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Urban Design Design Studio III Study Report of Project Group 6-3 April 2017


Leading thinker of City Beautiful Movenment: Daniel Burnham. Source: Daniel H. Burnham Collection, Ryerson and Burnham Archives, The Art Institute of Chicago.


government’s mechanics of objectives& producing a Community master plan Consultation The government’s views and objectives cover a wide range of field including culture and heritage retaining, economic development, residential housing, environment and the interaction between community and government.

Analyzing the location of the site and the relationship with the surrounding; clarifying the demand of the existing residents and strategic requirement of the government...

Strategic City Beautiful Approach and Movement Development It influences the American Program Trying to improve the public transport service, housing types for different people, economic growth, heritage cultural protection and environment protection in Glenside.

society at that time and inspired the urban design concept in the future. However, this movement has also been criticized and identified as an unrealistic and false proposition by some critics.

04 08 12 18

City Beautiful Expressions in Australia of beauty in Kyoto The city – Adelaide – was named after the queen, Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen, while the main street – King William Street – in the middle of the city was named after her Spouse, William IV of the United Kingdom.

Kyoto is located in the western Japan. Kyoto together with west Shiga and Osaka makes up the "Kyoto metropolitan area". And Kyoto has always been the capital of Japan since the 794 years.

Industrial Aesthetics The realization of industrial aesthetic concept should achieve four aspects: functional beauty, beauty of technology, beauty of material and formal beauty.

How to make an attractive city? In discussing the determinants of cities’ attractiveness, six aspect should be carefully considered by urban designer

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Government’s long- and shortterm views and objectives



The Glenside is a significant project for South Australia. Renewal SA sets clear long-term views for Glenside development: As a great urban infill project, Glenside development site is expected to transform into a well-designed and mixed-use urban neighbourhood in partnership with the private sector in order to achieve the targets that set in The 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide and the Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan. According to The 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide, Renewal SA aims to develop a new urban form and make Glenside becomes a more livable, sustainable and competitive place. Renewal SA presented 6 project objectives to the public after undertaking a consultation in 2015 to ensure community engagement, which summarized both longand short-term targets for Glenside development.

And each objective has its own long-term effect and near-term target. With the hope of creating an inclusive and diverse community, different functional areas are supposed to be connected and enhanced with high quality public spaces. At present, what we should do is to use existing open spaces, vegetation and heritage buildings to create a unique identity for community. Good design and high quality of public spaces can contribute to more social interaction. Once the community have visible life through the shops, restaurants and offices located around open spaces, the social connection will be enhanced and the community will be more healthy and safe in the long run.


ousing diversity is also a main concern for Glenside development. This is a short-term objective that helps residents from different age group and family type to find ideal accommodation. Increasing smaller lots and housing will be beneficial to those who tend to live alone and entering the housing market. About 800- 1000 new dwellings will be developed on site that will offer a range of high quality and innovative options for people of different abilities, which can also attribute to society diversity in the future. Retaining heritage and trees should be considered in the planning process. There are six state heritage including five historical buildings and the southern boundary wall and 150 important or regulated trees on Glenside site. Taking the advantage of this heritage and significant vegetation originally on site, we can strengthen the unique feature of Glenside and make it a distinctive place. So it can be a shortterm target that thinking the appropriate setting for the heritage buildings and ensure the future development is sympathetic to the original building layout. Considering environment and open space will help to promote sustainable living. In order to encourage a mix use urban neighbourhood, current emphasis can be put on well-designed pedestrians and public spaces such as walking and cycling connections and developed land for stormwater management. As a matter of fact, public space such as recreation, conservation, amenity, transport and access and utility can have great influence on improving the wellbeing of the community in the long run. For the benefit of the community, their participation plays an important role in the Glenside development.This is a short term objective that should involve the community early in the planning process. By providing people opportunities to get involved and receive feedback, the project tend to achieve the best outcome that ensure tangible benefit for the public.

One of the important part of Glenside development is to attract investment opportunities for private sector in order to stimulate urban renewal. For the time being, Renewal SA is seeking for private sector through access to strategic landholdings. The development project will provide approximately 130 construction related jobs opportunities and is estimated to facilitate total direct investment in order of $300 million. The partnerships of private sector is indispensable for the project and a high quality mixed use development at Glenside needs joint effort by private sector partner, non-for-profit housing sector and communities. Generally, the whole design should obey the following principle: Searching out community aspirations by effective consultation strategies, nurturing culture expression by enhancing physical condition of public spaces for varied social, cultural and artistic activities; reinforcing local character by considering its historical development and patterns of use and movement; integrating a diversity of interest and expwertise by the collaboration among local government, the private sector and utilities appropriate to good urban design; formulating concepts and testing ideas by integrating good process and design principles; combining community interest, public property and private initiative by harnessing community interest in public places and enhancing the interaction of market forces and the potential of places; Being environmentally responsible by good design and management of public spaces; investing in quality by raising agency awareness of wholeof-government position. To sum up, the government’s views and objectives for Glenside development cover a wide range of field including culture and heritage retaining, economic development, residential housing, environment and the interaction between community and government. The main goal is to create a vibrant and welldesigned retail, commercial, residential and recreational community that is friendly to people from all age group and abilities.

Community Consultation



Process: There are 3 major steps in the process, they are, the Masterplan, Zoning, and Approval. The Masterplan will be mainly focus on heritage preservation, open space, trees, dwelling density and types, and transport. And there are 6 objectives that will be put more efforts on. Objective 1 is creating a connected hub of welldesigned retail, commercial, residential & recreational. And a good way for it is to build small offices, shops, cafes in the open area. Objective 2 is providing housing diversity, including 800-1000 affordable dwellings, within a 6-storey limit. Objective 3 is preserving heritage and trees. There are 6 heritage places, and 150 significant or regulated trees. Objective 4 is promoting sustainability through design, and walking-cycling connections within the community.

There will be 5.2 hectares of land for open space & stormwater purposes. Objective 5 is to engage the community, which is carrying out a community consultation. In the end, Objective 6 is to attract investment by private sectors, planning a 17.1 hectare site at Glenside, facilitate $300 million investment and creating 130 construction related jobs. Outcome: 60-70 people attended the face to face feedback sessions, 121 people provided feedback via the online survey and an additional 10 individuals /organisations provided written submissions prior to 20/12/2015.

1) 37% responses indicated that large areas of open space and significant trees should be retained The significant trees and open spaces should be retained. And the new plan should allow more space for recreational activities and between dwellings, as well as a stormwater detention basin to reduce flood risk. 2) 44% responses indicated that new and existing recreation areas should form part of the development. The existing oval should be retained, and new recreational facilities are expected to be implemented including children’s play equipment, barbecue and/or picnic areas, bicycle paths and basketball/netball courts. 3) 58% responses indicated that heritage buildings should be preserved and incorporated into the future development. Respondents would like to have the heritage buildings protected, or revitalized as public space.

Composition of respondents are showed in the chart below. (Respondents may be represented in more than one character, e.g. local resident with an interest in heritage).

4) 18% responses indicated that a variety of housing options should be provided. Development adjoining existing residential areas should be at a lower scale.There are demands in various shapes of building. Therefore the new housings should be in a variety, and leave enough space between other housing or main roads. 5) 26% responses indicated that Traffic impacts on existing residential neighbourhoods should be managed. There is a strong demand for traffic lights or amendments in main-road Glenside-road intersection. There should be considerations on the growing populations and numbers of cars in Glenside, such as more signs and parking.

Community consultation

Mechanics of creating a development program and producing a master plan

Max Ma A1680673


lenside development master plan, planning by Hames Sharley for Cedar Woods and Renewal SA. It is a multifunctional program provided by the SA government, aiming to improve the quality of life of local residents, contribute to the 30-years plan of Adelaide and promote economic development. This report will briefly present the understanding of how to create a fine development program and come up a master plan afterwards in the following pages. Generally, there are five main points should be noted. Analyzing the location of the site and the relationship with the surrounding; clarifying the demand of the existing residents and strategic requirement of the government; getting fully familiar with the site and reviewing the cultural, historical value; making the site attractive and aesthetic; and considering about cost of operation and maintenance. In addition, when dealing with the master plan follow an appropriate order will be useable.

First of all, when the location of the development has been decided, analyzing the surrounding area is very important. It involved assessing at the transport and environment condition; how large is the place and what types of district it is close with. Without analysis of the position, the functional localization will go awry and make the situation worse. In the case of Glenside, it is an integrated residential program because of the specific location: close to Adelaide CBD (Central Business District) and surrounded by dwelling district. Intuitively speaking, it is not a big area to shape a pure manufactory or business district and it will a waste of having a public park near Marshmallow Playground and Victoria Park. Moreover, with the help of public transportation, a great number of floating population will go through. Therefore, an area which is able to gather the local population and create economic value by taking advantages of traffic can be a realistic alternative.

