youth pathshal magazine january2013

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HELLO FRIENDS ! Ÿ◊S∑§Ê⁄U, ‚Ê‹ wÆvw ’Ëà øÈ∑§Ê „Ò, ‹Á∑§Ÿ ©‚∑§Ë ∑§«∏flË-◊Ë∆Ë ÿÊŒ¥ •’ ÷Ë ¡„Ÿ ◊¥ ø∑§⁄UÁÉÊÛÊË ∑§Ë Ã⁄U„ ŸÊø ⁄U„Ë „Ò¥– ‹ÊÁ¡◊Ë ÷Ë „Ò– ‹Á∑§Ÿ ©¬‹ÁéœÿÙ¥ ∑‘§ Á‹∞ ’ËÃ ‚Ê‹ ∑§Ù ÿÊŒ Á∑§ÿÊ ¡Ê∞, ß‚∑§Ë ªÈ¥¡Êß‡Ê Ÿ„Ë¥ ∑‘§ ’⁄UÊ’⁄U „Ò– •ı⁄U πÊ‚∑§⁄U ¡ÊÃ-¡ÊÃ ªÒ¥ª⁄U¬ ∑§Ë flÊ⁄UŒÊà Ÿ ¡Ù ∑§ÊÁ‹π ¬ÙÃË, ©‚‚ ÁŸ¡Êà ¬ÊŸ ◊¥ •⁄U‚Ê ‹ªªÊ, Á»§⁄U ÷Ë ©‚∑§Ê ∑§Ê‹Ê¬Ÿ Á◊≈U ¡Ê∞ªÊ, ‹ªÃÊ Ÿ„Ë¥, ÄUÿÙ¥Á∑§ •’ ÃÙ ◊ÈÀ∑§ ∑‘§ Á‚ÿʂÌʟ ß‚ ¬⁄U ÷Ë Á‚ÿÊ‚Ë ⁄UÙ≈UË ‚∑§Ã Ÿ¡⁄U •Ê ⁄U„ „Ò¥– ‹Á∑§Ÿ, ß‚∑‘§ Áfl⁄UÙœ ◊¥ Á¡‚ Ã⁄U„ Œ‡Ê ∑§Ê ÿÈflÊ ‚«∏∑§Ù¥ ¬⁄U ©Ã⁄UÊ, •ı⁄U Á∑§‚Ë ÷Ë Á‚ÿÊ‚Ë ŸÃÎàfl ∑§Ù Ÿ∑§Ê⁄UÃ „È∞ ©‚∑§Ê •ÊR§Ù‡Ê ‚Ê◊Ÿ •ÊÿÊ, flÙ ∑§„Ë¥ ŸÊ ∑§„Ë¥ ©‚ ÿÈflÊ ‡ÊÁQ§ ∑‘§ ÅflÊ’ ∑§Ù ◊È∑§ê◊‹ ∑§⁄UŸ ∑§Ë ÁŒ‡ÊÊ ◊¥ ◊Êß‹ S≈UÙŸ ‚ÊÁ’à „ÙªÊ, Á¡‚∑§Ê ‚¬ŸÊ ∑§÷Ë Œ‡Ê ∑‘§ ∑§Ãʸ-œÃʸ•Ù¥ Ÿ ŒπÊ ÕÊ– ÿÈflÊ•Ù¥ ∑‘§ ¬˝⁄UáÊÊ dÙà ⁄U„ SflÊ◊Ë Áflfl∑§ÊŸ¥Œ ∑§Ë vzÆflË¥ ¡ÿ¥ÃË ¬⁄U ‡ÊÊÿŒ „Ë ß‚‚ ’„Ã⁄U ∑§Ù߸ ÃÙ„»§Ê ©Ÿ∑‘§ Á‹∞ „Ù ‚∑§ÃÊ „Ò– ◊ÈÀ∑§ ∑§Ê Á‚ÿÊ‚Ë ¬ÃŸ ’ŒSÃÍ⁄U ¡Ê⁄UË „Ò, Áfl∑§À¬ ∑§Ë Ã‹Ê‡Ê ‚ •ÊÁ¡¡ •Ê∑§⁄U ÿÈflÊ •’ πÈŒ ¬„‹ ∑§⁄U ⁄U„Ê „Ò •ı⁄U ß‚ ÃÊ∑§ ◊¥ „Ò Á∑§ Á¬¿‹Ë ∑§«∏flË ÿʌ٥ •ı⁄U ¡Å◊Ù¥ ¬⁄U ◊⁄U„◊ ∑§Ë ßÃŸË ◊Ù≈UË ¬⁄Uà ¡◊Ê Œ Á∑§ øÊ„∑§⁄U ÷Ë ∑§Ù߸ ©‚ ∑§È⁄UŒ ŸÊ ‚∑‘§– ●●● Editor : Priyanka Bhardwaj Executive editor : Alok Sahil Advisor : Jagdeep s Sindhu Editorial -Team : Archana Sah, Pawas Neer, Rohit Vats, Chandan Mishra, Naveen Chauhan,Vikash Bhuranda Editorial Advisor

: Amalendu Upadhyay, Avdhesh Akodia


: Naresh Selpar, Nasir Zedi, Abhishek Sharma, Javed

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Reach Us 54, Sarai Julena, New Friends Colony New Delhi-110025 e-mail : # +91-9873445107 RNI DEIBIL/2009/29569, Owner, Printer, Editor, Publisher : Priyanka Bhardwaj Published from : 54, Sarai Julena, New Friends Colony, New Delhi-110025 Printed from : Kehkashan Graphics, 1501, Gali Qasimjan, Lal Khan, Delhi-110006

Youth Pathshala] tuojh 2013


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Youth Pathshala] tuojh 2013

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Youth Pathshala] tuojh 2013

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tuojh 2013


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Youth Pathshala] tuojh 2013

Youth Pathshala] tuojh 2013



JUSTICE FOR RAPE VICTIMS ✒ Sushil Morarka Lately, people have been talking a lot about the recent rape victim in a moving bus in Delhi. They have been clamoring for more stringent laws and more severe punishment to set an example to stop such heinous crime. But how will more laws or more stringent provisions help to stop this offence? They cannot, because the malaise is in the roots. Not only rape but any crimes, whether it is robbery, pick- pocketing or burglary, go through rigmarole as prescribed in the Indian Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC). In brief, this procedure is as follows: If a crime is committed, the aggrieved party (Complainant) goes to the police station to file an FIR (First Information Report). Then, Station- in- charge has to investigate the complaint and after investigation, he has to file a charge sheet in the Court of the appropriate jurisdiction. The real and foremost problem starts here. The policemen are reluctant to register a complaint because it will enhance crime statistics, which rather will look sad. So, police always try to delay the writing of the complaint. The complainant sits patiently in the station, hoping against hope that his case will be registered and investigation will start soon as any time lapses after the crime occurred may have grave impact, especially on certain crime cases like abduction, robbery, theft etc. For Example: In other scenario, the situation becomes more frustrating, when your car meets with an accident on the highway. Then, SHO makes you


