Zephyrus Issue 3

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Issue 3

Thanksgiving Recipes


Alter Ego: Sasha Fierce




Students Review Teachers?



The Pong Ultimatum


Volume 29

November 25, 2008

6754 Valley View Road Edina, MN 55439


Plan to modernize “Old Edina”

the YMCA and connect to Richfield. The goal is to give the Southdale District (Crosstown to 494 and France Avenue to York) a village feel. “You might be able to walk to work or take a Every teenager craves the savory taste little circulator bus to the hospital instead of havof Leanne Chins’ orange chicken sided with ing to get in your car,” said Hovland. fried rice and topped off with light and fluffy The city is planning new housing in this district cream cheese puffs. Edina citizens have acwith height variations. The limit will be 12, stocess to this delicious meal now that Leanne ries even though the Westin just went up with 19 Chins is open in Edina. This is just the begin(the highest point in Edina). West Elm, Potbelly, ning of Edina’s new Comprehensive Plan. Leanne Chins and the Container Store have alThe Plan is an actual document required ready been built, but retail will continue to change. every ten years by the Metropolitan council. The Macy’s Home Store will either be remodeled It is drawn up by the city and Mayor Jim or razed. The land may be used for mixed-living Hovland and lays out the ideas for the city. housing with retail on the bottom and housing on “It is a 50 thousand foot view of what top just like you used to see in little towns. you see happening in the next decade,” The Comprehensive Plan also includes other said Hovland. new housing. Hovland hopes to create “neighborOne important addition besides the Leanne hood nodes” which will connect and create more Chins, may be the creation of a “new teen “homey” feel in Edina. Ninety-eight percent of gathering spot.” Something like “The Depot” Edina is residential and will not change, but some in Hopkins has been considered. areas that will are Cahill, 44th and France, and ValOther plans for Edina include significant ley View and Wooddale. A main focus is to create changes at Southdale and the surrounding lifecycle living to accommodate the large numbers area. Hovland and the owners of Southof seniors and young people in Edina. dale, Simon Development, are working on The Bike Edina Taskforce is also putting in these upgrades together. new bike paths in hopes of reducing the carbon The city has a grant to build a skyway confootprint. These paths will be connected to nearby necting Southdale to the Galleria. Hovland cities to encourage biking and walking. has also talked to Best Buy about considering To make our city more environmentally friendly building a state-of-the-art store in or near Hovland also mentioned putting a park and ride by Southdale. Simon Development is looking to Blockbuster where the old Public Works building photo by Grace Kerr draw in a new department store and Hovland was. Another possibility for the old Public Works ONE OF MANY: The new Lee Ann Chin is just part of the is hoping for something high quality to pull building is to create the new teen hang out. in other choice stores. He said the goal is to Comprehensive Plan coming to modernize Edina. All the construction and upgrades fall under the create a “better retail experience.” umbrella of the Comprehensive Plan, an attempt Part of the development is the new Promenade, which is a path that runs behind to urbanize the area around Southdale while making neighborhoods more charming the Original Pancake House connecting to Centennial Lake. It will run all the way to and warm. Hopefully, this will result in a better Edina for future generations.

Christina Kosters staff writer

Election recap: Obama victory Alison Dirr editor-in-chief

The two year presidential race ended on Nov. 4 with the election of Democratic Illinois senator Barack Obama. Obama won battleground states Florida, Indiana, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio, whose combined 84 electoral votes made up a substantial portion of the 349 he received. His famously steady manner was apparent as he again delivered his message of hope, change and unity. He also cautioned Americans that tough times lie ahead. “The road ahead will be long,” Obama said. “Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term, but America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you: We as a people will get there.” In a highly-watched concession speech in his home state of Arizona, Republican Senator John McCain tried to unite his supporters behind the President-elect. “These are difficult times for our country, and I pledge to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face,” said McCain. “I urge all Americans who supported me to join me in not just congratulating him, but offering our next President our good will and earnest effort to find ways to come together...and leave our children and grandchildren a

stronger, better country than we inherited.” The Minnesota Senate race between Democrat Al Franken and incumbent Republican senator Norm Coleman resulted in a difference of 206 votes before a recount was called. The race for US House ended with a Republican victory. Eric Paulson won 49% while Democrat Ashwin Madia received 41% of the vote. Independent David Dillon received 11%, finishing in third place. The race for state representative between Independent incumbent Ron Erhardt, Republican Keith Downey, and Democrat Kevin Staunton ended with a GOP win. Downey claimed 37% of the vote with Staunton and Erhardt closely behind at 32% and 31% respectively. Independent incumbent Jim Hovland, who will return to the position of Edina mayor with 74% of the vote, beat Republican challenger Daniel Azar. Though the Democrats have won the majority in the House and Senate, Obama cautioned in his victory speech that we must come together as a country in order to achieve our goals. “Let’s resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that have poisoned our politics for so long. Let’s remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House – a party founded on the values of self-reliance and individual liberty and national unity.”

CHANGE: Barrack Obama promises change following his election victory.


Zephyrus Volume 29, Issue 3 NOVEMBER 25, 2008



Edina schools win approval of city residents When it comes to schools, Edina stands out. In a recently conducted survey of 400 Edina residents, 95% of Edinans rank the Edina public schools as either good or excellent, a 9% increase from last year’s statistics. The study included topics such as teacher quality, community education, and funding. Numbers have not only increased from previous years, but are considerably higher than those of other schools in Minnesota. Sixty-seven percent of Edina residents believe that the district is effective when it comes to spending for schools. This is 27% higher than the average percentage in the Minneapolis area. Open enrollment and job performance in Edina also ranked considerably higher than

graph courtesy of www.edina.k12.mn.us

Anna Waldo news editor

A+ FOR EDINA: 95% of Edina residents rank the schools as excellent or good.

other schools in the area. Ninety-nine percent of the survey participants reported that they were satisfied with Edina’s education program. This is the highest approval rating in the state. Edina already has an impressive record, and EHS made Newsweek’s top 100 High Schools in America last year. The Edina school system is known for a rigorous education program that includes a large selection of AP and enriched classes. The teachers are exceptional; according to the Edina website, five current teachers at EHS (Betsy Nimmo, Jeff Krause, Eric Burfeind, Martha Cosgrove, and William Webb) have won awards for their teaching. In addition, a wide variety of extracurricular activities, from sports to debate to theater, have received national recognition. Students have also excelled at standardized tests; last year’s ACT average at EHS was 26.2, over five points greater than the national average. Edina has certainly proved itself to be a place where students can excel, and it looks like Edina schools will stay strong for quite a while.

Airline merger may change New leadership some future travel plans for a better EHS Ashley O’Neill staff writer Traveling to different countries, although fun, can be an enormous hassle—especially over the holidays. Because many Twin Cities residents will depend on the airline companies in the coming months and all year round, the recent merger of Delta and Northwest Airlines has caused much talk in Minnesota, considering that the major airline, Northwest, is headquartered in Eagan. However, the merger that will be completed within the next 12-24 months has many implications for employees and customers alike. A major issue that concerns the state lawmakers is that many employees in the Twin Cities could be without jobs. Junior Emma Lofthus’s aunt, who works for Northwest Airlines, is facing a hard decision because of the merger. Lofthus said, “She could loose her job or be required to move to Atlanta.” The Northwest headquarters will be moved

job standards. State lawmakers and Northwest are still trying to figure out exactly what this will mean for Minnesota and whether or not the company will hold true to its 1992 agreement. Customers of the two airlines are most concerned about the effect that the transition period will have on travelers. Northwest has assured their passengers that it will be business as usual for both companies, but what do regular Northwest passengers have to look forward to once the integration process is complete? The Northwest online site says, “Although Delta and Northwest will eventually be one merged company, each will continue to operate as separate airlines until integration is complete.” Once completed, this merged company will be the largest airlines in the world. In the next two years, passengers can also expect a few changes, including a new fee being charged for checking luggage. The Northwest website says, “Customers flying within the United States will be charged $15 for the first checked bag and $25 for the second checked bag.” As of now, passengers will have to follow these new

photo courtesy of http://www.flickr.com

FLIGHT CHANGES: Frequent travelers should be aware of the changes that will occur as a result of the merger between Northwest and Delta airlines. to Atlanta, Georgia, but Delta assures the state that the company will continue to keep the hub in the Twin Cities. However, according to the 1992 loan deal that Northwest Airlines made with the state, the company agreed to keep the main headquarters and a hub in the state, along with meeting certain

additions to Northwest’s procedures. Along with the many changes that are bound to happen, some things will stay the same. Northwest Airlines customers will be able to keep their “Sky Miles” and “World Perks” systems of rewards for flying with the airlines, even after the two companies have officially come together.

