Absolutely Education Spring 2025

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Every child’s story begins with

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a blank page.

Naomi Bartholomew Headmistress, St Catherine's Prep School, Bramley

Naomi Bartholomew studied English and Education at Homerton before a spell undertaking VSO in China. She taught in state and independent primaries before becoming Head of English at Yateley Manor. She joined St Catherine's Prep in 2009, becoming Head three years later. She explores why chess is great for girls and the importance of balancing the board.

Hugh Raine

Comic artist, writer and illustrator

Hugh Raine devoured The Beano, and The Bash Street Kids summer annual was a highlight. A er working as a commercial artist, he landed a dream role back in Beanotown. His Betty and the Yeti has now been transformed into book form, and he discusses why we should value our heritage of comics – and recognise their value in getting children to love reading.

Louise North Principal, Framlingham College

A er studying French and Spanish at Durham, Louise North gained experience across day and boarding settings before becoming Deputy at Stonyhurst and then Senior Deputy at Oakham. She joined Framlingham in 2019 and, in this issue, she discusses how schools have a key role to play in supporting family life by offering a flexible environment.


Simon Packham Author

A er reading Drama at Manchester, Simon Packham headed to Edinburgh Fringe with Ben Elton to bring their musical Golly Bobby You’re So Dashingand Divine to the stage. A er a short spell in a comedy duo, he worked as an actor over many years. He discusses his new novel for middle-grade readers about the scariest of all transitions – the move up to senior school.

James Willatt

Deputy Head Co-Curricular, Eltham College

Educated at St. Olave's, Orpington and then Nottingham and UCL, James Willatt began teaching at Eltham college in 2009 before moving on to leadership roles. He describes the legacy of the Eric Liddell centenary – now delivering athletics opportunities for children within the local community.

Samantha Price Head, Cranleigh School

Samantha Price had a brief foray into marketing before retraining as a history teacher. Working across a variety of independent settings, she joined Cranleigh last September following a decade leading Benenden. In '60 Seconds With...', she shares her educational philosophy and discusses what makes a great student, and a great school.








From the EDITOR

Speaking to Hurtwood House, our Focus feature for this spring Arts Issue (from page 24), I couldn’t help thinking about that old saying – if you want something done, give it to a busy person. Here is a sixth form that is not a performing arts school but creates the most immersive creative environment for its students against a solid backdrop of academic rigour. This was a visionary (even outlandish) approach in the sober 1970s, but it worked. Students go create and they study hard.

When I asked Head Cosmo Jackson if they’d ever had to pull a student o a production so they could finish vital A-level work, he said: “The only way you’d have to intervene is to

with young people excluded from mainstream education (page 84). What she’s realised working with excluded teenagers is that art can provide a focus that acts as a ‘reset’. She suspects more art in mainstream schools would give troubled young people an outlet to help them manage impulses and behaviours. I bet she is right – and we hope to follow up on her project.

In Opening Minds (from page 42), we speak to schools about how they bring on the youngest students and encourage them to develop confidence and make connections.

I’m particularly struck by the The Royal Foundation’s recently published ‘Shaping Us Framework’, which discusses the critical 0-5 learning journey, so it’s encouraging to see how teachers personalise learning and help it become the journey of discovery that ensures good outcomes in life as well as school results.


say ‘don’t you dare drop out of that concert’ – and they know they can do it all”. And they can, as the feature demonstrates. It’s an inspiring place, also world number one for Media Studies A-level results. The team there have some informed perspectives on a much maligned subject.

Which brings me on to other themes that reveal the real-world relevance of the creative sphere. In Tomorrow’s Arts (from page 76), we speak to two schools that are immersed in the future possibilities new technologies bring to self-expression. We also speak to academic Natasha Evans about her research project

Our Parents’ Guide to State Boarding Schools (from page 98) covers some of the great institutions up and down the country that provide education within the state system, so that parents only pay for the boarding element. All of them have a long and fascinating history, inspiring associations with the Services and overseas families, and they tend to be in rather stunning locations. If you don’t know about them yet, do read on.





What’s going on in the world of education


St Dunstan's held a joint concert with the Royal British Legion to raise vital funds



Hurtwood House is living proof that creative and academic pursuits lead to brilliant outcomes


Wellington College reflects on the forthcoming anniversary of its move to co-education



Schools share their strategies for building confidence and connections in young learners


Beanotown's Hugh Raine on the enduring brilliance of comics


Simon Packham's new novel explores moving up to Senior



Two schools discuss their forward-thinking approach to technology and the arts


A research project exploring how fresh thinking might help excluded young people


Slindon College discusses its 'learning energy' approach to helping students focus


How to support a gifted and talented child


We round up star schools around the country o ering state boarding provision


Your education questions answered

Sixth form


A gap year with a cultural edge


Why Reed's asks for honest student feedback

Up Front


Feltonfl eet Prep pupil Sophia Samonas secured Gold in the 100m butterfl y at the ESSA Surrey Schools Championships, breaking the Surrey record with a time that puts her second nationally for her age group and within 0.1 seconds of top slot. Alongside the ESSA Gold, Sophia achieved three further podium fi nishes.

“Sophia Samonas achieved a time in 100m butterfly that puts her second nationally in her age group”

Poetry pleaser

Roger McGough is chair of judges for the children’s CLiPPA, (CLPE Poetry Award), taking place in June. As chair a decade ago he criticised the lack of children’s poetry, but now it is thriving and 20 publishers have submitted new collections. Others on the judging panel include Matt Goodfellow (pictured), award winner in 2024 for The Final Year

New partnership


Rugby School Nigeria will open on a purpose-built campus in Lagos’ Eko Atlantic City this September, initially as a sixth form and with day and boarding pupils from age 11 joining from September 2026. The founding Principal is Dr Adam England, previously lead at Ecole International Ruban Vert in Gabon.


Headington Rye Oxford brought F. Scott Fitzgerald’s iconic JazzAge novel The Great Gatsby to the stage, delivering four soldout performances. There were over 70 pupils involved in cast and crew, with over 50 of those joining the cast. Choreography, live music and direction were also provided by pupils.

Heathfield School, Ascot has announced a merger with Mill Hill Education Group, to be completed in September.

“This partnership opens up enhanced opportunities for our students, families, and staff,” says Headteacher Sarah Rollings. Heathfield has appointed Jonathan Williams as Head Designate, taking on the role from September.

“Art is a way to express yourself, and it’s a way to show your truth. I believe in the transformative power of creativity”

The voice

An oracy workshop at Berkhamsted School saw Year 12 students mentor Year 6 pupils about the power of their voice. First Year 12s had a session with an external speech coach and then they put their newfound skills to the test running the sessions. Last autumn the Oracy Commission called for oracy to become the ‘fourth R’ of education.

Talent scout

Malvern College’s new Director of Music aims to “unlock the potential” of pupils who don’t have formal lessons. James Ramm has introduced ‘live lounge’ sessions at the school cafe. There’s a new House Band and all-girls’ jazz band. He’s also spearheading an outreach programme for local preps.


St Dunstan’s Education Group and St Christopher’s The Hall merged in January. The schools have been neighbours for many years and Head of St Dunstan’s Education Group Nick Hewlett says: “I am delighted to be welcoming another school into our group of like-minded and highly successful schools in south-east London”.


Wymondham College U14 touch rugby team enjoyed the hallowed ground of Twickenham, a er winning the England Touch 2 Twickenham competition. The prize was to play rugby in front of the 80,000 crowd before the England vs South Africa game. Students also carried the England banner on to the pitch.



Louise Jackson takes on the role of Principal of ArtsEd, Chiswick in July, bringing experience across diverse educational and performing arts institutions, including BIMM University, Trinity Laban and the University of Chichester. ArtsEd offers an academic and arts education to students aged 11-18.

“Investing in a child is ultimately an investment in our future societal health and happiness”




Stephen Perse Cambridge student Eva, 13, has been selected to join Archery GB’s Youth National Talent Development Programme. She discovered the sport, aged 7, while on holiday and joined a local club, training three times a week and at weekends. The programme includes residential training camps, one-to-one coaching and strength and conditioning sessions.

Talk time

Three IB Diploma students at St Clare’s, Oxford hosted a TEDx evening of talks with the theme ‘Questioning the Norm’. Tina Tafur, Amelia Griffith and Ava May Simon selected student speakers with topics ranging from the importance of saying ‘no’ to how maths could solve global challenges. The videos are on TEDx Talks’ YouTube channel.


Keep Britain Tidy, which runs Eco-Schools and Eco-Schools for Early Years, is hosting the Great British Spring Clean campaign from now until 6th April. The annual event has inspired litter pickers young and old to remove more than half-a-million wheelie bins’ worth of rubbish from beaches, parks and streets since it began in 2016. Pledge to pick at keepbritaintidy.org


Godstowe is marking its 125th birthday with an Anniversary Gala Concert at the Wycombe Swan theatre. Children from Nursery to Year 8 will perform and the concert includes a choir of parents, alumni and staff, led by soprano Natasha Marsh. An orchestra of parents and pupils will perform Beethoven’s Fi h.

New Head

Rishi Boyjoonauth is Head of Rosemead Prep and Nursery from September. He was most recently Head of Prep at Farringtons and has also led an academy in Kent. His background encompasses teaching at university level and leading on improvement for a multi-academy trust.

Top Story



Ballard School’s Guys and Dolls was a huge hit with its audience, recreating 1930s New York with gangsters, molls and the Salvation Army. The cast and crew had been inspired by their trip to London’s Bridge Theatre, to see Nicholas Hytner’s acclaimed production and threw themselves into putting on a spectacular show. Next up in May is The Lion King Jnr

Dulwich College Junior School’s ‘Marvellous Mysteries and Clever Crimes’ Book Week had everyone on the case, with a Dress Up Day and code-cracking challenges. Over 1,000 books were donated to The Children’s Book Project and ‘Drop Everything and Read’ meant the school was silent for a full 10 minutes every day.



International School of London (ISL) has extended its Forest School programme into secondary years, working in combination with the Design department. As with primary settings, this uses an experiential approach in a Natural Pathways curriculum, and with hands-on activities to explore design concepts in an intuitive way.


Concord College students celebrated a double win in the Imperial College Science in Medicine competition. Teams from Concord won both the Heart Category with their ‘Optogenetic Pacemaker’ project and the Lung Category with the ‘Air Patch’, which is designed to help with asthma care.

International award

Streatham & Clapham High School has received a British Council award for the international dimension in its curriculum. It features cultural exchanges with global schools, where pupils celebrate the heritage in the student and staff body.


Wrekin College in Shropshire will convert Lancaster House to a co-ed setting from September, also moving it to a new site at the heart of the campus. This day House for children aged 11-13 will be designed to encourage collaboration and friendships. The co-ed idea was suggested originally by a former Head Boy and Head Girl.

Writing talent

Pulan, a pupil at The Roche School in Wandsworth, has won an annual children’s story competition for Loki , a tale about kindness – also receiving a signed copy of David Almond’s Skellig. Her story was covered on BBC News when she generously donated her book token prize to the school’s library.

Star rising

Former Harrogate Ladies’ College student Lee Braithwaite is making waves a er appearing with Andrew Garfi eld and Florence Pugh in the fi lm We Live in Time as Jade, a commis-chef partnering Pugh’s character in a cooking competition. Braithwaite (foreground, right), who starred in many Harrogate Ladies’ productions, graduated from LAMDA in 2023.


St Albans School Year 12 pupil Ava Davies competed with the Senior GB fencing squad, at an international Senior Grand Prix fencing tournament in Tunisia in January. The youngest member of the British fencing squad, she competed alongside 250 elite fencers from across the globe. “Training with them and fencing them was such an incredible experience,” she says.


COLLEGE in concert


Dunstan’s College

hosted a joint charity concert with the Central Band of the Royal British Legion

Ajoint charity concert brought together St Dunstan’s College Corps of Drums and the Central Band of the Royal British Legion. The concert, held in the magnificent Great Hall of St Dunstan’s College in early February, saw talented musicians deliver outstanding music to support the vital work of the Royal British Legion.

“Thanks to the incredible generosity of attendees and supporters, we are delighted to announce that the concert raised an amazing £1,255.22 for the Royal British Legion,” said Major Richard Davies after the event. “These

funds will go towards supporting veterans, serving personnel and their families.”

The Corps of Drums were warmly congratulated by Major Davies for their performance, which he described as showcasing both dedication and musical talent. He also extended his sincere thanks to all members of the Royal British Legion Band and the CCF sta for their vital role in supporting the event. “The evening was made even more special under the baton of Captain David Cole OBE, RVO, whose expertise and leadership elevated the musical experience,” he added.

“Following the success of the concert, there are now plans to make this an annual event at the College. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to making the evening so memorable.”

This spring, St Dunstan’s Corps of Drums, along with the College’s CCF, will travel to Ypres, Belgium, to take part in the Last Post Ceremony held every day under the Menin Gate. During World War 1, more than 877 Dunstonians served in the Forces and St Dunstan’s su ered one of the highest percentage losses of any school in the country, numbering 277 students and teachers.

Last October, its Corps of Drums also participated in the prestigious Lord Mayor’s Music Competition in the Guildhall Yard, delivering a standout performance in the face of strong competition.

St Dunstan’s College Corps of Drums
The Royal British Legion’s Central Band delivered a fundraising concert of outstanding music



How Hurtwood House delivers exceptional arts opportunities and academic rigour

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A CREATIVE journey

Hurtwood House was designed as a sixth form where young people could spread their wings creatively and academically – an inspired approach to growing minds that has remained successful down the years. Absolutely Education finds out more


When Hurtwood House describes itself as the most exciting school in England, it is statement of intent. It is located in an historic setting in the Surrey Hills, but life is anything but sleepy here. It is a sixth form that draws in students from far and wide for twin strengths – a rigorous academic framework plus exceptional creative opportunities.

Hurtwood is the place where, when they put on a show, they bring in a show band, professional theatre hands and run to a full house for ten nights (and you'd better be quick buying tickets). The productions are, with good reason, legendary, drawing talent scouts and agents down from London, plus a local crowd who can boast that the West End experience comes to them.

This is not a performing arts school, although its alumni roll call is testament to the fact it has nurtured some luminous talents, for Hurtwood is a high-achieving sixth form college. In fact, its academic approach and great A-level results (85.6% A*-B last year) make it a notable player among independents. And this is, it's important to remember, a school that welcomes a range of students –from the Oxbridge highflyers to the much less academically minded. At Hurtwood, the most important thing they look for at interview is attitude and enthusiasm, and a willingness to get stuck in to a very busy school life.

Every student is told at interview about the high expectations. "I talk

about challenging them, and I promise them that they will be asked to work harder and commit more than they have ever committed in their lives," says Headmaster Cosmo Jackson. All this is set against a background of informality, with no prefects, matrons or the like. "On one hand, we're jeans and hoodies, we look informal and we're on first-name terms, but that is balanced with proper rigour."

The proper rigour comes in a grading system that lets no one slip on their academics, and it has been embedded in Hurtwood's approach right from the start in 1970. The school remains family owned and – with three generations of Jacksons involved – there’s both a sense of continuity and strong values.

Founder Richard Jackson – father of Cosmo Jackson – can describe exactly why he came up with the idea for a sixth form that did things very di erently.

"One important aspect of the school to me was that parents didn't get a report at the end of term which said: 'another wasted term'," he says. "This has been a hallmark of Hurtwood ever since. Although all schools have a grading system, ours operates on a weekly basis. And at the end of every week all the teachers assemble to discuss the progress of those students we're not too happy with. So, on Monday evening, the personal tutor will sit down with the student and make sure they are put back on the rails and set sail again for another week."

While that might sound tortuous for students who have fallen o the rails, in practice it's welcomed because it's not a punitive system but a positive one. Every student has the reassurance of knowing exactly where they are academically all the time. "This is a comfort for those people that are doing well, and it really helps those people who are liable to slip," says Richard Jackson. "They can slip, but they can't slip for more than a week." Parents love it too – not least because it's a transparent system so they can keep a watchful eye.

ABOVE Music concerts are a regular feature of Hurtwood life, all managed around rigorous academic study

For Richard Jackson, the original idea of this grading system was to "add value" to independent education. In fact, adding value was the overriding idea behind Hurtwood House – and that's where the vibrant creative life of the school comes in. While nearly all independent schools have caught on to the wider value of the arts in recent times, this was certainly not so when the school was founded. Richard Jackson had been through the public school system of the 1950s and recalls it as harsh experience. The arts were not encouraged – his school didn't even have Art on the exam syllabus. His school vision was of a kinder and gentler environment. "I wanted to recreate

the cosiness and the warmth of a prep school, to put that back into school life at 16, just when students need it most." He felt strongly that this was the right age for a new adventure, an opportunity for personal growth. "That's what you achieve when you make a break at 16 because it's giving people a chance to express themselves more – and you can run an entirely di erent kind of school."

No prefects, no hierarchies but plenty of warmth and nurturing have been mainstays ever since. There are some 370 students, with the vast majority boarding – and around 90% of those are first-time boarders. Around a third are international. They live in a wonderful

set of historic manor houses and lodges dotted around the beautiful grounds, creating a campus feel. While the atmosphere is informal, there's a clear underlying structure and code of conduct to provide all the right support and give students that bridge between home and university life. "We try to give the students the illusion of adulthood – managed independence. We want them to feel that they are developing into young adults, but we know that they need nurturing at the same time," says Cosmo Jackson.

The nurturing is also there in academic pathways – those all-important decisions on next steps and right courses. "Half of our school is new every year, and half


of our school leaves, so having a proper exit strategy is so important," says Cosmo Jackson. This support starts at admissions, when students are making their A-level choices, and continues once they join. "Our dedicated Life Skills team of three full-time sta meet with students early in their Hurtwood career to introduce them to all the options that are out there, as well as helping them prepare personal statements."

Alongside the Life Skills support, specialist guidance is provided by the Art and Design and Theatre departments for those students looking to head on to drama or art college (90% of Art and Design students pursue that specialist

pathway). In these teaching departments, along with every other at the school, the teams have a wealth of experience garnered from working professionally within their sector. It's another strong hallmark of the academic approach here, where learning is not isolated but underpinned with real-world knowledge.

One reason students choose Hurtwood is the creative outlets, but another is the flexibility on A-level choices. With 22 subject choices, the school is relaxed if students want to combine arts and sciences. Obviously, clear guidance is given where there's a rigid requirement for university courses, but beyond that it's up to students to decide. Students

have also had a lot of say over the years in the subject choices on o er. "The range has been created by the students – we're demand led," says Cosmo Jackson.

A standout strength here is Media – a third of students choose it and Hurtwood has achieved top marks in the world for its Media Studies A-level results over the past two years. "We teach it to industry standards," says Richard Jackson. "That's really attractive to students." Hurtwood Film Academy (HFA), operating as a production company within the school, gives the top 15 students an even faster track into industry, working alongside professional filmmakers. While Hurtwood is firmly convinced of Media Studies'


At a Glance

Hurtwood House


HEAD: Cosmo Jackson






FEES: Boarding £21,752 per term (incl. VAT). Day £14,502 per term (incl. VAT)

ADDRESS: Hurtwood House, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6NU hurtwoodhouse.com

value, some parents still need convincing. "We fight that battle at interview," says Cosmo Jackson. He is able to ease parents' worries somewhat by mentioning the many success stories – including the student they recently sent on to Oxford to read Modern Languages armed with three A levels in French, English and Media Studies.

Students leave here for an increasingly diverse set of destinations these days. A growing cohort is heading for the United States, while choices across Europe are also increasing in popularity. The alumni network is exceptionally strong, and Hurtwood now sees the sons and daughters

(even grandsons and granddaughters) of students who were here in earlier times. While the theatre, rehearsal spaces, studios and technical facilities are more extensive and impressive than they were when Hurtwood opened its doors in 1970, the creative spirit has remained constant.

When you ask why creativity has always been such a feature of Hurtwood life, Cosmo Jackson has an answer. "It's cultural rugby," he says. What he means is that, like a rugby team, a Hurtwood production finds a place for everyone. As an example, on the first day of the spring term, Hurtwood began production of its

extracurricular rock and pop concert. This was a concise project with a fourweek timeline from conception to delivery. "We had 30 songs, 29 with choreography and most had one main singer, four backing singers, seven or eight dancers and ten musicians. It ran for six nights involving around 80 people onstage and 20 backstage, and this was all going on while the students were handing in their coursework and sorting out university applications," says Cosmo Jackson.

"For the majority of people who find us for the performing arts or for media or art and textiles, it's just a sideline. Their

main route will be more traditional, but this is how they indulge their interests over the couple of years of A levels," he adds. That is the real magic of life here, strong academics plus the indulgence of exploring every creative interest. So, Hurtwood House is something di erent, o ering students a golden opportunity to study hard and also act, sing, play and create their way through two actionpacked years. Whatever their future career choice, Hurtwood students will look back on an unforgettable sixth form run.


James Barton, Global Director of MPW, considers what ‘value added’ signifies in a world where tax has been imposed on our independent schools

There’s a peculiar charm to British bureaucracy. It can take something as mundane as Value Added Tax (VAT) and turn it into a philosophical debate about fairness, privilege and the purpose of education. Independent schools now find themselves in the VAT crosshairs, as the government’s decision to remove their tax-exempt status has sent ripples through the sector. To some, this is justice – a long-overdue levelling of a tilted playing field. But amid the applause and outrage, one question lingers: does redistributing resources solve the real issues we face in education?

How do all schools, state and independent alike, use their resources to add real value to students’ lives? And for that, let’s return to the name of this much-debated tax itself. Set aside the ‘T’ (a challenge for HMRC), and we’re left with the heart of the matter: ‘value added’ and what this means in education. It’s not about budgets or rankings but about how schools transform the lives of their students.

For centuries, education wasn’t a numbers game. Medieval grammar schools didn’t chase rankings or collate spreadsheets. They were places of formation, not calibration – focused on instilling discipline and knowledge, even if their methods occasionally leaned into questionable territory (apologies to lefthanded students coerced into writing with their right).

“Value added is not about rankings, but about how schools transform the lives of their students”

Somewhere along the way, we traded formation for calculation. League tables, introduced with great fanfare, promised clarity, but schools were reduced to data points. The problem isn’t the data itself, but how it is often used. Schools can top the rankings through cherry-picked metrics – test scores here, attendance there – but numbers obscure the quieter victories that define education.

Even the Greeks, trailblazers of Western education, would struggle to comprehend our obsession with league tables. While they valued feats like memorising the Iliad, they also understood the importance of nurturing the soul. Plato didn’t rank his students, nor did Aristotle hand out gold stars. Their goal was wisdom, not quantifiable achievement.

The duty to add value applies universally. Independent schools must prove that their resources are tools for transformation. State schools, now described as ‘beneficiaries’ of this tax reform, must ensure that any extra funding they receive

translates into meaningful outcomes. And what about the students themselves? Schools across both state and independent sectors must ask if they are equipping young people to thrive in an ever-changing world. They must also ask if they are nurturing thinkers, creators, and collaborators – qualities that society desperately needs and that no league table can measure. In the end, education is not about privilege or policy, it’s about potential realised – lives changed for the better.

ABOVE MPW students
JAMES BARTON Global Director MPW Group

Talking HEAD


As Wellington College marks its 50th anniversary of turning co-ed, James Dahl celebrates the great benefits of learning within a mixed community

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Wellington College as a co-educational school. In September 1975, eight pioneering and courageous girls entered the Sixth Form to join the 750 boys. This September, our community will be one where the gender balance of the student body and the teaching sta will be 50/50. What a way to celebrate!

