Cover Photo Contributor: Jedidjah Archellio Hardios
Contributor: Abraham Josua Sampetoding

Cover Photo Contributor: Jedidjah Archellio Hardios
Contributor: Abraham Josua Sampetoding
Mining Student Association of Bandung Institute of Technology (known as HMT-ITB) is a student organization consisting of students with the same educational background, that is, Mining Engineering of Bandung Institute of Technology. HMT-ITB has been under the guidance of the Bachelor Degree of Mining Engineering Study Program, Bandung Institute of Technology for more than 67 years. This age makes HMT-ITB well-established, mature, and rich with cultural heritage deeply implanted in each aspect of this Association to move. HMT-ITB is a student association which is based on Pancasila and has become a student forum facilitating its members to develop, maintain the prosperity and expand the networks as the realization to prepare themselves in facing the recent working world.
There are four important pillars consisting of Development, Internal, Professional, and External Sectors to continuously fulfill the needs of institution and its members based on their related fields. There are also other elements playing an important role.
Those elements were designed with same aims and objectives in line with those belonging to HMT-ITB:
• Creating and maintaining close family relationship among students of Mining Engineering Department of Bandung Institute of Technology with a lasting bond even after graduation.
• Building, developing and spreading the mining science devotion to its members in particular and public in general.
• Striving for both material & spiritual welfare and fighting for the members’ interests.
In addition, there is also a SemiDangdut Orchestra (known as OSD HMT-ITB) which has become a cultural heritage at HMT-ITB aiming to entertain themselves and the surrounding people. OSD HMT-ITB has been long established by the HMT-ITB members and has made several regenerations of players for its existence.
Green Economy is an economic development process that keeps on taking the environment into consideration. The association between green economy and mining sector will be a fresh and interesting topic to discuss. This Mineria 11.0 edition will discuss green economy and how it associates with mining industry. Mineria is a professional magazine published by HMT-ITB. It houses the interests of regular members of HMT-ITB in both journalism and mining professions. Through Mineria, we would like to share information on mining not only to mining students, but also to the community in general.
Nabila Fairuz Editor in ChiefHead of Yudha Bumi
Irene Arbintha (12119029)
Kadek Demmy Wenanda (12119019)
Editor in Chief
Nabila Fairuz (12120028)
Hilvi Hidayah (12120034)
Content Creator
Heny Nur Setianingrum (12119035)
Irma Magfirah (12119086)
Satya Permana (12120012)
Ageng Febriyani (12120013)
Muhammad Gymnastiar Nikkei A. (12120024)
Akhmad Maulana Putra D. (12120029)
Muhammad Bayu Prasetyo (12120053)
Alberto Graciano P. Butarbutar (12120075)
Rahmat Iqbal (12120124)
Daffa Mujahid Abdullah (12121013)
Yohannes Eurico Christanto (12119018)
Mohammad Ikhwanul Yogaswara (12120073)
Adrian Adinata (12120107)
Ray Moonstar Adi Nugroho (12119072)
Enver Hardiono (12120132)
Muhammad Alfitra Hasan (12121014)
Syafitri Machmudah (12121065)
Anggit Farikh Irham (12121085)
Reneiro Addison Soares Sembiring
Mining is a fundamental sector for human civilization, yet it is undeniable that the face of mining in Indonesia has more frequently been viewed negatively.
Electricity has become one of the people’s main needs in this modern era. Increasing population in an area will influence the people’s life aspects. One of the aspects influenced by the increase in population is the need for electricity.
Based on the discussion above, it can be said that mining is an activity of extracting mineral deposits of economic value. In the last few periods, the mining industry sector served as one of the strategic industries significantly contributing to the national economic development.
Various countries in the world compete to find alternative methods for acquiring minerals needed for energy transition.
OSD HMT-ITB is the abbreviation of Orkes Semi Dangdut Himpunan Mahasiswa Tambang Institut Teknologi Bandung. OSD HMT-ITB is famous for its semi-dangdut music and its characteristics including jokes and “sepetan” in each pause of song.
Regardless of whether we like it or not, all of us have some contribution either directly or indirectly to the demand for metal production and we are also responsible for the waste resulting from the mining and manufacturing process of industrial metals.
Mining is a fundamental sector for human civilization, yet it is undeniable that the face of mining in Indonesia has more frequently been viewed negatively. This is possible because some of the community think that mining significantly damages the ecosystem and even leads to climate change. For example, land clearing in coal mining industry might result in increased carbon emission. Such land clearing, which is usually performed in a forest area, will cause deforestation, rendering the forest function as carbon emission reducer ineffective. Given this problem, a breakthrough to change the mining industry to allow it to have a better face is desperately needed. This new face should be capable of giving benefit and stability to the socio-economic
Source: https://unsplash.com/
and environmental aspects in a sustainable fashion. One principle that can be applied to make this ideal come true is the green economic principle in mining.
Green economy is an economic notion aiming to improve the community’s social welfare and equity, and at the same time reduce the potential damage to the environment significantly. This notion is by no means new, rather it is a rebranding of the sustainable development program launched by the Western countries in 1990s. It is imperative to immediately apply this principle considering the constantly increasing economic growth as time goes by to up to over 100% for 1981-2005, and it is directly proportional to ecological damage up to over 60%.
In the world currently moving towards the eco-friendly technology and industry, the government of Indonesia has attempted many programs to realize it such as the Net Zero Emission 2060 road map that discusses the gradual operation stoppage of coalfueled power plants to be replaced with
low-emission technology and conversion to electric vehicles in the future. The plan to gradually cease the operation of steam power plant (PLTU) is supported by the government as stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 112 Year 2022 concerning New Renewable Energy (EBT) and Electricity Provision. They are the attempts that the government makes to support green economy in the future.