Secondly, it is important to figure out the demand of the government and especially the public before starting design and plan. In other words, the project will be not capable to reach the target and serve the clients if ignoring the demand. Some developments only focus on enhancing economy according to the low rate of employment and some focus on creating public open space since the environment need a better management. According to the 30-years plan for greater Adelaide, as one part of the plans, Glenside development should be an urban infill project in order to enhance the local employment and economy for the long term. Moreover, it should be a dwelling direct as well. Since during the early stage of planning, data shows that Glenside and other adjacent area content various incomes group and people of different ages who will require a lot of affordable and high quality dwellings. For building up a better community, comprehensive polls and research is very helpful, it just renders the residents an opportunity to participate in planning. And community consultation also plays a significant role of getting ideas and responds, additionally it can be a good way of advertisement. For instance, the government of SA has set a formal website and sent out questionnaires inviting the public to share their views.

Another point is that the designer or planner have to analyze and be familiar with the whole place including massive data and details, thus the unique characteristics and actual issues can be highlighted and enable the program to take a better place. By referencing Hames Sharley's master plan, the site analysis part has discussed ten different aspects:“Topography; Vegetation; Adjoining Land Uses and Interface; Existing Zoning; Recreation and Open Space; Access and Carparking; Heritage Buildings; Infrastructure and Services; Stormwater; and Traffic Analysis�. These ten aspects have covered most of the element of planning a site which did a really good work. It helps the planner to place building, roads and trees on fact and make it effective. Besides, compared with other nine analysis part, Heritage Buildings is a more helpful notable part since it is not only about its physical feature but also shows culture and history which is far more valuable that people shall study. Those ten existing heritage buildings were continually shaped during 1870 to 1961 and five of them are located in the study filed. So, by protecting the appearance using these buildings propriety, the whole site will be distinctive and remarkable. Normally, planner would put more weight on considering physical characteristics but miss its cultural and historic background. Even without heritage buildings like Glenside, planner should try to find relevant information as well. For example, whether it is a religious region and what historical events were happened there. In a word, being familiar with the site and figuring out what the site already got may help to the project.

Site analysis for Glenside


ne more idea is making the site attractive and aesthetic. Since designers need to place various types of building, infrastructure construction and tree in a limited space, the appearance of the whole plan can be a mess and inaesthetic if there is no control and management. An appropriate and well designed program is able to attract people to visit and stay. Follow principles like repetition and variety, united the height of each building, have same shape of roof and line buildings up. In Glenside site, dwellings are restricted to 4 to 8 levels for apartment and 2 to 3 for townhouse, and they are ranked neatly. Even more, vary the spaces of the site from tight to loose and from large square to narrow path. With such consideration, the development project and master plan will be more complete.

The last point is that the cost of operation and maintenance should be taken into account when create a development program. It includes the cost of house construction, community services and energy consumption and so on. This is the potential point that people usually ignore. And things like budget and investment can directly change the whole concept of plan, with limited budget, the objectives cannot be realized and it will be also very hard to maintain in the future. Through the master plan of Glenside, it did not talk too much on budget but clearly it is in partnership with the private sector and they have got plans to sell dwellings for different classes which will easy the risk and recover the cost quickly. Glenside is also a governmental program, as what Renewal SA shows on the website:“This project is expected to generate investment of $400 million, $1.16 billion in economic activity and approximately 450 constructionrelated jobs over the next ten years. 1,850 jobs in the wider economy for the duration of the project�. So the cost cannot be a big issue. Nevertheless, when it comes to other programs without financial support from the government, having economical plan and financial sustainable development by reducing the use of high energy consume equipments and choosing economical materials for buildings is particularly important.

Finally, when producing a master plan, it is necessary to made it in order. Simply, it is separated into six stages: Introduction- Site AnalysisCommunity Consolation- Design Approach- Design Direction and finally the visual documentation of Master Plan. By referencing the layout of Hames Sharley's master plan, it clearly shows a similar order of making development plan: Introduction- Strategic Context- Site Analysis- Master Plan. In short, all principles and objectives are always built upon the comprehensive study and understanding of the site. In conclusion, this report summaries five points of understanding of way to create a development program and master plan in brief: Analyzing the location and the relationship with the surrounding (What does the city need); clarifying the demand of local people and strategic requirement of the government (What do the people need); getting familiar with the site and exploring the cultural and historical value (What you have got); planning the layout aesthetic and attractive (Make it pretty); and mentioning about the cost of maintenance and operation (Make it economically viable). Also, when producing the master plan, follow the Introduction- Site Analysis- Community ConsolationDesign Approach- Design Direction and Masterplan order (Make the master plan looks reasonable).

Strategic Approach and Development Program for Glenside

Bowen Wang A1680673


ccording to “30-year plan for Greater Adelaide”, the master plan should follow three objectives: Maintain and Improve Liveability, Increase Competitiveness, Sustainability and Climate Change. There are 14 principles for how to build a more liveable, competitive and sustainable region, and they haven’t changed since 2010. Look through these principles, it is clearly that the plan focused on Improve quality of live by create a connected city and diversity housing to achieved affordable living, it also focused on retain heritage culture. About competitiveness and sustainability, the 30-year plan mention the economic growth and environment protection. As a mixed-use community, the limitation of Glenside such as the hectare and location make it cannot be developed like city, but the Glenside’s strategic objectives should can help to build the Greater Adelaide.

Combined with 30-year plan for Greater Adelaide we proposed our own strategic objectives. First is actively promoting economic restructuring, and improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth. Second is making a suitable living environment which is also sustainable development, harmony, stability, inclusive, modern community. Third is making solid progress in conserving energy, reducing emissions and protecting the environment. By following the strategic objectives, the development of Glenside will conform to 30-year plan for Greater Adelaide. To achieved our strategic objectives, we proposed 6 principles for Glenside. First is accessibility of transport, currently there are only two bus stop close to Glenside, one is close to north exist, the other one is located on Glen Osmond road, we proposed to add a bus stop which is close to the entrance (Mulberry Road) of Glenside so that people are well serviced by public transport.


alking path, cycling path also will be organized to covering the residential and public area. Second is housing diversity, we proposed to provide different housing types for all ages such as one bedroom apartment or townhouse for student and single, 2 bedrooms housing for family, consider about personal economic situation there also have diversity size housing or more garages for choice. Third, heritage buildings are an important part of Adelaide’s fabric, protect and reuse of heritage buildings plays a key role in revitalizing key precincts that are reflective of cultural values and reinforce sense of place. Glenside heritage buildings can be reused as library, museum or café, it not only retains the history culture but also attracts people to visit. Then, the interface between residential area and the main road always have a large stream of people, it is a great opportunity to help the economic growth. By building some stores along the Mulberry road to attract more people come and visit Glenside, also improve the economic. Afterwards, the environment protection and biodiversity are both mentioned in 30-year plan for Greater Adelaide, it will create a more comfortable and healthier living area. The Adelaide’s average number of hot days above 35C is predicted to dramatically increase in the future, maximize the green area becomes a main task, so it is not only concentrate on rejuvenating the existing vegetation, like grass and shrubs but also plan more trees to cover the public area.

Heritage preservation and adaptive reuse of historic warehouse provides new offices and showrooms, with central café in large atrium

To maximize the green area, the roof of apartment can be considered as roof garden. Finally, Glenside community should increase housing supply near jobs, services and public transport to improve affordability and provide opportunities for people to reduce their transport costs. it also follows the affordable living. These are development programs we created based on Strategic objectives.

Our master plan’s main concept is sightseeing, we proposed to design a mixed- use community that can attract people come and visit. Overview the master plan, it shows that the residential area consisted with apartment and townhouse, the proportion is about 70% :30% because the residential development density is 100 dwellings/ha so there are approximately 900 dwellings in Glenside. Apartment building heights are proposed have 6-7 storeys, townhouses and commercial buildings are 2-3 storeys. Diversity housing type for all ages from singles, couples, young families, mature families, empty nesters through to the elderly. The 2 storeys commercial buildings can be located on two sides of Mulberry road. To access Glenside, there will be 4 exits and entrances, the new road connections to Greenhill Road and Fullarton Road are proposed, also a new bus stop on Fullarton road will be investigated. The walking path will be covering the whole community, bicycles will share the internal roads and the open space pathways, the trees will be plan on the both sides of the road, the connection with the Frewville shopping center also will be improved. The public space will be designed as landscape, they will take up approximately 45% -55% of the site.

