Aser report 2015 final shared with se sga final for distribution

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Annual Status of Education Report of Roshan Tara Schools Mar 2014 Apr 2015

Roshan Tara Secretariat Sindh Graduates Association Rimpa Plaza, MA Jinnah Road Karachi 021-32724359 02132767202 4/27/2015

Table of Contents 1. Message from the desk of Sec. Education SGA......................................................................................... 2 2. Roshan Tara Secretariat Ongoing/Short/Long Term Plans ....................................................................... 3 1. Ongoing Activities ............................................................................................................................. 3 2. Short Term Plans ............................................................................................................................... 3 3. Long Term Plans ................................................................................................................................ 4 3. Roshan Tara School’s Plans ....................................................................................................................... 5 4. Role of Projects in the Development of Roshan Tara Schools (RTS)......................................................... 7 4.1 Situation Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 SGA Contribution in promotion of Education ..................................................................................... 8 4.3 Basic Data Sheet of Ongoing Projects in Roshan Tara Schools ................................................... 8 4.3.1 Community Development Program ..................................................................................... 8 4.3.2 Construction of School building ground floor for Roshan Tara High School Shahpurchakar Districts Sanghar .................................................................................................. 14 5. Sustainable Model of Roshan Tara Schools in Sindh .................................................................... 15 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 16 5.1 The Role of Private Schools in Pakistan .................................................................................... 18 5.2 Contribution of Roshan Tara School in Education Sector Sindh Province ........................... 19 5.3 Selfless Volunteerism & Community Involvement in Roshan Tara Schools ........................ 19 5.4 Compliance to 25A.Right to education in Roshan Tara Schools.—The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by law. .................................................................................................................................. 23 5.5. Security Measurements in Roshan Tara Schools ......................................................................... 24 5.7 Facilities in Roshan Tara Schools ..................................................................................................... 25 6. Co-Curricular Activities in Roshan Tara Schools (RTS) ............................................................................ 28 7. Publications of Roshan Tara Secretariat in the year 2014-2015 ............................................................. 35 7.1. Balik Magazine ................................................................................................................................. 35 7.2 Academic Calendar 2014 & 2015 published by RTS Secretariat ....................................................... 36 7.8 Sindhi Dictionary ............................................................................................................................... 36 7.9 Rehber ............................................................................................................................................... 37 8. Dissemination of ASER 2013/14 to RTSMC members......................................................................... 38 9. Visits by Secretary Education/ Roshan Tara Secretariat SGA ................................................................. 39 1o. Analysis of Oxford University Press Curriculum in Roshan Tara Schools.............................................. 40 11. Annual results, examination ........................................................................................................... 41


1. Message from the desk of Sec. Education SGA We are thankful to almighty Allah, who gave us strength, courage, nd preservation and patience to accomplish timely 2 Annual Status of Education Report of Roshan Tara School (ASER-RTS). Our earlier ASER report described in detail about the role of projects, Co-curricular activities, School Management Committees in the development of Roshan Tara Schools and mentioned the annual examination. This time having improved, we have described the ongoing, short term and long term plans of Roshan Tara Secretariat, role of CDP phase V project Figure 1: Secretary Education SGA, Mr.Khalid Hussein Channa is receiving with an analysis over existing status of regional education situation, History Gold Medal during SGA Annual Award of SGA’s education portfolio with an emphasis over Roshan Tara School as Distribution Ceremony at Karachi a sustainable model in Pakistan, protection of Sindhi language as a treasure in terms of Dictionary and finally ended the report with remarkable results of Roshan Tara results. The things are changing rapidly with leaps and bounds and the improved version of ASER-RTS is in your hand and hopefully, our successors would keep this legacy continue even in a more better form to keep standard of Sindh Graduates Association as a real development stakeholder in society. On the other hand, we are moving as per guideline of Dr. Suleman Shaikh, we are trying our level best to materialize the vision of Dr. Muhammad Suleman Shaikh and other true and faithful committed members of SGA in letter and spirit. Though volunteerism is dying yet but still there are a few role models, who keep on inspiring youth to work for the nation. Dr. Muhammad Suleman Sahb is one of those true lovers and committed people in Sindh, who ushered in new world for the rest. I am also highly thankful to Worthy Chairman SGA- Mr.Rafique Ahmed Jaffri , Worthy Vice Chairman Abdul Rasool Soomro, Worthy Secretary General -Mr Ali Hussain Brohi and Mr. Noor Muhammad Siyal Sb- member CEC and others for guiding me and teaching me lots of things. So far completion of this report is concerned, all credit goes to manager education Sindh Graduates Association, Mr.Riaz Magsi, who stretched days and nights to mirror the actual achievements, challenges and issues of Roshan Tara Schools in the form of ASER. Apart from that, I am also thankful to Ms.Sadya Sheikh and Ms.Paras Channa, who facilitated the process of data collection from field.

Khalid Hussein Channa Secretary Education SGA


2. Roshan Tara Secretariat Ongoing/Short/Long Term Plans 1. Ongoing Activities 1.1. Quarterly publication of Roshan Tara Balik Magazine 1.2. Conducting Teachers Training on Effective Communication Skills in English at Roshan Tara Schools 1.3. Monitoring of trainings 1.4. Monitoring visits of schools by Secretary Education 1.5. Repair, renovation & Construction of IT & Science labs 1.6. Preparation for CDP convention 1.7. Balik Melo preparation activities 1.8. Compilation of Roshan Tara Sindhi dictionary 1.9. Installation of financial management software in Roshan Tara Schools 1.10. Regular meetings of central Roshan Tara School Management Committee (RTSMC) 1.11. Publication of Academic Calendar 2015-16 1.12. Organizing co-curricular activities in Roshan Tara Schools 1.13. Celebrating national and international days in Roshan Tara Schools 1.14. Attending seminars, workshops and meetings with stakeholders 1.15. Organizing Asa Jo Shah program 1.16. Updating REHBER

2. Short Term Plans 2.1. Dissemination of Annul Status of Education Report (ASER) to Dr.Suleman Sheikh Sahb, CEC Members, Chairman & Principals 2.2. Development & Implementation Of I.T Curriculum in newly established I.T Labs in Roshan Tara Schools 2.3. Carrying out quarterly Monitoring of Roshan Tara Schools 2.4. Development of fund raising strategy for sustainability of I.T labs in Roshan Tara Schools 2.5. Up gradation of Roshan Tara School Gadap 2.6. Construction of new block of Roshan Tara School Gadap 2.7. Dissemination of Academic Calendar 2.8. Carrying out qualitative research activities in Roshan Tara Schools 2.9. Completion of CDP project activities in Roshan Tara Schools 2.10. Development of information education communication (IEC) material for CDP project 2.11. Organizing Science Training for Science lab teachers in selected 6 Roshan Tara schools 2.12. Carrying out English training assessment, development of successful stories and case studies from Roshan Tara Schools and sharing with CDP officials 2.13. Change of Roshan Tara School Uniform 2.14. Organizing Balik Melo at Hyderabad 2.15. Getting approval of updated REHBER from CEC 3

3. Long Term Plans 3.1. Establishment of Library at every Roshan Tara Schools 3.2. Establishment of examination board at Roshan Tara Secretariat Karachi 3.3. Publication of Roshan Tara Syllabus 3.4. Establishment of I.T & Science labs in more Roshan Tara Schools 3.5. Completion of RTS Shahpur Chakar Construction work 3.6. Establishment of Roshan Tara Alumni 3.7. Establishment of Roshan Tara Teachers Training Centre at Karachi 3.8. Establishment of new Roshan Tara Schools in every district 3.9. Development and submission of proposals for strengthening of Roshan Tara Schools 3.10. Establishment of Roshan Tara Trust


