"Jekleni pozdravi iz zraka" / "Iron greetings from the sky"

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Jekleni pozdravi iz zrak a «

uredil/edited by Andrej Gaspari Arheološka raziskava ostankov britanskega lovskega letala supermarine spitfire MJ116 ob Ižanski cesti v Ljubljani in zadnji polet narednika Petra J. Clarka v 73. skupini Kraljevih letalskih sil

"Iron greetings from the sky" Archaeological investigation and recovery of Supermarine Spitfire MJ116 near Ižanska cesta in Ljubljana and the last mission of Sergeant Peter J Clark with No. 73 Squadron of the Royal Air Force


Jekleni pozdravi iz zrak a «

uredil/edited by Andrej Gaspari Arheološka raziskava ostankov britanskega lovskega letala supermarine spitfire MJ116 ob Ižanski cesti v Ljubljani in zadnji polet narednika Petra J. Clarka v 73. skupini Kraljevih letalskih sil

"Iron greetings from the sky" Archaeological investigation and recovery of Supermarine Spitfire MJ116 near Ižanska cesta in Ljubljana and the last mission of Sergeant Peter J Clark with No. 73 Squadron of the Royal Air Force


Iron greetings from the sky Predgovor


»Jekleni pozdravi iz zraka«

"Iron greetings from the sky"

Arheološka raziskava ostankov britanskega lovskega

Archaeological investigation and recovery of Supermarine

letala supermarine spitfire MJ116 ob Ižanski cesti v

Spitfire MJ116 near Ižanska cesta in Ljubljana and the last

Ljubljani in zadnji polet narednika Petra J. Clarka v

mission of Sergeant Peter J Clark with No. 73 Squadron

73. skupini Kraljevih letalskih sil

of the Royal Air Force

Urednik: Andrej Gaspari

Editor: Andrej Gaspari

Recenzenti: Matija Črešnar, Boris Kavur,

Reviewers: Matija Črešnar, Boris Kavur,

Tomaž Kladnik, Martin Premk

Tomaž Kladnik, Martin Premk

Jezikovni pregled: Andreja Cigale

Language editing (Slovenian): Andreja Cigale

Prevod: Iva Jevtić za Lingula, jezikovni center, d. o. o.

Translated by: Iva Jevtić for Lingula

Lektura prevoda: Bojan Keevill za Lingula d. o. o.

Language editing (English): Bojan Keevill for Lingula

Tehnični pregled prevoda: Peter Arnold

Technical over-view: Peter Arnold, Spitfire Historian

Založili: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete,

Published by: Ljubljana University Press,

Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane, Park vojaške

Faculty of Arts, Museum & Galleries of Ljubljana,

zgodovine Pivka ter Skupina STIK

Park of Military History, Pivka and STIK Group

Izdal: Arheološki raziskovalni konzorcij za Ljubljano

Issued by: Archaeological Research Consortium

Za založbe: Roman Kuhar, dekan (UL FF),

for Ljubljana

Blaž Peršin, direktor (MGML),

Represented by: Roman Kuhar, dean (University of

Janko Boštjančič, direktor (PVZ),

Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts), Blaž Peršin, director (Museum &

Rok Klasinc, direktor (Skupina STIK )

Galleries of Ljubljana), Janko Boštjančič, director (Park of

Oblikovanje in prelom: Kinetik

Military History), Rok Klasinc, director (STIK Group)

zavod za razvijanje vizualne kulture

Graphic design and print layout: Kinetik

Tisk: Present d. o. o.

Print: Present

Ljubljana, marec 2021

Ljubljana, March 2021

Prva izdaja

First edition.

Naklada: 300 izvodov

Print run: 300 copies

Cena: 38,00 EUR

Price: 38.00 EUR

© Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta,

© University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts,

Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane,

Museum & Galleries of Ljubljana,

Park vojaške zgodovine Pivka ter

Park of Military History, Pivka, and

Skupina STIK, 2021

STIK Group, 2021

Vse pravice pridržane.

All rights reserved.

Fotografija na naslovnici / Cover photo: Spitfire HF Mk IX RR232 "City of Exeter" Boultbee Flight Academy

CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana

(foto/photo: John Dibbs;

"JEKLENI pozdravi iz zraka" : arheološka raziskava ostankov britanskega lovskega letala Supermarine Spitfire MJ116 ob Ižanski cesti v Ljubljani in zadnji polet narednika Petra J. Clarka v 73. skupini Kraljevih letalskih sil = "Iron greetings from the sky" : archaeological investigation and recovery of Supermarine Spitfire MJ116 near Ižanska cesta in Ljubljana and the last mission of sergeant Peter J Clark with No. 73 Squadron of the Royal Air Force / [urednik Andrej Gaspari ; predgovor Andrej Gaspari, Stuart Clark ; avtorji besedil Andrej Gaspari ... [et al.] ; avtorji fotografij L. H. Abbott ... [et al.] ; avtorji načrtov Andrej Gaspari ... [et al.], avtorji ilustracij Mike Badrocke ... [et al.] ; prevod Iva Jevtić]. - 1. izd. - Ljubljana : Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete : Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane ; Pivka : Park vojaške zgodovine Pivka ; Ljubljana : Skupina Stik, 2021

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I S B N 97 8 - 9 61 - 9 519 3 - 5 - 6 (Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane) CO B I S S . S I - I D 5 6 9 3 312 3


Jekleni pozdravi iz zrak a Predgovor

K azalo Contents

Andrej Gaspari s prispevkom Stuarta Clarka

4 Predgovor Foreword

Andrej Gaspari

116 »Avion bo padu!« Opredelitev odkritih delov lovca spitfire MJ116 s komentarjem k ohranjenosti in prostorski razprostranjenosti ostankov "The plane will crash!" The identification of the recovered parts of MJ116 with notes on the state of preservation and spatial distribution of the remains Katja Kavkler in Aleš Jelinčič s prispevkom Igorja Rižnarja in Nine Zupančič

