Advance 118

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No. 118 | May – Sept 2013

30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World Celebrating 20 years of Progress

Editorial|carl tinnion 2


reetings! As I write this editorial I am sitting in an old monastic cell in a monastery somewhere in the Czech Republic! I have been here nearly a week now teaching on a missionary training course (DTS) run by YWAM in a city called Cheb. 4 years ago, a few young Germans came across the border to learn the language with a vision to create discipleship environments for Czech people, as well as minister to the hundreds of prostitutes living in the border lands. They learnt the language and moved to this city, just 3 of them, and began to pray and work amongst the people, speaking and trying to live like Jesus might have done. Here we are a few years later and the team has swelled to 8 people renting this monastery and there are nearly 12 students on a full time DTS from Brazil, Serbia, Ukraine, Czech, Germany, Australia and America! One of the Czech girls who has joined the team had been doing a DTS this last year in Uganda! These kinds of people always inspire me.

What they have done in a relatively short amount of time, with little money but a lot of faith in Jesus is astounding. YWAM England does not stand alone as a national organisation. We are part of a much bigger and wider movement of people committed to taking risks for the sake of Knowing God more and making his ways known on earth. In this edition we hear of the work of Adam and Helen Fielder in Arua, Uganda, the growth of YWAM’s work in the Muslim world, an update on our sail training vessel Next Wave and, another Uganda story - a challenge is given in the newly released documentary about HIV/Aids orphans there. May it inspire you also to know that the same kind of people are ministering up and down this country in 23 locations, and counting, as more and more young people are stepping out in faith to obey Jesus, to start new things and make his ways known through acts of service, prayer and loving people. Carl Tinnion YWAM England National Leader

Advance | May – Sept 2013

02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editorial News from our national leader Carl Tinnion 03 . . . . . . . . Ways to get involved How could you engage with missions? 04 . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Days of Prayer 20 years of progress 06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orphans Future on the Streets 07. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staff Stories Matt Partington 08 . . . . Next Wave - Sharing Faith YWAM’s Sail Training vessel 10. . . . . . Removing Social Barriers Building Relationships 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Team Korean Blessing 14 . . . Upcoming training courses Learning Opportunities in the UK 15 . . . . . . . Devotional and Prayer Becoming Discipling Communities, and prayer points

The Advance Team: Helen Barrios, Val Clark, Natalie Edwards, Rachael Howson, Carl Tinnion Contributors: Janice Entee, Adam Fielder, Miranda Heathcote, Tamara Jackson, Jonghee Lee, Becky Mehaffey, Jeff Neely, Matt Partington, Sidra Zimmerman Advance is published by YWAM England. © Copyright exists on all material in Advance and nothing within it may be reproduced wholly or in part without written permission. Youth With A Mission England & Wales is a registered charity number 264078.

Act | get involved

Contents|in this issue


WAM England cannot do the work alone. We need you! There are many ways to be involved in YWAM England:

Go! — Take six months to dive in deeper with God, knowing Him intimately and making Him known throughout the world with a Discipleship Training School! There are also opportunities to join us on short-term activities during the year with TESOL, English for Missions, Family Camp, MegaOutreach, Just Go and Wildfire outreaches. For more information on DTS or any of these activities, visit our website www. or contact us at the address below. Give! — We need your help to make an impact in the nations. If you could support us just £10 a month it would make a huge difference. You can give to YWAM online at where a Gift Aid form can also be downloaded, or send a cheque to the address below. Pray! — Use the prayer points given in this magazine to assist you in praying for the work of YWAM. If you are not already on our mailing list, please send us your contact details by e-mail to or to the National Support Team at the address below. Would you prefer to receive communication from YWAM in electronic format? If so, get in touch with your email address and we will add you to the email list.

Contacts|stay in touch Write YWAM, Highfield Oval, Harpenden Herts, AL5 4BX, UK Tel 01582 463216 E-mail Web




God moved on this group in such a powerful way that they felt compelled to respond to what the Lord was speaking by making a covenant that YWAM now calls “The Red Sea Covenant”. 2012 marked the 20th anniversary of the YWAM family making this covenant, and a few YWAM leaders gathered again by the Red Sea to reflect on what has transpired over these 20 years. “Befriending Muslims is the best form of outreach.”

