Mineria 10th Edition - English Version

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10th Edition 2022

Mineria HMT-ITB Professional Magazine

The Future of Mining

The Urgency of Energy Transition in Indonesia Space Mining, is it Possible?

The Reasons Behind The Dynamic of Indonesian Coal What is the Fate of Indonesian Coal?

Mining Student Association of Bandung Institute of Technology (known as HMT-ITB) is a student organization consisting of students with the same educational background, that is, Mining Engineering of Bandung Institute of Technology. HMT-ITB has been under the guidance of the Bachelor Degree of Mining Engineering Study Program, Bandung Institute of Technology for more than 66 years. This age makes HMT-ITB well-established, mature, and rich with cultural heritage deeply implanted in each aspect of this Association to move. HMT-ITB is a student association which is based on Pancasila and has become a student forum facilitating its members to develop, maintain the prosperity and expand the networks as the realization to prepare themselves in facing the recent working world. There are four important pillars consisting of Internal, Development, Professional, and External Sectors to continuously fulfill the needs of institution and its members based on their related fields. There are also other elements playing an important role. Those elements were designed with same aims and objectives in line with those belonging to HMT-ITB: • Creating and maintaining close family relationship among students of Mining Engineering Department of Bandung Institute of Technology with a lasting bond even after graduation. • Building, developing and spreading the mining science devotion to its members in particular and public in general. • Striving for both material & spiritual welfare and fighting for the members’ interests. In addition, there is also a Semi Dangdut Orchestra (known as OSD HMT-ITB) which has become a cultural heritage at HMT-ITB aiming to entertain themselves and the surrounding people. OSD HMT-ITB has been long established by the HMT-ITB members and has made several regenerations of players for its existence.

Editor’s Letter The developing era and technology have recently changed human life, including in industrial sector. New inventions and technologies have made the mining sector in the future will have different faces. Mineria 10.0 will discuss how the mining industry will develop in the future. Mineria is a professional magazine created by HMT-ITB. Mineria Magazine contains information related to the mining world and activities made by HMTITB. Through Mineria, we intend to share information related to mining not only for mining students, but also for public.

Editor In Chief

Kadek Demmy Wenanda

Cover Photo : Muhammad Piqri Ardiansyah

Editorial Staff Ketua Divisi Yudha Bumi Fathan Rozani Supervisor Muthia Nabila Tsamara Firtania Editor in Chief Kadek Demmy Wenanda Content Creator Zafira Nuraini Jerhikma Petra Adinda Tanaya Wiyadi Muhammad Piqri Ardiansyah Muhammad Ihsan Batu Bara Yasyfa Nur Hidayat Mochamad Fathur Hidayatullah Usama Yudhistira Audley Alghiffary

Contributor Banu Faris Adinata Harisman Jeffri Putra Cornelius Calvin Nur Aisyah Muhammad Fajar Saputra Endha Erwan Sakti

Editor Nur Aisyah Banu Faris Adinata Harisman Caroline Lianti Anastasya Irene Arbintha Jerico Sebastian Veron Illustrator Christopher Arya Pramudita Ray Moonstar Adi Nugroho Akhmad Maulana Putra Dewanto Dylan Gema Kurniawan Enver Hardiono Sarah Humaira Marketing Fariz Ramadhan Muhammad Salam Aditya Afridol Bagust Dwicahya Yan Sutardi

Muhammad Piqri Ardiansyah Harry Marcelino Panjaitan Caroline Lianti Anastasya Devi Kamaratih Rinaldy

What’s Inside The Urgency of Energy Transition in Indonesia


Deep-Sea Mining Development Potential


The Reasons Behind The Dynamic of Indonesian Coal


What is The Fate of Indonesian Coal?


Space Mining, Is It Possible?


The Story in the Tanjung Enim Land


Zdzisław Tadeusz (Richard) Bieniawski, Developer Of Rock Geomechanics Classification System


Application of Remote Sensing in Mining Industry


Mining policy based on Zero Carbon Mining as a Strategic Solution to Address the Challenges of the Mining Industry That is Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable


Orkes Semi Dangdut HMT-ITB


Reinforcing National Resilience Throughout Mining Perspective


What They Say?


The Urgency of Energy Transition in Indonesia Zafira Nuraini (12118042)

Source : Unsplash


During the last 50 years, Indonesia has experienced many changes in the electricity sector. Since the oil crisis of the 1970’s to 2020, Indonesia has been reducing oil supply to the power of 56% to 3% until the year 2020. In contrast to the petroleum sector, an increase in the supply of coal to the power sector from 1971 until 2020 by 64%. This is what makes the coal as the main source of electric power. In line with the use of fossil fuels as much as 50% in the world, there has been an increase in greenhouse gases which is the highest record exceeding the average increase during the period 2011-2020 based on data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 2020. This is supported by data on the global average concentration for CO2

which reached the highest level at 413.2 ppm. If this is not addressed immediately and anticipated, it will have a major impact on climate change. With its commitment to participate in emission reduction, the Indonesian Government set a target of Mix of Renewable Energy by 23% in 2025 and 31% by 2050 to EBT. Indonesia has also committed to reduce emissions by 29% by 2030. Meanwhile, based on the meeting of the COP 26 in Glasgow, Indonesia is strongly committed in the reduction of carbon emissions through the commitment of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The development of EBT to promote a large scale and rapid energy transition to avoid the climate change crisis should be a priority for the Indonesian government. Considering that the percentage of EBT in the energy mix is still at 8.04%, the target is 23% in 2025, allowing Indonesia not to achieve the energy mix target. Estimated greenhouse gas emissions from coal fired power plants will reach 300 million tons in the year 2028 based on the results of modeling from the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) towards the RUPTL 2019-2028. This is further exacerbated by the projected results which showed that Indonesia will surpass the path of greenhouse gas emissions by 2 degrees. Surely this is the very opposite with the commitment of Indonesia in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) submitted to the UNFCCC that target the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions 29% unconditionally and 41% of the conditional (with the support of adequate international) in the year 2030. Another important factor that drives the energy transition must be accelerated is the climate of Indonesia which has entered the category of “highly inadequate” or very inadequate in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. With the use of fossil energy reaching 82% in 2020 has made the energy sector the highest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia at 45.7% (in addition to emissions from forests and land use). More if the earth’s temperature is rising, according to experts Epidemiologist,


this will have an impact on the health of the population, which is expected in the years 20302050 will cause a rise in mortality as much as 250,000 people per year due to malnutrition, malaria, and stress due to the heat wave. On the other hand the actual energy transition and clean energy development has been taking place around the world and has promising prospects for the future. With the advancement of technology and implementation of a wide scale will give the possibility of decrease of the investment costs for the development of renewable energy. This is evidenced by the decline in the price of solar panels and wind turbines, which decreased during the 2010 to 2019 from 89% to 59%. In addition, in the field of battery storage technology experienced a decline of as much as 89% in Li-ion battery in the same period. In the future, in the year 2030 the cost to build new power plants from renewable energy will be cheaper than operating the fossil-based power plant. Even in some countries have been experiencing this condition. In the process of energy transition, the Indonesian government should be wise and fair. In addition, the success of the energy transition is not just the role of government, hence the need for the support of all parties is needed to achieve this goal.