Modern Wellington is passionately co-educational and, for me, the benefits of having girls and boys educated together fall into four areas. First, the nuance of discussion and intellectual rigour of the classroom is enriched by the perspectives of both sexes. Whether it’s analysing a Shakespearean sonnet, unpicking a knotty ethical issue in Philosophy & Religion or simply trying to decode a tricky equation in Maths, having the di erent views of all included in the discussion enriches the experience. Some argue that girls are put o STEM subjects in co-educational schools. In Wellington’s current Sixth Form, 60% of girls study Maths and 73% study at least one STEM subject.

Secondly, we believe it is vital during those formative adolescent years for boys and girls to be sitting alongside each other, listening to and learning from the views of everyone. Not only does this make the learning experience deeper and richer, but young people develop understanding and skills they will take into university

“In Wellington’s current Sixth Form, 60% of girls study Maths and 73% study at least one STEM subject”

and the world of work, both of which are – of course – mixed. If part of a modern education is preparing young people for the world of tomorrow, then we must develop within them the ability simply to be with one another in a natural and respectful way.

Thirdly, there are the obvious co-curricular and character benefits. We have both single-sex and mixed sports teams; our school plays and musical theatre productions benefit from cast and crew made up of boys and girls; our regular dance shows feature talent from both sexes. If one of the purposes of

education is to develop essential human skills and traits, then surely young people should be learning to communicate and work in teams where both boys and girls feature?

Fourthly, I love the fact that old-fashioned and outdated gender stereotypes are dismantled every day. At Wellington, some of our best dancers are boys and it was also a boys’ House which – rightly – won this year’s House Singing competition. Similarly, the best footballer currently in the College is a girl who plays alongside boys in the 1st XI, and two of our lead cadets in the Combined Cadet Force (including the gruelling Royal Marines section) are girls. Wellingtonians leave school knowing they can achieve anything in life, regardless of gender or identity.

So, as we head towards September and this landmark occasion in the College’s history, I will be raising a glass to the power of co-education and to all Wellingtonians – girls and boys – who make living and learning together fun, enriching and such a great preparation for the adult world of tomorrow.

ABOVE Wellington College students
JAMES DAHL Master Wellington College

potential UNLOCKED

Jodie Grant of Bredon School, part of the Cavendish Group, on why dyslexia should never be allowed to define a student’s potential or hold them back

As someone who has spent the last decade working with students at Bredon School, I’ve witnessed how dyslexia can be both a challenge and an opportunity for growth. I’ve seen how our dedicated sta help students overcome their struggles and unlock their true potential. Dyslexia should never define a student’s capabilities. With the right support and teaching, young people with dyslexia can achieve incredible things – often in unexpected ways.

Before joining Bredon, I spent a decade in mainstream primary education. With 30 students per class, the pressure was often overwhelming, especially for those with learning di erences like dyslexia. It was heartbreaking to see children fall behind, not due to a lack of intelligence, but because the system wasn’t designed to meet their needs. Here, dyslexia is not viewed as a hindrance but as something to understand and work with. The

school’s philosophy is about providing the right tools, support, and teaching to help learners succeed. We help unlock each student’s potential, regardless of their learning challenges.

While dyslexia may present di culties, such as with reading, spelling, or organisation, it also fosters unique ways of thinking. Many of the students I’ve worked with possess incredible creativity and impressive problem-solving skills. They also possess a level of resilience that traditional learning methods often overlook. We identify their strengths and build on them. And when we find a student’s strengths, success often follows. There’s a palpable sense of relief and confidence for students when they tackle challenges they once feared. I’ve watched students successfully take on tasks like reading aloud, writing essays or solving complex problems – the very things that terrified them. That is the magic of our specialist environment. Giving students the time and space to grow without unrealistic expectations means they are

“We let students know that they are valued for what they can do, not judged by what they can’t – that makes all the difference”

not rushed, and nor are they forced into a ‘one-size-fits-all’ mould.

Success doesn’t come without hard work. Dyslexia is a lifelong challenge, but at Bredon, we provide the support to help them push through those barriers. We acknowledge that their dyslexia can make learning harder, but we also emphasise that it’s not a reason to give up. With the right strategies, our students can and do achieve academic success – whether it’s excelling in GCSEs or pursuing a fulfilling career.

The close-knit relationships among students, teachers and families create an environment of support and that makes all the di erence to outcomes. Our students are treated as individuals with unique strengths and weaknesses, and they have the ability to thrive in a place that values their potential.

Dyslexia should never be feared. While it presents challenges, it also o ers opportunities to excel. Here, we let students know that they are valued for what they can do, not judged by what they can’t – that makes all the di erence. As one parent told us: ‘Our daughter was broken before she came to Bredon... We’ve got our old daughter back. I’m just so grateful to the school for giving her the opportunity and the chance to be herself. That’s what it’s all about. It’s about being able to be yourself’.

ABOVE Bredon School students with Jodie Grant


Scotland o ers the best of British education, and with beautiful surroundings and its own distinctive traditions, says Peter Richardson, the Head of Loretto School in Edinburgh

For those considering an international education, British schools are incredibly appealing. The education system is widely regarded as one of the best in the world, with high academic standards and a comprehensive curriculum. It’s natural to be drawn to independent schools located in England, perhaps viewing these as quintessentially British. However, by expanding the search slightly further to include Scotland, your child can experience the best of British, in addition to Scotland’s unique heritage, and the prestige of an education within the UK.

Having moved to the United Kingdom 20 years ago from my native South Africa, spending 12 of those in Scotland and working in independent schools throughout this time, I like to think I’m well versed in the country, in terms of both education and culture. While Scotland has its own exam board,

several schools elect to follow the English examination system – Loretto being one of them. This system presents students with greater choice and flexibility, and the chance to study at a level that suits them, whether BTEC, GCSE, or A Level, translating to academic excellence and the development of interests.

These qualifications are held in high esteem globally and symbolise the exceptional achievements of students. This is especially evident as students embark on life after school – each year, our leavers are presented with a wealth of opportunities, both within the UK and internationally. In an increasingly competitive world, holding highly valued qualifications proves to be of the utmost importance.

Scotland has a diverse landscape, with beaches, lochs, and dramatic mountains inspiring all who lay their eyes upon them. In addition to being undeniably beautiful, research suggests that access

to the outdoors is advantageous to the wellbeing, development, and educational attainment of young people.

Increasingly, independent schools are expanding their outdoor learning provisions, taking advantage of all that the natural environment has to o er. Being a relatively small country means that you’re never too far from the hustle and bustle of fantastic cities steeped in history, stunning architecture, and culture. Scotland hosts a variety of musical, arts, and sporting events. Every summer, there are eight festivals that take place in Edinburgh alone, including the world’s largest arts festival, The Fringe. Having a balance between these two environments can be incredibly positive for young people. They can appreciate the serenity of the countryside and peace of mind that this brings, while city trips stir excitement and fuel curiosity. For students in Scotland, the best of both worlds is very much a reality – and an accessible one at that.

RIGHT Students at Loretto School, Edinburgh

The country’s traditions are as beautiful as its locations. Days of celebration – including Burns Night and Hogmanay, ceilidhs soundtracked by the distinctive sound of the bagpipes, and culinary delights – all add to the excitement of studying in Scotland. So, proud of the nation’s heritage, schools today immerse their students in special events to give them a deeper understanding of the country. This proves key to the integration of international students into their new home.

Despite this strong sense of patriotism, the Scots’ ability to embrace other cultures is not inhibited – rather the opposite. Scotland is known for embracing individuals from all backgrounds, appreciating the vibrancy that this brings, and Loretto is no di erent. We warmly welcome 25 nationalities, representing the makeup of the country and giving students a global perspective that opens them up to the opportunities of the modern world.

For students with a passion for movement, there really is no greater place to study. Independent schools o er varied sports programmes, whether as part of the curriculum or as co-curricular activities. This includes sports that were invented and developed in Scotland. Perhaps most well-known are the country’s ties to golf, with the game being established here in the Middle Ages. With over 500 courses around the country, golfers are spoilt for choice.

To make the most of this fantastic o ering and play to the best of their abilities, young people require excellent training facilities. That’s why we established the first Golf Performance Centre within an independent school in 2002.

Our students are coached by five experienced PGA professionals within innovative facilities and enjoy proximity to

some of the finest courses along Scotland’s Golf Coast – a winning combination that results in outstanding players. Whichever sport your child is passionate about, Scotland is not short of schools with the means and opportunities for them to flourish.

Throughout history, Scotland has been at the forefront of technology and innovation. From the ATM to the telephone, several inventions that revolutionised the world have their roots here.

Our independent schools combine tradition with modernity, encouraging creative thinking, while still giving students the experience of an education within a British institution. Great minds are made in Scotland – your child could be next.

RIGHT Loretto School’s Peter Richardson

Nurturing SUCCESS

Berkshire co-ed Crosfields on why its all-through education is a nurturing choice that helps children flourish

As an all-through school, Crosfields o ers a stable and nurturing environment where young people learn and flourish. With more than 700 pupils from age 3 to 16, our co-educational culture supports children from the moment they join us, helping them to develop a love of learning and key skills for life.

There are a number of benefits when a child stays at one school, not least continuity of care. Remaining at Crosfields all the way from Pre-Prep through the Senior years means that our dedicated teaching team develop a deep understanding of a child’s educational needs. This enables us to o er a more personalised approach – we tailor our teaching to ensure every pupil is supported, valued and can achieve their full potential.

By working with young people from early childhood to their teenage years, we can identify and nurture individual passions and talents, while also identifying and providing extra support in any areas that they find more challenging. This in-depth knowledge of our pupils also leads to enhanced pastoral care. Any significant early life events or personal di culties are picked up on and understood. And, in getting to know each individual’s personality and background, we also provide the best opportunities to enhance happiness and wellbeing and develop the resilience needed for life in and beyond school.

Our House system at Crosfields, which starts at Reception, provides an extra level of pastoral support and care. Our school Houses foster personal growth and promote community, also building friendships and connections across di erent year groups. From Year 4, Heads of Houses work with

“Our all-through model gives our pupils the skills and confidence to thrive, both academically and personally”

Form Tutors to monitor the wellbeing of pupils and provide any extra support needed.

The shared campus at Crosfields gives younger pupils the use of facilities that they would not usually enjoy at primary level. Access to specialist teaching starts right from Nursery, where our children are o ered ballet, music, French and swimming lessons. Our skilled subject-specialist teachers help the children to hone skills from an early age. Our Junior pupils then benefit from use of the sports centre, pitches, computer suite and labs – state-of-the-art facilities that many young people wouldn’t encounter until secondary level or beyond.

At Crosfields, we are committed to empowering each individual in our care, and our all-through model gives children the skills and confidence to thrive, both academically and personally. Our pupils enjoy the sense of continuity and community that comes from growing through the school, developing their skills and interests, and with the reassurance of being known and valued for who they are.


School life at Crosfields in Berkshire

Opening minds at Sydenham High School See Page 42


How do we ensure that young children become agile learners, making connections between subjects, developing an open and enquiring mind and approaching challenges in a creative and hands-on way. Four top preps deliver their insights

Wycli e Prep School pupils

Wycli e College

Wycli e is a member of the Round Square network – a global community of over 250 schools in 50 countries – and this means a whole-school approach that goes far beyond the traditional curriculum. “Education isn’t just about mastering literacy and numeracy. It’s about equipping pupils with the skills, experiences, and confidence they need to thrive in an ever-changing world,” says Wycli e Prep School Head Helena Grant Pupils connect with peers worldwide, fostering inter-cultural understanding and intellectual curiosity. “Our youngest pupils participate in international ‘show and tells’, while Year 8 pupils recently hosted an online conference with over 100 pupils worldwide, discussing complex themes such as how conflict can lead to peace.” Deputy Head Academic Andrew Stone adds that these inter-cultural links take children far beyond factual learning – building empathy, global awareness and understanding of di erent perspectives.

Wycli e also cultivates essential workplace skills, using approaches such as experiential learning and real-world challenge. “Employers are looking for young people who are able to collaborate, communicate and have the resilience to stick to something when the going is tough,” says Andrew Stone. “The emotional and confidence boost which comes from a pupil putting themselves out of their comfort zone and testing the waters of what they are able to achieve is powerful,” adds Senior Deputy Head Richard Lee.

Wycli e Prep’s Discovery Programme makes full use of this approach, collapsing the traditional timetable to explore cross-curricular themes such as the

“Our youngest pupils participate in international ‘show and tells’, while Year 8 recently hosted an online conference with over 100 pupils worldwide”

intersection of philosophy and art. Pupils take on leadership roles as Baraza Leaders, ensuring every voice is heard in group discussions. Engaging in big debates on topics such as policing the dark web and the ethics of social media provide invaluable oracy, critical thinking, and public speaking experience – and encourage listening skills. Wycli e pupils also develop communication in other ways, for instance by navigating digital platforms such as Zoom and Teams to connect with peers from schools as far afield as Brazil, Hong Kong India, and Kenya. “Through Round Square opportunities, we put our pupils in situations where they have to facilitate a conversation, listen to opposing views and then develop their own response, says Helena Grant. “These skills are nuanced and need practice.”

In a world flooded with information, the ability to ask salient questions is more critical than ever. Wycli e nurture this culture of investigation from earliest years, preparing its pupils to not only absorb information but also critically evaluate it.

Pupil-led experiences are critical to this, while external speakers with inspiring and exciting jobs help spark curiosity and questioning – showing where knowledge can take you. “Wycli e’s approach to education is not just about teaching facts, it’s about inspiring futures,” says Helena Grant.

Sarum Hall School

The team at Sarum Hall see integrating literacy as an essential starting point for navigating today’s information-rich world.

“The challenge is to equip pupils with the skills to navigate and thrive in this complex landscape by embedding reading and writing in every subject,” says Chen Lee, Deputy Head (Academic and Innovation).

Maths is another area which is embedded across subjects. “We carefully structure the curriculum to broaden mathematical understanding into realworld contexts,” adds Chen Lee.

Sarum Hall o ers diverse and exciting extracurricular clubs to support academic

ABOVE Sarum Hall School Digital Leaders team with Deputy Head Chen Lee

and creative learning. Workshops and trips are regular events, while guest speakers include scientists, explorers and industry professionals – all helping to broaden outlooks. “We also organise internal and inter-school debating competitions, where pupils refine their ability to construct arguments, analyse di erent viewpoints, and articulate their ideas.” Leadership is central to school life, and the prep’s Digital Leaders take on the role of educating and empowering peers to use the internet safely and responsibly. Similarly, the Eco Team leads on initiatives to promote sustainable approaches.

Themed days and weeks immerse pupils in interdisciplinary learning, while recently introduced Learning Skills mornings develop teamwork, resilience, and analytical thinking through activities such as escape room-style problem-solving tasks and creative construction projects. Balancing technology with traditional learning methods is a challenge for all schools, but at Sarum Hall they take a fluid approach. “We try to seamlessly integrate it into all our subjects,” says Chen Lee. “We encourage blended learning approaches, where digital resources complement hands-on activities, group discussions, and written work. Pupils might research online, but they also critically evaluate sources, participate in debates, and present findings through presentations.”

Every pupil here from Year 2 to Year 6 is equipped with a personal device to help them collaborate, research, and engage with multimedia learning across all subjects. In Art and Design, for example, these devices allow pupils to research artistic movements and techniques, experiment with digital illustration and graphic design software and create digital portfolios.

Pupils are encouraged to share their passions and talents through performances, and presentations, including leading assemblies. The School Council also plays a significant role, giving pupils a voice in decisions such as which charities to support through fundraising.

“Our pupil librarians play a key role in guiding other pupils towards books, articles, and digital resources that enrich their learning and research skills,” says Chen Lee.

Sarum Hall has embedded six core learning skills across the curriculum to boost agile approaches to learning and collaborating. “Whether tackling STEMrelated problem-solving challenges or collaborating on creative design projects, pupils have the opportunity to develop resilience, teamwork, and analytical thinking in dynamic, hands-on ways.”

Moor Park School

At Moor Park School in Shropshire, there’s a focus on developing flexible and creative minds, incorporating excellent music teaching and learning outside in nature.

“Music and outdoor learning unlock creativity, teamwork, and resilience – skills crucial for thriving in a tech-driven world,”

“In a world where information is everywhere, we focus not just on what our girls learn, but how they think”

says Moor Park Head James Du eld.

He and his team are inspired by the findings of a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience which suggested that music, not coding, is the secret to brain development in children. Individual instrument lessons, taught by specialists and tailored to the age of the child, are available to all. These cover the full orchestra, as well as piano, singing, music theory, guitar and drums. The morning daily chapel service is, says James Du eld, also a favourite of many pupils – o ering a chance to sing and reflect before the school day. Moor Park has at least four choirs running at any one time, meaning every child has a chance to enjoy the dynamic experience of making music with others.

While core school subjects are traditionally taught within the confines of a classroom, Moor Park creates opportunities for outdoor lessons wherever possible. Aside from the many and varied health benefits, teachers notice a tangible impact in behaviour – with communication, concentration, resilience and problemsolving skills all boosted.

“Children aren’t meant to sit at a desk for hours on end – they need to move, they need space, and they need unstructured activities for creative learning and spontaneous play,” says James Du eld. “Aside from sports and break times, we are now increasingly taking

ABOVE Outdoor learning at Moor Park School

lessons outdoors in more formal subjects where children can fully explore concepts as wide-ranging as fractions, map skills, area, patterns, weather and the joy of speaking poetry out loud from a stage in the woods.”

The approach shapes lessons across STEM subjects. “We now treat the outdoors like an extension to our classroom,” says Head of Science Katie Donaldson. “For example, recently we have sequenced electricity production, made paper airplanes and looked at how far apart objects need to be for a total eclipse – all in the grounds of the school.”

A dedicated Outdoor Education Programme is now woven through the curriculum from Early Years to Year 8 and a new Forest School area gives children mind-broadening opportunities, also allowing them to naturally assess and manage risk. Another side benefit of exposure to nature is that it supports di erent learning styles and taps into children’s natural energy and desire for exploration. The Moor Park team also say it’s a great motivator for children who struggle to sit still for too long. “They thrive outdoors in a more inclusive and engaging setting where their movement is less restricted,” says teacher and programme Leader Glyn Harrhy. “And many children are visual learners – taking a theory outdoors allows us to take that concept and make it real for them.”


Sydenham High Prep pupils

Sydenham High School

At Sydenham High Prep, the team agree with the François Rabelais statement that: ‘a child is a fire to be lit, not a vase to be filled’. The focus, then, is not just on what girls learn but on how they approach their learning journey.

“Children are naturally absorbent and soak up learning like sponges, but we always encourage our girls to ‘plunge’ in deeper and completely immerse themselves in the magic of learning,” says Head of the Prep School Gillian Panton. “In a world where information is everywhere, we focus not just on what our girls learn, but how they think – nurturing open minds and future innovators.”

From programming a personal fitness tracker in DT to transforming natural pigments into Palaeolithic-inspired art, exploring is encouraged to help children make bigger connections. The team know that a history lesson might lead to a debate about modern engineering, and a school trip could spark a lifelong fascination with archaeology. “When education feels like an exciting quest, curiosity becomes second nature,” says Gillian Panton.

Making space for o beat pursuits is important, say the team, since there could be a spark in there just waiting to be kindled. Children are strongly encouraged to follow their interests and passions and then helped to see the connections between skills and subjects. “When a girl becomes an ‘expert’ in something she loves, we give her the tools and support her to delve deeper, enriching her learning journey and giving her the confidence to explore,” says Gillian Panton. “There are over 100 clubs running at the school each week to help grow passions and skills while having fun with friends.

There’s a big emphasis on the art of asking questions here – digging deeper to uncover knowledge and then connect findings to much broader ideas. “True learning happens when pupils connect ideas, think critically, and learn to navigate the vast world of information with confidence and curiosity,” says Gillian Panton, “We prepare our pupils for a future where they can make meaningful connections between the things they learn, the passions they pursue, and the world they will one day shape.”

Talking HEAD


The Head of Edge Grove Prep in Hertfordshire on recognising the individuality and character of each child to foster confident learners

The fast-paced, digitally driven world of today presents a very di erent space within which to educate children. Yet despite the evolution of technology and its daily influence on the lives of children, most schools continue to strive to deliver on a mantra that focuses on educating and developing the individual. Sadly, the stark reality is that such ideals can all too easily get lost amid the busy and process-led world of the school day. So, how do we navigate around the daily distractions and cut through the noise to ensure a more focused and child-directed approach?

One of the strategies our school has adopted to ensure children are placed at the centre of everything is a daily philosophy of ‘knowing and growing’. This is all about personalising the learning experience. It is a simple but essential

“A spotlight opportunity allows a child to feel recognised for something they have done, no matter how small”

strategy that requires us to set out each day to identify the personality of every child in school. Part of this approach is also about delivering the right social and emotional support – recognising the struggles, the insecurities, the anxieties –experienced in a unique way by each child. This is where the extended family dynamic that exists between school and

home becomes so crucial. Teachers need to glean as much insight from parents and their children as possible. It is an approach that requires the development of close relationships, building bonds of trust and working together to bridge any gaps.

In practice, teachers also need uninterrupted time with every child in their care even if, during a busy and sometimes unpredictable school day, this can sometimes be a challenge.

A flexible approach to the learning environment is an important consideration. In particular, setting aside the time to regularly sit quietly with a class in order to really get to know each child takes a lot of careful planning but it is well worth the investment – discovering and tapping into those all-important connection points

One strategy to make connections in the classroom is celebrating diversity. Another is finding and highlighting

those little spotlight opportunities for every child during the course of the school week. A spotlight opportunity is a moment that allows a child to feel recognised for something they have done, no matter how small. If a child leaves school feeling special – feeling that they have made a di erence or had an impact – they will carry this positive experience with them.

Every child should be recognised and celebrated for who they are and, in a prep school environment, this is an essential foundational feature that helps to safeguard their future development. Our purpose as a school is to help children reach their full potential, whatever that might look like. By implementing daily strategies, schools such as Edge Grove bring the love of learning to life –creating a more personalised environment where children can flourish and become engaged, confident and successful learners.

ABOVE Pupils and sta at Edge Grove Prep School
RICHARD STANLEY Head Edge Grove Prep School


Tom Quilter discusses why kindness and good mental health go hand in hand and both sit at the centre of life at Bickley Park School

What do you want to be when you grow up?’ ‘Kind,’ said the boy.”

There are a number of reasons why this is one of my favourite quotes from author Charlie Mackesy – as the Head of a school, but perhaps even more so as a parent. What do we wish for most for our children and their futures? It is never great wealth or success that comes to mind, but for them to be happy and kind. That is what I want for my children, and for all those here at Bickley Park School. With that in mind, it comes as no surprise that ‘Kindness’ was chosen as the Children’s Word of the Year 2024 according to publisher Oxford University Press. It is clearly something children all value and something they aspire to. The research also revealed that of the 61% of children who chose ‘kindness’, many associated the

word with mental health. For me, these two terms are inextricably linked, with people increasingly being aware that kindness has the power to benefit our own mental health and that of others around us.

Kindness then, quite rightly, is at the centre of all we do in school. It is in the classrooms and corridors, on the pitches and in the science labs. It is in the Bickley Park School DNA and in the values that we encourage our children to live their lives by. Our annual Kindness and Mental Health Week provides a welcome focus, as we develop a better understanding of what ‘good mental health’ looks like and help to remove any stigma felt when discussing this important topic.

