ZILLERTAL HUTGUIDE You only feel it here.
FUN BEAR Playground „Almspielerei“ at Eggalm top station & „Pepis Kinderland“ at Penkenjoch
Big Snow Fun in The Glacier-Adventure-Tour
Kasseler Hütte 33
Plauener Hütte 28 49
23 1 6
44 Zittauer Hütte
Trisslalm 39 9 Finkau
6 34
Larmach Alm
26 Panoramaalm
30 Salzachhütte
Häusling 25 Issalm 14 Stackerlalm 37
14 15
2 Ahorn
35 62 Thanner 7 33 42 59 Schwarzachtal 36 Wimmertalalm Steinerkog Gerlossteinalm 10 23 30 16 Karlalm 3 Berghotel Gerlosstein 11 42 25 Jörgleralm Klammer´s Jausenhütte 54 15 31 Schlittenstadl 29 5 Astachhof 1 Enzianhof 7 27 20 4 Prölleralm 25 Wiesenalm Kreuzwiesenalm 43 41 Latschenalm 35 15 17 Jörgleralm 22 Krummbachrast 19 Klammlhof s´Legal 26 GH Talblick 27 Tannenalm 25 3
26 48 Geraerhütte 8 9 17 Pfitscherjochhaus 43 Olpererhütte Berliner Hütte 21 23 9 Helmut’s Fischerh. 67 68 38 16 22 Spannaglhöhle 18 Friesenberghaus 65 12 Alpenrose 4 57 53 - NATURPARK Dominikushütte 19 ER E ALPEN 21 22 34 Breitlahner 10 39 3 58 11 20 12 63 Stoankasern 15 55 6 5 Gamshütte 4 Brandalm Panorama Ahorn 19 45 5 Karlsteg Eggalm nhütte n 31 14 Almstüberl Lattenalm 44 47 1 1020 Granatalm 66 32 2 16 Wiesenhof 7 Astegg 37 17 18 Penkentenne 13 Geislerhof Gschösswand Haus 24 8 61 gel g 52 Schiestl's Sunnalm 69 Zimmereben
- Sonnalm
56 Berghof
11 41 Nasenalm 40
43 12 13
32 2
36 14 28 Wedelhütte Kristall Hütte Berggasthof Platzlalm 18 29 1 11 Kaltenbacher Skihütte Aar Wirt 9 Huberwinklalm 19 7 16
21 17
aus a St. Pankraz 24
Gasthaus Goglhof 4 6
Great thanks are due to the Austrian and German Alpine Club, which with immeasurable commitment keep the paths, trails and Alpine Club huts in good condition and thus make the tourist development of the Alpine region possible to a great extent.
Imprint List of mountain huts Zillertal Activcard
1015 1617
Nature Park Zillertal Alps
Fügen-Kaltenbach holiday region
Zillertal Arena Zell-Gerlos
Mayrhofen-Hippach holiday region
Tux-Finkenberg holiday region
SYMBOLS EXPLAINED Service/equipment
lhot meals
products from the own farm or local farmers bgroups welcome gaccommodation possible (reservation required) petting zoo or various pets {playground nhandicap accessible
Other symbols
Asecured via ferrata near the hut Oopening time sspecial features
accessible even in bad weather
Mbikers welcome Ksummits …routes wopen in winter Getting there
Yby foot gby cable car aby car ;by taxi ABBREVIATIONS FOR ROUTE DESCRIPTIONS
(indications for normal path conditions, errors excepted)
EASY ascent (suitable also for beginners good physical condition is beneficial)
MEDIUM ascent (good physical condition and mountain experience are beneficial)
DIFFICULT ascent (surefootedness and good physical condition required)
VERY DIFFICULT ascent (for alpinists only,
6373 Jochberg, Kitzbüheler Str. 32 Tel. +43 5355 5492
climbing sections possible, be aware of alpine hazards) Parking SP: starting point; T: time required; ALT: altitude in m; L: length in km 4-5-6
Make a stop at the hut of your choice No.
18 11 08 24 05 14 28 01 09 27 26
PlatzlAlm & Zuastandl Kaltenbacher Skihütte Gasthaus Goglhof Gasthaus St. Pankraz Gart Alm Kristallhütte Wedelhütte Aar-Wirt Huberwinkelalm Alpengasthof Tannenalm Almgasthof Talblick
Zillertal Arena, Zell-Gerlos
24 26 30 09 39 44 14 15 16 37 33 42 11 10 31 41 17 19 08 05 20 25 22 27
Larmachalm Panoramaalm Königsleiten Jausenstation Salzachhütte Alpengasthof Finkau Trissl Alm Zittauer Hütte Issalm Jörgleralm Klammer´s Jausenhütte Stackerlalm Jausenstation Schwarzachtal Jausenstation Wimmertal Berghotel Gerlosstein Gerlossteinalm Schlittenstadl - Sonnalm Wiesenalm Schnitzelstation Klammlhof s' Legal/Kreuzjochhütte Alpengasthof Enzianhof Jausenstation Astachhof Schmankerlh./Kreuzwiesenalm Latschenalm Krummbachrast Pröller Alm
28 29 30 30 32 33 33 34 34 36 37
06 25 49 30 59 62 02 45 66 69 31 24 41 56 40 52 16 43 33 48 12 09 04 18 10
Bärenbadalm Häusling Alm Plauener Hütte Karlalm Steinerkogl Gasthof Thanner Ahornhütte Panorama Ahorn Alpengasthof Wiesenhof Gasthof Zimmereben Gasthof Karlsteg Gschösswandhaus Nasenalm Berghof Schwendberg Melchboden Schiestl´s Sunnalm Friesenberghaus Olpererhütte Kasseler Hütte Pfitscherjochhaus Dominikushütte Berliner Hütte Alpenrosenhütte (Zemmgrund) Helmut’s Fischerhütte Alpengasthaus Breitlahner
01 02 20 04 08 05 14 06 07 18 10
Almstüberl Finkenberg Alpengasthof Astegg Stoankasern Brandalm Geraer Hütte Berggasthaus Eggalm Lattenalm Gamshütte Berggasthof Geislerhof Penkentenne Granatalm
46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 54 55 55 56 57 57 58 58 59 60 60 61
70 70 71 72 72 73 74 74 76 76 77 77 78 78 79 79 82 82 83 84 84 86 86 87 87 96 96 97 98 98 99 99 100 100 103
US 7
Photo: Zillertal Tourismus GmbH, Bernd Ritschel
Zillertal hut guide summer 2022 This Zillertal hut guide contains the complete list including an overview of all huts and mountain inns open during summer. In addition, you find further interesting information and tips for hiking, biking and enjoying. With this guide you can easily combine your excursion on the mountain with a stop in the hut of your choice! The huts and mountain inns are marked and numbered on the overview map on the fold-out title page. You will find the corresponding information on pages 10 to 15 and further details on the inside. The symbols (pictograms) are also explained on the cover.
The detailed panoramic views give you a very good overview of the four Zillertal regions, so that you can plan your mountain excursion better. Many thanks to the hut owners, the Zillertal Tourismus GmbH and the tourism associations in Zillertal for the pleasant cooperation. The next updated summer edition will be published in spring 2023. For more information, please contact Bergverlag Eberharter.
We hope you enjoy reading and wish you an unforgettable summer holiday in Zillertal!
6373 Jochberg Kitzbüheler Str. 32 Tel. +43 5355 5492, Fax -20 Dear readers, all data was collected in February 2022. Changes are possible until the start of the hiking season. Please check the respective websites for current informations.
Imprint Management, Concept, Design and Typesetting, Advertisements ©: Bergverlag & Graficdesign Eberharter, 6373 Jochberg, Kitzbüheler Str. 32, phone 05355/5492, fax /5492-20, mail: HYPERLINK ""; The hut guide was compiled to the best of our knowledge. Nevertheless, one or two "printing and content errors" may have crept in. The publisher cannot accept any liability for errors in content and any resulting damage. We ask for your understanding. Layout&translation: Zillertal Tourismus GmbH. Photography/ Copyright: Excerpt from the general terms and conditions of the graphic arts industry " Druck-Medien." Bergverlag Eberharter has the exclusive right to use the images, texts, data carriers and printed matter provided by the client (advertiser) for the production of reproductions. Bergverlag Eberharter is not obliged to check whether the advertiser has the right to reproduce the provided documents and to use them in the intended manner, but is entitled to assume that the client has all the rights to third parties required for the execution of the order. The client (advertiser) expressly assures that he has these rights. The client is obliged to indemnify and hold the contractor harmless against all claims made by third parties arising from infringements of copyrights, ancillary copyrights, other industrial property rights or personal rights. No liability is assumed for damage caused by omitted or incorrect entries. Publication of the next edition 5/2023. Without the express permission of the publisher, the work, including parts thereof, may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied. Map sections: © Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kartographie & BEV Wien. "All information without guarantee. Hiking trails at your own risk. The instructions of the landowners and hunting tenants are to be followed!" Partly steep or climbing paths, in this case only suitable for experienced hikers and mountaineers. Disclaimer: We have endeavoured to compile a comprehensive range of huts and further information for you. However, we would like to expressly point out that you access or drive through the tips at your own risk. The respective regulations (driving bans, etc.) for use must be observed and information obtained on site, as there are constant updates. If you do not agree with any of the information provided, or if information infringes your personal rights, please contact Bergverlag Eberharter personally (, stating your reasons. If we become aware of any content that is not up to date or correct, we will correct or remove it in the next edition. When hiking, please observe the following basic rules, among others: Only use publicly marked parking areas, pay attention to recent and current weather developments and the associated trail conditions. If necessary, obtain additional information before starting your venture via the current websites of the tourist associations, tourist offices or directly from the respective hut. The assessment of dangers varies from person to person and must be determined by each hiker and mountain biker. The degrees of difficulty can be interpreted differently, as each person has their own abilities. The trail conditions can also change on a daily basis, even in shorter periods of time depending on the weather. You walk all the trails described at your own risk, and we accept no responsibility for the correctness of the respective indications of difficulty. Any liability and claims for damages are excluded. AGB:
No. Name
Altitude Starting point
Duration Owner/tenant
1.550 m Hochfügen
15 min Martina Niederkofler
+43 680 2145697
2 Abfahrtshütte
1.100 m Aschau
45 min Christoph Dengg
+43 664 3067929
3 Jausenstation Almluft
1.200 m Stumm
1,5 h Fam. Bichler
4 Berggasth. Baumannwiesköpfl 1.090 m Fügen
1,5 h Fam. Haaser
5 Gart Alm
1.860 m Spieljochbahn top station
1,75 h Franz Dornauer
+43 676 7376223 +43 5288 63094 +43 676 3225599 +43 5288 62494
+43 5288 63087 +43 676 845013500
6 Gasthäusl zum Schoner
650 m Tourism office Fügen
7 Geolsalm
1.776 m Spieljochbahn top station
1 h Fam. Sporer
+43 676 7555397 +43 676 6124476
8 Gasthaus Goglhof
700 m Tourism office Fügen
1 h Fam. Baumann
+43 5288 62725
1 h Barbara Bogner
+43 664 4337785
9 Huberwinkelalm 10 Gasthof Jägerklause
1.500 m Hochfügen 700 m Stumm
45 min Fam. Kogler
30 min Fam. Höllwarth
11 Kaltenbacher Skihütte
1.800 m Ried, Kaltenbach
3,5 h Fam. Schweiberer
12 Kellerjochhütte
2.237 m Spieljochbahn top station
2,5 h
13 Kohleralmhof
1.200 m Spieljochbahn bottom st.
14 Kristallhütte
Hirschbichlalm, Zellberg. 2.147 m Höhenstr. from Söggen Aste. Höhenstr. from Kaltenbach
15 Jausenstation Maria Brettfall 16 Bergrestaurant Mountain Loft 17 Jausenstation Oberhaus
682 m Strass
780 m Uderns
18 Berggasthof PlatzAlm
1.790 m Ried, Kaltenbach 1.310 m Spieljochbahn top station
20 Gasthof Restaurant Schönblick 21 Jausenstation Seehüter 22 Jausenstation Sonnberg
940 m
24 Gasthaus St. Pankraz
2 h Fam. Heim 1h 1,5 h Stefan Eder 1h 45 min Harald Reifgerst
1.865 m at the Spieljochbahn top st.
19 Jausenstation Schellenberg
23 Spieljoch Schihütte
Claudia Schranz Christian Lorenz
+43 5283 2793 +43 676 6104250
+43 5288 63546 +43 676 88632400
+43 5288 62991 2 h Fam. Lamprecht 3,5 h Fam. Wimpissinger
+43 5288 62482 +43 5283 20577 +43 664 4910568
850 m Ried
1 h Stefan Mölk
+43 664 9127970
850 m Uderns
2 h Fam. Flörl
+43 5288 63188
1.600 m Spieljochbahn top station 660 m Tourism office Fügen
+43 664 3041300
2 h Fam. Thaler
Spieljochbahn bottom station
+43 650 6115171 +43 664 75060238
45 min
Fam. +43 5288 62484 Bichler-Wimpissinger +43 680 1333036
45 min Fam. Heim
+43 5288 63546 +43 676 7388771
25 min Fam. Geisler
+43 5288 63527
1,5 h Fam. Kröll
+43 680 201 879
25 Stuana Hitte
1.050 m Aschau Distelberg
26 Almgasthof Talblick
1.200 m Camping Aufenfeld/Aschau
2 h Fam. Dengg
+43 5282 50975
27 Alpengasthof Tannenalm
1.036 m Stumm
2 h Fam. Kröll
+43 5283 2778
28 Wedelhütte
Zellberg Höhenstraße 2.350 m Höhenstr. from Kaltenbach Hochfügen
4h 1,5 h Manfred Kleiner 2,5 h
+43 664 88632570
29 Almgasthof Zirmstadl
1.800 m Ried, Kaltenbach
3,5 h Fam. Wegscheider
+43 664 3805174 +43 5283 2831
No. Name
Altitude Starting point
Duration Owner/tenant
ZILLERTAL ARENA, ZELL-GERLOS 1 Adamerhof 2 Arena Bistro
1.100 m
Rosenalmbahn middle station
Rosenalmbahn 580 m bottom station
2,5 h Christa Fankhauser
+43 5282 7165290 +43 664 3060050
30 min Friedrich Eberharter
+43 664 3429800
3 Alte Kotahorn Alm
1.630 m Gerlossteinbahn top station
4 Arena Center
1.900 m Gerlos
5 Jausenstation Astachhof
1.900 m
6 Bärschlagalm
Durlaßboden reservoir 1.459 m (top of the dam)
7 Brandberger Kolmhaus
1.845 m Gerlos Schwarzachtal
8 Alpengasthof Enzianhof
Zell am Ziller 1.270 m Rosenalmbahn middle st. Rosenalmbahn top st.
9 Alpengasthof Finkau
Gerlospass bottom st. 1.420 m Durlaßboden reservoir, top of the dam
1h Fam. Ensmann 2h
10 Gerlossteinalm
1.630 m Gerlossteinbahn top st.
15 min Markus Pfister
11 Berghotel Gerlosstein
1.620 m
Gerlossteinbahn top st. Ötschen
5 min Fam. Binder 1,5 h
12 Jausenstation Grünalm
1.725 m
Zell am Ziller. Zellberg, Höhenstraße
1,5 h Fam. Hundsbichler 4,5 h
Rosenalmbahn middle station / Gerlos
13 Alpengasthaus Hirschbichlalm
Zell am Ziller 1.840 m Zellberg, Höhenstraße
14 Issalm
1.450 m Gerlos
15 Jörgleralm
1.300 m Gerlos
16 Klammer's Jausenhütte
1.405 m
17 Schnitzelstation Klammlhof
Gerlos Gerlos Gmünd
575 m Zell am Ziller/Aschau Rosenalmbahn middle st. Rosenalmbahn top st.
18 Kreithütte (Kleine Rosenalm)
1.700 m
19 s`Legal/Kreuzjochhütte
1.980 m Rosenalmbahn top st.
Schmankerlhütte Kreuzwiesenalm
21 Krimmler Tauernhaus
1.884 m Rosenalmbahn top st. 1.631 m Krimmler waterfalls Gerlos Isskogel top st.
