Digital Copyright and Social Welfares

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Digital copyright and Social welfares

Yun Myung Kim

김윤명(5월의 바람) - 법학박사(지적재산권법 전공) - 저서 퍼블릭도메인과 저작권법 인터넷서비스와 저작권법 이러닝과 저작권법 저작권법 커뮤니케이션 - deview2013, OSS 발표 - works for NHN, empas

Contents 1. What & why? 2. Protection vs. fair use 3. Network effects & monopoly 4. Open Innovation : open source 5. Public service & limitation 6. User benefits 7. Conclusion

1. What & Why?


ICT & broadcasting and, all types of CPND(contents, platform, network, device)

Various issues copyright piracy, misuse, monopoly, OSP liability and etc

Purpose Digital copyright policy in social welfares related to network effects, technology innovation and public svc.

2. Protection vs. fair use

The philosophy & value of copyright; revitalization of information fluency and freedom of speech

Copyright law has two purposes.

to protect copyright & neighboring rights

to promote fair use

Improvement of the culture & related industries

3. Network Effects & monopoly

One person’s activity has on the value of that product on other people.

Positive network effects; the more valuable, the more people join

Negative nework effects; congestion; monopoly

In the SW echo system, to reduce illegal copy vs. to allow illegal copy

4. Open Innovation

The act of introducing something new, especially new technology - Schumpeter

But, radical innovation leads to confusion in the market and conflicts of stakeholders.

Bucks music, Soribada, Grokster vs. – accused and stopped Music copyright owners

Open innovation is an alternative. using external ideas as well as internal ideas; sharing risk and reward

Open source SW is a successful innovation!

5. Public service & copyright limitation

Services provided by government(central, local)

free access for the public interests

Types of free use for public services Judicial Proceeding, School Education, Library Services

Copyright law limits copyright to use it for the public interests.

6. User benefits

The stronger the copyright policy, the less user welfare

Some technologies weaken user welfare. However, strong policy brings legal stability and various business models.

Social welfare depends on network effects.

As mentioned earlier, in high network effects, illegal copy is controlled, but in low network effects, illegal copy allowed to get their M/S

7. Conclusion

Strengthening copyright policy does not always lead to incentives. But sometimes mitigation leads to user welfares.

In addition, compulsory license is needed as an alternative policy.

sum up The direction of copyright policy should be induced active use of works. Without using them, social welfares and owners profits are not attained.

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