Brochure 1110 1

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若「五月」與「東方」畫會是六○年代兩支鮮明的現代繪畫團體。那麼 「五行雕塑小集」則是七○年代不可忽視的現代雕塑團體。其不僅突破 全省美展發展出的主流風格,對後輩雕塑家的影響也非常深遠。

在戒嚴時期,人像即是現代雕塑的年代,五行雕塑小集則開創出更多元 的雕塑風格,他們結合繪畫、建築、陶藝、科技、觀念等跨領域來 拓展更多雕塑創作的可能性。在創作形式上,他們也已經不只是形像的 塑造,更注重媒材與現成物的使用,除了擺脫傳統翻模塑造的雕塑模式 外,更捨棄雕塑必備的台座,轉向造形與空間關係的探討,展現出現代 雕塑新的風格。

他們之中有太多人位居國內雕塑開拓者的角色。這個團體今日仍然能夠 如此讓後輩們念念不忘,頻頻向他們致敬,最重要的因素絕非僅只於他 們的名聲響亮,而是他們個個扮演先行者的角色。臺灣今日多元的雕塑 發展,若我們深入探討其發展的源頭,可以發現大多與他們息息相關。 今年的研究展將藉由文件展區「念念不忘─回首他們的時代」與作品展 區「五行雕塑小集2014」深入探討五行雕刻小集的發展、影響與貢獻, 來凸顯出朱銘不僅止是一位關注個人藝術精進的國際級雕塑家,他也曾 親身參與臺灣最早、也最具代表性的現代雕塑團體,跟他們一起搖旗吶 喊,提倡現代雕塑。

五行這個團體雖然早已形同解散了,但他們所留下的精神卻深深影響後 世,若能從朱銘美術館出發,促成他們再度的聚首,將不僅只是緬懷他 們的歷史,更有開創歷史的意義,將五行小集的歷史繼續寫下去。


If May Association of the Art and East Association of the Art are regarded as the distinct modern painting organizations of the 60s, Zodiac Sculpture Group is definitely the modern sculpture organization to be reckoned with in the 70s. It went beyond the mainstream established by the Provincial Fine Arts Exhibition and left profound influence over generations of sculptors to come. Taiwan was under martial law. It was an age when statutes were synonymous with modern sculpture. Zodiac Sculpture Group started to diverge and explore the possibilities of sculpture by combining painting, architecture, ceramics, technology and different ideology. The members were not confined within sculpting concrete images, but focusing on the use of different mediums and ready-made objects. They moved away from the traditional casting techniques and abandoned the podiums, a staple for sculptures at that time. Instead, they explored the relationship between form and space, creating a new style for modern sculpture. Most of the members were pioneers. They remain unforgettable to this day and receive constant tributes from younger artists not for their fame, but their groundbreaking contributions. Sculpting art in Taiwan owes its multi-faceted development to these forerunners. This year, the research exhibition features the archives with Unforgettable – A Look Back on Their Time and the artworks with Zodiac Sculpture Group 2014 to examine the development, influence and contribution of Zodiac Sculpture Group. From which, viewers will find that Ju Ming, as an internationally renowned sculptor, cares for more than his own art. He took part in one of the earliest and most iconic sculpture groups in Taiwan and stood along side the members, rooting for modern sculpture in Taiwan. Today, only the name of Zodiac Sculpture Group remains. However, its spirit and influence persisted. Uniting the group again at Juming Museum is not merely for reminiscence, but opening another chapter in history, where the story of Zodiac Sculpture Group will continue.


「念念不忘─回首他們的時代」 Unforgettable – A Look Back on Their Time

從「呦呦藝苑」談起 Yuyu Gallery, The Beginning

1970年代臺灣貧血的雕塑環境,由楊英風 等二十餘人,以民間的力量,於台北中山 北路組成「呦呦藝苑」,他們積極推展雕 塑活動、舉辦座談會,以此凝聚藝文界, 以團體之力倡導臺灣的現代雕塑。 The 1970s for Taiwan was anything but resourceful. The same could be said for the field of sculpture. A group of over twenty members, including Yuyu Yang, formed Yuyu Art Workshop on Zhongshan North Road with private resources. They hosted events and seminars promoting sculpture to unite the arts and cultural circle, advo-

呦呦藝苑邀請朱銘參與座談會。1969 年4 月 月

cating modern sculpture with group efforts.