Lizzy Meller editor-in-chief Last year the introduction of the new student group 212 overwhelmed students with an onslaught of new leaders. EHS still had the Student Council, so the purpose of the new group was unclear. The line between the groups seemed blurred, if not nonexistent, so many students thought the groups were sometimes attempting to accomplish the same tasks. This year, to remedy the situation and ease the confusion, a new leadership structure has emerged. The executives of Student Council, the administrators, and the leaders of 212 collaborated to design this new structure. Student Council is now defined as the core, as they are the elected body and meet regularly; they monitor all student-run school projects to ensure that no work is replicated and effort wasted. “It wasn’t originally efficient to have both leadership groups exist,” explained senior Kenzie Miller, the President of Student Council. “We were duplicating projects and wasting effort. We needed to be more cohesive and enhance communication so that we could work together effectively.” The leadership structure was created so that the two leadership groups could coordinate their work. When 212 members have a new idea, they can approach Student Council for advice, while Student Council can use the larger 212 as a workforce on larger projects. “With Student Council as the center of the leadership model and 212 supporting and developing a more multifaceted role, they will be able to work in a parallel to accomplish their goals,” said Principal Dr. Locklear. To help keep all school projects organized, there are new “School Project Proposal” forms. Any group with an idea can pick one up at the office and fill it out, whether they are a 212 subgroup or a group of friends that wants to organize a food drive. All these forms are reviewed by Student Council so it can keep track of the work going on in the school. “These forms are partly to ensure that there is no overlap,” said Miller, “but also so that we can help. Since Student Council has existed for a long time, we have a lot of experience on different projects. We can tell a group what worked and what didn’t when we did something similar, and give them feedback to help them complete the project.” The forms are also reviewed by a new leadership board called the Student Leadership Counsel. The board meets monthly and consists of the Student Council executives, administrators, 212 leaders, and YSY representatives. This board is intended to enhance idea flow and further organize the projects in the school. “There are a lot of new changes,” said Miller. “It’s still confusing for me! But it should help keep communication between groups and keep track of the projects in the school.”



Zephyrus Volume 29, Issue 3 November 25, 2008


Teenagers could be reading part of their hectic day to indulge in a novel or even take a glance at their favorite newspaper. “It’s just enjoyable and helps As I tuck myself into bed every night, I stretch my me relax,” explained junior Sarah arms over to my bedside table and grope around for Weiss, remarking that reading is my bedtime story, A Walk in the Woods. Luckily, this an essential aspect of her every book has no assignments attached, and I’m free to day life. read and enjoy it at my sleepy leisure. Sophomore Peter Ecklund had Unfortunately, with loads of homework, including similar views and emphasized that many pages of required reading, ever fewer high school reading “is entertaining and a good kids can make time for this nighttime ritual. way to use some extra time.” There are, however, some students who set aside And what better reason to read than those? Reading is a simple way to spend those 15 minutes between practice and dinner or wake up on a lazy Saturday morning. Some teens, however, who read “I want a new camera... for more than just A DSLR, I think.” enjoyment reap -Kayla Reininger (10) extra benefits. “It’s a great wa y t o e x p a nd vocabulary and educate yourself on world issues,” said sophomore Ted McKlveen. “I want to get a large Clearly, many amount of cash, go to of us could gain something from digDenmark, and go...sight ging our noses into a story every now seeing.” and again. -Mike Moghaddas (12) So why don’t most adolescents read outside of what is required? Many argue that they have too much to do. And that’s not a lie; teens today are truly as busy as ever. But would they read I’d like three different things: more if there was less going on? Say, First, to see the sheer joy on my over the summer? kids’ faces as they continue to be“I don’t think most people read durlieve in Santa Claus. Second, I’d ing the summer, and that’s when we like brand new oil paints and all don’t have so much to do for school,” new brushes. Third, I would like commented Weiss. a new wardrobe. Many teachers do load on summer -Ms. Towne reading requirements but really, is it impossible to finish two books over three months and have a bit of extra time to read other literature?

Chris Greeno ed/op editor

Word on the Street: What’s on your gift list?

I want a bicentennial bike. You know, those bikes with the huge front wheel? -Blake Madson (10)

I just want money that I can give to a charity. -Ann Thomas (11)

Women. -Michael Ellenberger (11)

art by Cindy Pyles Unfortunately, that is not the case for most EHS students. This lack of reading may seem to have few effects on high school students, but studies from the National Endowment for the Arts show otherwise. The study focused on a decline in American reading across all age groups and its implications for society. The study showed a significant drop in 12th grade reading test scores from years past that correlated to a nearly one hundred percent increase in “teen non-readers.” In addition, the study reported that “nearly twothirds of employers ranked reading comprehension ‘very important’ for high school graduates” and that “readers are more likely than non-readers to engage in positive civic and individual activities.” Clearly, reading is crucial to be a successful and productive member of society in addition to succeeding in high school. And as Ecklund put it, “[Reading is] just good for the brain.”

Seniors should enjoy their last year at EHS Ben Streeter managing editor At EHS there has always been a desire to succeed, so it’s no surprise that as seniors draw closer to Northrop Auditorium this desire hardly fades. After all, in Edina academic success is as important as having your license or having a cell phone. Senior Chris Pose is still putting school work at the top of his list. “I want colleges to see me giving my best even through my senior year.” Like others, however, after first semester, he figured he’d try to hang with friends a little more. For many, applying to schools becomes the most stressful time of high school. Junior year often draws a lot of hype as far as difficulty, yet as seniors anxiously check their mail each day after school tension of a new kind takes form. With some colleges taking around four weeks to turn around responses and others, like the U of

Minnesota-Twin Cities, taking up to ten, anxiety quickly fills the silence. It’s important for seniors to take some time to relax as things play out. “I’m still kinda’ stressed out,” said senior Cara Coughlin, who is waiting on responses from her colleges though, she admits her attention to school work has lightened. For seniors, this year is a complete switch in efforts but not always for the worse. “I’ve done a 180º in school, pulling all my grades up, spending time in the library,” said senior Mike Moghaddos. “But after the first half it’s 100% partying time.” Students shouldn’t be imitating characters from Dazed and Confused or Superbad, the basic attitude of having fun in your final year must be present lest one regret their high school experience. After so many years of hard work in Edina it’s important to relax with some friends and really live up this final stretch. Go out and bowl with the guys, get some breakfast with your girls. You might not have the chance next fall.

features 4 Students enjoy outdoor science classes Zephyrus Volume 29, Issue 3 November 25, 2008


Sean Carney staff writer The goal of many teachers is to make learning interesting and fun. However, few have gone as far as Eric Burfeind. Last summer, he took six students to the Boundary Waters to do science experiments in a natural environment. The students earned a semester of credit for the trip, and, for many, it was one of the best moments of their summer. “The students were in charge of where to go and what experiments to do while they were there,” said Burfeind. One of the experiments they did was to go fishing and then see what the fish had previously eaten. They cut open the fishs’ stomachs and examined the contents, a much different experiment from the usual ones that happen at school. “One of the days was really hard, with high winds and two and a half foot waves, but the kids still seemed to enjoy it” said Burfeind. “It’s pretty much exactly like going to the Boundary Waters normally, but you also do science and get credit for it.” The program is nine days long, with five of those spent actually camping and canoeing. The first four are spent by the students planning their trip. They decide where they’re going to go, what they’re going to focus on, and what experiments they’re going to do. SUMMER SCHOOL: Students spend the afternoon relaxing during “I hope more students do it next summer” commented Burfeind. He summer science trip in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. hopes that more students will learn about the trip and take advantage of this unique opportunity. The role of the teacher was different from normal, as the teacher maintained To get more information, you can visit the Summer Field Based Science a hands-off approach and let students do the decision-making and planning. course website. To get there, students need to log on to Edline then click on the Academic Groups folder in the contents section. There you will find a link to Summer Field Based Science.