wait in the police station, which adds further pressure on you as you are already behind schedule to reach to your destination. By eluding you to stop writing a simple accident complaint, he has managed to show the reduction of accident cases in his jurisdiction. The statistics will show that he has been effective, in controlling the number of road accidents. Registration of the complaint will enhance the crime statistics in his area and thus, increased crime rate in his area. It show that, either he is under- staffed or illequipped reduce the number of the crimes in the certain area. He has to solve or investigate the cases in certain time period to prove his efficiency for promotion. Else, he will be considered as inept for his designation. For example: If he could investigate only 30 % of the crimes reported in his area, he will be considered inadequately trained as he was not able to meet his targets. Complaint will be registered, only if the complainant is persistent and dogged about filing the complaint. After filing of the complaint, police try to file a closure report, in which they mention that complaint was found to be false or baseless after investigation. After the investigation of the case, a charge sheet is filed in the Court, which is rather a shoddy document in most cases. Thus, to curb the whole menace, it is must that police should register a complaint on the urgent basis. Also, it has become imperative that complainant should be educated enough to understand the nuance of the FIR. 2nd step: The next step after filling of registration in

Youth Pathshala] tuojh 2013

Justica the criminal justice system is the trial of the case. Depending on the cases and court, to which the case is referred, the case comes to trial after anywhere between one to ten years. This long duration in the trial of case makes it weak and comparatively in-effective. This problem can be solved, if the statements of the complainant, the accused and the witnesses will be recorded by the magistrate the very next day. It can be possible to make a fixed format according to law to record the statements of concerned people involved in the case (complainant, accused and the witnesses). Such provision exists for recording of the statement of the accused under Section 313 of the CrPC. Now if any person wants to change his statement he should immediately be tried for perjury and given a strict sentence. This would deter people from turning hostile or from giving an evasive reply to the questions. 3rd Step: The next step is the application for bail, filed on behalf of the accused. Most courts are pretty liberal in granting bail, and rightfully so. But the bail conditions should be made severe so that no accused is able to jump bail. Accused can be asked to deposit the bail amount in cash, where the loss can be quantified in financial terms. Rather, he can be asked to give a surety for a tangential property. After the trial begins, in most cases the trial is conducted by the Public Prosecutor. The Law should be amended to allow the complainant to engage the services of a lawyer of his choice. Such a lawyer would be able to take the accused and his coterie of lawyers to task. The magistrates must conclude the trials in a time bound manner, and for that no adjournment should be allowed to the accused except under exceptional circumstances like health etc. In the case of serious crimes, the appellate courts must ensure that the appeals are disposed off in the shortest possible time. For Example: In one of the recent cases, the Supreme Court granted bail to a senior police officer from Haryana who had molested a minor and later, she died. After getting bail, he continued to harass her family and forced them to leave the state and migrate to some other part of the country. The Supreme Court should examine the all evidences, which is supposed to be examined by the trial court. The Supreme Court only looks at the legal issues in an appeal. The problem here is that there are not enough courts at all levels of the judicial system. The backlog keeps mounting and justice is regularly denied. The law is allowed to take its own meandering course. The Government needs to train and employ more judges. Government should set- up more Courts. The Government has money for all its grandiose schemes but has no money to bring genuine support to the people. Each Court can provide dignified jobs to at least 10 persons, including the bench clerk, the steno typists, the peon or crier, who calls out the names and the office which maintains all the records of the cases and financial transactions.

To sum up the situation, we must therefore get rid of the archaic system of Presidential pardon. How can President be more competent to examine the evidence in a legal matter? The matter reaches the President only in the rarest of rare cases involving death sentence. The death sentence is itself a very serious matter. The evidence on which the Courts have awarded a death has been scrutinized at various levels by qualified judges. Therefore, the President should stop entertaining any such petitions. What needs to be done therefore would be: *Appoint and train police personnel to register a complaint. *Make criminal investigation a specialized field in the police academy, where the police should be trained to investigate the crime. *Appoint officers with this back ground to the Police Stations and every time their investigation leads to a successful conviction, reward them for a job well done. *Allow the complainant to appoint his own lawyers to prosecute his complaint. *Immediately fill- up the vacancies in the Courts, set up separate training institutes for training of judges, like the National Law College. *Do not show any kind of leniency to accused, who has been found guilty of serious crimes and bail should never be given to such accused. This will ensure that these “so- called influential” people have their appeals expedited rather than enjoying the freedom that they should not be entitled to. *Allow plea bargaining in all cases, except probably murder or treason against the nation. * Government should reduce the number of holidays that the Courts have. As the part of the Government system, court should not have extended summer and winter vacations. This is a legacy of the British which has to be scrapped off immediately. ●●●

Youth Pathshala] tuojh 2013



IISER Kolkata Recruitment 2013 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Kolkata has issued notification against recruitment of 12 Non Teaching Vacancies. Eligible candidates must apply online on or before 31-01-2013 and send the printout of application by post on or before 11-02-2013.Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process and how to apply are given below… IISER Vacancy Details: Total No of Vacancies: 12 Names of Posts: 1. Executive Engineer: 01 post 2. Chief Security Officer: 01 post 3. Assistant Registrar (Finance & Accounts): 01 post 4. Technical Assistant: 02 posts 5. Scientific Assistant: 01 post 6. Personal Assistant: 01 post 7. Nursing Assistant (Multi Skills): 01 post 8. Attendant (Multi Skills): 04 posts Age Limit: Candidates upper age limit should be 50 years for Executive Engineer post, 45 years


for Chief Security Officer Post, 35 years for remaining positions as on the date of publication of this advertisement. Age relaxation will be applicable as per the rules. Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Degree in Civil Engg or Master Degree in Construction Management or equivalent for Executive Engineer, Bachelors Degree or equivalent Degree for Chief Security Officer, PG with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade with Specialization in Finance/Accounts for Asst Registrar, 1st Class Diploma in Civil/ Electrical Engg for Technical Asst, M.Sc in Physics/ Chemistry/ any branch of Life Sciences with at least 60% marks for Scientific Asst, Any Degree with knowledge of Computer Applications for Personnel Asst, Bachelors Degree or equivalent for Nursing Assistant, 10th passed/ITI for Attendant post. Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on the performance in written test/ interview/ group discussion.

