they stand correct. For a round table, stack your coffee books in one corner; imagine the table as a triangle, with three corners. For a square or rectangle table, divide your table into quadrants. You can use
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Now that you have learned the history of coffee table books and how to style them, check out this beautiful array of our staff’s favorite coffee table books to vamp up your décor aesthetic. Happy decorating!
LIFESTYLE Read Between the Lines Your Décor Aesthetic
Consumers, decorators and homeowners alike are drawn to coffee table books because of their “ability to expose large audiences to previously thought, outof-reach topics ranging from classical art to physics to architecture, often for under $100,” says Additionally, according to psychologists, coffee table books can trigger memories of reading oversized books as a child, providing comfort and nostalgia. Also, coffee table books are not just for a coffee table. They can be placed on bedroom nightstands, home office desks, entryway consoles and dining room sideboards; really anywhere that suits your fancy – get creative! Plus, the longevity of coffee table books – especially if you have kiddos running around – is quite impressive! So start building that collection because with books becoming increasingly digitalized, these will soon be collectibles, possibly few and far between.
Amp Up
Every home needs a pop of color. A conversation starter. A piece of décor to express who you are. Look no further… coffee table books are it! Coffee table books are typically oversized, hard-covered books that serve the purpose of provoking conversation while adding volume and sometimes color to a space. Not to mention, coffee table books are authentic collectibles that will never go out of style. So, before you start stacking, let me tell you about the history behind coffee table books!

205CLOSEDJames Ave, Franklin CLOSED, COMMERCIAL 238 Public Square, Franklin 6051CLOSEDRural Plains #202, Franklin UNDER CONTRACT 2003 Jaffa Ct, Spring Hill 505CLOSEDSugar Tree, Franklin UNDER CONTRACT 433 Dragonfly Ct, Franklin Your neighbors and realtors. The Bickerstaff Group is a team of real estate licensees affiliated with Compass RE, a licensed real estate broker and abides by equal housing opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to the accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit properties already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside of the realm of real estate brokerage. To reach the Compass RE office, call 615.475.5616. The Bickerstaff Group M: 615.504.2118 | O: thebickerstaffgroup.comjennifer.bickerstaff@compass.com615.475.5616

BUSINESS Real Estate & Home Commercial & Home Painting Professionals CERTAPRO PAINTERS® OF NASHVILLE AND MIDDLE TENNESSEE 62 | SEPTEMBER 2022

Does the thought of painting your home or business fill you with anxiety?
YEARS. Locally Owned & Operated When you trust CertaPro Painters of Nashville and Middle TN with your home painting project, we treat your property as if it was our own. We follow a process that ensures a beautiful, professional result that you’ll love. And it all starts with a free, no obligation estimate and a detailed proposal. Each CertaPro Painters business is independently owned and operated. NASHVILLESOUTH.CERTAPRO.COM | 615.392.1577 AFTERBEFOREWE DELIVER ON OUR PROMISE OF: Professionalism, Care and Quality. OF NASHVILLE AND MIDDLE TN SAVE UP TO $500 ON YOUR NEXT PAINTING PROJECT! *Amount of discount varies with size of project. Must be presented at time of estimate. Not valid with other offers. Not valid on current estimates or proposals. Available at CertaPro Painters® of Nashville and Middle TN. Exp. 9/31/22.
CertaPro Painters® of Nashville and Middle Tennessee is pleased to provide the best house painting to your specific neighborhood. We service the following areas: Nashville, Brentwood, Franklin, Mt. Juliet, Murfreesboro, Antioch, Belle Meade, Fairview, Green Hills, La Vergne, Nolensville, Thompson’s Station, Lebanon, Hermitage and Smyrna.
CertaPro Painters® of Nashville and Middle Tennessee 9045 Carothers Parkway, Suite 300 | Franklin, TN 37067 615.503.9770 |
Let CertaPro Painters® of Nashville and middle Tennessee handle it –worry-free from start to finish. At CertaPro Painters®, our promise has always been that of Certainty – reassuring our customers of a worryfree and easy property improvement experience. While times may have changed, CertaPro Painters® local service and expertise remains the same. Your satisfaction is our top priority. Locally owned and operated, our CertaPro Painters® team members are skilled professionals who take great pride in their work. Owners, Scout and Dylan Ritter, are originally from Murfreesboro and now live in Nashville with their two dogs Whitley and Cash. Scout and Dylan both grew up in small business with a heavy focus on customer service. Creating extraordinary experiences, delivering on what is promised, and taking pride in doing so is what they strive for. The team of exterior and interior painters will arrive on time, keep you informed, deliver what is promised and guarantee the work. Scout and Dylan also get to know what’s important to you so that our team can customize the way we work with your daily routine.
We look forward to providing you the best customer experience possible. Schedule a free estimate today and let us help you make your space exactly what you envision.

Don’t ask them what to wear. Nothing is more exhausting than explaining attire to someone when they found their favorite pants in a box with a shower curtain liner after the move. My principal rule: Set that thermostat to sixty-eight degrees no matter the season, to keep that place cool and calm.
If I hear one more word about real estate, I will scream! It seems like such a rat race these days... Then once they finally find their dream home, they move in, and the garage door doesn’t work. Today, it seems to be the only thing anyone is talking about, so why not entertain in the new home you fought your life to get!? Anyways, I am constantly asked about home entertaining and ways to keep your party a step ahead from a warm dip with crudités. So, let’s begin with the basics – I call these my Hugh’s and Don’ts, if you will...
As summer fades and everyone’s hair begins to look good again, it is time to gather those we love at our homes and celebrate the new season. It is time for football, boots, warm drinks and divine comfort food. No one cares how many pumpkin bars you ate when engulfed in a cashmere wrap!
LIFESTYLE The Gentleman Entertains &
Guests’ Don’ts:
Hugh’s for the hosts:
Three options for food: Have something for everyone and in this world of dietary restrictions –which appeared overnight – it is always good to label them as well!
Don’t bring a housewarming gift that is not edible. They have just unpacked and have no room for another hand towel.
Don’t arrive early...five minutes late or after is the only sensible arrival time. The hosts are still trying to figure out the light switches.
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Absolutely no LED light bulbs...anywhere. Only soft white and the dimmer, the better. Start with sixty watts and go down. There is nothing worse than an overhead light. Ask anyone.
Music is key...always have a soft playlist going – the sound of clinking glasses should only be heard inside the dishwasher.
Excellent smelling candles in the powder room at all times; my go-to is Diptique “Bais” always a crowd favorite. That’s one hostess gift no one would place in their gift closet.

