Freedom in the Mist

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Sloboda u izmaglici Freedom in the Mist (2011–2012)

SluÄ?ajnom prolazniku To a Random Passerby

Diže se magla… Sada vidimo samo okom vidljivo.

Kato Šuson

the fog’s clearing... so now we can see only what our eyes can see

Kato Shuson

Granica. Iza žice u pustom polju rađa se sunce. behind barbed wire in an empty field... sunrise

Snežna mećava. Dugo je već prazna gostinjska soba. snowstorm... the guest room empty for a long time

Prvi neveni. Da li me bar ponekad prizoveš u snu? first marigolds... do you sometimes call me in your dreams?

Cveta prva šljiva. Na puškomet istočno seosko groblje. first plum blossoms... at gunpoint toward the east village graveyard

Opseli nebo fantomski bombarderi. Cvet visibabe. phantom bombers besiege the sky... a snowdrop

Borba petlova. Vedrim nebom visoko krstari soko. cockfight... high in the clear sky, a cruising falcon

Ona mi šapnu: U snu videh kraj rata. Prolećni vetar. she whispers to me: I saw the war’s end in my dream... spring wind

Probeharalo. Tihuju sa nebom polja Srebrenice. U znak sećanja na srebreničke žrtve.

spring blossoms... Srebrenica fields silent with the sky In memory of Srebrenica victims.

Novo proleće. Pod izbornim plakatom sretoh prosjaka. new spring... below the election poster, I meet a beggar

Dan nezavisnosti. Odevena u belo Lovćen planina. Independence Day... Mount Lovcen clothed in white

Koračam sve brže prašnjavim drumom. Cvatu pamučna polja. walking faster and faster along a dusty road... blossoming cotton fields

Mirisom mora odiše prvi sumrak. Miholjsko leto. the scent of the sea at dusk... Indian summer

Čekajući sunce. Sva ta tamna praznina među zvezdama. waiting for sunrise... this dark emptiness among the stars

Na mesečini.* Drhtave senke dele nemi poljubac. *Inspirisano Šagalovom slikom Ljubavnici na mesečini.

in moonlight...* trembling shadows share a silent kiss *Inspired by Chagall’s painting Lovers in Moonlight.

Toplo je moja omiljena boja. Uvelo cveće. warm is my favourite colour... dead flowers

Da dohvati mesec ispružila prstiće… San je prevari. Deci koja nikada nisu doživela radost bezbrižnog detinjstva.

to reach the moon she extends her tiny fingers... the dream cheats her Dedicated to children who have never experienced the joy of a carefree childhood.

Trideset peta jesen. Ĺ˝elezniÄ?ki most viri iz magle. thirty fifth autumn... a railway bridge peeps out of the fog

Jesenje more. Usidreni leuti* čekaju plimu. *Leut je bio barka vrlo široke upotrebe, rasprostranjen po Jadranu i širom Sredozemlja. Služio je za ribarenje i obalni teretni promet.

autumn sea anchored leuts* wait for the tide *A leut was a boat of widespread use in the Adriatic Sea and throughout the Mediterranean. It was used for fishing and coastal freight traffic.

Sklopljene ruke kraljevskog gradinara. Kraj je jeseni. folded hands of a royal gardener... end of autumn

Veliki petak. Crne vrane zasele na crkveno zvono. Good Friday... black crows settled on the church bell

Menja grimasu mog odraza, hladni tok dunavske vode. changing my grimace the cold flow of the Danube

Gurbet*, dok zimsko nebo menja svoje tonove. *Gurbet je arabizam, označava skitanje po tuđini, pečalbu, osamljeni život daleko od kuće… Koristi se i kao sinonim za Rome.

gurbet*... as the winter sky changes its hues *Gurbet is Arabism and signifies vagrancy in a foreign country, work abroad as a migrant worker, lonesome life away from home... It is also used as a synonym for Roma.