In public space there have BBQ, shelter, and people can do some exercises, it follows our sightseeing conception. The Elms building forecourt will be the focal point of the development, providing a high amenity passive recreation area for the public to relax and enjoy the grandeur of the heritage buildings, it connected with one of the public space. First of master plan out-come is site access, the new access on the Fullarton road and Greenhill road will more convenient for people to get bus, the new bus stop should be located close to the intersection of Fullarton and Mulberry road. Second is new internal road, there are 5 new signalized intersection, together with internal road network treatments will help to minimize traffic load on Amber Woods Drive and Eucalyptus Road, the driveway link will be 6 meters wide and will provide connection with residential area and open space. And Then, the proposed walking path will cover the whole residential area and open space, it also connected with main road. The walking path around apartment will be flexible and random, because most young people choose to live in apartment, it will be an abstractive way to show their active lifestyle. In contrast, the walking path between townhouse will be more regularly, because most older people live in there, they lead a regular life, also most of them have vehicles, 2 open space in the center of townhouse area are proposed, the open space not only reduce traffic load in residential area but also provide activity space. Besides, the greening of the site.


ew trees are proposed to cover street and open space, according to road’s hierarchy choose different species such as open space and roof garden are proposed to be small or medium evergreen species. Afterwards, the open space and recreation. The north-west corner will be the storm water catchment zone, the most open space will be located around apartment and designed as landscape, the idea is providing a high amenity passive recreation area for the public to relax and enjoy, and people can feel closer to nature. Last is built form, apartment allotments are set back from Fullarton Road along the west elevation, the townhouse are set on the north. There is a 50m separation between Mulberry road two sides to provide an unobstructed view to the heritage listed Administration Building. Commercial buildings on Mulberry road create a small business area in Glenside, cafÊs and clothes stores will be followed Mulberry road. About reuse the Elms building, removing the additions on the east, north and south sides are proposed, the ground floor can be used as child care center, other floors can be used as library. The Occupational Therapy Centre are proposed to be a gym. The former Cottage Wards are similar to Elms building, removing the external additions and redesign the building as townhouse.

Roof Garden on apartment skyrisegreenery/projects

Open Space Resource: Glenside

Proposed masterplan for Glenside

for side


n conclusion, by following the strategic objectives we aim to create a connected and a more liveable community, the principles of the masterplan are trying to improve the public transport service, housing types for different people, economic growth, heritage cultural protection and environment protection in Glenside. So we plan to redesign the access and internal road that can bring more conveniences for people, also the walking path, cycling will covering the Glenside, then more trees will be planned on open space and roof garden, the open space will be designed as landscape, at the same time reuse heritage building to protect culture and commercial buildings, these design are all to attract more people, last is based on people’s economic level they can choose different housing types. Our masterplan for Glenside can help to build a Greater Adelaide.

City Beautiful Movement in America— Background, Idioms, Criticism, Examples and Influence

Max Ma A1680673

Introduction: City Beautiful Movement is one of the progressive reform movement appeared in America during the 1890s to 1910s, aiming to enhance the life quality and maintain the mutual benefit of the public through reshaping the city layout landscape design and land distribution. It definitely influences the American society at that time and inspired the urban design concept in the future. However, this movement has also been criticized and identified as an unrealistic and false proposition by some critics. The following pages will introduce the controversial Movement through five aspects: Historical background, Architectural idioms, Criticism, Examples, and Influence.

Most of the towns could no longer maintain such massive population which has tripled from 31.4 million to 91.9 million between 1860 and 1910. Lots of rural residents moved into the city, nearly half of America people lived in the urban area at that time, the residential room and job opportunity were so limited. Thus, the life quality and social order were obviously affected: High unemployment rate, social class contradictions and especially crime. City Beautiful Movement emerged at the right time because of such problems. In 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago, Urban design “White City” provided by Daniel Burnham cooperating with several landscape designers and artists got a huge response and affirms. Over 27 million people visited this design and they were impressed. The design of parks, reflective Historical background: pools and plazas have broken public’s flat understanding Around the late 19th century and early 20th century in of urban planning. After that, to avoid the blind growth America, the country experienced Industrial Revolution, of the city, City Beautiful Movement had a real sense of a four-year recession and a stage of rapid population development.1 growth.


Busà, A. (2010). City beautiful movement. In R. Hutchison (Ed.), Encyclopedia of urban studies (pp. 153-156). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781412971973.n55

The government adopted significant numbers of large-scale urban planning projects for those major cities such as Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles and Detroit, hoping that comprehensive and cultural planning can solve issues like poverty, crime, and congestion. Therefore, City Beautiful Movement became the main theme of urban design and the effective approach to social conflicts in a matter of course during that time, showing standard and influence for urban planning in the next few decades.2 Architectural idioms: Several Architectural idioms were used and highlighted during City Beautiful Movement period, while Beaux-Arts and Neoclassical building style are the most representative two. BeauxArts is actually a design style and a neoclassical architectural genre first identified in Paris and become famous around the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. A few American architects are used to study at École des Beaux-Arts in France, they tried to introduce these design idea of Beaux-Arts to America. For instance, Frederick Law Olmsted imported this design style into his lagoon design of White city in the Chicago Columbian Exposition in 1893.3


The World Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. The Court of Honor SOURCE: Plan of Chicago by Daniel Hudson Burnham.

So did the Neoclassical Architecture style, originated from the neoclassical movement during the mid-18th century. It references the style of ancient Greek and Italian Palladio type buildings. And it was frequently used in American designer in the Chicago Columbian Exposition as well. In the next 20 years, these two Architectural idioms threaded throughout the movement and can be found in many cities

BusĂ , A. (2010). City beautiful movement. In R. Hutchison (Ed.), Encyclopedia of urban studies (pp. 153-156). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781412971973.n55 3 Hess, D. (2016). Transportation Beautiful. Journal of Urban History, 32(4), 511-545.

Criticism: Around 1910s, the City Beautiful Movement was in full swing. Nonetheless, criticism and attack rose at the same time. And till the late 1920s, City Beautiful Movement started to decline. Under the pressure of public opinion and the conflict of interests, many plans and designs cannot be implemented anymore. Mainly, two opinions were post. One idea of criticizing is saying that the City Beautiful Movement is Formalism and has always been political, as a tool for politics gaining their own benefits from the general class. It is also identified as a channel to profit the social elite and the commercial group but ignore the situation of the others, especially the labor community.4 For instance, Mel Scott identified Daniel Burnham’s plan of Chicago as an aristocratic city for only the group of wealthy. Banker Henry Morgenthau claimed in 1909 that the very first aim of planner was to clean the breeding places of“disease, moral depravity, discontent, and socialism.” Partly according to the ornate design style, people were not willing to see the government spending money on planning or building things luxury and exaggerated and such movement seems nothing to do with the status of the local working class.5 The other point is that, the city can only solve those issues of the surface like offering spacious roads and plazas to change the outlook of the city but city’s land was fully invaded by the commercial area and they never consider about whether it is functional or not.


Sometimes planners may focus too much on the physical views of the landscape but ignore the potential principles. Furthermore, cities space would be covered by vehicle as time goes. The demand of viaduct, parking buildings, and good transportation system makes the City Beautiful Movement no longer suitable and useful. The historian Thomas Adams said that the roads redesign was too simple, planner should figure out further ways to deal with the traffic and consider architecture and road system separately. Yet, realists could not agree with such criticism above, claiming that it is unreasonable to fully negative City Beautiful Movement. In fact, in the contest between realism and idealism the latter won and the movement only lasted about 20 years.

Busà, A. (2010). City beautiful movement. In R. Hutchison (Ed.), Encyclopedia of urban studies (pp. 153-156). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781412971973.n55 5 Hall, P. (2014). Cities of Tomorrow. Somerset: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. Retrieved from http://

The Chicago Plan of 1909. A complete scheme of classical civic order is laid down on the Illinois grid. And amazingly, spurred by civic boosterism, by 1925 much of it is complete. Source: © The Art Institute of Chicago.


ost of the major cities of America were facing the soaring population in late 19th century. City Beautiful Movement was very popular and has been implemented in those developed industrial city. Between the 1908 and 1918 of Detroit, the local government took the initiative to invite famous planners to Detroit including Charles Mumford Robinson, Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr, Cass Gilbert and so on. Some well-designed projects were produced such as 18-story Michigan Central Station and Roosevelt Park. They are two combined design on the west of the city center built between 1910 and 1921, and was the highest train station of America at that time. When the building was completed, it quickly became the focus of the city, effectively embodied Detroit's prosperity.6 However, it did not last long. The city population kept growing fast but disorderly due to the ignorance of employment and housing issues. Problems showing above have not been resolved, but increased. Finally the station was closed at 1988 and it is still deserted now. From the result point of view, Robinson’s cannot be a successful one.7 And the criticism about City Beautiful Movement is not one-sided but true.


Postcard of MCS and Roosevelt Park, early 1920s (Courtesy of the Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library).

When it comes to Chicago plan produced by Daniel Burnham in 1909, it is quite successful. It was finally finished at 1925 which is actually a challenge for them because that the voice of opposition to City Beautiful Movement was relatively high at that time. As the result, the layout plan of Chicago is effective and functional. He redesigned the bridges, boulevard along the lake and the park, the road system, railway station; expand Chicago’s central business district; create new space for institutions and infrastructure and create civic cultural centers to increase the cohesion and harmony of the city. In this case, Burnham’s design has proved that when dealing with city issues, City Beautiful Movement can be helpful. The success of Chicago plan inspired other civic leaders and planners and set off an upsurge of City Beautiful Movement.

Bluestone, D. (1988). Detroit's City Beautiful and the Problem of Commerce. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 47(3), 245-262. doi:10.2307/990300 7 Ryzewski, K. (2015). No home for the “ordinary gamut”: A historical archaeology of community displacement and the creation of Detroit, City Beautiful. Journal of Social Archaeology, 15(3), 408-431.

The Chicago Plan of 1909. A complete scheme of classical civic order is laid down on the Illinois grid. And amazingly, spurred by civic boosterism, by 1925 much of it is complete. Source: Š The Art Institute of Chicago.