178 Preiskave izbranih materialov in konservatorsko12 Delovanje RAF v slovenskem zračnem prostoru restavratorski posegi na ostankih letala spitfire MJ116 med drugo svetovno vojno Analyses of selected materials, and conservationRoyal Air Force aerial operations over Slovenia restoration interventions on the remains of during the Second World War Spitfire MJ116 Igor Miličić

Jure Miljević

28 Spitfire F Mk IX MJ116 v 43., 93. in 73. skupini RAF Spitfire F Mk IX MJ116 in service with No. 43, 93 and 73 Squadron, RAF Jure Miljević

Maks Merela in Luka Krže

186 Analiza lesa kraka propelerja lovskega letala spitfire MJ116 Analysis of wooden propeller blade from the Spitfire fighter aircraft MJ116 Miha Steinbücher

38 Narednik Peter J. Clark v 73. Skupini RAF 192 Polimerni materiali, najdeni na razbitini lovskega Peter J. Clark in service with No. 73 Squadron RAF letala spitfire MJ116 Polymer materials found on the wreckage of Andrej Gaspari a Spitfire fighter aircraft MJ116 46 »Jekleni pozdravi iz zraka« Andrej Gaspari britanski lovec spitfire F IX MJ116 in zadnji 200 »ACHTUNG! SPITFIRE!« Oris razvoja, zasnova in polet narednika Clarka v 73. Skupini RAF sistemi britanskega lovskega letala supermarine "Iron greetings from above" the British spitfire MK IX Supermarine Spitfire F IX MJ116 and Sergeant "ACHTUNG! SPITFIRE!" Overview of the development, Clark’s last flight in No. 73 Squadron RAF design and systems of the british fighter aircraft Supermarine Spitfire MK IX Marko Ličina 74 Bluza narednika Clarka in nekaj drobcev iz dogodkov 18. Septembra 1944 iz Muzeja novejše Uroš Košir 304 Arheologija letalstva zgodovine Slovenije Sergeant Clark’s battledress blouse and some Aviation Archaeology fragments surrounding the events of the 322 Priloga: legende in razlage delov na slikovnemu 18th of September 1944 from the National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia gradivu poglavja »Achtung! Spitfire!« Andrej Gaspari in Rene Masaryk

86 »Baje da so obupali« arheološka raziskava in dvig ostankov razbitine MJ116 "Never Out of the Fight" the archaeological research and recovery of the remains of Spitfire MJ116


Iron greetings from the sky K azalo Predgovor

331 Seznam avtorjev List of authors Andrej Gaspari in Jure Miljević

352 Katalog ostankov MJ116


Med drugo svetovno vojno, 18. septembra 1944, se je v bližino Ižanske ceste v Ljubljani zrušilo britansko lovsko letalo supermarine spitfire F Mk IX z oznako MJ116, ki ga je med napadom oddelka letal 7. skupine Kraljevih letalskih sil (angl. Royal Air Force) na letališče v Polju ter železniško progo Ljubljana–Zalog, zbila nemška protiletalska obramba. Arheološko raziskavo lokacije, ki je od samega dogodka naprej burila domišljijo domačinov ter strokovnjakov in ljubiteljev letalske dediščine, je v dveh izkopavalnih kampanjah avgusta in konec oktobra leta 2019 izvedel Arheološki raziskovalni konzorcij za Ljubljano po naročilu Muzeja in galerij mesta Ljubljane. Raziskava, v okviru katere so bili iz depresije, ki se je oblikovala na mestu padca po predhodnem poskusu izkopa v letih 1956 in 1957, pridobljeni ostanki sprednjega dela letala pred kabino, vključno z motorjem in ostankom propelerja, predstavlja uspešen zaključek dolgoletnih prizadevanj za dvig preostanka razbitine ikoničnega lovca. Spitfire, po mnenju mnogih najlepše letalo vseh časov, je zagotovo najslavnejši britanski lovec druge svetovne vojne in eden najbolj prepoznavnih britanskih izdelkov nasploh. Letalo z močnim motorjem in dodelano aerodinamično obliko, ki sta mu zagotavljala odlične manevrske sposobnosti, so v številnih različicah izdelovali med letoma 1936 in 1948. Ostanki legendarnega lovca, v katerem javnost prepoznava zmagovalca bitke za Britanijo, bil pa je tudi pomemben protagonist protinacistične koalicije v bojih v Sredozemlju z vidnim prispevkom pilotov RAF in njim priključenih jugoslovanskih eskadrilj za njegovim krmilom k osvobajanju slovenskega ozemlja, so nedvomno dragocen nosilec materialne in duhovne zapuščine obdobja. Gre za prvo sistematično arheološko izkopavanje tovrstnih ostalin vojaških konfliktov 20. stoletja v Republiki Sloveniji, ki je poleg ostankov emblematičnega letala zagotovilo pomembne izkušnje za bodoče raziskave. Varnostna in logistična zahtevnost izkopavanja v bližini stanovanjskih objektov ter izvlek razbitine iz globine prek 7 m raziskavo gotovo umeščajo ob bok najzahtevnejšim podvigom v zgodovini slovenske arheologije.