3. Roshan Tara School’s Plans S# 1

2 3

4 5 6


Name of School Short Term Plan Long Term Plan Roshan Tara High School 1. Installation OF Online Financial 1. Construction of 1st floor of Hala-2 Management System school and renovation of 2. Installation of Solar Energy System main gate 3. Repair windows of classroom 2. Purchase amplifier and 4. To purchase LPG cylinder for digital camera for school science lab 3. Up gradation to higher secondary school Roshan Tara Primary 1. Starting I.T lab 1. Starting Nursery Class School Hala-1 Roshan Tara School 1. Establishment of class 5 in 1. Upgrading up to secondary Lower Secondary School corridor level Gadap Town Roshan Tara High School 1. Construction of 2nd floor 1. Upgrading of school to Sachal Phase -1 higher secondary for girls Roshan Tara School Sachal Phase-2 Roshan Tara School 1. Arranging training for teachers 1. Have a own building Gulshan E Hadeed 2. Working on syllabus for Phase-1 improvement Roshan Tara School 3. Increasing school enrolment Gulshan E Hadeed Phase 2


Roshan Tara Bachal Goth


Roshan Tara Higher Secondary School Khipro Roshan Tara School Kaloi Roshan Tara School Mirpurkhas Roshan Tara School Talhar Roshan Tara School Badin

10 11


1. 2. 3. 1.

Enhancing additional classroom 1.looking for donors for construction Expansion of school building of school building Overcoming financial issues Completing renovation work of 1. Organizing science training school for teachers 1. Purchasing furniture for school 1. Purchasing own plot 1. Providing round table and chairs for KG 1 & KG2 1. Commencing development work in school 1. Completing 100 admissions

1. Construction of RTS Building

14 Roshan Tara High School Sehwan Sharif

1. Repair of WASH Rooms & Construction of two classrooms

15 Roshan Tara High School Bhansyedabad

1. Repair of school building

1. Up gradation to Higher Secondary Level 2. Construction of library 1. Compound wall 2. Construction 5 new classrooms

12 13


1. Purchasing own plot 2. Upgrading to Higher Secondary 3. Renovation of building 4. Boundary wall construction for school safety

16 Roshan Meher



1. To purchase electric water cooler

17 Roshan Tara Dadu 18 Roshan Tara Phulji Station

School School

1. Purchasing Chhapra for class

19 Roshan Tara Mehrabpur


1. Upgrading 2. Increasing quality education

20 Roshan Tara Kashmore


1. Basic Teachers Training on need based

21 Roshan Tara Panooaqil


1. Repair of old block 2. Repair of Girls & Boys toilets

22 Roshan Ghotki



23 Roshan Jarwar



1. Establishment of I.T Lab 2. Establishment of Chemistry, Physics and Bio Labs 3. Installation of Generator 4. Establishment of video conference room 5. Organizing teachers training 6. Organizing Study Tour 7. Organizing Indoor Games 1. Data is not received to RTS Secretariat

1. Recruitment of qualified teachers


1. Formally starting science labs and practical 2. Increase classrooms with the help of RTS Secretariat 3. Up gradation to high school 1. Construction of own RTS building 2. Up gradation of school from primary to elementary 3. Establishment of I.T & Science lab 1. Starting Science labs 2. Professional trainings to teachers 1. To construct library 2. Construction of two classrooms 3. Construction of veranda 4. Construction of Kitchen 5. Furnishing toilets 1. To construct extra rooms with RCC 2. To protect the school walls 3. Taking safety measure for school 4. To make the play ground 5. Plantation 1. Construction of SAMI Block

1. Data is not received to RTS Secretariat

4. Role of Projects in the Development of Roshan Tara Schools (RTS) 4.1 Situation Analysis According to the 2014 Human Development Report “Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience,” published on Thursday by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Pakistan remained among the group countries with low human development as it remained on same position as of last year, showing little sign of improvement. Pakistan, which was ranked at 146 out of a total 187 countries on the index, scored 0.537 points on HDI, showed improvement of mere 0.002 points from last year’s score of 0.535. The country showed some improvement in life expectancy at birth as it improved by 0.9 in 2013 to 66.6 from 65.7 in 2012. On the gender inequality index, Pakistan slipped four spots to 127 from last year’s ranking of 123 as it scored 0.563 on the index as opposed to 0.567. But Pakistan was part of a dismal overall human development situation in South Asia. The report added that 52 per cent of Pakistanis live in poverty. The HDI’s Multidimensional Poverty Index — an alternative to income-based poverty estimates — shows that the proportion of population living under the multidimensional poverty in Pakistan has increased by almost three per cent in one year. Source: Express Tribune July 24 2014

Similarly, there are hundreds of thousands of children, who need good quality education at a very low cost or free of charge, which can only be provided by the state as per Article 25A in which it is committed “The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by law” but the reality is very far to achieve that goal owing to sincere commitment to implement it at federal and provincial level. On the other hand, as per Economic Survey of Pakistan 2013-14, only 400 primary schools were opened in the country when the population is believed to be the growing at the rate of 4 million per annum. However, such gap is being overcome through public private partnership in Pakistan, for instance, certain Associations, Trusts, Foundation, INGOs/NGOs, Government department Multinational Companies, Oil & Gas exploration companies are supporting the vision and mission of government of Pakistan.


4.2 SGA Contribution in promotion of Education Similarly, Sindh Graduates Association (SGA) has also been rendering its volunteers services in the field of education other than Health, Social Mobilization, Advocacy and Social Welfare schemes. Education is the hallmark of SGA and strong component. SGA has a unique model of Roshan Tara Schools (RTS) and there are 23 Roshan Tara Schools, ranging from primary to higher secondary level, in 12 backward districts of Sindh Province on purely volunteerism. Although, government spent millions of rupees just to ensure meaningful participation of School Management Committees (SMCs) in school affairs but still accept few success stories, rest is the disappointing situation. In this situation, SGA unpaid selfless volunteers are successfully running these schools on the basis of projects, donations and philanthropy across Sindh province. As a result, since 1980, the no of schools are increasing day by day and currently, there are 23 Roshan Tara Schools (09 primary, 04 lower secondary, 05 secondary and 04 Higher Secondary), out of them, 16 are owned, 07 are rented having 409 teaching and 101 are non-teaching staff and a strength of boys is 5171 and the girls is 3392. Locally, all the affairs of Roshan Tara Schools are managed by School Management Committee (SMC), which are annually changed through a democratic process of election and reformed by SGA branch Management Committee (BMC). The SMC is fully empowered to take financial and administrative decisions, however, major decisions are proposed by Roshan Tara Secretariat, situated at SGA head office Karachi, and approved by SGA’s Central Executive Committee Members (CEC). Currently, SGA is implementing two projects, supported by Community Development Program (CDP) and Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL). Following is the detailed description of both projects,

4.3 Basic Data Sheet of Ongoing Projects in Roshan Tara Schools 4.3.1 Community Development Program Project Title: Promotion of I.T and Scientific Experimental Education in Roshan Tara Schools. Project Period: 21st Sept 2014 to 15th Dec 2014 Total Cost: Rs. 23,008,792/-