Youth Pathshala] tuojh 2013

Application Fee: Candidates must pay a demand draft of Rs.500/ -for S. No. 1 & 2 Posts and for rest Rs.200/- in favour of “Registrar, IISER Kolkata “payable at Kolkata. No fee for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates as per GOI orders. How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply Online through the website link http:// on or before 31-01-2013 and send the print out of the application form along with detailed bio-data, recent passport size photograph and copies of relevant certificates and other testimonials and demand draft duly attested in closed cover superscribing “Application for the post of___, post code___”, to the Registrar, IISER Kolkata, Mohanpur Campus, P.O: Krishi Viswavidyalaya, District- Nadia, Pin741252, West Bengal, India, on or before 11-02-2013. Important Dates: Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 31-01-2013, 17:00hrs

Campus Last Date for Submission of Online Application along with Enclosures: 11-02-2013. Daman & Diu Administration – Meter Reader UT Administration of Daman & Diu has issued notification for recruitment of 04 posts of Meter Readers in the Electricity Department. Eligible candidates can send their applications on or before 08-02-2013. For more details regarding age limit, educational qualifications, selection process and how to apply are mentioned below…. Daman & Diu Vacancy Details: Total No. of vacancies: 04 Name of the Posts: Meter Reader Age Limit: Candidates age should not exceed 30 years. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules. Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess HSC (10+2) should have practice in cycling with knowledge of local language. Selection Process: Candidates will be selected on the basis of interview. How to Apply: Candidates can submit the application giving full details regarding Educational and other Qualifications, Date of Birth, Experience, etc. accompanied with attested copies of each certificate, so as to reach the office of the Executive Engineer(Elect.), Electricity Department, Near O.I.D.C., Complex Somnath, Nani Daman -396 210 on or before 08-022013. Last date for Receipt of Application: 08-02-2013.

Delhi Police Vacancy Details: Number of Vacancies: 1088 Name of the Posts: 1. Constable (Executive) – Male: 1045 Posts 2. Constable (Dog Handler)Male: 43 Posts Age Limit: Candidate age must be between 18 to 21 years as on 01-01-2013. (Age relaxations will be extended as per Govt. rules). Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess Senior Secondary (10+2) from recognized board with a valid driving license for LMV, 11th pass for Constables (Bandsmen), (Buglers), (Mounted), (Drivers), (Dispatch Rider) etc of Delhi Police & Sons of either serving, retired or deceased Delhi Police personnel/ Multi Tasking Staff of Delhi Police. Application Fee Details: Applicants need to pay application fee of Rs. 100/- in form of Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque in favour of DCP/Recruitment Cell, New Police Lines, Delhi payable at Delhi. SC/ ST/EXSM is exempted from payment of Fee. Selection Process: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Physical Endurance Test, Written Test, Interview and Medical Exam. How to Apply: Candidates can apply through offline or online mode. For offline mode candidates need to apply for the post through prescribed application format which can be downloaded from the notification and fill it with mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe for the post applied for on the envelope and send it through

Delhi Police Constable Recruitment Delhi Police has issued notification for the recruitment of 1088 posts of temporary constable (executive) & Constable (Dog Handler) from male candidates. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 28-02-2013. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, application fee details, selection process and how to apply are given below…

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ordinary post along with self addressed envelope with Rs 5/- stamp, payment receipt and all relevant documents to Post Box No. 8020, Delhi-110033 and in Online mode candidates can apply from the website and on or before 28-02-2013. Last Date for Receipt of Application: 28-02-2013. Municipal Corporation Chandigarh Municipal Corporation Chandigarh invites online applications for the recruitment of 72 Sub Divisional Engineer, Junior Engineer & Draftsman. Interested candidates can apply through online 07-01-2013 to 20-02-2013. For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification and other particulars are mentioned below… Municipal Corporation Chandigarh Vacancy Details: Total no of posts: 72 Name of the posts: 1. Sub Divisional Engineer: 22 Posts. 2. Junior Engineer (Civil): 09 Posts 3. Junior Engineer (Electrical): 02 Posts 4. Junior Engineer (P.H): 13 Posts 5. Sanitary Inspector: 04 Posts 6. Draftsman: 09 Posts 7. Jr. Draftsman: 13 Posts. Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18 years to 35 years for Sr No 1, 2 Posts, 18 years to 25 years for Sr No 3, 4, 6 Posts, 18 years to 28 years for Sr. No 5 Post, 18 years to 30 years for post 7 as on 01-01-2012. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules. Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess Degree in Engg/ Diploma/ Graduate/ Matric in relevant field from recognized University with relevant experience as mentioned in the notification. Application Fee: Application fees Rs. 250/- in case of SC category, Rs. 500/- in case of other category, PH persons are exempted from application fee will be payable through Challan, generated after online filling of application. The



amount should be deposited in the CDAC Mohali Application Fee Account, Current Account No. 912020065003255 AXIS BANK mentioning registration number and name in the bank narration. Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on merit in their educational qualification and Interview. How to Apply: Interested candidates can apply online through the website www. recruitment. from 07-01-2013 to 2002-2013 . Instructions for Online Application: 1. Log on to the website 2. Click on ‘New Registration’ and Click on the post to be applied for. 3. Fill all the details in the application form and click on ‘Submit’. 4. After submission of form candidates are required to take the print out of the Acknowledgement Slip cum Fee Challan for depositing the fee. 5. Candidates can take the print out of the Registration slip and pay the application fee as mentioned above. 6. Take the printout of the system generated application form & retain it for further assistance. Important Dates:


Starting Date for Online Registration: 07-01-2013 Last Date for Online Registration: 20-02-2013 Times Internet Ltd seeks Copy Editor in Delhi Times Internet Ltd requires Copy Editor / Senior Copy Editor in New Delhi. Experience: 1 to 4 years Brief job profile: The main responsibility of the person will be to work as a sub-editor. The online edit team works in three different shifts 24X7 format. 1. Responsible for the entire site and not of any particular section 2. Scan news from the news agencies and wire services on a continuous basis. 3. Editing and proofreading editorial content 4. Put up these stories on the site without delay and set the priority of the site/page 5. Sometimes the important stories that need to go on the TOI homepage line-up needs to be uploaded very fast and give it to the TOI shift head 6. Should have good English language skills. Will be required to file stories, edit articles and ensure engaging content on the site. 7. Managing exclusive content on the site, coordinating with partner

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news sites to ensure quality content exchange. 8. Maximizing web traffic on the site with good coverage along with proper tagging and promotion of the content 9. Site Maintenance with zero error Competencies required: • A good team member with highly effective communication skills and an experience in copy editing. Educational qualification: • A Graduate / Post graduate in English / Journalism / Commerce with an excellent vocabulary, grammar and proof reading skills. Industry/functional experience/exposure needed: • One to four years experience in the similar field • A good team member with highly effective communication skills and an experience in copy editing. Salary range: 2.5 Lacs to 5 Lacs per annum If interested; please share your resume at pranav. saxena @ Jagran Cityplus needs Sub Editor in Pune Jagran Cityplus is looking for Sub Editor in Pune. Experience: 1-3 years Candidate profile: 1. The applicant must have a journalism background 2. Good English language skills, Graduate/Post graduate in English/ Journalism Salary: As per industry standards Contact person: Puja Sethi, Executive Editor Email: pujasethi @ jagrancityplus .com The Sunday Guardian seeks Correspondents in Delhi The Sunday Guardian is looking for Correspondents in New Delhi with at least five years’ experience. Salary will be commensurate with ability. Sunday Guardian Contact person: Ashish Kumar Applicants need to write to Phone: 0120-4369500