Jekleni pozdravi iz zrak a Predgovor

Pomemben zagon je projektu dala podpora Veleposlaništva Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske v Ljubljani (zanj ga. veleposlanica Sophie Honey). Ob veliki zavzetosti uslužbencev Viere Mockerove in Patricka Bannisterja je po posredovanju veleposlaništva poseg dobil tudi soglasje britanskega Ministrstva za obrambo, veleposlaništvo pa je zagotovilo tudi kopije osnovne dokumentacije o letalu iz arhiva službe Air Historical Branch RAF v oporišču RAF Northolt (Greater London). Na pobudo veleposlaništva je vodja projekta namero za dvig letala predstavil članu britanske kraljeve družine, princu Edwardu ob njegovem obisku Slovenije v maju 2019, ki je izrazil veliko zanimanje in se priporočil za obveščanje o napredku. Projekt raziskave, dviga, konservacije in predstavitve razbitine sta finančno omogočila Ministrstvo za kulturo in Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije. Za prepoznavanje pomena projekta in zagotovitev interventnih sredstev obeh ministrstev so posebej zaslužni takratni državna sekretarka mag. Petra Culetto in direktorica Direktorata za kulturno dediščino Maja Bahar (MK) ter državni sekretar mag. Miloš Bizjak (MO). Raziskava ne bi bila mogoča brez razumevanja in vsestranske podpore družine Rojc, na čigaršnji parceli so ležali ostanki letala. Dvignjeni ostanki letala so bili javnosti prvič predstavljeni na tiskovni konferenci v Parku vojaške zgodovine v Pivki 11. septembra 2019, kjer je bila pod vodstvom Irene Šinkovec iz Muzeja in galerij mesta Ljubljane pripravljena priložnostna razstava izbranih kosov letala iz prve faze raziskave, pospremljena z razlagalnimi panoji. Ostanki spitfireja so pritegnili pozornost predsednika vojaškega odbora zveze NATO (angl. chairman of the NATO military commitee) Sira Stuarta Peacha (angl. air chief marshal of the RAF) med njegovim obiskom Parka vojaške zgodovine, 13. septembra 2019. Sir Peach je kot predsednik upravnega odbora Imperialnega vojnega muzeja (angl. Imperial War Museum) predlagal vzpostavitev sodelovanja s to ugledno ustanovo. Razstava v Pivki je po zaslugi vodstva in sodelavcev Parka vojaške zgodovine v zainteresirani javnosti dobila zelo pozitiven odmev, ki je imel poleg ostalih učinkov

tudi odločilen vpliv na izpopolnitev podatkov o prej širše nepoznanih delih letala in osebni opremi pilota v zasebnih zbirkah. Še več, večina lastnikov slednjih se je zaradi odobravanja prizadevanj ekipe Parka odločila za donacijo, v okviru katere je PVZ pridobil tudi pilotsko kapo narednika Clarka in druge pomembne dele letala iz izkopavanj lastnikov zemljišča v letih 1956 in 1957. Pričujoča publikacija ima enajst poglavij in jo lahko v grobem razdelimo v tri dele. Prva tri poglavja prinašajo zgodovinsko kontekstualizacijo delovanja Kraljevih letalskih sil v zračnem prostoru slovenskega etničnega ozemlja ter osvetlitev predzgodovine letala spitfire MJ116 v 43., 93. in 73. skupini in službovanja pilota Petra J. Clarka pri RAF. Sledi podrobna obravnava začetka zgodbe o devetki MJ116, njenem zadnjem poletu in sestrelitvi ob napadu na ljubljansko letališče 18. septembra 1944 ter usodi narednika Clarka po zajetju. V zadnjem poglavju prvega dela publikacije so predstavljena tudi dogajanja v zvezi z razbitino neposredno po sestrelitvi in povojna izkopavanja ostankov letala s strani lastnika zemljišča ter poznejše pobude za dvig razbitine. Glavnina monografije je namenjena predstavitvi rezultatov arheološke raziskave iz leta 2019 in spremljajočim študijam, ki jih v širši disciplinarni kontekst umešča pregledni prispevek o arheologiji letalstva. V osredju je obravnava najdenih ostankov letala, ki se naslanja na katalog odkritih delov v sklepnem delu publikacije ter je pospremljena z obsežnejšim pregledom razvoja spitfireja in motorja merlin. Posebno vrednost imajo spoznanja o dogajanju v pilotski kabini v zadnjem delu poleta, ki so osnovana na odkritih delih in kosih osebne opreme pilota, interpretaciji uradnih priporočil za letenje in zasilno pristajanje s spitfireji ter ekspertnih mnenjih vojaških pilotov in preiskovalcev letalskih nesreč. Sledijo predstavitev konservatorsko-restavratorskih preiskav in posegov za trajno ohranitev ostankov ter izsledki analiz izbranih materialov, zaščitnih premazov in barv ter opredelitev lesa in načina izdelave propelerja, ki so omogočili natančno tipološko opredelitev ključnih delov letala. Zbrani podatki zagotavljajo ustrezno podlago za oblikovanje celovitih rešitev za muzejsko prezentacijo


Iron greetings from the sky Predgovor

ostankov emblematičnega lovca, vključno z zagotovitvijo podrobnosti za izdelavo virtualnih modelov in simulatorjev letenja v okolju navidezne oz. obogatene resničnosti. V pripravo celovite kabinetne študije in pregleda arhivskih virov o zgodovini letala, okoliščinah sestrelitve in usodi pilota publikacije so bili poleg domačih institucij in poznavalcev tega področja, poimensko izpostavljenih v zahvalah, vključene tudi ustanove in posamezniki iz Velike Britanije. Poleg omenjenih so to Rolls-Royce Heritage Flight, Imperialni vojni muzej in Muzej Kraljevih letalskih sil. Dragoceno sodelovanje se je razvilo tudi z enim najboljših poznavalcev spitfirejev, Petrom Arnoldom, ki si je že decembra 2019 ogledal ostanke letala v Parku vojaške zgodovine in v času priprave publikacije posredoval ključne manjkajoče podatke o MJ116 in številne preslikave tehnične dokumentacije o zadevni različici letala. Poizvedbe vodje raziskave pri General Register Office v Veliki Britaniji, podprte s podatki Petra Daviesa (RAF Commands forum), so novembra 2019 prinesle dokončno potrditev identitete pilota Petra Jamesa Arthurja Franka Clarka in omogočile navezavo stikov s svojci leta 2015 preminulega pilota. Vodja raziskave se je 17. septembra 2020 v Newburyu (Berkshire) srečal s Stuartom Clarkom, nečakom P. J. Clarka, in mu predstavil rezultate raziskave in načrte za nadaljevanje projekta. Posebej za pričujočo monografijo je Stuart Clark pripravil naslednji zapis: »On behalf of my family and myself I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to the University of Ljubljana and in particular to Dr. Andrej Gaspari for his hard work and dedication to this research project. Peter Clark was a modest man and seldom spoke about his time in the Royal Air Force, but I remember him describing the fearful moment he realised it was necessary to bail out of his plane – a difficult decision given his altitude at the time. I also recall him telling me how well he was treated by the garrison soldiers who captured him. They were all young men and within a short time they were sharing cigarettes and almost talking together like friends. He also described the appalling conditions during the "long march" where he and the other POWs walked for hundreds of miles without