HOME FURNISHINGS & DESIGN 2213 Bandywood Drive | Nashville, TN 37215 | 615.463.3322 |

In 1997, Mike Ford started Ford Classic Homes by building three to five homes a year in Williamson County and expanding his business as the market grew. Today the company has grown to over fifty employees and has built well over 1,000 homes. After more than two decades, Ford Homes worked to build their reputation on a commitment to excellence while providing an exceptional home-building experience. As Williamson County has continued to grow, Ford has worked to continue to create and build homes that highlight the underlying tenants of the Ford approach: demonstrating the highest levels of honesty, integrity, teamwork, professionalism and proven customer service. In an area rich with history, Ford works to preserve and protect the history and architectural standards of the area.
Most recently, Ford Homes partnered with the African American Heritage Society (AAHS) to rehabilitate the McLemore House and Museum in downtown Franklin. McLemore descendants occupied the home for 117 years before it was acquired by the AAHS of Franklin and Williamson County in 1997. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1999, and shortly after, in 1998, renovations began to turn the home
For over twenty-five years, Ford Classic Homes (Ford Homes) has built premier homes in only the finest communities. Creating timeless, luxury residential properties, Ford Homes has built across Williamson and Davidson counties. Ford Homes’ mission is to create and build homes that provide home buyers with unmatched value through distinctive architecture, design and quality of a finished product.
Ford Classic Homes
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Well, twenty-two years later, the home stood in need of rehabilitation to continue the McLemore legacy, and as the lead donor of the McLemore House rehabilitation project, Ford Classic Homes coordinated to rehabilitate and refresh the Colonial Revival exterior architecture of this home. All new metal roofing was added, and the siding was replaced with Cypress bevel siding. All ten windows were replaced, and half-round gutters were installed around the roof’s perimeter. Finally, the existing columns and concrete porch were replaced with an era-appropriate wood deck and solid timber Thiscolumns.year has also seen the launch of another new community developed and built by Ford Classic Homes, SouthBrooke. This exclusive 75-acre community features 205 home sites in the heart of south Franklin and is located just south of Berry Farms. A future expansion into SouthVale will add 500+ units ranging from townhomes, single family homes and condos. A standout feature will be the large-scale amenity center and 142-acre natural park area with walking and hiking trails exclusively for SouthVale and SouthBrooke homeowners. Currently building in six communities across Tennessee, this year will also see the launch of Ford Homes’ new luxury home community, Rosebrooke, in Brentwood and the expansion of Ford Homes into Alabama as they join the Village of Providence in Huntsville, Alabama, and Village at Oakland Springs in Madison, Alabama.
Ford Classic Homes has in-house architectural and interior design teams to maintain exceptional standards of architectural distinction. These professionals, including sales and marketing team members and construction project managers, carefully study every floor plan. This attention to detail allows Ford to implement floor plan changes quickly and incorporate the latest market trends. With a passion for exemplary quality evident in award-winning interior design and architectural distinction, each home is a showplace, reflecting the company’s commitment to excellence. Their team works to ensure local home buyers an enjoyable home-building experience and a home they can be proud of, “We strive to set the standard by which all other homes in middle Tennessee are judged,” says founder Mike Ford.
into the museum and historical attraction it is today. The McLemore House Museum serves to collect and preserve the heritage of the African American culture in Franklin.
From grand southern-style homes to Italianinspired villas to European flair, Ford Homes tailors their home design to provide functionality and a high design aesthetic. The in-house architectural team works to create unique exteriors across every community while complimenting the architectural and design details of surrounding homes. Ford Homes is featured in communities like Westhaven, Witherspoon, Windstone, The Grove, Berry Farms, Laurelbrooke, Annandale, Richland Hall, Splendor Ridge and Ford Homes’ newest communities: SouthBrooke and Rosebrooke. In fact, Ford Classic Homes and CPS Land are excited to host the 2022 Pinnacle Financial Partners Parade of Homes from October 8th–23rd at the new Rosebrooke community in Brentwood. “After two years without a featured parade, we look forward to being part of the Home Builders Association of Middle Tennessee’s premier event,” says Ford.
Ford Classic Homes remains involved with Youth Encouragement Services (YES). This nonprofit program enriches the lives of Nashville’s youth by providing programs that effectively offer innercity youth a safe place to go where they can engage in social, educational, recreational and cultural development. For over five years, Ford Homes has participated in backpack and school supply collections in August and toiletry and essential collections for the YES Christmas store.
To learn more about Ford Classic Homes and the upcoming event, visit
“What YES offers to our area is so important, and that is evident in what it means to its youth. We have loved being able to be a small part of helping them encourage our community,” says Sales Manager, Chesney Ford.

THE COMMUNITY Located in the beautiful rolling hills of College Grove, Troubadour is situated on the former estate of a legendary country music icon. The 980-acre landscape offers many new homesites and residences with spectacular views of the championship golf course and the stunning Tennessee countryside. Troubadour was created to be a haven for families with abundant amenities that enrich members’ lives. The community houses 375 homesites, including estate lots up to two acres in size and cottages and cabin units ranging from two to five bedrooms.
A PLAYGROUND FOR EVERYONE At Troubadour, there are hidden gems around every corner, and Discovery’s signature Outdoor Pursuits team makes planning exciting adventures or leisurely excursions effortless. The Farmstead, home base for Outdoor Pursuits activities, is a place for outdoor explorers and adventurers of all ages. Whether you meet a friend and head to the sports fields or grab a paddle board for a day of fun in the sun, you are in for a treat. Take aim as you make your way through Troubadour’s 3D archery course, or head to the pond to see who gets the catch of the day. If you seek even more thrills, an exciting array of Outdoor Pursuits activities such as axe throwing, go-kart riding, archery, skeet shooting and horseback riding await you. Whether you need an adrenaline rush or just a breath of fresh air, the Farmstead will connect you with nature.
The spectacular lands of middle Tennessee have drawn settlers for ages, offering a chance to live among rolling hills and fields of green. These influences from travelers near and far created a convergence of cultures unique only to the Nashville area – from its fabled Music City heritage to the homegrown southern cuisine, the locals maintain love and respect for the land and being outdoors. Built upon these roots, Troubadour Golf and Field Club creates a warm, inviting and beautiful home for generations to come.
Located only thirty miles south of downtown Nashville, Troubadour brings together a love of the outdoors with a community designed to cultivate authentic connections, helping families to create memories that last a lifetime.
THE PRIVATE CLUB Troubadour Golf and Field Club features a vertical legacy membership program and an 18-hole Tom Fazio-designed golf course with a state-of-the-art practice facility, Roadhouse and two signature comfort stations. For those wanting to relax and focus on wellness, the club will soon feature world-class spa facilities, a state-of-the-art fitness center with a heated lap pool, a members’ shopping boutique, numerous dining venues and a village green event lawn.
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The club is catered to families, offering a resort-style pool with a kid’s splash pad and a kids’ club with a craft studio, game room and multipurpose sports courts. There is also an organic garden and greenhouse on the property to provide sustainable produce for the club’s dining venues and a family barn used for cooking classes, education on agriculture and authentic culinary experiences.

AWARDED BEST REAL ESTATE AGENT IN FRANKLIN, TN FOR 2021 & 2022! NAOMI BANNISTER LUXURY REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY 615.707.0597 (mobile) 615.778.1818 TOP 1.5% NATIONWIDEAGENT LISTING AGENT FOR: 8260 Hawkins Road College$1,600,000Grove 4996 Green Herron Lane Franklin Sold for $2,099,950 8254 Hawkins Road College$475,000Grove 6409 High Top Court Franklin Sold for: $1,800,000 543 Littlestone BrentwoodDrive$949,000 4131 Old Light Circle Franklin Sold for: $1,925,000 BUYERS AGENT FOR: SOLD SOLDSOLDSOLD

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” – Will Rogers. And Bo Patten didn’t need one. I first met Bo after he took the role as CEO of Williamson County Association of Realtors (WCAR) and from the bow tie and seersucker suit, making lasagna from scratch and his love for family and community, I knew he was the perfect fit for A Southern Gentleman Is... – Enjoy!
How would you describe Williamson County to someone who has never been here before?
Williamson County has a fantastic sense of community. It has all the feels and charms of a small town but the modern conveniences and luxuries of a big city! Our residents are involved and caring folks. It really makes Williamson County a fantastic place to call home.
To strive to make our Association one of the best in the state and region and to continue to offer the highest quality service to our nearly 3,000 members. Also, to ensure that we are a resource to the local community, whether through our advocacy efforts fighting to protect property rights or the many community service projects we undertake. We want to have our members be the leaders in the conversation on Fair Housing so that anyone who wants to live in our community can find attainable housing.
What are your goals for the WCAR?
My late mother is a huge inspiration in my life, as were my late grandparents. Unfortunately, my dad passed away when I was three years old, so I honor all of their memories and endeavor to be the best I can be, professionally and personally.
What has motivated you to get to where you are in your career?