It has given us the opportunity to help our children develop the confidence and vocabulary to discuss mental health,

“In addition to our focus on kindness, we also seek to teach the children about the importance of service – of giving back”

consider the perspective of others and nurture empathy through acts of kindness within the school and wider community.

In addition to our focus on kindness, we also seek to teach the children about the importance of service – of giving back. We teach them about their place in the community and the importance of considering others.

We feel extremely lucky to be able to provide Bickley children with wonderful opportunities for community collaboration, diverse thinking and innovative ways of connecting with those around them.

These include our Nursery children spending time at local care homes, our regular collaborations with other local schools and our support for projects that help families and people who live alone within our community.

These are just some of the initiatives we have taken part in to help develop our children’s empathy so they recognise the importance of helping others.

A recent thank you from one of our care home contacts referred to the children helping to ‘raise everyone’s spirits’. This was wonderful to hear and just one example of a connection in our community helping to benefit everyone’s mental health.

I am very lucky to see kindness in action every day at Bickley, where our values (Be Kind, Persevere, Succeed) are so much more than words displayed on a wall. They are embedded in everything we do, and in all the young people who attend our school.

TOM QUILTER Headmaster Bickley Park School
Bickley Park School pupils

MAGICAL freedoms

Kent day and boarding prep Northbourne Park School on how real-world freedoms bring magic back to childhood learning

In his influential book, The Anxious Generation, Jonathan Haidt argues that there is a direct correlation between smartphones and the mental health crisis in our young people. A magical childhood – with the freedom to explore, imagine, create, and dream – can seem increasingly di cult to achieve in our world dominated by screens.

Yet we know that unstructured play and the opportunity to discover the world around are vital in formative years. Children become more confident and resilient – and better equipped to handle challenges. They are also generally healthier, both physically and mentally.

Allowing children to have a proper childhood is integral to the ethos at Northbourne Park School in Deal, Kent. “Our commitment to both participation and excellence in sport, performing and creative arts and the academics – and our gold

standard outdoor education – are a huge part of what creates the magic of Northbourne,” says Headteacher Mark Hammond. One enabler of this magic is a clear policy on screen time. “We maintain a phone-free environment for our day pupils, and limit the boarders’ use to twice per week. Parents and pupils are hugely supportive of our policies, which ensure that children are not only safe, but also engage in real, meaningful experiences with each other,” adds Mark Hammond. Northbourne is a small school, with only one class per year, so pupils get lots of teacher support, and younger children also get to mix with older year groups –this helps to develop their confidence. Numerous studies have shown that unstructured play is essential for social and emotional development. It’s through play that we learn to navigate social dynamics, develop independence and connect with the natural world – and this play time is a

“Every day pupils pull on their waterproofs and head to the woods to play”

key part of daily life at Northbourne Park. “Every day you will see pupils pull on their waterproofs and overalls and head into the woods to play,” says Mark Hammond.

From building dens to learning to identify plants and animals, the school’s magical woodland setting and enchanting historic estate give countless opportunities to experience the magic of outdoors and learn to take managed risks, such as climbing trees, with the support of educators.

Outdoor play supports increased concentration and decreased stress, boosting performance in academic tasks. Pupils return to the classroom ready to tackle challenges with confidence. The positive impact on academic results can easily be seen at Northbourne Park.

“The number of children achieving their Early Learning Goals at the end of Reception, passing the Kent Test at 11 or indeed passing Common Entrance at 13, compares very favourably with local and national averages,” says Mark Hammond. “Every year we see children excel – at the same time as being healthy and happy at school.”


Northbourne Park pupils enjoy play and learning outdoors, boosting confidence in the classroom



While co-education is on the rise, single sex schools are still thriving. We talk to two of them about the secrets of success

The UK’s independent schools have been in constant evolution, but one of the biggest shifts has been to co-education. The arguments are so well known they don’t need reprising, but some schools remain single sex and very popular. Simon Barber, Head of Ludgrove School – with the distinction of remaining a full-boarding prep for boys – says the discussion about single sex schools doesn’t feature when prospective parents visit. “It very, very

rarely comes into conversation when I’m showing parents around. All they want is the best school for their child.”

Certainly, Ludgrove has star credentials academically, with many of its cohort going on to top seniors – Eton, Harrow, Winchester and Radley figure heavily. The school describes itself as ‘unashamedly ambitious for every boy’. But it talks a lot more about happiness than stellar academics. “There are all sorts of eclectic combinations with schools, but if a school is a really happy place, it’s a great school,” says Simon Barber.

“I run a single sex boarding school now, but I’ve also worked in a mixed prep

school and a mixed secondary school with boarding, and all three schools are very happy places. So while I’m not evangelical about single sex schools, obviously, I am evangelical about having a happy, thriving, successful school and we happen to be one of those.”

Perhaps in the perennial debate over co-ed and single sex, we forget that society has shifted. “There’s so much interaction between families and socialising in holidays,” says Simon Barber. “Our boys have educational partnerships with girls’ schools and socials with girls’ schools – and it’s as if they’ve been friends for life.” Families visit at weekends and

BELOW Life at Ludgrove is about learning and lots of fun

sisters are so much a part of the school ‘furniture’ that Ludgrove even o ers a weekend craft club for those who can’t be bothered to get muddy on the sidelines while their brothers play sport. “Sisters are very much part of life here,” says Simon Barber. There’s a homely feel to Ludgrove. The Head’s wife Sophie Barber heads up pastoral care, while Deputy Head Pastoral Jon Pinchin-Hughes and his wife Tory ensure boarding life is cosy and fun – right down to Sunday’s ‘Pinchin Mix’ tuck shop of penny sweets. Simon Barber believes time and space to grow underpins happy childhoods. “What we do well here is grow characters, grow confidence and hopefully grow creativity,” he says. Like Ludgrove, More House has USPs that draw families in. First is its location in the heart of Knightsbridge (Harrods is under 200 metres away). It’s super-convenient for transport connections, with girls travelling here from all over London and beyond. The traditional aesthetics – with woodpanelled walls and mellow red-brick exterior – suggest Edwardian traditions. Not so, for the school was founded in the 1950s. “More House was started by a

group of parents who wanted a better education for their daughters,” says Head Claire Phelps. So, a forwardthinking approach was embedded from the start. Opening first in Kensington, it moved here in the 1970s.

Another draw is More House’s faith-based foundation. “It’s a Catholic school – very much a progressive Catholic school – so within that we have got an incredibly diverse community,” says Claire Phelps. “We have students of all faiths and no faith at all, although we have a Catholic ethos and values which underpin school life.” It is a small school, with individual attention to match – classes of 12-16 are typical and at A level there may be between two and four in a class.

This means teachers know each student’s personality, aspirations and how they learn best. “We have girls applying to Oxford and Cambridge and others who are doing performing arts and digital production in a BTEC – we’ve got that range. Diversity is one of the biggest things we celebrate, and that’s not just in culture but in each student’s aspirations and the journey they are on.”

The makeup of the school is, in her experience, way down the list of

“Diversity is one of the biggest things we celebrate, and that’s not just culture but the students’ aspirations”

parent priorities. “A lot of our parents will look at a group of schools, co-ed and single sex.” While there will always be some who consider that single sex brings academic benefits (for instance, take up of STEM subjects), this sits within a broader set of parameters. “We find that the parents just feel it’s going to be a nurturing and safe environment that will grow self-esteem and confidence – which is particularly important with girls,” she says. “We definitely allow girls to be themselves and not conform, in their subject choices and out of school.”

Like Simon Barber, Claire Phelps says the debate around single sex forgets young people’s life experiences. Today, girls and boys mix freely in so many settings. For instance, many More House students make their way here on public transport. “They have brothers, they go to clubs, and at More House we work with boys’ and co-ed schools – for example through our choir.”

A Pre-Senior opened here last September in direct response to parents’ requests. They said they wanted the option to join from KS2 (Year 5), also neatly avoiding the 11+ hurdle that is such a feature in London education (although More House is also a member of the London 11+ Consortium designed to reduce the entry exam burden).

Claire Phelps believes choice remains critical to independent education and, while most parents are open to a variety of options, all seek the same thing. “Happy children – you can see that when you walk around a school,” she says. “That, for me, is the thing that parents buy into. They want to see a community where children are thriving and feel happy.”

ABOVE More House has an exceptional Knightsbridge location

Welcoming girls and boys from Nursery to Year 1 in September 2025

Talking HEAD


Shelley Lance, Headmistress of Feltonfleet Prep School, on the vital importance of building AI literacy and responsibility from early years

In an era where technology shapes our daily lives, understanding artificial intelligence (AI) has become crucial. As educators, we carry a profound educational and moral responsibility to lead the way in AI literacy. By prioritising this critical aspect of education, we empower our young people to engage thoughtfully and ethically with technology, while also being aware of its limitations and potential risks. Schools have a unique obligation to ensure that young learners not only become informed participants in the AI revolution but also become a generation that respects human dignity and values human intelligence. At Feltonfleet, we strive to harness AI and prepare young people with the skills needed to thrive in a technology-driven society. Integrating AI responsibility into our curriculum is vital for equipping our pupils with a nuanced understanding of technology, allowing them to recognise both its benefits and risks. By fostering pupils’ capacity to navigate AI’s complexities, we are encouraging

“Schools have a unique obligation to ensure that young learners become informed participants in the AI revolution”

them to use it morally, with discernment, and for good and purposeful reasons.

Achieving school-wide AI literacy is a shared goal, one on which our entire school community is aligned. This includes comprehensive sta training, parent workshops, and collaborative discussions with other leading schools and Ed Tech companies. By engaging everyone – from teachers to parents – we aim to cultivate discerning AI citizens who grasp the implications of technology on society. Our approach aims to provoke ethical considerations & debates; facilitate informed decision-making; empower schools & individuals to use AI appropriately and equip us to respond to future developments. Currently, narrow AI is embedded in our adaptive learning programs, enhancing personalised educational experiences. We are also trialling generative AI applications for EAL pupils and those with special educational needs, measuring their impact on learning outcomes. This practical approach not only enriches the curriculum but also prepares pupils for a future where AI will play an integral role in all aspects of their lives.

To further ensure our pupils understand the relationship between human intelligence and AI, we are developing the ‘Intelligences Curriculum’, one that emphasises the importance of both. Ultimately, our goal is to highlight the immense value of the human brain’s metacognitive abilities and emotional intelligence in this evolving landscape. Recognising human intelligence fosters empathy, ethical reasoning, and critical thinking – all are essential for navigating an AI-driven world.

Our role is not simply to teach pupils about AI but to develop their ability to think critically, adapt, and lead in an increasingly automated world. While AI can enhance learning and problem-solving, it is human intelligence – our creativity, empathy, and moral judgment – that will define the future. By cultivating AI literacy alongside these uniquely human strengths, we ensure that our young people grow into responsible innovators. The challenge ahead is for schools and families to work together, helping the next generation harness technology for good while never losing sight of the values that make us human.

ABOVE Shelley Lance with Feltonfleet pupils



Peter O'Connor, Deputy Head Academic of Bishop's Stortford College, on its curriculum designed to ensure a coherent learning journey from early years to sixth form

In a world that demands adaptability, critical thinking and a capacity for lifelong learning, the role of education has never been more pivotal. At Bishop’s Stortford College, our curriculum review project has embarked on a mission to meet this challenge head-on, creating a coherent and progressive learning journey for our pupils aged 3 to 18. Central to this initiative is the adoption

of a spiralised curriculum, a design that builds depth, breadth and connection in learning across the years.

This vision took centre stage during a recent sta development day, which united teaching sta from our Prep and Senior Schools to collaborate on shaping a curriculum that enhances not only knowledge and skills but also values, attitudes and dispositions. The day served as a springboard for fostering a unified

approach to reflect the essence of our allthrough school – a nurturing environment where every stage of a pupil’s educational journey is interconnected.

A spiralised curriculum introduces key concepts and skills at a foundational level, revisiting them with increasing complexity as pupils progress through their education. This structure ensures that learning aligns with cognitive development, consolidates understanding over time, and fosters the

interdisciplinary connections essential for navigating an unpredictable future.

For instance, a concept introduced in early years – such as sustainability – might evolve from simple explorations of recycling to sophisticated debates on environmental ethics and policy in our Sixth Form. By layering knowledge in this way, we equip pupils not just with facts but with the critical thinking skills needed to apply their learning in new and diverse contexts.

All-through schools like Bishop’s Stortford College have a unique advantage in implementing such a curriculum. Seamless transitions between educational stages allow us to map and align learning objectives. Pupils benefit from consistency in teaching approaches, a shared ethos, and a developmental understanding of their needs at every stage.

This approach fosters a sense of continuity and belonging. Young learners can look up to older pupils as role models, while Sixth Formers, in turn, reflect

“Our spiralised curriculum builds depth, breadth and connection in learning across the years”

on their own growth and take pride in mentoring the younger generation. The result is a community where academic achievement is complemented by socialemotional development and a shared commitment to core values.

Taking a holistic view of the curriculum ensures coherence and progression in the development of pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding, as well as fostering the key skills and dispositions that will underpin their success in the future.

Preparing pupils for the modern world is key – a world where adaptability, problemsolving, creativity and ethical decisionmaking are as crucial as academic rigour. Sta need to understand how their subject contributes to building these capacities and how interdisciplinary approaches can enhance learning experiences.

Embedding opportunities for pupils to develop essential dispositions, such as resilience, curiosity and empathy, is vital. Integrating these attributes into daily learning ensures that pupils not only master their subjects but also grow into confident, reflective and well-rounded individuals.

Our development day provided sta at Bishop’s Stortford College with a chance to examine how foundational knowledge and skills can be reinforced and expanded as pupils move through the school. This collective approach has enabled us to better align our teaching strategies

across year groups, creating a seamless and progressive journey for every pupil. Through this collaborative e ort, we are laying the groundwork for a curriculum that equips pupils with the tools to excel academically while also helping them to thrive personally and socially.

The 21st-century workplace is evolving at an unprecedented pace, with technological advancements and global challenges reshaping industries and creating new opportunities. Today’s learners must be equipped with more than academic knowledge – they need the skills to adapt, the courage to innovate, and the resilience to navigate uncertainty.

Our curriculum review is grounded in this reality. By fostering an active and multidimensional approach to learning, we aim to empower our pupils to become lifelong learners and also compassionate and capable contributors to society.

Learning at Bishop’s Stortford College is not a finite process but a transformative journey that extends far beyond the classroom.

As we continue our curriculum journey, we are reminded of the power of education. In fostering a spiralised curriculum, we aim to honour the unique potential of each pupil, guiding them from curiosity-filled childhoods to confident young adulthoods. Together, we prepare them both for the uncertainties of the future and for the possibilities it holds.

Pupils at Bishop's Stortford College
Peter O’ Connor

Monster fun

Beanotown’s Hugh Raine on creating for the comic he loved as a boy, the importance of this art form and really wild fun with Betty and the Yeti

Hugh Raine devoured The Beano as a child, so being admitted to Beanotown as an adult and having the opportunity to delight new generations of children by creating some of its most popular characters and strips is special. “To work for The Beano is a dream come true, it really is.”

He recalls buying the comic whenever his parents let him, and The Bash Street Kids annual was a summer highlight. “I used to look forward to later sunsets because I could go to bed and it would still be light enough to read my annual.”

The passion for comics didn’t abate as he grew, and he got into Marvel alongside the US indie scene. After training in animation – something he says is a great fit thanks to similar storyboard principles – he

began his career as a commercial artist. Then the call came from The Beano, and he’s delivered strips to D.C. Thomson’s Dundee home from his West Yorkshire studio ever since. Nowadays, of course, it’s done digitally, but he says the late great David Sutherland – who drew The Bash Street Kids from 1962 until 2023 – still hand-delivered every strip to the o ce.

One of the comic’s longstanding treasures – Betty and the Yeti – is Raine’s work. He’s the third person to take on this delightful duo over the years and it came about after he pitched a new idea. “I submitted an idea to them of a little girl and a blue monster. They liked it but said: ‘This will tie into a property we’ve already got, so can you make the girl Betty and can you make the monster a yeti?’. It was the best of both worlds, as I’d pitched my own idea but there was this existing property that I could use.”


This was some nine years ago and now the first in a collection of rib-tickling strips has been published as a book. They are themed, so Betty and the Yeti: Friends at First Fart! delivers some seriously bad whi s, alongside scary scrapes and near misses. Betty is a girl with impressive inner resources. She conceals a huge hairy beast from her unsuspecting parents and navigates

every misadventure with aplomb. As Yeti puts it succinctly: “Betty clever!”

The book starts with fresh material, including the story of how this loyal partnership came about, while some strips have been cleverly tweaked to keep things pacy with a blend of shorter and longer plotlines. It’s a very funny read, introducing existing fans and the uninitiated alike to unforgettable characters and silly situations.

Comics and graphic novels are having a moment, with both Dog Man and Wild Robot now transferred to the big screen, but Hugh Raine has always believed in this art form’s range. “We’ve got people like Jamie Smarts, from the Bunny vs Monkey series. He’s done some incredible steps in pushing comics to the forefront. He’s a real ambassador in fighting for comic books to be considered as the art form that they are.

“This is Jamie’s point not mine, but we have such a rich heritage of comics in this country. I think people just associate them with their childhood, but they can be about absolutely anything. I think a lot of people don’t know about the

small press scene and the American indie comic scene.”

There remains, of course, a sni ness in some quarters about graphic novels and comics as valid reading matter for children. This, says Raine, is to misunderstand the way they tell a story. “There’s this idea that if you’re reading a novel, you’re doing the imagining, you’re doing the work. But with a comic, there is still a need to work out what’s going on in between the panels or in between the scenes. There’s still all this extra work that goes on in the mind.”

Hugh Raine is unusual in taking charge of both words and pictures (more typically on The Beano and other titles it’s a writer and illustrator pairing). It’s one of the things he loves most about his job – and the words always come first, even if it starts small. “I’ve got an app on my phone to take notes. Sometimes it will have a single word on it, like bowling. And then it’s ‘what can Yeti smash?’

“It’s like a puzzle really, and this is the bit I enjoy – the challenge. You’ve got that setup but there’s maybe not a punchline yet.

If I can tie something in at the end that references something that happened earlier on, I feel like I’m a genius.” Pacing things in the right way is vital – Raine points out that comic strips can tell stories in lots of di erent ways. “A three-panel strip is a set-up and a punch line normally, while a half page is a bit more than that, but if you get into two full pages suddenly it’s an epic adventure where you pepper jokes in.”

Sometimes he will test ideas on his daughter, who has perfected the eye roll and long-drawn out ‘Daaddy’ response, but he invariably trusts his own judgement. “I’ve never really grown up really, so I think I’ve got a good sense of what will work.” Certainly, storylines and humour pair brilliantly – a mark of Raine’s ability on that score. “I do take it seriously – the structure of the story. I take that craft seriously, even if there is the odd fart joke along the way.”

Betty and the Yeti – Friends at First Fart! by Hugh Raine is published by Farshore (£9.99). The second in the series will be published this summer.

Betty and her lovable yeti get into all sorts of scrapes
Hugh Raine

Talking HEAD

CHESS advantage

The Head of St Catherine’s Prep, Bramley on the growing prominence of women’s chess and the valuable skills the game instils in young players

Chess is a game of intellect, strategy and patience. While historically dominated by men, girls and women are increasingly making their mark. Learning chess o ers numerous benefits that transcend the game itself and, with the right opportunities, girls can be just as successful as their male counterparts.

One of the primary advantages of learning chess is the cognitive development it fosters. The game requires players to think several moves ahead, which enhances problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and the ability to foresee consequences. These benefits extend far beyond the chessboard, influencing other areas of academic development. Chess helps improve memory, concentration, and pattern recognition.

Chess also cultivates emotional

“Catching pupils while they’re young is key and the girls learn quickly that, rather uniquely, age really doesn’t matter in chess”

intelligence. It teaches players how to accept when to take a draw and learn from games lost – one pupil told me recently that she had realised she learnt more from her losses than her wins! The game encourages resilience, as players learn to analyse their mistakes, and come back stronger. It also nurtures patience, as success often requires hours of practice and an understanding that victories are the result of sustained e ort, not instant gratification.

In fact, several studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that girls may even possess certain qualities that contribute to their success at the board. For instance,

it could be argued that girls tend to approach chess with greater emotional intelligence, which helps them remain composed during tense moments. This emotional control is a crucial asset in competitive settings, where mental fortitude often outweighs raw talent.

We know that catching pupils while they’re young is key and the girls learn quickly that, rather uniquely, age really doesn’t matter in chess. Among our wide range of extracurricular activities, we are delighted to see chess becoming increasingly popular with girls from Prep to Sixth Form.

We have been proud sponsors and hosts to the annual ECF Girls’ Chess Tournament since its inception in 2014 and saw record numbers at our semi-finals this year, with 300 players from across England battling across the boards. From beginners to internationals, this is a truly unique event, with 33 schools from across the country taking part. We warmly congratulate

Bancroft’s School, winners of the Under 11 category, and St Paul’s Girls’ School, whose pupils took the crown in the Under 19 group.

St Catherine’s Prep School,

The rise of successful female chess players – including Judit Polgár, Hou Yifan, and England’s own Jovanka Houska – shows that, with the right training and encouragement, girls can achieve the highest levels of success. By embracing chess as a tool for intellectual and personal growth, girls are not only proving their prowess in the game but also challenging traditional gender stereotypes. Learning chess provides numerous cognitive and emotional benefits and valuable life skills. Girls, with their unique strengths, are proving to be formidable players. With opportunities and support, they can excel just as much as their male counterparts. Encouraging more girls to learn chess can help bridge gender gaps, fostering a future where the game is truly open to all.

ABOVE Chess is a winner at St Catherine’s Prep, Bramley


Louise North of Framlingham College in

Su olk on the vital importance of schools staying in step with modern family life

Education has always been about more than just academics – it is about creating an environment where young people can thrive both in and beyond the classroom. As family dynamics shift and work-life balance becomes increasingly complex, schools must adapt, o ering flexibility, accessibility and exceptional pastoral care.

O ce for National Statistics (ONS) data shows the average person in the UK now works six hours more a week than five years ago, rising from 30.4 hours in 2020 to 36.6 hours in 2024. Over 75% of mothers with dependent children hold professional careers. Combine this with the rising average age of first-time parents – 30.5 for mothers and 33.5 for fathers (World Population Review) – and it is evident that families today are balancing demanding careers with the desire to provide the best education for their children.

For many parents, the traditional school model, where children either attend as day pupils or commit to full-time boarding, no longer fits their schedules or their children’s needs. Families require flexibility in both day and boarding arrangements – and transport – so that they can ensure that education works around family life.

Recognising this shift, Framlingham College o ers a range of options, including day provision, flexi-boarding, weekly boarding and full boarding. Our sta work with parents to determine what is right for each family. We also o er the option to adjust that plan if necessary. This means a tailored and flexible schedule, whether we are working with day pupils, those who board one night for co-curricular activities or boarders who stay for five nights to ease a longer commute.

“More than ever, families require flexibility so that they can ensure that education works around family life”

Flexibility also means considering how children get to and from school. When so many parents are managing full-time careers, schools must help to remove the stress of the school run. This is something that is front of mind for Framlingham College. Our support, and the transport network locally, ensures that day pupils are able to travel safely and conveniently. Daily routes serve local towns, with express bus services on longer routes to Cambridge, Norwich, and Colchester. Airport and train transfers support our international and longdistance families.

