Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
PCT 150th Mission Anniversary English Handbook
2015© Printed in Taiwan photo© Hsin-Ju Wu
CONTENTS Welcome to Celebrate 150 years Missio Dei 1865-2015 PCT 150 Anniversary List of Events Ⅴ PCT Who’s Who (current Officers) Ⅵ PCT Former General Secretaries Ⅶ
A. PCT 150th Mission Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship Service (Easter Sunday) A.1 150th Mission Anniversary - Thanksgiving Worship Invitation to Celebrate Missio Dei 1865-2015 2 A.2 Liturgy 3 A.3 Confession of Faith 6 A.4 Hymns 8
B. Honoured Guests, Representatives, and Visitors B.1 PCT Former Missionary Partners – Honoured Guests 34 B.2 Honoured Guests 36 36 B.3 Representatives of Partner Churches and Related Organizations B.3.1 Representatives of Partner Churches and Related Organizations 38 - Attend PCT 150th Anniversary Celebrations Only (5 April) B.3.2 Representatives of Partner Churches and Related Organizations 39 - Attend PCT 60TH General Assembly Meeting Only (7-10 April) 39 B.4 Special Guests and International Visitors B.4.1 Special Guests and International Visitors - Attend PCT 150th Anniversary Celebrations Only (5 April) 41 B.5 Council for World Mission – Training in Mission Programme (CWM-TIM) 2015 Participants 42 B.6 International Students Tainan Theological College and Seminary 2014-2016 B.7 PCT Missionary Partners - Serving in Taiwan 43 B.8 PCT Missionary Partners - Serving Overseas 44
C. Greetings from around the world C.1 Greetings Received from Former Missionary Partners 46 C.2 Greetings Received from Partner Churches and Ecumenical Organizations
1. PCT 150th Mission Anniversary Introduction 1.1 Beyond 150 years: Envision a New Taiwan Rev. Lo Jen-Kuei, 59GA Moderator 108 IV
1.2 Remembering our Legacy – Responding to the Call Rev. Cheng Wen-Jen, 59GA Vice Moderator 111 1.3 God Loves Taiwan Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong, PCT General Secretary 113
2. PCT 150th Mission Anniversary - Thanksgiving Worship 2.1 Regional Thanksgiving Service— (4/5 North) 116 2.2 Regional Thanksgiving Service—(6/21 East/South) 118 2.3 PCT Sending Service—God’s Mission Beyond 150 Years (10/25 Tainan)
3. PCT 150th Anniversary Local Mission Activities 3.1 Muzha Presbyterian Church and Community 122 3.2 A Historic Tour—Toa-Tiu”-Tia Presbyterian Church 125 3.3 After School Care and Immigrant Residents Service —Tong-Shan Presbyterian Church 127 3.4 Rural Mission and Church Reformation—Tek-tng Presbyterian Church 129 3.5 Experience the Joy of a “Slower Pace” —Chang-Kuang Tribal “Hamlet” (community) 131 3.6 Passion Week: Good Friday Procession—Tung-Kuang Presbyterian Church 3.7 Po-Ai Sign Language Presbyterian Church 135 3.8 A Great Wave Strikes the Shore—MacKay the Son-in-law of Taiwan 138
4. Kàu-Hõe Jit (Church Day) Tainan 24-25 October 2015 Taiwan’s first “Kàu-Hõe jit” (Church Day-Tainan) build on the mission heritage
5. Mission Consultations 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4
Telling the Good News (Nov 2014) 146 Concern for Taiwan (Dec 2014) 147 Becoming Faithful Servants (Feb 2015) 148 International Symposium (June 2015) POSTPONED
Appendices Contact Information - PCT Programme Secretaries 152 Outline of Programme for International Representatives and Guests 154 General Information and Guidelines for International Representatives and Guests
Welcome to Celebrate Missio Dei 1865-2015 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ – Peng-An! On this historical occasion in the life of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) it is a special joy to extend to each of you the hand of Christian fellowship and express our warm welcome to Taiwan. For the past recent years we have anticipated and prepared for the150th Anniversary Celebrations of our church and now suddenly the time is here! Throughout the year 2015 the PCT will hold several events not only nationally but also on regional and most importantly local levels. In this handbook we have presented (translated) just a few of these to give you a glimpse of what is to take place. If you desire to have a copy of the Chinese hand book please be sure to ask our PCT colleagues. The PCT family is thankful to our partner churches and ecumenical organisations for their words of greetings and blessings and for sending representatives to celebrate with us and share together. We sincerely thank you for the many years of partnership and look forward to continuing the mission journey together. We add a special word of welcome to our dear friends and former missionary colleagues. Thank you for making the long journey back “home” to be with us this milestone is as much a part of your faith and mission history as ours and it is a blessing to have you here. Several could not travel at this time due to health and other personal reasons but we know they are with us in spirit and uphold us in their prayers. As we gather to thank God for the abundant grace, love and faithfulness bestowed upon Taiwan, we pray this 150th Anniversary will not only be a time of looking back but an opportunity to encourage and inspire us with a clear vision for the future mission task of PCT as expressed in our theme: “Beyond 150 years – Envision a New Taiwan” and transformed people. For what has been and for what is to come – the Lord’s Name be praised! Sincerely yours in Christ the Officers, Leaders and Members of Tâi-oân Ki-tok Tíu”-Ló Kàu-Hõe 台灣基督長老教會總會 Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT)
Invitation to Celebrate Missio Dei 1865-2015 Tâi-oân Ki-tok Tíu”-Ló Kàu-Hõe 台灣基督長老教會總會 The General Assembly of The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan A Series of Mission Consultations (for PCT local participants) [Venue: Presbyterian Bible College (PBC), Hsinchu] November 10-12, 2014 Telling the Good News December 29-31, 2014 Concern for Taiwan February 2-4, 2015 Become Faithful Servants 2015 April 5 Linkou Regional Thanksgiving Service Easter Sunday (10:00) Guest Preacher: Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit April 7-10
June 16 June 21 June 21 June 21 June 23-26 October 24-25
WCC General Secretary Taipei 60th Annual General Assembly Tainan Sin-Lo Christian Hospital Hualien Regional Thanksgiving Service Taitung Regional Thanksgiving Service Kaohsiung Regional Thanksgiving Service
International Symposium - Postponed Tainan Kau-Hoe-Jit (Church Day) Various events over two days October 25 PCT 150th Anniversary Celebrations (concludes) Worship and Sending Service (16:00) Guest Preacher: Rev. Christopher Ferguson WCRC General Secretary
Officers of the PCT 59th General Assembly 第59屆總會幹部簡介 總會議長 Moderator 羅仁貴牧師 Rev. Lo Jen-Kuei 台南中會東門巴克禮紀念教會牧師 Tainan Presbytery, Pastor, East Gate Presbyterian Church Tainan
總會副書記 Vice Clerk 陳明志牧師 Rev. Chen Ming-Chi 壽山中會左營教會牧師 Song-Shan Presbytery, Pastor, Chio-Eng Presbyterian Church
總會副議長 Vice Moderator 鄭文仁牧師 Rev. Cheng Wen-Jen 新竹中會新竹教會牧師 Hsinchu Presbytery, Pastor, Hsinchu Presbyterian Church
總會會計 Treasurer 蔡裕明長老 Elder Tsai Yu -Ming 七星中會深美教會長老 Seven Stars Presbytery, Elder, Shen-Mei Presbyterian Church
總會書記 Clerk 舒度大達 牧師 Rev. Sudutada 太魯閣中會思窪撒爾教會牧師 Turuku Presbytery, Pastor, Suasal Presbyterian Church
General Secretariat of the PCT General Assembly (2013.07- Present)
總幹事 General Secretary 林芳仲牧師 Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong
助理總幹事 Associate General Secretary 徐望志教授 Prof. Victor W. C. Hsu
助理總幹事 Associate General Secretary 鄭英兒牧師 Rev. Cheng Yin-Er
助理總幹事 Associate General Secretary Rev.‘Eleng Tjaljimaraw 牧師 (高天惠)
Celebrating and Thanking God for Past Mission PCT General Secretaries 黃武東牧師 Rev. NG Bu-Tong General Secretary 1957-1965
楊啟壽牧師 Rev. C. S. Yang General Secretary 1989-1998
鍾茂成牧師 Rev. Chiong Mo-Seng General Secretary 1965-1970
羅榮光牧師 Rev. William J. K. Lo General Secretary 1998-2005
高俊明牧師 Rev. Dr. C. M. Kao General Secretary 1970-1989
張得謙牧師 Rev. Andrew T. C. Chang General Secretary 2005-2013
PCT 150 MISSION ANNIVERSARYThanksgiving Worship Service
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
A.1 150th Mission Anniversary-Thanksgiving Worship
Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Tâi-oân Ki-tok Tíu”-Ló Kàu-Hõe /台灣基督長老教會總會
150th Mission Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship Liturgy Invitation to Celebrate Missio Dei 1865-2015
Guest Preacher:
Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary, World Council of Churches (WCC)
Communion Presider: Rev. Lo Jen-Kuei Moderator PCT 59th General Assembly Liturgist:
Rev. Sudu Tada Clerk, PCT 59th General Assembly
Translator (Sermon):
Rev. Dr. Cheng Yang-En PCT Ecumenical Relations Committee Member
10:00 a.m. Easter Sunday, 5 April 2015, Linkou
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
A.2 Liturgy
150th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Easter Sunday (5 April 2015) Guest Preacher: Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit
Communion Presider: Rev. Lo Jen-Kuei
Translator (Sermon): Rev. Dr. Cheng Yang-En
Liturgist: Rev. Sudu Tada
Prelude ….……………………………………………………………………….Orchestra Procession…………Hymn 532 “I’m not ashamed to own my Lord”……..Congregation I’m not ashamed to own my Lord, or to defend His cause; maintain the honor of His Word, The glory of His cross. Sound of Gong…..Hymn 535 “The Gospel Bells Are Ringing”…...Orchestra Call to Worship ………………………………………………………………………Liturgist Praise…………………Hymn 645 “O Come, Let Us Sing”……………………Congregation O come, let us sing, let us sing unto the Lord, let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King, above all gods, and a great King, in his hand are the deep places, the deep places of the earth The heights of the mountains are his also. O come, let us sing, let us sing unto the Lord, let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
Prayer……………………………………………………………………………..Liturgist Responsive Reading…………………………………………Leader: Rev. Chong-Lien Dong Meditation Music
………………………………………………………. United Choirs
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Scripture Reading…………Matthew 28:1-10………………………………………Liturgist 28 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. 2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. 4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. 5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.” 8 So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. 9 Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”
New International Version (NIV)
Sermon……………………Do Not Be Afraid……………………………………..Preacher Prayer………………………………………………………………………………Preacher Response……Hymn 113 “I greet Thee, who my sure Redeemer art”….Congregation I greet Thee, who my sure Redeemer art, My only trust and Savior of my heart, Who pain didst undergo for my poor sake I pray Thee from our hearts all cares to take. Thou art the King of mercy and of grace, Reigning omnipotent in every place; So come, O King, and our whole being sway; Shine on us with the light of Thy pure day. Thou art the life, by which alone we live, And all our substance and our strength receive;
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
Sustain us by Thy faith and by Thy power, And give us strength in every trying hour. Thou hast the true and perfect gentleness, No harshness hast Thou and no bitterness; O grant to us the grace we find in Thee, That we may dwell in perfect unity. Our hope is in no other save in Thee; Our faith is built upon Thy promise free; Lord, give us peace, and make us calm and sure, That in Thy strength we evermore endure. Confession of Faith (PCT 1985) ………………………………………….Congregation Communion – Invitation to the Lord’s table ……………………Presider: PCT Moderator Offerings .……………………………………………………………………Congregation Prayer of Thanksgiving ………………………………………………Elder Yu-Ming Tsai Vision ………………Film: ”Foot Steps of Mission”…………………Taiwan Church Press Thanksgiving Hymn …………..”Live Out the Hope”……………………. Congregation Greetings and Announcement ………………………………….PCT General Secretary Intercession ……………………………………………………………. Congregation Devotion …………………………………………………………………… Congregation Response ……………”Song of the PCT 150th Anniversary”………………Congregation Benediction
……………….………………………………………….PCT Moderator
Following the Ancestor’s Ways …………………………………………….Congregation Walking as those who’ve gone before, spreading God’s message to these shores Modern disciples in this way, call folk to Jesus yet today. Come Holy Spirit to Taiwan, renew our social mission long Justice and peace and human rights, for all the people in your sight. Times change and crises come and go, renew us spirit here below Salt of the earth that flavors all, light of the world upon us fall. Lord here you find us, send us now, Salvation’s truth to spread about On earth as heav’n your will be done, May Jesus’ gospel save Taiwan. Postlude………………………………………………………………………….… Orchestra
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
A.3 Confession of Faith
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
A.4 Hymns
詩歌目錄 1
9 聖詩532「我認救主無驚見誚」 ------------------------ 01
11 聖詩535「福音鐘聲啲大彈」唱第一節 ----------------- 03
13 聖詩645「咱著來吟詩」 ------------------------------- 05
16 4 「感念你亦疼入心」 ------------------------------------ 09
20 聖詩113「我來朝見祢,救贖我的主」 ----------------- 13
21 聖詩369「超過阮的想像」----------------------------- 15
23 聖詩2「聖哉,聖哉,聖哉」--------------------------- 17
24 8 「我心大歡喜,主惦身邊」 ----------------------------- 18
27 聖詩519「為此塊土地阮誠心祈禱」 ------------------- 21
28 10 「主禱文」 --------------------------------------------- 22 31 11 「台灣宣教一百五十年紀念歌」 ------------------------ 25 32 12 聖詩556「踏先人腳跡同腳步」 ------------------------ 26
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
咱著來吟詩 O come, let us sing
A q = c.88 咱
著 來 吟 詩,吟 詩 謳 咾 主 上 帝,咱
Lán tih lâi gîm- si, gîm - si
著 來 吟 詩,吟 詩
o - ló Chú Siōng-tè, Lán tih lâi gîm - si, gîm - si
謳 咾 主 上 帝,著 出 大 歡 喜 的 聲,著 出 大 歡 喜 的 聲,謳 咾 o - ló Chú Siōng -tè,Tih chhut tōa hoaⁿ- hí ê siaⁿ,Tih chhut tōa hoaⁿ- hí ê siaⁿ, O - ló
拯 救 咱 的 chín- kiù lán
磐, 謳 咾 拯 救 咱 的
咱相 及
O - ló chín - kiù lán
chih - pôaⁿ,
Lán saⁿ- kap
chih - pôaⁿ.
到 主 的 面 前,
咱相 及
kàu Chú ê bīn- chêng,
Lán saⁿ - kap
kàu Chú ê
咱 相 及 Lán saⁿ- kap
到 主 的 面 前, kàu Chú ê bīn - chêng,
到 主的
咱 相及 Lán saⁿ - kap
詞:詩篇 95:1-4; 修:詩篇 95:1-5, 2005 曲:H.A. Lewis, 美國,1886
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
面 前,
感 謝 恩 典,
感 謝 恩 典,
Kám-siā un - tián,
到 主 的 面 前, kàu Chú ê bīn-chêng,
恩 典,謳
感 謝 恩 典, Kám - siā un -tián,
C 稍緩 q = 76-80
感 謝 恩 典, kám -siā un - tián,
un - tián, o
kám-siā un -tián,
因 為
上 帝
In - ūi
Siōng - tè
kk - tōa, bān -
王 的 王, 上 帝 極 大,萬
王 的 王,萬
主 的 主
ông ê Og, Siōng-tè kk - tōa, bān - og ê Og,bān - chú
ê Chú Siōng - tè.
D 稍快q = 80 地 深 所
在 佇 祂 手 中,焦 地 也
Tōe chhim s - chāi tī
I chhiú tiong, Ta - tōe
是 祂 創 造,
高 山
iā - sī I chhòng-chō,
Koân soaⁿ -
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
A q = 88
大洋 海
屬 佇主
tōa iûⁿ - hái
sik tī Chú Siōng-tè.
歡 喜
歡 喜
O - ló
謳 咾
O - ló
chín - kiù
hoaⁿ -hí
o - ló Chú Siōng - tè, Tih chhut
chih - pôaⁿ,
Tih chhut tōa
chih -pôaⁿ.
chín - kiù
tih lâi gîm - si, gîm - si
著 來 吟 詩,吟 詩
Lán tih lâi gîm - si, gîm - si
著 來 吟 詩,吟 詩 謳 咾 主 上 帝,著 出
o - ló Chú Siōng-tè, Lán
謳 咾 主 上 帝,咱
上 帝。
阿 們。
詩 95:1-5
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Sop. Alto
Tenor Bass
b & b b 98 ? b b 98 b
j j j œ œ œ œœ .. J J J
今 我 愛
œ œ œ œ œ œ J J J
œœ . .
œ. b . & b b œœ .. œ . n œœ œœ œœ œœ . J JJ
Sop. Alto
Tenor Bass
œ. œ. œ œ œ œ. ? bb œ . œ . œ œ œ œ . b J JJ b & b b œœ ..
Sop. Alto
Tenor Bass
. ? bb œ b œ. b & b b œ.
Sop. Alto
Tenor Bass
穌 贖 罪功 勞。
? bb œ . b
music by J.F.Krapp word by F.J.Crosby Arr. by Sawako Yanase
œœ ..
j j j œœ œœ œœ œœ ..
冥 日讚
œ. œ.
œœ œœ œœ J J J
j j j œœ ‰ œœ œœ œœ
œ. œ.
今我愛 播 揚 冥日 讚 美,
為 我 主
œ œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ j œ .. œ . œ œ œ œ . œ œ œ ‰ J Jœœ œ JJ J œ ‰ œœ œ J JJ J 2 j j j œ . œ . j œj œj . Ó œ œœ œœ .. œœ .. œœ œ ˙ . œ . J JJ J J Jœ
贖 罪 功 勞。
œ . œ . œ œ ˙˙ .. œ. œ. œ œ
雖 然 在
œœ ..
j j œ ‰ œ œj œ œ . J J J 世
j j œ œ œj œ œ . ‰J J J
œ. 界
j j j œ . œ . j œj œj œ œœ J JJ J J Jœ
我心大 歡
Ó. j j œ œ n œj J J J
如 準 在
j j œ œ n œj J J J
œ. 天,
j j j b j j j & b b œ . œ . œ œJ œJ œ . œ ‰ œj œ œ œ . œ . œj œ œj œ . J J JJ J J J 後 嗣 滿 心 歡 喜,
Tenor Bass
喜 主 站身
œ ‰ œj œj œj J J J 做 上帝
救 主 用 寶 血 洗 我清 氣。
j j œj j œ œ . . œ œ J œ . œ ‰ œj œj œ œ . œ . œj œj œj œ . ? bb J J b J JJ J J J YinQi Culture & Music Foundation Taipei, 2003.02.25
œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ J J J
œœ ‰ œœ œœ œœ œœ .. œœ .. œœ œjœ œœ œœ .. œœ ‰ j j œj œ œœ œ JJ J J J J
Sop. Alto
為我 主
j j j œ ‰ J Jœ œ J jj j ‰ œ œ J œJ Jœ 今我愛
œ ‰ œœ œœ œœ JJ J
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
b œ. & b b .. œ . œœ .. œœ œœ œœ œœ .. J J J
j jj œœ ‰ œœ œœ œœ œœ .. œœ .. n œœ œœ œœ œœ .. œœ ‰ œœ œœ œœ J J J JJJ
œ. œ œ œ œ. ? b b .. œœ .. œ . œJ œJ Jœ œ . b
œ œ œ œ œœ .. œ . œ œ œ œ . œ œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ . œ ‰ œ œ œJ J J J œ œ ‰ Jœ œJ œJ J J
Sop. Alto
播 揚 冥 日 讚 美,
Tenor Bass
b œ. & b b œ . œœ ..
j œœ œœ œœ J J
播 揚
冥日 讚
Sop. Alto
Tenor Bass
œ. ? b b œœ .. œ . b 2
b &bb
Sop. Alto
Tenor Bass
? bb
b œ. & b b œ.