How have the qualities of being a Gentleman helped shape your career in the real estate industry? Real estate is a PEOPLE and customer service business. Treating people fairly and politely and how you would want to be treated has prepared me to serve our membership. I love to see our members succeed in their careers and make sure that our Association is here to help them in any way we can as we grow with them in their real estate journey. What advice would you tell your younger self today? Be patient. Enjoy the present moment and life’s little pleasures. You never know when you will not have the chance to again.
What are some of your hobbies and favorite pastimes?
How would you describe the real estate market over the past two years? What about the next two?
One word. Insane! The growth we have seen in middle Tennessee is just further evidence that Williamson County, and the Nashville area, will continue to be one of the best places in the country to live, work and raise a family. We have seen our county median home price continue to rise over the last several years, and I think it will continue to rise but not quite as sharp as it has been. We have already seen a slight slowdown in the market with the recent rise in interest rates. Still, middle Tennessee will continue to be a moving destination thanks to the excellent leadership of our state and county.
What does being a Gentleman mean? What three qualities do you feel a Southern Gentleman should uphold? Being a Southern Gentleman means having a deep love of family, especially your mama. I am a proudly admitted mama’s boy. I lost my mother in 2012 to early on-set dementia when she was fifty-seven, but she is always with me in spirit, watching over me, and having that drive to make her proud is important to me. Second, being a Southern Gentleman means having a strong desire to leave your community in a better place than how you found it or came to it. Whether it is involvement in nonprofits, your church or religious organization, or volunteering, we should always try to find a way to give back. Thirdly, do not lose sight of the small pleasantries and politeness that make the South special. Little things like holding the door open, giving up your seat for someone else, saying yes ma’am/sir, no ma’am/sir, please and thank you. The fourth – bonus point – is a keen sense of fashion. A good seersucker suit or two or three is a must!
Cooking is a huge passion for me. Growing up in the South, food meant love. Cooking a great meal and hosting friends and family is a fantastic way to show people we care about them. Visiting various farmer’s markets and local stores is a great way to source local ingredients that can tie together the meal and the experience and help create a story behind the food.

Danielle Revelette & Mason Revelette
The Rutledge in the Cool Springs area of Franklin has become a local favorite, and you may remember reading about a tasting I did there when it opened in 2019. I got to catch up with the team at The Rutledge to try some new dishes and discuss the recently opened Nashville location and, trust me, it was an equally delicious experience! Mason and Curt Revelette own and operate both of The Rutledge locations, and Danielle Revelette is the designer. The new location is at the Four Seasons Hotel in Nashville. They are excited to be a part of downtown Nashville at the brand new and beautiful Four Seasons. Its location puts you right next to concerts at Ascend Amphitheater, Nissan Stadium, and amid the sights and happenings of everything downtown Nashville offers. It is the perfect place to stop in for a bite and a drink before a show or to celebrate. Both locations offer similar menus, but they each offer their own unique touch in many different aspects. & Palates GRILLE &Pours Palates
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I got to try some of the dishes and drinks at our recent tasting, and it was overwhelmingly fabulous! First, let me say that the menu will please everyone. Their vast array of choices range from a perfectly cooked steak, to sushi made fresh with tuna flown in overnight from Hawaii. As a starter, I tried the Tuna Crisps, which are crispy wonton chips topped with Ahi tuna, jalapeno-mango salsa, avocado, micro greens and teriyaki. This is a wonderful sharable plate, and I loved the mix of flavors and textures. This would stand alone as a meal as well. From the sushi menu, I tried the Pressed Tuna, which comes with tuna atop a bed of rice, avocado and spicy mayo. If you are a sushi fan, this dish will definitely please you…and if you are not a sushi person, then this is a dish to try anyway – and you may just become a convert! It is simple and flavorful.
Next, I tried the Signature Lobster Roll – a Connecticut-style with New England lobster in tarragon tartar, on a potato roll. It came with giant and crispy potato chips – completing the dish. This sandwich, right here… YUM! Lobster lovers, sandwich lovers, foodies – try this for sure! From the dessert menu, I got to sample the Apple Cobbler. Hello, Grandma’s kitchen! This cobbler was served perfectly warm with ice cream atop. It tasted like you just stepped right into a fall day. Not too sweet, with some crispness to each bite. Go just for this dessert alone – and leave happy. No tasting is complete without trying a signature cocktail! I tried the Espresso Martini. This drink can sometimes be made too sweet or too strong, but at The Rutledge, they have found the perfect recipe to make this an easy-to-sip drink.

The Rutledge Downtown Nashville 151 1st Avenue South Nashville, TN
So, if you didn’t get the cobbler, you could end your meal with this delicious drink. I also had the opportunity to try Mason’s new wines, Revelette Wines Cabernet Sauvignon and Red Blend. Both pours were smooth and delicious. I am a red wine drinker, and I truly enjoyed both selections and encourage you to try them when you visit The Rutledge.
The Rutledge at Cool Springs 105 International Drive Franklin, TN therutledge.co615.472.164037067
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The Rutledge is run with a passion from locals – a family that has been in the restaurant business for years right here in middle Tennessee. It is not a big chain eatery. The Revelettes strive to offer the best options possible with a modern vibe yet boasting classic favorites on their menu. I hope you go visit one of their locations soon for a special occasion or just a night out. I know you will want to make it a regular, favorite eatery.

Attention, wine lovers! A Vintage Affair is excited to host its 12th Annual Grape Stomp Festival, on October 8th at the Shed, which stands behind The Factory at Franklin. This is by far the most popular and anticipated event around! Join the Grape Stomp competition or cheer on your team as they compete to produce the most juice.
The cost to sponsor a team of five is $500. Those wishing to enjoy the event from the sidelines may purchase general admission tickets for $75. Enjoy music, a DJ, food vendors, wine and bourbon tastings, craft and domestic beer, cigars, signature cocktails and much more! So, get your tickets now and come join us for all the fun! For more information on A Vintage Affair, the Grape Stomp or to register your team, visit
Five-person teams create their special “I Love Lucy” moment and take turns stomping barefoot against others in a tournament bracket-style competition. There will be five stomp heats, comprised of five teams each. The team to collect the most juice at the end will advance to the finals, where you will compete to be the Grape Stomp Champion! Members of the winning team will receive a case of wine each and a team trophy as a reward for their stomping talent. A special award will also be given to the best-dressed Grape Stomping Team, so t-shirts or creative costumes are encouraged.

It is nice to know there is someone on your side. We emphasize efficiency and accuracy, not attitude. Yvette Meldrum, is an owner of Mid-State Title and Escrow, Inc. and real estate attorney who personally oversees every title and closing order. If there is a question or title issue, she will work with you to get it solved. Along with our extremely knowledgeable staff with many years of experience, we are eager to help everyone involved in the purchase or sale of the property.