22 Krummbachrast
1.480 m
23 Lackenalm
1.405 m Gerlos
24 Larmachalm
1.896 m
Königsleiten Gerlos
25 Latschenalm
Isskogel top station 1.950 m Gerlos
26 Panoramaalm Königsleiten
2.146 m
27 Pröller Alm
Gerlos 1.400 m Isskogel top station
28 Richterhütte
Zillergrund 2.374 m Zittauer Hütte Krimmler Tauernhaus
Königsleiten Gerlos
+43 5282 3757
Zeller Bergb. Zillertal Thomas Stock
1 min
2 h Skiliftzentrum Gerlos 2,5 h Martin Staudacher 1,5 h 30 min Fam. Scharler 4 h Fam. Eberharter 2,5 h 15 min Fam. Kerschdorfer 1,5 h
4,5 h Fam. Hauser 5 min 1 h Fam. Eberharter
+43 5284 5376 +43 5282 2446
+43 676 5361647 +43 660 5256550 +43 5282 2237
+43 664 2613285
+43 664 1537781 +43 5282 2419
55 54
+43 664 5257416 +43 664 5017298 +43 676 9380640
30 min Fam. Fleidl
+43 699 11442070
1,5 h Fam. Geisler 45 min
+43 664 1538175
+43 5282 2024
1 h Fam. Heim 1h Fam. Kriegner 5 min 45 min Fam. Huber
+43 664 3213663 +43 664 3075448
1 h Fam. Heim
+43 664 2342646 +43 5282 21976
3,5 h Fam. Geisler
+43 664 2612174
1h Fam. Bliem 1h
+43 676 1828272 +43 5282 4042
1 h Fam. Pendl
+43 664 4050204
1h Fam. Haberl 2,5 h
+43 664 3817807
20 min Fam. Emberger 2h
+43 664 4132545
2h Fam. Kammerlander 3h
+43 664 1332552
1h Fam. Fasching 1h
+43 650 3006290 +43 5283 29135
6h Martin Falkner 6h and Julia Stauder 2,5 h
+43 5242 21328
No. Name
Altitude Starting point
29 Rössl Alm
1.600 m
Gerlos Isskogel top station
Duration Owner/tenant
1h Familie Haberl 20 min
+43 650 8237570
30 Jausenstation Salzachhütte
1.795 m Salzachtal valley (entrance)
30 min Fam Fauska
+43 664 9304350
31 Schlittenstadl - Sonnalm
1.350 m Gerlossteinbahn top station
40 min Fam. Eberharter
+43 664 4546658
32 Genießergasthaus Schulhaus 33 Jausenstation Schwarzachtal
852 m Zell am Ziller 1.378 m
Gerlos Gerlos Gmünd
34 Seestüberl
1.411 m Gerlos
35 Simon’s Bergstadl
1.744 m
Rosenalmbahn middle st. Rosenalmbahn top station
36 Söggen Alm
1.719 m
Zell am Ziller Zellberg, Höhenstraße
37 Stackerlalm 38 Taverne Hellas
1.850 m Gerlos 720 m Hainzenberg Agh. Finkau Durlaßboden reservoir, top of the dam
39 Trissl Alm
1.584 m
40 Warnsdorfer Hütte
Krimml 2.336 m Krimmler Tauernhaus
41 Wiesenalm
1.309 m
Rosenalmbahn middle st. Rosenalmbahn top station
42 Jausenstation Wimmertal
Gerlos 1.380 m Gerlos Gmünd
43 Almgasthaus Zellberg Stüberl
1.835 m
44 Zittauer Hütte
2.328 m Alpengasthof Finkau
Zell am Ziller Zellberg, Höhenstraße
30 min Fam. Geisler
+43 5282 3376
1,5 h Fam. Egger 1h
+43 676 3354954
1 h Eva Platzer
+43 664 4413588
1h Simon Kröll 5 min
+43 5282 4116
5h Fam. Hauser 2h
+43 5282 2569 +43 664 9857129
2 h Fam. Hotter
+43 664 4038673 +43 5282 3521
+43 676 5803430
30 min Fam. Eberharter 2,5 h
+43 664 4954499
6h Ernst Meschik 3h
+43 6564 8241 +43 664 4318777
1 min Zeller Bergb. Zillertal 1 h Thomas Stock
+43 664 9618368
2h Fam. Gruber 1h
+43 664 9154274 +43 5244 61808
4,5 h Fam. Spitaler 45 min
+43 664 3410318
3 h Fam. Kogler
+43 664 8732205
Adlerblick (Einkehr zum Adlerblick)
1.900 m Bärenbad - Zillergrund
2 Ahornhütte
1.965 m Ahornbahn top station
3 Alpenrose (Ahorn)
1.389 m Mayrhofen
4 Alpenrosenhütte (Zemmgrund) 1.878 m Ginzling - Breitlahner 5 Alpenland Cafe
1.000 m Ginzling
1,5 h Franz Obermair 5 min Benny Siller
+43 5285 62308 +43 664 2000332 +43 664 1246833
1,5 h Fam. Platzgummer
+43 664 5077207
2,5 h Sabina und Kathrin
+43 664 1670391
5 min Fam. Hörhager
+43 5286 5209
6 Bärenbadalm
1.450 m Bärenbad - Zillergrund
1 min Andrea Fankhauser
+43 664 2327009
7 Bergkristall
1.400 m Schwendberg
5 min Fam. Haun-Anfang
+43 5282 3761
8 Restaurant Bergrast
1.800 m Penkenbahn top station
2 min Fam. Geisler
9 Berliner Hütte
2.042 m Ginzling - Breitlahner
10 Alpengasthof Breitlahner
1.257 m Ginzling - Breitlahner
11 Brindlingalm
1.823 m
Hippach - Zillertaler Höhenstraße
12 Dominikushütte
1.805 m
Ginzling - Schlegeis Speicher
3 h Florian Illmer 1 min Fam. Kröll 1 h Fam. Sporer 10 min Heiko Lapp
+43 5285 62881 +43 664 88787025
+43 5286 5212
+43 5282 2683 +43 664 2636106 +43 664 73296939
13 Edelhütte
2.238 m Ahornbahn top station
+43 5285 62168 Fam. Schneeberger 1,5 h DAV Sektion Würzburg +43 664 9154851
14 Filzenalm
1.908 m Ahornbahn top station
15 min Alexandra Steinhauser +43 664 5003477
No. Name
Altitude Starting point
15 Filzenstadl
1.975 m Ahornbahn top station
16 Friesenberghaus
Duration Owner/tenant
15 min
Rudolf u. Anneliese Anfang
+43 5285 64773
2.498 m Schlegeisspeicher reservoir
Susanne Albertini & Florian Schrantz
+43 676 7497550
17 Furtschaglhaus
2.295 m Schlegeisspeicher reservoir
2 h Daniel Weber
18 Helmut´s Fischerhütte
1.782 m Schlegeisspeicher reservoir
19 Gamsgrube
965 m Gasthof Karlsteg
5 min Fam. Kröll
+43 5285 62581
30 min Andrä Kröll
+43 5286 5288
2.095 m Penkenbahn top station
1,5 h Fam. Brindlinger-Kröll +43 5285 63033
21 Grawandhütte
1.640 m Ginzling - Breitlahner
1,5 h Fam. Hirner
22 Greizer Hütte
Naturparkhaus 2.227 m Tristenbachalm Steinbockhütte
4,5 h Herbert Schneeberger +43 664 1405003 4h DAV Sektion Greiz +43 5282 3211 3,5 h
23 Grüne-Wand-Hütte
1.438 m
24 Gschösswandhaus
1.800 m Penkenbahn top station
25 Häusling Alm
1.050 m Häusling parking space
26 Hochfeilerhütte
2.715 m Schlegeisspeicher reservoir
27 Hohenau Alm
1.863 m Zillergrund dam
28 In der Au
1.269 m
29 Kainzenalm
1.550 m Zillergrund
30 Karlalm
1.750 m
31 Gasthof Karlsteg 32 Kasermandl am Penken
Zillergrund, parking space near the Gh. Klaushof
Gerlossteinbahn top station
987 m Ginzling 1.800 m Penken Kombibahn Ahornbahn - Edelhütte Stilluptal - Grüne Wand H.
33 Kasseler Hütte
2.177 m
34 Klausenalm
1.301 m Ginzling - Breitlahner Zillergrund, parking space near the Gasthoh Klaushof
35 Klaushof
1.040 m
36 Kolmhaus
1.845 m Brandberg
37 Lärchwaldhütte
1.999 m Penken Kombibahn
38 Lavitzalm
2.100 m Schlegeisspeicher reservoir
39 Maxhütte
1.445 m Ginzling
40 Melchboden
2.020 m Hippach - Zillert. Höhenstr.
41 Nasenalm
1.700 m Hippach - Zillert. Höhenstr.
42 Neue Kotahornalm
1.660 m Gerlossteinbahn top st.
43 Olpererhütte
2.389 m Schlegeisspeicher reservoir
44 Panora(h)ma Restaurant
Penkenbahn top station Tux-Vorderlanersbach, 2.095 m Finkenberger Almbahnen middle station
45 Panorama Ahorn
1.952 m Ahornbahn top station
46 Paulnerhof
800 m Schwendberg
1,5 h Andreas Troppmair 10 min Gerhard Mitterer 1 min Fam. Rahm 7 h Andreas Hernegger 1,5 h Fam. Hanser 1,5 Elisabeth Hoflacher -2h
+43 681 84218751
20 Granatalm
Stilluptal (taxi transport possible)
+43 676 6502728
+43 664 1051404 +43 5285 62880 +43 664 4895957
+43 5289 212
+ 39 472 646071 +43 664 5342739 +43 5289 214
1 h Josef Künig
+39 0474 650109 +43 664 7881552
2 h Fam. Fankhauser
+43 664 6290637
5 min Josef Moser
+43 5286 5250
6 min Markus Steindl
+43 676 3438182
9 h Lukas Decker 2 h DAV Sektion Kassel 15 min Fam. Geisler 2 min Fam. Stock 1,5 h Andreas Heim 5 min A. Wechselberger
+43 664 4016033
+43 5286 5252 +43 664 5414717 +43 5289 210 +43 660 5256550 +43 676 7353977
2 h Andreas Königsreiner +39 3496812610 1 h Tobias Dengg 5 min Anita Spitaler 1 h Hansjörg Spitaler
+43 664 4601043 +43 664 73653930
+43 664 1247665
20 min Familie Eberharter
+43 664 1379610
1,5 h Katharina Daum
+43 664 4176566
1 h Markus Rahm
+43 664 9182021
5 min Martin Kröll
+43 5285 62515
5 min Fam. Schneeberger
+43 5282 3629
No. Name
Altitude Starting point
47 Penkenjochhaus
2.095 m
Finkenberger Almbahnen middle station
48 Pfitscherjochhaus
2.276 m Schlegeisspeicher reservoir
49 Plauener Hütte
2.363 m Zillergrund dam
50 Rastkogelhütte
2.124 m
Hippach Zillert. Höhenstr. or from Hochfügen
51 Gasthof Roswitha
1.400 m Schwendberg
52 Schiestl’s Sunnalm
1.750 m
53 Schlegeisrestaurant
1.785 m Schlegeisspeicher reservoir
Hippach-Zillert. Höhenstr. Penkenbahn-Horbergtal
54 Schlittenstadl - Sonnalm
1.350 m Gerlossteinbahn top station
55 Gasthof Schwarzenstein
1.000 m Ginzling
56 Berghof Schwendberg
850 m Hippach - Zillert. Höhenstr.
57 S´Raschtl
1.785 m Schlegeisspeicher reservoir
Duration Owner/tenant
1,5 h Josef Wechselberger
+43 5285 63345 +43 5285 64221
2,5 h Familie Volgger
+39 472 630119
2 h Martin Eberharter
+43 650 4684308
1h Kathleen Dammann 2h
+43 680 2257124
5 min Fam. Schneeberger 1 h Albert Schiestl 5 min Heiko Lapp 40 min Familie Eberharter
+43 5282 3762 +43 664 5414720
+43 664 4546658
5 min Fam. Geisler
+43 5286 5226
5 min Georg Hanser
+43 5282 3676
1 min Fam. Hörhager
+43 664 4094409
58 Steinbockhütte
1.380 m Naturparkhaus Ginzling
1 h Claudia Ledermair
+43 664 2823636
1.263 m Mayrhofen
2 h Fam. Geisler
+43 5285 63188
60 Stillupperhaus
1.200 m Stilluptal
1,5 h Herbert Eberl
+43 5285 62496 +43 664 1520380
5 min M&W Stiegler
+43 664 2018966
61 Stieralm
1.775 m Penkenbahn top station
62 Gasthof Thanner
1.092 m Brandberg
10 min Fam. Dornauer
+43 5285 62376
63 Tristenbachalm
1.200 m Naturparkhaus Ginzling
30 min Stefan Klausner
+43 664 1988277
64 Wasserfall
1.108 m Stilluptal
5 min Otto Kröll
65 Waxeggalm
1.880 m Ginzling - Breitlahner 1.060 m Mayrhofen
67 Zamsgatterl
1.800 m Schlegeisspeicher reservoir
68 Zamser Eck
1.800 m Schlegeisspeicher reservoir
69 Gasthof Zimmereben
850 m Mayrhofen
2,5 h Alfred Mühlbauer 1 h Joh. Wechselberger 5 min Sebastian Schlögl
+43 664 73296939 +43 5286 5216
59 Steinerkogl
66 Alpengasthof Wiesenhof
+43 5285 62967 +43 5285 64132 +43 664 3712865 +43 5285 64814
+43 676 4466851
1 h Heiko Lapp
+43 664 73296939
1 h Hansjörg Geisler
+43 664 3806203
+43 664 2448034 +43 664 2623486
2 h Andrea Mitterer
+43 5285 62491
45 min Familie Klausner
+43 5287 8524 +43 5287 87776
TUX-FINKENBERG 1 Almstüberl Finkenberg
Finkenberger Almbahnen top station 1.760 m Tux-Vorderlanersbach: Moorlehrpfad theme trail
2 Alpengasthof Astegg
1.170 m Finkenberg - Dorf
3 Bichlalm
1.695 m Hintertux
4 Brandalm
1.680 m Juns and Tux-Lanersbach
5 Berggasthaus Eggalm 6 Gamshütte 7 Berggasthof Geislerhof
2.000 m Tux-Lanersbach 1.921 m Finkenberg Dornau 1.600 m Tux-Vorderlanersbach
Hubert Schneeberger
2,5 h
1 h Fam. Wechselberger
+43 5287 87735 +43 664 4046199
2 h Hanspeter Kirchler
+43 5287 87428 +43 676 6081756
+43 664 4282969
+43 5287 87657 +43 676 4702335
3,5 h Corina Epp 1,5 h
Heidi & Harald Paregger
No. Name 8 Geraer Hütte
Altitude Starting point 2.326 m Sommerbergalm
9 Gletscherhütte
3.075 m
10 Granatalm
2.095 m Finkenberger Almbahnen
11 Grieralm 12 Höllensteinhütte
1.787 m Juns 1.710 m Tux-Lanersbach
13 Lämmerbichl
2.100 m Tux-Vorderlanersbach
14 Lattenalm
1.700 m Tux-Lanersbach
Duration Owner/tenant
Fam. Katharina und 6h Arthur Lanthaler
+43 676 9610303 +43 664 5106830
Gerhard Hotter
+43 664 3504099 +43 5285 64470
1,5 h Fam. Kröll-Brindlinger +43 5285 63033 1,5 h Fam. Wildauer 1 h Fam. Erler 2,5 h Fam. Kröll
+43 5287 87561 +43 5285 62280 +43 5287 87468 +43 676 9165721
4 h Inh. Tobias Spechter
+43 664 9272117
15 Lizumer Hütte
2.019 m Eggalmbahn top station 1.800 m
Finkenberger Almbahnen top station
17 Penkenjochhaus
2.095 m
Finkenberger Almbahnen middle station
2 h Josef Wechselberger
+43 5285 63345 +43 5285 64221
18 Penkentenne
2.095 m
Finkenberger Almbahnen middle station
2 h Hermann Huber
+43 5285 62115 +43 664 9242353
19 Sommerbergalm
2.100 m
Hintertuxer Gletscher bottom station
Zillertaler Gletscherbahn
20 Stoankasern
1.984 m Juns
Inhaber +43 664 4055307 Hanni Wechselberger
21 Tuxer Fernerhaus
2.660 m Sommerbergalm
2 h Zillert. Gletscherbahn +43 5287 8510
23 Wirtshaus am Tuxer Ferner
2.313 m Sommerbergalm 2.660 m Sommerbergalm
1 h Franz Hotter
+43 664 1575004
16 Kasermandl am Penken
22 Tuxerjochhaus
+43 664 2395010
1 h Fam. Geisler
30 min Markus Steindl
+43 676 3036438
+43 5287 8510 97
+43 5287 87216
2 h Zillert. Gletscherbahn +43 5287 8510
Please note: • A sleeping bag is required for overnight stays in the huts • Due to weather conditions the opening hours of the huts may change daily at the beginning and end of the hiking season • It is best to call the respective huts in advance to find out whether they are open • All information without guarantee (according to information provided by the respective hut owners or tenants) as of March 2022 (subject to change)
Attention: The pasture is not a petting zoo! • Keep your distance from grazing animals and, above all, do not pet or feed calves • If a herd is restless or if hikers are already fixated by animals, keep your distance and take a diversion • Keep your dog on a leash and prevent it from getting too close to the herd or chasing it • If an attack by the cattle on the dog is foreseeable, let the dog go immediately! The dog can better get to safety on its own • In case of disregard, legal consequences cannot be ruled out More details on (Publikationen, English folder)
Zillertal Activcard 2022 From the idyllic, wide valley-floor to the everlasting snow on the Hintertux Glacier, Zillertal boasts an endless array of alpine highlights.
Your key to exceptional mountain experiences. The Zillertal Activcard is the ideal holiday companion for everyone who wants to enjoy and experience the summer in Zillertal with all senses. It opens the door to an impressive mountain world, allows you to discover countless extraordinary attractions and guarantees almost unlimited mobility with cable cars and public transport.
Zillertal Tourismus GmbH A-6262 Schlitters, Zillertal Bundesstr. 27d Tel. +43 5288 87187
Zillertal summer cable cars Cable cars
1 .
Summer season schedule
+43 5288 62991
2 . Rosenalmbahn, Zell am Ziller
+43 5282 7165
26.–29.05.2022 04.06.–09.10.2022
+43 5282 2275
04.–06.06.2022 16.06.–26.10.2022
4 . Isskogelbahn, Gerlos
+43 5284 5376
5 . Königsleiten Dorfbahn
+43 6564 8212
+43 5285 62277
+43 5285 62277
26.–29.05.2022 04.–06.06.2022 11.06.–09.10.2022
8 . Finkenberger Almbahnen
+43 5285 62196
9 . Eggalmbahnen, Lanersbach
+43 5287 87246
+43 5287 8510
open all year round
Spieljochbahn, Fügen
Gerlossteinbahn, Hainzenberg
6 . Mayrhofner Bergbahnen Penkenbahn
7 . Kombibahn Penken
10 .
Mayrhofner Bergbahnen
Hintertuxer Gletscher
.Paths suitable for prams. Bike transport possible. No responsibility is accepted für the correctness of this information. Operating hours are subject to weather and other conditions.
Experience Zillertal. With the all-in-one ticket for the ultimate enjoyment of nature. From mid-May to mid-October, the Zillertal Activcard serves as the key to extraordinary mountain experiences, specially selected natural highlights, great culinary worlds and lots of family fun. Your advantages at a glance: • One cable car ride (up and down) per day on one of 10 cable cars - unforgettable mountain experiences included • Free admission to all six outdoor swimming pools (one visit per day) • Free use of most of the region’s public transport (steam train excl.) • At least 10% off at numerous discount partners in Zillertal Prices Validity 3 days 6 days 9 days 12 days
Adults € 69,50 € 100,00 € 136,00 € 170,00
Sales points: • Bottom stations of all open cable cars • Train stations in Jenbach (limited opening hours for ticket sales), Mayrhofen and Zell am Ziller • Tourism offices in Fügen, Kaltenbach, Zell am Ziller (NB: cash payment only) and Tux-Lanersbach • Selected partner hotels The Zillertal Activcard can be purchased in advance online on, at selected online shops of the summer cable cars as well as at the sales points (presale starting at 4:00 p.m. on the day before the first day of validity). More information
Children € 35,00 € 50,00 € 68,00 € 85,50
Deposit fee per chip card: € 2.00
Children: The children's price is valid for all children born between 2007 and 2015. Children born in 2016 or later can enjoy all the card benefits free of charge. Family discount: Purchase two adult cards (parents), and your children (born in or after 2007) ride for free (ID must be shown)!
