Annual report 2012 13 final

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Annual Report 2012-13



Annual Report 2012-13

About SGA The Sindh Graduates Association (SGA) is one of the largest voluntary civil society organizations of the country. It evolved from the coming together of a small group of enlightened individuals concerned about the poor level of development existing in the province of Sindh. They wanted to contribute with their labour and talents to a cause which had not received the attention, it truly required. The Association has come a long way since it was first formed in 1972 as a non-profit, non-sectarian and nonpolitical civil society organization. It is a registered body operating under Societies Registration Act (XXI) of 1860 registered on September 29, 1972. Today it boosts up a membership of over 9,000 graduate volunteers with the network of 113 branches in various towns and villages of Sindh as well as a branch office in Islamabad.

“to Construct a peaceful developed society in Sindh” aimed to coordinate efforts directed The Association was founded with the Vision

towards welfare and wellbeing of Sindh’s people. It is a non-political humane social organization recognizing inter-cultural and inter-personal interaction for national harmony and peace among all sectors of population and its objective was to empower the people to take decisions on their own and become partners in policy decisionmaking process so that sustainable development is ensured. The Mission Statement of Association is:

“to empower the people to take their own decisions and to be the partners in policy decision making, make them aware of the participatory methods, create amongst them the sense of self-esteem, prestige and hard work in pursuit of the path of sustainable development and thus construct a peaceful developed society in Sindh”.


Annual Report 2012-13


Annual Report 2012-13 Table of Contents Acronyms Foreword Message from Founder SGA Message from Chairman Background Organizational Overview 2012-13 Education  Objectives and Background  Roshan Tara Schools  Progress during 2012-13  Roshan Tara Secretariat  Public School Gadap, Karachi  SGA – Community Development Program (CDP) Project Health Dr. Yasmeen Shaikh Emergency Medical Centre (YASMEC)  AL-SHAMS Hospital  Eye, Skin, Hepatitis B&C and General Medical Camps Social Sector Development  Social Mobilization Project with Khushhali Bank Ltd  Local Support Organization (LSO) Project at Khipro Human Resource Development Human Resource Management Mazhar Resource Centre-Library Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai Community Centre (SALCC) Islamabad Social and Welfare/cultural Activities/Seminars Emergencies Financial Report-2012-13


Page No.


Branch Management Committee Community Development Programme Central Executive Committee Community Organization Council of Members Government of Sindh Human Resource Development Human Resource Management Information Technology International Non-governmental Organizations Khushhali Bank Ltd Librarian Information Management System Local Support Organization Mazhar Resource Centre NGO Resource Centre Non-governmental Organizations National Rural Support Programme Out Door Patients Planning and Development Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy Public School Gadap Research and Development Rural Support Programmes Network Roshan Tara School Shah Abdul Latif Community Centre Sindh Graduates Association Social Mobilization School Management Committee Training of Trainers Union Council United Nations International Children Emergency Fund United States Agency for International Development Village Organization Dr. Yasmeen Shaikh Memorial Emergency Centre


Annual Report 2012-13


Annual Report 2012-13

Foreword Its gives me immense pleasure to present the Annual Performance Report 2012-13 along with a brief background of Sindh Graduates Association. This report is equipped with almost all the information of SGA progress and achievements that bring us closer to Association’s vision and mission. The Association has successfully completed its 41 years journey and has entered into the 5th decade to continue this journey with the vision “to construct a peaceful developed society in Sindh”. SGA is one of the largest voluntary civil society organizations which always played its vital role for the promotion of education, health, social mobilization, emergencies, human resource development, poverty alleviation and advocacy for poor and less privileged communities in Sindh. The Association has a membership of over 9000 graduate volunteers with a large network of 113 branches in various towns and villages of Sindh as well as a branch office in Islamabad. During 2012-13 the Association not only expanded its activities and operations but also strengthened education, health, human resources, publication and poverty alleviation and research and development activities within the frame work of Association. The Association has planned to widen its social, welfare, cultural and resource mobilization activities for the betterment and development of society in a dynamic and sustainable way in the upcoming period to overcome existing issues. I would definitely appreciate and congratulate the dynamic volunteers of Central Executive Committee and Council of Members who with their true enthusiasms and wisdom have contributed tremendously since inception in making SGA what it is today. If a support organization harnesses people’s potential and dedication through organizing them, they can move mountains. The credit of Association’s success goes to committed volunteers, communities, donor agencies who are working with SGA and those who supported SGA in past, stakeholders and its staff members whose ownership, dedication, enthusiasm carries the organization forward and enabled us to translate our goals and objectives into reality. I must thank to Chairman SGA and other office bearers of CEC, volunteers of branches and professional staff members for their continued support in accomplishment of set targets successfully. I am also thankful to Ms. Ashraf Pathan, Sikandar Ali Lakho, Qurban Bhanbhro and Hizbullah Shahani who tirelessly put their maximum efforts in providing desired information and composing of this report. Mr. Misri Chaniho really deserves special mention for supporting me in preparing and writing this report. Finally, as a member of the SGA Management team, I assure you that we will continue to work on issues; development and strengthening that are concerned to the poor and disadvantaged sections of society. We are confident that our commitment to our communities will be sincere and unrelenting; and we are fully optimistic that with the support of our partners, volunteers and well-wisher friends, SGA would In Sha Allah be able to achieve its task in a satisfactory manner. Ali Hussain Brohi Secretary General (Honorary) Sindh Graduates Association


Annual Report 2012-13

Message from Founder Sindh Graduates Association has evolved as a voluntary organization to galvanize the efforts of the people to reach the base line of development. In the year 1970, the entity of Sindh was reemerged as a vibrant modern society and it broke away from the stigma of the agrarian past. The educated middle class organized themselves to highlight the social needs of people of this forgotten society. The response of people was immense and immediate. The SGA volunteers were encouraged went ahead without resources. Our early companions used to spend from their pockets and their hard earned salaries for the maintenance of office and travel to reach the different places. Their love and dedication is an all time energizer for all of us. Now the SGA is in its 42nd year of existence. Even today thousands of volunteers are still devoting their precious time, energies and talent for the good of people with the same energy as devotion as their predecessors. They believe that we shall live with the spirit of Sindhi People for time immemorial. SGA has been publishing its reports in Sindhi every year since inception. But for the first time in its history the Annual Report of SGA is being published in English. This need has emanated from the fact that our language, Sindhi, is not recognized worldwide. It is our need to be heard and felt with the same emotion and feeling as in our mother tongue. Alas we must choose a global language to be heard around the world. I salute all the members, volunteers, workers of Sindh Graduates Association for their life long commitment of “Service above self�. I am sure if we keep up our values and principles alive, the world shall find us and recognize us for our selfless existence.

Allah Bless You All

Dr. Suleman Shaikh Karachi-Sindh 26th February 2014


Annual Report 2012-13

Message from Chairman Sindh Graduates Association (SGA) in its very essence is an organization that has roots in the people who carry extreme attachment to socio-economic development of the people of Sindh. Over the last 41 years, SGA evolved from a dedicated voluntary body to a vibrant development partner in the region. Through its range of social-service portfolio, SGA has been at forefront to bring changes in the lives of vulnerable populace of rural, urban and semi-urban areas of Sindh. This journey continues through focused interventions, in the most neglected areas by bridging partnership with like-minded bodies to strengthen development initiatives for the redress of problems faced by the people of Sindh. Experience has proved that an ultimate change is only possible through sincere indigenous efforts from the people for the like souls. SGA feels honor in recognizing the sincere thoughts and contribution from the pool of SGA volunteers that is highest in number against any other likeminded group in the region. Over the last few years Sindh has faced catastrophes in regular intervals .We, at present, are in the phase of reconstruction. This situation calls for an energetic effort to come together and strive for a prosperous region that promotes honor, dignity and pride in its social, economic and cultural outlook. SGA will continue stride for achieving its socio-cultural and economic development objectives by advancing social services through its education and health sector outlets as well as building partnership with likeminded bodies.

Rafique Ahmed Jaffri Karachi-Sindh 25th February 2014


Annual Report 2012-13 determination to its services received formal recognition through institutional assistance. Now the SGA has its strong base of funding, which is a contribution by the members of the Association, donation by general public, grant in aid from Governments of Pakistan and Sindh. The national and international organizations assigned various projects to the SGA and also gave donations which include, The ILO, UNICEF, UNESCO, CIDA, the World Bank, SPO, OXFAM, TVO, SEF, SDA, SANA, Action Aid Pakistan, RSPN, INFAQ Foundation, Khushhali Bank, USAID, Jummani family, etc.

BACKGROUND The Sindh Graduates Association evolved from the coming together of a small group of enlightened individuals concerned over the poor level of development existing in Sindh. They wanted to contribute with their efforts and talents to a cause, which had not received attention, it truly required. The SGA has come a long way, since it was first formed in 1972 as a non-profit, non-sectarian and non-political civil society organization. It is a registered body operating under Societies Registration Act (XXI) of 1860 registered on September 29, 1972. Today it boosts up a membership of over 9,000 graduate volunteers and 113 branches in various towns and villages of Sindh and a branch office in Islamabad. The Association was founded with the vision “to construct a peaceful developed society in Sindh” aimed to coordinate efforts directed towards welfare and wellbeing of Sindh’s people. It is a non-political humane social organization recognizing inter-cultural and inter-personal interaction for national harmony and peace among all sectors of population and its objective was to empower the people to take decisions on their own and become partners in policy decisionmaking process so that sustainable development is ensured.

The management structure of the Association consists of Council of Members (the highest decision-making body) with 191 members and Central Executive Committee (executing body) with 25 office-bearers & executive members. The Association has been working in the fields of education, health, emergency relief, environmental protection, rural water supply and sanitation, rights-based advocacy, social mobilization & poverty alleviation, human resource development, literature, arts and cultural activism for the last 41 years. The focus of the Association is chiefly centered on promoting education, improving health services, rights-based advocacy and raising awareness of people through printed material and organizing seminars, conferences and public forums.