Yuyu Art Workshop invited Ju Ming to attend a seminar. 1969.04


五行雕塑小集 Zodiac Sculpture Group

當年在經濟不景氣的年頭,同樣對雕 塑熱衷的楊英風、陳庭詩、李再鈐、 邱煥堂、朱銘、吳兆賢、郭清治、何恆雄 八位,相聚喝咖啡談抱負,聊出了一個 五行雕塑小集,由楊英風登高一呼,於 1973年4月1日於台北明星咖啡室成立。 During the economic recession, Yuyu Yang, Chen Ting-Shih, Li Tsai- Chien, Chiu Huan-Tang, Ju Ming, Wu Chao-Hsien, Guo Chin-Chih and Ho Heng-Hsiung, who shared their passion toward sculpture, gathered over a cup of coffee to discuss their aspirations. This was how Zodiac Sculpture Group was born. Led by Yuyu Yang, the Group was officially established on April 1, 1973 at Café Astoria Confectionary in Taipei.

五行雕塑小集75年展邀請卡封面。 Cover of the invitation for the 1975 Zodiac Sculpture Group Exhibition)


第一屆五行彫塑小集1975年展 1975, The First Zodiac Sculpture Group Exhibition

這次展覽打破了許多人對雕塑原本的認 知,在「驚嚇」之餘促使大眾進一步去思 考,何謂雕塑?何謂現代雕塑?也為當時 沉悶保守的雕塑界帶來新的氣象,推動現 代雕塑的發展。就如同當時楊英風所言: 「大家在求變,這種氣氛在雕塑圈是最需 要的。」 This exhibition stunned many and changed the way that the public approached sculpture. It made people ponder the questions. What exactly is sculpture? What is mod-

1975 年,朱銘參與在歷史博物館展出的五行雕塑小集。

ern sculpture? It brought fresh air to the

Ju Ming at the 1975 Zodiac Sculpture Group Exhibition at

conservative culture in the field of sculp-

National Museum of History

ture and helped develop modern sculpture. As Yuyu Yang remarked, “Everyone is seeking change, which is exactly what’s needed in the field of sculpture.”


第二屆五行彫塑小集1983年展 1983, The Second Annual Zodiac Sculpture Group Exhibition

這次展出除了在百家畫廊發表小型雕塑 新作外,也特別配合北美館寬敞的室內 與戶外展示空間,相約皆以大型雕塑作 品參與展出,當年李再鈐便於戶外展示 出巨大的紅色金屬雕塑〈低限的無限〉 之作,而楊英風也提出〈隨緣分合〉互 別苗頭。 The group exhibited the smaller pieces at Bai Jia Gallery during this exhibition. Members also echoed the trend of outdoor exhibition. Their large sculptures were presented both in and outdoors at Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Li Tsai- Chien exhibited the giant red metal piece, The Finite Infinity, while Yuyu Yang countered with Serendipity.

五行雕塑小集於歷史博物館展出。圖片引自,李再鈐,鐵屑 塵土雕塑談‧李再鈐八十文鈔 雄獅美術,2008 年 Zodiac Sculpture Group Exhibition at National Museum of History (Source: Li Tsai- Chien, From Iron Dust to Sculpture Li Tsai- Chien’s 80th Anniversary, Lion Art Magazine, 2008)


第三屆五行雕塑小集1986年展 1986, The Third Zodiac Sculpture Group Exhibition

1986年,五行雕塑小集再度舉行展覽, 且規模更大,從基隆出發,巡迴全省十六 個縣市。由於檔期長達一年之久,又巡迴 全省,不僅讓這個團體的名氣更響亮, 也讓他們提倡的現代雕塑更能普及於一般 大眾。

The Zodiac Sculpture Group held an exhibition again in 1986. This time, the scale grew even larger. The exhibition toured sixteen cities starting with Keelung. The one-year, 朱銘於北美館戶外展出「太極系列-對招」之作。 Ju Ming’s Taichi Series – Shadow Boxing for the outdoor exhibition of Taipei Fine Arts Museum

nationwide exhibition won wider recognition for the group and allowed the general public to know more about modern sculpture.


