8 minute read
The generation gap
a c b
1 Complete the sentences with phrases from the box. There is one extra phrase.
passive attitude ▪ mutual friend ▪ overall rise ▪ brought up set the rules ▪ inevitable consequences ▪ wise advice
1. The defeat had ___________________ for the policy of their country. 2. The ______________in unemployment is a serious problem nowadays. 3. His ________________made things more difficult for me. 4. We were introduced by a ____________________. 5. We had been ________________to think that borrowing things was bad. 6. The boy decided to follow his mother’s ___________________.
2 Match the adjectives on the left (1-6) with their synonyms (a-f). The first one has been done for you.
1) generous 2) scared 3) engaged 4) cheerful 5) convinced 6) broad-minded a) busy b) happy c) open-minded d) sure e) open-handed f) frightened 1 2 3 4 5 6 e
3 Fill in the gaps in these sentences using some of the adjectives (1-6) from
Exercise 2.
1. She’s always been ___________ of heights. 2. My sister’s really _____________. She’s always buying things for her friends. 3. He had tried to telephone his wife once, but without success: the line was_________. 4. His father is so _________________. He respects views that differ from his own. 5. I was ______________ that they would manage to do it well.
USEFUL PHRASES 4 Complete these sentences with the correct form of these expressions.
in my opinion ▪ on the other hand ▪ in order to ▪ make an effort ▪ take part
1. He would like to ____________________ in the competition, but he’s hurt his leg. 2. __________________, they don’t deserve to be rewarded. 3. He promised he would _______________ to finish the work on time. 4. He worked hard ___________________ save some money for a holiday. 5. Harry is lazy. _______________________________, Susan deserved her success.
WORD FORMATION 1 Make negative forms of the adjectives in the box by adding the appropriate prefixes, and then put each adjective into the correct column.
honest tolerant appropriate pleasant successful obedient tidy usual known aware helpful dependent capable interested approving UN IN DIS independent
2 Use the prefixes un, in and dis to make the opposites of the words in italics in the short text below.
Darko is a sociable, sensitive and tolerant person. He seems aware of other people’s feelings. He is often sympathetic and kind. I think he is satisfied with his life. His wife Tanja is reasonable and often speaks of the advantages of living in the country. Her behaviour is often predictable. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
3 Complete the sentences with the correct (negative) form of the words in brackets. Use the prefixes dis, un and in.
1. Your result is _______________. Try again. (accurate) 2. It’s impossible to please her because she _____________ of everything I do. (approve) 3. His arrival was completely ___________________. (expected) 4. Could I call you back later? It’s rather _____________ at the moment. (convenient) 5. The teacher was very _________________ with our test results. (satisfied)
4 Try to think of a word with ‘-less’ to complete the following sentences.
Example: You never think about other people. You are thoughtless.
1. These people have nowhere to live. They are _________________. 2. Don’t be afraid. This dog doesn’t bite. It’s ____________________. 3. This dish has no flavour at all. It’s absolutely ___________________. 4. You should buy a new lighter; this one doesn’t work. It’s _______________. 5. He doesn’t believe he will ever find a job. He feels ____________________.
REPORTED SPEECH 1 Retell the dialogue.
T = a teacher / S = a student
T: Where are you from? S: I am from Italy. T: And how did you like Oxford when you first arrived? S: Well, I like it here. I think the city is very beautiful. T: Are you satisfied with your accommodation? S: Yes. At first I stayed with a family for several months. They were kind, but they had two young children so I decided to move out. Now I am living with two other students in a student house. T: What are you studying? S: I’m studying Computing. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
2 Report the following statements.
1. ‘I have never done this before.’ He told me ___________________________________________. 2. ‘I will write to you.’ She promised me ______________________________________________. 3. ‘There are not many of his friends here.’ She said _____________________________________. 4. ‘Something must be done.’ The reporter said _________________________________________. 5. ‘I don’t exercise every day.’ Sheila told me ___________________________________________.
3 Turn the following sentences into reported speech.
1. ‘Have you had your hair cut?’ Ann asked Jessie. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ‘Do you want to leave?’ Peter asked. ‘The party is really terrible.’ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ‘When are you going to write the report?’ asked the manager. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ‘Did you get any marks yesterday?’ John’s mother asked him. ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ‘Are you busy? I need to talk to you.’ David said to his brother. ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. ‘When did you last go to the theatre?’ the teacher asked his students. ________________________________________________________________________________
4 Rewrite these sentences as direct speech.
Example: Ann said they could go as they had finished their homework. ‘You can go as you have finished your homework’, said Ann.