Celebartion ✒ Nandini bhalla To mark the celebration of Republic day on 26th January, many restaurants offers special tri-colour menu with lots of discounts and exclusive offers every year. Tri-colour pizzaz, pastas, soups, salads, starters, main course along with desserts, the special R- day feast offers yummiest treats for both vegetarian and non-vegetarians at various restaurants in and around Delhi. Nowadays, sadness and insecurity is reigning over India as 2012 ended on a very sad note with the demise of victim of Delhi gang rape case and whole country mourned on her death with utmost integrity. To uplift the spirit of India and enthuse integrity, Chonas in Khan market presents special tri- color feast on this 64th Republic Day. Soups, starters, main course along with desserts, the special combos offer yummiest treats for both vegetarian and non-vegetarians along with 30 per cent discount on the main menu. Either pick from the all time favourite starters like “Crispy vegetable Pepper ‘N’ Salt and wash down with coffee kitkat shake” or non- veg lovers can pamper

themselves from “Prawn pepper salt complemented with fresh lime soda”. Those, who swear by non-veg can satiate their hunger with “Smoked chicken with Hummus & Pita (served with tomato spicy sauce) complemented with Strawberry lemonade”. Mushroom strang off with dark oreo choco shake” is a must for all veggie lovers. And from our all- new Indian cuisine, savor the delectable “Lamb rogan josh with rice complemented with fresh coconut water”. Tri-color biryani and tri-colour salad with thirty per cent discount is surely an ideal excuse to spend an invigorating evening with your friends or family on R- day at Chonas to spread love, peace and harmony among each other. La Crepe Rit, French restaurant in Saket also offering special various combo offers for food enthusiasts. Special republic day combos ranging from as low as 195 to 395 (plus taxes) present various exciting

Republic Day extravaganza combinations of deserts, main course and beverages. People with sweet tooth can either choose from “wide variety of Crepe Sunday or cake with hot beverages like coffee/ tea”. Combo offer also includes two course meals of “soups or salads with main course”. Cocoa by Belgique will be launching a special live grill section at Tagore garden branch and special pizza menu at Saket branch for R- day extravaganza. To ease up the current tension with India- Pakistan, LEMP has planned a special evening on 26th January based on INDIA- PAKISTAN theme. LEMP will be holding a special music programme, having a cordial jamming session by Indian and Pakistan singers. When asked, they refuse to divulge any details about performers.

However they mentioned “music is the best medium to ease up any tension”. Lemp is also arranging a special Buffet includes cuisine from both countries- India & Pakistan. Costing 999++, buffet will include unlimited starters, main-course with freshly fruit mocktails. Addresses CHONAS: 51, 1st Floor, Middle Lane, Khan Market, New Delhi La Crepe Rit: G-8, D-2 Southern Park Mall, Saket District Centre, Saket, New Delhi Cocoa By Belgique: G-37, Select Citywalk NU Mall, Ras Vilas, Saket District Centre, New Delhi, and G 7/8 Pacific Mall, Tagore Garden, New Delhi LEMP Brewpub and Kitchen: 2nd Floor, Star Mall, Sector 30, South City 1, Gurgaon

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No End to This Night By Shirish Khare As soon as I got off at Ajmer railway station, I called Bhanvaribai’s mobile phone. In an unsure voice she said, “Since you have come to write about women’s issues, why don’t you come directly to the Ajmeri Gate police station?”. Somewhat astonished, I asked, “What has happened?”. She replied, “come here and you will find out. We are 50 year old women here. You are a young man. They slapped us a few times and sat us down at the police station. So come only if you feel comfortable.” I felt that it was better to go to the police station rather than return to Mumbai. Seeing my luggage, the auto-rickshaw driver asked if I wanted to go to a hotel. But when I replied that he should take me to a police station, he was started. At the police station, the station in-charge, Satish Yadav sat behind a table that said “Truth Shall Prevail” and in front of a large framed photograph of Mahatma Gandhi. But he seemed at 180 degrees to both those philosophies. He curtly I asked who I was but walked off before I could say anything. The issue at hand is not how big or small the case was against these women or what is considered to be a big case. What needs to be recognized is that when there are instances of oppression against


Dalits – especially Dalit women – everyone from the neighborhood, the village Panchayat, the police and the local courts all assume an attitude that makes justice impossible. The police station officer – incharge is bothered that almost every week three cases of oppression against Dalit women is registered from Rasulpura village. The Women’s Rights Commission claims that instead of protecting these women as per special laws put in place to prevent oppression, the police station in-charge will often arrest those who come to file the case. For example, Sualal Bhambhi from Rasulpura, along with his wife

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Geetadevi and daughter Renu had come to file a case against Biram Gujjar for trying to take away their cow and for physical abuse in trying to do so. Instead, the police arrested Sualal Bhambhi saying that the true culprit will become apparent after investigation. When the Women’s Rights Committee and the Dalit Rights Center intervened, he was let go. While the police were willing to look into the case of a stolen cow, they were unwilling to look into the case of violence against his wife and daughter. Rasulpura is hardly 10Km from Ajmer, on the highway to Jaipur. 600 Muslims, 150 Gujjars and 50 dalits

Life live in this community. In the last few years, 20 dalit families have had to dump their land and property at giveaway prices and move to Ajmer. The rest of the Dalit families also have had to move their houses about 0.5Km from the village, practically living in their fields. This is India where dalits still cannot sit in the community gathering, cannot use water from the village handpump, and are fearful of riding a bicycle. Only 10 years ago, Harikishen master broke the age-old taboo that dalits could not ride a horse to their wedding (as is common practice among Hindus in this region). 15 years ago, Chaggibai won a panchayat seat (without any reservation) – however, within 6 months, the rest of the Panchayat community impeached her because they felt that her election affected the prestige of the village. Chaggibai won without reservations because there were many contestants from the higher caste communities. However, when she won, higher caste men surrounded the school building in the village and Chaggibai had to be rescued by police. 15 years ago, the women of this village decided to speak out about their rights – they formed “Women’s Rights Committee”. Women paid Rs 2 to join the group – and 12 women joined. They used the committee to talk about their daily problems and its solutions. Bhanvaribai says that after 5 years of the committee’s functioning, when it also started to voice opinions on child marriage, and casteism, there was opposition to the group. When dalit women began to take objection to caste-based insults and abuses, upper caste people asked why there was a sudden objection – after all, this had been happening for years. Now, though, this began to cause conflict. The Dalit community used government land to go to their farms. On 6th June, Teja Gujjar dug a trench in this path and placed barbed wire, making it difficult for people to se this path. When Bhanvaribai requested to talk to Teja Gujjar to resolve this issue, he threatened to kill her (using language not printable). When the Dalit women approached

