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Tesla HyperLight




Based on F

Revolution in


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SEE BETTER FEEL BETTER THINK BETTER PERFORM BETTER Hi-Tech, Swiss-Engineered, Premium Quality Quantum Hyperlight Optics®

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THE® Glasses provide active hyperlight therapy that maintains, strengthens and revitalizes the body of thewearer on a quantum level.

THE® Glasses protect against harmful rays from natural and artificial lighting, sunlight and the light from electronic devices, and in particular against their combined effect to which we are exposed around the clock.

THE® light passing through the fullerene layer of THE® Glasses becomes an optimized and hyperharmonized, a unique, healthy light


Quantum Hyperlight is created by passing light through the Quantum Hyperlight Optics® lens, which positively affects both vision and brain function. This contributes to the general improvement of the wearer’s physical and mental state, thereby optimising the body functions.

THE® Glasses enhance concentration, attention and memory; increase productivity and efficiency; help faster and better decision-making;

Fullerene C60, a quantummechanical light transformer and a quantum-mechanical Quantum Hyperlight generator 2

support optimal mental performance during intense mental overloads

Anytime. Anywhere.


VISION Eye Protection THE速 Glasses protect the eyes by eliminating and transforming dangerous UV and blue radiation into the wavelengths (green, yellow, orange, red light) optimum for the molecular structure of the eye. Further, they protect the eyes from excessive amounts of combined light energy from all the light sources we are exposed to (artificial light, light from electronic devices and sunlight), because they let the ideal amount of the total energy through. THE速 Glasses protect your eyes from various ailments; strengthen the eye ciliary muscle;

decelerate the onset of cataract;

prevent senile degeneration of the macula;

postpone the need for wearing corrective eyeglasses


VISION Improving Both Vision and Mind THE速 Glasses provide a sharper image even in poor light conditions and contribute to better and faster decisionmaking, thus making us more efficient and successful in everyday professional and leisure activities. THE速 Glasses reduce the scattering of light inside the eye;

improve visual acuity;

increase contrast sensitivity and colour intensity and reduce reflection;

eliminate fatigue and discomfort in the eyes;

prevent the blinding effects of sudden bright light


STYLE & BEAUTY THE® Glasses have an anti-aging effect on the skin around the eyes. They eliminate and convert dangerous UV and blue light spectrum radiation into desirable light waves that maintain and stimulate natural regeneration/synthesis of collagen and elastin. This contributes to alleviating the existing and preventing the emergence of new wrinkles around the eyes. Such a unique feature is another reason to wear them both indoors and outdoors!

THE® Glasses function differently than all other glasses and they also look distinctive


THE® Glasses are a fashionable detail that will mark your style as well

THE® Glasses uniquely optimize the levels of serotonin (“happiness hormone”), dopamine (“pleasure hormone”), melatonin (the hormone responsible for sleep regulation) and cortisol (stress hormone), bringing them into a natural balance, crucial for a healthy mental and physical functioning of the organism. THE® Glasses establish psychological balance and strengthen self-confidence; improve mood and lower stress level; reduce anxiety, depression and aggression; regulate sleep disorders and significantly reduce the consequences of jet lag;


raise and maintain the necessary level of vitality throughout the day


Who Will Benefit from THE® Glasses, When and Where Everyone who cares about themselves and works hard and lives an active lifestyle: you, students, pupils, policemen, professors, pilots, soldiers, drivers (professional and amateur), athletes, politicians and parliamentarians, etc. All of us who are exposed, on a daily basis, to dangerous radiation of artificial lighting indoors (house, work, school, concerts, shopping centres, etc.), as well as of the sunlight.

Good Eyesight Is the Key to Good Health

Our eyes do not have natural, physiological protection against dangerous photons of highenergy light (UV and blue) from the sunlight, artificial illumination and radiation from electronic devices. This harmful light irreversibly damages our eyes, causing cataract and the degeneration of the macula. What is more, such light adversely affects brain functions and our general health.

THE® Glasses represent a unique solution to improve both vision and brain functions, because they block harmful radiation and simultaneously convert it into an optimum range of quantum hyperlight that reflects an ideal symmetry that is identical to biological structures.


THE® Glasses will help you become more vital, healthier and successful.

Anytime. Anywhere. See better • Feel better • Think better • Perform better 8


THE® Glasses Are Inspired by the Discovery of the Fullerene C60 Molecule

Hyperharmonization of Light THE® Glasses are based on the C60 molecule, generating unique, powerful and beneficial hyperlight with ideal dynamics at the level of quantum energy and information. Interacting with the C60 molecule, which is “alive” and twisting/vibrating/rotating at an incredible 18 billion times per second, photons from any light source take on a quantum torus arrangement in conformity with the rule of the golden ratio.

Fullerene C60

Hyperharmonized light

The quantum hyperlight of the ideal symmetry, which is identical to certain biostructures, directly interacts with biomolecules (particularly clathrin in the brain) and transmits both optimum energy and optimum information at the cellular level. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to the scientists Kroto, Smalley and Curl in 1996 for the discovery of fullerene C60, a molecule of the Fibonacci’s icosahedral symmetry structure. Fullerene C60 is the third allotropic form of carbon in addition to graphite and diamond, and has the identical, universal symmetry of biological structures and of the whole universe, which has dodecahedral symmetry, according to Plato. 10

The transfer of energy and information of hyperharmonized light to the disturbed energy structures of biomolecules leads to regeneration of their natural functions, leading to harmonization and healing.