adequate food, clothing or shelter in one of the bitterest Zahvaljujemo se vsem, ki so na tak ali drugačen način winters Germany had ever experienced. pripomogli k uspešni izvedbi raziskave in priprave Now that my uncle’s generation have all but gone, this pričujoče publikacije. Posebno omembo in zahvalo project is a fitting tribute to the bravery of all the pilots namenjamo v nadaljevanju naštetim posameznicam in who took to the sky to defend Europe during the Second posameznikom. World War. We have always been so proud of my uncle’s • Lastniki zemljišča: Anton, Darinka in Peter Rojc ter service during the Second World War and we are delighted ostali člani družine Rojc. this now forms part of the archaeological record. We hope • Podpora in financiranje: državna sekretarka Petra this will help increase awareness of a unique period in our Culetto, direktorica Direktorata za kulturno dediščino shared history that laid the groundwork for the world we Maja Bahar, mag. Marija Brus in Urška Gruden live in today.« (Ministrstvo za kulturo) ter državni sekretar mag. Miloš Bizjak (Ministrstvo za obrambo) • Podpora in posredovanje soglasij (Velike Britanije): veleposlanica Sophie Honey, Viera Mockerova, atašejka za znanost, in Patrick Bannister, vodja komuniciranja z javnostmi (Veleposlaništvo Združenega kraljestva Velike Britanije in Severne Irske v Ljubljani), po posredovanju Janeza Fajfarja, župana Občine Bled, in mag. Tomaža Gerdena, novinarja in urednika Radia Slovenija • Člani raziskovalne ekipe: Blaž Kumer, Rok Klasinc, Borut Slokan in Mojca Fras (Skupina STIK) ter Gabrijel Hrovat (Faraon d. o. o.) Terenska fotografija: Peter Rojc, Borut Slokan, Metka Štrajhar • Izdelava načrtov: Gregor Babič in Tadej Hrženjak (Skupina STIK) ter Blaž Kumer (PJP d. o. o.) • Geofizikalna raziskava: dr. Branko Mušič, dr. Barbara Horn, Breda Zorec (Gearh d. o. o.) • Tehnična podpora in izvedba: Janez Tacer (ER-TAC d. o. o.), Franci Selan (s. p.), Beno Kraljič (s. p.), Renting d. o. o. • Varnost in zdravje pri delu ter projekt za zaščito izkopa: Matic Jesenšek (Inštitut varnosti in zdravja d. o. o.) in Jurij Čadež (Projektiranje in svetovanje, s. p.) • Pomoč na terenu: Jože Vadnjal, Miha Ponikvar • Finančno poslovanje projekta: Samo Hvalec (Skupina STIK) • Predstavnik naročnika: Martin Horvat (Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane)


Jekleni pozdravi iz zrak a Predgovor

• Strokovni spomeniškovarstveni nadzor:

• Posredovanje fotografij, načrtov in drugega Mija Topličanec in dr. Maja Bricelj (Zavod za ilustrativnega gradiva in dovoljenj za objavo: varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, Območna Graham Adlam (spitfirespares.com), Mike Badrocke enota Ljubljana) (Haynes publishing), Robert Čopec (Inicijativa • Snemalna ekipa: Marko Kočevar, Žiga Ropret, za očuvanje hrvatske zrakoplovne baštine), Andrej Lupinc in Vid Osredkar John Delaney (Imperial War Museum), John Dibbs • Operater brezpilotnega letalnika: Ergyn Zječi (www.planepicture.com), Christian Gloor (Flightgear.ch), • Studijska fotografija: David Badovinac Jonathan Falconer (Haynes publishing), Danijel Frka, • Organizacija promocije in razstav: Megan Lickliter-Mundon, Marko Ličina (Muzej Irena Šinkovec (Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane) novejše zgodovine Slovenije), Ally McConnell (Dowty ter mag. Janko Boštjančič in Boštjan Kurent Heritage), Vida Podlipec, Bill Preece (No 43 (Fighter) (Park vojaške zgodovine Pivka) Sqn "The Fighting Cocks" Association), Andy Renwick • Konservatorsko-restavratorske raziskave in (RAF Museum), Dave Robinson (Aviation Ancestry), posegi ter strokovno svetovanje: Igor Ravbar Tinus Le Roux (SAAF WW2 Heritage), (Narodni muzej Slovenije), Gregor Fatur (s. p.) David Stoddart (www.warbirdsphotographer.com), • Očividci padca MJ116 in informatorji: Anton Zgonc, Miha Špiček (Slovenski etnografski muzej), Franc Zgonc, Božo Mostar, Jakob Juha, Vida Podlipec, Zmago Tančič, Tony Taylor, Roman Vrabič Stane Šurk, Katarina Čufar, Dejan Veranič (Geodetski inštitut Slovenije), Geta Wass (Australian • Pomoč pri zbiranju podatkov in dokumentacije o War Memorial), Jon Wight (Imperial War Museum), pilotu: Stuart Clark, Peter Davies (RAF Commands John Wood. • Strokovno svetovanje: Branko Žiger Forum), Rachel Rich (RAF Disclosures v RAF Cranwell), Alan Thomas (Air Historical Branch, (pilot elitnega 103. izvidniškega letalskega polka RAF Northolt), Radovan Živanović Jugoslovanskega vojnega letalstva v letih 1947–1972), • Pomoč pri zbiranju podatkov in dokumentacije pl. mag. Mihael Klavžar (Stalna komisija za preiskovanje o MJ116: Peter Arnold, Ian Craighead letalskih nesreč in incidentov vojaških zrakoplovov, (Rolls-Royce Heritage Flight), Peter Kirk Slovenska vojska, Ministrstvo za obrambo) • Recenzije: dr. Martin Premk (zgodovina), (Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust - Engine Data) • Pomoč pri zbiranju podatkov o ohranjenih delih letala: izr. prof. Tomaž Kladnik (zgodovina), Aleš Bedič, Marjan Cimprič, Aleš Čarman, Pavel doc. dr. Matija Črešnar (arheologija), Magister, Tone Nanut, Miran Štupica, izr. prof. dr. Boris Kavur (arheologija), Igor Tratnik, Janez Žerovc dr. Igor Rižnar (geologija), • Pomoč pri pridobivanju dokumentov o letališču prof. dr. Ferdinand Trenc (pogon letala), in nemških enotah v Ljubljani: Paul Johnson Sašo Knez (trup, krila in krmilje), (The National Archives), dr. Klemen Kocjančič Aleš Bedič (spitfire). (Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Obramboslovni raziskovalni center), Marko Malec, Hvala tudi vsem ostalim podpornikom in sodelujočim. Mark Saunders (National Collection of Aerial Photography, Historic Environment Scotland), dr. Blaž Vurnik (Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane), Igor Zemljič (Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, Knjižnica)


