9 minute read
A friend in need is a friend indeed
a c b
1 Join the verbs (1-5) with the words (a-e) to make collocations. Two verbs can make more than one collocation. Then make sentences using the collocations.
1. go 2. look for 3. take 4. lose 5. become a. an opportunity b. aware c. interest d. bankrupt e. notice
2 Study the use of the word common in the following sentences.
1. The meaning of friendship certainly goes beyond the simple and the common. 2. Even a common cold prevents him from going to school. 3. We shared a common language. 4. We have a lot in common with other students in the group. 5. It is common knowledge that he is a thief. 6. John is very rude to his sister. He’s so common. 7. They have built the children’s playground for the common good.
3 Write four sentences to show four different meanings of the word common.
WORD FORMATION Form the correct noun or adjective from the words in capital letters.
1. What is the normal ______________age in this country? 2. I have read all the newspaper _________________ for a new car. 3. Was Steve given the ______________ he wanted? 4. The author gave _____________ reasons for having written the book. 5. He never asked her to marry him out of fear of_______________. 6. The manager told his partners that he didn’t want any ____________. RETIRE ADVERTISE PROMOTE VARIETY REJECT INTERFERE
OPEN CLOZE Listen to the text once without looking at it. Then complete the text using ONE word for each gap. Listen again and check your answers.
Track 41 Is there a recipe for a good friendship?
We tend _____think that friends we see more frequently are better friends, but _____is not necessarily the case. We have friends whom we see almost every ________ of our lives. Though we can have great times together, we know deep down that we can’t depend _____them for help in any important way. ____ the other hand, we can have friends whom we rarely see, _________ we can count on them to help us. Help is only one of many criteria by which one could value friendships, but it happens to be the most common standard by _________people value personal relationships. _________ friends are good for parties. Some are good to talk to. Some are good to _______business with. Some are good to _________ games with. Some are good to live with. This also means that some friends are not suitable ______ certain occasions. _____instance, just because you have fun _____ parties with Joe, it does not mean that he would make a good roommate. Just because you talk to Jane about ____________ in your life, it does not mean that she would make a good business partner. There are certain types of people that are only appropriate for certain situations.

PREPOSITIONS Fill in each gap with an appropriate preposition from the list.
about at for in of on with
1. I do apologize_______ bringing Rachel, but she insisted_______ coming. 2. He was bored ________doing the same thing day in day out. 3. Although James is perfectly capable ____ getting good marks, he never does. 4. The examiner congratulated Tom ______ passing his driving test. 5. Despite the strong wind, we succeeded ______ putting up our tent. 6. Jim is good ______drawing, but he isn’t really interested ____becoming an artist. 7. I’m not responsible _______breaking the vase. It was Greg’s fault. 8. She is so excited ________ going on the trip.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I ______________(own) a car, I would drive to work. 2. I would read more if I ______________(not/watch) so much TV. 3. If you help me move tomorrow, I ______________(buy) you dinner. 4. If she ______________(be) rich, she would buy a yacht. 5. You _______________(get) to the meeting on time if you leave now. 6. I wouldn’t do it unless I ______________ (love) you. 7. If there ________________ (be) a good breeze on Sunday, we’ll go hang-gliding.
2 Complete each of the following sentences in an appropriate way. 1. If I had to spend a year living abroad, I _____________________________________ 2. If I had the power to change one thing in my country, I __________________________ 3. I will learn more if _______________________________________________________ 4. I’d be really pleased if ____________________________________________________ 5. If someone gives me some money for my birthday, _____________________________ 6. I won’t offend a friend unless _______________________________________________
3 Say how you would feel if you found yourself in the following situations. Use the adjectives from the box in second conditional sentences.
bored disappointed embarrassed furious lonely depressed
Look at the example.You have to do the same stupid thing over and over again. If I had to do that, I would feel bored. 1. You want to go to the concert, but there are no more tickets. 2. Someone pours red paint on your bag. 3. You have no friends and nobody to talk to. 4. It has been raining for days and you cannot go out. 5. You don’t have the drink you have offered to your guests.