Stress and sleep deprivation: all too familiar to overworked students

Easily unresistable recipes John Lucke staff writer

Taylor Turner staff writer It is 3 a.m. as you peel your cheek from the enormous textbook resting on the desk. You’ve been slaving over homework while slipping into accidental napping sessions between studies. This is another infamous all-nighter, common to a weekly school schedule in the 21st century. Life for students during the school year hasn’t always looked like this. There was a time when students actually slept, when they didn’t have a million standardized tests, and weren’t bombarded with extra-curricular activities. This is our parents’ generation. School work and grades are only a small portion of what contribute to the stress with which today’s students are constantly bombarded. Colleges have raised the bar in terms of what they expect from students, and academic demands are higher than ever. Many feel pressured to take numerous enriched and AP classes during their high school career. Back in the day, getting decent grades used to be enough to impress college scouts. In today’s generation, scouts look for this as well as several extra-curricular activities or sports. In short, they don’t want to see a student finish the standard school day and go straight home. It is expected that we occupy our time with other school-related activities, church, jobs or volunteering. Not that our parents didn’t also have the football, math club, or school musical rehearsal. The fact is that kids today are logging many hours in each activity, and are involved in more than one extracurricular. Sophomore Emily Condiff juggles jazz band, mock trial, pit band for Thoroughly Modern Millie, hand bell choir at her church, as well as private flute and piano lessons. She takes zero hour Life Long Rec Fitness, AP World History, varsity band, and three enriched classes. “Not counting pit band, [I have] 7 to 8 hours [of extra-curricular] a week,” said Condiff. “During the musical, that time could be as much as 24 hours a week.” On top of that, she receives three to six hours of homework each night. The combination of school and happenings outside the academic day have a huge impact on sleep deprivation, intimately known to just about every student. A study done by Wolfson and Carskadon’s in 1998 noted on apa.org showed that 26 percent of students sleep less than 6 1/2 hours on school nights, and only 15 percent get 8 1/2 hours or more. The study also demonstrated that teenagers need a minimum of 9 1/2 hours of sleep each night, which is significantly more than the 7 1/2 to 8 that adults need. Junior Rian Lissick, who takes AP US History, AP Biology, and AP American Literature can relate. “I am in theatre so I do the musical and the plays,” commented Lissick. “I have been taking Irish dance since I was 3 and that usually runs at least two days a week but usually more. I just joined the robotics team and am looking for a job.” So how does someone juggle this seemingly impossible schedule? “I usually go to bed at 2 each night, though I sometimes just crash at 11 ‘cause I am so tired.” With such crazy times for students today, you’ve got to wonder how much longer this “busy-ness” trend is going to continue. Could it keep exponentially increasing through the decades, or will there be a point that it can peak no further? The amount of work this generation can handle is obviously not underestimated, followed by a wave of stress that is atomic.


mashed potatoes In sophomore Max Rauchle’s family there is a special tradition each year at Thanksgiving: mashed potatoes. It may seem like an ordinary Thanksgiving dish, but in the Rauchle household they do it in their own unique way. The Rauchle grandmother makes the mashed potatoes with her bare hands. “My grandma is the best in the family at making them,” said Max. “She really knows how to bring out the flavor in them.” Max says the key to making this ordinary dish correctly is strong, experienced hands.


Boil the potatoes and a half cup of water in a saucepan for 10 minutes or until the potatoes have slightly broken down while mixing with a spoon. After cooling 10 minutes, take the mixture out of the saucepan and mash in a bowl with extreme kneading and hand involvement until the potatoes have completely broken down. Now add the milk and butter and continue mashing with hands until completely mixed. Finally, add the salt on top and serve. Remember: The key to this dish is in the hands!


3 cups quartered potatoes 8 tbsp whole milk 1 tsp salt 4 tbsp butter

tofurky Sophomore Peter Ecklund is a vegetarian. As you can imagine, no turkey might hamper the potential grandness of his Thanksgiving dinner, but Ecklund has found a solution to this problem. He has found a non-meat substitute for the traditional bird: Tofurkey. Tofurkey, tofu with the flavors of turkey, is “Really good,” said Ecklund. “It can be bought from the store, but we like to start with plain tofu and add the flavoring ingredients.”

Ingredients 5 blocks tofu 2 tsp vegan poultry seasoning ½ cup dried basil 1 tsp vegetable stock


For the marinade, mix all the ingredients with a wire wisk or fork until its well mixed and refrigerate. Put this in the refrigerator for now. Blend all Tofurkey ingredients in big bowl. Let it sit in a refrigerator for 8 hours so it can form a half-dome shape. After 8 hours, take it out and slather the entire tofurkey up with the marinade. Put the tofurky in the oven at 400 degrees for 2 hours. Brush another coat on it every 5-10 minutes so the marinade seeps through the tofu. Let it cool for 30 minutes before eating.

Marinade ¼ cup balsamic vinegar ½ cup red wine ¼ cup basil 1 tsp mustard

5 Quidditch has quite the potential for success sports


Teddy Hoffman staff writer WOOSH!!! You narrowly avoid a Beater from smacking you off your broom. Stay focused, your teammates have the Quaffle, but that’s not your concern. Alas, there it is! The Golden Snitch whizzes past your face and you proceed to go on high speed chase on your Nimbus-2000. You stretch your arms, reach and BAM! GRYFFINDOR WINS THE HOUSE CUP!!! While it is obvious that Quidditch is not an actual sport, there is no opposition to the fact that Harry Potter fans everywhere wish it was. To be perfectly honest, what Harry Potter fans HAVEN’T imagined themselves on a broomstick alongside their favorite wizard? Well, this dream may not be so far-fetched. From Middlebury to Carleton College, Intramural Quidditch is casting a spell over all who hear of it. While there are many ways of playing the game, here is a set of the most entertaining rules: • Students donned in colored capes run around a field on makeshift broomsticks, going by team names from the series or of their own invention (ex-

Zephyrus Volume 29, Issue 3 November 25, 2008

amples, from traditional “Gryffindor” to “The Raging Banshees”) • The Quaffle (a volleyball) is carried around by the three Chasers, who try to score on the Keepers, who are guarding three hula-hoops suspended on a rod (each worth 10 points). • The Bludgers (dodgeballs) are thrown or batted around by the two Beaters, who use either their hands or Fisher Price Baseball Bats to launch the “Bludgers” at opposing players or protect their own. A hit by one, much like hockey, starts a sit-out period from a few seconds to few minutes depending on where you’re hit. • The Seeker, whose job is to catch the Snitch, has the most entertaining of all tasks. Throughout the game, a non-partial volunteer, donned in gold spandex (or if such an outfit is unattainable, just a yellow shirt and pants) hides around the general vicinity of the playing field and periodically runs through the area of play where the Seeker grabs, or often tackles, the art by Tess Jensen Snitch to the ground in order to get 150 points for the team and end the game. Whether you’ve always dreamed of getting that owl letter from Hogwarts or could care less about the “over-rated” series, fanatics and Mudbloods alike can all agree that Intramural Quidditch sounds like one bloody brilliant sport.

Get yourself in shape with Ms. Pusateri’s routine! Lyndsay Hage staff writer

Need to lose some of that winter fat? Running is the best way to stay trim, but if you’re looking for that hot six-pack or bulging arms, then maybe some of these exercises could do the trick. Just remember gym teacher Melanie Pusateri’s advice, “If you want to lose weight, exercise and stick with it.”

The Bicycle

Best move to target six-pack and the waist. 1. Lie on back with hands behind head. 2. Bring knees in towards the chest and lift the shoulder blades from the ground without pulling on neck. 3. Straighten left leg out while simultaneously turning the upper body to the right, bringing the

left elbow towards the right knee. 4. Switch sides, bringing the right elbow towards the right knee. 5. Continue alternating sides in a ‘pedaling’ motion for 12-16 repetitions.


Best lower body exercise works major muscle groups: the thighs, glutes and hamstrings, firming legs and building strength. 1. Position feet slightly wider then hip-width apart with your toes slightly turned out. 2. Hold hands out in front of you at shoulder height to counter balance weight and help you keep your balance. 3. Slowly and under control bend knees and lower yourself down as far as possible without lifting heels off the floor and then after a brief pause at the bottom push your weight back up until you are back at the starting position. 4. Do 10 to 15 repetitions to finish one set before

resting. You can repeat the set, but use your own discretion as to how much you can manage. 5. If you have any knee, hip or ankle injuries or any other ailments that can cause discomfort or worsen any existing injuries, please do not perform this exercise without consulting a physician or fitness professional.


A great way to build endurance in both the abs and back, as well as stabilize muscles. 1. Lie face down (prone) on mat, rest on the forearms, palms flat on the floor. 2. Push entire body off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows. 3. Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels. 4. Tilt pelvis and contract abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air. 5. Hold for 20 to 60 seconds, lower and repeat for 3-5 reps.