Sop. Alto
Tenor Bass
為我 主
œ. œ œ œ œ œ . œ ‰ Jœ œ œ J J
順 服 凡 事 平
œœ ‰ œj œœj œœj œœ .. œ . œj œj j œ . œ. œ œ œ J J
œ œ œ œ œ œ J J J
站 在主 耶
儆 醒 來
œ œj œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ. J J
œœ .. 安,
œ. œ.
˙˙ ..
œœ .. œœ ..
j j œœ ‰ œœ œœj œœ 信靠 我
œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ J J J
j j j œœ ‰ œœj œj œj œœ . œ œœ .. œ œœ œœ œ J J
b & b b œœ ..
œ. ? bb œ . b
福 氣 無
穌 贖罪功
œ. œ. œ œ œ œ. œ. œ œ œ J J J
j j œ. œ. œ œ œ œ œ œj œ . œ . œ œ œ J J J J J J
œœ .. n œœ œœj œj œ . œ œ. J œ. œ.
j j j j œ œ œj œœ .. œœ .. œ œœ œœ J J J J J
Tenor Bass
專 心 來
今 我愛
œœ .. œœ ‰ œj œjœ œœj œœ .. œ . œj œj j ˙ . œ . œ œ œœ ˙ . J
œœ œœ œœ JJ J Ó.
為 我主 耶 穌 贖 罪 功 勞。
œ. ? bb œ . b 40
Sop. Alto
滿 心仁
œ œ œ œ œ . œ . œj œj œj œ œ ‰ œœ œ J J J œ .. JJ J
œ œ J
盼 望 主
j j j œ. œ œ œ œœ . œ œ œ . œ œ œ J J J
j j j 2. . œ ‰ Jœ Jœ Jœ . ˙ . 今 我愛
j j j œ œœ ‰ J Jœ Jœ .. ˙˙ ..
œœ .. 25
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
jjj j j j n # # œ. œ. b & b b Ó . n Jœ Jœ Jœ n n # # œ . œœ .. œœ œœ œœ œœ .. œœ ‰ œœ œœ œœ œœ .. œ . # œœ œœ œœ J JJ J JJ
Sop. Alto
今 我 愛
Tenor Bass
## . & # # œœ .
Sop. Alto
Tenor Bass
播 揚 冥 日讚 美,
為我主 耶 穌
贖 罪功
j j j œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ. œ. œ œ œ n œ ? b b Ó . J Jœ Jœ n # # # # œœ .. œ . œJ Jœ œJ œ . œ ‰ œ œ œ œ . œ . œ œ œ nn b J JJ JJJ
œ. ? #### œ .
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冥 日讚 美,
為 我 主 耶 穌 贖 罪功
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Sop. Alto
Tenor Bass
? # # # # œœ .. œœ ‰ œœ œœ œœ JJ J ## . & # # œœ .
Sop. Alto
Tenor Bass
Sop. Alto
Tenor Bass
œ. œ.
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œ. œ.
揚 冥日讚 美,
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今 我愛
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冥 日 讚
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為 我主 耶 穌 贖罪 功
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為 我主
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˙. ˙.
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PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
PCT 150th MISSION ANNIVERSARY - Thanksgiving Worship Service
台灣宣教一百五十年紀念歌 5 = C q = c.96
1. 4. 一 領 一、 7. it niá it,
0u 6l
導 一、
1u 2
大 家同
2u_1u 6l
ch…t chhōa ch…t,
2u 3.
3u 5.
0u 5
3u 2
lk - s…t
5u_3u 5u_7u 6
人 人 傳、
處 處 傳、
福 音傳 遍
2.台 3.回 5.基 6.中
2u_3u 1
灣 想 督 央
宣 先 召 山
教 人 咱 脈
2u 1u 2u 5u 3
一 百 五 十 年, 為 主 流 血 汗, 代 代 有 使 命, 峰 峻 氣 萬 千,
2u_3u 5
全 台 灣。
年 離 用 濁
年 鄉 疼 水
啖 背 受 溪
盡 井, 苦, 邊
2u 3u 1u 6l 2
恩 典 的 滋 味, 落 根 來 生 湠, 活 出 好 見 證, 情 厚 心 相 連,
hȱ 0u 1
2u 3
今 百 khîⁿ - tiâu擒 美
咱聚 年倍 牢真 麗鄉
6u 6w=7w 6u 3u
集 歡喜 加 時代 理, 聽 人 土 因信
來 吟 詩, 大 異 象, 民 的 聲, 受 祝 福,
3u 2
3u 5
2u 3u 5ul 6ul 1
慶賀 遍地 實行 族群
宣 開 公 共
教 花, 義, 榮,
一 百五 十年。 教 勢日 日強。 及 上帝 同行。 對 疼享 安樂。
詞:顏信星 曲:駱維道
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Honoured Guests, Representatives, and Visitors
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
150th ANNIVERSARY & 60th GENERAL ASSEMBLY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN TAIWAN (PCT) 第 60 屆總會通常年會 國內外來賓 Guests, Representatives and Visitors (as at 26 MARCH 2015)
B.1 PCT Former Missionary Partners 前駐台宣教師 (5-10 April) CHURCH 教會 / NAME 姓名
Years in Taiwan
Rev. Linda A. Elliott
吳嘉文 牧師娘
Rev. Dr. Paul McLean
1983-1995 2004-P
Mrs. Mary Beth McLean
麥惠明女士 ( 麥牧師娘)
Mrs. Diane A. Osborn
Ms Joy Randall
藍瑪烈 女士
Dr. M. Wilma Welsh
Rev. Dennis G. Brice
Mrs. Claudia D. K. Brice
巴可迪女士 ( 巴牧師娘)
UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA (UCC) 加拿大聯合教會 10 Rev. Michael Stainton
Honoured Guests, Representatives, and Visitors
Years in Taiwan
Rev. Jeanette Beagley-Koolhaas
Rev. Dr. Alan Beagley
Mrs. Judith Estell
益茱莉老師 ( 益士德牧師娘 )
Rev. Wendell Karsen
Mrs. Renske Karsen
( 嘉偉德牧師娘 )
Rev. Dr. Rowland Van Es
Mrs. Judith Van Es
萬茱莉女士 ( 萬 牧師娘 )
1966-1973 1977-2004
Mrs. Faith S. Bradley
鮑德理 牧師娘
Mrs. Anne Bradley-Wilbanks
Ms P. Ann Broom
Dr. Edward L. Senner
1961-1977 1982-1996
Mrs. Janie Senner
謝約道 長老娘
Rev. Stuart G. Vogel
Dr Alison Vogel
吳愛琳醫師 ( 牧師娘 )
Rev. Ichiro Ninomiya
二宮一朗 牧師
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
B.2 Honoured Guests 特別來賓 (5-10 April) NAME 姓名 / POSITION 職稱 1
Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse TVEIT General Secretary 總幹事
Rev. Dr. KIM Dong-Sung Programme Executive Diakonia & Ecumenical Solidarity 普世幹事
Rev. Diego Higuita IPC General Secretary 總幹事
Rev. Gina Zabala North Coast Presbytery Moderator 北海岸中會議長
Rev. Fernando Sanmiguel
Rev. Freddy Martinez
Elder German Zarate Durier
World Council of Churches (WCC) 普世教會協會
Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia (Presbyterian Church of Colombia) 哥倫比亞長老教會
B.3 Representatives of Partner Churches and Related Organizations 普世教會、機構代表 (5-10 April) NAME 姓名 / POSITION 職稱
Rev. David GROSCH-MILLER GA Moderator 總會議長
Rev. Dr. Stephen FARRIS 140th GA Moderator; (Principal, St. Andrew’s Hall) 140 屆總會議長
Mrs. Patricia FARRIS 總會議長夫人
Rev. Glynis WILLIAMS Associate Secretary for International Ministries 國際事工副執行幹事
Very Rev. John C. CHRISTIE 前任總會議長
Mrs. Annette C. C. CHRISTIE 夫人
REPRESENTING 所屬教會 United Reformed Church U.K.(URC) 英國聯合歸正教會
Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC) 加拿大長老教會
Church of Scotland (CofS) 蘇格蘭教會
Honoured Guests, Representatives, and Visitors
Rev. Maggie McLEOD Executive Minister, Aboriginal Ministries Circle 加拿大原住民事工執行幹事
Rev. Frank C. SPENCER President, Board of Pensions 在職退休福利金董事會 / 董事長
Mrs. Melanie D. SPENCER 董事長夫人
Rev. Choon S. Lin Regional Liaison for East Asia, PCT former missionary 前 PCT 外籍宣教師
Rev. Jhonny ALICEA BÁEZ Associate Director, Global Mission
Reformed Church in America (RCA) 美國歸正教會
Prof. Dr. BALLA Péter RCH Synod Member; (Rector, Karoli Gaspar University) 總委 / 大學校長
Reformed Church in Hungary (RCH) 匈牙利歸正教會
Mrs. Gyöngyi BALLA (medical doctor) 校長夫人 / 醫師
Rev. Tetsuo Nagasaki General Secretary 長崎哲夫牧師 / 總幹事
United Church of Christ in Japan-Kyodan (UCCJ) 日本基督教團
Rev. NAKAJIMA Shuichi Advisor of JCCJ
Jesus Christ Church in Japan (JCCJ) 日本耶穌基督教團
Ms Yueh-Wen Lu 盧悅文女士 WCRC Vice President 副主席
World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) 普世改革宗教會聯盟
Rev. Dr. Pradit Takerngrangsarit President, CCA Foundation 亞洲教協基金會主席
Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) 亞洲基督教協會
Rev. Dr. Indu Yohanes Panggalo First Chairman of Toraja Church
Mr. Yain TC Elim Hospital (Medical Staff)
Mrs. Lonasis Binti Cabuslay TC Elim Hospital (Medical Staff)
United Church of Canada (UCC) 加拿大聯合教會 Board of Pensions, Presbyterian Church (USA) 美國長老教會
Presbyterian Church (USA) Global Mission 美國長老教會
Toraja Church / Gereja Toraja (GT) Indonesia 印尼托拉雅教會
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Bishop Dr. Thomas TSEN Lip Tet 主教 (part-time professor STS)
Rev. Laura S. HINDRIANTO Lecturer and Director of Field Education, Sabah Seminary (STS) 沙巴神學院講師
Basel Christian Church of Malaysia (BCCM) 馬來西亞巴色基督教會
B.3.1 Representatives of Partner Churches and Related Organizations Attend PCT 150th Anniversary Celebrations Only (5 April) 普世教會、機構代表 / 只參加 150 週年慶典 NAME 姓名 / POSITION 職稱 1
Rev. Dr. Thawesak MAHACHAVAROJ GA Moderator 總會議長
Elder LEE Ho-Sung Vice Moderator 副議長
Rev. BAE Tae-Jin General Secretary 總幹事
Elder MOK Cheh Liang General Secretary 總幹事 莫子亮長老
Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia (GPM) 馬來西亞長老教會
Rev. Eric S. Y. SO General Secretary 總幹事
Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China (HKCCCC) 中華基督教會香港區會
Rev TAN Cheng Huat General Secretary 總幹事
Presbyterian Church in Singapore (PCS) 新加坡長老教會
Rev. Katsumasa FUJINAMI Former Chairman of Board of Directors 前任主席
Rev. Katsumi UKAI Director of Kyushu Parish; Chairman of Management Committee of the Bible Institute
Church of Christ in Thailand (CCT) 泰國基督教會 Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK) 韓國基督長老教會(基長)
Brotherhood of Christ Church (BCC) / Kirisuto Kyodaidan 基督兄弟團
Honoured Guests, Representatives, and Visitors
B.3.2 Representatives of Partner Churches and Related Organizations Attend PCT 60th General Assembly Meeting Only (7-10 April) 普世教會、機構代表 , 只參加 60 屆總會議會 NAME 姓名 / POSTION 職稱 1
Rev. Keiichi SAWA Chairman of the Board of Directors 理事會主席
Rev. KAWAHARAZAKI Akiro Chairman of the JCCJ Committee 教團委員會主委
Rev. Ichiro Ninomiya 二宮一朗 牧師 PCT former missionary 前 PCT 外籍宣教師
Rev. Mao-Hong Lin 林茂宏牧師 Chairperson 主席
Mrs. Lin, Chen Chu-Mei 主席夫人
Rev. Fumiko TABE Moderator, 64th General Assembly 64 屆總會議長
REPRESENTING 所屬教會 Brotherhood of Christ Church (BCC) / Kirisuto Kyodaidan 基督兄弟團
Jesus Christ Church in Japan (JCCJ) 日本耶穌基督教團
Asia Evangelical Mission Fellowship (AEMF) 日本亞細亞福音宣教會
Church of Christ in Japan (CCJ) 日本基督教會
B.4 Special Guests and International Visitors 特邀外賓 (5-10 April) NAME 姓名 / POSTION 職稱
Rev. Dr. Hsiao Ching-Fen 蕭清芬牧師
World Alliance of Taiwanese Christian Churches (WATCC) 世界台灣人基督教會聯盟 (TCCCNA–USA)
Rev. Dr. Wang Shun-Chi 王順吉牧師
Rev. CHUANG Chiou-Wei 莊秋微牧師
WATCC ( Argentina)
Rev. Lee Ming-Jer 李孟哲牧師
WATCC (Japan)
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Mrs. Lee Matin 李瑪珍師母
WATCC (Japan)
Rev. David Huang 黃德利牧師
Rev. Jonah Chang 張瑞雄牧師
Rev. Roger Chao 趙有源牧師
WATCC (EKD) 德國科隆蕃薯園台灣之家
Rev. Doris Chao 趙朵莉絲牧師
WATCC (EKD) 德國科隆蕃薯園台灣之家
Ms Esther Grohe
Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (Evangelical Church in Germany )
Ms Jezirah Grohe
Ms Soluna Grohe
Ms Sarah Poortman
Mr Jeroen Cornelis Poortman
Ms Cheyenne Chao
Ms Adriana Groenewegen
Rev. Stephen Hsieh 謝慶雄牧師
Mrs. Susan Hsieh 謝慶雄牧師娘
Rev. Dr Samson Cho 卓謙順牧師
Mrs Iris Cho 卓謙順牧師娘
Dr. Albert Lin 林哲夫博士
Rev. David SHINN
Honoured Guests, Representatives, and Visitors
B.4.1 Special Guests and International Visitors Attend PCT 150th Anniversary Celebrations Only (5 April) 特邀外賓 / 只參加 150 週年慶典 NAME 姓名 / POSITION 職稱
陳敏欽牧師 Rev. Peter Chen 總會總幹事 General Secretary
林榮吉牧師 Rev. J .C. Lin 總會副會牧(台灣區)
Rev. Yeh Ming-Han 葉明翰牧師
Elder Lim Chhun-Giok 林俊育長老
Ms Liao Ming-Tin 劉敏貞小姐
Rev. Mei-hui Chen Lai 陳美蕙牧師
Elder Huang Mei-Ling 黃美玲長老(Chairperson 主席)
蔡輝光先生 Joseph Tsai
Rev. Mark Wen 溫宏欣牧師
Mrs. Wen 溫宏欣牧師娘
Evangelical Formosan Church 台福基督教會總會
Asian Congregational Support PCUSA General Assembly 美國長老教會總會亞裔幹事
NTPCUSA 美國長老教會全國台灣人教會聯合會
NTPCUSA 美國長老教會全國台灣人教會聯合會
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
B.5 Council for World Mission – Training in Mission Programme (CWM-TIM) 2015 Participants 世界傳道會-宣教體驗營 2015 年學員 (4-10 April) NAME 姓名
Ms Ominell Osetta BOYCE
Guyana Congregational Union (GCU)
Ms CHOW Sor Yin
Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia (GPM
Mr Arthur Joel Ll KEY
Presbytreirna Church Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ)
Mr Kermeki LAW
Presbyterian Church of India (PCI)
Mr Khulumani MAHLANGU
Uniting Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa (UPCSA)
Ms Lopa Mudra MISTRY
Church of North India (CNI)
Mr Ngai Christopher NGAI
Congregational Union of New Zealand (CUNZ)
Mr Pearce C. M. ROBINSON
United Reformed Church (URC)
Ms Itele SUA
Congregational Christian Church of Samoa (CCCS)
Ms TANG Yuen Ching
Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China (HKCCCC)
Ms Faith M. TAYLOR
Congregational Federation UK (CF)
Mr Toantemam UEANTEITI
Kiribati Uniting Church (KUC)
Ms Chang Hsun-Yi 執行幹事 CWM-TIM Taiwan Coordinator
PCT 台灣基督長老教會
B.6 International Students Tainan Theological College and Seminary 2014-2016 台南神學院國際學生 (April 4-7) NAME 姓名
Rev. Alex Abraham Bwambale
Church of Uganda
Rev. Jose Lala Ratovomaminirina
Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM)
Honoured Guests, Representatives, and Visitors
Rev. Julian Ebenezer Sampath
Church of South India (CSI)
Rev. Eliya Bermana Sinuhaji
Gereja Batak Karo Protestan (GBKP)
Rev. Taateti Taum’a
Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu (EKT)
Rev. Hye Lyoung Lim
Presbyterian Church in Korea (PCK)
Rev. Mega Kamase Sambo
Toraja Church / Gereja Toraja
Ms Akani Sumi
Baptist Church (India)
Mr. Walis Loqang ( 王捷茹 )
PCT 台灣基督長老教會
B.7 PCT Missionary Partners 宣教師 Serving in Taiwan (4-10 April) CHURCH 教會 / NAME 姓名
Years in Taiwan
Ms Louise Gamble
1965-1973 2001-2004 2006 - present
EGLWYS BRESBYTERAIDD CYMRU (EBC) Presbyterian Church of Wales (PCW) (CWM) 威爾斯長老教會 2
Ms Carys Humphreys
1986 - present
Rev. Dr. John S McCall
1996 - 2009 2011 - present
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Seitz
2009 - present
Mrs. Emily Seitz
2009 - present
Mr. Jonas Schmitz
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
B.8 PCT Missionary Partners 宣教師 Serving overseas(4-10 April) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN TAIWAN (PCT)
Partner Church
Rev. CHUNG Shou-Hui
Mr. LIN Wei-Hsiang
林煒翔 先生
LIN Yueh-Chen “Pipo”
LIN Yueh-Hsuan
Rev. Kuo Kuan-Chen
Greetings from around the World
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
C.1 Greetings Received from Former Missionary Partners UNITED REFORMED CHURCH U.K. (URC) 英國聯合歸正教會
Mrs. Judith R. ESTELL
益茱莉老師 ( 益士德牧師娘 )
Rev. Wendell KARSEN Mrs. Renske KARSEN
Rev. Dr. Rowland VAN ES Mrs. Judith VAN ES
萬益士牧師 萬茱莉牧師娘
Rev. Elizabeth (Liz) J. BROWN
嘉華德先生 嘉華德太太
Rev. John WHITEHORN Mrs. Elisabeth WHITEHORN
CHURCH OF SCOTLAND (CofS) 蘇格蘭教會 Rev. Stephen PACITTI Mrs. Sylvia PACITTI
白士文牧師 白施惠牧師娘
Rev. Penny Philips
Rev. Dr. Nancy Pittman
Rev. Dr. Don Pittman
Rev. Terrence SAMUEL
Ms Luise MEIER
Mrs. Marilyn J. ELLIS
Ms Elfriede SEITTER
Ms Mary Helen GARVIN
Rev. Dr. Paul McLEAN
Mrs. Mary Beth McLEAN
麥惠明師母 麥牧師娘
Dr. Wilma WELSH
Mrs. Faith S. BRADLEY
Rev. Dr. David GELZER
Rev. Robert MONTGOMERY (Bob) Mrs. Mary Todd-MONTGOMERY
Dr. Edward L. SENNER Mrs. Janie G. SENNER
(Germany) Rev. Dr. Justus FREYTAG
Rev. Dr. J. Alan BEAGLEY
Rev. Owen Ted BETCHEL Mrs. Harriet BETCHEL
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND (PCANZ) 紐西蘭長老教會 CWM Council for World Mission partner Rev. Stuart G. VOGEL Dr. Alison VOGEL
吳思篤牧師 吳愛琳醫師 ( 牧師娘 )
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN INDIA (PCI) – (Mizoram Synod)CWM Council for World Mission partner Rev. (Zauva) ZAIDARHZAUVA Mrs. (Sapi) SAPVENGI Zaidarhzauva
蔡達華牧師 蔡達華牧師娘
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SINGAPORE (PCS) CWM Council for World Mission partner Rev. Dr. Tan Yak-Hwee
(as at 17 March 2015)
Greetings from around the World
United Reformed Church (URC) Rev. Elizabeth (Liz) J. Brown 包珮玉牧師
To the Moderator and General Secretary of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan: Dear Moderator and General Secretary This brings my greetings and best wishes at this significant time in the history of our church. I am sorry I am unable to be with you in person, but you will be in my prayers as you prepare to celebrate the 150th anniversary and make plans for the future. I consider it to have been a great honour and privilege to serve with you in Taiwan, through both good times and difficult ones. I learned much about loyalty and trust, genuine friendship and sacrificial service. Perhaps I learned even more about God’s faithfulness to his promises and it is with that confidence that I look forward to the future of the church and of Taiwan. With congratulations and all good wishes Liz Brown
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
United Reformed Church (URC) Mr. Walter Carruthers 嘉華德先生 Mrs. Doreen Carruthers 嘉華德太太 Dear Friends Doreen and I greatly appreciate the kind invitation to attend the PCT 150th Anniversary Celebrations next year, but we are sorry to say that we shall not be able to attend. We are approaching the stage in our lives when we feel unable to undertake long journeys away from home. We both have fond memories of the 100th Anniversary Celebrations in Tainan, when Walter was responsible for getting together a group of students who had to photograph the various activities going on around the city of Tainan. Happy days! Please give our thanks to the Church officers who signed the letter of invitation. We shall ensure that our Church in Alnwick will mention the PCT celebrations next year in prayers and we both will keep the preparations for the events in our hearts and prayers in the coming months. Our very good wishes to all our friends in Taiwan and to you personally. Peng- an! Walter and Doreen Carruthers
Greetings from around the World
United Reformed Church (URC) Rev. John Whitehorn 懷約翰牧師 Dear Friends I send my greetings and best wishes on the 150th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. I had hoped to attend, but my state of health makes flying unwise, although in general I am in good health for my age.