Nature Park Zillertal Alps
Photo: Thomas Pfister
Lush green valleys and alpine pastures, a special geology, deep canyons, imposing three-thousand-metre peaks and over 80 glaciers characterise this protected area.
422 square kilometres of pure nature await you - an area that makes up over 40% of the entire Zillertal. The nature reserve stretches from the mountaineering village of Ginzling at 1,000 m above sea level to the Hochfeiler at 3,509 m and contains an impressive wealth of alpine flora and fauna. Numerous trails and tracks run through the area. The highlights are alpine trails such as the Berlin High Trail, the Peter Habeler Hike and the Dreiländertour (three borders tour), hiking from hut to hut through the fantastic high mountain landscape along the main Alpine ridge. More than 100 nature park partner businesses offer sustainable accommodation and regional products to enjoy on your hikes.
The centrepiece is the Naturparkhaus in Ginzling with interactive exhibitions to discover numerous treasures of the Zillertal Alps. However, the nature park is not only dedicated to nature conservation, but also to education: from spring to autumn you can experience untouched nature as well as rare animals and plants on over 200 hikes with trained nature park guides. Captivating stories while exploring the most beautiful places in the park guarantee unforgettable summer experiences.
Detailed information: Hochgebirgs-Naturpark Zillertaler Alpen Naturparkhaus, 6295 Ginzling 239 Telefon: +43 5286 52181
Show Dairy · Farm Shop · Museum
Experience Zillertal cheese-making tradition Free tour for groups of min. 10 persons possible during opening times. Monday-Friday 08.00 – 18.00 hrs Saturday 08.00 – 14.00 hrs
Sennereistraße 22 | 6263 Fügen im Zillertal +43 (0)5288/62334 |
Great hikes, good vibes
Hubertus Wildtierpfad This theme trail can be found alongside the Zillertaler Höhenstraße. It’s a 3.7 km long wide gravelled path through alpine meadows.
Naturerlebnisweg and Vogellehrpfad At the nature experience trail and bird’s trail you can consciously experience and perceive nature. With 91 meters the waterfall is the highest in the valley.
Putziweg and Bionikweg The theme trail “Putzi is looking for the magic nut” at the entrance to the Putzatal valley leads to the playground near the Marienberg church. Just above begins the „Wonders of Nature“ theme trail.
Fun & Action Leisure center and adventure park „Kabooom“. Climbing in the climbing center Zillertal. Golf course in Uderns. The adventure mountain „Spieljoch“ is the perfect starting point for hikes and bike tours.
Pools and lakes • Action and relaxation at the Erlebnistherme Zillertal • Outdoor pools in Fügen and Stumm • Swimming lakes in Schlitters and Aschau
Erste Ferienregion im Zillertal | Hauptstr. 54 | A-6263 Fügen Tel. +43 (5288) 62262 |
Hiking in Fügen-Kaltenbach : 12 tips
Photo: Andi Frank
More tours and information on:
Naturerlebnisweg and Vogellehrpfad theme trails Length: 6.5 km Duration: 2.5 hrs Highest point: 730 m Category: easy / hiking trail Description: At 15 spots along the Naturerlebnisweg (“nature experience path”) theme trail, you will find information and fun boards which explain the characteristic features of the local landscape and allow to actively experience the forest environment and its inhabitants. The Vogellehrpfad (“ornithology path”) is set up along the same trail and offers an insight into the native birdlife. Native bird species are presented on 44 information boards. This trail is ideal for families with children. Take a break at the stunning Schleierwasserfall waterfall near Hart. With its impressive 91 m, it is the highest waterfall in Zillertal. The route begins either at Gasthof Almdiele in Oberhart or in Niederhart. 22
Kaltenbacher Skihütte to Gedrechter (2,217m) to Hochalm and back to Kaltenbacher Skihütte Length: 7.9 km Duration: 3 hrs Highest point: 2,220 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Past the terrace of the Kaltenbacher Skihütte, the hiking trail leads slightly uphill to the trail junction Arbiskopf/Gedrechter. Turn left, from here the trail leads across alpine meadows to the mountain station of the chair lift. Past the station, the hiking trail leads to the Gedrechter summit cross. Variants for the way back: From the Gedrechter via the gravel road to the Mizunalm, then along the Zillertaler Höhenstraße (past the Zirmstadl) back to the Skihütte. Or take the hiking trail through the Grubachtal valley to the Hochalm and from there on the gravel road (past the Hubertus chapel) back to the ski hut.
Hamberg (2,095 m) Length: 4.7 km Duration: 2.5 hrs Highest point: 2,095 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Starting point is the Jausenstation Almluft. The trail leads you for a short distance along the street, before turning right uphill into the hiking trail. Alternating between forest paths and tracks, the trail goes on to the Steinbergalm and from here through treeless terrain to the Hamberg summit. Vier-Almen-Marsch in Hochfügen Length: 7.4 km Duration: 3 hrs Highest point: 1,730 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Starting point is the parking place at the bottom station of the cable car in Hochfügen. Take the wide gravel road to the Holzalm. From there, the hiking trail leads over several small streams with almost no incline to the Viertelalm. The next destination is the Pfundsalm. To get there, take the slightly downhill leading path crossing the Finsingbach stream. The trail from the Pfundsalm to the Lamarkalm leads uphill via the ski slopes Pfaffenbühel and then through wooded terrain. From the Lamarkalm you get back down to Hochfügen. This hike leads you from one of four mountain hut to another (hence “fourhut-march”) and can be hiked in both directions. Hochfügen - Gilfert (2,506 m) Length: 14.4 km Duration: 5.5 hrs Highest point: 2,505 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Starting point is the parking place at the bottom station of the cable car in Hochfügen. Take the gravel road to the Lamarkalm Mittelleger. Continue the hiking
trail up to the Gilfert summit (from there, a detour to the Sonntagsköpfl summit is also possible). To get back to Hochfügen, follow the trail via the Lamarkalm Hochleger. Spieljochbahn top station - Hochfügen Length: 12.8 km Duration: 3.5 hrs Highest point: 1,865 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Take the cable car to the Spieljochbahn top station. From there, the hiking trail leads first to the Geolsalm and then to the Gartalm Hochleger (1,830 m). Continue the trail through treeless terrain to the Gamssteinhaus (Loassattel 1,683 m). Follow the path towards the Maschentalalm, then the Lamarkalm and on to Hochfügen. Of course, you can also complete the hike in the opposite direction from Hochfügen to the Spieljochbahn top station. Mizun reservoir - Kristallhütte Stoamandlweg - Wimbachkopf (2,442 m) Wedelhütte - Mizun reservoir Length: 10.3 km Duration: approx. 4 hrs Highest point: 1,390 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: From the Mizun reservoir (next to the Zillertaler Höhenstraße road) the route leads along the forest path uphill to the Mizunalm. Follow the signs to the junction Kristallhütte/Wedelhütte. Turn left and hike to the Kristallhütte. From there, the Stoamandlweg (“stone man trail”) leads over the Wimbachkopf summit to the Wedelhütte. A forest path leads you back down to the Mizun reservoir.
Photo: becknaphoto
Marchkopf (2,499 m) - Wetterkreuzspitze (2,254 m) - Gedrechter (2,217 m) Length: 14.4 km Duration: 6 hrs Highest point: 2,500 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Start at the Kaltenbacher Skihütte and hike a short distance downhill the road. At the crossroads, turn onto the gravel path towards the Hubertus chapel. Past the chapel, which is well worth seeing, a trail leads along the forest road to the Hochalm. Follow the serpentine path that leads steeply uphill across alpine meadows to the Wetterkreuzspitze summit. Below the summit, a trail branches off in the direction towards the Marchkopf summit. Take the moderately uphill leading trail via alpine meadows to the top station of the Zillertal Shuttle. Past the station, a steep trail leads up to the Marchkopf summit. Get back to the top station, then turn right towards the Wedelhütte and follow the trail via Grubachtal valley to the Gedrechter summit. From there, take the path back to the Kaltenbacher Skihütte.
Aschau - Jausenstation Talblick (1,200 m) Aschau Length: 8.1 km Duration: 2.15 hrs Highest point: 1,180 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Starting point is the Aschau town centre. Walk towards Camping Aufenfeld. From the lift station at the campsite, a gravel path leads towards the woods, turn right here and cross the stream. The trail leads through the forest to the Wiesberghof. Turn left at the crossing with the road and follow the road for a short distance, until you can turn into a hiking trail on your left. Follow the trail through the forest towards the Lantschhäuser. Take the left trail uphill and follow the field path until you reach the crossing with the road. From here, walk along the road again for a short distance and then turn left uphill onto the hiking trail. The trail leads through woods and meadows to the Jausenstation Talblick.
Hubertus Wildtierpfad (theme trail) Length: 3.6 km Duration: 1.15 hrs Highest point: 1,815 m Category: easy / hiking trail Description: The Hubertus Wildtierpfad (“Hubertus wildlife trail”) is located directly next to the Zillertaler Höhenstraße. It is a beautiful, wide gravel path which leads through alpine meadows and allows young and old to immerse themselves in the world of native alpine animals. At 8 stations, small explorers learn a lot about the native animals. Knowledge is imparted in a playful way, with balancing exercises in between to ensure that the children don't get bored. Benches and wooden loungers invite you to rest and linger; at the large picnic area there is not only an eagle watching over you, but you can also discover the peaks and valleys of the surrounding area through a telescope with automatic display. A children's playground and a petting zoo await you at the Kaltenbacher Skihütte even marmots can be observed here.
Spieljochbahn - Kellerjoch (2,344 m) Length: 10.5 km Duration: 5 hrs Highest point: 2,345 m Category: difficult / black mountain trail Description: From the Spieljochbahn top station, the trail first leads to the Geolsalm and then to the Gartalm Hochleger (1,830 m). From there, follow the trail through treeless terrain (mind the rock or stone markings on the trail) to the Kellerjoch Hütte. The Kellerjoch (2,344 m) is the most beautiful panoramic mountain of the Inntal. From the Kellerjoch Hütte, you can either hike via the Alpine trail (AV trail 312) to the Spieljochbahn cable car or walk back the same way. ATTENTION! If you want to take the way back via the Alpine trail to the Spieljochbahn, talk to the hut host at the Kellerjoch Hütte beforehand! This route is ONLY suitable for experienced mountaineers with equipment!
Photos: Wö̈rgö̈tter&friends
Schlitters - Maria Brettfall chapel Length: 9.4 km Duration: 3.5 hrs Highest point: 905 m Category: easy / hiking trail Description: After the community centre in Schlitters, cross the bridge and hike past the Gasthof Jäger. At the end of the village, turn onto the hiking trail in the direction of Martelerhof - first on the forest road, then on the hiking trail to the crossing Martelerhof/Maria Brettfall. Keep to the right - first along the road and then along the hiking trail to the Maria Brettfall chapel. To get back, follow the hiking trail through the forest down the valley to Strass.
Gasthaus St. Pankraz
Gart Alm
Kaltenbacher Skihütte Platzlalm
Aar -AarWirt Wirt Wedelhütte
Zillertaler Höhenstraße Kristallhütte
Gh. Tannenalm
Gh. Talblick
Schnitzelstation Klammlhof
Latschenalm Wiesenalm
Kaltenbach, 1.790 m | map p. 6, 26
Photos: Archiv Platzlalm
PLATZLALM & ZUASTANDL PlatzlAlm Wimpissinger GmbH Neuhütten 49, 6272 Kaltenbach T +43 5283 20577 +43 676 9555622
OMid-June to early October,
often private events on Saturdays
lMountain hut with service and street food
g5 rooms and 3 suites sHow about a cosy end to your
hiking/biking tour with street food and other delicacies?
Drop by, enjoy the view and let yourself be spoiled! The perfect combination of traditional dishes and varied street food! Enjoy some pleasant hours on the chilly sun terrace - or even better, stay overnight in the comfortable rooms and suites, furnished in noble country house style.
aZillertaler Höhenstraße
Kaltenbach, 1.800 m | map p. 6, 26
Photos: Eberharter Fügen
lb {M
KALTENBACHER SKIHÜTTE Stefan Schweiberer Neuhütten 8, 6272 Kaltenbach T +43 676 6104250
OJune to October lZillertal delicacies, game specialities from our own reserve
sPanoramic terrace, playground with
Murmelland Zillertal: The Zillertal excursion destination for young and old, located directly on the Zillertal Höhenstraße. The Murmelland Zillertal offers unique nature experiences at 1,800 m above sea level - and all this comfortably accessible by car or bus via the Zillertaler Höhenstraße. Admission is free!
YVia Kaltenbach, Ried or Aschau, T: approx. 3.5 hrs
aMBy car or bicycle: from Kaltenbach,
Ried or Aschau via the Zillertaler Höhenstraße
petting animals; starting point to the Hubertus chapel, walking distance: 10 min; NEW! Family destination " Murmelland", natural compound with marmots, water games, observation tower, marmot health products. The Kaltenbacher Skihütte is a traditional mountain inn with a beautiful terrace and a magnificent panoramic view of the Zillertal mountains. The home-style cuisine spoils you all day long with traditional Zillertal delicacies as well as game specialities from the Schönblick inn's own reserves. Let yourself be enchanted - by the wonderful animals and the great play facilities for your children. 29
GASTHAUS ST. PANKRAZ Christoph & Mandy Geisler St. Panzkrazweg 129, 6264 Fügenberg T +43 5288 63527
OApril, May and June from 11 am
(Tue+Wed day off); July, August and September from 11 am (Wed day off); October and November from 4 pm (Tue+Wed day off)
lRustic, fine & delicious!
Traditional and regional cuisine
sNext to the beautiful St. Pankraz
Fügenberg, 720 m | map p. 6, 26
pilgrimage church (ideal destination in bad weather), child and dog friendly, sun terrace
Photo: Privat, Baumann
Photos: Archiv Gasthaus St. Pankraz
Fügenberg, 650 m | map p. 6, 26
lb g { M
GASTHAUS GOGLHOF Fam. Konrad Baumann Panoramastraße 50 6264 Fügenberg T +43 5288 62725
OOpen all year round, Tuesday day off lTraditional Zillertal and regional
specialities, game meat from our own reserve, international delicacies, warm cuisine all day
gRooms/apartments, 20 beds sPanoramic terrace, game reserve,
playground, cosy Tyrolean parlours
YAccessible via a hiking trail from Fügen. SP: Marienkapelle chapel in Fügen leisurely hike through woods and meadows, T: approx. 45 min, L: 2 km, ALT: 200 m,
aBy car to the Goglhof, plenty of parking spaces available
MSP: Fügen via Marienkapelle chapel; SP: Spieljochbahn cable car middle station, T: approx. 1 hr
naturally good
Certified eco-campgrounds, cozy garden lodges and the exclusive apartment-hotel. No matter which form of accommodation you choose - there is no either/or it‘s all together.
6263 Fügen, Gageringerstr. 1, Tel. +43 5288 62203
Fügenberg, 1.860 m I map p. 6, 26
View and order our hut guides online!
Photo: Archiv Gartalm
lb g{
GART ALM Hotel Hubertus ★★★ Hochfügenerstraße 135 6264 Fügenberg T +43(0)5288 62494
OBeginning of June to end of October Open daily in all weathers
lTyrolean dishes with products from our own farm
sNestled in the foothills of the Tux Alps,
the Gart Alm is surrounded by magnificent pastures and flower meadows, making it a true paradise for hikers and mountaineers. Here, you can enjoy nature, meet many animals like cows, sheep, mouflons, bees and fish or simply listen to the birds singing. Visit the highest alpine museum open from July to October, with temporary exhibitions on local wildlife.
YHiking from the Spieljochbahn cable car
top station or take the Kellerjochbahn cable car in Schwaz and hike from there via the Kellerjoch
aTake the road from Fügen 32
Bergverlag Graficdesign Eberharter
Hochzillertal, 2.350 m | map p. 6, 26
Fam. Eder, Postfach 4, 6272 Kaltenbach T +43 676 88632400,
M. Kleiner GmbH, Manfred Kleiner Postal address: Koflerweg 21 6275 Stumm T +43 676 88632577
OBeginning of July to beginning of October lHome-style Austrian cuisine; absolutely must try: the Kristall-Breakfast and the gourmet menu in the evening
g8 romantic superior rooms and 4 alpine lodge suites sMagnificent view, sun terrace with deck-
chairs, hammocks and couches, sauna, steam bath, romantic candle night dinner, gourmet evenings, wine cellar, W-Lan in the restaurant area; the Kristallhütte was voted the world's best ski lodge!
