The Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin 1501 Clark Street P.O. Box 968 Stevens Point, WI 54481 Phone: (715) 342-4454 Fax: (715) 342-5560 Website: Email:
Letter from the President
Dear Friends of the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin, Your continued support and generosity have helped the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin achieve a monumental milestone. We awarded over $1.1 million in grants, scholarships and program services to our community in 2014! This is the largest amount ever awarded and the first time we have surpassed $1 million. With your help, we provided support to 100 community agencies and 163 scholarships to help students pay for college. THANK YOU!
It is my pleasure to present the fiscal year 2014 Report to the Community. This information quantifies how the Foundation is investing in our community. The true measure of our success is our ability to improve the quality of the lives of people in Portage and Waushara Counties. For more information about how the Community Foundation is giving back to our community, visit our website at Sincerely,
Rob Manzke Rob Manzke, President Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin
Our mission is to help make the counties of Portage and Waushara better places in which to grow, to work, to play and to retire - by helping people, enhancing education, enriching arts and culture, contributing to wellness and improving the environment through financial management of gifts and grants from individuals and organizations.
PHILOSOPHY We believe that we must protect, nurture, and nourish the uniqueness of the Central Wisconsin area -- The diversity of its race and culture, the richness of its artistic expression and appreciation, and the beauty and quality of its natural resources so that all may enjoy a quality of life both now and in the future.
PASSION to serve our
We are committed to human and community development, wise and thoughtful distribution of our resources, and prudent investment of the funds entrusted to us.
APPRECIATION for the time, energy, talent and resources that donors and volunteers invest in our Community COMMITMENT to make our Community a better place to live, work, play and retire
We serve as a neutral, nonpartisan third party civic leader to examine and determine community needs and facilitate development of solutions to community problems.
Our Established Funds
Grants to organizations and programs that identify local need priorities for services of general human growth and benefit, focusing on the underprivileged.
Grants that support individual scholarships, programming and general projects in any private, public or parochial educational facility or school, all forms of literacy, individual development, leadership and skills enhancement, or improving human minds in an educational setting.
Grants that support artistic expression, artistic performance, arts programming and organizations, expanding understanding of culture/diversity, public art installation, historical preservation and projects that support the arts, history or culture.
Grants that support nutrition, provide health care delivery, medical services, personal health maintenance, general mental health, sports activities, exercise or outdoor activities, or improving human health and well being.
Grants to organizations and programs deemed to be of the greatest importance of need by the Community Foundation Board of Directors.
Grants that support outdoor wildlife habitat, green space, water quality, clean air, or projects to improve our outdoor environment.
Types of Funds MISSION FUNDS
Connecting personal values to high-impact opportunities
Helping to reach the goals of area projects
Investing in deserving students for our future
Endowing your nonprofit organization
The beginnings of starting a fund
A personal approach to giving
Meeting ever-changing community needs
Supporting your favorite charities
Unrestricted - 1.0%
Mission Funds - 5.3%
Seed A Future - .2%
Endowment - 58.8%
Scholarship - 22.5%
Agency - 8.2%
Admin/Operating - 1.4%
Pass-Thru (Special Project) - 2.6%
SPASH HIGHSCHOOL “ We do a lot with Community Foundation to ensure that our kids recieve a post-secondary education.” -Mike Devine, SPASH High School Principle
Stevens Point Area High School students have received numerous scholarships from the Community Foundation since 2000 because of the generosity of community members who understand the value of a post-secondary education. The areas that receive the most in scholarship funding are the arts and sciences, which are two of the most diverse fields in today’s ever-changing world.
YMCA “ The Community Foundation has been a great help, helping us with our Livestrong program for cancer survivors and our Heppa Standards program (healthy snacks for our school age children).” -Joe Sueburt, Senior Director of Operations Stevens Point YMCA
The Stevens Point Area YMCA has been a close partner with the Community Foundation since the early 2000’s. Overtime there has been a steady increase in the number of funds going towards the YMCA facility and many of its before and after school programs. For many of the kids and adults participating in these programs it’s a way for them to stay active as well as build friendships that last a lifetime. The photo above is from the Heppa Standards program at James Madison Elementary in Stevens Point, a program that directly benefits kids in Portage County by giving them time to play, be active, and receive a healthy meal.
ST. MICHAEL’S HOSPITAL “ The Community Foundation is a wonderful community partner. They see the big picture for funding and programming. Through their support they make our community a better place to live and work. They help fund programs that change lives .” -Angie Heuk, St. Michael’s Foundation
The St. Michael’s Foundation, is a branch of St. Michael’s Hospital; it has worked with the Community Foundation to improve the lives of patients and families since 2007. It has given millions of dollars to better improve the lives of tens of thousands of families in Portage County who cannot afford proper medical coverage. Some of the specific programs that the Community Foundation helps fund are the Medical Assistant Fund, a fund that helps give prescriptions for the under-privileged, the Pediatric Obesity Program, a program that gives check-ups and coverage to children with a body mass index of 97% or higher, and the Ministry Dental Center’s 0-3 Program, an oral health program that gives prevention, care, access, and education to children ages 0-3 in need of dental care.
SENTRY INSURANCE “ The Sentry Foundation works with the Community Foundation through our Matching Gift Program, where associates can donate to designated scholarship funds through the Foundation. Through this type of giving Sentry sponsors various events such as The Pink Game for Cancer in conjunction with UWSP football .” -Judy Splinter, Administrative Assistant Sentry Insurance Foundation
Sentry Insurance is a prominent figure that works with the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin. Sentry has their own internal foundation that deals primarily with the Matching Gift Program. The Sentry Foundation, through this program, is able to give to the numerous private and public endowments of the Community Foundation, which they use to help promote various programs and individual scholarships. For the associates of Sentry Insurance it’s all about giving back to the community and positively affecting the lives of those benefiting from such funds.
Statement of Financial Position LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS
Total Assets Managed, including assets managed for others, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014.
Accounts Payable
Accrued expenses
Grants Payable
Funds Held for Others
Unrestricted Net Assets
Other income
Investment Income
Total Revenue Gains and Other Support
Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents held for investment purposes Note Receivable
164,127 1,456,977 225,598
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
EXPENSES 1,966,238 200,000
Other Assets
Total Assets
Grants / Scholarships & Program Services 1,150,752 General and Administrative
Fund Raising
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
1,150,752 990,895
15,001,214 13,822,936
ASSETS (in dollars)
Financials audited by CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, Certified Public Accountants and Consultants. Audited financial statements and the 990 tax form are available upon request from the Community Foundation office. The Community Foundation is not required to submit a 990T at this time, but in the event the Community Foundation is required to submit this form, it would also be available upon request.