At the beginning, the SGA might have seemed too ambitious to some. For in assisting the people of its region in the problems that stem from poverty and official lack of direction. It attempted to work in just about every field and discipline that needed attention to health, basic education, vocational training, income generation, emergency assistance and socio-cultural activism. Following the principle of "for the people, by the people", the SGA did not rely on any governmental or international assistance for the first 18 years of its existence. The volunteer members, including both management and field representatives, have continued to mobilize funds from alternative sources throughout this period, for what was to become a unique grass roots organizational effort in this part of the world. Only in 1990 for the first time its dedication and

The Association owns and manages 24 Roshan Tara Schools in different parts of the province, which provide better education to children on affordable fees. During the year 2011-12 the Association executed an agreement with the Government of Sindh under Public Private Partnership for the management of Public School Gadap for a period of 30 years. The Association


Annual Report 2012-13 runs a 24-hour Emergency Medical Centre (YASMEC) at Super Highway which provides health services to the victims of road accidents, workers at Nooriabad industrial estate and also caters to the needs of Kohistan people of Jamshoro district. It arranges skin, eye and general medical camps in different parts of province to address the health needs of the poor and under-privileged population in backward and inaccessible parts of the province. The Association is also managing a full time medical health clinic at Pano Akil under the supervision of local SGA branch.

phenomenon. Education and awareness tools will help us change the behavior of the men in our society. The Association is working on gender issues to promote women development in the province. It discourages all kinds of cruel acts that are inflicted on innocent women in the name of honour killings. That is why, the Association is trying to mobilize the women to come forward and play a meaningful role in the society. There are many women members in the Association who are holding important offices in public and private sector. Some are associated with medical and legal professions. The Association has a track record of empowering poor and needy women in the districts of Dadu and Naushero Feroze. It imparted vocational trainings (handicraft) and provided the women with credit facilities to help them supplement their family incomes to live a respectable life. The Association had also arranged human rights training to more than 100 teachers of their Roshan Tara Schools to work as promoters of human rights in their respective areas.

SGA facilitates the youth by sponsoring limited scholarships specifically to bright, promising, poor and needy students of colleges and universities with the financial assistance of Mr. Shabbir Ahmed Jumani family. It also makes an advocacy of people’s rights by holding seminars and workshops and publishing articles and statements to discourage violation of human rights. The Association believes that women are an important segment of our society as they form over 50 per cent of population and their education, health, nutrition and general wellbeing is our responsibility. Educated and healthy mothers are the one that can build society and ensure development everywhere in the province. The women occupy an honorable place in an Islamic society and our original traditions. Unfortunately some people with intolerant male chauvinistic views and traditions disregard them. The causes of present state of women in our society can be traced back to mediaeval times and onwards to the evolution of feudal society in Kalhora and Talpur eras. The influence of feudal traditions and feudal psyche is attributable to this

Keeping in view the drinking water problems in the province, the Association had provided water supply schemes to 14 villages in the districts of Thatta, Dadu, Khairpur, Larkana, Shikarpur and Jacobabad with the financial assistance of the World Bank and Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Government of Sindh. The Association had the credit of redesigning the models already developed by PHED that had a positive impact on water facilities and construction cost. education and learning in the province. As well as established, mother and child care centers and SGA Clinics (Jumma Clinics) that took care of the poor in backward areas of Karachi and other

The Association established computer centers, Women Development Centers and English Language Development Centers to promote


Annual Report 2012-13 parts in the province. It also started ambulance services in different localities to provide 24 hours emergency transport service to the low-income groups.

In order to promote literacy in Sindh, the Association launched an adult and youth literacy programme in 2004-05 in Hala, Hyderabad, Tando Allahyar and Thatta. The project was financed by USAID and technical support was provided by Education Sector Reform Assistance (ESRA). Under this project the target was to educate 10,000 learners whereas SGA went beyond the targets and succeeded in getting 11,846 learners enrolled at 399 centers, out of which 212 centers were meant for female learners.

The Association has been arranging a wide variety of social and cultural activities since its inception. Expo’ Sindh, Latif Year, Sachal Year, National Latif Congress, and National Sachal Congress are from its core activities. To create an atmosphere of peace, harmony and brotherhood during 2004 an International Shah, Sachal and Sami conference was held at Karachi. More then 30 intellectuals, writers and literary persons from India and other countries participated in the above conference. In 2005 Dada J.P (Jai Parkash) Waswani an spiritual leader, intellectual and world renowned personality visited Sindh on the invitation of Sindh Graduates Association. Revered Dada delivered three lectures at Karachi and Hyderabad on peace and brotherhood. On the occasion the Association has entered an agreement with Sadhu Waswani Mission Pune India for arranging Heart Surgeries of infants/children below 6 years having hole in their hearts. 10 patients were operated and treated at Nana Vati Hospital India with the help and support of Sadhu Vaswani Mission, India.

The Association has been successfully completed 41 years of its selfless services rendered for improvement and lifting up poorest of the poor with participation of the communities. The SGA is building on its three strengths --- local supervision, operational autonomy at the branch level and strong community involvement to address the challenge of educating the future generations of Sindh. Combined with the willingness to experiment and innovate, characteristics shared by other NGOs to fill in the vacuum in Sindh today.

Besides its own self-help based projects, the Association has run projects in collaboration with Khushali Bank, Actionaid Pakistan, RSPN, USAID at different districts of the province. These projects focused on social mobilization, education, health, birth spacing, micro-finance, small infrastructure and human resource development.


Annual Report 2012-13 ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW Working Structure The Sindh Graduates Association means working through its members for less- privileged people of the homeland. The supreme body of the Association is the Council of Members (COM) consisting of Presidents, General Secretaries and the office bearers of Central Executive Committee (CEC). The Council gives instructions, monitors activities of the branches and the 25-member Central Executive Committee (CEC) carries them out through the Branch Management Committees (BMC) of 15 office bearers of each branch. The branches perform all activities within their local areas involving the

communities and coordination with the Central Executive Committee. The members of each branch elect the 15 member Branch Management Committee after every three years whereas the Presidents and General Secretaries of branches in turn elect the Central Executive Committee. The Secretary General of the CEC is the Association’s chief administrative organ for the day-to-day activities and tasks to be accomplished by the Association at its headquarters in Karachi.



Annual Report 2012-13 During the year 2012-13 the Central Executive Committee (CEC) met three times to review the overall working, performance/progress and future planning of the Association. More than 80% CEC members attended the above meetings. Whereas the Council of Members (COM) met once during the year at Karachi wherein organizational development and its planning was discussed in detail and recommendations were also recorded. Besides, the Convention and Annual General Meeting of the Association was held on 23rd December, 2012 at Government Miran Girls Pilot Secondary School Heerabad, Hyderabad wherein Presidents & General Secretaries of 83 branches participated and presented their progress/financial reports of 201213. On the occasion the elections of Central Executive Committee (CEC) for the period 201215 were also held. The Central Election Commission declared the following 18 male and 02 female candidates as successful for Central Executive Committee.

Mr. Rafique Ahmed Jafri, Chairman 2. Mr. Abdul Rasool Soomro, Vice Chairman 3. Mr. Ali Hussain Brohi, Secretary General 4. Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim Shaikh, Secretary Finance 5. Mr. Khalid Hussain Channa, Secretary Education 6. Mr. Peeral Khan Khoso, Secretary Health 7. Mr. Muhammad Ismail Panhwar, Secretary Information 8. Ms. Hameeda Khaskheli, Secretary Women Development. 9. The remaining 17 members being the Executive Members.

1. Mr. Khalid Hussain Channa 2. Mr. Ali Hussain Brohi 3.Mr. Manzoor Ujjan 4. Mr. Mohammad Ibrahim Shaikh 5. Mr. Abdul Rasool Soomro 6. Mr. Ali Hyder Palepoto 7. Mr. Noor Mohammad Sial 8. Mr. Wali Mohammad Roshan 9. Mr. Jawed Akbar Memon 10. Mr. Rafique Ahmed Jaffri 11. Mr. Jawed Ahmed Unar 12. Mr. Peeral Khan Khoso 13. Mr. Mohammad Ismail Panhwar 14. Mr. Taj Mohammad Wassan 15. Mr. Shams uddin Sario 16. Mr. Ghulam Hussain Baloch 17. Mr. Taj Mohammad Baloch 18. Mr. Aijaz Ali Shahok 19. Ms. Hameeda Khaskheli 20. Ms. Sanam Sindhu Bhanbhro Subsequently 5 senior members viz. Dr. Muhammad Suleman Shaikh, Fazlullah Qureshi, Altaf Hussain Gorar, Arbab Khalid Mahmood and Ms. Suraya Memon were co-opted to complete the formation of 25 CEC. Accordingly the elections of office bearers were conducted by the Central Election Commission and the following Office Bearers elected for the above tenure.


Annual Report 2012-13


Annual Report 2012-13

List of Presidents and General Secretaries of SGA Branches 1

Branch Code 000

2 3

001 003

4 5


Name of Branch Karachi


General Secretary

Mr. Ashraf Ali Khuhawar

Mr. Mohammad Ayaz Memon

Hyderabad Sehwan

Prof. Suresh Kumar Wadhwani Mr. Irshad Ahmed Panhwar

Mr. Anees Noor Memon Mr. Abdul Ghaffar Solangi

004 005

Dadu Moro

Mr. Rafique Ahmed Surhio Mr. Ghulamullah Memon (Adv)

