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Hello Zuidas
Every weekday DRINKS @ Bar Valdi Looking for a fun and friendly pub 2.0? Grab your colleagues and check out the scene at Bar Valdi in Zuidas! At Bar Valdi you’ll find a colourful crowd from students and young professionals to seniors and local residents. And we serve only the best wines, beers and bites. More info: www.barvaldi.nl.

Date by appointment BERLAGE DISTRICT TOUR @Art Zuid Foundation Let the Art Zuid Foundation take you and your clients, colleagues or guests on a tailored tour past sculptures in Amsterdam Zuid. Berlage’s Art Deco district (built in the period 1920-1940) has a vast wealth of architectural sculpture. Learn all about the district’s development under Berlage’s ‘Plan Zuid’, and complete the day with lunch before or drinks after your tour. To reserve your preferred day and time, email communicatie@artzuid.nl.
Every Monday EXPAT MONDAY @RIALTO Would you love to see some of the beautiful films Rialto is screening, but don’t understand all the foreign languages and can’t read Dutch subtitles? Here’s your chance to see some of these wonderful films anyway, because on Monday we screen them with English subtitles.

Friday 7 March - Thursday 28 May EXHIBITION: ZUIDAS AS A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION @WTC building As a social sciences student at VU Amsterdam (1998-2002), Ineke Hofste noted developments in Zuidas with great interest on her walks from Zuid/WTC Station to the VU campus. During that time she saw structures like the ABN AMRO tower go up. Almost 20 years later, Zuidas still exerts a magnetic pull. Now a professional artist (AKI 2011), Ineke is particularly interested in the world of construction and architecture in the urban landscape and takes much of her inspiration from Zuidas. More info: www.inekehofste.nl. Saturday 7 March AMSTERDAM SUPER TRUNK SHOW @Cristofori - The Playing Circle A day of shoes by Zwartjes, Magnanni, Van Bommel, Skolyx, TLB Mallorca, The Hand, Edward Green and more. After Stockholm and London, Amsterdam is the next city for the Super Trunk Show by Shoegazing and The ShoeCare-Shop. Open 11am5pm, plus Dutch Championship Shoe Shining with Saphir Médaille d’Or at 2pm. Location: Prinsengracht 583. More info: www.schoenspanners.nl.

Sunday 8 March PURE MARKT @Amstelpark Pure Markt brings together various independent artisans selling delicious food, beverages and a range of other unique items. This ‘pure market’ isn’t just a great place to stock up on weekly groceries, but also to enjoy a juicy burger, fresh oysters, cold beer or hot coffee with something sweet. Relax on one of the inviting terraces or have a picnic on the lawn and enjoy live music while the little ones take a spin in Holland’s’ coolest chair-o-plane. More info: www.puremarkt.nl.
Wednesday 11 - Sunday 15 March HISWA AMSTERDAM @RAI Amsterdam From Wednesday 11 to Sunday 15 March, RAI Amsterdam hosts the 65th edition of the Netherlands’ largest water sports event: the HISWA Amsterdam Boat Show. HISWA is for everyone who loves boating, whether occasional yachters or serious sailors. Here you’ll find all the latest boat models, parts and accessories, useful gadgets, amazing travel stories and tips for everyone from water sports experts to first-time boat buyers. More info and to ticket sales: www.hiswarai.nl.

Monday 16 March - Thursday 2 April RESTAURANT WEEK @Amsterdam During the biannual Restaurant Week, Amsterdam and other cities across the Netherlands become foodie Meccas. The concept is simple: eat, drink and enjoy, with reduced rates on three-course meals at fine dining establishments. The discounted price makes this a prime time to sample some of the top fare this city has to offer – even letting you eat affordably at starred restaurants in Amsterdam!

Saturday 21 March OPEN TOWER DAY AMSTERDAM @Amsterdam On Saturday 21 March the eighth Open Tower Day will take place in Amsterdam. For this edition, some 21 historic and contemporary towers in Amsterdam will open their doors to the public from 10am until 4pm. There will also be lots of activities in and around the towers for visitors to enjoy, including guided art and tower tours, music, and a photo and film competition with fun, Amsterdam-themed prizes! From 1 March you can check out the programme details and register on our website: www.opentowerday.com or Facebook: www.fb.com.opentorendag.
Friday 13 March SPEED DATING FOR AGES 25-38 @à Deauville During these speed dates in Amsterdam you’ll have dates with around 20 other singles. Every four minutes, half the singles move to the next table, putting a different person across from you until you’ve met them all. After each date, state on the date card whether you want to get better acquainted: Yes or No?! The speed dating venue is à Deauville restaurant, just a short walk from Amsterdam Zuid Station. More info: www.aboutlove.nl. Wednesday 18 - Friday 27 March BUSINESS INNOVATION WORKSHOP: CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY @Circl A circular Netherlands in 2050? If we’re to achieve this goal, business and industry will be instrumental. Circular revenue models offer plenty of opportunities – economically, ecologically and socially. So what can you do to future-proof your business? This workshop gets you started. More info: www.circl.nl.

Sunday 22 March AMSTELVEENZ LENTEMARATHON @Amsterdamse Bos On Sunday 22 March runners will be shoeing up for the AmstelveenZ Lentemarathon – the yearly spring marathon through Amsterdamse Bos. Run the whole or half marathon, or join up with a relay team. The start is in the morning on the grounds of the Startbaan track & field club and runners will be greeted at the finish line in the centre of Amstelveen from 1pm. More info and to register: www.lentemarathon.nl.