Introduction Under an agreement with the Community Development Program (CDP), Planning & Development Department of the Government of Sindh, Sindh Graduates Association has been implementing the project „Promotion of I.T and Scientific Experimental Education in Roshan Tara Schools‟ for a period of 18 months. The project will be implemented in 23 Roshan Tara Schools, located in 12 Districts of Sindh province. Objective of the project 1. Establishment of Science Laboratories in Roshan Tara High and Higher Secondary Schools i.e. RTS Kashmore, RTS Sehwan, RTS Mehrabpur, RTS Khipro, RTS Hala and RTS Bhan Sayedabad for the promotion of scientific experiments and study and for the subsequent promotion of technical, scientific and practical education in the field of pre-science and pre-engineering groups. 2. Establishment of IT labs in selected High/Higher Secondary Schools i.e; RTS Khipro, RTS Hala and RTS Bhan Sayedabad. 3. To conduct the trainings of teachers in English to enhance the capacity and fluency in English in all Roshan Tara Schools. 4. SGA will declare it‟s those Roshan Tara Schools as model schools which have been equipped with scientific experiments materials and gadgets, and Computers and Information Technology (IT) equipments under the CDP Program of The Government of Sindh. All the schools have been visible according to the guideline Figure 2:RTS Location in Sindh Province

Figure 5: SMC Discussing CDP project implementation strategy

Figure 4: IT Manager conducting session on importance of IT in Roshan Tara Schools


Figure 3: Establishment of IT and Science labs while construction process

Figure 8: The provided equipments is being monitored by Secretary Education SGA at RTS Khipro

Figure 6: The boys and girls have equally access to explore new knowledge now

Figure 7: All provided furniture by CDP has been tagged for CDP visibility purpose

Project Beneficiaries:

Group of Benefit

Estimated Number

Nature of Benefit

1. Women


Literacy rate and social awareness

2. Men


Literacy rate and social awareness

3. Youth


Quality of Education and IT, Science education

4. Elderly


Development and betterment of society

5. People with disabilities


Development and betterment of society

6. Others (Teachers)


Knowledge and Capacity building of teachers



Project Progress up to April 2015

1 .

ACTIVITIES Establishment of Science Labs in 6 selected Roshan Tara Schools i-e Kashmore, Sehwan, Mehrabpur, Khipro, Hala and Bhansyedabad



5 Science Labs are established, renovated and equipped with scientific equipments and appropriate furniture by Roshan Tara Schools in RTS Halla, Sehwan, Kashmore, Bhansyedabad and Khipro.

Having conducted the practical experiments, the students will enhance their scientific knowledge. The science labs will have a positive impact over the students’ lives, the students will be inclined towards science and remain eager to explore their world themselves


2 .

Establishment of I.T Labs in 3 03 IT labs are established selected Roshan Tara Schools i-e and equipped at RTS Khipro, Hala and Bhansyedabad Halla, Khipro and Bhansyedabad. The SMC has appointed the IT teachers in these labs and introduced the IT syllabus for a systematic learning of students in the field of IT

1. The students will have now access to global available knowledge and provide the opportunity to explore the subjects of their interest. 2. All IT labs are connected with DSL which provides speedy information to the students. 3. State-of-the-art computer labs provide access to advanced interactive technology throughout our schools at all stages. Students are acquainted with Information and Communications Technology at grass-roots level. The latest software as per the requirements of Oxford KEYBOARD curriculum is also available for students. 4. Newly established IT labs will attract parents towards admission of their children in these schools, which will ultimately raise the schools from financial challenges.


Training of English Master A highly qualified master Trainer for 15 days from Agha was hired through a Khan/TRC transparent process of recruitment by SGA and later on was trained at Teachers Development Centre(TDC) for a period of one month and sent in the field to inculcate the learnt concepts of teaching and learning to the teachers of Roshan Tara Schools in 12 districts Conduct training of RTS 5 Days training workshop Teachers in English for 5 days have been organized in

The master trainer developed the training manual on the basis of learnt teaching concepts from TDC and applying in training workshops.



1. However, teachers are trained including government teachers as

twice in a month and conduct Roshan Tara Schools follow up training of two days in all RTS.


Add in newspapers for tender for Tender regarding the IT purchasing labs equipments and and Science equipments hiring of staff members were placed in leading newspapers and dispatched through contractors to concerned schools

well across 12 Roshan Tara Schools. 2. The trained teachers became aware with many new teaching techniques. The classroom environment of RTS have drastically changed, the teachers are now students centered and using modern techniques and developing lesson plans as well as use ensure effective communication. 1. All concerned schools received and acknowledged the equipments. 2. IT Manger in CDP project ensured the quality of IT equipments and certified 3. IT manager equipped all 3 IT labs and completed the networking and linked with highly speedy DSL 1. Meanwhile, RTS Halla, RTS Khipro, RTS Bhansyedabad, RTS Kashmore purchased the furniture and fixture and made IT and science labs functional 2. The project visibility is ensured on all furniture by tagging. 3. All furniture details are mentioned in school dead stock


Purchasing of furniture and fixture of I.T and Science Labs


Whitewash of schools i-e 1. All Schools except RTS 1. The white wash of school building Kashmore, Sehwan, Mehrabpur, Halla obtained quotations in RTS Halla, RTS Kashmore, RTS Khipro, Hala and Bhansyedabad Khipro and RTS Bhansyedabad is 2. After comparison of completed.

1. All Schools except RTS Halla obtained quotations 2. After comparison of rates and quality, the complete procurement cases of 5 RTS are submitted at finance section for release of payments.

rates and complete

quality, the procurement 12

cases of 5 RTS are submitted at finance section for release of payments. 8

Renovation of Washrooms of 6 . 1. All Schools except schools. (4 Washrooms per RTS Halla obtained school. One for girls, two for quotations boys and one for staff)

1. The washroom repair of RTS Halla, RTS Kashmore, RTS Khipro and RTS Bhansyedabad is completed.

2. After comparison of rates and quality, the complete procurement cases of 5 RTS are submitted at finance section for release of payments. 9

Wiring and Fitting of Schools i-e . 1. All Schools except Kashmore, Sehwan, Mehrabpur, RTS Halla obtained Khipro, Hala and Bhansyedabad quotations 2. After comparison of rates and quality, the complete procurement cases of 5 RTS are submitted at finance section for release of payments.

1 0

Fitting of Visibility plates in . 1. All Schools except Roshan Tara Schools RTS Halla obtained quotations 2. After comparison of rates and quality, the complete procurement cases of 5 RTS were submitted at finance section for release of payments.


1. The electric work of RTS Halla, RTS Kashmore, RTS Khipro and RTS Bhansyedabad is completed.

1. After finalization of Visibility plaques from CDP, the plaques are installed in front of IT and Science labs

4.3.2 Construction of School building ground floor for Roshan Tara High School Shahpurchakar Districts Sanghar

Figure 9: Computer Sketch of newly planned RTS Shahpur Chakar District Sanghar

Project Period: May 2015 to February 2016 Introduction: Under social welfare obligation scheme for Gambat South Block, PPL with the support of district government Sanghar has signed an MoU to construct Roshan Tara High School in Shahpur Chakar District Sanghar. The project time period will remain 10 months started from May 2015 to February 2016. The project will benefit approximately 70 thousands population of Shahpurchakar. Total Cost: 12 million Map of Location:


S# Activity




Development of Proposal The proposal was developed, The proposal was qualified by SGA Shahpur Chakar shard with SGA Management and the grant of 12 million is branch and submitted with PPL approved and released from PPL


Development of RTS The sketch of RTS Shahpur The sketch and Shahpurchakar sketch and chakar was developed and budgeted has budget the budget was revised approved by PPL


Signing MoU


Commencement Construction Work


Inauguration Ceremony of RTS Shahpur Chakar

Memorandum of understanding has been signed among PPL, SGA and DC Sanghar

revised been

SGA would place the tender, tender committee will be formed by PPL, DC Sanghar and SGA

of Soon after tender, the contractor will start construction work After completion of the project, the school wll formally be inaugurated by SGA/PPL and Government officials

