Nature & Culture of Albania - A Heritage Walking Tour in Albania and Macedonia

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Nature & Culture of Albania A Heritage Walking Tour in Albania and Macedonia

Next to the well-known highlights of Southern Albania, this trip also includes the lesser known gems of the Eastern region near Greece and a side trip to Macedonia's Lake Ohrid. Historic cities are combined with idyllic counryside, interesting archeaological digs and another three splendid UNESCO World Heritage Sites follow. It is an educational journey that includes active elements, tailored for the culturally curious. Get to know Albania, its people, their history and cusine on a 9day tour.

Overview After kicking off in the capital Tirana the journey side tracks into Macedonia and to Lake Ohrid, a both natural and cultural heritage accredited site. Be surprised by French influenced city Korca, experience living history in Voskopoja and enjoy stunning landscape of Erseka, Germenj and Permet. An active schedule compromises visits of UNESCO sites Gjirokastra, Berat and Butrint. Walks in the Kolonje Highlands, the Fir of Hotova NP, along the Ionian Coast and at the Karaburun Peninsula. But also leaves time to relax in the hot springs of Benja, swim at the beaches of the Albanian Riviera and sample manifold dishes.

“Nature & Culture of Albania” Highlights:    

side trip to Ohrid, Pearl of the Balkans Byzantine, Orthodox, and Aromanian heritage in Eastern Albania four UNESCO world heritage sites and cultural treasures varied walks in mountain landscape, forest national park and at the coast

Duration: 9 days Group Size: 8-14 (possibility for private departure starting from one person) Accommodation: middle-class and boutique hotels Difficulty: 1.5/4 - no challenging walks (more details in the FAQ) Average daily walking time: 6x | 3 ½ hours - can be skipped Luggage Transfers: yes, by car

Tour Facts Services included:     

8x accommodation in comfortable hotels, private rooms with en-suite bathroom full board (meals in restaurants and picnics) English, German, Italian or French speaking guide (inquire for others) all transports within Albania incl. transfers from/to airport, ferry trip entrance fees

At your own:   

airfare insurance (compulsory for every participant) tips and personal expenses for drinks or souvenirs

Hikers should bring the following equipment: Hiking boots, light rainwear (90% of rain falls in winter), sun protection (cream, hat, glasses), small backpack (25l), 1.5 liters water gear, towel and swimsuit. Visitors are expected to respect the wildlife, leave what they find, dispose of their waste properly and to be considerate with locals.



An Introduction to Albania Arrival and visit of the turbulent and colorful capital Tirana

Rendezvous at the airport, during the transfer (25km/30min) to our hotel close to Tirana’s center we gather first impressions and the country is introduced. After check-in and time permitting we can visit the extensive National History Museum, interesting section of Communist era works in the Art Gallery or concentrate solely on a walking tour that immerses us in the turbulent past of the country. Illyrian ruins, oriental monuments, socialist “plattenbauten” and modern pomp create a colorful patchwork of a city searching its identity. The “blloku” is a perfect example of it: Now popular upmarket part of the city, home to boutique shops, cafes and night clubs, it used to be the no-go living quarter of the politburo elite. Tirana sees rapid change and stark contrasts, they depict the split personality of a country caught between West and East. Our city tour concludes at a highly debated monument, the “Pyramid”. Constructed as Dictator Enver Hoxha’s mausoleum it was used for very different purposes. The first eventful day closes with a tasting of Albania’s rich cuisine which we get to know better in the following days.



365 Churches of Ohrid – Macedonia’s UNESCO Heritage Via Egnatia, an unique eco-system and melting pot of nations

Today we travel southeast to Elbasan’s castle (45km/1h), through the Skhumbin Valley and into Macedonia to visit Lake Ohrid (90km/2h). The lake is among the oldest in the world, said to be surrounded by 365 religious sites and together with the 2400 year old city classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is the combination of the Galicica national park’s dramatic mountain backdrop, the shimmering surface of the lake and red tiles of historic buildings that make Ohrid a magical place. After lunch we visit together with a local guide the main attractions, dissect the many layers of history and learn about Ottoman occupation and the remaining Turkish minority before our journey continues along the shoreline to the St Naum Monastery (30km/50min). We return to Albania and transfer to our hotel in Pogradec (15min). Ohrid is the second largest lake in the Balkans and home to endemic species of fish and aquatic birds, the favorable climate sees wine, fruits and vegetables prosper which are later sold in Pogradec. The picturesque esplanade invites for an evening stroll.



Byzantine Heritage and Orthodox Churches The City of Serenades, rolling hills and a lost culture





We continue to Korca (40km/45min), the largest town of south-east Albania is situated on a plateau beneath the Morava Mountains on 800m ASL and well known for its folk songs and distinctive kitchen. Pretty villas and broad boulevards bear evidence of former prosperity when it was an important trade center. In the 19th cent the first school that solely taught in Albanian was opened here and the area a stronghold of the partisans during the World War II. We visit the iconic cathedral and the rich collection of icons in the museum of medieval art before we travel to Voskopoja (23km/45min). This once prosperous city hosted in the 18th cent the one and only printing press in the Balkans and was quasi capital of the Vlachs, a series of raids reduced it to a small village with merely 700 inhabitants. On a walk through the idyllic landscape we explore the remaining churches, their rich mural paintings, enjoy the fresh air and quite atmosphere. Overnight in a hotel of the village.