As the government exerts their strategy to suppress carbon emission, mining companies also contribute to the application of green economy as they take various steps and strategies for decarbonization purpose. For example, PT Antam Tbk manages to suppress their carbon dioxide emission by 47,000 tons thanks to their post-mining rehabilitation, PT Bukit Asam Tbk records 256,000 tons carbon emission with their featured program that has a significant effect on CO2 reduction through carbon capture and reforestation, and PT Inalum (Persero) helps reduce carbon emission by 60,000 tons of CO2e by reducing the anode effect in pot optimization. At the same time, PT Timah Tbk
produces 87,000 tons of carbon emission by shifting their use of HSD to biofuel (B30) and compensate the carbon emission. From these steps, it can be seen that the decarbonization programs can be performed in many ways. In the mining commodity down streaming, critical metal mineral and rareearth elements (LTJ) in Indonesia play an important role in EBT products. LTJ and critical metal mineral are the main raw materials to make solar cell components and wind power technology, where both renewable technologies are the most common ones. This is supported by paragraph 1 of article 103 of Law Number 3 Year 2022 that sets forth that “IUP or IUPK holders during the mineral production operation stage as referred to in Article l02 are required to process and/or purify the minerals obtained from domestic mining.” The exploration, exploitation, and purification of critical metal minerals and LTJ will support the fulfillment of needs for raw materials to make EBT products to be used as a solution for energy transition in the future.
The energy transition is also carried out by mining companies, particularly the mineral processing plants previously relying on coals as their source of energy, by shifting to EBT now. For example, PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero), commonly known as PT INALUM, uses the hydro power plant (PLTA) Sigura Gura and PLTA Tangga whose water upstream comes from Toba Lake at 603-megawatt capacity. In another place, PT PLN (Persero) will supply the new renewable energy or EBT power plant at 170 Megavolt (MVA) to PT Anugerah Tambang Smelter in Palu. Taking these steps based on the green economy principle will surely result in lower carbon emission and improved health of the community around the plants.
waste can be dealt with by making good use of the waste as resources. Such practice is commonly known as circular economic concept, and this surely support the application of green economy. For example, PT Freeport Indonesia uses (tailing) waste to mix the polymer concrete and cement at a composition of Portland 29.4%, polymer 0.6 %, and tailing 70% to construct the road to Grasberg and build employee housing. In addition, PT Antam Tbk also utilizes tailing to make paving blocks in Bintan Island. These attempts that the mining industry, both the companies and the government, have made are intended to fulfill the increasingly complex human needs without having to sacrifice their environment. This is also one of the contributions that the mining sector applying the green economy principle make to the realization of SDGs’ 7th point on “clean and renewable energy” and 13th point on “climate change handling.” It is this new face that will change what people think of the mining world, from the one they thought could only damage the environment, could now contribute in the attempt to mitigate climate change in the world through the various programs they organize.
(n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved December 28, 2022, from https:// duniatambang.co.id/Berita/read/1200/PemanfaatanTailingSisa-Hasil-Pengolahan-Tambang
Apa Itu Emisi Karbon? Kenali Penyebab, Dampak, dan Cara Menguranginya. (2021, November 4). Detik.com. Retrieved December 24, 2022, from https://www.detik.com/edu/ detikpedia/d-5796741/apa-itu-emisi-karbon-kenalipenyebab-dampak-dan-cara-menguranginya
Ekonomi Sirkular – LCDI. (n.d.). LCDI. Retrieved December 27, 2022, from https://lcdi-indonesia.id/ekonomi-sirkular/
Holding BUMN MIND ID Ungkap Upaya Tekan Emisi Hingga Nol, Ini Caranya. (2022, October 18). Detik Finance. Retrieved December 27, 2023, from https://finance.detik.com/ energi/d-6355039/holding-bumn-mind-id-ungkap-upayatekan-emisi-hingga-nol-ini-caranya
Menyongsong Pertambangan Berkelanjutan dan Berdampak Sosial Halaman all - Kompas.com. (2022, December 22). Money Kompas.com. Retrieved December 26, 2022, from https://money.kompas.com/read/2022/12/22/205000626/ menyongsong-pertambangan-berkelanjutan-danberdampak-sosial?page=all
MIND ID Pelopor Dekarbonasi di Indonesia. (2022, November 12). CNBC Indonesia. Retrieved December 28, 2023, from https:// www.cnbcindonesia.com/news/20221112081814-4-387275/ mind-id-pelopor-dekarbonasi-di-indonesia
PLN Pasok 170 MVA Listrik dari Energi Hijau untuk Smelter Nikel di Palu. (2021, September 26). Ekonomi Bisnis.com. Retrieved December 25, 2022, from https://ekonomi.bisnis.com/ read/20210926/44/1446881/pln-pasok-170-mva-listrik-darienergi-hijau-untuk-smelter-nikel-di-palu
PLTA Inalum Andalkan Danau Toba sejak 1982, Begini Cara Kerjanya. (2022, March 31). Market Bisnis. Retrieved December 24, 2022, from https://market.bisnis.com/read/20220331/192/1517191/ plta-inalum-andalkan-danau-toba-sejak-1982-begini-carakerjanya
PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium Factory (Persero). Source: https://www.inalum.id/ The fairly massive complaints from the community around the plants on the (tailing)12119087
Ageng Febriyani (12120013)
Muhammad Gymnastiar Nikkei A. (12120024)
The increasing demands for coal in China, Japan, and South Korea have begun the global coal price influencing the Reference Price for Coal (RPC) in August 2021. The increasing RPC lasting to the end of 2022 was presented in the following graphics.
NHowever, the price of coal, in fact, has recently decreased. Referring to the Bloomberg’s data, the coal price for the delivery contract in March 2023 at the Stock Market of ICE Newcastle (14/2) was in the level of US$ 194.50 per ton, decreasing up to 2.13% from the previous day which was at the level of US$ 198.75 per ton. Meanwhile, when seen from the coal price per the end of 2022, the coal price was still at the level of US$ 350 per ton.
Up to the end of 2021, Baramulti Group had owned the Mining License (known as IUP/Izin Usaha Pertambangan) on coal within the areas of 24.518 hectares spread in five regencies in Kalimantan Island. The total coal reserves and resources belonging to Baramulti Suksessarana Tbk and PT. Antang Gunung Meratus based on the JORC reports arranged by Aseamco per 31 Mei 2012 respectively reached 59.6 million tons and 860.7 million tons. Based on the reserves and resources reported by Baramulti to JORC, the reserves belonging to Baramulti Group almost reached 62 million tons. The annual coal production made by Baramulti Group reached 15 million tons in 2022. Due to the increasing demands of coal in 2021 up to the end of 2022, Baramulti Group made further exploration for some subsidiary companies, including BSSR in north Kalimantan, Antam Gunung Meratus in South Kalimantan, Mitra Bara in North Kalimantan areas, and some other small companies under Baramulti Group. Life of mine PT. Antang Gunung Meratus is estimated up to 2027, while Baramulti Suksessarana Tbk still has very long life of mine, and other sites under Baramulti Group still has not been estimated its life of mine since exploration is still continued until now.