5. Sustainable Model of Roshan Tara Schools in Sindh Background: Education is considered a panacea for all social evils and to provide quality education at the low cost to the marginalized people is a real challenge. Keeping in view its importance, Sindh Graduates Association (SGA)- a welfare organization- started a chain of Roshan Tara Schools in 12 districts of Sindh with participation of community in terms of school development, management, fundraising and boosting the learning environment at a cost effective resource input. The local participation effectively played a dynamic and selfless role in making of Roshan Tara School (RTS) as a sustainable educational model and the management of the schools played dynamic role in 15

Figure 10: Girls Education is priority of SGA in Roshan Tara Schools

achieving overall targets set by Sindh Graduates Association (SGA). On the other hand, the government schools in Pakistan have been facing multiple challenges in the shape of School Management Committee (SMC) could apply the model of Roshan Tara School Management Committee(RTSMC) for attaining the goals of universal primary education and development goals set by United Nations Education Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO)

Introduction A few decades ago, education was sought for cultural, religious and social progress but in 1960, the pioneering work of Schultz and Becker working on the concept of investment in human capital proved that a high level of education is necessary condition for economic growth and no country can make a significant economic progress if majority of its citizens are illiterate. The rapid progress of East Asian countries is largely attributed to the excellent system of education. Akhter Hassann Khan 1997 ―Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world‖. Nelson Mandela. Hence, there is no doubt that using such a powerful weapon to shape the destiny has been the dream of every nation in this world, be it a so called developed, underdeveloped or developing country, each is striving to reshape the destiny of their nation either by developing the new and innovative systems or restructuring their educational mechanism as said by an prominent scholar of west that ―Each culture structures its educational systems to teach behaviors which the group find desirable‖ Foucault 1980. Since independence, Pakistan has also been restructuring its educational plans and policies but unfortunately all its educational plans and policies from 1947 to 2009 contained to some extent the same problems and solutions, which were never taken seriously while addressing them. The most frequent issues in these plans and policies have been a wide gap between the data, policy and allocation. Due to implementation capacity and governance issues, an abundant amount has been spent on salaries and expenditures whereas only a minimum amount has been spent on development in education sector. I-SAP Pakistan Henceforth, Five Year Development Plans remained focused on ideological basis, national unity, individual and social development, economic progress, equality of opportunity for Figure 11: Many schools have started nursery classes in Roshan Tara Schools

education, Vocational education and above all the spread and quality of education. Akhter Hassan 16

Khan 1997. Today Pakistan ranks 113 out of 120 UNESCO Educations for All Development Index. According to UNESCO Global Monitoring Report 2013, Pakistan has almost 5.5 million out of school children, the second highest dropout rate at primary, secondary and tertiary level. The annual expenditure is very low as hardly as 2.0% of its Gross Development Product (GDP) on education. A high proportion of this allocation is sent on salaries and other admin expenses. UNESCO Country Programming Document 2013-2017 There has been an irony that the destiny of sub-continent has been remained either in the hands of feudal lords, elite educated class or generals, who never prioritized education for all irrespective of religion, color, caste, ethnic background and ideology and safeguarded their own interests by deliberately becoming indifference to implementation of educational policies in

Figure 12: Non-functional school in Sindh/Photo taken from Google Image

letter and spirit. Professor Weiner and Norman explained in 1996 that poor performance of education in India due to Indian caste system which makes it in cumbent that children of lower classes should learn to work with their hands and not with their heads. Akhter Hassan Khan 1997. The Pakistan Development Review 36:4 Past ii(Winter 1997)pp.647-667 There is a little similarity of Indian society with those of Pakistani, where feudal lords, elite educated class have set discriminatory standards for education. As a result, the children belonging to low income families have very limited access to quality education and equal economic opportunities in Pakistan. Approximately, only in Sindh province, out of 48227 schools, 524 had been encroached, 4540 are non- functional whereas no of ghost schools are 2181. Such a gloomiest and abysmal condition of public schools demands serious actions by state because the literacy level of the country is going down day by day particularly in rural areas of Pakistan. According to a country wide survey, proportion of enrolled children (3-5 years) has decreased from 41% in 2013 to 39% and out of schools children have been 61% in rural areas during 2014 17

and out of schools children are 61%. Whereas in urban areas, the situation has been under control and enrolment ratio 58% of 2013 remained same in 2014 but 42% children remained out of school in urban areas. The 79% of 6-16 years old children seemed enrolled and 21% were out of school in rural areas but 94% of similar age children were enrolled and only 6% were out of school in urban areas. Hence, the proportion of enrolled children in rural areas remained same as were in 2013, on the other hand, proportion of enrolled children increased in urban areas as comparing to 2013 which was 92%. So far gender disparity is concerned, for boys it was 11% and for girls was 10% in rural areas and in urban areas; it was observed that the disparity remained same for both boys and girls. ASER 2014. S.No


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Bangladesh Bhutan India Iran Madlives Nepal Pakistan Srilanka

Public Expenditure 2.4 4.8 3.1 4.7 11.2 4.6 2.0 2.6

Sector Literacy Ratio% 59.8 52.0 73.8 85.0 99.0 66.0 60.0 91.2

Source: CIA World Fact Sheet Book for latest available years

5.1 The Role of Private Schools in Pakistan Such a poor and under focused education sector in Pakistan has made the students and parents in an apathetic condition because they donâ€&#x;t find a practical relationship between national education low standards and global forces in this era of globalization, where it is deemed that high earning is tantamount to high living standard. In this whole context, the role of private schools become significant because as per Economic Survey of Pakistan, chapter 10, page 148, in the rural areas of Pakistan, almost 74% students attend public schools while 26% students attend private schools including Madarssah etc and in urban areas, 41% go to public, while 59% students attend private schools including Madarssah etc. Evidence from Pakistan suggests that when they have the choice, many parents prefer to send their children to these schools over government schools, an indication that parents in Pakistan value education very highly (Andrabi, Das, & Khwaja, 2006).


5.2 Contribution of Roshan Tara School in Education Sector Sindh Province In this whole scenario, many decades before during the era of 80s, a well-known scholar and author Dr.Suleman Shaikh Sahb along with companions laid the foundation stone of Sindh Graduates Association(SGA) and conducted a baseline survey throughout Sindh province during 1979 to assess the status of education generally and girls education particularly. SGA organized “All Sindh Educational Conference on 25th April 1980 at Hyderabad in which expert panels were formed on different aspects except research papers, who then recommended promoting quality education in Sindh including establishing Roshan Tara Schools. However, it was decided that SGA volunteers would strive to establish Roshan Tara Schools, where they belong to and studied in the nook and corner of Sindh province.

Figure 13: Founder of SGA Dr.Suleman Shaikh

Hence, SGA laid the foundation stone of 1st Roshan Tara School at Hala, the birth place of Dr.Suleman Shaikh Sahb and a leading centre of the Suhrawardi sect of Sufism from the 16th century onwards” and Mirpurkhas in month of November 1980. Source: SGA Suhai Besides the recommendations of experts to promote quality education, another element was the approval of then president of Pakistan, general Zia Ul Haq- 1978-88, to open private schools in Pakistan to promote quality education.

