8 minute read
Holiday destinations
a c b
1 Fill in the gaps with a word from the reading texts in Unit 10.
1. In biology, a s _______________is one of the basic units of biological classification. 2. A beautiful lake was surrounded by snow-covered mountain p__________. 3. The resort offers a wide range of f__________ for young and old alike. 4. They wanted to have a long walk and climbed a gentle s__________. 5. The view of the mountains was very p_________________. 6. Most women think that this actor is very attractive and find him i_________________.
2 Match the adjectives (box A) to the nouns (box B) to make collocations and use these collocations to complete the sentences below. A B
courageous unforgettable adventurous luxurious enormous hotels people experience day costs performance educational
1. Our holiday turned out to be a very _______________________________. 2. This is one of the country’s most ___________________________________. 3. It was an ____________________________________ at the beach. 4. We all agreed that although the actors were young, it was an ______________________. 5. They were some of the most ____________________________________who ever lived. 6. We chose not to undertake the project because of the _____________________ involved.
Track 45 LISTENING Listen to the text Going to Antarctica once and then complete it with the words from the box. Listen again to check your answers.
swim hemisphere visitors reach penguin ship excitement destination
Lots of people head south for the winter to avoid the cold and snow. Now the newest holiday ___________takes you as far south as you can go: the South Pole! It’s not as cold as it sounds. Winter in the northern ______________ is summer in the south. On a sunny day in Antarctica, temperatures can ____________15 ◦C. Tourists can travel to Antarctica on a cruise__________, but the real ______________is off the ship. They can explore seal and_____________ colonies and thermal springs – where it’s even possible to___________. The scenery and wildlife are drawing more and more ______________ every year.
WORD FORMATION Form the correct noun, verb or adjective from the word in capitals.
1. My ______________for him grows daily. 2. Rafting down the Drina was a _______________ adventure. 3. They invited all the students to _______________at rowing. 4. He is writing a book on the_________________ wonders of North America. 5. My company will donate some money for the ____________ of this area. ADMIRE CHALLENGE COMPETITION NATURE DEVELOP
ADJECTIVES Correct the order of the underlined adjectives in the following sentences.
1. 2. 3. 4.
I am going to wear my silk new blue dress.
The boss told us to recycle those water empty twenty bottles.
My brother left for a camping interesting short trip on Sunday.
Nora put the flowers into a new green oval big vase.
GROUP TASK Preparing for a holiday
Marcia, Tania and Michael are preparing for a holiday. There are some things in the box and two open suitcases and one backpack in the pictures. Look at the items in the box and put them in the right place. • Marcia’s going to Palić. • Michael’s going hiking on a Serbian mountain. • Tania’s going to join the regatta on the Drina.

Some of the items can go into more than one piece of luggage. Decide where to put the items so that there are seven in each.
sun cream a light jacket a pullover a bikini a lifejacket trousers T-shirts a travel iron an umbrella hiking boots trainers a compass a wind-proof jacket a light hat socks a cardigan sunglasses sandals
READING AND WRITING 1 Read the following passage to learn more about the history of Serbia.
Splendid churches were built in Serbia by the Nemanjić rulers and decorated with frescoes and icons. One of them is the monastery of Mileševa, which was built in the 13 th century at the very entrance to the Mileševka River canyon. The frescoes of this monastery are among the finest examples of Serbian art of its time. Vladislav Nemanjić, one of the four sons of Stefan the First-Crowned, began construction of the monastery when he was only a prince and ordered construction work to be continued after he had become king. He also took the remains of St Sava there. The remains were later removed by the Turks and burned on Vračar hill in Belgrade.
2 What do you know about the monasteries in the pictures? Choose one to write about. Bring some pictures of your chosen monastery. Mention
– where the monastery is situated. – when it was built. – which king built it. – if there are famous frescoes in it.




Tania is writing to her Scottish friend, Polly, about her plan to visit Britain. Look at the map of Great Britain and follow Tania on her route completing the text with the place names.
I’ll start off in ______________. I‘m going to stay there for four days to see the sights, especially the Tower. I‘m not going to ____________, the university town on the river Cam this time because I’ve been there before. Then I‘m off to another university town, ____________, to see my friends. I‘m going to stay there for a week. I haven’t seen them for ages. I’ll be there in time to see the boat race between Oxford and Cambridge Universities. While staying with them, I’ll spend one day in ______________ to see the house where Shakespeare was born and one day in _______________ to see the town where the Beatles started singing. I’d really love to go to the __________________ to see the lakes, but I’ll have to leave that for next time, because I want to visit you in Scotland. So, see you soon in your historic capital city, _______________.
EVERYDAY LANGUAGE Your friends have returned from their holidays. Each of them has something to say about it. Find the explanations in box B for the expressions in italics in box A.
Peter: I went rafting with two of my friends and we had the time of our lives. Susan: It was awful. We camped in the middle of nowhere. Jim: It was all right, but you know the saying there is no place like home. James: I always travel light because I spend the whole day on the beach. Polly: I went on a package tour to Greece.
1. without much luggage 2. a fully organized holiday 3. Home is the best place to stay. 4. to be far away without any facilities 5. to have a wonderful time
EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY 1 River words Match the words with their explanations.

