FLY over
C ampaign
The FLYover Campaign: A The Legacy that is John F. Kennedy
President John F. Kennedy was a lifelong supporter and advocate of the arts, and
frequently steered the public discourse toward what he called “our contribution to the human spirit.” Kennedy took the lead in raising funds for the new National Cultural Center, holding special White House luncheons and receptions, appointing his wife Jacqueline and Mrs. Eisenhower as honorary co-chairwomen, and in other ways placing the prestige of his office firmly behind the endeavor. From its very beginnings, the Kennedy Center has represented a unique public/private partnership. As the nation’s living memorial to President Kennedy, the Center receives federal funding each year to pay for maintenance and operation of the building, a federal facility. However, the Center’s artistic programs and education initiatives are paid for almost entirely through ticket sales and gifts from individuals, corporations, and private funding. This Year’s campaign is one of national concern, through your generosity and giving of your time and talents I believe that this year’s campaign will usher in a new agenda of giving, one that as the past president once said, “We will continue to contribute to our lasting spirit as the center for cultural fortitude and artisitc expressions we hold dear.” Leading the charge in this campaign, is one of our oldest and closest Fortune 500 company, Boeing. Through their efforts we have already been able to raise 5 million dollars towards this year’ campaign. With your support I have no doubts that we can get this project airbourne and flying high in no time.
— Thank you for your support in this matter.
David M. Rubenstein
The FLYover Campaign: What does it mean to you?
MMake ake the choice to sing out a new song, play out with pride, and carry out the role you were meant to play. When we talk about the first annual JFK FLYover Campaign, we’re talking about a
network of possibilities. Possibilites that open up our ability as a nation to take back one of our countries richest and once most prosperous aspects of American society. It asks us to make a contribution to a country that needs a new voice, a new song, one that demands lights, camera, action. With your support, you will be contributing to the future of our young performers and providing economic revenue for a town or city that is missing that voice. Think of this campaign as a way of paving a future that puts greater emphasis on the performer in all of us and lifts the spirits of communities that have longed for a revival to their forelorn artistic culture. Art unites us, it unifies us, and gives us a reason to celebrate our backgrounds, our heritage, and our namesake, so why should that right be taken away? For its only though the generosity, courage, and fortitude of others that we are able to take something old and make it new. This Year’s campaign challenges us to make a contribution where it matters most, to places that need a pillar in their community, a foundation that will grow to sow the seeds of artisitic development and creative exploration. Each of this year’s recipients will have a wing added to their High School or Elementary School for the soul purpose of nuturing performing arts and ensuring that the faculty and staff will have the proper equipment for concerts and performances of all types.
Choose to FLYover,
& make a difference
for generations to come.
Project Overview
Vote online at:
The overall goal of this campaign is to promote the continuation of performing arts at schools that have not been able to have such programs due to either budget contraints. However, for five schools, this will not be their fate. Students will be able to pick up an instrument, sing in a choir, and perform in a play or dance performatively. Having options is key to the development of students and adults alike. Keep in mind, that you, as a potential donor, will have a direct influence on which state will be awarded this monumental gift. Your time, your talents, and your love of performance have led you to this moment. A moment in time where you can be the change, where you can make a difference in a time where we’re constantly trying to save a buck, rather than nuturing creative involvement and development.
Leaving Your Legacy
Follow us on Twitter : kennedy-center
#FLYover15 There is no better way to contribute then to remember back to a time
when you were that performer, when you wanted so badly to be under the bright lights of the stage and lay it all out there. Just like the glory days of old, you again have an opportunity to take center stage and contribute to the meaningful development that is performing arts in America. John F. Kennedy once said that, “Having options is key to the development of students and adults alike.” In today’s busy world of financial instability and social unrest, wouldn’t it be nice to give back in a way that takes away that dark clouds of negativity? As a donor, providing a continuation of performing arts at schools that have not been able to have such programs due to budget contraints, is a call to action one that we as an organization have continued to provide. We see the future in each wish we can grant, each live we can touch, and each story we can tell. By pledging your support, you will then be able to state who you want to be awarded this year’s JFK FLYover Campaign Award. By clicking on the state you want, and the high school of your choice through our interactive map, you allow a community and a group of students the opportunity to perform again.
“H aving options is key to the development of students and adults alike.