…6-hut hike: Kristallhütte parking place -
Söggenaste - Grünalm - Zellbergstüberl Hirschbichlalm - Wedelhütte - Kristallhütte; Stoamandlweg ("stone man trail"): Kristallhütte - Wimbachkopf - Wedelhütte
YSP: Kristallhütte parking place on the
Photo: Archiv Wedelhütte
Photo: Archiv Kristallhütte, Eder
Kaltenbach, 2.147 m | map p. 6, 26
OJuly, August, September; hut and hotel from Thursday until Sunday
lRegional delicacies at the highest level, with the best ingredients from Zillertal. The Wedelhütte delight: genuine, fresh and local
sSummer. Sun. Mountains. Breathe
deeply. Let go. Pure nature in the midst of the impressive mountain world. Panoramic view at the hut breakfast included. Wedelhütte - enjoy the by far best time out from everyday life!
aZillertaler Höhenstraße (access: Ried,
Kaltenbach, Aschau, Zellberg, Schwendberg) to at the Mizun reservoir at 1,800 m
Zillertaler Höhenstraße, T: approx. 50 min ME-bike tour: rental station at the Platzlalm
;Shuttle € 5 per personn
Hochfügen, 1.350 m | map p. 6, 26
lb {Mw
Photo: Toni Feiersinger
Photo: Archiv Aar - Wirt Hochfügen
Hochfügen, 1.550 m | map p. 6, 26
Martina Niederkofler Hochfügen 46 6264 Fügenberg T +43 680 2145697
Sennerin Babsi Huberwinkelalm 1, 6264 Fügenberg in Hochfügen T +43 (0) 664 4337785
OEnd of June to mid-October,
OMid-May to mid-October,
lMountain breakfast,
lGenuine home cooking and delicious
Wed-Sun open 9 am-5 pm
regional specialities, homemade cakes
sThe cosy log cabin is located on the
sunny side of Hochfügen; large terrace with panoramic view of the beautiful nature, lookout tower with a lot of information about the mountain and animal world of the surroundings, e-bike charging station
YSP: the parking place of the Hochfügen
cable car bottom station, approx. 5 min. to the hut on asphalt road
daily 9 am-7 pm
freshly served Schnitzel from the wellknown dairymaid Babsi. A rustic and extremely cosy hut with service! A visit is worthwhile not only for the palate!
sHikers and cyclists welcome; on foot
from Jausenstation Schellenberg 1 hr; very nice hikes through pastures and forest to/from Hochfügen or Fügenberg possible, MBy bike 1 hr from Fügen …Touring possibilities: Hochfügen, Wetterkreuzspitze, Marchkopf
We give joie de vivre
Visit us: Hochfügenerstr. 88 6263 Fügen More here:
Photos: Archiv Tannenalm
Stumm, 1.036 m | map p. 5, 27
lb g{
ALPENGASTHOF TANNENALM Helmut Kröll Stummerberg 27, 6276 Stummberg T +43 5283 2778, F +43 5283 2778-10,
O25th December to 15th October, Monday day off
lVery varied and excellent menu, Tyrolean and international dishes, game specialities (the game meat comes from the nearby hunt), the pork, beef and veal come from our own farm.
gSpacious comfort rooms with shower, WC and balcony
sWorth a visit in any weather! Quiet, sunny
location, in the midst of romantic hiking areas at 1,034 m above sea level; wonderful view over the valley, the Zillertal Alps and the Tux Alps, large sun terrace, large car park, cosy guest rooms, fireplace lounge furnished in old Tyrolean style, à la carte restaurant, easily accessible by car in summer and winter. In-house butchery, sale of bacon, Kaminwurzen etc...
aSP: the tourism office Stumm /Stummerberg, turn left into Märzenstraße - keep to the right in the direction of Stummerberg/Gattererberg (Obere März) - turn right at the crossing Stummerberg/ Gattererberg in the direction of Stummerberg. Follow this road and the signs towards "Tannenalm". For navigation: Enter Stummerberg Oberberg
Photos: Archiv Gasthof Talblick
Aschau/Distelberg, 1.200 m | map p. 5, 27
ALMGASTHOF TALBLICK Fam. Dengg Koglstr. 6 6274 Aschau/Distelberg T & F +43 5282 50975
OMid-May to mid-October, (operating hours according to homepage), Tuesday day off
lWarm cuisine 11:30-20:00, varied menu, homemade cakes, own products. Barbecue evening on Saturday (reservation required)
gBreakfast and half board sWonderful sun terrace with panoramic
YAccessible by foot from the Rosenalm-
bahn top station downhill or from Camping Aufenfeld via a beautiful hiking trail through forests with stations of the cross, past a holy grotto, rustic farms and a beautiful mountain cross. On the descent you pass by an organic farm shop with its own products & wooden souvenirs. Talblick is an ideal starting point for numerous hikes: to the Kapaunsalm, to the Kapaunser Jöchl (1,900 m), to the Riffler Kogel (2,496 m), to the Kreuzjochhütte (s' Legal), to the Fichtenschloss castle and lake Fichtensee in the Zillertal Arena and many more tours
aMFrom Stumm/Ahnbach between
Gasthof Rissbacherhof and Pizzeria Mug approx. 5.5 km (signposted). Accessible by car as well as by e-bike.
view over half the valley, from Fügen to Schwendau. Cosy old wood parlour, winter garden, tiled stove with play corner. Children's playground outside.
beautiful M O U N T A I N S C E N E R Y 4 summer cable cars · 400 km hiking trails 40 huts & mountain restaurants · 7 adventure worlds
I n n t a l
t e r U n
München Kramsach msach sach ach Radfeld
In n
Bruck am Ziller
e l l Z i
Riffler Riffl 2494 m
t Tannenalm
1911 m
S t u m m e r b e rg Stumm um mm
Kaltenbach Kalte
2500 m
K r u m m b Kreuzjoch K reuzjjoch h 2558 m 444
2263 m
Latschense 1
Karspit Karspitz Simon’s 2257 m Bergstadl e er Rosenalm, 1744 m
Fichtenschloss htens ensch ch hloss hloss Kreithütte
Söggenalm m
1 10
2147 m
1905 m
ö he
Kristallhütte Kristallhütt tte e
1783 m
Hirschbichlalm Hirschbichla H s b chlalm lm m 1840 1 m
1 1
s’Legal Mautstraße Mauts M ut ß
Marchkopf opf pff 2499 m
2494 m Schwarzer arzer Bä 2284 284 m
Kapaunsalm m
2442 m
Wimbachkopf Wimbac Wimb Wim W im mb bac chkop chk pf
aler H
2350 m
Wedelhütte edelhütte üttte
Torhelm lm m
2535 m
Ried R im Zille Z Zillertal
1840 m
Z i l ler
1 1725 m
Genießerrestaurant Schulhaus
k erlw
Rös Rö 1
eg Schmankerlhütte S c Kreuzwiesenalm Kre
Wiesenalm, 1309 m
1884 m 188
Arena Coaster Are
852 m Mautstraße ße e
m an
Grünalm G rüna al
Latschena na 1950
He Herz erz z Jesu K Kapell Ka pelle lle e Kapelle
Zell am Ziller, 575 m Gmünd
Rastkogelhütte 2124 m
1204 m
Jausenstation Astachhof
Melc Melchboden
Jausenstüberl Talbach
Maria Rast
1320 m
Freizeitpark Zell sikw
T Talbach Wasserfall Wasse
Kühle Rast
923 m 4012
A l mp 50
GerlosG erllos sArbis Arbiskogel kög ög ger g ge erl A kögerl 183 1830 m
1642 m
Torhelm 2452 m
Karlalm Labergalm
1 1984 m
Wildfährtenpfad W il npfad ad G e 8
Alte Kotahorn Alm
Hippach H
e n s tr
e aß
Rolle Ro
1366 m
Schwarzachalm h m
er öh
Almtribüne Almtr ribüne ri bü bün
Gerlossteinwand 2166 21 2 66 m Heimjöchl H Heimjö Heim i jöch jö ö hl h
Almflieger A e eger
1360 m
Schlittenstadlchlittenstadl a Sonnalm Sonn Sonn nnalm alm
Berghotel Gerlosstein, 1620 m B Gerl Ge Gerlosstein os n Gerlossteinalm erlosst erlo ossteina einalm lm
Ramsberg, 1360 m
Lixlkarschneide Li Lixl karschneide hne e
e n weg
Brandberger Kolm Br 2700 m
Steinkogl S 1686 m
2444 m
2469 m
Königsleiten, 1600 m Mineralienmuseum
Hochkrimml-Gerlosplatte, 1640 m
Seeblick Souvenir 3
Seestüberl stüberl 1400 m 4
t a l c h b a
Krimmler Tauernhaus Kri immler le err T au uerrnhaus u nhaus nhau
2995 m
Gamsscharte 2972 m
1631 m
540 512
3303 m 3
2784 m
i Reichensp
l z
Reichenspitze Re Reic e h eic henspitz enspitze p e Keeskarscharte
2689 m
z t
2724 m
2328 m
r h
Zittauer Hütte ttte Rainbachscharte
2982 m
2637 m
Wimmertalalm Wimm merta alalm m
Wechselspitze t tze
1375 m 13
Sichelkopf Sichelkop S pf p
r tzg
A c h e n t a l
Issalm 1460 m 1
er 194 1945 1945m 945m 5m
1850 8 850 m
1583 m 1
1370 m
2312 2m
Stackerlalm lalm m
Veitenalm Hölzlahneralm ölzl ölz zllahn lah h e eralm ralm lm
3073 m
h ö S c
1583 3m
1405 m
Lackenalm Lackena alm
Wildkarspitze Wildk W i
o r l
Alpenga Alpengasthof asthof 420 m Fink u 1420 Finkau Trissl A Alm m
l e r m m r i
1405 m 7
Klammer‘s Jausenhütte e
2048 m
1300 m
g e l d W i
Arbiskogel 7a
Schönbichl Rundweg
Jörgleralm Jörg r
Krimmler Wasserfälle 380 Fallhöhe 80 m Fallhö Fallhöhe he GH Schönangerl
Wasser WasserWelten asserW Welten lten
2049 m
Gerlos, 1246 m
Wasserfestspiele W asserfest asserfestspiele f t i l
Krimml, 1076 m
2040 0m
Krimml Bahnhof
G F GH Filzs Filzstein illzs ilzs lzstein lz z tein 1850 850 m 85 Gletscherblickalm rblickal rb ckal alm m185 Speicher S Filzsteinalm Fi Filz Fil F lzstein stein ste st nalm n D oden en n Durlassboden BergGeistAlm is stAlm st m 4 Schönmoosalm 1434 m Bärschlagalm chlagalm h hl lm Plattenkogel ko
ssll Al Alm 1600 m
Mautst Mautstraße autstraße utts raße aße e
GH Duxeralm
1476 476 m
Wald, 900 m Kristallbad
Hinterer Maurerkeeskopf 3311 m
a alm 0m
Salzburg Wien
Neukirchen am Großvenediger
Krummbachrast Krum ummba um mmbachr 1477 1 147 47 7 m Arena Center, 1900 m Prölleralm Prölle P e
2 2145 2145 m
Larmachalm L Larm achalm m 1975 m nd erw eg
Jodel w
a c 2
Panoramaalm Pa Panoram oramaalm aa
1650 1 65 m
2315 315 m
l Salzach Hütte Sa S
Königsleitenspitze p
Gipfeltreffen, 2264 m
2264 m
2329 m
Gernkogel ernkog k gell
enwendenkopf pf
Sonntagalm Son nntaga ntagalm m
e r n a c h t a l a d
2254 m
S a l z a c
Müllachgeier chge eier
2469 m
Ochsenkopf kopf
1983 m
2389 m
Pallspitze ze e
2299 m
Kröndlhorn Salzachgeier
Richter Rich R chter Hütte 2374 2 74 m
Jaidbachalm J Ja aid dba ac alm ach a
Warnsdorfer Hütte 2324 m
A-6280 Zell am Ziller · Tel. +43/(0)5282/7165 ·
Hiking in Zillertal Arena, Zell-Gerlos: 12 tips
Photo: TVB Zell-Gerlos, Zillertal Arena
More tours and information on:
Erlebnisreichweg theme trail ME Length: 3 km TIP Duration: 1.5 hrs Highest point: 1,260 m Category: easy / hiking trail Description: The adventure trail is all about the interplay between people and ecology. The starting point of the hike is in Gerlos across the Jägerstüberl. At over 40 stations along the way, children and adults gather educational sensory experiences. Numerous sculptures along the Gerlosbach stream make the trail exciting and motivate even the smallest hikers to keep going. Become one with nature and simply listen to the sound of the stream, build stone men with the children or enjoy the fresh smell of the mountain forest with your eyes closed. The adventure trail is a special nature and art experience for the whole family! AI TR L
Schmankerlweg theme trail ME (Rosenalm - Schmankerlhütte TIP Kreuzwiesenalm) Length: 3.2 km Duration: 1 hr Highest point: 1,940 m Category: easy / hiking trail Description: Enjoy an approx. one-hour hike from the Rosenalm to the Schmankerlhütte Kreuzwiesenalm and look forward to original Zillertal delicacies. Some Zillertal specialties are already presented and announced to you along the trail. As a little souvenir, we have prepared a recipe booklet for you. But you don't have to wait until you get home to enjoy the Zillertal specialities: the Kreuzwiesenalm and other huts offer these delicacies for immediate tasting.
Hike around two lakes Length: 13 km Duration: 3 hrs Highest point: 1,460 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: A 3-hour hike with beautiful panorama. Ascent to below the dam crest possible by car or bus. From the starting point at the Durlaßboden reservoir, the trail leads along the north side of the reservoir via forest and meadow paths to the Larmerbach stream. On the east side of the lake, the trail continues along the Finkaustraße road to the bridge at the Schütthofalm. From the Schütthofalm, the trail follows the Finkaubach stream to the Alpengasthof Finkau. From there the trail guides you along the lake via the Bärschlagalm towards the starting point, past alpine pastures and over the dam crest to the Seestüberl.
Gerlos' side valleys: Schwarzachtal, Wimmertal, Schönachtal, Krummbachtal, Wildgerlostal Duration: approx. 2 hrs each Category: easy - moderate / gravel paths Description: Five side valleys extend from the Gerlostal valley, making hiking in Gerlos a unique experience. During the hikes you will always be accompanied by burbling streams with crystal clear water, which invite you to refresh yourself on warm summer days. You can stop to eat and relax at one of the numerous huts.
Photo: Zillertal Arena, Johannes Sautner
Hiking tour: Söggenaste - Kristallhütte Length: 2.2 km Duration: 2 hrs Highest point: 2,147 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Söggenaste, 1,723 m (Zillertaler Höhenstraße toll road). Keep to the right until you reach a fork in the road. Turn left and follow the signposted hiking trail no. 14. The trail leads across alpine pastures to the next crossing. Turn right again and follow the steeply ascending trail to the Kristallhütte. From here - above the tree line - you can enjoy a wonderful panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and even down into the valley. After about 40 minutes you reach the beautifully situated Kristallhütte. The descent is via the same path back to the starting point. Extension of the hike via the Stoamandlweg trail or to the Marchkopf summit possible.
Astachhof (Gerlosberg) Length: 7,2 km Duration: 2 hrs Highest point: 1,360 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: A hike along the Gerlostal valley with beautiful views of the mountains. Suitable for families with prams. By car or Regiotaxi (from the Zell am Ziller station) up the Gerlosberg to the Erlach/Almhof stop (Innerer Gerlosberg turnoff). Along the asphalt path, first on level ground, then winding uphill to the Astachhof hut. The sunny terrace and cosy restaurant offer a restful break. Several mountain farms with extremely steep meadows, some without road access, line the path to the hut. Return via the same path to the starting point.
Zittauer Hütte (2,329 m) Length: 7.4 km Duration: 5 hrs Highest point: 2,330 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Start at the Alpengasthof Finkau and walk along the wide road through the initially forested side valley to the Trissl Alm. Soon the forest thins out and the hiking trail, which leads along the rushing Wildgerlosbach stream, reaches a small plain at the back of the valley. The wide footpath ends at the station of the material ropeway. Now take the narrow trail over the moraine ridge through a rocky escarpment that has been defused with rope belays. Soon you reach the flat ridge, smoothed by glacial ice, on which the Zittauer Hütte stands. Next to it is the stunning lake Wildgerlossee.
Arbiskogel (2,048 m) Kirchspitze (2,312 m) Length: 17 km Duration: approx. 7 hrs Highest point: 2,312 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: A 7-hour mountain tour with two peaks and wonderful views of the Zillertal and Kitzbühel Alps. Starting point is hiking trail no. 7 behind the music pavilion in Gerlos. The trail leads uphill through the forest to the summit of the Arbiskogel (2,048 m). From there, follow the trail past the Braunellköpfe to the foot of the Kirchspitze, from where the trail leads through rocky terrain to its summit (2,312 m). For the way back, follow the trail to the Stackerlalm (1,850 m) via the Schönachtal valley back to Gerlos.
Gerlossteinwand Length: 5,5 km Duration: 2 hrs Highest point: 2,165 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Enjoy a 2-hour mountain tour up the panoramic Gerlossteinwand - the "local mountain" of Zell am Ziller. By car or bus you get to the Gerlossteinbahn bottom station at Hainzenberg. Take the cable car up to the starting point of the tour - the Berghotel Gerlosstein. The hiking trail begins directly at the top station. After a short walk you reach a small fork in the path below two small wooden huts. Go straight ahead on the steep path to the summit. For your way back, follow the trail downhill in the direction of Freikopf, turn left at the crossing, hike a short ascent to the Scharte, then downhill via the Steinkar to the Heimjoch. There you take the left hiking trail back to the top station. This trail can be hiked in both directions.
Schlittenstadl-Sonnalm / Ramsberg Length: Ramsau approx. 6 km, Gerlossteinbahn bottom / top station: 4 km / 3 km Duration: 1-1.5 hrs Highest point: 1,350 m Category: easy to moderately difficult Description: You can reach the Schlittenstadl on foot in approx. 1.5 hours from Ramsau or from the top station of the Gerlosssteinbahn in approx. 50 min. Starting at the bottom station in Hainzenberg you will reach the hut within 1 hour. If you want to travel by car, take the toll road via Hainzenberg to experience the beautiful view. Tuesday day off!
Photo: TVB Zell-Gerlos, Zillertal Arena
Isskogel (2,263 m) - Kreuzjoch (2,558 m) Gerlos (1,300 m) Length: 17 km Duration: 6 hrs Highest point: 2,560 m Category: difficult / black hiking trail Description: A challenging 6-hour hike with 2 summit ascents. Take the Isskogelbahn cable car to the top station. From there, follow the signposted hiking trail no. 1 to the summit of the Isskogel. Through rockstrewn terrain and along a narrow ridge path you reach the summit cross of the Kreuzjoch. Continue on trail no. 1 for the descent to the the wild-romantic lake Langensee and via the Wilde Krimmlalm. There, take trail no. 2 through the Teufeltal valley into the Kurmmbachtal valley until you arrive at the Isskogelbahn bottom station in Gerlos.