Based on an interview with Bang Calvin Trias as the staff of Baramulti, he explained that there were some IUPs that needed to be reviewed for further exploration. This will likely make Baramulti Group’s reserve to increase. Modifying factor greatly influences the existence of Baramulti Group’s mined reserve, where economy is one of the important factors. Baramulti Suksessarana Tbk (BSSR) is currently revising the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC). The IUP’s area with only resource status is revised to be mineable reserve.
Review of the area of IUP of mined reserve and further exploration that Baramulti Group expects are performed due to coal price’s rising, so that Baramulti Group will remain able to fulfill the demand for coal domestically and overseas. Coal mining in Baramulti previously used Stripping Ratio 5, but with the rising price coal and alleviated social-economic condition, adding Stripping Ratio 7 is still practical and considered economical. Some areas declared mine out can be re-mined. Although by JORC Baramulti Group’s mined reserve is decreasing, however, Baramulti still reviews it and performs further exploration in come of its blocks.
The reserve inventory program is performed through more intensive further exploration. Further exploration is performed to increase Baramulti Group’s inventory.
Baramulti Group’s Reclamation and PostMining
Baramulti Group has planned post-mining handling. When Baramulti’s life of mine has ended, smart city will be made for the previously mined area. As for reclamation, cover crop will be planted. Because of the written rules, reforestation must be performed on excavated land. Re-vegetation on cover crop will be the fastes to grow. Baramulti also performs high mining and exploitation on local plants
growing area. Local plants that are affected by Baramulti Group’s coal mining exploitation are Kalimantan durian, dragon fruit, nuts, etc. Therefore, besides planting fast growing plants, local plants are also planted to return local plants habitats that have been affected by Baramulti Group’s mining exploitation activities.
Source: https://unsplash.com/
Contributor: Reneiro Addison Soares Sembiring
Electricity has become one of the people’s main needs in this modern era. Increasing population in an area will influence the people’s life aspects. One of the aspects influenced by the increase in population is the need for electricity. The bigger the population of an area, it is certain that the need for electricity also increases. Therefore, sufficient power supply is needed for industrial, business, public service sectors, etc. to operate well. The increased need for electricity will be a new problem if it is not responded wisely.
According to ESDM, Indonesia’s 62% current need for electricity is supported by coal. It is not impossible that this percentage will increase in the future.
This is a special concern for the people and the Indonesian Government. the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arifin Tasrif, confirmed that Indonesia is committed to reach Net Zero Emission no later than 2060. Reaching this requires transition of currently used energy to a clean energy system for balance between the energy
issued by human activity and emission that the earth can absorb.
One of the transitions of currently popular energy is the use of environmentally friendly alternative energy, such as solar energy. Solar energy is unlimited and does not produce pollution that contributes to carbon emission to the atmosphere. Indonesia that is on the equator has great potential to use solar energy. The solar energy is up to 4.8 KWh/m2 or equal to 112,000 GWp, while the currently used is only about 10 MWp. Solar energy from sunlight should first be converted using solar cell technology into electricity. Solar cell is made sing silicon (Si) that is usually found in the form of silicate and quartz sand in the nature. Indonesia has abundant quartz sand resource. According to the Ministry of ESDM’s 2022 data in Rencana Pengelolaan Mineral dan Batubara Nasional Tahun 2022-2027, the number of quartz sand resource in Indonesia is 439.9 million ton with reserve of 79.4 million ton. However, solar cell panel can only be made using high purity quartz.
Quartz that is under high purity quartz classification is one with SiO2 content of 99.7% or more with mineral impurities in the
form of Fe2O3 ≤ 85 ppm, TiO2 ≤ 140 ppm, and Al2O3 ≤ 500 ppm. According to the research data in Indonesia, samples from Bangka and Central Kalimantan show quartz specifications with SiO2 ≥ 69.8% – 95.6% and mineral impurities in the form of Fe2O3 of 11.000 –18.000 ppm, TiO2 of 130 – 420 ppm, and Al2O3 of 2.650 – 17.210 ppm for Bangka and quartz specifications with SiO2 ≥ 97.9% – 99.1% and mineral impurities in the form of Fe2O3 of 6.000 – 8.800 ppm, TiO2 of 168 – 3.600 ppm, and Al2O3 of 900 – 3.200 ppm for Central Kalimantan (LPPM ITB).
Quartz sand in Indonesia actually may potentially be raw material for solar cell with relatively high purity level. However, the data show that impurities in quartz sand in Indonesia is high compared to the minimum standards set for raw material of solar cell. Therefore, further processing and refining are needed to get rid of the big amount of impurities. This is a new challenge that needs further study and a large amount of development and operation costs.
The abundant amount of quartz sand resource in Indonesia can be big potential, especially for the state economy. Besides, with this transition to environmentally friendly energy, the ideals for Net Zero Emission can expectedly be achieved.
ESDM. (2022). Berkenalan dengan Net Zero Emission. Retrieved from https://ppsdmaparatur.esdm.go.id/ seputar-ppsdma/berkenalan-dengan-net-zeroemission
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. (2022). Kepmen ESDM No. 301.K/MB.01/MEM.B/2022.
Rajagukguk, A. S. F. (2015). Kajian Perencanaan Kebutuhan dan Pemenuhan Energi Listik di Kota Manado.Teknik Elektro UNSRAT. Retrieved from https://ejournal unsrat.ac.id/index. php/elekdankom/article/ download/7972/7531
Syafrizal. (2022). Potensi Pasir Kuarsa Indonesia untuk Sel Panel Surya. ITB. Retrieved from https://pengabdian. lppm.itb.ac.id/information/potensi_pasir_kuarsa_ indonesia_untuk_sel_panel_surya
“Mining is the art of exploiting mineral deposits at a profit. An unprofitable mine is fit only for the sepulcher of a dead mule.”