Golden Ratio - Universal Law of Harmony and Beauty

Light regulates the levels of hormones in the brain, i.e. the circadian rhythm. The Nobel Prize in Medicine for 2017 was awarded to scientists Hall, Rosbash and Young for this discovery.

Leonardo da Vinci recognized that geometry is based on divine proportions (the law of nature inserted into the rule of Golden Ratio), and constitutes the foundations of the laws of harmony and beauty. The Golden Ratio is as well the principle by which biological structures get into spatio-temporal interaction with Quantum Hyperlight, thus achieving the resonant transfer of energy and information regenerating the organism at the quantum level.



The Influence of Light on the Brain

THE® Glasses enable users to regenerate biomolecules and biostructures in a unique way, maintaining optimum bioprocesses in the eyes and brain. The result is a psychophysical balance - we see better, we feel better, we think better, we are more productive and more successful. All this makes the choice of these glasses necessary, reasonable and intelligent for each individual. 12

See better • Feel better • Think better • Perform better 13




THE® Glasses reduce hazardous UV and blue rays coming from any source of light. Due to the dual nature in regulating the quantity of light passed through, THE® Glasses are unique and without competition in the global market. THE® Glasses have the ability to: 1. Decrease excessive sunlight, thereby protecting the eyes. 2. Increase the missing energy of desirable wavelengths (in artificial light sources), transforming harmful wavelengths into desirable ones.

Transformation of light

Diagram 1a displays a visible spectrum of sunlight. It shows harmful wavelengths (HWs) (violet and blue light) and other desirable wavelengths (DWs) (450–780 nm) the intensity of which is often in excess of the optimum. Diagram 1b displays a visible spectrum of sunlight passing through THE® Glasses. The transformation of light is such that HWs are largely eliminated, while blue light is greatly reduced. The unique performance of the Quantum Hyperlight Optics® lens is such that excessive amounts of solar energy are transformed to the optimal level for the eyes. 14

Diagram 2a displays a spectrum of neon light with high amounts of HWs, whereas the amount of energy with DWs is usually less than optimal (450–780 nm). Diagram 2b displays a neon light spectrum passed through THE® Glasses. As we can see, the neon light has changed: violet and blue light have been transformed to desired wavelengths (450-780 nm), hence their insufficient energy has been raised, in a unique way, to an optimum level for the eye and brain functioning.

Diagram 3a displays a spectrum of white LED light with violet light and a pronounced quantity of blue light. The amount of energy at desired wavelengths is considerably lower than the optimum (450–780 nm). In diagram 3b, we can see that, by passing through the Quantum Hyperlight Optics® lenses, the LED light is converted into a healthy Quantum Hyperlight. The HWs are transformed into DWs, while the insufficient intensity of LED light is transformed to the optimum level of energy for the functioning of the eyes.

Such unique, quantum hyperlight is optimal, effective and healthy for the eyes and brain, for the harmonious and healthy functioning of the organism.


3 in 1 Protection Prevention Regulation

“ THE® Glasses are Gold Medal, China Association of Inventions, Foshan 2018

Gold Plaque and Gold Medal, Inventions, Belgrade 2018

Gold Medal, Invent Arena, Trinec 2018

not just for seeing better, but also for feeling better. They are an experience by themselves.

Gold Medal, International Federation of Inventors’ Association, Geneva 2018

Gold Medal, World Intellectual Property Organization, Belgrade 2018

Patented nanotechnology based on fullerene C60 and the discoveries of hyperharmonized and hyperpolarized light have won five prestigious international awards.


I recognize their magical effect. It is like a dance of passion and vision of the unity of the body, soul and totality. THE® Glasses have changed my experience of the world and have brought me an overall boon. When I use glasses I have the same feeling as when I’m in love.” Ana


Carbon Black TLW-107BL

Carbon Black TLW-001BL

Titanium Blue TLW-107BLU

Titanium Blue TLW-001BLU

Tourmaline Brown TLW-107BR

Tourmaline Brown TLW-001BR







Feel better. Live better BLUE & UV LIGHT STOP






Quantum Hyperlight Optics® lenses are coated on both sides with the finest protective layers. They are easy to maintain, scratch-resistant and have a long lifespan. Quality production of the lenses and frames make Tesla Hyperlight Eyewear® glasses a cutting-edge and elegant product. 18

Retail price | 390€ | Club Live 100 members price 20% off | 312€ | Join now. Order now. |

Quantum Hyperlight Optics® lenses of unique features and superior quality are made by using Swiss technology and they are much more than ordinary lenses: they are designed for better human health, better cognitive abilities, better looks and better quality of life. In this way, they contribute to our mission:


Tesla HyperLight





Club Live 100 Exclusive price for members. Join now. Order now.

HyperLife. ©COPYRIGHT 2019 – Zepter International - Code PMD-ME-136-19-EN


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