Team of the Issue: Pong Ultimatum ing into becoming a team. We are planning on talking to administration to get approved maybe for next year. We would need to find a paid coach and get school funding. Jay: We want to be more than just a club. We are potentially considering Mitch, a Para Olympian who has worked with the club, to be a coach. Diaz: I think maybe we will start a team but keep a club going also for people not as competitive.

Q. Do you compete? Johannah: There’s one state competition a year which we played in last year and placed fifth. Jay: We are planning on playing state again this year in February.

photo by Linnea Bullion

Christina Kosters staff writer Pong Ultimatum. Two words that hold incredible intensity. This is Edina’s very own Ping Pong club created for those who wish to passionately play the game and have fun doing it. Johannah Palmstrom, president, Jay Johnson, senior, and Señor Diaz, founder, reveal some secrets behind it. Q. Is Ping Pong considered a club or a team? Johanna: We are currently a club but are look-

Q. How did Ping Pong club start? Johannah: Diaz started it several years ago, and it was really small. Last year more people started signing up, about 80 interested and 30 coming regularly. Jay: Two years ago it was one table in Diaz’s room with a few kids every week, and now we have the whole community room and a pretty

large group of kids. Q. What does an average meeting look like? Johannah: First we set up the tables and play warm up matches until everything’s set up. Play an intramural tournament which is single elimination, and sometimes we play two people stay until 5:30. We currently have four tables, but the parent council approved a grant for two more which should be coming soon. Q. How many people are in Ping Pong club? Johannah: This year over 50 students have paid the activity fee, and over 150 signed up showing interest at the Activity Fair. We are guessing about 40 will come regularly to meetings. Q.What do students like most about it? Johannah: They like the social atmosphere and hanging with friends. It doesn’t matter if you’re good or bad, anyone can do it. Q. If you were to describe it in 3 words what would they be? Johannah: Diaz, intense, fantastic. First year players are also becoming infected with a new love of Ping Pong. “I love playing the game and hanging with the people,” said sophomore Jason Kruger. In the closing words of senior Jay Johnson, “It’s sweet, people should come.”


Zephyrus Volume 29, Issue 3 November 25, 2008

To be an addict Carolyn Beese staff writer

What’s the difference between an addiction to drugs, and an addiction to success, or sex, or even carrots? Based on a EHS survey, 59 out of 61 (96%) of students surveyed define addiction as, “something one cannot live without” or a “dependence on something”. However, to qualify as “addicted” The American Psychiatric Association says that you need to show signs of at least three of the following symptoms in a year. (1) Tolerance, as in needing more of a substance to feel the affects, or having a smaller affect the more you

use it. (2) Withdrawal, by having significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, and other areas if you stop using. (3) Increase dose, substance taken more often and in larger amount over a longer period. (4) Time use, unsuccessful in trying to cut down or control use. (5) Time use, spending time in activities necessary to get or use the substance or recover from its effects. (6) Activity Change, important social, occupational, or recreational activities are stopped or reduced because of substance use. (7) Resulting problems, substance use continues despite knowledge of

Along with technology and other modern innovations, today’s addictions have been upgraded. A broader range of strange, unusual and random addictions are being developed—everything from teeth whitening to popsicles to nasal spray. They are more frequently crossing the threshold of obsession and entering into the realm of addiction. During the winter, Minnesotans may find themselves in need of a tan. However, frequent trips to the tanning booth can give off more than just an orange tint—it can transform into a tanning addiction known as tanorexia. Not only is this an unhealthy habit, it also has withdrawal symptoms similar to those of chemical addictions. The simple enjoyment of reading can even take a turn for the worse. According the msn’s health and fitness page, psychiatrist Dr. Harold Levinson, M.D. has seen such rare disorders when an addiction to books

Chemical addictions

What Is the Price of

Robbie Latta staff writer

It is no surprise that chemical addiction poses a serious threat to a user’s health. Addiction can easily ruin or possibly end lives. But what exactly is a chemical and how can people get so addicted to these harmful substances? Chemicals can be almost any type of drug, including alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, or hallucinogens. Even over-the-counter and prescription drugs can be dangerous, especially if they are not used for their intended purpose. Misused prescription drugs have become notoriously popular for getting high. The National Institute on Drug Abuse found that more than 15 million American children over the age of twelve admit to having used a prescription drug for nonmedical purposes. “Kids say, ‘I’ll just have a few, I won’t get hooked,’ but they do,” said Janet Schank, the chemical health coordinator for Edina Public Schools. The user can often get hooked after just a few uses. After the user is hooked on a substance, his or her life can go downhill. Physical effects of drug use and addiction can range from hangovers from the use of alcohol to even stunted brain development. However, physical effects are not the only consequences that can wreak havoc on lives. There is a seemingly endless range of undesired outcomes for the chemical abuser or addict, including legal consequences, academic failure, and even the loss of support from friends

a physical or psychological problem caused by a substance. Most true addictions are to chemicals, due to the reactions in the brain. “Drugs change the brain chemistry” said Janet Schank, the chemical health coordinator for Edina Public Schools. “You can’t predict how drugs will affect people’s brains. It depends on the person.” People think that they can only smoke one, or drink one, but in reality the way chemicals affect you is out of your control and you could become addicted. The addictive qualities of drugs differ so any drug can be a potential threat.

BitingnailstoFacebook:everydayaddictions Catherine Kerwin staff writer



has driven people to lose countless hours of sleep or quit their job. For the students here at EHS, other addictions may take hold. “I’m completely addicted to my computer,” said Junior Aliza McKamey. “I don’t think I can go more than twelve hours without it—and checking my e-mail. And junior Lacey Jung said, “If I don’t get at least three glasses of milk a day… well, it’s not pretty.” Elsewhere in the country, two sisters are suffering from horrible compulsions. One can’t stop herself from eating cigarette ashes, while the other devours flour on a regular basis. The two girls made a national appearance on “The Tyra Banks Show” to talk about their unusual cravings. Though it may simply sound gross, these addictions are slowly deteriorating their health, and during the interview, were taken very seriously. So while random addictions can be funny and weird, they have the potential to be destructive. Whether or not they directly harm your body, life is always easier without any dependencies.

Zephyrus Volume 29, Issue 3 November 25, 2008


and family members. “Kids don’t really think about these terms,” said Schank. Marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs. “Smoking pot makes me relaxed and at ease. It helps with anxiety,” said an anonymous junior. According to a National Institute on Drug Abuse study in 2006, 25 million American children over the age of twelve had used marijuana at least once in the year prior to being surveyed. In Edina, the 2007 Minnesota Student Survey shows that 25% of all 9-12 graders had used marijuana in the last year at least once. However, despite its ability to calm, marijuana can have some severe side effects. “Marijuana is the hardest thing to quit,” said Schank. Drugs like marijuana can cause motivational issues and can make problems such as a failing grade in history seem like no big deal. Several studies report that marijuana use has a strong relation to the development of suicidal thoughts and schizophrenia. Also, marijuana has shown its addictive potential. Users who have attempted to quit report irritability, sleeplessness, anxiety, and not surprisingly, cravings. All of these are factors that make marijuana such an addictive drug. But how can someone leave their chemical addiction behind? Sometimes it takes a tragedy such as the death of a family member or friend that can take an addict back to reality. Fortunately there are better ways to get help and get sober. Against The Flow is an EHS-based group that helps students who want to reduce their use or stop using completely. For those who are or think they are addicted to alcohol, Alcoholics Anonymous is willing to help anyone with a desire to quit drinking. Organizations and counseling alone cannot help. The addict must have a strong motivation to quit using and a lot of support from friends and family. Chemical addiction can put one’s life in jeopardy. But with help, things can change for the better. There are many students at EHS who have used chemicals and may want to stop. “I had a desire to quit and I figured it wasn’t worth the trouble it gets you in,” said a junior student.

Our need to succeed

They really aren’t all that bad Megan Evans staff writer The word “addiction” tends to have negative connotations, but is there such a thing as a good addiction? Maybe a better way to describe them would be “healthy obsessions.” Arguably there are plenty of healthy obsessions, such as sports or eating well. Even obsessions with computers and video games can improve job opportunities. But when have you gone too far? Sports, for example, take a huge priority in Edina. Keeping your school, home and sports life in balance can be tricky. “The definition [of addiction] is a degree that gets in your way of leading a normal life” says school nurse Ann Little. So, when dealing with sports, the idea is to enjoy and improve while still participating in regular school work. Little warns “There is the over the top piece- the fine line between healthy that turns into obsessive or addictive.”