Source : Unsplash


Sumber: https://www.esdm.go.id/id/berita-unit/direktorat-jenderal-ketenagalistrikan/pemerintah-mendorong-transisi-energi-melalui-energi-baru-terbarukan-dan-efisiensi-energi https://public.wmo.int/en/media/press-release/greenhouse-gas-bulletin-another-year-another-record https://transisienergi.id/data_input/bauran-pembangkitan-listrik-di-indonesia/ https://iesr.or.id/transisi-energi-mendesak-indonesia-harus-segera-akselerasi-pengembangan-energi-terbarukan https://iesr.or.id/laporan-climate-transparency-2021-dampak-perubahan-iklim-nyata-indonesia-perlu-tingkatkan-aksi-iklimnya https://www.greenpeace.org/indonesia/aksi/dukung-indonesia-segera-melakukan-transisi-energi-ke-energi-terbarukan-yang-ramah-lingkungan/


Deep-Sea Mining Development Potential Muhammad Ihsan Batu Bara (12119020) The increasing demands of minerals and metals for industrial needs, electric batteries, power plants, and infrastructure have recently increased the interests in the deep-sea exploration for mineral resources. Some potential mining commodities generally include large sulfide minerals, manganese nodules, rare earth metals, and even methane gas trapped in the seabed. Although there is no large-scale commercial deep-sea mining, the exploration contracts for deep sea resources have been given to companies from various countries including China, UK, Belgium, Germany, and France. Deep-sea mining has brought significant environmental problems, in which some have been investigated due to the mining performed on the continental shelf areas


(such as, iron and phosphorus sand mining in New Zealand waters). The other impacts include conflicts with other marine users, such as fishing industries and pharmaceutical companies exploiting the marine genetic resources. The deep-sea mining resources are usually in large amounts of sulfide (multi-metals) in the seabed around the hydrothermal springs, cobaltrich crust (CRC) on the sides of seamounts, or areas with manganese nodules on the deep sea surface. Beside mineral deposits, there are also interests from various parties to extract methane from gas hydrates on continental slope and rise. Manganese nodules are formed in the extensive deep-water of abyssal plains and mainly consist of

Sumber : indonesiainside.id manganese and iron, although large amounts of other metals are also found in these structures. The potato-shaped nodules are 4-10 cm in diameter, and possibly formed in a process taking millions of years in which the manganese in seawater is adsorbed into the nodule substances oxidized by bacteria and becomes the nodule matrix. The main constituents beside manganese (28%) are nickel (1.3%), copper (1.1%), cobalt (0.2%), molybdenum (0.059%), and rare earth metals (0.081%). The seabed massive sulfide (SMS), associated with the active and inactive hydrothermal ventilations along the ocean ridge, has high sulfide content and rich in copper, gold, zinc, lead, barium and silver. More than 200 hydrothermal mineralization sites occur on the seabed and,

based on the previous exploration and resource assessment, approximately 10 of these deposits may have sufficient tonnage and content to be considered for commercial mining. The cobaltrich crust, also known as ferromanganese crust, is formed in the seamount slopes and peaks and contains manganese, iron, and various metals (cobalt, copper, nickel, and platinum). Based on content, tonnage and oceanographic conditions, the central equatorial Pacific offers good potential for crust mining, especially in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Johnston Island (USA), Marshall Islands and international waters in the central Pacific seamounts. The technological sustainability to explore and extract the marine mineral deposits is determined


Sumber : https://www.royalihc.com/en/products/mining/dredgemining-and-deep-sea-mining/deep-sea-mining

Sumber : http://national-oceanographic.com/article/potensi-penambangan-bawah-laut-di-indonesia


by the depth where the minerals are found. Since established in 1982, the International Seabed Authority (ISA), in charge of regulating the human activities on the seabed beyond the continental shelf, has issued 27 contracts for mineral exploration, covering a combined area of more than 1.4 million km2 and continuously develop the rules for commercial mining. At the same time, several deep-sea mining operations have already been taking places within the continental shelf areas in some countries, generally at relatively shallow depths, and others at the more advanced planning stages. The first commercial company expected to target the mineral-rich sulfides in deeper waters, at the depth of between 1,500 and 2,000 m on the Papua New Guinea continental shelf in 2019, has failed to perform its mining activities due to the environmental risk impacts.

Sumber : C.R. Deepak, M. A. (2001). Developmental tests on the underwater mining system using flexible riser concept. National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai, India. Kuntz, G. (1979). The Technical Advantages of Submersible Motor Pumps in Deep Sea Technology and the Delivery of Manganese Nodules, Proc. Offshore Tech. Conf. M Ravindran, W. J. (1999). Shallow-water Sand Mining Operation, Proc. Offshore Tech. Martaon, Anggi Tondi. (n.d.). Dampak Besar Bagi Negara Bila Lalai Menerapkan Protokol Kesehatan. Retrieved from https://m.medcom.id/nasional/politik/ybJWM7Ak-dampak-besar-bagi-negara-bila-lalai-menerapkan-protokol-kesehatan Rehorn, I. (1994). ). “Development of a Deep-sea Full-track Vehicle (Caterpillar vehicle) and Testing its Internal Tractional Resistance”. Santos, R. S. (2018). www-frontiersin-org. Retrieved from https://www-frontiersin-org.translate.goog/articles/10.3389/fmars.2017.00418/full?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_ tl=id&_x_tr_hl=id&_x_tr_pto=sc

Most practical methods to extract the materials from the soil can be implemented to the coastal deposits above the sea level. Technological development for deep-sea mineral mining is recently on progress, although more depth may present additional challenges. Mining for SMS in hydrothermal ventilations will mechanically involve the ore removal and transport to the supporting ships to extract the required materials. The failure causes of some commercial projects for the deep-sea mining are the potentials to release toxic elements during the mining processes and the difficulties in predicting the impact of heavyequipment activities using the data from laboratory experiments which only involve one element. The data related to the deep-sea biodiversity are greatly scarce, so that investigating the genetic connectivity and ensuring its impact on biota will require long-term studies. Due to the long-term impacts following the mining cessation, MIDAS (Maintenance Information Data Automation System.) found that the deep-sea habitats did not recover for decades after the related disturbances and concluded that the commercial mining impacts will be visible in a longer period. In short, the small-scale experiments cannot accurately predict all consequences of the commercial-scale mining.




The Reasons Behind The Dynamics of Coal Price Petra Adinda Tanaya Wiyadi (12118081) In coal prices, there are two terms we frequently find: Coal Benchmark Price (CBP) and Coal Reference Price (CRP). Based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 11/2020 on the Third Amendment to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 7/2017 on Procedures for Determining the Benchmark Prices for Selling the Metallic Minerals and Coal, the Coal Benchmark Prices are those determined at Free-on-Board-based sale points. This CBP is the lower limit price in calculating the production fee payment obligation by the Mining Business Permit holder of Coal Production Operation or the Special Mining Business Permit holder Coal Production Operation. Meanwhile, the Coal Reference Price is the price obtained from the average coal price index in the previous month. Based on the above regulations, the CRP value refers to the issued coal price index, such as the Indonesian Coal Index / Argus Coalindo, New Castle Export Index, Globalcoal New Castle In-


dex, Platts Index, Energy Publishing Coking Coal Index, and/or HIS Markit Index. Meanwhile, the CBP can be in the form of CBP for steam (thermal) coal and coking (metallurgical) coal. The CBP value of steam (thermal) coal is influenced by the coal calorific value, CRP Steam (Thermal) Coal, moisture content, sulfur content, and ash content. The HPB value in coking (metallurgical) coal is determined by the variables of CBP Coking (Metallurgical) Coal, Coke Strength after Reaction, volatile matter, moisture content, sulfur content, and ash content. content. The coal prices are greatly dynamic. Various minor issues can significantly affect the coal prices. Nowadays, the COP26 issue has significantly influenced the fluctuations of coal prices. In addition to the COP26 issue, coal shipments also affect the coal prices. The Tight coal supply conditions have led to the increasing coal prices. Coal shipments from Australia to China have not been normally operating, yet the demands