Mr. Nabi Bux Samo Mr. Shafi Mohammad Bhatti

6 7

006 008

Hala Khairpur Mirs

Mr. Jinsar Ali Memon Prof: Ghulam Qadir Phulpoto

Mr. Muhammad Murad Gahothi Prof: Waliullah Mahesar

8 9

009 011

Islamabad Larkana

Mr. Mohammad Yousuf Memon Mr. Barkat Shaikh

Mr. Rasheed Adil Sarki Syed Jawed Shah

10 11

013 014

Badin Karachi Women

Mr. Abdul Karim Soomro Ms. Mahtab Akbar Rashdi

Mr. Faiz Mohammad Abro Ms. Bisma Shah

12 13

015 017

Tando Adam Mirpur Khas

Mr. Mohammad Khan Waryah Mr. Mohammad Ashraf Khadim

Mr. Ghulam Qadir Bhacho Mr. Majnoo Khaskheli

14 15

018 019

Tando Allahyar Nawabshah

Mr. Amir Ahmed Junejo Mr. Gazi Khan Bhutto

Mr. Shafique Ahmed Yousfani Mr. Mohammad Saleem Memon



Mr. Abdul Jabar Junejo

Mr. Ihsanullah Jamali



Mr. Zahid Hussain Rajpar

Mr. Zameer Hussain



Shahdad Kot Naushahro Feroze Kandiaro

Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Sahito


19 20

028 029

Ranipur Thari Mirwah

Mr. Barkat Ali Mallah Mr. Imam Ali Dasti

Mr. Mushtaq Hussain Bhanbhro Mr. Raza Mohammad Laghari

21 22

030 031

Shikarpur Talhar

Madam Safia Khan Abassi Mr. Allah Dino Samoon

Mr. Masood Ahmed Sahto Mr. Abdul Khalique




Mr. Shams-uddin Khudai




Mr. Mohammad Rafique Pakheiro Agha Muhammad Bilawal Khan Pathan

25 26

036 037

Pano Akil Nau Dero

Mr. Anwar Ali Sial Dr. Ghullam Mustafa Khuhro

Mr. Mushtaque Ahmed M. Kalhoro Mr. Mohammad Sharif

27 27

038 039

Sanghar Shahpur Chakar

Mr. Mumtaz Ali Leghari Mr. Abdul Hameed Dahri

Mr. Ahsan Ali Leghari Mr. Ali Hassan Shar

28 29

040 041

Pat Sharif Phulji Station

Mr. Mohammad Azam Memon Mr. Aftab Ahmed Panhwar

Mr. Ghulam Hyder (Gulzar Ali) Kalhoro Mr. Ahmed Hassan Panhwar

30 31

043 045

Johi Gambat

Mr. Ghulam Ali Lashari Mr. Siri Chand Ram Singhani

Mr. Abdul Fatah Dahri Mr. Raz Ali Gul Bhutto

32 33

046 047

Mithi Khipro

Mr. Sadiq Faqeer Mr. Munir Ahmed Laghari

Mr. Shaukat Tabassum Kunbhar Mr. Abdul Rasheed

34 35

048 049

Khairpur Nathan Shah

Dr. Arbab Ali Shah Dr. Mohammad Anwar Wagan

Mr. Qurban Ali Bughio Mr. Abdul Karim Lashari

36 37

050 051

Thul Kunb

Mr. Aziz Ahmed Ansari Dr. Mushtaq Phul

Mr. Gul Hassan Merani Mr. Ali Nawaz Palh

38 39

053 054

Nasirabad Tando Bago

Mr. Abdul Sattar Mr. Mohammad Suleman Khaskheli

Mr. Baz Mustafa Dahar Mr. Ashfaque Ahmed Memon




Mr. Ahmed Ali Tunio

Mr. Ghulam Qadir Gul Channa



Mr. Abdul Rauf Dayo

Annual Report 2012-13 41 42

056 058

Kotri Kashmore

43 44

060 061

Khuda Abad Jarwar

45 46

162 063

Hingorja Karoondi







Manjhand Gulshan-eHadeed Karachi Lyari Karachi







Malir Karachi Sachal Goth Karachi Mehrabpur

53 54

071 072

Karampur Umerkot

55 56

073 074

57 58

Mr. Altaf Ahmed Memon Mr. Mohammad Zaman Dayo

Mr. Abdul Sattar Bhutto Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Mr. Mohammad Ibrahim Bhand Dr. Suresh Kumar

Mr. Peer Bux Jalbani Mr. Mushtaque Ali Lund

Mr. Abdul Sami Bhanbhro Mr. Abdul Rehman Soomro

Mr. Ghulam Ali Tanweri Mr. Mohammad Iqbal Moorjo

Mr. Haji Mohd Siddique Memon


Mr. Khadim Hussain Kandhro

Mr. Shafqat Ali Hajano

Mr. Muhammad Qasim Wahocho

Mr. Sanaullah Bughio

Mr. Murid Ali Lakho

Mr. Gul Baig Mugheri

Mr. Ali Anwar Baladi

Mr. Karam Ellahi Channa

Syed Sher Mohammad Shah

Mr. Akhtar Hussain Sahito

Mr. Hazoor Bux Otho Mr. Jamaluldin Samejo

Mr. Abdul Majeed Otho Mr. Habibullah Samejo

Diplo Golarchi

Mr. Abdul Majeed Passayo Mr. Ali Murad Khaskheli

Mr. Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Mr. Asad Khaskheli

076 079

Kamber Kaloi

Mr. Inayat Hussain Bhutto Mr. Abdul Gafoor Lakho

Mr. Khair Mohammad Mangi Mr. Mohammad Abbas

59 60

080 083

Sindhri Rato Dero

Mr. Gul Hassan Lashari Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Lak

Mr. Dhani Parto Khaskehli Mr. Mohammad Amin Bozdar

61 62

085 087

Sita Road Bhan Syed Abad

Mr. Imtiaz Ali Memon Dr. Mohammad Ali Rahpoto

Mr. Gulzar Ali Kalhoro Mr. Dewan Karo Mal

63 64

089 090

Badah Gharo

Mr. Abdul Razaque Soomro Syed Irshad Shah Bukhari

Mr. Mohammad Khan Gadhi Mr. Ameer Ali Lashari

65 66

092 093

Qazi Ahmed Kachho

Mr. Hakim Ali Otho Mr. Shahabuddin Shahani

Mr. Naimatullah Bhutto Mr. Ghayasuddin Shahani



Mr. Bakhsh Ali Chandio

Mr. Muhammad Khalid Memon



Phul Branch Makhdoom Bilawal

Mr. Allah Warrayo Panhwar

Mr. Shafi Mohammad Birhmani

69 70

097 098

Miro Khan Darya Khan Mari

Mr. Malik Dino Ansari Mr. Abdul Rehman Khaskheli

Mr. Abdul Hameed Ansari Mr. Ghulam Murtaza

71 72

100 101

Darbelo Gurrabah

Dr. Badar Abro Mr. Naimatullah Nuhiro

Mr. Faheem Abbasi Dr. Kamal-u-din Nuhiro



Mr. Arbab Akbar Adil Advocate

Mr. Arbab Aijaz Ali



Ms. Nazir Naz

Dr. Arbia Noor



Bhukrio Hyderabad Women Khhaiber

Mr. Imam Ali Soomro

Mr. Farooque Noohpoto

76 77

105 106

Tharushah Daro

Mr. Khadim Hussain Mr. Mayadin Kiranoo

Mr. Shewa Ram Mr. Zulfiquar Ali Hassain

78 79

107 108

Padidan Warah

Mr. Abdul Razaque Arain Mr. Ghulam Qadir. Soomro

Mr. Ghulam Hussain Mari Mr. Abdul Salam. Lashari

80 81

109 110

Site Area Kotri Setharja

Mr. Sikandar Ali Chahwan Mr. Pro. Shafique Ahmed Rind

Mr. Mukhtiar Ali Khuharo Mr. Ghous Bux Sehito

82 83

111 112

Gadap Jamshoro

Mr. Zafar Hameed Baloch Mr. Qurban Ali Memon

Mr. Rashid Hussain Baloch Mr. Hafiz Alhando Teewno


Annual Report 2012-13

EDUCATION educational activities are divided into three distinct phases: Pre-1980 phase, 1980-1993 phase and 1993 onwards. The first phase was characterized by efforts to improve existing government schools. The second phase envisages establishment of the SGA schools in Sindh towns and expanding their function. Whereas the third phase offers initiation of efforts to focus on largescale education for girls- the most downtrodden generation of Sindh's rural population. In terms of output, the second phase has given the most significant results.

Background and Objectives Education is one of the most fundamental areas of the SGA interventions and the Association has been carrying out different activities in this field for the past 41 years which eventually led to the establishment of new schools, improving and modernizing of education, strengthening of existing schools to fulfill the needs of a vast population to bring order, peace, sustainable social, economic and technological development in this region. Right from the inception in 1972, the focus of the Association is centered chiefly on improving education standard at primary and secondary levels and providing new school systems to address the needs of youth in rural areas and urban fringes. It has been established that the progress of a family, nation or whole mankind depends entirely on standard of education that each nation maintains. The basic educational needs of children must be met on priority basis if we are to accelerate the pace of progress to survive in today’s world, which is full of challenges and prejudices. We need to popularize primary education that provides the basis for higher education.

From the very beginning the first obligation placed by the Association on its members was to undertake measures to improve the government schools where the SGA members had studied in their childhood for the purpose of providing better opportunities for education to the next generation. Members raised resources from the community to improve existing facilities such as buildings, furniture, toilets, and teaching materials as well as granting scholarships. They worked with the community to improve attendance of students at these schools. They tried to strengthen links between the teachers and the community. Over the years, however, the limitations of this approach became apparent. The Association came to the realization that even with their supplementary efforts; government schools are unlikely to provide quality education.

In Sindh, except a few elite schools, the formal education provided by the state and the private sector is highly insufficient, besides being ineffective. They have not even matched the progress in the field achieved in other parts of Pakistan. Girls often face neglect or discrimination in the schooling process. Historically, the SGA began to address this situation by helping to improve the facilities and services of government schools. The SGA’s

The SGA’s third approach to education was to introduce home schools project, which focused entirely on female literacy and socio-economic awareness in rural areas. It was ensured that the mobilization of resources and the curriculum


Annual Report 2012-13 were suited to the local context. Primary Health Care and Vocational Training were added as subjects to the Sindh Textbook Board’s primary school curriculum, while condensing the prescribed five years of study to a more convenient three-year course. The effort has been to reduce the attrition rate and to educate these girls for the real life challenges and situations they will soon face as young women, as active caretakers and productive members of their families and communities. Home Schools were established in villages where little or no other opportunities for schooling exist. The Age Group of 8-15 years was targeted. 6000 female students benefited from this program throughout Sindh. The collaborating organizations were Trust for Voluntary Organisations (TVO), UNICEF, Sindh Education Foundation (SEF) & PDP (SAP). In Thatta district where extreme poverty and lack of popular education contributed to high levels of infant mortality and poor levels of health, a School Nutrition pilot project was launched in 24 Primary Schools in collaboration with Education Department Government of Sindh, NORAD and World Bank to address various community needs. A social mobilization campaign was launched in Thatta, Dadu and Badin with the financial assistance of UNICEF & UNESCO to increase the enrolment of out of school children aged between five and nine years.

Goth, Bachal Goth & Gadap), Badin, Hala, Khipro, Sehwan, Dadu, Ghotki, Pano Aqil, Mehar, Mehrabpur, Johi, Jarwar, Kaloi, Bhan Syedabad, Kashmore, Mirpur Khas, Talhar and Phulji. The most striking feature of all these schools is that (a) all Roshan Tara Schools are coeducational and (b) more than 70 per cent of the teachers are females, even in the small towns where cultural barriers and norms prevent women from taking active part in development activities. This was made possible owing to the SGA’s strong community roots and its credibility, which the Association has earned through its development work over the years. Organizationally, Roshan Tara Schools have a three-tier management system: at school level by principal; at branch level by Roshan Tara School Management Committee headed by the nominees of Branch Management Committee (BMC) and assisted by a representative of parents, a prominent educationist of the area and principal of the school as member secretary. At the central level the Central Roshan Tara Schools Management Committee (CRTSMC) headed by Secretary Education of the Association is looking into the affairs of these schools. Of all the SGA projects, Roshan Tara Schools have a great potential of being sustainable even without the help of the Association owing to parent-teacher involvement, community response and capacity to mobilize resources at local level. Above all, these schools have the prestige of being quality education institutions and their replication in other places is being welcomed. The limitation of Roshan Tara Schools is lack of resources and training facilities at rural centres. The Karachi-based NGOs, SPELT, Project-RISE, TRC, Faran Education Society, AKU-IED and Government of Sindh are assisting the SGA with the training of teachers in English, Mathematics and Science. To impart computer knowledge to the students and equip the science laboratories Government of Sindh and INFAQ foundation has extended their financial support in this sphere. INFAQ Foundation is also supporting the Association in the construction of school buildings.