U levom d탑epu kuca srce. Umire stara godina. my heart ponders in the left pocket... the old year dies out

Dan u kom lutka leptir postade, tone u zapadnu noć. the day a maggot became a butterfly, sinks into the west night

Pogovor Nekoliko reči uz novu zbirku Sloboda u izmaglici Damira Janjalije Nova zbirka Damira Janjalije Sloboda u izmaglici jednako je suptilan rukopis kao i pređašnja zbirka pesama u formi 5, 7, 5. Pored klasične forme, novu zbirku karakterišu simbolične reči i citati, poetske i retoričke figure, angažovanost, liričnost, zanimljivi ritmovi i, u najboljim primerima, izuzetno sveže slike. Na primer: Snežna mećava. Dugo je već prazna gostinjska soba. ili Veliki petak. Crne vrane zasele na crkveno zvono. Ova pesma, Veliki petak, po mom osećaju, najbolja je pesma zbirke. Svojom slikovitošću, ona se poredi sa poznatom Bašoovom pesmom o gavranu, međutim, fascinira i njen zvuk (asonanca glasova r i v), a svojim smislom rečito komentariše domaću stvarnost. Zbog svega je u pitanju pravo malo remek-delo. Posebno treba istaći da su Damirovi haikui angažovane pesme, a po tome, a ne samo po formalnom majstorstvu, Damir Janjalija je jedinstvena pesnička pojava u našem haikuu. Damir ne koristi haiku da bi glavu pobio u pesak niti za romantični eskapizam, već za suočavanje sa

stvarnošću i za njeno sagledavanje; pesnik se ne plaši ni tabua domaće literature, kao što je genocid u Srebrenici: Probeharalo. Tihuju sa nebom polja Srebrenice. U znak sećanja na srebreničke žrtve. Još jedna Damirova stalnica su motivi ljubavi i putovanja kojima prilazi originalno i sveže, kulturološki kompleksno, koristeći priliku da, uz temu, predstavi čitaocu nove reči i fraze i tako svoj lični svet simbolično nadogradi novim prostranstvima, a haiku izraz približi savremenom japanskom gendai haikuu: Na mesečini.* Drhtave senke dele nemi poljubac. *Inspirisano slikom Ljubavnici na mesečini Marka Šagala. Gurbet*, dok zimsko nebo menja svoje tonove. *Gurbet je arabizam, označava skitanje po tuđini, pečalbu, osamljeni život daleko od kuće… Koristi se i kao sinonim za Rome.

Ili sledeća bodlerovska intonacija poznatih tema iz klasičnog haikua: Toplo je moja omiljena boja. Uvelo cveće. Ovaj heroinski haiku nastao je posle Damirovog čitanja knjige Kita Ričardsa, Život. Treći stih, osim što nosi naslov jedne od Damirovih omiljenih pesama Rolingstonsa, Mrtvo cveće, ujedno simboliše i sudbinu svih heroinskih ovisnika. Poseban utisak ostavlja sledeća sveža i suptilna jukstapozicija: Trideset peta jesen. Železnički most viri iz magle. I u drugom rukopisu, Sloboda u izmaglici, ne samo da nema slabe (ili prosečne) pesme, već je svaka od njih čitalačka avantura i literarni izazov. Pesniku uspeva da u samo 24 pesme izgradi impozantan pesnički svet, originalan i širok, a sebi svojstven i intiman. Haiku pesme Damira Janjalije su dokaz stvaralačke moći balkanskog haikua, a sam autor jedan je od njegovih prepoznatljivih vrhunaca. Dimitar Anakiev U Radovljici, 27. januara 2013.