Sumber : Unsplash

for electric power continuously increase in line with the world’s economic recovery during the pandemic. The Coal Reference Price has recently reached its highest record of US$ 215.63 per metric ton. However, according to Maybank Kim Eng Securities, the coal price may decline if the world economic growth returns to recession. In addition, when the world central banks tighten the policies on the utilization of coal, such as on COP26 which requires the zero-coal utilization, it also potentially creates the declining coal price.

fairs, Airlangga Hartanto, a balance between sectors is greatly required to prevent from the coal prices reversing to suppress the domestic industrial activities because if the prices are too high, the domestic industries will also get difficulties to obtain energy because the incurred costs are higher. Yet, there is also a positive side from the highly increasing coal prices. On the other hand, the increasing coal prices have a positive impact on the national economy because Indonesia is also one of the largest coal producing countries.

However, high coal price also has its own challenges since possibly increases the domestic industrial expenses to obtain the energy sources. According to the Minister of Coordinator for Economic AfSource : https://money.kompas.com/read/2021/10/08/020700526/kata-menko-airlangga-ini-bahayanya-apabila-harga-batubara-kema halan?page=all https://ekonomi.bisnis.com/read/20211108/44/1463489/harga-batu-bara-acuan-makin-berkilau-ini-faktor-penyebabnya https://ukcop26.org/global-coal-to-clean-power-transition-statement/ https://investasi.kontan.co.id/news/ini-sejumlah-sentimen-yang-akan-mempengaruhi-harga-batubara




What Is The Fate Of Indonesian Coal?

with: Donny Simorangkir Mine Inspector Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Reporter - Yudhistira Audley Alghiffary (12120071) 20

Introduction Coal, one of Indonesia’s leading mining commodities, will be abandoned in the future. At COP 26 in Glasgow, calls for decarbonization have been echoed, one way is to use energy that produces low carbon. World demand for coal is predicted to continue to slow because of the impact of tightening carbon emissions regulations. Indonesia’s coal production reached in October 2021 is 512 million tons from this year’s target of 625 million tons. The coal export market is on the rise these last few months. In November, the coal reference price touched the figure of $215 per ton, the highest price since last 10 years. Quoting bang Donny’s statement that in the transition era to renewable energy, we have to be prepared so as not to depend on the use of coal, especially on power plants. Therefore, coal mining companies must be able to transform environmentally friendly mines while promoting coal downstream.

Demand in China and India is reduced, how about the export of coal in Indonesia? Indonesia as an exporter of thermal coal in the world, still relies on the international markets, especially China and India for the uptake of domestic coal is still small. Although Indonesia is the biggest thermal coal exporter in the world, Indonesia’s coal production is still far below China and India. Seen in 2021, Indonesia is in 3rd position with a production level of 545 Mt still below India with coal production of 771 Mt and China with production of 476 Mt.

Source : thebulletin.org

According to Bang Donny, the problems that exist now is that the uptake of local coal of Indonesia is still small and dominated by thermal coal for the steam power plant needs. Globally, based on the results of the COP, the use of the power plant will be reduced and Indonesia will stop the


IEA, Global coal production, 2018-2021, IEA, Paris Sumber : https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/charts/global-coal-production-2018-2021

Argus Media, Thermal coal exports to Vietnam (2016-2020), 20 January 2021 Argus Media. Sumber : www.argusmedia.com/en/news/2178698-vietnamese-coal-imports-hit-record-high-in-2020


construction of new steam power plant in 2025. One to overcome the dependence on exports to China and India is to diversify the market into developing countries which are still in need of cheap energy coal, one of them is Vietnam. Can be seen on the chart below occurs an increase in exports of thermal coal to Vietnam which is predicted to continue to increase in the future. The second solution is to optimize the domestic needs of coal which can be driven with the downstream of coal industry, which improve the product derived from coal. The government itself has 7 schemes of coal downstream which include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Coal gasification Manufacture of coke Underground coal gasification Coal liquefaction Improvement of the quality of coal Manufacture of briquettes The manufacture of coal slurry/coal water mixture

The seven schemes downstream above are expected to be the backbone for the coal industry in Indonesia in the future.

For now our power is 60 percent sustained by the power plant, it is emphasized again there should be the optimization regarding the domestic market obligation because for example now (2021) coal prices are high, the company will be more than happy to export to the outside so that our power will be threatened.

Personal opinion from Bang Donny, Is Indonesia ready for decarbonization 2060?

We have to be prepared for the transformation of energy. If the renewable energy is indeed competitive then we will be using renewable energy eventually. So, we must be prepared for the parts of this country that still relies on coal. The future can still be changed because each country will definitely secure its own country, so for now we just have to observe it.

Last Message

We as Mining engineers are afraid of this energy transformation. What we can do is to continue to prepare for all the dynamic changes. As engineers we should not be glued to coal because there are many other mineral commodities. The more developed countries will also automatically shift from “dirty” jobs to fields such as IT and others.

The future of the Coal Industry will inevitably shrink, what will happen to the workers who rely on the coal industry?

Bang Donny said that we as a Mining Engineer don’t have to be too “coal minded”, mining engineer must master mineral as well because the future of it is still bright. 80 percent of non-tax state revenue was from coal therefore the government should be addressing the other commodities that can replace. The coal industry is already on the phases of the sunset and it should be accepted.

Coal derivative products resulting from downstream schemes, can it give a breath to the coal industry?

It is necessary to understand the needs of raw coal for the derivative is not as big as now also with the return of capital is long enough then the key must be a production control from the government.




Space Mining, Is it Possible? Usama (12120019)


Along with the development of technology, the demands for mineral resources have greatly increased recently. The metallic minerals, such as tin, nickel, copper, gold, silver, and others have become important raw materials for technological developments, such as the manufacture of batteries, electric vehicles, and downstream industries which intensively produce these metals. These impact on the increasing prices and demands for minerals as the metallic raw materials. According to the information based on the reference mineral prices in November 2021, the price of nickel reached 18951.82 USD/dmt, while the price of copper reached 9470.34 USD/ dmt. In the middle of these increasing demands for minerals and massive exploitations, the mineral resources on earth will continuously decrease. Therefore, the researchers are looking for new ideas so that humans’ mineral needs can be well fulfilled. The topics related to space mining have been intensively discussed in recent years. This is referring to the discovery of some asteroids which adequately contain abundant precious metals. Asteroids are small space objects (about 1,000 km) and orbit the sun. The main asteroid orbit lies between Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids can be valuable resources for the development of human civilization since containing various minerals daily required in human life, especially in the middle of the increasing demands for metallic materials.

