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Premium Board and Label Paper

Extraordinary, but simple to print on

It’s no coincidence that CHROMOLUX is not only the market leader but also a synonym for cast-coated papers. The name stands for a range of white and coloured fine papers, distinguished by their extremely smooth and high-gloss surfaces. “Let’s print on CHROMOLUX” is a tool no printing machine should be without. It is a compact yet handy set of instructions for printing on and processing CHROMOLUX. This handbook covers all the important points you need to know when using CHROMOLUX as well as interesting background information. This is our way of demonstrating that CHROMOLUX is an extra-ordinary fine paper which is easy to print on and process. Should you still have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our serviceteam at any time on +49 (0)2202 15-0. You can also find more information at www.chromolux.de We wish you every success with CHROMOLUX.

CHROMOLUX board range

high white



white CHROMOLUX 200 CHROMOLUX 500 CHROMOLUX pearl white

metallics CHROMOLUX magic chrome CHROMOLUX magic rock CHROMOLUX metallic steel blue CHROMOLUX metallic silver CHROMOLUX metallic gold



cream yellow red green ocean deep blue black








CHROMOLUX label paper range




CHROMOLUX 700 CHROMOLUX 900 CHROMOLUX premium white WS CHROMOLUX pearl white

metallics CHROMOLUX metallic silver CHROMOLUX metallic gold CHROMOLUX alu CHROMOLUX alu gold CHROMOLUX alu chrome CHROMOLUX alu E CHROMOLUX alu E chrome CHROMOLUX alu S CHROMOLUX alu ES

embossed CHROMOLUX 700 lin CHROMOLUX 700 vergé CHROMOLUX 700 moiré CHROMOLUX 700 ligné CHROMOLUX 700 tissé CHROMOLUX 900 E lin CHROMOLUX alu lin CHROMOLUX alu moiré CHROMOLUX alu ligné All standard formats are available from merchants. Special formats are available in both running directions from the plant. Special makings are available on request.


Geeignet für Lebensmittelkontakt Suitable for food contact






What to pay attention to during transport and storage


What to pay attention to during transport and storage

Facts at a glance …


Ensure optimum climate conditions in the storage and production rooms.


Room temperature should be 23 ºC and relative air humidity 45%–55%.


Wherever possible, avoid unnecessary climate fluctuations.


Allow CHROMOLUX sufficient time to adjust to the temperature.


Avoid damage to the pallet packaging. It protects the paper against climate fluctuations.


Do not remove the packaging on paper pallets until just before printing.


Carefully repack the remaining pallets after printing.

The right climate is everything

A few points to note …

… Paper is a printer’s most important working material. A lot depends on its quality. Perfect flatness is essential for optimum print quality and problem-free finishing. This is also true of such a high-quality paper as CHROMOLUX.

… An unfavourable room climate may lead to deformation during storage. This has consequences for the printing process, the printed results and further processing.

… Key room climate factors are temperature and air humidity. Every care must be taken to ensure that these two influencing factors are perfectly matched to the material when transporting and storing of CHROMOLUX, before and after printing. The line between a favourable and an unfavourable climate must never be crossed.

… A whole series of printing and processing problems may be caused by deviations from the optimum room temperature and air humidity. A room temperature of 23 °C and a relative air humidity of 45%–55% are recommended for storing CHROMOLUX.

What to pay attention to when preparing the machine


What to pay attention to when preparing the machine

Facts at a glance …

CHROMOLUX 200 · 500 · 700 >

No special printing requirements have to be met.

CHROMOLUX alu · color · magic · metallic · pearl >

Print using offset machines with a good printing unit and fine fountain solution regulation.


Clean the machine (clean the ink duct, remove any residual inks, replace fountain solution and wash damping rollers).


Produce as many waste sheets as possible in order to achieve an optimum ink-water balance.


Ensure sufficient ink reduction in order to prevent the printing ink from emulsifying (e.g. ink reduction bars).

The first steps are the easiest

A few points to note …

CHROMOLUX 200 · 500 · 700

… Like all coated papers, CHROMOLUX 200, 500 and 700 are simple to print on using all offset machines. CHROMOLUX alu · color · magic · metallic · pearl

… CHROMOLUX alu, color, magic, metallic and pearl have non-absorbent surfaces. They should be printed on using offset machines with a good printing unit as well as precise dosing and regulation of the fountain solution flow.

… Care should be taken when setting up the machine to ensure that the flow of water is kept to a minimum. Preferably, no water should be used at all (waterless offset printing). By constantly reducing the water flow, it is possible to arrive at the right amount of fountain solution. In order to achieve optimum ink-water balance, as many waste sheets as possible should be produced during set-up. Sheets of CHROMOLUX alu, color, magic, metallic and pearl should always be used for the pre-run to guarantee a precise result.

… It is also essential to ensure adequate ink reduction. With a small print run, a colour reduction bar, positioned outside the offcut and running across the entire width of the sheet of paper, should also be printed. This increases the ink reduction and prevents the ink from emulsifying and losing its drying properties.

What to pay attention to with respect to the printing inks


What to pay attention to with respect to the printing inks

Facts at a glance …

CHROMOLUX 200 · 500 · 700 >

Use inks with normal oxidative properties and which dry by means of absorption as you would for coated papers.