Along with health awareness, the Purell scene has been growing. Created a couple of years ago, hand sanitizers have become quite popular, especially in schools, where germs are rampant. Although washing hands often and avoiding sick people is a good idea, it can go too far. Junior Elizabeth Templin likes to keep healthy and said “I wash my hand frequently and use hand sanitizer before I eat”. Studies suggest that Purell’s main ingredient, Ethyl alcohol, dries and burns skin, leaving behind damaged hands, so obsessive and repeated use can adversely affect health. A well balanced life is an American ideal; balancing sports with school, friends with work, friends with school and school with work and so on. But every once in a while, a certain thing can stand out to someone in such a way that they feel compelled to pursue it, anything from sports to technology. Those who do find their talent in life are lucky, but they also need to keep it in check. The key is to avoid going overboard, and head from enthusiasm to addiction.

DJ Adams sports editor When addictions are mentioned in high school, drugs and alcohol usually come to mind. However, at EHS, an obsession with success may be a greater “addiction.” In a high school that has sent at least 90% of the senior class to college for the past six years, failure has become anything worse than a ‘B’. Obviously certain students cannot meet this new expectation. “A ‘C’ is supposedly average, but when I tell my friends I receive such a grade, they usually look upon me with disregard,” explained a junior. At Edina, if students intend to avoid embarrassment, they must be obsessed with schoolwork. Furthermore, parents and teachers are equally “addicted.” Parents offer rewards such as money or threaten consequences of no social life to ensure their kid competes academically. Although well intentioned, students can feel the need to succeed only to satisfy their parents’ desires. Teachers also make the hill even steeper to climb. Expecting dedication from their students, they begin

creating more difficult curricula. Most seniors expect electives to be fairly easy, but this is often not the case. “Even electives at Edina require the time and effort of the necessary classes for graduation,” said senior Joe Wagner. What started as a simple desire for accomplishment has seemingly transformed into a detrimental force to the student body. However, there have been recent changes that prove this “addiction” to success could be a healthy one. Class rank has been eliminated so that the below average student at Edina will not be as greatly hurt by others success. Leadership programs such as 212 have become more inclusive to allow more kids to participate. Jeanne Brown, the high school’s sixth counselor, was hired. With fewer students per counselor, there are more opportunities to meet with one’s respective counselor and strengthen relationships. Although addictions can certainly be dangerous, students prove that care about personal achievement is an essential obsession. As Dr. Locklear says, “A successful system will always lead to further success.”


Zephyrus Volume 29, Issue 3 November 25, 2008



Students should evaluate teachers Teddy Hoffman staff writer It’s an experience many students have had before: the dread of going to your next class, not because of the weirdo who sits next to you or the forgotten homework assignment, but because of the teacher. Now don’t get me wrong, Edina is full of great teachers, which is the reason why it is one of the top schools in the nation. Exchange student senior Eamon Rood from New Zealand recognized EHS’s strengths: “Edina’s got a very good range of classes to take. There’s something for everyone. The quality of the teaching in those classes is very high too.” However, like every other school, some teachers just can’t meet all students’ learning requirements. “I’ve got no problem with my teachers this year,” said a glad Eric Weiman, junior. “But I’ve had teachers in the past who I just can’t understand, you know?” So how do we solve this educational dilemma? This author is suggesting something bold and daring: How about we put some power in the students’ hands? How about WE review our teachers? Sounds crazy? This idea may not be so far from the norm. Many schools use a student review system for their teachers. In fact, our very own Edina High School had student reviews around 15 years ago. “When I started working here, we would have a little survey that the students would fill out at the end of the year,” explained AP US History teacher Tom Connell. “Admittedly, the surveys were a little cheesy, the questions sounded like they were pulled out of some random packet at a convention and weren’t very relevant. Maybe that’s why we stopped doing them.” This review idea would not only help students by giving them more say in classrooms, but Edina’s faculty may even benefit from it. Teachers don’t necessarily know if their style works or doesn’t work if their students are silent. “I mean, teachers already get something like reviews from teacher request forms. And how many students are sleeping in class,” laughed Mr. Connell. “But I can see how a more formal survey would benefit everyone. As a teacher I would like to know things like how interesting my lesson is, if I’m doing a good enough job keeping it interesting, and if my pace matches how fast my students are learning.” As students, we should push for this opportunity. Our evaluations would provide a way for students and teachers to work together to help make Edina a better school. What it boils down to is this: We as students, who spend the majority of our year with teachers, can give them much better constructive criticism than any teacher request form could. At the same time, our teachers, who spend the majority of their year with us, would benefi t from our polite evaluations much more than from our heads on our desks.

art by Linnea Bullion

TEACHERS UNDER REVIEW: Staff and students need to work together to provide constructive criticism for teachers.

Our cancer-causing catastrophes?

Why does everything seem to be a newfound cause of cancer? Anna Waldo news editor The human race is not safe; cancer has become an epidemic. At least, that’s how it seems these days. New research studies frequently reveal that some everyday item either causes cancer or makes cancer patients even sicker. However, as long as people take a few steps to prevent cancer, fear of the disease is unnecessary. Concerns of cancer grew recently after studies revealed potentially harmful effects of many common items. Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical found in plastic water bottles and some food and beverage cans, leads to decreased effectiveness of chemotherapy. The signal from cell phones can increase the art by Lindsay Hage risk of brain cancer, especially in

Zephyrus Staff

children. In addition, trans fat, found in many processed foods, has been suggested to increase the risk of certain kinds of cancers. Obviously cancer must be taken seriously. The National Cancer Institute estimates over 1.8 millions Americans will be diagnosed with cancer this year and that over half a million will die because of it. Today, cancer is responsible for 25% of all US deaths. However, there still is very little scientific evidence that these factors directly lead to cancer; studies on them are relatively new and nothing can be confirmed until more data has been gathered. “For these new environmental factors, like cell phones, we just don’t know right now if these factors are a significant risk for cancer or not,” said Yoji Shimizu, a professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School and Masonic Cancer Center. “If someone is concerned about it, they should follow some of the published precautions to minimize any potential risks.”

Plus, although things like BPA and trans fat may not necessarily lead to cancer, there are other health problems they can cause. Trans fat has been proven to lead to obesity and heart disease, and BPA has been linked to negative effects on brain development among fetuses and infants. And how hard is it to slightly alter one’s lifestyle for a healthier life? Buy an aluminum water bottle instead of a plastic one. Stop spending so much time on cell phones. Check the food labels for trans fat before purchasing. Considering how much cancer treatment costs, the effort pays off in the long run. Keep in mind, there are far more effective measures that can be taken to prevent most cancers. Studies have shown that a poor diet low in fruits and vegetables, smoking, and lack of physical activity are highly significant contributors to cancer in general. And while it’s good to be cautious of cell phones and chemicals in food, keeping a healthy lifestyle is ultimately the best way to prevent cancer.

editors-in-chief: Alison Dirr, Lizzie Meller managing editor: Ben Streeter copy editor: Kenzie Miller photo editor: Caroline Valenta advertisement manager: DJ Adams circulation manager: Christina Kosters news editors: Jack Rohkohl, Anna Waldo features editors: Michael Fetterman Kenzie Temple sports editor: DJ Adams in-depth editor: Ben Streeter ed/op editors: Chris Greeno, Kenzie Miller culture editors: Trevor Aufderheide, Maddie Krasno back page editor: Tony Quattrini columnist: Tony Quattrini staff writers: Todd Barin, Carolyn Beese, Corrin Carlson, Sean Carney, Megan Evans, Lyndsay Hage, Kelsey Hansen, Teddy Hoffman, Matt Hussian, Catherine Kerwin, Christina Kosters, Robbie Latta, Anders Lindquist, John Lucke, Ashley O’Neil, Eamon Rood, Taylor Turner photographers/artists: Eliza Gabriel, Lindsay Hage, Tess Jensen, Olivia Kavanaugh, Grace Kerr, Maddie Krasno, Robbie Lehman, Cindy Pyles, Sharanya Srinivasan webmaster: Matt Norris advisor: Van Anderson Zephyrus is a monthly publication produced by students of Edina High School; 6754 Valley View Road; Edina, MN 55439; (952) 848-3800 x3087. Zephyrus is an open forum for student expression that recognizes the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of the press, and abides by Tinker standard. Opinions published in Zephyrus do not necessarily reflect the views of the entire staff, advisor, administration, or entire student body. Submissions and letters are printed based on the space available. Anonymous letters may be printed only if a Zephyrus advisor or editor knows the author’s identity. Letters should be mailed to the school or given to the advisor or a staff member. Zephyrus reserves the right to edit any letters for clarity and length.


