March 2019 Diamond RevOILution Newsletter

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The Diamond RevOILution Monthly Oiler

Learn from your phone! Classes text to you! March Madness Oily Style!

Text keyword “Madness” for your chance to play along for great prizes as long as learning the benifits of 68 different oils! Join in on the fun and education right from your phone Starting March 16th!


Been with Young Living for a while, but feeling like you need a bit more info? Text the keyword “Refresher” to the number above and get 14 days of simple and easy to follow texts!

Tip Tuesday!

Know that you need to use your oils more, but you honestly just forget to use them? Tip Tuesday to the rescue! Just text “Tiptuesday” to the number above and you’ll get a short, simple text from me every Tuesday!



Happy March! Spring is almost upon us. Its time to clean inside and out, the march promotions are all about cleaning your house but have you thought about cleansing your insides too? Let’s take a look at the health of your digestion system and what we can do to support it! And remember your animals have stomachs too! With March Madness upon us we are going to have some fun learning about our oils and finding out which oil should be named the champion oil! Make sure to join us on Facebook or via the number at the bottom to play along and win great prizes! If you have any questions, reach out to me at

To learn for free right from the comfort of your own phone, text any of the words listed to the left to


Your Digestive System


nowing the ins and outs of your digestive system can help you understand what to eat to better help your body digest foods, and maybe even stop your stomach from grumbling. Digestion is the process by which your body breaks down food and liquids into smaller parts to build and nourish cells, and to provide energy. There is certain steps food and liquid must take before exiting your system.

Step 1: Mouth

Most people don’t realize it, but digestion starts in your mouth. About 30% starch digestion takes place in the mouth! Saliva contains the enzyme amylase, also called ptyalin, which is capable of breaking down starch into simpler sugars. All this helps your body to more easily absorb different foods, so all those years of your mother telling you to chew your food more? Yeah, that was actually great advice.

Step 2: Esophagus

Once your food is broken down from saliva and chewing, it moves through your esophagus, which is the pipe that connects your mouth to your stomach. A process called peristalsis – the tightening and relaxation of muscles in the intestine to transport food and waste products – allows food to move more smoothly through the digestive tract. This means that food can only travel in a single direction, so you could stand on your head while eating and food will continue to move through your esophagus to your stomach!

Step 3: Stomach

further broken down by acid and powerful enzymes. From there, food moves into the small intestine.

Step 4: Small Intestine

Food from the stomach enters here and is broken down even more by enzymes released from the pancreas and bile from the liver. Most nutrients are absorbed through the walls of the small intestine and released into the blood stream. Anything remaining in the small intestine, such as indigestible fiber, moves into the large intestine, which is also known as the colon.

Step 5: Large Intestine, Colon, Rectum and Anus

The colon is a 5- to 7-foot long muscular tube that connects the small intestine to the rectum.On average, it takes about 36 hours for waste, or stool, to get through the colon and exit the rectum through the anus. A Healthline study in 2016 suggested that only half of Americans have a bowel movement at least once a day. Seems like there are a whole lot of people who could

Your stomach is where food is

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benefit from DiGize! Want to help your digestive system move things along? At the bottom are some YL products that help to support a healthy digestion, but for starters, stick to a healthy diet and drink lots of water. Just as importantly, guard against putting damaging substances into your body! With our food sources being compromised by chemicals and additives, it is imperative that you are cautious when shopping. Avoid All processed and pre-packaged foods and choose more fresh, organic fruits, vegetables and meats when possible. Healthy foods result in a healthy body….you really are what you eat!

Digestive Support: DiGize - Supports Healthy Movement. Life 9 - Feed your healthy Flora. Alkalime - Alkalize your pH. Peppermint- Soothing and cooling. Copaiba - Supports healthy stomach. Comfortone - Get things moving. Slique Shake - Fiber meal replacement. Detoxzyme - Enzymes for detox. NingXia Red - Whole food=Best Nutrition. Essentialzymes-4- Aids the digesting of fats.

Puttin Oils On Pets P.O.O.P page So, now that we’ve talked a little about our digestive system, lets cover just briefly our dogs and cats. This subject is way to vast to cover all our favorite species, so I’m just going to highlight some commonalities and some discrepancies between humans and their fur-babies. For instance, lets start in the mouth. Unlike our Saliva, saliva of the dog (and cat), has no enzymatic activity of note. Its functions include lubricating the passage of food to the stomach and moistening the oral mucous membrane. In addition, saliva aids in heat loss for dogs; salivation increases dramatically as the ambient temperature rises. This explains why we don’t watch Fido and tell him he needs to chew 100 times before swallowing! The canine stomach is adapted to accept huge quantities of food in any single session. It can create extra space by relaxing the muscular fibers in its walls and “unfolding” into a large reservoir where the food is churned and mixed before it is passed through the stomach into the small intestine. The dog’s digestive tract is quite different from ours. In the dog, partially digested foods spend a far greater amount of time in the stomach, which is much more acidic than ours (some four to eight hours, compared to a half hour or so in humans). Then, the dog’s relatively short intestinal tract usually allows foods to pass through in much shorter times, although transit times vary widely in both species depending on the composition of the food. Food takes about 10 hours to pass through a dog and about 20 to pass through a cat. Far different from our 30+ hours! The digestive activity of the stomach is also controlled by the composition of the meal and neural and hormonal controls. In the healthy animal all these work in harmony to produce an environment to complete digestion. Commercially prepared, highly processed food hinders normal digestion, since it does not resemble the diet the dog’s digestive system has been adapted to use. Many drugs also alter the digestive process. Stress, too, can change digestive patterns, sometimes producing diarrhea and/or vomiting. I truly encourage you as a pet owner to learn about species appropriate diets to help your animals!

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Yvonne Litza

24021 S. Old Post Rd. Crete, IL 60417


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