My family soon after our years in Taiwan. Left to right, back row: Stephen, Richard, David; front row: John, Helen, Elizabeth
I send greetings also from my family who greatly enjoyed their time in Taiwan. My son David works for Worldwide Evangelism for Christ as travelling secretary for Africa. My daughter Helen is a community development officer in Cambridge. My son Richard is a nurse practitioner in Derby. My first wife, Elizabeth, died in 1975 and my son Stephen died in 1985. I have nine grandchildren, ranging in age from 17 to 28.
Left to right: my son Richard, his wife Rachel, my daughter Helen, her husband Colin, spring 2012 With my second wife, Elizabeth, September 2014
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
GREETINGS TO THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN TAIWAN We remember with gratitude the years (1977-1996) we were privileged to serve along with our brothers and sisters of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. For us those were very happy and memorable years, during which we witnessed the faith and the courage of the PCT in action. May God continue to bless your labours over the next one hundred and fifty years! Stephen and Sylvia Pacitti (Scotland) 白世文&白施惠
Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC) Rev. Terrance Samuel 宋德理牧師
Thank you for remembering us... The April visit won’t work for us, and the October window doesn’t look hopeful either at this time. But a big thank you to the PCT for the generous offer! A wonderful occasion for the church and many missionaries over the years. Be well, and carry on faithfully! PAX Terry Samuel. 50
Greetings from around the World
Greetings to all members and guests meeting together for the 150 th Anniversary and the 60th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. Peng – an! Thank you for your kind invitation to return for a visit in Taiwan and to attend this year’s Celebrations and General Assembly. I regret deeply not being able to accept your generous invitation. I will especially miss being able to visit with friends and former colleagues and to revisit many of Taiwan’s beautiful scenes. Be assured that Robert (Un-seng) and Stephanie (Un-leng) and I are holding you in our thoughts and prayers as you worship and discern God’s leading throughout Assembly and through the coming new year of ministry and service. I-ma-loe-li I Thian - su Bok-su-niu Marilyn J. Ellis Canada
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
90 Hawthorne Drive, Innisfil, Ontario, L9S 1N4,Canada March, 2015 Dear Taiwanese Sisters and Brothers in Christ Greetings and Congratulations on the 150th Anniversary of preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in Taiwan! Murray and I served the PCT in Taiwan from 1961 to 1976 with all but our eldest child born there. Two of our children were born in MacKay Memorial Hospital and two were born in Taichung. We returned to Canada because one of our children was ill, but Taiwan was already deeply embedded in our hearts Daughter Ruth was the first to return in 2003 to Hualien where she taught English for 8 years including at Yu Shan. Murray returned upon his retirement from the ministry in Canada in 2004 to teach for 8 years at Yu Shan Theological College where he passed away in his sleep in 2012. Son David (Beng Jin) returned in 2005 to teach English in Kojen English Schools for 8 years. He passed away from a genetic blood condition in 2013. Both Murray’s and David’s ashes have been scattered in Taiwan. I have had the privilege of returning for visits on numerous occasions and had the joyful experience of assisting in proof reading some of the historical documents of the early Canadian mission work. So you see, you and the nation of Taiwan are “in our bones”. I hold you in my heart and prayers and am so grateful to be able to join in this celebration with you. May God continue to bless you in your courageous ministry here in the days to come. Yours in the fellowship of the Gospel. Mary Helen Garvin(吳嘉文牧師娘) 52
Greetings from around the World
Dear Friends: We give thanks for God’s steadfast love and faithfulness to the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan over the past 150 years. We rejoice that God called us in 1983 to serve together as partners in mission with you, particularly in Bible translation among Hakka and Indigenous people. We thank God for helping the PCT grow in Christ’s love and for enabling you to share the living Word of God with all people. You are an inspiration to us and Christians around the world. May God’s kingdom come and will be done throughout the plains and mountains of beautiful Taiwan, all for the glory of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Your co-workers in Christ, Paul and Mary Beth McLean 麥煜道牧師、麥惠明師母 (The Presbyterian Church in Canada)
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Presbyterian Church in Canada Joy M Randall 藍瑪烈女士
My sincere best wishes to the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan on the 150th Anniversary of the beginning of the gospel arriving in Taiwan (Formosa- in those days). I am most honoured to be able to share in these celebrations with you. I am thankful for the small part I played during my time as a missionary nurse at Changhua Christian Hospital from Nov. 1969 through 2004. It continues to amaze me how the Lord has blessed the church and in particular the medical healing ministry. The great advancements in our hospitals as medical centres are a witness and outreach to the people of Taiwan. I am thankful for the faithfulness of the medical staff, nursing and pastoral care. It is most rewarding and a witness to God’s leading. Today many of our hospitals are doing mission work in many other needy countries. The Presbyterian Church has been faithful in their dedication to the people of Taiwan in many ways. Church growth and the various programmes have been most successful. I pray that God will continue to bless the church and its people. May God help us to meet the challenges before us. May we continue to be committed to God in our daily calling to mission as we work together to meet these challenges.
Greetings from around the World
Dear colleagues and friends, As I write this letter of greeting I want to first offer my congratulations to you, the faithful leaders and members of The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan as you celebrate 150 years since the arrival of a missionary in south Taiwan. I was a missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, serving in the General Assembly Office of the PCT from 1969 to 1975. August 1969 took me to Taiwan, a time that changed my life. 1970 began some very critical times in Taiwan. Dr. C M Kao was the new General Secretary. It was a difficult time when the PCT issued its first statement on its national fate in 1971. I also worked one half a day each week at the Taiwan Bible Society, taught English for several hours a week for a year at what is now Alethia University. When I returned to Canada I joined the staff of the PCC. Our church offices restructured in 1992 and then I had the privilege of working with International Ministries for my final ten year. How blessed I was. I always knew that I was where God wanted me to be. I retired in 2002. One of the highlights of my life in the church was when I was nominated and elected Moderator of the 132nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada in 2006. I was the fourth woman and the first lay person to be elected, and still continue to be the only layperson. In 2010 I was honoured by the bestowing of a Doctor of Divinity Degree (DD) from Knox College, the University of Toronto. I was also honoured with a life membership in the Women’s Missionary Society. I received the Mahatma Gandhi peace medal from India. I have spent over 55 years following what I believed to be my calling – to serve the church as a lay person – to share the good news of Jesus Christ and the mission mandate of our denomination. My “Calling” did not end when I retired. I am now the Clerk of the Presbytery of Waterloo-Wellington of the PCC and we have twinned with the Bunun Presbytery here in Taiwan. I continue to be blessed by you, my colleagues and friends in the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and will always treasurer my years with you. God only calls us to be faithful and you as a Church have been faithful and continue to be. God bless you and may you always be free to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Blessings, Wilma Welsh 委厲心博士 Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC)
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Presbyterian Church (USA) Mrs. Lucille (Lucy) Alexander 歐保羅太太 / 歐露喜 Subject: PCTs 150 Anniversary We all are to be congratulated and thanks be to God for this long history of His church in Taiwan. I’m sure Paul would like to add his “Halelujah” to the praise. Thank you for your condolences following Paul’s death. I am beginning to function again. I will spend Christmas with our family in Indianapolis and then have a vacation in Florida, partly with Anne, our daughter from Taiwan. I am indeed sorry that I am not really able to take such a long plane flight to Taiwan to celebrate with you. Thank you for the invitation. Sincerely in Christ, Lucy, Mrs. Paul Alexander 歐保羅太太 / 歐露喜
Greetings from around the World
To the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan: Sincere congratulations on the coming celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan! May the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ be upon this historic occasion, and upon the travel of the many people from various parts of the world that will be gathering to celebrate this wonderful day on Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015!
Thank you sincerely for the invitation to join you in Taiwan for these days of celebration, and for the financial assistance you are making available to those of us who have served as mission co-workers with you there. It is with pleasure that I recall the days that my husband, Rev. Blake Bradley and I served in Yuli among the Bunun people in the beautiful mountainous country of Taiwan. It is with anticipation that I look forward to sharing with you and the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan this historic occasion! Most sincerely, Faith Skepstad Bradley(鮑德理牧師娘) Presbyterian Church (USA) 57
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
The Rev.Lo Jen-Kuei Moderator, 59th General Assembly The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Dear Moderator Lo Jen-Kuei, Peng-an, I acknowledge, with thanks and appreciation, your invitation to me, one of the missionary partners, from the Presbyterian Church (USA). The PCT called us in September 1975, and, with my wife, Elisabeth, we served at Tainan Theological College and Seminary (TTC&S). While the regime’s hot winds gathered into a storm against the PCT and its several public declarations about freedom, justice, and independence. These are, and continue to be its witness and challenge. Now, fully a generation later, the PCT will be celebrating its 150th anniversary. But your gracious invitation finds me a very old man: I am 95, too old, once more, to travel half-way around the world... BUT, this I CAN do: In spirit, I will be with you, my mind to follow your words, my creaky voice sing with you, and my heart to pray with and for you. May the Lord bless you all! Rev. Dr. DAVID GELZER (Kwei tai-pit bok-su) 郭大衛牧師
Greetings from around the World
200 Tabernacle Road Apt K-234 Black Mountain, NC 28711 March 4, 2015 Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan: Thanks be to God for the 150 years of blessing as the gospel has spread throughout the Beautiful Island of Taiwan. My wife and I had the great privilege to serve in Taiwan for 16 years from 1956 to 1972, 12 in Hualien and 4 in Taipei. We saw the faith, joy, love, and energy of Christians among the Amis and Taroko peoples and also among the Taiwanese and Mandarin speaking Christians. It was also a privilege to teach part-time at Yu-Shan Theological School and be with the students who were so eager to learn God’s Word. I remember well the 100 year celebration in 1963 and the joy of all the people, as well as of the many visitors who came to the East Coast. I will always carry in my heart the memories of the happy years in Taiwan. Those years had a powerful effect on me in showing me the might work of God and the great power of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. I have told and will continue to tell people about what God has done and is doing in Taiwan. May Great Blessings continue to flow on the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan and through the church on people everywhere. With Love in Christ, Bob Robert L. Montgomery Looh (Amis name) Meng Le-Dao (Mandarin name) 孟樂道牧師
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Reflections and Congratulations on the Celebrations
of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) 150th Anniversary Dear Friends sisters and brothers - “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you” (Philippians 1:3) Those of us who had the privilege to spend years (even decades) in Taiwan collectively have a great appreciation and deep respect for the impact the Tai-oan Ki-tok Tiu-lo Kauhoe - Presbyterian Church in Taiwan has had not only on the lives of individuals but also on the history and future of its nation. While I cannot personally speak of all the 150 years of history of the PCT, I have been blessed to be connected in some way with the church and your country since 1961 to this day (my youngest son with his family returned to the land of his childhood and now live in Taichung!) The many relationships, the joy of serving with other fellow believers, sharing in some victories and some difficult times as well, has helped me grow in faith and nurtured me in my own spiritual journey. Life hand in hand with missionaries, with local church leaders, Seminary faculty and students has been greatly fulfilling. The years spent serving alongside the General Secretariat and colleagues in the PCT General Assembly office also gave me a wider understanding and appreciation of the PCT mission. The PCT has given to Taiwan a spiritual dimension that many countries lack. We praise the Lord with you for his leading and enabling the church to be a beacon of salvation and for challenging the country with a vision that includes justice, peace and freedom for its people. God bless and guide you all as you move boldly beyond 150 with a new vision for the PCT and Taiwan - Siong-Te siu-su lin Peng-an! Edward L. Senner 謝約道長老 Retired PCUSA missionary 60
Greetings from around the World
REFORMED CHURCH N AMERICA (RCA) Rev. Jeanette A. Beagley Koolhaas 柯珍妮牧師 Rev. Dr. J. Alan Beagley 畢格里牧師 Jonathan A. Beagley (MIT) 畢天賜 Dear Friends Congratulations to the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan for its 150 years of commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to the people of Taiwan. Jeanette and Alan Beagley, Jonathan 柯珍妮牧師/畢格里牧師/畢天賜
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
The Reverence General Assembly Presbyterian Church in Taiwan 3. Lane 269, Roosevelt Road Sec 3 Taeipe, Taiwan 10647
27 December, 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Thank you for the gracious invitation to attend the 150th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. From its beginning the PCT has provided a faithful witness to the love of God in Jesus Christ. We have fond memories of the time we spent in Taiwan. It was a great privilege to serve alongside the faithful minsters and members of the PCT. We raised three young children as we learned a new language and culture and supported the work of PCT amongst university students. Our family connection to the Taiwanese church has remained strong throughout the years. We travelled back to Taiwan in 1990 to participate in a dedication of the new student ministry center in Ping Tung. Our oldest son served a Taiwanese-American church in New York City for many years. Even our granddaughter was able to study for a summer in 2009 at National Cheng Kung University and worship with the church in Tainan. It is with deep regret that I must let you know that we are unable to travel to be with you in person for this historic and blessed celebration. However, Harriet and I will be with you in the Spirit of Christ and pray that God will continue to use the PCT to spread the Good News in Taiwan. In the Peace of Christ, Rev. Owen Ted Bechtel
Greetings from around the World
REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA (RCA) Mrs. Judith R. Estell 益茱莉老師(益士德牧師娘)
Congratulations, leaders and friends of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, on the 150th anniversary celebration of the founding of the church. Greetings in the name of our blessed Lord, whose we are and whom we serve! Thank you for giving us the opportunity and privilege to be a part of the PCT for nearly 55 years. Our prayer is that the Lord may continue to open many doors of outreach and service, not only on the island, but around the world, challenging you to extend the arms of love even further than you have done in the past. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21 Rejoicing in his faithfulness, Judy Estell and family
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
REV. WENDELL P. KARSEN Reformed Church in America P. O. Box 960 Penney Farms, FL 32079 Phone: 904-284-0097 E-mail: 4 March, 2015 The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Taipei, Taiwan Dear Friends, Peng-an: I write to congratulate the PCT on its 150th Anniversary. How God has blessed the Gospel seeds originally planted so many years ago by English and Canadian missionaries! Today, hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese are committed Christians who are God’s agents of reconciliation and renewal in every sphere of Taiwan society and who are faithful ambassadors continuing to spread the Good News of redemption and renewal through Jesus Christ throughout the island. My wife, Joyce (deceased in 1989) and three young children arrived in Taiwan in December 1969. We were warmly welcomed by the PCT and our missionary family. General Secretary, Ko Chun-beng, personally gave me my Taiwanese name – Ka Ui-tek. We took up the challenge of learning the Taiwanese language and then were asked to head up the PCT’s university student work program in partnership with Hsiah Hi-beng. We soon discovered that the PCT was living under the cloud of the White Terror. We were proud of the brave stance that our Taiwanese colleagues took during those difficult days. Our involvement in their just cause eventually led to our being banished from Taiwan for 19 years – a painful experience. We did what we could to help from our new post in Hong Kong. Since 1993, my wife, Renske, and I have been able to return to Taiwan a number of times and I even briefly served a small congregation in Kaohsiung as interim pastor for six weeks in 1998. In 2003, I was blessed to receive an award from the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy for having participated in the struggle of the Taiwanese people for democracy and human rights. Renske and I look forward to participating in the 150th Anniversary celebration and to reconnecting with old colleagues and friends. Thank you for your generosity in making this possible. May the celebration prove to be a great blessing to us all and to be a catalyst to re-energize the PCT in its mission to spread the Good News of Christ and to struggle for peace and justice during this critical period in Taiwan’s history. Your brother in Christ, Ka Ui-tek Bok-su (Rev. Wendell Karsen) 嘉偉德牧師
Greetings from around the World
Greetings and Blessings on our 150th Anniversary What a joy it is to greet you on this happy and significant occasion! From the first time we heard of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan until today our admiration for the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan has constantly grown. Under her fine leadership throughout the years, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan has consistently and diligently brought the word of God to Taiwan in vibrant and helpful ways, undeterred by worldly forces and spiritual duress. The vicissitudes of government opposition have not daunted the faithful members of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, who have sought to lead Taiwan in the ways of God’s will for justice, righteousness, and peace – the full Shalom of the Reign of God. Through the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, and being a part of her, we have experienced God’s grace in deeper dimensions. Beginning in 1965, God called us together through an invitation from Tainan Theological College (Rev. Shoki Coe, President). It was our privilege to serve as Old Testament Professor and English Teacher until 1973, when the Kuo Ming Tang-led government refused to grant a residency permit. We then were sent by the Reformed Church in America to serve the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, now a sister church of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, to teach for 23 years. It was sheer joy to us that after many years of fruitlessly applying for residency permit from the Republic Of China, through the diligent efforts of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, we were granted such a permit in 1997 and were able to continue our teaching at Tainan Theological College &Seminary. We are grateful to God for the fruitful years we experienced together from then until our retirement in 2004. Through all those eventful years, both together and apart, we all grew and learned about service to God under duress and opposition. The years of White Terror and following helped us all deepen our faithunderstanding of God as Sustainer and Keeper. As fellow sojourners with you on The Way of Christ, we follow Jesus in his incarnational expression of God’s Will. The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan has been an example of clear-sighted and courageous leadership for the Church throughout the world. Even when her General Secretary was falsely imprisoned she remained steadfast and true. May God bless and keep you and make God’s face shine upon you and give you peace, now and in the generations to come. From Rev. Prof. Rowland D.Van Es, D.Th. (Ban Ek-su) 萬益士牧師 And Mrs. Judith A. Van Es, B.A (Ban Jiu-li) Reformed Church in America (RCA)