Teja’s older brother who is also a member of the village panchayat, saying that they had voted for him and wished he would intercede, he suggested (sarcastically) that they take the matter to the police. The fact was that these brothers had been trying to buy up dalit land at low prices in a number of neighbouring villages. They hoped that by troubling the dalit community, they could get them to sell and move. When the Dalit women approached the police outpost at Nareti, the police said that they would file a case only after investigation. When a dalit constable named Kailash came to the Gujjar brothers to find out about the events, he was insulted. The Dalit women then went to Ajmeri gathe police station which was already quite unhappy about numerous Dalit cases. Kalyanji, a Dalit villager, says that the upper caste members of Rasulpura are interested in taking over 30 acres of land that belongs to the dalits as well as 4 acres of government land. 1 acres costs about Rs 100000. Land is the primary source of income for these dalit communities. With drought that has hovered over these villages for the

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last 10-15 years, they often have to supplement this income with unskilled labour. In these conditions, numerous upper-class people have attempted to push the dalits ou of their land. On 12th February, Mamchand Ravat along with some other men entered Shankarlal’s house, and beat him up. Despite the intervention of Dalit Rights Center, a case was filed only after 3 months and its been 6 months and nothing further has happened. Teja and Amba Gujjar have been involved in other incidences where they have beaten up women. A report was filed only after the local SP intervened but there has been no progress since. In an interesting case of communal collaboration, the muslim community is providing support to the Gujjars – a result of political and social alliances. Two big Muslim traders have provided political support to the Gujjars. One even threatened major violence if even one Gujjar was arrested. The Police station officer is obviously bothered by the number of dalit ventures to file cases for oppression – the officer in-charge has attempted to help the dalit ‘understand’ that this police station is not just for Rasulpura. ●●●


70 MM

There's decent money in it, but where are the good horror films? ✒ Rohit Vats The first look of Kannan Iyer's debut directorial venture Ek Thi Daayan has been revealed and the impressive star-cast of the film is on a hunt for eyeballs. Last year saw Bollywood coming up with hugely successful Raaz 3 and1920 - Evil Returns while Bhoot Returns failed to scare the audience, however even these films were not at par with some of the better horror films made in the past. Who is the ghost: From Raj Khosla to Ramsay Brothers to Vikram Bhatt, mainstream Hindi filmmakers find it difficult to give a proper dimension to the shock value of a mysterious character, which most of the time turns out to be the butler of the house. This lack of aura further leads to a fascination for blood and gore which more or less kills the empathy for such a character which could have emerged as the 'ghost on a mission'. Hindi filmmakers find it difficult to give a proper dimension to the shock value of a mysterious character. The time and place of the


psychologically disturbing character defines the existence and motive of it. There was a time when people used to cross a dimly lit jungle on a tamtam (horse-cart), but the era has been changed and thus the space in which the ghostly spirits are operating should be changed accordingly. Time and space: Ram Gopal Varma tried to establish the loneliness of urban life

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in Bhoot and it worked but the same style couldn't work in other films. Loud background score can provide momentary shock but it won't produce the same effect as The Shiningbecause of the characterisation and the slow tempo of the film which was needed to make it grow on the spectators. Voyeuristic camera is satisfactory but the subject it is

70 MM catching should have a philosophy. The filmmakers are afraid of going against the popular notion and thus the sacred vermillion and the cross are still the ultimate salvation. The films should also reflect the changing mindset of the society towards the religion and traditions. Brand positioning: In Bollywood, the horror genre doesn't enjoy the same kind of respect like romance or action which prompts the filmmakers to amalgamate horror with erotica. Further, our filmy upbringing pushes us to think that only erotica can be followed by horror. Editing cuts can be helpful in presenting a film properly but it couldn't be a very important part of a horror film's planning. The philosophy followed by the filmmaker affects the outcome of the product and here the Hindi film directors need to understand the difference between vampires, werewolves, zombies and psychos. Remember 'Psycho' worked chiefly because of the style and philosophy of Norman Bates. Repressed emotions are integral to horror stories and we have been seeing it in films such as The Exorcist, Silence of the Lambs, Rosemary's Baby, Veerana, Do Gaz Zameen Ke Neeche and Bhoot. Our filmmakers fail to associate a strong motive to the ghost's deeds. Of course, a unique style is more required to create an ambience but the viewer would be compelled to assimilate the chain of events in the climax and then he will think whether

the turn of events was justified or not. The film would lose its relevance in case of a negation. Sexuality: Some of the popular franchise like Saw and I Know What You Did Last Summerbank upon the niche audience base which Raaz and 1920 are also trying to do but the engaging capacity of the Hindi films depends too much on the sexuality of the females portrayed in these films. Here we find only black and white characters while films of other genres are frequently showcasing grey characters. Raaz 3 was a good attempt in this regard but conventional dialogue writing and the evolution of a 'hero' obstructed it from becoming a genre defining film. The depiction of effervescent feminism needs to be carefully tackled; mere victimisation is not

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time friendly I guess. The theories propagated by earlier films such as Frankstein and The Wolf Manhave taken a new shape in Hollywood, thus the Hindi film industry also needs to have a re-look at its 'bhootiya' content. Leaning towards the modern set-up and associating it with the utilitarian approach of a film might help here. Dealing with the glaring issues of a secluded city life may add more values to the on-screen drama. Stereotypes are inevitable in horror films but they shouldn't be made obvious, a film's predictability hampers the attention span. Moreover, a ghost can always be understood as the sixth sense (Talaash!), RGV's Darna Mana Hai had such stories. One good thing about the trailer of Ek Thi Daayan is the abundance of female characters. All three women, Konkona, Kalki and Huma, can bring out three different sides of feminism and this can increase the film's value. Retrospection wouldn't be a futile exercise as there is a lot of money to be earned.Raaz 3 grossed close to Rs 90 crore, an unprecedented amount of money for a horror film. There is definitely a class of the audience which can help a good horror film in becoming the first Rs 100 crore horror film in India. And, who knows, horror may become the genre of the day in coming years, and then the visionary producers would find it tough to stop counting the money. ●●●