1. The witness claimed that he had seen the man breaking into the house. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. My friend asked me if I had passed the test. ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. He said that he had been there several times. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Jack asked his wife if she wanted to go with him to the show. ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Tom asked me if I was exhausted because I had worked hard the whole day. ________________________________________________________________________________
Track 36 LISTENING Teens and parents in conflict Pre-listening task Work in small groups. Discuss the questions. 1 Which words in the box would you use to describe how teenagers might feel during their adolescence?
excitement ▪ happiness ▪ insecurity ▪ peacefulness ▪ moodiness ▪ loneliness physical changes ▪ a sense of responsibility ▪ jealousy ▪ tidiness ▪ sensitivity
2 Tell the class when the last time was you quarrelled with a member of your family. Why did it happen?
3 What sort of things might spoil the relationship with your parents? Complete the sentences to make them true for you.
1. I sometimes quarrel with my parents because __________________________________________ 2. My parents never forbid me to ______________________________________________________ 3. I always ask for my parents’ permission when __________________________________________ 4. I would like my parents to _________________________________________________________ 5. I don’t like it when my parents tell me to ______________________________________________
4 The words (1-4) are from the text you are going to listen to. Match them to their synonyms (a-d).
1. mostly 2. rows 3. mature 4. sort out a. disagreements/quarrels b. solve c. grown-up d. mainly
5 Listen to the text Teens and parents in conflict. Finish these sentences according to the information in the text. Then listen again and check.
1. Teenager/parent rows are usually about _____________________________________. 2. The children are angry with their parents because they try to ____________________ . 3. Parents want to decide about _____________________________________________. 4. As kids grow up, they want to become ______________________________________. 5. Parents sometimes have problems _________________________________. 6. Talking can help both sides to ______________________________________. 7. In most cases they manage to ________________their problems successfully.
EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs with DOWN Match the phrases (1-6) with the explanations (a-f) and use the phrases to complete the sentences below.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. pull down go down cut down (on) calm down knock down turn down a) b) c) d) e) f) use something in smaller amounts decrease destroy a building reduce the volume make less excited cause to fall from an upright to a lying position
1. I’m trying to ______________ on caffeine. 2. Unfortunately, the old castle has been _____________. 3. Prices of digital cameras ______________ dramatically over the last couple of years. 4. She was ______________ by a bus. 5. I_____________ the children _____________ with a story. 6. You had better ___________ that music___________ before Dad gets angry.
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given in bold.
1. ‘Move your car immediately or else I’ll call the police!’ (had better)
You ____________________________ I’ll call the police! 2. His mother forced him to clean his room. (made)
His mother _______________________ clean his room. 3. Do they let their guests smoke in that restaurant? (allow) ________________________________ in that restaurant? 4. That raincoat costs too much. (afford)
I _________________________ that raincoat. 5. ‘Where did you catch the thief?’ Janice asked the policeman. (where) Janice asked the policeman _________________________ the thief. 6. His sister arrived here twelve months ago. (for)
His sister _______________________________ year.
EVERYDAY LANGUAGE What would you say in these situations?
1. You arrive late for a meeting. Apologize and say why you are late. 2. You are in a waiting room. Politely ask the person sitting next to the window to open it. 3. Your friend saw the film you want to see. Ask him what he thought of it. 4. You are introduced to someone you’ve always wanted to meet. Start a conversation with them. 5. You are at a party. You don’t know the person next to you, but you’d like to start a conversation with them.

Track 37 PRONUNCIATION 8 Practise the following pairs of short and long vowels. Listen and repeat.
pot cot fox proper O:
short fork caught pour U
foot full pull should u:
rule prove proof include I
thick print exit rich i:
peace sheet lead fourteen
TRANSLATION AND MEDIATION Student A is telling Student B about a very unpleasant conversation with his teacher. Student B is with his/her friend, Student C, who doesn’t understand Serbian well. Student C wants to know what happened at school. Student B takes the role of interpreter. Student A
Професор енглеског језика се љутио зато што сам опет закаснио/закаснила. Питао ме је зар немам сат и зашто увек касним понедељком. Рекао ми је да никад више не смем да закасним и тражио је да му покажем домаћи задатак. Нажалост, ја га нисам имао.
Student B
Using reported speech, Student B explains to Student C why the teacher was angry.
DISCUSSING A PROVERB Explain the meaning of the following saying in your own words.
First come, first served.