9. A ivic nois d by h of Art ago.


n the other hand, when the time came to the mid-1920s, Administrative Center Plans of Los Angeles was facing a total different situation. Administrative Center Plan is another example offered by Allied Architect Association and lead by Charles Mulford Robinson. But, it is the civic plan which was finally not accepted according to the objection and criticism. Charles Mulford Robinson, as the leading spokesman of the whole City Beautiful Movement, his ideas is realized in most of big American cities excepting Los Angeles. Using his word, Los Angeles is the most “obstinate” child.8 In 1920s the enthusiasm of City Beautiful Movement had been fallen with all the changes, the local government found the shortage of this movement, they preferred spending more money on building infrastructure constructions like harbor and aqueducts rather than build beautiful landscapes. City Beautiful Movement is no more optimistic and Allied Architect Association was facing difficulties in the terms of politics, economy, society and ideas.9 So, the idea of city beautiful have to turn to another way that easier to applicate.

The Allied Architects Association plan overlaid on Los Angeles’ 2009 downtown street plan. Note. Base map adapted from Los Angeles Civic Center Shared Facilities and Enhancement Plan, 1996 and prepared with the assistance of Victoria Lee.

Robinson’s primary areas of intervention included a system of boulevards that connected a cultural, administrative, and transportation center. The areas of intervention are overlaid on Los Angeles’ 2009 downtown street plan. Base map adapted from Los Angeles Civic Center Shared Facilities and Enhancement Plan, 1996 and prepared with the assistance of Victoria Lee.


Reitan, M. (2014). Beauty Controlled. Journal of Planning History, 13(4), 296-321. Busà, A. (2010). City beautiful movement. In R. Hutchison (Ed.), Encyclopedia of urban studies (pp. 153-156). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781412971973.n55 9


Hall, P. (2014). Cities of Tomorrow. Somerset: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. Retrieved from action?docID=1676937 11

BusĂ , A. (2010). City beautiful movement. In R. Hutchison (Ed.), Encyclopedia of urban studies (pp. 153-156). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781412971973.n55


n general, the City Beautiful Movement is a positive movement conforming to the time. It did make the appearance of cities aesthetic and break the way of former urban layout. Issues of infrastructure construction were also solved to certain extent. Nevertheless, it was criticized by lot of people as time goes. Since people find that some plans or designs cannot solve the real existing social conflict and it is still a waste to build such ornate architectures. Then it was quickly replaced by city efficient and city practical or called zoning plan, avoiding large-scale design in order to minimize the resistance. City Beautiful Movement is quite controversial, but it is unreasonable to totally ignore the positive influence on American urban planning, society and the public. The core idea of City Beautiful Movement is to reshape and rebuild the visual order and the beauty of harmony of city through building large-scale landscape parks and boulevards. And it also improves the infrastructure and functions of city to meet the business and daily needs.10 Daniel Burnham as the leading thinker of City Beautiful Movement who directed plans of cities involved Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Cleveland and Chicago. His works improve the city layout and accelerate its development, enabling city to adapt the growth of population. However, City Beautiful Movement has gone, the legacy rendered by it is significant.

As the later design may in most cases follow the style of Beaux-Arts and Neoclassical architecture, it left a great number of heritage buildings as well which is valuable to study today. Some parks and plazas have changed the landscape and they are still wildly appreciated by people nowadays.11

ail. oi:

Chicago Civic Center. Source: Š The Art Institute of Chicago.

City Beautiful in Australia



Introduction Before being found and proclaimed by Britain in 1836, an aboriginal group named Garner lived in the Adelaide plain. On 28 December 1836, the state South Australia had become one of the many British colonies. The city – Adelaide – was named after the queen, Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen, while the main street – King William Street – in the middle of the city was named after her Spouse, William IV of the United Kingdom1. Different from other cities convict settlement history as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Hobart, Adelaide developed in its unique and graceful way. Instead of criminals, the first groups of people who established Adelaide were free immigrants, they were free from religious persecution and aiming at promising civil liberties. The Adelaide’s initial plan by Colonel William

1 2

Light in 1837 is widely acknowledged and admired to be an example of enlightened and foresighted city planning. Early settlements The first man to survey and plan Adelaide was Colonel William Light. He was assigned in the new province to survey over 2400 kilometres of coastline, choosing a best site for settlement, detailing the town site and its surroundings. Despite of difficulties in lacking of tools and heavy workloads, he determined the town location to the vast plain between the Port Adelaide, Glenelg and Mount Lofty.2 Three months later, he had finished his survey of Adelaide, with its 1042 town acres, 700 in South Adelaide and 342 in North Adelaide.3

Johnson and Langmead, The Adelaide city plan: fiction and fact, Wakefield Press, 1986.

Colonel William Light’s Plan of Adelaide, 1837. History SA, HT2001.166. MARGARET ANDERSON, HISTORY SA.

Controversies arose after Light’s decision. Many different opinions of site-choosing including Holdfast Bay, Port Adelaide, Port Lincoln, Victor Harbour an Rapid Bay were argued but faded to Light’s view. Five months before Light passed away due to tolls of disagreeing argument and tuberculosis, he wrote that 'The reasons that led me to fix Adelaide where it is I do not expect to be generally understood or calmly judged of at present … I leave it to posterity … to decide whether I am entitled to praise or to blame'.2 At present, the plan is so beloved to the people living in Adelaide. Torrens River beautifully divided North Adelaide and Adelaide CBD (Originally South Adelaide). The city was in strict grid pattern with five squares in the CBD and one in North Adelaide. The surrounding parklands provides wide space for recreational areas and greenery. Thanks to Light’s visionary plan, Adelaide made full use of its potential and edged itself to the top 10 liveable cities across the world. At present, the plan is so beloved to the people living in Adelaide. Torrens River beautifully divided North Adelaide and Adelaide CBD (Originally South Adelaide). The city was in strict grid pattern with five squares in the CBD and one in North Adelaide. The surrounding parklands provides wide space for recreational areas and greenery. Thanks to Light’s visionary plan, Adelaide made full use of its potential and edged itself to the top 10 liveable cities across the world.

In 1870s, Adelaide city wasn’t properly developed and planned as there was a lack of proper sanitation, also insufficient clean water and ineffective trash removal or destruction. All of those made Adelaide a very unhealthy city in which to live, causing the death rate rising as high as doubled that of rural areas. 4

Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen. ttps:// commons/7/7f/Adelaide_Amelia_Louisa_ Theresa_Caroline_of_Saxe-Coburg_ Meiningen_by_Sir_William_Beechey.jpg

Later planning by architect Kingston after 1842 included specific drawings and materials of buildings, including government buildings, churches, businesses, banks, hotels, the Adelaide market, and the South Australian Club. And significant buildings including Government House, Trinity Church and the Bank of South Australia.


Adelaide: John Gliddon, South Australian agent, 1840. Courtesy of the State Library of South Australia, SLSA: C194. JUDE ELTON, HISTORY SA. 4

Book Plan of South Adelaide. Courtesy of the State Library of South Australia, SLSA: B1578746. JUDE ELTON, HISTORY SA.

1837 Light's Plan images/banner/ht_2001.166_s_-_lights_plan_ resized.jpg

World Wars and City Beautiful Movementriticism

City grade and transport

After the foresighted planning by During the First World War Australia Light, the early planner had already sent troops to the faraway continent planned the future development and of Europe, trying to how the world transportation lines. In 1856, the first is like. But only to find that the steam train ran between Adelaide United Kingdom is weakening and Port Adelaide, stopping at and it might need a new country Bowden, Woodville and Alberton 7 to learn from. Due to the isolation . Soon after, more KMs of trains of the continent and more closely stretched out to the suburbs of relationship to UK, Australian cities Adelaide. didn’t learned a lot from USA. But things changed after the Second World War, when UK was defeated in Dunkirk and couldn’t protect Australia from attacks from Japan in Darwin. And Australia fought aside America and realised USA is increasingly stronger. Then Australia turns to learn more and build closer relationships to USA. In the twentieth century, American stylistic influences replaced English ones.5 The idea of city beautiful movement flew to the isolated continent and influenced Australia ideas of urban planning. 6

Adelaide Railway Plan 1888 commons/2/2d/Karte_Adela ide_MKL1888 png

Adelaide Metro web today thumb/9/93/TransAdelaideRailwayMap.svg/700pxTransAdelaideRailwayMap.svg.png


The Wakefield companion to South Australian history edited by Wilfrid Prest, Kerrie Round and Carol Fort (Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 2001) 6

Designing Australia's Cities: Culture, Commerce and the City Beautiful, 1900–1930, Robert Freestone The Adelaide, City and Port Railway Callaghan, W.H. Australian Railway History, April/May, 2005 pp123-138;143149;182-195 7



As early as 1870s, trams were introduced to King William Street in the city of Adelaide, but drawn by horses, from North Terrace to Victoria Square. Same as today, the trams were in the middle of the street on metal tracks from 1878. The Adelaide-Glenelg railway, which ran from 2 August 1873, terminated at Victoria Square. Thus the horse-drawn trams originally served as the connector for travellers within the city. In 1909, electric trams had replaced the trams in the city area, and in 1929, Adelaide-Glenelg railway was upgraded to electric trams as well. In 1958, electric trams were removed on King William Street to give way for booming numbers of motor buses and cars. In 2000s however, the city saw an increasing demand for public transportation, thus trams were renewed started running again on King William Street. 8

Electric Trams on King William Street 1910s Auto=false&slideshowSpeed=0&speed=350&transition=elastic


n 1986, in order to solve the problem of fast expanding northeastern suburbs, the original tramway extension plan was replaced by the new O-Bahn system. The O-Bahn busway relies on a special track, taking advantages from both tram and bus systems. Today, the total length of O-Bahn sums up to 12 kilometres long, including three interchanges. The trail on O-Bahn busway allows bus to run as fast as 100km/h, which shortens the time travelling from the city centre to Tee Tree Plaza in 15 minutes. It has the ability to carry 18,000 passengers hourly, and in year 2015, the busway carries approximately 31,000 people per day during weekdays.

