Neverwhere- Costume design

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Erdélyi Zsóka SZFE Látvány I. 2016-17

Jelmez tervezés

Neverwhere neil gaiman


Contents: Overall story and mood of Neverwhere.......................................................................................................................4 Concept of the Floating Market....................................................................................................................................7 Costume design: Richard...............................................................................................................................................9 Costume design: Lady Door.........................................................................................................................................15 Costume design: Marquis de Carabas.......................................................................................................................25 Costume design: Hunter...............................................................................................................................................35 Costume design: Mr. Croup and Mr. Vandemar......................................................................................................43 Costume design: Islington............................................................................................................................................53






Islington- Benedict Cuberbatch, Richard Mayhew- James McAvoy, Lady Door- Natalie Dormer, Hunter- Sophie Okonedo, The Marquis de Carabas - David Harewood, Mr. Croup- Anthony Head, Mr. Vandemar- David Schofield

Richard Mayhew Londonban éli mindennapjait, amíg nem botlik bele az utcán egy súlyosan sérült lányba. Richard azonnal a bajbajutott segítségére siet, azonban nem is sejti, hogy mibe keveri ezzel magát. A lány – akiről később kiderül, hogy Ajtónak hívják – gyógyulása és távozása után főhősünk élete kitörlődik a Fenti Londonból és lassan átcsusszan a Lentibe. Az eredetileg BBC-sorozatnak készült, majd annak forgatókönyvéből regénnyé írt történet a jól ismert gaimani toposszal („átcsúszás a való világból egy másikba”) ugrik fejest egy izgalmas, feszesen megírt kalandba.


The Floating market “They stepped into the Egyptian Room. Colour and light broke over Richard like a wave hitting shore. (…) It was pure madness—of that there was no doubt at all. It was loud and brash, and insane and it was, in many ways, quite wonderful. People argued, haggled, shouted, sang. They hawked and touted their wares, and loudly declaimed the superiority of their merchandise. Music was playing- a dozen different kind of music (...) Stalls have been set up all throughout the shop, next to, or even, on counters, that during the day, had sold perfume, or watches, or amber, or silk scarves etc.

There was something deeply tribal about the people Richard decided. He tried to pick out distinct groups: there were ones who looked like they had escaped from a historical re-enactment society; the ones who reminded him of hippies; the albino people in grey clothes and dark glasses; the polished dangerous ones in smart suits and black gloves;, the huge, almost identical women who walked in twos and threes, and nodded when saw each other; the tangle-haired ones who looked like they probably lived in the sewer and who smelled like hell; and hundred other types and kinds…”


Richard Mayhew

Played by James Mcavoy

“My name i Richard Mayhew. I’ve got a job in London, a fiance, a flat.. at least I did have. I helped a girl called Door, now something strange has happened and it’s like I’m falling through gaps...slipping trough time.. I need to get back…my life. I’m not going mad. Am I?”



Final costume design (front and back view)


Lady door Played by Natalie Dormer The Lady Door hails from family of Arch, one of the foremost families in London Below. The daughter of Lord Portico, Door is an ‘opener’, possessing her family’s unique ability to unlock doors or to create and open doors and openings where none exist. When her family is brutally murdered, Door finds herself on the run for her life, desperate to find out who ordered the assassination - and why - and to avenge their deaths.



Costume design variation sketches

“She was dressed in a variety of clothes thrown over each other: odd clothes, dirty velvets, muddy lace, rips and holes through which other layers and styles could be seen. She looked, Richard thought, as if she’d done a midnight raid on the History of Fashion section of the Victoria and Albert Museum, and was still wearing everything she’d taken. Her short hair was filthy, but looked like it might have been dark reddish colour under the dirt. (…)




Marquis de Carabas

Played by David Harewood

“The marquis de Carabas was not a good man, and he knew himself well enough to be perfectly certain that he was not a brave man. He had long since decided that the world, Above or Below, was a place that wished to be deceived, and, to this end, he had named himself from a lie in a fairy tale, and created himself--his clothes, his manner, his carriage--as a grand joke.� -Niel Gaiman A charming nobleman and trickster, the Marquis barters and bargains his way around London Below, exchanging favours for his services. Owing a particularly large favour to Lord Portico, de Carabas feels obliged to pay off his debt by helping his daughter, the Lady Door, when she calls upon him for assistance.



Costume design variation sketches


Final costume design (first version)


Final costume design (second version)


hunter played by Sophie Okonedo “I did a bad thing, Richard Mayhew...because I wanted to be the one to kill the beast. Because I needed the spear.” Hunter is a character that stays true to her name. She has been told to be London’s best body guard. She will demolish anyone that stands in her way as if they were prey, without even a trace of remorse. Spending her time guarding the lady Door on her voyage underground to seek the truth, she drags along Richard whom she considers to be a burden and a frail character.



Costume design variation sketches



Mr. Croup and mr. vandemar These two characters cling together through out the course of the novel. They commit the corruptive tasks asked by Islington and enjoy doing it. They’re cannibalistic characters that enjoy torture and cherish each others presence.



Costume design variation sketches


Final costume design (first version)


Final costume design (second version)



played by Benedict cumberbatch

“It had golden hair and a pale face. It was not much taller than Richard, but it made him feel like a child. It was not a man; it was not a woman. It was very beautiful.” -Niel Gaiman The angel Islington, is the most evident portrayal of both betrayal and deception. He conveys the clear description of the concept that you shall not even trust your own shadow, because Lucifer was once an angel. Islington is the celestial being that should showcase perfection and sanity, however in “Neverwhere” he is the dark force that drives the characters into absurdities. He betrays the lady Door and utilizes Croup, Vandamar and Hunter to commit his evil deeds. This cruel creature attempts to reign over heaven, however that will be a difficult task without the lady Door by his side.



56 Costume and headpiece design variation sketches




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