Asteroid mining has been initiated by the Japanese Space Exploration Agency, JAXA with the HAYABUSA (2003) and HAYABUSA2 projects launched on December 3, 2014. The unmanned spacecraft Hayabusa2 landed twice on asteroid Ryugu located in more than 300 million kilometers from Earth. The projects succeeded bringing the samples of asteroids to Earth. The other ongoing project was initiated by NASA through the OSIRIS-rex project. This project is planned to take the samples of asteroid 101955 Bennu. These two projects have become the initial space mining development. So far, there are two found asteroids containing the high-value mineral resources. both asteroids are labeled with 1986 DA and 16 Psyche. Asteroid 1986 DA (known as mini psyches) is asteroid close to the Earth which has the estimated metallic value of US$11.65 trillion. Space mining can be good news for Earth. Space mining can minimize the planetary damage due to the metal mining which so far has contributed to the major ecosystem damages. It is expected that with the development of technology and science, this space mining process can be soon realized. Sumber: https://katadata.co.id/happyfajrian/berita/6141e8afb270e/permintaan-terus-tumbuh-harga-nikel-berpotensi-tembus-us20000ton https://sains.kompas.com/read/2019/01/18/190700323/bertambang-di-luar-angkasa-segera-jadi-kenyataan-ini-tujuannya. https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/asteroids-comets-and-meteors/asteroids/101955-bennu/in-depth/ https://www.kompas.tv/article/129142/inilah-keberhasilan-misi-ruang-angkasa-hayabusa2-milik-jepang?page=all https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.197.4301.363 http://edukasi.sains.lapan.go.id/artikel/menambang-asteroid-mungkinkah/306

However, space mining still becomes an idea due to some difficulties, such as space transportation cost, unreliable asteroid identification technology, and other challenges.


Referring to Brian O’Leary’s definition in mining the apollo and amor asteroids, asteroid mining is a hypothesis or possible raw material mining located on asteroids or space objects close to the earth. The optical studies show that asteroid has a composition of carbon and ordinary chondrites by adding some elements of iron and nickel in large quantities.


1986 DA


101955 Bennu


The Story in The Land of Tanjung Enim Muhammad Piqri Ardiansyah (12118002)


In June 2021, the author had the opportunity to travel as well as the activities of the “Work Practices” in the area of Tanjung Enim, South Sumatra, precisely in PT Bara Anugrah Sejahtera. PT Bara Anugrah Sejahtera is a subsidiary of PT Titan Infra Energy as well as one of the company’s coal mines in South Sumatra. The location of the Working Practices of the author is fairly close from Palembang which takes approximately 4 hours drive by car travel. Incidentally, the author’s position on a range of months is in Palembang which is the domicile of the author as well. So, the journey to PT Bara Anugrah Sejahtera can be addressed easily and relatively quickly. COVID 19 itself becomes an important issue to be considered in some of the company procedures that wants to accept an outsider like students to work on activities of the Working Practices or End Task. This procedure is also applicable in the location of the Working Practices of the authors that impose some strict rules to people outside the company such as students. Some of the procedures that must be passed are conducting tests COVID-19 PCR as a requirement of Work Practices and the quarantine period after the author has arrived at the company office PT Bara Anugrah Sejahtera. T he quarantine period that the author must pass at

the time of the implementation of practical work in the company is 7 days from the day the author arrives at the location. However, the company still provides the best facilities for students in undergoing quarantine and practical work such as mess provided for housing, eating, air conditioning facilities, internet connection and others. After the quarantine period ends, the authors conducted tests COVID 19 that has been provided by the Department of HSE PT BAS. After the declared negative with the one indicator line on the kit test, the author directed to the office and directly introduced some regulations and safety induction guided by the HSE. Then, the author directed towards the department of Engineering PT Bara Anugrah Sejahtera. This department consists of a team of mining engineering, geologist and survey team. On this occasion, the author became acquainted with several teams and employees there and convey what topics are to be observed in the PT Bara Anugrah Sejahtera. Geotechnics is an interesting thing that the author wants to study at the site of the mine company. On the implementation of this activity, the authors do research and review some


of the things that concerned directly with the field of geotechnical engineering such as slope stability, the embankment of the road and a few other interesting experiences related to geotechnical drilling, field surveying, and calculating the water discharge of the river in the mining site of the company. Layout of the mess and the office PT Bara Anugrah Sejahtera separate with the location of the mine of PT Bara Anugrah Sejahtera. They more or less have to pass through 3 villages in Tanjung Enim. So to go to the location of the mine itself, the author and the engineering team is using an LV car to go there and doing daily monitoring. Site coal mine owned by PT Bara Anugrah Sejahtera is located in two formations, namely the Formation of the Kasai and the Formation of muara enim. So lithology on the site is in the form of sandstone, claystone and coal. The quality of the coal can be categorized as subbituminous. In addition as a means of implementation of the


science of mining in practical terms, the authors also conducted research on the analysis of the influence of the counterweight on the lithology of montmorillonite-claystone against the probability of a landslide on the slopes of IPD in PT Bara Anugrah Sejahtera. This is one of the problems being faced by the team of Geotech engineering at PT Bara Anugrah Sejahtera. Montmorillonite itself is a mineral that is contained in the lithology of claystone which has properties inconsistent on its shape when react with water. The nature of the mineral monmorillonite is easily expanded by additional water. This is because the mineral monmorillonite has a strong attraction to water (Das, 1995) in (Ardiansyah, 2021). In line with the ambition of the author to be Geotech engineering later, a lot of experience adds some new knowledge as an engineer in the future. The author learn how to calculate the orientation of the discontinuity, operate monitoring tools slopes called extensometer deployed at vulnerable

points, as well as how to install extensometer itself and its configuration, the description of the rocks of the compiler, and many more. The author also learns how to operate the software out there such as Minescape, Dips, AutoCAD, etc. The most memorable experience is where the author was asked to calculate the discharge of river water in the mining area of Pt Bara Anugrah Sejahtera. The author went down directly to go down the river from upstream to downstream with equipment such as GPS. The terrain at that point is very slippery so the author must be careful to step on the river. Of the 30 points taken by the data, there are 5 points with conditions that do not allow to be explored on foot because it is too deep about 2.5 meters. So, the author and team decided to spin up and go through the forest that is not yet in the land clearing or still virgin. The journey on foot is quite far and tiring but memorable until the second the author writes this article. The results of the river alignment will be interpreted visually

using the AutoCAD application. Back on the research that the author has conducted, a lot of new knowledge that the author encountered, especially the science of the field in the mining industry. Based on his own experience, the monitoring of the slopes is not only necessarily performed in the application in Dips, Phase2 and so on. But also is done visually in the field because we can see the discontinuity directly. The research of this author was done for 2 months and can get the data in full. For 2 months of practical work, the author can feel how the condition of the mining industry really is. Conditions that are always dynamic, external problems, unexpected events such as rain so that production is disrupted and other problems that can make a mining engineers have to turn their brain every single time making the author aware of the circumstances that will be faced by the author later. Photo : Author




Zdzisław Tadeusz (Richard) Bieniawski Developer Of Rock Geomechanics Classification System Yasyfa Nur Hidayat (12119049) Source : tunnel-online.info

Bieniawski was born in Krakow, Poland on 1 October 1936. His mother is an Austrian citizen, while his father is a Polish citizen, both working as teachers. During the World War 2, he lived with his mother in Grybow village because his father was sent to a battlefield. Bieniawski had excellent teachers at both elementary and junior high schools. He passionately studied and always got the highest marks in each class. He loved mathematics and physics. He wanted to become an engineer, but the professors and his mother warned him that this profession required more than just mastering the technical subjects. They claim that an educated


engineer had to be a cultured, humanist, and art lover to well serve the public. After completing his secondary education in 1954 in Grybow with the best achievements, he was accepted at the Polytechnic University of Gdansk majoring Naval Architecture and Maritime Engineering. In 1958, he then moved to Rhodesia where his father belonged to. He learned English and worked there as a miner, precisely in the mining town of Mufulira, which is now Zambia. He further continued his education at University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg majoring mechanical engineering and graduated in 1963.