Arena Panorama Trail Length: 14.1 km Duration: 5 hrs Highest point: 2,010 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Ascent with the Isskogelbahn cable car to the top station. Starting from there, the trail leads via the Latschenalm on the hiking trail no. 9 to the Kellneralm. Continue on the panoramic trail through the alpine pastures with an unobstructed view of the magnificient Zillertal Alps with their stunning glaciers. Via the Innerertensalm, Gerlostalalm, Schlagangeraste you reach the Außerertensalm. There, hiking trail no. 9 turns into no. 11 and leads past the Kreuzwiesenalm and along the Schmankerlweg theme trail to the top station of the Rosenalmbahn cable car. Take the cable car back down and the hiking bus (free of charge with the Zell-Gerlos guest card and the Zillertal Activcard) back to Gerlos. This tour can be hiked in both directions.
Kaltenbacher Skihütte
Gh. Talblick
Zillertaler Höhenstraße
Schnitzelstation Klammlhof
Melchboden Alm Nasenalm Sonnalm Berghotel Gerlosstein
Gschößwandh. Zimmereben
Bgh. Steinerkogel
44 44
Be amazed …
NEW EXHIBITION “FACES OF WATER”! The deliciously refreshing excursion experience at the foot of the Krimml Waterfalls, Europe’s largest waterfalls. They reveal the magic of water to visitors. Let the new Multimedia Guide lead you through the Krimml Waters. +43 6564 20 113
TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE 48 km Panoramic Road 15 Exhibitions 7 Themed Hiking Trails 30 Three-thousanders 14 Inns & Mountain Farms 4 Playgrounds
Königsleiten, 2.000 m | map p. 5, 53
PANORAMAALM KÖNIGSLEITEN Hermann Geisler 5742 Wald im Pinzgau, Königsleiten 99 T +43 664 2532067
O18.06. - 09.10.2022 (as opening hours Dorfbahn Königsleiten cable car)
lTraditional dishes and other culinary delights
sExperience a magnificent panorama, fine, reasonably priced food and friendly service. Enjoy the magnificent panoramic view from the Großglockner to the Hintertux Glacier! Numerous side valleys and three-thousand metre peaks can be admired from the terrace!
gApprox. 30 min from the Dorfbahn Königsleiten top station
YSP: Königsleiten, via beautiful paths through alpine pastures, T: 1.5 hrs; SP: Königsleiten, via Bruchekalmen, Brucheck and Königsleitenspitze, T: 3 hrs; located on the Jodelwanderweg theme trail!
Photo: Archiv Larmachalm
Photo: Sybille Enzinger
Königsleiten, 2.145 m | map p. 5, 53
LARMACHALM Hildegard und Franz Haberl 6281 Gerlos 301 T +43 664 3817807,
OJuly until beginning of October, no day off lHot dishes all day, Tyrolean home-
cooking (Kasspatzln, Kaiserschmarren, Brettljausn, Knödel, Wiener Schnitzel and much more)
gHolidays in a family atmosphere and unspoilt nature - in the nearby Landhaus Haberl, approx. 10 km away
sRustic cosiness in a dream location! Enjoy a few wonderful hours on the panorama terrace with a view of the surrounding three-thousand-metre peaks and let us spoil you with dishes from the Tyrolean cuisine.
gFrom the Dorfbahn Königsleiten top station approx. 45 min to the hut (downhill)
YKönigsleiten via Larmachweg, easily accessible in all weather conditions, T: 1 hrs, L: 3 km, ALT: 400 m,
MSP: Königsleiten, T: 2 hrs, L: 7 km,
ALT: 500 m, located on the Jodelwanderweg theme trail!
Photo: Alpline
Wald, 1.650 m | map p. 5, 53
lb M
JST. SALZACHHÜTTE Familie Fauska, 5741 Neukirchen T +43 664 9304350
O End of May until mid-October l Hot and cold dishes all day, specialities: Pinzgauer Kaspressknödel (cheese dumplings) and homemade cakes
sBeautiful view of the Wildgerloskees glacier, play facilities for children. An area with a very traditional charm, that is neither crowded nor difficult to reach. Enjoy the high cirques, high moors and the ponds of the Salzachalm. Here, every effory is taken to ensure your well-being.
aSP: Gasthaus Ronach, take the Alte
Gerlosstraße road, turn right into the Salzachtal valley after approx. 500 m until you arrive at the . Continue on foot by taking the pleasant paths through the high valley to the hut, ALT: 210 m, T: 50 min,
YVia Königsleiten - Strasseralm - T: 1 hr, Dorfbahn - Müllachgeier, T: 2 hrs
MSP: Wald town centre, via Alte Gerlosstraße, take the Salzachtal turnoff, continue to the hut, L: approx. 3 km, ALT: 500 m,
Wildgerlostal, 2.330 m | map p. 5, 53
Photo: Archiv Zittauer Hütte
Photo: Bergverlag
Wildgerlostal, 1.584 m | map p. 5, 53
lb gM
Fam. Eberharter Tal: 6274 Aschau, Mitterdorfweg 3 T +43 664 4954499 T & F +43 5282 2044
Fam. Kogler 5743 Krimml, Oberkrimml 41 T +43 664 8732205, hut +43 6564 8262,
OFrom mid-June to early October lMelchermuas (a sweet dish), Almjause
OEarly June to mid-October lPinzgau specialities g3 double rooms, 1 triple room, 54 dor-
sAlpine hut of the year 2012 (National
sLocated at the lower lake Wildgerlossee,
(alpine snack) from our own products, home-made cakes, farmhouse bread Park); woodturning demonstrations on request
aTo Gasth. Finkau , continue on foot
mitory beds (small camps for 3-6 pers.) OEAV environmental seal of approval, sun terrace, drying room, especially ideal for hut-to-hut-hikes
along the road towards the Zittauer Hütte, past the Leitenkammerklamm gorge, ALT: 160 m, L: 1.5 km, T: 20-25 min,
YSP: Gasth. Finkau, T: 3 hrs; SP: by car
Zittauer Hütte
MAlong the Durlassboden reservoir to the
…Leitenkammersteig to Gerlosplatte, KWildkarspitz , Seekarscharte,
Rosskopf, Gabler , Reichenspitz
(or bus) to Hochkrimml/ Gerlosplatte Gletscherblickalm - Leitenkammersteig Trissl Alm - through the Wildgerlostal to the hut, T: 5 hrs material ropeway, from there on foot, T: 1 hr, L: 10 km
…Rainbachscharte - Krimmler Tauernh., T:
4 hrs; Roßkarscharte - Richter H., T: 4 hrs; Keeskarscharte to Schönachtal to Gerlos, T: 7 hrs.
KRoßkopf 2,840 m - also suitable for less
experienced mountaineers! High alpine tours: Wildkarspitze 3,073 m, Gabler 3,263 m, Reichenspitz 3,303 m, Wildgerlosspitze 3,280 m
Gerlos, 1.450 m | map p. 5, 53
l w
Photo: Archiv Issalm
Photo: Privat
Gerlos, 1.365 m | map p. 5, 53
lb M
Fam. Fleidl 6281 Gerlos, Gerlos 243, T +43 699 11442070, +43 5282 3429 ,
Fam. Eberharter 6281 Gerlos, Hnr 316 T +43 5284 5453
O Mid-May to end of October, in good
O From mid-June to the end of
l Homemade cakes, home-baked bread,
l Dishes with products from own
weather until the beginning of November delicious burgers and salads and, of course, the ever-popular Kaiserschmarrn, coffee specialities, ice cream, products from our own farm, mountain breakfast
sQuiet, idyllic location with sun terrace
and fantastic view of the Schönachkees glacier. Ideal starting point for mountain tours. Cosy guest room with tiled stove. Celebrations of any kind up to 40 persons. Overnight accommodation available! Very easy to reach for young and old!
September, only in good weather agriculture
s The Issalm is a rustic hut in the
Schönachtal valley, nestled in the middle of the Zillertal Alps.
YEasily accessible for young and old,
the Issalm is located at the end of the Schönachtal.
Y Via the Erlebnisreichweg trail g 30 min from the Isskogelbahn bottom station
a Via Zell/Ziller in direction of Gerlos to
the Schönachtal, from there a pleasant walk for approx. 15 min
STACKERLALM Fam. Hotter 6284 Ramsau T & F +43(0)5282 3521 +43 664 4038673
OJune to September lAlmjause ("alpine snack", a cold dish)
made from our own products, sale of cheese and bacon as well as various fine spirits from our own distillery.
sOne of the most beautiful viewpoints KWechselspitze, T: approx. 3 hrs; Kirchspitze, T: 1.5 hrs
ato Schönachtal, from there on a fine
hiking trail through the valley to the hut, T: approx. 2.5 hrs, ALT: 600 m
YTip for a beautiful hike: from Gerlos-
Gmünd to the Kirchspitze summit, T: 3 hrs, descent via the Stackerlalm, T: 1 hr
Gerlos, 1.365 m | map p. 5, 53
Photo: Archiv klammers Jausenhütte
Photo: Privat
Gerlos, 1.850 m | map p. 5, 53
KLAMMER’S JAUSENHÜTTE Fam. Geisler, 6278 Hainzenberg T +43 664 1538175
OMid-May to end of September lHere you can enjoy a cosy hut atmo-
sphere with cold and warm dishes made from our own products such as meat, bread, bacon and cheese! These and more products are also sold in our farm shop.
sSun terrace YA leisurely hike, therefore also particu-
larly suitable for families. The starting point of the trail is at the end of GerlosGmünd across the Hotel Kröller (1,204 m). The path leads through the forest to the entrance of the wild and romantic side valley along the Wimmerbach stream. Continue the trail and after a while the forest thins out and the path advances on level ground through the wide alpine pastures (trail no. 6). After approx. 45 min you reach the cosy hut to stop and have a snack!
Gerlos, 1.400 m | map p. 5, 52
Photo: Hans Egger
Photo: Tappeiner Südtirol
Gerlos, 1.375 m | map p. 5, 53
l bn{ M
Fam. Gruber 6281 Gerlos 19 T +43 664 9154274 +43 680 1195370
Stefan Binder, 6281 Gerlos Nr. 8 Tal: Dörfl 392, 6278 Hainzenberg T +43 676 3354954
OOpen during summer and winter lHot dishes, e.g. Kaiserschmarrn
O Open daily from mid-May to the end
sSun terrace, playground, a mountain
l Home-style Tyrolean cuisine sWhether a leisurely hike or a tough
(shredded pancake), gigantic Wiener Schnitzel stream right next to the hut
Yor MSP: Gerlos/Gmünd, turn right at the Gmünd town sign and follow the signposted path uphill, L: approx. 3 km, T: approx. 45 min,
of October
mountain tour, the rustic Schwarzachalm is a perfect destination for young and old. You will be rewarded with delicious regional delicacies, a spacious sun terrace with a fantastic view of the surrounding mountains and a playground. Frühschoppen (morning pint) every Sunday!
K Schwarzachscharte, T: 3 hrs, , Brandberger Kolm, T: 3.5 hrs, or Brandbergjoch - Kolmh., T: 3 hrs,
a to Gh. Kühle Rast, in the forest, free of charge (transport option to the hut available for guests with a health restriction)
YSP: Gh. Kühle Rast, the hiking path is on mostly level ground, ALT: 220 m, L: 2.5 km, T: 40 min,
M SP: Gh. Kühle Rast, L: 2.5 km, T: 20 min 51
Gh. Talblick
Schnitzelstation Klammlhof
L Wiesenalm
Astachhof Sonnalm Berghotel Gerlosstein Gerlossteinalm
Schwarzachtal Karlalm
52 Häusling
Larmach Alm
Jausenstation Salzachhütte
Finkau Klammer´s Jausenhütte Wimmertal
Trisslalm Stackerlalm
Zittauer Hütte
Hainzenberg, 1.620 m | map p. 5, 44, 52 Photos: Archiv Berghotel, Rupert Binder, Zillertal Arena
BERGHOTEL GERLOSSTEIN Restaurant - Rupert Binder 6278 Hainzenberg 551, T +43 5282 2419,
OEnd of May until beginning of October lHome-style cooking, homemade
specialities: Knödel, Kaiserschmarrn, cakes and salads from our own garden; bacon and cheese, " Kerzenlicht Nochtal" candel light dinner on 1st+2nd Thu from July to Sept. & 06.10.2022; " Langer Formas" Sunday brunch from July to Sept. (both events with reservation only)
g80 beds, shower/WC, breakfast and half board possible
sPerfect location for your event; the Alm-
paradies Gerlosstein is directly in front of the door and perfect for families: with water playground, e-trail and e-quad track for children, playground with tractor, family theme trail to the Almtribüne viewing platform, petting zoo,
g{A Mw
the Almflieger zip line (not for the fainthearted!), via ferrata and climbing routes on the Gerlossteinwand
…Crossings, hut-to-hut-hikes and summits: Brandberger Kolmhaus, Schwarzachtal Kühle Rast, Steinerkogel, Brandberg, Brandberger Kolm 2,700 m, Torhelm 2,452 m, Gerlossteinwand 2,166 m, Arbiskogel 1,830 m, Panoramablick Gerloskögerl 1,682 m
g3 min from the Gerlossteinbahn top station
aZell am Ziller - Hainzenberg, ALT: 350 m, Bundesstraße (main road) 4 km - from Hainzenberg - Berghotel Gerlosstein, ALT: 730 m, L: 7 km (toll charges in summer!)
YSP: Gasthof Ötschen (closed restaurant)
- forest path, T: 1.5 hrs, ALT: 720 m, L: 4 km, SP: Hainzenberg, Gerlossteinbahn bottom station, either along the road (L: 7 km) or via the forest hiking trail no. 8 (L: 4.5 km), T: 2 hrs,
Hainzenberg, 1.630 m | map p. 5, 44, 52
lb g{ Mw
SCHLITTENSTADL SONNALM Familie Eberharter Bichl 260, 6278 Hainzenberg T +43 5282 3545 oder +43 664 4546658
O End of May until beginning of October, Tue day off
l From traditional cooking to Zillertal
home-style cooking, homemade cakes
sRegional dishes, sun terrace with a
wonderful panoramic view. Cosy room with tiled stove, large playground.
KGerlossteinwand aHainzenberg, toll road gSP: from both Gerlossteinbahn bottom
Photo: Archiv Pfister
Photo: Archiv Sonnalm & Schlittenstadl
Ramsberg, 1.350 m | map p. 5, 44, 52
{A M
GERLOSSTEINALM Familie Pfister Gerlosstein 558 T +43 664 1537781
OBeginning of July until mid-September lZillertal specialities from our own production, homemade cakes
sPony, goats, rabbits and much more,
children's playground; located next to the Gerlossteinbahn top station
ag5 min on foot from the Gerlossteinbahn top station
YHainzenberg, Gerlossteinbahn bottom
station along the road, T: 2 hrs, or take the hiking trail no. 8 or SP: Hainzenberg - Ötschen - forest road, T: 1.5 hrs,
and top station approx. 1 hr to the hut,
MAt your own risk YHainzenberg, L: 3.5 km, T: approx.
30 min, ; hut-to-hut: Kotahornam Steinerkogel, T: 25-30 min,
Zillertal Arena, 2.000 m | map p. 5, 27, 52
g{ M
Photo: Eberharter-Fügen
Photo: Archiv Klammlhof
Haslach, 575 m | map p. 5, 27, 44
Fam. Heim, Haslach 50, 6280 Rohrberg T +43 664 2616624, T & F +43 5282 2024,
Fam. Huber, Pankrazbergstr. 35, Fügen T +43 664 4737434, +43 664 3082100,
O approx. beginning of May to
O Mid-June to early October l Tyrolean home cooking s Hut with animals and a playground with
mid-October, Mon day off
l A highlight are the XXL-Schnitzels,
known from various (german) TV programmes. Down-to-earth Tyrolean cuisine, various ice cream variations, homemade dishes, products from our own farm.
g Apartments sBeautiful sun terrace, large guest gar-
den, playground; cyclists, motorcyclists, children, families and groups are welcome. Situated in a quiet, sunny location exactly between Zell am Ziller and Aschau, only 1.5 km from the Zillertal Arena and 1.5 km from the from the Camping Aufenfeld
Ye.g. hiking trail Aschau - Thurnbach Klammlhof
water fun; Kreuzjochkapelle chapel: on the 1st Sunday in September a Mass will be held, afterwards an alpine festival will take place. Younger guests can let off steam at the playground. Those who prefer it quieter can enjoy the panoramic view in a deck chair with fresh mountain milk and homemade Kaiserschmarrn or while kneipping in the stream near the hut. There are also great routes for mountain bikers!
K Kreuzjoch, Karspitz, …Via Kreuzjoch to Gerlos, gTo the top station, continue on foot via the Quellenweg trail or the forest road, also accessible with a pram, T: 45 min, ALT: 200 m,
YStumm via Stummerberg aOn request only - private road 57
Gerlosberg, 1.320 m | map p. 5, 52
lb g{n Mw
Photo: Archiv Astachhof
Photo: Archiv Enzianhof
Gerlosberg, 1.270 m | map p. 5, 52
{ M
Fam. Kerschdorfer Gerlosberg 23, 6280 Zell am Ziller T +43 5282 2237 F +43 5282 2237-19
Martin Staudacher Gerlosberg 2, 6280 Zell am Ziller T & F +43 5282 2446,
O4th June to 2nd October, Mon day off;
OBeginning of May until beginning of
lSnacks, cakes, homemade bread with
lWarm dishes all day! Home-style cuisine, many products from our own farm, homemade cakes
sFelsenkeller: tasting and sale of
schnapps, cheese, sausages and bacon
Y15 min from the middle station of the
Zillertal Arena past the viewpoint and the chapel
aInto Zillertal, exit Gerlospass, turn left
over the bridge towards Gerlosberg after the long bend, from here 7 km on the toll-free panorama road (accessible with any bus)
Sat & Sun in October open
our own butter and our famous Kaiserschmarrn
s Built in 1877, many amazing sights, rustic parlour with tiled stove and a small bar. Quiet, idyllic sun terrace, nestled in flowers. "This place was created by the Lord on a Sunday."
aFrom Zell via a well-maintained mountain road (toll-free) directly to the hut. Or take the Regiotax to the Erlach/Almhof stop
gZillertal Arena, to the middle station, from there continue on foot, T: 90 min
YFrom Zaberbach, this is the former way to school, T: approx. 1.5 hrs
Welcome to family Heim Fancy something delicious? Then visit Schmankerlhütte Kreuzwiesenalm! Let's go! 4 km along the Schmankerlweg theme trail. First things first! Breakfast á la Zillertal from 9 to 11 am. Hungry for tradition? Homemade Zillertal specialties await you! Yearning for refreshment? Enjoy sparkling drinks and a magnificent panoramic view on the sunny side of the Zillertal Arena - Zell at 1,884 m Time to chill! In floating deck chairs and sun loungers
on the sun terrace (unique panorama included!). Having a sweet tooth? Try the home-made cakes and pastries! Blissful moments While hiking on the Karspitz or Kreuzjoch. Pure joy Zirbenwichtl ("pine gnome") Machtl looks forward to play with many laughing children in his little castle! Born to ride Check out our (e)bike trails! Sleep well (in the valley) At the Wohlfühl Ferien-Heim 4* Aparthotel.