Advance | May – Sept 2013

Some of the important things YWAM has committed to through the Red Sea covenant are: •

Actively pursue the new level of anointing and enabling which God wants to pour out upon us

Submit to any spiritual discipline He might require of us, such as fasting, prayer, and repentance

Gather at the times and in the places which He indicates in order to seek Him together toward these purposes

Be careful to keep our vision whole, seeing both Jews and Arabs as God’s beloved creation


30|Days of Prayer 4


n 1992 the international leadership of YWAM met in Egypt. They quickly finished the business part of their agenda and travelled by bus across the Sinai Peninsula to the Red Sea in order to spend time getting to know one other better. With at least 5 hours travel time on the bus, they began to fellowship and pray together, and God began to speak to them about the Muslim world.

For more information contact: E-mail Web

Embrace the vast Muslim world in our hearts, seeking from God the anointing, wisdom, power, and strategies needed to carry our part of His great plan of redemption for those living with the influence of Islam

Believe God for the establishment of His kingdom throughout the world of peoples within Islamic communities, and be more impressed with God than the difficulties involved

Exercise leadership in calling and mobilising our organisation to receive God’s anointing and enabling power to reach the Muslim peoples of the world

Over the past 20 years YWAM has seen an on-going commitment to prayer and fasting through the annual 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World prayer event which takes place during the Muslim month of prayer and fasting, known as Ramadan. This booklet is about praying for blessing upon Muslims around the world. Alongside this, YWAM was also part of the Reconciliation Walk which led groups of Christians along the route of the Crusades, bringing the message of Jesus in repentance for the way our forefathers came violently to Jerusalem in the name of Christ 900 years ago.

In addition to these events, we have seen a significant growth in the number of teams and workers committing themselves to sharing Jesus with Muslims. In 1992 we had approximately 20 teams with about 150 workers focused on this area. Today we have more than 130 teams and more than 800 workers on the field. Much of this we attribute to your prayers through the Advance magazine and the 30 Days of Prayer. What do the next 20 years have in store? Changes across the world are happening at an accelerated rate and even more so in the Muslim world. The prayers of His people are the foundation of the Gospel of Jesus becoming a reality. We continue to see more and more workers committing their lives to sharing Jesus with Muslims, and we continue to need the support of you who are committed to praying and giving to the work of YWAM in the Muslim world. Thank you for your part in the past 20 years and we look forward to seeing how God continues to work through us. Jeff Neely

30 Days of Prayer booklets available now: more info on Pg 7


When Janice Entee, originally from Ghana, leader of the School of Documentary Filmmaking at YWAM Harpenden, England, set off on the journey of creating such a film, her heart was to tell the story of Ugandan families who have stepped up in their homeland. While Uganda is one of the few countries which has managed to reverse the spread of AIDS, the country still has over two million children left orphaned partly as a result of the epidemic. As Peninah, one of the mothers in the film, asks, “Who will be available for them?” The documentary goes on to tell daring tales of hope, as Ugandans recognise that these orphans are their children, their responsibility, their future, and most importantly, their joy and that every child needs a family. Many of the families in the film admit the struggles and difficulties of taking in orphans, but not once do they claim it was not worth it. It’s a touching production, but more than tell testimonies of change, it motivates change in the viewer too.

Advance | May – Sept 2013

When asked about the effect in her own life, Janice explains how she was challenged by her project. Many nights of creative blocks and struggles led her to realise that she could not put out a message if she did not believe it herself. “Documentaries ought to inform, educate, challenge, inspire, and then motivate to action. I needed to ask myself, will I be willing to apply this in my own life before asking others to do the same?” “I want the church to have that challenge too,” says Janice. The documentary is 35 minutes long - just enough time to take the place of a sermon on Sunday morning. This was done in order that churches may have to time to show the film and not feel stressed about having to re-arrange the service. It’s the goal to have it played in churches all over the world. If you think your church or Bible study group is interested in receiving a copy of the film, please send a donation made out to “Orphans Know More” at the address below and we will happily send you one. Sidra Zimmerman


Orphans|Future on the streets 6


he infection is viral, spreading throughout the streets of Uganda. Each person who comes in contact with it is challenged and changed forever. Except it’s not AIDS or some contagious illness. On the contrary, it is a raging hope. And the story of this hope is told in the YWAM produced documentary, Uganda: Future on the Streets.

For more information contact: OrphanskNOwMore Address YWAM, Highfield Oval, Harpenden, AL5 4BX Email Web

Matt says “The thing that has impacted me most in my time in YWAM has been the community. The friendship, support and accountability I’ve experienced has been so key in me growing in my faith and having the confidence to pursue God’s vision for my life.” Matt’s vision is to start a YWAM ministry in Reading. Reading is his hometown and it is also where a ministry called Yeldall Manor ( operates. Yeldall works with men coming out of addictions. As YWAM Reading one of the things we want to do is provide community and discipleship for the men who graduate from Yeldall Manor.