Furthermore, he completed his doctoral studies in 1967 with the predicate of cumlaude in the field of rock engineering, at the Faculty of Mines, the University of Pretoria. His doctoral dissertation succeeded Bienaswski to receive the title of Doctor of Science (DSc). In addition, he also had an opportunity to become a delegation or representative to attend the first World Congress of the International Rock Mechanics Society (ISRM) taking place in Lisbon in 1964 and later held the National Rock Mechanics Group of South Africa, with Biiniawski as the chairman. . In 1974-1979, he served as Vice President of ISRM and Chief Committee of Rocks Laboratory Research. 1970 was an important year for Bieniawski since obtaining his professional qualifications in UK and South Africa as a “Professional Chartered Engineer.” This entitled him to the rights of signing the engineering works in the related countries as Pr.Eng and C.Eng. Since then, he started experiencing in industry for 10 years, including 5 years in a managerial position rarely performed by a scientist. At that time, he was known as an expert in his field in Europe. In 1972-1973, Professor Bieniawski created and developed the classification of Rock Mass Rating System (RMR) widely used in designing mines, tunnels, slopes and engineering structure foundations, especially related to huge dams. The research results were published in two scientific works in 1973 and 1976 in a book entitled “Engineering Rock Mass Classifications”, by John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989. In 1977, Bieniawski became a permanent professor in mineral engineering at Pennsylvania State University and became a United States citizen for 5 years. He lectured many students, such as PhD students as wel as the first- and second-year students. He also liked to give lectures to the first semester students because it was his opportunity to emphasize the importance of engineering and how good and interesting engineering is. His motto in teaching: “scientists discover what exist,

while engineers build what never exist before!” (Theodore von Karman, 1911). He taught many subjects: rock and rock mass mechanics, applied geoengineering, theoretical mechanics, and strength criteria, design carbon pillars, tunnel construction, slope stability, methodology principles of designing underground facilities, environmental engineering, and the history of mining and tunneling in the world. For PhD students, he specifically taught the “advanced design of tunnels and workings in industry” based on practices in industry based on his experiences. The research conducted by Prof. Bieniawski has been used by the tunnel engineers, geologists, oil industries, as well as mining engineers and management planners. His books and articles were translated into Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, German, and Polish. In 1996, on this 60th anniversary, He decided to leave Pennsylvania State University. After retiring from the Pennsylvania State University, he did 3 jobs that he couldn’t do because he didn’t have time when becoming a lecturer. First, he further refined the theory and methodology (praxeology) of structural engineering (design engineering). Second, developing his business as an international consultant in the field of tunneling and mining, especially in Europe, where TBM/Tunnel Boring Machines was utilized and constructed for underground work as the most advanced technology at that time. Third, working on the details of his multinational family tree and writing his life history in Poland for his three sons and daughters-in-law and eight grandchildren born in America. Professor Richard Z.T. Bieniawski died at his home in Prescott, Arizona on 11 December 2017.

Contributions to Mining World Brittle fracture of rocks and its application to reduce rock bursts in deep mines. (1963-1972). This topic was taken as a prerequisite for the study of criteria for theoretical methods describing the


rock behaviors under complex stress conditions. One of the important ideas contained in this work was the definition formulation of critical energy release during the unstable crevice propagation. This idea was then used to reduce the threat of rock blast in the deep-gold mines; and rock strength criteria (quartzite and nite) found in the deep-gold mines. Large-scale studies of carbon pillars and formula planned operation with the pillarchamber system (1967-1975). This topic was due to the incident of the collapsing pillars in a coal mine killing 437 mining workers in South Africa. One topic discussed was the research conducted under the direction of Professor Bieniawski on carbon pillars. Tests were performed for large experiments on various shapes and sizes, while for comparison, those also applied on small laboratory samples. This research resulted in “Pillar Formula Bieniawski” which recently not only used in the column-pillar type operations, but also in modern longwall systems in coal mining. Geomechanical classification of rocks for tunnel design and large-size chamber workings: Rock Mass Rating (RMR) (1972-1989). Bieniawski developed the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) which contains six rock parameters Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock material; Rock quality design (RQD); Spacing of discontinuities; Conditions of discontinuities; Groundwater conditions; Orientation of discontinuities. Rock mass rating is widely applied in engineering fields. For example, in the field of rock mechanics and design. This system is also applied in making tunnels, slopes, foundations, and mines. Sumber : https://home.agh.edu.pl/~cala/bieniawski/zyciorys.pdf Z. T. Bieniawski Named a Lifetime Achiever by Marquis Who’s Who (24-7pressrelease.com) https://www.geocontrol.es/es/espacio-bieniawski https://www.rockmass.net/files/short_on_RMR-system.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/rock-mass-rating


RMR is also applied to measure the Rock Mass Excavability (RME) and Specific Energy of Excavation (SEE). It is effectively used to detect the tunnel condition changes in real time and serve as an adverse condition warning during the construction. Formulation of design principles and methodology engineering in the rock massif (1984-1996). Professor Bieniawski believed that to become a good engineer, it is necessary to have knowledge not only for construction and technical knowledge, but also design knowledge including the other methodologies of design process, component stages, and rules. Thus, he studied the theories and methodological philosophies from different countries as well as the creation and innovation processes of engineers and architects. Proposition of a New Rock Massive Workability Index (Rock Mass Excavability) for predicting shield progress mechanized TBM (2006-2010). Together with the scientists from Mining University in Madrid, he proposed a new estimation system called: Rock Mass Excavatability index (RME) –workability index of TBM machines. Various aspects were analyzed using RME index adding the data from additional tunnels and the progress was then presented in international conferences and published in scientific and technical technology journals used by the tunnel construction industries. A new specific concept has recently been developed, that is, the Specific Energy of Excavation which allows the creation of additional progress criteria as a quality rock mass function (expressed in RMR) and machine diameter.




Remote Sensing Application in Mining Industries Jerhikma (12118070) Remote Sensing is a science related to acquiring, processing, and interpreting images and data obtained from aircrafts and satellites recording the results of interactions between material objects and electromagnetic radiation (Sabins, 1997). This remote sensing technology has been widely applied in various fields, especially in mapping the earth surface and monitoring the environment. Remote sensing allows the rapid acquisition of information related to the earth surface which can be applied to monitor changes in vegetation, soil, atmosphere, and other environmental indicators. In general, remote sensing can be divided into passive and active remote sensing. Passive remote sensing uses the naturally available energy sources, such as sunlight, to illuminate objects and measure the reflected or re-emitted radiation after interacting with the objects, such as optical remote sensing. Meanwhile, active remote sensing uses its own energy sources to illuminate objects. Active sensor emits the radiation at a specific wavelength and measures the radiation reflected by the objects. Therefore, active remote sensing


can be used to check the responses to insufficiently available wavelength through sunlight, such as microwaves. The examples of active remote sensing include radar (radio detection and ranging) and lidar (light imaging, detection, and ranging). The remote sensing applications are relevant for the mining industries starting from mineral exploration, topographic monitoring, detecting and monitoring environmental impacts, and mapping the mining area structural changes to monitor the safety aspects. Remote sensing can assist the mining planning process, improve safety during and after mining operations, and monitor the environmental impacts and rehabilitation. Remote sensing using satellite or multispectral and hyperspectral airborne can provide information related to mineralogy and geological surface which later can become the indicators of geological subsurface and the presence of ore bodies. This technique is based on the characteristic absorption features in the spectrum for different minerals or