CHROMOLUX alu · color · magic · metallic · pearl >

On the front side, only use special inks that dry purely by oxidation and that are suitable for non-absorbent materials.


Standard inks can be used on the rear sides.

The importance of ink

A few points to note …

… The quality of the printed result depends on how the ink dries on the paper. For this reason, paper and ink must be precisely matched. CHROMOLUX 200 · 500 · 700

… Despite their extreme smoothness, the surfaces of CHROMOLUX 200 and 500 have adequate absorbency. Printing inks can be absorbed relatively quickly and dry rapidly by means of oxidation. This is true of all inks which dry normally (by oxidation as well as by absorption) and are used for coated papers. The rather slower absorption method can be ignored – provided you adapt to this. Optimally coordinated dry spraying is advisable, particularly when printing difficult motifs. CHROMOLUX alu · color · magic · metallic · pearl

… As a result of their special surface finishing, CHROMOLUX alu, color, magic, metallic and pearl have non-absorbent front surfaces. This means that inks cannot be absorbed by them. The dry sprayed powder forms a protective barrier between each sheet of paper. Therefore, it is only possible to use special inks that dry by means of oxidation alone. As well as using the right printing ink, adequate ink reduction must be ensured.

What to pay attention to when printing


What to pay attention to when printing

Facts at a glance …

CHROMOLUX 200 · 500 · 700 >

The white shades perform well in offset printing under normal conditions.

CHROMOLUX alu · color · magic · metallic · pearl >

Ensure that the water flow is at a minimum.


Do not set the pH value of the fountain solution below 5.0.


Do not use any acidic fountain solution additives.


Do not use printing aids, in particular common sprays.


Prevent ink rub-off by means of adequate dry spraying.


Stack the printrun in smaller quantities.

Applying pressure

A few points to note …

CHROMOLUX alu · color · magic · metallic · pearl

… As for all non-absorbent materials, the following rule of thumb also applies to CHROMOLUX alu, color, magic, metallic and pearl: use as much fountain solution as necessary, but as little as possible.

… To ensure perfect ink drying, you must ensure that the flow of water is kept to a minimum. Other key elements are the chemistry of the fountain solution and its pH value. Acidic fountain solution additives should be avoided at all costs as they have a negative effect on the ink drying process.

… Printing aids should also be avoided when printing on CHROMOLUX alu, color, magic, metallic and pearl. They should only be used if expressly permitted by the ink manufacturer. The same applies to sprays which are used, for instance, as refreshing agents or as anti-drying agents during short downtimes. … In the case of non-absorbent materials, the ink may rub off due to increased pressure within the stack. This can be prevented by means of optimally coordinated dry spraying. The dry spraying powder forms a protective barrier between each sheet of paper. It thus acts as a spacer, separating the sheets and assisting the flow of oxygen. This improves the oxidative ink drying.

What to pay attention to when finishing


What to pay attention to when finishing

Board grooves A = c c = 0.4 mm d = 0.7 mm B = (c x 2.0) + d (possibly B + 0.2 mm) A = groove channel depth B = groove channel width c = board thickness d = groove steel strength (groove knife rounded)

Crease procedures Binding procedure Folding printed media, e.g. cover 路 brochures 路 folders


Folding box procedure Folding boxes 路 4x grooved cover (hinge grooving)


Facts at a glance ‌


CHROMOLUX is excellently suited to grooving, scoring, folding and punching.


The grooving should be parallel to the run direction.


The following is recommended for calculating the overlay and the groove steel for CHROMOLUX board: A = c B = (c x 2.0) + d (possibly B + 0.2 mm)


When grooving cast-coated boards, the swell should usually be inside.


In the case of grooves with the coloured board surface inside, the ink layer may break open. For this reason, we recommend tests are carried out in advance.


CHROMOLUX is suitable for all finishing techniques.


When finishing metallised CHROMOLUX surfaces, cellophane coating is advised in order to avoid pigment shifts.

Now for the big finish

A few points to note …

… CHROMOLUX is a cast-coated fine paper. It has an extremely smooth, high-gloss surface that makes it unique and unmistakable. Compared to machine-coated papers, it has higher bulk and greater rigidity. All these factors have a positive effect during the finishing process.

… Its high bulk gives CHROMOLUX excellent groove properties. Thanks to its great rigidity, it is excellent for all kinds of punching.

… The results achieved by CHROMOLUX using conventional finishing techniques are particularly impressive. Its extremely smooth surface makes it ideally suited to blind and relief embossings, embossed film printing and all forms of lamination and varnishing.

… More unusual finishing techniques such as bronzing, glitter varnishing, iriodin effects and laser punching can also be used with excellent results on CHROMOLUX. CHROMOLUX metallic

… Phenomena similar to folding breakage may occur during refinement of all metallised board surfaces as a result of metal pigment shifts. To prevent this, it is advisable to coat the surface with cellophane.

Š www.zinnobergruen.de


Mets채 Board Zanders GmbH Business Area Cartonboard An der Gohrsm체hle 51465 Bergisch Gladbach Germany Telephone: +49 (0)2202 15-0 zanders@metsagroup.com www.metsaboard.com www.chromolux.de

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