Donors The following is a list of those who generously have given to the worthy causes of the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin. Without their help and support we would not be able to provide for the community now and in the future. This list reflects gifts made through the Foundation for Fiscal Year 2014, July 1, 2013 thru June 30, 2014.
12 Apostles Musky Club Fund
A Victorian Swan On Water Accounting Workshop, SC Active Portage County, Inc. Scott & Laura Adamski AIG Matching Grants Program Gregg & Kay Aiken Marion Aiken Al’s Diner Aldo Leopold Audubon Society Walter Alexander Foundation Inc. Alliance Health LLC Alliant Energy Foundation Jim & Betsy Altenburg AmazonSmile Foundation Ambulatory Surgical Center Employees Ameriprise Financial Annual Giving Campaign American Asphalt American Water Resources Association Amherst Telephone Company Michael & Jo Ann Amick AnchorBank Anton & Mary Beth Anday Anderson / O’Brien Bill & Lynn Anderson David & Patricia Anderson Floy Mae Anderson Jim & Patti Anderson Judy Cable Anderson Lynn Anderson Norman Anderson Terry Anderson Ryan & Erin Andrews Kim & Matt Angell Anonymous Donor Gerald & Irene Anstett Jerry & Ruth Apps John & Amanda Arens Arkansas Community Foundation Harlan Armson Arneson Insurance Agency Terrell & Yvonne Arnold Arts Alliance of Portage County Maurie Ash
Russell Augustin Stanley & Jane Augustinak Autism Impact Corporation Auto Select (DM&W Ventures) AXA Foundation Matching Gifts Plan Carol Cumiskey Axley
Emery & Lois Babcock Judy Bablitch Earl & Virginia Baeten John Bailiff Jean Baillon Mary Baird-Barnes Patricia A. Baker Kirk & Mary Baldauf Thomas & Susan Baldischwiler Frank & Lisa Baltus Ed & Penny Bancker Mary J. Bandow Steve & Kristy Bandy Bank A Count Ralph & Carol Banke Sheila & James Banovetz The Barber’s Shoppe Alvin Barden Bud & Ann Barden Ron & JoAnne Barker Barlow Enterprises, Inc. George & Sandi Barnes Jake & Kristin Barnes David Barr Daniel Barth Rick & Mary Bartkowiak Dena Barton Chad Baruch Nicole Batzel-Decker Judy & Ted Bauer Ted Bauer & Laurie Graboski-Bauer William & Marcie Baures Robert & Holly Beauvais Gini Bechard Michael & Amy Beck David & Patti Becker Merlin & Georgie Becker Rick & Lori Beggs Mary & Richard Behm Jean Behnke Leroy & Michele Behrens Dan & Jody Beighley
Dominick & Karen Belardo Bob & Paula Bell Alison & Patrick Belson Agnes Bembenek Royal Bembenek Henry & Mary Ellen Bemowski Lynn & William Benn Marilyn Benz Robert & Susan Benz Mary & Bob Berard Al & Nancy Berens Steve & Sandy Berg Paul & Sue Bergh John & Susan Bergin Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Concierge LLC Barbara J. Berndt Best Buy Co., Inc. Ryan Betker Shirley Betker Pamela Betro Bev’s Floral & Gifts Rick & Roberta Bie Jack Bierman Paul & Karen Biersack Anonymous Big Red Donor John & Victoria Billings Madge & E. Sherwood Bishop Dave & Joan Bisone David Blado Jean Blocher-Brandt BMO Harris Bank - Stevens Point Amy Bochler Kim Boden Frederick & Patrice Boehm James Boehnlein Jerry & Pat Boenski Brad & Patti Boettcher Peter & Jean Boettcher Eddie & Pat Bohanski Mark & Dana Bohanski Raymond Boland Amanda Bolen Rodney & Jenifer Bolman Heather R. Bolton Eric Bonatz Dennis & Mary Lou Bonikowske Vicki V. Borchardt Nicholas & Erin Bord Maria Boris
Bob & Lee Borneman Ann Boson Roseanne Bossenbroek Emily Bouche Sherry Boyce William & Susan Boylan Nancy Bozek Connie M. Braun Frederic H. Braun C. David & Julie Brazeau Frank Brazelton Adam Brazzale Conrad & Mary Brazzale Dawn Brazzale Greg & Carol Brazzale Dana L. Breed Thomas Breitenwischer Bonnie Bressers Dennis & Anita Brezinski Chester & Lorraine Brilowski Janet Brilowski Len & Justine Brilowski Patrick & Barbara Brilowski David & Diane Brinkman Bill Briska Michael & Heather Brockway Brody Designs Shirley Bronk Stacy Bronk Dennis Brown Matthew Brown & Kristy Seblonka William B. Bruce Estate Benjamin Bruckhart David & Elsa Brule Robert & Eleanor Brush BS Inn Patrick & Bernadine Buchberger James Buchholz Gene & Pat Budelier James Budinetz Juli Buehler Buffalo Wild Wings Bryan & Jennifer Bula Bull’s Eye Credit Union Jack Bulloch Kim Bump Darren & Lisa Burant Nikki Burdick William & Shirley Burmeister Daniel & Nancy Burns
James Bursey Darlene Bushmaker William & Susan Bushman Bushmans’ Inc Holly J. Busse Robert & Judy Butcher Don & Patti Butkowski Richard Butler John & Mari Buzza
Dick Cable William Cable Vicky & Jeff Calawerts Dean & Donna Calhoun Mary Caliguire Paul Callahan Jeffery & Rene Campbell CAP Services Cathy & Ted Carapezza Gerald & Lori Carlson Judi & Carl Carlson June A. Carlson Lori Carlson Marliyn Carrington Carrie Carter Dan Casey Jay & Karen Casey Ahern & Tricia Cashin Sean & Jodie Cashin Tom & Kathy Cashin Laura Casperson Kelly & Eric Caughlan Cellcom/Nsight Center for Dentistry & Orthodontics Staff Center for Dentistry & Orthodontics Central City Credit Union Central Labor Council Central Orthodontic Specialists Central Waters Brewing Co. Inc. Central Wisconsin Model Railroaders, Ltd. Jack & Joan Cepek Don & Betsy Ceplina Jagdish & Jyotsna Chander Henry & Theresa Chao Glenn Charlson Richard Chase Mary & George Check Johanna Chelcun