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST (UCBWM) Rev. Penny V. Phillips Congratulations to the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan on this glorious occasion! My ministry at the Changhua Christian Hospital 1980-1986 was a significant and sacred time in my life and I will always hold the PCT in my heart with joy and gratitude. I was in Taiwan this past January and visited Taichung and Changhua friends. I was a part of the Changhua YMCA in its early development. God bless Changhua Christian Hospital and God bless the PCT!! I continue my ministry as a Hospice Chaplain with Veterans. Penny Phillips 費珮妮
DISCIPLES OF CHRIST (USA) Rev. Dr. Nancy Pittman (Poeh Lan-sim) Rev. Dr. Don A. Pittman (Bai Te-Man) Dear friends and colleagues associated with the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan: Peace and blessings to you in this time of celebration and fellowship as you mark 150 years of ministry in Christ’s name; and as you together reflect on the great challenges that lie ahead. We continue to remember our many friends in Taiwan and pray daily for the ministry of this beloved community in Taiwan. Nancy Claire Pittman (Poeh Lan-sim) and Don A. Pittman (Bai Te-Man) 66
Greetings from around the World
Luise Meier Grundfelderstr 40 90427 Nurunberg Germany 31 Dec 2014 Thank you note for invitation: First of all warm greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then I want to thank you for your generous, kind invitation to join you and all the PCT sisters and brothers to celebrate with you the 150th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan. You can’t imagine how much I would like to travel to Taiwan again in order to be part of this great event and to have the opportunity to meet with old friends and make new ones. But I better stay in Germany for the weeks to come because I may need surgery in the near future and I am not sure I will be able to travel to Taiwan at the end of March 2015. I am really sorry to have to tell you I will not be able to join you at the 150th Anniversary Celebration event on Easter Sunday. Maybe I will be able to make the journey to Taiwan for the closing events in October. All I can do is to pray that you will have a very blessed celebration and many people who don’t believe in our Lord Jesus Christ yet will have the opportunity to get to know and to follow him. Thank you again for inviting me. May the Lord bless you as you serve him among the people of Taiwan and world-wide. Yours in Christ Luise Meier 盧玉雪 67
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
TO: The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Today (6 Dec 2014) I received your invitation of the PCT for former Missionary Partners (via Liebenzell Mission) to join the celebration of the 150 years of PCT. I am sorry I received your email some time ago, but must have lost it before answering you. After I left Taiwan in 1991, I got involved in missions amongst students from China and Taiwan here in Germany for quite a number of years. It gave me also some opportunities to visit China. Now I am retired! But the years in Taiwan are still part of my life. Two years ago I joined the 40th Anniversary of the Christian Education department at Yu-Shan Theological College. It has been a great joy and encouragement to meet so many former students. I am sure it would be also another highlight to be able to join the 150 Anniversary of the PCT but so far I know I won’t be able to make another trip during that time. Many blessings from Germany Elfriede 蔡富麗 Elfriede Seitter Hindenburgstr. 63 70825 Korntal-Münchingen Tel.: 0711-75882776 Mobil: 0176-62160036 Email: 68
Greetings from around the World
Rev. Dr. Justus Freytag Am Schulwald 7 22415 Hamburg Germany Dear pastor Lyim, Thank you for your invitation to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan next year. I feel honoured by the invitation to share your joy for the Church and Christian witness in Taiwan. I am sorry that I cannot travel to Taiwan for this event because of my age and my health. Next year I will be 84 years of age and long distance ights are no more so suitable for me. However I will remember all colleagues and good friends in the Presbyterian church. I share the joy on the 150 years history of Christian witness in Taiwan with you and with your whole church. Looking back at my service in Taiwan I am grateful for the friendship which colleagues and many good friends extended to me and my family. I received many helpful ideas by our working together. In Jesus Christ we here in Northern Germany and you in Taiwan belong together. So be assured that also we from our side look back with joy on the long history of Christian witness in Taiwan. We pray to God for your church and for the service to the people in all local congregations. May God bless the anniversary event and strengthen Christian witness in Taiwan also in the coming years. With sincere greetings, Justus Freytag
Rev. Dr. Justus Freytag, Hamburg, Germany. I taught Christian social ethics in Tainan Theological Seminary from 1966 to 1969. Afterwards I was a member of East Asia committee of the Evangelical Church of Germany and of the Protestant Association for World Mission in Germany for a long time. Attached you find a portrait photo and a family photo with a student of Tainan Theological Seminary
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Greetings from Aotearoa-New Zealand! When Alison and I first arrived in Taiwan in 1985, we knew virtually nothing about the island, its people, its history or Church. However, we quickly learned that this was indeed “Ihla Formosa”, “the beautiful island”. Ever since, we have been learning about and have amazed at how beautiful, in so many different ways, this island, its church and its people are. It was a life-changing experience coming here to Taiwan. The Hakka Evangelism Centre in Gungguan, Miaoli, and the all people there and in the local Church hold a special place in the memory The years since we returned to New Zealand have seen the relationship between the PCT and PCANZ grow, especially as thousands of Taiwanese people have migrated to this country. They have become valued members of the Presbyterian Church of AotearoaNew Zealand. Our Church has been immeasurably blessed by the gift of these members of the PCT. As I write, we have celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Auckland Taiwanese Presbyterian Church. Also, as I read back over the history of the last 150 years of the PCT’s history and growth, I am struck by how well and graciously missionaries from overseas and Taiwanese Christians have worked together and supported each other. Today too, the PCT and PCANZ have a deep, rich fellowship together in Christ. This is a great thrill and a reason for great celebration. And, if I may add a personal note; receiving young people from the PCT here and taking young Kiwis to Taiwan on mission trips has been unbelievably enriching. I can not describe how incredibly and deeply grateful I am. May over the next 150 years the PCT be as blessed, and be as great a blessing, as it has in the past 150 years! Rev. S. Vogel 吳思篤牧師&吳愛琳醫師 70
Greetings from around the World
Dated, 3 March 2015 Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) PCT General Assembly Office Taipei Taiwan RE : GREETINGS TO THE PCT 150TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS Dear in Christ, Greetings in the precious name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to the leaders and all members of the PCT. We are very happy to know that the PCT is celebrating its 150th year of its foundation (or anniversary). Praise the Lord for all that the church had accomplished in its mission works during these past years. And we are very honored to have been in the family of the PCT for the past 25 years as missionaries sent by the Council for world mission (CWM). We are most honored for being invited to be a part of the thanksgiving celebrations. We are not able to join the opening service but we have decided to participate in the closing ceremony in the month of October 24 and 25. We wish the PCT many more blessings of God to stand for human rights, for the oppressed humanity in its social works and most of all being witness of the salvation of Christ, not only in Taiwan but throughout the whole world. May God bless you all Yours in His service, 蔡達華牧師 Rev. Zaidarh Zauva and Mrs Sapvengi Mizoram, India Former missionaries of CWM/PCI 71
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Greetings from around the World
Rev. Choon S. Lim and Mrs. Yen-Hee Lim – PC(USA)
Ms Ann Broom - PC(USA)
Rev. Glen and MRs. Shirley Kennedy
Mrs. Ann Downs – PC(USA) the late Rev. Bertis Downs
Mrs. Betty Cole - UM
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Rev. Stuart and Mrs. Larry Ann Bridgman - PC(USA)
Ms Louuise Gamble
Mr. Jack Geddes and Mrs. Betty Geddess - PCCanada
Rev. Dennis Brice Mrs. Claudia Brice Church of Scotland
Rev. Michael Stainton UCCanada
Greetings from around the World
Mr. Hanspeter Rissi (Mission 21)
Rev. Dr. Nerys Tudor (PCW)
Ms Alisa Norlin – PC(USA)
Rev. Ninomiya Ichiro and family JCCJ
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
C.2 Greetings Received from Partner Churches and Ecumenical Organizations PARTNER CHURCHES
United Reformed Church UK
Church of Scotland
Presbyterian Church of Wales
Berliner Missionswerk
Presbyterian Church in Canada
United Church of Canada
Reformed Church in America
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Board of Pension, Presbyterian Church (USA)
United Church of Christ in Japan (Kyodan)
Jesus Christ Church in Japan
Church of Christ in Japan
Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea
Uniting Church in Australia
Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia
Presbyterian Church of Singapore
Basel Christian Church of Malaysia (Gereja Basel Malaysia)
Oriental Deaf Christ Evangelical Church
Toraja Church Gereja Toraja
World Council of Churches
World Communion of Reformed Churches
Christian Conference of Asia
Mission 21
(as at 26 March 2015)
Greetings from around the World
13th March 2015 Dear Friends of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, It is a joy and delight to send this message of greeting to you all. We in the United Reformed Church have long valued our partnership with you. Ever since the days of James Maxwell, as the Presbyterian Church of England and now as the United Reformed Church we have worked together with you, to bring about God’s Kingdom of love, justice and peace for all. It is a real honour for us now to receive ministry from the PCT in so many different ways: our students have spent time at your seminaries; our young people have taken part in your camps; and your missionaries have come to the URC to share with us in ministering to Taiwanese and Mandarin-‐speaking students. All of this been a great and generous gift to the URC and has richly enhanced our work. We are blessed that our friendship extends also through our Presbyteries and Synods – linking the North Western Synod of the URC to the Chiayi Presbytery, with great potential to share in mission and to learn from each other. We are glad the Chiayi will be hosting a group of young people this summer, and we hope that a group will be able to visit the North West of England in the future. The PCT is a source of blessing to many in the URC and we celebrate with you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, as you mark this 150th anniversary! May God continue to bless Taiwan as you seek the future for your church and your beautiful country. Hebrews 10:24-‐25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Many Blessings, John Proctor, General Secretary
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Greetings and Gratitude to the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan from the Church of Scotland Formosa – far away in time and history but it is that Portuguese name which sparked my interest in Taiwan and prompted my request to visit Taiwan during my term of office as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. It was a memorable visit for my wife Annette and me because we had the opportunity to meet a diversity of the congregations and communities which together contribute to the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT). Writing this greeting on behalf the Church of Scotland is a privilege and a pleasure as we look forward to celebrating with you the 150th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and the 60th anniversary of its General Assembly. The Right Rev John Chalmers, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland reflects: ‘Our churches have been blessed by their common
Presbyterian roots but nothing is more important than keeping our relationship alive in the here and now. I am glad that you have the company of my good friend the Very Rev John th Christie at your 150 General Assembly and that young people from COSY (Church of Scotland Youth) were blessed by being part of the “I Love Taiwan Mission” last year. Visits, exchanges and prayer for one another are the things that will keep our partnership alive. Your Church, in this year of important celebration, will continue to be in our prayers.’
Our first visit left us so impressed by the commitment of ministers, elders and members of the PCT to Christ the King and Head of the Church. We experienced first-hand the worship and work which is being undertaken in the aboriginal communities, in schools and hospitals, in working with those who are disabled or handicapped. Truly, a Church embracing Jesus’ words as he read from the scroll: ‘God’s Spirit is on me; he’s chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor,
sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to set the burdened and battered free, to announce, “This is God’s year to act!”’
Such height, length and depth of Christ’s work is continued faithfully by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan today. One of the abiding insights which we took home is the high regard and respect in which the European missionary community of the 19th and early 20th centuries is held. It is from that community that our interest in Taiwan was born. My great-aunt Dr Elizabeth Blackburn Christie Ferguson was one of these missionaries. She with her husband, the Rev Duncan Ferguson, worked in Tainan. Her calling was to provide modern medicine, especially for women, in the indigenous communities. Tragically, she did not live to see her calling completed. She died in Taiwanfoo aged only 34. I wonder what she would observe were she writing now? Certainly, faith fulfilled and continuing to be fulfilled. She would have been wonderfully affirming of the achievements of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan with, I hope, a feeling of modest pride in her contribution. The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan has many successes and while some might consider that the Church of Scotland is the ‘mother church’ there can be little doubt that her ‘daughter’ church in Taiwan has much to offer its mission partner. Being the Church in the 21st century is not easy and the PCT has no immunity from the difficulties of our times. The Rev. Dr ChunMing Kao, whose birthplace in Tainan means that he has a spiritual link with the missionary community there, acknowledges such difficulties but more than that he addresses them too. While in prison he wrote a poem which I read for the first time when, in 2010, we visited the GA Offices of the PCT. The poem has remained with me since: 78
Greetings from around the World
‘I asked the Lord for a bunch of fresh flowers but instead he gave me an ugly cactus with many thorns. I asked the Lord for some beautiful butterflies but instead he gave me many ugly and dreadful worms. I was threatened, I was disappointed. I mourned. But after many days, suddenly, I saw the cactus bloom with many beautiful flowers. And those worms became beautiful butterflies flying in the Spring wind. God's way is the best way.
May the celebrations for 150 years of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and 60 years of its General Assembly be blessed with such faith, hope and love and in our future as, together, we travel in God’s way. Very Rev John C Christie
April 2015
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan Eglwys Bresbyteriadd Cymru Capel Tabernacl 81 Heol Merthyr Yr Eglwys Newydd Caerdydd CF14 1DD
The Presbyterian Church of Wales Tabernacle Chapel 81 Merthyr Road Whitchurch Cardiff CF14 1DD
Tel: 029 20627465 Fax: Bresbyteriadd Cymru The 029Presbyterian 20616188 Church of Wales Eglwys Capel Tabernacl Tabernacle Chapel Email: 81 Heol Merthyr 81 Merthyr Road Whitchurch YrWeb: Eglwys Newydd Caerdydd Cardiff CF14 1DD CF14 1DD
Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Your Ref: 3, Lane 269, Our Ref: Roosevelt Road, Sec 3, Tel: th Date: 5 Mar 2015 Taipei 106 Fax: Email: TAIWAN Web:
029 20627465 029 20616188
Dear Lyim Tiong
Rev Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Your Ref: Hong3, Lane 269, Our Ref: Roosevelt Road, Sec 3, th Date: 5 Mar 2015 Taipei 106 On behalf of the Presbyterian Church of Wales I delight in sending greetings in the name TAIWAN of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to you, our brothers and sisters, on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. Dear Rev Lyim HongThe church has come a long way since the arrival of Dr James Maxwell and Dr George Tiong Mackay in the 19th Century and has a proud record of achievement in establishing the first schools and hospital, demonstrating the holistic mission which is still the hallmark of the On behalf of the Presbyterian Church of Wales I delight in sending greetings in the name church. of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to you, our brothers and sisters, on the occasion of th the of the close Presbyterian Our150 linksAnniversary have remained throughChurch CWM in butTaiwan. particularly since the arrival there of Carys Humphreys, your assistant. We have been inspired and uplifted by your faith and by The come a programmes long way since the arrival of Dr James George the church regular has evangelistic in which you engage from Maxwell the ‘Ten and yearDr double the Mackay the 19th Century andplus has a proud record ofright achievement in establishing the first church in movement’, the Ten one campaign’ through to the ‘One leads one schools and begun hospital, demonstrating the holistic mission which is still the hallmark of the movement’ in 2010. church. You also have a very strong reputation for your social action particularly amongst the Our links have remained close through butofparticularly since the arrival there of indigenous population of Taiwan and yourCWM support the self-determination movement. Carys Humphreys, your assistant. We have been inspired and uplifted by your faith and by th the regular programmes which be youwith engage from the ‘Ten double the I am sorry evangelistic that, for health reasons, Iincannot you for Easter and year the 60 General church movement’, Tenyou plusin one campaign’ right isthrough the ‘One leads Assembly but I hopethe to join October. Our prayer that thetocelebrations on 5th one April th movement’ in 2010. and 24th/25begun October 2015 will be an occasion full of joy in the Lord. May He continue to strengthen you and uphold you as you seek to continue in your aim to ‘Proclaim the You also have a very strong for yourofsocial action particularly amongst the salvation of Jesus Christ and toreputation be ambassadors reconciliation’. indigenous population of Taiwan and your support of the self-determination movement. Yours in Christ I am sorry that, for health reasons, I cannot be with you for Easter and the 60th General Assembly but I hope to join you in October. Our prayer is that the celebrations on 5th April and 24th/25th October 2015 will be an occasion full of joy in the Lord. May He continue to strengthen you and uphold you as you seek to continue in your aim to ‘Proclaim the salvation of Jesus Christ and to be ambassadors of reconciliation’. Rev Neil Kirkham Yours in Christ Moderator of the General Assembly
Rev Neil Kirkham Moderator of the General Assembly Ysgrifennydd Cyffredinol / General Secretary: Parchedig / Reverend MEIRION MORRIS, B.D.