- T. A. Rickard.Based on the discussion above, it can be said that mining is an activity of extracting mineral deposits of economic value. In the last few periods, the mining industry sector served as one of the strategic industries significantly contributing to the national economic development. The Directorate General of
Source: https://unsplash.com/
Mineral and Coal (Ditjen Minerba) of the Ministry of Energy and Human Resources (ESDM) records that the non-tax state income (PNBP) from Minerba sector for Non-Oil and Gas Natural Resources Income realization until 30 June 2022 is Rp36.3 trillion, second only to that from Oil and Gas and Crude Oil sector.
Bar Diagram for PNBP from SDA Sector in Semester I of 2022.
However, behind this benefit, the mining industry still has the poor stigma in the public “eyes” since in its operation the industry alters the nature landscape that it may harm the environment, such as deforestation and air pollution resulting from diesel fuel use in their mining equipment. The focus of this discussion is not on considering the good and the bad sides of this industry, rather it is on how we as the youth, thinkers, and pioneers can find the solutions regarding the dualism of mining industry.
“The green economy philosophy is about the balance between people’s economic welfare and social justice by continuing to mitigate the environmental and ecological damage risks” (Wanggai, 2012: 7).
Based on the citation above, the essence of green economy is that economic and environmental developments share a synergistic integration for a sustainable development. Basically, the term sustainable development means a development which focuses not only on current time, rather it also considers the impact in the future to allow future development to continue. The thought on green economy is a response to brown economy, a term referring to the activities causing environmental pollution such as gas emission.
One example of green economy application in mining industry is the shift in the fuel used in mining equipment to eco-friendly one, especially the electricitybased fuels, the realization of which is now being attempted by BUMN Holding Industri Pertambangan with its members consisting of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Inalum (Persero), and PT Timah Tbk through the Eco-Mechanized Mining (e-MM) program.
This Eco-Mechanized Mining (e-MM) is a program to convert oil-fueled mining equipment into electricity-based one. The mining equipment includes the ones used
Source: https://unsplash.com/
in excavation and transportation processes, as well as other supporting tools. This program is the starting point in proofing that Indonesia seriously supports the Net Zero Emission Indonesia 2060 program. The Corporate Secretary of PTBA, Apollonius Andwie says that Eco-Mechanized Mining (eMM) can save diesel fuel up to 7 million liters per year. It also allows a saving worth Rp47.7 billion per year.
This program gives the mining industry actors a “fresh air” since it gives them a shot to counter the bad stigma in the industry in relation to air pollution and energy efficiency. It is expected that this program can be a driving force for the application of green economy in Indonesia to achieve the country’s ideal in 2060. As youth, it is important for us to take part in promoting the sustainable development in our respective profession to be the face of green and prosperous future.
Enim, P. T. B. A. T. T. (2022). Tekan emisi karbon, Ptba Dan Inka sepakat kembangkan Kendaraan tambang Berbasis Listrik: PT Bukit asam tbk. Retrieved January 12, 2023, from https://www.ptba.co.id/berita/tekanemisi-karbon-ptba-dan-inka-sepakat-kembangkankendaraan-tambang-berbasis-listrik-1412
Jakarta, P. T. B. A. T. (2022). Berkat Elektrifikasi Dan Digitalisasi, Ptba Bisa hemat Rp 58,4 miliar per Tahun: PT Bukit asam tbk. Retrieved January 12, 2023, from https://ptba.co.id/berita/berkat-elektrifikasidan-digitalisasi-ptba-bisa-hemat-rp-584-miliar-pertahun-1516
Puspasari, R. (2022). Siaran Pers: Realisasi PNBP Semester I -2022 Tumbuh Positif Seiring Kembalinya Kegiatan Ekonomi Masyarakat dan Kenaikan Harga Komoditas.
Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia. Retrieved January 13, 2023, from https://www.kemenkeu.go.id/ informasi-publik/publikasi/siaran-pers/Siaran-PersRealisasi-PNBP-Semester-I-2022
Rickard, T. A. (1932). A history of American mining. McGrawHill.
Wanggai, Velix. (2012). Menuju Ekonomi Hijau, Artikel pada Jurnal Nasional, Jakarta, 28 Juni 2012
Yulianti, A. (2020.). Ekonomi Hijau (Green Economy) Untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Retrieved January 12, 2023, from https://bappeda.babelprov.go.id/content/ ekonomi-hijau-green-economy-untuk-mendukungpembangunan-berkelanjutan-di-provinsikepulauan#:~:text=Filosofi%20ekonomi%20hijau%20 adalah%20adanya,ekonomi%20yang%20berbasis%20 pembangunan%20berkelanjutan
Wiba Nayaka Putranto
Various countries in the world compete to find alternative methods for acquiring minerals needed for energy transition. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has estimated that the demand for copper and rare earth element will increase over 40%, nickel and cobalt will increase over 60%, and lithium will increase over 90% within two decades to come. Based on the data of current production rate, mining industry will find it difficult to fulfill the increasing target of market demand each year.
One of the possible alternatives for some time to come is to use wealth hidden under deep sea. A polymetallic nodule or briefly nodule is a concentration of mineral in the form similar to dark rock. This item contains relatively high valuable minerals such as copper, nickel, cobalt, and manganese. In
view of the location of polymetallic nodules distributed at the bottom of the sea, collecting these materials are relatively simple that it does not need massive excavation process like land mine.
Besides simple collection process, the quality and quantity of valuable minerals found in the nodules are higher than the materials ashore. For example, for cobalt, IEA has estimated that about 120 million ton of cobalt resource can be found under the sea compared to the 7.6 million ton ashore. Besides, a Canadian company, The Metals Company (TMC), stated that minerals under the sea are the key to transition of energy from fossil based fuel due to the high lithium content in the nodules. TMC targets to extract about 1.3 million ton of nodules annually and believes that this amount is capable of fulfilling the demand for battery making for
280 million electric cars. Therefore, many companies have started developing deep sea mining technology to be the pioneer to acquire these hidden treasures.
Deep sea mining implementation is not easy. At the depth where nodule can be taken, mining machine will be subject to 500 times surface pressure. A big vessel will be needed to put down the gears capable of sustaining such pressure into the depth of over 5000 kilometer under sea surface. However, deep sea mining needs to be implemented, such as diamond mining on Namibian Coast. Therefore, the method and technology used for nodule mining are expected not to be way different from the previous method and technology.