Soua Cheng Judy Chesebro Yvonne & Edward Chojnacki Nick Chojnowski Alan & Barb Christie Phyllis Christie Richard & Helen Christofferson Denise & Kelly Christophel Pauline Churchill Mark & Emily Cihlar City of Stevens Point CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Daniel W. Coble Marg Coker-Nelson Scott & Laura Cole Dustin Coleman Andrew & Kathryn Collins Charles & Kathryn Collins Jacquelin & Natalyn Collins Commercial Roofing, Inc. Community Insurance & Associates Concrete Technology: CTI of Central WI Laughlin Constable Construcks Inc James Cook & Carol Lanphear-Cook Cashton Cooke Randy & Karen Cooper Robert & Nancy Cooper Tim & London Cooper Donald & Cheryl Copps Bradley Corbett Tim & Pam Corcoran Benjamin Correia Margaret Costello Matt Costello & Bridget Soldan Gerald & Janet Courtney Coyote Construction LLC Dorris Cragg H. Ann Cragg Michael & Tammie Cramey Randy & Patricia Cray Rita Crooks Andrew Crow Suzanne & David Crueger Crystal Grand Culver’s of Clintonville Culver’s of Stevens Point
Robert & Marla Cummings Brian Cummins R. W. Curler Jon & Joan Curti Michael & Sandra Curtis Lisa Cychosz Shelby Czarniecki
D & D Automotive Services Patricia D’Ercole John & Claire Dahl Paul Daigle Dance Dynamics Dennis Danczyk Aloha M. Daniels John & Nancy Dassow Dave’s Body Shop Dave’s Driving School Beverley David Carmen Grace Davidson George & Mary Davidson Kathy & Tom Davies Andria Davisson Nadine & Timothy Davy Roseann & Bill DeBot Michael DeCleene John & Julie Dedrick Lori Dehlinger Sally & Don Dehlinger Jackie DeKay Robert & Susan DeMuth Paul Dennis Sandra & George Dennis Neil & Jackie Denny James Deppeler David Derber James & Sonja Derkez Mary Devine-Giese William & Jill DeVita Jim & Barb DeWeerd Brenda & David Diamond Molly & Bill Diedrich Robert & Marguerite Dietrich Sam & Amy Dinga, Volearn Travel LLC Cornelous Dirkx Disher Insurance Services Barbara Dixson & Alan Smith DMK USA, Inc. Dan & Sheri Dobratz Diane & Gary Docka
Dana & Erika Doll Judy Dollhausen Dorian & Leanne Domask Ronald & Mary Domka Tom Donahue Donaldson Company Mike & Terri Donlan Linda Dorn Karen Dostal Bonny Douglas Dovorany Orthodontics Patricia & Melvin Dow DQ Grill & Chill Patty & Tom Dreier Russell Dreva Richard M. Dubiel Mary Dudley Cheryl & Casey Duffey Joan & Daren Duffey Sara Duffey Carmen & Mihai Dumitrescu-Mihaly Duraclean Specialists Robert & Kaia Durall Christine Durmick Reynold & Sandra Durre Roderick Dustin Lori Dziedzic Thomas & Cindy Eagon Betty Eckberg David & Mary Lynn Eckholm Amy Eddy Joan S. Edens Patty Edminster Margaret & Michael Effinger Ann Eggleston Egle Landscaping, Inc. Chuck & Mary Egle Frederick & Linda Eichmiller Marlene Eisen Elks Lodge #641 Karen & Sid Ellenbecker Robert & Beverly Ellingson Mark & Jane Elliott Ellis Stone Construction Co. Betty Jane & William Ellis Dennis & Patricia Elsenrath Michael Elsenrath Emy J’s LLC Encore Unlimited LLC Gloria End Paul Enenbach Alan & Marge Engebretson Karen Engelhard Donna Engelmann Richard Ensminger Mark & Deborah Ensweiler Robert & Kristine Erdman Leonard Erickson Mark & Roxanne Erickson Lisa Eriksen Gerald & Janice Ernst Joe Esch Curt & Brenda Esqueda Timothy & Karen Evenson Angie Everman Excel Plumbing, Inc. F Stephen Faber, D.D.S. Janis & Daniel Fabiano Karen Fadner Roger & Karen Fahey Mary Falkavage-Bliek Marcus & Constance Fang Michael Farmer Farmers & Merchants Bank John Farris Fat Boy Invitational Mike Fauerbach
Conrad & Rachel Favor Suzanne S. Fee Bill & Mary Fehrenbach Feist Construction LLC Herman & Maryann Felckowski Edward & Patricia Ferg Joseph Ferraro LeRoy & Julie Ferris Bill & Megan Ferro Sherri & Jim Fetherston Emily Fiedler Jim & Kristine Firminhac First Law Group Ann Fisher Robert Fisher Robert & Janet Fisher-Hughes Flatoff’s Gold Key Motors Inc. Frederic & Pamela Fleishauer Marcia Fletcher Stanley J. Flowerette Gary & Annette Flugaur Terrance & Patricia Folz Vince & Mary Fonti Ford Chiropractic Clinic S.C. Fountain Forward LLC Arthur & Carole Francel Ted & Rosemary Francsis Ken & Audra Franz Scott Frazier Caroline Fribance Friends of 90FM Greg & Amanda Friese Alisson Frigo Thomas & Mary Frymark William Fucik Elizabeth Fulton & Mitchell Fisher Geraldine Furr Rebecca A. Gaboda (Sager) Jon & Rachael Gadbois Donald & Mavis Gaedtke Gene Gagas Bob Gage Jerry & Janice Gage Janet Gallo Walter Galloway Doug Galuk Steven & Rebecca Galvin Gannett Foundation James & Priscilla Garbe Heath & Kelly Garland Chase Garski Robert & Sara Gawlitta GE Foundation Jami Gebert Jay & Julie Genrich Ed & Pat Gerbitz Wayne & Gale Gerharz Joseph & Diane Gerwood GFWC-Stevens Point Woman’s Club Maureen Giblin Jim & Barbara Gifford Dan & Carla Gilchrist Scott & Deb Gile Joan Gilles Tony Gindt Susan Hughes Gingrasso Keith Ginner Philip & Jane Gjevre Michael & Kerry Glodosky Alan & Colleen Glodowski Daniel & Julie Glodowski Deborah Glodowski Leonard & Lorraine Glodowski Bob & Patty Gregorich Timothy & Mary Lu Gremmer Sherman & Marjorie Gress Benjamin Greuel