Rhif Elusen Gofrestredig yr Eglwys Ganolog: 1132022 (dim i’w ddefnyddio gan eglwysi lleol) / Central Church Registered Charity Number: 1132022 (not to be used by local churches)
80 Ysgrifennydd Cyffredinol / General Secretary: Parchedig / Reverend MEIRION MORRIS, B.D.
Greetings from around the World
To Presbyterian Church in Taiwan On behalf of our Church, its Bishop, Dr Markus Droege, and its Ecumenical Representative, Director Roland Herpich, I send you very warm greetings from Berlin Mission, the Ecumenical Centre of your German Partner Church, the Evangelical Church of Berlin, Brandenburg and Silesian Upper Lusatia. This is to congratulate you heartily on your 150th anniversary. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and PCT richly and may you have wonderful celebrations on April 5th and later on in October. We regret not to be able to be there in April, but want to make a point of saying we treasure the link with PCT and its wonderful people and appreciate the cooperation with you. Thanks ever so much for all your untiring support, for the warm welcome you extended time and again to our representatives and for your memorable visits to our country. We look forward to visiting you in June and celebrating the regional service at Kaohsiung with you! There are many aspects of Christian life where we keep learning from your rich experience, just to mention one which strikes us particularly: on being a missionary church which integrates people from many ways of life and backgrounds and gives them a voice as free human beings. May your church thrive, may your people prosper, may we enjoy our common link for a long time to come. The blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and keep you! Yours ever and ever gratefully, The Revd Dr Christof Theilemann Deputy Director of Berlin Mission and EKBO’s Chaplain for Ecumenical Relations and Worldwide Mission landeskirchlicher Pfarrer der EKBO für Ökumene und Weltmission, Berliner Missionswerk der Ev.Kirche Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz und der Ev. Landeskirche Anhalts Ökumenisches Zentrum Georgenkirchstr. 69 - 70 10249 Berlin
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
The Presbyterian Church in Canada L’Église presbytérienne au Canada 5 April 2015 Rev. Lo Jen Kuei, Moderator, 59th General Assembly and Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong, General Secretary The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Dear and Reverend Sirs, Greetings from The Presbyterian Church in Canada, on the historic occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. It is humbling to acknowledge that the connection between our two churches dates back to 1872, with the arrival of the Rev. Dr. George Leslie Mackay in northern Taiwan, where he lived for almost 30 years. His marriage to Tiuⁿ Chhang-miâ 張聰明 produced three children whose descendants claim both Taiwan and Canada as home. There is much to celebrate on this occasion but one is surely the many ways in which our respective communities have learned from each other what it means to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. We are delighted to be able to be with you for this joyous event. Between 1872 to the present day, 134 Canadian Presbyterians have served among the Taiwanese people in various ministries: as physicians, nurses, educators, and in pastoral and evangelistic work. Working alongside Taiwanese co-workers, all or part of the Bible has been translated into Han and aboriginal languages spoken in Taiwan, and the work continues. Partnership is two-way and we in Canada have been blessed by the prayers and financial support that have been offered by the PCT. A debilitating ice storm during the winter of 1998 left many people without heat for days to weeks. The support extended was appreciated, not only in tangible terms, but because it represented the deep bonds of friendship between us. Youth from both our churches learn from each other by participating in the I Love Taiwan and Canada Youth events. Three PCC presbyteries include Taiwanese congregations which serve their communities in many and varied ways, giving an indication of the interconnectedness of the global church. Be assured of our prayers for God’s richest blessings as you continue to witness to the peace and hope we share in Jesus Christ. Sincerely,
The Rev. Dr. Richard Fee
50 Wynford Drive Toronto, ON M3C 1J7
The Rev. Dr. Glynis Williams
telephone 416-441-1111
toll-free 1-800-619-7301
fax 416-441-2825
Greetings from around the World
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Reformed Church in America greetings on PCT’s 150th Anniversary Moderator, Rev. Lo Jen-Kuei, General Secretary Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong, Officers and General Assembly staff, ministers, leaders and members of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan: Grace and Peace to you from the Lord God, creator and sustainer of life, the Lord Jesus Christ, author and finisher of our salvation, and the Lord Holy Spirit, deliverer, Paraclete, and sanctifier. As you celebrate one-hundred and fifty years of service and ministry, the Reformed Church in America gives thanks to Jesus Christ, head and Lord of the Church, for the many years of partnership our communions have shared together. As we have journeyed together in mission, the proclamation of God’s Good News in Jesus Christ has been at the front and center of our mission work. Institutions change, governments have come and gone, leaders in both communions have transitioned. Yet, the primacy of the gospel has remained intact. Our commitment to provide a strong witness to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities and to the nations has not wavered There is much to celebrate. We celebrate God’s faithfulness to the PCT in providing leadership, resources, and opportunities to impact local communities through the proclamation of the gospel in word and deed. We celebrate the Lord’s faithfulness in providing insight and vision to the church’s leadership in times of opposition, upheaval, crisis, and challenges to the pursuit of holiness and justice. We celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit in your midst as it has guided the church in becoming a multi-ethnic body of believers, sensitive and responsive to the needs of those the Lord has brought into its fellowship, especially the aboriginal groups in Taiwan. The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan has been blessed, cared for, nurtured, protected, and guided by the Lord who promised never to leave us or forsake us. This anniversary celebration is a testimony to the Lord’s care for you in carefully guiding the decisions of the body, and gently leading you in the accomplishment of God’s purposes for the church in Taiwan. The history of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan has been written by men and women, who willingly laid down their lives in service to the King of kings. The humble beginnings of the work and ministry of Dr. James Laidlaw Maxwell, of the Presbyterian Church of England, and Dr. George Leslie Mackay, of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, were not equal to the deep concerns and desires in their hearts to see God’s kingdom manifested in the lives of people throughout the island of Taiwan. Their dedication and exemplary life provided a model of ministry that lifted up the power and authority of the gospel, undergirded by lives of sacrifice, abnegation, and eyes fixed on the goal of reaching others with the gospel of God’s grace.
The Reformed Church in America celebrates the life, witness, and ministries of the missionaries, and their families, that responded to God’s call to be living stones in Taiwan, remembrances of God’s covenant with those called to God’s family. And we celebrate with the awareness that they came to a family of believers that joyfully received their gifts, cared for them during their stay, and affirmed their work and service to the Lord and God’s people.
you in carefully guiding the decisions of the body, and gently leading you in the accomplishment of God’s purposes for the church in Taiwan. The history of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan has been written by men from to around the and women, who willingly laid down theirGreetings lives in service the King of World kings. The humble beginnings of the work and ministry of Dr. James Laidlaw Maxwell, of the Presbyterian Church of England, and Dr. George Leslie Mackay, of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, were not equal to the deep concerns and desires in their hearts to see God’s kingdom manifested in the lives of people throughout the island of Taiwan. Their dedication and exemplary life provided a model of ministry that lifted up the power and authority of the gospel, undergirded by lives of sacrifice, abnegation, and eyes fixed on the goal of reaching others with the gospel of God’s grace.
The Reformed Church in America celebrates the life, witness, and ministries of the missionaries, and their families, that responded to God’s call to be living stones in Taiwan, remembrances of God’s covenant with those called to God’s family. And we celebrate with the awareness that they came to a family of believers that joyfully received their gifts, cared for them during their stay, and affirmed their work and service to the Lord and God’s people. May the Lord of the Church be pleased with the ministry of this community of faith called the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, as it humbly seeks to live out God’s kingdom priorities over the years of its earthly pilgrimage. Blessings. Jhonny Alicea-Báez Global Mission Associate Director E/EA Reformed Church in America
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Greetings from around the World
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Greetings from around the World
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Greetings from around the World
Greeting from the Church of Christ in Japan Moderator Lo, General Secretary Lyim, distinguished ecumenical guests, and beloved sisters and brothers in Christ! On behalf of the Church of Christ in Japan, I would like to express my deepest appreciation for being invited to your 60th General Assembly meeting commemorating and celebrating 150th year of Christian mission in Taiwan. May the head of the Church, our Lord Jesus Christ, bless you and lead you into the new chapter of history. Looking back into the history of our partnership, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and the Church of Christ in Japan signed the covenant agreement in April 2006. I was then the Stated Clerk, participating in the signing ceremony together with the Moderator Rev. Kazuya Suzuki. As I recall, that was one of our church’s joyful moments in our history. Since then, we exchange delegates at General Assembly meetings, and your missionary in Japan, Rev Divan Suqluman, and Rev. LEE MengJer, the pastor of Tokyo Taiwan Church, have been our close mission partners visiting our four presbyteries in various different occasions. We also thank God that the PCT has been an active partner in the Northeast Asia Area Council of the World Communion of Reformed Churches since the establishment of the Council. Today, we are very happy to be here with all the delegates to the General Assembly and distinguished ecumenical guests to celebrate the 150th year of Christianity in Taiwan, and the 60th year of the PCT together. It is always our greatest joy to witness the Church serving for the same mission of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are also encouraged by the fact that the PCT has always been a strong witness to our Lord particularly when Taiwan is in difficult time. May our gracious God strengthen you to be his active instrument to serve the people of Taiwan and the world. In recently years, both of our churches suffered greatly from natural disasters. In each occasion, we supported and comforted each other as sisters and brothers in Christ. We believe that the communion in Christ will inevitably bare fruit and become a song that praises our Lord. We always remember the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan in our prayers, and we would like to ask you again at this occasion to remember us and pray for us. In conclusion we pray our risen Lord grant wisdom to all the delegates to this General Assembly meeting. May this meeting will be filled with great joy in Christ. Our Lord’s April 5, 2015 The Rev. Fumihiko TABE Moderator of the 64th General Assembly The Church of Christ in Japan 91
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds, God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas. (Psalm 65:5) Dear Moderator Lo Jen Kuei, General Secretary Lyim Hong Tiong, and sisters and brothers of our dear partner church, Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. Our warmest greetings are extended to you on this, your 150th anniversary as a Christian body and witness in Taiwan. It is the prayer of PROK that you will experience many blessings as this year unfolds, as you have brought and will continue to bring blessing to your society. We commend you for your choice of a theme – Making our Church a Sign of Hope. It is a beautiful hope and challenge for yourselves, to remember that God calls the church to be light and leaven within society, hope for the hopeless, justice for the oppressed and love for the unloved. In a world of so much hopelessness, God longs for his people to be signs of hope. At this significant time in your history, it is OUR hope that you will be shaped by this beautiful theme. We congratulate you for your years of Christian presence growth within the Taiwanese milieu. It has not been easy to deal with militarism and the rapid economic growth and enrichment of some at the expense of the majority. We in Korea want to learn from you and continue to be ever closer to our geographically close neighbour. We rejoice at our partnership. In particular, many of our youth have experienced a wonderful relationship with Jesus Christ and his diverse world by their participation in the I Love Taiwan program over the last several years. 2015 is also a significant year to the PROK. This is the year of our 100th General Assembly, and we also call on God to lead us into new history, a sign of hope to the world around us. We hope that representatives of PCT will be with us at our September General Assembly. As we look back on the gifts which came to us through missionaries from far away, we know we are called to give back to the world from the abundance of blessings with which God has blessed us. Hope, peace and joy be with all the members of this General Assembly, and with all the people of your church in all the corners of this island nation. Rev. Hwang Yong Dae, Moderator Rev. Bae Tae Jin, General Secretary The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea
Greetings from around the World
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
No. 7, Jalan Sg. Buaya, Bt. 3 ½ Off Jalan Klang Lama, 58100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 603-7984 7361/0572
Fax: 603-7980 9037
第卅九至四十屆 大會常委: (2013-2014)
杨信实牧師 副會正
刘秋洁牧師 書記
杨节制牧師 副書記
许森然牧師 英語書記
黄伟仁牧师 財政
祝愿 台灣基督長老教會設教 150 週年 慶典:
袁明献長老 委员: 牧師:
林双来, 李婉娜 李耀祖,陈奕成 ZADOK JEEVAN 長老:
李异鸣, 郑显铭, 丘世明, 李金才,
张长国, 沈良群 杨永发 梁琰晃
Executive Committee Of 39-40 Synod (2013-2014) The Moderator:
Rev. Dr. Yeo Sim Sek Vice-Moderator:
Rev. Low Chiou Jyi Stated Clerk:
Rev. Yeo Chek Chee Deputy Stated Clerk:
Rev. Koh Siam Jian English Clerk:
Rev. Daniel Ng Hon. Treasurer:
Eld. Yuen Meng Hian Committee Members: Ministers:-
Rev. Lim Song Lai Rev. Lee Wah Nor Rev. Lee Yew Choe Rev. Tan Aik Seng Rev. Zadok Jeevan Elders:-
Lee Ee Bank Cheong Chang Kok Teh Hean Meng Sim Leong Kuen Kian See Min Yong Yoon Fatt Lee Kim Chai Leong Yim Fong
承先啟後 繼往開來 同心合意 興旺福音 紮根建造 結果累累 基督教馬來西亞長老會祝賀 04/03/2015
Greetings from around the World
We Rejoice with PCT! 150 years ago, according to God’s sovereign plan and purpose, Dr James Laidlaw Maxwell, a missionary sent by The Presbyterian Church of England, stepped foot on Taiwan in 1865. The legacy of Dr Maxwell was seen not only in setting up the first Presbyterian Church of Taiwan in Tainan but also in his dedication to education and medicine. The Presbyterian Church in Singapore truly rejoices with all the leaders and members of The Presbyterian Church of Taiwan (PCT) on the occasion of your 150th anniversary of Gospel ministry. We also praise God that PCT is currently the largest Christian denomination in Taiwan and has a great influence in both the culture and politics of the island. It is our prayer that the Almighty God will enable PCT to fulfil its theme of “making PCT a sign of hope” to the nation and the world. Rt Rev Dr Steven Gan Synod Moderator 41st and 42nd session The Presbyterian Church in Singapore Rev Tan Cheng Huat General Secretary
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Congratulatory M essage from the Basel Christian Church of M alaysia – BC C M b y: Bishop Dr. Thom as TSEN Lip Tet
“Praise the LORD! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens. Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness.” (Psalm 150:1-2) It is my privilege to greet and congratulate you all on behalf of the big family of the BCCM, in this very special celebrative moment of your church, the 150th Anniversary of the PCT. It is so joyful and grateful seeing you all can witness and celebrate the very blessed and fruitful growth of the PCT in the past 150 years. We praise the Lord for all of you, just as Psalm 150:1-2 says, we praise the LORD for His acts of power and His surpassing greatness being shown in your midst. I believe in the past 150 years of the historical growth of PCT, you all have seen how God’s hand amazingly guiding and leading you all faithfully. Despite the many challenges that you all have gone through, God’s sustaining grace is always with you. His grace is sufficiently and even abundantly being granted to you in the various areas of growth in the life of your church. For this, we thank God for all of you. We, the BCCM are so grateful to be able to partner with the PCT in the past few decades, since the early 1980s. We have witness how our partnership have been established and nurtured through the efforts of journeying together in God’s mission field. We are able to work together in the area of the mission outreach ministry to the Chinese Hakka communities in the early days when the partnership was first established. In these two recent decades we are also being enabled to be partner in the theological education through the various respective seminaries of the two churches, for the needs of the ongoing training and equipping of our pastoral leaders. Through which, we are able to mutually learn from one another. Especially for us, the BCCM have been learning a lot from the PCT. We thank God for all His merciful blessings to His church. Our prayer is that, while you are celebrating the PCT 150th Anniversary, counting on God’s every blessing in the past years, you may be enabled to continue on be strengthened to grow further in the years to come, from strength upon strength and grace upon grace in Christ Jesus our Lord. (John 1:16) Emmanuel! God be with you all always to bless and keep you all in His grace! To God alone be the glory and honor now and forevermore! Amen!
Greetings from around the World
Celebration for the 150th anniversary of the founding of PCT. Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) was founded and protected over the past 150 years, while giving thanks to God who is the Creator that keep watching the church, we would like to offer you our sincere congratulations. We would like to extend our appreciation for precious prayers and encouragements from brothers and sisters in your church. As a history of 150 years of the noble church, I think the memories of such fun and sad events for your brothers and sisters are packed full. When the PCT was founded 150 years ago, during the Edo era Christianity was completely forbidden by the Tokugawa shogunate. So, I thought it was very wonderful that God came protecting the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, which has an older and longer history more than our church. Rev. Kiyoshi Watanabe, former chairman, attended in the 58th General Assembly of PCT from April 9th to 12th in 2013 for signing the Partner Church Agreement at Taipei in Taiwan on behalf of the Oriental Deaf Christ Evangelical Church as the first time.
We really appreciate that we signed the Mission Corporation Agreement
between the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and our church which Rev. Ying-Shin Wang supported Chinese Deaf Christian Church continuously as an adviser. When I attended the 59th General Assembly of PCT last year as chairman, I was very surprised to see a lot of participants. And we were given very warm hospitality, guided kindly and blessed by the fellowship from brothers and sisters in your church. Not only our church are blessed, but also brothers and sisters from the world are blessed, too. Despite of different culture and environment, we enjoyed an amazing fellowship without feeling indifferent, because of the One Spirit, One God.
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Oriental Deaf Christ Evangelical Church, which was born and raised in Japan in the Northern side, and Taiwan, in the southern side. We hope that we can learn a lot from your church for our Deaf mission in Japan, since our church is relatively young which the Oriental Deaf Christ Evangelical Church has been established for 63 years.
We also hope that we can work and
pray together for the glory of God as fellow workers. Finally I would like to quote the words from the Bible as follow to you all. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.� 1Corinthians 15:58 Once again we sincerely congratulate the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the PCT. Rev. Satoru Hashimoto Chairman, Board of Directors Oriental Deaf Christ Evangelical Church
Greetings from around the World
「祝・創立150周年」 創立 150 周年記念を迎えられて、本当におめでとうございます。 台湾基督長老教会創立から 150 年間無事に見守ってくださった天地創造の神に感謝しつつ、心よ
りお祝い申し上げます。と共に、尊いお祈りと励ましをされた兄弟姉妹たちにも感謝いたします。 貴教会の 150 年間の歩みにあたって、兄弟姉妹の皆様にとって楽しい事や悲しい出来事などの想 い出が一杯詰まっていることと思います。
創立時の 150 年前は、日本では江戸時代で、徳川将軍家が日本を統治していた頃でまだキリスト 教禁止の命令が徹底される程続いていた時代でした。それだけに私たちの教会よりもっと古くて長 い歴史を有している台湾基督長老教会を無事に神が見守ってこられたことがとても素晴らしく思 わされました。 2013 年 4 月 9~12 日まで、台湾の台北市内で台湾基督長老教会の第 58 回年次総会において、 姉妹教会提携のために前理事長の渡部清志牧師が東洋ローア・キリスト伝道教会の代表として初め て出席いたしました。中華聾人基督教会のために大変お世話になっている顧問の王英世牧師を通し て、貴教会と私たち東洋ローア・キリスト伝道教会との姉妹教会提携の締結式を行なうことができ て感謝しております。 私が理事長になってから昨年(2014 年)台湾基督長老教会の第 59 回年次総会に出席した時、大 勢の出席者がおられた様子を見て、本当に驚かされました。更に兄弟姉妹たちから、暖かいもてな しをしていただき、しかも丁寧に案内をしていただき、楽しい交わりなど、私たちの教会だけでな く、世界各国からの各教会の兄弟たちにもよく応対していただきました。そこには、北方にある日 本で生まれ育った私たち東洋ローア・キリスト伝道教会と、南国の台湾の環境と文化に違いがあり ましたが、同じ信仰をもった私たちにとっては共通点がありましたので、違和感もなく、誠に不思 議な主にある交わりでした。それは、唯一の神であり、一つの御霊によるものだったからです。 東洋ローア・キリスト伝道教会は現在創立 63 年目になりますが、まだ歴史が浅く、大先輩である 台湾基督長老教会に見習ってお互いに同労者として神の栄光のために働きたいと思います。 最後に、皆様に聖書の御言葉をお贈りします。 「ですから、私の愛する兄弟たちよ。堅く立って、動かされることなく、いつも主のわざに 励みなさい。あなたがたは自分たちの労苦が、主にあってむだでないことを知っているの ですから。」(第1コリント人への手紙 15 章 58 節)
改めて、この度の台湾基督長老教会の創立 150 周年、心よりお慶び申し上げます。 東洋ローア・キリスト伝道教会 理事長
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
EXECUTIVE BOARD OF TORAJA CHURCH OFFICE : TONGKONAN SANGNGULLELE Ahmad Yani Street 45 Telp. +62 423 21612, +62 813 5528 8450 or +62 813 5528 8346
Fax. +62 423 27156 or +62 423 25143 Cable BPS-GT E-mail:
March 18, 2015
No. : 441/GT.5/A.11/III/2015 To: Rev. Lyim Hong-Tong General Secretary Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Dear Rev. Lyim, Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Thank you for the invitation to attend the historic celebration of the 150th anniversary and the 60th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT). In this joyous occasion, we would like to express our heartfelt congratulations to you, on behalf of Toraja Church, your new partner church in Indonesia. Together with 1030 local congregations, 89 presbyteries and about 600,000 members and 700 active pastors of Toraja Church, we join you in thanking God who have faithfully accompanied you in your faith journey and your witness to the world. Rev. Dr. I.Y. Panggalo, the Chair of Formation and Mission of the Synod of Toraja Church as well as Dr. LonasisBintiCabuslay and Dr. YainPanggalo fromElim hospital of Toraja Church will represent us in this historic moment. We praise God for what you have done greatly especially in the area of health and education but also inthe ministry with the indigenous communities and the development of contextual theologies. Since our visit in conjunction with your 59th General Assembly last year, we have learned a lot from you ministries including your significant contribution in promoting peace with justice and the welfare of the people in Taiwan. We sincerely hope that our mutual partnership will grow in learning from each other and in supporting each other. We are grateful for your willingness to assist usespecially in leadership development, in health and education services but also in addressing our common concerns related to the escalating numbers of migrant workers in Taiwan particularly from Indonesia. May God bless and guide you in your journey ahead. “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” (Psalm 136:1)
Sincerely yours, On behalf of the Executive Board of Toraja Church
Rev. Musa Salusu General Chairperson
Rev. Suleman Allo Linggi’ General Secretary
Greetings from around the World
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Hannover, March 2015 To our sisters and brothers in the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, on behalf of the World Communion of Reformed Churches I send Christian greetings and congratulations on this, the year of your 150th anniversary. I am personally pleased to note your origins as a church a century and a half ago, begun, in part, by the efforts of George MacKay, who was at one point the moderator of the Canadian Presbyterian Church, a predecessor of my own denomination, the United Church of Canada.