5.3 Selfless Volunteerism & Community Involvement in Roshan Tara Schools Socio-cultural researchers define ―community‖ as a ―community of practice‖ – that is, a group of people engaged in an activity driven by common or closely intersecting goals and interests (Wenger, 1998; Wenger, McDermott & Snyder, 2002). School-community partnership is a driving force behind quality assurance practice, aimed at improving the quality of school management, learning environment, curriculum delivery and students’ learning outcomes through the involvement of meaningful, close, strong and goaloriented partnership between the school authority Figure 14: Vehicles are also donated by public representatives and philanthropists to Roshan Tara Schools. Like this, donated by Sardar Ali Mohd Maher for RTS GHOTKI

and other relevant stakeholders (Parent-Teachers 19

Association (PTA), Old Students Association, Non-government agencies, Communities, Ministries, School Board, Individuals and other social institutions). This synergy is necessary because a virile and responsive school-community relationship is a building block for the attainment of specified standards and set goals and production of quality outputs that will satisfy the expectations of the institution’s customers/society (Ayeni, 2010). All 23 Roshan Tara Schools across Sindh province were established with the donations from philanthropist generous SGA volunteers, Business Community, Foundations, Oil & Gas Exploration Companies and Government of Sindh. In order to smoothly supervise the Roshan Tara Schools provincially, a Roshan Tara Secretariat is formed at SGA head office Karachi, which is situated at M.A Jinnah Road and consisted of following, 1. 2. 3. 4.

Secretary Education SGA Chairman of RTS Principal of RTS Manager Education SGA

Whereas for the effective management in these schools, certain rules and regulations in the shape of REHBER is developed by SGA as a guidelines for SMCs in terms of administrative as well as monetary issues. In order to meet the standards, REHBER has also been revised by Roshan Tara Management Committee (RTSMC) and implemented in Roshan Tara Schools accordingly. At grassroots level, each school is supervised by Roshan Tara School Management Committee (RTSMC), which is formed by SGA Branch Management Committee (BMC), which forms or reforms it time to time. The SMC is consisted of the SGA volunteers, principal and educationists, who look after each and every thing themselves and empowered to make every decisions except major decisions like change of uniforms, Curriculum, Change of Policies, Annual Examination Schedule, Funds Allocation etc, which are taken by SGA Secretary Education with the support of RTS Chairman and Principals in purely democratic Figure 15: Sec.Edu SGA addressing to RTS Kashmore assembly during annual exam monitoring



Roshan Tara School Management Committee members sit together and make decisions on the recommendations of concerned committee members and experts during RTSMC meetings.

As discussed, all major or minor decisions related to Roshan Tara Schools are taken democratically from grassroots to head office level. None of SMC or RTSMC member dominates the decisions rather every member’s concerns and grievances are worthy to hear. The beauty of such a democratic process lies on the philosophy that every member is much important in Sindh Graduates Association (SGA). Hence, prior to decisions making, the grievances and concerns are first of all redressed by the Secretary Education SGA.

On many occasions and events, the volunteers are honored for their selflessness, dedication and endeavors in terms of awards, medals, shields and certificates.

One of the major advantages of such a democratic process culminates into the sustainability of Roshan Tara Schools. Although the no of schools have not ascended rapidly due to socioeconomic conditions of Pakistan, which has affected the true spirit of volunteerism and philanthropy.

Recently, due to endeavors of SGA Shahpur Chakar, another school is going to be established in Shahpur Chakar District Sanghar with the support of Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) funding.

Figure 16: Getting exposure of IBA Library and environment

Figure 17: Exposure of RTS Ghotki visit to IBA Sukur


Currently, there are 23 schools, consisted of 09 primary, 04 lower secondary, 04 higher Secondary, 05 Secondary Schools and 5171 boys and 3392 girls are enrolled in these schools, in 12 districts of Sindh province. So far the quality of education in Roshan Tara Schools is concerned, Oxford curriculum is being implemented in all 23 Roshan Tara Schools up to class viii, co-curricular activities are the routine activities all the academic year, Students are given exposure to renowned universities, Colleges, Industries, Factories, picnic points and prominent places of Pakistan to enhance the knowledge and for the sake of shard ideas and cultural diversity. In addition to that, prominent personalities, having background in academic, establishment, judiciary and media, keep on visiting Roshan Tara Schools on the request.

Figure 20: 42nd Annual Day Celebration of SGA at arts council Karachi

Figure 19:Sec.Educcation SGA received Gold Medal from Vice Charman Mehran University Mr.

Figure 18: Sec. Education along with SGA Gadap president distributing awards among students of RTS Gadap

Figure 23: Travel author, Marine Engineer, Mr.Altaf Sheikh visited RTS Sachal Karachi

Figure 22: A democratic decision making body of Roshan Tara Secretariat conducting meeting with School SMC members

Figure 21:Mr.Noor Mohammad Syal receiving Best School Award from Sindh Finance Minister


5.4 Compliance to 25A.Right to education in Roshan Tara Schools.—The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by law. Although the article 25a was recently passed from the parliament and provincial assemblies and according to this article, all privates schools are supposed to enroll 10% needy and poorest students of their total admissions but still the law couldn’t be enforced in letter and spirit throughout country. On the hand, certain low cost private schools have been fulfilling the basic right of poor students in their institutions and out of them Roshan Tara Schools is a well-known name in education sector in Sindh province. As per academic year 2014-15 data, approximately, 330 students comprised of 218 boys and 112 girls are quenching their thrust for quality education.

Figure 24: The registered 330 orphans are getting education free of cost in all Roshan Tara Schools across Sindh province. The picture shows the distribution of uniform among such children by CEC Members at RTS Dadu


5.5. Security Measurements in Roshan Tara Schools According to THE NEWS International, 132 children and 9 school staff members were martyred while 7 soldiers including two officers were injured in the public school Peshawar attack

Figure 25: Secruity measurements taken by Roshan Tara School Management

Figure 26: Deadly attack on Public School Peshawar

Figure 28: Alert Security guards at Roshan Tara Schools

Figure 27: Trained volunteers to maintain discipline during routine time and incident

The proscribed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed credit of one of the deadliest attack in Pakistan’s history. The attack on PSP was associated with the incident of 9/11 in America and the Battle of Karbala in Pakistan. Keeping in view the insecure situation and nonstop attacks by terrorists, the RTSMC decided to take security measures in all 23 Roshan Tara Schools. Hence, the schools installed CC tv and posted the security guards.


5.6 Capacity Building of RTS Teachers

Figure 29: Capacity building of teachers has always been the priority of RTSMC. Trainings are organized on subjects and teaching methodology every year in summer vacations and the impact is monitored through evaluations

Teacher’s capacity buildings central to Roshan Tara School Management Committee (RTSMC). We believe that trained teachers are not only the strength but also a significant source of maintaining the quality standard in our schools. Hence, during reporting period, 146 male and 259 female teachers are trained on effective speaking in English. The trainings were organized individually in all 23 RoshanTara Schools across Sindh province through master trainer. The effective speaking English training was supported by Community Development Department (CDP) Government of Sindh. As a result, the practical teaching competencies of teachers will improved, the quality of teaching methodology will be improved and generally the quality of teaching will be improved and the teachers will incline towards child central education.

Figure 30: SGA Management awarding the training certificate to teachers

5.7 Facilities in Roshan Tara Schools During the past decade much has been done globally to provide quality basic education for children, an obligation for the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In reviewing the research literature related to quality in education, UNICEF takes a broader perspective and demonstrates by this analysis that program must encompass a broader definition involving learners, content, processes, environments and outcomes. UNICEF


Play Grounds: Besides building the capacity of teachers, one of salient features of Roshan Tara Schools is this that out of its 23 schools, 10 have sufficient play grounds, which attract the parents and guardians to enroll their children and students remain physically and mentally active in their studies due to availability of play grounds. Figure 31: An aerial view of RTS Ghotki School assemblies (usually a gathering of all students Assembly/photo taken by Riaz Ali Magsi and faculty in the school playground) add value to a school's curriculum and provide an emotional outlet for students, according to "The Role of the School Assembly" by Neil Hawkes of Living Values Education. Assemblies can address what regular classes cannot, such as emotional issues and Life Skills education.