Scott Groholski Fred & Jeanne Groos Adam Groshek Sara & Anthony Groshek Kay & Keith Grosskopf Charles & Phillis Grugel Ronald & LaVon Gruna James & Margaret Grygleski Kenneth Grzesiak Terry Gulan Robert Gundlach Tom & Marit Guse Helen Gustafson Sue Gutzdorf Brian & Mary Guzman
Fred & Cherie Hadra Marcus & Amy Haemmerle Sally & John Haessig Rick Hafner Lora Hagen Orwoll & Lois Hagen Sandra & Dean Hagness Douglas & Erin Hahn Brian & Susan Haindfield Doris A. Haines-Staddler John & Sephanie Haka Richard & Deanne Halderson Christine M. Hall Dave Hall David & Judith Hall James Haluska Karen & Wes Halverson Jon Hamerski Jean A. Hamm Leonard Hamman Jim Hamus Gordon & Katherine Hansen Kathleen Hansen Larry & Marcia Hansen Rick & Lisa Hansen Steve Hansen Lillian & Larry Hanson Happy Feet Shoes & Pedorthics Mark & Cathy Hardt Leesley & Joan Hardy Bridget Harris John Hartman Hartwig Family Foundation Julie Hastreiter Christy Hauge Jerome & Kay Haupert Joseph & Carol Haupt Debra J. Hauser Rodney Hawkins Jean L. Hayden Dale & Karen Haymann Heartland Farms, Inc. Lori & Fred Hebblewhite Aaron & Jessica Heckel Albert & Shirley Heckendorf Alan & Patricia Heerey Tim Heesen Kevin Hefferan Chris & Evelyn Heikenen Neil & Chrystal Heinrich Joanne Heins Le Roy & Phyllis Heiser Bonnie H. Helbach David Helbach & Jennifer Donnelly Roseann Helgert Marcia & Scott Helgestad Marilyn Helgestad Sam Hendrickson Tom & Carol Henke Henning Rentals David & Susan Henry
Jeanne & John Herder Arthur & Barbara Herman Beth Herman Kathy & Jan Hermann Hermening Financial Group LLC Randall & Patrice Hermes Donald & Jacquelyn Hertel Thomas & Julie Ann Herzog Wayne & Mary Herzog Jackie Hesselman Walter & Helen Hetchler Ione Hetzer James & Kimberly Heuring Lewis & Elaine Higginbotham Charles Higgins James & Joanne Higgins Myron & Mary Higgins David & Margaret Hillier Mitchell’s Hilltop Pub & Grill Pamela Hinkle Robert & Rene Hinkle Dennis Hintz Paul & Erin Hintz Paul & Julie Hladky Bernie & Mitzi Hlavac Fred & Joan Hoerter Dave Hoffman Debra Hofmeister Lois Hofmeister John Holdridge Sharon & Robert Hollar Gwen Holt Pamela Holt Gerald Holubets Siu-Lin Hom Dan & Bobbi Hoover Richard & Diane Hope Kevin & Daylyn Hopp George & Elizabeth Hoppen Linda Hoppenrath Michael Horejs Edward & Myrna Horgan Louise Horney Hostel Shoppe, Ltd Maureen K. Houlihan Michael & Carolyne Hovel George Hubert Jr. Len & Lori Hucke Gary & Ileen Hudziak Larry Huebner Phil & Deborah Huebner Todd & Kris Huebner Don & Barbara Huibregtse Ronald Humm Hunger & Poverty Prevention Partnership Fund Ryan Hyer Keith & Kathy Hyland
Betty Iber Ice Age Trail Alliance Dave & Peg Ilkka Mark & Karen Ilten International Bank of Amherst Paul Isaacson Randy & Carolyn Iwanski Izaak Walton League of America, Bill Cook Chapter
J.L. Peterson Builders LLC Celia Jackson David Jackson Marianne Jackson Stanley & Janet Jacobson Thomas & Vicky Jacoby James Jakusz Robert & Angie Jakusz
James Check Agency Phillip & Myrna Janowski Richard & Carole Jansing Douglas Jansson James & Rita Janz Sonia Jasen Heather & Jordan Jazdzewski Cheryl & Robert Jean William & Teri Jenkins Tori Jennings Peter & Laura Jerszynski Thomas & Mary Jeske Rose & Tom Jirous Thomas & Nancy Jirschele Joan C. Joerns Irrevocable Trust Ashley Johnson Bradley & Pam Johnson Clay & Debra Johnson David B. Johnson Gene & June Johnson Sharon & Steve Johnson Wayne Johnson Lee Johnston Jane Jones Jeffrey & Jill Jones John & Kim Jones Karen Jones Rachel Jordan Tom Journell & Betsy Barrett Emmet Judziewicz Kelly M. Jung Ron Jurgella John & Dori Jury
K-Tech Charities Inc. Kalahari Resort Edwin & Paula Kalke Phil & Penny Kallas James & Carol Kalpinski Lorraine Kalpinski Dana & Ron Kaminski Hubert & Frances Kaminski Liz Kammer Cheri Karch Randy & Anne Karch Thomas Karch David & Karen Karl Jeanette Karlen Joan Karlen & Jack Hurrish Fidelis Kaspa Jim & Linda Kasukonis Kawleski Trucking Brian & Linda Keats Daniel & Marilyn Keck Dan & Isabel Kedrowski Debra Kedrowski Georgia & Daniel Kedrowski John Kedrowski Linda & John Kedrowski Marvin & Janet Keen Pete Kelley John Kelly Thomas & Mary Kempen Patrick Kennedy Necia Kessler Richard & Adrienne Kessler Fred & Gail Kestly Anne E. Kewer-Gingles Linda Kieliszewski Heidi Heller Kiesler Brenda Kilpatrick Cliff & Karen King James & Jean King Kate An Kipp Diane Kippenhan-Vollmer William & Lenore Kirby Joyce & John Kirsch
