The Diamond RevOILution Monthly Oiler
Learn from your phone! Classes text to you! Ningxia Red!
Have you learned about Ningxia Red? If not, text “ningxia” to the number above and receive this class series to your phone! You need to know about this amazing supplement!
Been with Young Living for a while, but feeling like you need a bit more info? Text the word “refresher” to the number above and get 14 days of simple and easy to follow texts!
Tip Tuesday!
Know that you need to use your oils more, but you honestly just forget to use them? Tip Tuesday to the rescue! Just text “tiptuesday” to the number above and you’ll get a short, simple text from me every Tuesday!
Happy February! This is the month of LOVE! We are all about the language of love If you are on Facebook, make sure you check out our team page, Diamond RevOILution, we are going to be doing 14 days of the Language of Love with Essential Oils! If you aren’t on FB, don’t worry! See the text class option on this page, you can get these posts sent to you! Remember, this team is all about learning! Use these texts to help you learn easily how you can live a healthier life! If you have any questions, reach out to me at
To learn for free right from the comfort of your own phone, text any of the words listed to the left to
Drybrush Personally I love to drybrush along my lymphatic drainage then follow with one of my favorite essential oils. Dry brushing is the ancient practice of brushing dry skin with a natural-bristle brush in order to stimulate the lymphatic system and exfoliate your skin. Talk about supporting yourself naturally! Not familiar with dry brushing? (If you check out Youtube and just search for drybrush for the lymphatic system, you’ll find lots of tutorials.) Want some ideas of oils that you can use along your lymph system? Here are some of my favs! Clary Sage - supports endocrine function & balance fluid in swollen tissues Cypress - Helps to support connective tissues, restores skin tone, balances circulation and encourages release of toxins. Grapefruit- (remember, this one is photosensitizing!) Helps to dissolve fatty deposits with toning & tightening qualities. Juniper -(one of my FAVS!) Promotes the elimination of toxic waste & helps to balance fluid retention. Lemon - Helps to remove fatty deposits (as most citruses will) and is a great purifier. Lemongrass - Every lymph system loves lemongrass (this one can be a bit photosensatizing as well), this EO will really help to get things moving and purge excess fluid. This oil may leave a bit of a yellow stain on your skin, and some people find it to be a little “hot”. You may want to experiment slowly with this one.
Lets Talk Lymph System! The Lymphatic System is the network of vessels through which lymph (Lymph is a clear and colorless fluid) drains from the tissues into the blood. The word “lymph” comes from the Latin word lympha, which means “connected to water,” and is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, this fluid contains infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. The lymphatic system primarily consists of lymphatic vessels, which are similar to the circulatory system’s veins and capillaries. The vessels are connected to lymph nodes, where the lymph is filtered. The tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are all part of the lymphatic system.There are hundreds of lymph
There are lots of things that you can do to support the health of your lymph system such as • Don’t smoke • Exercise regularly • Diet rich in fruits and vegetables, fresh and organic are best • Get adequate sleep • Use essential oils that are historically used for lymphatic support • Dry brushing has been shown to be beneficial
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nodes in the human body. They are located deep inside the body, such as around the lungs and heart, or closer to the surface, such as under the arm or groin, according to the American Cancer Society. The lymph nodes are found from the head to around the knee area and are important to the health of your immune system and general well being. Caring for your lymphatic system is important and may be critical to your overall health. It provides a variety of crucial immune functions! There are many ways to support your lymph system with our essential oils and supplements. See the left column for one of my favorite ways.
Puttin Oils On Pets P.O.O.P page So a lot of people ask me about using oils on my dogs, what do I use and how do I know how much to use, etc. I am REALLY adamant with people that they only oils to use on animals of any kind is Young Living. I have found that animals respond amazing to using oils, but quality matters immensely! Animals are not as forgiving to chemicals and adulterants as we are, and cats lack some enzymes completely that make digesting and excreting the adulterants almost impossible. I have known people to use other brands oils on their animals and cause some serious side-effects. While I use oils on all my animals often, I do use common sense and judgement. Remember, less is more when you’re starting out using oils on animals! If you are new to using oils, I would get the Essential Oils Animal Desk reference from Life Science Publishing ( and use that diligently as you start your oily journey with animals. Here’s a couple things to keep in mind as your using oils around animals: Diffusing oils is a great way to share the benefits with everyone in the house, including your animals. I diffuse most any oils around my dogs and cats, but I never lock an animal up next to a diffuser. Remember, animals are great at “self regulating” what they need. You’ll find them near the diffusers some days, and they’ll walk away when they’ve had enough. Treat small animals like you would children. I have an eight pound schnoodle and she loves the oils, but I tend to dilute what I use on her simply because she just doesn’t NEED that much! Cats lack the enzymes that assists in breaking down phenols, this comes mostly into play when taking oils internally. If I give my cats oils internally, I tend to chose oils that are not “hot” oils Here are a couple that I use a LOT, especially with my dogs and horses: Digize: remember that anything with a stomach benefits from this oil! Valor: If the animal has bones, they’ll benefit from this one! While it is incredibly powerful, it is still a gentle blend and I find that my cats love it. PanAway: My joints sure love this blend, so I know my animals do! Life 9: While I use this mostly for people, I have really found this probiotic powerful for my dogs and horses. Look into the 9 strains included and learn why probiotics are important for our pets too!
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Yvonne Litza
24021 S. Old Post Rd. Crete, IL 60417