70 MM

TerePyaarr Mein Paapad The interesting title of Tere Pyaarr Mein Paapad has quite a few meanings to it.It relates to the various expressions of a man, his fantasies and desires in life. The title is synonymous to the struggles a man makes to fulfil his fantasies, find the love of his life, and eventually, realization of true love. Director’s Note Army Officers are well known for their daring acts. Here is one who has tried something very different. Thinking out of the box, this is an adult comedy which is something no one has really experimented with in India. Comedies have always been one of the popular genres of Bollywood but, threesome is a sensitive subject and no one has ever come up with an idea of it. Uunnat Dutt who is also the producer and director of Tere Pyaarr Mein Paapad, is a Territorial Army Officer, which is a part of the Indian Army. Tere Pyaarr Mein Paapad is a coming of


age comedy about a story that follows one man’s quest to fulfil his fantasies and find the girl of his dreams who agrees that threesome can be fun. This adult comedy is made to be a laugh riot. Prem Pujari Das (Uunnat Duutt) is a novelist living with his dream of erotic fantasies. To fulfil his fantasy of threesome, he asks all his girlfriends, but he gets only one girl, Millie (Shaiza Kashyap). Together they hit it off immediately and go through a series of outrageous tests, adventures and misadventures to complete his fantasies. Their trials and tribulations, their pain and sufferings, their joys are just enough to make the audience sit upright in their chair and wait for what’s going to come next. This fantastical story is now the talk of the town and is being discussed by people who want to fulfil their dreams. The social media network impressions of the movie are running over 18.86 million and are clicking more. The movie is likely to hit the theatres in early 2013. ACTRESS NOTE Shaiza Kashyap, Miss Delhi West is an experienced theatre artist. She has the pleasure of working with renowned directors in her theatre journey of seven years. For Millie, Prem is the love of her dreams and the dreams of her love. She wants only this dream to come true. All she wants is her love Prem to be happy and even sacrifices all her insecurities and agrees to be a part of his fantasy a threesome. She wants to win her true love at any cost.

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70 MM Post Production Editorial Team Vineet Das (Film Editor): The film is a fast paced journey of comical characters with bizarre outlooks towards life. The intertwined situations created by the characters are hilarious with lots of confusion, drama and entertainment. Ranjeet Singh (Film Editor): This is a great idea. Wow! Threesome isn’t it what we all

Film Production Team’s Point of View Rahul Dwivedi (Assistant Director): The movie is a man’s journey in search of love and his desperation to fulfil his desires. It is a wholesome entertainer full of drama, comedy, suspense and melodious music. It’s always difficult to find true love in this materialistic world. This journey is not easy, in desperation one seeks and uses means which leads to

misunderstandings and confusions. At this stage, we wonder what went wrong, did we take the wrong road, chose the wrong person and worst of all we try to blame others for what went wrong. These instances have been portrayed in a light and comical manner. Shivanjali Bhandari (Production Assistant): Rustling the pages of the past is not always good. The past at times is only a burden to carry but at times discussing past gives us time to introspect our own feeling whether it was love, attraction or way of fulfilling one’s desire. This serious topic is handled in a true comical way which is absolutely gripping. It is truly a light hearted comedy and the atmosphere while shooting the same was fun. Giving voice over and delivering some of the dialogues was a completely a new experience and added to the unique concept of the ultimate comedy. Altamash (Director of Photography): Tere Pyaarr Mein Paapad is a perfect mixture of three spices called MASTI, MAZAA & MEHNAT. It is the story of all these three spices which are struggling to have a threesome. The frame of our movie is all about those sizzling fantasies which every person dreams of but hardly thinks of fulfilling them.

desire, but are afraid to admit the same to others least of it to the girls whom we want to impress in our life. I am sure everyone who sees the movie will love the erotic experience. Threesome is just like an advanced version of shaadi ka laddoo, isey jo khaye wo pachhtaaye, jo naa khaye wo bhi pachhtaaye. Adil Khan (Film Editor): Editing is great fun and if the concept of the movie is good it adds to it. The concept of this movie is simply amazing and I would like to say the same about its direction. All the sugar and spices added to make this movie has made it a great entertainer. I am sure we all will enjoy this movie as all of us have fantasies and want them to be fulfilled. Don’t we all take different routes to the same destination (fulfilling our fantasies)? ●●●

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esariyaa balam, aao ni, padhaaro mahare des….’ with this song resonating in the air, dli-jsm express pulled a halt in the golden city of Jaisalmer. Our second destination is a total contrast to the cool snow capped valley of Kashmir, as we stepped into the heart of the Thar Desert. While we drove down to ‘the circuit house’ my father regaled me about Jaisalmer that the length of its’ international boarder is 471 km, it is the largest district in the state of Rajasthan and third largest in the country but ironically it’s scarcely populated, and on our drive down we witnessed vast expanse of land that lay dry and barren. If Jaipur is called the pink city, Jaisalmer is rightly called the golden city as every building; every myriad structure is made of sandstone. Sand and sand everywhere, so is there anything worth a visual treat? After breakfast we all were geared to stride and discover this city of sandstone. Our guide Sumer Singh Sodda, introduced us to the majestic Fort of Jaislamer. Apart from its architecture, the outstanding observation is that it’s the only living fort, i.e. people still dwell in it. From houses, Raj Mahal, Jain temple, Laxminath temple, shops, restaurants, tourists and the


narrow lanes in the fort are jammed with cows too! Along side the many havelis ✒ Chandni Dinakaran built by wealthy merchants with intricate and fine work done on it’s sandstone walls, a thing that caught my attention was a painting of lord ganesha on the wall of a house, with a graffiti reading, ‘Shikha weds Rahul’. On seeing the question mark on my face our guide answered, people here don’t print and send out wedding invitations but it is in this manner that near and dear are invited for the wedding. Nodding at this new known candour, my eyes fell on the ring dazzling on Mr. Sodda’s finger, and on raising my brow with mischief, he coyly answered that he was engaged. His aunt and uncle chose the bride and he hasn’t seen her yet, and if he dares to set a glance on her before marriage, he will be discarded as ‘characterless’ and the engagement will be called off. Oops! My best wishes with Mr. Sodda and this also made me peek into the culture of Jaisalmer. The society strongly abides by the rules of caste and creed. The men in this part of the country are known for their colorful