Marcy Kirsch Kirschenmann Farms, Inc. Bob & Nancy Kirsenlohr Alec & Barbara Kiser Darcy Kitchens Kiwanis Club of Stevens Point Kiwanis Club of Wild Rose, Inc. Cheryl Kizewski Rich & Elaine Kizewski Klasinski Clinic Orthopedics Florian & Madeline Klasinski William & Kristen Kleckner Paul Klein Ron Klein James & Patricia Kleisner Lowell & Christine Klessig Florence Klismet Klismith Accounting & Tax Group, SC Rita Klismith Tom & Deb Klismith Joseph D. Klopotek Bob & Chris Klosno Kerry M. Kluck Ryan & Kerry Kluck Mary & Rick Klun Deborah A. Kluz Baker Lois Knope Ted Knorring Robert Knowlton Brian & Kathryn Knox Jodie & Kim Koback Barbara Koch Les & Marianne Koch Mary Kocha Jim & Arlene Koehl Mark & Jean Koehl Paul & Suzanne Koehl Stephen Koehl & Sara Stiefvator Kohl’s Paul Kok Simone Kolb Alyce & David Kolden Brandy Kolgen Paul M. Konichek William & Cheryl Konieczki Germain & Robert Konkol Linda Konkol Michelle Konkol Susan Konopacky Bryan & Julie Koontz Pete & Jackie Koppa Kevin & Shelly Korger Darla Koshnick Irene Koshollek Thomas & Sharon Koss Gary & Suzie Kostuchowski John Koutre Jim & Tammy Koziol Conrad & Kathy Kraft Marcellus & Susan Kramer Krasowski Dental David Kratzke Edith D. Kraus Charitable Remainder Unitrust Edie Kraus Trust Robert Krause Kim L. Krayecki Edward & Joanne Krcmar Connie & Harlan Kreider Jim & Mary Ann Krems Gerald Kress Marjorie Krogwold Alice Krumrei Joyce Krusa Kathleen & Frank Krush Richard & Kathleen Kruthoff Peter & Connie Krzmarzick
David & Lucy Ksionsk Tom & Judy Kuckkahn Jack Kucksdorf Ruth & Gregory Kulas Michael & Andrea Kulick Ryan & Kelly Kumm Sonja & George Kung Roxanne Kurszewski Kurtzweil’s Antiques Bernice Kurzynski Chuck Kurzynski Daniela S. Kurzynski David Kurzynski Randal & Patricia Kwiatkowski
Rhonda La Chapelle John & Joan Laabs Brenda Lackey & Cathy Scheder Katie Lacour Mary K. Lagerbloom Roberta Laine (Honl) Kathleen Lake James & Nancy LaMar Dean & Kay Lamb David & Mary Lamken Mark & Lindie Landin Lands’ End Lands’ End Teresa Lane-Grapsas Timothy & Karen Lange Eugene & Suzanne LaRose Larry Fritsch Cards, LLC Jennifer Larsen Joe & Mary Larson Kurt & Kari Larson Bev Laska Joseph & Dawn Lass Steven & Audrey Laszewski Clarence & Margaret Laszinski Jim & Marilyn Laudon Michael Lauterbach Ralph & Diane Lavin John Lawlis & Carol Westmore G. R. & Shirley Leach Ann Leahy Jim & Jane Leahy S. Peter Leahy Joe Lear Keith Leary Rita & Clifford Leary Lee Ayers Jewelers Joe & Terrill Leek John & Kathleen Leek Will Lehner Linda Leindecker Ed & Juanita Lemancik Carl & Jennifer Lemke Karen Lemke & Randy Schukar Ken & Doris Lemke Michael & Nancy Lensmire Annie Leonard Brian & Tina Lepak Richard & Barbara Letto Genie Levi Marc & Debbi Levy Steve & Cherie Levy Family Charitable Fund William & Mary Lewandowski Neil & Suzanne Lewis Sherry Lewis Mary B. Liebau Michael & Jewel Liebenstein Ligman & Wille CPA, LLC Neal & Linda Lindquist Jerome Lineberger Fred & Nancy Littmann David & Diane Lobermeier Ralph & Marcia Locher
Paul Lochner Bridget Lohr Mary Loomans Edward & Theresa Losinski Terry Louis Richard & Kathy Loveless Martin & Rebecca Loy Renae & Craig Luedtke James & Kathy Lueptow Marjorie Lundquist David & Debra Lutz Pete & Jan Lutz Peter Luxenhofer
John Mackin, Jr. MADA Custom Apparel Michael & Joanne Madigan Madison Area Technical College Troy & Melissa Madlena Jim & Jackie Madson Harry Magee & Elizabeth Martin Gia Magnussen Phil Mahoney Phylis Makholm Don & Eileen Makuch Sharon Malenda Conrad & Mary Mallek Karl & Susan Malnory Kristin Malnory Janet Malone Allen & Barbara Manne George & Gina Manning Scott & Ann Manning Barb Mansavage Rob Manzke Dave & Julie Marie Lynn Markham Len & Leslie Markman David Marks Kristin Marquard Marshfield Clinic Marten Machining, Inc. Donna & Bert Martens Thomas Martens Linda Martin Moore Joan & Gary Martin Daniel & Donna Marx Barbara & Dennis Massoglia William & Ruth Matre Mayes Taxidermy Studio Richard & Cynthia Mazoch Peter H. McAdams Thomas & Carol McCarrier Marguerite McCombie McDill Auto Wrecking McDonald Title Company Debra McDonald John McDonald Robert & Karen McDonald Michael & Patricia McGibbon Jim & Debbie McGill Patrick & Carolyn McGinley Paul & Jeri McGinley Christine McGrath Dennis McHugh Allen & Laura McKibben William McLaughlin Michael McMullen Jean McQueen Christine Mechenich Medical Staff, Ministry Saint Michael’s Hospital Nicholas & Elizabeth Medina Marvin & Joleen Meier Peter & Brenda Meilahn Jim & Krista Mendyke Jr. Daniel Menzel
Fritz & Carol Menzel Jim & Sharon Menzel Marge Menzel Steve Menzel Jerome & Sherre Meredith Leo & Barbara Meronek Robert & Mary Meronek Mike & Jean Metcalf Sharon & Scott Metskas Cherrie Metzner Jill Meyer John & Lynn Meyer Lindsay Meyer Lowell & Sharon Meyer Jacquelyn Meyers & Stephen Faber Shirley Meyers Amanda Michalski Lois Mickelson Midway Machine Doug Milkowski David Miller Frank Miller James & Bernadine Miller Melinda Miller Valerie Milz Ministry Health Care--SSO Sue & Don Minnick Paul & Marcy Mirman David & Patty Miskowski Judy Mitchell Len & Barb Mlodik Jeffery Mlsna Amy Modrzewski Mark & Ann Molski Roland & Carol Moore Moose Family Center #1572 John & Jill Moran Morey’s Bar Edward & Susan Morganroth Beau & Jill Morley Jean & Robert Morris Kevin E. Morrissey Dianna Moua Adeline & Donald Mrozek Muckamoor Boarding Kennels LLC Sara Muender Shirley E. Multhauf John & Barbara Munson Betty Murray Eva & Rick Muzzy