Zephyrus Volume 29, Issue 2 November 25, 2008



Waiting for recognition: are we working too hard? Corrin Carlson staff writer

photo by Eliza Gabriel

act like a “stereotypical teenager” and slack off in class or procrastinate doing their homework. We embrace the stereotypes and pressure because at It’s currently 12:16 am, which an age when we’re trying to discover for me is still pretty early. Why, who we are it’s comforting to have an you may ask, am I up past midoutline to conform to. night writing an article? Well, We are constantly being preshere’s your answer – I want to sured by society to succeed whether get this done! it is getting perfect grades, getting Many of you reading this are into a good college, or having a high just like me. After coming home paying job. We can’t suddenly forwell past dark from whatever get all our responsibilities as young after-school activity you are inadults in order to fully live our volved in, you hurriedly eat your lives, but we should focus on what dinner and then head straight we are doing right now instead of to the books and don’t stop until only focusing on our future. everything is done, which often Not only are we being pressured is well after any normal person by our elders, we are also being is in bed. pressured by our peers to conform Why do we as teens form to what is perceived as the “norm.” habits and engage ourselves This includes using drugs or alcohol, in behaviors that may not help trying to have the perfect body, and us? I know that going to bed so much more. We know that these late to finish all my homework A BOTTLED GENERATION: Are teens nowadays working hard actions are harmful and yet we take cannot be healthy for me, yet I part in them anyway because we are do it anyway. I think it is more enough? And if so, are adults taking notice? Stereotypes say no. important that I get all my work done than be fully rested for the next day. so focused on what is happening right now rather than our future. We need to learn how to take care of ourselves properly now in order to know Consequently, I overslept eight times last semester which usually caused me to miss the class for which I had stayed up late. how to help this nation thrive in the future. These years in our lives mean so much Staying up late is only one example of many ways we as teens hurt ourselves more than only good grades and success in activities. Instead, we need to take time while trying to get ahead. Some people take on too many activities while others to enjoy life and use the knowledge we gain now for the years to come.

Is it really worth the wait? We’re all in this together E H S w o m e n a b o u t t a l k v i r g i n i t y Jack Rohkohl sports editor

Kenzie Miller copy editor

Every four years the non-partial take a stance, the moderates pick sides, and the liberals and conservatives become radical and reactionary. But in a time that is meant to unify the country under one party, why do we become even more divided in our political positions leading to acts of political protest and even violence? The roots of our partition are parties that have existed since the Adams administration. Despite warnings against them from our first president, George Washington, today we continue to use these parties to define our ideologies. But during election years, party ideologies seem to grow more strident, and the arguments between Republicans and Democrats become even more aggressive. On off years, only radicals and reactionaries stir up the commotion that even a moderate like “Joe the Plumber” can create during election year. “It seems as if there is a greater spilt between Republicans and Democrats during elections years,” commented junior Tommy Dolan. “There is no middle ground anymore; you either become red or blue”. Although opinion plagued during election times, it is very important that we unite as a country under a common goal. Both Democrats and Republicans need to come together to fix the mess we’re in and follow John McCain’s suggestion in his concession speech, when he said, “I urge all Americans—I urge all Americans who supported me to join me in not just congratulating (Obama) but offering our next president our good will and earnest effort to find ways to come together, to find the necessary compromises, to bridge our differences, and help restore our prosperity, defend our security in a dangerous world, and leave our children and grandchildren a stronger, better country then we inherited.” As for Democrats, they must find balance and not completely undo all of the previous Republican administration’s work. As President-elect Obama said, “Let’s resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long...And while the Democratic Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress.” To find unity as a country, we must put aside our opinions and political rivalries, and identify our common goals, to create a better future for all Americans.

“Swiping your V-card,” “losing it,” “being deflowered”: there are so many euphemisms nowadays for the milestone of losing your virginity. What hasn’t changed, however, is the complicated nature of the matter. Sex is a serious thing. When, where, and with whom should we start having sex? The question is loaded---probably why adults can’t seem to stop handing out advice about teens’ sex lives. Do we take this advice? Usually not. We figure they’re older, they don’t get it, blah, blah, blah. Typically, we listen to our peers, our fellow mates in the ship of adolescence, on the matter of sex. And so, we did the asking for you. When should we start having sex? Here, we have the opinions of two senior girls. One says marriage is the finish line of chastity, while the other asserts that love is the answer. We’ll leave the decision up to you. Not Waiting Waiting “I started having “For me, sex sex when I was 16. has a lot to do with I was in love with a my faith. I promboyfriend I trusted, ised myself early and still trust now. on that I would It was my choice; wait, save myself he waited until I for marriage. Sex was ready. We have is so personal--been together for 3 it should happen years. I still have a for the first time really strong faith, with someone you and I don’t feel like absolutely love, so a sinner. Sex, in my why not wait unopinion, has never til you’re married been about religion to that person? or God. To me, sex People who go into is an intimate thing it blindly seem to between two people get so attached in love. If only 50% so quickly. I’ve of marriages work, had boyfriends, art by Maddie Krasno why wait? To me, I’ve been close marriage doesn’t THE BIG DILEMMA: Should with them; I don’t validate love, and yet think you have to we really test-drive the so many people see have sex to be inengine before we buy the car? timately connectit that way. Love is love, with or without ed with someone. rings and vows. To me, sex is very personal, it’s Also, I can’t tell you how excited I am a special bond, and it’s definitely not to be taken for my wedding night. It’s going to be lightly. Just because someone doesn’t wait for the ultimate scenario: he’ll take me out marriage, doesn’t mean sex is insignificant to of my dress...I’m so glad I’m giving the them. Loving someone is enough.” ultimate gift to my husband.”

culture 10 Following the alter ego trend Zephyrus Volume 29, Issue 3 November 25, 2008

Maddie Krasno culture editor Beyoncé Knowles claims that she incessantly battles her inner diva, Sasha Fierce, for the spotlight, something Contactmusic.com deems “schizophrenic.” On November 18, Beyoncé’s newest album, I Am Sasha Fierce, debuted. The CD contains songs written for both Beyoncé and Sasha Fierce. Even before the release, Beyoncé created Sasha Fierce’s Myspace page, which includes Sasha Fierce apparel and bags. Beyoncé is not the only celebrity possessing an alter ego. Marshall Mathers a.k.a. Eminem is known for his thug alter ego, Slim Shady. Pop sensation Miley Cyrus is recognized by her Disney persona, Hannah Montana. Of Montreal’s lead singer, Kevin Barnes, physically becomes black she-male Georgie Fruit on stage, and Mariah Carey claims to have an alter ego by the name of Mimi. Most rap artists possess an alter ego, as it has become custom to their genre. According to MTV, Britney Spears told TRL, “Whenever I feel like being mean or possibly bossing people around to get stuff right, it’s kinda easier to be called ‘Mona Lisa’ instead of Britney.” A lack of morality and more rebellious behavior appear to be the major similarity among stars’ alter egos. Why is the alter ego epidemic spreading? Perhaps stars desire more media coverage and what better way to achieve this (if the 24-hour


Vegas marriage sounds unappealing) than through the creation of a more obnoxious and/or passionate alter ego. Senior Taylor Helgeson speaks based on his own rap career. “An alter ego is for the art of entertainment, acting as promotion for an artist. Imagine having a robot to do all the dirty work for you. An artist needs to be able to do what makes money and hold someone else accountable.” Interesting enough, Contactmusic.com quoted Beyoncé talking about Sasha Fierce: “‘It’s my little diva personality. I know I have this power, confidence, sexiness, and strength that I still have offstage, but it’s different. Offstage, I’m a person who believes in principles, and I photo courtesy of www.rwdmag.com treat people like I want to be treated.’” So onstage Beyoncé is immoral and HER ALTER EGO, SASHA FIERCE: Beyoncé bitchy and this is OK? says, “I become a complete diva [on stage].” Helgeson continues, “Artists think an alter ego is an excuse for not taking accountability for their actions. It’s not.” He refers back to too out of control, Beyoncé will be the one at fault. an alter ego’s strictly entertainment purpose and Helgeson comments, “[Sasha Fierce] sounds like an continues, “No one wants to deal with an alter ego angry cat. It’s ridiculous that Beyoncé thinks she needs [offstage], they want to deal with a person.” an alter ego now. She’s one of the biggest artists of our Whatever their reasoning, one thing remains certain. time because she is Beyoncé, not Sasha Fierce.” If Britney acts up, to her dismay, Mona Lisa will not be Obviously, there are artists who benefit from the one worthy of a scolding. If Miley Cyrus loses her an alter ego and artists that don’t. Only time reputation as a children’s role model, both she and Han- will tell whether Beyoncé’s diva will make or nah Montana will suffer greatly. If Sasha Fierce becomes break her already hot career.