Because we are YWAM we’ll also be getting involved with evangelism, mercy ministries and training in the town. There is fantastic unity amongst believers in Reading and we have received a warm welcome from churches. If you are in or near Reading, want to hear more about this developing work or support the work financially, please get in touch with Matt via the contact details given below.




att Partington has served with YWAM for over 3 years, based at The Kings Lodge in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, predominantly staffing or leading Discipleship Training Schools.

For more information contact: Email Web

£2.00 per copy including postage (Contact us for order of more than 10) To Order: Email – Web – Post – 30 Days Prayer, PO Box 90, Harpenden, Herts AL5 4JH Cheques to be made payable to YWAM

ONLY £2.00 7


Next Wave|sharing faith 8


his past year has been a busy one for the crew of the Next Wave, YWAM’s Sail Training vessel. Whilst in Newcastle last July, they had Vikings on board. In Weymouth they played with Pirates. Now in Liverpool, a favorite thing about being in their home port is working with the Merseyside police, in schools and with youth that are at risk for anti-social behaviour. They use the Next Wave as a tool to encourage good behaviour, some afternoons being spent giving the youth of Liverpool both a taste of life as sailors and life with God. In March, just before one such visit, the crew were informed that the youth on their way to the ship were the worst behaved of the bunch. Maybe it was because they were outside of school or maybe they were shy around the crew, but they must have been on their best behaviour despite the warning from the officer in charge. For the afternoon the kids climbed the rigging, steered the dingy, explored the ship and were treated to some tea and biscuits. It was one of those days when the crew had to wonder if they were having more fun than the kids! During all of this the crew and volunteers openly shared about their faith. The officers and leaders in charge noticed that the crew seemed to talk about

Advance | May – Sept 2013

For more information contact YWAM Next Wave E-mail Web

God as if they knew Him personally and asked our crew member Fiorlisa how she met God. After hearing Fiorlisa’s story the officer who asked the question realised that she had not spoken to God since her father had passed away. She left the ship being encouraged to start another conversation with Him. “We enjoy what we do and we accept even the roughest person that walks on the deck. Many of us have our own storIes of very difficult things we have faced in life and how faithful Father has been there through it all.” In many of the schools that the Merseyside police are working with, the kids come from families where the unemployment rate is over 50%. Often their home environment involves some form of substance abuse. Many youth will rarely leave their own neighbourhoods and at least half the houses in those neighbourhoods are boarded up and derelict. Tamara Jackson, co-director of the Next Wave, writes “We have seen that a simple act of hospitality can open a young person’s world view. We are able to communicate to those from difficult family situations and rough neighbourhoods that there is more to life than this.”

She continues, “To most people, youth and adult alike, around here we are a little weird. We make no money, live and work together and yet we seem to get along with each other. We enjoy what we do and we accept even the roughest person that walks on deck. The crew of the Next Wave is made up of average people. Many of us have our own stories of very difficult things we have faced in life and how our faithful Father has been there through it all. Through the venue of the Next Wave we have a public forum to share this and because of genuine interest and love for the ports we come to, we often have people’s full attention.

“It’s one of those days when I wonder if I am having more fun than the kids!.” This is how we try to bring Hope to Liverpool and raise up the Next Wave of missionaries.” The next Discipleship Training School on board Next Wave will start around 6th September 2013, hopefully in the Mediterranean, sailing to Greece and Turkey. Get in touch if you want to find out more and be part of the adventure on board. Tamara Jackson - Next Wave Co-director


Removing|social barriers 10


oes God call the physically challenged to missions?

In 2009 British YWAMers Adam and Helen Fielder moved with their 3 children to the town of Arua, North West Uganda, to work with the deaf community. Observing that the Ugandan deaf, as with many deaf communities in the world, were largely isolated from their hearing neighbours, they had a vision to encourage deaf and hearing people to value one another and to work together for the Kingdom of God. Adam is partially deaf. He writes: “Communities with deaf members in NW Uganda have asked for help to remove the communication and social barriers to participation, learning & earning. Many of Arua’s numerous deaf people are misunderstood and lonely. They are also more vulnerable to environmental hazards, neglect or abuse. Most live in bush villages and can’t read. We saw that while Ugandan Sign Language (USL) is in print, it is unknown, unaffordable and un-usable by these mostly illiterate deaf people.”

