Horror sub-genres

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Hor ror sub-genres By Zak foreman

slasher Basic Slasher films have existed for a very long time but became more popular in the early 80’s with the success of Halloween and Friday the 13th. This sub-genre usually features a lot of pursuits and a lot of gruesome murders. Teenage girls are often their favorite prey. Important examples include; Halloween (1978), Friday the 13th (1980) and A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)

Monsters/creatures Existing from the early 1910’s with the first versions of Frankenstein or King Kong, the monster genre is “the” classic of horror. The characters often derive from myth, such as Big Foot or the Bogeyman. Important films include; Frankenstein (1931), The Mummy (1932) and Troll Hunter (2010)

Paranor mal ď śThe paranormal and the fear of the unknown is naturally a classic topic of horror. With everything from ghosts to demons and even witches, it is usually the part of horror cinema that gets the scariest. ď śGhosts, specters and spirits are the most common. Usually a soul of the dead that is seeking revenge on earth, by killing people. ď śImportant example include; Poltergeist (1982), The Frighteners (1996) and Mama (2013)

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