'The Theatre of War' - how the locals perceived the Euromaidan revolution, which happened in Ukraine in 2013-2014. The way the international and local media presented the news and video-materials affected neighbouring countries so much, that even nowadays people think that it was an internal conflict between two types of Ukrainian citizens: the ones who eventually wanted to become a part of Europe and the ones who wanted a closer relationship with Russia. In the reality it was a conflict between all the Ukrainians and the former president, as at that point people wanted progress, freedom and future not impacted by the neighbouring country and their leader. ---
CHAPTER 1 – BLIND EXISTENCE. Living many years, suspecting the impact of the ‘big brother’ but never deciding to act.
CHAPTER 2 – REVENGE. Citizens taking back what belonged to them – their opinion.
CHAPTER 3 – CREATURE. Media creating a false image of what is happening in Ukraine.
CHAPTER 4 – DISSOLVEMENT. Not knowing if the efforts were worth it.