J.K. Rowling can’t leave Hogwarts Kelsey Hansen staff writer Just when the world thought the Harry Potter saga had ended, author J.K. Rowling announced that she is coming out with a Harry Potter spin-off to be released December 4 in bookstores worldwide. This collection, entitled The Tales of Beedle the Bard, features five short wizardly stories accompanied by Rowling’s own illustrations. However, these whimsical illustrations may not be enough to attract the original Harry Potter fan base who may be disappointed that this book is only a spin-off and not the next book in the series. Senior Alex Eastman is one skeptical Harry Potter fan: “The Harry Potter books

were revolutionary in the modern world of literature. Rowling can try to come out with another fantasy series, but it won’t be the same as Harry Potter.” Another thing that might irk fans is the fact that The Tales of Beedle the Bard is a mere 128 pages. Compare this to the enormity of the original books, with anywhere from 320-896 pages each, and fans may be left wondering why Rowling would make such a tiny book of tales. Potential readers are also pointing out that Rowling should move on from the Harry Potter series and write about something else entirely. “I heard that Rowling wants to write mystery novels; I would totally read a mystery book by her,” explained die-hard Harry Potter fan Linnea Bullion (12). While her future plans remain a mystery, most fans are simply excited that the woman responsible for creating the fantasy world of Harry Pottter is back in business.

photo courtesy of www.freewebs.com

“What if I’m not the superhero? What if I’m the bad guy?”

ACTOR ROBERT PATTINSON: He stars as the 17-year-old vampire, Edward Cullen, in “Twilight.”

Caroline Valenta photo/art editor Impossibly fast, incredibly strong. Skin that is pale white and ice cold. Not venturing out into the sunlight. What human, or thing, could possibly be so enticing? Say it with me, ladies: vampires. EHS men, don’t be surprised if your girlfriends suddenly find you repulsive because you don’t fit any of the vampire profile. Pale is the new tan, bloodthirsty is mouthwatering, and stone cold is SO hot. The cause of the trend? Stephanie Meyers’ book series, and the major motion picture, “Twilight.” This book is about teenager Bella Swan, who moves to Forks, Washington and becomes oddly intrigued by a boy in her class, Edward Cullen. At fi rst she thinks Edward is repulsed by her, but it turns out that he must force himself to keep away from her. This is because he is so attracted to the scent of her blood that it hurts him. If you want to find out what happens to their forbidden love, purchase this thirstquenching saga or venture to the cinema and see the characters with your own eyes. The movie, “Twilight,” premiered November 21, and the name “Edward Cullen” could be heard amongst girls’ anxious conversations everywhere. “I love Edward too much,” commented senior Katie Anderson about the main vampire and heartthrob in the Twilight series. “I have posters of him, computer wallpapers, and his picture is the background of my

cell phone. I’m sickly head over heels.” What is so intriguing about this Edward Cullen? You must read the books to get the full effects, but for now, here’s what some of your ‘Twilight loving’ peers have to say. “I love Edward more than my life,” gushed junior Jess Reiersgord. “It’s because he pays attention to every detail of the girl he loves [Bella Swan].” “Edward thinks of Bella before he thinks of himself,” said sophomore Kelly Thotland. “He plays hard to get, yet treats Bella like he couldn’t exist without her,” drooled Anderson. Before the movie’s release, a “Twilight” fan expressed a possible side effect to seeing Edward Cullen. “It may make me crazy,” steamed Reiersgord, “seeing Edward in the flesh, instead of just my mind, will make it that much more realistic.” So ladies, should we tell mortal teenage boys that they will never measure up to the wonder who is Edward Cullen? Maybe we could encourage them to read the book or to go see the movie to get a feel for what they are being measured up to and what they cannot possibly achieve. Then they can strive to be somewhat like this deity. Who would have guessed that something that could kill us in seconds flat by sucking out all of our blood could be the very being that satisfies our need for “true love?” Do we settle for less than a vampire? Date just a mere mortal instead? Vampires are forbidden. Vampires are love. Vampires are forbidden love.




Zephyrus Volume 29, Issue 3 November 25, 2008

‘Pajamas’ not for sleeping Trevor Aufderheide culture editor

“The Boy in the Striped Pajamas,” a film documenting a young German boy’s life during World War II, is a deeply stirring film that takes place in two worlds. On one hand, writer-director Mark Herman’s work is the innocent tale of friendship between two young boys: Bruno (Asa Butterfield) and his Jewish counterpart, Shmuel (Jack Scanlon). However, this is all done under the grim and horrifying guise of the Holocaust, with Bruno’s father, Ralf (David Thewlis) being a Nazi Commandant in charge of a concentration camp and Shmuel one of the camp’s tenants. Throughout the film, Bruno’s innocence becomes apparent in his inability to comprehend the events around him. The concentration camp to him is a “farm,” and his newfound friend on the other side of the chain-link fence is a member of a gated community. Bruno remains unknowing until the end, and in this way, the film portrays the magnitude of the horror of the Holocaust, an event so unthinkable that even when living on its doorstep, one couldn’t comprehend its existence. Herman’s choice to film Bruno’s experiences exclusively only magnifies that. The camera perspective makes the audience feel helpless, knowing on one hand what horrors are occurring and will inevitably result, but also that they can’t do anything to shield the innocent Bruno from encountering it. As the movie makes its transition from a tale of childhood friendship to a

Rappers ditchin’ da bling Matt Hussian staff writer

As I iz rollin’ to mah maf class, I passes my dawg Jack Staunton. Az soon az I saw him, I knew somefin’ wuz up. “Yo Jack, why ain’t you wearin’ yo bling no mo?” “Oh ya know dawg, times iz hard and I gotz to save up da dough n’ sell dem fo’ Benjamin’s.” A high school fantasy perhaps, but real rappers are preparing for tough times. Shawn Amos, host of the daily web program Retro Minute, suggested that rappers trade in their jewelry for cash. “All the gold ropes and gold teeth have got to go,” said Amos. “You need to trade them in for cash and then hold on to it...No more shopping sprees.” Amos listed Slick Rick, Pharrell Williams, T-Pain, Big Boi, Lil Jon, and Flavor Flav as being bling-notorious. Flavor Flav is famous for the gigantic clock necklace and Viking helmet he wears. Lil Jon’s 73 carat gold and diamond necklace, saying “crunk aint dead,” cost about 250,000 dollars. “I think it is a good idea for rappers to advertise this idea so other people that have bling can sell it,” said sophomore Rickey Kiley. Senior Taylor Helgeson, an experienced rapper thinks otherwise. “Foolish thing to say,” said Helgeson, “the rappers are proving where they’re from because a lot of them were living in the lower class... Telling a rapper to sell his bling is like telling me to sell my shoes. The big time rappers are living as wealthy Americans.” Helgeson does admit that small time rappers have to be a little more careful. “I think cutting down on the double dueces and twenty six inch rims is important but don’t stop doing the shows,” said sophomore Austin Dummer.

photo courtesy of miramax pictures

REACHING FAR: Barbed wire and many other obstacles are overcome by both Bruno (Asa Butterfield) and Shmuel (Jack Scanlon) in the film. documentation of human brutality, color schemes change drastically. Sunny, clear skies are replaced by a foggy, smoke filled firmament, each minute taking a darker and darker turn. Both Bruno’s sister, Gretel (Amber Beattie) and his mother, Elsa (Vera Farmiga), eventually discover the nature of Ralf’s work. However, the reactions of each are widely different; Gretel, being a rabid Hitler youth, supports it, while Elsa grows instantly cold and distances herself from her husband. This is what separates Herman’s film from other Holocaust films; he’s able to show conflicts of interest on the German side of the event. What adds to this is the familial way in which Ralf is displayed. While in some instances he’s shown as a cold, commanding figure participating in meetings with other high-level Nazis, most cases portray Ralf as a caring and loving father. This is the ultimate paradox of the Holocaust that “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” exemplifies so brilliantly: that humans akin to ourselves were capable of such monstrous acts of horror. However, at the same time, the film sticks to its inherent innocence. Butterfield’s captivating performance as Bruno shields the audience from the full horror of the setting until the extremely powerful ending, when innocence and evil finally meet. Although it is told through a child’s perspective, “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” holds emotional weight suited to a mature audience.

