Hinkul on a catless island - Agnieszka Stelmaszyk

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Hinkul on the catless island

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01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



Strona 2

01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



Strona 3

01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



Strona 4

Tekst © Agnieszka Stelmaszyk Ilustracje © Ewa Nawrocka Redaktor prowadzący: Agnieszka Sobich Projekt graficzny i DTP: Bernard Ptaszyński Druk: Legra Sp. z o.o. ISBN: 978-83-7612-423-0 Wydawca: Book House Sp. z o.o. 2010 www.bookhouse.com.pl tel. 022 886 44 27, fax 022 886 44 01 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone

01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



Strona 5

KrzyĹ› Stelmaszyk i Agnieszka Stelmaszyk

Hinkul na bezkociej wyspie










01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



Strona 6

Hinkul nie był zwykłym kotem. Był słynnym podróżnikiem i wynalazcą.

Mieszkał na strychu starego, opuszczonego domu. Pewnego dnia, w piwnicach magazynu z książkami, odkrył dziwną, pożółkłą mapę.

01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



Strona 7

Złotą gwiazdką był na niej zaznaczony archipelag sześciu wysp. A pod gwiazdką ktoś dopisał słowo: skarb!

Hinkul szukał tego przedziwnego archipelagu w atlasie, ale nie znalazł go na żadnej innej mapie świata! – Myszeczki, ogóreczki! Cóż to za zagadka? – mruknął zaciekawiony.

Postanowił wyjaśnić tę sprawę i odnaleźć tajemniczy skarb.


01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



Strona 8

Kiedy wracał do domu, zauważył nikomu niepotrzebną, starą wanienkę. Zabrał ją do domu i zbudował sobie z niej łódź. A z poszewki na poduszkę uszył żagiel.


01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



Strona 9

Przygotował zapas jedzenia oraz picia i niezwłocznie wyruszył w morze.


01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



Strona 10

Początkowo pogoda dopisywała i Hinkul w wyśmienitym humorze żeglował po bezkresnych oceanach. Gdy jednak opływał przylądek Horn, zaczął dąć straszliwy wicher! W jednej chwili rozpętało się

istne piekło!


01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



Strona 11

y ł ! a k a y t b o e d i że , n Fale by e n m ły tak ogro o eg

m a s l a niem

Nagle rozległo się głośne TRACH!

To złamał się maszt! A żagiel był cały w strzępach. Dalsza podróż oznaczała pewną śmierć, lecz Hinkul za nic nie chciał się poddać

i zawrócić!

01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania




e. noc

t był w

p zer

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y jak ula trz ink i głodny. ąH any

m szalał trzy r o t z dn S ii c u a z r ł y d o wan ep l ien a F k

Strona 12

zką. piłec



szec Nie zki, m klu am – sz secz j epn u ż ął p s i ki! rz ygn

I kiedy już stracił wszelką nadzieję, sztorm nagle się skończył!

– Uf f – odetchnął z ulgą Hinkul. Jego radość jednak nie trwała długo. W pewnej chwili usłyszał podejrzane




bul, bul, bul…

– Na mysie ogony! – krzyknął przerażony, gdy zobaczył, co się stało. Wanienka była tak pokiereszowana i uszkodzona w wielu miejscach, że zaczęła tonąć!


– Mrau!! – Hinkul miauknął zdenerwowany. Nie miał zbyt wiele czasu. Zdążył tylko spuścić do wody ponton ratunkowy i do niego wskoczyć. Po c h wili w anienk a była już na dnie oc eanu…


01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



bul bul bul

Strona 13

01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



Strona 14

Hinkul dryfował wiele godzin.

Słońce parzyło go w futerko

iało c h c o z d r a ib


ić. p ę i mu s

01 Hinkul po korekcie:opowiadania



Strona 15

Wreszcie znużony zasnął. Gdy się obudził, nie mógł uwierzyć własnym oczom!

– Myszeczki, skwareczki! Jestem uratowany!

Hura! – wykrzyknął.

Okazało się, że prąd morski zniósł go na tajemniczą wyspę.

Hinkul wasn't a regular cat. He was a famous traveler and inventor. He lived in the attic of an old deserted house. One day, he discovered an old, yellowish map in the basement of a warehouse full of books. An archipelago of six islands was marked on it with a golden star. Underneath, someone had added the word "treasure"! Hinkul tried to search for that weird archipelago in a world atlas but it was nowhere to be found on any single map! "Oh mice, think twice! What a mystery!", he purred, curious. The cat decided to solve the case and find the secret treasure. As he was walking back home, he noticed an old, useless baby tub. He took it home and built a boat out of it. He used a bed sheet to make a sail. He prepared some supply of food and drinks and promptly headed towards the sea. At first, the weather was fine and Hinkul could sail across limitless oceans in high spirits. However, once he passed Cape Horn terrible wind started blowing and a real hell broke loose! The waves were so huge they almost touched the sky! Suddenly, there was a great SNAP! It was a mast that broke! And the sail got all torn. Going on with his journey would have meant sure death to Hinkul, but the brave cat refused to give up and turn around! The storm raged on for three days and three nights. The waves tossed Hinkul's bathtub as if it was a little ball.

