مجلة زهرة مايو 2014

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‫زهرة‬ ‫مجلة‬ ‫الصوت العربي في أمريكا‬ ‫عداء مغريب ضمن العرش‬ ‫األوائل يف مراطون‬ ‫بو سطن ص‪3.‬‬ ‫ملاذا يهاجر املواطن‬ ‫العريب؟‬ ‫بقلم الدكتور خالص جلبي‬


‫‪TelexFREE‬‬ ‫عملية نصب بقيمة ‪٩٠‬‬ ‫مليون دوالر يف والية‬ ‫ما سا شو سيت ص‪4.‬‬

‫الثقافة العربية يف‬ ‫املجتمعات الغربية‬ ‫ص‪12.‬‬ ‫التنني الصغري يتألق يف‬ ‫الساحة الرياضية ص‪14.‬‬




‫زهرة‬ ‫مجلة‬ ‫الصوت العربي في أمريكا‬

‫تصدر شهريا عن مؤسسة‬ ‫إبامز لإلعالن و التسويق‬


‫طاقم التحرير‬ ‫رشيد مخرب‬ ‫محمد متوكل‬ ‫عبد الصمد العمراين‬ ‫التصممي الفني‬ ‫توفيق قصور‬ ‫مهدي الوكيلي‬ ‫الطاقم اإلستشاري‪ /‬الكتاب‬ ‫دكتور خالص جلبي‬ ‫املحامي املهدي إكيل‬ ‫األستاذ محمد إبراهيمي‬ ‫األستاذ حسن باعمى‬ ‫أسامء عطاوي‬ ‫طارق العمراين‬ ‫إبتسام حمويش‬ ‫محمد الزياين‬ ‫جامل العودي‬ ‫التسويق‬ ‫أدريان كيوبا‬ ‫فاطمة سليم‬ ‫‪50 Maverick Square, Unit 2.‬‬ ‫‪East Boston, MA 02128‬‬ ‫‪Tel: (617) 567-2424‬‬ ‫‪Fax: (617) 567-2425‬‬ ‫‪www.zarahmagazine.com‬‬

‫ملاذا مجلة عربية اجنليزية يف بوسطن؟‬ ‫ثالثة أسباب كانت وراء التفكري يف إطالق مجلة عربية انجليزية يف مدينة بوسطن‪ :‬‬ ‫السبب االول هو التعريف باللغة العربية يف والية ماساشوسيت كلغة حية و تشجيع الشباب العريب االمرييك‬ ‫من الجيل الثاين لالهتامم بها و تعلمها‪ .‬‬ ‫السبب الثاين هو جمع شمل الجالية العربية هنا يف الوالية ‪ ‬بكل مكوناتها العرقية و الدينية و االجتامعية و‬ ‫نبد الخالفات الثانوية و توحيد الصفوف تحت مضلة اللغة الواحدة التى تجمعنا وهي لغة الضاد‪ .‬‬ ‫السبب الثالث هو التعريف بالثقافة العربية لغري الناطقني بالعربية للتشجيع عىل االندماج مع مكونات‬ ‫املجتمع االمرييك بكل أطيافها و كذلك لتصحيح بعض األفكار املغلوطة التي يأخذها بعض املواطنني االمريكيني‬ ‫من بعض وسائل االعالم والتي تصور العريب ‪ ‬يف ابشع الصور‪ .‬‬ ‫ملاذا اسم مجلة زهرة؟‬ ‫اخرتنا ملجلتنا اسم زهرة و رمز زهرة حمراء لنبني توجه خطنا التحريري الذي ال يبنى عىل اإلساءة ألحد و ال‬ ‫لخلق تعصب ألي مذهب او دين او عرق; و إمنا كام ترمز الزهرة للود و املحبة و السالم و التفتح عىل االخر‬ ‫والرتكيز عىل كل ما هو إيجايب وبناء و اجتناب كل ماميكن ان يحبط و يهدم املجتمع العريب يف امريكا ‪.‬‬ ‫هدفنا هو تلميع صورة العرب يف امريكا و إظهار نقيض ما تبينه بعض وسائل االعالم هنا‪ ،‬اضافة اىل تثقيف‬ ‫ورفع املستوى املعريف للقارىء العريب وغري العريب‪.‬‬ ‫ماذا أعددنا لقارئنا؟‬ ‫صفحاتنا ستتضمن كل ما هو مفيد للقارىء يف جميع مجاالت حياته اليومية من حوارات مع صناع القرار اىل‬ ‫االقتصاد و املال مرورا بأحداث املجتمع و الرياضة و قصص العرب االمريكيني‪ .‬كام خصصنا مساحة لقرائنا‬ ‫خصوصا الشباب منهم إلظهار مواهبهم يف الكتابة بالعربية‪ ،‬اضافة اىل ذلك تعنى املجلة بإظهار دور الجمعيات‬ ‫الخريية يف بوسطن‪ .‬نتمنى ان نكون عند حسن ظن قرائنا األعزاء ونختم هذا بقولنا ان طاقم مجلة زهرة‬ ‫يحبكم‪.‬‬ ‫للمشاركة‬ ‫يرجى إرسال المقاالت واآلراء الى البريد االلكتروني ‪ contact@zarahmagazine.com :‬‬ ‫ملحوظة‪ :‬جميع المقاالت المرسلة ال يجب ان تزيد على ‪ 500‬كلمة و ترسل قبل ‪ 15‬من كل شهر‪.‬‬

‫( بوسطن‪ -‬الواليات المتحدة االمريكية) ‪ .‬وال يجوز بأي حال من األحوال إعادة طباعة المجلة‬ ‫حقوق النشر محفوظة لمجلة زهرة ‪ 2014‬التي تصدر عن مؤسسة‬ ‫أو أي جزء منها أو تخزينها في أي نظام استرجاعي أو نقلها بأي صورة أو أي وسيلة إلكترونية أو آلية أو تصويرها أو تسجيلها أو ما شابه دون الحصول على تصريح مسبق من‬ ‫الشركة االمريكية لإلعالن و التسويق‪.‬‬

‫حقوق النشر لهذه المطبوعات باللغة العربية مرخصة “ مجلة زهرة”‪.‬‬

‫‪Zarah Magazine | May 2014‬‬

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‫أخبار‬ ‫ ‬

‫مجلة زهرة‬



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‫االمريكي من أصل أريثيري يفوز مباراثون بوسطن الدولي‬ ‫متكن االمرييك من أصل أريثريي بالفوز مباراثون بوسطن الدويل يف نسخته لهذا العام‪ .‬‬ ‫وقد تجاوز ميب كيفلزيگي‪ ،‬البالغ من العمر ‪ 38‬سنة‪ ،‬خط النهاية يف زمن ‪.2:08:37 ‬‬ ‫وتقدرجائزة املارثون املالية ب ‪ 100,000‬دوالر‪ .‬بينام تحصل املرتبة الثانية والثالثة عىل‬ ‫‪ ‬التوايل عىل ‪ 40,000‬و ‪ 22,500‬دوالر‪.‬‬

‫عداء مغربي ضمن العشر األوائل في ماراثون بوسطن‬ ‫انضم عناين إىل قامئة العدائني العامليني املعروفني من إثيوبيا وكينيا والواليات املتحدة‬ ‫األمريكية وروسيا‪ ،‬إىل جانب أكرث من ‪ 25‬ألف متسابق‪ ،‬وسبق للعداء عادل عناين‬ ‫تحقيق عدة أرقام جيدة يف سباقات املاراثون‪ ،‬نذكر منها سباق مراكش والذي حقق‬ ‫فيه توقيتا متميزا قدر ب ‪ .2:11:05‬ويف سنة ‪ 2012‬خاض ماراثون لندن و دخل يف‬ ‫توقيت ‪ 2:07:43‬وهو أحسن توقيت لهذا العداء‪.‬‬

‫‪‎‬إطفائيني يفقدان حياتهما إلنقاذ حياة الناس في بوسطن‬ ‫ويتعلق االمر باملالزم والش ‪ ٤٣‬سنة‪ ،‬والد لثالثة أطفال والذي مىش عىل خطى والده‬ ‫الذي كان اطفائياً أيضاً‪ ,‬والرجل الثاين هو اإلطفايئ كينيدي البالغ من العمر ‪ ٣٣‬سنة‪ .‬وقد‬ ‫لقيا الرجالن حتفهام يف محاولة إطفاء نريان اندلعت يف شقة يف بوسطن‪.‬‬

‫‪Zarah Magazine | May 2014‬‬



‫وهم التسويق الشبكي‬ ‫تلكسفري (‪ )TelexFREE‬عملية‬ ‫نصب بقيمة ‪ 90‬مليون دوالر يف‬ ‫والية ماساشوسيت‪.‬‬

‫عملت شركة تلكسفري في إطار التسويق‬ ‫الهرمي الذي يبنى على استقطاب عمالء‬ ‫من شتى المستويات االجتماعية‪ .‬يتلخص‬ ‫عمل هؤالء المستثمرين في إقناع‬ ‫المهتمين بشراء منتج االتصال بالهاتف‬ ‫عبر االنترنت على أن يقوم بإقناع آخرين‬ ‫بالشراء‪ ،‬ليقنع هؤالء آخرين أيضا بالشراء‬ ‫وهكذا‪ ،‬وكلما زادت طبقات المشتركين‬ ‫حصل األول على عموالت أكثر‪ ،‬وكل‬ ‫مشترك يقنع من بعده باالشتراك مقابل‬ ‫العموالت الكبيرة التي يمكن أن يحصل‬ ‫عليها إذا نجح في ضم مشتركين جدد يلونه‬ ‫في قائمة األعضاء‪.‬‬ ‫في بداية االمر استهدفت الشركة‬ ‫الوهمية المهاجرين البرازيليين في والية‬ ‫ماساشوسيت و تم تجنيد عمالئهم في‬ ‫‪ ‬يقول رشيد املغريب ‪ ‬األمرييك من مدينة ريڤري الذي استثمر ‪ ‬مع‬ ‫الرشكة ما يناهز دخله السنوي عن هذه القضية ‪ ”:‬استثمرت أموايل‬ ‫يف تلكسفري بعد ان ترددت طويال‪ ،‬و قد أضعت مدخرايت و خرست‬ ‫عالقايت مع عائلتي و أصدقايئ الذين شاركوين يف هذا االستثامر‬ ‫الوهمي”‬

‫الكنائس و قد انتشر خبر هذا االستثمار الوهمي‬ ‫كالنار في الهشيم حتى في أوساط الجالية العربية‬ ‫هنا في بوسطن‪.‬‬ ‫بزعم الشركة التي تدعي انها ستحقق نقلة نوعية‬ ‫في مجال االتصاالت و اإلعالنات‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬تستقطب الشركة التي تشتغل بشكل هرمي‬ ‫المستثمرين من شتى المستويات االجتماعية‪.‬‬