While flexibility in boarding and transport is key, pupil wellbeing remains at the heart of a great education. Our award-winning pastoral care system places wellbeing at the centre of its approach. Whether through house sta , medical teams or tutors, pupils receive tailored support to help navigate adolescence with confidence.

School life is about more than grades – it is about creating an environment where every child feels supported, valued for who they are and can develop confidence, independence and a lifelong love of learning. Schools that recognise this – and adapt to provide the best support for children and modern family life – are shaping the future of education.

LOUISE NORTH Principal Framlingham College ABOVE
Framlingham College pupils


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Female leaders

Helen Loach of Streatham & Clapham Prep School on the power of an all-girls’ education in unlocking potential future leaders

Girls’ schools have long been champions of academic excellence, leadership and selfconfidence. And in a world that continues to grapple with gender inequality, the case for all-girls’ education is stronger than ever. The recent GDST Insights Report and Framework highlights the advantages of single-sex education, showing that girls thrive in environments designed specifically for them, where every subject is a girls’ subject and every opportunity is theirs to seize.

One of the most compelling benefits of all-girls’ education is the freedom it provides. In co-educational settings, studies show that boys often dominate classroom discussions, particularly in STEM subjects. In contrast, girls’ schools create an atmosphere where girls feel confident to ask questions, take risks and step into leadership roles. This is vital, not just for individual success but for ensuring a more balanced representation of women in fields where they have been historically under-represented.

Research also highlights that girls in single-sex environments are more likely to study STEM subjects at higher levels, breaking down gender stereotypes that persist beyond the classroom. But the benefits go beyond STEM. Whether in debating competitions, creative arts or team sports, all-girl settings encourage pupils to embrace challenges.

Academic success is just one part of the picture. The GDST Insights Report highlights the importance of pastoral care in supporting girls’ mental wellbeing, confidence and resilience.

Single-sex education also fosters a sense of social responsibility. Many girls’ schools are deeply committed to developing global citizens through partnerships, outreach programmes and leadership initiatives. Currently, at Streatham & Clapham Prep School (SCPS) we have a charity link with a school in Rugin, Nepal.

“Whether in debating competitions, creative arts or team sports, all-girl settings encourage pupils to see themselves as leaders in every domain”

Rugin is in one of the most remote districts of Nepal, with few roads, underresourced schools and few livelihood opportunities. We are raising money to fund education in these regions. The goal is to change the perception, understanding, and behaviour of girls, boys, teachers, and the community towards gender roles and inclusivity. This will be achieved through a girls’ empowerment programme. Our girls write to the children in this school and are building relationships together. These experiences shape pupils’ worldview, instilling in them a desire to contribute to their communities and tackle real-world challenges with empathy and determination.

Schools should be places where every child feels seen, valued and encouraged to succeed. In all-girl settings, this ethos is woven into the fabric of daily life. The benefits extend far beyond the school gates, influencing career choices and personal confidence. At SCPS, we see the impact of all-girls’ education every day. We see pupils who approach their studies with enthusiasm, who support and lift each other up, and who leave us ready to shape the world. We must continue to champion environments where girls can thrive.

Pupils at Streatham & Clapham Prep School

Transition TIME

Shifting friendships and moving up to senior school are compelling themes for children, played out sensitively in Simon Packham’s new book

Simon Packham is known for novels that address issues of our times. Worrybot explored anxiety and school avoidance (EBSA), while earlier novels have covered themes such as cyberbullying.

While these are topical issues, Zak Monroe is (Not) my Friend takes, as its starting point, two perennial concerns.

“When I go into schools, I sometimes ask the children ‘what are you most worried about?’,” says Packham. “It’s always, always friendship issues and moving up to secondary school.” He knows a fair few teachers – and his wife was a primary school Head for 25 years – and they say every Year 6 child’s preoccupations are the same. One Year 6 teacher he knows even asked her class to write down their fears. Virtually all of them were to do with finding friends and fitting in. Peer pressure was a big worry – as was being good at things. These may seem like minor worries, but most adults can empathise, perhaps even recall their own shifting playground friendships and first days at senior school. Transitions have always been a big deal for children. Packham wonders if these days the move up feels more seismic. “Familiar friendship issues, and with a bit of social media now mixed in – even with Year 6s.”

For Sam, the protagonist of Zak Monroe is (Not) my Friend, school days have been uncomplicated because he’s had the same friendship group for years. He met Cal, Fin and Jay back in nursery, and they have stuck together ever since. But certainties vanish during their preparation to move up to St Thomas’s. The class are told they will need to write down a ‘friends list’ of three people, so they will stay together within tutor groups. Our gang of four discuss putting each other’s names down, but then Sam overhears Cal raising the possibility of excluding him.

It starts as a casual comment. As Sam puts it: “Cal never thinks much about anything.

That’s what’s so great about him”. But then the conversation turns, as he’s criticised for being no good at football and the FIFA game, singing too much and even planning to join the choir. He’s mocked for visiting his Nanny Pat after every school day and there’s a suggestion he needs to “man up”.

Like many friendship groups, there’s a power dynamic. Sam is not leader of the gang – never the loudest or most confident. “He is a bit of a follower,” says Simon Packham, who enjoys putting what he calls “average” characters at the heart of his novels.

While Sam might be “average”, the Zak of the book’s title stands out. Dubbed Satchel Boy because he carries his grandfather’s old-fashioned leather bag, he’s into wildlife large and small and is o cially the weirdest kid in Year 6. Sam starts out wanting to avoid this strange boy, just like his peers do, but his sudden ‘defriending’ brings them closer together and there’s common ground. He also gets to know Zak’s o beat friend (another school outsider) Bella Rigsby, who spends much of her time weightlifting so she can

“There’s a message woven through the plot about staying true to yourself”

fulfil her ambition of pulling a two-ton truck. Simon Packham found inspiration for Bella from real life – a story in his local newspaper about an eleven-year-old, in training to pull her father’s Transit van. Zak, on the other hand, was partly sparked by memories of his own school days. “Most of my books contain a bit of my own psychodrama!” he says.

These quirky foils to Sam are a great reminder that eccentrics are often the most interesting and likeable people, even though – as Packham points out – they are also the most likely to be picked on. “I suppose what I like about Zak Monroe is that, while he is a bit di erent and gets a bit upset, he’s strong enough to keep on being who he is, whereas Sam isn’t – which probably reflects what I’d have been like.”

There’s a positive message woven through the plot about staying true to yourself. The more Sam tries to change himself to fit in with his old friends, the worse things get. It’s only when he stands up for who he is and defends his newfound friends that life improves. He has found people to trust for the next stage in school life and – in a satisfying twist – Fin breaks away from Cal and Jay. This means that Sam’s tutor group at St Thomas’s contains trusted friends old and new.

The return of Jay was important to Simon Packham, as was the idea that friendships will evolve and shift as we grow. While the worries generated by this important transition can’t be sidestepped, he hopes that his readers take comfort from the fact that moving up to a bigger school means they will find common ground that sparks new friendships. “It’s also about not being afraid to find someone who’s not a part of the general herd.”

Zak Monroe is (Not) my Friend, by Simon Packham, is published in April (UCLan Publishing, £7.99).

BELOW Simon Packham


Lianne Lauder of Walhampton School on how its Pre-Senior Baccalaureate prepares pupils for the next phase of their educational journey

Here at Walhampton School, we are in our third year of following the Pre-Senior Baccalaureate (PSB), a model for 21st century education which nurtures curiosity and global thinking. The PSB is not a curriculum but a model of assessment and a programme of study to prepare pupils for the challenges of an ever-changing world. It does so by developing and tracking knowledge, skills and attitudes – preparing children academically, socially and culturally.

The PSB is about challenging perceptions of school and developing a love of learning. At the heart of the programme are the six core skills: leadership, collaboration, independence, thinking and learning, review and improvement, and communication. It allows our sta to provide a breadth of pathways tailored to the needs of the individual – and to focus on how they teach, not just on what they teach.

We can all agree that the future challenges our children will face are hard to predict, but what is abundantly clear

“Our commitment to a fully rounded education allows teachers to provide a breadth of pathways tailored to the needs of the individual”

ABOVE & BELOW Walhampton School pupils

is that they will enter a world in need of solutions. Cross-curricular thinking is actively encouraged, as children make links between subjects and recognise the transference of skills. The PSB enables broad cognitive skills, equipping children to progress, solve problems and be ready to adapt to changing conditions.

At Walhampton, this is a whole school initiative from ages 2-13. Our Pre-Prep nurtures a joy of learning, building on the core skills of collaboration, alongside thinking and learning. As our children progress, increasing levels of independence are developed. The ability to review and improve inspires pupils to understand how they best learn, acknowledging that their approach might be di erent to their peers. Year 8 pupils complete a PSPQ (PreSenior Project Qualification) during their Leavers’ Programme, which is a chance for them to explore a self-chosen topic and present on this to a panel. This advances their project and presentation skills before they head o on their 13+ adventure.

A recent visit from the Learning Skills Trust to Walhampton School provided feedback on our PSB model. It identified

that pupils were supportive of the core skills and articulate in their ability to reflect and move forward with new targets. This gives me confidence that we are helping to shape learners ready to go out and tackle those ‘new world’ skills. We value our work with the Learning Skills Trust, which helps us to further grow our PSB model and share our learnings with other schools as we learn from them.

Walhampton aims to be a radically traditional school, academically rigorous but experiential and focused on creating resilient, lifelong learners. I have no doubt that the PSB is key to us achieving this aim.

LIANNE LAUDER Assistant Head Teaching and Learning, Walhampton School

How to avoid the 11+

More parents want to bypass senior school entrance exams. Jess Harris, Director of Quintessentially Education, o ers tips for alternative pathways

uintessentially Education have seen a marked increase in calls from parents asking how their children can avoid the 11+. Many calls are from international parents, concerned at what they see as a confusing system that puts too much pressure on the child (and their family), but an increasing number of British families also want to bypass these exams.

The 11+ has become a catch-all term for online tests, exams and interviews that children aged 10 or 11 take to gain entry to academically selective senior schools, both state and independent. The original 11+ was an assessment (of English, maths and reasoning) that determined whether children would gain admission to a grammar school. While the UK’s grammar schools were largely disbanded by 1976, a small number remain, and continue to rely upon the 11+ to select children for admission.

The catch-all term ‘11+’ is now more frequently associated with selective independent schools. As a rule of thumb, the more academic a senior school, the more hoops you have to jump through to get in. That said, you can avoid the 11+

altogether, if you consider an all-through school. These are schools that typically welcome children from age 3, 4 or 7 up to the age of 18, negating the need for your child to sit external assessments in Year 6. Some academically stellar schools, such as North London Collegiate, King’s College Wimbledon (KCS), Highgate School and Dulwich College, have an all-through model, with junior schools that ‘feed’ their senior schools. This is designed to ensure that children are well-prepared to the expected standards from an earlier age.

It doesn’t mean pupils won’t sit any assessments at the age of 10 or 11 but they are assessed internally, which reduces the stressful nature of completing the 11+ externally. Assessments are designed to ensure the child can move seamlessly from the junior to the senior school. Of course, many of the most academic through schools remains competitive and some parents believe that the pressure is just transferred to an even earlier admission point (via 7+ exams, for example).

A way of avoiding assessments altogether at the age of 10 or 11 is to opt for a nonselective school. There are a variety of options across London – including The King Alfred School and North Bridge House. Alternatively, parents could consider a senior such as Kew House,

which uses entrance testing but places wider emphasis on interviews, samples of pupil work and school reports. International schools that follow the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum don’t require an 11+ assessment. Many of the UK’s top schools o er the IB at Sixth Form, and a select few o er the IB curriculum lower down the school. ACS Schools in Egham, Cobham and Hillingdon and the International School of London (ISL) in Chiswick are all-through and follow the Primary Years (PYP), Middle Years (MYP) and Diploma (DP) IB programmes. And Marymount International in Kingston, which follows MYP and DP, doesn’t have a junior school but o ers Year 7 entry via a

ABOVE Reducing the stress of senior entrance exams is a pressing concern for many parents

bespoke ‘Grade 6 assessment programme’. There are other routes which, while not avoiding the 11+ altogether, may reduce the impact. Many schools o er sports or music scholarships. This may enable a more specific, but also a more holistic, review by considering a child’s potential across other spheres. For instance, Whitgift and Millfield both have strong sports scholarship programmes. If you – or your child – have your heart set on an academically selective school, there are still ways to reduce 11+ exam stress. Prepare a shortlist with target schools and an insurance choice and aim for your child to undertake no more than five separate assessments. Plan for your child to

sit centralised tests if you can. Many schools have introduced online tests in recent years such as the ISEB Common Pre-Test. This online, adaptive assessment covers English, maths and verbal & non-verbal reasoning. Although taking the pre-test doesn’t enable students to ‘avoid’ the 11+ style of assessment, it can help avoid multiple individualised exams. Under the ISEB pre-test, students sit one exam in either Year 6 or Year 7 (dependent on the senior school goal), and the test is taken in their prep or primary school. Results are then shared among participating senior schools, so each student is only invited forward to the next stage of the process if their results are considered a potentially

suitable match. This can drastically reduce the number of assessments children have to sit at di erent schools. Another centralised assessment is the London 11+ Consortium Assessment, a single online test for entry to a group of 14 independent day schools for girls, including Francis Holland and Notting Hill & Ealing High. Students sit one exam in the autumn of Year 6 at their own school. Students who pass this test are then invited for interview and possibly a written exam. Again, the aim of the Consortium assessment has been to reduce the number of 11+ papers each pupil has to sit, also reducing the considerable time commitment and stress for children and their families.



The creative world always has an eye on the future and, with new technologies reshaping how we express ourselves, we speak to two schools about their forward-thinking perspective on delivering arts teaching for tomorrow’s world


Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate (QE) champions innovative technologies, and digital competence is prioritised alongside academic attainment and critical thinking. This all helps develop confidence in our fast-changing landscape.

Teachers are encouraged to develop opportunities within the curriculum to introduce, and pioneer uses of technology. Modelling industry uses – notably with AI – fosters a culture of practical application and real-world relevance.

Many teachers here come from or still work in industry, and lead as subject experts to ensure that students receive a contemporary understanding of their ambitions. “In addition, our digital suites have the latest computer aided design software, 3D printers, and laser cutters facilitated by technical coaches with expert

knowledge of programmes and practical applications,” says QE’s Head of Cognitive Science and Digital Literacy Jason SharmaPay, who is also a Teacher of Creative Arts.

“All our creative arts students have access to the full Adobe Creative Suite, a photography studio, green screen studio, a large selection of digital equipment and a dark room,” adds Jason Sharma-Pay. “We o er live briefs throughout the year and our clubs include Film Club, Marketing Club, and the Student School Magazine Club, which is run by an industry expert.”

Practical applications are also a feature of QE life. An outreach event run by NM Productions earlier this year delivered inspiring workshops and lectures showcasing the latest technologies, including AI. The company

was set up by alumna Anissa Payne – an extra inspiration for students with a creative or technical career ambition.

The Collegiate’s Creative Arts also delivers modern vocational qualifications, such as BTEC Level 2 and 3 in Esports, with QE fielding three competitive national teams in F1, Valorant and Minecraft. Teaching sta across Esports, Science, Computer Science, Learning Development, Creative Arts and Cognitive Science collaborate to embed gamification into the curriculum. Students use Minecraft to research the human body, build real-life models of anatomy, construct Saxon Villages and tackle climate change. Some 20 sta here are in continual training (CPD) in order to employ Minecraft in innovative ways.

“QE teachers come from or still work in industry, and ensure that students receive a contemporary understanding”


The creative arts at Queen Ethelburga’s embrace old and new approaches wholeheartedly

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Fees from £7,966 per term

New technologies come into play across the arts, and students are also asked to consider the ethics of applications. Crosscurricular opportunities are prioritised, especially between STEM and the arts. As Jason Sharma-Pay points out, the 2040 student leaver will be working in a vastly di erent landscape, making it critical that students today think flexibly.

“A department called Cognitive Science and Digital Literacy demonstrates the emphasis QE puts on students understanding the importance of ‘thinking about thinking’ when using technology. We champion the importance of teaching critical thinking,” he adds. “This prepares all students to be confident, take risks, pioneer change, adapt to surroundings, collaborate, communicate and be digitally competent with the next innovation.”


We see technology as another tool for exploring ideas and many of our students use digital approaches alongside more physical, ‘traditional’ approaches,” says Elinor Brass, Director of Art and Design at Oakham School. “We don’t teach any exclusively digital elements to our courses, but instead the students are going in and out of working digitally as a way of

ABOVE At Oakham, students
and testing
“We have developed a series of unique moments of collaboration between subjects – creating new learning experiences for pupils”

developing their ideas and imagery. They are using it fluently as the digital world is such an important part of their lives.”

Students at Oakham work with digital photography, and many also use Procreate or apps such as Bazaart to play with imagery and ideas. AI is sometimes used as a tool to generate ideas or develop an extra strand of research. Animation and film are popular – especially as students progress on to A-level study. “With many more galleries o ering immersive experiences, students are interested in playing with digital projections, as well as using sound to capture the viewer. They are blending digital approaches to captivate the audience,” adds Elinor Brass. In Sculpture, access to VR has given students the ability to experiment with really creative sculptural ideas. There’s always openness to new ideas at Oakham – encouraging students to explore di erent media in order to make films, create digital art or even AI artworks. “We run regular trips to a wide range of art galleries and exhibition spaces to inspire pupils to explore new media. We also invite outside speakers to give talks and run workshops for our pupils, encouraging them to experiment with new media and approaches,” says Elinor Brass. “Most recently, artist Charley Peters spoke to Year 12 artists about using AI to inspire her own paintings. Charley

gave students an insight into how artists can embrace cutting edge technology.”

Beyond the purely creative spheres, Oakham encourages cross-curricular approaches. “We have developed a series of unique moments of collaboration between subjects, many of which include the creative and performing arts, augmenting the curriculum of both subjects by creating new learning experiences for pupils,” says Deputy Head Academic Dr Leo Dudin. These range from a Year 8 Dance & Religion and Philosophy collaboration covering the story of the Ramayana to an Art and Biology project to paint interpretations of microorganisms under the microscope.

“New technologies and mediums give students fresh ways to view the world, sparking curiosity and inspiring creativity,” says Dr Leo Dudin. “Presenting pupils with new opportunities to engage with technologies as they mature allows them to reevaluate their previous assumptions about the arts. This can either spark fresh insights or build on their existing passion.

“The arts also lend themselves to being made more visible – through concerts, productions and exhibitions – than some other subjects,” he adds. “Whether 2D or 3D, digital or fabric, small or large, individual or a collective, these creative and performing arts resonate with pupils in di erent ways.”

DIGITAL balance

Helen Simpson of St George’s Ascot on how it is embracing the digital age to give pupils tools for learning and for life

So, how do we handle tech use at school these days?’

That’s a question I get asked a lot. The truth is, it all comes down to balance.

Here at St George’s School, Ascot, we’re committed to developing confident, capable, and connected young women who can navigate the digital world thoughtfully and knowledgeably – so we need to get this right.

This year we’ve made some bold changes. One of the biggest has been introducing Yondr mobile device pouches, aligning with recent government policy on mobile phone use in schools. Since September 2024, we’ve been completely phone-free from Years 7 to 11, with pupils’ phones securely locked away during the school day. Our older girls, in Years 9 to 11, take charge of their own devices, keeping them locked in the pouches until the final bell. This more structured approach ensures that mobile phones stay out of sight and out of mind, allowing pupils to focus on their learning and personal development without digital distractions. We know excessive screen time can a ect focus, sleep and mental health, and we wanted to tackle that head-on. We also know that we’re not alone in our views. A recent University of Cambridge study reveals nearly half of British teens feel they are ‘hooked’ on social media. Our experience following this chosen approach is that the girls have embraced the change


Pupils at St George's

with maturity. They are more engaged, friendships have greater space to flourish, and the school day feels simpler. We certainly do not think that digital wellness is all about locking away phones and turning back the clock. At St George’s our approach is future-focused. We are preparing our girls to navigate and thrive in a tech-driven world. Embracing technology thoughtfully is key to this vision. As our Learning Innovation Lead Elodie Pierre puts it: “When used intentionally, we see that AI can elevate education by enhancing the human connection and critical thinking that our teachers bring to the classroom every day”. This belief underpins our Academic Management Innovation Exploration Plan (yes, even the name sounds like it came from AI). In fact, it’s a roadmap for equipping our teaching sta with e ective measures to integrate AI e ectively into the curriculum. We already ensure that digital skills are taught alongside digital wellness within our PSHE programme, so our girls don’t just use technology but develop a lifelong, balanced relationship with it. We’re not just reacting to the digital age – our

vision is to shape how it fits into education and life.

This approach recognises that while technology o ers remarkable educational opportunities, it must be managed with care and intention. Teenagers today face unprecedented pressures from social media and constant connectivity. Our role as educators extends to guiding them in developing healthy relationships with technology, whether through innovative solutions like Yondr pouches or by fostering open discussions about AI and digital literacy.

At St George’s, we remain committed to setting a national example for digital wellness in education. Our approach – grounded in research, empathy, and innovation – ensures our students not only excel academically but also develop the resilience and digital wisdom essential for life beyond the classroom.

We take immense pride in leading the charge toward healthier digital habits, emphasising the importance of conscientious and balanced technology use among pupils and sta alike. Our mission goes beyond academic excellence, empowering our girls to thrive in, and understand, an increasingly digital landscape.

HELEN SIMPSON Deputy Head (Pastoral) St George’s Ascot


The Head of Pangbourne College Oliver Knight


why exposing children to failure and setbacks is a way to build self-confidence and agency

The modern world seems to teach us that success is easy and talented people can achieve great things with relatively little e ort. It also seems to teach us that the individual is at the centre of their own life and their needs should come above all others.

The reality, as we know, is profoundly di erent. Success is the result of hard work and dedication, while happiness comes from being in the service of others. Our children should not be afraid of di cult things and being in situations where they think they won’t succeed. They should be able to embrace failure and see it as the bridge to future success.

We want Pangbournians to thrive in uncertain situations, to face unknown outcomes and to embrace novel experiences. The adventurous experiences at Pangbourne, driven through our adventure curriculum, don’t just mean going out into the wilderness, they mean approaching life with a set of values: Freedom, Self-reliance, Responsibility.

In the words of one of the great educational disrupters, Seymour Papert: “There is only one 21st Century skill, and that is the ability to act intelligently when faced with a situation for which you have not been specially prepared”. Or, to put it another way, what do you do when you do not know what to do? This is the true measure of a person’s character and what we aim to foster at Pangbourne through our adventure curriculum.

We also know that we seem to be in the midst of an adolescent crisis and that this appears to be a ecting girls disproportionately. While no one fully understands the reasons for this and the debate is a polarising one, our view at Pangbourne is that developing resilience and the ability to bounce back from short-term failure is protective against some of these issues.

Emotions are part of the human experience and feeling sad is a normal

"Placing students in uncomfortable situations and seeing them succeed and fail is a way of helping them build a positive self-narrative"

response. As Professor Andrea Danese, general secretary for the European Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, said recently: "Facing challenges and distress is normal and important in terms of individual growth. That's how young people develop emotional resilience – they learn coping skills in the face

of many small challenges and build selfconfidence about their ability to cope. The narratives we build matter".

Our adventure curriculum, placing students in uncomfortable situations and seeing them succeed and fail, are part of Pangbourne’s response to this and our way of helping all our students build a positive self-narrative. That narrative is not based solely on success, but on errors and mistakes and on seeing how we come through these setbacks over time.

