STUDENT CENTRED EDUCATION A major conversation is currently happening in education around whether schools, teaching and the curriculum should be about knowledge or personal agency. A teacher-centered versus childcentered model. The conversation is largely argued from the position of one standpoint having more merit than the other. Like all good arguments, the ideal probably lies somewhere in-between or on a continuum between these positions, certainly this is the case for us at Rangi Ruru. Student-centred education does not mean handing over responsibility for learning to the individual students themselves. At one extreme end of the spectrum this may be a definition. However, on the continuum between this position and the other - which is an an entirely state or teacher directed content, delivery and assessed methodology lie reason and common sense.
Visual Arts Study
Students learn best when they feel safe, cared for and are interested. A passionate facilitator (the teacher) is a factor. There is a balance to be found between the acquisition of knowledge in a traditional manner and allowing students active participation and ownership in this process. Surveying classes is part of our constant process of reflection at Rangi Ruru. A senior student commented in a reflective performance interview recently that to her surprise, English has been a favourite subject this year. Why? ‘…..In the writing portfolio I have ownership of the topics that I write about’. The writing portfolio is one topic in the Year 12 English programme to which the student referred. Obviously, she needs the skills and knowledge to write, construct and communicate her voice. In addition, she needs to understand the level at which the writing needs to be pitched and may be assessed. Active participation of both student and teacher is crucial in the success of this practice.
Encouraging student agency is a process. Prioritising students’ interests does not undermine knowledge contained in subjects. Making the knowledge that students need (the essence of that which defines subjects) available, interesting and contextualised allows students access to the vital skills and knowledge to succeed in learning. Direct teaching, reciprocal teaching where teachers scaffold and support learning, feedback, meta-cognition strategies which empower students to think about their own thinking and learning, all build agency and increase autonomy. Using a portfolio of teaching and learning strategies and tools allows students to experience a range of ways of learning and to uncover which strategies work best for them. This differentiated model is our goal.
Camille Perelini and Petra Dyer (HPL Co-ordinator)