Calvin Center Knochenhauerstr. 42 30159 Hannover Germany tel. +49 511 897383-10 fax:+49 511 897383-11 email: web: President: Rev. Dr. Jerry Pillay General Secretary: Rev. Chris Ferguson
The PCT is a cherished member of our World Communion and an example to all of us who wish to follow our Lord Jesus Christ as we strive to bring the promise of the fulness of abundant life to all. The life of the PCT has never been easy, but through the challenges of modernisation, waves of oppression, democratic struggles, natural disasters and more, the PCT has always remained steadfastly committed to following Christ, and sharing both His Word and His Grace. I am particularly struck by this part of your 1985 Confession of Faith: “The Church is the fellowship of God’s people, called to proclaim the salvation of Jesus Christ and to be ambassadors of reconciliation. It is both universal and rooted in this land, identifying with all its inhabitants, and through love and suffering becoming the sign of hope.” Your work as a church over these many, many years perfectly reflects these thoughts. The PCT has been committed to the people of Taiwan, especially those who are indigenous, but also understands the important role the church united plays around the world. The PCT has shown this not only through the many activities your local congregations engage in to help the marginalised, but also in the ecumenical leadership you have shared, especially with us. And here I must again make a personal note, this of thanks, to the dedicated leadership of Lu Yueh Wen, one of the WCRC's vice presidents. So, again, on behalf of the WCRC, we offer our congratulations and our continuing prayers that the PCT's missions and ministries will continue to be as faithful and impactful in these next 150 years as they have in these last. Sincerely yours,
Chris Ferguson (Rev.) General Secretary
Tel: +49 511 897383-12 � fax: +49 511 897383-11 � email: Assistant to the General Secretary: Ms. Claudia Duval tel: +49 511 897383-10 � fax: +49 511 897383-11 � email:
Greetings from around the World
12 March 2015 To Rev. Lo Jen-‐Kuei, Moderator, 59th General Assembly Rev. Lyim Hong-‐Tiong, General Secretary Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Dear Friends in Christ, The Christian Conference of Asia with its membership of 101 churches and 17 National Councils across 21 countries in Asia are happy to note that the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) will be celebrating 150 years of mission and witness in Taiwan. The CCA family joins me in congratulating the leaders and members of the PCT on this historic occasion. The 150th year celebration of the PCT is indeed a very momentous occasion and a significant milestone in the history of Christianity in Taiwan.
The launching of the sesquicentennial celebration on Easter Sunday (5 April 2015), not only adds to the festive spirit, but also reflects the promise of eternal life for those who believe, the truth of resurrection and the hope of renewal. Thank you for inviting CCA to be part of this historic event in the journey of the church, when you ‘honor the past and look to the future’. We rejoice with you and join you in celebrating God’s faithfulness in the life and witness of Taiwan churches from 1865 to date.
The theme chosen for this celebration, “Making our Church a sign of Hope” has been demonstrated by the PCT in its life and witness for many years. We deeply appreciate the strong commitment of PCT to address many critical issues in the midst of rapid social, political and economic development. PCT continues to be involved in the democratic process of the country, upholds the dignity of human life and promotes the integrity of creation. Its special attention to the ministry to and with the indigenous people, the translation of the Bible into local languages and the development of the contextual theologies, is commendable.
In addition, PCT has played a vital role in building relationship and partnership with many churches in Asia and beyond, and contributed meaningfully to the ecumenical movement. We specially record our sincere appreciation for the support and encouragement of the PCT to the leadership and ministry of the CCA.
We earnestly pray that God will continue to guide you in your journey ahead, and grant you strength and wisdom in promoting love, peace and justice for all. May God bless you and be with you during the 60th General Assembly that will take place from 7-‐10 April 2015.
“Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the works of God, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” (I Corinthians 15:58)
With best wishes,
Rev. Dr. Henriette Hutabarat Lebang General Secretary
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Basel, 13 March 2015 Dear Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Greetings in the name of God, the Creator of all human beings and all creation, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Brother and Saviour, and in the name of the Holy Spirit, the Power of inspiration and compassion! We are much honoured by your kind invitation to take part in the celebration of 150 years of mission witness in Taiwan and in the 60th assembly meeting of the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan. We deeply regret that we will not physically take part at the General Assembly. Unfortunately, longstanding commitments and obligations hinder us in taking the journey to Taiwan. Please accept our deep gratitude and appreciation for the common bond and partnership between PCT and Mission 21. We wish to extend our warmest greetings to all church leaders, clergies and members of the PCT. We pray that God will shower His blessings abundantly upon the discussions and decisions of this General Assembly, and that the 150 year celebration will be filled with great joy and thoughtful commemoration for mission witness in Taiwan. Since the signing of the Covenant between the PCT and the Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches (FSPC) in 1991, the partnership between the Taiwanese and the Swiss Protestant Churches has increased steadily and become deeper and stronger. A special sign for this is the participation of the PCT in the Asia Fellowship of the Synod of Mission 21 partners. We are greatly honoured to have received the confirmation of the General Secretary Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong to participate as a guest of honour in the coming Mission synod in June 2015, when the 200-year-anniversary of the Basel Mission will be celebrated. As the mission association of the FSPC, Mission 21, Protestant Mission in Basel, has the mandate to facilitate programmatic work between the two churches. It is with great pleasure hope that we express our wish to begin a new youth exchange programme with the PCT with the aim to intensify the exchange between the protestant churches of Switzerland and Taiwan. We thank the PCT for the ongoing close partnership which we perceive as a blessing for our congregations in Switzerland and Taiwan. May God bless all those who are involved in these collaborative efforts. The logo of the PCT is the burning bush from Ex 3:2, along with the famous motto “Nec Tamen Consumebatur” – burning but not consumed. It is a powerful symbol for the history and present situation of the PCT, which after its founding by two missionaries in the 19th century now stands as a strong and solid church,
Greetings from around the World
burning with the power of the Holy Spirit, witnessing the Word of God to the people in Taiwan as well as to the world. The burning bush has prophetic meaning. From there, the voice of God spoke to Moses on the Holy Mountain, leading him into freeing Israel from Egypt and guiding them towards the Promised Land. Thus, your logo points to the role that the PCT wishes to play in the future – as has been expressed in the words “Fly over 150, Seeing a new Taiwan”. We send our prayers to the PCT, that God may use it as His strong prophet and wise guide for the Taiwanese society, so that it may be transformed through the Holy Spirit and by the grace of the Trinitarian God. May God the Father guide your Assembly May Christ, his Son, strengthen His love in your hearts May the Holy Spirit fill your hearts with joy and happiness for the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the PCT. In solidarity and partnership Mission 21 – Protestant Mission Basel
Rev. Claudia Bandixen Director
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
PCT 150 Mission Anniversary Introduction
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
1.1 Beyond 150 years: Envision a New Taiwan Rev. Lo Jen-Kuei The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) joyfully celebrates the 150th Anniversary of its missionary work in Taiwan which began in 1865, when pioneer missionaries of the Presbyterian Church of England (EPM-English Presbyterian Mission) [current name United Reformed Church (URC)] came to this land. Soon after in 1872 the Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC) (CPM-Canadian Presbyterian Mission) also sent missionaries to Taiwan. Following the example of Jesus, with great zeal those early missionaries “went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.” (Matthew 9:35) [NIV] and assisted the Taiwanese to establish churches, hospitals and schools. After the Second World War, the missionary responsibility was slowly transferred from “foreign” missionaries to “native” local missionaries. The PCT became more and more organized with the two synods in Southern and Northern Taiwan
PCT 150th Mission Anniversary Introduction
eventually uniting; and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan was formally established in 1951. The PCT has continuously spread God’s love and hope to the Taiwanese wholeheartedly. Regarding the missionary work, the PCT transformed its approach to include not only traditional evangelism and social care but also social justice. When in 1971, Taiwan withdrew from the United Nations the PCT immediately recognized the crisis confronting the country. In response the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) courageously issued three critical and prophetic public statements: “Statement on Our National Fate”, “Our Appeal Concerning the Bible, the Church and the Nation”, and “The Declaration on Human Rights” advocating that the future of Taiwan should be determined by all the residents in Taiwan and recommended the government to reform including the reelection of the legislatures, so that Taiwan could be “a new and independent country”. With respect to faith, the PCT issued and adopted its new Confession of Faith in 1985. We confess that Jesus is the Lord. Moreover, we “identify with all the residents in Taiwan and expect the church to become the hope of this land through love and suffering.” Nowadays, the political arena in Taiwan is transforming and society has become increasingly diversified and open. The PCT promotes “Six Dimensions of Holistic Mission” namely spread the good news, nurture God’s children, serve with love, reform the society, care for all the creation, and integrating gospel and culture. Through these six dimensions, we seek to care for the body, mind, and spirit of each individual, and extend that care to the society, nation, and the world. As such, we pray for His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. As the PTC marches in to the 150th year, we celebrate our past and claim our rich inheritance and usher in the future. We cannot stop moving forward and should, like the early missionaries, dare to take the path 109
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never walked by others. It reminds me of the story of Joshua leading the Israelites to cross the Jordan River, and the priests who went before the people carrying the Ark of the Covenant. I truly admire the faith of those priests who took up the Ark of the Covenant because they proceeded with faith to the Jordan River even though the river was overflowing. Just then a miracle happened. The waters of Jordan were cut off, and all the people crossed the river safely. Logically speaking, the army should lead the people when approaching the enemy’s city but God instructed the priests to take up the Ark of the Covenant and go before the people. God wanted the Israelites to understand that it was the Lord God himself, Jehovah who took the lead. With the promise of God’s presence among the people, Joshua led Israel across the Jordan River safely, victoriously taking several cities including Jericho and Ai, and establishing their nation, Israel, in the Promised Land. Today, God wants us to be His vanguards exalting the cross and going before the people. With faith, we receive the promise of God’s presence among us and endorse the independence of Taiwan as a nation. The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan has journeyed through 150 years, let us endeavor once again in faith, to proclaim the Gospel, to work together as one, and look forward to the future and envision a new Taiwan. (Moderator, 59th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan)
PCT 150th Mission Anniversary Introduction
1.2 Remembering our LegacyResponding to the Call Rev. Cheng Wen-Jen On June 16th, 1865, Scottish missionary Dr. James Laidlaw Maxwell (馬 雅各醫師), sent by the Presbyterian Church of England (PCE), traveled by sea to southern Taiwan. A medical doctor, Dr. Maxwell established a clinic in the then-capital “Taiwan Fu” (now Tainan City). Through his medical ministry, the door for sharing the gospel was opened. Taiwanese, again, came into contact with the Good News of Christ. Seven years later in 1872, March 7th, a Canadian Presbyterian Church missionary, Rev. George Leslie MacKay (馬偕), arrived Tamsui (淡水). Also through evangelism and dentistry, he started mission work in northern Taiwan. One in the south and the other in the north, Maxwell and MacKay planted the seeds of the Gospel in this beautiful island, Formosa. A solid foundation was laid through the dedication, devotion and faith, and labor of countless generations of missionaries, local pastors, laymen, preachers and believers that followed. Together, the Gospel was proclaimed through missionary endeavors that included evangelism, medical ministry, education, and social services. Currently, the PCT has 1,233 churches, 27 presbyteries, 3 theological seminaries, 1 Bible college, 3 hospitals, 4 universities, and 3 high schools. In total, there are approximately 250,000 Presbyterian Christians in Taiwan. Each Sunday, there are nearly 20 different languages used to worship God. The PCT does not limit its influence and development within its church
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
body. It also actively participates in the ecumenical mission, including the World Council of Churches (WCC), the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), the Council of World Mission (CWM), Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), and World Student Christian Federation (WSCF). As such, the PCT (長老教會) is both progressive (“長”進) and experience (“老”練), engaging in systematic, organized, and self-supported ministries. The year 2015 is the 150th Anniversary of the PCT, which is a time to be thankful for God’s abundant grace towards our people and homeland Taiwan. Also, it is a time for all the brothers and sisters in Christ to renew our commitment and dedicate ourselves again to spread the Gospel around the world. To celebrate this joyful time, the PCT has prepared a series of activities, such as Thanksgiving Service for the 150th anniversary of PCT, Regional Thanksgiving Services, “Church Day,” “Regional Activities,” “Church Mission Consultation,” etc. In addition, a series of commemorative books will be published. We have compiled this guide book, called “Beyond One Hundred and Fifty Years: To Envision a New Taiwan.” It contains all the information regarding our year-long celebrations. We pray the church leaders will encourage the members of their congregations to actively participate in the various celebration events. We also encourage all the pastors, and brothers and sisters in Christ to keep praying for the mission activities planned for the celebrations and beyond. To God be the Glory. (Vice Moderator, 59th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan)
PCT 150th Mission Anniversary Introduction
1.3 God Loves Taiwan Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong Taiwan is a unique country. Since the Upper Paleolithic period, there is evidence of people dwelling on this land, who are also called the indigenous or aboriginal people of Taiwan. Starting in the 17th Century, Taiwan became subject to a series of different regimes including the Netherland, Spain, the Kingdom of Tungning, the Qing dynasty, Japan, and the Republic of China. Those invasions inflicted great sufferings upon the Taiwanese people; yet time and again, they valiantly resisted the unjust regimes often resulting in great losses. When Taiwan was in a state of desolation, a Scottish missionary doctor and church elder, named James Laidlaw Maxwell came on the scene. In 1865, he opened a clinic on Khòan-Sai (KanSi) Street in Tainan and started his medical ministry in southern Taiwan. He healed many Taiwanese using Western medical treatments. The local people were amazed and grateful for his devotion. Dr. Maxwell attributed his acts to God and firmly asserted, “God loves the Taiwanese and asked me to leave my homeland for Taiwan. Hence, Taiwanese people could know there is a God, who loves each human being in the world.” Dr. Maxwell decided to leave a highly paid job in England and come to Taiwan, at a time when people were suffering from poor living conditions and wars. Because of his sacrificial love many Taiwanese came to know the loving God and consequently missionaries started to establish churches in Taiwan. This is how the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) as we know it today began. From that time on foreign missionaries continuously came to Taiwan to build mission hospitals and church 113
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schools. Of course, they did not only offer medical treatments and promote education, but also preached, served and nurtured the Taiwanese people in local communities and churches. We witnessed an improvement in health and living conditions and in the knowledge level of Taiwanese people due to their mission work. Ruled by foreign powers, Taiwanese Christians were incessantly challenged to dedicate their lives in the fight for human rights and welfare of the Taiwanese people. Furthermore, to this day many continue to strive for peace and justice, the sovereignty and the national dignity of Taiwan. The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan has walked with the Taiwanese for the last 150 years through “love and suffering.” The year of 2015 is a time for all Taiwanese people to rejoice and to be grateful. The prosperity and freedom enjoyed in modern Taiwan are the fruits of the collaboration between the Christian church and the Taiwanese people. It is commonly said, “To understand the Taiwanese history of the past recent 150 years, one has to know the history of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan.” We invite you to join the celebration events all year round. With a fresh vision, we are able to see the new Taiwan. With a fresh vision, we are able to witness the miracles and hope in life. (General Secretary, General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan 2013 - present)
PCT 150 Mission Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
2.1 PCT Thanksgiving Service 150th Mission Anniversary Celebration (Northern Region) Guest Preacher: Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit General Secretary World Council of Churches (WCC) Date: 進行日期:
5 April 2015 (Easter Sunday) at 10:00 a.m. 2015年4月5日(復活節主日)10:00
National Taiwan Sports University, (Linkou) 林口國立體育大學綜合體育館
The Liturgy: Through collaborative efforts between our chamber orchestra and the Indigenous Truku xylophone, traditionally used for conveying messages, the worship liturgy will embrace various forms of thanksgiving to God for unfathomable grace bestowed on our people and country Taiwan. The PCT Confession of Faith will be proclaimed using different indigenous languages to incorporate and affirm the diverse cultures in Taiwan. A video will be shown to present an overview of the contribution and impact of the church and Christians had on the Taiwanese society over the last 150 years. Through “love and suffering,” the PCT endeavoured to stand with the Taiwanese people. Since such spirit originated from the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, believers will be invited to receive Sacrament of Holy Communion to commemorate the Lord Jesus. There will also be other interesting surprises to respond to the spirit of “burning but flourishing”. We will be praying for Taiwan; for the Lord Almighty God to
PCT 150th Mission Anniversary - Thanksgiving Worship
continue leading this country into its new age and independence. Participants: PCT congregation members from the six presbyteries in northern Taiwan; international representatives from partner churches; former and current missionary personnel; representatives from other denominations, dignitaries from various political parties and NGOs
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
2.2 Regional Thanksgiving Services to Commemorate and Celebrate 150 Years of Christian Mission in Taiwan (East/South Regions)
Three different locations on same day
Guest Preacher:
Rev. Cheng Wen-Jen 鄭文仁牧師
Date: 進行日期:
21 June 2015 (Sunday) at 10:00 a.m. 2015年6月21日(日)
Venue 1:
Hualien Baseball Stadium 花蓮德興小巨蛋
Seating Capacity: 6,500 people from Hualien County
Guest Preacher:
Rev. Sudu Tada
Date: 進行日期:
21 June 2015 (Sunday) at 9:00 a.m. 2015年6月21日(日)
Venue 2:
Taitung Sports Stadium 台東體育場
(No. 120, 52nd Lane, Guilin North Road, Taitung City)
Seating Capacity: 3,700 people from Taitung County
PCT 150th Mission Anniversary - Thanksgiving Worship
Guest Preacher:
Rev. Chiohh Lyian-Syian
Date: 進行日期:
21 June 2015 (Sunday) at 10:30 a.m. 2015年6月21日(日)
Venue 3: Kaohsiung Hanshin Arena 高雄漢神巨蛋 (No. 777 Bo’ai 2nd Road, Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City) Seating Capacity: 13,500 people from Kaohsiung County Registration deadline: Varies by districts; please enquire through your PCT local community church Registration procedure: Each church to register through its related presbytery
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
2.3 PCT Sending Service God’s Mission Beyond 150 Years (Tainan) Guest Preacher:
Rev. Christopher Ferguson General Secretary World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC)
Date: 進行日期:
25 October 2015 (Sunday) 16:00 to 17:30 2015年10月25日(主日)16:00-17:30
Tainan Municipal Stadium 台南體育場
Liturgy: This is a special thanksgiving service full of cultural diversity. We will use various Indigenous tribal music and traditions to praise the Lord and speak the Word of God. Using our native tongues, we will renew our commitment and proclaim our dedication to spread the gospel from generation to generation. The worshippers will be sent off with an Indigenous dance for blessings. Participants: believers from all of Taiwan; international guests; local dignitaries Seating Capacity: 13,500 people
3 th PCT 150 Anniversary Local Mission Activities
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
3.1 Muzha Presbyterian Church and Community Brief Introduction and Special Features: Muzha Presbyterian Church of the Shou-Shan Presbytery has been located on the Provincial Highway No.3 for the past 146 years ago. The church was first established by Mr. Fan Dai and his wife, who were Muzha residents. Mrs. Dai was ill back then and went to Cihou (the Cijin area in Kaohsiung nowadays) to see missionary Dr. James Maxwell. During her stay in the hospital, she heard about the good news and converted to the Lord Jesus Christ. After she recovered and went back home, she was so thankful for the grace of the Lord, and became zealous to testify for the Lord and lead people to Him. Hence, Mr. Dai turned his house to a temporary worship place. As the gospel was spread widely and the congregation grew day by day, the members decided to buy a piece of land to build a church (i.e., the current Muzha Church). The construction of the church was completed on 16 December 1868. Over the past 100 years, Muzha Church Sanctuary underwent four constructions. The first building was bamboo based and was completed in 1868. The church was reconstructed in 1870 and again was bamboo based. Eight years later, in 1878, the church was rebuilt of rammed earth. After the World War II, the rammed-earth building became old and broken. Eventually, the congregation members held a worship ceremony to lay a new foundation stone on 19 November 1969, and the church reconstruction was completed on December 16 the next year. The church was dedicated to God and was completed to coincide with its 100 th 122
PCT 150th Anniversary Local Mission Activities
anniversary celebrations. Currently, Muzha Church members are fundraising; their goal is to complete a fifth construction in 2018 to mark and celebrate its 150th anniversary! In Muzha Church, there is Siraya (indigenous) Musuem displaying the farming tools from the early times, the Widow Bell, and an ancient well. There are also different scenic spots (e.g., stone houses, the Muzha suspension bridge, the stone well, and the bell tower) in the neighboring area, which are excellent for an outing or an eco-tour. 2015 Dates and Time of Visits: Saturday: 08:00-16:00 July 25 Saturdays: 08:00-16:00 August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Friday: 16:00-24:00 December 18 Fees: NT$250 per person (includes guided tour and a meal); fees will be accepted via electronic transfer.