Roshan Tara Schools The SGA declared 1980 as "The year for education." By that time the Association had consolidated its community base. Even though its financial resources were limited, it felt strong enough to initiate its first school at Hala, a small town near Bhitshah. This pilot project was launched by mobilizing local human and material resources. The school was named Roshan Tara School. The project was an instant success. People were looking for an institution, which could provide better education at affordable cost. Classes in the Roshan Tara School range between kindergarten to secondary level. The medium of instruction are Sindhi but English is taught as a compulsory subject from the very beginning. Encouraged by the response, the Association opened more schools in the following years. The Association is currently running 24 Roshan Tara Schools in Karachi (Gulshan-e-Hadeed, Sachal


Annual Report 2012-13 whereas BMC nominates Educationist having a prestigious reputation and expertise in education and school management. The detailed responsibilities/Terms of References of SMCs and guidelines are given in Rahbar (A book on a set of guidelines for Roshan Tara Schools).

Progress Report for the year 2012-13 Presently SGA is running/managing a chain of 24 Roshan Tara Schools across Sindh on self help basis with the enrollment of more than 8494 (5130 boys and 3364 girls) students and 412 teaching faculty whereas the non teaching staff is 106. These schools are imparting quality and standard education at a very low fee cost for rural and less privileged students of Sindh from kindergarten to Higher Secondary level. Fourteen schools have their own buildings whereas 10 schools are running in rental premises. With the Financial support of Government of Sindh and INFAQ Foundation the buildings of Roshan Tara School Sachal Goth, Sehwan and Badin have been expanded/ renovated. Besides, all Roshan Tara Schools have been supported in respect of salaries of staff members by Community Development Program of Planning & Development Department, Government of Sindh. Three Information Technology (I.T) Labs have been established in three schools viz. Sehwan, Mehrabpur and Kahshmore. A Research & Development Centre has also been established in SGA Head Office to support the education and Roshan Tara Schools.

A snapshot of monthly publication of Pakistan Petroleum Limited “PROGRESS” Vol.LVIII No.1 of August 2013 Support to Roshan Tara High School, Sanghar In light of recent discoveries in Gambat South Block, located in District Sanghar, Sindh, Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) has initiated additional community welfare and development projects in the district. As part of this effort, the company recently committee financial support amounting to over Rs. 10 million to Sindh Graduates Association (SGA) for construction of ground floor of the proposed Roshan Tara High School (RTHS) premises at Shahpur Chakar, Taluka Shahdadkot. Construction is expected to commence shortly and be completed within a year. This is the second time PPL has extended support to SGA, the first being for the construction of a school in Kashmore Town. SGA has been engaged in establishing the Roshan Tara chain of schools since 1980 with the objective of providing quality education at affordable cost for less privileged students. Currently, the association operates 25 schools in Sindh, mostly in rural areas. Besides this recent initiative, PPL extends merit-based higher professional education scholarship to two eligible students from District Sanghar every year to study in reputable institutions across the country and organizes free eye camps in the district bi-annually to treat local patients unable to afford or access healthcare services.

Roshan Tara Secretariat: The Roshan Tara Schools are managed and supervised by the Roshan Tara Secretariat headed by the Secretary Education of Sindh Graduates Association. The main functions of the Secretariat besides others includes; establishing new schools, overall supervision and monitoring, planning, training/capacity building and development, facilitation in smooth management /administration, designing syllabus, arranging curricular and co-curricular activities, conduct of centralized examinations etc.

Roshan Tara Schools have active and functional School Management Committees (SMCs) which are fully responsible for looking after the affairs and management of the Schools for their sustainability. Each SMC comprises of 5 members headed by a Chairman. The Chairman and Vice Chairman are nominated by the branch in its formal meeting, whereas the Principal acts as Secretary of the Committee by virtue of his designation. The parents’ representative is selected during the teacher / parents’ meeting


Annual Report 2012-13 During the current year the secretariat conducted number of activities such as supervision of the examination process, designed new syllabus for schools, arranged various capacity building/training programs where 158 teachers benefitted. A Girls Guide training program was arranged for 45 Roshan Tara Schools most competent and devoted teacher in October, 2012 at Karachi. To check the standard and quality of each school, the Secretariat has taken initiative to conduct Annual Examinations of 5th and 8th standards of each school on a pilot basis. 738 students of all the schools were enrolled and appeared in the Annual Examination of 2011-12. Vigilance committees/teams consisting of CEC members under the supervision of Secretary Education across Sindh were constituted to monitor and evaluate examination process in the schools. The vigilance teams reported satisfactory examination process and discipline in all the Schools.

Teachers Day, World Independence Day etc.




The Curriculum Committee constituted under the chairmanship of Mr. Khalid Hussain Channa, Secretary Education SGA and Mr. Agha Ali Gohar Pathan, Principal RTS Ghotki, Mr. Khadim Hussain Kandhro, Chairman RTSMC Gulshan-e- Hadeed, Mr. Ali Akbar Memon, Member BMC, Bhan Syedabad and Mr. Washu Ram, Principal RTS Pano Akil being Members have successfully managed to develop a consensus among the management/representatives of the schools for adopting a uniform syllabus in all the schools.

During the year a comprehensive visit program of all schools was chalked out and implemented under the active and dynamic leadership of Secretary Education. Number of Central Executive Members and professional staff assisted the Secretary Education in conduct of his assignments. As a part of co-curricular programs as also to promote recreational, social, cultural activities number of events were arranged in almost all the schools such as Teachers Day, Colors Day, Global Action Week, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Annual Awards Distribution Ceremony, Eid Milad un Nabi(SAWW) programs, Asan Jo Shah program, World

SGA published number of books and magazines in the past including regular Hayati (Life) Magazine and SGA Samachar etc. During the year a series of five books of ‘Asan Jo Shah’ (Our Shah- A book on the life and poetry of Shah Abdul Abdul Latif Bhittai for the students of class-III to VIII) reviewed and updated by Dr. Fahmida Hussain Memon, Chairperson Sindhi Language Authority were published and disseminated in all Roshan Tara Schools as supplementary reading pack. Subsequently, ‘A Hand Book of English Grammar’ by Prof. K.S


Annual Report 2012-13

Nagpal has also been published for Secondary level students of Roshan Tara Schools. Recently, with the untiring efforts of Secretary Education, Secretary Information and staff members a magazine titled “Roshan Tara Balak Magazine� has been published and distributed in all Roshan Tara Schools, SGA branches and other Institutions/Libraries for the promotion of education and extension of co curricular activities of education in Roshan Tara Schools.


Annual Report 2012-13 List of Roshan Tara Schools


Annual Report 2012-13 Academic Performance (Matric and Intermediate Results): Almost all the schools are providing quality and standardized education. The overall results from Kindergarten to Eighth standard are 100% with more than 80% A and A+ grades. Whereas an outstanding performance has been witnessed in all the Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools during the current year. The following results of Academic year 2012-13 of Secondary School Certificate-II (Matric) and 2011-12 of Higher Secondary Certificate-II (Intermediate) of different Boards clearly indicate the standard and quality of Roshan Tara Schools. Achieving an outstanding result of more than 88% of A1 and A grades clearly speaks the hard work of the students, faculty and the management of the schools.


Name of School

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Khipro Jarwar Ghotki Pano Akil Mehrabpur RTS Hala Sehwan Bhan Sayedabad Mehar Kashmore Sachal Goth Gulshan HadeedII Total



Name of School


RTS Hala RTS Bhan Syedabad RTS Jarwar RTS Pano Akil RTS Ghotki RTS Kashmore RTS Mehrabpur RTS Sehwan RTS Gulshan Hadeed RTS Sachal Goth RTS Mehar RTS Khipro Total

02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

SSC Part–II (Matric) Result 2012 – 2013 Total A1 A B C Students 51 20 24 7 0 26 0 24 2 0 123 107 13 3 0 66 31 29 6 0 20 0 15 4 1 39 22 11 6 0 8 1 6 1 0 13 8 5 0 0 27 9 18 0 0 35 18 13 4 0 33 8 12 8 3 23 464






0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 98%






231 185 41 (2011-2012)





Hyderabad Larkana Karachi

Total Student 36

A1 Grade

A Grade

B Grade




C Grade -







36 45 110 21 17 9

9 10 80 7 2

26 30 29 13 9 7

1 5 1 1 4 -

3 -

1 -







39 28 72 465

9 6 43 197

10 22 24 203

14 5 51


6 9


D Grade -

Annual Report 2012-13 (2010-2011) S.No.

Name of School


RTS Khipro RTS Gulshan Hadeed RTS Jarwar RTS Kashmore RTS Sachal Goth RTS Mehrabpur RTS Hala RTS Ghotki RTS Bhan Sayed Abad RTS Pano Akil RTS Sehwan RTS Mehar Total

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

S.No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

Total Student 67

A1 Grade

A Grade

B Grade




C Grade 1







30 38 19 25 36 129

1 21 1 17 47

26 16 14 17 14 66

3 1 4 5 5 11

3 -

1 -







64 10 18 492

18 5 1 159

33 5 16 267

11 1 51

2 8


(2009-2010) Total Student 59 32 13 25 33 24 19 113 22 49 11 400

A1 Grade 25 09 05 13 02 13 25 07 07 107

Name of School RTS Khipro RTS Gulshan Hadeed RTS Jarwar RTS Kashmore RTS Sachal Goth RTS Mehrabpur RTS Hala RTS Ghotki RTS Bhan Sayed Abad RTS Pano Akil RTS Sehwan Total

A Grade 25 17 08 10 16 09 04 79 02 19 07 198

B Grade 07 04 09 08 02 08 16 19 73

HSC Part窶的I (Intermediate) Result

(2012-2013) S.No.