Adelaide O-Bahn Busway wikipedia/commons/7/7a/ Bus_track.jpgwSpeed=0&sp eed=350&transition=elastic 8

King William Street. JUDE ELTON, HISTORY SA. http://


he Victoria Square was originally called by the aboriginal Kaurna people as Tarndanyangga, and now the tram will ring and broadcast upon arrival at Victoria Square. This is a superb recreational area right in the middle of the city. Around it, there’s the General Post Office, the Town hall, Saint Francis Xavier’s cathedral, Magistrates’ Court of South Australia, and Supreme Court of South Australia. Also the old Governance building was used as teaching building for Carnegie Mellon University (USA) and University of City London (UK). Apart from the heritage buildings, there’s also new or relatively new buildings like the Hilton Hotel and Flinders University. The square itself often attracts great number of people coming to enjoy the beauty of the city and the landscape design of the square. There’s also many event like Holton Car Race and Adelaide Fringe and so on happen frequently on the square. Also in other four squares in the city: Hindmarsh Square, Light Square 9, Whitmore Square 10, and Hurtle Square 11, witness the history and changes of the development of the city. Same as Victoria square, they have been through various city corporations’ beautification projects, and under inclusive designs to protect local environment.


Light Square/Wauwe. Owen Hems. Whitmore Square. Amber Clark, Kara-Lee Ramm And Simone Mcinnes, Australian Environmental History Course, Flinders University Of South Australia And Jude Elton, History SA. 11 Hurtle Square/Tangkaira. Owen Hems. 10


The ‘Green Ring’ of Adelaide and the Riverbank a) The ‘Green Ring’ – Parklands The parklands occupies 800 hectares of grassland with numerous trees planted, like a green belt surrounding Adelaide, greatly improves its liability and aesthetic. The plan from Light in 1937was perfectly preserved. Light, however, didn’t indicate the function of the area, thus there have been controversies the usage of the land, recreational or institutional since early settlement. Though Light decided apart from 9 areas for governmental use and the rest for public recreation, the parkland development remained controversial was used for different intensions. In 1903, the Park Land Preservation League was established to fight against other usage of parkland, same time period as City Beautiful movement. Today, the government is limiting the usage of parkland. 12 b) The Riverbank The River Torrens was known as Karrawirraparri in the aboriginal language. It was not only important to the water supply and safety of Adelaide, but it also has in several ways continued significantly to influence the life of the city and adjacent regions. In 1862, some visionary people saw the potential of riverbank as recreational areas. It was proposed dam near Adelaide gaol, turning the river to a lake. In 1881, it was made reality, made the region more beautiful and a place .


Parklands. The Wakefield companion to South Australian history. Wilfrid Prest, Kerrie Round and Carol Fort (Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 2001).

South Terrace Parklands in early 20th century sites/default/files/styles/ gallery_full_crop/public/ images/banner/gn08770. jpg?itok=RE3leyzp.

Victoria Square General Post Office and ANZ, WestPac Banks https://images.trvl-media. com/media/content/shared/ images/travelguides/ destination/6051330/ Victoria-Square-65334.jpg

for the citizens to take their leisure. 13 Now the river is full or boats and bird, with people enjoying sunshine and nature. Buildings arose along the river including the Adelaide Oval (2011), Footbridge (2014), Adelaide Convention Centre (2014), and so on. c) Botanic Garden The Adelaide Botanic Garden occupies 51 hectares of land between North Terrace, Botanic Park, and the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Its history traces back from mid 1850s, and the plantings show all periods of its history. The establishment of it was as early as Light’s plan in 1837, emphasising the public needs’ for an open garden. It was foreseen at the time that public open spaces were essential to a beautiful city and recreational gardens were important for civilized and healthy societies. The site of it was on the east as the west parklands suffered from floods. After three attempts ended up failure, influential groups continued to campaign for a botanic garden. Until 1955, George William Francis was appointed as the first superintendent of the garden. His view proposed both aesthetic appeal and soft soil property. The garden revived after WWII when Noel Lothian became director in 1948. In the 1960s, 70 factors of modernist garden design were used in the gardens. And the garden became more international. Today, its policy is driving it towards sustainable gardening and landscape designs. 14

Torrens River Bank in early 20th century sites/default/files/styles/ gallery_full_crop/public/ images/banner/gn08105b. jpg?itok=p1q36Gti


Adelaide Botanic Garden. Margaret Anderson, History SA. 14 Draft 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide 2016 Update. Government of South Australia. au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/278203/DPTI-30-Year-Plan_150dpi.pdf

The 30-year Greater Adelaide development


In 2010, the city council had just release a new plan for Adelaide. The ideas of city beautiful can be clearly seen within. In the long-term, the plan focuses on protecting our resources as water from Murray River is fragile and reducing; smarter travel encourages people to travel and move around in city by public transportation or bicycle, by building more cyclist paths and green-energy buses; getting active; walkable neighbourhoods; a green liveable city; greater housing choice. In the short run, however: searching out community aspirations; nurturing cultural expression; reinforcing local character; integrating a diversity of interest and expertise; formulating concepts and testing ideas; combining community interest, public property and private initiative; being environmentally responsible; investing in quality. 15

Adelaide surely deserves the title of top 10 liveable cities across the world, ranking the 5th out of 140, and 2nd in Australia (after Melbourne) in the past year of 2016, considering stability, culture & environment, education, and infrastructure. 16 Despite of the above factors, the ‘city beautiful’ ideas plays an indispensable role in developing the city. As we can see from its past, the consistently foresighted government will continue to improve the development of the city with the idea of ‘city beautiful’. The citizens will surely benefit from its bright future to come.

Adelaide Botanic Garden the_adelaide_botanic_gardens.jpg?slideshow=true&slideshowAuto=false&slidesho wSpeed=0&speed=350&transition=elastic


A Summary of the Liveability Ranking and Overview August 2016. Economist Intelligence Unit. P7

Expressions of beauty in Kyoto



Introduction: In this report, I mainly display the city called Kyoto, a typical traditional city in Japan and explain reasons why this city is such beautiful as well as attractive. To make it easier to read, I would like to introduce the aesthetics of Kyoto by combining the narrative and examples and in some chapters making comparison with today Kyoto. In order to have a overlook for Kyoto’s development, comparison with western cities is also mentioned in the report. And in the end, I summarize all aspects which I have referred before of Kyoto and post part of my thinking of city’s longterm planning. Firstly I am going to start from the background. Background: Kyoto1, the former imperial capital city, locates in the western Japan, together with west Shiga and Osaka


makes up the "Kyoto metropolitan area". Thus, the long history of this city makes it wealthy in historical relics and there is also a great fortune of the traditional Japanese culture. Some of the traditional buildings and customs of Kyoto have been held for more than a thousand years , which helps to form a unique beauty in Kyoto. Therefore these various human resources makes Kyoto attract many tourists from all over the world. Beautiful district: As for the sense of beauty maintained in Kyoto, the first issue I would like to point out is the beautiful district. It is studied mainly in three ways: through comfortable scale and through the neat and regular street appearance as well as the other blueprint for the future bicycle using.

Glusac, E. (2014, June 11). The New York Times. Retrieved from The New York Times Web site: 2 Hildner, C. (2011). Small Houses. Basel/Berlin/Boston: Birkhäuser. Retrieved from

The comfortable scale of beautiful district: Compared with the ancient maps, the border of Kyoto successfully expand. Moreover, the module of city is not in regular shape anymore due to the different areas developing degree. But the similar road network still keep working, which indirectly confirms its efficiency. Unlike the European cities with curve roads with different directions branches, the straight roads in Kyoto are designed to like this. But similar with the particular western cities with long history, the most percentage housing buildings are in low height2. Maintaining such beauty greatly thanks to the authority’s landscape policies, which tightly control of the skyline of the historical region beneath 19.7m in the residential areas and the other ares to less than 30.3m.

Nowadays well-preserved machiyas are still standing beside the street.

Neat and regular appearance Additionally, consideration of the usage of timber materials and the form of blocks used on doors and windows, the façade of street seems more likely to be in one style. It is called the beauty of rhythm and order. In the period of Muromachiya jidai, people working in handicraft are the main pillar of the society, so it is so popular to see the machiya3 beside the street with two floors’ height.