A company focusing on maritime technology, Royal IHC, has designed 16-meter wide robot named Apollo II. This robot is capable of collecting 400 ton nodule per hour and in a week of operation it is capable of collecting 100 thousand ton with operation area limit of about 10 thousand square kilometer.
Some companies state that deep sea mining is preferable since the technology does not produce tailing, solid waste, and does not require deforestation. On the other hand, researchers said there are many things unknown related to the actual impact of this mining. The researchers from the European
Research Project that observe the impact of deep sea mining stated that any small disturbance on underwater ecosystem will pose long term negative effect that is difficult to recover.
Although there are increasing number of studies on deep sea condition, information from these studies cannot explain the actual condition of deep sea well. This lack of information is the main cause of hindered initiation of deep sea mining process. Without sufficient information, potential risk of mining activity on biodiversity and ecosystem cannot be understood well, thus further research is needed before mining project starts.
IEA (2021). The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions – Analysis - IEA. IEA. Retrieved 10 Januari 2023, from https://www.iea.org/reports/therole-of-critical-minerals-in-clean-energy-transitions executive-summary
IOM Gov. (2023). Polymetallic Nodules - IOM. Retrieved 9 Januari 2023, from https://iom.gov.pl/polymetallicnodules/
Isabeau van Halm (2022). Stumbling towards the last frontier: greater hesitancy for deep-sea mining. Mining Technology. Retrieved 11 Januari 2023, from https://www.mining-technology.com/features/deepsea-mining-debate-conference/
McKie, R. (2021). Is deep-sea mining a cure for the climate crisis or a curse?. The Guardian. Retrieved 9 Januari 2023, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/ aug/29/is-deep-sea-mining-a-cure-for-the-climatecrisis-or-a-curse
From June through August 2022, I was given an opportunity to have a taste first hand on the apprenticeship experience at one of the largest mining companies in Indonesia, i.e., PT Vale Indonesia, Tbk (PTVI) at Sorowako site to be precise. In terms of its accessibility, Sorowako can be accessed via land transport using a bus with Makassar-Sorowako route for ±12 hours. In fact, transportation access is available, despite its limited number and uncertain schedule as mentioned in its official website, PTVI has a concession area of 118,017 ha, divided into some areas in several provinces, namely Sorowako, Pomalaa, Suasua, and Bahodopi. The last time I left PTVI, the one actively producing was the Sorowako site. Meanwhile, other sites were still under development and trial mining processes. The commodity mined this company was nickel laterite with its processed final product being Nickel Matte (NiS) at an Ni level of 78%. For a mining student, having the firsthand experience in a company certainly gives some light into the mining practices in
the field, particularly for my class who for the last two years lived their academic life online. I receive many benefits during my apprenticeship and it is expected that I can share them through this article. Despite its incompleteness, this article tries to summarize and divide it into some parts, i.e., regarding Vale and its priorities on environment and safety, the mining practices applied in PTVI, and a little bit expanding to the description of Sorowako as PTVI’s mining site as well as the place where the apprenticeship was carried out. I do hope this can inspire the readers and allow them to learn the lessons.
One of what I was impressed with upon my apprenticeship in PTVI is the fact that mining can actually goes hand-to-hand with the environment! Using good mining practices, it is highly possible to reach this ideal. Per 2022, PTVI had received three Good Mining Practice Awards from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). The land restoration practice was regularly carried out to the mined-out area. The compliance to meet the reclamation target has been one major factor for PTVI to receive award in environmental management. In addition, the commitment to support the sustainable development mission encouraged PTVI to invest more in constructing hydro power plant (PLTA). In 1979-2011 period, PTVI had constructed three hydro power plants at a total capacity of 365 MW that supplied 38% of PTVI’s energy consumption, partly for the processing plant and office’s electricity needs. Meanwhile, 10 MW was partly distributed to meet the electricity needs of its surrounding community. Thanks to the operation of these power plants, PTVI contributed to the reduction of carbon emission at 500 thousand
tons of CO2 per year. As one of the companies producing one of the currently sought-after commodities, PTVI consistently applied the sustainable mining practices in encouraging the implementation of green economy through green mining.
PTVI not only has great concern on environmental carrying capacity, it also has high priority of work safety. One of the jargons frequently echoed there is “No Safety No Production”. A board containing the jargon can be found in many parts of the sites, and you can hear it any time. For nearly three months of apprenticeship, I heard the jargon nearly every day. The safety system is tightly applied there, starting from the obligation
great lakes situated in Sorowako, making it highly possible to enjoy the natural views on the lake bank. If traveling further to neighboring villages is what you wish for, the Mata Buntu waterfall can be accessed for 20 minutes from Sorowako. One issue that students having apprenticeship there might find disadvantageous is the fairly high costs for accommodation. As normally the case of an area located near a large mine site, the costs for living there is relatively high, ranging from meal, to lodging, to other accommodations.
to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) upon the entrance to the site to real time monitoring through surveillance camera to ensure that everyone in the field has used PPE correctly. Worker’s safety is maintained not only when they are at work, but it is also ensured until they reach home by requiring them to use seat belt in the company’s bus. Every morning, workers responsible for the production will have a discussion as a form of Floor Management Developing System (FMDS), with one of the topics being the attempt to maintain and control work safety in the field. Other regulations are also tightly implemented in PTVI to ensure that workers are safe at work, however, it will take too much space to explain them one by one.
Sorowako has a total area of 480.27 km². As reflected by its fairly far access from the capital, Sorowako does not have the socalled “urban entertainment” such as mall, theaters, etc. On the contrary, various natural tourism entertainments can be enjoyed there. “Matano, Towuti, and Mahalona” that this article uses as its title are actually three
PTVI operates their mining using the side hill cut or open cut mining system. To plan a mining, mine plan engineers are divided into three, namely long-term, midterm and short-term planning engineers. At Sorowako site, selective mining is applied since the nickel ore mining is based on the requirement of ore specification that the plants can process. For this reason, sampling becomes the key to a successful mining. The sample to be tested is taken three times, namely before and during ore stripping and when the ores have been placed in the Run of Mine (ROM) and Wet Ore Storage (WOS). This makes the geology plays a critical role in nickel ore mining, especially in PTVI. The ores from the mining front are transported to ROM before being transported further to WOS. This is as far as the mines department is responsible. The ores from WOS are then processed in the plants and undergo a set of metallurgic processes before they can be sold to the market.