‫يبدأ المشارك االستثمار المزعوم بدفع ‪$289‬‬ ‫أو ‪ $1375‬و ينقر اإلعالنات في موقع‬ ‫‪ TelexFREE‬بشكل يومي لترويج منتجات‬ ‫الشركة‪ ،‬في مقابل عوائد سنوية تقدرب‪. % 250‬‬ ‫ولقد تم التحقيق مع الشركة الوهمية من طرف‬ ‫السلطات المالية في الوالية‪ .‬اضافة الى انه لم‬ ‫تقبل دعوة اإلفالس التي تقدمت بها تلكسفري‬ ‫للمحكمة الفدرالية‪.‬‬ ‫وقد صرح المسولؤون بأنهم يعملون مافي‬ ‫وسعهم السترجاع أموال المستثمرين المغرور‬ ‫بهم‪.‬‬ ‫أسست مجموعة من متضرري تلكسفري احتادا للتفاوض و االستعانة‬ ‫بخدمة محاميني في واليتي نيڤادا و ماساشوسيت لتسهيل املسطرة‬ ‫القانونية في القضية‪.‬‬ ‫للراغبني في االنضمام الى هذه املجموعة‪ ،‬املرجو مراسلة هذا البريد‬ ‫االلكتروني‪telexfreecase@gmail.com :‬‬


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‫إطالق رحالت الطيران‬ ‫املباشرة من دبي الى‬ ‫بوسطن‬ ‫أطلقت شركة طيران اإلمارات خدمتها اليومية‬ ‫بين دبي وبوسطن الشهر الماضي‪ ،‬وهي المحطة‬ ‫الثامنة لها في الواليات المتحدة األمريكية‪،‬‬ ‫و‪ 142‬ضمن شبكة المحطات التي تخدمها الناقلة‬ ‫في قارات العالم الست‪.‬‬ ‫وأقلعت الرحلة االفتتاحية "ئي كيه ‪"237‬‬ ‫من مطار دبي الدولي وعلى متنها عدد من‬ ‫المسؤولين على رأسهم تيم كالرك رئيس طيران‬ ‫اإلمارات‪ ،‬وعادل الرضا النائب التنفيذي لرئيس‬ ‫طيران اإلمارات‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى عدد من ممثلي‬ ‫وسائل اإلعالم المحلية واإلقليمية‪.‬‬ ‫وتشغل طيران اإلمارات لخدمة رحالتها الجديدة‬ ‫إلى بوسطن طائرة بوينج ‪ 200LR-777‬مقسمة‬ ‫إلى ثالث درجات‪ 8 :‬أجنحة خاصة في الدرجة‬ ‫األولى‪ ،‬و‪ 42‬مقعدًا يتحول إلى سرير مست ٍو في‬ ‫درجة رجال األعمال‪ ،‬و‪ 216‬مقعدًا مريحا في‬ ‫الدرجة السياحية‪.‬‬ ‫وتوجه السير تيم كالرك رئيس طيران‬ ‫اإلمارات بالشكر إلى سلطات بوسطن ووالية‬ ‫ماساشوستس على تسهيل انطالق الخدمة‬ ‫الجديدة‪.‬‬ ‫وقال كالرك‪ :‬نحن في غاية السرور‪،‬‬ ‫فمنذ اللحظة التي أعلنا عن خططنا‬ ‫لتشغيل رحالت من دون توقف بين دبي‬ ‫وبوسطن‪ ،‬تلقينا ترحيبًا حا ًّرا من عمالئنا في‬ ‫دولة اإلمارات والمنطقة والواليات المتحدة‬ ‫ومختلف محطاتنا عبر العالم‪.‬‬


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‫‪ ‬جمعية تقوية وتشجيع النساء ‪WEE‬‬ ‫أسست هذه الجمعية المدنية سنة ‪ 2010‬في مدينة ‪ .Revere‬و يكمن دورها في تقوية‬ ‫وتشجيع النساء على العمل الجمعوي و الحقوقي‪.‬‬ ‫وتركز الجمعية على حاالت النساء ذوي الدخل المحدود وأسرهن‪ ،‬بتقديم النصائح‬ ‫و المشورات القانونية الالزمة لتطوير فعالية االندماج في المجتمع المدني‪.‬‬ ‫وتستغل الجمعية في المدن التالية‪ :‬ريڤير‪ ،‬شرق بوسطن‪ ،‬شيلسي‪ ،‬وينثروپ‪.‬‬ ‫كذلك تقدم هذه الجمعية دروس التقوية في اللغة االنجليزية و دروس في االعداد‬ ‫الجتياز امتحان الجنسية‪.‬‬

‫للمزيد من المعلومات المرجو االتصال بالرقم التالي ‪781 284 4251 :‬‬ ‫‪Zarah Magazine | May 2014‬‬


‫رأي‬ ‫‪ ‬‬ ‫خالص جلبي طبيب وجراح سوري املولد كندي الجنسية ومفكر إنساني‪ ،‬من مواليد القامشلي شمال شرق سورية‪ .‬يتكلم‬ ‫اللغتني األملانية واإلنكليزية باإلضافة إلى العربية‪ ،‬وتخرج من كلية الطب عام ‪ 1971‬وكلية الشريعة ‪.1984‬‬ ‫حصل على دكتوراه في‬ ‫سافر إلى أملانيا وأتم هناك تخصصه في جراحة األوعية الدموية‪ ،‬وعاش فيها حتى عام ‪َ .1982‬‬ ‫الجراحة (فاخ أرتس ‪ )FACHARTZ‬ـ أملانيا الغربية ‪ .1982‬عاد من أملانيا ليستقر في السعودية فعمل كرئيس لوحدة‬ ‫جراحة األوعية الدموية (باإلنكليزية‪ )UNIT SURGERY VASCULAR :‬في مستشفى امللك فهد التخصصي‬ ‫ببريدة في القصيم بالسعودية بطاقة ‪ 570‬سرير ًا‪ .‬يقيم اآلن بمدينة الجديدة في املغرب‪ .‬وقد عرف نفسه مرة بقوله‪( :‬إنني‬ ‫سوري املولد‪ ،‬عربي اللسان‪ ،‬مسلم القلب‪ ،‬وأملاني التخصص‪ ،‬وكندي الجنسية‪ ،‬وعاملي الثقافة‪ ،‬ثنائي اللغة‪ ،‬لغة التراث‬ ‫ولغة املعاصرة‪ ،‬وأدعو إلى الطيران نحو املستقبل بجناحني من العلم والسلم)‪.‬‬

‫ ‬

‫سفينة تغرق؟ ملاذا يهاجر املواطن العربي؟‬ ‫كانت القاضية الكندية تنطق بكلامت واضحة بطيئة‬ ‫تكررها باللغتني الفرنسية واالنكليزية‪ :‬أيها السيدات‬ ‫والسادة نحن نعلم الرحلة الصعبة التي قطعتم‪،‬‬ ‫واألوطان الغالية التي فارقتم‪ ،‬طمعاً مبصري أفضل‬ ‫لتستقروا يف هذا البلد الرائع‪ .‬أيها الناس نحن فخورون‬ ‫بهذا االستقطاب لثامنني انساناً ينتمون اىل مايزيد عن‬ ‫ثالثني جنسية؟‬ ‫تابعت‪ :‬دخلتم هذه القاعة مهاجرين وتخرجون منها‬ ‫مواطنني مثيل ال أمتيز عنكم بيشء‪ .‬الحق أقول لكم‬ ‫ادخلوا هذا البلد بسالم آمنني‪ ،‬واعتنقوا الدين الذي به‬ ‫تؤمنون‪ ،‬وتنقلوا واعملوا يف أي مكان تحبون‪ ،‬وادخلوه‬ ‫وغادروه يف اللحظة التي ترغبون‪ ،‬تعلموا قول الحق‬ ‫والعمل به ويف ذلك لومة الئم ال تخشون‪ .‬علموا أوالدكم‬ ‫ذلك وعىل محاربة كل ألوان التمييز العنرصي والجنيس‬ ‫كونوا حريصني‪.‬د‪ .‬خالص جلبي‬ ‫يف النهاية ختمت القاضية خطبتها‪ :‬واآلن قوموا فليسلم‬ ‫بعضكم عىل بعض فقد أصبحتم بنعمة الله إخوانا‪.‬‬ ‫عندها مل يتاملك معظم من يف القاعة عن إمساك‬ ‫دموعهم مبللة بذكريات مؤملة من جمهوريات الخوف‬ ‫ودياسبورا الترشد‪ .‬كان أكرثهم بكاء عائلة فلسطينية‪.‬‬ ‫كانت الخطبة تذكر ببيعة الصحابة لرسول الله (ص)؟!‪...‬‬ ‫هذا الكالم ليس دعاية للهجرة إليها فالناس يهرعون إليها‬ ‫من مشارق األرض واملغارب بأشد من جذب املغناطيس‬ ‫لربادة الحديد بني قطبني‪ :‬يأس من وطن مل يبق فيه مكان‬ ‫للمواطنة‪ ،‬وأمل بوضع القدم يف أرض امليعاد‪ ،‬يسبحون‬ ‫يف تيار أطلنطي عىل ظهر مركب من ذهب‪ ،‬لينعموا ببلد‬ ‫يجمع بني سحر الطبيعة والنظام وكل الضامنات‪ ،‬تحتل‬ ‫فيه كندا الرقم واحد يف العامل حسب إحصائيات األمم‬ ‫املتحدة عىل الرغم من برده الزمهرير يف درجة حرارة‬ ‫قد تصل شتاء اىل ‪ 36‬تحت الصفر‪ ،‬ال يشعر مواطنوه‬ ‫‪Zarah Magazine | May 2014‬‬

‫بذلك الربد الذي يرضب مفاصل املواطنني العرب يف شتاء‬ ‫الرشق األوسط الدايفء ؛ فالحضارة كام نرى ال تعرف‬ ‫الجغرافيا !‬ ‫ملاذا يغادر الكندي بلده ويعود إليه يف أي وقت‬ ‫يشاء وبدون تأشرية؟ يعود هذا إىل مرسوم (الحريات‬ ‫والحقوق) التي تسلم باليد كأول وثيقة مع تهنئته‬ ‫عىل الجنسية تتضمن حقه أن يغادر بلده كام يحلو له‬ ‫فالوطن بيته‪ ،‬ومتى يسأل اإلنسان وممن إذناً مبغادرة‬ ‫بيته أو اإليواء إليه؟ أما الحدود العربية فقد تحولت‬ ‫إىل أسوار شاهقة لسجون كبرية تحتجز مواطناً مسكيناً‬ ‫ويتيامً وأسريا ً؟‬ ‫ما معنى تأشرية الخروج يف البالد العربية؟ إنها مؤرش‬ ‫فاضح ملواطن مدان سلفاً يف سجن كبري يحتاج إىل تدقيق‬ ‫قبل مغادرة محبسه للتأكد أنه غري مطلوب للعدالة‬ ‫بدون عدالة‪ ،‬برسوم تقصم الظهر لدول تنئ تحت العجز‬ ‫املايل متد يدها إىل آخر قرش من جيب مواطن مفلس !‬ ‫فمن ‪ 22‬دولة عربية يرتاجع النمو يف ‪ 71‬منها يف وقت‬ ‫يتضاعف فيه السكان مرتني حسب كتاب (فخ العوملة)‬ ‫يف مطلع ألفية ال مكان فيه للعرب حسب شهادة املؤرخ‬ ‫باول كينيدي‪ ..‬إنها أجراس إنذار مفزعة ال ناس فقدوا‬ ‫حاسة السمع؟‬ ‫عند بوابات الحدود العربية تطل سحنة موظف عابس‬ ‫كاره لعمله ؛ فيتسارع نبض املواطن العريب مع تسليم‬ ‫الجواز‪ ،‬ويجف ريقه متظاهرا ً باالبتسام‪ ،‬يف سحنة صفراء‬ ‫ال ترس املستقبلني‪ ،‬ثم تبلغ القلوب الحناجر يف انتظار‬ ‫عودة الجواز‪ ،‬أو تدور األعني كالذي يغىش عليه من‬ ‫املوت عندما يتأخر الجواز فلعل املواطن مطلوب لجهة‬ ‫أمنية؟‬ ‫ما معنى ترسب الكفاءات وهرب رؤوس األموال ونزيف‬ ‫األدمغة وصدور أفضل الكتب واملجالت تطبع بالحرف‬

