logo design
Make love, Not War
Tree of WiFi
Sitting on Thin Ice
As the heart of the global wilderness community for over 40 years, The WILD Foundation protects wilderness while meeting the needs of human communities, working across cultures and boundaries by collaborating with local peoples, organizations, the private sector, and governments to create dynamic practical projects and communications initiatives. WILD’s work promotes and demonstrates Nature Needs Half, a vision and a common-sense, practical approach that helps create a reciprocal, balanced relationship between people and nature, based on state-of-the-art scientific analysis and time-tested traditional knowledge and wisdom. The goal of NNH is to ensure that enough wild areas of land and water are protected and interconnected (usually at least about half of any given ecoregion) to maintain nature’s life-supporting systems and the diversity of life on Earth, to support human health and prosperity, and to secure a bountiful, beautiful legacy of resilient, wild nature. NNH requires a shift in our thinking - to recognize that we are part of nature, not separate from it. WILD is also the founder and steward of the World Wilderness Congress, the world’s longest-running, public, international conservation program. Our numerous accomplishments for wilderness, wildlife and people world-wide are only possible with the support of generous donors like you. Go WILD and support wilderness world-wide by making a contribution at any level.
#LETSGETWILD Lets keep our wilderness WILD!
Time to get WILD! The WILD Foundation has worked to protect the wilderness, help people, save wildlife, and generate a global movement for wilderness and wild nature. But it still needs your help. Zoobie Designs and WILD are aiming to raise environmental awareness by holding a series of fundraisers, which will give people the chance to donate to the foundation. We will also be selling products created by Zoobie Designs to help the WILD Foundation continue to protect our wilderness.
Limited Edition designs...
Time to Get WILD! These limited edition t-shirt and jumper designs are only available through the WILD Foundation website. All the proceeds from the sale of these wears will go towards funding further WILD projects and development.
t - s h i r t s
j u m p e r s
Special Labels Ea ab ch ou t-s t t hir he t o co r ju lla mp bo e ra r yo tio u n b be uy tw co ee m n es Zo w ob ith ie a De sp sig ec ns ial an lab d el Th w e hic W h ILD te Fo lls y un ou da a tio ll n.