四月 壹號
肆 [
日 ]
4.April issue 1
the Artist
Portrait of Félix Pissarro 1881, Camille Pissarro
谢文蒂 生于 1989 年,现生活与工作于深圳 学历 2010 - 2012 毕业于英国皇家艺术学院陶瓷与玻璃系,获硕士学位 2006 - 2010 毕业于中国美术学院玻璃艺术造型专业,获学士学位 展览经历 2012 “Stanislay Libensky”,布拉格美术馆,捷克 “A Spatial Surprise”,“MINT”美术馆,伦敦,英国 皇家艺术学院硕士毕业展,伦敦,英国 “Ceramics Art London”,皇家艺术学院,伦敦,英国 2011 “Work in Progress Show”,皇家艺术学院,伦敦,英国 “European Advancement Award for Young Glass Artists", Zwiesseler,德国 “Home”,Designers Guild,伦敦,英国 “John Norris Wood Natural Forming”,皇家艺术学院,伦敦,英国 2010 “Work in Progress Show”,皇家艺术学院,伦敦,英国 中国美术学院学士毕业展,杭州,中国
Selected 09/2012 09/2012 06/2012 02/2012
12/2009 Excellent Award, Experimental Centre Exhibition, China Academy of Art 06/2009 Third Prize Award, Literary Competition, China Academy of Art 09/2008-06/2009 Winner, Creative Ability Scholarship, China Academy of Art 09/2007-06/2008 Second Prize Academic Scholarship, China Academy of Art 03/2007 Creative drawing has been kept in the college, China Academy of Art 01/2007 Excellent Award, Literary Competition, China Academy of Art
08/2011 E Kolbl, Zwie 06/2011
05/2011 11/2010 06/2010
“Zenish” Magazine, Issue 9: Minimalism in Wine Glass Design, written by Wendi Xie 2013
“Glass Trends” Magazine: East to West- Interview with Overseas glass stude 2012 http://www.glass-trends.com/5/overseas-students.html “Zhuangshi” E-magazine 2011 http://www.izhsh.com.cn/community/81/1375.html “Glass Art”, Chapter 3, Part 1: Application in Glass Art Author: Xi Han Zhejiang People’s Art Published 2010
Wendi Xie
Born in 1989, works and lives in Shenzhen, China. Email: wendi.xie@network.rca.ac.uk Tel: +8615914036561 Website: http://www.xiewendi.com http://www.flickr.com/photos/wendi-glassworks/ Education 2010-2012 MA Ceramics & Glass, Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom 2006-2010 BA Glass Art, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
Stanislav Libensky Award 2012, Gallery of Prague Castle, Czech London Design Week, Mint Gallery, London Graduation Show, Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom Ceramics Art London, RCA, London
Work in Progress Show, RCA, London
European Advancement Award for Young Glass Artists, Zwiesseler esseler, Germany
Home(Group Show), Designers Guild, London
John Norris Wood National Forming Drawing Exhibition, RCA, London Work in Progress Show, RCA, London Graduation Show, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
>> a great impostor 2 black clay and cast glass 21x20x19cm 2011
a great impostor 6 << plaster and blown glass 15x41x25cm 2011
>> a great impostor 4 blown glass and pate de verre 20x20x38cm 2011
show in RCA London 2011
肆:艺术灵感主要源于什么 来源于回忆、文学、童话、对人和物的感念和日常生活。
肆:怎么看待在创作中出现的不安全感或不确定感,比如在创作过程中 的自我否认。
品 不 量 们 有
中 大 它 自 时
主 , , 身 候
要 因 换 与 思
用 在 之 中 会
玻 创 , 的 被
璃 作 它 思 材
这 中 已 想 料
个 我 蕴 的 所
材 已 含 契 诱
质 会 了 合 发
。 从 美 感 ,
不 构 。 。 所
过我对纯粹的体现玻璃材料 成、质感、形式、色彩等方 我眼中的材料价值,很大程 但是,并不总是先有想法再 以它们都很重要。
平和地看待(要做到并不容易)。因为经常出现,看待它们就像看待生 , 活中的情绪跌宕起伏一样。生活要继续,创作也要继续,只要 move on 有低谷就有高潮。无论如何,要相信自己。
作 趣 考 它 ,
肆:谈谈你认为的材料价值 的 兴 衡 于 料
运 为 言 脑 想
前 感 平 决 材
我 的 面 度 选
为 主 要 创 作 载 体 ,是 因 为 它 很 符 合 “ 无形的回忆 、 无 ”“ 等的概念。我喜欢透明玻璃磨砂处理后似有似无的 ” 趣于运用玻璃"擅于模仿"的特性。
目 美 去 取 择
譬如现在我用玻璃作 镜像 可 承 载 之 轻 ”“ 存在,以及我很感兴
大 程 却 自
体 中 常 于
上 那 在 这
是 里 我 里
一 的 心 。
个 画 的 是
怀 面 一 一
肆:描述一下自己 我 过 它 来
旧的人,我总觉得内心深处有一片童年乐土,在成长 、声 音 和 气 味 都 不 断 地 引 我 入 胜 。我 再 也 还 原 不 了 它 , 种飘渺的感觉。我的很多想象力,自我认知和自信也 种我再也还原不了它,它却常在我心的飘渺感觉。
我想做一个清透又朦胧的人,默然存在却不可忽视,就很像我的作品所 呈现出来的状态。
个 重 迷 艺 忆 纪
心 视 人 术 做 念
灵 自 ? 。 过 ,
得 己 无 这 的 成
以 的 法 是 梦 长
自 感 用 很 。 ,
由 觉 言 勇 勇 表
的 , 语 敢 敢 达
状 " 态。毕业以后,从一直是学生的角色跳出来,一 所幸现在整体心境趋于冷静。有两个大的目标(确 在逐步去做。做学生的时候总是或多或少被许多" 前进,变成"自由人"之后意识到更需要这些,所 目标很有助于稳定情绪。
一 不 多 了 回 式
前 " 进中 与不适, 作室)正 催促自己 定短期的
是 法 有 成 命 形 。
的 虑 工 " 设
术 无 竟 变 拼 种 情
定 焦 和 期 己
艺 为 究 都 像 一 事
稳 些 作 日 自
得 因 觉 果 点 样 的
较 有 工 止 给
觉 是 感 结 有 这 做
比 度 定 截 以
成 就 的 和 , 以 去