Monday 23 March HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBERS MEETING (MEMBERS ONLY) @nhow Amsterdam RAI This edition will convene on 23 March at the recently opened nhow Amsterdam RAI hotel. There will also be a guided tour of the impressive new hotel for those interested. More info: www.hellozuidas.com. Thursday 26 March - Thursday 25 June EXHIBITION: PHOTOSYNTHESIS BY EVELYN TAOCHENG WANG @Gustav Mahlerplein In her presentation at Circl.ART, Evelyn Taocheng Wang (Chengdu, China, b. 1981) explores the relationship between female identity, clothing, power and vulnerability in a series of drawings and a photo installation. Her ostensibly spontaneous snapshots showing the artist posed in ‘ultra-feminine’ clothing by Agnés b. intentionally mislead us, while her delicate drawings blend eastern and western imagery in fairy-tale stories that lure the viewer into a mysterious world. More info: circl.nl//kunst.&.historisch.bezit@nl.abnamro.com. Sunday 5 April FOREST RANGER CRUISE @Amsterdamse Bos Take a tour of the waterways of Amsterdamse Bos led by the forest ranger, and experience the woods from the water! Cost: €10 adults / €6 for children aged 4-12. Tickets for the cruise must be collected and paid for no later than one hour before boat departure. The cruise is approximately 1½ hours long in an open boat and departs from the Amsterdam Manege (stables) on Nieuwe Kalfjeslaan. More info, reservations and tickets: De Boswinkel, www.amsterdamsebos.nl.
Monday 24 - Wednesday 26 March BUILDING HOLLAND @RAI Amsterdam Building Holland returns to spotlight innovation and renewal in this 2020 edition, themed (Re)Building the Future. As the premier innovation event for the construction, installation and property sectors, Building Holland will draw 250 exhibitors and 15,000 visitors over three days on 24-26 March to share knowledge, network, do business and see and experience innovative concepts and products. More info: www.buildingholland.nl.

Tuesday 31 March - Thursday 30 April TULP FESTIVAL AMSTERDAM @Amsterdam All April long Amsterdam will be coming up flowers during the annual tulip festival. For the sixth year in a row, hundreds of thousands of tulips will paint the city with early springtime colour. Residents, tourists and businesses can delight in the cheerful spring blooms at dozens of spots in all corners of Amsterdam, with bright rows of tulip-filled planters and pots enlivening streets, squares, bridges, shopping centres and stations. Numerous parks and museum and hotel gardens will also be showcasing spectacular tulip beds. More info: www.tulpfestival.com.

Monday 6 April ZUIDAS INTRODUCTORY GATHERING @Royal Industrieele Groote Club Interested in corporate membership? Come to a special Zuidas introductory gathering on Monday 6 April 2020. Welcome between 6-6:30pm, followed by a presentation, guided tour and dinner. Please register with Richard Francke, Royal IGC director, via r.francke@igc.nl. If you have any questions, get in touch with Remco Pot, Royal IGC board member in charge of new member recruitment, via r.pot@rai.nl or 06-26434599.
Photography Ernst van Deursen

Wednesday 8 April THE STORY OF EASTER IN AMSTERDAM @De Nieuwe Poort De Nieuwe Traditie (‘The New Tradition’) is developing new rituals for modern life, with programming that explores what makes us human, what motivates us, and who or what we elect to guide our own lives. Among these ‘new traditions’ is celebrating Easter with The Story of Easter. This is an engaged and personal story, alternating with music, in which minister and entrepreneur Ruben van Zwieten reflects on life in our times. To attend, sign up using the registration form on the website. More info: www.denieuwepoort.org/event/hetverhaal-van-pasen-amsterdam/
Thursday 9 - Monday 13 April INTERNATIONAL AMSTERDAM MOTOR SHOW 2020 @RAI Amsterdam IAMS 2020 shines a glorious spotlight on more than 300 cars. From supercars and the most extreme hypercars to unique show cars of which there’s only one in the world, as well as valuable antique and modern classics. In short, all kinds of cars that are sure to put a smile on your face. The show also includes a section devoted to the latest import models, both combustion and electric. See them all at the IAMS 2020. More info:

Tuesday 21 February WRITING FOR THE WEB (DUTCH) WORKSHOPS @Taalcentrum-VU Writing for the Web is a one-day course that teaches you how to write strong online content – content that not only captures your readers’ attention but also helps you achieve your SEO goals. The course takes an active approach, off ering exercises to hone your writing, editing and SEO skills. You’ll also receive direct feedback on your work. Get the most out of your web texts and sign up now at www.taalcentrum-vu.nl.
Thursday 9 April 2019 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT PRESENTATION On Thursday 9 April, Green Business Club Zuidas, the Zuidas Amsterdam Development Off ice and Hello Zuidas are presenting the Sustainability Report for the year 2019. Join us to hear from the companies and organizations in Zuidas that made big strides in greening their operations last year. Check hellozuidas. com for programme and venue details.

Thursday 16 April ENERGY TRANSITION THURSDAY #6: FLOATING SOLAR PARKS @Circl Rapidly greening our energy mix will take more than sustainable technologies alone. At least as important is a sustainable revenue model. Whoever clinches the sustainable technology revenue model takes home the jackpot. In this series we discuss promising technologies and delve into the revenue model underpinning the tech – this time with a focus on floating solar parks. More info: www.circl.nl/programma/ett6.

Tuesday 21 - Friday 24 April INTERTRAFFIC @RAI Amsterdam Intertraff ic is the world’s leading traff ic and mobility industry trade fair. Since its 1972 inaugural edition in Amsterdam this biennial event has become a platform that unites professionals from around the globe, and a must for all those wanting to keep up with developments in infrastructure, traff ic management, traff ic safety, parking and smart mobility. With a focus on personal networking, the fourday fair brings together the world’s most important organizations and stakeholders to exhibit their newest solutions. More info: www.aquatechtrade.com/amsterdam/.