This is as true for receiving a detention as it is for falling o a high ropes course. Failure matters and is a normal part of the process of growing and learning. It is how we talk through and deal with failure that creates the narrative we hold of ourselves and our agency in the world. Our role as parents and educators is to help our children navigate through setbacks, not protect them from failing.

ABOVE Pangbourne College students on the ropes
OLIVER KNIGHT The Head Pangbourne College



Could an art-based approach, incorporating established early years methods, o er a solution to rising school exclusions? We speak to academic Natasha Evans about how we give young people a creative voice and improve outcomes

atasha Evans had what she describes it as: “a textbook lightbulb moment” watching young people working cooperatively and productively in the art room

of an alternative provision (AP) centre. What she was witnessing made her think instantly of Reggio Emilia, the early years philosophy that teaches children to take charge of their own learning, express themselves and work together as a group.

This started her thinking about how we support young people who are either set on the course of exclusion from mainstream school or permanently excluded. A Teaching Fellow at Coventry University’s School of Psychological, Social & Behavioural Sciences, now Evans

is undertaking her PhD using a Reggio Emilia-based approach to help build a picture of how young people in AP educational settings view their situation. Specifically, it will explore through art what we might do to help change negative outcomes for young people outside mainstream school.

And this is a fast-growing group. A recent set of o cial figures put the permanent exclusion rate at 0.05%, compared to 0.04% in the autumn term of 2022 (see Fast Facts). That added up to 4,168 young people in autumn 2023 set on a course of failing in education. Pupils with SEN and those in receipt of free school meals are most likely to be suspended or excluded.

Natasha Evans comes at this problem with experience across age groups and settings. Initially, she studied for an Early Years degree, working in private nursery

settings and progressing quickly into management roles – always a SENCo and behavioural lead. She became very familiar with the various early years methods, from Forest School to Froebels. She was particularly fascinated by Italy’s Reggio Emilia, with its compelling postwar context and desire to recognise the many ways children have of expressing themselves – the ‘100 languages’ described in Loris Malaguzzi’s poem about child development.

She wondered then about the absence of such strong philosophies further up the line, and what happens when things go wrong? At which point, she decided she needed to see for herself. She became a SEN teacher, training in pupil referral units – also spending time running two home education centres, teaching in a young o enders institution and in a male

prison. While she also garnered plenty of experience in mainstream schools, this was as representative of the child (and their family) having challenges or at risk of exclusion. “So that was ten years, and the most impactful ten years, but I was still hitting this exhausting cycle in what felt like a system failing some young people, despite schools’ and teachers’ best intentions.”

Back to the lightbulb moment in the art room of the AP centre. What had struck Natasha Evans was just how engaged these young people were. The very arrival of this art provision had been something of a triumph. “We had an art classroom, but no budget for a teacher. But we did have a teaching assistant who was an Art graduate and the AP put her through teacher training. For the last two years I was there, she became our art teacher – the impact was incredible.

“That art room never got damaged, not even once. I could have picked some of my most challenging students in their darkest moments in their time with us and they wouldn’t have trashed the art room. And how they treated the art teacher was di erent,” she says.

Then these challenging and di cultto-reach students started knocking on Evans’ door to show o their artworks, and so she started visiting the art room. “I spent a lot of time in that art room with them, and the longer I stayed the more we started having conversations. I started being able to have di cult conversations planned for a meeting later.” Sometimes Evans could get permission to take what was said back to the meeting. It meant the student wouldn’t have face what they saw as a confrontational setting, but had clearly expressed how they were feeling.

“That’s when I thought, ‘this is Reggio Emilia in action – while the students are engaging in creativity, they are opening up to me and they are developing independence, and they are finding their voice’.” The art room became the favourite hangout in break times, the safe space. Art teaching grew to two or three hours a week and the AP centre found a qualification board that could o er ‘roll on, roll o ’ qualification pathways, giving the excluded an opportunity to succeed – perhaps for the first time in their educational lives.

The PhD research Evans is undertaking hopes to reveal young people’s perspectives when they are taken out of mainstream school. They are being asked questions that they will answer through creating artwork. Alongside the art as an expression of their thoughts, they will engage in conversations that will be unstructured but recorded. “I’m hoping it will enable those students to give their honest answers about alternative provision and about their own situations.”

11.27% 2.69%

What Natasha Evans has learnt over the years from the many young people she’s worked with is that they don’t want to be where they are. “Nearly every child I’ve worked with in APs wanted to go back to mainstream school. They felt like it was ripped from them. They missed their friends, they felt embarrassed and ashamed – and if they couldn’t go back to their old school they would like a chance at a new one.”

So, what is the story behind these exclusions? “There’s not one young

“Nearly every child I’ve worked with wanted to go back to mainstream school. They missed their friends, they felt embarrassed and ashamed”

person I’ve worked with who hasn’t had either a traumatic experience – and that’s so individualised – or there’s an unmet need, like a learning di culty,” she says. “I can say exactly the same about those I’ve worked with in young o enders institutions and male prisons.”

With exclusions disproportionally a ecting children who are from socially deprived backgrounds and those who have SEN – and the collective trauma of

Covid still being played out in real time on childhoods – Evans hopes that her research might add to the debate about what we do to improve educational outcomes for those falling through the net. “Reggio Emilia tells us every child has 100 languages. If we were to increase creative provision for troubled children within mainstream settings that might help,” she says. Her experience of an art room supporting the most troubled young people makes

Natasha Evans believe that creative outlets such as art o er a chance for a child to reset, a chance to manage behaviour better – also a chance to open up and then discuss how to break the cycle of behaviour that put them there. “And Reggio Emilia doesn’t only assess children as individuals but considers how they work together as a group. Imagine if we did that for some of our older children – imagine the e ect that could have on future society?”

“A reputation to challenge any competitors” Good Schools Guide

“Every pupil is known as an individual” ISI 2025

“The whole family belongs” Good Schools Guide

Welcome to Eltham College, where outstanding results go hand-in-hand with exceptional pastoral care, and co-curricular opportunities abound.

“London School of the Year 2024” The Sunday Times

A day school for girls and boys aged 7 to 18

NURTURING brilliance

An individualised approach ensures girls develop their talents – and the skills to pursue their dreams – says Mayfield School

For girls, an individualised approach to learning and pastoral care can make all the di erence in building confidence and nurturing potential. This approach focuses on each girl’s unique strengths, interests and aspirations, laying the groundwork for resilient and self-assured young women who are ready to take on the world.

A well-rounded curriculum goes beyond traditional subjects, allowing young people to explore their passions. It’s important to acknowledge each girl’s unique learning style, also allowing independent exploration. This encouragement is crucial for helping girls to thrive, especially in subjects where they might traditionally feel under-confident.

Adaptability, creativity, and collaboration are skills that are increasingly valued in the workplace, so a project-based

approach encourages girls to take ownership of their learning, applying their knowledge to practical, interdisciplinary problems. This builds critical thinking skills – preparing them to tackle realworld challenges with confidence.

“What sets Mayfield apart is our unwavering commitment to nurturing each girl’s individual potential,” says Headmistress Deborah Bligh. “We celebrate the diversity of talents, interests and personalities that make our community so vibrant. Through engaging teaching and personalised support, we create an environment where academic excellence emerges naturally from enthusiasm for learning.”

Girls thrive when they feel supported, valued and understood, and individualised pastoral care fosters wellbeing. When girls are secure, they feel safe to express themselves and take risks, helping to build

“We create an environment where academic excellence emerges naturally from enthusiasm for learning”

resilience. Mental health initiatives, peer mentoring programmes and opportunities for open communication all help girls to navigate the complexities of adolescence with confidence. Strong female role models are also key for encouraging self-belief.

Activities outside the classroom are a powerful confidence booster. Whether it’s the sports pitch, stage or STEM club, extracurricular and cocurricular interests develop key strengths, including leadership and teamworking skills. At Mayfield, there are over 100 extracurricular sessions on o er every week –from Dungeons and Dragons to Pop Choir to Forensics Club. “Every girl is empowered to chart her own course, whether that’s pursuing scientific research, debating global issues at Model United Nations, competing in equestrian events or a unique combination that reflects her interests,” says Deborah Bligh.

“We cultivate an atmosphere where being curious is encouraged, where taking intellectual risks is celebrated and where girls find the courage to put their minds to anything they decide.”


ABOVE & BELOW Mayfield School inspires girls to pursue their interests, in and out of the classroom


West Sussex school Slindon College on its innovative Learning Energy initiative to support wellbeing and assist learning focus

Slindon College o ers an educational experience for pupils who may struggle to fulfil their potential in mainstream schools or need help removing barriers to learning. If pupils’ wellbeing isn’t in the right place, it’s di cult for them to engage in lessons and make progress. We have a whole range of wellbeing initiatives. Some of these are weekly, some are annual – all are focused on ‘usualising’ mental health. We make sure our pupils know what they can do to ensure they are looking after their wellbeing.

A project that we have recently initiated is Learning Energy. This allows pupils to understand their energy state to access their lessons as e ectively as possible. Learning Energy was developed by

Sacha Clark-Schrickel, our lead occupational therapist, and by me. We found that low energy levels meant fatigue and missed information while learning. If pupils were experiencing sensory overload this was also leading to di culties with focus.

When pupils have ‘just right’ energy they are ready to listen and learn, filtering sensory information e ectively. The initiative helps pupils to understand that in di erent contexts di erent energy levels will be ‘just right’. As an example, the learning energy requirements for a practical PE lesson are very di erent from those of a maths lesson.

The Learning Energy concept enables pupils to use strategies to support their learning and gives them the ability to feel calm and comfortable even when their energy levels are too high or too low. They are encouraged to communicate how they are feeling, also shifting their Learning Energy through readily accessible tools and methods. Issues aren’t always physical and can relate to metacognitive skills, such as pace. An example would be a pupil rushing their work or not reading a question with enough time or care. Our pupils have all had the opportunity to contribute to the development of Learning Energy and comments have included: ‘I feel like I

“When pupils have ‘just right’ energy they are ready to listen and learn, filtering sensory information e ectively”

can support myself better and am more confident in focusing on my tasks and achieving my goals’.

Our main focus is to prepare pupils for the real world and, ultimately, we’re working to make sure that they are rounded individuals, valued members of their community, and with a good level of mental fitness and wellbeing. Our Weekly Woodland Walk makes use of the South Downs, and our Time to Talk programme o ers regular sessions for pupils to confide in a trusted adult. We have 1:1 meetings to ensure all pupils have the opportunity to pass on any concerns. To allow us to measure the e ectiveness of the initiatives we o er, our sta and pupil Mental Fitness and Wellbeing Survey runs twice a year. Analysis of the results is used to inform future support and initiatives so that we ensure we continue to do our best for the whole Slindon College community.

* Slindon College won the 2024 ISA Excellence and Innovation in Mental Health and Wellbeing award and holds a Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools silver award.

ABOVE Slindon College pupils

Merchant Taylors’ is renowned for its outstanding academic education. Our mission is to truly know each pupil. We support them in exploring world-class opportunities, helping them discover and develop their unique talents.

GIFTED child strategy

Dr Martina Geromin, co-founder of School Beyond

Limitations, on determining if a child is gifted and then ensuring positive school experiences

Giftedness should always be viewed as uniqueness, but it is also important to recognise that every child is unique and gifted in some way. Spotting if your child is exceptionally gifted, whether academically or creatively, involves observing key behaviours and characteristics. Exceptionally gifted or

able children often display intense curiosity and a desire to learn about a wide range of topics. They frequently ask probing questions that go far beyond typical levels for their age or school year. They might also grasp new concepts exceptionally quickly and demonstrate advanced problem-solving skills, completing tasks and understanding material faster than their peers.

There are other signs to look out for that might indicate your child is gifted. These include cognitive development – you may

“Uneven development is a lesser-known trait. A gifted child may display advanced intellect but age-appropriate emotional behaviours”

find your child frequently uses advanced vocabulary and complex sentences. You may also notice that they always seem to be asking you deep, probing questions. If a child is ahead of their classmates on a regular basis, this can lead to negative behaviours – boredom, emotional sensitivity and even disruptive behaviour. It is always important to pinpoint why your child might be behaving this way.

Exceptionally able children often show heightened empathy for others and may have a strong sense of justice, fighting or arguing for what they believe in. Able children can also be emotionally intense and sometimes sensitive around others. You may notice they seem to become very easily upset. They are also often deeply a ected by world events and scenarios around them. Having friendship issues in school or finding it di cult to connect with other children can be another sign that a child is gifted and is struggling to relate to their peer group.

Gifted children will usually demonstrate original thinking outside of what is expected for their age, and they will often suggest innovative solutions to everyday problems. You might also notice that your child prefers to explore multiple approaches rather than conventional routes. This means they may not follow instructions well or take direction from others. They are more likely to want to find their own approach.

Behaviour is a big area of concern to parents. A key behaviour trait of a gifted child is having a persistent focus on specific topics of interest, sometimes to the point of obsession. You may also notice your child seems to have high energy levels, rarely seems tired or has di culty adapting to routines, especially

“If you suspect your child is not being adequately challenged, approaching the school thoughtfully and collaboratively is essential”

if they feel bored. Boredom is a key trait seen in the gifted child, and a child that becomes easily bored in the classroom and at home is likely to display lively and sometimes challenging behaviour.

Uneven skill development is probably one of the lesser-known traits of an exceptionally able child. On the one hand, they may display advanced intellectual abilities, yet on the other they also display age-appropriate emotional behaviours. They might also have trouble controlling their reactions and responses to certain scenarios.

Parents can also look for more obvious early achievements in areas such as reading, maths, arts or music. Although having a gifted child can be challenging, as a parent it is important to encourage exploration in areas your child shows an interest in. It is critical to consult your child’s teachers. If appropriate, you may also wish to approach a professional expert for formal assessment.

The danger for an exceptionally able child comes when they don’t feel seen or heard or when their disruptive behaviour or boredom is misinterpreted. This may undermine the child’s emotional and academic development. Another significant concern is the potential for the child to lose interest in learning due to lack of challenge or engagement. This can lead to disengagement from schoolwork altogether. If you suspect your child is being held back in class and is ahead of their peers, or you feel they are not being adequately challenged in class, approaching the school thoughtfully and collaboratively is essential.

The first point of contact should be your child’s class teacher or tutor, as they have the most day-to-day interaction with them. Share your observations about your child’s approach to learning and their behaviours and ask for advice. Opening the conversation with curiosity rather than making assumptions

is the best way to create a positive environment for mutual understanding. Focus on your child’s unique behaviours, not their ‘superiority’, and work with your school to find creative solutions. Engaging a broader network of teachers or mentors may be helpful. It is crucial to make your child understand that theirs is one of the many forms of talent. Reinforce the idea that everyone has something special to o er and that their own strengths are a contribution, not a sign of extra worth. Support your child’s growth in a way that integrates learning into everyday life and avoid making it a ‘big deal’. This positive approach fosters a healthy sense of self-awareness

in your child and an appreciation of diversity of abilities and gifts. Finally, follow up regularly with your school to assess your child’s progress. Maintain a collaborative tone, emphasising the shared goal of supporting your child’s growth while respecting the overall classroom and school dynamic – and the expertise and input of those involved in day-to-day teaching and leadership. By focusing on collaboration, creativity, and the value of all students, you can ensure that your child’s talents are nurtured in a positive way while also supporting the entire school community.



The Deputy Head of Boarding at TASIS England on how its Thrive wellbeing mentoring is shaped by student perspectives

Boarding communities o er the perfect opportunity to help students address issues relating to emotional and physical wellbeing early.

For the last three years, we have been integrating a wellbeing and mentoring program called Thrive into our boarding provision. Now in its third iteration, with adaptations and improvements made in response to annual student and sta feedback and the findings of an action research report, our initial model has been somewhat turned on its head.

Our ‘why’ for creating Thrive has remained constant. Providing students with the knowledge and tools to manage their own wellbeing and moving them towards a solution-focused mindset has always been our aim. To this end, we originally had a 35-week program of topics ranging from life skills, such as basic cooking lessons and personal budgeting, to social and emotional development (conversations around topics such as healthy boundaries and stress management). Mentoring was the means of delivery because it is an evidence-based method for providing guidance and support.

The ‘how’ of what we do is where the evolution of Thrive is visible. Both students and sta involved in the program felt that Year 1 was too content heavy and not necessarily aligning with individual student needs in real time. We had coordinated certain topics – dealing with exam stress, for example – with the school

calendar and left spaces for student-led conversations but, clearly, there was room for improvement.

By the end of Year 2, we had further data from student surveys and our action research report. Both sets of data were telling us the same things. Mentoring programs work best when they are mentee (student) led, when the benefits of mentoring are communicated with mentors and mentees, when mentors have confidence in the e cacy of their skills, and when the mentor-mentee match is made carefully.

These findings informed our Thrive Operational Plan for Year 3. Our mentormentee matches were made with more contextual information about each student – including what they wanted to get out of their Thrive experience. Mentors have received more skills training and access to evidence-based resources. We took time to talk with students and sta about the commitments, challenges and benefits of a mentoring relationship and have o ered more ongoing support.

The focus now is on taking time to establish connection and rapport between mentor and mentee. It is from this solid foundation that students gain the confidence

to talk about themselves, their goals, dreams, ambitions, and challenges.

We are proud of the steps that we have taken in creating a bespoke wellbeing program for our students. We know we still have much to learn, but it is now embedded into our boarding provision, and the hard work put into getting it established is evidenced in positive feedback we see in our student surveys. While it is unrealistic to expect young people to be happy 100 per cent of the time, if we can make even marginal di erences in the wellbeing of the students under our care, then developing Thrive has been incredibly valuable. We look forward to seeing what Year 4 brings.

ABOVE TASIS students
ELAINE LUCKHAM Deputy Head of Boarding TASIS England


State boarding schools o er a rounded education with the facilities, expertise and teaching approaches to deliver excellence, but you only pay for the boarding element. With options up and down the country, we round up some top choices

Gordon's School

Gordon's School in Surrey has a unique place in British history. It was established as the National Memorial to General Gordon at the insistence of Queen Victoria, opening in 1885 as a home for ‘necessitous’ boys. A member of the Royal Family has been Patron ever since. Where once it was run on military lines, it shifted with the times. It became fully co-ed in 1990 and now has a good gender balance and just under 1,000 pupils. It ranks among the most successful state boarding schools, sitting in the top 5% of the country for progress at A level. There are three admission points – 11, 13 (residential boarding places only) and sixth form – and most students join at age

“Boarding at Gordon’s is a journey toward self-reliance, but it’s one where students know they’re always supported”

11 or 16. While there are no specific entry requirements lower down, five GCSEs, with grades 9 to 5 are required at A level. All prospective students here must attend an open day, while prospective boarders are interviewed to check they are suitable candidates for boarding.

Day boarder places here are especially oversubscribed, so oversubscription criteria apply (the majority of day pupils are very local). For residential boarding, priority is given to students with parents in the Armed Forces, and students come from all over the world. Many students from Gordon's head on to Russell Group universities, such as Exeter and Southampton. Apprenticeships have become increasingly popular, as have places at music and drama school. There have been notable recent successes with sports scholarships, and with a highachieving alumni list, including rugby's Jake Ball and Ellie Boatman and Paralympic swimmer Hannah Russell.

Boarding here is a nurturing and closeknit a air, and with 275 boarders there's a good blend and 'critical mass' to make life fun. “We are preparing them to go out into the world as confident, responsible, caring adults. Boarding at Gordon’s is a journey

toward self-reliance, but it’s one where students know they’re always supported," says Head of Boarding Sam Cooper.

Wymondham College

Sir Lincoln Ralphs, Chief Education O cer for the county of Norfolk, conceived the idea of Wymondham College as a state boarding school with exceptionally high academic standards and the widest range of opportunities. It was established in 1951 on the site of a wartime US Air Force Hospital. Today, only one Nissen hut remains on the campus as a reminder of this heritage, and it is now the school's chapel. The school remains proud of the US links and history, and there's a Heritage Trail round the site.

It's a large school, with some 1,400 students and allocation of day places is via Norfolk County Council. Boarders are accepted from age 9. The admissions process for boarding is non-selective, but there is a suitability to board interview. The boarding house structure means students belong to a smaller community where pastoral and

LEFT & BELOW Gordon's students
Wymondham College Air Cadets

wellbeing support ensures every child is known. Wymondham prides itself on being a home from home, with specialist sta and a culture that is conducive to a family dynamic. The student community is varied, with young people coming from all over the world. These days there are also more local students from across the county, as well as national and military families. Onward destinations include Oxbridge, Russell Group universities and degree apprenticeships. Medicine, veterinary and engineering are popular.

The College sees state boarding as bringing a diverse range of benefits – from the chance to mix with an international cohort to outstanding education and boarding (Wymondham has this rating in all nine categories across education and boarding). It also points to the rich opportunities, with over 70 extracurricular activities on o er every week – ranging from riding and paddleboarding to coding and baking. Sport is a big draw, with students competing against independents and holding their own. It's also o ered well at a recreational level, and with coaching and facilities to support every child.

Duke of York's Royal Military School

This state boarding school is steeped in history, having been founded in 1803 for the children of British Army soldiers in Chelsea. From there, Duke of York's Royal Military School (DOYRMS) moved to its current home in Dover, Kent in 1909 – and these days it is open to those without military

connections. This is a state boarding school that has no day pupils, although flexi boarding has recently been introduced and is proving popular.

Known as Dukies, the student cohort numbers around 500 – and around 45% are female. Most students join at age 11 (Year 7) although there is some additional intake further up the Senior school and at Sixth Form. The proud military heritage lives on,

with almost half of students coming from families with serving backgrounds. Other students join here from across the UK, and some are from ex-pat families. The opening of flexi boarding saw a rise in a more local cohort of students from around Kent and the Home Counties.

Results here are excellent, with 95% of students heading on to university. Around 40% get places at Oxbridge and Russell

Group institutions. Apprenticeships and the military still figure quite heavily.

Head of Sixth Form Joanna Towers says DOYRMS Sixth Form students are highly ambitious in their learning and career goals. Individual learning is supported by small class sizes – below 10 at A level (and also below 20 at GCSE).

There are over 60 weekly clubs and societies, plus a high performing sports programme delivered by specialist coaches. Sports facilities include the Olympicstandard athletics track and indoor heated swimming pool, and with lots of opportunities for outdoor fun and creative activities such as drama. Students can work towards an Arts Award in Dance, Drama, Art or Music. “All students are able to find something which they enjoy here," says Chris Stanley, DOYRMS Director of Co-Curricular.

As with most other state boarding schools, Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DOE) and Combined Cadet Force (CCF) are a popular feature of life at the school. These sit alongside a wide range of outdoor trips, expeditions and leadership opportunities to help develop life skills and wider knowledge.

“The opening of flexi boarding at DOYRMS saw the rise of a more local cohort of students from around the Home Counties”

Keswick School

With a history dating back to at least 1591, Keswick School sits in a stunning location at the foot of Skiddaw Mountain. It was originally founded as a voluntary aided grammar school and over time has grown to accommodate some 1,300 pupils, with around 260 of them within the Sixth Form.

The boarding cohort is relatively small in number at 52, with children accepted from Year 7 (age 11). Boarders come from all over the world to enjoy a fantastic setting in the heart of an area designated a World Heritage Site in 2017. Keswick is an internationally renowned centre for outdoor activities and cultural experiences, making it an ideal base to explore the Lake District – so brilliant for young people interested in outdoor sports and activities.