— John F. Kennedy
Outline of Goals
W ith Your Contribution We Can: Contribute to the future of our young people. Provide economic revenue for the towns and cities chosen. Open the possibilites for performers everywhere. Provide greater emphasis on the performer in all of us.
The overall goal of this campaign is to promote the continuation of performing arts at schools that have not been able to have such programs due to either budget contraints. However, for five schools, this will not be their fate. Students will be able to pick up an instrument, sing in a choir, and perform in a play or dance performatively. Having options is key to the development of students and adults alike. Keep in mind, that you, as a potential donor, will have a direct influence on which state will be awarded this monumental gift. Your time, your talents, and your love of performance have led you to this moment. A moment in time where you can be the change, where you can make a difference in a time where we’re constantly trying to save a buck, rather than nuturing creative involvement and development.
Revive forelorn artistic culture and lift community resolve.
Recognition Opportunity
The JFK FLYover Campaign uses all of its resources as a non-profit organization to seek out potential donors, businesses, and charitable organizations to give either a monetary donation or volunteer in one of our numerous performances that sponsors this FLYover campaign. We are committed to the preservation of the arts and the continuation of performers everywhere. The JFK Center for Performing and Boeing Inc. would like you to help us lead the charge by helping us improve the arts and manage campaigns that help students reach new heights. *** First and Second Level Donors receive a brick inscribed with their nsme or orgasnization along with a year membership to JFK performances.
F or Providing Liftoff:
First Level of Donors: LIFToff Donation (Gift of $20,000 or less) Second Level of Donors: NewHeights Donation (Gift of $45,000 or less) Third Level of Donors: Co-Pilot Donation (Gift of $100,000 or more) Fourth Level of Donors: TopPilot Donation (Gift of $250,000 or more)
**** Thrid and Fourth Level Donors receive a granite block inscribed with their name or organization along with a membership to JFK performances.
We are comitted to the
preservation of the ar ts and the continuation of performers everywhere. — Alex Bianco, Project Coordinator
Timeline and Funding Schedule of Events: October 18th: JFK LIFToff Concert: All Proceeds going to FLYover Campaign November 22nd: Cutoff Date for Voting Ballets Counted the Same Week December 13rd - 10th: Announcement of Winning State January-March: Continual Fundraising All Funds Collected March 31st April 2nd: Groundbreaking, Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Architectural Rendering
Figure 1-A: Rendering of one of the proposed additions, capable of all aspects of performative art. Figure 2-A: Plan view of the proposed addition.
The FLYover Campaign: How can you donate?
O n the right, is a self-addressed envelope which contains a donor card. Fill out the donation card with either a money order or check to the order of JFK FLYover, seal the envelope, mail it out.
If you are interested in providing a service to either the
JFK Center of Performing Arts or this affiliated campaign contact us at: where we can set you up with either a donor membership
or An opportunity to volunteer at any numer of our performances throughout the year.
With your suppor t and
contribution we can reach New H eights. #FLYover15
A Message From Our Sponsor:
Boeing CEO, Dennis A. Mulienburg As you might have already noticed we have the esteemed pleasure of being this
year’s sponsor of The JFK Foundation for Performing Arts FLYover Campaign and as an avid member of the JFK Society for Performing Arts, it is my duty to tell you why this campaign is one that will have a lasting impact in not only your child’s educational endeavors into the performing arts, but also lift their confidence in their professional capabilities/abilities once they leave their respective schools.
From an early age, I can tell you from personal experience what its like to get on
stage and perform in front of a captive audience. Besides the rush of excitement and adrenaline that comes from such an experience, I’ve learned that its even more important to have a facility to accommodate such needs.
By partnering with the JFK Center for Performing Arts we have been able to give
life to many student dreams and provide support to many communities where there have been increasingly strenuous cuts on art education and performing arts. Here at Boeing, we strive to produce top-knotch airplanes, parts, and accessories to countries all over the world, but more importantly we use our time and talents to focus on numerous community outreach projects and programs benefiting our countries youth. These programs, such as this year’s JFK campaign allow us as a multi-national company to give back where it matters most: Education.
Through your generous donation, we can give students, faculty, staff, and commu-
nity members alike a place where they can have their own voice be heard, perform at the highest possible level, and entertain a community where there was once little music to be heard. I ask you to take the time to listen to our campaign and read our plan to make this FLYover a success.
Dennis A. Mulienburg, CEO
Together We Let Performers FLY