Zephyrus Issue 3

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Issue 3

Thanksgiving Recipes


Alter Ego: Sasha Fierce




Students Review Teachers?



The Pong Ultimatum


Volume 29

November 25, 2008

6754 Valley View Road Edina, MN 55439


Plan to modernize “Old Edina”

the YMCA and connect to Richfield. The goal is to give the Southdale District (Crosstown to 494 and France Avenue to York) a village feel. “You might be able to walk to work or take a Every teenager craves the savory taste little circulator bus to the hospital instead of havof Leanne Chins’ orange chicken sided with ing to get in your car,” said Hovland. fried rice and topped off with light and fluffy The city is planning new housing in this district cream cheese puffs. Edina citizens have acwith height variations. The limit will be 12, stocess to this delicious meal now that Leanne ries even though the Westin just went up with 19 Chins is open in Edina. This is just the begin(the highest point in Edina). West Elm, Potbelly, ning of Edina’s new Comprehensive Plan. Leanne Chins and the Container Store have alThe Plan is an actual document required ready been built, but retail will continue to change. every ten years by the Metropolitan council. The Macy’s Home Store will either be remodeled It is drawn up by the city and Mayor Jim or razed. The land may be used for mixed-living Hovland and lays out the ideas for the city. housing with retail on the bottom and housing on “It is a 50 thousand foot view of what top just like you used to see in little towns. you see happening in the next decade,” The Comprehensive Plan also includes other said Hovland. new housing. Hovland hopes to create “neighborOne important addition besides the Leanne hood nodes” which will connect and create more Chins, may be the creation of a “new teen “homey” feel in Edina. Ninety-eight percent of gathering spot.” Something like “The Depot” Edina is residential and will not change, but some in Hopkins has been considered. areas that will are Cahill, 44th and France, and ValOther plans for Edina include significant ley View and Wooddale. A main focus is to create changes at Southdale and the surrounding lifecycle living to accommodate the large numbers area. Hovland and the owners of Southof seniors and young people in Edina. dale, Simon Development, are working on The Bike Edina Taskforce is also putting in these upgrades together. new bike paths in hopes of reducing the carbon The city has a grant to build a skyway confootprint. These paths will be connected to nearby necting Southdale to the Galleria. Hovland cities to encourage biking and walking. has also talked to Best Buy about considering To make our city more environmentally friendly building a state-of-the-art store in or near Hovland also mentioned putting a park and ride by Southdale. Simon Development is looking to Blockbuster where the old Public Works building photo by Grace Kerr draw in a new department store and Hovland was. Another possibility for the old Public Works ONE OF MANY: The new Lee Ann Chin is just part of the is hoping for something high quality to pull building is to create the new teen hang out. in other choice stores. He said the goal is to Comprehensive Plan coming to modernize Edina. All the construction and upgrades fall under the create a “better retail experience.” umbrella of the Comprehensive Plan, an attempt Part of the development is the new Promenade, which is a path that runs behind to urbanize the area around Southdale while making neighborhoods more charming the Original Pancake House connecting to Centennial Lake. It will run all the way to and warm. Hopefully, this will result in a better Edina for future generations.

Christina Kosters staff writer

Election recap: Obama victory Alison Dirr editor-in-chief

The two year presidential race ended on Nov. 4 with the election of Democratic Illinois senator Barack Obama. Obama won battleground states Florida, Indiana, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio, whose combined 84 electoral votes made up a substantial portion of the 349 he received. His famously steady manner was apparent as he again delivered his message of hope, change and unity. He also cautioned Americans that tough times lie ahead. “The road ahead will be long,” Obama said. “Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term, but America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you: We as a people will get there.” In a highly-watched concession speech in his home state of Arizona, Republican Senator John McCain tried to unite his supporters behind the President-elect. “These are difficult times for our country, and I pledge to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face,” said McCain. “I urge all Americans who supported me to join me in not just congratulating him, but offering our next President our good will and earnest effort to find ways to come together...and leave our children and grandchildren a

stronger, better country than we inherited.” The Minnesota Senate race between Democrat Al Franken and incumbent Republican senator Norm Coleman resulted in a difference of 206 votes before a recount was called. The race for US House ended with a Republican victory. Eric Paulson won 49% while Democrat Ashwin Madia received 41% of the vote. Independent David Dillon received 11%, finishing in third place. The race for state representative between Independent incumbent Ron Erhardt, Republican Keith Downey, and Democrat Kevin Staunton ended with a GOP win. Downey claimed 37% of the vote with Staunton and Erhardt closely behind at 32% and 31% respectively. Independent incumbent Jim Hovland, who will return to the position of Edina mayor with 74% of the vote, beat Republican challenger Daniel Azar. Though the Democrats have won the majority in the House and Senate, Obama cautioned in his victory speech that we must come together as a country in order to achieve our goals. “Let’s resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that have poisoned our politics for so long. Let’s remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House – a party founded on the values of self-reliance and individual liberty and national unity.”

CHANGE: Barrack Obama promises change following his election victory.

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