mineral groups. In particular, the band in Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) is beneficial to distinguish the mineral groups. Some distinguished main features are those related to the iron-carrying minerals, clay minerals, carbonates, sulfates, and mica. The mineral content can be measured by comparing the data with the known mineral spectral features and spectral unmixing method. The same optical remote sensing method can be used for the geological and soil mapping which certainly can also be used to detect the mineral contamination in mining soil and tailing. Many studies have shown that remote sensing, especially hyperspectral remote sensing in the VNIR-SWIR ranges (400-2500 nm), can be used to measure various soil charactiristics. Other studies, for example, show significant correlations between spectral features and concentrations of various heavy metals (Melendez-Pastor et al., 2011), yet the models generally need to be calibrated and validated at least once for each location since correlations are affected by the soil compositions and physical characteristics, as

well as the required spectral mixture modeling. After calibrated with the field measurements, remote sensing can result in maps showing the approximate spatial distribution of heavy metal content. The main satellites commonly used for the geological mapping are ASTER, Landsat, Hyperion, Sentinel-2, and WorldView 3. The main challenge in using the optical remote sensing for surface mineralogical mapping is the presence of mosses (particularly in the Arctic areas) and vegetations. If the vegetations cover parts of the soil or rock surfaces, the measured reflectance is the mixture of vegetation and soil/rock reflectance. However, the spectral mixed analysis possibly distinguishes different land covers and extractes information from the soil/rock components. For example, Richter et al. (2008) used the airborne hyperspectral data and mixed spectral analysis to measure the pollution level of acid rock drainage (ARD) around the copper and zinc mining in the highly vegetated areas of Canada to monitor the rehabilitation processes. Furthermore, for mapping and monitoring the vegetation around


Photo : Devi Kamaratih (12118073)

the mining locations, it is important in all mining phases, starting from the mining planning to mining closure and rehabilitation. In addition to mapping the vegetation types, remote sensing can be used to detect and map the vegetational stress. Vegetational stress occurs when ‘unfavorable conditions or substances affect plant metabolism, growth or development’ (Lichtenthaler, 1996). The researchers have developed many different vegetation indices related to the vegetational health, such as the Normalized Difference


Vegetation Index (NDVI). For example, those used to map the vegetational stress due to the heavy metal contaminations near the zinc smelters (Reusen et al., 2003) and talc mining (Middleton et al., 2003) using the hyperspectral airborne data. Furthermore, the surface topography or surface topographic changes are important during the mining operations. In the operational phase, the topographic maps and 3D models can be used to study the geomorphological features, slope geometry, mineral resources, and pit layouts in

the open mining. Thus, remote sensing can be applied, such as laser scanning or LIDAR (Light Imaging Detection and Ranging) both groundbased/terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and airborne laser scanning (ALS). Remote sensing can also use photogrammetry from the manned or unmanned aircrafts. In addition, the digital elevation model can be derived from the very high-resolution stereo satellite imagery, such as WorldView or SPOT. ALS and TLS can create the detailed point cloud 3D surface model and are now widely used to create the detailed digital elevation model. The main advantage of ALS is that it possibly screens the vegetation in such a way that the soil surface and structures below the vegetation can be accurately mapped. However, this ALS generally requires the relatively expensive and heavy equipment. In addition, there is also a low-cost photogrammetric technique, that is, the Structure from Motion (SfM), which is popularly used for the detailed topographic mapping in smaller and/or remote areas. SfM uses the method from computer vision to match the features in a series of overlapping photos from a standard digital camera to create a high-resolution digital elevation model (Westoby et al., 2012). Lucieer et al. (2014) show that the SfM method could be used with photographs taken by drones to create the detailed DEMs and map the topographic changes by mapping the displacements of landslides in Australia. Several studies have compared the different accuracy techniques and found that

the DEMs created by SfM are comparable in centimeter to that created by laser scanning in the non-vegetated areas. However, in the vegetated areas, laser scanning can obtain models both the ground surfaces under the vegetation and the top of vegetation surfaces, while SfM will provide very limited information related to the ground surfaces under the vegetation. In addition, the application of active remote sensing, such as synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) can be used to assist the slope deformation analysis and also related to the land subsidence problems in association with the mining operations. Around these areas, the InSAR can then be used to detect the potential land subsidence, map the affected areas, and process the SAR time series to analyze the deformation evolution. The InSAR satellites can provide information related to the land deformation distribution, amplitude, and evolution. The remote sensing technology has become a very promising instrument in mining industries since the use of this technology can make working easier, with the gradual improvement of remote sensing technology and theory as well as the increasing spatial, temporal, and spectral image resolution, the remote sensing technology application will become more superior, faster, dynamics, accurate, punctual, and result in essential achievements in the mining industries.

Source : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.oulu.fi/sites/default/files/36/RESEM_EOReview.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwie77LLpdH0AhXeRWwGHUnVC40QFnoECDIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0aMc5CVd7G7UVNKrr8fHe3 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281722614_Application_of_Remote_Sensing_Technology_in_Mine_Environment_Monitoring https://www.srk.com/en/publications/the-application-of-satellite-remote-sensing-in-the-mining-sector https://www.academia.edu/16420134/Open_Pit_Mine_Monitoring_Using_Remote_Sensing_and_GIS https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/13/21/4485/htm




Mining Policy Based on Zero Carbon Mining as A Strategic Solution to Answer The Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Mining Industry Challenges Mochamad Fathur Hidayattullah - 12119079

Source : Unsplash


“Becoming the Main Driver of National Development through Optimum Energy and Mineral Resources Management for the Realization of Energy Independence and Security for the People’s Fair and Equitable Welfare” This quote is a reflection of sacred ideals for the development of energy in Indonesia. With its potential and natural wealth, especially mineral and coal sectors, the Indonesian nation can realize its energy independence and security for the people. The intended independence is the ability to stand alone to fulfill all national energy needs without any dependence on the other parties. Furthermore, the intended resilience is to survive from any challenge and condition by utilizing its owned potentials. Both aspects have already belonged to this nation and the next step is to realize those big dreams. Indonesia is greatly abundant with minerals and coal. Indonesia’s coal potentials in the form of coal reserves have reaches 38.84 billion tons with the average production of 600 million tons per year. Thus, it is concluded that the age of Indonesia’s coal reserves is still 65 years to the future (Kementrian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, 2021). The Indonesia’s mineral potential, such as Nickel reserves, has also reached 52% of the recent total world nickel reserves at 139 million tons and becomes the largest in the world (Asosiasi Penambang Nikel Indonesia, 2021). These two potentials greatly represented the Indonesia’s energy resilience. However, to realize this dream, Indonesia must be able to pass through the steep roads. Energy sector, especially mining industry, is one of the highest CO2 contributors to the greenhouses’ gas emissions in Indonesia (KLHK, 2019). Indonesia is part of the 2015 Paris Agreement, in which the agreement limits the global warming up to 1.5 degrees Celsius by reducing the carbon emissions. This has created a polemic and problem for Indonesia to meet its energy needs. Therefore, a strategic solution is required to formulate the appropriate steps to support the optimization of Indonesian mining industrial potentials, yet still paying attention to the sustainability and environmental aspects. The solution is the Mining Policy based on Zero Carbon Mining. This policy