During my apprenticeship, I was with two other students from the mining engineering department of ITB, yet we had different topics. I was assigned with productivity topic, focusing on Queuing Theory in mining fleet. The flow of apprenticeship activities is orientation, data collection, data processing, and presentation. Orientation is where the topic is discussed together with the apprenticeship advisor and mining tour is carried out to get the general picture of mining in PTVI. For data collection, the cycle times of transport and excavation equipment are directly observed in the field. During this stage, I learned a lot of lessons on the mining apprenticeship I could previously only enjoyed through books or videos. One of these lessons was the double-side loading process as can be seen in figure below which surprisingly could provide a considerable cycle time discount to make the production time more efficient. Finally, the data processing and
presentation were mostly carried out in the office.
ticeship”. Apprenticeship gives students first-hand practical experience in the field in a relatively not too short period of time, allowing them to capture the big picture of real mining process. Surely theories and real practices in the field will have many differences.
Thus, the apprenticeship procession serves as the right momentum for students to intensify their knowledge and learn as many lessons as possible!
Mister Budi, a lecturer at Mining Engineering Education Program of ITB once said “Students becomes smart after appren-
Double side loading in PTVIPTVI. Source: Writer.Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni Rahimahullah, is one of the most influential Muslim scholars from Persia who lived from 973 to 1048 AD. Al-Biruni spent most of his life in Central Asia and India. During his life, Al-Biruni was the expert in various branches of discipline such as history, physics, mathematics, astronomy, linguistic, religion, and geography.
Al-Biruni was born in 973 in the Northeastern part of Persia, in Khorasan Province to be precise. Just like other kids at his time, he was taught since young age Arabic, Persian, basic Islamic sciences, and natural sciences, where eventually he was interested in mathematics and astronomy and this led him to be a well-known and influential scholar in the world, particularly in mining realm.
During his journey in pursuing sciences, he met Sultan Mahmud, a ruler of Ghazni,
a large town located in modern Afghanistan. Sultan Mahmud’s kingdom stretched exceeding the modern Afghanistan’s borders that included Iran, Pakistan, and India. It was in this large kingdom that Al-Biruni had the resources and ability to show what he was capable of doing as a scholar. In an attempt to maintain his power and hegemony, Sultan Mahmud began his military expedition to
India, in which Al-Biruni participated and it was during this expedition that he came in contact with various lessons in India, particularly its geography.
In addition to being expert in history and culture of India, Al-Biruni also managed to see and identify geographical variations from their original sources thanks to the expedition. Upon analyzing the various types of soil particles in Gangga River from their sources up to the Bay of Bengal, Al-Biruni successfully formulated a theory on erosion and how soil was formed and the role that water played in this process.
In his study, he found ancient fossils of sea animals in mountains that disconnected India from all parts of the world. From his finding, he concluded that it was impossible for snails from the deepest sea to travel thousands of miles to land to reach the mountain feet. It was from this that Al-Biruni arrived at a conclusion that at a certain point of time the Himalayan Mountains were once the bottom of the sea and it moved to its current point after millions of years. This study directly provided a knowledge in the current modern era on tectonic plate and how the continents moved and shifted from time to time.
Al-Biruni also pioneered the sciences in geology thanks to his success in collecting, analyzing, and compile hundreds of metals and gems. He managed to describe their qualities, how they were made, and where they could be found. His work on gems had been a standard to understand precious stones for hundreds of years and it continued to develop until now. Al-Biruni surprisingly laid the basics of the one oldest discipline related to earth physical environment. In his book entitled Al-Jawahir or Book of Precious Stones, Al-Biruni explained various minerals. He classified every mineral by their colors, odor, hardness, compactness, and weight.
Al-Biruni also continued this amazing achievement until the early 1000s. He studied how wells and sources of water brought water to the surface, to make it possible to apply it in mining hydrogeology. Also, he combined statics and dynamics into a mechanic study which is now a branch of physics on the movement working on objects and the effect of force produced particularly in relation to earth and soil which was eventually applied in mining geotechnical.
For 75 years of his life, Al-Biruni had managed to revolt many scientific traditions. When he died in 1048, he had written more
than 100 books, most of which had unfortunately been missed. His intelligence and mastery of various disciplines and his ability to combine them gave birth to better understanding as per their functions. This also makes him one of the greatest Muslim scholars of all time.
Ajram, K. (1992). The Miracle of Islamic Science. Cedar Rapids, IA: Knowledge House Publishers.
Dallal, A. (2010). Islam, Science, and the Challenge of History. New Haven & London: Yale University Press.
Hadi, N. (2016). Al-Biruni, Profil Ilmuan Muslim Yang Luar Biasa. Cerita Kisah Cinta Penggugah Jiwa - Cerita Kisah Cinta Penggugah Jiwa: Kisah Para Nabi, Rasul, Orang Shaleh, Umat Terdahulu, Dan Masa Depan. Retrieved from https://kisahmuslim.com/5631-al-biruni-profililmuan-muslim-yang-luar-biasa.html
Khan, M. (2008). The Muslim 100. Leicestershire, United Kingdom: Kube Publishing Ltd.
Morgan, M. (2007). Lost History. Washington D.C.: National Geographic Society.
Sasongko, A. (2018). Ilmuwan Muslim Pemerhati Dunia Pertambangan. Republika Online. Retrieved from https:// republika.co.id/share/p691ep313
The Book Most Comprehensive In Knowledge on Precious Stones (Kitab-al-Jamahir Fi Ma’rifat Al-Jawahi). Source: https://kitaabun.com/
Contributor: Muhammad Alif Zahrandika
Regardless of whether we like it or not, all of us have some contribution either directly or indirectly to the demand for metal production and we are also responsible for the waste resulting from the mining and manufacturing process of industrial metals. According to the Minerals Education Coalition, on average Americans will use 1,360,000 kg minerals, metals and fuels throughout their life, including 1.77 ounces of gold, 12,435 kg of iron ores and 443 kg of copper, hence the proportion of copper use per person will keep on increasing as the renewable energy increases.
