RCD Magazine - Editie 3 - September 2021

Page 40


HOW BENG IS YOUR BUILDING? Energy neutrality is the big trend in new residential and office buildings. In the Netherlands, near energy-neutral construction even became a statutory requirement this year, with the implementation of the BENG requirement – short for ‘Almost Energy-Neutral Building’ (in Dutch: Bijna EnergieNeutraal Gebouw). This replaces the old EPC (energy performance coefficient) with a set of three energy performance indicators to calculate building energy performance:





maximum energy need of a building in kWh per m2 of usable area per year

maximum fossil energy consumption in kWh per m2 of usable area per year

minimum share of renewable energy expressed as a percentage of the total energy consumption

TEXT Romy Lange

PHOTOGRAPHY Ruben Stam & © Ossip Architectuur Fotografie

Blaak House

“BENG can work out favourably, or you might discover the building is less energy efficient than you thought.”

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