Zim Influencers Magazine 6th Edition

Page 44

The Power Of


Choice By Rutendo Melody Kanguru

t’s the second half of the year and with so much happening on a global scale. Who would have thought the year would turn out this way. More than ever the power of the choices we make is becoming more and more critical as many sink with the weight of the pressure. How we chose to respond to life will determine how we come out on the other side. Because we exist in a world of unending possibilities, the most powerful tool we have is choice. With every choice, we close down a door with many other open doors in it and we open a door connected to many other open doors in it. Our life then becomes defined by our choices and in the same breath it is our choices that then truly show who we really are. Our choices are currently ‘making’ us, defining us and evolving us.


ere are some 5 nuggets on ‘The Power of Choices’ in Life, Relationships & Business that will be inspiring and useful for you as you navigate this last half of 2020. At this time of the year, you have the following choices in Life:

# To keep dreaming or to wake up, start putting action into vision and follow your dreams. # To repeat the first half of the year again or to make the pivots nec-

essary and grow. # To go with the choice that scares you the most or to stay in the comfort zone where nothing grows and watch 2020 bring great success to others and nothing for you. # To make easy choices that lead to a hard life or to make hard choices that lead to an easy life in the future. # To develop a healthy relationship with ‘choices’ knowing the better you get at making them and the faster you become at making the right ones, the more success you will get out of life. Or to fear making them. As you go along the last half of the year, relationships will be very pivotal to your success and always remember the following things about ‘the power of choice’: # To never accept to be someone’s second choice. Always chose yourself first before someone makes you an option. You deserve more. # To take responsibility of who you spend your time with no matter how deeply intertwined that relationship seems. If they are toxic to you, you can liVe without them if you give yourself an opportunity to learn how to. # You may not have had a choice on the events that happened to you but you have a choice on whether you will permit yourself to be reduced by them. # To make a choice to walk away from any table where respect is no longer served. Respect is everything. # When someone needs time to choose between you and another, that is all the ‘signs’ you need to exit that scene relationally.


hroughout this last half of the year, how you do business and who you do business with will be important. You must know:

# The 3 ‘c’s in business are chance, choice and change. You cannot get to change without making decisions so do not be afraid to choose. # You are not stuck where you are unless you decide (make a choice) to be. # You can have results or excuses, not both. The choice is yours. # In your business, “either you run the day or the day runs you. It’s your choice.” # Success is decision. You chose it and you build up the habits that attract it. Finally, as this year progresses make sure you keep making choices that build you, nourish you, nurture you and serve your bigger purpose. Keep yourself aligned. Always remember who you want to be and keep making the choices that take you to him/her. And never forget, your choices are the transportation that take you to where you want to go. Choose LIFE!


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