The cat was exhausted and hungry. "Oh mice, oh mice! I can't do this any longer!", he whispered gloomily. And when he'd abandoned all hope, the storm was suddenly gone! "Whew!", Hinkul sighed with relief. But his joy did not last long. After a while he heard some strange "bubble, bubble..." "Mice tails!", he screamed with terror seeing what had happened. The tub was so scratched and broken in a few spots that it started sinking! "Mrrrrau!", Hinkul mewed anxiously. He didn't have much time left. He only managed to throw a lifeboat in the water and hop inside. Soon, the bathtub was on the bottom of the ocean... Hinkul drifted for many hours. The Sun burned his fur and he was very thirsty. Finally, he fell asleep out of boredom. When he woke up, he couldn't believe his eyes! "Mice oh mice! I'm saved! Hurrah!", he exclaimed. It turned out a sea current had taken him to a mysterious island. When Hinkul landed on the beach, he kissed the warm golden sand. Then he lay under a palm tree until his fur got dry. "I hope I'm going to find something to eat and drink here", he said when he got a little better. Soon, he started exploring the island in search for its inhabitants. "I wonder if other cats live here?", he thought. "I wish I had someone to talk to", he said. "They can even be wild cats", he said to himself. Hinkul was tired of loneliness. Unfortunately, it turned out the island was absolutely catless! Not a single cat inhabited it! Of course, except Hinkul. At first, Hinkul was a little reluctant to move away from the shore not to miss a potential ship that could save him.

Soon enough, he decided to penetrate the rest of the island. Then, something weird happened... Hinkul was threading his way through the jungle. He was jumping from tree to tree using a liana. "Meeeeeooow!", he shouted as if he were Tarzan. "Don't be so loud, you're hurting our ears!", suddenly a voice said. Hinkul was surprised to see it belonged to a tiny fairy. She had long black hair and a dress made from orchid petals. Her wings were as fragile and colorful as a butterfly's. "Oh mice, oh mice! Now this is something!", Hinkul meowed and... THUD! He fell of the liana. "Ouch! Ouch!", he wailed as the landing was really hard. The fairy eyed him with curiosity. "Your tail is long", she noticed. "Who are you? A monkey?", she asked, as the island was catless and probably had never seen a single cat. Hinkul had heard many things in his life but no one had ever mistaken him for a monkey! "My name is Hinkul and I'm not a monkey!", he snorted, appalled. "I am a cat!", he replied with dignity. "All right", the fairy approved. "Although you do look like a monkey to me", she added teasingly. "And this is first time I see this kind of butterfly!", Hinkul snapped back. "I'm a fairy, not a bug!", the fairy stomped her foot. After a while her anger faded and she reached her hand to greet him. "My name is Pearl", she introduced herself. "How did you get here? "I'm looking for treasure, but my boat has sunk", the cat replied and went on to share all his stories with the stranger. He also showed her the map he'd found in the book warehouse. It miraculously survived the disaster at sea. "I'm searching for this archipelago", he said, pointing at the islands in the middle of the blue ocean. "Somewhere there is a hidden treasure! Gold, I guess!", he explained, lowering his voice. Pearl had a close look at the island.

"But this is our archipelago! The Fairy Archipelago!", she laughed joyfully. "Hinkul, you've found it!", she announced ceremonially. It turned out all six islands making the archipelago were home of fairies! "Mice, oh mice! So in the end I was lucky to be pushed here by the winds!", Hinkul exclaimed. "Will you let me find my treasure?", he asked. "With pleasure", she agreed, joyfully. For many days Hinkul and Pearl looked for the treasure. They dug deep holes. They knocked at trees and peeked into them. They even checked the inside of a dormant volcano. Unfortunately, instead of gold, they only found loads of ash there. They even fell into an anthill, but they found no treasure. "This is of no use", the fairy said, discouraged. "Somebody must have already found it! "I guess you're right", Hinkul admitted. "Well, this is life", he sighed heavily and thought deeply. Suddenly, they heard a loud splash. "What was that?", the cat asked. "I don't know, let's check", Pearl suggested. They were walking through a thick, tropical forest until the saw something amazing. An incredible waterfall was falling from a tall rock. It was a magical waterfall full of delicious milk! Colorful rainbows hovered above it and birds of paradise flew around. "Mice, oh mice! Now that's a real treasure!", Hinkul exclaimed and started to dance and hop with joy. "Forget the gold! Well, cat's don't need gold, after all", he said, waving his paw. "We managed to discover the most magnificent waterfall in the world! Meow!", he said and jumped into the milky lake. "Yummy!", he drank the milk, smacking his lips. "I have lived on this island for so long I have never heard about the existence of such a waterfall", Pearl was equally shocked as Hinkul. The fairy took some tasty milk from a jug-shaped flower.

"Yum! Nice and healthy!", she decided with a face of a connoisseur and a milky mustache over her lip. "It's the first time I've found treasure which you can drink!", the fairy burst out laughing. That day, Pearl and Hinkul spent laughing and splashing in the lake of milk. The Fairy Archipelago was great. However, after a few months Hinkul started missing home. The fairies helped him build a raft. When good winds started to blow, the cat packed barrels of milk from the magical waterfall and set off on his long return journey. Pearl sailed along, very curious of what the world looks like beyond her archipelago. However, before they reached the warm and cozy house of Hinkul's, they managed to encounter plenty of incredible adventures. But that is a different story altogether...

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