‫العريب يف مكان ال يوجد فيها ناطق واحد باللسان‬ ‫العريب؟! إنها رواية بائسة عن وطن بال دماغ ! فهل ميكن‬ ‫لكائن ممسوخ من هذا النوع أن يعيش؟‬ ‫يقول املثل القوقازي‪ :‬من يفقد وطنه يفقد كل يشء‪،‬‬ ‫بدون حبل رسي ومشيمة ثقافية‪ ،‬مييش فوق أرض بدون‬ ‫جاذبية فقد التوازن الخالَّق‪ ،‬مكباً هامئاً عىل وجهه‪ ،‬هل‬ ‫يستوي هو ومن مييش سوياً عىل رصاط مستقيم؟ يف‬ ‫ورطة من نوع محري فال الرشق يعجبه وال الغرب يسعده‬ ‫يعيش نفسياً يف األرض التي ال اسم لها؟‬ ‫ما معنى تدفق املهاجرين العرب اىل كل أصقاع األرض‬ ‫يشكلون ‪ %01‬من سكان مونرتيال يف كندا وهم ال‬ ‫يعلمون؟ يحلمون بجنة أرضية جديدة‪ ،‬بعد أن غادروا‬ ‫وطن تحول فيه بعضهم لبعض عدو‪ ،‬بلجوء جوع إىل‬ ‫السويد وأملانيا‪ ،‬أو االستعداد للزواج من أي فتاة أجنبية‬ ‫للقفز معها إىل املجهول هرباً من جمهوريات الخوف‬ ‫والجوع والبطالة‪ ،‬أو رشاء جوازات سفر من الدومينيكان‬ ‫واإلرجنتني بعرشات اآلالف من الدوالرات بدون تواجد‪،‬‬ ‫يف تحصيل جنسيات لعائالتهم يأمنون بها عىل أنفسهم‬ ‫يف الرشق املنكود ؛ لعلها تنفع يوماً إذا زلزلت األرض‬ ‫زلزالها؟‬ ‫لو فتحت السفارة الكندية أبوابها لهجرة مفتوحة بدون‬ ‫رشوط يف أي عاصمة عربية لزحف إليها كل إنسان بني‬ ‫‪ 61‬والـ ‪ 06‬عاماً كأنهم جراد منترش مهطعني اىل الداع‬ ‫يقولون هذه فرصة ال تفوت؟ يف فرار من سفينة تهوي يف‬ ‫رحلة موجعة إىل قاع املحيط بأرسع من غرق التيتانيك؟‬ ‫املواطن العريب ال يتمتع اليوم بأي حصانة مبا فيها الحاكم‬ ‫عىل رأس الهرم االجتامعي‪ ،‬فال ضامنة ألي إنسان أو يشء‬ ‫يف أي مكان أو زمان‪ ،‬يف إحساس بالدوار‪ ،‬بدون أمل يف‬ ‫معرفة االتجاهات‪ ،‬معرضاً لهجوم أي حيوان ضاري‪ ،‬يف‬ ‫غابة تتشابك فيها األكواع‪ ،‬يف وطن تفوح منه رائحة القلة‬

‫رأي‬ ‫والذلة ويتنفس فيه اإلنسان مع جزيئات الهواء أجهزة‬ ‫األمن؟ مواطن بال وطن‪ ،‬ليس عنده قوت يومه‪ ،‬غري آمنٍ‬ ‫عىل عياله‪ ،‬ال يعرف ماذا يحمل له املستقبل األسود من‬ ‫هموم‪ ،‬خارج إحداثيات التاريخ والجغرافيا‪ ،‬يعيش ثقافة‬ ‫ميتة ودعت نبض الحياة‪ ،‬يعيش يك ال يعيش‪ ،‬ال مير يوم‬ ‫إال والذي بعده رش منه‪ ،‬يف رحلة تردي ال تعرف التوقف‪،‬‬ ‫يف حجم مشاكل أكرب من التطويق فوق مستوى من‬ ‫بيده القرار والحل‪ ،‬يتخرج فيه الطالب الجامعي بدون‬ ‫أمل يف مرتب يوفر له سقفاً يظله‪ ،‬أو مينحه إمكانية‬ ‫بناء عائلة ينجب فيها أطفاالً سعداء يثقون بأنفسهم‬ ‫وبالحياة‪ ،‬يف مجتمع مييش باتجاه كارثة محققة !! لقد‬ ‫أصبح وضعنا مهزل ًة للعاملني‪ ،‬يف حجم النكتة بدون أن‬ ‫يضحك أحد‪ .‬أفمن هذا الحديث تعجبون وتضحكون‬ ‫وال تبكون؟‬ ‫ليس غريباً أن ينشأ تيار أشد من املكنسة الكهربية‬ ‫يشفط كل العقول واألموال يف تيار أطليس أقوى من‬ ‫ظاهرة النينو باتجاه دميوقراطيات تضخ أكسجني الحياة‬ ‫وتوديع ثقافة استبداد تعيش عرص بيعة الخليفة‬ ‫العبايس الواثق بالله لشعب ولد أخرساً يوم ولد ويوم‬ ‫ميوت ويوم يبعث حياً؟ من يستطيع الهرب من األوضاع‬ ‫يبحث عن الخالص الفردي بني ركاب سفينة يتخاطفون‬ ‫أطواق النجاة يلقي أحدهم بنفسه يف اليم وهو مليم‪،‬‬ ‫فإن مل يهلك هو ماتت ذراريه يف بطن الحوت الرأساميل‬ ‫مامل يكن من قوم يونس‪ ،‬أو غرق يف لجج ثقافة غربية‬ ‫ترضب سفينتنا الغارقة مبوج كالجبال‪ .‬ليس أمامنا للنجاة‬ ‫يف طوفان الحداثة إال االنطالق مبرشوع بناء سفينة نوح‬ ‫من الفكر جديدة ولكن املشكلة ببساطة أن نوح ال‬ ‫يعيش بني ظهرانينا‪ ،‬ونواجه مشاكلنا بخطب وأدعية‬ ‫من العرص اململويك ودول الطوائف‪ ،‬وعقولنا مربمجة يف‬ ‫متاهات فرئات التجربة يف قبضة مسلامت ال فكاك منها‪،‬‬ ‫نحتاج إىل والدة جديدة من رحم إمرأة عجوز عقيم يف‬ ‫انتظار استنساخ أسطوري‪.‬‬ ‫لقد تحول الوطن يف أحسن أحواله يف عني املهاجر إىل‬ ‫وقت قصري لالستجامم مع كل مغامرة الدخول املحفوفة‬ ‫بالخطر‪ ،‬للتمتع بطقس جميل ال فضل فيه للجهد‬ ‫البرشي‪ ،‬واستعادة ذكريات الطفولة‪ ،‬يعيش الفرد أجمل‬ ‫لحظاته يف الطائرة إىل الوطن وعند الخروج منه‪ ،‬عندما‬ ‫يكتشف مبرارة أنه ال يستحق أكرث من إجازة فلقد كان‬ ‫فيام سبق وطناً‪ ،‬قد يتمنى أن يدفن فيه ولكن ال أن‬ ‫يعيش فيه بحال؟!‬ ‫اجتمعت بعائلة مهاجرة كندية أنفقت عليهام‬ ‫حكومتهام بسخاء ورجعا بأعظم شهادة جامعية‪ ،‬فلام‬

‫رجعا إىل الوطن كانت املفاجأة أكرب من الصاعقة‬ ‫؛ فغاردا البلد بعد عدة سنوات يف حالة ذهول قد‬ ‫تبخرت من رؤوسهم األحالم الوردية‪ ،‬وتركا خلفهام‬ ‫الشهادات الكبرية للوطن ؛ فهام يتكسبان عيشهام‬ ‫اليوم يف محل لبيع مالبس األطفال‪ ،‬يف شهادة صاعقة‬ ‫عن مصري العلم يف الوطن العريب الكبري‪.‬‬ ‫بقلم‪ :‬الدكتور خالص جلبي‬

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‫الثقافة العربية يف املجتمعات الغربية‬ ‫الثقافة توحي إىل الفكر األديب و األخالقي و‬ ‫اإلجتامعي ملجتمع ما‪ .‬عىل سبيل املثال‪ ،‬فالثقافتني‬ ‫العربية و األمازيغية تحتويان عىل عادات و تقاليد‬ ‫و أخالق و قوانني و قواعد ال ميكن إيجادها يف‬ ‫املجتمعات الغربية‪ .‬و نفس األمر ينطبق عىل‬ ‫الثقافة الغربية التي ال ميكن إيجادها يف الثقافتني‬ ‫العربية و األمازيغية‪ ،‬لكن مع رحيل بعض أجيال‬ ‫هاتني الثقافتني إىل البلدان الغربية‪ ،‬نرى أن الحفاظ‬ ‫عىل هذه التقاليد و العادات ليس باألمر امليسور‪.‬‬ ‫رسعان ما تجد أن اإلندماج بني الثقافة األصلية‬ ‫و ثقافة البلد املضيف قد ولد سلوكات فردية‪ ،‬و‬ ‫األفكار الواردة تربز جيدا طابع التقليد الذي بدأ‬ ‫يرسم معامله يوما بعد يوم‪.‬‬ ‫سفينة اإلندماج ترحل بنا من بحر األخالق العالية‬ ‫واملبادئ و القيم اإلنسانية إىل بحر املظاهر و‬ ‫املاديات حيث تندثر شخصية املرء و أسسه‪ .‬ومع‬ ‫فقدان الطابع األصيل و التقليدي نفقد معه أشياء‬ ‫ال ميكن رشاءها مباديات الغرب‪ ،‬قد تجرنا أمواج‬ ‫اإلغراء وأوهام التقليد األعمى إىل أشياء مل نتذوقها‬ ‫يف ثقافتنا األم‪ ،‬قد يكون مذاقها حلو و لكن رسعان‬ ‫ما يتالىش و يرتك خلفه مرارة ال تنىس‪ .‬قد يضن‬ ‫البعض أن تغيري مسقط الرأس و املوطن يحتم‬ ‫عليهم تغيري أفكارهم و عاداتهم و أخالقهم‪ ،‬لكنه‬ ‫مفهوم خاطئ‪ ،‬هو فقط يربر عجزهم عن اإلندماج‬ ‫مع ثقافة جديدة دون إتالف ثقافتهم‪ .‬منذ متى كان‬ ‫تغيري املكان سببا لتغيري العادات و القيم و األسس؟‬ ‫لو كان األمر كذلك‪ ،‬ملا كنا رأينا وحدة الدين بأركانه‬ ‫يف كل أرجاء العامل‪.‬‬ ‫هناك من يؤمن أن التخيل عن ثقافتنا هو الحل‬ ‫الوحيد لإلندماج مع ثقافة مجتمع ما‪ ،‬خصوصا‬ ‫ما إذا كان البعض من ثقافتنا يناقض قانون ذلك‬ ‫املجتمع‪ ،‬يف هذه الحالة و كأفراد من هذا املجتمع‬ ‫علينا أن نرسخ ما ميليه القانون فقط‪ ،‬و ليس ما متليه‬ ‫الثقافة الغربية عامة‪.‬‬ ‫أسامء عطاوي‬

