2 minute read
Zuidas Mobility
ZUIDAS MOBILITY ‘Hello-Bike allows our employees


to travel faster and more fl exibly’to travel faster and more fl exibly’

Hello-Bike was created to cover the last leg of the commuters’ journey to work. The shared bikes have been available for use at various points across Zuidas since 2017, and among the drop zones added most recently is the one at EY. Hello Zuidas talked about the advantages of this sharing system with Kees Eriks, FM Leasing & General Services manager at EY.
Why did EY decide to team up with Hello-Bike? Kees: ‘We started using Hello-Bike on account of the new parking policy and because we wanted to accommodate EY employees, many of whom are now having to park their cars at RAI Amsterdam. This is a means to shuttle between RAI and the off ice.’
How did your employees get from RAI Amsterdam to the offi ce before this partnership with Hello-Bike? Kees: ‘Before this we had a shuttle bus, and aft er that we bike-pooled. But this allows our employees to travel from RAI to the off ice faster and more flexibly. The shuttle service only ran in the mornings and evenings and oft en got stuck at the traff ic lights.’
What other companies do you think might benefi t from Hello-Bike? Kees: ‘All companies, really. The service can be used for various things. To visit clients, for example, or to run a quick errand. Parking in Amsterdam is usually more expensive than using Hello-Bike, and bikes are much easier to park, on top of that.’
How much does the app contribute to Hello-Bike’s usability? Kees: ‘You can’t use Hello-Bike without it. Fortunately, the app is very easy to use and straightforward.’

Curious about the advantages of shared bikes? Want to park outside the congested core of Zuidas and cycle the last leg to work? Hello Zuidas is currently off ering a special trial for members. Try out HelloBike free of charge for one month, optionally combined with free parking at the RAI. For details and to register, send an email to: rosa.vandijk@hellozuidas.com.