Source : Unsplash

will provide obvious directions and consequences for the mining regulations in Indonesia to have a sustainable and environmentally friendly industrial development direction. The Zero Carbon Mining policy is directed and realized as the main weapon for the Indonesian people to continuously utilize the potential reserves and resources while still pay attention to the environmental and sustainability aspects. The development agenda number 6 made to realize the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan’s vision is to build environment, increase disaster resilience, and climate change (KESDM, 2020). This agenda can indirectly answer the required needs or regulation regulating how mining operations should be further proceeded in accordance with the above aspects. The Zero Carbon Mining policy is present to realize the development agenda ideals. The Zero Carbon Mining Policy is a mining policy which its derivative rules complexly regulate all mining industrial activities from the upstream to the downstream with the


sustainability and environmental principles as an effort to reduce the carbon emissions from the mining activities. This policy aims to massively reduce the carbon emissions resulted from the mining activities, starting from mining, transporting until processing. In short, these three domains considerably control the emission expenditures from those activities. As a result, this policy will have a binding power to limit everything possibly causing emissions, but still in accordance with the economic feasibility of a company’s production. The basic concept of Zero Carbon Mining policy is 3D which includes first, diversification. Diversification is the modification processing of an item into various derivative products. If we see this concept in the mining context, mining industry should have made a diversification form from mineral or coal to increase these goods’ selling values or reduce the carbon emissions. By implanting this concept, the mining industrial processing materials not only depend on the existing industries and capable of having resilience to the global challenges. For example, the climate change policies or geopolitical schemes of a country will influence the export-import activities. Second, digitization. Digitization is a process of giving or using a digital mechanism in its implementation. Digitization, in the mining context, means that the mining industry will integrate all existing processes in the related industries. This is made since digitization will facilitate humans to work or in other words, optimizing and accelerating the processes of industrial mining activities. Digitalization is just like a supplement, which makes someone’s body strong and firm, when applied to industry. Digitization will also reduce the operational or production costs of mining activities since reducing the number of human resources used. This is the actual selling point of digitalization which is possibly practiced in accordance with the economic principle, that is, to gain maximum profit with the smallest effort. Technology will answer the difficulties and indolence of a mining industry. The possibly implemented application, for example, the information system related to the status of slope by converting the RTS observation


data into My SQL database so that it can be continued by the API system assisted with the Telegram application (Wardani & Munthaha, 2021). Technology will provide actual information related to the self-warning system on slope stability. This method indirectly guarantees the safety of mining activities. Third, decarbonization. Decarbonization is an effort to reduce all carbon emissions. Decarbonization in mining context is all mining processes which must pay attention to the emissions released from the related processes. Decarbonization should also create the economic value and pay attention to the environment. The decarbonization application in mining industry, such as utilizing electrification in the mining digging equipment. The mining equipment, such as dump truck or shovel can utilize electrification as a fuel to reduce the carbon emissions. To realize the Zero Carbon Mining policy, it is necessary to have the supporting components, such as investment and technological mastery. Investment is an activity to provide capital for a certain process. If we closely see the mining industry, the answer is actually obvious. Mining requires a large investment form since general investigation, exploration, construction, and operation stages require a large fund and long period (Rosyid, Ginting, & Wibowo, 2020). Investment related to research and technology must be immediately intensified by the Indonesian government to answer the entire needs to this policy. The permit mechanism from the related government from the regulating legal products must be able to accommodate and provide facilities for the external parties, both private and national, to make their investment. If these two elements can be well fulfilled, then the next step is to strengthen the concrete and strategic steps to realize the Zero Carbon Mining policy. First, utilizing the renewable energy fuels to operate the mining industrial equipment. The government can use biofuel as the main capital to further provide low carbon emissions, yet still having good quality economic production. Second, electrification of mining processing and operation must be performed. This is to create the environmentally friendly

Source : Unsplash

production process trusted by the communities. The Zero Carbon Mining policy must be immediately implemented to answer all Indonesian mining industrial challenges. This policy can be a breakthrough for the Indonesian mining law which is sometimes still confusing and requires the implementation clarity. This strategic solution really pays attention to the environmental and sustainability aspects as well as Indonesia. Indonesia should continuously renew ideas and different ways of thinking related to the mining industries in Indonesia. Thus, the Indonesian people can create the development changes through mining.

Source : Asosiasi Penambang Nikel Indonesia. (2021, April 26). Menimbang Potensi Besar Nikel Indonesia. From nikel.co.id: https://nikel.co.id/menimbang-potensi-besar-nikel-indonesia/ Kementrian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. (2020, September 18). Rencana Strategis ESDM 2020 -2024. ESDM. Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. Kementrian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. (2021, Juli 27). Cadangan Batubara Masih 38,84 Miliar Ton, Teknologi Bersih Pengelolaannya Terus Didorong. From esdm.go.id: https://www.esdm.go.id/id/media-center/arsip-berita/cadangan-batubara-masih-3884-miliar-ton-teknologi-bersih-pengelolaannya-terus-didorong KESDM. (2020). Rencana Strategis ESDM 2020-2024. Jakarta: KESDM. KLHK. (2019). Laporan Inventarisasi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) dan Monitoring, Pelaporan, Verifikasi (MPV). Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, Direktorat Jenderal Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim, Jakarta. Rosyid, F. A., Ginting, F. A., & Wibowo, A. P. (2020). Analisis Dampak Investasi Terhadap Perekonomian Daerah: Studi Kasus Investasi Pertambangan Mineral Logam Provinsi Papua. Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal, 11. Wardani, P., & Munthaha, Z. I. (2021). Sistem Peringatan Dini: Pemantauan Lereng Tambang Menggunakan Aplikasi Telegram. Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal, 83.

“Go Mining for Development”


Orkes Semi Dangdut HMT-ITB


ITB mining engineering student orchestra that combines semi dangdut music with the characteristic of jokes and “sepetan” in every pause of the song. With a combination of rhythms of mandolin, guitar, bass, kecrek, tam-tam, ukulele, and combined distinctive sound of the vocalists create music that can make people who hear can sway and bang. The year 1978 was the forerunner of the OSD which is known to this day and is driven by Herryal Zoelkarnaen (TU73), and the OSD was formed for the first time in 1979. The name OSD itself was used after the entry of Sumaryanto (79) and Veterano Sitompul, they also created several OSD songs. Most OSD song lyrics are made by Iwanudin or often called Iwan Blow (75). With his struggle and other personnel, OSD won many awards from dangdut music competitions. He is also the creator of the song that is quite famous until now, namely “Erika”. Please note that in 1994 OSD has been a vacuum for some time, but with the proposal of Afandi Mardani to the chairman of the Joko Association (TE 91) OSD finally active again. In this era, the OSD began to search for musical instruments and distributed the text of the OSD lyrics to other members of the association. And finally produced a recording of these songs in MP3 format. Until now, OSD continues to strive to develop its existence in a better direction as it was in its heyday. This can be seen with the increase in the frequency of gigs both outside and inside the campus. And keep in mind that OSD can not develop in such a way without the help of OSD fanatical fans or often we call it by the nickname “dangdut boss” which proved effective in spreading the atmosphere of retro dangdut typical OSD. And hopefully OSD will continue to be maintained and more developed in the future.