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Tourism pagdis. And the less known fact is that each community is defined by the pagdi they wear. The Bishnoi community wears white, Raika community Red bright turban, Langa Kalbeliya in checked color etc. and, mind you, the well jagged moustache they flaunt is their pride and a matter of colossal dignity. Women are seen in their colorful traditional attire with purdah system still prevalent and in not such a good news for feminists, it is a patriarchal society! 6 Km off the Jaisalmer city on Ramgarh Road is a worth viewing destination, the ‘Bada Bagh’. Apart from the govardhan stambh and a dam, another interesting testament of the princely rule is the cenotaph. These were constructed by the various Bhatti rulers. On the death of a king as a testimonial to his life, a cenotaph has been erected for each ruler, such that he lives on even after his death. Aah! Now you wish to be part of royalty? Sam Sand Dunes, 42 away km from Jaisalmer, is the most popular excursion to see the total sandy bush-less desert. And how can we end our voyage without a tryst with the Thar? Unlike other places, to reach the Thar you cannot hurtle in a technologically driven vehicle but have to mount the traditional one, ship of the dessert, the Camel. For a flash of a second I forgot the desserts as I was glued to the excitement and joy engulfing my parents whilst they enjoyed their camel ride! The camel is undeniably a majestic creature. The most striking feature about it is the way it walks with its head held high, and believe me, our fashion models can learn a lesson or two perceiving the camel’s move. The desserts are mysterious and on a moonlit night, with folk music playing distantly, the Thar for sure is not dry, barren or just sand but can undoubtedly be symbolized as a metaphor for beauty! With the kathputlis or

kalbeliyas dancing to the melodies of morchang, algoza, or ektara, the folklores have magnificent tales to tell about the valiant kings and kingdoms. As they say in Rome do as the Romans do, similarly in Jaisalmer rather than hunting down for pizzas or shahi paneer, we treated our appetite with the Jaisalmeri cuisine of kher sangri, lal maans and dal baati. Though there are many restaurants catering the needs of tourists by taking special care in savoring the amount of oil, ghee or even spice. Many of them are located such, that apart from restaurant’s food treating our taste buds they also delight us in a visual treat of the fort’s panoramic view alongside live Rajasthani folk music on most evenings. And now comes the time to wind up, though 3 days at Jaisalmer just whiffed past, but this golden city has for sure left memories etched in our minds. So, with the New Years’ eve around the corner have I prodded you to a worthwhile destination? Do try and bid adieu to discotheques or dance parties and embrace the New Year in the serenity of the Thar. So now as our train shuttles to leave the sandy tracks of Jaisalmer, I pen off saying, ‘Khama ghani!’ For views or opinions, you may contact:

Youth Pathshala] tuojh 2013



YEARLY FORECAST THROUGH TAROT FOR 2013 ✒ Nandita Pandey ARIES: Travels and socializing are the key to success throughout the year. Using your wit and intelligence to its maximum creates a positive aura in your environment also bringing in success, peace and harmony in your life. However, the cards guide you to be more careful about your financial documents whether they are a contract paper that you have to sign or a cheque that you are writing off for any minor mistake might cause you minor legal hassles in life. Professionally this is the time when you need to act patiently and with pragmatic attitude. There could be phases when you might feel disappointed an ignored in life. Doing some charity work on Tuesdays shall balance a lot of these negativities from your environment. Communication is the key to eternal happiness in love life too. The cards guide you to use it to its maximum as chances are that you might show your stubborn side thereby creating communication deadlocks on certain issues related to matters of heart. A child in the family would demand a lot of attention from your end throughout the year. Emotional anxieties need to be tackled with peace lest it creates serious health issues. Latter half of the year brings in a lot of peace and happiness in life. TAROT TIP: wearing red colour shall add on to your professional growth. TAURUS: Professionally, there are a lot of positive changes taking place in life. help from juniors would add on to your projects which would achieve their targets in time. Creative ventures shall be extremely prolific and positive. Financially you come across a lot of subtle positive changes which strengthens as the year progresses. This is the year when you might undergo a lot of ups and downs in your relationship and yet shall develop the knack to bounce back with romance and harmony at the nick of the time. A carefree attitude slips in your system and you enjoy the winds of adventure in life. Matters of heart are also indicating a lot of travels and fun element being added in your relationship. Health keeps you in an excellent shape throughout the year. However, any health activity done with a partner shall be more fruitful during this year. Family matters resolve on their own and you enjoy more bondings in the latter half phase of the year. Travels too show success as the



year progresses. TAROT TIP: keep a coin tied in a blue ribbon with you for good luck charm. GEMINI: Professionally you need to be more apt with your projects. There are phases when a lack of decision might delay them. The cards guide you to be more proactive towards them and also tell you that this is the time when you should decide to take courageous decisions. Do away with what is not necessary in life and welcome the new opportunities floating your environment. Financial matters can show a downslide for I foresee expenses due to emotional reasons will be on the higher side. A partnership also can turn out to be very demanding financially during this period. Health shall show subtle improvements as the year progresses. You would enjoy a lot of socializing and make friends with extended family. These are the members who might end up helping you in future as well. Travels show average success throughout the year. However, it might also be a cause of anxieties in matters of heart. A feeling of restlessness might creep in when it concerns your love life. TAROT TIP: an Jade Ganpati placed in your prayer altar shall appease a lot of positive energies to enter into your life throughout the year. CANCER: Professionally , this is the year when you target higher ghoals and achiev success in them as well. Creative venture shall be extremely favourable. Yoru projects too give you immense satisfaction as the year progresses. Financial help and guidance comes in from a man with whom you share excellent bond. Travels however should be avoided as much as possible throughout the year for they might give you expected returns. The changes and success that you expect from your travels during this period might not come across right now. There is a divine cycle which is opposing it right now especially if you are planning to travel with your partner in matters of heart. Avoid taking any major decisions in your love life during this period. There are a lot of changes that would take place in your family area. Old patterns are ending and new patterns in life emerge bringing in huge transitions in life. There are also chances that someone in the family would need medical attention during this phase. The cards also guide you to avoid unnecessary confrontations and quarrels in life. You

Youth Pathshala] tuojh 2013

Astrologey would enjoy being in comfort of your loved ones throughout the year and they would be huge support system for you as the year progresses. TAROT TIP: a red coral worn in your ring finger in silver shall enhance your career. LEO: Travels bring you the most favourable opportunities throughout the year. Travelling with a partner helps you in achieving further success in your ventures. You might also get help from someone close to you while on a journey during this phase. Financially this year shall be prolific though a little less than expectations and yet it builds your portfolio chart growing northwards. Business travels related to financial transactions shall turn out to be quiet favourable during this year. However, be careful about a partnership in professional area. I foresee some communication deadlocks suddenly cropping up more due to headstrongness and no compromise attitude from your end. Being a little flexible in your dealings can resolve the matters to a large extent. You might also feel that life is not giving you your due share of happiness in matters of heart as the year progresses. Health shows sudden improvements in the latter half phase of the year. An elderly man in your family who has a practical approach towards life might be a cause of worries as the year progresses. You also need to guard against unnecessary legal issues especially in the latter half phase of the year. TAROT TIP: seek blessings of fatherly figure’s in life before starting any important work. VIRGO: Financially this year seems to be an excellent year for you when the changes are as per your expectations. You gain from all the corners of life. Investments show you new heights. A youngster how is full of high energy and has an enthusiastic approach towards life is the key to your financial success. Health too brings you back into shape and makes you rediscover your rejuvenated self. Travels are all in your achievable zone and any journeys that you take during this year shall bring in desired success for you. As the year progresses you shall also learn the art to turn your travel ventures into desired success journeys. Family will create peace and harmony in life very softly and subtly as the year progresses. However, there are few issues that still needs to be tackled in matters of heart. At times, you might tend to become too stubborn and headstrong in life, this is not going to help you in any form as all that it would create would be distances in between you. Being flexible in your attitude and communications is the mantra for peace, harmony and romance in your love life. The cards guide you to keep strong focus towards your professional targets as hard work is the key to professional success. TAROT TIP: keeping a picture of your home and