Well then! Come by, we are looking forward to your visit. Family Heim with Zirbenwichtl Machtl FEEL-GOOD HOLIDAYS in the valley In the 4* Aparthotel Wohlfühl Ferien-Heim. An ambience that guarantees 100% relaxation.
SCHMANKERLHÜTTE KREUZWIESENALM Fam. Heim 6280 Gerlosberg . T +43 5282 21976 . T +43 664 6408910 . 59
Gerlos, 1.950 m | map p. 5, 52
lb M
Photo: Wolfgang Alberty
Photo: Sarah Feiersinger
Gerlos, 1.448 m | map p. 5, 53
{ Mw
Fam. Bliem Zellbergeben 87 6277 Zellberg T +43 664 1828272 +43 5282 4042
Fam. Emberger Michael 6281 Gerlos Nr. 307 a T +43 664 4132545
Oapprox. 20th June until beginning of
OMid-June to mid-October lThis family-run hut cooks traditionally
October, flexible closing day (exact information by telephone or on the website)
lRustic, cosy hut with service, own cheese dairy (alpine cheese)
sRomantic path along the stream KKreuzjoch, Torhelm, Isskogel Mor Ystarting from the Isskogel car park
in Gerlos. Beautiful hike into the Krummbachtal valley along the Krummbach stream or ascent with the gcontinue Y, T: approx. 1 hr
and pays great attention to regional products. From Speckknödel ("bacon dumplings") to apple strudel, almost everything is homemade.
sThe breathtaking panorama makes the
atmosphere on the large sun terrace perfect. New: Indoor playroom as a bad weather option. The path to the hut is an exciting expedition for children and a sensual thought-journey for adults. Once you arrive at your destination, a huge play area and animal enclosure await you. Lake Latschensee is located 15 minutes further from the hut.
the Isskogelbahn cable car to the top station, continue on foot for about 10 min to the hut
YGerlos trail no. A1, T: 1.5 hrs or via the Krumbachtal valley, T: 2 hrs
MNumerous mountain bike trails 60
Spruce Tree Castle Spruce Lake Discover the world of SPRUCE SPRITES at the Rosenalm in Zell am Ziller
A-6280 Zell am Ziller · Tel. +43/(0)5282/7165 ·
_Inserat_Fichentenschloss_Fichtensee_Hü ttenfü hrer_99x64mm_EN_Sommer_2022.indd 1
04.04.22 08:5
Photos: Archiv Pröller Alm
NEU: Wanderung vom Isskogel zur Pröller Alm
OUR MOUNTAINS. YOUR SUMMER. You only feel it here.
Topevents Summer 2022: Blechlawine 2.0 Hooo Ruck Concerts Traditional Food Festival Schlegeis 3000 Skyrace Steinbock Hike & Trail Run Horn Blower‘s Meet
26.- 29. May July-October 10. July 22.-23. July 20. August 28. August
Mayrhofen Ultraks Zillertaler Harvest Festival The Fetzig‘n Autumn Festival Hooo Ruck Festival
Unique mountain experiences, events and activities can be found on
Facts: 09.- 11. September September-October 24.-25. September 01.-02. October
• 532 km hiking trails • 226 km biking trails • 10 via Ferratas • 422 km2 High Alps Nature Park Zillertaler Alps • 3 reservoirs
Subjet to change.
Hiking in Mayrhofen-Hippach: 13 tips
Photo: Dominic Ebenbichler
More tours and information on:
Peter Habeler Hike C AN E Length: 56 km TIP Duration: 30 hrs Highest point: 2,910 m Category: long distance hiking trail Description: This roughly 60 km long circular hike with and without summit ascents leads you past six huts which are between 3,5 – 13 km apart. The hiking times for the individual sections range from 2.5 – 8 hours with various levels of difficulty and types of terrain, such as mountain pastures and gravel as well as boulders, moraines and scree. The alpine path is a challenging route for experienced hikers. Olperer Hütte (2,389 m) – Pfitscherjochhaus (2,276 m) – Landshuter Europahütte (2,693m) – Geraerhütte(2,326 m) – Tuxerjochhaus (2,313 m) - Friesenberghaus (2,498 m) – Olperer Hütte (2,389 m). More information on this tour can be found in the Peter-Habeler-Hike brochure (available from the Mayrhofen and Hippach tourism offices) or via Whether you go clockwise or anti-clockwise, the aim of this hike is to circumnavigate the summits of the western Zillertal Alps. TRA
Berlin High Trail C AN E Length: 73 km TIP Duration: 41 hrs Highest point: 3,090 m Category: long distance hiking trail Description: The Berlin High Trail leads through the heart of the Nature Park Zillertal Alps – from the Gamshütte via Friesenberghaus – Olperer Hütte – Furtschaglhaus – Berliner Hütte – Greizer Hütte to the Karlvon-Edel-Hütte. Breathtaking mountain views, as well as wonderful insights into the natural beauty of the alpine landscapes await hikers on the trail. This high alpine trail is a demanding challenge for experienced hikers and alpinists. Those planning to do the entire trek will cover a distance of more than 70 km and overcome 6,700 meters in altitude during one week. Decide for yourself which distance you wish to cover. Hikers can descend into the valley from every hut and then take public transport back to the starting point.
Maxhütte Length: 2.4 km Duration: 1 hr Highest point: 1,450 m Level of difficulty: easy/moderate Description: Trail no. 522 to the hut begins just after Ginzling. The route starts out quite wide, but gets gradually narrower as it winds through the Gunggl (valley). You will reach the rustic mountain hut after an ascent of approx. 1 hour.
Furtschaglhaus Length: 7 km Duration: 3 hrs Highest point: 2,285 m Level of difficulty: moderate Description: Trail no. 502 leads from Gasthaus Zamsereck along a level gravel road to the end of the reservoir. Continue over a bridge, where shortly afterwards the trail branches off to the left. After a winding ascent and moderate uphill section through a meadow, you will arrive at Furtschaglhaus.
Stillupperhaus Length: 3.7 km Duration: 1.5 hrs Highest point: 1,200 m Level of difficulty: easy Description: Private buses take you from Mayrhofen into the wild-romantic Stilluptal side valley. At the Gasthaus Wasserfall, a hiking trail leads along the shore of the Stillup reservoir. The trail continues through a forest and past alpine meadows to the Stillupperhaus.
PanoramaTrail Penken Length: 4.4 km Duration: 2 hrs Highest point: 1,983 m Level of difficulty: easy Description: Head to the Kombibahn from the top station of the Penkenbahn cable car, from where trail no. 22 and then trail no. 23a take you past several points where you can enjoy the view. At the end of the trail, continue either walking uphill, or return to your original starting point along trail no. 23 and 22.
Plauener Hütte Length: 6.6 km Duration: 3 hrs Highest point: 2,365 m Level of difficulty: moderate/difficult Description: The hiking trails no. 474 and 512 lead from Gasthaus Bärenbad to the crest of the dam (it is also possible to catch the bus up to this point). Continue through a short tunnel along the shore road, the hiking trail begins after approx. 10 minutes. It takes around 1 hour to walk to the Plauener Hütte from there.
Ahornspitze Length: 5.5 km Duration: 3 hrs Highest point: 2,973 m Level of difficulty: difficult Description: Take the cable car to the top station of Mount Ahorn. The trail no. 514 leads through the entrance of the Nature Park Zillertal Alps. Past the Edelhütte, the trail continues up to the Silbersattel (Popbergschneide) and onto the Ahornspitze (summit).
Ginzling – Greizer Hütte Length: 3.4 km Duration: 1 hr Highest point: 1,550 m Level of difficulty: moderate Description: Starting point is the Alpengasthof in der Au in Zillergrund. Cross the Ziller and continue south into the Sundergrund side valley. Take the wide alpine path up through the forest, walk past the Rachhüttenalm and continue (slightly uphill). On the other side of the stream you will eventually see your hiking destination, the Kainzenalm.
Kainzenalm Length: 3.4 km Duration: 1 hr Highest point: 1,550 m Level of difficulty: moderate Description: Starting point is the Alpengasthof in der Au in Zillergrund. Cross the Ziller and continue south into the Sundergrund side valley. Take the wide alpine path up through the forest, walk past the Rachhüttenalm and continue (slightly uphill). On the other side of the stream you will eventually see your hiking destination, the Kainzenalm.
Theme & nature trail: ME T Ziller Sculpture Trail TIP Length: 4.5 km Duration: 1.5 hrs Highest point: 630 m Level of difficulty: easy Description: This route leads from the Europahaus in Mayrhofen in a westerly direction, past the railway station to the Zillerpromenade. From there, walk along the left bank of the Ziller to Hippach. For the return, you can either take the Zillertalbahn railway, or continue the trail on the other side of the river. ME T
TIP Theme & nature trail: Brandberg „Bergmähderweg“ Length: 3.8 km Duration: 2 hrs Highest point: 1,840 m Level of difficulty: moderate Description: Gasthof Thanner in Brandberg is the starting point. A narrow, steep trail begins at the parking place, leading uphill through fields to the Ahornach hamlet. Continue to the right along the asphalted road to the last farm. From there, the trail leads steeply uphill to the Kolmhaus.
Almwanderung Ramsberg - Brandberg Length: 7.5 km Duration: 2.5 hrs Highest point: 1,773 m Level of difficulty: moderate Description: Starting point is the top station of the Gerlossteinbahn cable car. Follow trail no. 50 to the Kotahornalm. Continue to the Karlalm and a short distance up to the Laberg-Alm. Here you have reached the highest point. Now follow the signs to Steinerkogel (1,263 m) - Brandberg.
Photo: Dominic Ebenbichler
HOOO RUCK CONCERTS Once again this summer, traditional music will be played at the huts in the Mayrhofen-Hippach holiday region. From July to October, Erwin Aschenwald and the group " Die Mayrhofner" will treat you to genuine "Zillertaler Musig" - unplugged. Dates: 01.07.2022 Tristenbachalm in the Floitental side valley/ Ginzling 27.07.2022 Kasermandl on Mount Penken 03.08.2022 Nasenalm on the Hochschwendberg 24.08.2022 Kasermandl on Mount Penken 07.09.2022 Granatalm on Mount Penken 16.09.2022 Schiestl’s Sunnalm on the Hochwendberg 07.10.2022 Penkentenne on Mount Penken
TRAIL ELDORADO MAYRHOFEN SCHLEGEIS 3000 SKYRACE & TRAILRUN On the weekend of 22nd to 23rd July 2022, the starting signal is given for the running event SCHLEGEIS 3000 with the competitions SKYRACE and TRAILRUN. In the SKYRACE, the runners conquer a 33 km long course with a total of 2,380 metres in altitude. On the short TRAILRUN-SPEED TRAIL, runners have to prove themselves on a 17 km course with 1,200 metres of altitude difference.
STEINBOCKLAUF The STEINBOCKLAUF (" Steinbock trail run") owes its name to the Steinbockmarsch (" Steinbock hike"), which is already known far beyond the borders of Zillertal. The STEINBOCKLAUF will take place again this year on 20th August 2022. A 30 km long route with an ascent of 1,871 m and a descent of 1,613 m has to be mastered. MAYRHOFEN ULTRAKS On 11th September 2022 the Mayrhofen Ultraks will take place for the third time. Race Director Markus Kröll and his team will again offer four varied distances for runners of all levels. Whether trail experts, ambitious runners or beginners, there is something for everyone. All distances start and end at the Europahaus in Mayrhofen and lead into the breathtaking Alpine scenery. Registration for trail runs at 67
Bgh. Steinerkogel
Wiesenhof Häusling
Panorama Ahorn Ahornhütte
Aschaffenburger Höhenweg
Kassler Hütte
Brandberg, 1050 m | map p. 5, 68
lgb{ M
Photo: Archiv Häusling Alm
Photo: Archiv Bärenbadenalm
Zillergrund, 1.450 m | map p. 5, 69
Fam. Andrea Fankhauser 6293 Tux, Schöneben 163 (postal address) T+43 664 2327009
Johannes Rahm Zillergrund 53, 6290 Brandberg T +43 (0) 664 3436569
OMid-May to mid-October, no day off lWarm dishes until 7 pm;
Zillertal delicacies, on weekends Zillertal Krapfen (pastries filled with grey cheese and potatoes) and Graukassuppe (grey cheese soup)
gBooking at: hü sBuses, groups and cyclists welcome;
e-bike station, sun terrace, sunbathing lawn, playground, hut evenings with music on request
YSP: Zillergrund toll station, follow the
signed hiking trail, T: 3-4 hrs, L: 17 km
MSP: Zillergrund toll station (official biking route), T: 1.5 hrs, L: 17 km, ALT: 600 m
aparking place available …South Tyrol (Ahrntal) approx. 6 hrs walk via the Hundskehljoch or via Hl. Geist Jöchl to South Tyrol ; hut-to-hut: Plauener Hütte
OOpen daily in summer, Wed day off lZillertal delicacies, homemade cakes, desserts, sundaes and much more
sAt 1,050 m above sea level, in the midst
of the unspoilt and 25 km long Zillergrund side valley near Mayrhofen, the Häusling Alm invites you to enjoy an excursion or a relaxing holiday. Right next door is the Maria Schnee church, which is lovingly looked after by the owners. Children's playground available. A hut to fall in love with!
Photos: Archiv Plauener Hütte
Brandberg / Zillergrund, 2.364 m | map p. 5, 69
lb gA
PLAUENER HÜTTE Fam. Martin Eberharter Zillergrund 86, 6290 Brandberg T +43 650 4684308
O Mide-June to end of Sept.;
depending on weather until October
l Regional delicacies with products
exclusively from our own farm and from local farmers; from savoury to sweet there is something for every taste
g 9 beds, 71 dormitory beds, seminar room for approx. 20 persons; reservation required
YSP: Bärenbadalm, to the dam wall, follow the road along the dam shore, then through the Kuchelmoos up to the hut, T: 3 hrs, ALT: 900 m
K2,690 m, T: 1 hr, ; Richterspitze 3,052 m,
T: 2.5 hrs, ; Reichenspitze 3,303 m, T: 3,5 hrs, ; Wildgerlos 3,278 m, T: 4 hrs, ; Kuchelmooskopf 3,214 m, T: 3.5 hrs,
…Hannemannweg trail via Hohenaualm to the dam wall, T: 4.5 hrs, ; Richterhütte via Gamsscharte (via ferrata), T: 3.5 hrs, ; Zillerplattenscharte T: 5.5 hrs, ; Birnlückenhütte T: 8.5 hrs,
sAn easily accessible day trip in the midst of unique alpine nature. An inviting base for hikers, mountaineers and climbers.
aParking/bus stop Bärenbadalm,
continue on foot, T: 3 hrs, ALT: 900 m; bus stop Staumauerkrone, continue on foot, T: 1.5 hrs, ALT: 500 m
Ramsberg, 1.700 m | map p. 5, 68
l g
Photo: Archiv Karlalm
Photo: Archiv Steinerkogl
Brandberg, 1.270 m | map p. 5, 68, 95
l AM
Berggasthof, Familie Geisler Brandberg 113, 6290 Mayrhofen T +43 5285 63188 F +43 5285 63304
Fam. Thomas Fankhauser 6284 Ramsberg T +43 664 6290637
ODaily from beginning of June to approx.
OMid-December to end of October
lCheese, bacon, (butter)milk, cold and
lHome cooking; Tyrolean Gröstl (roasted
sSale of self-produced cheese speciali-
Mon and Tue day off
potatoes with meat), dumpling specialties; let yourself be spoiled with delicious meat and pastry dishes from the region. All ingredients are freshly delivered and processed according to traditional recipes.
sSpacious terrace with breathtaking view of the Zillertal and the surrounding mountains; free WiFi
YMayrhofen - Waldfriedhof - Waldkreuz -
beautiful serpentine path to Brandberger chapel, trail no. 5, ALT: 640 m, L: ca. 7 km, T: 1.5 hrs,
aTo Brandberg Dorf, then by foot SP: Gh.
Thanner/fire station, T: 30 min, ALT: 178 m
20th September hot drinks
ties; magnificient panorama of Zillertal. Small - rustic - genuine!
gGerlossteinbahn cable car, then by foot, T: approx. 1 hr
YSP: Hainzenberg, Gerlossteinbahn
bottom station, T: approx. 2.5 hrs; SP: Gh. Thanner in Brandberg, along the panorama trail Ramsberg-Brandberg, T: 2 hrs
MSP: Mayrhofen or Hainzenberg
Brandberg, 1.092 m | map p. 5, 68
Photos: Archiv Thanner
lb g{A M
GASTHOF THANNER Fam. Dornauer 6290 Brandberg 8 T +43 5285 62376 F+43 5285 63869
sSun terrace YVia a romantic trail, starting in Mayrhofen
aBy car or bus from Mayrhofen, through the Brandberg tunnel
lKnown for its good cuisine, daily fresh
trout from our own fish waters in Zillergrund, homemade cakes and pies
Ahorn , 1.965 m | map p. 5, 68, 95
lb g {Mw
Photo: Hermann Widmer
Photo: Beckna Photo Thomas Eberharter
Ahorn, 1.965 m | map p. 5, 95
Fam. Siller Waldfeldweg 638 6290 Mayrhofen T +43 664 1246833
Martin Kröll Panorama Ahorn 6290 Mayrhofen T +43 5285 62987 oder +43 5285 62515
lExcellent food and beverage offer sLarge sun terrace with breathtaking
views, non-smoking hut, 4 beautiful flats directly on the ski slope. Cosy parlours with terrace and winter garden, deckchairs at your disposal. The Ahornhütte was built by Ernst and Riki Spieß back in 1971 as a ski school hut, and over the course of time it has been expanded into a cosy mountain restaurant by Uli and Renate Spieß with a lot of love and flair. Renovated by the 3rd generation - Maria and Benny Siller - in 2016 and extended with 4 exclusive flats.