Name of School

1 2 3 4

RTS Ghotki RTS Khipr RTS Kashmore RTS Pano Akil Total

Total Student 154 7 26 42 229

A1 Grade 72 0 18 2 92


A Grade 74 0 6 8 88

B Grade 8 6 2 30 46

C Grade 1 2 3

D Grade 0

D Grade -

C Grade 03 06 01 04 04 18

Annual Report 2012-13 (2011-2012) S. No. 1 2 3 4

Name of School Ghotki Khipro Kashmore Pano Akil Total

Total Student 176 12 16 46 250

A large number of students are enrolled/admitted in professional and leading universities/institutions of Pakistan such as; Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Institute of Medical Sciences Larkana, Ghulam Muhammad Mahar Medical College, Sukkur, Liaquat University of Health and Medical Sciences, Jamshoro, I.B.A Sukkur/ Karachi, University of Karachi, Dow Medical University,






34 0 5 3 42

127 1 11 23 162

15 9 14 38

2 6 8


Sindh Medical University and Quid-e-Azam University, Islamabad etc. It is also pertinent to mention here that not only Roshantarians’ are enrolled in leading institutions of the country but a number of students have got positions in Matric and Intermediate from different Boards of Sindh. Some of them are given below:

The students who obtained Highest Percentage in SSC Part-II during last four years S.No Students Name Father’s Name Roshan Tara School Gulshan-e-Hadeed 1. Pirah Akbar Noonari Muhammad Akbar 2. Pirah Khadim Khadim Hussain 3. Sanagar Ali Mohd. Ali Jagerani 4. Atia Aijaz Abro Aijaz Ali Abro 5. Hina Khan Alif Khan 2. Roshan Tara School Sehwan 1. Zertish Ahmed Muneer Ahmed 2. Gul-e-Saba Muhammad Rafique 3. Bakhtawar Muhammad Bachal 4. Dilawar Khan Ghulam Shabbir Lakho 3. Roshan Tara School Bhan Syedabad 1. Aizaz Mustafa Ghulam Mustafa 2. Waheed Ali Haji Din Muhammad 3. Awais Khan Muhammad Khan 4. Neeraj Kumar Karo Mal 4. Roshan Tara School Pano Akil 1. Arty Kirshan Chand 2. Qurat-ul-Ain Ghulam Hyder 3. Sidra Rasool Rasool Bux 4. Kajal Jhaman Dass 5. Roshan Tara School Mehar 1. Khushboo Ali Gohar 2. Nizakat Ali Liaqat Ali 3. Noman Hassan Abdul Sattar Shaikh 6. Roshan Tara School Sachal Goth 1. Humaira Ali Sikander Ali Panhwar 2. Aqsa Rajpar Shams-u-zaman 3. Tahira Shaikh A. Khaliq Sheikh 4. Tahira Hafiz Bashir Ahmed Memon 5. Komal Yousuf Mohammad Yousuf 6. Sonia Shahani Arif Ali





751 722 722 756 764

A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1

88.35 85.00 85.00 88.94 89.88

2010 2011 2011 2012 2013

726 736 750 687

A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1

85.41 86.58 88.23 80.82

2010 2011 2012 2013

703 698 725 717

A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1

82.70 82.11 85.29 84.35

2010 2011 2012 2013

714 735 734 734

A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1

84.00 86.47 86.35 86.35

2010 2011 2012 2013

675 746 757

A-1 A-1 A-1

79.41 87.76 88.94

2011 2012 2013

663 658 658 668 747 747

A A A A A-1 A-1

78.00 77.40 77.40 78.50 87.88 87.88

2010 2011 2011 2012 2013 2013



Annual Report 2012-13 7. Roshan Tara School Hala 1. Lal Mohammad Dr. Abdul Sattar Memon 2. Mazhar Mohd. Mubeen Babo 3. Sarwat Bashir Dr. Bashir Ahmed 4. Aaqib Fakhare Alam Dr. Bashir Ahmed 8. Roshan Tara School Mehrabpur 1. Sobh Shah Nawaz 2. Moazzam Ali Akhtar Hussain Sahito 3. Asif Raza Muhammad Ishaque Noonari 4. Asifa Bano Mustaque Siyal 5. Faraz Ali Ayaz Ali 9. Roshan Tara School Khipro 1. Dilpat Singh Sujan Singh Sodho 2. Kiran Ali Akbar Naich 3. Manisha Suresh Khumar Lohana 4. Sarswati Fars Ram 10. Roshan Tara School Kashmore 1. Sunaina Bajaj Sarwanand Lal 2. Suman Lund Moolchand 3. Sanam Bajaj Lal Bahadur 4. Shilpa Bai Dileep Kumar 5. Badaruddin Zahiruddin 11. Roshan Tara School Jarwar 1. Adesh Kumar Aunkar Lal 2. Komal Rajo 3. Barkha Bai Ram 4. Kajal Bai Murli Ram 12. Roshan Tara School Ghotki 1. Amirta Devi Tolu Ram 2. Arun Kumar Tikam Dass 3. Rajeshwar Ratan Kumar 4. Ragani Satya Dev


730 747 760 755

A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1

85.88 87.88 89.41 88.82

2010 2011 2012 2013

659 652 644 644 660

A A A A A-1

77.53 76.70 75.76 75.76 77.64

2010 2011 2012 2012 2013

731 772 740 769

A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1

86.00 90.80 87.00 90.47

2010 2011 2012 2013

719 719 722 713 766

A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1

84.59 84.59 84.94 83.88 90.11

2010 2010 2011 2012 2013

673 680 699 666

A-1 A-1 A-1 A

79.17 80.00 82.23 78.35

2010 2011 2012 2013

731 714 774 766

A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1

86.00 84.00 91.05 90.11

2010 2011 2012 2013

Annual Report 2012-13 Gold Medal and Shield winners of 2013 (Matric) S.No

Name of Student

Father’s Name

Total Marks

Marks Obtained





Fars Ram






Badar Din








Satya Dev


766 2nd Position in Board




Hina Khan

Alif Khan






Noman Hassan

Abdul Sattar Shaikh






Aaqib Fakhare Aalam

Dr Bashir Ahmed






Sonia Shahani

Arif Ali






Komal Yousif

Mohammad Yousif







Jhaman Dass






Neeraj kumar

Karo mal






Dilawar khan

Ghulam Shabir Lakho






Kajal Bai

Murli Ram






Faraz Ali

Ayaz Ali






Name Of School and Board RTS Khipro (Mirpurkhas Board) RTS Kashmore (Larkana Board) RTS Ghotki (Sukkur Board) RTS G Hadeed (Karachi Board) RTS Mehar (Larkana Board) RTS Hala (Hyderabad Board) RTS Sachal Goth (Karachi Board) RTS Sachal Goth (Karachi Board) RTS PanoAkil (Sukkur Board) RTS Bhan syedabad (Hyderabad Board) RTS Sehawan (Hyderabad Board) RTS Jarwar (Sukkur Board) RTS Mehrabpur (Sukkur Board)

Annual Report 2012-13 Gold Medal and Shield winners of 2013 (Intermediate) SN

Name of Student

Fathers Name

Total marks

Marks Obtained



967 pre medical


















Ayesha Kanwal

M.Ali Malik



Anjali Kumari

Bhajan Lal




Shankar Lal



Gurusha Rani




Salman Khalid

Haji Mir Khalid



Ghous Bux

Wahid Bux



Riya Kumari

Duni Chand




Mohammad Hassan


967 pre Engineering 950 Pre Medical 950 Pre Medical 922 Engineering 921 pre Engineering 858 Pre Medical 790 Engineering


Name of School and Board RTS Kashmore (Larkana Board) RTS Kashmore (Larkana Board) RTS Ghotki (Sukur Board) RTS Ghotki (Sukkur Board) RTS Ghotki (Sukkur Board) RTS PanoAkil (Sukkur Board) RTS PanoAkil (Sukkur Board) RTS Khipro (Mirpurkhas Board)

Annual Report 2012-13 A Snap Shot:


Annual Report 2012-13 SSC Examination

HSC Examination



Introduction: During the year 2011-12 the Sindh Graduates Association executed an agreement with the Government of Sindh under Public Private Partnership for the management of Public School Gadap for a period of 30 years. The Public School Gadap - Karachi, managed by the Association through a Board of Governors is a residential school. It is being set out as a premier place for learning and nurturing for the boy students from Grade VI to VIII initially.

outdoor activities coupled with all types of sports for grooming the students towards achieving personal excellence. The cumulative effect of all this is expected to be a comprehensive regime of development for growing into well educated and confident citizens, Public School Gadap - Karachi, provides a unique and exciting educational experience.

Public School Gadap - Karachi, has been planned to offer high quality academics, sports and other co- curricular activities for strengthening the overall personal faculties. This is planned to be achieved through devoted and dedicated efforts at all tiers of planning, teaching and administration. Public School Gadap - Karachi, is expected to emerge as a high quality educational institution in the region soon.

An Over view of academics: The school has commenced its operations from mid of 2012. The Admission process for the academic year 2012-13 started from August 2012 and first academic session started on 09th

In addition to the work carried out in the classrooms, various clubs and societies have been established for promoting indoor and


Annual Report 2012-13 November 2012. The school offers a total of 50% of scholarships to the local residents of Gadap, this facility has given a valid access to About the School: Total number of Staff: Total number of Academic Staff: No. of Resident Staff: No. of Students Enrolled as of 30-06-13 Total Area of Public School Gadap: Total Number of Hostel Rooms: No. of Residences for Staff: Emergency Medical Assistance: Backup Power Generation: I.T. Lab: Aids and language support. Library Sports:

Auditorium: No. of Labs:

the residents of Gadap to make their wards study at this prestigious institute.

62 10 20 130 50 Acres 40 12 (10 Apartments and 02 Bungalows) 01 Ambulance for 24/7 & well equipped clinic with staff. 30 KVA Standby Generator 30 Seats IT Lab with Audio Visual A well equipped library with almost all the relevant books Cricket, Football, Volley ball, Carom board, Chess, Badminton, Squash Court, Basket Ball, Table Tennis. 600 Seat Air conditioned auditorium (in process). 06 (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology, Botany, I.T.) located within the School Campus. Public School Gadap - Karachi, aims to produce outstanding academic results in the School Examination as well as the Board Examinations.

Location: Public School Gadap - Karachi, is situated on the main Gadap Road off- taking from the Super Highway. It is located in a very peaceful and serene environment in the outskirts of Karachi. The campus comprises of a purpose built two storey main academic block having well equipped laboratories and library.

Library; Language Lab; Computer Lab and Audio Visual Aids: The School has a well-equipped library manned by a trained librarian and other staff. In addition, a small library / reading corner has been established in each 'House' to help the students to develop the habit of reading. Modern educational aids like OHPs, Multimedia Projector, etc., are used to make classroom instructions more effective.

The other buildings comprise a mosque, an auditorium, two student’s lodging ‘Houses’, a student’s mess, a canteen and a clinic. There are four playing fields for a range of sports including football; cricket; lawn tennis; athletics etc. The green surroundings and the playing fields lend a serene and majestic look to the School. Residential accommodation for the Principal, Vice Principal; School Faculty and staff is

A well equipped language lab has been established for providing the students


Annual Report 2012-13 institutional exposure to spoken English. Students will be exposed to a variety of wellchosen language programs and given enough opportunity to polish their spoken expression under the guidance of trained teachers. In order to keep pace with the technological advancement, especially with the boom in Information Technology, the School has set out well equipped Computer Labs. These have been equipped with latest computers and provided with Internet connection. Students are encouraged to keep e-mail address and given a sound orientation in the Information Technology (IT) field. The Public School Gadap is maga project of Sindh Graduates Association which is providing highly standard and quality education with all academic and residential/boarding facilitates within the school premises. The Public School Gadap is in initial phase of development in the field of education. It is hoped that this premier institution of Sindh Graduates Association will be proved at the highest level of standard providing institutions of Pakistan in the near future.