Lambe, M. (2010, March 19). Deep Kyoto. Retrieved from Deep Kyoto Web site: www. March, S. (2017). Suggestion of Motion. Retrieved from Suggestion of Motion Web site:

Design for bicycles of beautiful district Instead of traveling on foot , visitors have another choice to view the city. Riding bike to the most sightseeing is obviously convenient and it provides an opportunity to go through small alley and experience more like the locals. For building a more environment-friendly transport system and facing with the raising visitors, the government pays more attention on auxiliary bike equipment building and they arrange it step by step. There has already sprawled some shops for renting bikes which sites close to railway station within 5-10 minutes’ walk. Other than shops and chain stores, there is also an official website to book a bicycle And in some hotels, they collaborate with bike companies so that visitor can borrow bike from the living place. In conclusion, people could have an interaction with city by their eyes, feet and other human modular. 2. Beautiful individual house space The second issue I would like to talk about is the personal free-standing house. This part has been introduced mainly in three aspects: the scenery and stationary lifestyles between generations as well as inhabitation’s natural philosophy. Scenery Residential buildings in Kyoto serve an important part in expressing its identical territory beauty. Some of the townhouse have spaces for commercial use as well as living while others make relaxing zones for the whole family. One of the typical house called machiya, which is small. 4

Because it used to beresidence for craftsman, the plan is often charactered by its narrow width as well as long length for lower taxation. Furthermore, it is usually some space for commercial use at the front and private space for living. The courtyard garden is in the middle, which has a close association with nature. On the other hand, there is another classical space type called tea house4, while it is not regular space in most normal dwellings. The tea house is usually in a boxlike shape and covered with translucent paper window. A loriin the house allows people to drink tea while viewing the scenery in the garden. It is such an elegant hobby so that only the people with special taste for art or rich people can afford that. Both this two kind of traditional townhouse have a tight relationship with surrounding environment and it partly indicates that the most Japanese have a spirit of admiring and worship for nature. When it comes to the modern dwellings, they still keep the design of central courtyard, which is actually a continue of traditional character in contemporary house design. And furthermore, traditional Japanese architecture attracts many foreign architects attention and they put part of them into their designs. Therefore, the modern architecture influenced by the idea of central garden always considers the environment in the total design work.

Foreman, L. (2013, November 28). The New York Times. Retrieved from The New York Times Web site: http://www. 4 Machiya. (2017, April 12). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 12:27, April 30, 2017, from https://

The section of a machi shows the inner planning.


ost machi are made of environment-friendly materials, such as the grass roof, wood construction and other wood ornaments. It is just the one of their actions for close to nature. Last but not the least, the residents prefer the life in machi rather than modern furnished house because they see “machi�as a lifestyle, which is more close to nature. For instance, when the weather change, they can see the snow or get a feeling of cold for the first time. A yard is no more a simple picture of delicate flowers and plants. On the contrary, it displays a vivid as well as dynamic scenery that exaggerates the environment changes and make our tactile sense more acute. So, Kyoto inhabitant illustrates the way living harmony with nature5 especially the western cities. Combination of stationary lifestyle and new lifestyle In the ancient times, residents in machiya are mostly handicraftsman. Additionally, basing on the traditional Japanese custom, the whole family still keep the ownership unless they sale the house. It means that the experience of living in traditional machiya became the common memory in different generation. In other words, not only the long-period house but also the old fashion lifestyle could be conserved. Whereas, nowadays some machiya keep up its surface and add some inner functional facilities so that it meets people’s basic needs. Not only it changes its form but also the ownership. For instance, some of machiya are transferred its ownership to someone who runs

w. 5

Dougill, J. (2006). Kyoto. Cary: Oxford University Press, USA. Retrieved from lib/adelaide/detail.action?docID=648025

Viewing from the bank of Kamogawa river, we can see people sitting relaxed near the river.

the hotel. So it represents that the house do not service for a family but for the visitors who wish to experience the local culture. And both of them exist in the traditional reservation zones. Nonetheless, travel to Kyoto becomes popular in these years but machiya still face up with a dilemma that more old buildings should be tear down because of the city expand or some tall buildings make use of the higher space of the traditional community, which would shade the sunshine in the yard6. On the other hand, local handicrafts try to keep the old building technology as much as possible. Unfortunately, It causes a chain reaction and eventually make effects on machiya conservation. Time, sharing memory and the natural philosophy makes the machiya more precious and beautiful. However, the biggest distinguishing character of this pattern is the garden in-house.


3.Beautiful landscape-the riverside space Kamogawa River7 is a famous sight spot in Kyoto, which runs through the city center. And it is also the mother river for Kyoto. In ancient times, the most residents settled in the west and south part of the city. Actually, this river plays an essential role in Kyoto’s good views. On the one hand, this river provides citizens an opening place to share and relax. On the other hand, there is almost no distance between the people and river, which also keep coincidence with Japanese natural thinking. According to its history during 8 to 12th century, it used to the gather place for low-class or even store the dead. However, after experiencing several ages rebuilding, Kamogawa river becomes an active part now. Tourist industry also booms during these years, for people could witness sakura blessing in spring and enjoy hiking in every season. Several bridges connecting two banks are built on the river for people’s convenient passing. As the side benefits, this area is also popular in evening, where allows passer-by to hang around and see the sunset. All in all, there renders too many different kinds of activities people can choose. A place which is available to stay and enjoy has great charming without charming.

Song, L. (Director). (2004). The vision of the city [Motion Picture].

The scenery of the garden of Karesansui. The open space beside the river.


For the commercial stores beside the river, they get admitted from the government to set up light construction on the river. It is not just aimed to good scenery but also create a vertical experience for people. For example, you could sit on the bank or have a drink beside the river as you want. There is also a horizontal system for pleasure. Abundant activities vary from bicycling on road, sitting under thesakura to fishing or playing water in the river. In conclusion, river in Kyoto should not be separated from the traditional city circle and it represent kind of beauty how environment has influence on our nowadays’ life.





Middleton, K. P. (1980). Introducing Kyoto (Book Review). Library Journal, 105(2), 202.,

Karesansui garden represents the idea of natual philosophy.


ith reference to the preceding of the test, traditional Japanese usually believe in a natural philosophy called Wabi-sabi8 . It is also a typical oriental beauty of leaving blank whose original meaning is to highlight the essence of things that emphasizes simplicity and the beauty of nature that can be tested by time. When it comes to Kyoto, Karesansui garden extremely represents this thought. The garden replaces colorful flowers and trees with great life force by white sand and some original stones. It is saidto be a garden but some even do not have any tall plantings. Designer is willing to encourage people’s rethinking and they leave the space for imagination. In detail, the waving sand symbolizes flowing water and group of stones means mountain. By contrast, there appears to be a huge culture gap between the western and Kyoto. For one, show a preference of abstract represent while the other one seems to emphasis directly expression. Although Kyoto has a huge amount population, the clear zoning and planning can leave people an impression of quiet. Nowadays Kyoto city plan allows the quiet atmosphere living in this historical distinct, which is also a kind of blank in modern city life. If someone need a break from a rapid pace of city, they could just walk to the ancient city center and melt their problems into nature. Conclusion: In the end, Kyoto builds its distinguishing beauty through different scale of city space. Firstly, the personal or inner space expresses an art of function and natural philosophy. Second, proper modulo of resident blocks helps people to live more relaxed.


Koren, L. (1994). Wabi-Sabi: for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers . American: Imperfect publishing. City Yeast. (2011, November 19). Retrieved from City Yeast Web site: php?passion4type_id2=36&passion4_id=627

Last but not the least, a natural thought and a concept of blank appears in every details in life, even in making a cup of matcha dessert. Therefore, the expression of Kyoto is more likely a spirit or a city characters. The definition is not just limited by the appearance or the art form, it looks like a result of local people conventional rules. Out of consideration for city’s future and critical thinking, the action of residents promote new policies to protect the historic heritage and make city more beauty. It makes other cities show their city transform activities especially in developing countries.

picture: March, S. (2017). Suggestion of Motion. Retrieved from Suggestion of Motion Web site: https://

Industrial aesthetics: beauty in urban city planning and urban design.

Bowen Wang A1684857


ith the development of modern industry and commodity economy, people present a diversification and artistic trend for the function of products. The upgrading of products gradually speeding up, the “changing” evolved the popular aesthetic. Modern city planning is not following aesthetic tide, but see if it can lead the aesthetic tide from the function, technology, material, form etc. So the realization of industrial aesthetic concept should achieve four aspects: functional beauty, beauty of technology, beauty of material and formal beauty(Verdi, 2014). Architect often pay more attention on function, although buildings can attract people by their beautiful appearance, people can not only stay on the aesthetic appreciation, people will consciously or unconsciously feeling from external form to function, technology, environment and other aspects of the rational knowledge.

It’s important to consider the function and beauty at the same time. The beauty of technology can be embody in “smart city”, “ Smart cities can be seen as systems with flows of energy, materials, services, people and financing (Vassilakou, 2014).“By information and communication technology methods to analysis, integrate all kinds of key information in city core system, including the people's livelihood, environmental protection, public security, urban services, commercial and industrial activities, then make intelligent response in all kinds of requirements. Its essence is using advanced information technology, realize urban intelligent management and operation, thus to create a better life for people in the city, promote the harmonious and sustainable growth of the city.