N & C Wireless City LLC Jeremy & Brooke Napiwocki Dennis & Linda Nash Charles & Victoria Nason Mary & Ray Nass National Wellness Institute Gerald & Karla Nazareno Lorraine & James Neale Robert & Michele Neale Patrick & Joann Neary Neenah Paper Accounting Dept. Christine M. Neidlein Nikki Nellessen Andrew & Sarah Nelson Meryl Lee Nelson Michael & Shirley Nelson Terry & Ruthann Nelson Robert Nemeth & Jody Lewis Allan Neuenfeldt Rich & Chris Neumann Patti Newby Nancy Newell Moore NewPage Corporation - Ohio Craig Nienow Mary Ann & Jim Nigbor Patty & John Noel
David & Judie Nolan Sirri Nomo-Ongolo Eugene & Nathalie Noonan North New Hope Lutheran Church Joan North John & Jill Norton Richard & Frances Novak Mulligan Ntalison Sara & Bill Nuck Nuveen Investments Holdings Erick Nyberg Angie Nyquist Stephen & Gail Nyquist
Gerald & Mary O’Brien Stephen & Katherine O’Connell Suzan O’Keefe Thomas & Lynn O’Malley Jamie O’Reilly O’So Brewing Company Richard & Cynthia O’Sullivan Oconomowoc Gridiron Club, Inc. Karen Oelke Okray Family Farms Carol & Dick Okray Edward J Okray Foundation, Inc. Joe & Pat Okray Barbara Olds Ronelle & Dan Olds Ronald Olsen Terry & Mary Kay Olsen Bruce Olson Erin & Eric Olson Jeffrey & Mary Olson William & Jane Olson Adrian Omernick Val Omernick Michael Omernik One Stop/BP Gas Station Tom & LuAnn Opperman Carol Orlik Tom & Patty Orlikowski Sally Ostrander Karen Ostrowski Becky & Mark Otis Sandra Ott Paul & Becky Otto Gary & Amy Oudenhoven Sally Overholt
P. J. Jacobs Junior High School Paul & Patricia Pachniak Chrismary & Rick Pacyna Judith Padour Nancy Page Debra Palmer Megan Lee Palmer Dallas & Edith Pankowski Dale Parker Aaron Parks Lorraine & Elio Pascutti Pat’s Carstar Autobody Mary Patoka & David Onan Mark & Joey Patrick Nancy Jo Patterson Joseph & Lillian Paul Jim & Mary Ann Pavelski Eileen Payne Mary Ann Peabody James Pecoraro Beverly & Duane Pede Chelsea & Alexander Peeters Dennis & Nancy Peissig Chris Pelo Glen Pelo Catherine & Patrick Pendergast Robert Penn
Janet Peronto Patrick Perzynski Dorothy Peskie John & Linda Peskie Don & Tina Peters John & Karen Peters Shawn & Pamela Peters Mark & Holly Petersen Dennis & Sharon Peterson Lenore Peterson Christopher & Kate Pfaendtner Jane Phillips Physical Therapy Associates Alfred Pieper Mary Pimmel-Freeman The Pineries Bank Pioneer Bank Paul & Cynthia Piotrowski David Pisarski David & Kathie Plaisance Platinum Salon LLC Robert & Joan Platt Chris & Tina Pliska Portage County Dairy Promotional Committee Portage County Gazette Portage County Historical Society Portage County Public Library Foundation, Inc. Ina Pogainis Chuck Pogorelcnik Point After Pub & Grill Point Bock Run Point to Point Moving & Storage Pointe Precision Susan Pokorny Samuel & Marianne Polito Politos Pizza Jim & Mary Ellen Pollock Joseph & Valerie Polman Francis & Joyce Polson Norbert & Ruth Pomerenke Portage County Cynthia & Jack Porter Portesi’s Italian Foods, Inc. Gary & Barbara Portzen Ann M. Pourchot Mary Ann Powell Amanda Powers John & Gail Prais Steven Pray Carol & David Pringle Arlene & Tom Prondzinski Lawrence & Karen Proulx Marvin & Darlene Przekurat Cheryl & Rober Przybylski Chris Pummill Jean Pyfer Gregory & Wendy Pyle
Julie Quinlan Brame Michael & Tami Quist Ray Quist Jr
Elbert & Hulda Rackow Robert & Patricia Raczek Steven & Amy Raczek Kenneth & Ann Raflik Randy & Lori Ramczyk Sharon Ramczyk Bruce Rashke Ron & Karen Rasmussen Beverly Raspor Robert Rastedt Dawn & John Reardon Patricia Redding Sylva Redding
Anne Marie Reed Jack & Judith Reed Regnier Consulting Group, Inc. Steven & Jeanne Regnier Russ & Janet Reimer Glen R. Reindl Craig Reinking Jeff & Angela Reisenauer James Reiser Clarence & Mary Rekowski Ralph & Sharon Reniewicki Republican Party of Portage County Rettler Corporation Katie Rettler Dan Revai Robert & Doreen Reznicek Janis Ribbens Rice’s Paint Company Professionals LLC Randolph & Marcia Richter Cynthia Richter-Groshek Melissa & Kyle Rickert Eric & Elizabeth Riemenschneider Scott & Anne Rifleman Gerard & Mary Ring Michael & Sarah Ritter Roberts Irrigation Company Jan Roberts Carleen & Allan Robertson Christopher & Malia Robinson Tammy & Mark Robinson Mike Roby Cathy & Joseph Rocco Rock & Roll Cafe Rocky Rococo Arlene Roehl Brian & Heather Roehrborn Bill & Carol Rogacheski Anne & Chad Rogalski George & Jeanette Rogers Greta Rogers Jacqueline Rogers James P. Rogers Linda S. Rollins Deborah & David Roloff Betty Roman Dori Roman Ed & Joan Roman Fran & Bobbie Roman Michael & Karen Roman Tim Roman Virginia Roman Carter & Mason Rose Paula Rose Robert & Andrea Rosen Robert Rosene Dave & Renee Rosenthal Steven Rosenthal Rosholt School District Dave & Roseann Rosin Carroll & Marilyn Ross Rossiers Stockton Bar Robert Rossmiller Rotary Club of Stevens Point Rotary Club of Greater Portage County Beth & Richard Roth Terry & Karla Rothmann Rottier Chiropractic LLC Patricia Rouleau Roundy’s Foundation Inc. James & Elmarie Rowe Brian Rozumalski RPE, Inc. Roland Rueckert Charles Rumsey Ryan Rusch Jay & Leslie Rusek
Rusty’s Backwater Saloon Gary & Cindy Rutkowski Tom & Betty Ryan Abigail & Brian Ryskoski
