Question 2 pdf

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Question 2


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product represents the two particular social groups of gender and age. Gender is represented by the boy being allowed to be home by himself, representing him as this strong male figure. As soon as it gets dark we realise that Josh is not alone and that he struggles to deal with the paranormal activity that is going on.



Age is represented through Zak and Tia. The clothing and their performance represents that they’re far much older than Josh and should be able to combat the paranormal in a much beHer manner. However it then swerves back to Josh’s situation for them as it’s Tia that turns paranormal leaving Zak to deal with it himself.

The forest is stereotypical in horror films as it is sparce of people and phone signal, meaning that they’re is no way for either of them to call for help, it is also the perfect place for creepy things to on as we haven’t put a filter on it, leaving it to look too natural which then implies that something is wrong.


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