“Reinforcing National Resilience Throughout Mining Perspective” Muthia Nabila Tsamara Firtania (12118059) Indonesian Student Mining Competition (ISMC) was born due to the participation of HMT-ITB team in AusIMM Students Mining Competition organized by the University of Queensland (UQ) in 1996 in Brisbane, Australia. The first ISMC was held in 1998 which later became the permanent agenda of HMT-ITB which is held every two years. In 2022, ISMC XIII comes with new innovations. According to Muhammad Rifqi Rahmadillah, as the Chief Executive of ISMC XIII, ISMC this year will certainly be different from previous years. ISMC XIII will host various competitions and events online due to the pandemic that still hits today. Although online, ISMC XIII will continue to bring its spirit to improve the competence of mining students in Indonesia and spread the love of mining science to members in particularly and public generally. ISMC has a distinctive feature compared to other mining competitions, namely competing practical mining expertise. For ISMC XIII to be held entirely online, the concept of ISMC presented must follow the current conditions, but with the values of the same competition. ISMC XIII will continue to bring the values as the first and largest mining competition in Indonesia. Activities carried out online will certainly affect the views of people about ISMC. However, the committee


continues to strive for ISMC XIII remains the best mining competition in Indonesia. Some real examples carried out by the committee are organizing various competitions and supporting events that are competitive, unique, and different, but still relevant to the needs of the mining world. The theme is “Strengthening the National Resilience through Mining Perspective”. Reporting from Rifqi, this theme arises from dreams about the actual condition of mining competitions, both ISMC and similar competitions that have been held. We see a missing link between the mining competition and solving problems that occur in the Indonesian Mining World. Therefore, the great theme of ISMC XIII was born which became our glorious purpose to make ISMC XIII which is not only a student knowledge pit, but also can be an answer to existing problems. It is hoped that ISMC XIII can improve the competence of mining students that are relevant to the needs of the industry and can solve problems directly based on our knowledge. Variety Of Competitions The competition in ISMC is divided into 2: Mining Competition and Mining Insight. Mining competition is a mining competition that can be participated by mining students to measure

basic knowledge of mining. Mining competition consists of Mine Plan Design Competition, Mining Case Competition, and Mining Smart Competition. Mine Plan Design Competition is a competition where participants are asked to summarize and synthesize engineering knowledge and economics that have been owned into the design and planning of a modern mine. Mining Case Competition is a mining competition that is packaged in the form of a case study of mining activities. Mining Smart Competition is a mining competition that is packaged in the form of a quiz competition where the questions given are technical and non-technical mining knowledge. Mining Insight is a mining competition dedicated to the general public so that by it is expected to grow insight and love of mining science. Mining Insight consists of Paper Competition and Poster & Video Competition.

Mine Plan Design Competition

Mining Case Competition

Event Series To support the course of the event ISMC XIII. ISMC XIII also held various events related to mining science such as Roadshow, Indonesian Mining Student Summit, Mining Virtual Expo & Exhibition, Webinar Series, and Mine Campaign. Roadshow is a series of activities in the form of visits to a number of high schools in Indonesia Mining Smart Competition


online and offline with the aim of introducing science and the world of mining. Indonesian Mining Student Summit is a collaborative agenda among mining engineering students in Indonesia to examine an issue or problem in the mining world. Mining Virtual Expo & Exhibition is a virtual exhibition that exhibits the best work from various mining engineering students in Indonesia and also a mining company booth. The Webinar Series consists of National webinars and international webinars that will discuss science and mining issues online with speakers with different backgrounds. Mine Campaign is an activity to disseminate information about the world of mining and a number of issues that occur through various social media ISMC XIII. Mine Campaign can be done in the form of posters, Instagram Live, and propaganda videos.


“What Do You Think about ISMC XIII?” “Unlike most other student events that focus on the competitive part, ISMC Student Summit is also a collaborative place for students. Exchanging ideas, unrest and together looking for solutions to existing problems in the field, of course accompanied by experts. Hopefully ISMC ITB can continue to develop better and can initiate other universities to hold the same event or even better for the achievement of Indonesian human resources in the field of mining excellence.” Jimmi Ramadhani Best Delegation on FGD Indonesia Mining Student Summit “My impressions in participating in the videography competition in ISMC XII organized by HMT ITB is extraordinary. We can compete with provided virtual studio exibition platform so that the experience is like a live event held offline. With the ISMC XII competition, it is very helpful because I can develope my interests and talents. Hopefully next year this activity will always continue to successfully accommodate the works of students.” Ariz Wahyu Winner of Video Competition “By collaborating from different majors, I got a lot of insight about mining. I can also see opportunities for the application of process technology that I learned from the Department for the mining industry.”

“Very creative! Never thought before MSC was conceptualized like a quiz competition that I often watched from high school. Although the competition is online, but I still get the sense of competition. Goodjob ISMC XIII ITB! Hopefully the next competition can be offline again so that the friendship between mine students is closer than ever.” Ranti Natasya (Tim Tibra Caraka) Winner of Mining Smart Competition “ISMC really adds insight into mining, the infographics are very interesting, the competitions are still exciting even online. I can make fiends with fellow students mine. There are webinars with top speakers! There is an Expo & Exhibition whose 3D animation is really cool so I really enjoy it virtually. Attended by large mining companies so that I can fully understand the activities in the field and how it can be different in each company, but the goal is to advance development. Plus you can chat directly with the manager and even the CEO of the company, it really is a privilege!! ISMC is very cool! I hope ISMC can invite more friends from outside mining major students so that ISMC is more known. Success to ISMC!!” Yessica Mining Engineering ITB Student

Tri Mayang (Tim Sylvanite) Winner of Paper Competition


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What They Say? “For me, a forestry student who who had a dream of studying mining engineering , mine restoration is really a goal for future work. Although his practice for now is quite difficult and takes a long process. I used to have the view that mining is destroying the environment. But as far as my vision is concerned, there are still sustainable mining activities that are aware of the same environmental problems. I hope similar mining activities can be more developed, friendly and grow along with a good environment. “

Alia Firdamayanti Forestry Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology

“Indonesia as a country rich in natural resources, should be able to process it independently, especially in the mining sector. On the other hand, the development of technology today is very fast. The implementation of technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and others is certainly very necessary. Not only for mining, but also for postmining.”

Dharma Triyasa Computer Science, Gadjah Mada University


“In modern times like now, people are very dependent on metals such as copper, gold, nickel and others. Almost most of the needs of modern society come from mining ranging from medicinal materials to electronic goods. So, in my opinion the mining sector will still be a crucial sector especially in Indonesia which is one of the countries rich in mineral resources although there are still many challenges to be faced, such as environmental issues, illegal mining and others. In addition, I think that some improvements and changes that can be made in this modern era are needed, one of which is digitization in the mining industry.”

Kadek Widiawati Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology “I think the mining sector in Indonesia is currently heading in a better direction, one of which is a policy of banning the export of nickel ore in Indonesia accompanied by limited nickel processing in the country. This is certainly quite worrying, given the world demand for nickel which is experiencing an increase due to the incessant development of electric vehicles. With this policy, the government can encourage the manufacture of metal refining plants (smelters) so that Indonesia can export semi-finished materials in the form of nickel metal. It is hoped that in the future companies and governments can collaborate so that they can export finished products such as batteries that can increase taxes and royalties paid to the government, as well as the additional selling value of nickel will increase.”

Andika Budiartha Medical Student, Udayana University

Foto : Cornelius Calvin (121806)



Yudha Bumi HMT-ITB


Obrolan Merah


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.