Dennis Saari Benjamin Sackmann Mary & Chris Sadler Ken & Kathy Sadogierski Jon Sambs Robert & Nancy Sander Mary Ann Sandstrom Wayne Sankey Scott & Deb Sauer Nancy C. Saunders Scaffidi Motors David Scalzo Randy Schacht John Schaefgen Cindy & Todd Scheftgen Ken & JoAnn Scheidt Stephen & Nancy Schewe Schierl Inc. Anne Schierl Bill Schierl & Sarena Melotte Tim Schierl Tawnya L. Schilt Paul Schirz Ted & Joan Schlafke Brian & Jill Schlagenhaft Paula Schlice Chris Schmelling John & Jeanette Schmidt John & Kathy Schmidt Todd Schmitt Beverly & Robert Schmitz Michael Schmoll Dudley & Elizabeth Schneider Robert Schneider School Sisters of St. Francis Tom & Lynda Schrader Jenny Schrager & Art Nissim Marie & Gary Schrank Sandra Schroeder Gerald & Nancy Schuetz Dale & Annette Schuh Murray Schukar Donald & Linette Schuler Sheila & Paul Schulfer Lynn Schulist Susan Schuller Deborah Schultz Jamie & Tiana Schultz Kay Schultz Mary & Dennis Schultz Nick Schultz & Bill Berry Norm & Jean Schultz Robert & Jean Schultz Schwab Charitable Fund James Schwanke Richard Stephen Schwartz Ronald Schwiesow Mark & Lynn Scotch Scott’s Portable Toilets Helen Scott James & Bev Scott Robert & Betty Scott William Seavecki, DDS Security Health Plan Kevin & Erin Seegert Aloha Seitz Sentry Insurance Foundation, Inc. Sol Sepsenwol Seramur Family Foundation, Inc. Raylene Seramur Susan Seresse Catherine Severin & Michael Halvorson
Ed Severson Nancy & Walter Sexton Penny & Gary Shackelford James & Barbara Shafranski Lisa & James Shafranski Tom & Lori Shafranski Ann & Robert Shannon Sharon Sharratt Byron & Margaret Shaw Renae & James Sheibley Steve & Pam Sherry Karl Shewmake Karen Shibilski John & Mary Shippy Kelly Shippy Shuda Funeral Chapel Gary & Michelle Shulfer Jerry Shulfer Susan & James Shulfer Shya Lou Goes to Africa Timothy & Judith Siebert Norbert & Josephine Simcakoski Rosalie Simone Daniel & Christine Sivek Bill & Gail Skelton Sam Skemp Sr. Mary Ann & Arnold Skibba Sam & Grace Skibicki Skyward, Inc. La Verne Slais Bruce & Beth Slapper Steven & Mary Beth Slezak Kenneth D. Slicker Irrevocable Trust Ashley Slomann Glen Slowinski Michael & Elizabeth Slowinski Roman Slowinski Slumberland Furniture David & Alyce Smith Donna Smith Guy & Nancy Smith Janet Smith Meryl Smith Phil & Holly Smith Robert Smith Steve & Renee Smith James & Karen Smolarek Paul & Charlene Smuda Jake Sniadajewski Jim & Deb Sniadajewski Snowbelt Fireplace Jeff & Terri Soderberg Dianne & Nick Somers Joseph & Henrietta Somers Tracy Somers Richard & Carolyn Sommer Jirakit Songprasit Thaddeus & Kathleen Sowa Albin Sowka Marti & Gregory Sowka Lois & John Spaay Mike & Pam Spaid Earl & Lillian Spangenberg Stevens Point Area Running Club Stevens Point Area Retired Teachers Assoc. Stevens Point Area Senior High School SPASH Girls Soccer Club Spectra Print Tricia & Jeremy Splinter Bob & Kim Spoerl Kurt & Lisa Springob Tim & Susie Sprouse Ronald & Dorothy Sroda Stevens Point Area Co-op Stevens Point Area Public School District
Stevens Point City Band Stevens Point Noon Optimist Club Stevens Point Unitarian Universalist Fellowship St. Bronislava Parish St. James Altar Society St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Robert & Christine Stack Jack & Bonnie Stanley Richard & Linda Steffen John & Joanne Stenger Jamie Sterzinger Scott & Jennifer Steuck Stevens Point Log Homes, Inc. Nancy E. Stevenson Paul & Jean Sticha Mike & Jean Stockwell Anne L. Stoflet Gary & Teresa Stoltenberg Chad & Jennifer Stoltz Ted & Bernie Stoltz Jane Stoops Schuh Gail & Thomas Stout Dennis & Nora Stransky Mary Strassburg George & Carol Strasser Dave Strelke Mark & Susan Strey James & Elizabeth Strnad Joseph & Cynthia Stroik Louise & Denise Stroik Mary & Ron Stroik Diane & Richard Strojny Sybil Strupp Rhody & Lorraine Studinski Mark J. Sullivan Sharon & Kevin Sullivan Sunshine Club of Oakridge Apt. Matthew & Angela Susa Jean & Terry Sutton Larry & Pat Svaton Don Swailes John Swanson Elliott & Marion Sweet Marilyn & Thomas Swiontek Dean & Janet Swiston Paul Sylla Margaret Sytkowski Tammy Szeligowski
T&T Automotive Pete Taggatz Bret & Vickie Taplin William & Barbara Taugner Robert & Mary Taylor Jeff Teston Dale & Kathy Tetzloff Ronald & Judith Thies Krista Thoe Christine Thomas Kelly Thomas Robert Thomas Curtis Thompson Jack Thompson Jerry & Christine Thompson Howard & Arlene Thoyre Thrivent Financial, Portage Co. Chapter Kirby & Elizabeth Throckmorton Jay Tibbetts James Tietz Tikarsys Corporation Tony & Teresa Timerman David & Anna Timm Thomas & Carol Toepfer Tomorrow River Lions Club
Jane & John Tompkins Kari Torhorst Debra Tork Carol Torresani Wayne & Paula Tracy Trappers Turn Golf Course Mark & Mary Trautschold Travel Guard Group, Inc. Steve & Anne Treankler Patricia Trebatoski Trinity Lutheran Church Trout Unlimited, Frank Hornberg Chapter Selma Troyanoski Donald & Sandra Truebenbach Darrell & Laura Trzebiatowski Glen & Merridee Trzebiatowski Rebecca Trzebiatowski Katie Rose Tseronis Gail & Eugene Tubbs Various Tucker Brent & Rachel Turney Richard & Eleanor Tuszka Stephen & Loretta Tuszka Dale & Gay Tuszke Marvin Tuttle
Michael Uihlein Lauretta Uscian UWSP UWSP Student-Faculty Organization Acct.