‫‪Zarah Magazine | May 2014‬‬


‫شبا ب‬ ‫‪ ‬بسم الله الرحامن الرحيم‬ ‫اسمي عبدالله ‪ ‬مزوزي‪ ،‬عمري خمسة عرش سنة أعيش يف والية ماساشوسيت و‬ ‫بالضبط يف رشق مدينة بوسطن بامريكا‪ .‬جئت اىل هنا مع عائلتي حوايل عرش‬ ‫سنوات‪.‬‬ ‫قبل ان اقدم اىل امريكا‪ ،‬درست يف املدرسة االبتدائية باللغة العربية هذا‬ ‫ماساعدين جدا ً عىل إتقانها كتابة وتحدثاً‪ .‬باالضافة اىل اننا ال نتكلم يف املنزل‬ ‫اال بالعربية‪.‬رغم اندماجي يف املجتمع االمرييك خصوصا يف املدرسة مع‬ ‫أصدقايئ ‪ ‬فأنا ال زلت أتكلم واكتب العربية و اقرأ القران‪ .‬مع ذلك فإن لغتي‬ ‫االنجليزية جيدة جدا ً و اتفوق فيها عىل زماليئ‪.‬‬ ‫فأمتنى ان تكون جمعيات مدنية او مدارس تساعد أبناء الجالية يف تعلم اللغة‬ ‫العربية‪.‬‬

‫‪ ‬عبدالله مزوزي‪.‬‬

‫‪Zarah Magazine | May 2014‬‬

Arabic Writing Contest ‫ مجلة زهرة الشهرية تقدم مسابقة في الكتابة‬،‫سعيا منها لترسيخ اللغة العربية في أوساط الشباب العربي األمريكي‬ .‫بالعربية لفائدة شباب الجالية العربية‬ Deadlin e: The 15t .‫ شعر‬،‫ قصص قصيرة‬:‫األنواع األدبية ستكون كالتالي‬ h of ea ch Mont h .‫ سنة‬٢٠ ‫ و‬١٢ ‫أعمار المتسابقين مابين‬ ‫ سيتم إختيار أحسن كتابة و نشرها في صفحة الشباب و ستقدم جوائز قيمة للفائز في مقر المجلة شرق‬،‫في كل شهر‬ .‫بوسطن‬ To encourage the Arab Youth to learn Arabic, Zarah Magazine is organizing an Arabic Writing Contest. The age of the candidates must be between 12 and 20 years. Zarah Magazine will select, publish and reward the best writing each month. Please submit your work by email to: contact@zarahmagazine.com

You’re Invited! TND’s Annual Meeting 2014 Partnering For Our Community’s Future Join The Neighborhood Developers and Congresswoman Katherine Clark to celebrate the many achievements and partnerships that make our communities great!

5:30 - 8:00 PM May 14th, 2014

at The Garfield School Revere, MA


Congresswoman Katherine Clark



‫تجربة املهجر‬ ‫جامل العودي‬ ‫يف صفحة حوار سنحاور مواطنني عرب أمريكان‬ ‫عن تجربتهم يف املهجر‪ .‬اخرتنا يف عددنا االول‬ ‫السيد جامل العودي مواطن أمرييك من أصل‬ ‫مغريب‪ .‬جامل يروي لنا حكاية حياته يف املهجر و‬ ‫يرسد لنا قصة ‪ ‬تجربته يف الديار االمريكية‪ .‬‬ ‫كيف كانت حياتك يف بلدك األصيل قبل الهجرة‬ ‫اىل امريكا؟‬ ‫‪ ‬كنت حوايل ‪17‬أو ‪ 18‬سنة حينام توجهت صوب‬ ‫الديار االمركية‪ ،‬وكانت حيايت‪ ‬انذاك عادية وتتامىش‬ ‫مع سني‪ ،‬فكانت هناك الدراسة بالدرجة االوىل‬ ‫ومعها‪ ‬العديد من االنشطة منها رياضية وترفيهية‬ ‫وثقافية‪.‬‬ ‫كيف جاءتك فكرة الهجرة و بالضبط اىل امريكا؟‬ ‫وكيف جئت اىل امريكا؟‬ ‫يف اواخر سنوات الثامنينات‪ ،‬وبالضبط يف مدينة‬ ‫املحمدية التي انحدر منها‪ ،‬كان‪ ‬حلم كل حاصل‬ ‫جديد عىل شهادة الباكالوريا هو إمتام الدراسات‬ ‫العليا يف‪ ‬الخارج‪ .‬كانت فرنسا واالتحاد السوفيايت‬ ‫وبالضبط اوكرانيا انذاك هام‬ ‫االتجاهني االكرث شعبية‪ .‬فرنسا بحكم اللغة و‬ ‫وجود اكرب جالية مغربية يف‪ ‬العامل و اوكرانيا بحكم‬ ‫ان الدراسة هناك كانت باملجان‪ .‬‬ ‫جمعنا بعض املعلومات حول أوكرانيا مبا يف ذلك‬ ‫اختيار املدرسة بل حتى الرحالت الجوية‬ ‫و ما اىل ذلك‪ .‬يف البداية‪ ,‬مل اعر فكرة الهجرة اي‬ ‫اهتامم‪ ,‬لكن بعد الحصول عىل‪ ‬الباكالوريا تغريت‬ ‫االمور‪ .‬ويف ليلة من الليايل ‪ ،‬كنا أخي وأنا نتابع‬ ‫السلسلة‪ ‬األمريكية الشهرية ”‪ ،”Vice Miami‬كنا‬ ‫من اشد املعجبني باإلنتاج السيناميئ‪ ‬األمرييك‪.‬‬ ‫من حسن الحظ ان مجموعة من الطلبة البعض‬ ‫منهم أصدقاء الدراسة الحاصلني ‪ ‬عىل الباكالوريا‬ ‫‪Zarah Magazine | May 2014‬‬

‫يف‪ ‬مدينتنا كانوا قد توجهوا بالفعل‬ ‫نحو الواليات املتحدة و تحديدا نحو‬ ‫مدينة‪ .”Boston“ ‬بذلك غدت فرنسا خارج‬ ‫حساباتنا‪ .‬كان كذلك احد افراد عائلتي قد ذهب‬ ‫للتو‪ ‬اىل“‪ ,”Washington‬وبذلك بدأت‪ ‬األخبار‬ ‫تصل من هناك‪ ،‬قررنا ما ييل‪ :‬الوجهة ستكون‬ ‫الواليات املتحدة‪ ‬األمريكية‪ ،‬سنذهب اىل واشنطن‬ ‫بالضبط‪ .‬بالفعل حصلنا عىل التأشرية وتوجهنا إىل‬ ‫الواليات املتحدة األمريكية‪.‬‬

‫من سابقه‪ .‬مل يكن يل عمل‪ ‬قار آنذاك‪ ،‬كان ذلك‬ ‫آخر همي‪ ،‬كنت أحاول استيعاب الجو الجديد و‬ ‫االنسجام‪ ‬مع التغيريات املحيطة يب‪ .‬كان يل هدف‬ ‫واحد وهو النجاح يف مهمتي النه مل يكن يل خيار‬ ‫اخر‪.‬‬

‫‪ ‬كيف كانت األيام االوىل بأمريكا؟‬

‫كيف هو اندماجك االن مع املجتمع االمرييك؟‬

‫ما أتذكره تحديدا هو أنني كنت شابا قليل التجربة اآلن وقد أمضيت معظم سنوات عمري هنا‬ ‫بالواليات املتحدة‪ ،‬أظن أنني منسجم‪ ‬جدا ً‪ ،‬كان‬ ‫يف الحياة و كان عيل ان‪ ‬أنضج وبرسعة ملواجهة‬ ‫لغة و ثقافة وطريقة عيش مختلفة كليا وجديدة يل الوقت الكايف لفهم الثقافة و طريقة العيش‬ ‫عىل ما‪ ‬آلفته‪ .‬صحيح ان أخي كان بصحبتي لكنه األمريكية حيث‪ ‬تسمح للمرء بان يكون شخصا‬ ‫مستقال دون قيود وال رشوط‪ .‬لدي العديد من‬ ‫مل يكن أحسن مني حاال‪.‬‬ ‫األصدقاء من مختلف الجنسيات‪ .‬هنا ساعدتني‬ ‫يف بادىء األمر كنت اعمل دون كلل أو ملل‪.‬كان‬ ‫الدراسة‪ ‬كثريا خصوصا وإنني كنت اشتغل و ادرس‬ ‫علينا ان نتعلم اللغة ونبحث‪ ‬عن املدارس التي‬ ‫يف نفس الوقت حتى أنني كنت أداوم يف‬ ‫ندرس بها ناهيك عن العمل بجد لنعيل انفسنا‪.‬‬ ‫كنا كسمكة‪ ‬صغرية ‪ ‬أخذت من حوض صغري لرتمى عملني يف وقت واحد‪ .‬حاولت دامئا ان ‪ ‬ازاوج بني‬ ‫قيمي ومعتقدايت التي حرضت‪ ‬بها اىل هنا والحياة‬ ‫يف املحيط؛ مع ذلك مل يكن لدينا متسع من‬ ‫والثقافة الجديدتني‪ .‬عميل اآلن جيد جدا ً بعد ان‬ ‫الوقت لنضيعه‪ ،‬كنا نعمل وندرس كثريا ً‪ ،‬دون ان‬ ‫امتمت دراستي‪ ،‬اعمل أيضاً ضمن املجتمع املدين‪.‬‬ ‫ننىس‪ ‬ان نستمتع ولو قليال بالجو الجديد‪.‬‬ ‫أظن بالفعل انه‪ ‬إذا وضع أي شخص أي هدف‬ ‫نصب عينه فالبد ان يحققه رشيطة ان يعمل عليه‬ ‫كيف حصلت عىل العمل االول و كيف كان‬ ‫بجد‪ .‬بالنسبة يل ‪،‬كانت يل العديد من األحالم وقد‬ ‫انطباعك االول عن الحياة االمريكية؟‬ ‫حققت بعضا منها بالفعل والبعض‪ ‬اآلخر يف طريقه‬ ‫للتحقيق‪.‬‬ ‫يف ثاين يوم يل بالواليات املتحدة‪ ،‬تلقيت اتصاال‬ ‫من صديق طفولتي كان قد‪ ‬سبقني اىل هناك‬ ‫ماهي الرسالة التي ميكنك ان توجهها اىل العرب‬ ‫فسألني ان كنت أريد ان اعمل معه يف احد‬ ‫يف بلدانهم األصلية عن‪ ‬تجربة الهجرة يف الديار‬ ‫املطاعم‪ .‬وافقت طبعا‪ ‬واشتغلت معه كمساعد‬ ‫نادل‪ .‬واستمر األمر كذلك من عمل اىل آخر افضل االمريكية؟‬



Al-Baqi Islamic Center 148 Fort Pleasant Av, Springfield, MA

Al-Huda Society

60 Willow St, Chelsea, MA

Allston-Brighton Islamic Center 15 North Beacon St Ste 4, Allston, MA

Boston Dialogue Foundation

500 Revere St, Revere, MA

The American Muslim Center 6 Victoria St, Everett, MA

Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center 100 Malcolm X Blvd, Roxburg Crossing, MA