family members in your wallet brings in good luck. LIBRA: The whole year creates a lot of positive reflections in life. Your family becomes a strong pillar of support for you as the year progresses. There are memorable family holidays or gatherings which shall create a lot of peace and harmony in your environment. However, the cards also indicate that there are subtle changes happening in this front. Few issues need to be settled and moved on from. There are also indications of shifting your base or moving on to a new abode. You learn from your past experiences and use them in times to come. Professionally too this is a fantastic year for you and good news comes in from all corners of life. Help from juniors or your team members shall come in handy whenever you are in crisis. Gains from contracts, documents or any other writing shall be extremely positive as the year progresses. Health shall keep you in a blessed state. You indulge into fresh health activities that rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. Travels are extremely favourable throughout the year. Being too possessive in matters of heart can create claustrophobic mindset for your partner in love life. The cards guide you to give some breathing space in your relationship so as to create love and romance back in life. New patterns emerge in life bringing in success and honours for you as the year progresses. TAROT TIP: place an aquarium in the North of your house and feed the fishes daily to expiate any obstacles. SCORPIO: This is an excellent year as most of your desires shall get accomplished in life. Love life blossoms and spread its fragrance all around in your environment bringing in romance, passion and harmony. You shall be your romantic and energetic self and would not hesitate in expressing your feelings to the one you love. Professionally there are chances that you might be confused a bit initially about few projects in life but the cards say that if you decide to embark on them, then a lot of changes shall take place in your favour. You would then ride high on the chariot of success in all your professional endeavours. However, be careful about your financial matters as chances are that outflow of money would be higher than inflow more due to restless behavior and decisions. Health keeps you in a fit shape. You would experience positive energies reflecting in your mind, body and soul levels. Support from family also comes in comfortable and easily and a lot of attention shall be showered on you throughout the year. Travels shall give you a number of opportunities and also loads of success through your journeys. TAROT TIP: wear Ruby in ring finger on gold for exceptional growth in your career. Also, open your com

Youth Pathshala] tuojh 2013


Astrologey munication channels for gains from foreign shores. SAGITTARIUS: Professionally you will have to be a bit more patient as the efforts you have put in unfolds and brings in huge success as the year progresses. Being more tactful and diplomatic in your dealings shall create further growth patterns in life. Matters of heart shall be pleasant and romantic as the year progresses. If you are single and ready to mingle then this is the year for you when an outing or a trip might make you meet someone interesting. This would result in the beginning of a romantic life in times to come. If already in relationship then this is the year which creates more fun and stability in your life. Health shows subtle gains as the year progresses. Financial obligations would crop up during this phase. Situations and circumstances would be a bit more demanding on your purse during this phase. This also indicates that you might make a huge investment and this might tighten your monetary status. Unnecessary travels are best avoided throughout the year. Family matters needs to be tackled with a lot of patience and wisdom. The cards guide you to avoid unnecessary travelling with the members of your family as it might create further differences in life. There is also a transition phase that you might have to undergo as far as your family is concerned and this might not be as per your expectations. However, there are new beginnings and lot of appreciations being showered on you as the progresses. TAROT TIP: donate yellow clothes on Thursday for inner peace. Blue and black are the lucky colours for you this year. CAPRICORN: Professionally you would be a bit more adventurous with your projects. This is the year which gives you due credits for your efforts and also showers on you a lot of success and honours in work front. You would explore fresh pastures and shall be appreciated for your professional endeavours. Financial success shall be extremely favourable. This is also a period when you would indulge into property investments and thoughts about renovating your home shall also be high in your mind. As far as your love life is concerned, you would want to spend some quiet quality time with your loved one throughout the year. A lot of blessings also are being showered on you by the divine forces bringing in more romance, love and harmony in your love life. a wedding celebration or a family reunion is all set to take place during this year. Happiness and harmony floats and creates strong bonds of love amongst family members. Health too shows subtle improvements as the year progresses. However, the cards guide you to avoid unnecessary travels during this year. An elderly man can be a cause of stress while travel-


ling in this year. Good news seeps in the latter half phase of the year bringing in more growth and peace in life. TAROT TIP: seek help from a youngster who has excellent PR skills. Also , red is the colour for growth during this period. AQUARIUS: Financially, this should be a pleasant year ahead as most of your investments would start giving you result and yet you still are a bit away from your desired goals. Professionally too, a lot of situations shall start giving you results even if they are on subtle manners , as the year progresses. Matters of heart shall create average peace and romance in your life. However, this is also a period when you undergo a lot of inner contemplation and decide to take firm decisions related to your love life. Health is a key area which needs a lot of attention throughout the year. Health problems that you have been ignoring for long might suddenly come in the forefront and create hassles in the longer run. Travels shall be extremely favourable throughout the year. Also taking advices ion your travel plans from a woman who otherwise has a domineering personality shall create successful journeys. A child can be a cause of worries as the year progresses. Also there could be some news related to your family which might not be as pleasant and you would have wanted it to be. Keeping a check on your communication errors shall help in easing out a lot of troubles in life. TAROT TIP: gains from foreign shores come in from someone younger than you. Also , seek blessings of your ancestors before you start any new project. PISCES: Matters of heart shall be extremely romantic and pleasant. Professionally there are stages when you come out of your shell and explore new avenues. Projects shall also give you results though a bit subtly than your expectations. A child shall bring in immense happiness in your life. this is going to turn out to be an expensive year for you. the cards guide you to avoid taking advice from a woman who has an excellent PR skill. She might create further problems for your financial growth. This is also the year when expenses on women in your circle are going to be on the higher side. Health shows average improvements. A bit of brisk walks or spending quality time in children’s park shall rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. Help from a motherly figure shall create further peace and happiness in your family life. Her blessings and guidance will create a positive aura in your environment. Travels however, are best avoided throughout the year. The cards also guide you to avoid emotional outbursts while travelling as it might hurt your near and dear ones. TAROT TIP: wear yellow topaz for growth in professional front. Foreign shores close to water bodies help in bringing in success in life. ●●●

Youth Pathshala] tuojh 2013

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