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Program: The first six visits: guided tour (Muzha Church, Siraya Museum, Embroidery Museum, and the neighboring community), meal, and longan picking. The seventh visit: guided tour (Muzha Church, Siraya Museum, and Embroidery Museum), meal, and traditional caroling. Participants: no age constraint. The visit requires 1~2 hours of walking time Maximum number of participants: 25 people per group Registration dates: from June 1 (Mon) to July 1 (Wed) 2015 Registration: to register please call the Church Secretary: Luo Mei-Huei (07) 6681744 Contact Persons: Elder Cing-Jheng Lee Mobile: 0933-662041or Church Secretary Luo Mei-Huei Tel: (07) 6681744
PCT 150th Anniversary Local Mission Activities
3.2 A Historic Tour-Toa-Tiu”Tia Presbyterian Church Location: Toa-Tiu”-Tia (Da-dao-cheng) Presbyterian Church, Taipei Brief Introduction and Special Features: The previous building of Toa-Tiu”-Tia Presbyterian Church was old and badly damaged as a result of water leakage and termite infestation. In addition, the church encountered another problem, all be it a happy one, it was no longer large enough to accommodate the growing numbers of the congregation. In 1966, a plan to reconstruct the church was initiated, however, the process was delayed due to the budget and more significantly land issues. Before work even began on the building the congregation encountered several hurdles. For one thing, the church sanctuary was under consideration to be classified and listed as a historical site by the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs. Eventually, by the grace of the Lord, the church obtained the land ownership and was able to begin the reconstruction work. After numerous negotiations with the Taipei City Government, it was agreed the church sanctuary would keep the original side walls and be extended forward. The reconstruction had to be done in the original design and with the same kind of bricks used in the old church. Toa-Tiu”-Tia Church is the first historical church in Taiwan, to integrate both the past and the present architecture. Most importantly, the congregation of the church is commissioned by God to carry the responsibility of church revival and spread the gospel. The church reconstruction is now complete. Most of the building imitates Gothic architecture. The church interior was mostly built of African Sapele 非洲他比力樹 which has a distinctive natural fragrance. The pipe organ, 125
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
stands grand and solemn, was custom-made in Switzerland. Toa-Tiu�-Tia Presbyterian Church is one of few churches, which has maintained both the exterior and interior of its building in traditional styles. The architecture of the church is a testimony to the cultural complexity and integration of that period. The constant and close communication with Western cultures introduced novel design concepts, technologies, and materials to Taiwan. Consequently you will see how they are implemented in the architecture of Toa-Tiu�-Tia Presbyterian Church. At the same time, the Eastern traditional Ming-nan architectural style of Taiwan was incorporated in the construction. The conflict and blending of eastern and western cultures is clearly reflected in the church sanctuary. The features of the church hall are as the following: Two great pillars decorated in the Corinthian order and also in perfect symmetry; the spires and the arcaded windows influenced by Gothic architecture. Curves of mountain heads, the oeil-de-boeuf windows, traditional relievoes in Taiwanese Ming-nan style. The external walls built of Japanese red bricks. Time: 09:00-12:00 on Saturday morning of every second and fourth weeks. Advance appointment needed for group visits. Fees: free. Program: a guided tour conducted by the church pastors, elders, and volunteers. Encouraged participants: everyone is welcomed. Maximum of participants: no constraint. Registration: No registration required for Saturday mornings of every second and fourth weeks. Group visits: Please call to make an appointment two weeks prior to the visit. Contact Person: Church Secretary Ke Yueh-Jyuan at 02-2553-9741 #103
PCT 150th Anniversary Local Mission Activities
3.3 After School Care and Immigrant Residents Service —Tong-Shan Presbyterian Church Location: Tong-Shan Presbyterian Church, Yilan Brief Introduction and Special Features: Tong-Shan Presbyterian Church has been promoting the tutoring service for disadvantaged families since 1993. Currently, there are approximately 100 children attending the programme from Monday to Friday of each semester. In 2010, the tutoring service was restructured to become the “Elim Home Care” service; and its members continue to support impoverished families in response to the commandment to love, through social care and transformation. Elim Home Care brought together various resources to initiate the after school services in Tong-shan Township, Yilan County. It intends to expand its services further to meet current social needs and to become a more meaningful provider for local disadvantaged families. In 2012, Elim Home Care cooperated with “Double Bliss” of the Welfare and Charity Foundation to establish a “Community Service Center for Denizen Spouses in Tongshan, Yilan” which especially offers assistance and guidance to new immigrant families. Furthermore, Elim Home Care organizes and runs “The Multi-Learning Course for the Children of Resident Immigrants.” Date: flexible; a guided tour can be booked in advance Fees: none Recommend: Visitors are recommended to arrange a two-day trip to
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Yilan—visit the church work and at the same time enjoy the beautiful scenic sites of Yilan. The following are bed-and-breakfast B&B accommodation operated by Christians: A Kite (03-9591794); Little Shepard (03-9591176); and Seeing the Light of Dawn (03-9596280). Encouraged participants: brothers or sisters interested in community service, after school care, service for resident immigrants, and flee market! Registration - contact: 03-9593822 or 03-9594560; the facebook page of Tong-Shan Presbyterian Church ( TSChurch1953)
PCT 150th Anniversary Local Mission Activities
3.4 Rural Mission and Church Reformation—Tek-tng Presbyterian Church Location: Tek-tng Presbyterian Church, Changhua Brief Introduction and Special Features: Tek-tng Presbyterian Church serves as a paradigm for rural churches in terms of continuous church development. With great emphasis on mission in the local community, the church is able to be constantly renewed and to draw people from various age groups. Almost half of the congregation members are new converts first generation. The close partnership with other churches also allows it to reach the rest of the world. As such, Tek-tng Presbyterian Church can nurture and cultivate the local community and stay in touch with other church congregations and communities at the same time. With great effort, the church promotes spiritual renewal and discipleship training. It educates its congregation members about serving people and the Lord, the missionary beliefs of the church, and strategies to carry out missions. It aims to nurture a healthy church family and become a church open to its local community. As Colossians 4:3 states, “And making prayer for us, that God may give us an open door for the preaching 129
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of the word, the secret of Christ, for which I am now in chains.” Furthermore, this is a church family which has an “open door” and serves all year round. The ministry of the “Sun Flower School” provides tutoring service and residential care for school “dropouts” or students at risk. From Monday to Friday, the church is a school cooperating with the government to assist teenagers with their personal development as well as their academic pursuits so they can re-enter the school system or workforce with confidence. On the weekends, it is a church – a worshipping community, teaching, nurturing spirituality. Dates of visits: flexible in consultation with the visitors. Visiting the Sun Flower School: 1-3 hours recommended on weekdays; to be scheduled in consultation with the visitors. Fees: none. Program: introduction to the church - its mission and ministries Encouraged participants: churches/congregations which are interested in promoting and developing rural mission Maximum number of participants: Please contact the church in advance. Registration by telephone: (04) 897-2503 or e-mail: Hong Yi-Jin < >
PCT 150th Anniversary Local Mission Activities
3.5 Experience the Joy of a “Slower Pace” —Chang-Kuang Tribal “Hamlet” (community) Location: Chang-Kuang Tribal “Hamlet” (bolo), Chang-Bin Township, Taitung County Brief Introduction and Special Features: Chang-Kuang Tribal “hamlet” is located on the Huadong Coastal Highway, and it is the largest Amis tribal community on the east coast. During the Japanese colonial period, Chang-Kuang tribal “hamlet” underwent reconstruction and relocation so its streets are nicely aligned. In addition, Chang-Kuang occupies the ancient site where rich and precious prehistoric relics of the ChangBin culture were discovered. Chang-Kuang Presbyterian Church has a history of about 67 years, and its architectural style is European. It has promoted the development of tribal community, senior education, social service, after-school tutoring for children, and cultural inheritance since year 2000. For senior education and social service, Chang-Kuang Presbyterian Church established the Senior Day Care Station of Chang-Kuang Tribal “hamlet” according to the projects initiated by the Council of Indigenous Peoples of the Executive Yuan. Since year 2000, the church has promoted the development of local community and established the Shik-eng Culture and History Exhibition to display the prehistoric cultural and tribal relics 131
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and pictures. It also assists in the management of the sarcophagus relics (stone coffins). As modern Taiwan increasingly lives at a “fast pace” and the same time is becoming an aged society Chang-Kuang Presbyterian Church has a vision to establish a senior care center. It is planning to name the recently purchased land, the New Hope Square, which will hold various outdoor activities, such as croquet and traditional archery. Hopefully in near future, this vision can be fulfilled with God’s blessings. Dates of the tours: The fourth weekend of each month from April, 2015. There are five (5) tours between April and September 2015 The tour in July will be moved to the third weekend, which is the harvest festival of Amis people Fees: 600 per person (including accommodation, dinner on Saturday, breakfast and lunch on Sunday, and insurance) Program: Saturday morning: to Chang-Kuang Presbyterian Church (transportation and lunch not provided) 13:00 to 15:00 a tour of the “hamlet” 15:00 to 17:00 traditional archery and croquet Dinner time - BBQ under the starry sky Sunday morning: the worship service in Amis/Mandarin (the church choir will welcome the guests with a hymn) Lunch time - Amis cuisine Maximum number of participants: 20 people per tour Registration deadline: From January 1st to March 31st, 2015. There are five tours only. The registration will be closed once full Contact: Pastor Chang Pei-Li 0910-558047 Chang Rui-Cheng (Church Secretary) 0963-631186 Church Phone number: 089-831154 Address: 67, Chang-Kuan Road, 21 Neighborhood, Changbin Township, Taitung County
PCT 150th Anniversary Local Mission Activities
3.6 Passion Week: Good Friday Procession—Tung-Kuang Presbyterian Church Location: Tung-Kuang Tribal Hamlet (community), Xin-Yi Township, Nantou County Brief Introduction and Special Features: During Passion week each year, Tung-Kuang Presbyterian Church conducts a special community procession on Good Friday — the day when Jesus was crucified on the cross. The solemn journey begins around 11:30 am. The pastor and the church elders take turns to carry a wooden cross around the community. Such a service reflecting on the “stations” of the cross is to help people remember, reflect and experience in a small way the sufferings Jesus went through to redeem our lives. During the Good Friday procession, all the congregation members of Tung-Kuang Presbyterian Church will also pray for the woeful past of the tribe at the same time. Hence, the procession serves a profound spiritual and historical significance for the community. Tung-Kuang Presbyterian Church conducts this sacred tradition of the
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Good Friday Procession each year by so doing the church leaders hopes to awaken peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s faith and deepen their understanding towards truth. Date of the activity: April 3rd, 2015. Fees: none Program: The Good Friday Service. Following the example of Jesus to carry the cross around the village. The pastor will lead the first station. Elders and deacons will take turns to carry the cross for the remaining of the twelve stations. Participants: no age constraints Maximum number of participants: none Registration deadline: none Registration: none Contact: Pastor Wu Zong-Xin
PCT 150th Anniversary Local Mission Activities
3.7 Po-Ai Sign Language Presbyterian Church With help from the Pai-Ling Presbyterian Church in Taipei, Po-Ai Sign Language Presbyterian Church was established on December 6, 1992 and is a member of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT), Taipei Presbytery. We are a church endowed with God’s special blessings because majority of the congregation, including the current pastor, are first generation Christians who are deaf and mute, or hearing-impaired, as well as their families who can understand sign language. The church does not have its own building and currently uses the Taipei Student Ministry Center in the basement of PCT’s General Assembly Office to worship on Sunday and the pastor has an office on 3rd floor (weekdays). The church is named “Po-Ai (universal love)” based on the understanding about the universal love of God, manifesting Jesus Christ’s salvation to the entire world. The church is for those who are living in the silent world,
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in which their mother “tongue” is sign language (TSL). The language used for worship, Bible study and prayer, as well as other church meetings and fellowship is sign language. Therefore we call ourselves “Sign Language Church.” The Sunday School lessons are taught concurrently in both sign language and Mandarin Chinese even though many of the children can hear their mother tongue is TSL. With the aid of Power-Point presentation projected on large screen during worship service, all the Bible readings, sermon text, hymns, and prayers are spoken in sign language. In this way, the church may serve as the witness to the Old Testament verse from Isaiah, “In that day the deaf will hear the words of scroll…” (29:18a).
The focus of our mission is based on the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament, and the “Great Commandment” in the New Testament; to share Jesus’ love for the deaf, to learn from Jesus’ care for the deaf, and accompany them to meet Jesus our Lord. So that they may find comfort in spirit, healing, and support. Our pastoral care starts from cherishing our relationship within our families and emphasizing the importance of healthy relationships between parents and children. Thus, we may learn how to love our families and to love the people surrounding us, our church, and above all to love the God whom we cannot see with our own eyes. Most important, we are learning to love each other with devotion and support, to accept each other’s differences and to give up the self-centered 136
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selfishness, so that the body, which Christ is the head, will become whole and united. We would like to build our church to be a big family full of God’s love, so that we are able to be light and salt of the world to glorify God and benefit other people. Mission Priorities of Po-Ai Church are: 1. Nurture the faith foundation and spiritual formation of our members through: worship and praise, Bible study, Sunday school and witness 2. Counseling and Career guidance: marriage and family counseling, facilitate communication between employers and employees 3. Provide care and guidance for the children: facilitate communication between deaf parents and children, care for the psychological wellness of the children, and tutoring them for schoolwork 4. Participate the PCT “One-Leads-One Mission”: teach and practice evangelism skills; study/learn how to host Gospel sharing events 5. Care for senior people who are deaf and mute 6. Taiwanese Sign Language Bible translation (TSLB) How to find Us: by MRT [Xin-tien Line] to Taipower Building Station, come out via Exit 2. Cross the road at lights immediately in front of you and keep walking until you reach first lane (269) on your left (you should see PCT building up ahead). By bus to Taipower Building (Roosevelt Rd) or near to Taiwan National University (Hsin-Shn S. Road) Our Address: 3, Lane 269, Roosevelt Road, Sec 3, Daan District, Taipei 10647, Taiwan Worship/Fellowship: B1 Church Office: 3rd floor – Rev. Peter Wu Telephone: + (886) 2-2366-0146 - Mrs. Angel Wu Facebook: Po-Ai Sign Language Presbyterian Church E-mail: and
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3.8 A Great Wave Strikes the Shore—MacKay the Son-inLaw of Taiwan 大湧來拍岸─台灣子婿•馬偕 Dates and Venues (Performance Halls): 2015 March 13-14 Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau 花蓮縣政府文化局演藝廳 March 20-21 Taitung County Cultural Affairs Bureau 東縣政府文化處藝文中心演藝廳 March 27-28 Yilan County Cultural Affairs Bureau 宜蘭縣政府文化中心演藝廳 April 10-11 Hsinchu County Cultural Affairs Bureau 新竹縣政府文化局演藝廳 September 11-12 National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall (Taipei City) 國立國父紀念館大會堂 October 24-25 Tainan Municipal Cultural Centre 臺南市文化中心演藝廳 Sponsoring Organization: Mackay Memorial Hospital Performers: 國立臺灣戲曲學院 歌仔戲學系、戲曲音樂學系 National Taiwan College of Performing Arts: Department of Taiwanese Opera Department of Opera Music Brief introduction: At the age of 27, the Rev. George Leslie MacKay left his family and hometown in Canada and traveled to far away Taiwan. 138
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Following a brief stay in Tainan City, he continued his journey to the northern area of Taiwan. After the ship docked at Tamsui (March 1872), he admired Mount Guan-yin from the shore and exclaimed, “This is the mission district that has been waiting for me!” Rev. MacKay quickly befriended the “buffalo” boys who helped him learn to speak Taiwanese, and he soon adapted to the local Taiwanese lifestyle and culture. He was passionate and proactive; he inspired many students to receive baptism and confirmation and to travel with him as his interpreters and as assistants to help him administer medications, perform dental work, spread the gospel…etc. The road of his mission was rough, however, determined and armed with a pair of dental pliers and a Bible, Rev. Dr. MacKay and his students walked miles through the difficult mountain terrain opening the door to share the Gospel with the Taiwanese native people. Despite being in the prime of life, his enthusiastic and excessive toil for the Lord’s mission took its toll on his health. Eventually he succumbed to a terminal illness; he died in 1901 with his wife A-Chong, their three children, and students by his bedside. While pleased he had accomplished much in his mission task of evangelization, education and practicing medicine, MacKay’s one regret was that he still had much aspirations yet to be completed. He chose his beloved Taiwan as his final resting place with the Lord and is buried in Tamsui.
photo© Wen-Hong Kuo 139
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Admission: Free entrance with ticket Seating Capacity: Varies depending on venue Inquiries E-mail: Contact person: Pan Ya-Ching (Superintendent’s Office) Related publication: In an effort to propagate the Gospel, alongside the plays about Rev. Dr. G. L. MacKay’s story, the Mackay Memorial Hospital invited Ms Tu Fu-An, a famous Taiwanese comic artist with specialization in history, to illustrate the life of Rev. MacKay in a colourful book titled “Love and Devotion – Rev. Dr. MacKay’s Story.” The book is published and distributed in collaboration with the PCT Taiwan Church Press; hopefully this publication will widen the audience and impact of Rev. MacKay’s testimony and provide in-depth life education to young people. If you are interested to purchase the book, please contact the PCT Taiwan Church Press directly. Discounts will be provided for bulk orders.
4 Kau-Hoe-Jit (Church Day) Taiwan 24-25 October 2015 Bible studies or large concerts, TaizĂŠ worship or socio-political panel discussionsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the events are as varied as its visitors.