Luke Bryan, Jennifer Peyser, Ellen Boyer & Vince Gill Laura Richardson & Chris Robicheaux Ashton & Josie Dixon
Customized Facials Wrinkle treatments Brows, Lash lifts Ipl to remove sun damage Dermaplane Laser hair removal Laser skin tightening Conveniently located in Cool Springs between Franklin and Brentwood Scan for our website Over 20 Years of experience
Hunter Jobes & Troy Goldsby Kristen Grusin & Andrea Hanna Scott & Bonnie Kirby
Cary Gannon & Chelsea Stromsness
WHO: The Brett Boyer Foundation | WHAT: The Brett Boyer Foundation Invitational WHERE: The Grove WHY: The inaugural Brett Boyer Invitational had twenty-five golf teams and almost 300 people in attendance at the After Party, which included a "Putting for Purses" contest. The event and auction were emceed by the voice of the Titans, Matt Rogers, with music by songwriters Shane Minor, Neil Thrasher, Mitch Rossell as well as special guest Vince Gill and Brett's uncle, Luke Bryan. The event was a success in spreading the Brett Boyer Foundation’s mission of funding research for congenital heart disease (CHD), providing family support and supporting the Down syndrome community.
The BreTT Boyer FoundaTion inviTaTional PHOTOGRAPHY BY KRIS RAE
Stephen & Janie Watson, Courtney Jobes Kira LaRoche, George Jackson & Amanda Richards



The guest rooms and suites include stylish furnishings yet remain authentic to the local, cultural surroundings. Larger than typical luxury resort guestrooms, they include custom furnishings, luxurious bedding, elegant bathrooms featuring louvered shutters and generous balconies or terraces.
Located along one of America’s top beaches and adjacent to a 208-acre environmentally protected state park, The Henderson is reminiscent of a grand seaside manor of yesteryear. It captures the romance of traditional coastal architecture by complementing its stunning natural backdrop with striking shingles, steep gabled rooflines and a design reverence to Florida’s nautical history.
From the moment guests arrive at The Henderson, they are embraced by a residential and old-world charm that is contemplative of the surrounding, unspoiled beauty of the area. The lobby feels like an expansive living room with high ceilings and a wall of windows that faces a maritime forest and the beach.
The resort features 170 spacious guestrooms and suites, a nature-inspired spa, Gulf-to-table cuisine, an octagonal bar with panoramic Gulf views, a rooftop bar, two outdoor swimming pools, 30,000 square feet of flexible indoor and outdoor event space, and private beach access.
The Henderson Beach Resort & Spa is one of the finest resorts built along Florida’s Gulf Coast in a generation. The sweeping resort overlooks Destin’s famed sugar-white sands and emerald-green waters.
The Henderson celebrates Destin’s Gulf-to-Table seafood traditions at its Primrose restaurant, named for Destin’s first commercial fishing boat. In addition to fresh catches bought daily from fishermen, the menu offers fine selections of steaks, chops and shareable plates. The open-kitchen design restaurant also features a sushi bar and extensive outdoor terrace seating. With a striking octagonal-shaped design, Horizons Bar presents signature cocktails, panoramic views of the Gulf and adjacent nature preserve.
The interior feels like it has been part of the coast’s landscape for over 100 years and showcases wooden floors and reclaimed beams and trusses. Specifically designed to connect guests to the environment, the resort is infused with several intimate gathering areas and commissioned artwork created by local and regional artists.

On the ground floor, Sea Level poolside grill offers chilled drinks and casual fare, while the old-fashioned ice cream shop, Sprinkles, serves up frozen delicacies and children’s candy favorites.
For those wanting a more active setting, The Henderson also offers a sun-lit fitness room and a variety of other water experiences, including a family-oriented pool with a lazy river and an adult zone and pool.
The Henderson also features nearly 30,000 square feet of unique indoor and outdoor function space, including several beachfront locations and a Grand Lawn. In its dedicated and flexible event wing, the resort offers the soaring 5,221-square-foot Crystal Ballroom and a junior ballroom. On the fifth floor, The Rooftop provides stunning views of the beach and the state park’s foliage. While its origins began as a small fishing village, Destin has grown into a dynamic destination and is one of the Gulf Coast’s most sought-after locations served by three airports. In addition to world-class fishing, it offers uncrowded beaches, spectacular open-air shopping, fresh local seafood restaurants and championship golf courses. The area has also attracted celebrities, including Jerry Jones, Blake Shelton, Emeril Lagasse and many others who have purchased homes in the region.
Drawing on the inspirational venue with treatments that incorporate the natural surroundings, The Henderson’s Spa features eleven spacious treatment rooms and numerous amenities, including a ladies’ steam room, sauna and whirlpool which overlooks the treetops of the secluded park. Treatments are derived from the Gulf’s crystal waters, untouched dunes and indigenous plants. In addition, there are also specially constructed spa guest rooms, furnished and equipped with sounds and smells of the region and a variety of spa amenities.
The Henderson is less than ten minutes from Destin Harbor. The resort’s guests can enjoy numerous water activities, shop in a festive marketplace and interact with the fleet of fishing vessel captains and crews that pioneered the area. The many popular communities along Highway 30A, including Seaside, Rosemary Beach and Alys Beach, are just a short drive away. DESTIN, FL | 855.741.2777
A dedicated Kid’s Club called Poppy’s is among numerous family activities. Also, guests can easily stroll or bike to the beach, the adjacent state park and the surrounding community of Crystal Beach. They can also use the wide, pristine beach as a base for stand-up paddle boarding, snorkeling and volleyball.

LUXURY THAT SPEAKS TO YOU The all-new 2022 INFINITI QX60 is designed to connect you with what matters. Reserve yours today at INFINITI of Cool Springs. Reserve Your All-New 2022 INFINITI QX60 .Starting at $46,850* “An exceptional owner experience.” 211 Comtide Ct., Franklin, TN 37067 *Price is Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), MSRP excludes tax, tag, title, and additional options. Actual price may vary based on inventory and trim level.

FirstBank, a local community bank with multiple branches in Williamson County, is the third largest Tennessee-headquartered bank. The FirstBank team has over 1,500 associates in the state and ninety-five offices in the Southeast throughout Tennessee, Kentucky, North Alabama and North Georgia. FirstBank takes pride in being a local bank. What does that mean for you? When Williamson County customers bank locally, they get more. More empowered. More informed. Local banking brings clients closer to their goals and dreams because they work directly with bankers who know them. With more personal connections and direct access to your local bankers, FirstBank is your full-service, one-stop, financial services provider. Banking, mortgages, investments, treasury management, wealth management, trust services – FirstBank has industry experts available to help.
Giving back is an essential part of the FirstBank culture. FirstBank associates are coaching local sports teams, organizing school supply drives, volunteering at Pumpkinfest, attending the Heritage Ball, handing out bubbles at Brentfest, working with Youth Leadership Franklin, sponsoring the Williamson County Fair, participating in events with Williamson Medical Center and so much more. During the week and on weekends, FirstBank truly “gives more” to our local communities.
Will Powell, FirstBank’s Williamson County President, is a Williamson County native.
When asked what he loves most about his job, Will doesn’t hesitate to say it is the opportunity to meet or talk to new people daily. He loves to hear everyone’s story about where they were born and raised, where they have been, and what brought them to Williamson County. He takes a genuine interest in the people he meets.
FirstBank’s President, Chris Holmes, is a lifelong Tennessean. FirstBank’s Regional President, David Forshee, is a Nashville native and Brentwood resident. This is local leadership and local decisions based on experience. Will believes that banking, at its most simple level, is a people business. “We are here to serve our community. If we do our job well, then anytime someone thinks of banking, they think of FirstBank and how we might be able to help them build a better future.”
In addition to building relationships with clients, Will and his team are always looking for other community-spirited associates to join their team. From credit underwriting to financial service representatives, from relationship managers to IT personnel. It’s more than a job. It’s a FirstBankfamily.isaTennessee bank with the right products to serve you and the community spirit to know you. Change is inevitable, but the things that make being part of a community great, like strong ties and trusted relationships, never change. See the friendly FirstBank folks at one of their nine branches in Williamson County to discover what makes this community bank different. You can find the locations on their website at
Get More FirstBank offers clients the best of both worlds with big bank products and technology with the familiarity of a community bank. FirstBank takes pride in never compromising its vision of community. They empower local people to make real decisions quickly. Their goal is to build a connection with customers to serve them better. You can walk into any FirstBank branch and find a welcoming smile and willingness to help.
Give More The FirstBank investment Will is most proud of is the dedication of FirstBank’s time, resources and people to improving life in Williamson County. FirstBank began an initiative in late 2021 to allot paid time off for its associates to volunteer in the community. As a result, FirstBank associates logged approximately 2,400 community service hours to almost 200 different organizations in that short time. In 2022, FirstBank has tripled that number of volunteer hours and is still going strong.
BUSINESS It’s YOUR Business Get More, Give More WITH FIRSTBANK 84 | SEPTEMBER 2022

Making your CD (Certificate of Deposit) an easy choice is just the beginning. Check out the ways we make saving smarter while giving you piece of mind.