Iron greetings from the sky Predgovor


During Second World War, on the 18th of September 1944, a British fighter aircraft Supermarine Spitfire F Mk IX with serial number MJ116 crashed next to Ižanska cesta in Ljubljana after being hit by German air defence during the attack of No. 73 Squadron of the Royal Air Force on the Ljubljana Airfield and the Zalog–Ljubljana railway. Archaeological research of the site, which incited the imagination of the local community as well as experts and aviation heritage enthusiasts, was carried out in two excavation campaigns in August and late October 2019 by the Archaeological Research Consortium on behalf of Ljubljana Museum and Galleries. The study was a successful culmination of efforts to recover the remainder of the wreckage of the iconic fighter – it led to the recovery of the front part of the aircraft, forward of the cockpit, including the engine and the remains of the propeller, which were successfully retrieved from the depression that had formed at the crash site after earlier excavation attempts in 1956 and 1957. The Spitfire is arguably one of the most beautiful aircraft of all time; it is definitely the most famous British fighter aircraft of the Second World War and one of the most recognisable British products in general. Many variants of this aircraft were produced in the period between 1936 and 1948. It had a powerful engine and excellent aerodynamics that made it extremely manoeuvrable. The fighter aircraft is widely recognised as the victor of the Battle of Britain. It also played an important role in the Allied anti-Nazi operations in the Mediterranean, where RAF pilots and attached Yugoslav squadrons made a major contribution to the liberation of Slovenian territories. Its remains are therefore undoubtedly an important symbol of the material and intangible heritage of the period. This was the first systematic excavation of this particular type of 20th century military remains in the Republic of Slovenia: in addition to securing the remains of an emblematic aircraft it thus also provided important experiences for future research. The safety concerns and logistical complexity of the excavation, which had to contend with residential buildings nearby and attempt to retrieve wreckage from a depth of 7 metres, made this one of the greatest challenges in the history of Slovenian archaeology.


Jekleni pozdravifrom iz zrak Iron greetings thea sky Predgovor Foreword

Important impetus for the project came from the Embassy of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland in Ljubljana (represented by the Ambassador Sophie Honey). The diligent efforts of the embassy staff, Viera Mockerova and Patrick Bannister, and the intervention of the embassy itself resulted in the British Ministry of Defence granting us permission for the project. The Embassy also provided us with copies of the aircraft’s basic documentation from the Air Historical Branch archives at RAF Northolt in Greater London. The British Embassy suggested that the leader of the project present the plan for the recovery of the aircraft to Prince Edward during his visit to Slovenia in 2019; he expressed great interest in the project and wished to be kept informed of progress. The project, including the research, recovery, conservation and presentation of the wreck, was made financially possible through the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia. Petra Culleto, MA, the Director of the Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Maja Bahar (MoC), and Miloš Bizjak (MoD) recognised the importance of the project and secured the necessary intervention funds. Our research would not have been possible without the understanding and full support of the Rojc family, owners of the land with the wreck. The recovered remains of the aircraft were presented to the public for the first time on the 11th of September 2019, at a press conference in the Park of Military History in Pivka. Curator, Irena Šinkovec from the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana organised an accompanying exhibition of selected parts of the aircraft recovered during the first phase of the research, which were accompanied by information panels. During his visit to the Park of Military History on the 13th of September 2019, the remains of the Spitfire attracted the attention of Sir Stuart Peach, the chairman of NATO Military Committee, Air Chief Marshal of the RAF; as chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Imperial War Museum he suggested a co-operation with this eminent institution. Thanks to the efforts of the management and staff of the Park of Military history, the exhibition in Pivka received an enthusiastic response from the interested public.

Among other things, it helped us obtain a more complete picture of previously unknown parts of the aircraft and the personal items of the pilot, held in private collections. As a gesture of support for the efforts of the Park’s staff, the owners of the pilot’s possessions donated Sergeant Clark’s leather flight helmet and other important parts of the aircraft, which had been unearthed by the owners of the site in 1956 and 1957. This monograph consists of 11 chapters, which can be roughly divided into three parts. The first three parts set the historical context of RAF operations in the airspace of the Slovene ethnic territories, examining the history of Spitfire MJ116 in No. 43, 93 and 73 Squadrons and the service of RAF pilot Sgt Peter J Clark. This is followed by a detailed account of the history of Spitfire Mk IX MJ116, its final flight and shootdown during the attack on Ljubljana Airfield on the 18th of September 1944, and the fate of Sergeant Clark after his capture. The same chapter in the first part of the publication also details the events surrounding the wreck and the immediate aftermath of the shootdown, the post-war excavations carried out by the landowner, and the subsequent attempts to recover the wreck. The bulk of the monograph is devoted to presenting the results of the 2019 archaeological investigations and related studies, further contextualised by an overview of aviation archaeology. The focus is on the study of the recovered parts of the aircraft, with a catalogue of recovered parts included at the back of the book, and is complemented by an extensive overview of the development of the Spitfire and its Merlin engine. Of particular importance are the insights into what happened in the cockpit during the final stages of the flight – based on recovered aircraft parts and personal artefacts of the pilot, interpretation of official Spitfire pilot guidelines on flying and emergency landing, and the expert opinions of military pilots and air accident investigators. This is followed by the presentation of conservation and restoration studies, procedures for the permanent conservation of remains, and the results of analyses of selected materials – protective coatings and paints, the identification of propeller wood and its production method – which