五行雕塑小集在臺灣美術史上的貢獻與影響 Zodiac Sculpture Group’s Contribution to and Influence over Art History in Taiwan

這三次展覽,對五行雕塑小集的每個成員都是一種很大的 鼓勵,更是相當大的精神支持。他們藉此凝聚五行雕塑小 集的向心力,維持團體的運作,互相扶持、互相鼓勵,以 督促自我持續保持創作,在當時相對困難的藝術創作環境 中,以跑馬拉松的精神堅定走下去。若以這團體成員對臺 灣雕塑的開創性來談,而不是這些成員皆是臺灣雕塑界「 大師」的稱謂來看,「提倡現代雕塑」、「致力於臺灣雕 塑的突破與建樹」和「提攜後輩,世代傳承」可說是他們 最大的貢獻與影響。 The three exhibitions were great encouragement and spiritual support for the members of Zodiac Sculpture Group. They united the group and helped maintain its operation. They supported and encouraged each other, prompting each other to continue with art. Despite the harsh environ-

五行雕塑小集1986年展覽刊登之廣告。 Advertising for 1986 Zodiac Sculpture Group Exhibition

ment, they persisted as they like marathon runners. Though members of the group have become masters in Taiwanese sculpture, their most valuable contributions are their pioneering achievements – promoting modern sculpture, breaking grounds with groundbreaking accomplishments for sculpting art in Taiwan, as well as encouraging the young and passing down the heritage.


2013 年11 月18 日於朱銘美術館綠方塊餐廳前。前排坐者為吳兆賢。後排站立者左起:

蕭長正、朱銘、邱煥堂、郭清治、李再鈐。 November 18, 2013, Wu Chao-Hsiang (front), Shiau Jon-Jen, Ju Ming, Chiu Huan-Tang, Guo Chin-Chih and Li Tsai- Chien (left to right) in front of the Museum Teahouse of Juming Museum




Ju Ming



Lee Tsai-Chien


Wu Chao-Hsien


Wu-Li Yu-Ge


Chiu Huan-Tang


Chen Ting-Shih


Yang YuYu


Dawn Chen-Ping


Shiau Jon-Jen


朱銘 Ju Ming

人間系列-方正人間 Living World Series– Human Cube

60×60×62 cm

美國松木 Pine 1981


李再鈐 Li Tsai-Chien

二而不二 Two but One

320x160x160 cm

不鏽鋼 Stainless Steel 1998


吳兆賢 Wu Chao-Hsien

海龍 Sea Dragon

54x75x100 cm

複合媒材 Mix Media 2013


吳李玉哥 Wu-Li Yu-ke

全家福 Family

32x54x42 cm

銅 Copper 1986


邱煥堂 Chiu Huan-Tang

舞II Dance II

110x66x65 cm

陶 Ceramics 2014


陳庭詩 Chen Ting-Shih

西風殘照漢家陵闕(二) West Wind, Sunset and Han Dynasty Royal Tomb(II)

173x56x45 cm

鐵、木 Iron, wood 1999


楊英風 Yang YuYu

常新 Everlasting

26×14×43 cm

不鏽鋼 Stainless Steel 1990


董振平 Dowin Chen-Ping

平面穿透、立體迴旋 Convoluted and LookThrough

100x200H cm

不鏽鋼板、不鏽鋼管、軸承 Stainless steel plates, tubes and bearings 1996

蕭長正 Hsiao Chang-Cheng

相看兩不厭 Never Bored of Each Other

63x51x52 cm

樟木 Camphor Wood 2013


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