SOCIAL WHO: Franklin Tomorrow | WHAT: Franklin Tomorrow "22 in '22" Anniversary Celebration WHERE: Factory at Franklin WHY: To celebrate its twenty-two years serving Franklin as a community visioning and engagement organization, Franklin Tomorrow held a "party with a purpose" and drew a sellout crowd. The program included the presentation of a proclamation, originally written in 2020, by Franklin Mayor Ken Moore highlighting the "essential role" Franklin Tomorrow plays in making Franklin what it is today and what it can be in the future. FRANKLIN TOMORROW “22 in '22” Anniversary Celebration PHOTOGRAPHY BY KRIS RAE Rick & Elaine Warwick, Allison & Greg Gamble Paul & Sarah Dunsmore Jason Church, Ryan McMaster & Greg Gamble Al & Cindy Pramuk, Linda & Ken Moore&DianeAllen LeBlanc &AshleyJason Wahler Christina & Brett Jones, Kim Southard Rod Pettit, Mindy Tate & Ed Underwood&RhondaTonyFoster OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT ONLINE FIRST CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 9045 Carothers Pkwy Franklin, TN 2035 Wall St. Spring Hill, TN 7116 Nolensville Rd. Suite 701 Nolensville, TN

Patrick Baggett and Blake Lambert, principals of Boxwood Insurance Group, have spent over a decade each working in both a medium-sized privately held insurance agency as well as with a large national broker. With over 25 years of combined experience in the industry, they bring unique reputation, strengths, and experiences to Boxwood Insurance Group so they can give you an advantage in your coverage that competitors can’t offer. Boxwood Insurance Group, our focus is client centric protection and service, to provide you the freedom to continue growing. 615.245.5851
Welcome to Boxwood Insurance Group. At our agency, we understand how hard you’ve worked for the things and people you have in your life, and we know how much you want to protect them. Whether that’s your family, your home, or your business, we can help you find solutions to bring you peace of mind and the confidence to continue growing—just like the branches of a tree. You should be able to enjoy your life. That’s why we use the latest technology and industry innovations to bring you the most up-to-date information and insurance coverage. Combined with our deserve to build a genuine relationship with you, we’ll help you discover the risks you face and find comprehensive insurance to protect you. You deserve nothing less.

and make a difference…impacting lives positively. My business has given me great opportunities to do so! What organizations are you involved with?
My favorite place in Williamson County is our home and neighborhood, Lynnwood Downs. Every single day I drive into the neighborhood, I feel grateful to live here…horses in the pasture and big trees, peaceful and beautiful… but close to every possible restaurant and store. My husband, Tom, and I have traveled the world, and we believe Williamson County is the most fantastic place to live! We are proud to call it our home.
What is your business, and how did you get into it?
I moved to Williamson County in 1996 to build the first bakery to serve McDonald’s buns, Tennessee Bun Company (now known as Crown Bakeries). My three sons were in elementary and junior high. The town we moved from was Effingham, Illinois, with fewer than 10,000 people. Before that, we lived in Russellville, Arkansas with a population of 12,000 people… small towns…where you knew everyone. Moving to Franklin gave us the comfort of the small town feel we were used to. We love seeing neighbors at the grocery and the very friendly restaurant servers. We felt and continue to feel, very welcome by the genuine SOUTHERN hospitality found here!
88 | SEPTEMBER 2022
What do you like to do in your spare time?
The I Am Williamson County column features individuals in Williamson County who are known and unknown, as staples of our community; doing good, being seen and exuding Williamson County! If you know of someone who we should feature, let us know at
How long have you lived in Williamson County? What is it about WC that makes it feel like home to you?
Presently, I am on the Board of Trustees of Belmont University, which I absolutely love!
My business is a bakery business. In Illinois, I owned and operated McDonald’s Restaurants. As a franchise, I was invited to the “Bun Committee,” where we audited our bun supplier, Fresh Start Bakery in Kansas City. I loved learning about sesame seeds in Guatemala and flour prices in Russia and wanted to know all I could about that business. When I learned McDonald’s needed additional capacity, I knew it was for me! So, in 1996, I built a bakery that makes 1,000 buns a minute in Dickson, Tennessee, starting with thirty-two employees. Today, we operate nine facilities and have over 1,700 associates.
My spare time is filled with travel, bike riding, reading and mentoring business people. Where is your favorite place to go in Williamson County and why?
What keeps you motivated?
For this year and next, I am President of the American Bakers Association, Washington D.C., The Reves Institute, Naples, FL, and a Jurist on Ken Burns American Prairie. In addition, my husband, Tom, and I are serving as Chairs for the Heritage Foundation Ball in October. I Am Williamson County
BY AMELIA ROSE SMITH Cordia Harrington, nicknamed “the Bun Lady,” is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Crown Bakeries, headquartered just down the street in Brentwood. With 2022 marking twentyfive years in business, Crown Bakeries boasts $100 million-plus in revenue, according to Most recently, Cordia was named in the top 100 of Forbes 2022 America’s Richest Self-Made Women list. Without further ado, the businesswoman behind it all… Introducing Cordia Harrington!
I am motivated when I can create opportunities

H Unique to Regions Mortgage. Designed for You. While every lender has the same basic tools, Regions also o ers unique products to fit your personal needs. It help us stand out from the crowd. Listed below are a few solutions: • A ordable 97 and 100 • Regions Pledged Asset • Regions SMART Solutions® • Regions Jumbo Fixed-Rate Mortgage • Relationship Banking Suite • Regions Doctor Mortgage Let’s find a solution that is right for you. It would be a pleasure to help. Shannon M. Coates NMLS Mortgage#1167447LoanO icer 1033 Demonbreun Street, Suite 300 Nashville, TN 37203 P - 615. 748. 1501 C - 615. 906. shannon.coates@regions.com4741 © 2022 Regions Bank. Member FDIC. NMLS# 174490. All loans subject to qualification, required documentation, and credit approval. Certain exclusions may apply. Loan terms and availability subject to change. Regions and the Regions logo are registered trademarks of Regions Bank. The LifeGreen color is a trademark of Regions Bank. (05/22) SOCIAL WHO: Williamson, Inc. | WHAT: Women’s Leadership Conference WHERE: Franklin Marriott Cool Springs WHY: The 6th Annual Women’s Leadership Conference was about uniting women across the workplace with a focus on generational challenges such as differences in communication styles, general work practices, collaboration, mentorship and expectations from employers. The guest speakers included Melanie Adams, Perri duGard Owens and Kim James. YW SPONSORED EVENT Women’s Leadership Conference PHOTOGRAPHY BY AMELIA ROSE SMITH SCAN FOR MORE EVENT PHOTOS Kim James & Jill Wilson Linda Eaves, Heather Doleshel & Heather Cornett Angie Mayer & Beth Palk Grace Simpson & Dawn Hobbs Hope Wardell & Nicki Brewster Christina McClary & Staci Davis Alexa Howard, Rebecca Jackson & Britney Threet Kathy Casey & Karen Clark Elisabeth Constantin, Elaine Whitney & Annette Doom