步。因为我总是觉得自己做的事不够,由此变得焦 功利性。现在会花时间陪家人,与朋友谈心,练习 身之道,我觉得工作与生活要适当分开,很想变得 。
慢 变 和 一
画 家 加 去 无 识 达
变 , 人 程 路 , 我
脚 得 养 点
放 觉 饪 立
欢 术 复 , 有 意 表
慢 的 个 过 迷 处 引
着 不 烹 独
喜 艺 以 西 间 潜 再
慢 恋 一 , 人 深 吸
学 知 究 和
为 实 无 东 中 的 后
来 自 。 来 使 觉 是
, 不 研 容
因 其 到 些 为 己 然
后 很 步 出 路 感 ,
上 且 , 从
是 。 大 一 因 自 ,
; 是 地 了 岔 及 己
活 而 伽 加
始 吧 放 的 , 掘 现
画 都 的 做 数 以 自
生 虑 瑜 更
开 由 且 达 事 挖 发
肆:为什么选择艺术 最 理 而 表 的 地 并
S: Can you describe yourself? I am a very "nostalgic person". I always find there exists an area in my mind that containing my childhood memory. The pictures, sound and scent there have a great impact on me during my growing. I am not able to go back but it always is there in somewhere. I believe that some of my imagination, identity and confidence come from it. I see myself as a transparent but obscure person, quiet but solid, just like my works.
S: What is your current states of working and living? I am in progress. I have just jumped out of "Being A Student" for 9 months, and had occurred some anxiety and confusion since graduation, but now I feel myself calm down a bit. Because I am moving on to my two big destination which are my job and my studio settlement. I found that when I was a student, I often feel that I was pushing by the "deadline", and I am aware that it is more important when I actually become a freeman. So some short-period deadlines really help to stabilize my emotion. Speaking of living, I am learning to slow down. I spent more time on my family, friends, doing yoga, cooking and to keep heathy. I think working and living should somehow be separated. I want to be more calm and independent. S: Why did you choose Art? In the very beginning, I chose art because I like drawing. And now I feel Art is a form that keep my heart free. As a matter of fact, I think artists are all narcissistic, because they are too aware of their feelings, and try so hard to expanding them. How fascinating can one's feeling be? There's something can not be speakable, by making it, the process and result become "Art". This is very brave, because there would have thousands of reasons to make you lost way, somehow like to recall a dream. This is a form that to memorize, to grow up, to express and then discover and then express again, and I am enjoying it.
S: What mainly inspires your art? I think my inspiration are from memories, literature, fairy tale, relationship and everyday life.
S: How do you see the "uncertainty" during the process of creating? For example, the self deny? I try to treat it calmly and take it easy. (But not easy to do). It is very normal and often happened, the same as the emotional ups and downs in life. But just keep going, it will be fine. We should believe in ourselves.
S: Can you talk about "material evaluation"? I mainly use glass as my material to create works. I do not keen on exploring the "glassy" or beauty of glass. Because I have already taken the overall structure, quality, form and colour into consideration when I started to make it. It has its sense of beauty in the first place. I think "material evaluation" mostly depends on how match does it work with thoughts. And sometimes idea comes from material, they are both important. I use glass recently because it fits the concepts of "Formless memory" "Unbearable lightness"and "Mirror Images (through the looking glass)". I like the stillness and mystery of translucent glass and I am mostly interested in the mimetic power of glass.
Journey << cast glass 20x30x106cm 2012
the other me << pate de verre 15x65x63cm 2012
>> Tweedledum and Tweedledee pate de verre 17x96x65cm 2012
About >SI< micro conceptual magazine, part of Zoe(zoewanshu.net) introducing young Asian artists who are based in Europe
关于 > 肆 < 隶属 > 草乙載萬殊 <zoewanshu.net 的微杂志 介绍活动于欧洲的亚洲青年艺术家 , 让“肆意”产生价值
SI 4.April 2013 No.1