Figure 34: RTS Mehrabpur IT lab

Figure 33: RTS Hala IT Lab

Figure 32: RTS Khipro IT Lab

Figure 35: Science Labs activities are the part of syllabus in Roshan Tara Schools

Computer Lab: Technology plays a major role in twenty-first century education. The new model of integrating technology into the curriculum means that computers are on demand throughout the school day. Technology teachers and administrators face the task of developing a technology plan that makes the most effective and efficient use of the computer hardware 26

Figure 36: RTS Khipro IT Lab

available to them. Whether using desktops or laptops, Macs or PCs, the computer lab remains the center for most computing activity in schools. There had been the utmost need of establishing computer labs in Roshan Tara Schools but due to unavailability of funds and financial crisis in schools, the idea of computers labs couldn’t implement but with the support of Community Development Program(CDP) Government of Sindh, 06 IT labs are established in RTS Sehwan, RTS Khipro, RTS Bhansyedabad, RTS Hala, RTS Mehrabpur and RTS Kashmore. But few schools like RTS Ghotki and RTS Sachal established IT labs on their funds and philanthropists. Science Labs: There are innumerable reasons why schools ought to furnish their understudies with inventive science lab supplies. Truth be told, very nearly all aspects of their lives is or has been influenced by science. From the neighborhood climate to the sustenance they consume, it assumes a pa

Figure 38: RTS Sehwan IT Lab

Figure 37: RT Hala IT Lab


6. Co-Curricular Activities in Roshan Tara Schools (RTS)

Figure 40: Culture Day at RTS Sachal

Figure 44: Annual Award Distribution Ceremony at RTS Gadap

Figure 45: Sports Day at RTS Dadu

Figure 41: Independence Day at Public School Gadap

Figure 39:Parents Day at RTS Sehwan

Figure 44: Eid Milad Un Nabi at RTS G.Hadeed Karachi

Figure 44: Culture Day at RTS Khipro

Figure 47: Celebrated Holy at RTS Kaloi Tharparkar


Figure 46: Sec. Education awarding distribution ceremony at RTS Gadap


Name of the school



1. Attended students organized by Sindh Association (SDA)

week, 18- 28 April 2014 Doctors

2. Attended Balak Melo, organized by SDA Winners prize Distribution Ceremony 3. Organized Annual Results & Award Distribution Ceremony 4. Organized Asan jo shah Hyderabad cluster 5. Celebrated “independent day” students performed tableaus and speeches 1



RTS Hala 1

RTS Badin

RTS Khipro

Name of Important Guest

RTS Staff, Mr.Ibrahim Sheikh Sahb, SDA Officials


Schools Staff, Parents, SGA Officials and SMC


School Staff


SGA CEC, SGA Manager Education


Mr.mohammad Murad Gahoti

World “literacy day “ Students and staff tour to AlDream World at Karachi 8. Tooth Brushing session for students by Colgate company 9. Holy Quran Recitation Program with Tasbeeh 10. Class Rooms Decoration Competition 11. Celebrated Children Day 12. Quran khuwani in the honor of Peshawar public school Carnage 13. Staff visit at SGA at Karachi 14. Organized Annual Award Distribution Ceremony


1. 2.

6-12-2014 No Date

School Staff No mentioned

No Date 6-12-2014 14-03-2014

No mentioned SMC SMC

6. 7.

3. 1. 2.

Organized Culture Day Organizing cricket Tournament for Girls by UNICEF Organized Shah Latif’ Day at Hyderabad Celebrated Culture Day Celebrated Holi


TEACHERS 11-9-2014 School Staff 3-1-2014 School Staff 21-10-2014 School Staff 20-11-2014 17-12-2014

2-2-2015 22-3-2015

School Staff School Staff

School Staff School Staff





Organized annual Award Distribution Ceremony



Celebrated independence day



Celebrated Defense Day



Organized condolence session to show solidarity with minorities



Celebrated international mother tongue day


Mr.Noor Mohammad Syal-Chairman RTS Sehwan Mr.Imdad SarwaryG.G.D.C Mr.Abdul Rasool Soomro-Vice Chairman SGA Mr.Abdul Rasool Soomro-Vice Chairman SGA School Staff


Celebrated Eid Milad Un Nabi


Ms.Nasim Ara Memon


Organized certificate Distribution Ceremony of English Training Workshop


Vice Chairman SGA & Secretary Education SGA & Manager Education SGA


Celebrated Children Day


Mr.Noor Mohamamd Syal-Chairman RTS Sehwan

1.Organised Sports Day


2. Visited Historical Places at Thatta 3.Organised Culture Day

16.11.2014 5.12.2014

4.Organised Annual Price Distribution Ceremony


SMC Chairman & SGA Branch president Principle & Staff Dr.Salahdin Lakhair, BMC Members & MH Mangi SGA Chairman, Sec Edu, Pir Danish, President PPPP Taluka Dadu & Others

RTS Sehwan

RTS Dadu

RTS Ghotki

1. 2.


RTS Pano Akil


Organized Weekly Sport Activities Conducted Study Tour to Moen Jo Daro, Faiz Mahal Khairpur, Radio Pakistan Khairpur, Bilalawal Garden Held Quiz Competition program on subjects



SMC, Parents, School Staff and Children






Organized Annual Award Distribution and parents Day


Organized Eid Milad Un Nabi

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Celebrated Mother’s Day Organized English Language Course Organized Lecture on Mental Health Organized Independence Day Celebrated Literacy Day

15-5-2014 2-6-2014 9-8-2014 14-8-2014 8-9-2014


Celebrated Eid Milan Party



Attended SPARKO

RTS Mehrabpur

RTS Sachal Goth

RTS Mehar

RTS G-Hadeed






Sec Edu, Agha Ali Gohar Pathan and Habibullah Bhutto Ms.Qamar Nisa & Ms Manzoora, SGA Branch Member’s wives SMC Members SMC Members Abdul Karim Chandio Chairman SGA Marine Engineer Mr.Altaf SHaikh, SMC members SMC, School Staff

6-11-2014 SMC & SPARKO Officials 3-12-2014


Celebrated Fruit Day


Organized Mid Term Result Award


Pre-primary Students Parents & SMC


10. Celebrated Culture Day


SMC, Prof.Shuhabdin Memon

11. Visit to Book Fair at Expo Centre Karachi


School Staff Students


Celebrated Culture Day



Celebrated Eid Milad Un Nabi

No Date


Organized Education Week

No Date

SMC, Parents & Teachers Principal and Female Staff No Name


Participated in Mehran Education Week


1. Organized Annual Awards Distribution Ceremony 2. Organized Teachers training certificate distribution ceremony 3. Celebrated 14th August 4. Celebrated Fruit day 5. Celebrated Colors day 6. Celebrated World Literacy Day 7. Organized Drawing Competition 8. Organized Educational Visit/ Picnic 9. Organized World Mental Health 31


31-7-2014 14-8-2014 20-9-2014 20-9-2014 8-9-2014 11-10-2014 19-10-2014 19-10-2014


RTS Meher, Mehran TV, Other Schools Mr.Sajid Jokhyo Dr.Suleman Shaikh SGA Chairman SMC Chairman SMC Chairman Mrs.Sajida Bhelin RTS Chairman No Guest Dr.Suleman Shaikh RTS Chairman RTS Chairman

10. 11. 12. 13.