YEasily accessible from the cable car
mountain station and located in the centre of Mount Ahorn. Here, you can enjoy a perfect view of the surroundings from the large sun terrace and cosy balconies.
OJune to October gHut with service, home cooking, Zillertal specialities
sSun terrace, cosy guest rooms, children's play corner, changing table, Adlerterrasse ("eagle terrace") with a panoramic view of Zillertal, deckchairs
YSP: Mayrhofen via Stillup and Alpengasthof Wiesenhof to the mountain station T: approx. 5 hrs
Mayrhofen, 850 m | map p. 6, 68, 95
Photo: Blickfang photographie, Julia Türtscher
Photo: Archiv Wiesenhof
Mayrhofen, 1.060 m | map p. 5, 68, 95
Fam. Wechselberger Hauserberg 930 6290 Mayrhofen T & F +43 5285 64814
Geisler Hansjörg Schwendau 381 6290 Mayrhofen T +43 664 3806203 F +43 5285 623584
OOpen all year round lHome-style cooking with products from our own agriculture
sBeautiful sun terrace with children's play area and a wonderful view of Zillertal
aAhornbahn bottom station via the toll road to
YSP: toll station, on forest road to Wiesenhof, T: approx. 25 min
gAhornbahn mountain station, continue on the hiking trail
OMarch to Nov. depending on weather (tourism office +43(0)5285 6760), Tue day off
lHomemade delicacies sSun terrace, children's playground, 3 via ferratas, also a via ferrata suitable for children
KSummits: Astegg, Penken YHutlahnersteig (short route):
SP: Mayrhofen, turn left at Gasthof Zillertal, T: 30 min; Mariensteig (long route): SP: Mayrhofen, past the Gasthof Zillertal to the Kreuzlau district and via Mariensteig, T: approx. 55 min
Ginzling, 987 m | map p. 6, 95
l{n w
Photo: Archiv Karlsteg
Photo: Christian Mitterer
Mayrhofen, 1.800 m | map p. 6, 68
l g{A M
Fam. Mitterer 6290 Penken 602 T +43 5285 62880
Fam. Moser 6295 Ginzling 2 T +43 5286 5250 F +43 5286 5250-5
O Mid-May to mid-October (same opening hours as the Penkenbahn cable car)
sLarge children's playground, delicious
delicacies; wonderful sun terrace, cosy parlours, WC suitable for the disabled; accessible with wheelchair and pushchair
gPenkenbahn mountain station, continue on foot, T: approx. 10 min; high above the roofs of Mayrhofen with a magnificent view over Mayrhofen, Finkenberg and the Zillertal mountains
O May to October gRooms with shower, WC, TV & telephone sWellness area with bio-sauna, steam bath, solarium, bus stop in front of the house
YSP: Teufelsbrücke ("devil's bridge") in
Finkenberg, take the trail no. 33, past the Dornauhof, follow the Schumannweg trail to the Steinbrücke bridge, turn left before arriving at the avalanche gallery and continue to Gasthof Karlsteg, T: approx. 1.5 hrs,
BERGHOF SCHWENDBERG Fam. Egger Schwendberg 412, 6283 Hippach T +43 5282 3676, F +43 5282 36764
OFrom Ascension Day to approx. 11th October
lAll day until 8.30 pm g20 beds, half board, price on request YSP: Hippach, 4 km along the Zillertaler Höhenstraße or along the hiking trail Kleinschwendberg,
aMSP: Hippach, along the Zillertaler Höhenstraße
Schwendberg, 1.700 m | map p. 6, 44
Photo: Archiv Nasenalm
Photo: Heinz
Hippach, 850 m | map p. 6, 44
NASENALM Familie Spitaler Hochschwendberg 534 6283 Hippach T +43 (0) 664 1247665 T +43 (0) 664 2736464
OOpen daily in summer lHot dishes every Friday until 8 pm g3 bedrooms, 6 persons max. sA small nature paradise at 1,700 m,
where it is not uncommon for roe deer, stags or hares to pass right by the hut. Experience a restful time out in the rustic and cosy alpine hut.
aAll year round accessible by car
Hochschwendberg 1.800 m | map p. 6, 95
Photo: Archiv Schiestl´s Sunnalm
Photo: Martin Huber
Mayrhofen, 2.020 m | map p. 6, 44
Fam. Lechner (Apartment Lechner Mayrhofen) Jakob-Moser-Str. 586 6290 Mayrhofen T +43 664 73653930
Fam. Schiestl Hochschwendberg (Horberg) T & F +43 5282 4182, +43 664 5414720
OBeginning of May until end of October, depending on weather
lRegional delicacies sLocated on one of the most beautiful high
alpine roads in Austria (toll), free parking (enough space to park also for campers). Beautiful sun terrace with panoramic views of Zillertal, Kitzbühel and Tux Alps, starting point for many hikes.
aM 4 access roads suitable for bicycles,
mountainbikes, motorbikes, cars, buses. Camping prohibited!
O Beginning of June to beginning of
October; 15th August: big festival with traditional music!
sWonderful view of the Zillertal moun-
tains. Barbecue afternoon with salad buffet every Sunday. Family destination with large playground and hut evenings on advance booking (at least 20 pers.).
aZillertaler Höhenstraße to Horbergweg
turnoff (toll-free access to the turnaround point), continue on foot for 20 min
…Hochschwendberg circular trail: day tour
no. 30: bus stop Mösl - Sandegg Alm Sandegg Alm Hochleger - Unterbergalm Schiestl's Sunnalm (T: approx. 4 hrs.) back to the bus stop Mösl (another hour)
YSP: Hochschwendberg turnoff, T: 1.5 hrs gPenkenbahn top station, continue on trail no. 24, T: 1.5 hrs
MSP: Hippach via the Zillertaler Höhen-
straße, T: 2.5 hrs; SP: Penkenbahn top station, T: 1 hr 79
Geraer Hütte Olperer Hütte Dominikus Hütte S´Rastl
Helmut’s Fischerhütte
Autobahn Bundesstraße Hauptstraße sonstige Straße Güterstraße, Fahrstraße Feldweg, Karrenweg Fußweg Gewässer Eisenbahn Gondelbahn Sessellift Schlepplift Bebauung Kreuz/Marterl; Bildstock Bildbaum, Aussichtsturm Kirche, Kapelle Sägewerk, Mühle Sendeanlage, Umspannwerk/Trafo Denkmal, Schloss Ruine, Höhle Wanderweg Ötztal Trek Hütte
Pfischerjoch Haus
Alle Angaben wurden mit großer Sorgfalt erhoben, erfolgen jedoch ohne Gewähr und erheben nicht den Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Hinweise der Jagd- und Grundbesitzer sind zu beachten. Begehung der Wege auf eigene Gefahr.
Alpenrosen H. Berliner Hütte
Schlegeisspeicher, 2.389 m | map p. 6, 80
Photo: Manuel Daum
Photo: Privat
Ginzling, 2.498 m | map p. 6, 80
lb g
Susanne Albertini & Florian Schranz T +43 676 7497550
Tenants: Katharina & Manuel Daum Dornauberg 110, 6295 Finkenberg hut: +43 664 4176566
OMid-June to mid-September lHot dishes all day g28 beds, 30 camps sMagnificent view, "mystical garden"
Petersköpfel (2,679 m), seminar rooms (please make reservations via the DAV/ÖAV booking tool)
…Hoher Riffler (3,231 m), T: approx. 2.5 hrs from hut, -
YFrom the Schlegeis reservoir on the
marked trail (white/red), trail no. 532, T: 2 hrs, ALT: 700 m,
Berlin High Trail
OBeginning of June to beginning of Oct. 24.09.-25.09. limited overnight stay possible
lHot dishes, snacks and soft drinks, local farm products
g20 room dormitories, 40 mattress dormitories, 12 winter room dormitories
sSeminar room, sun terrace, climbing
garden, hut rally, drying room, showers. Beautiful panoramic view of the of the Zillertal high alpine ridge and Schlegeis reservoir
aWith car/bus from Mayrhofen to Schlegeis reservoir, continue, YT: 1.5 hrs, ALT: 600 m,
…hut-to-hut-hikes: Geraer H., Friesenbergh., Tuxerjochh., Pfitscherjochh., Furtschaglh.
Photo: Bernd Ritschel
KOlperer, Riepenkopf, Hoher Riffler,
Schrammacher, Fußstein, Gefrorene Wandspitzen
An initiative of the association
Photo: Archiv Kasseler Hütte
Mayrhofen/Stilluptal, 2.177 m | map p. 5, 68
Photos: Archiv Verein Stilluptal
lb gA M
Lukas Decker Post office box 167, Stillupptal 970 A-6290 Mayrhofen, T +43 664 4016033,
O Mid-June
to early Oct (depending on snow conditions)
g 22 beds in rooms, 72 mattress dormitories, reservation required
sSun terrace, drilled climbing routes
nearby, seminars and smaller festivities possible
aToll st. Mayrhofen to Gh. Wasserfall,
minibus to Grüne-Wand-Hütte, ascent from there on trail no. 515, ALT: 742 m, L: 5 km, T: 2 hrs,
MUp to the material ropeway, then by foot for 1.5 hrs
KKasseler-Hütte Wollbachspitze (3,210m),
T: 4 hrs; Grünewandspitze (2,946 m), T: 3 hrs; Vordere Stangenspitze (3,127 m), T: 4 hrs; Hint. Stangensp. (3,178 m), T: 4 hrs
…From Edelhütte via AV trails 502&519
(Aschaffenburger Höhenst.) ; Kasseler route: Kasseler H. Zillertal - Kasseler H. Reintal; via AV trail 502 to Greizer H.; crossing South Tyrol: via Keilbachjoch into Ahrntal; Sonntagskarrunde, T: 3 hrs; 20 min. to Schöne Aussicht
Shuttle trip to the Grüne-Wand-Hütte and Kasseler Hütte possible Daily from Europahaus (Hotel Berghof)
8.00, 8.30, 10.00, 11.30 am 13.00, 14.45, 16.15 pm Only with telephone reservation
Pick-up from hotel possible! Car rental and taxi for guests Fam. HERMANN THALER Mobile +43 664 2006596 Return trips by arrangement, special trips possible at any time. Radio taxi service from the Grüne-Wand-Hütte after 5.00 pm Info: +43 5285 63423 or +43 664 2006596 Fax: +43 5285 626707,
Schlegeisspeicher, 1.805 m | map p. 6, 80
lb g M
Photo: Archiv Dominikushütte
Photo: Volgger Leopold
Ginzling 2.276 m | map p. 6, 80
lbgA M
Fam. Volgger, St. Jakob 103, I-39049 Pfitsch T +39 472 630119, F +39 472 630200 Valley: +39 3338 404587, F +39 472 630200
Fam. Lapp, 6292 Dornauberg 104 T +43 664 73296939, +43 664 73756285
OMid-June to mid-October 7 am to 10 pm lHot dishes all day, Tyrolean cuisine and Italian dishes
gDouble room with shower/ WC, multi-bed room with shower (40 b.)
sMany touring options up to over 3,500
m, popular starting point for MTB tours (lockable bike room), easy crossings to neighbouring huts and valleys (high-altitude trails: Pfunderer, Mayrhofen-Merano), highly interesting area for geologists and mineralogists, untouched landscape, bio sauna, daily shuttle service from Stein (July-Sept.)
YApprox. 2 hrs from the Schlegeis reservoir through alpine landscape, trail no. 524, ALT: 500 m, L: 6 km,
aSP: Vipiteno (Italy) - St.Jakob (Pfitsch) Stein (Pfitsch)
MAt your own risk! SP: Mayrhofen -
Ginzling - Schlegeis - Pfitscherjoch Vipiteno
OMid-May to end of October lZillertal specialities, homemade cake g5 double rooms, 1 single room, 4x mattress dormitories, max. 5 beds per camp
sDay trip destination, sunny panoramic terrace, playground, bike service station, e-bike charging station, internet and cards accepted
aDirectly to the hut YSchlegeis hiking trail SP: Gh. Breitlahner, ALT: 530 m, L: approx. 7 km, T: approx 2 hrs,
MOfficial route: SP: Ginzling via SchlegeisAlpenstraße road, L: approx. 14 km, T: 1.5 hrs, ALT: 800 m,
…Furtschaglh. – Schönbichlerhorn -
Berliner H. ; Alpeiner-Scharte – Geraer H. or directly to Friesenbergh. ; Friesenbergh. - Friesenbergscharte – Spannagelh. ; Spannagelh. – Olpererh.
KHoher Riffler ; Rotbachlspitze ;
Olperer ; Schrammacher ; Hochfeiler ; Hochferner , Hohe Weißzint , Breitnock , Großer Möseler
Hiking, climbing and experiencing. Schlegeis mountain road.
85 85
Ginzling, 1.875 m | map p. 6, 81
Photo: Privat
Photo: Privat
Ginzling, 2.042 m | map p. 6, 81
Florian Illmer & Maike Köck T +43 5286 20062,+43 664 88787025
Kathrin & Sabina Zemmgrund 281, 6295 Ginzling T +43 664 1670391
OMid-June to end of September lRegional cuisine, homemade cakes gOvernight stay in rooms and dormitory sThe oldest refuge on the Berlin High Trail, impressive mountain and glacier scenery directly in front of the hut, suitable for families
…Touring options:
Berliner Spitze (3rd Hornspitze) 3,253 m, T: 4 hrs; Großer Mörchner 3,283 m, T: 4 hrs; Großer Möseler 3,478 m, T: 6 hrs; Schönbichler Horn 3,133 m, T: 4 hrs; Schwarzenstein 3,368 m, T: 4.30 hrs; Schwarzsee T: 1.5 hrs; Turnerkamp 3,418 m, T: 6.5 hrs; Zsigmondyspitze (Feldkopf) 3,087 m, T: 3.30 hrs
…hut-to-hut-hike: Schwarzensteinhütte, Berlin High Trail
YGasthaus Breitlahner (fee required), T: approx. 3 hrs
OBeginning of June to end of September lWarm dishes all day from 10 am to 7 pm gCosy single, double and multi-bed rooms ideally suited for overnight stays with dog
sFamily friendly - hut fun for the whole family
…Touring possibilities: ideal base when
trailing the Berlin High Trail, starting point for countless hiking and high alpine tours (e.g.: Großer Möseler, Turnerkamp, Schwarzenstein, Berliner Spitze (3rd Hornspitze), Zsigmondyspitze, Mörchner Group, Schönbichler Horn, Schwarzsee and many more)
YSP: Gasthof Breitlahner, beautiful hike, T: 1.5 hrs
Ginzling, 1.257 m | map p. 6, 81
ln M
Photo: Archiv Breitlahner
Photos: Privat
Schlegeis, 1.800 m | map p. 6, 80
Richard & Gabi Kröll Dornauberg 120, Finkenberg T +43 5285 62581 oder +43 664 6349264
Fam. Kröll Dornauberg 70, 6295 Ginzling T +43 5286 5212
O Daytime operation (no accommodation), open from Whitsunday to 26th October, daily from 9 am to 6 pm; for a fishing permit at the Schlegeis reservoir please book in advance by phone
l Fresh (salmon) trout fried or smoked
daily, various regional dishes, homemade apple strudel and various cakes, ice cream
sLocated on the shore road, wonderful view of the reservoir and glaciers like Gr. Möseler and Hochfeiler. Accessible even in bad weather, suitable for prams, barrier-free. Numerous hiking routes and high alpine mountain tours possible, a section of the Berlin High Trail, leads past the hut.
aMToll road for cars and motorbikes; popular mountain bike route; bus service from Mayrhofen
O Mid-May to end of September l Traditional cuisine gBeds: 36, dormitory beds: 14, rooms with 1-4 beds, communal shower, drying room
sLocated in the centre of the Ewige
Jagdgründe ("eternal hunting grounds") climbing area and directly on the transalp route, the inn is an ideal starting point for numerous hiking routes, hutto-hut-hikes and mountainbike tours. Sufficient parking spaces available (free of charge for house guests).
… Hut-to-hut: Berliner Hütte; alpine
crossing: via the Schlegeis reservoir to the Pfitscher Joch, T: 2-3 hrs, ALT: 800 m
aSP: Ginzling, toll-free road
families: . For TUX Worlds: exploring the wildlife on six theme trails . Almspielerei adventure play-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ground & hiking rally on the Eggalm LUIS' Gletscherflohpark, Europe's highest playground in the snow at 3.250 m LUIS' Flohpark, Gletscherflohsafari theme trail & Kugelsafari marble run at the Sommerbergalm at 2,100 m in Hintertux Pepis Kinderland playground on the Penkenjoch with swing paradise & low ropes course Playarena, the kids’ paradise Riding stable Finkenberger Sattel Swimming: outdoor adventure pool in Finkenberg, thermal outdoor & indoor pool in Hintertux Glacier experiences Hintertux Glacier: Summer skiing Panorama terrace & Nature Ice Palace at 3,250 m Spannagel cave at 2,531 m Holiday highlights Tux Stoankasern mountain cheese dairy Tux mill in Juns s' Mehlerhaus, museum of local history in Madseit Finkenberg: Mineral and crystal museum Teufelsbrücke (“devil’s bridge”) Capella Granata on Mount Penken Tourism office Tux-Finkenberg Lanersbach 401, 6293 Tux Tel. +43 5287 8506,
The Tuxertal - 1 valley, 6 villages - unlimited opportunities
.Bergerlebnisse: than 350 km signposted hiking trails . More Easy ascent to the most beautiful viewpoints with the Hintertuxer Gletscher, Eggalm Bahnen and Finkenberger Almbahnen cable cars
. Nature Park Zillertal Alps: experiencing 422 km2 of pure nature with guided hikes . More than 120 km (e)bike routes . Paragliding tandem flights 89
Hiking in Tux-Finkenberg: 12 tips More tours and information on:
Route description: Starting point is in TuxVorderlanersbach: Take the hiking trail no. 10 to Madseit until the climbing station and the rope bridge. Cross the bridge and join the trail no. 12 in the direction of Hintertux. At the entrance to Hintertux, follow the access road to the Bichlalm, turn left at the crossing to the tunnel at Hotel Hohenhaus. Trail no. 11 leads to the Wasserwelt theme trail. Can be walked with a pushchair, if suitable for off-road. The trail is accessible from all parts of Tux.