Lairthwaite Boarding House is set on the edge of the school grounds, a twominute walk to school, and run by a team of boarding sta to create a ‘home from home’ experience. There are regular structured preps after tea, but it's a homely setting with two beloved golden retriever dogs, Venus and Freyja, plus friendly hens as part of the set-up. There

are bespoke transport services to and from Penrith train station and Manchester airport to support families of boarders.

The school itself o ers an Outstanding education (Ofsted 2024), with plenty of lunchtime and after-school extracurricular clubs. While boarders have a specific Wellbeing Programme to encourage them to 'Get Outdoors', it would be hard to ignore the area's stunning beauty and plentiful sports and leisure opportunities, be it sailing on Lake Derwent or getting involved in local nature and wildlife conservation projects. There are some impressive sportsmen and women among the Keswick alumni, including fell runner Gavin Bland, racewalker Carol Tyson, racing driver Jessica Edgar and cyclist Mark Donovan.

The Thomas Adams School

The Thomas Adams School in Wem, Shropshire boasts a rich history. It originated as the Free School of Wem in 1650 and was named after its founder. It was known as Adams Grammar School for a period, but then a 1976 merger gave it the full name used

RIGHT Boarding life at The Thomas Adams School

today. Boarding has been an integral part of the school community for over 450 years. Notable alumni include golfer Sandy Lyle and actor and comedian Greg Davies.

The school caters to students aged 11–18, with a total cohort of 1,200 and typical entry points at Year 7 and Sixth Form, but the school can accommodate boarding entries throughout all year groups, with the usual interview requirements to ensure suitability for boarding. There are around 60 boarders across age groups, and they live in Adams House close to the school's Noble Street Sixth Form site. It is a homely boarding house with wraparound pastoral care.

The school serves a diverse cohort, including the local community of Wem and the surrounding rural areas. It also welcomes national and international boarding students. It is particularly popular among military families utilising

“Thomas Adams maintains strong connections with families from the Caribbean, Hong Kong, and Middle East”

the CEA, but boarding students come from across the UK and internationally. It is the closest state boarding school to Wales and also maintains strong connections with families from the Caribbean, Hong Kong, and Middle East.

Thomas Adams prepares students for a variety of onward destinations, particularly progression to higher education, and with a strong track record of students moving on to Russell Group members. There's a specialised programme to assist students looking to go the Oxbridge route, plus support and pathways for students preparing for vocational training and direct entry to employment.

Extracurricular activities include excellent sports provision, a thriving arts community and plenty of adventure (this is a top spot for outdoor adventurers) including via CCF and DofE programmes. Both school and boarding community maintain strong connections with the Drapers Company of London. Despite the wonderful pastoral setting, there are excellent public transport links to Birmingham, Manchester and London from the nearby mainline station.

"For many, particularly those from military families or those living in remote areas, the stability and consistency boarding provides are invaluable. The extended school day allows for a rich cocurricular programme, enabling students

to explore their passions and develop their talents beyond the classroom," says Director of Boarding Lee Irwin.

Sexey's School

Located near Bruton in Somerset, Sexey's started life as a trade school for boys in 1891, although its foundations go back much further as the school was funded from the bequest of Hugh Sexey, Royal Auditor to both Queen Elizabeth I and James I. It grew over time into a much larger boys' school, going co-ed in 1977. Boarding facilities were expanded in the 1980s and it moved over to Academy status in 2011. It has around 700 students, and around a fifth of them are boarders.

Academically, Sexey's consistently ranks among the top-performing state schools in the country, with a curriculum spanning a wide range of GCSE and A-level subjects. The Sixth Form has been named top performer for progress in Dorset and Somerset in very recent times. Famous alumni down the years include Ned Sherrin, Douglas Macmillan, James Brickell and Henry Bomby.

There's a lively extracurricular scene, with lots of sport, drama, music and creative opportunities, plus DofE and CCF. The location, in rolling Somerset countryside, makes this a perfect place to enjoy the outdoor life.

The three boarding houses – Macmillan, Lisbury and Coombe – all feature house tutors, matrons and house parents and are designed with a home-from-home atmosphere to build close-knit friendships

and enable personal growth. The boarding cohort includes children of military families, those working overseas and UK-based families. Sexey's o ers flexibility in its boarding with part-time options. This is attractive to local families, giving the younger students the option to stay over for two or three nights of the week, while sixth formers can stay for two or four nights. For full boarders, there are exeat weekends and a full programme of activities to keep them busy when they are living at school.

Royal Alexandra and Albert School

With a history dating back to 1758, the Royal Alexandra and Albert School originated as two separate charities, each dedicated to educating orphans and children in severe need. There was an Act of Parliament in 1949, uniting the schools at Gatton Park, Surrey, where the school remains to this day and upholds its charitable foundations.

Today, the Royal Alexandra and Albert School is a non-selective, co-ed state boarding school for children aged 7 to 18 –notably the only state boarding school in the country to admit students from Year 3. To ensure continuity of education for children and their families, the school comprises a Junior School, a Senior School and a Sixth Form. With just over 1,000 students, full boarders form a significant proportion of

"Royal Alexandra and Albert School admits students from Year 3 and there's an Equestrian Centre offering access to high-quality lessons"

the community, numbering more than 300.

The school is set within 260 acres of private parkland, providing exceptional outdoor opportunities. There's a dedicated Equestrian Centre, giving students with a passion for riding access to high-quality and more a ordable lessons. Royal Alexandra and Albert is also the first All-Steinway state school in England, with eight Steinway pianos and two grand pianos. This means music is a particular draw here, alongside equestrian pursuits.

For local families looking for flexi boarding, typical entry points are Year 3 and Year 7, while full boarders can apply for almost any year point and at any point during the academic year. The application process does not involve fees or exams, but families must apply to the school and their local education authority and there are certain requirements, such as a character reference from current school.

Full Boarders come from all over the world – currently students call 28 countries home – and they are set among 45 di erent nationalities within the school's cohort. All students are either British or Irish passport holders or have another approved residency status in the UK (this to enable access to UK state education). There's a long history of educating children from Forces families and

Royal Alexandra and Albert is particularly popular with parents employed by the MOD. Local flexi boarders have opportunities to take part in the extensive co-curricular programme and can board for seven to ten days per academic year

Academics are strong, and in the 2023-24 academic year 91% of Year 13 students went on to university with 25% heading on to a Russell Group university. This is far from the only route and the school has a focus on supporting students to discover and follow a pathway that best suits their ambitions.

Steyning Grammar School

Founded in 1614 by William Holland, Steyning Grammar School was initially limited to 50 students but by 1906 it had grown much larger and came under the control of West Sussex County Council. In the late 1960s, it merged with Steyning Secondary Modern to become a comprehensive school, and in 2020 it joined the Bohunt Education Trust, a multi-academy trust with schools across the Home Counties.

Today, it is the largest state school in West Sussex, with over 2,000 students across

Royal Alexandra and Albert students
RIGHT Drama at Steyning

multiple sites. This includes a modern boarding facility for 120 international students. It welcomes Forces families and those from distant destinations (including the Falklands Islands) as well as many other groups. Boarding admissions are typically for Year 9 (three-year GCSE) and for Sixth Form. All students must hold a British passport, but the boarding community is very diverse with over 30 countries represented. A significant number of UKbased students board at Steyning.

Students go on to a range of UK universities, including UCL and King's College London and study across a range of diverse subjects. There's a

lively programme of activities at the school to help build CVs, including an early applicants Oxbridge Group and Aspirant Scientist Group. EPQs are supported and there's help, too, for aspiring lawyers. The Sixth Form supercurricular programme includes lots of day and residential trips, along with DofE and volunteering opportunities. Sport is well supported, in and out of school, and soccer lovers will appreciate the Football Academy run in conjunction with Steyning Town FC. Creatives can get stuck in to the twiceyearly school productions and annual performing arts exhibition.

Hockerill Anglo-European College

Based in Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, just 30 minutes from London by train and even closer to Cambridge, Hockerill AngloEuropean College has an unusual history. It was founded in 1852, originally as a teacher training college, and then became a co-educational boarding school in 1980.

Today there are some 900 students, including around 400 boarders. The sixth form consists of some 260 students. Main entry points for the school are Year 7 and Year 12, with boarding vacancies sometimes available in Years 9 and 10. Flexi, weekly and full boarding are all o ered here, with flexi o ered for between seven and ten nights a year. There are five boarding houses, divided by sex and age group, and with a full pastoral care provision. Each boarder has their own personal House Tutor for both general and academic support.

“Hockerill College has the distinction of being the only IB Diploma state school in the country”
Learning at Hockerill College

The campus sits on the edge of town on a leafy campus, and there's plenty of space for an active life. Hockerill o ers CCF and DofE, plus an excellent set of options beyond the standard school sports, including BMX, running, basketball, yoga, fitness and dance.

It is a state boarding school, but also an International Baccalaureate World School, so students here follow a prestigious international qualifications pathway. It has the distinction of being the only IB Diploma state school in the country. Recently, it was ranked fifth in the Sunday Times Schools

Guide 2024 table of comprehensive schools in the UK, based on GCSE and IB Diploma results. It now o ers the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP).

Around 75% of leavers go on to Russell Group universities in the UK, with others heading on to universities around the world. Medicine, sciences and languages are all strong suits here. Thanks in part to the IB syllabus, modern foreign languages are a significant strength of the school, and it also has an excellent track record in teaching music.

Richard Huish College

This is a somewhat di erent state boarding option – but with USPs that make it the perfect choice for a young person aged 16+ looking to join a community setting where study can be combined with plenty of extracurricular stimulation alongside peers.

Richard Huish College has its roots in the 18th century – the founder was a Taunton wool merchant who left a legacy designed to secure university education for young people. Richard Huish was transformed into a sixth form co-ed college in 1981. It now has a cohort of some 2,000 students and with over 45 A-level courses and Level 3 Vocational courses available.

The boarding accommodation opened in 2017, following on from a successful homestay approach. Oak House o ers 53 modern ensuite bedrooms and welcomes both UK and international students. The mix is full-time and flexi boarders, and the aim of the College is to support students as they prepare for university or other pathways and provide the 16+ age group with more enrichment. There's a particularly strong relationship here with students from both the Falkland Islands and Scilly Isles, where there's no sixth form provision. The gender balance is fairly evenly split, varying from year to year (currently there are more female boarders). Entry requirements for the College are five GCSEs at grade 9-4 or equivalent, including Maths and English Language. There are slightly more flexible arrangements for BTEC Extended Diploma. For many students who come here, the real draw is the Aspen Music Centre, opened in 2018 and with facilities that include recording studios with RedNet Technology, soundproofed rooms for live recordings, a Mac suite and editing and production suite. There's also a large

Music is a strong element of life at Richard Huish, with excellent resources
Sixth form life at Richard Huish College

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library of music, instruments and other equipment. It is also a good choice for students with a strong interest in sport –there's a rugby programme with Bristol Bears, plus sports partnerships with Somerset Cricket Foundation and Huish Tigers Basketball.

The College is proud of its top 10% status for value added and for the excellent university results many of its alumni achieve, including at Russell Group universities. Other students go on to secure degree apprenticeships in areas such as the RAF, Police and finance. The College sent ten students on to study Medicine in 2024.

Liverpool College

One of 13 founding members of the Headmasters' Conference, Liverpool College has a long and distinguished history, and when it was built the foundation stone was laid by Lord Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby. William Gladstone, later four-times Prime Minister, performed the school's opening ceremony.

In the late 19th century, the College merged with a girls' school, and in 2013 it became an academy and, as a state boarding school, now welcomes boarders from Year 7-13. Boarders are housed in Beechlands, a lovely Victorian property that has been completely modernised to suit boarding life. It is located on the College's 26-acre Mossley Hill campus to the south of the city (close to Liverpool University halls of residence). The College has a partnership with the university.

In total, there are some 1,500 pupils aged from 4-19, with up to 20 boarders. Weekly and full boarders are accepted from Year 7 and entrance is non-selective, although there is an assessment of suitability for boarding and eligibility for boarding based on UK government criteria. A new day boarding initiative seeks to bring day and boarding students closer together from Years 7-10 in an action-packed after-school programme, so there's plenty of social time built in.

The College follows its own bespoke curriculum, known as LCA, which builds on National Curriculum requirements with personal and social goals and a strong emphasis on character development. There's a strong focus, too, on the expressive arts, along with technology,

enterprise and sport and these sit alongside core STEM and humanities subjects. DofE and CCF are both o ered and there's a long sporting tradition across rugby, cricket, athletics and football, as well as netball and hockey. The school is highly rated academically and, as a Liverpool day school, it's heavily oversubscribed.

LEFT & BELOW Liverpool College has a distinguished history



Head of Malvern College on learning from business in order to deliver positive change

The challenges facing the education sector have been well documented.

From rising costs to shifting expectations, schools are navigating uncertain terrain.

While much has been debated about how best to address these issues, one thing is clear: the same old solutions may not su ce. Sometimes, it is necessary to look beyond education – to think di erently in order to find these new solutions. The commercial sector is one such area where lessons could be learned.

Over the last few years, we’ve worked to model outcomes and plan for various scenarios to ensure our decisions today are fit for the future. But we’ve also recognised that innovative solutions often require stepping outside the bubble of education. It’s not enough to simply look at what other great schools are doing.

This philosophy isn’t new to Malvern. And it doesn’t just benefit the way the school runs – our sta are a testament to the belief that excellence isn’t confined to one sector.

The Arts Department boasts celebrated artists who have exhibited their work internationally. Our Head of Business came to us after a successful career in commerce. Economists with banking backgrounds and teachers who once performed or played professionally all bring invaluable real-world experience to the classroom and wider curriculum. Their perspectives enrich our pupils’ learning in ways that go far beyond

“Economists with banking backgrounds and teachers who once performed professionally bring real-world experience”


Malvern College students

the limits of conventional teacher training.

Applying this same principle at an institutional level is vital for schools. For our part, we decided to invite strategic consultants, typically found advising the commercial world, to help us tackle the big questions facing education today. They come with fresh eyes, challenging assumptions and empowering us to rethink not only how we operate but also how we deliver education.

This process isn’t just about identifying e ciencies – although that is certainly part of it – It’s about taking a step back and asking: is there better way to do this? To be e ective, change cannot come from the top down. It has to be driven by the people who live and breathe the school every day –those on the ‘shop floor’ (gemba, to use the lean management term).

Assembling a diverse group of sta from across an organisation is the key to success. Our group, over five days, examined every aspect of current practices, scrutinising processes, identifying unintentional waste (muda), and considering alternatives. Freed from the constraints of ‘how things have always been done’, they developed fresh approaches to education and operations alike.

The outcome was transformative. Sta didn’t just present ideas, they owned them. By involving everyone from the ‘shop floor’ upwards, we’ve ensured that these changes will be authentic and sustainable. Borrowing from the business world may not be a traditional approach for a school, but in today’s climate, originality and adaptability are essential. To develop the role models of tomorrow means we must stray from tradition today.

Education is not static and, by embracing fresh perspectives and empowering sta to lead change, we are not just navigating the storm but setting a course for the future. After all, every day’s a school day – even for us.

Mpartnership IMPACT

James Willatt of Eltham College on the Eric Liddell centenary legacy and the impact of working in partnership with local communities

uch has changed at Eltham College since its 1842 establishment as a boarding school for the sons of Protestant missionaries serving overseas. There were 14 boys on roll when it opened. Now, Eltham’s co-educational Junior and Senior schools and 70-acre site are home to hundreds of girls and boys, of all faiths and none, sitting at the centre of a new family of schools, including nearby Blackheath Prep.

One constant throughout, has been the school’s emphasis on living a life for the benefit of others – an ethos brilliantly personified by one of Eltham’s most famous former pupils, Eric Liddell, immortalised in

the film Chariots of Fire. In 2023, to mark the upcoming centenary of his Paris Olympics gold medal, Lower Sixth volunteers ran from Paris to St Andrews – almost 700 miles – to honour his legacy while raising funds for charity. They knew they wanted to support the Eric Liddell Centre in Edinburgh, but researching other potential beneficiaries, they discovered Personal Best Foundation (PBF), a charity to help children and young people benefit from the transformative impact of athletics.

Last October, thanks to a donation of £8,250 from the total £24,000 raised by the Eric Liddell 100 run, PBF opened its first Community Athletics (‘Funetics’) Hub at Grove Park Youth Centre – a stone’s throw from the College – giving local children aged 7-11 access to a free weekly athletics session. In February this year, seven other Eltham students undertook an overnight, 12-hour run on the 200m indoor track at She eld’s English Institute of Sport, raising a further £1,500 for PBF.

As our partnership with the charity has developed, so has our joint vision of ensuring there is an ongoing legacy from the Eric Liddell 100 fundraiser. The She eld run was a test event to see if we can create a repeatable, scalable charity running challenge that develops students’ skills and exposes them to exciting experiential learning opportunities while raising valuable funds for PBF. Signs are good, with other

schools now interested in being involved.

As a small charity launched just two years ago, PBF describes the impact as ‘significant’. Not only will the work in our local community benefit young people in Mottingham for years to come, but the events have provided important exposure and engagement with other prospective community fundraising partners.

For Eltham College students, the benefits have been manifold. They have built lifelong memories and bonds, of course, but also gained real-life experience. The initial

Opening of the Funetics Hub, which was attended by local Olympian Alex Haydock-Wilson

700-mile run was managed entirely by the student group. Responsible for the budget, risk-management, logistics, marketing and events, they grew noticeably in maturity as they problem-solved to overcome each hurdle. They secured corporate sponsorship from four backers to fund the event, surviving boardroom pitches, learning how to manage rejection and developing the patience, resilience and dedication needed to complete their challenge.

In preparation for the She eld run, students were able to explore areas relevant

“Working collaboratively, we can deliver so much more – building trust, relationships and social capital”

to their university applications. Some, for example, completed research projects on sports nutrition and psychology, while another, applying for History, worked with PBF’s heritage o cer to write for England Athletics’ online museum. To see the impact of their e orts – the change they are bringing to local children’s lives – has also been hugely important. Students helped run games at the launch of the PBF Lewisham Athletics Hub, and we’re now planning to train students as PBF Funetics leaders to support the delivery of these athletics sessions on an ongoing basis.

Ultimately, this is why I believe community partnerships are so important for schools and young people. Working collaboratively, we can deliver so much more for the students and the community – building trust, relationships and social capital. The children who benefit from the Funetics programme in Lewisham now use our facilities for holiday sports camps, co-ordinated by a new

community partner, Sporting Way.

I could not have been more delighted to see those same local children volunteering alongside Eltham College students recently, as they prepared and packed 7,000 meals from our kitchens to be distributed to those in need via charity and community organisations across London. Those we have helped are helping us to help others.

ABOVE PBF and Eltham College are working together to deliver free athletics sessions


The Deputy Head Academic of Downe House School on how schools set homework tasks that are fit for purpose

California recently issued a ban on homework on the grounds of addressing a global decline in teenage mental wellbeing. Now, a number of mental health experts in the UK have urged a similar policy. Most schools would continue to argue that homework remains a vital pedagogical tool – facilitating independent learning and providing opportunities for reinforcement, practice and extension. Rather than banning homework, the question should be: how do schools ensure that the work set outside of the classroom is purposeful and manageable for students?

Setting meaningful homework tasks requires us to know our students well, to understand the time constraints they work under and to encourage honest feedback. Allowing students to develop skills and to learn the facts that underpin those skills is important. This happens during the task, rather than as a result of the end product. I have files full of essays written at school and university which I do not read regularly, but the skills I developed while writing them have proved useful every day.

This distinction is not always clear when you are the one doing the homework. It is easy for students to fixate on the end product and the sense of achievement that comes with submitting a task – and herein lies the moral hazard. Years ago, students could take a short cut to the end product by copying from books; more recently this evolved into copying from websites. This

“By valuing the journey, we encourage students to avoid short cuts and maximise their development”

sort of plagiarism reduced the thinking required, also resulting in reduced learning.

These past plagiarism short cuts are nothing compared to the current and future potential of AI. This means that schools must be mindful of how students are likely to approach the homework set. We must be explicit about the skills we want our students to develop. It means making a clear distinction between judging a task’s success from the end product and the process they have undergone to arrive there. By valuing the journey rather than the destination, we encourage students to avoid short cuts and maximise their development.

AI does have its place in the school of course, in allowing us to provide students with a wider range of multimedia tasks, but we need to teach students how to use it e ectively. With the variety of adaptive platforms available, we can set tasks that

di erentiate and adapt to individual needs. These platforms also encourage a ‘little and often’ approach, which can space out topics and give rapid feedback to students on how they can improve.

To be purposeful then, homework needs to provide su cient challenge to promote development without becoming boring. Setting dozens of repetitive questions week after week will not inspire students. Unfortunately, it is di cult to guard against a student responding to an increase in challenge by taking more time over the task than intended. This makes it helpful to foster a culture where our expectations of time spent on a task are clearly explained and understood. Gathering feedback from students also helps, allowing us to set better tasks in future and promote a healthy relationship with homework among young people.

HUGH GRANT Deputy Head Academic Downe House School
LEFT Learning in the library at Downe House

Swim for life

The Director of Sport at St Albans School on the critical importance of developing water confidence in all children

Following a recent report in a national newspaper revealing that one third of UK children cannot swim unaided, it seems that British schools are in a state of crisis on swimming delivery. Many children have not returned to physical activity post-pandemic, prompting fears of neglect around water safety. Feeling confident around water is a vital life skill, which is why swimming is included in the PE National Curriculum. However, it is becoming increasingly challenging to meet the expectation that all children by the end of KS2 (age 11) will be able to swim with some confidence. Often the key factor in young people becoming proficient and safe swimmers is parental encouragement, which is why bridging the gap between school and home is so crucial.

For many schools, the cost of providing swimming lessons has increased significantly, not least due to rising transport hire and fuel costs. Another factor is cultural, with some faith groups having di erent beliefs around swimming activities in school. Observational practices, such as separating genders or having di erent expectations or associations with swimming, may be another factor that reduces engagement. This makes the provision of adequate lessons for all more challenging and constrained. Greater

"Independents can make a real di erence by providing other local schools with access to their pool facilities"

flexibility in approaches and adequate sta ng to support children's requirements is urgently needed but is not viable for all schools.

Where independent schools can make a real di erence, is by providing local schools within their community with access to pool facilities. Being local often means that pupils from nearby schools can walk to the facilities, dramatically reducing the transportation costs that parents would otherwise have to pay.

As part of our own partnership arrangements, we provide pool access twice weekly to several local primary schools, helping them to improve their students' swimming. We also provide lifeguarding cover for these sessions, delivered by students in our Lower Sixth. Our students have the opportunity to take their lifesaving and first-aid qualifications in school, which makes these swimming partnerships hugely beneficial for both sides.

Swimming is, and has always been, a lifelong activity – it can have a significant positive impact on people’s lives, both physically and mentally. The importance of building water confidence in early years cannot be underestimated and this makes swimming an activity that must be accessible to everyone. Swimming lessons outside of school are often in high demand, with many pools having long waiting lists, so by sharing pool provision, schools such as ours provide access to the vital swimming lessons that could one day save a life. Developing skills around water from a young age also ensures safety when engaging in all other aquatic pursuits –including sailing and paddle boarding.

At St Albans School, we deliver teaching and training in a variety of formats, from stroke development and life-saving techniques to sports such as water polo. These activities develop skills and enrich our students' experience around water. Mastering a variety of water-based activities helps them stay active throughout school and into their future lives.