1. source 2. mouth 3. stream 4. creek 5. tributary 6. valley 7. bed 8. bank 9. bend 10. rapids a. a natural flow of water, usually smaller than a river b. the land along the side of a river c. a small stream d. the curved part of a river e. part of the river where the water moves very fast over rocks f. the bottom of a river; the ground over which it flows g. a river that flows into a larger river h. a large area of land between hills or mountains through which a river flows i. the place where a river begins j. the place where a river enters a large body of water
2 Idioms with HEART a. How would you translate the following sentence?
‘In the heart of the Grand Park is the Summer Stage.’
b. Find a suitable explanation (a-f) for the idioms in the sentences (1-6) and give an adequate translation in Serbian.
1. I don’t like learning lessons by heart. a. to become upset by someone’s words 2. They needed a lot of heart to win the battle. b. feel sad and depressed 3. It breaks my heart to see homeless people. c. courage and determination 4. He takes to heart everything she says. d. to fall in love with 5. He lost his heart to a beautiful dancer. e. very generous person 6. She has a heart of gold. f. memorised perfectly
Luke came to Belgrade after his trip to а seaside town. Your sister wants to know how he liked it there and you have to translate their conversation. UNA: Питај га да ли се лепо провео на мору. LUKE: Well, it started off as one disaster after another. My flight was delayed for 5 hours, and then the taxi to the hotel broke down. I had to walk for half a mile and since it was raining, I got soaked. The hotel I was staying at was far away from the beach and my room was too small. I didn’t really have much fun. UNA: Кажи му да ми је жао што су му утисци с летовања лоши и да се надам да ће му бар код нас бити лепо.
КАТАРИНА КОВАЧЕВИЋ, ГОРДАНА МАРКОВИЋ • IMPROVING ENGLISH 1 – ЕНГЛЕСКИ ЈЕЗИК за први разред средње школе (гимназије КАТАРИНА КОВАЧЕВИЋ, ГОРДАНА МАРКОВИЋ • IMPROVING ENGLISH 1 – ЕНГЛЕСКИ ЈЕЗИК за први разред средње школе (гимназије и стручне школе) – Радна свеска • Tреће издање, 2020. година • Издавач: ЗАВОД ЗА УЏБЕНИКЕ, Београд, Обилићев венац 5, www.zavod.co.rs • и стручне школе) – Радна свеска • Tреће, прерађено издање, 2020. година • Издавач: ЗАВОД ЗА УЏБЕНИКЕ, Београд, Обилићев венац 5, www. Ликовни уредник: АИДА СПАСИЋ • Корице: АИДА СПАСИЋ • Илустрације: ДУШАН ЛАКИЋЕВИЋ • Графички уредник: БОРИС ПОПОВИЋ • zavod.co.rs • Ликовни уредник: АИДА СПАСИЋ • Корице: АИДА СПАСИЋ • Илустрације: ДУШАН ЛАКИЋЕВИЋ • Графички уредник: БОРИС Дизајн: НАТАША ДОЛОВАЧКИ • Коректор: МИЛИЦА ЖИВАДИНОВИЋ • Компјутерска припрема: ЛИНЕА АРТ • Фотографије: Архива Завода, ПОПОВИЋ • Дизајн: НАТАША ДОЛОВАЧКИ • Коректор: МИЛИЦА ЖИВАДИНОВИЋ • Компјутерска припрема: ЛИНЕА АРТ • Фотографије: Diomedia • Обим: 8,5 штампарских табака • Формат: 20,5 × 26,5 cm • Тираж: 4.500 примерака • Рукопис предат у штампу априла 2020. године • Архива Завода, Diomedia • Обим: 8,5 штампарских табака • Формат: 20,5 × 26,5 cm • Тираж: 4.500 примерака • Рукопис предат у штампу априла Штампање завршено априла 2020. године • Штампа „Сајнос”, Нови Сад 2020. године • Штампање завршено априла 2020. године • Штампа „Сајнос ”, Нови Сад