Jennifer Valenti Joseph & Amy Van Handel Scott Van Order Jan Van Tassel John & Lois Van Wagenen Joseph Vanevenhoven Rosemary L. Varney Ellen & Thomas Venturino Pamela & Michael Verhulst Christine Vetter Herman Vetter Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. Chapter 115 Dave & Mary Virant Ken & Bette Vogel William & Marliese Vogel Fran Vollrath John & Elizabeth Vollrath Jeanne Von Feldt Tom & Jane Voss
Cheryl & Paul Wachowiak Kathy & Richard Wagner Monica & Charles Wagner Kenneth & Catherine Wahlin Wal-Mart - Plover Chris & Lynn Walker Maxine Wallin William & Tari Jo Wallner L. Walther & Sons, Inc. Carol Walther Phyllis Wandrey Randy Wanta Warner & Warner Inc. Doug & Sandie Warner Carol Warosh Richard Warosh The Warwick Revocable Living Trust William & Carol Watkins Eric & Marie Watson David & Janet Way WEA Insurance Corporation John Webber Robert Weber
Gary Weier Bruce & Betsy Weinkauf Mary Weis James & Deborah Weishan Dale & Linda Weitz Tom & Phyllis Weizenicker Welling Woodworks, Inc Harry & Marsha Wells Robert Wells Attila Weninger Patrick & Linda Wenzl Beverly West Gale West Thomas & Annie Wetter Dick & Lois Wetzel Nathan & Wendy Wetzel Melinda & Todd Whelihan Robert & Louise Whitaker Charley & Olive White Dione White Grace White Whitefish Bay Middle School Extra Curricular John & Stephanie Whitman Nancy & Rob Whitmire John & Virginia Whitney Jeffrey & Lisa Whitrock WI Dairy State Cheese Co. Wisconsin Humanities Council Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Assn. Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association Fund WIAA Terry & Landora Wick Jack Wied Rebecca Wiegand & Marvin Van Keker ix LeRoy & Georgia Wiegert Deb & Paul Wieman Dan Wierzba Jessie Wievel Wild Rose School District John & Nancy Wild Gordon & Sara Williams Griffith Williams Mary & Bob Williams Todd & Jennifer Williams Kress & Cathy Williamson Lee & Breeda Willis Jerry & Kathy Willkom David Wilson Thomas & Judith Wilson Jim Winch James Wink Jennifer Winkler Ardis Winters Scott & Emily Wisinski Wiskerchen Cheese Inc. John Wiskerchen Jane Witkowski Kay Wohlbier Brian & Carrie Wojchik Michele & Randal Wojciehoski Deb Wolf Jay Wolf Karl & Jane Wolf Susan Wollock Frances K. Wood Living Trust Woodlands Church Verneda Woods The Worth Company Robert & Marilyn Worth Wesley & Maxine Worth Larry Woyak Wisconsin Public Service Corp. Lance Wright
Peggy Wright John Wurtzel Susan Wurzer & George Kraft Steve Wykle Jacqueline Wypych Louis & Avis Wysocki William & Marla Wysocki
Carol Yale Caroline Yeska Martha Yonke Jennifer & Charles Young Robert Young Robert & Jill Yudchitz
John & Jen Zach Angella & Dean Zagrzebski Rick & Rosan Zahn Donald & Rita Zalewski Gail Zalewski John & Geri Zappa Frank & Marjorie Zaske Ann & Martin Zblewski Harriet Zblewski Henry Zblewski Jim Zblewski Suzanne Zblewski Amy & Bob Zdroik Daniel Zdroik Lisa Zdroik Lynn M. Zdroik Katherine Zens Wayne & Carol Ziebell Bill & Jill Ziehr Karen & Tom Zielinski Elizabeth & Anthony Ziherl William & Kathleen Zimdars Judith Zimmerman Stanley & Clare Zimmerman Gib & Marilyn Zinda Jenni Zinda Mary A. Zinda Adrian & Connie Zurawski Irene & Dennis Zurawski Michael F. Zurawski Lawrence Zywicki
Donor Information Giving to and through the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin is an easy way to help support the community you love and where you live. The Foundation is a tax-exempt, public charity that allows people to establish a fund or contribute to an already existing fund that will benefit nonprofit organizations in the area, assuring that your charitable dollars are making an impact in the areas of greatest community need. Donors who work with the Foundation find that we add value through our flexibility, expertise about the community, professional staff and vast administrative services. Another thing to consider: Employer Matching Gifts. Many companies have programs to match their employees gifts to charitable institutions. Some companies will match the gifts of employee spouses and retired employees as well. Ask your human resources or benefits office at your workplace for more information. Who makes gifts to the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin? Anyone interested in the future development of Central Wisconsin may make gifts to the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin. Gifts are often made to memorialize a friend or family member, recognize an achievement, honor families, or encourage philanthropy within an organization. The list of donors to the Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin is truly reflective of the diverse community that has helped to create legacies for Central Wisconsin.
The Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin 1501 Clark Street P.O. Box 968 Stevens Point, WI 54481 Phone: (715) 342-4454 Fax: (715) 342-5560 Website: Email:
Designed by Samantha Strauss, 2015