Annual Report 2012-13 Empowering SGA’s Education Portfolio for Better Quality Education in the Roshan Tara Schools –A project of SGA in collaboration with Community Development Program, Planning and Development Department, Government of Sindh.

Sindh Graduates Association has entered into agreement with Community Development Program, Planning and Development Department, Government of Sindh, Karachi to implement an Educational project in the name of ‘Empowering SGA’s Education Portfolio for Better Quality Education in the Roshan Tara Schools’. The Project is being implemented in all Roshan Tara Schools which are located throughout Sindh.

society and it has gradually begun to concentrate on its education activities and by now these are core activities of SGA

Progress Report of CDP Educational Project for 2012-13: During the year 2012-13 CDP Education Project has established a well equipped Research and Development Centre at SGA Head Office Karachi. The Research and Development Centre primarily established to provide internal education development facilitation to strengthen the overall quality of education within the Roshan Tara Schools through teacher trainings; technical support for a range of academic activities including material development, I.T based teaching; hands on understanding of concepts in science etc.

Objectives of CDP Educational Project: 

To provide standard and quality education through enhancing salaries of RTS staff for eighteen months subsequent to which SGA will restructure the fee structure to make the increases financeable Development of technical capability within SGA for R&D on school education which will be initially used for strengthening quality of education within SGA schools and will subsequently be expanded to reach out to public sector schools through collaboration Establish IT labs in three select schools of SGA i-e Roshan Tara School Sehwan, Kashmore and Mehrabpur for gradually enabling rural children better access to I.T These objectives are in sync with the core objective of SGA to strive for a more equitable, tolerant and developed society. SGA has come to realize that education is the central and core component which can transform any

In addition SGA has enhanced salaries of 380 teachers of the Schools at Rs.2,000/- per month with a view to improve teachers resources which in turn has helped SGA to produce better education outcomes and this will eventually help the SGA to gradually restructure the fee structure for making the teachers’ salary sustainable and affordable in long term.


Annual Report 2012-13

The Association under CDP Education Project has established Three (3) Information Technology (I.T) Labs in Roshan Tara School Sehwan, Kashmore and Mahrabpur and provided I.T equipments with Air Conditions and standby generator facilities to promote/increase and introduce I.T education in Roshan Tara Schools.

SGA Research and Development Centre has arranged, designed and conducted Nine (9) training events in the following Roshan Tara Schools to train 250 teachers in English, Maths and Science subjects with new teaching techniques and methods for capacity building of RTS Teachers and learning of these subjects for providing quality and standard education in the schools: Roshan Tara School Gulshan-e-Hadeed, Sachal Goth, Gadap, Bachal Goth, Kashmore, Pano Akil, Mehrabpur, Hala, Dadu, Phulji Station, Mehar, Kaloi, Badin, Talhar, Khipro and Mirpurkhas.


Annual Report 2012-13 and common occurrence of eye and skin diseases in the region. Organized with the assistance of the Society for the Prevention and Cure of Blindness (Karachi) and the Welfare Association of Dermatology Patients (Karachi), made up for the lack of appropriate health care facilities in the villages and smaller towns in Sindh.

HEALTH After education the most significant component of the SGA interventions is health. The progress and prosperity of every nation depends entirely upon the health status of its members. Absence of hospitals, acute shortage of medicines and necessary equipments, roads, transport, employment opportunities and excessive mental and physical exertion and social problems lead to mental disorders and physical ailments.

While SGA’s free eye and skin-care camps continued, a new emergency care centre (YASMEC) targeted a hazardous highway zone, and extremely successful weekly ‘Juma’ clinics were upgraded and turned into permanent Mother-Child Care centers through the involvement of local communities. A free SGA ambulance service addressed the lack of transport for the accessibility of medical facilities in Sindh. A full time medical centre at Pano Akil (Al-Shams Hospital and Charitable Clinic) under the supervision of SGA Pano Akil Branch also caters the health needs of the locality successfully.

One of the major causes of poor health is nutrition. Unhealthy diet, unclean drinking water, unhygienic living conditions, excessive workload, tension and climatic extremities are also some of the causes. Poor health is often identified with poverty. According to an estimate poverty ratio in Sindh is over 45 per cent and a large proportion of population lives below poverty line. Over 50 per cent of Sindh’s population lives in rural localities and the magnitude of poverty is more keenly observed there, than in the cities and larger towns. However, the urban slums are no exception to it.

DR. YASMEEN SHAIKH EMERGENCY MEDICAL CENTRE (YASMEC) Dr. Yasmeen Shaikh Memorial Emergency Medical Centre (YASMEC) was established on 10th September 1993 by Sindh Graduates Association (SGA), in the memory of late Dr. Yasmeen Shaikh, daughter of Dr. Suleman Shaikh, she lost her life on 19th November 1992 in a road accident on super highway near Nooriabad.

Absence of substantial means amounts to numerous problems the foremost being the subsistence. Due to rapid price hike, most of the larger households in rural areas as well as urban slums cannot afford two time meals. Less diet, more work load coupled with tension leads to weakness and thus poor health is prone to various diseases.

YASMEC is a Non-Profit Voluntary & Charitable Health Centre established for the promotion of Health facilities on super highway, industrial area of Nooriabad and the arid zone of Kheerthar.

Keeping in view the above situation, the SGA addressed health needs of the population by various initiatives, all aimed at improving health and hygienic conditions of the people in general and the poor in particular. Without taking care of this need at all levels, a community cannot be prepared to face other social and economic challenges.

YASMEC is situated in the south of main super highway (92 km from Karachi) adjacent to union Council Sari’s office. It is 200 meter away from road and spread over 56,000 square feet. The Centre has been established in the building of basic health unit which was handed-over by the Sindh Government to the Association on 10th

One of the SGA’s earliest and longest running projects is organizing medical camps. These camps relate to the frequent


Annual Report 2012-13 September 1993. At the time of taking over the possession of building, there was no activity of health services, keeping the abandoned hospital like ghost house. The windows and doors of building were broken, water supply and electricity of the building was dis-connected. The building was just like ruins of ancient times. The Association had undertaken major repairs and renovated the hospital including residential bungalows and quarters of medical and para-medical staff. Besides, the additional building for laboratories and Operation Theater has been constructed.

the life saving drugs and other needed medicines, oxygen, suction unit etc. every emergency patient is served within few minutes. Most of the lives are saved due to emergency facilities. 2. General Ward Centre has a general ward, which accepts patients round the clock. Initially 3 beds are installed. The road traffic accidents patients and various other patients are admitted for 1 to 3 days. Every patient gets all the treatment facilities and medicines free of charge.

YASMEC is situated at mid way between Hyderabad and Karachi super highway. It is the only emergency medical centre on the highway from Hyderabad to Karachi, which covers all type of traumas, road traffic accidents, industrial workers and local people of the area. YASMEC emergency centre is providing round the clock Health care facilities, emergency care and EPI Program to about one million of population, spreading at vicinity of more than 100 villages and 60 industrial units. Road traffic accidents are treated free of cost while a meager amount of Rs. 30/- per patient are charged from other cases.

3. Intensive Care Unit Two beded intensive care unit equipped with monitors and oxygen therapy unit is present for any emergency. 4. Operation Theater An Air-conditioned operation theater is working round the clock. It has facilities for minor surgery. A large stock of oxygen cylinders is also present.

Beneficiaries YASMEC is serving round the clock. Most of the beneficiaries are poor and needy. It provides 24 hour services to:  Injured passengers and drivers of road traffic accidents.  Injured or sick workers of Nooriabad Industrial Area.  Poor patients of Kohistan Area. (Union Council Sari and Kalo Khohar) FACILITIES AVAILABLE AT YASMEC At this time YASMEC is providing the following facilities: 1. Emergency Service Emergency medical and surgical services are provided round the clock. Centre has all

5. Out-door Patients Service YASMEC runs its O.P.D. services from 8:00 a.m. daily all days (holidays included). Patients come from far flung area of Kohistan & Industrial areas of Nooriabad. A


Annual Report 2012-13 sum of Rs. 30/= is charged for registration fee while all the medicines are given free of cost every patient is provided the medicine for 3 days. A disposable syringe is used for only one patient. Drug samples are used in the dispensary. Health education is imparted during O.P.D. timings to patients.

6. EPI Centre: Immunization and vaccination facilities have been started from 2003. For this purpose the Health Department of Government of Sindh provides medicine of EPI centre of YASMEC, however, the services of vaccinator are being provided by SGA staff.

EPI CENTRE Vaccination Report of the EPI Centre from 2003 to 2012 is given as under: VACCINATION Year BCG OPV DPT HBV Measles 2003 102 297 243 209 104 2004 (6months) 75 273 226 217 54 2004-05 106 386 302 291 91 2005-06 120 518 321 321 101 2e006-07 135 395 280 145 14 2007-08 166 509 343 00 128 2008-09 178 529 351 0 129 2009-10 220 597 403 183 2010-11 372 958 663 307 2011-12 396 950 737 393 2012-2013 286 763 575 206 Grand Total 2156 6175 4444 1183 1710


TT 333 244 358 322 293 385 425 511 811 872 649 5203

Total 1288 1089 1534 1603 1262 1531 1612 1914 3111 3348 2479 20871

Annual Report 2012-13 Vaccination:

ANNUAL TRAUMA REPORT PATIENTS ANNUAL REPORT Year Year 1993 (4months) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 (6months) 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Total No. of patients per year 3,697 12,995 9,676 5,883 6,745 11,617 12,600 8,969 10,229 12,024 10,842 4,882 9,166 7,852 7,722 7,202 5,448 6806 8057 7274





Road Traffic Accidents

Industrial Accidents

Local Traumas






239 159 207 94 101 149 197 176 243 230

368 457 374 284 331 621 468 479 718 343

105 68 51 45 276 193 168 195 348 293

712 684 632 423 708 963 833 850 1,309 866





246 251 147 271 203 278 262 144

220 162 151 204 149 211 241 148

207 151 127 161 136 6317 7554 6982

673 564 425 636 488 6806 8057 7274











1993 (4Months) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 (6Months) 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12


Annual Report 2012-13

AL-SHAMS Medical Centre and Charitable Clinic The Al-Shams Medical Centre and Charitable Clinic established on 1st November, 2007 by Sindh Graduates Association Pano Akil Branch. The building was donated to Sindh Graduates Association Pano Akil by Mr. Shamsuddin Shaikh free of cost for the promotion of Health services for the poor and deprived community of Pano Akil and vicinity, which is being run with the support of local philanthropists and SGA volunteers/well wishers. The total strength of Centre is comprised of 2 Medical Doctors (Male/Female), Two Dispensers, O.T technician, Nurse, Mid Wife, Driver, Peon and a Chowkidar.