Islamic Center of Boston

Islamic Society of Greater Lowell 131 Stedman St, Chelmsford, MA

Islamic Society of Greater Worcester 57 Laurel St, Worcester, MA

Islamic Society of Western Massachusetts

‫لنرتك الجدل حول السياسة الخارجية‬ ‫ أمريكا تظل أكرث‬،‫األمريكية جانبا‬ ‫املستقبلة وبها فرص‬ ‫و اهم الدول‬ ‫ لكن النجاح يتطلب‬،ً ‫النجاح كبرية جدا‬ ‫والتضحية الكبرية‬ ‫العمل الجاد والذيك‬ ‫باإلضافة اىل مجموعة من االختيارات‬ ‫ أظن ان النجاح هنا هو مرشوع‬.‫الصعبة‬ .‫طويل‬

377 Amostown Rd, West Springfield, MA

Mosque for the Praising of Allah / Masjid Li Hamdillah

724 Shawmut Ave, Boston, MA

Masjid Al-Qur’an

35 Intervale St, Dorchester, MA

Selimiye Camii Mosque

105 Oakland Ave, Methuen, MA

Anjuman-e-Ezzi Boston

‫ا ملر ا كز ا إل سال مية‬ ‫يف ما سا شو سيت‬ Islamic Ma’sumeen Center of New England

115 Wood St, Hopkinton, MA

Masjid ul-Basheer

234 Union Ave, Framingham, MA

126 Boston Post Rd, Wayland, MA

246 Rangeway Rd, North Billerica, MA

Masjid ul-Khidr

Islamic Center of Burlington

Association of Islamic Charitable Projects

Masjid Al-Noor

130 Lexington St, Burlington, MA

Islamic Center of New England

470 South St, Quincy, MA

Islamic Center of New England

74 Chase Drive, Sharon, MA

Hampshire Mosque

1 E Pleasant St, Amherst, MA

Islamic Society of Boston 204 Prospect St, Cambridge, MA

Zarah Magazine | May 2014

41 Marble Street, Revere, MA

Boston Islamic Center

3381R Washington St, JP, MA

Islamic Center of Cape Cod

3072 Falmouth Rd, Osterville, MA

Islamic Institute of Boston

52 Rogers St, Quincy, MA

737 County St, New Bedford, MA

28 Circuit Street, Boston, MA

Nimatullahi Sufi Order Center

84 Pembroke St, Boston, MA

North Shore Islamic Center

132 Essex St, Lynn, MA

Waltham Islamic Society 16 Park Pl, Waltham, MA

Yusuf Mosque

186 Chestnut Hill Ave, Brighton, MA



‫دروس في االعداد الجتياز امتحان الجنسية‬ ‫ يجب أن يكون املقيم دامئا (حامل البطاقة الخرضاء) ملدة خمس سنوات عىل األقل‬‫ مستوى متوسط يف اللغة اإلنجليزية‬N-400 ‫ لتقديم طلب‬$680 ‫ يجب أن يكون قادرا عىل دفع‬JVS ‫ يجب إمتام عملية التسجيل مع‬:‫وسوف تشمل الخدمات‬ ‫ تاريخ الواليات املتحدة و دروس الرتبية الوطنية‬N-400 ‫ مساعدة استكامل تطبيق‬USCIS ‫ تحضري رسمي للمقابلة مع‬‫ اإلحالة إىل خدمات الدعم إذا لزم األمر‬‫ متابعة دورات ودروس‬‫ مساعدة فردية أو جامعية يف القسم‬Fatou D. Fatty, Revere Community School Coordinator (781) 333 2061 Ext 51424 ffatty@revere.mec.edu

‫ملزيد من املعلومات يرجى االتصال ب‬

Liz Hogan Citizenship Coordinator, JVS Boston Ehogan@jvs-boston.org 617-399-3223

Basis of Finance Cl asses A Bridge To wa r d Financial Advisor C areers

‫خدمات اإلحالة إلى احملامني‬ Massachusetts Lawyer Referral Service 617-227-7335

‫خدمات إجتامعية‬ TAFDC Welfare Program for residents of Massachusetts 1-800-249-2007

‫برنامج فود ستامب‬ Mackeddy Fils 617 628 1928

SNAP: Food Assisatnce 1-866-950-3663

‫خدمات املسنني‬

Developmental Evaluation and Adjustment Facilities (DEAF)(617) 254-4041

‫مساعدات قانونية‬

Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS) 800-323-3205

‫خدمات املأوى السكني‬


‫خدمات الهجرة‬

National Customer Service Center (NCSC) 1-800-375-5283

‫خدمات اإلعاقة‬

Massachusetts Office on Disability 617-727-7440

‫خدمات فقدان العمل‬

Department of Unemployment Assistance (Boston) (617) 626-6600

Zarah Magazine | May 2014



‫ كلمات متقاطعة ‬ ‫‪Internship‬‬ ‫‪Opportunities with‬‬

‫آفة اجلود‬ ‫علم املؤنث‬

‫كلماته‬ ‫أوامر‬


‫احلمامة البيضاء‬

‫والية أمريكية‬


‫مضراب‬ ‫النصارى‬ ‫ذهب خام‬ ‫وعاء ضخم‬ ‫زهر رمان‬

‫علم البيئة‬ ‫رجل دير‬ ‫من احلشرات‬

‫في فم الثعبان‬

‫‪In the following fields:‬‬ ‫‪Marketing,‬‬ ‫‪Public Relations,‬‬ ‫‪Events Planning,‬‬ ‫‪Graphic Design,‬‬ ‫‪Journalism,‬‬ ‫‪Sales,‬‬ ‫‪Social Media or‬‬ ‫‪VideoGraphy‬‬ ‫‪and earn school credits‬‬ ‫‪For more information‬‬ ‫‪please call‬‬ ‫‪(617) 567-2424‬‬ ‫‪or‬‬ ‫‪Email‬‬


‫ ‬

‫سو د و كو‬


‫ملحن مصري‬

‫خطم اخلنزير‬


‫فائدة‬ ‫فاحشة‬

‫مكان للدرس‬

‫غصن‬ ‫فعل ناقص‬


‫في أول سطر‬


‫املتشابهان‬ ‫عاصمة‬ ‫إفريقية‬

‫من الكواكب‬ ‫تقال لألمير‬ ‫مستتر‬


‫تعب وكل‬

‫ضعيف لئيم‬ ‫جبان‬

‫فك نقود‬

‫أستنشق‬ ‫حرف‬ ‫إستتناء‬

‫وقود العمل‬

‫في مشاورة‬

‫واجب سمسرة‬


‫زاد في‬ ‫العداء‬



‫أساس امللك‬


‫وصل بصلة‬ ‫حركة بحرية‬

‫جزيرة‬ ‫إسبانية‬

‫إحدى أقوى‬ ‫النساء في‬ ‫مصر القدمية‬

‫ ‬



‫‪Zarah Magazine | May 2014‬‬


‫ر يا ضة‬

‫ا لتنني ا لصغير‬

‫نسمي فر س ا حلر يز ي‬ ‫                                    ‬ ‫يف عددنا االول يف الصفحة الرياضية ‪ ‬سنتطرق اىل‬ ‫ابطال الرياضة املغاربة األمريكان من الجيل الثاين و‬ ‫الثالث يف والية ماساشوسيت والذين أبدعوا يف شتى‬ ‫الرياضات و حققوا جوائز و حطموا أرقاماً قياسية يف‬ ‫عمر قيايس‪.‬‬ ‫ارتأينا ان نعرض موهبة خارقة للعادة يف فن من‬ ‫فنون الحرب‪ ،‬اال وهي البطل الصغري نسيم فرس‬ ‫الحريزي بطل العامل يف الكراطي و الكيك بوكسينگ‪.‬‬ ‫مل يتمم نسيم ‪ ‬عقده االول‪ ،‬و ها هو يجلب له‬ ‫األضواء من كل صوب وحذب يف بالد العم سام‪.‬‬ ‫مؤخرا ً تم استقباله يف الربنامج املشهور‬ ‫‪ TheQueen Latifah Show ‬والذي يبث عىل‬ ‫التلفزة الوطنية االمريكية‪.‬‬ ‫يعيش نسيم يف مدينة بروكتون ( ‪ )Brockton‬مع‬ ‫والده ومدربه حميد الحريزي‪ .‬والدي ميتلك مدرسة‬ ‫لتعليم ا لكرا طي و ا لكيك بوكسينغ‬ ‫‪.Hamid's Academy‬‬ ‫نسيم هو حفيد ( من جهة االم) الالعب الدويل‬ ‫املغريب السابق احمد فرس‪ .‬‬ ‫احرز نسيم ‪ ‬بحزامه األسود خمسة مرات عىل ألقاب‬ ‫عاملية مابني ‪ 2011‬و ‪.2014‬‬ ‫تحدثت مجلة زهرة اىل والد البطل نسيم حيث‬ ‫قال مازحاً‪'' :‬نشأ نسيم يف بيت ريايض‪ ،‬رمبا انها‬ ‫الوراثة لعبت‪ ،‬دورها و أسرتسل يف قوله ‪ :‬نسيم‬ ‫هو ما يجعلنا نعيش حياة سعيدة ومليئة بالحيوية‬ ‫والنشاط''‪.‬‬ ‫وقد وافق رأي املدير التجاري لنسيم السيد ميلود‬ ‫العمري رأي والده حني سؤل عن البطل الصغري‬

‫‪Zarah Magazine | May 2014‬‬

‫بحجمه و الكبري بإنجازاته قائال‪'' :‬لنسيم مواهب‬ ‫متعددة و انا متأكد انه سيكون له مستقبل زاهر‬ ‫ليس يف فنون الحرب بل حتى يف التمثيل''‪.‬‬ ‫وقد شارك التنني الصغري ‪ ‬يف الفيلم االمرييك‬ ‫‪ The Martial Art Kid‬مع نجوم فنون‬ ‫الحرب ‪ Rothrock Cynthia ‬و‬ ‫‪ Wilson Don‬امللقب بالتنني‪ .‬وقد رصح النجمني‬ ‫عندما سؤلوا عن نسيم ‪'' :‬نسيم ولد ليلعب و‬ ‫يربح''‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف منتج الفيلم ‪The Martial Art Kid‬‬ ‫''يكون نسيم طفل هادىء ‪ ‬خارج الحلبة‪ ،‬لكن‬ ‫فتى‬ ‫يتغري االمر مبجرد ان يبدأ القتال فيتحول اىل ً‬ ‫صلب ومقاتل ‪ ‬رائع''‪.‬‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫عندما سؤل نسيم عن ماذا متثل فنون الحرب‬ ‫بالنسبة له‪ ،‬قال‪ “ :‬متنحني فنون الحرب التقة‬ ‫العالية بالنفس و االنضباط و تعطيني القوة“‪.‬‬ ‫يبقى الوقت هو العامل ‪ ‬الوحيد الذي يفصلنا‬ ‫عن نضوج بطل عاملي من طينة النجوم الكبار‬