REPORTED SPEECH 1 Rewrite the sentences as reported speech.
1. ‘Are you planning to go on the school trip tomorrow?’
William asked me whether ________________________________________________________. 2. ‘Don’t forget to invite Tom,’ said Pauline. Pauline told me_______________________________. 3. ‘Have you received your salary yet?’ my wife asked.
My wife asked me_______________________________________________________________. 4. ‘Is somebody serving you, sir?’ The waiter asked ______________________________________. 5. ‘The workers fought bravely for their rights.’ He said __________________________________.
6. ‘Do you know how old John is?’ She asked him _______________________________________. 7. ‘I know where I can get information about these strange monuments.’
She declared ___________________________________________________________________. 8. ‘I don’t know what they will say.’ My brother admitted that _________________________________________________________.
2 Complete the sentences.
Example: My sister asked me if I was going to school or not.
1. David asked his mother _________________________ something for dinner. 2. Peter asked us _____________________________________ to Hungary. 3. George asked me ____________________________ many photographs. 4. Diana asked her friend where________________________ the blue dress. 5. Marko asked his sister ___________________________ their dog.
ADVERBS Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.
1. We studied (yesterday afternoon, the map, carefully, in the hotel). _________________________________________________________________________ 2. You sang (last night, beautifully, at the concert). _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Things changed (in the office, dramatically, really). _________________________________________________________________________ 4. I finished (rather, the test, easily). _________________________________________________________________________ 5. It rained (in the east, heavily, last night). _________________________________________________________________________ 6. My husband works (on Saturday, in the garage, often). _________________________________________________________________________ 7. We were sitting (all evening, quietly, in the garden). _________________________________________________________________________
Use (a) few or (a) little in the correct form. 1. Could I have __________ cream, please? Thank you. 2. Very __________ people were flying because of terrorist activities. 3. The postman doesn’t often come here. We receive __________ letters. 4. The snow was getting quite deep. I had __________ hope of getting home that night. 5. Tony is a keen golfer, but unfortunately he has __________ability. 6. I could speak __________ words of French, but I wasn’t very fluent. 7. She made the ____________ mistakes of all the children in the class. 8. There was ___________ furniture in the room.
A Look at the collocations with the verbs do and make and try to use them in sentences of your own. Use make to talk about things you create. Use do to talk about activities, things connected with work, or household tasks.
• do business (with someone) • do the washing • do a lot of research • do a job • do one’s best • do a favour • do exercises • make fun of someone • make a lasting impression • make an announcement • make arrangements • make an effort • make progress • make money
Example: You should never make fun of your friends.
B Complete the sentences with the correct form of either make or do.
1. You must ____________ an appointment if you want to see the doctor. 2. I don’t know where he works, but I know he _________ a lot of money. 3. She’s ____________ a lot of friends at university. 4. He _________ his best to help her recover from the shock. 5. He never ___________ his own bed. 6. Why haven’t you _________ the washing-up yet? 7. It will __________ you good to take a rest. 8. I can’t go with you. I have to _________ my homework.

Your friend is always complaining about some unimportant things. You want to tell him/her that he/ she should look on the bright side of life. Match his/her complaints and your answers. You may add some comments of your own.
Your friend
1. I have no money. 2. I have too much homework to do. 3. I don’t have a girlfriend/boyfriend to go to Cameron’s party with. 4. I don’t have anything nice to wear for the party. 5. The service in this restaurant is really bad. 6. My nose is running all the time.
a. I can help you if you want me to. b. There will be a lot of nice people there and you will have a good time. c. Yes, but you have a lot of friends. d. You forget last summer when we wanted to earn some money working in McDonald’s, how clumsy we were! e. Come on! You’ll be better in a few days. f. What about that nice shirt/dress you bought last week?
Find the rhyme
The Arrow and the Song – writtenby Henry W. Longfellow
Complete the song with the given words following the rhyme. Listen to check
your answers. friend air flight oak strong where
I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not ____________. For, so swiftly it flew, the sight Could not follow it in its ______________. I breathed a song into the ____________, It fell to earth, I knew not where; For who has sight so keen and ________, That it can follow the flight of song?
Long, long afterwards, in an ___________ I found the arrow, still unbroke; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a __________.
oak – a kind of tree unbroke (poetic) – unbroken
MY JOURNAL Write a short composition of about 100 words.
My best friend disappointed me once when I needed her/him most _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
DISCUSSING A PROVERB Explain the meaning of the following saying in your own words. Give some examples to support your opinion.
The pen is mightier than the sword.