Advance | May – Sept 2013

The Fielders decided to train local deaf youth in computer skills so they could co-develop crucial illustrated sign language resources for everyday and specialist use. Then they trained them to instruct small groups more effectively in sign language workshops for the families of the deaf, as well as for the local hearing YWAMers. Their approach also increasingly became to keep the deaf and hearing integrated in Discipleship Training Schools, mission work, and vocational training. “Encouraging people to value one another.” One example is a “Go Camp” which gave young people the opportunity to grow in their love for the Lord and for the lost, and then take His love to other young people in North Uganda and South Sudan. Coming from a mix of cultures, some were deaf, others hearing, and a few were mobility impaired. All participated together in drama, tribal dance, singing, puppets and sport as they befriended young people and children.

A trial course in tailoring and knitting typifies the kind of challenge which limits vocational training for the deaf across Uganda. The Fielders recognised that technical vocabulary, if in use, is not standardised nor documented. So they, together with an interpreter from the Ugandan National Deaf Association, have documented some specialist knitting sign language vocabulary which will be posted on the internet in video format to help initiate a process of standardisation and to serve as a model for other specialised sign languages and vocational projects to be developed and grow elsewhere in Uganda. “Supporting relationships” Ninety-five percent of deaf people are born to hearing families. However, the Fielders have noted, like many others, that the deaf people’s hearing relatives have rarely learnt any sign language, leading to miscommunication, misunderstanding and little mutual support between all involved. Partially deaf Adam and his hearing wife Helen had to walk through this themselves as his deafness increased. Helen adds “This gave us a deepening empathy to support other deaf–hearing relationships.”

In response they have run several “Home Sign” workshops, sometimes in the homes of members of the deaf community. Thus began the Fielders’ work in family ministry. Again, few resources had been developed to help deaf people grow Godly marriages, and raise children in Biblical principles. Sign language vocabulary is now being developed for this area and “Relationships and Marriage” courses will be run in the summer of 2013. Becky Mehaffey

Becky Mehaffey asks, “Why are there not more disabled people in missions?” Ceri Longville was until recently on staff of Oscar, the UK information service for world missions. ( As a woman with cerebral palsy, she asks the same question. Ceri says “When we think of disability and mission we tend to see people with disabilities as the ones needing ministry and not, perhaps, necessarily needing to be released into ministry … but we all have been given gifts by God and need opportunity to use them. Further, when people with disabilities are working as part of a mission team this has a huge capacity to speak for itself about the inclusivity of God’s family.” “Those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable.” (1 Corinthians 12:22)


Those of us who are hearing are exposed to spoken language every day of life. This allows us to build large vocabularies, which in turn enable us to learn and grow. Deaf people’s exposure to new vocabulary is much lower than hearing peoples.

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6 month missionary training for all ages

For more info go to —

In March 2012, worship and intercession evenings were started in Wimbledon, London, which has since moved to New Malden, Surrey, right in the centre of the Korean community. 15 people from many different denominations now attend regularly, for a time of focussed teaching and always dedicated to praying for the people of the UK. A year on, the team have been encouraged by God’s faithfulness through the recent provision of their first regular giver. Last summer, the Lees were asked to partner with Korean churches in helping to organise a Friday night event for young people. Meeting in Holburn, they now see around 40 young people each week, and have been encouraging and challenging them to be disciples of Jesus, passionate to shine God’s light in their everyday lives. One of the ladies working with the Lees has experienced personal transformation. She had been living for herself, focussed on her own life, leading worship but not really thinking outside of her own world. God has transformed her; bringing healing into her life through worship and the word. She is now much more focussed on God’s vision and looking outward.

She has professed that since joining the team her knowledge of God has expanded beyond her dreams and she is excited about the future. In looking forward, the team want to be able to offer a regular discipleship training seminar for Korean-British youth to bring the Gospel to their friends and communities and eventually, a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with a focus to equip business people, so that they can be more effective missionaries within their workplace. The Lees and their team would appreciate your prayers, as they continue to intercede for the people of the UK. As a family, currently based in Harpenden, Hertfordshire and travelling for each event, their desire is to move to the Surrey area. As the team continue to seek to be a bridge among and out with Korean churches, they are trusting God for wisdom and the right accommodation. We thank God for their commitment to praying for our nation. Rachael Howson and Jonghee Lee


New team|Korean blessing


id you know there is a sizeable Korean community in London and the Surrey area? The Gospel reached Korea in the late 19th Century, having been taken there by a Welsh missionary and others who lost their lives. Because of their sacrifice, Christianity is now strong in Korea; foundations were laid then that have blessed the nation for many generations. Back in September 2010 South Korean YWAMers, Jonghee and Hannah Lee, felt God was leading them to ‘repay’ - the UK blessed Korea in the past, and now they want to bless the UK in return; particularly in intercession and worship, which Korean Christians are known for. Thus began a dream to mobilise people in the UK to pray for the nation, partnering with Koreans who live here, to encourage Koreans in the UK to be a part of seeing revival come to this nation.

