what’s on Space Descent VR Peterborough Cathedral 11th August A virtual reality adventure, narrated by astronaut Tim Peake, it enables visitors to experience what it feels like to sit inside the Soyuz’s descent module as it makes its high speed descent to earth. Part of an exhibition that includes the spacecraft, the parachute employed in the descent and the emergency spacesuit.
Bowthorpe Park Farm 26th August Family Fun Weekend/ Craft Day
Exhibition free. Space Descent VR £5 per person (ages 13+ only) and available online www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk/soyuz or from Peterborough Information Centre, Bridge Street, Peterborough on 01733 452336.
Craft stalls, refreshments, bouncy castle, The Gin Tin, Fresh ice cream and more!
Farm Walks Vine House Farm Deeping St Nicholas PE11 3DG Sat 4th August Sat 11th August Sun 12th August Tours of this conservation awardwinning farm with a BBQ of local produce. Tickets £10. Tours start at 10.00 am 01775 630208
In Aid Of Deeping St Nicholas Village Hall
St Nicholas Park, St Nicholas Way
September 1st 2018 10am-4pm
Bouncy Castle DesigneD by LittLe sam’s Design & photography