‫الذين شكلوا تقاسيم هوليود ‪ .‬اىل ذلك الحني‬ ‫سنرتك نسيم مع تدريباته وعمله يف أكادميية والده‬ ‫و دراسته التي ال‬ ‫كمدرب مساعد‬ ‫املراتب االوىل فيها‬ ‫يتهاون يف تحقيق‬ ‫أيضاً‪ .‬‬





ohammed Souisse, a former Olympic Safi player moved to the USA in 2007. After a brief break from soccer, he jump-started his coaching career by training U10 boys in Worcester County, MA. Meanwhile, he obtained his C license for coaching in 2008. This allowed him to accept a position as Head Coach of Commonwealth High School in the Back Bay. In his first year he successfully led his varsity team to their first Division 2 state cup. He continues to hold the position of head coach at Commonwealth High School. He has installed a sense of championship and teamwork in his coaching methods. He focuses in European technical and tactical methodology which has led to five consecutive seasons, reaching at least the semi-finals. In 2010, Mohammed accepted a position as head coach at Charlestown High School. He singlehandedly developed a program for the school to recruit and maintain players that would also be able to keep their grades up. This school is historically football and basketball oriented leaving a whole segment of the population yearning for more. Mohammed organized his first team with a highly successful result, landing in the state semifinals. From that season, one of his players, Manny Andredi, was accepted at Revolution Academy. Zarah Magazine | May 2014

After coaching at Charlestown, Mohammed decided to focus more on obtaining his B and A license. Meanwhile, he worked for ODP program and academies throughout New England whose objective is to guide players on development of their skills, tactical plays and creativity while playing. In 2011, Mohammed received his A license and took a position for Nike Camp as a field coordinator. This allowed him to become a fulltime soccer coach and develop his own skills at organizing players into teams. He learned to develop his own drills in accordance to a player’s ability. Additionally, he works as a Regional Head Coach for US Soccer Federation. He is presently working for several well know academies such as FC stars, Skillzcheck, and Tynsboro Youth Soccer Association. Mohammed’s philosophy of coaching is discipline in and outside of the field. He believes in strong team work yet encourages individual growth. He strives for creativity and adaptability of his players to change the rhythm of play. He likes to create space in the field reminiscent of Barcelona. He encourages his players to use one touch play. For all of these reasons he has recently been offered a position at Bunker Hill Community College as Assistant Coach for women’s soccer.

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1 in 10 people have unclaimed money, and the list above does not include all the names. You may consider login into this website: www.findmassmoney.com to double check. How do I contact the Unclaimed Property Division? You may call us during our normal business hours of: Monday-Friday 8:45am to 5:00pm EST at 617-367-0400 or 1-800-647-2300 (toll free Massachusetts only) You may also write to us at: Department of the State Treasurer Commonwealth of Massachusetts Unclaimed Property Division One Ashburton Place, 12th Floor Boston, MA 02108-1608

Zarah Magazine | May 2014



What is Unclaimed Property? Any financial asset with no activity by its owner for an extended period of time. This includes savings accounts, checking accounts, unpaid wages or commissions, stocks, underlying shares, uncashed dividends, customer deposits or overpayments, certificates of deposit, credit balances, refunds, money orders, paid-up life insurance policies, safe deposit boxes, and uncashed benefit checks, gift certificates, etc. Unclaimed Property does not pertain to land, houses or real estate of any kind.

What does the State do with the money? While unclaimed assets are deposited in the Massachusetts General Fund on an annual basis, owners can always claim their financial assets at any time. All funds earn interest until claimed.

How long do I have to file a claim? There is no time limit for filing claims. The state holds unclaimed assets in perpetuity and in trust for the rightful owners.

Is there a charge for using this service or filing a claim? No, this is a public service provided by the Department of the State Treasurer.

What is considered proper evidence to verify a social security number? • • • •

Drivers License Social Security Card Tax Records Pay Stub containing social security number

How can I prevent my assets from becoming “unclaimed”? • • • •

Cash all dividend checks, insurance benefits, and wages, no matter how small. This will qualify you as an active owner. Making deposits into accounts annually, even as little as one dollar will be considered activity. Alert all concerned parties to any changes in your address. Keep accurate financial records of bank accounts, stocks, safe deposit boxes and insurance policies.

Zarah Magazine | May 2014

OPINION burned and neglected Those of us who are still gripped with survival instincts tend to have zero appetite to communal work and therefore those in the position of leadership should learn to tailor their message to the right audience. Perhaps we can make a case for the usefulness of learning English if we frame it as crucial for professional development. English Literacy program is served in a manner designed to assist members of the community in gaining the level of English proficiency necessary to adapt to American society and become gainfully employed. I would highly recommend against making the pitch in terms of aggregate and communal development. This sophisticated rhetoric is premature, alienating, and will certainly fall on deaf ears. This is a good time to segway into my next point of civic mindedness Civic Engagement Most of us come from political environments where the civic process is deeply eroded and we have, therefore, lost faith not only in the political process but in everything that has to do with process itself. People of my generation and older can tell you without hesitation that everything was rigged and they would predicate that on a preponderance of anecdotes. We have this shared collective memory of everything that is wrong with where we came from and we tend to dump that on our new environment. As a community in its infancy, I think we ought to be concerned with the kind of civic education that suits our nature as a community that is still trying to gain a foot hold in this country. We are not at level


Upon Moving to Boston from Morocco, Mr. Mohamed Brahimi studied Organizational Management, and then went on to earn a degree in Journalism from Suffolk University in Boston, as well as a graduate Degree in Political science and a certificate in Civic Leadership. Beside working for Harvard University as an associate researcher, some of his achievements span many areas, chief among them was founding the Arabic- English “Al Arab News� newspaper that caters to Muslims and propagates the importance of civic engagement. He is also the founder of The Moroccan American Civic and Cultural Association, a not for profit organization that emphasizes the importance of Volunteerism and the quest to reach the level of mainstream society. Mr. Brahimi also serves as a Board Director in one of Massachusetts largest cap agencies whose mission is to fight poverty and homelessness and to empower minority groups. Mr. Brahimi is currently teaching at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

where we need to be dreaming about forcing some paradigm shift in public policy circles. We are still struggling with figuring out who we are and how to plot a course for this new and complicated environment. As part of the research that I partook into with Harvard University, we were tasked with gauging how Muslims identified and how they related to this country. The findings were half promising. While most participants praised the USA for the opportunities for self development, upward mobility,

and the freedom to worship, I also got the feeling that these participants had their suitcases packed in some corner of their homes ready to move back at a moment’s notice We need to start getting into that US state of mind. We need to start conceiving of ourselves as American Muslims NOT just Muslims residing in America for a prescribed period of time. Even for an individual seeking self development, this camping mentality and transient mind set is counter productive and hinders progress (To be Continued on the next issue)


Representing Homeowners Fighting Foreclosure and Tenants Facing Eviction. Law Offices of Martin I Flax Consumer Protection Attorneys 4 Kings Court Dedham, MA 02026 Tel(781)329-4850 fax (781)329-1880 Flaxlaw@gmail.com Zarah Magazine | May 2014



THE EXORBITANT COST OF MINDING OUR OWN BUSINESS (PART I) Abstract: It is fair to say that America has earned its stripes as a leading world stage where the rich history of immigration has been unfolding for several decades. The argument about the sweeping benefit of integration has been settled. However, the jury is not out yet on the best practices of integration. This task remains as elusive as ever especially to for the Arab and Muslim community. This article is two part series approaching this topic in a normative manner


s a fl e d g l i n g community that is seeking to beat a trail towards mainstream society, growing pains are just par for the course. Facing adversity is inevitable as no other community in recorded history has been able to circumvent that. We do belong to a societal sub group that has its own idiosyncratic traits. And our main endeavor should be about integrating this community into the larger society in a manner that is seamless. Integration is undeniably a daunting task, but if the right tools were to be applied, greater results will certainly be yielded at the end. I think we need to unpack the term integration so it becomes less abstract and less ambiguous. Integrating, simply put, is the attempt to achieve harmony within the larger environment around you in such a way that you feel that you belong, and that you are an integral part of that environment. In drawing from my own experience as a community organizer, I will posit three or four main points. English literacy I can’t be more emphatic Zarah Magazine | May 2014

about the importance of this point. English is not just a medium and a means of communicating with others; it is rather a very important tool of integration. I did not randomly stack this at the top of my list. In fact, I purposely did it. Commanding the language of the land is fundamentally important, and tends to have this magical power of disrupting the plans and wishes of those who like to think of themselves as America’s gatekeepers. I can’t tell you how many times I witness someone get scorned or treated in a condescending and dismissive manner simply because of the way they spoke. Some people, in their narrow mindedness tend to be very judgmental about you and your intelligence merely because of the way you articulate or don’t articulate your words. Even with the great not so flattering visibility and exposure that Islam and Muslims have received in the post 9/11 environment, a great number of non Muslims still perceive Islam to be this foreign practice that is embraced by those who could not possibly be native to the land and therefore could not possibly speak English. Make no mistake about it, English is not just a language; is it rather

a major tool of integration and one that is effective in warding off any attempt at relegating you to the fringes of this society The majority of our non profits have started modest English literacy programs that are staffed with volunteer teachers and a great deal of good will. These programs often suffer termination because of lack of volunteers. It is still a good start but we also need to recognize that throughout the history of mankind no program has ever been sustained by volunteers who themselves are juggling work and family responsibilities. The authorities are paying us nothing more than lip service about how they want us all to become English proficient. They all talk a good game about the benefit of integration in their finely crafted election year stump speeches, but when it comes to actually putting their money where their mouth is, you are the ones left holding the bag. Politicians are averse to pony up. We need to remember that and pay them back at the ballot box comes election time. However, before we start mobilizing and organizing about getting people civically minded, we need to recognize that certain phases ought not to be



Mr. Ikli is a Moroccan American attorney originally from Rabat. He is fluent in Arabic, English, and French. He holds a B.A. in International Relations from Rollins College in Florida, and a Juris Doctor from Northern Illinois University College of Law. He is licensed to practice law in Illinois, where he is also admitted to the U.S. District Court, Northern District. He currently lives with his family in Tampa, FL. Due to the federal nature of immigration law Mr. Ikli assists clients in all 50 states and around the world. For more information about Mr. Ikli and the Ikli Law Firm, please visit www.iklilaw.com, and make sure you also visit and “like” our Facebook page at www.facebook/iklilaw.com.

Our next article will address family based petitions, including both eligible relatives of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents (green card holders). Written By: Al Mahdi Ikli, Attorney at Law and founder of the Ikli Law Firm in Tampa, Florida. The material in this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The material is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date. Information provided by or cited to third parties does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Ikli Law Firm, or any of its attorneys or clients. This article may be considered advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and ethical rules. The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be based solely upon advertisements or selfproclaimed expertise. No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.


