A seemingly magical process of transformation, creation or combination. Forevermark and Jade Trau present The Alchemy Collection, the first exclusive collection Jade has created for Forevermark. Alchemy is the next evolution of the five-year partnership between the designer and the brand, effortlessly marrying the world’s most beautiful and carefully selected diamonds with Jade’s meticulous attention to detail and commitment to quality. It was Jade’s intention to design a collection that bonds a diamond to its wearer and evokes the same sense of connection to diamonds that she developed at a young age. The name for this collection was born out of transforming four diamond shapes into meaningful treasures that speak to each woman individually. Each shape embodies an archetype that represents who the customer was, is, and strives to be. Forevermark diamonds inherently have so many of those incredible qualities found in women: strength, beauty and integrity. 10