Vassilakou, M. (2014). The definition of Smart City Wien. Vienna City Administration . Verdi, L. (2014). Aesthetics in urban space: architecture and art for sustainable cities. Department of Philosophy,Sociology,Education and Applied Psychology.


ity combined with different buildings, building is the combination of different materials, different combinations also formed a unique building types, beauty of material is a reflection of building materials, different materials have a big difference, it also makes the different materials have different feature. The basic laws of formal beauty is the unity of the "diversity" (H.Wilson). The beauty of architectural form, not only in "diversity", not only in "unification", but in the harmony of diversity and unity. In urban design, functional beauty can be shown in transportation and housing condition. For example, Sydney with its local walking, cycling network and traffic routes connecting central urban area, other parts of Sydney, that’s convenient for people travelling, leave for Sydney is very convenient and in a few years the regional transportation network will be upgrade based on existing network, then from different area to the inner city will become more convenient. The community life in Sydney district featured will continue to become the main point and cultivate citizens' sense of belonging. Activity hub will be set up among the community, make the various services relatively concentrated to each other, thus greatly enhance the habitability of Sydney, it will fundamentally improve the global competitiveness of Sydney (Gjerde, 2010).

Cities and citizenship Source:http://citiesandcitizenship.

Between 1890 and 1920 in Melbourne, two kinds of important infrastructure construction make planning expand into the scope of metropolitan area. They are the construction of water supply and drainage network and extend suburban rail system and electrification(Verdi, 2014)

H.Wilson, W. (n.d.). The Glory, Destruction and Meaning of the City Beautiful Movement.Gjerde, M. (2010). Visual Aesthetic Perception and Judgement Of Urban Streetscapes. New Zealand: School of Architecture,Victoria University of Wellington. Verdi, L. (2014). Aesthetics in urban space: architecture and art for sustainable cities. Department of Philosophy,Sociology,Education and Applied Psychology.


n terms of water supply, follow the practice of Britain at the same time in the city, set up specialized agencies to be responsible for the water supply, pipeline, wastewater collection and treatment. To reach public health standards, the agency had the right to control the residential and industrial location, because the latter requires permission, construction and development also need to connect water supply and drainage network. In terms of railway transportation, the state set up funds to build and manage the electrification suburban line, the line along the direction of the axis into six major extends beyond the existing suburban residential area. As these two types of physical network finished, Victoria government make metropolitan area with radial infrastructure network gradually emerged during the next 100 years(Verdi, 2014). The effect of these decisions can see in the space diagram of 1928 in Melbourne, it consists of a very small core in 1840 spread outward. In addition, the functional beauty not only shows in urban system, but also shows on building. Building once completed it will be difficult to move, so it would be handled carefully with the surrounding environment, it can be a positive and powerful factor to environment, at the same time, natural environment also affects the building style and features(Balaisis, 2014). A good building impossible break away from its environment, it must be adapt to the environment, become a part of the environment There are a lot of buildings must rely on a specific environment to form a character.

Smart city reflect the beauty of technology. the understanding of the smart city concept often have emphasize, some view is the technology application, some thought the key is the network construction, some view is participation of people, some thought the effect of smart is the key, some leading city of informatization construction is emphasis on the peopleoriented and sustainable innovation(Vassilakou, 2014). Smart city through Internet infrastructure, cloud computing infrastructure, geospatial infrastructure such as a new generation of information technology, and wikis, social networking, Fab Lab, Living Lab, comprehensive integration means, network communication terminal and method of application, implement comprehensive understanding of the application of intelligent integration and user innovation, open innovation, collaborative innovation as the characteristics of sustainable innovation (Vassilakou, 2014).

Vassilakou, M. (2014). The definition of Smart City Wien. Vienna City Administration . Verdi, L. (2014). Aesthetics in urban space: architecture and art for sustainable cities. Department of Philosophy,Sociology,Education and Applied Psychology.

The Victorian Desalination Project Resource: https://www.


ith the rise of Internet, the fusion of mobile technology development and innovation of democratization process, knowledge of social environment is the development form of smart city after the digital city informatization. To gradually form smart city, there are two kinds of driving force one is the representative of a new generation of information technology such as Internet, cloud computing, mobile Internet, the second is knowledge society environment gradually form a open innovation ecological city. There are 4 applications in smart city, first is smart public service (Vassilakou, 2014): smart and urban public services management system. By strengthening the employment, health, culture, professional application system such as housing construction, urban construction and the standardization of the management through precise and intelligent level, effectively promote urban public resources Shared throughout the whole city, promoting urban traffic, logistics, information flow, cash flow coordination work effectively, promoting urban efficiency and level of public service at the same time, promote transformation and urban development.

Building fit with Environment Resource: pin/28288303884138698/

Second is smart city complex (Vassilakou, 2014): the visual collection and identification, all kinds of sensors, wireless positioning system, RFID, barcode recognition, visual tags and other top technology, building intelligent visual iot, automatic data collection, covering urban context of commercial, office, residential, hotel, exhibition, catering, conference, entertainment and communication, lighting, information communication and display all aspects, make managers can visually city synthesis management. Third is intelligent transportation. Build "digital transportation" project, through the monitoring, traffic flow distribution optimization technology.

Vassilakou, M. (2014). The definition of Smart City Wien. Vienna City Administration .


hen, smart education culture service: actively promote smart education culture system. focus on the construction of comprehensive information network, digital, network school education courseware, the teaching resource, virtual library, teaching comprehensive management system, remote education system resources such as Shared database and Shared application platform system. Continue to push forward the reeducation engineering, providing multi-channel education training employment service, to build a learning society. In the existing building materials, although new building materials have been used in construction projects, provide more possible for the development of architectural art. But the structure is still using traditional building materials. Concrete is not only a basic framework of building materials, but also has durability and unique artistic expression, the straightforward and simple character ensures the structure details are fully expressed. At the beginning glass only used as industrial products, but then, it is increasingly used in express transparent, bright and clean, empty spirit (Anna Marazuela Kim, 2010). Wood as a light warm and solid material, have very good feel, smell and plasticity.

The plasticity of lumber for provides convenient, it can express the concept in construction, reflects the architectural aestheticsThe basic laws of building formal beauty is the unity of the "diversity"(H. Wilson). It is contradiction between two sides, only the diversification, not tidy uniform, will appear desultorily and fragmented. If only neat uniform, no variety of change, will seem dull and monotonous. The former let a person lost, even unpleasant; The latter lifeless, not to mention the beauty of form.Because beauty is that people rely on intuition feeling, people feel the architecture, the beginning is direct perception by the vision, not to really know what kind architecture function and technology. Highlighted the building height, color, size, shape, etc, also can form order, and achieve the unity of the diverse. Construction form is decided by many factors. Among them, the proportion between building parts can constitute a significant and active factor to express the beauty of buildings. In urban design, formal beauty not only reflect on buildings but also reflect on city layout.

Anna Marazuela Kim, E. M. (2010). The Beautiful. Thriving Cities is an initiative of the University of Virginia’s Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture. H.Wilson, W. (n.d.). The Glory, Destruction and Meaning of the City Beautiful Movement.

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Smart City System Resource: http://blog.


he direct influencing the city layout including: economic factors. Mainly refer the construction projects such as industrial base, water conservancy, transportation hub, scientific research center and the distribution of all kinds of different technical and economic requirements of the project. The indirect factors influencing the city layout including: the historical factors (Anna Marazuela Kim, 2010). City in the long-term historical development process, starting from the formation of urban core, through the development of nature and planning, present different forms in different historical periods. According to the basic characteristics of the planar shape, the layout of the city form can be classified into the following main types.

Housing diversity Resource: http://www.


lock layout form: It is the most common basic form of urban residents This layout form land use reasonable, the transportation is convenient, easy to meet the needs of the residents, such as production, living and recreation. Then, strip layout form: This layout form is influenced by natural conditions or traffic lines, some development along of rivers or along the coast side and some development along the narrow valley, others extending along the main traffic road. In addition, circular layout form: The city around lakes, sea or mountains show cricoid distribution. Such cities compared with strip city, the connection between the various functional areas is more convenient. Its central part create a beautiful landscape and good ecological environment (Balaisis, 2014).

Urban City Layout Resource: toronto/2008/01/26/urban-fabricform-comparison/

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n conclusion, the expression of industrial aesthetics shows in functional beauty, beauty of technology, beauty of material and formal beauty. In urban design, functional beauty play a key role, the transportation, housing condition, water supply and suburban rail system in Sydney and Melbourne, make cities can not only well- organized but also improve the city competitiveness. With the technology develop, smart city come out with 4 applications: smart public services, city complex, intelligent transportation and smart education culture services. Smart city express the beauty of technology in urban design. Different materials have different features, they also show the elements of a city. The last is formal beauty, city planning require the harmony between diversity and unity, city layout also reflect the formal beauty, according to the geography and culture, different city use different layout. These are main elements of industrial aesthetics in modern city planning and urban design.