The constantly increasing demand for metal production will result in the climate change that the world has been long aware of and whose impacts can now be critically seen. Mining companies, such as Rio Tinto, are of course affected by the climate change themselves. Water is needed
from exploration to mining closure stages. Unfortunately, the climate change has led to water distribution conflict for companies’ business. Rio Tinto’s Operation Department and Management also expect that they will need 40 percent more water in 2030. One of the best ways to stop the impacts of climate change on the global economic sustainability is by replacing the fossil fuel with low-carbon electricity. Low-carbon economy can be a solution for climate crisis. This low-carbon economy depends on the supply of inexpensive metals, particularly copper, the main resources that enable power generation, transmission, and storage of electricity itself. It is expected that this low-carbon development could generate an economic growth with low greenhouse gas emission to mitigate the impacts of climate change, improve the environmental quality and achieve the sustainability goal.
This is also consistent when viewed from the market development in electric vehicles. In 2030, it is expected that the demand for electric vehicles will be 1738% of the global automotive market. Some countries including Denmark, Sweden, Israel and Ireland will also ban the use of fossil-fueled machines. As this market demand increases, the market needs for metal use will also increase by 12%, where this amount of demand is three times the demand for metal in automotive sector in the last 10 years. This is what the President and CEO of Mining Association from British Columbia refers to as “mining boom”.
On the other hand, mining boom can be a pivot point for mining industry, metal and mineral play an important role in shifting the economy to a cleaner source of energy and making more eco-friendly products. However, this also presents a challenge for the mining ability to supply the transition process with adequate resources. The significant difference between demand and supply will be visible in obtaining approval, development, and operation of projects which could limit the amount of resources supply. The low commodity price can also erode the economic eligibility of resources extraction.
The core issue in the realization of green economy driven by climate change is an opportunity and threat at the same time for mining industry. If the operation process
is considered hazardous, we will lose the opportunity to develop the mining, produce metals and participate in the development of green economy. The industry needs to find enough time to solve this issue or else it will finish us instead. The image of mining industry cannot be changed, yet it is still possible to apply a fairly effective solution. Based on the Wall Street journal, CONSOL Energy Inc., is one of the companies that have implemented the Methane Capturing mining technique. This technique draws gas from the mining using a strong fan and drain it out through a hot ceramic that oxidizes the methane gas, turning it into carbon dioxide and water vapor to be released to the atmosphere. Meanwhile, some companies have also applied the Zero Discharge Water program, where it processes the discharge water to make it feasible for reuse. This way, not only the process omits the need for expensive disposal process, it also maintains the project clean water disposal at a highly efficient rate.
Eventually, all applicable solutions lead to a responsible mining through the application of Good Mining Practice. A responsible mining ensures that all aspects are considered well to minimize any possible environmental impacts. This will allow us to achieve the Net Zero Emission target and manifest the green economy.
Source: https://unsplash.com/
Kotze, C. (2021). Mining and the green economy. miningreview.com. Retrieved 4 Januari 2023, from https://www.miningreview.com/basemetals/mining-and-the-green-economy/
Leonida, C. (2020). The green economy: mining’s double-edged sword. The Intelligent Miner. Retrieved 6 Januari 2023, from https:// theintelligentminer.com/2020/01/22/the-green-economy-minings-double-edged-sword/
Woodin, H. (2021). Mining key to transition to green economy. mining.com. Retrieved 6 Januari 2023, from https://www.mining.com/ mining-key-to-transition-to-green-economy/
Dupuy, K. (2021, January 26). Green & Sustainable Mining: Green-Washing in the Extractive Industries? Prio.Org. Retrieved 7 Januari 2023, from https://blogs.prio.org/2021/01/green-sustainable-mining-green-washing-in-the-extractive-industries/ Poirier, M. (2016). Five ways mining has already gone green. mining.com. Retrieved 10 Januari 2023, from www.mining.com/web/5-waysmining-has-already-gone-green/ http://www.riotinto.com/documents/RT_SD2015_Environment.pdf retrieved 10 Januari 2023.
Contributor: Jedidjah Archellio Hardios
Mining Games Games exists as an internal project between members whose activities include mining science and profession contests and other interesting events. This year, Mining Games becomes an important event from the Mining Student Association to prepare students majoring in mining engineering department designed to be an interesting and fun event. Mario Wijaya as the chief committee of this year’s Mining Games brings the vision,
“Making Mining Games a turning point for mining competition to regrow mentality and enthusiasm in a competition serving as a real manifestation in improving the knowledge, profession, and organization based on amicability principle”
This indicates the spirit of Mining Games to revive the once lost mentality and enthusiasm to compete.
Mining Games had once been successfully organized in 2019 when it was presided by Amin Rais. The success is now being chased using the same concept as a place for development and preparation with some innovations and updates. This can be seen from the increasingly greater number and variation of contests held. This year’s Mining Games is also organized offline, allow-
ing some contests to be practically held once again after hiatus for some years. The contests in this year’s Mining Games are:
Written Test is a contest in the form of written test consisting of multiple-choice questions and essay at the beginning of the competition. This contest aims at testing the participants’ cognitive knowledge in general topics, basic concepts, and calculation related to mining science both the contested and not contested ones.
Mining Smart Competition is a contest held after the Written Test results are obtained, 30-35% of the teams with the highest cumulative scores in the Written Test will participate in the Mining Smart Competition and they will be selected further to get 3 top teams as the conclusion of the remaining competitions.
pants to understand and know some knowledge of preparing engineering knowledge they have owned into the designing and planning of a modern mining. By improving the comprehension and skills that HMT-ITB mass own and to be presented in front of the jury and serves as a parameter to determine the Grand Champion. Consisting of pit design software competition and geotechnical competition.
This Rock Mineral Identification competition is a highly basic contest for a mining engineer in recognizing rocks and minerals to be mined by hand pick, without needing any drilling equipment which produce core assisted with a certain identifying tool. More than that, this contest also gives a glimpse of geological structure and Genesa of a mineral and rock to allow HMT-ITB mass to have knowledge and ability in describing rocks and minerals and the process by which certain rocks and minerals are shaped.
PThe Mine Evacuation Rescue contest is one that simulates accidents at underground mines as per the mechanism applied in the mine. This Mine Evacuation Rescue contest consists of making Job Safety Analysis and rescue simulation along with the regulations of rescue that meet the underground mining HSE standards.