Iron greetings from the sky Predgovor Foreword

enabled a precise typological definition of key parts of the aircraft. The collected data form an adequate basis for the development of comprehensive solutions for the museum presentation of the remains of the iconic fighter aircraft, including details for the creation of virtual models and flight simulators in virtual or augmented reality. The comprehensive review and study of archival sources on the history of the aircraft, the circumstances of the shootdown, and the fate of the pilot was made possible by the national institutions and experts listed in the Acknowledgements; it also depended on the efforts of institutions and individuals from United Kingdom. In addition to those already mentioned, these include Rolls-Royce Heritage Flight, Imperial War Museum and the RAF Museum. A valuable working relationship developed with one of the most recognised experts on Spitfires, Peter Arnold, who examined the remains of the aircraft in the Park of Military History in December 2019 and assisted us in the production of this text by providing vital missing information on MJ116 and numerous copies of technical documentation on the aircraft type in question. Enquires by the Head of Research to the General Register Office in the UK, supported by information from Peter Davies at RAF Commands Forum, led to final confirmation of the identity of the pilot in November 2019 and enabled contact to be made with the relatives of the pilot who died in 2015. As a result, the head of research met with Stuart Clark, the nephew of P. J. Clark, in Newbury, Berkshire, on the 17th of September 2020 and presented the results of the study and future plans for the project. Stuart Clark wrote the following words for this monograph: "On behalf of my family and myself I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to the University of Ljubljana and in particular to Dr. Andrej Gaspari for his hard work and dedication to this research project. Peter Clark was a modest man and seldom spoke about his time in the Royal Air Force, but I remember him describing the fearful moment he realised it was necessary to bail out of his plane - a difficult decision given his altitude at the time. I also recall him telling me how well he was treated by the garrison soldiers who captured him. They were all young men and


within a short time they were sharing cigarettes and almost We would like to thank everyone who contributed talking together like friends. He also described the appalling to the successful completion of our research and conditions during the "long march" where he and the other the present monograph, with special thanks going to: POWs walked for hundreds of miles without adequate food, • Property owners: Mr Anton, Mrs Darinka and clothing or shelter in one of the bitterest winters Germany Mr Peter Rojc, and other family members • Support and funding: State Secretary had ever experienced. Now that my uncle’s generation have all but gone, this Mrs Petra Culetto, M.A., Director of the Directorate project is a fitting tribute to the bravery of all the pilots who for Cultural Heritage Mrs Maja Bahar, Mrs Marija Brus, took to the sky to defend Europe during the Second World War. M.A., and Mrs Urška Gruden (all Ministry of Culture We have always been so proud of my uncle’s service during the of the Republic of Slovenia) and State Secretary Second World War and we are delighted this now forms part Mr Miloš Bizjak, M.Sc. (Ministry of Defence of of the archaeological record. We hope this will help increase the Republic of Slovenia) awareness of a unique period in our shared history that laid • Support and Communication (UK): Ambassador the groundwork for the world we live in today." Mrs Sophie Honey, MBE, Mrs Viera Mockerova, science attaché, and Mr Patrick Bannister, Head of Communication and Public Diplomacy (Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Ljubljana), on the initiative of Mr Janez Fajfar, the Mayor of Bled, and Mr Tomaž Gerden, M.A., journalist and editor-in-chief at Radio Slovenia • Archaeological research team: Mr Blaž Kumer (PJP company), Mr Rok Klasinc, Mr Borut Slokan and Mrs Mojca Fras (STIK group) and Mr Gabrijel Hrovat (Faraon company) • Field photography: Mr Peter Rojc, Mr Borut Slokan, Mrs Metka Štrajhar • Site plan design: Mr Gregor Babič and Mr Tadej Hrženjak (Skupina STIK) and Mr Blaž Kumer (PJP company) • Geophysical survey: Mr Branko Mušič, PhD, Mrs Barbara Horn, PhD, Mrs Breda Zorec (Gearh company) • Technical support (excavation and caisson construction): Mr Janez Tacer (ER-TAC company), subcontractors Mr Franci Selan, Mr Beno Kraljič and Renting company • Health & safety management and the geotechnical project for the protection of the excavation pit: Mr Matic Jesenšek (Institute of Occupational Health and Safety) and Mr Jurij Čadež (Geotechnical Engineering and consulting company) • Assistance on site: Mr Jože Vadnjal and Mr Miha Ponikvar • Financial management of the project: Mr Samo Hvalec (STIK Group)


Jekleni pozdravifrom iz zrak Iron greetings thea sky Predgovor Foreword

• Representative of the contracting authority:

Mr Martin Horvat (Museum & Galleries of Ljubljana) • Professional heritage protection supervision: Mrs Mija Topličanec and Mrs Maja Bricelj, PhD (Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Ljubljana Regional Office) • Camera team: Mr Marko Kočevar, Mr Žiga Ropret, Mr Andrej Lupinc and Mr Vid Osredkar • Quadricopter operator: Mr Ergyn Zječi • Studio photography: Mr David Badovinac • Promotion and exhibition management: Mrs Irena Šinkovec (Museum & Galleries of Ljubljana), Mr Janko Boštjančič, M.A., and Mr Boštjan Kurent (Park of Military History, Pivka) • Consultation and measures for conservationrestoration: Mr Igor Ravbar, M.A. (National Museum of Slovenia), Mr Gregor Fatur. • Eyewitnesses of the crash of MJ116 and informants: Mr Anton Zgonc, Mr Franc Zgonc, Mr Božo Mostar, Mr Jakob Juha, Mrs Vida Podlipec, Mr Stane Šurk, Mr Dejan Veranič • Assistance in collecting information and documentation about the pilot: Mr Stuart Clark, Mr Peter Davies (RAF Commands Forum), Mrs Rachel Rich (RAF Disclosures at RAF Cranwell), Mr Alan Thomas (Air Historical Branch, RAF Northolt), Mr Radovan Živanović • Assistance in collection of information and documentation on the MJ116: Mr Peter Arnold, Mr Ian Craighead (Rolls-Royce Heritage Flight), Mr Peter Kirk (Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust - Engine Data) • Assistance with the collection of information about the remains of the aircraft: Mr Aleš Bedič, Mr Marjan Cimprič, Mr Aleš Čarman, Mr Pavel Magister, Mr Tone Nanut, Mr Miran Štupica, Mr Igor Tratnik, Mr Janez Žerovc • Assistance with the collection of documentation about the Ljubljana Airfield and German/Home Guard units: Mr Paul Johnson (The National Archives, London), Mr Klemen Kocjančič, PhD (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Defence Research Centre), Mr Marko Malec, Mr Mark Saunders (National Collection of Aerial Photography,


Iron greetings greetings from from the the sky sky Iron Foreword Predgovor

Historic Environment Scotland), Mr Blaž Vurnik, PhD (Museum & Galleries of Ljubljana), Mr Igor Zemljič, M.A. (Institute of Contemporary History. Library) • Assistance with the collection of documentation and licensing: Mr Graham Adlam (spitfirespares.com), Mr Mike Badrocke (Haynes Publishing), Robert Čopec (Initiative for Preservation of Croatian Aeronautical Heritage), Mr John Delaney (Imperial War Museum), Mr John Dibbs (www.planepicture.com), Mr Christian Gloor (Flightgear.ch), Mr Jonathan Falconer (Haynes Publishing), Mr Marko Ličina (National Museum of Contemporary History), Mrs Ally McConnell (Dowty Heritage), Mr Bill Preece (No 43 (Fighter) Sqn "The Fighting Cocks" Association), Mr Andy Renwick (RAF Museum), Mr Dave Robinson (Aviation Ancestry), Mr Tinus Le Roux (SAAF WW2 Heritage), Mr David Stoddart (www.warbirdsphotographer.com), Mr Miha Špiček (Slovene Ethnographic Museum), Mr Zmago Tančič, Mr Tony Taylor, Mr Roman Vrabič (Geodetic Institute of Slovenia), Mrs Geta Wass (Australian War Memorial), Mr Jon Wight (Imperial War Museum), Mr John Wood. • Expert advice: Mr Branko Žiger (pilot of the elite 103rd Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment of the Yugoslav Air Force during 1947–1966), Colonel Mihael Klavžar, M.Sc. (Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Board, Ministry of Defence of Republic of Slovenia) • Proofreading of the manuscript: Mr Martin Premk, PhD (History), associate prof. Tomaž Kladnik, PhD (history), Mr Igor Rižnar, PhD (geology), assist. prof. Matija Črešnar, PhD (archaeology), associate prof. Boris Kavur, PhD (archaeology), prof. Ferdinand Trenc, PhD (engine and propulsion), Mr Sašo Knez, M.Sc. (fuselage, main-planes, controls); Mr Aleš Bedič (Spitfire) Many thanks also to all the other contributors and collaborators, who have been inadvertently left unmentioned.


Jekleni pozdravi iz zrak a Predgovor

Igor Miličić

Sl. 1: Spitfireji 40. skupine Južnoafriških letalskih sil (SAAF) med poletom nad Zgornjesavsko dolino po koncu vojne. V ozadju severna Triglavska stena (z dovoljenjem Tinusa Le Roux-a; Splet 1)

Delovanje RAF v slovenskem zračnem prostoru med drugo svetovno vojno

Izvleček: Prispevek podaja zgoščen pregled delovanja britanskih Kraljevih letalskih sil (angl. Royal Air Force) nad Slovenijo v drugi svetovni vojni. Temelji na izsledkih avtorjeve magistrske naloge z naslovom »Delovanje enot RAF v slovenskem zračnem prostoru med II. svetovno vojno«. Uporabljena je bila analiza primarnih pisnih virov v britanskem državnem arhivu (angl. The National Archives) ter analiza objavljene literature o delovanju enot RAF na sredozemskem bojišču. V prispevku je predstavljena organizacija RAF in letalskih formacij, ki so delovale nad Slovenijo. Podrobno so prikazani kronološki potek in bistvene značilnosti britanskih letalskih napadov na cilje na narodnostnem ozemlju Slovenije. Prispevek sklene kratka analiza učinkov delovanja RAF.

Fig. 1: Spitfires of No. 40 Squadron SAAF flying above the Upper Sava valley

Ključne besede: druga svetovna vojna, Kraljeve letalske sile (RAF), Balkanske zračne sile (BAF), letalske operacije, partizani

after the end of the war. Triglav North face in

Royal Air Force aerial operations over Slovenia during the Second World War

the background (courtesy of Tinus Le Roux, Web 1).

Abstract: The article provides a concise review of the aerial operations of the Royal Air Force over the Slovene territory in the Second World War. It is based on the findings from the author’s MA dissertation titled "The activities of RAF units over the Slovene territory during the Second World War". We used the analysis of primary written sources from The National Archives (London, UK) as well as the analysis of the literature published on the subject of RAF combat activities in the Mediterranean theatre of operations. The article presents the organisation of RAF and its units operating over Slovenia. It provides a detailed chronological review and key characteristics of British air attacks on targets within the Slovene national territory. The article closes with a brief analysis of the effects of RAF operations in this area. Key words: Second World War, Royal Air Force, Balkan Air Force, Slovenia, Air Operations, Partisans

Uvod Royal Air Force – britanske Kraljeve letalske sile so v drugi svetovni vojni pustile svoje sledi tudi nad majhnim ozemljem Slovenije. Britanska letala so pogosto gostovala na slovenskem nebu, posebej v drugi polovici leta 1944 pa vse do konca vojne, ko beležimo skoraj dnevne polete letal RAF najrazličnejših tipov nad Slovenijo. V povojni literaturi in splošnem spominu Slovencev so glede letalskih operacij nad Slovenijo ostale v spominu predvsem dnevne operacije zavezniških letal. Tu so prednjačili Američani s skorajda vsakodnevnim preletavanjem slovenskega ozemlja s formacijami težkih štirimotornih bombnikov 15. zračne sile z lovskim spremstvom.