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Taiwan’s first “Kàu-Hõe jit” (Church Day-Tainan) build on the mission heritage Ms Wu Hsin-Ju From the moment Dr. James Maxwell stepped on the soil of Taiwan in 1865, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) future was destined to fulfil her mission to evangelize; transforming the lives of the people and inevitably contribute to modernize Taiwan. Comparatively the 150 years of church history is only a small portion of Taiwan’s history. Yet the local PCT churches have inherited and cultivated rich educational and cultural resources, many of which have been incorporated in the teaching materials of local schools and social institutions. With its varied spiritual, social and cultural engagement in areas such as medicine, education, history, social concern, human rights, music, the arts, spirituality and so on it seems the PCT 150th Anniversary Celebrations should combine both spiritual and cultural dimensions. Allowing the 150th Anniversary mission activities to “step out” from the church circles to reach the wider society would demonstrate its unique mission heritage, evangelical example and spirit. Therefore, during 2015, the year-long anniversary celebrations should exhibit PCT’s mission contribution and influence on Taiwan’s society over the past 150 years and at the same time proclaim how it will continue to serve Taiwan society in the future. Of the varied celebration activities planned, possibly the most striking one is the first “Kàu-Hõe jit” (Church Day) to be held in Tainan. As implied by the name it refers to the “Kirchentag” (Church Day in Germany), which is by now a world famous ecumenical event. Even though the “Kàu-Hõe jit” Church Day in Taiwan is not initiated by local church parish as it was in 142
Kàu-Hõe -Jit (Church Day) Tainan 24-25 October 2015
Germany, it is the first attempt in our country and the Asia region. Besides being regarded as the final climax of the 150th Anniversary Celebrations, it is hoped this opportunity will help to forge and build up formal cooperation relationship with the German organizations which sponsors the “Kirchentag”. It is also expected to become a creative bridge between the church and promote exchanges between both sides. Moreover, it is hoped church members will take over the planning and continue this innovative, forward looking and critical movement to increase the originality of the systematic church.
To hold the first ever “Kàu-Hõe jit” (Church Day) in Tainan, where the pioneer missionaries began evangelistic ministry, is historically meaningful. Christians and Churches in Tainan have contributed a great deal to evangelization, education, medicine and culture during the past 150 years. Tainan has also played an important part to be a bridge between Taiwan’s church and society in Christ. Likewise the Christian spirit of the “Kirchentag” is a bridge between us. Therefore, the first Taiwan “Kàu-Hõe jit” can be held as a tribute to the Tainan churches. In the meantime, it is a milestone to a new stage for passing down Christian heritage and sending missionaries. And this is of significant meaning to church and society in Taiwan. The first “Kàu-Hõe jit” is so significant to history, evangelization, and social 143
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culture because it is not only a celebration for Christians but has potential to influence Taiwan society which in present times, lacks consensus on social and historical issues as well as the value of individuals – all this cause negative effect. The Tainan City Government’s department of religion and culture cooperates wholeheartedly with PCT in the hope of developing a greater depth and width of cultural activities. At the same time, through activities, such as music, arts, drama, discussion, the church can pay tribute to the evangelization example and heritage of Tainan City over the past 150 years and help Christian values to be rooted deeply in the social culture. By means of such a bridge Christ has built up we can cross the gap caused by social conflicts and hatred, and live in a country, like God’s Kingdom, with justice and peace.
5 Mission Consultations
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
5.1 Mission Consultation Telling the Good News Start Date: 10 November 2014 (Mon) at 11:00 End Date:
12 November 2014 (Wed) at 12:15
Presbyterian Bible College 56, Kaofeng Rd, East District, Hsinchu City 新竹市高峰路56號 Tel: (03) 521-7125
Brief introduction: What can we do over the next five years to drive the “One-leads-One, Doubling Movement” missions into 2020? Also, how do we enable the church to realize people’s needs and realistically address their problems? This is what we need to pray for and respond to God. Therefore, focusing on the church’s mission is the main purpose of the seminar. With special topics on “The Nature of Gospel” and “Sharing the Gospel in Taiwan in the Past vs. Now” to clarify the meaning of gospel and the church’s current situation. There will be seminars, group discussions and 16 workshops to cohere the direction of missions and visions. Capacity limitation: 250 people Fee: NT 200 per person Registration deadline: 20 October 2014, via email or Fax to thePCT Evangelism Committee Fax: (02) 2363-2669 Tel: (02) 2362-5282 Contact Persons: Extension 251: Ms Lee Mei-Li, Assistant to the PCT Evangelism Committee Extension 151: Rev. Tsai Nan-Shin, PCT Programme Secretary for Evangelism Committee 146
Mission Consultations
5.2 Mission Consultation Concern for Taiwan Start Date: 29 December 2014 (Mon) 11:00 End Date:
31 December 2014 (Wed) 12:00
Venue: Kaohsiung Chunghwa Telecom Training Centre (400, Renyong Road, Renwu District, Kaohsiung City;高雄縣仁武區赤山里仁勇路400號) Tel: (07) 344-4343 Brief introduction: The seminar will focus on retrospective review, current state analysis, and prospective visions of the mission of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT). The PCT Press Group and members of the History Committee will present PCT’s involvement and activities at the community level over the last 150 years. Five specialized workshops will be provided (“justice for the land”, “sustainable environment”, “social welfare”, “nation’s prospect”, and “caring for the seniors”) to reflect on the current societal issues. Lastly, the seminar will aim to propose a mission statement for the church’s role in transitioning the society. Format will include special topic presentations, workshops, and discussions. Capacity limitation: 250 people Fees: NT 200 per person Registration deadline: 10 December 2014, via email to PCT Church and Society Committee or via fax to 02-2363-2669 Tel: (02) 2362-5282 Contact Persons: Extension 255 Ms Liu Jia-Fen, Assistant to the PCT Church and Society Extension 155 Rev. Lin Wei-Lian, PCT Programme Secretary for the PCT Church and Society Committee 147
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5.3 Mission Consultation Become Faithful Servants Start Date: 2 February 2015 (Mon) at 13:00 End Date: 4 February 2015 (Wed) at 12:00 Venue:
Presbyterian Bible College 56, Kaofeng Rd, East District, Hsinchu City 新竹市高峰路56號
(03) 521-7125
Brief introduction: The purpose of this consultation is to engage Christians from various professional backgrounds to share and reflect upon his/her life stories and receive God’s love and grace. Participants will then accept the call to become a faithful servant for the Lord to share the love of Jesus to people in need, to love the land and the people of God, and to practice faith for God. There will be special topic presentations, workshops, discussions, and open plenary. Capacity limitation: 250 people Fees: NT 200 per person Registration deadline: 20 January 2015 (Tuesday), via email to PCT Student Christian Movement Committee or via fax to (02) 2363-2669 Contact Persons: Tel: (02) 2362-5282 Extension 510 Ms Tseng Shi-Wen, Assistant to PCT Student Christian Movement Committee; or Extension 110 Rev. Wang Jung-Yi, PCT Programme Secretary, for PCT Student Christian Movement Committee
Mission Consultations
5.4 International Symposium Taiwanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Role on Economic Justice, Democratic Values and Human Security in East Asia Date:
Civil Service Development Institute (Taipei)
Participants: PCT representatives; Partner Churches and Organizations in Asia Region; global organizations (WCC, WCRC, CWM, Mission 21), others Contact:
Office of the PCT Associate General Secretary for Ecumenical Relations
(02) 2362-5282 Ext. 163 and 263
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Mission Consultations
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THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN TAIWAN (PCT) General Secretariat and Programme Secretaries (2013.07.01-present) NAME
Rev. LYIM Hong-Tiong
General Secretary
Rev. CHENG Yin-Er
Associate General Secretary
Prof. Victor W. C. HSU
Associate General Secretary
Rev. ‘Eleng Tjaljimaraw
Associate General Secretary
Rev. TSAI Nan-Hsin
Programme Secretary Evangelism Committee
Rev. LEE Wei-Ting
Programme Secretary Education Ministry Committee
Rev. LIN Wei-Lien
Programme Secretary Church and Society Committee
Rev. CHENG Chun-Ping
Programme Secretary Youth Ministry Committee
Rev. WANG Jung-Yi
Programme Secretary Higher Education Committee (SCM students campus ministry)
Rev. LIAN Melissa
Programme Secretary Women’s Ministry Committee
Rev. Omi Wilang
Programme Secretary Indigenous Ministry Committee (Church & Society)
Rev. Supina Nakaisulan
Programme Secretary Indigenous Ministry Committee (Education)
Rev. LAI De-Ching
Programme Secretary Hakka Mission Committee
Rev. CHEN Yi-Ming
Programme Secretary Pine Life (Senior Citizens) Ministry Committee
Rev. YEH Ching-An
Programme Secretary Ecumenical and International Relations Committee
Rev. NG Tiat-Gan
Programme Secretary Research and Development Committee
Elder PE Tek-Hong
Programme Secretary Finance Committee; Administration Management
Programme Secretary Ministers In-Service & Retirement Welfare Committee; Social Welfare Institutions
Elder LIM Un-Cheng
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN TAIWAN 150TH ANNIVERSARY AND 60TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OUTLINE OF PROGRAMME FOR ALL INTERNATIONAL GUESTS AND CHURCH REPRESENTATIVES (2-‐10 April 2015) 2 APRIL 3 APRIL 4 APRIL 5 APRIL 6 APRIL (Mon) 7 APRIL (Tue) 8 APRIL (Wed) MAUNDY GOOD EASTER EASTER THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast (coach 08:00) (walk-‐taxi) (free time) (walk-‐taxi) INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL ARRIVALS PCT 150TH (10:30) SPECIAL (optional – Attend PCT ARRIVALS continue taxi by self) 60th General ANNIVERSARY PROGRAMME: continue MISSION FORUM WCC GS talk WORSHIP Assembly (for international at Taiwan CELEBRATION representatives & Theological (free time) IPC –PCT sign guests, & former College and Rest or Out and Simple partner church missionaries) Seminary About in Taipei lunchbox at (11:00-‐12:20) agreement venue Meeting Room to at MMH Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch box Lunch Lunch 13:30 begin PCT 60GA Welcome to (free time) Tour for MISSION FORUM PCT 60TH attend GOOD Rest or Out and International continues GENERAL (Free time) FRIDAY Worship About in Taipei Guests (end 16:00) ASSEMBLY Services in *OPENING Taipei (convene hotel WORSHIP lobby 17:00 coach) *WELCOME *SPECIAL LECTURE Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Return to Hotel PCT GA Welcome Election of GA join delegates after dinner Dinner 18:00 officers Dinner 18:30 (optional) Host MMH
Breakfast (coach) Visit local church ministry
Dinner join delegates Dinner 18:30 Host Presbytery
Lunch box (coach) Visits places of historical significance
10 APRIL (Fri)
9 APRIL (Thu)
Attend 60GA closing
(as at 3-‐23)
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN TAIWAN 150th Anniversary and 60th General Assembly Meeting (annual) 04-10 April 2014
- General Information and Guidelines for International Representatives and Guests We extend the hand of fellowship and our warm welcome to the PCT family and Taiwan
PCT General Assembly Office 台灣基督長老教會總會 (08:30 to 17:15 Mon-Fri) Address: 3, Lane 269, Roosevelt Rd. Sec. 3, Taipei 10647 TAIWAN For Taxi: 台 灣 10647 台北市羅斯福路三段 269 巷 3 號 Tel: (02) 2362-5282 + Ext. 365, 265 or 165 Taiwan Country code +886 Fax: + (886) 2-2362-8096 E-mail: Ecumenical and International Relations Office:
< >
General Secretary, Rev. Lyim Hong-Tiong
< >
Administrative Assistant GS: Carys Humphreys
< >
Associate General Secretary For Ecumenical Relations, Prof. Victor W. C. Hsu <> Ecumenical Program Secretary: Rev. Yeh Ching-An
< >
Administrative Assistant EC: Joyce Shih
Ms SI Sui-Hun (Joyce Shih)
Ms Carys Humphreys (Han Le-Si)
+(886) 2-2621-9747 [home]
Temporary Emergency Number
PCT 60th General Assembly Meeting Venue: Mackay Memorial Hospital (Auditorium 9 Floor) 馬偕紀念醫院 Address: 92 Chung-Shan N. Road Sec. 2, Taipei 10449 TAIWAN For Taxi: 台灣 10449 台北市中山區中山北路二段 92 Tel: (02)
Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
Accommodation during the 150th Anniversary and 60th General Assembly: Hotel Sense 伸 適 商 旅 Address: No.477, Linsen N.Rd., Taipei 10451Taiwan For Taxi: 台灣 10451 台北市中山區林森北路 477 號 Tel: + (886) 2-7743-1000 Fax:+ (886) 2-7743-1100 See more Ambassador Hotel Address: 63 Chung-Shan N. Road Sec. 2, Taipei 10449 TAIWAN For Taxi: 台灣 10449 台北市中山區中山北路二段 63 Tel: +(886) 2-2552-1111 Fax: + (886) 2-2531-5215 See more: YMCA International Hotel, Address: 19 Hsu-Chang Street, Taipei, Taiwan For Taxi: 台北青年國際旅館 Address: 台灣 10047 台北市中正區許昌街 19 號 Tel: (02) 2311-3201 Fax: (02) 2311-3209 E-mail: See more
2. ARRIVALS and DEPARTURES Thank you for confirming your flights. PCT has made arrangements for you to be met at the international airport upon arrival. After you come through to the public area (following customs) veer to the right and look for someone displaying your name. If you have any difficulties or fail to see our personnel please telephone one of the PCT emergency mobile numbers listed and wait near the airport Information Desk. Taiwan Airport - Taoyuen International Airport (TPE) has two terminals and is located 4560 minutes drive (pending traffic) from Taipei City. If you need to telephone PCT office from the international airport you must use the city code (02) 2362-5282 http// Early arrivals - the PCT office has made accommodation reservations according to your individual schedules/requests. The currency of Taiwan is NT$ New Taiwanese Dollars – you might wish to avail yourself of the money exchange counters at the airport upon arrival. ATM machines accept most major cards (e.g. visa, cirrus) Departures - at the end of your visit PCT will arrange transport to the airport as needed. If you have made alternative personal arrangements for transport “pick-up” upon arrival or departure or changed your flights do let PCT staff know as soon as possible.
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3. HOSPITALITY Accommodation: The PCT will be responsible for bed and breakfast only at the Hotel for the duration of the Assembly. Any extra costs for additional meals, room service, laundry, international telephone calls etc. will be the personal responsibility of the representatives/guests. Meals - Breakfast will be served at the Hotel – we will notify you about lunch and dinner arrangements according to daily programme. Insurance: PCT will prepare basic accident insurance cover for activities while you are in Taiwan. National health care/insurance (NHI) is not provided for visitors to Taiwan (only residents). Drinking Water - Do not drink water directly from the faucet. Bottled water will be supplied. Water served in restaurants and hotels is also safe. Water fountains are also generally safe – if in doubt take warm water. Voltage – Taiwan electrical appliances are compatible with USA at 110 (two flat pin plugs) do ensure you have suitable adapter. Climate - Taiwan is subtropical with the Northern areas usually cooler and more humid than the South. This time of year (usually) light summer clothes are adequate; but some buildings can be “cold” due to air condition so it is advisable to have a long sleeved jacket/sweater at hand. Note recent weeks the temperature has been unpredictable fluctuating greatly between 13 and 32 C. Dress – Taiwan is very cosmopolitan. For the Opening Worship 4/07 the dress code will be formal (office suit/dress); clerical dress; you are most welcome to dress according to your own cultural tradition. Generally only our Moderator will “robe” as the officiating clergy. The days following, casual dress is appropriate (long or short sleeves, no tie); it is acceptable for women to wear trousers (long pants). 4. GENERAL ASSEMBLY VENUE Venue – The meeting venue is walking distance from the Hotels (opposite side). If walking is difficult taxi is advised. For other group programmes transport will be arranged and especially for the 150th Anniversary Worship on 5 April – more details when you arrive. Security – please display your nametag whenever you are on the premises to help our Stewards and hospital personnel identify you. Be reminded not to leave any valuables unattended since the hospital Auditorium and meeting rooms are accessible to the public. Seats - are designated for guests in the main auditorium (front, right side facing platform). Translation – the GA proceedings will be conducted primarily in Taiwanese and Mandarin Chinese. Instantaneous translation is provided in Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and English languages. Earphones/individual transmitters will be distributed. We would appreciate your cooperation in returning the transmitter to the Stewards before you leave the auditorium - the equipment is expensive to replace (or post back)!!
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Beyond 150 years Envision a New Taiwan
5. PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS We draw your attention to the specific events which are especially arranged during your time with us and we look forward to your participation and fellowship. 5 April (Easter Sunday) THE LORD IS RISEN! (07:45 convene in the hotel lobby) - kind notice we will NOT return to the hotel until after the evening meal thus prepare what you need for the day! 08:00 Buses depart to attend the PCT 150th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service (Linkou) Afternoon – tour for international guests and representatives including dinner out. 6 April (Mon) 10:30-16:00 Special Mission Seminar for international guests and representatives at Mackay Memorial Hospital (15 Floor Lecture Hall) Topic: God’s Mission Beyond 150 – Presentations will be made by PCT speakers - we look forward to your discussion and input as we share and reflect together on our mission partnership. 18:00 PCT Welcome Dinner for International guests and representatives (transport to depart from hotels 17:00) 7 April (Tues) (11:00-12:20) a.m. WCC General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Olav Tveit will make a special presentation at the Taiwan Theological College and Seminary Chapel, guests are welcome, however, this is optional and you will need to take taxi to the Seminary. If you plan to attend due to time frame we advice that you go direct from the seminary to the Assembly Venue for the Opening procedures. (13:30) Opening Worship and Holy Communion - please be seated promptly by 13:15 GREETINGS from representatives – immediately following the Opening Worship there will be a time of welcome and introductions. Due to programme constraints and the number of guests PCT will only invite limited number of church representatives to bring greetings namely URC, PCC, UCCJ and WCC. Thank you for your understanding. (16:00) Special Lecture: Rev. C. S. Yang, current member of Taiwanese Bible translation team; former PCT Moderator (1988) former General Secretary of the PCT (1989-1998 retired); former Principal of Yushan Theological College and Seminary (1970-1989) 8 April (Weds) (11:50) Sign partner church agreement: Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia (Presbyterian Church of Colombia) and the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) 18:30 All are invited to join PCT assembly delegates/commissioners to a dinner hosted by the Mackay Memorial Hospital Board. 9 April (Thus) Visit Local church ministry and historical sites in Taipei City 18:30 All are invited to join PCT assembly delegates/commissioners to a dinner jointly hosted by the Seven Stars Presbytery and Taipei Presbytery. Your PCT Host Team looks forward to serving you
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Beyond 150 years - Envision a New Taiwan PCT 150th Mission Anniversary English Handbook Title Beyond 150 years: Envision a New Taiwan PCT 150th Mission Anniversary English Handbook Editors Rev. Yeh Ching-An ( 葉景安牧師 ), Ms Carys Humphreys ( 韓麗絲 ) Compiled by Ms Carys Humphreys ( 韓麗絲 ) Translators Ms Marian Pan ( 潘佩妤 ), Ms Yvonne Chang ( 張詠婷 ), Ms Diane Pan ( 潘佩夌 ), Ms Rose Chiu ( 邱玉雲 ) Cover and Book Design by Ms Wu Hsin-Ju ( 吳信如 ), Ms Lin Wan-Chun ( 林婉君 ) Published by Tâi-oân Ki-tok Tíu”-Ló Kàu-Hõe 台灣基督長老教會總會 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Address 3, Lane 269, Roosevelt Rd. Sec. 3 Taipei 10647 Taiwan (02) 2362-5282 E-mail: Website: Photographs Reproduced with Permission of Contributors PCT and 150 Logos Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) Copyright © 2015 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
Printed in Taiwan