The Software Competition contest is a software-related contest to enable partici-
The Hand Mucking contest is the one to simulate the loading and hauling process of ores underground. The contest is the application of one of blending processes of 2 stockpile to one of places for sale under an agreement between buyers and sellers using lorry and wheelbarrow as hauling equipment and a scope as loading tools. The competition also requires agility, speed, and precision to generate products that match buyer’s demand.
The Joint Measuring contest is the one to determine and analysis the orientation of fracture provided from the slope design, by analyzing how landslide can occur and its prevention is then included in the stereo net to determine the type of landslide.
The rundown in this year’s Mining Games includes
Opening dan Closing Ceremony
The Mine Surveying contest is the one where participants are tested for their ability to measure tunnel coordinates using surveying kits within a short period of time (opening – closing the kit box) and in the right way and to solve the problems in an underground mine using the mapping method.
The opening ceremony are when the Mining Games 2022/2023 commence and they consist of welcoming, symbolization by hitting the gong, and discussion with the study program regarding the mining competition organized together with lecturers at the Mining Engineering Study Program at ITB to mark the commencement of Mining Games 2022/2023 and friendly meet-and-greet.
The Bench Blasting contest is where participants compete to design a blasting geometry, column charge, and ignition time in open mine and it is applied in a model at certain scale and using Shot Plus software to determine the fragmentation, production target, and use of blasting supporting materials to get a blasting as per the desired target in accordance with the applicable regulations in Indonesia.
The Closing Ceremony is the event to conclude the Mining Games 2022/2023, consisting of closing, Mining Smart Competition final, and announcement of the champions of each contest subjects and the grand champions.
Mining Games Night
Mining Games Night is an agenda to conclude the Mining Games 2022/2023 consisting of MVP announcement, discussion with alumni on life at work, internal games and other performances. Mining Games Night is an internalization event organized by and for HMT-ITB mass by inviting alumni to share their experiences on life at work and HMT-ITB mass will perform and other activities.
Photography and Video Contest
An event carried out before the Mining Games 2022/2023 begins as an attempt to maximize the internal atmosphere setting of HMT-ITB mass before the Mining Games 2022/2023 events. To participate, HMT-ITB mass can upload pictures/videos of 1-5 individuals on Mining topic in the social media of every member such as Instagram, TikTok, etc. by mentioning the Mining Games 2022/2023 social media.
OSD HMT-ITB is the abbreviation of Orkes Semi Dangdut Himpunan Mahasiswa Tambang Institut Teknologi Bandung. OSD HMT-ITB is famous for its semi-dangdut music and its characteristics including jokes and “sepetan” in each pause of song. The combination of mandolin, guitar, bass guitar, kecrek, tam-tam, ukulele, and typical voices of the vocalists that create melodious music, makes its listeners to dance and sing. OSD HMT-ITB has a slogan “Atas Nama Dangdut dan Cinta (In the Name of Dangdut and Love)” implying the big hope that HMT-ITB members will spread love through its semi-dangdut music. 1978 was when OSD HMT-ITB was born until it is widely known now. Promoted by Herryal Zoelkarnaen (TU ‘73), OSD HMT-ITB was established for the first time in 1979. The name OSD HMT-ITB was used after Sumaryanto (‘79) dan Veterano Sitompul joined in. They wrote some of OSD HMT-ITB songs. OSD HMT-ITB songs were also wrote by Iwanudin who was commonly called Iwan Blow (‘75). He was the writer of the “national anthem” of OSD HMT-ITB fans ‘bOSDangdut’, “Erika”. With his struggle and also other personnel’s, OSD HMT-ITB received many awards from dangdut music competitions.
It should be noted that in 1994, OSD HMT-ITB had been vacuum for a while. However, OSD HMT-ITB was later active again with Afandi Mardani’s proposal to the Chairman of Association, Joko (TE ‘91). In this era, OSD HMT-ITB started seeking for music instruments and distributing its song lyrics to other association members and successfully recorded its songs in MP3 format.
Until now, OSD HMT-ITB keeps attempting to develop for its better existence like in its past glory period. This can be observed with its improved frequency of stage performance, in and out of ITB Campus. OSD HMTITB will not develop like this without its fanatic fans’ support commonly called “BOS DANGDUT” who are proven effectively distributing the retro dangdut atmosphere typical to OSD HMT-ITB. OSD HMT-ITB is expected to be well preserved and develop better in the future.
“All that I know is that mining has abundant amount of money. After some research, I learn that mining is important to construct infrastructure or make goods out of metals. Some also say that mining is harmful to the environment, yet in fact when good mining practice is applied, it can minimize the impact to the environment. Technology is also more and more advanced, hence its implementation, such as AI (artificial intelligence), machine learning, others in mining can help minimize the harmful impact to the environment.”
“As someone who runs a business in industry, I think mining industry has a fairly bright prospect in Indonesia. Currently, the people still rely heavily on processed minerals and its derivatives. Thanks to the abundant resources and high mineral reserves, the mining business in Indonesia is quite promising. In meeting the relatively high demand, it is expected that mining management can consider the environment, especially in limited natural resources to make the mining management sustainable to make the community more prosperous. “
“In my opinion, the mining sector in Indonesia has been good enough, as can be seen from this year’s event that promotes the theme “Green Economy in Mining” in which this is a strategic attempt that the mining sector does. This surely shows to the public that some sustainable mining activities are still aware of environmental issues, and this is expected to change their opinion of the mining sector, from one which only brought damage to the environment to the one that is aware of environmental issues. Therefore, to manifest this green economy, collaboration and intensive communication are needed between various stakeholders to ensure that the process can be carried out well that Indonesian community can benefit this green economy.”
“I think in this current industry era, all countries in the world, including Indonesia, face these numerous issues regarding nature degradation. When exploitation, utilization, and usage of natural resources fail to take sustainability aspects of environment into consideration, it can be a threat to humanity. Green economy is an economic activity that enhances the people’s welfare and equity and, at the same time, significantly mitigates the environmental damages and natural resources scarcity. In the future, it is expected that green economy can make the society more aware of the environment and treasure the benefits it gives as well as refrain themselves from wasting it.”