Facilities available at Al-Shams Hospital: The Medical Centre is providing following facilities/services: Operation Theater. Maternity Home. Consultancy Service. Free Vaccination for Hiv- B Free Skin camps. General Medical camps. Gynae Camps. Free Plastic Surgery camps. Free Plastic Surgery camps. Free Gynae operation camps. Free Eye camps Ambulance Service. Laboratory facilities. Vaccination camps in various villages.

Statistics of Patients Treated/attended during 2012 - 2013. General OPD

Gynee OPD


D& C



Skin Camps

Lip & Plate Cut Camps


Hepat: B&C


















Annual Report 2012-13 Eye, Skin, Hepatitis B&C, Cleft Lips and Palate and General Medical Camps

and Cure of Blindness (Karachi), Prevention and Control of Blindness (PCB), Health Department Government of Sindh and the Welfare Association of Dermatology Patients - WADeP (Karachi). So far thousands have benefitted from these camps.

Sindh Graduates Association has been rendering services by launching eye, skin, Hepatitis B&C, Cleft Lips and Palate and general medical camps through the its volunteers across Sindh province since its inception.

During the year the following SGA branches conducted/arranged Eye, skin, Hepatitis B&C, and general medical camps for Rain/Flood affected people and general public. During the year 14 Eye Camps, 6 Skin Disease Camps, 5 Hepatitis B&C, 1 general medical camp for Rain/Flood affected people and 10 Days Free Women’s Delivery Operations Camps were held for poor and marginalized community in Sindh.

The patients are being treated/checked up and provided medicine free of cost. Besides, operations are also made and eye lenses provided free of cost. The eye and skin disease camps are organized with the assistance of the Society for the Prevention

Eye Camps- 2012-2013


Annual Report 2012-13 S. o 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

S. No 01 03 04 05 06

Name of Branch Moro Branch Phulji Station Branch Tharu Shah Branch Khuda abad Branch Setharja Branch Kashmore Branch Gulshan-e- Haded Sita Road Branch Miro Khan Branch Dadu Branch Sehwan Branch Shahdadkot Branch Naudero Branch Total

Name of Branch Ghotki Branch Umerkot Branch Kashmore Branch Sehwan Branch Mithi Branch Total

S. No 01 02 03 04 05

Camp Date 30/12/2012 19-20/12/2012 05 - 07/04/2013 22 - 24/ 02/2013 01 - 03/ 03/2013 22 - 25/03/2013 24 - 26/01/2013 30-31/02/2013 26-02/2013 11 - 13/09/2012 18/12/2012 17 - 19/12/2012 24-26/01/2013

OPD 1750 537 615 551 570 1200 946

Lenses 42 103 40 150 30





1100 1100 875 1030 1200 12309

100 265

108 265 208

208 257 1325

Skin Camp -2012-2013 Camp Date 13-01-2013 23/03/2013 29-04-2013 20-01-2013 02-02-2013

OPD 1726 811 700 1276 387 4900

Hepatitis B & C-2012-2013 Name of Branch Camp Date Khuda Abad Branch 26-01-2013 Padidan Branch 27-03-2013 Kashmore Branch 21-01-2013 Kashmore Branch 17-04-2013 Sehwan Branch 10-02-2013 Total of 2012-2013 Patients of 2010-2012 Total

OPD 119 566 500 530 150 1865 8020 9885

10 days Maternity camp by SGA Pano Akil Scissor Normal Dates of Camp OPD Operations Operations 21-30/12/2012







Eye Camps Report 1978 – 2013


127 42 117 40 150 30

257 1474

Annual Report 2012-13 Province Sindh Balochistan Total

Total Camps 259 5 264

OPD 327,477 8,970 336,447

Operation 47,743 973 48,716

IOL 15,766 66 15,832

Free Skin camps 1990 – 2013 Total camps arranged 281 07 288

Province Sindh Balochistan Total

Number of beneficiaries 327,469 3,670 331,139

Skin Camps held from 2009 to 2013 S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Name of Branch SGA-Pano Akil SGA -Kandiaro SGA Khudaabad SGA Mithi SGA Kotri SGA-Umerkot SGA-Sehwan SGA Moro SGA-Bhansyedabad SGA Derbelo SGA Dadu SGA Kumb SGA-Karoondi SGA-Daro SGA-Gulshah-e-Hadeed Branch SGA-Kotri SGA-Kashmore SGA-Sachal Goth,Karachi SGA-Ghotki Total

2009 5230 0 1781 0 2810 0 2811 3238 2678

0 3041 1738 1726 0

No of Patients 2010 2011 6322 638 0 876 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 826 1521 0 2678 6398 0 0 1636 0 7030 0 0 0 0 0 1602 0

2012 811 0 932 0 0 0 0 2677 0 0 2136 0 0

2013 0 0

0 387 0 811 1276 0 0 0



0 0 0






0 0

2166 618

0 0

0 1322

0 700






0 25053

0 24286

0 10374

0 8714

1726 4900


Total patients 13,001 876 2,713 387 2810 1,637 5,608 14991 2,678 1,636 12207 1,738 1,726 1602 822 2,166 2640 2,363 1,726 73,327

Annual Report 2012-13 

SOCIAL MOBILISATION All the SGA endeavors revolve around social mobilization mechanisms and it is felt that without community mobilization none of the initiatives can be made sustainable. Thus they have been trying for last 41 years to mobilize the communities at grassroots level with the aim to raise their awareness about socio-economic problems and to build their capacity in different disciplines to enable them to solve their problems on the self- help basis. Social mobilization is an integral part of all SGA initiatives, which include social mobilization by volunteers at SGA branches and the model adopted in projects and partnerships with other organizations. At present SGA is running two different projects in collaboration with Khushhali Bank and Rural Support Network (Local Support Organization-LSO). These projects are meant to organize the communities in rural localities and provide them a forum in the form of community organization to discuss and solve their socio-economic problems through dialogue, collective efforts and donor and government support. SGA-Khushhali Bank Project is supposed to help organize the communities in rural localities and build their capacity and link them with line department to acquire basic services. The Khushhali Bank lends them micro loans ranging from Rs 10,000 to 50,000 each, on monthly, half-yearly and yearly basis. The objective of this intervention is to provide a credit facility to cultivators and small traders to boost up their business. Thus social mobilization leads to social change and sustainable development.

To focus development as well as socioeconomic issues affecting the communities. To strengthening the solidarity and cohesiveness of poor and mobilize them into COs through a participatory process. To enhance capacity of COs members (Men and Women) by enabling them to identify, select, implement and manage their income generating and income smoothening activities. To reach as many communities as possible in order to determine magnitude of poverty, socio-economic status, demography, civic amenities, infra-structure and potential for future development.

At present Sindh Graduates Association has been rendering its social mobilization services in partnership with Khushahi Bank Ltd in 11 locations of Nine (9) Districts of Sindh province i-e Badeh, Ratodero, Shikarpur, Ghotki, Dharki, Mirpur Khas, Naushahro Feroze, Dadu, Tando Allahayar, Tando Mohammad Khan and Khairpur Mir’s through professional social mobilization teams. During the year 2012-13 three new project offices at Tando Allahyar, Tando Mohammad Khan and Khairpur Mir’s respectively have been opened. Total 41 staff members are working in the project offices.

During the reporting period 6983 clients generated and total 1250 Community Organizations have been formed. The training of SGA Social Mobilization Project staff was conducted in September, 2012 and June 2013 to enhance the capacity building of human resources. Total 56 staff members participated in these training programs.

SGA entered into agreement with Khushali Bank in August 2002 at Larkana District with the following objectives.  To organize rural community and to help them save a proportion of their income for individual and collective requirements.  To organize house holds


Annual Report 2012-13 Local Support Organization (LSO) Khipro

CASE STUDY OF SGA SOCIAL MOBILIZATION PROJECT A case study of a poor farmer namely Mr. Ali Mardan who grew his career from a poor farmer to a big shop keeper through mobilization of SGA team and with the micro financing support of Khushshali Bank Ltd Ratodero Office in 2004.

Sindh Graduates Association is one of founder members of Rural Support Programs Network (RSPN). The Association in collaboration with RSPN has implemented many projects on Social Mobilization, Education, Health and Advocacy. The main focus of RSPs is to reduce poverty by uniting local communities at grassroots level. The Association has formed a Local Support Organization (LSO) in Union Council Khahi, Taluka Khipro, District Sanghar under the title “Progressive LSO Khahi” and Registered under Societies Registration ACT-1860 in December, 2012. The population size of UC Khahi is 29750 with 4250 House Holds, whereas the LSO has organized 3000 HHs and covered a population of 21000.

Sindh Graduates Association’s social mobilization team of SGA-KBL Project Office Ratodero visited Village Ali Beg Kondrani of Union Council Waris Dino Machhi, Taluka Ratodero, District Larkana. SGA through its mobilization team introduced the program of Khushhali Bank and formed a Community Organization (CO) in the said village and submitted the case to Khushhali Bank Ltd which disbursed loan to the CO members. Mr. Ali Mardan was also one of the clients of the group who took loan. He was a very poor farmer and used to fertile/sow only onion in his land. He got loan from Khushahli Bank and then with the passage of time he improved his crop and presently he is running his own hotel, poultry shop and purchased qinqi at his village which is also running/earning. With the support and social mobilization of SGA team, presently he is a one of the bigger shop keepers in the local community and passing a pleasant and happy life with his growing business and have changed his living standard. Sindh Graduates Association have been successfully running this project at Ratodero since 2003 and have benefited more than 10 thousand people and so many people are regularly getting loan from Khushhali Bank Ltd in 4th,5th or 7th cycle. It is pertinent to mention that he is still getting loan from Khushhali Bank Ltd since 2004. Sindh Graduates Association has been working in collaboration with Khushhali Bank for poverty alleviation in Sindh Province. Since SGA believes that Social Mobilization is a toll to mobilize community for a collective action for the development and betterment of local communities

The Association started work on formation of COs at Union Council Khahi in May, 2011 and formed the LSO; consisting of 90 COs (60 Male and 30 Female) and 14 Village Organizations. Presently a free of cost Coaching Centre for poor students is being run with enrollment of 50 students (girls and boys). The LSO has also setup a library where more than 300 books on different subjects/topics have been collected and daily Sindhi News paper is provided for readers. Further, the LSO body conducted Wash Sessions in four Government Primary Schools and arranged public walks on important days such as Teachers Day, Literacy Day etc.


Annual Report 2012-13 skills, change in behavior of individual and groups so that they can lead, manage, serve and flourish their institution/organization.