Swimming lesson at St Albans School
MARTIN LANGSTON Director of Sport
St Albans School


Our experts answer your questions on co-ed versus single-sex at senior and having a child assessed for ADHD
Nathaniel McCullagh
Managing Director, Simply Learning Tuition

QMy daughter is in Year 5 at a co-ed prep and our thoughts are turning to senior schools. She loves science, is sporty, and has a healthy mixture of male and female friends. We can’t decide whether a co-ed or a girls’ school would be better for her. Can you help?

AIt sounds like your daughter loves school, enjoys her subjects and has a good mix of friends, which is all fantastic. It’s also positive that you are starting to

consider next steps. Year 5 is the right time to do your research because independent schools have their own entrance requirements, cut-o points and processes.

“Observe how pupils interact with each other and what the atmosphere around the school is like”

The arguments as to the benefit, or otherwise, of co-ed or single sex schools are well established and many are based on sweeping generalisations. Single sex schools may argue that their teachers can tailor lessons to the needs of their pupils and that boys and girls perform better without distraction –girls because they feel less intimidated, boys because they don’t feel the need to be cool. Proponents of co-ed will tell you that siloing teenagers is a recipe for relationship disaster in later life and point out that every child matures at a di erent rate – a teacher could be faced with a situation where the boys in a class concentrate much better than the girls. Certainly, there is no indication that teachers cannot adapt their methods to suit both boys and girls in a co-ed setting. If you attended a single-sex school, you may have an idea as to whether it would suit your child. This is bound to be coloured by your school experience. Try to put these thoughts to one side as schools are always evolving. Decisions should be based on knowledge and firsthand experience, so I’d start the process by talking to the Head of

your daughter’s current school. They will be in a strong position to advise about the sort of schools that will suit her, educationally and pastorally. As she is enjoying a co-ed environment, make a shortlist of senior co-ed schools to visit and add in a few single-sex schools by way of contrast. It is worth remembering that most schools that you visit are bound to be extremely good, have an excellent academic track record and will help your daughter fulfil her potential. Some may have better facilities, but try and look beyond bricks and mortar to observe how pupils interact with each other, how the teachers interact with their pupils and what the atmosphere around the school is like. Trust your gut and if you see happy, friendly, polite and engaged students who are at ease with, and respectful of, their teachers then take your daughter along for a visit. At co-ed schools, observe how the girls and boys behave around each other. From what you say of your daughter, it sounds like she will thrive in a co-ed or single sex environment, so choose a school where you feel she will be happy, stretched and supported. After all, a happy child is always best placed to learn and flourish.


Dr Cassie Coleman

Clinical Director and Consultant Community Paediatrician, Dr Cassie & Associates

QMy son is having problems with focus at school and there have also been some behavioural issues recently. His form teacher suggested it might be a good idea to have him assessed, but I’m not sure where to start?

AI completely understand how overwhelming it can feel when you’re not sure where to start. Many parents I speak to are in the same position, wondering which direction to turn, who to approach, and what steps to take next. The fact that you’re

seeking advice is already such a positive step, and I hope I can help provide some clarity.

From the first point of contact, our aim is to guide parents through this process. It is about understanding your child’s strengths and challenges, considering whether an assessment might be helpful, and helping make sense of what teachers and you, as parents, are noticing. At our clinic, we have a team of professionals who work together to provide a holistic assessment. We are able to take the time to thoroughly assess a child’s development, general health, cognitive abilities, and current functioning at home and school.

(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), and it sounds as if you’ve also noticed some di erences in your son’s behaviour at home.

“A diagnosis is more about opening a door than closing one – an opportunity for a child to better understand themselves as they grow”

We start the process by gathering as much information as possible. This includes input from you and, with your consent, your son’s school. At our clinic, we use written forms and standardised questionnaires to build a detailed picture of a child’s experiences, both at home and in the classroom. This allows us to explore how these challenges might be impacting their day-today life – whether it’s the ability to keep up with schoolwork, manage friendships or navigate home life. Crucially, when we talk to families, we also want to explore how these challenges might be a ecting a child’s self-esteem. Your question suggests that your son’s teacher has mentioned possible signs of ADHD

I completely understand any hesitation you may feel about having your son assessed – particularly concerns about him being ‘labelled’. Many parents we speak to worry that this could harm their child’s self-esteem or lead others to view their child di erently. However, in my experience, a diagnosis is more about opening a door than closing one. It provides an opportunity for a child to better understand themselves as they grow. It helps to make sense of why certain things might feel harder and, just as importantly, why they might excel at something else. The assessment report we provide o ers specific strategies and adaptions to help parents, as well as teachers, to ‘see’ the child through the most helpful and supportive lens.

On a personal note, I want to share that I understand the challenges you’re describing, not just as a professional but also as a parent. My own son has ADHD, and I know how daunting the journey can feel at the start. But I also know how transformative it can be to better understand your child’s unique needs – and to see the incredible strengths that come alongside the challenges.


Sixth Form

LAUNCHING CAREERS P 127 FUTURE READY P 129 SEEN AND HEARD P 131 SMART SIXTH P 133 ART IMMERSION Time off well spent with a modern Grand Tour Page 124

TOUR Grand

Discovering treasures of the art world with John Hall Venice broadens minds, boosts CVs and o ers the joy of learning for its own sake

Gap year journeys are harder to fund and justify these days, especially since so much of the world is no longer o the beaten track or unsullied by tourism. No wonder some students decide to take a di erent tack and embark on a voyage of discovery of a di erent kind with John Hall Venice.

The company was founded in 1965 (when going abroad was much more arduous) to give young people taking a gap year a mindbroadening arts experience before they started university. Rather like the Grand Tour of the 18th and 19th centuries, it centred on the artistic and cultural treasures of Italy.

Today, the programme covers pretty much the same tried and trusted ground, while continuing its tradition of delivering eye-opening content. It consists of a week in London, six weeks in Venice, a week in Florence and a week in Rome. For participants, the heart of the experience is Venice, a city they spend enough time in to feel more like residents than tourists – it becomes a real cultural immersion. “Not only are you living in one of the most beautiful cities on earth, but you will look at the world slightly di erently after having done it,” says Eliza, a recent alumna. “It was so liberating to learn for the joy of it.”

The programme spans painting, sculpture,

architecture, music, world cinema, literature and global issues, all delivered by experts. There are practical classes in studio life drawing and portraiture, as well as photography, Italian language and cookery. Around 3,000 students have attended the course over the years – second and now third generation students are signing up these days, proof of the profound impact it had on their parents and grandparents.

One of the best things about the John Hall Venice course is the number of ‘privileged’ access visits, arranged thanks to inside contacts. These might typically include a tour of Venice’s San Marco by night, and the Vatican – including the Sistine Chapel. Talks by passionate and knowledgeable specialists, including curators, opera directors, conductors, composers and art historians, add extra-level insights. These

“For participants, the heart of the experience is Venice, a city they experience as residents rather than tourists”

are designed to build understanding and a love of the arts – and open eyes and minds. “We were exposed to a grand scope of artistic expression. The lectures themselves touch upon Venetian art, contemporary art, film, opera, classical music, philosophy, poetry… the list could go on,” says alumnus Hamish. Lecturers and speakers joining John Hall Venice Faculty on a regular basis speak volumes about the depth and range. From writer and art critic Louisa Buck to architect Andrew Tyley, art historian and curator Dr Claudia Tobin and Renaissance specialist and

University of Leicester Emeritus Professor of Art History and Film History David Ekserdjian, it’s a heavyweight list.

Cultural insights are unforgettable, but the experience of getting to know three of Italy’s great cities – Florence, Rome and Venice – remains equally memorable. “We meandered around the cities with icecreams or hot chocolates in hand, getting to know the back streets and canals of Italy like any local. It was such a treat having countless wonders on your doorstep,” adds Hamish. “It was beyond a privilege to spend that time falling in love with Italy.”

The programme fosters strong friendships among people with a shared interest – and gives exposure to university-level perspectives. All this is hugely helpful in building a CV. Purposeful travel to study does sound better than a month on the beach in Bali. The study focus benefits any student preparing for a Fine Art or History of Art degree, of course, but it’s brilliant for potential historians, musicians, architects, engineers and scientists, too. Demonstrable intellectual curiosity and interests beyond your specialist area are always valued by universities and employers.

This year marks the Diamond Jubilee of the John Hall Venice programme and its website houses a fascinating photo archive of previous courses, dating right back to those 1960s pioneers on a great journey.

For sure, getting there is much easier today – with cheap and plentiful flights bringing Europe within everyone’s range – but going in Grand Tour style to explore Italy’s cultural treasures remains just as enriching an adventure as ever it was.


The tour includes
spell living like
local in Venice
A John Hall Venice group


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An exciting alternative to university, the UKSA Superyacht Cadetship launches maritime careers and lets you earn as you progress

Finlay Scull completed his A levels in Maths, Physics and Product Design and was ready for a change from classroom-based education.

He knew a standard university pathway wasn’t going to be right for him. He already loved the water and had spent around a decade sailing as a hobby, mostly on dinghies – even acquiring a dinghy instructor qualification and teaching at his local sailing club. Then a sailing buddy told him about the Superyacht Cadetship programme o ered by UKSA – the sailing charity and long-established maritime education provider – and based at its four-acre waterfront campus in Cowes, Isle of Wight. He was accepted for the Superyacht Cadetship, even securing a funding package from Trinity House. Living on

site, with all food and accommodation included, gave him time to focus on his active learning schedule. One day could be firefighting training, another sailing overnight passages along the south coast, and with other days spent absorbing all the theory for this professional programme.

One element of the course that appeals to many students such as Finlay is that theory and exams are combined with practical training – giving variety and opportunities to absorb the technical knowledge in a hands-on way. For students who want additional qualifications under their belt alongside the Superyacht Cadetship, there are opportunities to take a University of Plymouth Foundation Degree in Operational Yacht Science or study for a full BSc.

There are also great opportunities to earn as you learn by acquiring paid industry experience on superyachts. Since completing the initial Yachtmaster exams, Finlay has

“Alongside the Superyacht Cadetship, there are options to take a Foundation Degree or BSc”

been sailing the world on a 55m sailing yacht, visiting extraordinary locations and clocking up over 20,000 nautical miles so far. He’s returned to UKSA twice to complete further modules, and he’s now on the path to achieving the O cer of the Watch (Yachts) Certificate of Competence – a qualification recognised worldwide and commonly known as OOW. From there, there are opportunities to progress in seniority, all the way up to captain.

One of the most attractive things about the UKSA for aspiring maritime professionals is the breadth of opportunities in a growth sector – from water sports trainer to maritime engineer and senior o cer roles –and the structured learning pathways. These can be self-funded by gaining paid experience at sea. An average Deckhand salary is now between €2,800-€3,500 a month, and with key living costs pretty much covered.

UKSA in-house teams provide extensive mentoring, careers and placement advice and have connections across the global maritime industries. Cadets trained at Cowes are employed in all areas of the sector – from private performance racing superyachts to the largest and most prestigious motor vessels sailing the world’s oceans.

To be eligible for the Superyacht Cadetship with UKSA, you need to be between 18-25 and with an interest in building a long-term career. You will need 48 UCAS points if you apply for the Foundation Degree alongside the Cadetship

* To find out more about the Superyacht Cadetship and other training routes or attend an open day, visit uksa.org

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The Director of Futures & Innovation at FHS Sloane Square on its comprehensive approach to preparing students for bright futures beyond school

Areplica of Kristen Visbal’s Fearless Girl stands in our entrance hall, encapsulating our belief that our pupils should face down challenge and assert the power of their mind, voice and talent to make a contribution to the world. We take pride in our track record helping students gain entry to prestigious universities (93% of UK applicants secured places at Russell Group universities last year) and for medicine and veterinary courses, for which we have a 100% success rate over the past five years. Our students are empowered to apply for all sorts of courses – from anthropology to agriculture.

Around a fifth attend international universities in the US and Europe Recent admissions include Georgetown, NYU and USC, with our alumnae regularly attending IE and Bocconi universities. Our Futures team is well versed in the di erences between application processes and we have strong relationships with international universities. However, university admissions are just the tip of the iceberg. Informed by the Gatsby

“Students competed in teams to create an artificial reef – currently being built for use o the coast of Thailand”


Benchmarks and the World Economic Forum’s identification of key skills for the future, our programme emphasises creative and analytical thinking throughout pupils’ school journey. From Year 7, we introduce entrepreneurial challenges such as the Young Enterprise £10 Challenge, where girls bring a product to market within four weeks. This develops resilience, creativity and teamwork, with over half of the Year 7 cohort participating last year.

As part of our super-curricular timetable, students from Year 10 to 13 take part in activities such as Mental Health First Aid, Young Enterprise, interdisciplinary challenges and Law for Beginners. Our Year 10 students competed in teams to create an artificial reef this year. This is currently being built for use o the coast of Thailand – showing students that their ideas can have an immediate impact. The school’s Wellbeing Programme covers practical topics – how to manage a budget, how to study e ectively, tips for independent living – as well as running workshops with organisations such as The Schools Consent Project and Fiscorum (financial literacy).

We place a strong emphasis on oracy, with debating, podcasting, and public speaking woven into the curriculum, to ensure pupils

are able to articulate their ideas confidently and persuasively. We o er Year 12 students the chance to present ‘ideas worth spreading’ to a wider audience, and these are then uploaded to the TEDx channel in perpetuity. Our Sixth Form retention rate, with 90% of Year 11 pupils electing to stay on each year, indicates the confidence our pupils feel in our Futures Programme. Their confidence is reflected in our October 2024 ISI Inspection Report, which praised pupils’ moral understanding and eagerness to make a di erence by giving back. This is key – by nurturing self-awareness, creativity, analytical thinking and communication skills – and providing realworld opportunities for impact – FHS works to ensure that pupils are future ready.

Confidence-building projects at FHS Sloane Square
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Caroline St-Gallay of Reed’s on why seeking honest feedback on the teaching and learning experience is important for both pupil and school progress

Recently, I popped into my local co ee shop and bought a much-needed latte. Within three minutes of leaving, my phoned alerted me to an urgent message from the establishment: I needed to evaluate my experience. My latte was still too hot to sip, but my opinion was ‘important’ to them. In a world where we are asked to provide feedback on virtually everything we do, surely it would be bizarre if we did not ask our pupils to evaluate their lessons?

When we first introduced our Pupil Questionnaire at Reed’s over a decade ago, it was met with a certain degree of scepticism. What do children know about pedagogy? Surely children don’t understand how to teach? Also, pupils don’t tend to think it’s cool to express delight at their schooling! Such reactions are understandable but can be mitigated by the type of questions asked. These should be about evaluating the learning and not rating their teachers. When done well, questionnaires have the valuable dual benefit of encouraging pupil reflection (metacognition or thinking about learning, as it is known in many schools) and helping teachers to do the same about their own practices.

At Reed’s, Pupil Voice is paramount. Providing pupils with as many opportunities as possible to think about

“‘Providing pupils with as many opportunities as possible to think about their own views helps them to shape their thoughts in a considered, mature way”

their own views and then express these in a welcoming forum helps them to form and shape their thoughts in a considered, mature way. This lays the groundwork for individuals to express themselves confidently and articulately. The skill of reflecting on your experience is fundamental in learning because, by reviewing how they learn, pupils can adjust their own approaches and become independent.

When, for instance, they are asked in their Pupil Questionnaire how often they are ‘encouraged to work collaboratively with others’ in tasks, that implicitly tells them that this is a crucial skill in life. We frequently carve out time in our curriculum for reflection points to encourage focused contemplation about learning and to also give each individual some ownership over their own school experience.

Pupils also appreciate that, as a school, we are demonstrating our aspiration to perfect our teaching. We are signalling that we are not complacent. Shakespeare presented Hamlet as an over-thinker who acknowledged that: “Nothing is either good

or bad but thinking makes it so”. Surely, he is right. We need to think about the good and the bad experiences in order to improve how things are done. If we live on autopilot without evaluating, we will never improve.

About six months after they leave Reed’s, we contact our former pupils with another questionnaire. In this we ask them for one last reflection about how well we prepared them for the next stage in their lives. We ask because we want to make sure that we are preparing them well – we need to know what is “good” and what is “bad”. We also ask because we want to remind them that, if we want progress, none of us should ever stop reflecting.

ABOVE Reed’s students
Deputy Head (Teaching & Learning) Reed’s School


With so many changes in the world, Berkhamsted School believes it’s vital to transform learning spaces –its new Sixth Form centre is set to do just that

The world outside schools is changing fast, and Berkhamsted believes that we can’t expect students to adapt automatically to the world beyond their classrooms if those classrooms remain unchanged. According to Forbes, 56% of businesses are using AI within their operations, and this is only expected to grow by the time current sixth formers enter the working world. Equally, tech developments mean most current students are expected to have between 10-15 di erent jobs before they are 40. Beyond the employment landscape, global challenges such as climate change are set to transform the world as we know it.

With such a vast scale of change, the Hertfordshire co-educational day and boarding school has set out to o er its

students the necessary tools to face the world of today and tomorrow. The newly developed Sixth Form centre promises to shape students for the future from the moment they step through its doors. With a dedicated entrance separate from Berkhamsted Boys and Girls schools, the Sixth has its own distinct identity to inspire independence and responsibility. A large café space allows students to meet and collaborate in an environment purpose-built to transition them into adult life.

The classroom design is inspired by the Harkness Model. Developed in America, the model structures classes around a large boardroom-style table, as opposed to the traditional teacher-learner classroom dynamic, in order to encourage discussion and independent thinking. These spaces o er the perfect setting for a forwardthinking Sixth Form syllabus, including a

supercurricular AI course which facilitates debates around the ethics of artificial intelligence technologies.

The Sixth Form’s innovative design also includes a dedicated Future Zone, constructed to enhance traditional careers advice and with a clear focus on the transforming job market. Many students are likely to take up places at their chosen university (over 80% gained places at their first choice in 2024, and with over 54% achieving A*-A grades), however the Future Zone also houses a working space for budding entrepreneurs to develop their own business models. With an increasing number of people choosing to work for themselves, students will be able to explore this pathway as a viable option straight after school – perhaps alongside their chosen HE course or later on down the line.

While schools shape students for the future, Berkhamsted believes it is also important to invest in a brighter future for all. As such, the new Sixth Form building has been constructed with sustainability at its heart. It is designed with low carbon, energy and resource e ciency, as well as a meadow quad to promote biodiversity and support student wellbeing. Solar panels and air source heat pumps are used to power the building, setting a blueprint for future developments across the rest of Berkhamsted School.

The students of today have the potential to become the changemakers of tomorrow – and Berkhamsted’s future-focused new Sixth Form space gives them both the space and the inspiration to do just that.

ABOVE Berkhamsted School’s new Sixth Form building is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2025

Bedford School is part of the Harpur Trust

Open Morning Saturday 17 May

Spring Books


CAFÉ CHAOS: My Life is not a Piece of Cake

Welcome to the world of Hope Crumble, whose family-run Café Crumble is too much to deal with on top of starting secondary school. While Dad and Grandma Margery wage kitchen turf wars Mum wrestles the books to stop a financial meltdown – her sister and cousin are no use at all. Thankfully, Hope is there to save the day, when she's not fending off an awful bully. Catherine Wilkins delivers a fun and pacy read, and with a cast of endearing characters to get to know.


From maternal love and the span of the world's bridges to clever twin detectives and Egyptian mysteries, our pick of great spring books

by Dynamo Ltd


Weather takes the idea of flap books to an older readership, and it's a clever way of building interactivity into information gathering. With a sturdy board design and more than 30 flaps to open, it's a dip in and discover format. Bold artwork and simple text provide clear information about meteorology, the influence of the sun and clouds, wind and storms, and the way the seasons a ect temperature, precipitation and sunlight. There's another book in this new series focusing on food.

by Catherine Wilkins illustrated by Katie Abey NOSY CROW, £7.99


illustrated by Jakub Bachorík POST WAVE, £16.99

Essential reading for budding architects, engineers and geographers alike, Bridges explores marvels modern and ancient – from San Francisco's Golden Gate to the Ponte Vecchio in Florence. Alongside famous examples, it covers design – from materials to the best structure for the terrain and tra c. There are statistics, as well as profiles of great bridge builders and fun bridge-related activities. Best of all are the illustrations to ensure readers never take another arch, beam, suspension or cantilever for granted.

Our Love

Inspired by her own thoughts about faraway family while studying at Cambridge School of Art, Peruvian illustrator Fatima Ordinola's gorgeous picture book is centred on family bonds. These are captured through the varieties of parental love in the animal kingdom. From the nurturing mother elephant of the cover, through the tender feeding rituals of gira e and bird and the protective lioness and koala bear. Painterly illustrations, plus a gatefold of all the animals together, make this a comforting book to read and share.

Wink, Murder

Rhian Tracey's brilliantly researched Bletchley Park Mystery series returns for its third outing to deliver intrigue, secret WWII history and compelling characters. Mary has a gift for both codes and foreign languages – bringing her to the attention of the adults working in undercover operations at Bletchley. When she is co-opted to pose as a waitress at The Ritz Hotel in London, she soon discovers that superficial glamour conceals a web of intrigue and treachery – and that she can trust no one.

Long Dog

James Davies is inspired by retro picture books and this paperback issue of his delightfully funny book for very young readers is about a dog of awesome dimensions. His devoted young owner loves him dearly, but his parents do wonder if a goldfish would have been less trouble. Even other pet owners say mean things about Long Dog's shape, but that changes a er he retrieves their mutts from a huge hole. This extralong book features a giant gatefold showing Long Dog's heroic rescue.

London'soneofakindmultilingualnurserygiveschildrena headstartinmasteringlanguagesfromearlychildhood.

PhileasFoxNurserySchoolspecialisesinEarlyYearsmultilingualeducation, offeringchildrentheopportunitytolearnEnglish,French,Mandarin,and Russianlanguagesandcultures.

ThroughamodernEarlyYearscurriculum,wecreatetheperfectbalanceof holisticeducationandlinguisticimmersion.Ournurturing,stimulating,and play-focusedenvironmentensureschildrenthrivewhiledevelopingalovefor learning,languagesandaglobalperspective.




The first in the Tariq Twins

Mystery series is perfect for fans of whodunnits and comic twists. Twins Ani and Riri were separated at six months old – and they couldn't be more different in character. Ani is extrovert and wants to be a sleuth, while shy Riri wants a safe life and germ-free job. Forced to spend summer together in Yorkshire, the murder of a local bookshop owner and arrest of their father sees our odd couple turn detective to solve the crime and bring him home.

The maritime world is brought to life in this vividly illustrated exploration. The first chapters introduce readers to the science behind ship design – everything from icebreakers to bilge keels and propellers. Another section deals with maritime communications – including Morse Code and signals – while the final chapters explore ocean folklore and bad omens.

Do Not Say These Words

Tapping into children's natural gift for the humour in language, this fun book takes as its starting point a lecture from an earnest professor about words you must not say because they induce giggling. This then produces giggle gas, which harms the planet. The prof and her frog assistant have a machine to convert funny words into boring ones – for instance, bottoms must now be called floppy peach cheeks. And how could that idea fail?


Ratty's Big Adventure

Lara Hawthorne was inspired by the discovery of over 50 new species around Mount Bosavi, Papua New Guinea, and many of them appear in this story. Our star, Ratty, is an enormous vegetarian rodent who lives in the crater of an ancient volcano. When he spots a delicious looking fruit high in the treetops, he decides to climb out and explore the world beyond, where he imagines everything is sweeter. Adventure and danger follow, and our woolly hero discovers there's no place like home.