BUSINESS PartnerBusinessYOUR WILLIAMSON COUNTY TO CELEBRATE BUSINESS GIVES BACK SEPTEMBERDURING WITH WILLIAMSON, INC. Renrose Photography Contact us to start designing your event today! 615.595.8508 TABLES | CHAIRS | LINENS | CHINA | GLASSWARE | FLATWARE | TENTS | DECOR setting the scene for fall Lauren Sullivan PARKS Realty 106 East Main Street Suite Cell:Franklin,200Tennessee615.289.8610 LANDing you Home in Middle Tennessee SOLD 7303 Taylor Road | Fairview | $450,000 Handsome brick ranch, remodeled Farmhouse chic! Large yard with new 4-board fencing. Spacious covered deck off of the kitchen w/ metal roof. Gas line at road if you wanted to tie in. Home has FIBER INTERNET TRACT 4 1192 Lula Lane | Franklin | $1,249,000 Location, Privacy, Views, Low Maintenance - This has it ALL! 15+ Acres on one of the highest elevations in Williamson County! Minutes to Downtown Franklin and Leiper’s Fork. APPROVED FOR ONE, 4 BEDROOM HOME. Underground utilities in place, septic site is identified on property and the development is APPROVED AND RECORDED! PLAT AVAILABLE. Ready for your plans to be submitted to County and apply for your Building permit!
“Our public schools are the foundation of our economic success,” Williamson, Inc. President and CEO Matt Largen said. “Educators serve as the bedrock of our economic foundation, and the incredible success of our district can be traced directly back to classroom instruction. Teachers need our support, respect and kindness now more than ever. This initiative represents a small token of my appreciation for the dedication and sacrifices our educators make for the next generation of leaders for Williamson County.” Interested businesses can visit bgb for details on participation, a directory of fellow participating companies and more. Williamson County educators and the businesses participating in Business Gives Back will be recognized during the annual State of the Schools Address from Williamson County Schools and Franklin Special School District superintendents on September 29th. Registration for that event can be found at If you are interested in sponsoring this event or purchasing a table for your organization, please reach out to Cortni Beardsley at
Williamson, Inc. has declared September Business Gives Back month and is calling on all businesses to show gratitude to educators through discounts, gifts and recognition. The directory of offerings is hosted on and is updated as submissions from businesses are received.


Melton, Danny Scroggin & Ron
John Young Brad Johnson & Josh Brennard Chuck Abbott & George Wollas
Full service Funeral and cremation provider. 5239 Main St. Spring Hill, TN www.springhill-memorial.com37174931-486-0059 3009 Columbia Ave. Franklin, TN www.williamsonmemorial.com37064615-794-2289 Flower Crowns 615.591.7990 | | 227 Franklin Road | Franklin, TN 37064 Order yours today to complete your Pilgrimae Festival look! SOCIAL WHO: GraceWorks Ministries Inc | WHAT : Golf Fore GraceWorks WHERE: Temple Hills Country Club WHY: Golf Fore GraceWorks Challenge, now in its 14th year, brought together philanthropists who have a passion for golf and a desire to serve their neighbors in need. Last year, this challenge raised over $142,000 for food, shelter and support services. Together, they worked towards GraceWorks’ mission: “Neighbor serving Neighbor, by the power of God’s grace.” GRACEWORKS MINISTRIES Golf GraceWorksFore PHOTOGRAPHY BY AMELIA ROSE SMITH SCAN FOR MORE EVENT PHOTOS Bryan Williams & Brad Dunn Tyler Richardson & Dennis Bittener Connor Shank & Dave Odom

Finding the right mortgage lender early on can be tremendously helpful as you grow older. Additionally, developing that relationship, where you know you will be taken care of and are confident they have your best interests at heart, will be very beneficial later in life.
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Finding a home you love—in a community you love—is essential to your family’s future. No matter what stage you are at in life, it is far more than just a home. It is where you feel safe, protected and comfortable, which is exactly how you should feel when working with a mortgage lender.
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A lender that offers a diverse suite of mortgage products and programs is also a big plus. There is no one size fits all with mortgages. Every family’s size, preference, finances and situation are different, directly highlighting the importance of a diverse suite of mortgage products. This can help you not only find a loan that meets your needs and works within your budget, but it can also get you pre-qualified quicker, making you a more attractive buyer.
Diverse Products
Of course, competitive rates are also vital because they determine how much you will pay over the loan’s term. Therefore, you will want the absolute best rate for your situation. That begins with finding lenders who can offer them.

Santa Claus,
WHO: BrightStone Bowlability 2022 WHERE: Franklin Family Entertainment Center WHY: BrightStone’s annual FUNraiser, Bowlability, brought out family, friends and co-workers of ALL abilities, to bowl the night away for a great cause! Bowlability, now in its fourteenth year, has raised nearly $1 million for BrightStone students and their families. BrightStone works to provide a comprehensive work, social support and residential community for adults with special needs, expanding their potential and helping them develop mentally, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. FOR MORE EVENT PHOTOS
Vickie Carroll & Donna Maisner Bryant & Jenny Myhr Larry Yarborough & Randy Price Clark, Laura McCown, Pam Horne & Katherine Russell Randy & Cheryl Roach Matt Abel & Corinne Pavlicko Catherine Ferree & Sherri Joyce

OPEN DAILY WINE TASTINGS LIVE MUSIC ONLINE SHOP 6211 Patton Rd Arrington, TN| 615.395.0102| A Fall Fiesta Featuring the wines of South America SOCIAL WHO: Little Sprouts Sale | WHAT: Little Sprouts Sale 2022 WHERE: The Factory at Franklin WHY: Little Sprouts is a semi-annual specialty consignment sale that accepts only the best upscale clothing brands, shoes, toys, baby gear and more for boys and girls from newborn-size to size sixteen. In addition to children’s clothing, they also accept and sell upscale brands of shoes along with books, toys, electronics, baby items and more that are in excellent condition. Anyone is welcome to consign and shop! Little ConsignmentSproutsSale PHOTOGRAPHY BY AMELIA ROSE SMITH SCAN FOR MORE EVENT PHOTOS Isabel & &BethClevelandMeredithHurstAshleyJeansKelly Schwartz & Alyssa DiCicco Sarah Jordan Davis & Erin Gradin Stephanie Cook & Karly Kunze Catrina Bell & Linda McCullough Jana Stephenson & Linda Holt Erin Llorens & Liz Hughes Amy Tassone & Ashley Veach