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT One of the major crisis affecting socioeconomic conditions in Sindh is the unemployment created not only in the agriculture sector by mechanized farming practices but also by inadequate or no opportunities in urban private or public sector. The urban areas are dramatically overburdened by the migrating populations particularly the illegal immigrants from across the borders. This imbalance between rural and urban lives creates few income sources and poor conditions of living for the displaced classes. Without addressing this grave issue, no development strategy would be successful. Thus, the SGA has initiated human resources development projects aimed at (i) the self-sustainability of rural populations (ii) training in modern skills for the international market and (iii) replication possibilities of these training models.

During the year, the Association conducted training programs on capacity building of SGA Social Mobilization Projects staff in September, 2012 and June, 2013, where more than 60 staff members were trained/benefited.

The Association has also conducted nine (9) training events for teachers in different clusters of Roshan Tara Schools across Sindh where more than 250 teachers benefited. Training on Micro Finance on Grassroots Level at State Bank of Pakistan Hyderabad and on Basic Proposal Writing Skills from Church World Services Pakistan/Afghanistan at Hyderabad respectively has also been imparted to few of Head Office staff members.

Sindh Graduates Association has always encouraged and trained its staff, volunteers/ SMCs and Roshan Tara School teachers for their capacity building and strengthened its human resources. The Association has a mechanism of proper human resource development since its inception for promoting the capacity of individual and collective for staff members of SGA Head Office, its projects and Roshan Tara Schools’ teachers on regular basis. The SGA has worked on improving the administrative skills of its management by introducing new methods for staff in all its project sectors – Management (planning, strategy and budgeting, NGO Management, etc.), Teaching (Language and Science methodologies etc.), Health and Medicine (community health worker training etc.) Development (women’s development etc.). The staff members are also being trained according to their level and working assignments so that they can develop their


Annual Report 2012-13 advertisement and then written/interview process for transparency. The personnel files of all SGA Head Office and its projects staff are prepared and maintained. The details of SGA Head Office and projects staff are as under:-

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Sindh Graduates Association has a proper and developed policies mechanism and procedure for hiring staff members for SGA Head Office and its projects. The appointment system is being made through S.No. 01 02 03 04 05

Location/Station SGA Head Office SGA-CDP, Education Project YASMEC Social Mobilization Project KBL Roshan Tara Schools

Gender Balance: Male Female

Male 11 05 10 45 228 299

51% 49%


Female 02 01 0 0 292 295

Total 13 06 10 45 635 610



The Shah Abdul Lateef Bhittai Community Complex (SALCC) is flagship of Sindh Graduates Association being run and managed by SGA Islamabad Branch. The project, conceived with the opening of the SGA branch in 1976, gradually came into reality when a piece of land (one acre=5310 yards) in s ector-H-8 was acquired in 1993. Facilities such as Auditorium, Library, Hostel for unemployed youth, Club, Community Hall, Display Center, SGA Office and other allied services were the main components of the Complex.

As gateways to knowledge and culture, libraries play a fundamental role in society. The resources and services they offer create opportunities for learning, support literacy and education, and help shape the new ideas and perspectives that are central to a creative and innovative society. In recognition of the meritorious and life services rendered by its former Secretary General (Late) Professor Mazharuddin Memon, the Association has established a Resource Centre (Library) in its head office named as Mazhar Resource Centre.

The Association decided to first embark on the construction of Auditorium. Sindh Government, Sheikh Sultan Trust and individuals came forward to fund the project. SGA’s fund raising events also largely supplemented the funding. The work started in 1994 but due to the shortage of the funds the work was slow and later came to standstill in 1998.

There are more than 2500 books in the library various subjects and 410 Reports of different NGOs/Organizations as also 1350 periodicals etc are also available in the library. The non book material viz. DVDs and Video Cassettes (190) containing SGA seminars, workshops and cultural activities are also available in the library. Besides that Mazhar Resource Centre is also used for trainings, workshops, Seminars, meetings, educational activities and cultural activities of SGA. The Resource Centre has a dynamic, stimulating and motivational environment for readers and it’s centrally air-conditioned and fully equipped.

SGA, however, continued its efforts and succeeded to resume the construction and made Auditorium operative in year 2000.The work was supervised by Project Implementation Committee (PIC), headed by Mr. M. Yousuf Memon. SGA branch office and library established in basement and activities started in the auditorium. In 2005 the Auditorium was further refurbished and opened for hiring. Opening ceremony held on 23 March, 1995. Meanwhile SGA Youth Hostel and Community Hall were also raised with the funds received by it.


Annual Report 2012-13 A Project Implementation and Management Committee (PIMC) was meanwhile formed by the Association, that is currently custodian and responsible for marketing, upkeep of the premises, financial and administrative issues relating to SALCC.

SOCIAL AND WELFARE/CULTURAL ACTIVITIES/SEMINARS The Association has been arranging a wide variety of social and cultural activities since its inception. In its early days Expo’ Sindh was arranged at Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi in June 1981, September 1994 and November-1998 representing the cultural heritage of the Sindh, an exposition of folk art and crafts. In 1978 National Latif Congress was organized by declaring the entire year as “Latif Year” attributed to the name of great Sufi Saint Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai. Seminars were held both within Sindh (in Mirpur Khas, Tando Adam, Tando Allahyar, Sakrand, Badin, Kandiaro) and throughout the country (at Peshawar, Islamabad, Multan). Research papers from the academic gatherings were published under the title “Jarr-Tarr Tikh Tanwar” and “Flame & Flute”. The International Sachal Congress was held in 1989 by celebrating the year as “Sachal Year”. Research papers on the topic were published in book form under the title “Sachal Saro Sach”. During 2004 International Shah, Sachal and Sami Conference/Seminar was held at Karachi. More than 30 intellectuals, literary persons and writers from India and other countries participated in the above conference. In 2005 Dada J.P (Jai Parkash) Vaswani an spiritual leader, intellectual and world renowned personality visited Sindh on the invitation of Sindh Graduates Association. Revered Dada delivered three lectures at Karachi and Hyderabad on peace and brotherhood. On the occasion the Association has entered an agreement with Sadhu Vaswani Mission Pune India for arranging Heart Surgeries of infants/children below 6 years having hole in their hearts. 10 patients were operated and treated at Nana Vati Hospital India with the help and support of Sadhu Vaswani Mission, India, who are enjoying healthy life at the moment.

SGA Islamabad branch is efficiently managing the Shah Abdul Lateef Bhittai Community Complex (SALCC) Islamabad with several community related facilities. Three components of the complex i.e. Auditorium, Community Hall, Dr. Feroz Library, Computer Center and Dormitories for unemployed youth are providing services. Islamabad/Rawalpindi Communities including NGOs frequently use these facilities for social and cultural activities. The Auditorium and Community Hall accommodate more than 500 persons. The Community Hall is regularly used for weekly SGA and Community members meeting and events at nominal tariff. Other Organizations also use it for their gatherings. Dormitories provide shelter to 25-30 job seekers and working youth from Sindh, Southern Punjab and Baluchistan. This year 609 persons were accommodated. Efforts are being made to provide them reasonable comforts without additional burden. All utility bills are paid from income of the hostel. This Community Service is being given on non-profit basis and to all without any discrimination. The Association through SALCC, has been sincerely creating an atmosphere of national harmony and cohesion. SALCC is now hub of regular social and cultural activities of Sindhi community living in Islamabad and known as MINI SINDH. The Association is thankful to Mr. Hazar Khan Bijarani, Mr. Muhammadmian Soomro, Government of Sindh, Shaikh Sultan Trust and other philanthropist & well-wishers of SGA for their help and continued support in construction and renovation of SALCC.

At its annual celebrations, the SGA formally acknowledges its appreciation for the initiative and hard work of its workers and branches. Organized under the categories of


Annual Report 2012-13 Best SGA Branch, Best Graduate, Best Worker, Best Eye Camp, Best Roshan Tara School, Positions Holder students etc., these awards are more than a material reward – they celebrate the feeling of community and commitment that is nurtured and sustained by outstanding individuals and groups.

1999. SGA constructed 52 house units with the collaboration and assistance of Action Aid Pakistan and cooperation of communities. The Association has also contributed remarkably for the earth quake victims of Kashmir in 2005. In addition to besides above, the Association and its branches have contributed remarkably in recent floods of 2010-11 and 2012. The Association with the support of philanthropists, well-wishers and its branches has arranged flood relief camps at Gadap, Sachal Goth and Hyderabad where thousands of flood victims were provided food, shelter and health facilities.

Besides the above branches of Association have always played their vital role to arrange and conduct health, education, social welfare, cultural activities and seminars on different topics for public awareness, literacy and advocacy to develop peaceful society in Sindh. Besides, the SGA branches also conduct and arrange Eye, Skin, Hepatitis B&C, Cleft Lips and Palate camps and provided medicine free of cost to poor patients. During the year, the following SGA branches conducted its social and cultural activities: Karachi, Khudaabad, Shahdadkot, Naudero, Darya Khan Murree, Sita Road, Mehrabpur, Thul, Kashmore, Hingorija, Phulji Station, Phull, Patt Shareef, Shikarpur, Islamabad, Sehwan, Dadu, Shahpur Chakar, Gulshan-eHadeed, Sachal Goth, Khairpur, Kumb, Hyderabad, Khaiber, Daro, Ghotki, Bhan Syedabad, Pano Akil, Kashmore, Mehar, Khipro, Mirpurkhas, Kaloi, Malir, Jarwar and various other branches. EMERGENCY SERVICES Right from the very inception, SGA has been providing emergency, relief and rehabilitation services in times of disaster such as draughts, floods, cyclone, epidemics, accidents etc. And these services include medical services, food and shelter etc. SGA volunteers have rendered valuable service in the affected parts of Sindh and Punjab regions during 1992 floods. In addition to this SGA had undertaken a shortterm project with the financial assistance of Action Aid Pakistan for the rehabilitation of cyclone affected communities in two selected areas (villages Hamid Ali Shah and Mohammad Shah Bari of Shah Bandar) of district Thatta during the cyclone disaster in


Annual Report 2012-13 Audited Financial Statements for the year ended June 30, 2013


Annual Report 2012-13


Annual Report 2012-13


Annual Report 2012-13

We deliver services in:  Education  Health  Social Mobilization  Poverty Alleviation  Women Empowerment and Development  Human Resource Development (HRD)  Rural Water Supply and Sanitation  Advocacy  Emergency and Relief  Preservation of Cultural Heritage


Annual Report 2012-13

Sindh Graduates Association 09/12 Rimpa Plaza, M. A. Jinnah Road, Karachi -74400. Phone 021-32724359, 021-32765867 Fax: 021-32767202 E-mail:, Website: EXEMPTED UNDER CLAUSE (C) OF SUB SECTION 36 OF SECTION 2 OF INCOME TAX ORDINANCE. 2001 R/W RULE 214 AND RULE 220, OF THE I. T. ORDINANCE 2002


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