Afterword A Sequel to Damir Janjalija’s New Collection Freedom in the Mist Damir Janjalija’s new collection, Freedom in the Mist, is characterised by symbolic words and quotes, poetic and rhetoric figures, engagement, lyricism, interesting rhythms, and, in the best examples, very fresh images such as: snowstorm... the guest room empty for a long time or Good Friday... black crows settled on the church bell This poem, Good Friday, is, I feel, the best poem of this collection. Its imagery can be compared with Basho’s famous crow poem; however, its sound is also fascinating (the assonance of the sounds r and v in the Serbian version) while its meaning eloquently comments on our reality. All this makes it a real masterpiece. It should be emphasised that Damir’s haiku are engaged poems, and by this fact, not only by formal mastery, Damir Janjalija is a unique poetry phenomena in our haiku. Damir does not

use haiku to bury his head in the sand, nor for romantic escapism, but for confrontation with reality and its realisation; the poet is not afraid of national literature’s taboos such as the Srebrenica genocide: spring blossoms... Srebrenica fields silent with the sky In memory of Srebrenica victims. Another Damir constant is the topic of love and traveling, which he approaches in an original and fresh, culturally complex way, using opportunities to, along with the topic, present the reader with new words and phrases and thus to symbolically upgrade his own world with new spaces and to bring his haiku expression closer to contemporary Japanese gendai haiku: in moonlight...* trembling shadows share a silent kiss *Inspired by Chagall’s painting Lovers in Moonlight. gurbet*... as the winter sky changes its hues *Gurbet is Arabism and signifies vagrancy in a foreign country, work abroad as a migrant worker, lonesome life away from home... It is also used as a synonym for Roma.

Or the following Baudelairean intonation of familiar topics from classical haiku: warm is my favourite colour... dead flowers This heroin themed haiku was written after Damir’s reading of Keith Richard’s book, Life. The third line, apart from bearing the title of one of Damir’s favourite songs by The Rolling Stones, Dead Flowers, symbolises the fate of all heroin addicts. Or the following fresh and subtle juxtaposition: thirty fifth autumn... a railway bridge peeps out of the fog In this second manuscript, Freedom in the Mist, there is no poor (or mediocre) poem, but every poem is a reading adventure and literary challenge. In just 24 poems the poet manages to build an impressive poetry world, original and wide, and inherent and intimate to him. Damir Janjalija’s haiku poems are the proof of the creative power of Balkan haiku, and the author is one of its distinctive highlights. Dimitar Anakiev In Radovljica, January 27, 2013.

O pesniku Damir Janjalija (aka Damir Damir) rođen je 1977. godine u Kotoru, Crna Gora. On je mornar, lutalica i pesnik koji se svakog jutra budi u nekom novom sada. Njegova trojezična haiku knjiga Otisci snova objavljena je 2012. godine. About the poet Damir Janjalija (aka Damir Damir) was born in 1977, Kotor, Montenegro. He is a sailor, a wanderer and a poet who wakes up every morning to a different now. His trilingual haiku book Imprints of Dreams was published in 2012.

Sloboda u izmaglici Freedom in the Mist copyright © Damir Janjalija 2013 lektor za srpski jezik/Serbian editor: Jovana Lazić prevod/translation: Saša Važić lektor za engleski jezik/English editor: Robert D. Wilson dizajn/design: шkart priprema za štampu/prepress: Marija Gačanović Gray izdavač/publisher: Odličan Hrčak štampa/printed by: Alta Nova, Beograd tiraž/print run: 300

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 821.163.41-193 821.163.41.09-193 Јањалија Д. ЈАЊАЛИЈА, Дамир, 1977– Sloboda u izmaglici = Freedom in the Mist : (2011–2012) / [Damir Damir ; prevod na engleski, translation Saša Važić]. - Beograd : Odličan Hrčak, 2013 (Beograd : Alta Nova). - [65] str. ; 10 cm Uporedo srp. tekst i engl. prevod. - Podatak o autoru preuzet sa prelim str. - Damir Damir je pseudonim Damira Janjalije. Tiraž 300. - Str. [57-62]: Pogovor / Dimitar Anakiev. - O pesniku: str. [63]. ISBN 978-86-86451-38-5 COBISS.SR-ID 204104204

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