SOCIAL WHO: Williamson County Fair | WHAT: Williamson County Fair WHERE: Williamson County Agricultural EXPO WHY: To provide a family-friendly fair, promoting agriculture, bringing communities together and celebrating the traditions of Williamson County. Williamson County Fair PHOTOGRAPHY BY AMELIA ROSE SMITH YW SPONSORED EVENT SCAN FOR MORE EVENT PHOTOS Ava Groves, Eliana Delrio, Camilla & Ruby Groves Brandon & Aidan Araujo, Tristan Brown Benjamin, Hillary, Alexa & Justin Leady Emery Johns & Keeling Birdsong Jack Strain & Blake Bailey Reed, Keith & Colten Hunter Becky Coyle & Bill Jorgensen Rip Baxter, Glenn Johnson & Tom Chaffin atcateringbbqitsbest offering e.yamanaka@hogwood.comfull-service,expertpick-up,deliveryandfoodtruckcateringemailtolearnmore full service hogwood bbq full-service buffet catering offers the best catering experience in franklin, with delicious food, expert event management, and attentive on-site staff. delivery from business lunches to small house parties, hogwood makes it easy to make everyone happy. we will set up your catering for a self-service buffet line or sandwich bar. the hogwood truck you can reserve the food truck for your neighborhood party or outdoor celebration. 600A Frazier Drive | Suite 100Franklin, TN 37067

days:onlineLearnencouraged.moreandinquiretoattendourvisit Our applicant pool has grown across all grades, and families interested in admission for Fall 2023 are encouraged to apply by our priority deadlines for firstround consideration:
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Let’s Celebrate!
We believe in the enormous potential within every child, and we know that full potential is only achieved within a community where the needs of each individual are recognized, supported, and
FEATURING FOURTEEN CLASSIC AND MODERN DISNEY STORIES IN ONE EPIC PRODUCTION Disney On Ice is celebrating its fortieth anniversary of bringing joy to families worldwide. The celebration of the century comes alive as Disney On Ice presents Let’s Celebrate! This monumental ice-skating spectacular returns to Nashville, playing seven fun-filled performances, at Bridgestone Arena, from September 22nd through 25th Audiences will be a part of the magic of Disney as Mouse-ter of Ceremonies, Mickey Mouse, leads a parade of more than fifty beloved characters; starring Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and featuring an ensemble of Disney Princesses including Cinderella, Rapunzel, Ariel, Snow White and Tiana. The wintry wonderland of Disney’s Frozen also comes to life with Anna, Elsa and the hilarious Olaf, as they discover that true love is the greatest magic of all. Also, exciting moments from Disney • Pixar’s Finding Dory, Disney’s Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast will leave the whole family with memories to last a lifetime. The legacy of Disney is displayed through fourteen classic and modern stories in this epic production that features an international team of award-winning figure skaters, highenergy choreography and a breathtaking set. With over thirty melodious masterpieces such as “Let It Go!,” “You’ve Got A Friend in Me” and “Hakuna Matata,” Let’s Celebrate! is the ultimate Disney fan experience. Families will join the fun in an exciting opening number that salutes Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse as the original hosts of Disney On Ice in an unforgettable experience in your hometown! For additional information, showtimes and tickets, visit Also, follow @DisneyOnIce on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more show news and updates!

BY AMELIA ROSE SMITH Muscle Shoals to Main Street is an event our ‘little’ town of historic Franklin has been craving! Legendary and award-winning songwriters and performers will be traveling from Muscle Shoals to Main Street in historic Franklin for a night of music and storytelling. The songwriters lineup for this event includes Gary Baker, Lenny LeBlanc and Phillip White. This songwriters night was a true result of “great minds think alike.” When our Southern Gentleman, Johnny Birdsong, took a trip to Muscle Shoals with Nashville’s Big Back Yard, he met Rob Carnegie, the President and CEO of the Florence-Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau, Visit the Shoals. Rob shared his desire to bring Muscle Shoals music to Franklin, and as an avid Pilgrimage Music and Cultural Festival attendee, he felt a night leading up to the festival would be perfect. Funny enough, The Harpeth Hotel had reached out with a similar concept; thus, the idea of “Muscle Shoals to Main Street” was born with the hope of making this an annual Garyevent!Baker is an American country music singer and songwriter in Sheffield, Alabama. Gary began his career as a musician with the LeBlanc and Carr Band as well as The Shooters. While playing in Marie Osmond’s band, Gary met his songwriting partner, Frank J. Meyers. Together, they wrote the song I Swear, recorded by All 4-One and John Michael Montgomery, which sold more than twenty million copies internationally and won the 1995 Grammy for “Best Country Song.” Gary has written songs for John Michael Montgomery, Backstreet Boys, Alabama, Lonestar and others. International songwriter and Christian artist, Lenny LeBlanc, is known for his BMI Billionaire song, Falling. Lenny is a self-taught musician and was an integral part of the phenomenon known as Muscle Shoals Music. Lenny’s name appears on dozens of church songs, including the Dove award-winning Above All recorded by Michael W. Smith, Rebecca Saint James, Randy Travis and Richie McDonald of Lonestar and the classic There Is None Like You. He lives in Florence, Alabama, and continues to write hits like Treat Her Right by Sawyer Brown and You First with eight-time Country Music Award, “Musician of the Year,” Mac McAnally.
Phillip White is an Alabama native who has written songs for the industry’s most prominent names: Vince Gill, Scott McCreery, Reba, Rascal Flatts, George Strait, and Luke Bryan, to name a few. Among these include the 2003 Academy of Country Music Song of the Year I’m Movin’ On, the theme song for Reba’s self-titled hit television show I’m A Survivor and Blake Shelton’s Nobody But Me. Phillip has been published by some of music row’s most respected publishers, including Murrah Music, Disney, Universal and Sea Gayle Music. Most recently, Phillip signed with Frank Rogers’ new company, Fluid Music Revolution and Spirit Music Nashville.
Attendees can expect a relaxed, intimate evening that feels like you stepped into a recording lounge in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. All guests can enjoy a cash bar and an event menu to order from; VIP guests will receive a complimentary glass of wine or Champagne. General admission is $100, and VIP seating, which includes a meet and greet, is $150. For more information or purchase tickets, scan the QR code.
FEATURE A Little Something Extra
Muscle Shoals to Main Street SONGWRITERS NIGHT AT

W W W THE SH O A L SAL C O M Join Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit, along with all their friends, in The Shoals, Alabama for Shoalsfest on October 1-2, 2022. Come and see why we’re The CapitalRecordingHitof the World.


Mia plans to continue writing, recording and releasing new originals she makes in her basement studio. She says, “Creating new music is not only the most important thing I can do as a musician but also the most fun.”
One thing led to the next, and this past spring, Mia auditioned for the seventeenth season of America’s Got Talent as a one-woman band, playing her original song, Gone My Way. The song celebrates individualism and joy and features a mechanism called looping. The looping method allows her to enhance and layer different instruments and vocals during live performances.
Mia is scheduled to tour the United Kingdom on drums for Beth Nielsen Chapman this October and November. To follow along her journey, find her on Instagram at @miamorrismusic and listen to Mia’s original songs on Spotify and YouTube.
Mia openly says, “I have no desire to be famous. However, I love that I have been making music in my spare time outside of school for years, and I hope that never stops. Playing music is its own reward, and I especially love writing, recording and performing. I strive to earn a reputation of being prepared and professional every time people hire me as a musician. I strive to have a blast every time I play as an artist.
Though music has become a career for her, Mia is a humble high schooler just beginning her senior year. Although, instead of attending Brentwood High School this year, she is doing school online due to the AGT contest being in Pasadena, California. Mia says, “The balance part is something I don’t always get right, but I make a conscious effort to work at it. In general, I keep my high school life, friends and activities mostly separate from my gigs and music life.”
Mia admits, “AGT was a bit of a last-minute idea after I began playing more and more as a one-woman band. Since I was fourteen years old, I had been playing a show called Song Suffragettes at the Listening Room in downtown Nashville every Monday night.” The show is an all-female writer round where Mia accompanies five artists weekly on a cajón (a box-shaped percussion instrument). Mia explains, “When it was time for my song, I did not want the percussion to stop, so I began experimenting with various ways to play more than one instrument at a time. Eventually, I started making loops and creating different arrangements for the songs I would release. I ended up with an entire set that combined many instruments and a few ways to play drums.”
BY AMELIA ROSE SMITH Mia Morris is a seventeen-year-old girl who is a student by day and musician by night. Though her name may be recognizable from her recent audition on America’s Got Talent (AGT), Mia has played with over 100 artists in one year alone, many of whom have had #1 hits. Mia’s “bubble grunge” style, influenced by 90s rock, scored her four “Yes’s” from the AGT judges, sending her to the next round of competition! “Music was a part of every day in our house growing up. We always had it on, and we often talked about what style of music was the best fit for whatever we were doing at the time,” says Mia. “My dad loved music and playing instruments, but he always insisted that it was for our own satisfaction and never to try making a living as a musician.” Well, things changed after a neighbor gave her an old drum set. From there, she was hooked. “Around the age of ten, I started learning how to play every rock song that I thought had a cool drum part and I posted videos of me playing on YouTube.” Then, by the time Mia was twelve, she was posting versions of songs where she would play every instrument in the song. In 2017, Mia’s family decided to move to Williamson County, exposing her to a new world of musical opportunities with Nashville just down the street. Shortly after moving to Brentwood, she worked weekly playing gigs and was hired as a side musician on various instruments. At fifteen, Mia became serious about writing and began composing several songs weekly by herself and with co-writers. Then, at sixteen, she started doing studio work and touring with independent and label bands and began releasing many of her own music as an individual artist.
Mia’s AGT tryout was one version of looping, impressing the judges, audience and her fans in Williamson County!
If that gets me some recognition, that is amazing, especially if it gets me opportunities to do more of it.”