Program Celebrated World Teachers day Celebrated Cultural Day Organized Sport day Organized Women’s Right and her role in education

RTS Chairman 5-10-2014 29-11-2014 19-12-2014

MPA Mr.Nazir Ahmed Bhutto



14. Organized Fair well Party



RTS Syedabad

RTS Kashmore


RTS Kaloi


RTS Jarwar



RTS Mirpur Khas

1. Organized Sports Day 2. Organized Parents Day 3. Organized Independence Day

No Date No Date

4. Organized Eid Milad ul Nabi 5. Organized Culture Day

No Date No Date

1. Organized Pakistan Day


2. Organized Fair Well Party


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

24-5-2014 14-8-2014 6-9-2014

Organized Magic Show Organized Independence Day Organized Defense Day Organized World Literacy Day Organized Teacher Day Organized Culture Day


No Guest Mr.S.Rasool Shah, Sardar Sikandar Ali Rahoopoto Sec Education, Sec Health and Vice Chairman SGA,SMC members RTS SMC Chairman, Principal and School Staff BMC, SMC, Principal of Govt High School Principal BMC, SMC BMC, SMC

8-9-2014 5-10-2014 6-12-2014


1. Organized Culture Day



1. Organized Culture Day



1. Celebrated Independence Day


2. Celebrated Culture Day 3. Celebrated International Mother Language Day 4. Celebrated Safeguard Health Day 5. Mental Health Program

7-12-2014 21-10-2014

SGA Branch President, SMC Members, School Staff Mr.Sain Dino Nohri Mr.Sonam Meghwar School Staff and Safeguard team Dr.Fayaz Memon

6. Organized Picnic Progam for students 32

26-11-2014 No Date 14-2-2015

School children



7. Organized Annual Award Distribution Day/Parents Day 18

1.Organised Culture Day

RTS Talhar

1. Mid Term Result Announcement Day


SMC, Parents Children




Sec Education, Vice Chairman, CEC Member Mr.Noor Mohammad Syal Ms.Sadya & Ms.Paras Chanan Sec Edu SGA, Vice Chairman SGA, CEC Member Mr.Noor Mohammad Syal, SGA Manager Education, Riaz Magsi


2. Eid Milad Un Nabi



3. Annual Result Announce Day


1. Organized Annual Award Distribution ceremony 2. Celebrating SGA & Dr.Suleman Sheikh Anniversary 3. Celebrated Literacy Day 4. Celebrated Parents Day 5. Celebrated Culture Day 6. Celebrated Eid Milad Un Nabi 7. Celebrated Language Day Awareness 8. Celebrated Mehndi Day 9. Participated in independence day at Gadap Public school 10. Mothers AWARNESSN Day 11. Environment Day awareness







RTS Gadap

RTS Bachal Goth

12-10-2014 7-12-2014 10-1-2015 February 2015 24 & 25 July 2014 14-8-2014 No Date



SGA Chairman, Sec Edu, Vice Chairman SMC SMC



1.Parents Day 21

RTS Station



Mr.Noor Mohamamd Syal Peeral Khan Khoso Javed Akber Memon Nazir Bhand Office Bearers of SGA

Branch Pat, Sehwan Sharif



11-1-2015 Mothers of students

2. Mild Un Nabi


Abdul Rasool Soomro Mohammad Ismail panwher Noor Mohammad Sya


SMC Chairman Students



3.Culture Day

4.Celeberated Mother Tongue Day 5.Celeebrated birth day of Dr.Suleman Sheikh Sahb



7. Publications of Roshan Tara Secretariat in the year 2014-2015 7.1. Balik Magazine As per education sector plan, the 6th edition of Roshan Tara Balik Magazine was published and disseminated to schools, children clubs, libraries, education departments, Government Schools and organizations. As always, this time too, there was a huge demand from schools and other institutions to increase the publication copies. So, Roshan Tara Secretariat decided to increase the number from 2000 to 3000. This time, Balik Magazine contained rich life experiences of renowned personalities, Co-curricular activities of Roshan Tara Schools, Dramas, Analysis of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai poetry, Sports, English Grammar, Stories, Tips, Jokes and many more things.


7.2 Academic Calendar 2014 & 2015 published by RTS Secretariat

7.8 Sindhi Dictionary Due to globalization, the world is endeavoring to protect their indigenous languages from extinction; indigenous languages are deemed as important part of heritage. “Sindh Graduates Association (SGA) is trying its best by protecting the Sindhi languages from all aspects, be it recording the words in a dictionary or producing the generation, who not only learn rather speaks in Sindhi through establishing Roshan Tara Schools across Sindh province. ” Khalid Hussein Channa There was a period in the history of Sindh province before independence generally and colonization particularly, when instead of towns, the villages used to be the centre of business and trade. There was prosperity due to surplus and self-sufficiency in agricultural production, the barter system was the dominant mode of business at that time, people used to interact through their indigenous languages, many of them died in Pakistan alone. “Someone well said that if a language is dead a person is also dead” Time changed, now urban towns are the centre of business and the material life due to globalization has endangered the cultures and languages. Accessibility to urban areas, need to use lingua franca; causing bilingual and multilingual, materialistic attitude, adoption of modernized life style, independence, weak internal identify and negative status conferred from outsiders or by the community itself are the major cause of language decline. 36

Holmes (1992;59) explained that “when language shits occur, they almost always shifts towards the language of the most powerful group. A dominant group has no incentive to adopt the language of minority” Sindhi language, which is one of ancient languages of sub-continent is at the bank of death, Pakistan is on the list of countries, where 70 languages are about to die very soon if concrete measures are not taken to save such treasure from extinction. Similarly, Roshan Tara Secretariat is in process to develop a comprehensive dictionary in Sindhi language, which contains, often, the meaning of those words, which are not explained in Sindh Text Book Boards, the curriculum of which is being taught apart of advance oxford university press course in Roshan Tara Schools across 12 districts of Sindh. The students will easily find out the meaning of the words and inculcate them into their daily lives, in such a way; there would be a practical use of Sindhi words in our culture.

7.9 Rehber Be it a school, association, organization or any department, every institute needs effective tools for ensuring good governance and achieving their set objectives and targets efficiently. But as well as the needs and requirements change, these guidelines are also updated. Similarly, Roshan Tara Schools are governed by REHBER, which has been updated time to time after identification of certain gaps and realization of improvements by SMC members. Such revision is considered very important for the growth and development of Roshan Tara Schools, so, on the request of RTSMC members from various Roshan Tara Schools in terms of proposals, Roshan Tara Secretariat, which is mandated to brought the changes into the operational policies of schools, conducted sufficient RTSMC meetings in the light of those proposals, in which the participation of every RTSMC chairman and principal was made mandatory and finally formed a REHBER committee for the long lasting interest of all 23 RTS.