Date movies: find your flavor Kenzie Temple features editor

Looking for that perfect movie to watch with your significant other? Whether you’re in the mood to laugh ‘til it hurts or cuddle up to a scary flick, Zephyrus has got you covered on all the latest and greatest titles for you and your boo. Action and Adventure: Troy This epic tells the story of the Trojan War. Boys will enjoy the intense battle scenes, while girls can gaze at Brad and Orlando’s sculpted bods. Plus, it’s semieducational. What’s not to like? “Action movies are great for dates because they really pump you up-hint hint,” said junior Teddy Hoffman. Dramatic and Romantic: The Notebook Based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks, this is a classic tale of forbidden love. Allie, a rich southern belle, falls for the charming lumberjack, Noah. This is sure to be a tear-jerker so keep a box of Kleenex and…ahem, boys…a nice broad shoulder to cry on nearby. Horror: The Strangers This creepy thriller follows the story of a couple who rent a secluded cabin in the woods. What starts as a romantic weekend quickly turns into a frightening escapade when a mysterious group of masked stalkers lurking around the cabin get a little too close for comfort. “Scary movies are great,” said junior Marit Pavek, “because they bring you closer so you can cuddle.” Comedy: Superbad It’s a bit vulgar and has lots of sexual jokes, so make sure you’re pretty comfortable with your date. But Superbad is the perfect movie to watch if you’re looking to laugh until you cry. When a group of hopelessly dorky high-school boys

sets out to lose their virginity one night, a hilarious escapade begins. If you’re looking to lighten the mood, then Superbad is definitely the right movie for your date night. “Comedies are perfect for couples to watch together,” said senior Ian Hendrickson, “especially if they can relate and laugh at themselves.” Next time you are scanning the movie section looking for a great flick to see in theaters, consider this cozy alternative: now that winter is rolling around the bend, rent a movie and cuddle up on the couch under a nice warm blanket while you share a steaming cup of hot cocoa. Whether it’s laughing at McLovin’ trying to fool the cops with his fake ID, or sitting on the edge of your seat as a

killer creaks open the door, you’re both sure to have a fabulous date night together.

Dark - Male Light - Female

visual by Zephyrus


back page If I was a superhero


Zephyrus Volume 29, Issue 3 NOVEMBER 25, 2008


Tony Quattrini back page editor

How to $pend money Todd Barin staff writer One afternoon I was sitting on my couch after school drinking a Mountain Dew. I was watching SportsCenter on ESPN and then a commercial came on. The commercial was about a special milliondollar lottery going on in Minnesota, and how I should go out and buy a lottery ticket. Despite the fact that I am only fifteen years old, it got me thinking about what I would do with a million dollars. At first, I thought I would for sure move out of this dump, and buy my own place. Then I would spend $100,000 to meet Jessica Alba and have dinner with her. After the mind-blowing night with Jessica, I would spend the rest of my fortune on random stuff that I have always dreamt of getting: a replica of C3PO to do all my chores, a pen that could give me the answers to any test I used it on, and my own pool of Jell-O in my backyard that came with a variety of flavors. After I was done daydreaming, I actually did a little research on the internet and found out some intriguing information on how to spend a million dollars. The five most interesting million-dollar purchases were (from least to most): 5. Lindsay Lohan’s old pizza box, still with her half eaten slice intact. 4. A dress made out of casino chips. 3. A Ziploc bag containing air from the moon. 2. The real Mr. Potato Head. 1. A vintage Hot Wheels car set, that includes a one-of-a-kind car called, “Da Bullet.” Sophomore Tyler Latham did not agree with the purchase of Lohan’s old pizza box at all. “What the heck are you thinking, why would you ever do such an absurd thing? With my million bucks, I would for sure buy a huge garage, and then buy a lot of sick cars to put in it. Oh, and after I bought the cars, I would pimp them out.” Sophomore Mollie Meldahl said she would not consider purchasing the casino chip dress “because I would probably never wear it. I would much rather spend the money on something I really wanted. I would go on a trip to the Dominican Republic, and buy myself a nice car for my sixteenth birthday. If I got those two things, I would be extremely satisfied and probably give the rest away to charity.” I wondered if anyone would spend their million bucks on a bag of moon air. “If the air contained some sort super powers, then yes I would buy it,” commented sophomore Danny Glass who attends Cretin-Derham Hall, and is the younger brother of EHS senior Tommy Glass. “If the bag didn’t give me any powers, then I definitely would not purchase it.” Danny must have replied without thinking because he obviously didn’t realize that there is no air on the moon! I thought it was interesting that someone was really selling the authentic Mr. Potato Head for a million dollars. I asked junior Grace Malknecht if she would spend her million dollars on the real Mr. Potato Head. “Yes, duh I would buy Mr. Potato Head; he is like the real deal. Seriously though, who wouldn’t want the REAL Mr. Potato Head?” After Grace filled me in on her million-dollar plan, I waited with bated breath to hear junior Jim Cochrane’s plan for his cold cash. Would Jim want to buy a vintage Hot Wheels car set, or would he have an ingenious plan of his own? “I probably would not buy them, even though Hot Wheels are quite sweet. I would buy 51% of some stock for an unknown computer and software company, and then just relax and get rich. Plus, I would own 51% of the stock, so I would make all the executive decisions relative to running the company.” Now I ask you Edina High School, what would YOU do

art by Tess Jensen

ow, I’m not sure about you, but recently I have spent about half of my very badass life watching every movie with a Super Hero, while the other half is spent arguing about which one dominates. It is very true that the best Super Hero could never be proven because everyone who is anyone knows that Super Heroes went extinct about 50 years ago. With this in mind, I set off to research and dedicate the 30 minutes it takes me to birth this incredible, to uncovering the ultimate crime-fighter. I figured I might as well start with the head. With every crucial aspect in mind, I had to figure out what my head would look like. Upon minutes of scavenging the intricate universe of the web, it all became clear: I would have the manly face of Batman that would light on fire when I’m mad, just like Ghost Rider. With his head, I could seduce the female bad guys and kiss them, but then light my head on fire, leaving their faces melted and distorted. People could also make corny sayings about me like, “Wow, what a hot head.” Next, the upper body. My torso would be that of Superman because it is jacked and toned but not so big that it is unattractive. The arms, on the other hand, would be from The Hulk because having a lean upper body and giant arms would mean that I could walk on my hands, which would be awesome.

My hands would wield Spiderman’s web-slinging ability while my knuckles could unleash Wolverine’s power to unsheathe 3 deadly blades on each hand. This way, if I was ever tied up in a thick, steel rope on top of a huge office building and the only way of survival was to slice through steel rope, punch through a thick brick wall, and launch a web to the nearest building and swing to safety, I would be set! My legs would be The Flash’s so I could run at the speed of light and glide across water. Though running fast would be cool, it would be rendered useless by my ownership of The Silver Surfer’s magic board. Now a big question comes to mind: Would I wear a cape? The answer is yes. It would be a thick, red cape, and the back would read, “How am I crime fighting?” Not only would I save damsels in distress, but I would also be funny. My costume would be minimal, because I couldn’t have all those clothes slowing me down. I would only wear American flag patterned spandex pants, and my cape. So it’s settled. My name would be The Show Stopper. No more watching Spiderman shooting his futile webs, or The Flash going for a jog, or even Harry Potter thinking wands are cool. There’s a new bad boy in school. Sorry Batman, I’m sure I could use a sidekick. The Show Stopper would catch all the bad guys, and render all the other Super Zeroes, oops, I mean Super Heroes, useless.

Weird laws In Alabama it is illegal for dominoes to be played on Sunday. In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church. In California, it is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale. In Florida, it is illegal for women to fall asleep under a hair dryer, or while operating one. In Florida, having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal. In Florida, it is illegal for men to be seen in any kind of strapless dress or gown. In Indiana, liqour stores are not allowed to sell milk. In New York, a $25 fine may be given for “flirting.” In Ohio, it is illegal to get a fish drunk. In Wisconsin, butter substitutes are not allowed to be served in any kind of state prison. In North Dakota, it is illegal for beer and pretzels to be served at the same time in any bar or restaurant. In Pennsylvania, a person is not eligible to become Governor if he or she has participated in a duel. In New York, it is illegal to throw a ball at someones head just for fun. In Kansas, it is illegal to shoot a rabbit from a motorboat. In Florida, it is illegal to sing in a public place while wearing a swim suit. In Texas, it is illegal to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel. information by http://www.lawguru.com/weird/part01.html

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