For more information contact: Jonghee and Hannah Lee E-mail



Discipleship Training School …………………... London ………… July and Oct 2013, Jan 2014 Discipleship Training School …………………... Harpenden ……... July and Sept 2013, Jan 2014 Discipleship Training School …………………... s/y Next Wave ….. Sept 2013 Discipleship Training School …………………... The King’s Lodge ... Sept 2013, Jan and Apr 2014 Discipleship Training School …………………... Holmsted Manor ... Sept 2013, Jan and July 2014 Discipleship Training School …………………... Carlisle ………… Oct 2013, Jan 2014 Year For God ………………………………… Holmsted Manor ... Aug 2013, Feb and Aug 2014 Urban Missions Discipleship Training School …….. Derby ………….. Sept 2013 Urban Discipleship Training School …………….. Cambridge ……... Sept 2013 Urban Discipleship Training School …………….. Wales …………. Sept 2013 Arts and Justice Discipleship Training School ……. Leeds ………….. Sept 2013 and Sept 2014 Urban Transformations Discipleship Training School . York …………… Jan 2014

Further Training Basic Leadership School ………………………. Carlisle ………… Sept 2013, Jan 2014 Basic Leadership School ………………………. London ………… Sept 2013 Basic Leadership School ………………………. York …………… Jan 2014 Foundations for Counselling Ministry …………... London ………... July 2013 Documentary Film School …………………….. Harpenden …… .. July 2013 Discipleship Bible School ……………………... The King’s Lodge ... Sept 2013 School of Biblical Studies ……………………… The King’s Lodge ... Sept 2013 Directed Reading in Biblical Studies …………….. The King’s Lodge ... Sept 2013, Jan and Apr 2014 Chronological Biblical Core Course ……………... Cambridge .…….. Sept 2013 Humanities and International Studies ………….. Harpenden …….. Sept 2013 Foundations in Community Development ……….. Harpenden …….. Sept 2013 English for Missions ………………………….. The King’s Lodge ... Jan 2014 Bible Core Course …………………………….. The King’s Lodge ... Apr 2014 School of Ministry Development ..……………… Holmsted Manor ... Apr 2014

Courses where DTS is not a pre-requisite: Arts Internships ……………………………… London Urban Key… Jan and June 2014 Various counselling courses …………………… London Earls Court Community Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept 2013, Jan and Sept 2014

Things change all the time in YWAM so this list might not be complete. Check out the individual websites for more information,


Upcoming|training courses

Discipleship Training Schools (DTS)

Advance | May – Sept 2013




ecoming Discipling Communities What does it take to create a discipling community? In YWAM we value the ‘livelearn environment’ which is another way of saying that as well as learning about stuff from books and teachers, we want to learn from one another as we live and work together. Sometimes I think that we in YWAM risk relegating our discipleship approach to just a training course the Discipleship Training School (DTS). Both its name and reputation for intense growth means the DTS can become the main context in which we think of discipleship. As Christians, discipleship needs to be a daily process. We should always be growing! Change happens best in the context of relationships. We need one another if we are to be sharpened “as iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17). Deep inner growth isn’t something that happens when we keep to ourselves.

Here are some questions to ask yourself: - Who do I spend time with who creates in me a hunger for more of God? - What is God currently putting his finger on in my life, and how am I responding to him? - In what ways do I share with my friends how I am really doing, and allow them to support me or to speak challenging truths to me? - When relationships in my community don’t truly reflect Christ, how do we address those things out of our commitment to becoming more Christ-like? Arthur Burt said that “Nothing happens until the pain of remaining the same outweighs the pain of change.” We have a great and wonderful privilege of living and working alongside fellow followers of Jesus ... may we not miss the opportunity this offers us to support one another in the one thing that truly matters: growing to become more like Jesus.


Miranda Heathcote

1 2 3 4 5

For the right affordable accommodation for the Lee family. For the young people to stand strong in their faith, further regular financial givers to this ministry, for unity amongst Korean churches, and wisdom as the team seek to be a bridge. For the continued outreach of the Next Wave in Liverpool and soon the Mediterranean. For the young people they come into contact with will know the love of Jesus. For more disabled people to hear the call to missions, and expansion of the work of Deaf Connections in Uganda, in people and resources. For those working among predominantly Muslim people, for sensitivity, wisdom and love. For strength, wisdom and finances for the families that are adopting children in Uganda. For greater awareness of the issues they face.


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