City Material Resource c3RyZWV0IHZpZXcgZG93bnRvd24/

How to make an attractive city?



Introduction: A city marked by attractiveness is always related to beautiful built environment that offers higher quality of life for citizens and workers, and delivering great access to tourists of all age groups and abilities which matters for the residential choice of new inhabitants and travelers around the world. In discussing the determinants of cities’ attractiveness, seven aspect should be carefully considered by urban designer: Creating organized complexity, showing visible life on streets, compacting buildings that offer a sense of containment, having good arrangement of small streets and big ones, reducing the amount of huge buildings, giving the building special character of its own place and making the cities both functional and beautiful.


An attractive city should strike a balance between variety and order. Order is acknowledged as repetition, symmetry and balance, impressing people with a wellarranged scene instead of randomly putting different types of buildings together. Order is one of the reasons why Paris is so distinctive. This one of the most striking example of rational urban planning project was conducted in 19th century, and the building always shared the same style: enclosed structure, horizontal composition with storm windows and French windows, imitating the concentric castle1.

Philip, B. (2013, July 22). The revolution that build the street of Paris. BBC: Future. Retrieved from http://www.

Paris’ urban planning portfolio/filipe-lourenco-paris-as-metropolis/


he symmetry streets in Chicago, planned skyscrapers in New York also show the beauty of order. However, too much regularity can be just a problem. Excessive order can be bleak and relentless, making city looks less lovely and lack of humanity. So the main task for urban planners is to seek for variety and order. In the Java Island in Amsterdam, for example, showcases innovative urban planning that restricting the pattern, and requiring the same height and width and the color range. Within this requirement, each building can be built individually. This created a gorgeous low rising high density of residential housing blocks. This keeps perfectly balance between chaos and boringness shows what people like. So what we need is neither too much mess or simple, it should be organized complexity.

Fig. 1. Paris’ urban planning

Fig. 2. Buildings in Java Island, Amsterdam

Fig. 1. : Fig. 2.:

An 18th-century view of Venice by Venetian artist Canaletto.


ities can be much more attractive if the street are alive. Street in modern city always look dull and dead because there’s nothing to see, most wall of office building and commercial area are brutally stop people’s eyesight from observing what other’s doing. However, compared to the live street in Japan and Hong Kong, the live scene in Venice, we can see people eating in a snack bar, reading in a book shop, selling things along the street. We like this kind of cities because they are full of live, showing the life that we’ve hidden away. When you can barely glimpse your fellow humans, the towers, the skyscrapers, the sheds and the streets were dead.


Urban designers are crazy for creating private space hiding from publicrather than trying to make it good to look at. Making street full of life and full of people laughing, walking and working is actually making people feeling mentally and socially connected with others. You feel connected with the surrounding areas and know where you are and what you are doing, seeing others doing fantastic stuff through windows, that’s what makes certain cities so attractive to walk along. When people are happy to share what they’re doing with others, a harmonious society can be created and people’s bonds with the place can be strengthened.

quare works as an important role in almost all the attractive city. For the time being, people live in the city tend to live apart from others, valuing the private space very much. It can be a mark for a person’s success when he can move out apart from his big family and have his private realm. This can make the city cold and isolate the individual with the society. There is a misunderstanding that people want to live far away from others. People built a world of endless dead residential suburbs connected by dead lanes. In fact, breaking the isolation can also be wonderful. The Tietgen dormitory project in Denmark can be a good example. The project building’s circular form is contrasted with the honest expression of the individual programmatic elements. The cylindrical structure located itself around an inner courtyard, providing communal area for students, allowing the have more opportunities to meet each other. Students enjoy living there since the private and public realm were perfectly arranged2. Hence, we need compact cities with squares for people to hang out. There are many fantastic town squares in Rome,

Tietgen Dormitory / Lundgaard & Tranberg Architects. SOURCE: Archidaily

like Piazza Santa Maria, the heartbeat of life in the town. At night, the square with a fountain in the center, becomes a popular meeting space for citizens3. It functioning as public space but just letting you feel like the extension of your home.However, a good square should not be too big or small. An oversize square can let individual feeling insignificant compared to the surrounding, creating a sense of alienation. A good square, people are supposed to see each other’s face across the square. And they can even say hello to someone walking on the other side if they want. Urban planners should consider carefully about the ideal size of square, which offer containment and connected but not alienation.

Piazza Santa Maria SOURCE: Wikiwand


Archidaily. (2014). Tietgen Dormitory / Lundgaard & Tranberg Architects. Retrieved from http://www.archdaily. com/474237/tietgen-dormitory-lundgaard-and-tranberg-architects 3 Frommers. Rome: The best town squares. Retrieved from


ities is charming not only because the grand wide avenue it have but also due to the fascinating backstreets and small lanes where can let people feel cozy. Wandering around the small lanes after dinner, feeling a little bit lost in the mysterious back streets can actually be a lovely and pleasant thing. Look at the alleyway in Columbia, the balconies almost touch across the street.People can greet their neighbor easily and see their neighbors’ daily life. In fact, we feel much more connected with others by giving in a little bit privacy. Today, we are trying to widen the road in order to get maximum privacy, which seems over emphasis the importance of vehicles like cars and lorries instead of human self. It is true that we need large streets that guarantees cities’ transportation system, and it can be terrible that people travel in the cities that only alleyways. So the best way to deal with this issue is to have wide boulevards and large spaces and some mysterious alleyways around residential area that can offer people sense of enclosure.

Modern cities nowadays seems to be occupied by huge buildings. A lot of commercial advertising invade our horizons. Is that our society really believes in? Should we give all the priority to those aggressive commercial corporations, cosmetics company, trade bank and oil industry? Modern planners and developers should really consider about who deserve land and how much land they deserve. Most importantly, who owns the air space. That’s what we can see through the windows, determining the scenery when you have lunch and want to escape from your work for a while. It’s actually a little bit sad that we can only see the towers, the skyscrapers are all about commercial things because what we are really believe in is about humanity, love and God.

We don’t mind having huge building and skyscrapers in cities, but let’s make them serve as what we really need such as a cathedral and museum. For other purpose, let’s reduce the size of building and cut them down. Cities can be more lovely when the buildings become dense compact without causing people feel insignificant. Just Like the low-rise part in Amsterdam. Let’s keep the huge building for really special that all people love and would like to see, and keep them for our longterm needs. Alleyway in Columbia SOURCE: Pinterest

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Strict building height limits in Paris have banished skyscrapers to the city’s outskirts letting monuments, such as the Eiffel Tower, stand out in a way they wouldn’t in most other capitals. SOURCE:


ities also need to have their own characteristic. Modern cities tend to share more and more similarities, the alike façade and building material. It’s so depressing that you travel around the world that look the same everywhere. Cities are supposed to have variation not only because the wish for travelers, but also for the benefit itself. Each place has its own history, culture, nature environment conditions etc. As a result, people in different places have their own demand. There are many different style to create beauty and different way to maintain order. Cities need to be identical with the use of local build material and according to traditional build form. The Australia architect Glenn Murcutt always design his works fit into the Australia landscape features with the motto that ”touch the earth lightly”, he is seeking for the way that reflect Australian life4. As a matter of fact, Cities with strong characteristic can offer people cultural identity and strengthen the bonds between people and places.


However, a large amount of new housing development built in the southeast of England built in the last 25 years seems had nothing to do with beauty. They shared the same simple and dull style5. Ugliness is one significant reason why people hate building and lose faith in creating beautiful places. When people start to object the build of new house, the price of existing housing becomes higher and higher, making them no more affordable and causing a series of social problems which can do harm to the attractiveness. When the city Venice was built, the wetland and the sandy island were replaced by urban cities, few people against the development. People do not reject all new housing development, they only against it when it is uglier than the natural landscape that sacrificed to the urban expansion.

AFRWEEKEND. (2015). Architect Glenn Murcutt hunts for light in Australia's new homes surge. Retrieved from 5 Alex, P. (2014). Why is Britain so terrible at domestic architecture? The Telegraph. Retrieved from http://www.



here are two general obstacle of creating beautiful cities, one is the definition of beauty itself and the other is urban development is lack of political restriction. On one hand, it is acknowledged that beauty is a subjective thing, there is no a clear description about beauty. This can be a good excuse for the greedy property developers to build whatever they like that reduce the cost. However, beauty is not only in the eyes of beholder. On the other hand, beauty is created under the clear restriction and the government’s strict control. The development of Edinburgh serves as a good example. The government give a clear requirement for construction, such as the height of building and the width of road. Government should supervise the developers instead of let the free market do this.

Building block of Edinburgh SOURCE: Hand Luggage Only Dreadful developments - like Liverpool's fictional Brookside Close SOURCE: The Telegraph

In conclusion, there are seven general aspect connected to attractive cities. Modern planners and developers should make cities keep the balance between variety and order, give cities sense of vitality by visible life, make good use of square by giving people sense of connected, put some small winding path contrasting with the grand wide road to give people sense of mystery, control the proper size of the building and make the huge one to be worthy of their prominence, give the cities their own cultural identity and consider the aesthetic aspect in urban expansion.


At the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago. White House designed by Daniel Burnham Source:

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