All My Sons September 30 – October 15 | Pull Tight Theatre |
A final stroke of midnight changes it all when a beautiful princess, handsome prince and glass slipper come together on stage for Paul Vasterling’s sparkling rendition of Cinderella Inspired by the beloved fairytale classic, this delightfully whimsical tale blends beauty, humor and a little magic to tell a story that transcends generations and never grows old.
Arts & Culture
RENT September 16 – 25 TPAC | For a quarter of a century, Jonathan Larson’s Rent has inspired us to choose love over fear and to live without regret. Rent is about falling in love, finding your voice and living for today.
There never seems to be a shortage of arts and culture events to attend in middle Tennessee. Here are just a handful of upcoming art exhibits, music events, plays and more that we cannot wait to see!
Purchase tickets beginning Sept. 19. Go to or call 615-791-5007 Tuesday-Friday, 10 am-4 pm.
Pretty Woman: The Musical September 27 – October 2 TPAC | Based on one of Hollywood’s most beloved romantic stories of all time, Pretty Woman: The Musical springs to life with a powerhouse creative team led by two-time Tony Award®winning director and choreographer, Jerry Mitchell.
All My Sons BY Arthur Miller
Cinderella October 6 – 9 TPAC |
aDiscovertreasure 112 2nd Avenue, South DowntownHistoricFranklinSHOW RUNS SEPT. 30 - OCT. 15
Considered one of the greatest American playwrights of the 20th century, All My Sons was written in 1947 by Arthur Miller. A tragic story set in post-WWII suburbia, All My Sons is considered an American classic. The play opened on Broadway in 1947 and ran for 327 performances. Touching on the themes of loss, greed and betrayal, All My Sons is a play you will not soon forget.
Arts & Culture

Live at the Schermerhorn 100+ Concerts On Sale Now WITH SUPPORT FROMEXPLORE OUR CONCERT CALENDAR AND BUY TICKETS | 615.687.6400 OPENING NIGHT: Mahler’s RESURRECTION SYMPHONY NASHVILLE SYMPHONY & CHORUS Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor Tucker Biddlecombe, chorus director September 29 to October 2 Florence Price TRAILBLAZING WOMEN WITH THE NASHVILLE SYMPHONY Features World Premiere of Julia Wolfe’s Her Story Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor Joan Tower Julia Wolfe September 15 to 17 THE MUSIC OF THE MOODY BLUES with the Nashville Symphony Michael Krajewski, conductor October 7 IN CONCERT WITH THE NASHVILLE SYMPHONY Nathan Aspinall, conductor October 14 to 16 SERIESMOVIE WILLIAMSVANESSA with the Nashville Symphony Enrico Lopez-Yañez, conductor October 20 to 22 SERIESPOPS Giancarlo Guerrero, music director

LIFESTYLE Arts & Culture The Brains Behind Tennessee Performing Arts Center JENNIFER TURNER, PRESIDENT AND CEO 2022–23 NON-BROADWAY SCHEDULE Inaugural Theater Series: Perspectives RHAPSODY IN BLACK WHY WOULD I MISPRONOUNCE MY OWN NAME? 17 BORDER CROSSINGS International Dance Series DOÑAALICE!PERÓN, THE CRUCIBLE Family Series BARNYARD BOOGIE: MADAGASCAR THE MUSICAL BLUEY’S BIG PLAY To learn more about each show, visit 104 | SEPTEMBER 2022
BY AMELIA ROSE SMITH Jennifer Turner has served as President and CEO of Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC) since May 2019. TPAC, located in downtown Nashville, administers one of the largest and most comprehensive arts education programs in the United States, serving students from pre-school to high school, educators and adults. An enormous undertaking for one person. But, when her predecessor, Kathleen O’Brien, announced her retirement, Jennifer saw a fantastic opportunity to broaden her career in the growing city of Nashville! Before coming to TPAC, Jennifer served as the Executive Vice President and Managing Director for Segerstrom Center for the Arts, located in Southern California. In addition, Jennifer has held roles at Harper College, Shakespeare Theatre Company, Michigan Opera Theatre and was the Chief Operating Office for Auditorium Theater, the National Historic Landmark in Chicago. Jennifer credits her success in these impressive roles to her undergraduate studies at Michigan State University and a Master of Public Administration/Nonprofit Management from Roosevelt University. But her true passion and success are rooted in her love for performing and cultural arts. After three years on the team – and a pandemic in the middle – Jennifer is proud to present a remarkable 2022–2023 season that reaches beyond Broadway shows. The team at TPAC has worked to curate a package that appeals to a broad demographic, presenting a new theater series including dance, family shows and TPAC’s Inaugural Theater series, Perspectives. Indeed a show for all! Here is the 2022 – 2023 non-Broadway programming lineup at Tennessee Performing Arts Center.


2. Martin S. ___________ was the first SEC
13. Which university won three SEC Championships in a row between 19801982?
DOWN 1. In the first decade of the SEC Championship Game, between 1992 and 2002, the Western Division sent five different teams to the SEC title game. Which team did not make it at least once?
ACROSS 5. Which charter member left the SEC after the 1939 season?
10. In 2014, the SEC ________ was launched?
3.Commissioner?________isthe only school that has failed to win an SEC title.
MONTHLY Did YOU Know? FOOTBALL TRIVIA Know your SEC Football facts? Test your skills on this issue’s crossword! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
11. The ______ Bowl is the rivalry game held every year between Mississippi State and Ole Miss.
6. Which team had their 1984 conference championship vacated by SEC officials?
12. The 1997 SEC Championship was won by the Tennessee Volunteers, scoring 30–29 on a long touchdown pass by QB Peyton Manning. Which team from the SEC West did Tennessee beat to win the title?
4. What university was the first ever champion of the SEC?
7. In 1939, which SEC school was the last major college team in the 20th century to finish a regular season unbeaten, untied and unscored on?
9. The Southeastern Conference is headquartered in which city?
8. The Southeastern Conference (SEC) was founded in December 1932, when thirteen schools left which other conference?