Scenic Drive and Walk in the Kolonja Highlands Beautiful nature, Ottoman bridges and hot springs





We follow one of Albania's most scenic routes through the highlands around the town Erseka (61km/1:30h), along the Greek border formed by the Gramos Mountains (2.523m) and past wild flowers of the Germenj national park (28km/1h) to Permet, stopping along the way for a short walk and lunch. From the highest point of the road at Barmash Pass (1.159m) we descend on a winding road into the Vjosa Valley that was shaped by one of Europe's last wild rivers. All along the way to the small village Benja (60km/1:30h) we enjoy majestic views of the Nemercka Range. Still marveling about the snow-capped peaks we sit under an Ottoman stone bridge, relaxing in the thermal springs - a memorable moment. Before arriving in Permet (20min) we may still have time to visit the tiny village Benja, try Gliko and later sit together for a good meal and glass of the cities famed Raki.



The Fir of Hotova, Vjosa Valley and City of Stone Explore the Hotova forest and cobbled alleys of Gjirokastra





Before leaving Permet we may visit on a short walk the 17th cent church in Leuse, richly painted and adorned with wood carvings. A transfer takes us into the thick forests of the Fir of Hotova (30km/1h) national park for a hike to a panoramic viewpoint. Onward the Vjose carved a passage through the mountains creating the Kelcyra Canyon that we navigate on our way to the Drinos Valley where Gjirokastra (70km/2h) is located. From our centrally located hotel we start a walk through the cobbled streets that connect the fortress-like Ottoman mansions of the UNESCO city. At Enver Hoxha’s birth house and another splendid mansion we have the chance to peek in the richly decorated rooms, afterwards “qifqi” (rice balls) will be among the specialties sampled for lunch. The afternoon is at your disposal. In the evening we stroll through the lively alleys of the old town seeking traditional music of the region and enjoy the flair of the city.



Albanian Riviera: Islands, Olives, the Mountains and Sea Endless sunshine, Greek ruins, azure waters and forgotten villages





Across serpentines we drive to the Ionian Coast, stop at the “Blue Eye” (35km/1h), a mighty karst spring in a jungle-like environment, and visit on a walking tour (1:30h) the UNESCO classified site of Butrint (40km/1h), a former Greek colony just across from Corfu that enjoys a picturesque setting on a narrow peninsula. In Ksamil (10min) we enjoy a sumptuous seafood lunch, swim to the beautiful islands and would be unlucky not to enjoy one of the 300 days of sunshine per year. The following drive along the Albanian Riviera isn’t less scenic, the shimmering crystal-clear sea and long sandy beaches on one, the craggy coastal mountains on the other side. Pretty villages, citrus groves and olive plantations line the road from modern port town Saranda to Porto Palermo’s (60km/1:30h) submarine pens and Ali Pasha Castle. After arrival in our cozy sea-side pension in the village Qeparo (15min) there is time to relax and swim, later we walk to the old hilltop quarter of Qeparo (1:45h), explore the maze of cobbled streets and watch the sunset.



1600m above the Ionian Sea and its Hidden Beaches Following in the footsteps of Caesar to the coast’s highest peaks





We visit the secluded beach Gjipe and St. Theodor’s Monastery (27km/45min), a great vantage point toward the Llogara pass which we will reach later. The beach is protected by a canyon and best reached on foot (30min), explore the 70m high gorge or use the last opportunity to swim in the Ionian Sea. We continue to the nearby village Dhermi and by car into the Llogara National Park (20km/45min). Our goal is to climb a saddle on 1.550m, just below the Ceraunian Coastal Ranges’ highest summits Mt. Qore and Cika (2018m). The trail that follows the rocky, forested ridge is scenic and the plateau offers stunning views of craggy peaks, rugged shore and turquoise sea. We take a little rest to fully enjoy the memorable views. Tonight’s cozy mountain hotel is only a stone’s throw away from the trailhead hidden in the forest (10min). In the evening we can stroll to the point where Caesar allegedly crossed with his troops two millennia ago and enjoy the views of the Bay of Orikum. At the end of the day we are rewarded for our efforts with a traditional meal.



The Karaburun Peninsula and City of Thousand Windows Panoramic ridge hike, cultural treasures and Ottoman architecture





The cooler climate eases our ascent through the dense forest of the national park to a saddle on the Karaburun Peninsula (1.200m). Behind the shepherd huts the slopes plunge steeply into the deep blue Ionian Sea, walking on the spine of St. Thanas we enjoy panoramic views of the bay and Albanian Riviera. After lunch we transfer past Vlore and agricultural plain to Berat (135km/2:45h). Looking back at 2400 years of history the UNESCO protected City of Thousand Windows offers the best preserved historic buildings of Albania. Within the castle’s mighty walls we visit the Onufri Museum and find a collection of beautiful Orthodox icons, the sweeping views of the Osumi River, Tomorri Mountain and city below top off another beautiful day of nature and culture. The day ends in the historic Mangalemi and Gorica quarters, we enjoy a last sumptuous dinner together, recall the past week of eventful travel and celebrate a successful, multi-faceted and memorable journey through Southern Albania.



Departure from Albania - Farewell my Mediterranean Love The quarters of Berat and an overlooked amphitheater

After breakfast and depending on the departure time we can further explore the old town and stop in Durres (90km/2h) to visit the largest amphitheater of the Balkans that is still struggling to make in on the UNESCO list. Our journey ends with a single timed transfer to the airport (30km/20min) where we wish each other farewell and you a safe trip home. Looking for more? Extend your stay by adding days at the beaches of the Riviera, join a tour into the Albanian Alps or explore the other Balkans nations on a trip to the neighboring Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo or Macedonia.

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