But due to certain reasons, the REHBER committee couldn’t complete the task and requested Secretary Education SGA to reform the committee once again In RTSMC meeting, held in the month of October 2014 at SGA head office. Keeping in view the existing situation, secretary education SGA proposed RTSMC to reform the REHBER committee if proposed changes need to be included into REHBER. So, after a unanimous consent of all RTSMC members, it was decided to reform the REHBER committee. In this connection, the 2nd REHBER committee was formed in the month of November 2014. 37

Hence, after formation, the REHBER committee, consisted of most senior RTSMC members, conducted several consultative meetings and finally submitted a revised REHBER draft to Secretary Education for review. The REHBER was thoroughly gone through by the secretary education SGA and tabled in RTSMC meeting for discussion over proposal and finalization. After healthy discussion an debate, majority of RTSMC members recommended the REHBER for SGA Central Executive Committee (CEC)’s approval. The revised REHBER came with following salient proposals, 1. Due to while color, parents complained that white uniform get stains easily and untidy, therefore, it needs to be changed. 2. The pay scales of teaching as well as non-teaching were not revised since decades, therefore, they were updated 3. Leave Structure was revised and updated 4. In use formats ranging from academic as well as non-academic were updated. 5. Parents meetings were proposed after every academic term followed by teacher and principal formal meetings 6. Code of conduct for teaching staff and students was proposed

8. Dissemination of ASER 2013/14 to RTSMC members During RTSMC meeting, the copies of Annual Education Report 2014/2015 were disseminated to every chairman and principal of Roshan Tara Schools. ASER is a compressive report, which contains the analytical details with impact of all curriculums as well as co-curricular activities of Roshaan Tara Schools. It was indispensible to document the important details for successors of Sindh Graduates Association (SGA) because the democratic transit is the continuous process of this peculiar organization and transmission of actual facts and figures is significant for comparison with future days, which can only be possible if there is any literature available. Figure 48: Sec.Education SGA Distributing RTS Annual Status of Education Report with RTSMC members


9. Visits by Secretary Education/ Roshan Tara Secretariat SGA 1

RTS Hala 1


RTS Badin


RTS Khipro

visited during annual examination 2014-15, Visited school and distributed certificates among trained teachers during CDP English training workshop


RTS Sehwan


RTS Dadu

Visited annual award distribution ceremony and parents day, attended culture day, Conducted FGDs with school staff for language discourse, conducted monitoring visit of school, Held meetings with teachers, Visited school during annual examination 2014-15 by Roshan Tara Secretariat vigilance committee members participated in sports day, annual award distribution ceremony, inauguration of newly constructed building, visited annual examination 2014-15


RTS Ghotki


RTS Pano Akil


RTS Mehrabpur


RTS Sachal Goth

visited school for academic and financial assessment by Roshan Tara Secretariat team, Visited school for establishment of I.T lab


RTS Mehar

visited during annual examination 2014-15


RTS G-Hadeed Phase-I attending In service teacher training ceremony, visited 1st term &2 examination process, visited 2nd term examination process, attended women rights and her role in education seminar, Visited school during annual examination 2014-15 by Roshan Tara Secretariat team RTS Bhan Syedabad visited school, Inaugurated newly established IT & science labs, attended English training certificate distribution ceremony program, conducted meeting with SMC for proper school record and fixed assets, Visited school during annual examination by Roshan Tara Secretary vigilance committee members, Visited school for CDP project activities by Roshan Tara Secretariat team


attended Asa Jo Shah program, visited annual examination 2014-15, visited certificate distribution ceremony in English training, visited schools and held meetings with teachers, conducted meeting with SMC, Visited school and monitored constriction work visited school and conducted meeting with SMC and assessed the academic performance and discussed building issues

visited annual examination 2014-15, visited school and conducted meetings with administrator and principal, visited school and conducted meetings with SMC members, Visited school to install financial management software by Roshan Tara Secretariat team, Visited school for establsihemnt of I.T lab Visited during annual examination 2014-15, Visited school for assessment by Roshan Tara Secretariat team participated in parents day and annual award distribution ceremony



RTS Kashmore

Visited during annual examination 2014-15, Visited School for CDP project activities and procurement process by Roshan Tara Secretariat team

14 15 16

RTS Kaloi RTS Jarwar RTS Mirpur Khas

Visited ongoing educational activity Visited school by Roshan Tara Secretariat team Participated in mother language day

17 18

RTS Talhar


RTS Gadap

Visited School for school development assessment by Roshan Tara Secretariat team Visited school during Award Distribution Ceremony, Visited to review school performance, Conducted meeting with teaching staff to resolve issues and challenges as well as discussed future plans for academic improvement, participated in culture day


RTS Bachal Goth

Participated in Annual Award Distribution Ceremony, Literacy Day, Culture Day


RTS Phulji Station

Visited during annual examination 2014-15

1o. Analysis of Oxford University Press Curriculum in Roshan Tara Schools Background to the Education System in Pakistan In Pakistan, as in other developing countries, the education system struggles to achieve quality (Memon, 2007; Zia, 2003) mainly due to a very low public investment in education at only 2.2% of GDP (Memon, 2007). This lack of funding leads to weaknesses in implementation mechanisms such as monitoring, management and teaching (Zia, 2003). A further challenge is the absence of any standardized curriculum or uniformity as to the medium of instruction (Zia, 2003). There are also disparities with regard to access to quality education, since the private education system is of better quality but not accessible to the poor, (Zia, 1999). Similarly, the role of Sindh Text book board in terms of updating the curriculum doesn’t seem visible, generation old and incompatible content is in force in public schools, which hardly meets the needs and requirements of contemporary age and has been rejected symbolically by the parents and educationist, as a result, alternative texts are being implemented in private schools all provinces of Pakistan. Similarly, Roshan Tara Secretariat through syllabus committee took the initiative in last year to replace the curriculum with Oxford University Press up to class eight. The introduction of curriculum, no doubt, seemed difficult to RTS teachers especially in backward areas like Talhar, Badin, Kaloi, jarwar and Gadap, where it is very hard to find out the qualified teachers but in spite of that the said schools never lagged behind and applied the oxford course in their schools as well. 40

The major fear to schools was the turnout of senior teachers because the school management has deputed the trained senior teachers in the same classes since their joining. The school management committees and RTS Secretariat always endeavored to train, update and facilitate their teachers. Initiatives like English, Science and Math training workshops through CDP phase iii project in past followed by ongoing training workshops by trained English master trainer is an evidence to enhance the skills of RTS teachers in Roshan Tara Schools across Sindh. The trained teachers are applying the learnt teaching methodologies; lesson planning and concentrating child centered teaching strategy, which would definitely improve the learning improvement of students.


Annual results, examination

Table 1: HSC Results for 2013-14 S. No,

Name of Total A1 School Students






Absent %age Board


RTS Ghotki







2 3


98% Sukkur

RTS 58 Pano Akil RTS 28 Kashmore




























Table 2: HSC Highest Results for 2013-14 S.No Name of School


RTS Ghotki


RTS Pano Akil


RTS Kashmore


Highest Position Holder Name Umair Bashir s/o Mr. Bashir Ahmed Bhatti (PreEngineering) Baby Sonia d/o Mr. Amar Lal Chhabria (PreMedical) Rehman s/o Qurban Ali Kalwar (PreEngineering) Joti Bajaj d/o Bheesham Lal Bajaj (Pre-Medical) Hayat Khatoon Umair Bashir s/o Mr. Bashir Ahmed Bhatti (PreEngineering)


Obtained Marks






931 892 959

84.60% 81% 87.18%



Table 3: SSC II Results for 2013-14 S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Total Students RTS Khipro 66 RTS Jarwar 34 RTS Ghotki 139 RTS Pano Akil 50 RTS Mehrabpur 27 RTS Hala 29 RTS Sehwan 23 RTS Bhan 10 Sayedabad RTS Mehar 32 RTS Kashmore 36 RTS Sachal Goth 30 Name of School









40 0 82 10 2 6 2 0

21 19 55 30 7 16 15 7

5 15 2 8 11 6 6 3

0 0 0 2 4 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0

100% 100% 100% 100% 98% 100% 100% 100%


2 10 4

23 23 16

7 3 8

0 0 2

0 0 0

0 0 0

100% 100% 100%




RTS Gulshan HadeedII








158 240 87 9



Table 4: SSC II Highest Results for 2013-14


Sukkur Hyderabad

Larkana Karachi

a) An Analytical Glance at the Roshan Tara Schools Boys and Girls Ratio

Fees Structure at RTS



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