V zavest Slovencev so se globoko vtisnila dramatična reševanja članov posadk sestreljenih ameriških bombnikov. Dnevne napade manjših formacij lovcev na vlake, vojaške transporte ali na nemške postojanke so pripisovali Američanom ali letalom dveh partizanskih skupin v okviru RAF. To sta bili 351. skupina, imenovana tudi 2. partizanska eskadrilja NOVJ, oborožena z lovci hawker hurricane IV, in 352. skupina, imenovana tudi 1. partizanska eskadrilja NOVJ z lovci supermarine spitfire, ki so bili večinoma izpeljanke Mk V in pozneje tudi Mk IX. Za slednje se je uveljavil izraz titovci, kar je bil tudi naslov knjižice Mileta Pavlina, ki je opisoval na resničnih

Iron greetings thea sky Jekleni pozdravifrom iz zrak Predgovor Delovanje RAF v slovenskem zračnem prostoru med drugo svetovno vojno

Sl. 2: Brindisi, junija ali avgusta

Fig. 2: Supermarine Spitfires,

1944. Spitfireji, hurricani in

Hawker Hurricanes and an Airspeed

airspeed oxford čakajo na

Oxford assembled at Brindisi, Italy,

obnovo ali popravilo v

for overhaul or repair at No. 110

110. vzdrževalni enoti.

Maintenance Unit, June or

V ospredju spitfire Mk Vb z

August 1944. In the foreground

oznakami francoske Armee

Spitfire Mk Vb with the markings of

de l'Air (GR2/33), malo naprej

French Armee de l'Air (GR2/33), a

spitfire Mk V z modrim mečem

little further on Spitfire V with blue

73. skupine, prekritim s kodnimi

flash of No. 73 Squadron, painted

črkami »GN-F« 249. skupine,

over with No. 249 Squadron code

v sredini pa spitfire Mk IX

letters "GN-F", and in the centre

(s snetim propelerjem)

Spitfire Mk IX (with propeller

73. skupine z rumenim mečem

removed) of No. 73 Squadron with

na sea grey medium podlagi.

all yellow flash on Sea Grey Medium.

Na desni, malo naprej, je

To the right, in the middle distance,

skupina lockheedovih P-38 in

is a similar group of Lockheed P-38s

republicov P-47 15. skupine

and Republic P-47s of the 15th USAAF,

USAAF, v ozadju pa halifaxi in

while in the background can be

lisandri 148. skupine RAF

seen Handley Page Halifaxes and

za posebne naloge.

Westland Lysanders of No. 148

(foto: J. Trievnor; IWM, CNA 3285)

(Special Duties) Squadron RAF. (photo: J. Trievnor; IWM, CNA 3285)


Jekleni pozdravi iz zrak a Predgovor RAF v slovenskem zračnem prostoru med drugo svetovno vojno Delovanje

Monografija »Jekleni pozdravi iz zraka« je izredno zanimivo in prvenstveno delo »letalske arheologije« in zgodovine druge svetovne vojne na Slovenskem. Nastala je kot rezultat uspešnega arheološkega izkopavanja ostankov ikoničnega britanskega lovca supermarine spitfire F Mk IX iz 73. skupine Kraljevih letalskih sil (Royal Air Force), ki je bil sestreljen med napadom na ljubljansko letališče 18. septembra 1944. Čeprav je samo med drugo svetovno vojno na Slovenskem strmoglavilo več kot 260 letal, je šlo pri strokovno in logistično zelo zahtevnem izkopavanju letala ob Ižanski cesti leta 2019 za prvo tovrstno raziskavo pri nas. Bogato ilustrirana monografija o letalu spitfire s serijsko oznako MJ116 v celoti zajame vsa spoznanja in ugotovitve, do katerih so se dokopali strokovnjaki različnih disciplin med terensko preiskavo in poznejšo obdelavo odkritih delov, pa tudi ugotovitve na podlagi arhivskih in drugih zgodovinskih virov, ustnih pričevanj ter na podlagi že zbranega muzejskega gradiva. Podane so širše zgodovinske okoliščine dogodka in zgodovina MJ116, dogajanje na dan padca in usoda angleškega pilota Petra J. Clarka (1923–2015). Predstavljeni so potek arheoloških izkopavanj in najdeni deli letala, analize materialov ter postopek njihove konservacije. Dodatno vrednost monografiji daje poglavje o razvoju in tehničnih značilnostih letal spitfire različice IX ter slavnega motorja rolls-royce merlin in propelerja rotol, ki je prav tako nastalo zaradi potreb znanosti, saj brez poglobljenega tehničnega znanja o letalu ne bi bila mogoča ne arheološka obdelava najdenih delov, ne rekonstrukcija dogajanja v zraku med zadetkom s strani nemške protiletalske baterije in padcem lovca v bližini nadzorne postaje št. 57 v obroču okoli okupirane Ljubljane. Zaradi celovitega in več področnega znanstvenega pristopa ima monografija »Jekleni pozdravi iz zraka« kot prva tovrstna publikacija pri nas veliko znanstveno težo. Zanimiva je za širok krog bralcev, ne samo za arheologe in zgodovinarje, pač pa za vse, ki jih zanimata druga svetovna vojna na Slovenskem in zgodovina letalstva. Iz recenzcije dr. Martina Premka

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