Naturwelt theme trail ME T Length: 7 km TIP Duration: 3 hrs Highest point: 1,830 m Category: moderately difficult/red hiking trail Description: The Naturwelt ("nature world") theme trail belongs to the six TUX-Worlds. From the middle station of the Finkenberger Almbahnen, there are many different habitats to explore along the Moorlehrpfad ("moor nature trail") theme trail. The special moor soil can be closely examined during the moor soil experiment. A short rest in the hanging chairs or in the Lauschinsel ("eavesdropping island"), where the sounds of the surroundings can be perceived much more intensively and consciously, leaves young and old in deep amazement. Shortly before the end of the hike, you will reach the unique island of relaxation in the fairytale-like forest with its lush bearded lichen. RAIL
TUX-Worlds along the ME T Tuxbach stream TIP Length: 10 km Duration: 3 hrs Highest point: 1,550 m Category: easy / hiking trail Description: The TUX-worlds offer visitors an insight into the fascinating interplay of different organisms. This hiking path along the Tuxbach stream between Tux-Vorderlanersbach and Hintertux promises an adventure for the whole family with its combination of games, sport and nature. The various adventure stations stimulate the children's imagination. At the same time sporting skills and dexterity are promoted and hiking is twice as much fun. Attractions such as the Tierwelt ("animal world") theme trail in Juns and the Pflanzenwelt ("plant world") theme trail in Madseit are just waiting to be discovered and explored. At the end of the trail, located at the Gletscherbahn bottom station in Hintertux, the Wasserwelt ("water world") theme trail provides the refreshing finale!
Route description: Start at the middle station of the Finkenberger Almbahnen. Along the hiking trail no. 22b (initially a wide gravel path) from Mount Penken to Schrofenalm, you find the moors embedded in alpine meadows. Descent to Tux-Vorderlanersbach with a magnificent panorama on hiking trail no. 57 and 55.
Photo: Archiv TVB Tux-Finkenberg, Johannes Sautner
Hintertux - Sommerbergalm Length: 4 km Duration: 2 hrs Highest point: 2,100 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: From the village square to Hotel Hohenhaus (house no. 774) - turn left and go through the tunnel - turn right, follow the path uphill along the avalanche dam and above the fence onto the AV trail no. 323 to the Isse. Turn left, and cross the stream, follow the wide path to the Sommerbergalm. Return with the cable car or descend via the Waldeben (no. 16). Hintertux - Tuxerjochhaus Length: 5 km Duration: 3 hrs Highest point: 2,310 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: From the village square to Hotel Hohenhaus (house no. 774) - turn left and go through the tunnel - turn right, follow the path uphill along the avalanche dam and above the fence onto the AV trail no. 323 to the Isse. Past the Schleierwasserfall waterfall into Weitental valley (AV trail no. 326/trail no. 17; wonderful alpine flora) and on to the Tuxerjochhaus.
Tux-Lanersbach - Höllensteinhütte Length: 3 km Duration: 1 hr Highest point: 1,700 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Starting point is at Hinteranger. Cross the bridge, head uphill and turn right at the bend onto the forest trail no. 28 to the Höllensteinhütte. TIP: Tux-Lanersbach - Höllensteinhütte Grieralm - Juns - Tux-Lanersbach Starting at the Höllensteinhütte the trail no. 20 leads over Tappenegg past the lake Grierer See to the Grieralm. Descent via forest trail no. 24 and trail no. 26 to Juns and back to Tux-Lanersbach. Tux-Lanersbach - Tettensjoch - Höllensteinhütte - Tux-Lanersbach Duration: 5 hrs Highest point: 2,280 m Category: moderately difficult/red hiking trail Description: Starting point is at Hinteranger. Cross the bridge, go uphill and turn right at the bend. Before the last house (no. 509) turn left and walk steeply uphill (path no. 20) to the Tettensjoch. Return via the Höllensteinhütte to Tux-Lanersbach (trail no. 28).
Eggalm - Lattenalm - Gemais Tux-Lanersbach Length: 4 km Duration: 2 hrs Highest point: 1,950 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Starting point is the Eggalm Bahnen top station. Turn right on trail no. 33, which after a large bend to the right leads underneath the Lattenlift to the Lattenalm. Descend through the forest until trail no. 33 joins the agricultural road. Turn right and hike back via Gemais to Tux-Lanersbach (trail no. 21) or Tux-Vorderlanersbach. Eggalm – Waldhoarspitze – Grüblspitze Length: 6.5 km Duration: 3 hrs Highest point: 2,395 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: From the Eggalm Bahnen top station, turn left and follow trail no. 33. Turn right at the Waldhoaralm and ascend via trail no. 37 to the Grüblspitze (2,395 m), passing the Waldhoarspitze (2,059 m). Arriving at your destination, enjoy the beautiful view over the Tuxertal. Trail no. 35 leads back to the top station. Alternatively, you can then continue on foot to TuxLanersbach (duration: approx. 1.5 hrs, trails no. 39, 33, 21, 23). TIP: HIKING TAXI From June to September you can ascent by shuttle to tour starting points Mon & Wed: Hobalm & Vallruckalm Tue & Thu: Stoankasern Fri: Lämmerbichl Departure: 9.15 am at the Tux-Center (Tux-Lanersbach no. 401) Registration by phone until 9 pm the day before: +43 664 4260106
Geislerhof Length: 10 km Duration: 3 hrs Highest point: 1,635 m Category: moderately difficult/red hiking trail Description: Past Haus Bergkristall (house no. 459) on trail no. 21 to Gemais, past the listed farms, then turn right (AV trail no. 315) to Vogelaue (wide barrier), through the gate and uphill to the Geislerhof. Return via the agricultural road to Tux-Vorderlanersbach. There, take the hiking trail no. 10 (opposite the Maria Hilf chapel), which leads you along the Tuxbach stream back to Tux-Lanersbach. Lake Eiskarsee Length: 15 km Duration: 5.25 hrs Highest point: 2,365 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: At the foot of the Eiskarspitze hidden in the heart of the Tux Alps - lies a natural jewel, the lake Eiskarsee. The starting point is the crossing of the mountain road from Tux-Vorderlanersbach in the direction of Geislerhof, after the hamlet of Schöneben: At the turn-off to Geislerhof, follow the tarred alpine path (path no. 47) in the direction of the Geiselalm. From the Hobalm, continue on the gravel path to the Vallruckalm. Shortly before the hut, the signposts " Eiskarsee" point to a marked trail, which takes you steadily uphill across alpine pasture, partly along Schrofen terrain, to reach the idyllic mountain lake. Return via the same path. Walking time: Vallruckalm 2.5 hrs, Eiskarsee 45 min, descent 2 hrs.
Finkenberg - Gamshütte Length: 10 km Duration: 5.5 hrs Highest point: 1,920 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Start at the Teufelsbrücke ("devil's bridge"). Immediately after the bridge, turn right onto the road through the district of Dornau in the direction of Brunnhaus. 100 m after the sports field, turn left onto the Hermann-Hecht-Weg (no. 533), which winds pleasantly up through the forest. At Kraxentrager (approx. 1,800 m) you have completed the major part of the ascent; a little later you leave the forest and in a few minutes you reach the already visible Gamshütte. Descent along the AV trail no. 534 via the Grünbergalm or on the same route.
Photo: Archiv TVB Tux-Finkenberg, Johannes Sautner
Finkenberg/Dorf - Leonhard-Stock-Weg Mariensteig- Astegg - Finkenberg/Dorf Length: 7 km Duration: 3 hrs Highest point: 1,190 m Category: moderately difficult / red hiking trail Description: Start at the church and follow the asphalted road to the Glasmalerei Sporer (house no. 169). There, the Leonhard-Stock-Weg (trail no. 26) leads uphill to another crossing. Via trail no. 26b you reach the Mariensteig trail (no. 2). This path winds up to the hamlet of Astegg. From there, follow the road to the Hotel Gletscherblick (house no. 510) and descend on trail no. 25 to Finkenberg.
Brandalm Stoankasern
Gschößwandh. Zimmereben
Granatalm Astegg
Bgh. Steinerkogel
Panorama Ahorn Ahornhütte Karlsteg Gamshütte
Finkenberg, 1.170 m | map p. 6, 95
Photo: Hruschka
Photo: Archiv Almstüberl Finkenberg
Finkenberg, 1.760 m | map p. 6, 95
lbg M
Familie Schneeberger Penken 619, 6292 Finkenberg T +43 664 2448034
Andrea Mitterer 6292 Finkenberg 522 T +43 5285 62491 F +43 5285 62491-33
OJune to October,
daily from 9.00 am to 4.45 pm
lTypical local cuisine, hearty or light, but
always fresh, schnitzel or steak, salad and fruit. In Zillertal, the food is always accompanied by a fine wine or a small schnapps, distilled from herbs or fruits of the region. A tasty fondue is prepared on request.
sLarge sun terrace with a wonderful
panoramic view, Tyrolean delicacies and a playground. In winter located at the middle station of the Finkenberger Almbahnen.
YFrom Mayrhofen with the Penkenbahn
cable car, a leisure hike along trail no. 22, T: approx. 1 hr; from Finkenberg trail no. 28, T: approx. 2 hrs; from Lanersbach via the Moorlehrpfad theme trail (no. 55 & 22b), along a rather flat trail with a wonderful panorama, T: approx. 2 hrs
Oapprox. mid-May until the end of October, Mon day off!
lHot dishes from 11 am to 8 pm g25 beds sLocated on a quiet and sunny plateau
above Finkenberg, amidst meadows and forests; spacious panoramic terrace, friendly atmosphere, sporting activities like mountain biking, hiking and paragliding can be enjoyed right on the doorstep
aFinkenberg to the district of Astegg, then continue to the Alpengasthof Astegg
YDescent from Mount Penken - Astegg Mayrhofen
rd wa fo r g ok omin o l c We o wel ou! t y
Jausenstation und Almkäserei Landlady Hanni Wechselberger is looking forward to welcoming you and will serve you delicious alpine cheese specialities a tasty alpine snack with products from the Edenlehen butchery, „home-made“ farmhouse bread and a fresh alpine butter!
Fotos: Markus Krapf
Open from mid-June to October, depending on the weather circumstances! Stoankasern - the highest alpine cheese dairy in the Zillertal at 1.984 m! From our restaurant you have an insight into the creation of our products. Junsalm · Tux · Landlady Hanni · Tel 0664/40 55 307
How do I get there?
With the Tux Hiking Taxi
By bike from Juns
Hiking from the Tux mill
With the Eggalmbahn over the Grübelspitze
Juns, 1.600 m | map p. 6, 94
Photo: Archiv Brandalm
Photo: Privat Lanthaler Arthur
Tuxer Alpen, 2.324 m | map p. 6, 80
l {
Tenants: Katharina & Arthur Lanthaler 6154 St.Jodok a. Brenner, Vals 24b/1 T +43 676 9610303 (hut) + 39 335 218542 (valley) + 43 664 5106830 (mobile),
Familie Wechselberger Juns 560, 6293 Tux T +43 664 4046199
OMid-June until 20th September lRich and hearty meals. Let us spoil you with delicacies from the local cuisine and a good drop from the wine cellar.
g29 beds, 51 dormitory beds sPerfect as destination for a day trip or as
part of a hut-to-hut-hike: in this cosy hut, awarded with the environmental quality seal, you simply feel at home! Warm showers, climbing garden, secured training area for alpine courses. The 120-year-old hut lies in the midst of the unique rock arena of the Valsertal (Olperer 3,476 m, Fußstein 3,380 m, Schrammacher 3,410 m, Sagwand 3,227 m).
YSP: Sommerbergalm, via Kaserschartl;
SP: Schlegeisspeicher reservoir or SP: Pfitscherjoch (in one-day stages) via Alpeinerscharte aTo the end of the Valsertal valley at Gh. Touristenrast, continue on foot, T: 3 hrs 98
OOpen from mid-June to mid-October, Wed day off
YNiederleger Eggalm (forest path) or
from the Tux mill in Juns to Brandalm (forest road), T: 1 hr
gFrom Eggalmbahn top station via Waldhoaralm (panorama trail) to Brandalm (trail no. 23), T: 1 hr
lb Mw
BERGGASTHAUS EGGALM Hanspeter Kirchler Lanersbach 259, 6293 Tux T +43 5287 87428 + 43 676 6081756 Valley: Vorderlanersbach 267, 6293 Tux T/F +43 5287 87540,
OMid-June until early October l Traditional cuisine, homemade schnapps/liqueurs
sUnique panoramic view, "the meeting place at the sunniest spot"
YSP: Lanersbach, via Brandalm, T: approx.
2.5 hrs; SP: Vorderlanersbach, via Geiselhöfe, T: approx. 4 hrs; SP: Vorderlanersbach, via Gemais, T: approx. 2 hrs
gEggalm Bahnen cable car M Gemais, L: 8 km, ALT: 700 m
Vorderlanersbach, 1.680 m | map p. 6, 94
Photo: Archiv Lattenalm
Photo: Hintertuxer Gletscher, Johannes Sautner
Lanersbach, 2000 m | map p. 6, 94
LATTENALM Jausenstation, Fam. Geisler 6293 Tux 231 T +43 5287 87468 + 43 676 9165721
O Mid-June to 10th October,
from 9 am to 5 pm, Thu day off
lTraditional Zillertal delicacies s Rustic alpine hut in the most beautiful
hiking area of the Tux Alps, sun terrace with wonderful panoramic view. Overnight accommodation at the Gastu. Ferienhof Christler (1,400 m) located directly on the Eggalmbahn-Rastkogelbahn valley run - ideal for a holiday in winter and summer. Year-round skiing on the Hintertux Glacier.
YSP: Vorderlanersbach or Lanersbach, along the signposted trail, T: approx. 1.5 hrs
VEggalm Bahnen, continue on the signposted trail to the Lattenalm
BERGGASTHOF GEISLERHOF Fam. Heidi & Harry Paregger Vorderlanersbach 197 6293 Tux T +43 5287 87657 + 43 676 4702 335
O1st May until 26th October lMeat and dairy products from our own farm, traditional Tyrolean cuisine
g9 double rooms sBeautiful sun terrace with wonderful
views of the Zillertal mountains. Top starting point for hikes and mountain bike tours in the Zillertal Alps. No charging possibility for e-bikes. In winter in the immediate vicinity of the skiing area.
YSP: Lanersbach, T: 1.5 hrs, aor Mdrive up to the hut possible
Finkenberg, 1.921 m | map p. 6, 94
Photo: Thomas Rychly
Photo: Photo Willy
Vorderlanersbach, 1.645 m | map p. 6, 94
GAMSHÜTTE Corina Epp Brunnhaus 417 6292 Finkenberg T +43 664 4282969
OMid-June to end of September lTraditional cuisine g38 mattress dormitories (please book in advance)
sStarting point for the Berlin High Trail.
Suitable for day tours. Ascent on shady paths, with viewpoints that invite you to linger. Perfect refreshment is possible under the outdoor shower with fresh spring water. Or with a cool drink on the sun terrace, while enjoying a view of the Penken and Mayrhofen.
KVordere Grinbergspitze 2,765 m, T: approx. 2.5 hrs
YFinkenberg: Hermann-Hecht-Weg trail
no. 533, T: 3 hrs, (suitable even for rainy weather) or SP: Finkenberg, via the Grinbergalm on trail no. 534, T: 3 hrs, or SP: Ginzling, via the Georg-Herholzweg trail no. 533a, T: 3 hrs,
Photos: Archiv Spannagelhöhle, Julia Hammerle
The largest natural cave in Tyrol 2,535 m
THE SPANNAGEL CAVE ON THE HINTERTUX GLACIER! The marble vein with its highly interesting cave system and numerous natural wonders is a special geological feature located right next to the Spannagelhaus.
With cave museum! Visit the Spannagel cave, you will be amazed! Current opening hours at Cave trekking 2 or 3 hrs on request! 6294 Hintertux 799 For booking: office +43 5287 87251
Photo: Archiv Fam. Mück
Map: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kartografie Moser
Alpbach, 1.220 m | map p. 102
lb w
NEIG EY Fam. Mück IN THE HTAL VALL C A L P BA 6236 Alpbach APPT. Innerthal T +43 5336 5177, +43 664 3152335 /
OApprox. mid-May to October, Tue day off lService in summer, self-service in winter; fresh cold and hot dishes, homemade cakes, Tyrolean specialities. Alpine breakfast with own products on advance booking under +43 664 9161743
sAlso suitable for events up to approx. 150 people, large sun terrace, magnificent view over Inneralpbach to Alpbach
aInneralpbach to Greitergraben,
continue on foot for approx. 35 min
YSP: Bus stop Inneralpbach, turn right and
cross the wooden bridge, then along the Greiter Bach stream to the Greiter Graben car park, follow the signs to Böglalm on the right approx. 300 m after the barrier, ALT: 220, L: approx. 2.5 km, T: approx. 45 min, or via the road along the old farms, also suitable for prams
#delicious Culinary experiences & scenic views on the Penken
top statio no the
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* Culinary delights * Sun terrace with stunning panoramic views * Dining rooms with rustic atmosphere * Cordial service * Children’s playground
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Familie Huber · T +43 5285 62115
Finkenber ge
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Hearty titbits from the Ziller valley. Unique sun terrace for the young and the young at heart. Great entertainment for adults and children and a huge playground. Information:
AT 2 .095 m