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‫الرابطة األمريكية للمرأة العربية‬

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Green Cards Family Visas Marriage Visas Dream Act Work Visas Student Visas St Status Changes Asylum Investor Visas Deportation Defense Citizenship Applications

Zarah Magazine | May 2014





he United States of America is a country founded and developed by waves of immigrants from all over the world. To this day, the U.S. remains one of the most desired destinations by people seeking a better life. Although in recent times, immigration to the U.S. has become more complex and challenging, a great deal of opportunity still exists and millions of applications for immigrant and non-immigrant visas are processed each year. Out of these applications over 1 million are approved for permanent status or a “green card”, and around 4 million are admitted as non-immigrants. (See www.dhs.gov/yearbookimmigration-statistics). One of the key common threads between all of these applicants, either already in the U.S. or seeking entry to the U.S., is that they are subject to U.S. immigration law. This area of law is particularly challenging as it involves often contradictory and

Zarah Magazine | May 2014

inconsistent provisions created by Congress. It also allows a large number of government agencies to enforce its rules. In addition, immigration laws are constantly evolving and thus demand special attention to detail and a conscious effort to remain informed of changes and developments. As a result, it is extremely important to seek and obtain the assistance of a licensed attorney with experience in immigration law. A good attorney will take the time to listen to the client in order to assess the best course of action depending on that client’s particular circumstances. Often, my office will receive calls from clients who either think they know what’s best for them based on what they heard from others, or who naively trusted a non-attorney, such as a public notary, a friend, or someone who claims to have enough experience with immigration matters to handle their case or filings, only to discover that they have hurt their chances and now need to repair the damage caused by unqualified advice. Immigration matters are not to be taken lightly, and in spite of the seemingly common applicable legal principles, each case is different and requires its own analysis. There is no “one size fits all” approach. Remember that! Immigration laws apply to all non U.S. citizens. In order to come to the United States, one is required to obtain a visa. Visas fall within two (2) categories: 1- immigrant visas,

2-non-immigrant visas. The key distinction between the two visas is intent. In the case of an immigrant visa, the applicant fully declares his or her intention to remain in the United States. This type of visa, when granted, leads to permanent residence or a green card with the potential for eventual U.S. citizenship. A non-immigrant visa is predicated on the intent to leave the United States after a certain period. While some non-immigrant visas can be renewed indefinitely, they do not ever grant the beneficiary the status of resident and therefore cannot lead to U.S. citizenship. This column will address various topics related to immigration law. Given the breadth and complexity of the subject, future content will be focused on the most common ways to migrate to the U.S.. We will also tackle issues deemed most relevant to our community, as well as some paths that are perhaps less known, but that may offer immigration solutions to the right parties. Generally speaking, most people migrate to the U.S. as immigrants through family, work, diversity lottery, or investment. There are also humanitarian paths to residence in the U.S. available to refugees/asylees. Alternatively, the most common non-immigrant paths to come to the U.S. are as a tourist, a student, a business investor or solicitor, or as a participant in a cultural/educational exchange program.

BOSTON STRONG: Finished The Boston Marathon! Praise God! I am proud to have been part of the most epic Boston Marathon ever. Unfortunately, sometimes in tragic events, Muslims, either by choice or circumstances, end up standing on the outside looking in as the world moves on in a force of unity against tragedy. Worst of all is when innocent Muslims are grouped in with those people that wear a mask of Islam. With that said, it has been extremely exciting to be part of the movement of unity to promote good over evil after the tragic events that shook our city last year. This past Monday, I stood beside, not separate, from the community and members of our Twitter group (weRANtogether) in a show of solidarity of good over evil. I raised over $3500 for charity, I sacrificed personal time and trained hard through a very cold winter and can hold my head up and say that I earned my Boston Marathon finisher’s Medal along with everyone else on “Marathon Monday”. America is our country, Boston is our city - my family’s blood, sweat and tears have helped to build this country and city into what it is today just as much as anyone else’s and it was my honor to do my best to defend it for myself and everyone else. I pray that I made life a little bit easier for all Muslims, and especially Muslim women, by promoting a positive image of Islam. I also pray that I have encouraged my sisters in faith to take care of body and soul, to work hard and to strive to be the best in every endeavor. I also hope that I have encouraged people to use running as a way to pray, meditate, to be peaceful, as well as a time refocus to commit to stay away from things that are harmful to our bodies and our faith.

Jalon Fowler Jalon with the 2014 Boston Marathon Winner Zarah Magazine | May 2014

Bridges to College Bridges to College is a FREE, 23-week college transition program structured to help students improve English and math skills, raise college placement scores, support the college application process, and provide them with the skills necessary for college success. During Bridges to College, students complete TWO FREE COLLLEGE CLASSES at JVS (6 credits—an $846 value!). Students take math and English classes 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and academic coaching class one day a week. Bridges to College offers opportunities for students interested in focusing their studies in the exciting and growing field of clean energy. Bridges to College also offers a biotechnology academic path! Students take FREE math and science classes 4:00-7:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and coaching class one day a week. They then attend a 9-month biotechnology and compliance certificate program. Biotechnology is a fast-growing industry with high paying, entry-level jobs – starting salaries range from $38,000$40,000. Throughout the Bridges to College program, you’ll improve your academic skills, participate in numerous engagement activities including college tours and a cultural sharing event, and most importantly, you’ll gain the confidence you need to succeed in college. If you would like to apply, you must attend a mandatory information session. Information sessions are: ‫بالكتاب‬ Fridays, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. (excludes May 2 and July 4) Information sessions for the biotechnology track are: Tuesdays, 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. All sessions take place at 29 Winter St, 3rd floor, Boston 02108. Eligibility Requirements: • Must have a HS diploma/GED • Must be at least 18-years-old or older • Legal U.S. residency (U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or refugee/asylum status) • Must have high intermediate level of verbal and writing English skills • Must have college as the goal!

‫ترحب مجلة زهرة‬ ‫املبدعني مبا في ذلك‬ ‫األفراد و املنظمات اخليرية‬ ‫من مختلف اجملاالت في‬ ‫صفحاتها باللغتني العربية‬ ‫أو اإلجنليزية‬ ،‫للمزيد من املعلومات‬ ‫يرجى مراسلتنا على‬ ‫العنوان اإللكتروني التالي‬


If you have any questions, please contact Allison Nonko at 617-399-3226 or anonko@jvs-boston.org.

Politics Mayor Gary Christenson: We have a several programs in our city that assists residents. One of them is Tri-Cap, which provides many services for low-income residents from fuel assistance to housing. This program has been an asset for our residents who really need help. We are also fortunate to have the Bread for Life in our community which feeds the hungry. Bread of Life has been one of the top five purchasers and distributors of free food in Eastern Massachusetts since 2003. Malden is also the home to Housing Families, which shelters and assists the homeless. ARE THERE ANY INITIATIVES FROM THE CITY OF MALDEN TO PARTNER WITH THE NONPROFIT AND RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS?

Mayor Gary Christenson: We meet every two months with religious leaders in different Houses of Worship including the Mosque. We call it the Interfaith Round Table. We meet in our conference room, and I’m happy to tell you that Imam Hamid has perfect attendance! In our meetings, we talk about issues that matter to the members of 30 Houses of Worship and we also discuss other general areas of interest. It has been a great exchange and I think it’s going to help our city to move forward. Thank you Mr. Mayor for having us in your office. I would like to thank you on behalf of the Arab American community here in Malden, and we will be looking forward to seeing you again in some of the Arab American events.



he Revere Office of New Residents was one of the first initiatives that newly elected Mayor Dan Rizzo established fulfilling a promise he made during his campaign. The mission statement of this group is to have an open door center that provides connection to information, resources, and referrals. The organization focuses on informing new residents from around the world on educational, employment, and housing opportunities in the city. The group is a catalyst promoting cultural policy, practices, and programing throughout the city. The goal is to support the well being of our new residents by serving as a facilitator in the integration into the civic, economic, social, and cultural life of Revere. We have recognized the trend of different minority groups settling in Revere. We are trying to organize citizen classes where newly arrived citizens can learn more about our city, state, and national governments. On April 25th. our organization participated in Revere Shines, a city-wide Spring cleaning event that focused on 50 areas in the city. New residents are welcome to participate with ONRR in upcoming events. If you are interested in attending the next ONRR meeting in May, please contact dimple.j.rana@gmail.com. Revere is a city that many Arab people have chosen to live in, especially Morrocans and Egyptians. I have travelled extensively in both countries and have found that the people I met were very welcoming in every way. Essentially our group wants all of them to feel welcome here. Bill Jackson, ONRR

Zarah Magazine | May 2014




arah Magazine is dedicating this page for interviews with political leaders on the city, state, and federal level to discuss issues that are important to the Arab-American community. Our guest for this month is Gary Christenson, Mayor of the City of Malden, who was elected in November 2011 and sworn in January 2012 to serve the population of Malden for a four-year term. Mayor Christenson attended the Malden Public Schools and graduated from Suffolk University in 1990 with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Political Science. He also earned a Masters in Public Administration from the same university. Later in his career, Mayor Christenson attended Suffolk University Law School and passed the Massachusetts Bar in 2005. From 1994 to 1997, Christenson worked as a Budget Analyst, Revenue Director, and Special Assistant to the Massachusetts House Ways and Means Committee. In 1998, he became Budget Director at the Office of the late Middlesex Sheriff James V. DiPaola.


Mayor Gary Christenson: I think what makes us different is that we focus every effort on rolling out the red carpet to make everyone feel welcome. Malden is one of the most diverse cities in Massachusetts and our schools reflect this diversity. We have almost every country in the world represented. For instance, Malden High School’s students come from homes that speak roughly 70 different languages. As a result, we are working to make everyone feel that he or she will have a stake in the future of our City, through the use of community events and interviews like this one. Zarah Magazine | May 2014


Mayor Gary Christenson: Good question, we don’t have translators per se, what we have done instead, is reach out beyond our community to attract new people to work for the city. Just recently, we hired a new Senior Center Director. Her name is Silvia Banos. She is Latino and speaks fluent Spanish. Also, I am a frequent guest on a Brazilian talk show and am accompanied by a Brazilian Officer who works for the Malden Police Department. Our Constituent Services Representative speaks fluent Mandarin and does quite a bit of translating at City Hall for our residents. One of our full time Teen Center employees speaks Haitian Creole. These are just few examples, but we

Mayor Gary Christenson: We do not necessarily have job trainings, but we do a lot of community outreach. It seems that I spend as much time in the local Mosque as I spend here at City Hall! This is an important way for me to speak directly with our Muslim residents and hear their concerns. A few months ago, we held a public safety meeting at the Mosque, with Imam Brother Hamid. Another good thing is that we are employing more and more Muslim youth to work in the City during the summer with our Summer Youth Work Program which offers valuable job training skills. I think that is most important because our youth are our future leaders and will be running the City one day. MR. MAYOR PLEASE TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT SOCIAL ASSISTANCES PROVIDED BY MALDEN CITY TO ITS COMMUNITY?