Barbara Henderson writes vividly about Scotland's history and landmarks – previous books include Rivet Boy, about construction of the Forth Bridge. Her latest release climbs even higher. Kenzie likes reading about adventures not having them, so she's a reluctant conscript to a hillwalking trek in the Cairngorms. Group leader Bairdy tells tales of ancient magic on the way up, and then he vanishes, leaving them alone and desperate to find him and get to safety.

Myths, Mummies and Magic in Ancient Egypt

With a major new exhibition for children recently unveiled at Young V&A – and exciting discoveries in the land of the Pharaohs itself – this is a great book to enthrall budding Egyptologists, telling six epic tales in easily digestible comic-book form. There are battles, voyages and an enduring romance. You'll also find background on how the Egyptians viewed the world, some of their many gods, mythical monsters and a brief introduction to hieroglyphs.

Kwesi and Nana Ruby Learn to Swim

Commeh illustrated by Bárbara Quintino BAREFOOT BOOKS, £7.99

Kwesi loves to spend time on the lake – the only problem is he can't swim. But nor can his Nana Ruby and she explains how, when she moved from Ghana to the US, she never learnt. They make a pact and call on the Mami Wata – the legendary West African sea creature – to help. This is a magical tale about facing and overcoming our fears together.

This tactile book introduces art principles to a young audience.

Originally produced in French, it is based on a series of short films made by artist Raphaël Garnier for The Centre Pompidou in Paris. Text is minimal, and the clever use of texture and paper wizardry to explain fundamental concepts makes it intriguing for all ages, Principles such as line, colour, contrast, perspective and materials are visually described in a sourcebook to inspire children to think about how they imagine, create and interpret art.

by Raphaël Garnier POST WAVE, £25


Debut novelist Brogen Murphy has written a gripping survival story set in an imagined future where nature has been restored

Brogen Murphy's inspiration for Wildlands came – fittingly – on a long train journey. They describe a "flash", a vision of a vast rewilded landscape stretching across the heart of Britain. From there, the idea needed tying down and, for Murphy, that meant asking lots of questions to get facts and a sense of place. It helped that they had studied Zoology at Cambridge and had more than a passing knowledge and interest in flora, fauna, landscapes and our planet. Even so, overlaying a rewilded landscape over the agricultural, urban and suburban patchwork traversed on a typical train journey through Britain took time. "I wanted one thing that wasn't real – which was setting this in my version of the future – but beyond that I wanted everything to be very grounded and realistic and tangible,"

says Murphy. This meant hours poring over Google Maps to set the narrative in a real landscape, albeit reimagined plus wild animals and landscapes.

With setting in place, enter our protagonists Astrid, 13, and her much younger sister Indie. They are on a highspeed journey from London to Glasgow across the wilderness zone known as 'Wildlands' – a place their mother helped create. When their train makes a temporary stop, a mishap with Astrid's phone means the girls get o and end up left by the track with no mobile signal.

This becomes an epic trek, and the sense of place is vivid thanks to all that time spent with maps. "The journey is a real timeline – the distances, the landscape." Research also included hours down search engine rabbit holes to be accurate on, say, a fish found in a specific

habitat. "The Wildlands is a real place, and readers have been right through it."

The adventure is gripping and so too the shifting dynamic between the sisters. Astrid is nursing a family secret and she's angry and disillusioned – with those emotions spilling over into her behaviour towards Indie. "For me, it's capturing that natural sibling relationship," says Murphy. "I wanted the tension and the conflict and the humour that comes from that." There's a satisfying story arc, with the sisters surviving thanks to teamwork. "I wanted it to mean something when they unite by the end. If they had finished where they started, then what was the story for?"

Even though the author was (very briefly) a climate activist before a career in clean tech, this is a story with a positive message on nature. "If you tell people it's too late it's going to lead to anxiety and despair," says Murphy. "We owe it to children to stop just telling them the world is broken. We owe it to them to say: 'it could look like this'."

And Brogen Murphy thinks there's every reason have hope on that front. "When I wrote the core of this book, which was six years ago, this all seemed ludicrously ambitious. I'm not suggesting it's even feasible – my wildness – but in only the time I've been writing this book, so much has happened. We have bison back in the UK. Stork chicks are breeding successfully... I remember thinking, 'where's the most audacious place I can put a beaver?' And now it's actually happening – the beaver is back."

Wildlands, by Brogen Murphy, is published by Pu n (£7.99).

LEFT Brogen Murphy
The novel is set in a utopian future where nature is in balance



Britta Teckentrup

The children’s illustrator and author, now published in more than 20 countries, on school days in Germany and discovering her passion for art

Where did you go to school and when?

I grew up in Wuppertal, a small city in western Germany not far from Düsseldorf. I attended Marper Schulweg for primary years from 1975, before moving on to St. Anna Gymnasium for my senior years.

What was your senior school like?

St. Anna was a Catholic school and academically quite ambitious – it wasn’t quite as strict as that sounds.

Did you love school, or hate it?

I would say that I loved and hated it at the same time...

What were your favourite subjects at school?

Art came first – I also loved German, English, Philosophy, PE and Biology.

Who were your favourite teachers and how did they influence you?

I had the most wonderful primary school teacher called Frau Timm.

I absolutely loved her! In fact, I loved most of my art teachers because they encouraged me to keep on doing art.

Where was your favourite place at school and what did you do there?

There was this little bakery just outside

of the school building – we would go there in breaks to buy sweets. And there was the special spot in the school where my group of friends would meet up during breaks.

What beliefs did your time at school give you?

I learnt that being di erent is OK and that empathy and openness are important. I also realised that getting top marks is not the most important thing in the universe and nor should life by restricted by strict religious beliefs. Group dynamics and human relationships are complex, so it can take some time to find your people. Oh, and it takes time to find out what you want and to believe in yourself.

What was your proudest school moment?

My friends and I wanted to take Art for Abitur (the A-level equivalent) but our school did not o er the course at this level. We talked to the school director and she promised to look into it if we could get enough people together who


wanted to study it. We did and I was very proud that we initiated the very first Art advanced-level course at our school.

What was the most trouble you ever got into at school?

I didn’t really get into trouble very often if I remember correctly! But I do remember cutting my friend’s hair during one break. It was in the mid ‘80s and I think that she wanted some kind of Post Punk/New Wave hairstyle. She liked it, but the teachers weren’t so impressed...

Were you ever ‘too cool for school’?

I probably wanted to be but never was, if I am honest.

What is your most vivid memory, looking back?

Being curious, adventurous and spending time with my friends.

When and how did your love of art and illustration begin?

My love of art was already nourished by my primary school teacher – Herr Wilhelm. I always loved drawing and painting and he

must have seen something early on and supported me. My teachers at St. Anna did the same and I am very grateful to all of them. My family also had an interest in art, even though they weren’t artistic themselves. In fact, my father and my brother both studied mathematics.

What other key influences and passions shaped you growing up?

My grandmother was a big influence – I was very close to her. I also loved music and dancing and playing outside. I did this a lot as my parents lived opposite a little forest.

What projects and challenges are coming up next for you?

I am working on a few new books, but I can’t say too much about them yet. The next Big Hedgehog and Little Hedgehog Adventure is now underway, and I’ve just finished writing and illustrating a book about loneliness. That will be my next book published by Prestel.

How would you sum up your school days in three words? Social. Creative. Emotional.

Again! A Big Hedgehog and Little Hedgehog Adventure is out now (Prestel, £11.99). To see more of Britta Teckentrup’s work, visit brittateckentrup.com

ABOVE Britta Teckentrup in her studio
A school portrait from 1979
Studio apartment at Battersea Power Station

School’s Out

Exploring Mauritius’ beautiful south with Heritage Resorts. Page 148


Mauritius is a piece of paradise – especially when it has been on your bucket list forever and you’re a guest of Heritage Resorts & Golf in the island’s beautiful south

ABOVE Heritage Awali faces a stunning stretch of ocean

Mauritius has been on my travel bucket list since I was in my teens and read a glowing article about a paradise isle nestled in the Indian Ocean without even a single poisonous snake. While the travel writer possibly su ered from ophidiophobia, I don’t. Nonetheless, that fascinating fact, plus the photos of tree-lined beaches and turquoise waters, stuck. I put Mauritius right at the top of my ‘must see’ list. Decades on I’m finally going – and in grand style with a stay at Heritage Resorts & Golf.

Mauritius lies some 1,000 nautical miles from the East African coast in that sweetspot around the Tropic of Capricorn

where distinct flora and fauna blossomed. Fact checking before I go, I find that the travel writer was spot on. The island has no deadly vipers, not even a single poisonous scorpion or spider. Sadly, its unique and iconic dodo lives on only in sketches and souvenirs, but the rich natural environment o ers many treasures for travellers.

Heritage Resorts o er an irresistible base, with prime beachfront locations in Bel Ombre, an enclave of wild beauty on the south coast. Two very di erent five-star resorts – Heritage Awali and Heritage Le Telfair – sit side by side facing a beach where the water is an impossibly pure turquoise. Le Telfair, a resort with a French plantation flavour, is named after Charles Telfair, the 19thcentury Northern Irish doctor whose

estate this once was. He is remembered fondly locally for building a hospital and school (where his wife Annabella taught) and for his significant contributions to botany and species preservation. We are staying next door in Heritage Awali (a Swahili name referencing beginnings), designed to reflect Mauritian and African cultures. Our Deluxe Garden View Room has a large terrace facing lush green lawns. Arriving after dark, we can hear the waves. We don’t realise until co ee on the terrace next morning just how close the ocean is. We can stroll straight out of our room along the beach in either

direction. We prefer the Heritage Le Telfair direction, where there are shady loungers by a beach shack where they crack fresh coconuts for anyone in need of a drink. One of Le Telfair’s poolside bars is handily close should something stronger be required. Families with children are in clover here. The Timono Kids Club, tucked away in the wooded grounds, has a full programme of entertainment for babies to teens. There’s everything from swimming to cookery and golf lessons to cinema, star gazing and disco evenings. It’s well-used by grateful families – kids play with friends, and parents get quality time for golf or

relaxation in the lovely on-site spa. Our suite can accommodate two adults and two children with ease, and it’s simple luxury – all soft textures and dark wood. There’s a capacious bathroom featuring twin sinks, shower and bath, plus acres of clothes storage. We appreciate the blackout blinds that guarantee sweet dreams and long lie ins. We are a few steps from the family pool. Here, adults can float lazily while kids frolic in the safe shallow end. There’s room to lounge – whether you prefer sun or shade – with a beach bar alongside for refreshment and sunset watching. A short walk away is the pool for more serious laps but, be warned, if you start your exercise any time from mid-afternoon the aroma of the crêpes they cook to order next door in Zenzi Bar will prove irresistible. This is one of many culinary nods to the French influence in Mauritius – pastries and the plethora of continental cheeses in Savana are a real treat every breakfast. Indeed, there is everything to love about the food here, and with a multitude of restaurants to savour a culinary tradition blending African, Indian and European flavours. Of course, they have great ingredients in the local seafood, fruit and vegetables. We love our inventive salad lunches in Infinity Blue and savour the rich Indian spicing of Zafarani. The concierges

The spa o ers a quiet retreat
The beach is a big part of Heritage Awali life, even after dark

can extend the culinary pleasure, booking you in at Le Telfair’s restaurants, including the exceptional pan-Asian Gin’ja or healthy all-day eating spot at C Beach Club. With too many memorable meals to count, our standout dinner has to be Le Château de bel Ombre. The former home of the Telfairs was modelled on a French country house. Now part of Heritage Resorts, it can be experienced by diners (you can even stay for a night). Our evening begins with an atmospheric golf buggy ride from Awali down a wooded path. First site of the Château is spectacular – a slice of France surrounded by formal gardens and overlooking the two championship golf courses that draw golfers from around the world. We begin our evening with a private wine tasting hosted by our personal sommelier (the

“There are shady loungers by a beach shack where they crack fresh coconuts for anyone in need of a drink”

wine collection here is world-class). After that, a perfectly balanced and flavourful haute cuisine meal, Mauritian style.

While it’s tempting to stay on resort, we want to explore so the concierge team put together an itinerary. We visit World of Seashells, the largest shell collection in all Africa. I’m impressed as much by the hallowed collectors’ names (Linnaeus et al) as the beauty of the shells. We journey into hill country for lunch with a view at Le Chamarel, a Creole restaurant 260-metres above sea level. It feels like we’re on top of the world. At Chamarel 7 Colored Earth Geopark we view a rainbow of sands, while the scientists at the Heritage Marine Centre by C Beach Club tell us about their good work to protect island waterways and preserve the island’s precious marine environments. Most thrilling is our 4x4 safari around Bel Ombre Nature Reserve. Our guide talks us through the challenges of conserving Mauritius’ flora and fauna.

While we see some interlopers, including the receding tail of a cheeky macaque, we get up close to treasures such as Mauritius’ unique black ebony trees. Midway through, our guide suddenly pulls up. We’ve struck gold with a Mauritius Kestrel, the national bird. Close to extinction in the 1970s, this is considered among the great bird restoration successes, although it remains on the UN endangered list. There has been a sharp shower and our fabulous falcon sits resplendent on a post flu ng its wings to dry them. Enjoying aperitifs on our last night at Heritage Awali, I realise that the problem with travel bucket lists comes when you discover that one trip is not enough. We have to return to explore more of this captivating island. So, for now, Mauritius is still right up there on my list.

Heritage Awali, from £327 per night for 2 in Deluxe Garden View room, all-inclusive. heritageresorts.mu

Gourmet dinner at the Château is unforgettable
The beach and pools are a few steps from our luxurious suite
The golf courses are world renowned

Captivated KOS by

Finding historical richness and incredible natural beauty in

the Dodecanese


The alluring island of Kos is the third-largest of the Dodecanese Islands, just three nautical miles from Asia Minor. It’s an island of historical richness and incredible natural beauty, held in the azure embrace of the balmy, crystal-clear Aegean Sea. It’s known as the birthplace of Hippocrates and is home to picturesque villages with winding streets lined with cascading bougainvillea and colourful shops, myriad olive groves, and fabulous beaches. We’re heading to the Grecotel LUXME

Kos Imperial on the island's northeastern coast, a short and scenic drive from the airport. It’s not long before we step into the cool, vast marble lobby. The views are breathtaking across tropical gardens and a glimmering lagoon towards the sapphire sea. The welcome is warm and the drinks are cool. We’re served glasses of bubbles and exotic juices to quench our thirst while we go through the quick and simple process of signing up for our stylish LUXME bracelet. The hotel’s Luxury Made Easy package makes for the ultimate in relaxed holidays with all food and drinks included in the upfront price. It’s the bracelet to heaven.

ABOVE Kos combines history and rugged beauty
“The waters are balmy, the breezes are light –tranquility washes over us”

Admin done, we are escorted through the stunning gardens filled with tropical plants to our large suite overlooking emerald lawns, one of the many pools, and the sparkle of the sea. It’s beautifully cool with a large veranda, giant luxury bathroom with walk-in shower and vast bed dressed with the crispest of linens. There’s a fridge full of chilled drinks of our choice and a fully stocked hot beverage area. Everything we need to make us feel at home.

Which we soon do. Wandering through the lush gardens is a serene experience with winding pathways shaded by olive and palm trees leading to a wide range of facilities. We find sparkling pools, secluded relaxation spots, and terraces to soak in the beauty of the landscape. Best of all, there’s a large beach lined with sun loungers overlooking the crystal clear waters towards the hazy hills of Turkey on the opposite shore. For the energetic, there’s a gym, pilates, yoga and aqua aerobic classes, two indoor pools for serious training and a spa.

Being somewhat food focused we’re excited about the incredible array of culinary options and get our restaurants booked at check in. All the eateries have terraces designed for taking in that breathtaking view while we devour equally breathtaking dishes, including fine dining (think lobster and foie gras), Italian and Greek specialities, a hot-stone experience and, our favourite venue of all on the edge of the beach for Asian delights.

Evenings end back in the bar for an ouzo nightcap (when in Greece) and some fabulous entertainment. There’s live music and dancing, and we even take part in the weekly trivia quiz. Magical nights to savour before we retire to the luxury and peace of our sanctuary.

We wake up to perfect blue skies and after a magnificent bu et breakfast Greek-style, spend our days beach or poolside. The waters are balmy, the breezes are light and the cocktails delicious and refreshing. We swim and snooze, treat ourselves to blissful massages in the spa and meander through the colourful gardens as a sense of tranquility washes over us.

To get more of a feel for this stunning island, we visit vibrant Kos Town, just a short drive away. It’s a bustling capital with

abundant historical sites and seemingly endless shopping opportunities. We visit the gorgeous indoor market to stock up on local herbs and spices and souvenirs, explore bougainvillea-draped side streets and enjoy a chilled Mythos overlooking the harbour.

We marvel at the place where Hippocrates, the ancient healer, taught under the shade of a plane tree and take a boat trip

for a di erent perspective. As we skim the crystal sea taking in views of rolling hills and charming whitewashed villages, it’s time for reflection. Hippocrates can undoubtedly rest peacefully knowing that his glorious island home in the sun continues to inspire and soothe.


There's plenty to tempt explorers



Belfast is a city of delightful surprises, and nowhere more so than at Grand Central Hotel in the heart of the Linen Quarter

Belfast is one of those cities which, once visited, are taken to heart – it's full of delightful surprises. We know this because we visited once before for a party weekend at the majestic Culloden Estate in Holywood. Now we're back to experience its citycentre sister, the Grand Central Hotel.

Opened to much fanfare in 2018 by familyowned Hastings Hotels (a byword for Northern Irish hospitality) after a bold reinvention of an unloved o ce block, it's a new city landmark that has fitted seamlessly into Belfast's story. It sits in the Linen Quarter, where once prosperous cloth merchants traded with the world. Now this area is home to lively bars and shops, and a burgeoning arts scene.

Grand Central stands tall at 80 metres, so its 300 rooms come with great views as standard. That said, ours is one of the best –we've been upgraded to a Mountain View Suite on the 21st floor with a sweeping vista across the city to Cavehill. Luxurious meets cosy here, all mellow tones and rich textures with a super-king and super-comfortable bed and lavish bathroom stocked with ESPA goodies. We also have a separate large space with kitchenette, dining and living areas, so our own swish apartment at the city's best address.

Two floors up is The Observatory Bar, a new jewel in Belfast's crown as the highest cocktail bar in all Ireland. From its windows you have a panorama of landmarks, from City Hall and the yellow Harland & Wol

Titanic Museum and Grand Central Hotel
ABOVE The Art Decoinspired lobby

cranes that mark out the Titanic Quarter to the brooding Belfast Hills. Mixology is serious business here, with a fantastic range of gins and Irish whiskeys, while signature cocktails are named after local landmarks.

We discover that references to Belfast heritage are woven throughout the hotel – from the seahorse logo, first used by merchants and then adopted as a symbol of a great maritime trading city to the delicate framed Irish linen panel in our suite. There are many lovely public spaces to drink in subtle details, but we particularly enjoy the double height lobby with Art Deco-style Grand Café o to the side. You can see why it's a popular spot with the locals as soon as you step out onto the street, for you are in the heart of things. And this is such a walkable city. A short stroll takes us down historic streets full of quirky shops and cafes. We stop to explore Avoca, packed with gorgeous Irish textiles and produce, and then tour historic St George's Market where crowds come for crafts, food and live music from Friday through to Sunday.

After dark, Belfast is about fun – people here dress up to head out on the town. We start by heading round the corner from Grand Central to the glitzy bar of the Europa Hotel, another great city landmark, before checking out the UK's only National Trust-owned pub opposite. If you only have time for one Irish pub in Belfast, then make it The Crown Bar – a perfectly preserved slice of Victoriana with its ornate entrance, cosy snugs and original gas lighting. If you have time for two pubs, step through the door of Robinsons next door – another magnificent time warp experience with its richly tiled floor and lustrous bar. For any weekender, Titanic Belfast

is a must-see, picking up numerous awards and plaudits since it opened in 2012. It's not hard to see why, as this dramatic liner-like building tells the compelling story of both the great ship and the powerhouse city that built her – it's a profoundly moving journey through Belfast's people and past.

We already know the food in Grand Central is good as our Irish breakfasts have been a treat. But dinner at Seahorse Restaurant takes things to a whole new level. As with every Hastings Hotels menu, provenance is central, and so we feast on local seafood, duck and venison, not forgetting a memorable sorbet. Final plate – a light-as-air sou é –is, to our surprise, not a course too far. With the warm afterglow of a deeply satisfying and perfectly proportioned meal, we catch the lift back to our sky-high suite overlooking the glittering cityscape. Grand Central really is the top spot, the place to see Belfast – this city of rich heritage and bold reinvention – in a whole new light.

Classic rooms from £230 per night and suites from

Seahorse Restaurant and Irish breakfast
The Observatory Bar and a suite with a panoramic view

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World Class State Boarding and Day School


Samantha Price

The recently arrived Head of Cranleigh School on her background and educational philosophy

What is your background?

I very much enjoyed my boarding experience at Malvern Girls and, having initially started my career in arts marketing, I quickly realised my true passion was in education. I trained as a teacher of history and art history and went on to enjoy various teaching, boarding and leadership roles in both co-ed and single sex schools. Before Cranleigh I was Head at Godolphin School for three years and then at Benenden for a decade.

What excites you most about your role?

Cranleigh is a great school with a strong reputation and a fabulous sense of community. I’m delighted to have the opportunity to take the school forward into the next phase of its development at a time when so much in the education landscape is changing.

What is your academic philosophy?

I aim to ensure that every pupil achieves their academic potential through a broad and inspiring curriculum and outstanding teaching and to provide enough opportunities for each child to find their academic passion. At Cranleigh we promote enquiry-based learning, with a breadth of academic enrichment beyond the classroom, to foster cross-curricular understanding as well as referencing the relevance of the external world. Every child matures at a di erent stage of their journey and I’m proud that, as a broad church, our school can add considerable value to a pupil’s academics. Here, a child at the weaker end of the spectrum will often leave with fantastic results and go on to a top Russell Group university.

Can you tell us about one pivotal moment in your career?

I was a Housemistress at King’s Canterbury and that experience of running a boarding house in a co-ed school developed my passion for boarding environments.

It gave me a rich understanding of how a great experience at school can be formative in creating rounded adults with a clear sense of purpose. This role, with its complete immersion in the lives of teenagers, made me realise that I wanted to have the opportunity to shape and lead a school. The then Headmaster was inspirational and influential in my decision.

What is your school’s approach and what sets it apart?

Cranleigh’s optimum size (300 in the prep school and 700 in the senior school)

and its boarding ethos, with sta living onsite, create a depth of community. Our 120 day pupils benefit greatly from this structure. Though our intake is broad, we stretch every pupil to the best of their abilities. Children are seen, known and understood in a truly supportive environment.

What makes a great student?

Someone who is willing to get stuck in and embrace every opportunity that is o ered, as well as being able to take guidance and support and, as they get older, someone who wants to give back.

What makes a great school?

It’s vital to create school cultures in which every single child is known, understood, and supported. Academics are important, of course, but we can lose sight of the importance of belonging and the role that individual purpose plays in wellbeing and successful outcomes. A young person who is valued at school and encouraged to play a wider supporting role in the community will inevitably reach adulthood as a rounder and more giving person who can play a valuable role in the society in which they live.

“We can lose sight of the importance of belonging and the role that individual purpose plays in wellbeing and successful outcomes”
Samantha Price

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