F I N A N C E and for the customer’s exclusive use of the whole property. This transaction does not involve an exchange of cash for a greater amount of future cash. Indeed, our program allows customers to acquire their homes at their pace through predetermined monthly payments that are competitive with what is charged under a conventional mortgage. No interest may be charged on late payments. ZARAH MAGAZINE- HOW DOES GUIDANCE DETERMINE THE MONTHLY PAYMENT? AND WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PROPERTY TAXES AND THE INSURANCE? Nabil Maataoui: The Declining Balance Co-ownership Program has been designed to provide a Sharia compliant alternative to conventional mortgage lending. However, customers are asking for competitive monthly payments with what they would have to pay in the conventional market and for this reason Guidance determines the profit payment offered to its customers to be competitive with prevailing interest rates. However, the manner in which the Program is priced does not change its co-ownership nature and does not turn the monthly payments into a repayment of the loan with interest. This is regardless of whether the profit payment is quoted as a dollar amount or a percentage rate. To answer the second portion of your questions, customers are responsible for the property taxes imposed by the local government authorities to pay for public services that directly benefit the occupant of the property as opposed to non-resident co-owner. As far as insurance goes, Home insurance policies are typically offered as a standard package that includes three types of coverage: a) Property hazard coverage, which protects against damage to the structure of the home.

b) Personal possessions coverage, which protects against damage to the contents of the home. c) Personal liability coverage, which protects against a third-party liability claim or lawsuit that may result, for example, from a visitor slipping and falling on an icy porch. In principle, as co-owners in the property, Guidance and the customer should jointly be responsible for the cost of property hazard coverage. On the other hand, as the exclusive occupant of the property, the customer should solely be responsible for the cost of personal possessions coverage and personal liability coverage. Guidance does not own any of the home’s contents and is not responsible for any actions of the occupant that may result in a thirdparty liability claim. In practice, it is difficult to separate the cost of property hazard coverage from the other types of coverage. Home insurance policies usually offer a standard comprehensive package. Obtaining separately a property hazard policy and a personal possessions and personal liability policy can be significantly more expensive and is often unavailable. For this reason, the Program allows for the customer to be responsible for obtaining a comprehensive insurance policy and offers a cost of financing that reflects the fact that the customer is in charge of the full cost of insurance. ZARAH MAGAZINE- WOULD GUIDANCE SHARE IN ANY GAIN OR LOSS THAT MAY RESULT FROM A SALE OF THE PROPERTY? Nabil Maataoui: If the customer wants to sell the property before he/she gains full equity, the co-ownership agreement will give him/her the right to do so by first acquiring Guidance’s remaining


share early. In a second step, turning around and selling the property in the market. The second step normally takes place immediately after the first step during a single settlement allowing the customer to use the proceeds of the sale to pay the amount owed to Guidance for its remaining share. In this case, the customer is 100% owner of the property at the time of the sale and, therefore, had the right to the full gain (or loss) resulting from the sale. I would also like to emphasize a very important point, should the property lost to a situation involving something outside the two parties such as Eminent Domain (where the government were to impose the co-owners to sell the property in order to make room for a school, road or any other public project) or a natural disaster, Guidance shares the equity loss equal to its percentage of ownership, where other institutions will pursue the customer for any negative balance due to the loss.


(617)567-2424 Contact@ZarahMagazine.com

Zarah Magazine | May 2014




Nabil Maataoui, Account Executive at Guidance Residential Massachusettsts

Interviewed by Mohamed Moutawakil     INTERVIEW


slamic beliefs forbid paying or collecting interest, so the financing of homes b y m e m b e r s o f t h e I sl a mi c faith requires some creative “lending” techniques. Zarah Magazine interviewed Nabil Maataoui, who is the local representative for Guidance Residential in MA about Islamic home financing process ZARAH MAGAZINE- WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GUIDANCE’S MODEL AND

Zarah Magazine | May 2014

OTHER CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGES? Nabil Maataoui: Guidance Residential uses the Declining Balance Co-ownership model (Diminishing Partnership) which is a distinctive partnership that allows customers to purchase a home in a Sharia-compliant manner. Al-Musharaka differs from a mortgage loan primarily by the nature of the transaction and specifically the relationship between the parties involved. In a loan transaction, the lender advances funds to the borrower in

exchange for a future repayment of the funds plus interest. Interest on such a loan amounts to an exchange of cash for a greater amount of cash in the future and is considered prohibited “Riba” under the Islamic law (sharia). The relationship between Guidance Residential and the customer consists of a co-ownership in a property not one of the typical lender-borrower relationships. The customer’s monthly payments are applied respectively to acquire Guidance’s share in the property



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amarc@newityrealty.com more than a description of the candidate education background and professional experience. A Resume is a self-marketing tool that may make a huge impact on the hiring decision. In terms of job interviews, a candidate should do some research about their potential employer prior to the interview day, as some questions might be easy to answer if the candidate has some prior knowledge about the company. Another important piece in the job hunting process is the follow up step. When a candidate is being interviewed, they are recommended to send a thank you note to the recruiter and a follow up note few days after. Those two actions show the candidate being interested and passion about the job applied for. Finally, there are many Arab Americans who made enormous success in various areas. I hope every member of our community will follow their paths, and contribute to the health and prosperity of our nation. Interviewed by Itbissam Hamouchi

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Zarah Magazine | May 2014




assan Baami was born in Tighza, a town in Khenifra province. After completing his High School Diploma at Aboul Kacem Zayani, he moved to Meknes to pursue his undergraduate studies in English Literature. 2 years later, he was enrolled to the Institut Superieur International du Tourism in Tangiers, where he received an associate degree in travel management, and granted an internship with the American Hospitality Academy. Hassan received a Bachelor degree from the University of Massachusetts in Boston, a Master of Business Administration from Suffolk University, and will be receiving a Master of Science in Finance degree from Suffolk in May 2014. Hassan had over 14 years in Operations Management. He is currently the Chief Financial Officer at Rita’s Enterprises, Inc.

PLEASE DESCRIBE WHAT A TYPICAL WORKDAY IS LIKE FOR YOU? My day at work usually starts at 7:30 am. My tasks vary from day to day and range from running and analyzing financial reports, posting job ads, interviewing candidates, managing employees’ benefits, working with the executive team on various projects. AS AN IMMIGRANT STRIVING TO IMPROVE HIS SOCIAL STATUS, WHAT WERE SOME OF THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES YOU FACED? Balancing between work and schooling was the major challenge I had faced during the early years of my career in the U.S. It took me a little to get better in time management and prioritizing my tasks. This could not be reached without a strong passion to succeed and a desire to prove myself. HOW DID YOU GET TO THE USA, AND WHAT HAS BEEN MOTIVATING YOU TO GET TO THE LEVEL WHERE YOU ARE NOW? I came to the U.S as an international exchange visitor. I quickly realized that the United States has a lot Zarah Magazine | May 2014

to offer in terms of personal and career advancement. I have seen a lot of people who made it from dire circumstances to enviable success, and that inspired to work/ study hard and climb the ladder. WHEN HASSAN BAAMI DECIDED TO IMMIGRATE TO THE USA IN 1999. WAS HIS DREAM TO BECOME A PROFESSOR AT THIS UNIVERSITY OR TO BECOME A DIRECTOR OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT IN ONE OF THE BIGGEST FOOD INDUSTRY COMPANIES HERE IN BOSTON? CAN WE SAY THAT HASSAN BAAMI FULFILLED HIS DREAMS THROUGH THE YEARS HE SPENT IN THE USA? Well, my favorite motto is “SKY IS THE LIMIT”. When I first moved to the U.S., I had dreams like everyone else. My primary goal was to carry on my education and obtain a degree. Once graduated, my dreams got even bigger, and started raising my own expectations. W E K N O W T H AT Y O U GRADUATED FROM SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY, AND YOU ARE ALSO A TEACHER ASSISTANT

IN THIS UNIVERSITY. PLEASE TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THIS WONDERFUL STORY? I consider Suffolk University my second home. After graduating with a Master in Business Administration in 2011, I was privileged to receive a full Management Graduate Fellowship to pursue a Master of Science in Finance. As a graduate fellow, I was assigned to work with one of the school’s faculty members as a Teacher/ Research Assistant, working on data collection, reading and summarizing academic articles. It is such a great feeling when you are giving back to the school that helps you grow personally and professionally. WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE TO THE NEW WAVE OF ARAB A M E R I C A N T RY I N G T O ACHEIVE SUCCESS? I encourage every member of the Arab American community to have clear goals in their lives and make every effort to achieve those goals. Education is one of the most crucial investments one can make, and undoubtedly a secure path to make those dreams come true. AS A FORMER HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR, AND FROM YOUR EXPERIENCE AS A CFO, WHAT TIPS CAN YOU GIVE TO OUR READERS ABOUT RESUMES, JOB INTERVIEWS, AND HIRING PROCESS IN GENERAL? I strongly believe that some of the biggest mistakes that candidates, in general, make are the way they design and structure their resumes. A resume is a lot



NEWS     ZARAH MAGAZINE                                    The First American Man to Win the Boston Marathon since 1983 The American Eritirian, Meb Keflezighi, won the Boston Marathon for this year. The 38 years old finished the race in 2:08:37. He became the first American man to win the Boston Marathon since 1983. This year, the winner will receive $100,000. Keflezighia immigrated to San Diego, CA with his family when he was 12 years old.

A Moroccan Athlete Among the First Ten Runners in 2014 Boston Marathon Adil Annani is a Moroccan athlete who came in the 10th position in the 2014 Boston Marathon. Adil finished the race in 2:12:43. The 34 years old runner broke into world-class marathon territory in a couple of occasions. First time was in his home country Morocco in 2009 with a 2:11:05 finishing time. In 2012 London Marathon, he made a big jump up in class, taking the fourth position in a personal best finishing time of 2:07:43.

Two Boston Firefighters Were Killed while Saving People’s Lives Two firefighters lost their lives last month trying to save people’s lives. Lieutenant Walsh, 43, a father of three young children who followed in his father’s footsteps to become a firefighter. The Boston fireman was killed battling a fast-moving apartment fire in the Back Bay. Firefighter Michael R. Kennedy, a 33-year-old Marine Corps veteran, was also killed.

Zarah Magazine | May 2014

a Monthly Magazine Published by EBAMS24 Advertising and Marketing company

The voice of the Arab American Community

Opening Zarah is a monthly publication and online magazine created to address the needs of the Arab American community of greater Boston.

Editorial Departement Rachid Moukhabir, BS, MBA Mohamed Moutawakil Abdessamad Mrani Alaoui Designers Taoufik Kassour Mehdi ELouakili Nabil Adden Consultants/Contributors Dr. Khalis Jalabi Attorney. Al Mahdi Ikli Prof. Mohamed Brahimi Prof. Hassan Baami Asmaa Attaoui Tarik El Amrani Ibtissam Hamouchi Mohamed Ziane Jamal Alawdi Sales Adrian Kawuba Fatima Salim 50 Maverick Square, Unit 2. East Boston, MA 02128 Tel: (617) 567-2424 Fax: (617) 567-2425 www.zarahmagazine.com

The name, Zarah, is derived from the Arabic word for flower, Zahra. And like our namesake, we hope to grow and blossom along with the community we serve. Our mission is three fold. First, we aim to spread the use of the Arabic language and work to ensure the beauty that is our language flourishes now and for generations to come. Second, we want to be a focal point that helps unite the diverse community of Arabic speakers in greater Boston. And third, we want to educate the non-Arab members of our community in order to reduce misconceptions and negative stereotypes of Arabs and those of the Muslim faith. We hope this will facilitate acceptance and integration into American society while retaining what is unique and beautiful about our culture. Zarah is the only one stop shop of everything that is relevant to the Arab community. From arts and culture to sports and politics we bring the important local news to our readers. In our pages one can find positive and inspiring stories of all kinds, from the struggles and successes of a local soccer player to the small business owners that spend their free time helping charities. In addition to these motivational stories, we provide helpful articles about business and politics and anything else we can find to meet your needs and satisfy your hunger for a better life. Zarah is nourished by the community it serves and thrives on your feedback.

To contribute Please send articles and opinions to: contact@zarahmagazine.com Note: All articles submitted should not be more than 500 words and sent by the 15th of each month.

Copyright 2014 Zarah Magazine published by the Advertising and Marketing Agency EBAMS24 (East Boston Advertising and Marketing Strategies) in Boston, MA. You shall not modify, alter or edit this magazine content in any way or manner without the prior written permission from EBAMS24.

Zarah Magazine | May 2014

The Voice of the Arab American Community

The First American man to win the Boston Marathon since 1983 p.3

The Islamic Home Financing in America p.6

1 in 10 people have unclaimed money p.16

a harvard researcher’s opinion on integration p.14

A brief Introduction to US Immigration Law p.12

May 2014 FREE

Boston Strong: More than 32,000 Participants in th the 118 Boston Marathon p.11


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